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October 23, 2023

Gilmar Martins / Debora Dias

3559 Eglinton Ave West

York, Ontario

M6M 5C6

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)

To whom it may concern:

I, Gilmar Martins as well as my wife Debora Dias, are proud Canadian Citizens. We have a

daughter who is a Canadian citizen by birth. I would like to take this chance to mention that my

family and I are proud to be here and call this country our own.

My family has known Carlos Donizete Pontos de Oliveria and his wife Maria Eulalia Curitiba de

Oliveria, and their two kids Jefferson Douglas de Oliveira and Juliana Beatriz de Oliveria, since

September 2019. We met him at the Church my family attends, Christ For The Nations. Since

then, we have witnessed honesty, maturity, responsibility, great charisma as well as integrity in

his character. We have witnessed his dedication as he is part of our volunteer team. His

involvement is appreciated in charity work in our community.

Carlos Donizete has always worked hard and has proven to be extremely reliable with every

responsibility presented to him. Carlos Donizete has always shown great joy in helping others. I

can assure you that Carlos Donizete is a reliable individual and a hardworking person.

Carlos Donizete is very polite, and fun to be around. I am able to say that Canada is a land of

opportunities from experience. I know that if he is granted the opportunity to stay in Canada, he

will learn more about its culture and take advantage of all opportunities available to him.
My wife and I would like to ask you to take the grant of permanent residency into consideration.

He will undoubtedly be a great asset to our country. Carlos Donizete is a trustworthy, and

law-abiding individual. He is definitely going to be more successful in this wonderful country. We

would like to thank you in advance for considering the review of this letter for Carlos Donizete

and his family.

If you need more information please contact at 647 687 4480

Best Regards

Debora Dias Gimar Martins

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