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Covina Baseball Association

Code of Conduct


On behalf of the Board of Directors of Covina Baseball Association (CBA,) we welcome you to the 2024
Baseball Season. For over 35 years, CBA has had the opportunity to utilize Hollenbeck Park to provide a
safe and competitive site for our area baseball players.

As we continue our objective of assisting your sons and daughters meet their baseball goals, we need to
step back and remind all of us that we are here to support our players in an environment that is safe and
free from hostility.

To that end, we wish to remind you of some basic “Code of Conduct” requirements that will help us meet
our shared objectives:

1. At no time is anyone other than players, coaches, or those providing field maintenance support
allowed on the playing field before, during, or after games.
2. Hostile actions including intimidating and profane language is to be eliminated in the stands or
any other area within the baseball park. This includes actions taken against opposing teams,
players, umpires, and Board Members of CBA.
3. Physical confrontations either within the field or parking areas will not be tolerated.
4. No alcoholic beverages are to be brought onto the premises.
5. Team managers are primarily responsible for maintaining adherence to “Code of Conduct”.
However, parents and fans are responsible for ensuring that their teams maintain compliance as
6. Strict adherence to “harassment policy”.
7. Adherence to rules and regulations as mandated by the City of Covina as posted at park.

Violations to any of the items listed above will be subject to the following:
• First occurrence – Verbal notification will be given to the offending parties that Code of Conduct
violations have taken place.
• Second occurrence – The team manager will be informed in writing that offenses have taken
place. The manager will be instructed to provide the written notice to the offending individuals
along with notification that no further warning will be given.
• Third occurrence – The offending parties will be asked to vacate the premises.

Must adhere to penalties levied to violation and harassment policy.

Your signature to this document is your acknowledgement that you agree to the items listed above.

Player Name _______________________________________Team____________________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________Date_____________________________

CBA Code of Conduct -2024 Page 1

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