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What is Testing?

 Software testing is a set of activities to discover defects and

evaluate the quality of software artifacts. These artifacts, when
being tested, are known as test objects.
Comparison between {verification,
validation} ‫سؤال انترفيوهات ده واخد بالك‬
verification validation

checking whether the

whether the system meets
system meets users’ and
specified other
requirements stakeholders
Software Types

Dynamic Testing Static Testing

Dynamic while static
testing involves testing does
the execution not, Testing
of software without
Test Objectives
 The typical test objectives are:
 Evaluating work products such as requirements, user stories,
designs, and code
 Triggering failures and finding defects
 Ensuring required coverage of a test object
 Reducing the level of risk of inadequate software quality
 Verifying whether specified requirements have been fulfilled
 Verifying that a test object complies with contractual, legal, and
regulatory requirements
 Providing information to stakeholders to allow them to make
informed decisions
 Building confidence in the quality of the test object
 Validating whether the test object is complete and works as
expected by the stakeholders
Testing and Debugging

Testing can  Debugging is

trigger failures concerned with
that are finding causes of
this failure
caused by
defects in the analyzing these
software causes
confirmation testing
&regression testing
confirmation testing regression testing
checks whether check whether
the fixes resolved the fixes are
the problem. causing failures
Preferably, in other parts of
the test object
testing is done by
the same person
who performed
the initial test
Why is Testing Necessary?

 Testing, as a form of quality control,

helps in achieving the agreed upon
goals within the set scope, time,
quality, and budget constraints.
Testing’s contribution to success
should not be restricted to the test
team activities.
Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality control Testing Quality assurance

QC is a product- Testing is a major form QA is a process-
oriented, corrective of quality control, oriented, preventive
approach that while others include approach that
focuses on those formal methods focuses on the
activities supporting (model checking and implementation and
the achievement of proof of correctness), improvement of
appropriate levels of simulation and processes
quality prototyping ‫خاص بالعمليات‬
‫خاص بالمنتج‬
Errors, Defects, Failures, and Root
 Human beings make errors (mistakes), which
produce defects (faults, bugs), which in turn
may result in failures.
 Humans Errors Reasons : Humans make errors for
various reasons.

 time pressure
 complexity of work products
 processes, infrastructure or interactions

 Defects can be found in documentation,

such as a requirements specification or a
test script, in source code, or in a
supporting artifact such as a build file.
Defects in artifacts produced earlier in the
SDLC, if undetected, often lead to
defective artifacts later in the lifecycle
Root causes

A root cause is a fundamental reason

for the occurrence of a problem
(e.g., a situation that leads to an
error). Root causes are identified
through root cause analysis, which is
typically performed when a failure
occurs or a defect is identified.
.Testing Principles

 Testing shows the presence, not the absence of defects.

 Exhaustive testing is impossible.
 Early testing saves time and money.
 Defects cluster together
 Tests wear out
 Testing is context dependent.
 Absence-of-defects fallacy.
Test Activities and Tasks

 A test process usually consists of the main groups

of activities described below. Although many of
these activities may appear to follow a logical
sequence, they are often implemented
iteratively or in parallel. These testing activities
usually need to be tailored to the system and
the project
Test planning

 consists of defining the test objectives and then selecting an

approach that best achieves the objectives within the constraints
imposed by the overall context
 Prepare Test plan
 Define test Scope
 Identify Test Objective
 Identify Entry &Exit Criteria
 Select Tools
Test monitoring and control

 Test monitoring involves the ongoing checking of all test activities

and the comparison of actual progress against the plan.
 Test control involves taking the actions necessary to meet the
objectives of testing.
Test analysis

 includes analyzing the test basis to identify testable features and to

define and prioritize associated test conditions
 Identify test Conditions
 Analyzing requirement Check {May ,May Not ,ambiguous ,Omission
 Identify Features ‫بتعتي‬
 Defining & prioritization Test conditions based on test basis
 EX: What to Test ?
Test design

 includes elaborating the test conditions into test cases and other
testware (e.g., test charters). This activity often involves the
identification of coverage items,
 Elopraite test conditions
 Design and prioritize Test Cases
 Identify necessary test data to Support test Conditions
 Design Environment
 How to Test ?
Test implementation

 includes creating or acquiring the testware necessary for test

execution (e.g., test data). Test cases can be organized into test
procedures and are often assembled into test suites. Manual and
automated test scripts are created
 Ask me one question : Do we now have everything in place to run
the tests ?
Test execution

 includes running the tests in accordance with the test execution

schedule (test runs). Test execution may be manual or automated.
Test execution can take many forms, including continuous testing or
pair testing sessions
Test Execution Schedule ‫ طبقا‬test Suits ‫ بقوم بتنفيذ‬Execution ‫هني انا بعمل‬ 
Test completion

 activities usually occur at project milestones (e.g., release, end of

iteration, test level completion) for any unresolved defects
‫الي خلصت علشان نزود‬Test activity ‫ من كل‬data ‫في المرحله ديه بقي بنجمع كل‬ 
‫ واي معلومه تقدر تفيدنا في المشروعات المستقبليه‬test ware ‫ و‬experience
Testware is created as output work
products from the test activities described
in section There is a significant variation in
how different organizations produce.
Test Ware
Test monitoring
Test planning work and control work Test analysis work
products products products

• test plan, • Test progress • test conditions

reports • Acceptance
• test • Documentation criteria,
schedule, of control • defect reports
• Entry and • Directives and regarding
risk information defects in the
exit criteria test basis (if not
fixed directly)
Test design work Test implementation Test execution work
products work products products
• test procedures
• test cases, • test logs
test charters, • test scripts, test

suites, test data, • defect reports
• coverage items test execution
• test data schedule,
requirements • test environment
• test environment elements. Examples
of test environment
elements include:
stubs, drivers,
simulators, and
Test Completion Work Product

 Test Summary Report

 Product pack loge Item
 Test ware ‫الي خلصت‬
Traceability between the
Test Basis and Testware
In order to implement effective test monitoring and control, it is important to
establish and maintain traceability throughout the test process between the
test basis elements, testware associated with these elements (e.g., test
conditions, risks, test cases), test results, and detected defects.

Accurate traceability supports coverage evaluation, so it is very useful if

measurable coverage criteria are defined in the test basis. The coverage
criteria can function as key performance indicators to drive the activities that
show to what extent the test objectives have been achieved
• Traceability of test cases to requirements can verify that the requirements
are covered by test cases.
• Traceability of test results to risks can be used to evaluate the level of
residual risk in a test object.
Roles in Testing two Roles

 The test management role  The testing role takes overall

takes overall responsibility for the responsibility for the engineering
test process, test team and (technical) aspect of testing. The
leadership of the test activities. The testing role is mainly focused on
test management role is mainly the activities of
focused on the activities of
 test analysis,
 test planning,
 test design,
 test monitoring and control
 test implementation
 test completion
 test execution
Whole Team Approach
1. In the whole-team approach any team member with the
necessary knowledge and skills can perform any task.
2. Everyone is responsible for quality.
3. The team members share the same workspace (physical or virtual),
as co-location facilitates communication and interaction

The whole team approach improves team dynamics, enhances

communication and collaboration within the team, and creates synergy by
allowing the various skill sets within the team to be leveraged for the benefit
of the project.
Independence of Testing

 Work products can be tested by their author (no

 By the author's peers from the same team
(some independence)
 testers from outside the author's team but within
the organization (high independence)
 testers from outside the organization (very high
Testing Responsibility
Developer's Tester representatives

• component • performing system acceptance

• component
• system integration testing
Independence of Testing Benefit
The main benefit of The main e drawbacks of
independence independence
 testers are likely to recognize  Independent testers may be
different kinds of failures and isolated from the development
defects compared to developers team, which may lead to a lack
because of their different of collaboration,
backgrounds  communication problems, or an
 Technical perspectives and adversarial relationship with the
biases. Moreover. development team.

 independent tester can verify,  Developers may lose a sense of

responsibility for quality.
 Independent testers may be
 Disapprove assumptions made by
seen as a bottleneck or be
stakeholders during specification blamed for delays in release
and implementation of the system
Ch : 2 :Testing Throughout the
Software Development Lifecycle
 . Examples of SDLC models include:
 sequential development models (e.g., waterfall model, V-model)
 iterative development models (e.g., spiral model, prototyping)
 incremental development models (e.g., Unified Process)
Some activities within software development
processes can also be described by more detailed
software development methods and Agile practices
 Examples include: acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)
 Behavior -driven development (BDD), domain-driven design (DDD)
 extreme programming (XP), feature-driven development (FDD)
 Kanban, Lean IT, Scrum, and test-driven development (TDD)
Impact of the Software
Development Lifecycle on Testing
Testing must be adapted to the SDLC to succeed. The choice of the
SDLC impacts on the:
 Scope and timing of test activities (e.g., test levels and test types)
Level of detail of test documentation
 Choice of test techniques and test approach
 Extent of test automation
 Role and responsibilities of a tester
Software Development Lifecycle
and Good Testing Practices
 For every software development activity, there is a corresponding
test activity, so that all development activities are subject to quality
 Different test levels have specific and different test objectives, which
allows for testing to be appropriately comprehensive while avoiding
 Test analysis and design for a given test level begins during the
corresponding development phase of the SDLC, so that testing can
adhere to the principle of early testing
Testing as a Driver for Software
1. Directs the coding 1. Expresses the desired 1. Derives tests from
behavior of an
through test cases application with test acceptance
(instead of cases written in a simple criteria as part of
extensive software form of natural language,
the system design
which is easy to
design) understand by process
stakeholders – usually
2. Tests are written using the
first, then the Given/When/Then format.
2. Tests are written
code is written to before the part of
2. Test cases are then the application is
satisfy the tests, automatically
and then the tests translated into developed to
and code are executable tests satisfy the tests
DevOps and Testing
 DevOps is an organizational approach aiming to create synergy by
getting development (including testing) and operations to work
together to achieve a set of common goals.
‫مقسومه لفريقين االول وهو‬Development ‫عمليه‬: ‫ كانت ازاي‬SDLC ‫الول الزم نعرف الحياه في‬ 

‫ ودول مسؤلين عن كتابه الكود‬Developers 

Deployment ‫ ودول مسؤلين عن‬Operation team 

Operation Team ‫يخلص من كتابه الكود يستلمه‬Developer ‫ هوان بعد‬Deployment 

‫ فبدا يحصل‬, ‫شغاله كده‬cycle ‫ و تفضل‬production environment ‫بعد كده بيرفعه علي‬
developer ‫ يجي‬developer ‫ يرجع الكود ل‬deploy ‫مشاكل وهي ان لوحصل مشكله في‬
Operation ‫يقول المشكله في‬
‫ والعكس‬Team Operation , ‫ يكتسب مهرات‬team Developer ‫وهكذ بدا التطور يظهر‬ 
DevOps ‫ اطلق عليهم‬Developer &Operation ‫حتي نشاء يمتلكون مهارات‬
Developer &Operation ‫هو شخص يمتلك خبره‬Devops 
‫‪DevOps & Testing‬‬

‫يعملو‬ ‫هل الموضوع هني خلص اني اكتب الكود وارفعه وخالص يجي هني بقي‪Team Testing‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫}‪ Tools {Jenkins ,Dockers ,AWS ,‬الخاصه ب ‪Devops‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫الموضوع كله ‪Automation‬خالص الكود بيتكتب بيتم رفعه علي ‪ Git-Hub‬وبعد كده تعمله ‪test‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪ Push Code >>Built >>Test>>Run‬الموضوع كله ‪Automation‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Benefits of DevOps

 Fast feedback on the code quality

 Promotes automated processes like CI/CD that facilitate
establishing stable test environments
 Increases the view on non-functional quality characteristics (e.g.,
performance, reliability)
 Automation through a delivery pipeline reduces the need for
repetitive manual testing
 The risk in regression is minimized due to the scale and range of
automated regression tests
Risks of DevOps

 The DevOps delivery pipeline must be defined and established

 CI / CD tools must be introduced and maintained
 Test automation requires additional resources and may be difficult
to establish and maintain
(CI/CD) ‫متستعجلش هنفهم كلنا ايه هو‬ 

 CI >>Continuous Integration

Code pull TEST Deploy

Git MAVEN JUNIT Kubernetes
‫ الفكره ان كل واحد‬GIT ‫ زي‬Version control System ‫ شغال ب‬Developer : ‫التكامل المستمر‬
‫ فممكن يحصل مشاكل‬Branches ‫ معين في النهايه بيتم عمل تجميع لكل‬Branch ‫في التيم شغال علي‬
CI >>Continuous Integration ‫ وهني يكمن فايده‬Integration ‫في‬
‫ وتبتدي تشوف‬run ‫ و‬Test ‫ بمعيير انت حططها علشان تقدر تعمل‬code review ‫في انه بيعمل‬
‫ علشان تعمل‬Tester ‫ ليك كا‬built ‫ بيطلعلك نسخه او‬Branch Testing ‫ بيعمل‬DEV ‫المشاكل ف‬
Automation ‫ الموضوع كله‬Test
‫‪CD >>Continuous Delivery‬‬

‫ده بيكون مربوط بال ‪ production‬او النسخه الي مع العميل فيبدا يديني مؤشر اني اضيفه لل‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ production‬وال ال ويبدا يرفعه علي ‪ Production‬او ‪ app Store‬بعد عمل كل ‪cycle‬‬

‫‪Built‬‬ ‫‪Test‬‬ ‫‪Releas‬‬

Shift Left -Approach

 The principle of early testing is sometimes referred to as

shift-left because it is an approach where testing is
performed earlier in the SDLC. Shift-left normally suggests
that testing should be done earlier (e.g., not waiting for
code to be implemented or for components to be
integrated), but it does not mean that testing later in the
SDLC should be neglected
‫ بيقولي ايه بقي ان‬early Testing ‫ بيحقق مبداء‬Shift-left Approach 
‫ بعد‬Testing ‫ بس ده مش معناه اني اهمل‬, ‫ الزم يبدا بدري مش بعد الكود‬testing
. ‫ قبل وبعد‬Test ‫كده يعيني‬
Retrospectives and Process
 Retrospectives (also known as “post-project meetings” and project
retrospectives) are often held at the end of a project or an iteration,
at a release milestone, or can be held when needed. The timing
and organization of the retrospectives depend on the particular
SDLC model being followed. In these meetings the participants (not
only testers, but also e.g., developers, testers, product owner,
business analysts)
‫ او لما نكون محتاجينه‬Release ‫ بعد‬Iteration, ‫ او‬project ‫ بيحصل في نهايه‬meeting ‫ده‬ 

{, testers, product owner , Business analysts developers}‫مين بيحضر‬ 

Retrospectives and Process
Improvement ,Discuss
 What was successful, and should be retained?
 What was not successful and could be improved?
 How to incorporate the improvements and retain the
successes in the future?
Typical benefits for testing include

 Increased test effectiveness / efficiency (e.g., by implementing

suggestions for process improvement)
 Increased quality of testware (e.g., by jointly reviewing the test
 Team bonding and learning (e.g., as a result of the opportunity to
raise issues and propose improvement points)
 Improved quality of the test basis (e.g., as deficiencies in the extent
and quality of the requirements could be addressed and solved)
 Better cooperation between development and testing (e.g., as
collaboration is reviewed and optimized regularly)
.Test Levels and Test Types

Component testing Component integration testing

 focuses on testing  focuses on testing the
components in isolation. It interfaces and
often requires specific interactions between
support, such as test components
harnesses or unit test  performed by developers
frameworks  strategy approaches like
 performed by developers { bottom-up /equation=
big-bang }
System Testing

System testing System integration testing

 focuses on the overall behavior  g focuses on testing the interfaces
and capabilities of an entire of the system under test and other
system or product, often including systems and external services
functional testing of end-to-end
 performed by Tester
tasks and the non-functional
testing of quality characteristics
 performed by Tester
Acceptance testing

 focuses on validation and on demonstrating readiness for

deployment, which means that the system fulfills the user’s business
needs. Ideally, acceptance testing should be
 performed by the intended users
Test Types

 Functional testing
 Non-functional testing
 Black-box testing
 White-box testing
Functional testing

 Evaluates the  Objective of functional

functions that a testing?
component or system  functional completeness,

should perform. The  functional correctness

functions are “what”  functional appropriateness

the test object should

Non-functional software quality
 Performance efficiency
 Compatibility •
 Usability
 Reliability
 Security
 Maintainability
 Portability
Black-box testing

 is specification-based and derives tests from documentation

external to the test object. The main objective of black-box testing is
checking the system's behavior against its specifications.
White-box testing

 is structure-based and derives tests from the system's

implementation or internal structure (e.g., code, architecture, work
flows, and data flows)
 The main objective of white-box testing
is to cover the underlying structure by the tests to the acceptable level.
Maintenance Testing

Upgrades or
Modifications migrations Retirement
such as planned such as from one such as when an
enhancements platform to another, application reaches
(release-based), which can require the end of its life.
corrective changes or tests associated with When a system is
hot fixes the new environment retired, this
as well as of the can require testing of
changed software data archiving if long
periods are required
Ch 3 : Static Testing Basics

 static testing the software under test does not need to

be executed.
 Code
 process specification
 system architecture specification
Test Objective

 include improving quality,

 detecting defects and assessing characteristics like readability
completeness , correctness, testability and consistency
 Static testing can be applied for both verification and validation
 Static analysis can identify problems prior to dynamic testing while
often requiring less effort
 static analysis is also used to evaluate maintainability and security.
 Spelling checkers and readability tools are other examples of static
analysis tools.
Work Products Examinable by
Static Testing
 Examples include requirement
 specification documents
 source code, test plans
 test cases, product backlog items
 test charters
 Project documentation
 contracts and models
Value of Static Testing

 Static testing can detect defects in the earliest phases of the SDLC
 fulfilling the principle of early testing
 It can also identify defects which cannot be detected by dynamic
 Unreachable code,
 Defects in non-executable workproducts)
 Static testing provides the ability to evaluate the quality
 build confidence in work products, By verifying the documented
 the stakeholders can also make sure that these requirements
describe their actual needs
 Since static testing can be performed early in the SDLC
 Communication will also be improved between the involved
stakeholders, For this reason, it is recommended to involve a wide
variety of stakeholders in static testing
Differences between Static Testing
and Dynamic Testing
 Static and dynamic testing (with analysis of failures) can both lead
to the detection of defects , however there are some defect types
that can only be found by either static or dynamic testing.
 Static testing finds defects directly, while dynamic testing causes
failures from which the associated defects are determined through
subsequent analysis
 Static testing may more easily detect defects that lay on paths
through the code that are rarely executed or hard to reach using
dynamic testing
 Static testing can be applied to non-executable work products,
while dynamic testing can only be applied to executable work
 Static testing can be used to measure quality characteristics that
are not dependent on executing code (e.g., maintainability), while
dynamic testing can be used to measure quality characteristics that
are dependent on executing code (e.g., performance efficiency)
Typical defects that are easier and/or
cheaper to find through static testing include:
 Defects in requirements (e.g., inconsistencies, ambiguities,
contradictions, omissions , inaccuracies, duplications)
 Design defects (e.g., inefficient database structures, poor
 Certain types of coding defects (e.g., variables with undefined
values, undeclared variables , unreachable or duplicated code,
excessive code complexity)
 Deviations from standards (e.g., lack of adherence to naming
conventions in coding standards)
 Incorrect interface specifications (e.g., mismatched number, type
or order of parameters)
 Specific types of security vulnerabilities (e.g., buffer overflows)
 Gaps or inaccuracies in test basis coverage (e.g., missing tests for
an acceptance criterion)
Review Process Activities {planning}

 During the planning phase :

 the scope of the review, which comprises the purpose.
 the work product to be reviewed.
 quality characteristics to be evaluated, areas to focus
 Exit criteria, supporting information such as standards,
effort and the timeframes for the review, shall be
Review initiation

 During review initiation, the goal is to make sure that everyone and
everything involved is prepared to start the review.

 This includes making sure that every participant has access to the
work product under review, understands their role and
responsibilities and receives everything needed to perform the
Individual review

 Every reviewer performs an individual review to assess the quality of

the work product under review, and to identify anomalies,
recommendations, and questions by applying one or more review
techniques (e.g., checklist-based reviewing, scenario-based
Communication and analysis

 Since the anomalies identified during a review are not necessarily

defects, all these anomalies need to be analyzed and discussed
 during which the participants also decide what the quality level of
reviewed work product is and what follow-up actions are required.
 A follow-up review may be required to complete actions.
Fixing and reporting.

 For every defect, a defect report should be created so that

corrective actions can be followed-up.
 Once the exit criteria are reached, the work product can be
 The review results are reported.
Roles and Responsibilities in
 Manager – decides what is to be reviewed and provides resources,
such as staff and time for the review
 Author – creates and fixes the work product under review
 Moderator (also known as the facilitator) – ensures the effective
running of review meetings, including mediation, time
management, and a safe review environment in which everyone
can speak freely
 Scribe (also known as recorder) – collates anomalies from reviewers
and records review information, such as decisions and new
anomalies found during the review meeting
 Reviewer – performs reviews. A reviewer may be someone working
on the project, a subject matter expert, or any other stakeholder
 Review leader – takes overall responsibility for the review such as
deciding who will be involved, and organizing when and where the
review will take place
Review Types

 Informal review. Informal reviews do not follow a defined process

and do not require a formal documented output. The main
objective is detecting anomalies.
 Walkthrough. A walkthrough, which is led by the author, can serve
many objectives, such as evaluating quality and building
confidence in the work product
 Technical Review. A technical review is performed by technically
qualified reviewers and led by a moderator.
The objectives of a technical review are to gain consensus and make
decisions regarding a technical problem, but also to detect anomalies,
evaluate quality and build confidence in the work product, generate
new ideas, and to motivate and enable authors to improve.

 Inspection. As inspections are the most formal type of review, they

follow the complete generic process).
 The main objective is to find the maximum number of anomalies
Success Factors for Reviews

 Defining clear objectives and measurable exit criteria. Evaluation of

participants should never be an objective
 Choosing the appropriate review type to achieve the given
objectives, and to suit the type of work product, the review
participants, the project needs and context
 Conducting reviews on small chunks, so that reviewers do not lose
concentration during an individual review and/or the review
meeting (when held)
 Providing feedback from reviews to stakeholders and authors so
they can improve the product and their activities

 Providing adequate time to participants to prepare for the review
 Support from management for the review process
 Making reviews part of the organization’s culture, to promote
learning and process improvement
 Providing adequate training for all participants so they know how to
fulfil their role
 Facilitating meetings
Ch4 :Test Analysis and Design
Test Techniques Overview

 Test techniques support the tester

 test analysis (what to test)
 test design (how to test)
 define test conditions, identify coverage items,
and identify test data
 during the test analysis and design.
test techniques are classified

 Black-box test techniques

 White-box test techniques
 Experience-based test techniques
In this syllabus :Test techniques are
 Black-box test techniques (also known as specification-based
techniques) are based on an analysis of the specified behavior of
the test object without reference to its internal structure
test objective ‫ بناء علي‬analysis ‫ انا بعمل‬, ‫انا مش ببقي شايف الهيكل الداخلي‬ 
White-box test techniques

 also known as structure-based techniques are based on an

analysis of the test object’s internal structure and processing. As the
test cases are dependent on how the software is designed
internal Structure ‫هني بقي ببقي شايف‬ 
Experience-based test techniques

 effectively use the knowledge and experience of testers

for the design and implementation of test cases, The
effectiveness of these techniques depends heavily on
the tester’s skills
‫غدا القاك‬, ‫ مع نفسك ياحبيبي‬experience ‫هني علي‬ 

tester’s skills, Experience, knowledge ‫سالحك في المعركه‬ 

white & Black Box ‫ عديت من‬defects ‫مش بس كده انت كمان هتالقيلي اي‬
Black-Box Test Techniques

 Equivalence Partitioning
 Boundary Value Analysis
 Decision Table Testing
 State Transition Testing
Equivalence Partitioning
Boundary Value analysis
Decision Table Testing

 Decision table testing is a software testing technique used to test

system behavior for different input combinations. This is a systematic
approach where the different input combinations and their
corresponding system behavior (Output) are captured in a tabular
 the conditions and the resulting actions of the system are defined.
These form the rows of the table
EX/How to make Decision Table for
Login Screen?
TCn= 2^n

Conditions TC TC TC TC
User name T f T f
Password F F T T
Action E E T E

Case 1 – Username and password both were wrong. The user is shown an
error message.
Case 2 – Username was correct, but the password was wrong. The user is
shown an error message.
Case 3 – Username was wrong, but the password was correct. The user is
shown an error message.
Case 4 – Username and password both were correct, and the user
navigated to the homepage
State Transition Testing

A state transition diagram models the behavior of a system by showing

its possible states and valid state transitions . A transition is initiated by
an event, which may be additionally qualified by a guard condition .
The transitions are assumed to be instantaneous and may sometimes
result in the software taking action . The common transition labeling
syntax is as follows: “event [guard condition] / action”. Guard
conditions and actions can be omitted if they do not exist or are
irrelevant for the tester.
There exist many coverage criteria for state transition
testing. This syllabus discusses three of them.

 All states coverage : Coverage is measured as the number of visited

states divided by the total number of states

 valid transitions coverage : Coverage is measured as the number of

exercised valid transitions divided by the total number of valid
 all transitions coverage : . To achieve100% all transitions coverage,
test cases must exercise all the valid transitions and attempt to
execute invalid transitions
TC1: test, done
TC2: run, error, done
TC3: run, pause, resume, pause, done
White-Box Test Techniques

 Because of their popularity and simplicity, this section focuses on

two code-related white-box test
 Statement testing
 Branch testing
Statement testing & Branch testing
Experience-based Test Techniques

 Error guessing
 Exploratory testing
 Checklist-based testing
Error Guessing

 Error guessing is a technique used to anticipate the occurrence of

errors, defects, and failures, based on the tester’s knowledge,
including: ‫تخمين الخطاء وتوقع حدوثه بناء علي معلومات المختبر‬
 How the application has worked in the past
‫ازاي االبلكيشن ده بيشتغل في الماضي‬
>The types of errors the developers tend to make and the types of
defects that result from these errors
‫انواع االخطاء الي ممكن يعملها او المتوقعه منه الي ممكن تسببلي فشل او عيب‬
The types of failures that have occurred in other, similar applications
Exploratory Testing

 In exploratory testing, tests are simultaneously designed, executed,

and evaluated while the tester learns about the test object. The
testing is used to learn more about the test object, to explore it more
deeply with focused tests, and to create tests for untested areas.
 Exploratory testing is useful when there are few or inadequate
specifications or there is significant time pressure on the testing.
Exploratory testing is also useful to complement other more formal
test techniques
Collaborative User Story Writing

 Card – the medium describing a user story (e.g., an index card, an

entry in an electronic board)
 Conversation – explains how the software will be used (can be
documented or verbal)
 Confirmation – the acceptance criteria (see section 4.5.2)
 The most common format for a user story is “As a [role], I want [goal
to be accomplished], so that I can[resulting business value for the
role]”, followed by the acceptance criteria.
‫الهدف ده بيبقي ليه شروط او قواعد الزم‬ business ‫ بتحقق هدف معين في‬user Story ‫انا عندي‬ 
acceptance criteria ‫يتنفذ بيها‬
Acceptance criteria are used to

 Define the scope of the user story

 Reach consensus among the stakeholders
 Describe both positive and negative
 Serve
as a basis for the user story
acceptance testing
 Allow accurate planning and estimation
There are several ways to write acceptance criteria
for a user story. The two most common formats are:

 Scenario-oriented (e.g., Given/When/Then

format used in BDD, see section)

 Rule-oriented (e.g., bullet point verification list,

or tabulated form of input-output mapping)
Acceptance Test-driven
Development (ATDD)
 ATDD is a test-first approach Test cases are
created prior to implementing the user story. The
test cases are created by team members with
different perspectives, e.g., customers,
developers, and testers. (Test cases may be
executed manually or automated
Test Planning
 Purpose and Content of a Test Plan
 A test plan describes the objectives, resources and processes for a test
project. A test plan:
‫ بتعرفنا االهداف الي عايزين نوصلها والموارد المستخدمه في تحقيق االهداف ديه‬test plan ‫ هو بيقولي ان‬
 Documents the means and schedule for achieving test objectives
 Helps to ensure that the performed test activities will meet the
established criteria
 Serves as a means of communication with team members and
other stakeholders
 Demonstrates that testing will adhere to the existing test policy and
test strategy (or explains why the testing will deviate from them
The typical content of a test plan
 Context of testing (e.g., scope, test objectives, constraints, test
 Assumptions and constraints of the test project
 Stakeholders (e.g., roles, responsibilities, relevance to testing, hiring
and training needs)
 Communication (e.g., forms and frequency of communication,
documentation templates)
 Risk register (e.g., product risks, project risks)
 Test approach (e.g., test levels, test types, test techniques, test
deliverables, entry criteria andexit criteria, independence of testing,
metrics to be collected, test data requirements, test
 environment requirements, deviations from the organizational test
policy and test strategy)
 Budget and schedule
Tester's Contribution to Iteration
and Release Planning
 defines and re-defines the product  Iteration planning looks ahead to
backlog, the end of a single iteration and is
concerned with the iteration
 refining larger user stories into a set
of smaller user stories.
 Testers involved in iteration planning
 It also serves as the basis for the test
participate in the detailed risk
approach and test plan across all
analysis of user stories, determine
the testability of user stories,
 Testers involved in release planning
 break down user stories into tasks
participate in writing testable user
(particularly testing tasks),
stories and acceptance criteria ,
participate in project and quality  estimate test effort for all testing
 estimate test effort associated with
user stories (see determine the test  identify and refine functional and
approach, and plan the testing for non-functional aspects of the test
the release object
Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria

 Entry criteria define the preconditions for undertaking a

given activity.

 Exit criteria define what must be achieved in order to

declare an activity completed
Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria

Entry criteria Exit criteria

Typical entry criteria include: Typical exit criteria include:
 availability of resources (e.g., measures of thoroughness (e.g.,
people, tools, environments, test achieved level of coverage,
data, budget, time),  number of unresolved defects,
defect density, number of failed
 Availability of test ware (e.g., test test cases), and completion
basis, testable requirements, user criteria
stories, test cases)
 Planned tests have been
 Initial quality level of a test object executed, static testing has been
(e.g., all smoke tests have passed). performed, all defects found are
 allregression tests are automated).
Estimation Techniques

 Estimation based on ratios. In this metrics-based technique,

figures are collected from previous projects within the organization,
which makes it possible to derive “standard” ratios for similar
projects. The ratios of an organization’s own projects (e.g., taken
from historical data) are generally the best source to use in the
estimation process These standard ratios can then be used to
estimate the test effort for the new project.
Extrapolation. Techniques

 Extrapolation. In this metrics-based technique, measurements are

made as early as possible in the current project to gather the data.
Having enough observations, the effort required for the remaining
work can be approximated by extrapolating this data (usually by
applying a mathematical model). This method is very suitable in
iterative SDLCs. For example, the team may extrapolate the test
effort in the forthcoming iteration as the averaged effort from the
last three iterations.
Wideband Delphi,Techniques

 Wideband Delphi. In this iterative, expert-based technique,

experts make experience-based estimations. Each expert, in
isolation, estimates the effort. The results are collected and if there
are deviations that are out of range of the agreed upon
boundaries, the experts discuss their current estimates. Each expert
is then asked to make a new estimation based on that feedback,
again in isolation. This process is repeated until a consensus is
reached. Planning Poker is a variant of Wideband Delphi,
commonly used in Agile software development. In Planning Poker,
estimates are usually made using cards with numbers that represent
the effort size.
Three-point estimation, Techniques

 Three-point estimation. In this expert-based technique, three

estimations are made by the experts: the most optimistic estimation
(a), the most likely estimation (m) and the most pessimistic
estimation (b). The final estimate (E) is their weighted arithmetic
mean. In the most popular version of this technique, the estimate is
calculated as E = (a + 4*m + b) / 6. The advantage of this technique
is that it allows the experts to calculate the measurement error: SD =
(b – a) / 6. For example, if the estimates (in personhours) are: a=6,
m=9 and b=18, then the final estimation is 10±2 person-hours (i.e.,
between 8 and 12 person-hours), because E = (6 + 4*9 + 18) / 6 = 10
and SD = (18 – 6) / 6 = 2.
Test Case Prioritization

 Risk-based prioritization, where the order of test execution is based

on the results of risk analysis (see section 5.2.3). Test cases covering
the most important risks are executed first.

 Coverage-based prioritization, where the order of test execution is

based on coverage (e.g., statement coverage). Test cases
achieving the highest coverage are executed first. In another
variant, called additional coverage prioritization, the test case
achieving the highest coverage is executed first; each subsequent
test case is the one that achieves the highest additional coverage.
Requirements-based prioritization,

 Requirements-based prioritization, where the order of test execution

is based on the priorities of the requirements traced back to the
corresponding test cases. Requirement priorities are defined by
stakeholders. Test cases related to the most important requirements
are executed first
Test Pyramid
 The test pyramid is a model showing that different tests may have
different granularity. The test pyramid model supports the team in
test automation and in test effort allocation by showing that
different goals are supported by different levels of test automation.
The pyramid layers represent groups of tests. The higher the layer,
the lower the test granularity, test isolation and test execution time.
Tests in the bottom layer are small, isolated, fast, and check a small
piece of functionality, so usually a lot of them are needed to
achieve a reasonable coverage. The top layer represents complex,
high-level, end-to-end tests
Test pyramids
Testing Quadrants

 Quadrant Q1 (technology facing, support the team). This quadrant

contains component and component integration tests. These tests
should be automated and included in the CI process.
 Quadrant Q2 (business facing, support the team). This quadrant
contains functional tests, examples, user story tests, user experience
prototypes, API testing, and simulations. These tests check the
acceptance criteria and can be manual or automated.
 Quadrant Q3 (business facing, critique the product). This quadrant
contains exploratory testing, usability testing, user acceptance
testing. These tests are user-oriented and often manual.
 Quadrant Q4 (technology facing, critique the product). This
quadrant contains smoke tests and non-functional tests (except
usability tests). These tests are often automated
Risk Management

 The main risk management activities are:

 Risk analysis (consisting of risk identification and risk assessment)
 Risk control (consisting of risk mitigation and risk monitoring)
Project Risks and Product Risks

 Project risks are related to the management and control of the

project. Project risks include:
 Organizational issues (e.g., delays in work products deliveries,
inaccurate estimates, cost-cutting)
 People issues (e.g., insufficient skills, conflicts, communication
problems, shortage of staff)
 Technical issues (e.g., scope creep, poor tool support)
 Supplier issues (e.g., third-party delivery failure, bankruptcy of the
supporting company) Project risks, when they occur, may have an
impact on the project schedule, budget or scope, which affects the
project's ability to achieve its objectives.
Product risks

 Product risks are related to the product quality characteristics (e.g.,

described in the ISO 25010 quality model). Examples of product risks
include: missing or wrong functionality, incorrect calculations, runtime
errors, poor architecture, inefficient algorithms, inadequate response
time, poor user experience, security vulnerabilities. Product risks, when
they occur, may result in various negative consequences, including:
 User dissatisfaction
 Loss of revenue, trust, reputation
 Damage to third parties
 High maintenance costs, overload of the helpdesk
 Criminal penalties
 In extreme cases, physical damage, injuries or even death
Product Risk Analysis

 Product risk analysis consists of risk identification and risk

assessment. Risk identification is about generating a
comprehensive list of risks. Stakeholders can identify risks by using
various techniques and tools, e.g., brainstorming, workshops,
interviews, or cause-effect diagrams.
 Risk assessment involves: categorization of identified risks,
determining their risk likelihood, risk impact and level, prioritizing, and
proposing ways to handle them. Categorization helps in assigning
mitigation actions, because usually risks falling into the same
category can be mitigated using a similar approach.
Risk assessment

 Risk assessment can use a quantitative or qualitative

approach, or a mix of them. In the quantitative
approach the risk level is calculated as the multiplication
of risk likelihood and risk impact. In the qualitative
approach the risk level can be determined using a risk
Product risk analysis may influence the
thoroughness and scope of testing. Its results
are used to
 Determine the scope of testing to be carried out
 Determine the particular test levels and propose test types to be
 Determine the test techniques to be employed and the coverage
to be achieved
 Estimate the test effort required for each task
 Prioritize testing in an attempt to find the critical defects as early as
 Determine whether any activities in addition to testing could be
employed to reduce risk
Product Risk Control

 Product risk control comprises all measures that are taken in

response to identified and assessed product risks. Product risk control
consists of risk mitigation and risk monitoring.
 Risk mitigation involves implementing the actions proposed in risk
assessment to reduce the risk level.
 The aim of risk monitoring is to ensure that the mitigation actions are
effective, to obtain further information to improve risk assessment,
and to identify emerging risks
Actions that can be taken to mitigate the product
risks by testing are as follows:

 Select the testers with the right level of experience and skills,
suitable for a given risk type
 Apply an appropriate level of independence of testing
 Conduct reviews and perform static analysis
 Apply the appropriate test techniques and coverage levels
 Apply the appropriate test types addressing the affected quality
 Perform dynamic testing, including regression testing
Test Monitoring, Test Control and
Test Completion
 Test monitoring is concerned with gathering
information about testing. This information is used to
assess test progress and to measure whether the test exit
criteria or the test tasks associated with the exit criteria
are satisfied, such as meeting the targets for coverage
of product risks, requirements, or acceptance criteria.
Test control

 Test control uses the information from test monitoring to

provide, in a form of the control directives, guidance and the
necessary corrective actions to achieve the most effective and
efficient testing. Examples of control directives include:
 Reprioritizing tests when an identified risk becomes an issue
 Re-evaluating whether a test item meets entry criteria or exit criteria
due to rework
 Adjusting the test schedule to address a delay in the delivery of the
test environment
 Adding new resources when and where needed
Test completion

Test completion collects data from

completed test activities to consolidate experience, test
ware, and any other relevant information. Test
completion activities occur at project milestones such as
when a test level is completed, an agile iteration is
finished, a test project is completed (or cancelled), a
software system is released, or a maintenance release is
Metrics used in Testing

 Test metrics are gathered to show progress against the planned

schedule and budget, the current quality of the test object, and the
effectiveness of the test activities with respect to the objectives or
an iteration goal. Test monitoring gathers a variety of metrics to
support the test control and test completion.
Common test metrics include:
Project progress metrics (e.g., task completion, resource usage, test
 Test progress metrics (e.g., test case implementation progress, test
environment preparation progress, number of test cases run/not run,
passed/failed, test execution time)
 Product quality metrics (e.g., availability, response time, mean time
to failure)
 Defect metrics (e.g., number and priorities of defects found/fixed,
defect density, defect detection percentage)
 Risk metrics (e.g., residual risk level)
 Coverage metrics (e.g., requirements coverage, code coverage)
 Cost metrics (e.g., cost of testing, organizational cost of quality)
Purpose, Content and Audience
for Test Reports
 Test reporting summarizes and communicates test
information during and after testing. Test progress reports support
the ongoing control of the testing and must provide enough
information to make modifications to the test schedule, resources, or
test plan, when such changes are needed due to deviation from
the plan or changed circumstances.

 Test completion reports summarize a specific

stage of testing (e.g., test level, test cycle, iteration) and can give
information for subsequent testing
Test progress reports

 Test period
 Test progress (Ahead or behind schedule), including any notable
 Impediments for testing, and their workarounds
 Test metrics (see section 5.3.1 for examples)
 New and changed risks within testing period
 Testing planned for the next period
test completion report
 A test completion report is prepared during test completion,
when a project, test level, or test type is complete and when, ideally, its
exit criteria have been met. This report uses test progress reports and
other data. Typical test completion reports include:
 Test summary
 Testing and product quality evaluation based on the original test plan
(i.e., test objectives and exit criteria)
 Deviations from the test plan (e.g., differences from the planned
schedule, duration, and effort).
 Testing impediments and workarounds
 Test metrics based on test progress reports
 Unmitigated risks, defects not fixed • Lessons learned that are relevant
to the testing
Communicating the Status of
 Verbal communication with team members and other
 Dashboards (e.g., CI/CD dashboards, task boards, and
burn-down charts)
 Electronic communication channels (e.g., email, chat) •
Online documentation
 Formal test reports
.Configuration Management
 In testing, configuration management (CM) provides a
discipline for identifying, controlling, and tracking work
products such as test plans, test strategies, test conditions, test
cases, test scripts, test results, test logs, and test reports as
configuration items.
To properly support testing, CM ensures the following:
 All configuration items, including test items (individual parts
of the test object), are uniquely identified, version controlled,
tracked for changes, and related to other configuration items
so that traceability can be maintained throughout the test
 • All identified documentation and software items are
referenced unambiguously in test documentation
Defect Management

Typical defect reports have the following

 Provide those responsible for handling and resolving reported
defects with sufficient information to resolve the issue
 Provide a means of tracking the quality of the work product
 Provide ideas for improvement of the development and test
A defect report logged during dynamic
testing typically includes
 Unique identifier
 Title with a short summary of the anomaly being reported
 Date when the anomaly was observed, issuing organization, and author, including their
 Identification of the test object and test environment
 Context of the defect (e.g., test case being run, test activity being performed, SDLC
phase, and other relevant information such as the test technique, checklist or test data
being used)
 Description of the failure to enable reproduction and resolution including the steps that
detected the anomaly, and any relevant test logs, database dumps, screenshots, or
 Expected results and actual results
 Severity of the defect (degree of impact) on the interests of stakeholders or
 Priority to fix
 Status of the defect (e.g., open, deferred, duplicate, waiting to be fixed, awaiting
confirmation testing, re-opened, closed, rejected)
 References (e.g., to the test case)
Tool Support for Testing

Test design and

Management Static testing tools implementation
tools tools
increase the test support the tester in facilitate generation of
process efficiency by performing reviews test cases, test data and
facilitating and static analysis test
management of the Procedures
requirements, tests, Example : TestRail ,
defects, configuration Example : FindBugs, TestLink
Example :JIRA , trello
Test execution Non-functional
and coverage testing tools DevOps tools
facilitate automated test allow the tester to support the DevOps delivery
execution and coverage pipeline, workflow tracking,
perform non-functional automated build
Measurement testing that is difficult or
process(es), CI/CD
impossible to perform
Example :Jenkins , Circle CI ,
Example : Selenium , Junit , Travis CI
Example : Apache J meter ,
Load Runner
Collaboration tool& Tools supporting
 facilitate communication  virtual machines,
 Containerization tools

 Example : Slack , Microsoft Teams  Example : Docker

Benefits and Risks of Test
Potential benefits of using test automation include:

 Time saved by reducing repetitive manual work (e.g., execute regression tests, re-
enter the same
test data, compare expected results vs actual results, and check against coding
 Prevention of simple human errors through greater consistency and repeatability
(e.g., tests are
consistently derived from requirements, test data is created in a systematic manner, and
tests are
 executed by a tool in the same order with the same frequency) More objective
assessment (e.g., coverage) and providing measures that are too complicated for
humans to derive
 Easier access to information about testing to support test management and test
reporting (e.g., statistics, graphs, and aggregated data about test progress, defect
rates, and test execution duration)
 • Reduced test execution times to provide earlier defect detection, faster feedback
and faster time to market
 • More time for testers to design new, deeper and more effective tests
Potential risks of using test
automation include:
 Unrealistic expectations about the benefits of a tool (including functionality and ease
of use).
 Inaccurate estimations of time, costs, effort required to introduce a tool, maintain test
scripts and change the existing manual test process.
 Using a test tool when manual testing is more appropriate.
 Relying on a tool too much, e.g., ignoring the need of human critical thinking.
 The dependency on the tool vendor which may go out of business, retire the tool, sell
the tool to a different vendor or provide poor support (e.g., responses to queries,
upgrades, and defect fixes).
 Using an open-source software which may be abandoned, meaning that no further
updates are
 available, or its internal components may require quite frequent updates as a further
 The automation tool is not compatible with the development platform.
 Choosing an unsuitable tool that did not comply with the regulatory requirements
and/or safety standards.
End of
syllabus : thanks Wolf family

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