Valotario Basico 1

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1. Mauro is ___________ student. 10. My computer _____________.

a. a good a. is fast
b. an good b. are fast
c. an bad c. am fast

2. Judith is ____________ lawyer. 11. The pronoun for “Carolina” is ______.

a. a excellent a. she
b. an excellent b. he
c. an smart c. it

3. The dog ___________ brown. 12. The pronoun for “Charles” is ______.
a. are a. she
b. am b. he
c. is c. it

4. Guillermo is ____________ man. 13. The pronoun for “a dog” is ______.

a. an honest a. she
b. an super b. he
c. a honest c. it

5. Gabriel is ____________ child. 14. The pronoun for “the erasers” is ______.
a. an happy a. she
b. happy b. he
c. a happy c. they

6. My gift is ____________. 15. The pronoun for “the elephant” is ______.

a. bike. a. she
b. an bike b. it
c. a bicycle c. he

7. My teacher Inés _____________. 16. The pronoun for “a pencil” is ______.

a. is pretty a. she
b. are pretty b. he
c. is a pretty c. it

8. The ball _________. 17. My mother’s sister is my __________.

a. is a red a. wife
b. are red b. aunt
c. is red c. cousin

9. My neighbor _____________. 18. My mother’s brother is my _________.

a. are a short man a. uncle
b. is a short man b. cousin
c. is a animal c. niece
19. My grandfather’s daughter is my __________. 28. How do you spell “dictionary”?
a. wife a. di-ái-ci-ti-ái-óu-én-éi-ár-uái
b. mother b. di-éi-ci-ti-éi-óu-én-éi-ár-uái
c. sister c. di-ái-ci-ti-ái-óu-én-i-ár-uái

20. My son’s male cousin is my __________. 29. My mother’s husband is my ___________.

a. brother a. father
b. nephew b. uncle
c. niece c. grandfather

21. My mother’s father is my ________. 30. My father’s son is my __________.

a. cousin a. cousin
b. grandfather b. father
c. brother c. brother

22. My father’s mother is my ________. 31. The plural of child is ______________.

a. wife a. children
b. daughter b. childs
c. grandmother c. childrens

23. How do you spell “woman”? 32. My mother’s daughter is my ___________.

a. dábol iú-óu-ém-ái-én a. cousin
b. dábol iú-óu-ém-i-én b. sister
c. dábol iú-óu-ém-éi-én c. aunt

24. How do you spell “umbrella”? 33. How do you spell “cup”?
a. iú-ém-bi-ár-ái-él-él-éi a. ci – óu – pi
b. iú-ém-bi-ár-i-él-él-éi b. ci – iú – pi
c. iú-ém-bi-ár-i-él-él-ái c. ci – éi – pi

25. How do you spell “coin”? 34. How do you spell “house”?
a. ci-óu-éi-én a. éish – óu – iú – es – ai
b. ci-óu-ái-én b. éich – iú – óu – i – es
c. ci-óu-i-én c. éich – óu – iú – es – i

26. The plural of wife is ______________. 35. How do you spell “coffee”?
a. wifes a. ci – óu – éf – éf – i – i
b. wives b. ci – óu – i – i – éf – éf
c. wifies c. ci – éf – éf –i - i - óu

27. How do you spell “key”? 36. How do you spell “mouse”?
a. kéi-i-uái a. én – óu – iú – én –ái
b. kéi-ái-uái b. ém – óu – iú – es – i
c. kiú-éi-uái c. ém – óu – iú – és – ái
37. How do you spell “heart”? 46. The plural of “scarf” is _____________.
a. éich – i – éi – ár – ti a. scarfs
b. éich – ái – éi – ár – ti b. scarfes
c. éich – i – ái – ár – ti c. scarves

38. How do you spell “pencil”? 47. The plural of “toy” is ____________.
a. pi – éi – en – ci – ái – el a. toys
b. pi – ái – en – ci – éi – el b. toyes
c. pi – i – en – ci – ái – el c. toies

39. How do you spell “apple”? 48. The plural of “fox” is ____________.
a. éi – pi – pi – él – éi a. foxes
b. éi – pi – pi – él – i b. foxs
c. éi – pi – pi – él - ái c. foxeses

40. How do you spell “police”? 49. How do you spell “tie”?
a. pi – óu – él – ái – ci – i a. ti – ai – ai
b. pi – óu – él – éi – ci – ái b. ti – ai – i
c. pi – óu – él – ái – ci – ei c. ti – i - ai

41. The plural of “ax” is __________. 50. How do you spell “book”?
a. axs a. bi – ou – ou – kéi
b. axis b. bi – bi – ou –kéi
c. axes c. bi – kéi – ou – ou

42. The plural of “baby” is _________.

a. babies
b. babyes
c. babys

43. The plural of “watch” is _________.

a. watchs
b. watches
c. watcheses

44. The plural of “church” is ___________.

a. churchs
b. churches
c. churcheses

45. The plural of “knife” is ___________.

a. knifes
b. knives
c. knivs


1. a 27. a
2. b 28. a
3. c 29. a
4. a 30. c
5. c 31. a
6. c 32. b
7. a 33. b
8. c 34. c
9. b 35. a
10. a 36. b
11. a 37. a
12. b 38. c
13. c 39. b
14. c 40. a
15. b 41. c
16. c 42. a
17. b 43. b
18. a 44. b
19. b 45. b
20. b 46. c
21. b 47. a
22. c 48. a
23. c 49. b
24. b 50. a
25. b
26. b

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