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1. How can you classify solids into conductors, semiconductors and insulators with neat energy
level diagram?
2. Explain intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors with examples. Derive the expression for the
carrier concentration of electrons in conduction band of a semiconductors
3. Define Fermi level. Discuss Femi distribution function at T=0 K when the energy E<E f , and
E> Ef. Locate the Fermi level in Intrinsic, n-Type, p-Type Semiconductors with a neat
4. The intrinsic carrier density is 1.5x1016 m-3. If the mobility of electron and hole are 0.13 and
0.05 m2V-1S-1. Calculate the conductivity of the material. (e=1.6x10-19 C
5. What is LED? Write the main differences between LED and Solar Cell.


6. What is meant by dielectric polarization? And Dielectric Constant of a dielectric material?

Explain briefly the Electronic, Ionic and Orientation polarizations
7. Calculate the electronic polarizability of Hydrogen. The radius of Hydrogen atom is 0.158
nm. (Ɛ0 = 8.854 × 10–12 Fm–1)
8. Derive Classius-Mossoti equation in Di-electrics
9. What is Magnetic induction and Magnetic Susceptibility? classify the Dia, Para, and Ferro
magnetic materials with examples.
10. Write any three important applications of magnetic materials in engineering.
11. Explain Hysteresis curve in Magnetic materials. Distinguish between Soft and hard magnetic
materials with examples
12. Define the Hall effect? Derive the expression for hall voltage

13. Classify Classical mechanics and Quantum mechanics. State foundations of Quantum
14. State Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Derive Schrodinger’s time independent wave
equation for a free particle in one dimension
15. State de-Broglie hypothesis. Write down the Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation
for a particle in a box. Solve it to obtain eigen function and show that eigen values are
16. Explain Wave particle duality in Quantum mechanics. An electron is bound in one
dimensional infinite well of width 10-10 m. Find the energy values of the ground state and
first two excited states.

13.What do mean by LASER? Mention the Characteristics of a laser. Distinguish between the
spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation

17. Define the terms (i) Spontaneous emission(ii) Population Inversion (iii) Pumping system in
18. Explain the construction and working of Nd-YAG laser with suitable energy level diagrams.
Mention the applications of Laser in Engineering and medicine


19. Define Space lattice, Basis and Unit cell. Explain the Seven crystal systems with neat
20. Define Atomic Packing fraction (APF) and show that FCC crystals are closely packed than
BCC crystals
21. What are Miller indices? Draw the crystal planes having Miller indices (100), (111), (110).
22. a) Calculate the miller indices for the plane with intercepts 2a, - 3b and 4c the along the
crystallographic axes
b) Find the miller indices of a set of parallel planes in a cube, which make intercepts in the
ratio 3a:4b on X and Y axes and are parallel to Z-axis
23. Derive Expression for Interplanar Spacing (dhkl) in terms of Miller Indices. The lattice
constant for a unit cell of aluminum is 4.031Å Calculate the Interplanar space of (2 1 1)
24. a) Copper has FCC structure of atomic radius 0.1278 nm. Calculate the interplanar spacing
for (321) plane.
b) Find the miller indices of a set of parallel planes in a cube, which make intercepts in the
ratio 3a:4b on X and Y axes and are parallel to Z-axis.
25. Derive Bragg’s law 2d sin θ = nλ. How can you analyse the crystal structure of a material by
using Powder crystal method?



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