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1. What is the positive type of stress known as?

a) Eustress
b) Distress
c) Anxiety
d) Panic
2. Which of the following is NOT a physical sign of stress?
a) Muscle tension
b) Increased sweating
c) Loss of interest
d) Pounding heart
3. Which neurotransmitters are responsible for the positive changes in an individual’s mood during physical
a) Dopamine
b) Serotonin
c) Endorphins
4. How does sports participation contribute to improved self-esteem?
a) By promoting social isolation
b) By decreasing physical fitness
c) By making one feel more confident in their abilities
d) By inducing negative thinking
5. Which of the following is a benefit of sports in relieving mental stress?
a) Decreasing socialization
b) Promoting better sleep
c) Increasing anxiety
d) Inducing depression
6. What hormone is promoted through socialization, which helps in reducing anxiety?
a) Serotonin
b) Oxytocin
c) Endorphins
d) Dopamine
7. Which of the following is NOT a counterproductive coping strategy?
a) Pattern breaking
b) Mental imagery
c) Emotional control
d) Negative thinking
8. What is a "pattern breaker" used for in coping strategies?
a) To encourage emotional outbursts
b) To maintain negative mental states
c) To disrupt negative mental states
d) To intensify stress levels
9. What coping strategy involves visualizing or mentally rehearsing a situation?
a) Emotional suppression
b) Social isolation
c) Mental imagery
d) Avoidance
10. How does mental imagery help athletes?
a) By increasing stress levels
b) By familiarizing them with their competition environment
c) By promoting socialization
d) By inducing negative thinking
11. What is the main purpose of the forehand grip in badminton?
A) To hit backhand shots
B) To hit forehand overhead shots
C) To serve the shuttlecock
D) To perform overhead smashes
12. What does the ready position in badminton refer to?
A) The position where you wait for the shuttlecock
B) The position where you wait for the serve
C) The position after hitting a shot
D) The position when retrieving the shuttlecock
13. Which type of serve is effective in making the receiver use the underhand clear as a return?
A) Short serve
B) Long serve
C) Forehand serve
D) Backhand serve
14. What distinguishes forehand strokes from backhand strokes in badminton?
A) Forehand strokes are hit with the back of the hand leading
B) Backhand strokes are hit with the front of the hand leading
C) Forehand strokes are hit with the knuckles
D) Backhand strokes are hit with the palm
15. When is the overhead drop shot typically used in badminton?
A) To return a high short return
B) To perform a powerful smash
C) To hit a deep clear shot
D) To set up for a drop shot
16. What type of shot in badminton sends the shuttlecock in a sharp, direct line to the floor?
A) Drive
B) Clear
C) Drop shot
D) Smash
17. Which safety guideline in playing badminton advises players to stay in their own court to avoid collisions?
A) Keep a firm grip on the racket
B) Be aware of the walls and the net posts
C) Stop play if other players enter your court
D) Stay in your own court to avoid collision with other players
18. How should players handle shuttlecocks according to the safety guidelines?
A) Handle them with bare hands
B) Handle them by the feathers
C) Handle them with racket strings
D) Handle them by the tips only
19. What should players do before playing to ensure mutual understanding of boundaries and serving order?
A) Shake hands
B) Warm-up exercises
C) Check the net height
D) Agree on boundaries and determine the first server
20. Which type of shot is used as a change of pace from the smash or clear in badminton?
A) Drive
B) Drop shot
C) Smash
D) Overhead clear

21. What is the primary advice regarding handling rackets according to facilities/equipment guidelines?

A) Avoid striking the floor

B) Use rackets for serving only
C) Flip rackets for better grip
D) Throw rackets for emphasis
22. Which safety guideline advises players to stop play if other players enter their court?
A) Keep a firm grip on the racket
B) Be aware of the walls and the net posts
C) Stop play if other players enter your court
D) Stay in your own court to avoid collision with other players
23. What is the primary purpose of the serve in badminton?
A) To score points
B) To initiate play
C) To return the shuttlecock
D) To confuse opponents
24. Which shot in badminton is characterized by hitting the shuttlecock high and deep?
A) Smash
B) Clear
C) Drive
D) Drop shot
25. What is the primary advice regarding handling shuttlecocks according to the facilities/equipment guidelines?
A) Use shuttlecocks with damaged feathers
B) Use shuttlecocks with damaged tips
C) Handle shuttlecocks by the shaft
D) Handle shuttlecocks by the tips only
26. Where was Dr. James Naismith born?
A) Montreal, Quebec, Canada
B) Ramsaay township, near Almonte, Ontario, Canada
C) Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
D) McGill University, Canada
27. What childhood game is believed to have inspired James Naismith in creating basketball?
A) Hide and Seek
B) Tag
C) Duck-on-a-rock
D) Hopscotch
28. In which city did James Naismith establish the YMCA Training School, where basketball was born?
A) Montreal
B) Ramsaay
C) Springfield
D) Almonte
29. Which of the following is NOT a basic skill in basketball?
A) Footwork
B) Ball handling
C) Jumping
D) Passing
30. What is the primary purpose of dribbling in basketball?
A) To shoot the ball
B) To pass the ball
C) To defend the opponent
D) To move the ball towards the basket
31. What does rebounding refer to in basketball?
A) Scoring a basket after shooting
B) Intercepting a pass from the opponent
C) Retrieving the ball after a missed field goal or free throw
D) Blocking a shot attempt by the opponent
32. Which health benefit is NOT associated with playing basketball?
A) Strengthens muscular endurance
B) Boosts cognitive function
C) Builds healthy bones
D) Improves heart health
33. What emotional benefit is associated with playing basketball?
A) Develops self-confidence
B) Increases stress levels
C) Decreases motivation
D) Reduces concentration
34. What social benefit does basketball offer?
A) Increases isolation
B) Fosters a sense of community and teamwork
C) Reduces communication skills
D) Promotes individualism
35. What is the primary skill needed for developing into a great dribbler, passer, and shooter in basketball?
A) Footwork
B) Shooting
C) Ball handling
D) Rebounding
36. What does catching involve in basketball?
A) Closing eyes while catching the ball
B) Letting the ball hit thumbs before catching
C) Using only one hand to catch the ball
D) Jumping high to catch the ball
37. Which skill is NOT a part of basic basketball skills?
A) Pivoting
B) Blocking
C) Shooting
D) Passing
38. How does playing basketball contribute to improving balance and coordination?
A) By standing still during the game
B) By focusing only on shooting
C) By performing quick movements and changes in direction
D) By avoiding dribbling
39. What is the primary goal of passing in basketball?
A) To hold onto the ball as long as possible
B) To maintain possession of the ball
C) To move the ball quickly and efficiently to teammates
D) To prevent opponents from scoring
40. What does pivoting involve in basketball?
A) Jumping as high as possible
B) Standing still with the ball
C) Changing direction while keeping one foot in contact with the floor
D) Passing the ball to the opponent

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