AwashBank Branch Audit Module Usermanual

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Table of Contents
1.1 Sign in .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Sign Up ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Forgot Password................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Resetting Expired Password ................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Auditor Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Branch Financial User Profile ...................................................................................... 9
1.6 Unseen Remark .................................................................................................................. 13
1.7 Audit Progress .................................................................................................................... 14
1.8 Transaction Related Findings ............................................................................................ 17
1.8.1 Drafted Transactional Related Finding....................................................................... 17
1.8.2 Transaction Related Passed Finding ........................................................................... 22
1.9 Reviewer Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 25
1.9.1 Reviewer Transaction Related Pending Finding ........................................................ 27
1.9.2 Reviewer Reviewed Transactional Related Finding .................................................. 31
1.9.3 Data Pooling ............................................................................................................... 38
1.10 Financial Audits Findings .................................................................................................. 41
1.11 Compiler Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 43
1.11.1 Operational Discrepancies .......................................................................................... 45
1.11.2 Manage Common Findings ........................................................................................ 47
1.11.3 Transaction Related Pending Findings ....................................................................... 50
1.11.4 Compiler Transaction Related Reviewed Findings .................................................... 52
1.11.5 Compiler Compiled Findings ..................................................................................... 56
1.11.6 Compiler Compiled Findings Progress....................................................................... 58
1.12 Approver Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 59
1.12.1 Branch Financial Approver Operational Discrepancies ............................................. 61
1.12.2 Approver Pending Audits ........................................................................................... 63
1.12.3 Approver Unseen Remarks ......................................................................................... 65
1.12.4 Approver Drafted Audits ............................................................................................ 66
1.12.5 Approver Approved Audits ........................................................................................ 68
1.13 Branch Manager Dashboard .............................................................................................. 70
1.13.1 Branch Manager Operational Discrepancies .............................................................. 72

1.13.2 Transaction Related Findings Reported to Branch Manger ....................................... 74
1.14 Regional Director Dashboard ............................................................................................ 75
1.15 Generate Report ................................................................................................................. 77
1.15.1 Generate Report for Branch Financial ........................................................................ 77

ii | P a g e
Figure 1 Sign in page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Figure 2 Sign Up Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Figure 3 Forgot Password ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
Figure 4 User password expired ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Figure 5 Auditor Dashboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Figure 6 User Profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
Figure 7 Request Administrative help --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 8 Edit User Profile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Figure 9 Change Password ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Figure 10 Unseen Remark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Figure 11 Progress Audits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Figure 12 Remark popup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
Figure 13 Drafted Transaction related Findings --------------------------------------------------------- 17
Figure 14 Add New Finding -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Figure 15 Auditor row details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
Figure 16 Auditor Change tracker ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Figure 17 Auditor passed Transaction related findings ------------------------------------------------- 22
Figure 18 Reviewer Dashboard ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Figure 19 Reviewer pending findings --------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
Figure 20 Reviewer Change Tracker ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Figure 21 Reviewer Remark -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Figure 22 Reviewer reviewed transaction related findings --------------------------------------------- 31
Figure 23 Reviewer compiling findings------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Figure 24 Reviewer Compiled findings ------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Figure 25 Reviewer finding progress ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Figure 26 Reviewer Pooling findings --------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Figure 27 Reviewer Pooled Data --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Figure 28 Viewing Auditee response ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Figure 29 Reviewer Financial audit finding -------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Figure 30 Compiler Dashboard----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Figure 31 Compiler operational discrepancies ----------------------------------------------------------- 45
Figure 32 Compiler managing common findings -------------------------------------------------------- 47
Figure 33 Compiler Adding new common findings ----------------------------------------------------- 48
Figure 34 Compiler Editing common findings ----------------------------------------------------------- 49
Figure 35 Compiler Pending findings --------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
Figure 36 Compiler Reviewed Findings ------------------------------------------------------------------ 52
Figure 37 Compiler compiling findings ------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
Figure 38 Compiler compiled findings -------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
Figure 39 Compiler compiled finding progress ---------------------------------------------------------- 58
Figure 40 Branch financial Approver Dashboard ------------------------------------------------------- 59
Figure 41 Approver operational discrepancies ----------------------------------------------------------- 61
Figure 42 Approver pending audits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63
Figure 43 Approver unseen remarks----------------------------------------------------------------------- 65

iii | P a g e
Figure 44 Approver drafted audits ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
Figure 45 Approver editing findings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
Figure 46 Approver approved audits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
Figure 47 Branch Manager Dashboard -------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
Figure 48 Branch Manager operational discrepancies -------------------------------------------------- 72
Figure 49 Transaction related reported audits ------------------------------------------------------------ 74
Figure 50 Regional Director Dashboard ------------------------------------------------------------------ 75
Figure 51 Generate report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77

iv | P a g e
1.1 Sign in
Log in to AFRFMS
✓ Enter user name and password as leveled by U and P
✓ Click Login button (L)
✓ If you enter correct credential, you will access your own home page based on your role
✓ Click on Forgot Password (F) to reset password.
✓ Click Sign up page in order to access the home page

Figure 1 Sign in page

1.2 Sign Up

Figure 2 Sign Up Page

✓ In order to sign up to Awash Bank Audit Findings Reporting and Follow-up Management
System (AFRFMS) and use it, user must be registered first.
✓ After adding your Awash bank Id, the system checks if the ID entered is correct or not.
✓ If the ID is Awash Bank employee Id, the user will be allowed to proceed the process of
registration. Otherwise, the system will not allow the user to proceed.

1.3 Forgot Password

Figure 3 Forgot Password

This enables you either to choose outlook email or phone number.

1.4 Resetting Expired Password

If we do not change our password after 30 days or more, the system will automatically enforces
you to change your password when you try login. The following figure illustrates user
credentials expired message


Figure 4 User password expired

✓ A user clicks on “Change Password” button to change expired password.
• A user should enter correct old password
• New password should not be similar with old password
• New password and confirmation password should be the same
✓ Password changed successfully message will be displayed and redirect to login page after
password changes.


1.5 Auditor Dashboard

S1 S2 S3



Figure 5 Auditor Dashboard

The above figure represents the dashboard for Branch Financial Auditor with the following
S1: This is a set that contains drafted, passed, and reviewed audits.
Drafted: this indicates total number of findings that are drafted.
Passed: indicates total number of findings that are passed.
Reviewed: represents total number of findings that are reviewed by reviewer.
S2: it consists of regional compiled, regional submitted, and division reviewed audits.
Regional Compiled: indicates total number of audits that are compiled.
Regional Submitted: represents total number of audits that are submitted.
Division Reviewed: shows total number of audits that are reviewed by divisions.
S3: is a set that consists of division compiled, division submitted, and approver approved
Division Compiled: total number of audits that are compiled by division.
Division Submitted: shows total number of audits that are submitted by division.
Approved: indicates total number of audits that are approved by approver.
S4: it consists of passed audits, regional compiled audits, division compiled audits, and approver
approved audits with their respective total number as indicated numerically.
S5: it consists of total number of passed audits, responded audits, partially rectified audits, and
fully rectified audits.
S6: shows recent activities that are performed by different users.
S7: represents side bar of auditor dashboard which in turn contain unseen remarks and audit

1.5.1 Branch Financial User Profile


P2 P3 S3


Figure 6 User Profile


From the top header Click on P1 and you will get the dropdown as shown above which contains
my profile (S1) need help (S2) and sign out (S3). Out of these click on S2 and you will get the
above profile (P1===➔S1).

S2: click here if you want to request administrative help as indicated below.
After filling your request, click Send button as indicated above.

Figure 7 Request Administrative help

S3: finally click to sign out which redirect you to login page

P2: enables you to edit your profile as shown below.

10 | P a g e
Figure 8 Edit User Profile

As you can see from here, you can update your information, and your photo by clicking choose
file, the click update profile.

11 | P a g e
P3: click here to change your password as indicated below.

Figure 9 Change Password

12 | P a g e
1.6 Unseen Remark


Figure 10 Unseen Remark

S1: click here to get all unseen remarks.

13 | P a g e
1.7 Audit Progress



Figure 11 Progress Audits

S1: click this one to see the progress of each finding.

14 | P a g e
S2: enables you to write remark with respect to each finding as shown below.


Figure 12 Remark popup

15 | P a g e
S3: To start writing remark, click further on this button as indicated below.

16 | P a g e
1.8 Transaction Related Findings
1.8.1 Drafted Transactional Related Finding

Note: even though there are many audits, this subtitle is concentrated on transactional
related findings (also sometimes called operational discrepancies).

Steps: Financial Audits Findings ==➔ Transaction Related Findings ==➔ Draft

S1 S2




Figure 13 Drafted Transaction related Findings

17 | P a g e
S1: enables you to add new finding as shown below.




Figure 14 Add New Finding

18 | P a g e
F1: After filling all the fields, if you want to attach file click this sign.
F2: click here to choose files from your computer.
F3: After choosing a file click here to upload files
F4: if you want to clear or cancel selected file, click this button.
F5: finally, click this save button to save your data
Note that on cash type which enables you to select either LCY or FCY. If you click on FCY it
enforces you to choose currency type
R1: click here to select all available row, then either click S3 to pass to passed state or click S4
to delete.
R3: enables you to select row of your choices, then you can either click S3 to pass to passed
state or click S2 to delete.
For both S3 and S2 it asks you a confirmation.
S5: to delete single row of data.
S6: to pass single row of data.
S4: enables you to edit the registered findings. But when you click here you will get page that is
same as when you click S1. For more detail refer S1 above.

19 | P a g e
R2: enables you to see row detail which consist of detail and history as shown below.



Figure 15 Auditor row details

S8: to see detail of each column by toggling plus and minus sign

20 | P a g e
S7: to see tracked changes by different users as shown below.

Figure 16 Auditor Change tracker

Note: to read more detail click on read more.

21 | P a g e
1.8.2 Transaction Related Passed Finding

S1 S2

R2 S4


Figure 17 Auditor passed Transaction related findings

22 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then either click S1 to rectify, or S2 to add response, or
S3 to back the audits to drafted state.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then either click S1 to rectify, or S2 to add
response, or S3 to back the audits to drafted state.
S4: to rectify individual row of findings.
S5: to give response to individual row of findings.
Note: be sure that when you click S1, S3, and S4 it asks you a Yes/No confirmation.

Note that when you click on R3, you will see row detail as mentioned above. Additionally, for
Remark button you can follow the same steps as explained under audit progress.

23 | P a g e
Additionally, when you click on S2 and S5 you will see the following response adding page


*Make F1 on only if you want to attach file, otherwise leave it off.

24 | P a g e
1.9 Reviewer Dashboard


S1 S2




Figure 18 Reviewer Dashboard

The above figure represents the dashboard for Branch Financial reviewer with the following

25 | P a g e
S1: This is a set that contains total number regional compiled, regional submitted, and division
reviewed audits.

S2: it consists of total number of divisions compiled, division submitted, and approver approved
S3: is a set that consists of total number of passed audits, regional compiled, division compiled,
and approver approved audits.
S4: it consists of pending audits, fully rectified audits, and partially rectified audits with their
respective total number as indicated numerically.
S5: shows recent activities that are performed by different users.
S6: represents dashboard side bar which contains unseen remark, pending findings, compiled
findings, financial audit findings, books of accounts, cash related discrepancies, digital banking
related findings, loans and advance related findings, and operational discrepancies with their sub
S7: enables to expand the main component to see subcomponents. The same is true for all main

26 | P a g e
1.9.1 Reviewer Transaction Related Pending Finding

Steps: Financial Audit Finding ==➔ Transaction Related Finding ==➔ Pending







Figure 19 Reviewer pending findings

27 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then click S1 to review.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to review.
S2: to review individual row of findings.
R3: enables you to see row detail which consist of detail, remark, and history as shown below.
R6: to see detail of each column by toggling plus and minus sign
R4: to see tracked changes by different users as shown below.

Figure 20 Reviewer Change Tracker

To read more, click on read more

28 | P a g e
R5: to write remark with other users with respect to findings as indicated below


Figure 21 Reviewer Remark

29 | P a g e
Click on RM to start writing remark and you will get the following page.

30 | P a g e
1.9.2 Reviewer Reviewed Transactional Related Finding

Steps: Financial Audit Finding ==➔ Transaction Related Finding ==➔ Reviewed

S1 S2 S3




Figure 22 Reviewer reviewed transaction related findings

31 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then either click S1 to compile, or S2 to unreview, or
S3 to move to pool.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then either click S1 to compile, or S2 to
unreview, or S3 to move to pool.
S4: to unreview individual row of audits.

32 | P a g e
S1: enables you to compile audits of the same category according to shown below.
Then click save.

Figure 23 Reviewer compiling findings

*Note that after you compiled you will get the compiled data by following the below steps.

Compiled Finding === =➔ Compiled.

For more clarification see the following figure.

33 | P a g e
P1 P2

R1 P4
R2 P3


Figure 24 Reviewer Compiled findings

34 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then either click P1 to submit, or P2 to decompile.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then either click P1 to submit (audits after submit
will be visible under progress), or P2 to decompile.
P4: to decompile individual row of audits.
P3: to submit individual row of audits
*Note that for all P1, P2, P3, and P4 it asks you a Yes/No confirmation.

35 | P a g e
P6: enables you to see progress of all findings after submitted as shown below.

Figure 25 Reviewer finding progress

36 | P a g e
S3: enables you to pool data based on amount after choosing cash type as explained below.

Figure 26 Reviewer Pooling findings

*Note that if you select FCY cash type you have to choose currency type.
Again, the value of Amount you entered must be greater than or equal to the value before.

Pooled Data are visible under the following subtopic.

37 | P a g e
1.9.3 Data Pooling





Figure 27 Reviewer Pooled Data

S1: shows data that you have pooled.

38 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then click S2 to delete pooled data.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S2 to delete
S3: to make columns of the table dynamically visible.

39 | P a g e
S4: to view response detail as shown below.

Figure 28 Viewing Auditee response

40 | P a g e
1.10 Financial Audits Findings






Figure 29 Reviewer Financial audit finding

S1: click here and you will get the above figure.
S3: click here to see auditee response with respect to audits.

R1: click here to select all available row, click S1 to seen it.

41 | P a g e
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to seen it.
R3: enables you to select columns of your choices to be visible.

42 | P a g e
1.11 Compiler Dashboard


S2 S3





Figure 30 Compiler Dashboard

43 | P a g e
The above figure represents the dashboard for Branch Financial compiler with the following
S1: This is a set that contains total number of pending, reviewed, compiled, submitted, and
approved audits
S2: it consists of total number of divisions reviewed, and regional submitted audits
S3: is a set that consists of total number divisions compiled, divisions submitted, and approver
approved audits
S4: it consists of divisions compiled, and approver approved audits with their respective total
number as indicated numerically.
S5: consists of total number of rectifications pending, partially rectified, and fully rectified
S6: shows recent activities that are performed by different users.
S7: represents dashboard side bar which contains general audits, account, cash, and operational
discrepancies with their sub components.
S8: enables to expand the main component to see subcomponents

44 | P a g e
1.11.1 Operational Discrepancies


R1 S3

Figure 31 Compiler operational discrepancies

45 | P a g e
S1: click here and you will get the above figure.
R1: click here to select all available row, click S1 to seen it.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to seen it.
S3: click here to see auditee response with respect to audits as shown below.

46 | P a g e
1.11.2 Manage Common Findings

Steps: Financial Audits Findings ==➔ Transaction Related Findings ==➔ Manage
Common Findings ==== Manage Findings, after you clicked you will get the following page



Figure 32 Compiler managing common findings

47 | P a g e
S1: to add new findings as indicated below.

Figure 33 Compiler Adding new common findings

S3: to delete individual row of common findings.

48 | P a g e
S2: to edit registered common findings as shown below.

Figure 34 Compiler Editing common findings

49 | P a g e
1.11.3 Transaction Related Pending Findings

Steps: Financial Audits Findings ==➔ Transaction Related Findings ==➔ Findings
Management ==➔ Pending, after you clicked you will get the following page


R1 S2


R3 R4

Figure 35 Compiler Pending findings

50 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, click S1 to review it.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to review it.
R3: enables you to expand the row to see detail inside.
S2: click here to review individual row of your choices.
F1: to see attached file if any.

51 | P a g e
1.11.4 Compiler Transaction Related Reviewed Findings

Steps: Financial Audits Findings ==➔ Transaction Related Findings ==➔ Findings
Management ==➔ Reviewed, after you clicked you will get the following page

S1 S2





Figure 36 Compiler Reviewed Findings

The Details for S2 and S3 are explained below.

52 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, click S1 to unreview it.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to unreview it.
R3: enables you to expand the row to see detail inside.
S4: click here to unreview individual row of your choices.
F1: to see attached file if any.

53 | P a g e
S2: click here to compile audit according to the category and it looks like the following.
To compile first select by clicking R1 or R2, then click this sign. Finally click save button as
shown below.

Figure 37 Compiler compiling findings

After you compiled the audits you will get it by following these steps from the top header:
Compiled Findings ====➔ Compiled. From the left side.

54 | P a g e
S3: enables you to pool audit as indicated below. But to pool first select the audits you want to
pool by clicking R1 or R2, then click this sign to pool.

Note first select cash type (if you choose FCY it enforces you to choose currency type), and the
amount you enter must be greater than or equal the amount before.

After you pooled the audits, you will get it under Data Pooling from the left side.

55 | P a g e
1.11.5 Compiler Compiled Findings

S1 S2

R1 S4



Figure 38 Compiler compiled findings

S: click here and you will get the above table.

R1: click here to select all available row, then click S1 to submit to division, or click S2 to
decompile it.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices then click S1 to submit to division, or click S2 to
decompile it.
R3: enables you to expand the row to see detail inside.
S3: click here to submit individual row of your choices.
S4: click here to decompile individual row of your choices.

56 | P a g e
S5: click here to see further detail as shown below.


Click on F1 to see and download files (if any).

57 | P a g e
1.11.6 Compiler Compiled Findings Progress

Figure 39 Compiler compiled finding progress

S: click here and you will get the above table.

58 | P a g e
1.12 Approver Dashboard



S2 S3


Figure 40 Branch financial Approver Dashboard

The above figure represents the dashboard for Branch Financial Approver with the following
S1: This is a set that contains total number of pending, drafted, and, approved compiled audits

59 | P a g e
S2: it consists of total number of divisions submitted, and division approved audits
S3: consists of total number of rectifications pending, partially rectified, and fully rectified
S4: shows recent activities that are performed by different users.
S5: represents dashboard side bar which contains unseen remark, financial audit findings, books
of account, cash related discrepancies, digital banking related findings, loans and advances
related findings.

60 | P a g e
1.12.1 Branch Financial Approver Operational Discrepancies


S4 S3




Figure 41 Approver operational discrepancies

S1: from the left side under financial audits findings, click here to get operational discrepancies
with incomplete document, and the above table will be visible.

R1: click here to select all available row, click S2 to seen it.
61 | P a g e
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S2 to seen it.
R3: enables you to expand the row to see detail inside.
S3: to view auditee response.
S4: enables you to select the row you want to be visible in the table.
R4: enables you to toggle between plus and minus sign showing the details of each column.
*Note that the above explanation is that of operational discrepancies. Also, you can do same for
the rest of incomplete document audits.

62 | P a g e
1.12.2 Approver Pending Audits

S1 S2

R1 R2 S4

R3 S5

Figure 42 Approver pending audits

Pending Audits ==➔ Pending
*you will see this from the top header*

63 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then either click S1 to approve, or click S2 to draft it.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then either click S1 to approve, or click S2 to
draft it.
R3: enables you to expand the row to see detail inside.
S3: click here to approve individual row of your choices.
S4: click here to draft individual row of your choices.
S5: click here to see further detail as shown below.

*from the above figure, clicking on file button enables to see the attached file, and download it*

64 | P a g e
1.12.3 Approver Unseen Remarks

Figure 43 Approver unseen remarks

Pending Audits ==➔ Unseen Remarks
*you will see this from the top header*

65 | P a g e
1.12.4 Approver Drafted Audits


R1 S2


Figure 44 Approver drafted audits

66 | P a g e
Drafted Audits ==➔ Drafted
*you will see this from the top header*

R1: click here to select all available row, then click S1 to approve.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to approve.
S3: click here to approve individual row of your choices.
S4: click here to edit findings as shown in the below figure.

Figure 45 Approver editing findings

*after you made changes to findings, click on save button*

67 | P a g e
1.12.5 Approver Approved Audits





Figure 46 Approver approved audits

Approved Audits ==➔ Approved
*you will see this from the top header*

68 | P a g e
R1: click here to select all available row, then click S1 to un approve.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S1 to un approve.
S2: click here to un approve individual row of your choices.
R3: enables you to expand row to see the detail inside which in turn shows detail and remark
S3: shows the detail as shown below.

69 | P a g e
1.13 Branch Manager Dashboard

S1 S3


Figure 47 Branch Manager Dashboard

70 | P a g e
The above figure represents the dashboard for Branch Financial Branch Manager with the
following detail.
S1: This is a set that contains total number of pas and regional reviewed audits
S2: it consists of total number regional compiled, division reviewed, and regional submitted
S3: consists of total number of divisions compiled, approved and division submitted audits
S4: represents total number of passed, regional compiled, division compiled and approved audits.
S5: represents total number of passed, responded, partially rectified and fully rectified audits

71 | P a g e
1.13.1 Branch Manager Operational Discrepancies



R1 S3


Figure 48 Branch Manager operational discrepancies

72 | P a g e
S1: from the left side under financial audits findings, click here to get operational discrepancies,
and the above table will be visible.

R1: click here to select all available row, click S2 to seen it.
R2: enables you to select row of your choices, then click S2 to seen it.
S3: to view auditee response.

73 | P a g e
1.13.2 Transaction Related Findings Reported to Branch Manger

Figure 49 Transaction related reported audits

Steps: Financial Audit Findings ===➔ Transaction Related Findings ==➔ Reported

74 | P a g e
1.14 Regional Director Dashboard

S1 S1

S1 S1

Figure 50 Regional Director Dashboard

75 | P a g e
The above figure represents the dashboard for Branch Financial Regional Director with the
following detail.
S1: This is a set that contains total number of regional compiled, division reviewed, and regional
submitted audits
S2: it consists of total number division compiled, division submitted, and approved audits
S3: consists of total number of passed, regional compiled, division compiled and approved
S4: represents total number of pending, partially rectified and fully rectified audits

76 | P a g e
1.15 Generate Report
1.15.1 Generate Report for Branch Financial

Steps: Report ==➔ Financial Audits ==➔ Operational Discrepancies

Figure 51 Generate report

Here as you can see, there are different parameters for you to generate report such as branch
name, finding status, rectification date range (here choose date range: from----->to) finding date
range (choose date range: from ------> to), findings, Amount (min, max), Account number,
Banking (Conventional, IFB), Currency (FCY, LCY), and Rectification status (rectified,

77 | P a g e
*Choose only one parameter at a time, then click Search.
*To switch to another parameter first reset it by clicking Reset button
* If you click Search button without selecting any parameter, you can generate the report
of all available findings as shown below.

S3 S2

S1: to take report in excel format.

S2: to take report in pdf format
S3: to choose columns that are needed to be visible on report (by default all columns are visible)

78 | P a g e
Note: Do same steps will work for Auditor, Approver, Compiler and Branch Manager

Steps to Generate Report for Regional Director:

Financial Audits Finding Report =====➔ Transaction Related Findings

NThe rest of operations are the same as mentioned above (refer).

79 | P a g e
80 | P a g e

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