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Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC

What Is Considered Wrongful Death?
Any death that is caused by wrongful or negligent acts of another person, company, or entity may be
considered wrongful death. In Nevada, wrongful death claims are pursued when a loved one dies due to

Understanding Wrongful Death someone else’s negligence or wrongful act. Some common wrongful death cases involve medical
malpractice, auto accidents, product liability, and workplace injuries. If you have lost one of your family
members in Henderson as the result of negligence or wrongful conduct, then it’s important to speak with

Law In Nevada
an experienced wrongful death lawyer who understands Nevada law and can help you get the
compensation you deserve.

Buses are a very popular method of transportation in Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?
Henderson. Many people do not want to navigate the To file a wrongful death claim, you must have a close relationship to the deceased. Generally, the people
who file wrongful death claims include spouses, children, or the parents of an adult child who relied on
crazy traffic and endless stream of pedestrians, or get that child for financial or physical support. In some cases, other individuals who relied financially on the
deceased may also have grounds for a wrongful death claim; however, the more distant the relationship,
caught driving drunk after a night out on the town the more difficult your family will find it to file a wrongful death claim. You can only file one wrongful
death claim per deceased individual, even if the deceased bore financial responsibility for a wide range of
with their friends. Unfortunately, buses can be people. Ideally, the individual with the closest relationship to the deceased should file the claim.

involved in a variety of accidents, and it is important

that you know exactly what to do in that situation.
With the help of a Henderson bus accident attorney, Nevada Wrongful Death Statute Of Limitations
you may receive some compensation for your injuries.
While the wrongful death statute of limitations in Nevada is two years from the date of death, the statute
of limitations becomes three in cases of medical malpractice. If you fail to file your wrongful death claim
within that time period, you may be unable to pursue it and receive compensation for your loss. We
understand how difficult this process can be and we are here to help guide you through every step.
Why Hire Our Henderson Wrongful
Death Attorneys?
Our Skilled and Compassionate Attorneys Will
Help You Obtain Compensation

We understand the pain and suffering wrongful death

can cause. That’s why our accidental death lawyers are
committed to providing you with compassionate legal
representation. We will help guide you through every
step of the wrongful death claim process and ensure
that your rights are fully protected at all times. Our
team has over 20 years of experience successfully
handling wrongful death cases in Henderson, and we
are here to help you get justice for your loved one.
What Must I Prove To Succeed In a Henderson
Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

The At-Fault Party Owed The There Was A Breach In The Duty Of Proof Of Economic & Non-Economic
Deceased a Duty Of Care Care That Lead To The Deceased’s Damages Experienced By The Family
Our wrongful death lawyers in Henderson The second element to prove in wrongful Finally, the last element to prove in
have over 20 years of experience death cases is that the at-fault party wrongful death cases is that damages
successfully handling wrongful death breached their duty of care. This means resulted from the wrongful death. This
cases. Our team is committed to providing that they did not act with reasonable care includes both economic and noneconomic
you with compassionate legal or caution, and their wrongful actions damages, such as medical bills, funeral
representation and will fight diligently on resulted in wrongful death. The third expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering,
your behalf for the compensation you element required to succeed in a wrongful and loss of companionship.
deserve. Contact us now to learn more death case is proving that the breach of
about wrongful death claims and what duty caused the wrongful death. In order
types of damages you can recover. We are for you to be awarded damages, it must be
here to provide you with knowledgeable proven that the breach of duty was the
legal advice, compassionate support, and direct cause of your loved one’s passing.
dedicated representation throughout every
step of the claim process.
Meet Our Experienced Team
Of Lawyers

Our wrongful death lawyers in Henderson have over

20 years of experience successfully handling
wrongful death cases. Our team is committed to
providing you with compassionate legal
representation and will fight diligently on your behalf
for the compensation you deserve. Contact us now to
learn more about wrongful death claims and what
types of damages you can recover. We are here to
provide you with knowledgeable legal advice,
compassionate support, and dedicated
representation throughout every step of the claim
1 Construction Accidents Or Unsafe Work Conditions
Common Causes Of
Wrongful Death Scenarios 2 Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident

In Henderson
3 Nursing Home Abuse Or Neglect

Typically, if your loved one would have had

grounds for a personal injury claim had they 4 Defective Machinery or Equipment
lived, their surviving loved ones have grounds
for a claim after their death. If your loved one
caused the accident, on the other hand, you 5 Product Liability Accidents
may not have grounds for a claim. For example,
if your loved one caused an auto accident, you
cannot file a claim with the other party’s 6 Pedestrian Accidents
insurance company, even if that individual
survived the accident.
7 Medical Malpractice
8 Boating Accidents
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Henderson’s Most Trusted Attorneys
For Wrongful Death Cases

Law firm Benson & Bingham I want to thank Benson and bingham are very reasonably
you so much for everything you have done for and communicative. They made the
me. They were a huge help in my case. They process easy and was very helpful to any
are an Excellent Lawyer group. I truly value questions i had.
the time and work they put into my case. Will
suggest to friends and relatives! Thank you!

Diana Cedeno Degaring Coleman
9230 S Eastern Ave #155 Las Vegas, NV 89123

(702) 463-2900

[email protected]

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