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‘ Immediate Actions usually happen immediately when you play your card. Some Immediate
Actions introduced in expansions will conditionally affect play when you resolve Hits on the
same card or cards played later.
‘ Immediate Actions are conditional and will only apply if the conditions are met.
‘ When resolving Immediate Actions, if pawns are removed from either Home Plate or a base,
place them back into the general supply.
‘ Immediate Actions that produce Hits happen in Step 1 of the sequence of play before your
opponent resolves their Threatened Hits and before you place your Threatened Hits from
this card. Hits from Immediate Actions are unrelated to the Threatened Hits from the Hit Box
(unless otherwise stated in the Immediate Action) and therefore if a card with an Immediate
Action also has Hit Boxes, these Threatened Hits are placed as normal during Step 3.
‘ Immediate Actions with Free Agent (FA) Deck Checks appear in some expansions.
Whenever you are asked to make a Check from the FA Deck, reveal the top card and check
for the type of player – Natural, Robot, or Cyborg. The Check is successful if the type of
player matches the Check called for in the Immediate Action. The card used for the Check is
then returned to the bottom of the FA Deck.
‘ Cards with two Immediate Actions appear in later expansions. You may decide the order in
which to execute the Immediate Actions. Each Immediate Action stands on its own and only
depends on its own conditions for effect (with the exception of card DT-587).

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Clutch: If you have a base runner on 2nd and/or 3rd base, follow the steps
below. Otherwise, the Clutch has no effect.
Advance all of your Base Runners one more base than the value of the
Clutch Hit, irrespective of their speed. Place a new Base Runner on the base
according to the Clutch Hit (1st base for a Clutch: Single, 2nd base for a
Clutch: Double). The speed of this new Base Runner is the same as the card
just played.

For example: If you have a Base Runner on 2nd and/or 3rd base and you
play Ty Terry, all of your Base Runners advance 2 bases and you then
place a Blue pawn on 1st base as a new Base Runner, all as a result of the
Immediate Action “Clutch: Single”. In Step 3, you will place your Threatened Hit listed on the
card as normal (The Home Run).

Curve: Cancels all Hits from a Robot’s Hit Boxes. Your opponent removes the Batters from
Home Plate. A Curve has no effect if your opponent played a Natural or a Cyborg.

Double Play: Remove up to 2 Slow or Average Speed Base Runners from your opponent’s
bases. Double Play does not affect your opponent’s Batters.

Fastball: Cancel all Hits from a Natural’s Hit Boxes. Your opponent removes the Batters from
Home Plate. A Fastball has no effect if your opponent played a Robot or a Cyborg.

Glove: Cancel 1 Hit from your opponent’s Hit Boxes. If your opponent has more that one Hit
Box, you may choose which Hit to remove. Your opponent removes the Batter of the cancelled hit.

Knuckleball: Reduce the value of all Hits in an opponent player’s Hit Boxes by 1. This means
a Home Run becomes a Triple, a Triple becomes a Double, a Double becomes a Single, and a
Single is cancelled.

Leadoff: If this is the first card you play in a mini-game, immediately execute
the Hit(s) listed after “Leadoff” in the Immediate Action box. Any Hit Boxes will
apply as normal when you place your Threatened Hits.

Pick Off: Remove up to the indicated number of Base Runners from your
opponent’s Stadium. You may not remove any of your opponent’s Batters.

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Quick Eye: Execute the Hit(s) listed after “Quick Eye” in the Immediate
Action box as normal, including advancing any Base Runners. This action
only has an effect if your opponent’s topmost card In Play is a Cyborg.

Spit Ball: Cancel all Hits from a Cyborg’s Hit Boxes. Your opponent
removes the Batters from Home Plate. The Spit Ball has no effect if the
opponent played a Robot or a Natural.

Stolen Base: Starting with your Base Runner on the highest base,
advance all Fast and Average Base Runners already on bases by 1 base
(irrespective of their speed). As normal, the next base must be open for a
Base Runner to advance, so a slow Base Runner will prevent movement
past them.

Walk: Change all Hits in opponent’s player’s Hit Boxes to Walks. To

resolve a Walk, move the Batter to 1st Base, even if there is already a
Base Runner on 1st. Then, advance the Base Runner on 1st base (if any)
to 2nd base, even if there is already a Base Runner on 2nd, and so on. A
Base Runner only advances if its base becomes occupied by another Base
Runner. If more than one “Threatened” Hit is Walked, apply them one by one.

Walk Examples
» Walk with no Base Runners on bases - advance the Batter to 1st base.
» Walk with Base Runner on First - advance the Batter to 1st base and
advance the Base Runner on 1st base to 2nd base.
» Walk with Base Runners on Second and/or Third and no Base Runner on First. Advance the
Batter to 1st base. Base Runners on the Second and/or Third do not move.
» Walk with Base Runners on all Bases - advance the Batter to 1st base, and advance
each Base Runner in turn (1st base Runner advances to 2nd base, Second Base Runner
advances to 3rd base, 3rd base Runner advances to Home Plate and scores).

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RALLY CAP EXPANSION 15 Cards RC-136 to RC-150
The Rally Cap expansion provides 15 new players. Rally: If behind, all your remaining players add a
Two new Immediate Actions in this expansion Single to their Hit Box - Add an additional [Single]
(Rally and Closer) depend on whether your team after all other Hit Boxes on any future cards played
is ahead or behind when you play them. Teamwork in this mini-game (including Extra Innings). This
Immediate Actions will apply based on the applies even if you are no longer behind when
Naturals on your team. the new card is resolved. This Hit is treated as an
Closer: If you currently have more scored runs additional Hit Box for all purposes.
than your opponent, cancel all Hits from your Rally: If behind, your next player adds a Home
opponent’s Hit Boxes, whatever type of player it is. Run to their Hit Box - Your next player (if any) will
Has no effect if you are currently tied or behind. add a Home Run Hit Box after all other Hit Boxes
on the card. This is treated as an additional Hit
Hold: If you currently have fewer scored runs
Box for all purposes
that your opponent, cancel all Hits from your
opponent’s Hit Boxes, whatever type of player it is. Teamwork: This Action allows Naturals to work
Has no effect if you are currently tied or ahead. together in a Lineup. In Rally Cap, when you play
Teamwork, it adds an additional Hit to the next
Rally: This Immediate Action only triggers if you card you put In Play if that next card is a Natural.
are currently behind on the Score track.. If it is a Robot of Cyborg, there is no effect.
Rally: If behind, [HIT] - Execute the listed Hit or Other expansions introduce additional Teamwork
Hits in order. effects..

NATURALS MAGNA GLOVE EXPANSION Magna Glove: Cancel 2 Hits. You may choose
which two of your opponent’s Hit Boxes are
10 Cards NM-151 to NM-160 cancelled. Your opponent removes the Batters of
the cancelled Hits.
This expansion provides 10 new Naturals. The
Naturals now have a Magna Glove that only some Teamwork: The Teamwork Actions in this
of them can handle. This glove can stop up to 2 expansion depend on how many other Naturals
hits from an opponent’s Hit Boxes. are in your In Play Box. Do not count the current
This set also expands on Teamwork. played card in this total.


The Robot Hitters expansion provides 10 new Gambler: This Immediate Action is resolved
Robots and introduces 3 new Immediate Actions. during Step 3 of your turn, after your opponent has
resolved their Hit Boxes. Reveal the top card of the
Cloning: Allows you to use any Immediate Action Free Agent deck and place Threatened Hits from
you have already played in this mini-game. This that card as Batters on your Home Plate using the
means you can only use an Immediate Action that speed of the card with the Gambler ability. Then
is in your In Play stack. place the revealed card on the bottom of the Free
Cloning is an Offensive Immediate Action and so Agent deck. The Gambler Robot stays in your In
cannot be used for the Visitor’s Save as that only Play stack.
allows you to use a Defensive Immediate Action.
Replace: Remove the card being put In Play from
During Extra Innings, you choose which card in the the game. Draw the top card of the Free Agent
In Play stack to clone when it is your turn to resolve Deck and put this new card on top of your In Play
your Immediate Action. stack instead. Use the new card’s Immediate Action
and Hit Boxes. This card is now part of your team.

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CYBORG PITCHERS EXPANSION Pick Off: This is an improved Pick Off that
removes all Base Runners.
10 Cards CP-171 to CP-180
Slider: Cancels all Hits vs. any Type of player as
The Cyborg Pitchers expansion provides 10 new
long as you have previously played 2 Cyborgs
Cyborgs and includes a new Slider pitch as well as
during this mini-game. (Do not count the Cyborg
an improved Pick Off.
being played)

BIG FLY! EXPANSION Pinch Runner: Upgrade all current Base Runners
15 Cards BF-196 to BF-210 to Fast: Replace all blue and white pawns on your
bases with red pawns.
This expansion adds new Immediate Actions
based on batting, including a few new pitches. Quick Eye: 2 Walks: If your opponent’s top card
is a Cyborg, you get a Walk followed by another
Hit & Run: When resolving the Threatened Hits of Walk. No effect if your opponent’s last card is not
this card, all of your Base Runners advance one a Cyborg.
extra base from each Hit on this card, ignoring the
normal bonus from Runner speed. For example: Sinkerball: If your opponent has a Base Runner
When resolving a Single, all Base Runners would on 2nd and/or 3rd, cancel all of your opponent’s
advance 2 spaces, irrespective of their speed. This Threatened Hits, removing all Batters from their
also applies to any new Base Runners created by Home Plate.
previous Hits on this card.

ERRORS! EXPANSION Error: Opponent’s Gloves (of any kind) will only
work if the opponent makes a successful Check
15 Cards ER-181 to ER-195
against the Free Agent Deck for the Type of player
This expansion includes new Immediate Actions (Natural, Robot, Cyborg) noted. If the Check card
based on game errors, including two that can revealed does not match the Type, the Glove
remove a player from the game. Immediate Action has no effect.

Bean Ball: Make a Check from the Free Quick Eye: Cyborg out of game & replace with
Agent deck by trying to match the type of your Minor Leaguer: If your opponent’s topmost card
opponent’s top card in their In Play stack with In Play is a Cyborg, and if you make a successful
the revealed card. If successful, your opponent’s Check for a Robot, your opponent’s Cyborg
card and any Threatened Hits are removed and card and any Threatened Hits are removed and
the opponent’s card is returned to the box. Your the card is returned to the box. Your opponent
opponent immediately replaces that card with then replaces the discarded card with a card of
a card of their choice from their Minor League their choice from their Minor League player(s).
player(s). The replacement card is put on top of The replacement Player is put on top of your
your opponent’s In Play stack but no Immediate opponent’s In Play stack but no Immediate Action
Action or Threatened Hits on the card take place. or Threatened Hits on the card take place. The
The replacement card counts for revenue during replacement card counts for revenue during the
the Buy Round. In the rare case your opponent Buy Round. In the rare case your opponent has no
has no Minor League players available, Bean Ball Minor League players available, Quick Eye has no
has no effect as the condition for replacing their effect as the condition for replacing their card with
card with a Minor League player cannot be met. a Minor League player cannot be met.

Contact: If your opponent uses any Glove Action Quick Eye: Wild Pitch: If your opponent’s
on any of your Threatened Hits from this card, topmost card In Play is a Cyborg, all of your
those Hits become a Single instead of being Base Runners (in normal order) advance 1 base,
cancelled. irrespective of their speed.

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HOME COOKIN’ EXPANSION Rally Relief: If you are currently behind in the
number of runs scored, reveal cards from the
15 Cards HC-561 to HC-575
top of the Free Agent deck until you reveal a
This expansion adds new Immediate Actions for Cyborg. Remove the “Rally Relief” card from
the Home Team as well as for Extra Innings. the game and replace it with the revealed
Cyborg. Resolve the Cyborg’s Immediate Action
Hero: [HIT]: If the mini-game is in Extra Innings, and Threatened Hits as normal. Return the
Immediately execute the listed Hit. remaining turned up cards from the Free Agent
Deck back to the bottom of the deck.
Hero: Single, and Single: Immediately execute
a Single, and then, if the mini-game is in Extra Robot AI: [HIT]: If the topmost card in your
Innings, execute another Single. opponent’s In Play stack has any Glove
Home Cookin’: [HIT]: If you are the Home Immediate Action, execute the Hit listed.
Team, immediately execute the Hit. Sacrifice Bunt: Advance your leading Base
Home Cookin’: Screwball: If you have Runner 1 base (the one on the highest
previously put 2 Cyborgs In Play, cancel all numbered base).
Threatened Hits vs. any player.
Screwball: If in Extra Innings, cancel all Hits vs.
Home Cookin’: Sinkerball: If you are the Home any player type (Natural/Robot/Cyborg).
Team and your opponent has a Base Runner
on 2nd and/or 3rd base, cancel all Hits vs. any
player type (Natural/Robot/Cyborg).


If both effects can meet the conditions for play,
15 Cards DT-576 to DT-590
you may decide the order in which to execute
the Immediate Actions. Each Immediate Action
This expansion does not provide any new
stands on its own and only depends on its own
Immediate Actions. However, it does introduce
conditions for effect.
cards with two Immediate Actions. These cards
are more flexible, but generally have stricter One card however (Brian Altuve - DT-587), does
conditions for them to take effect. Some cards depend on what happens with the first listed
will not be able to be played for both effects. Immediate Effect.
The card says “Glove: Cancel 1 Hit AND If 1st
Example: Leadoff: Double (if this is your first
Glove cancels a Home Run, cancel another Hit.”
card played) AND Hero: Triple (if in Extra
The second Immediate Action will only happen if
Innings). “First card played” and “Extra Innings”
the first Immediate Action cancels a Home Run.
are mutually exclusive conditions.

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COACH EXPANSION Double Steal: This Immediate Action is taken
Card numbers CO-121 to CO-136 before you play a card. Advance any one of your
Base Runners 2 bases (even a Slow Runner).
This expansion provides 15 new unique players: Remove from the game after using this action.
Coaches. Each Coach brings in special abilities Triple Play: This Immediate Action is taken
for one mini-game. Some Coaches will give before you play a card. Remove up to 3 Base
you some super turns where you will have 2 Runners from your opponent’s Stadium Mat.
Immediate Actions in a row; one from the Coach Even Fast Base Runners can be removed.
card and then one from the card you play. Remove from the game after using this action.
Beginner and Standard 2-Player Game Mode: Bullpen: This Immediate Action is taken
Before the first game of the World Series begins before you play a card. Cancel all hits in your
but after you have seen the Buy Row, shuffle opponent’s Hit Boxes (vs. either a Natural or a
the 15 coaches and deal 4 to each player. Each Robot depending on the Coach). If you cancel
player looks at the 4 dealt to them, keeps one all Hits this way, the Immediate Action on the
and passes the others to their opponent. This card you play next will not affect the opponent’s
continues until each player has 4 Coaches. Hit Boxes as they are already cancelled.
Remove from the game after using this action.
Expert 2-Player Mode:
As above, except that Coaches may not be Scout: This Immediate Action happens right
played for the first two mini-games. before you perform your Buy Round. Turn over
the top three cards from the Free Agent Deck
4-Player Tournament Mode: and put them next to the Buy Row. This gives
Deal 3 Coaches to each player instead. Each you more choice of players to buy. After your
player keeps one and then passes the remaining Buy Round, shuffle any of these three cards
2 to the player to their left. Repeat until all you did not buy back into the Free Agent Deck.
players have 3 Coaches. You may start using Remove from the game after using this action.
Coaches at any time.
Fan Favorite: This Immediate Action happens
General rules: right before you perform your Buy Round. Add
Before the first card is played in a World Series 5 to your total revenue for buying players this
game, the Home Team player must announce if round. Remove this Coach from the game after
they are using a Coach. If they are, they place using this action.
the Coach face up next to their mat. The Visiting
Team now decides if they want to use a Coach Base Running: One Type of player (depending
and if they choose to, places it next to their mat. on the Coach) will have it’s Speed attribute
changed to Fast for the entire mini-game.
A Coach is discarded before the next mini‑game Whenever this Type of player gets a Hit for you,
begins, so the Coach ability must be used or lost. place a Fast Batter on Home Plate, ignoring
their normal speed.
Details on the Coach Abilities:
The timing of each Coach ability depends on the Steal Signs: This Immediate Action is taken
type of ability itself and is described below: before you play one of your cards in a mini-game.
Look at your opponent’s hand. Remove this
Brawl: This Immediate Action is taken before Coach from the game after using this action.
you play a card. Take the player on top of your
Bench: All of your players gain the PH ability
opponent’s In Play stack and remove it from the
for the entire mini-game. This means you can
game (put it back in the box). Also, remove any
discard any of them during the game to bring
Batters from Threatened Hits that were on that
in a Pinch Hitter. Remove this Coach from the
card. Then, put the top card of the Free Agent
game after using this action.
deck face up on your opponent’s In Play stack.
That player is now part of your opponent’s team. Batting: All your players of the Type listed
Ignore the Immediate Action on this new card (Natural or Cyborg depending on the Coach)
but your opponent does place Batters for any gain a Single in their Hit Box for the entire
Threatened Hits on the card. Now play the rest mini‑game.
of your turn normally. Remove this Coach from Defense: All your Robots gain the Glove ability
the game after using this action. for the entire mini-game.

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Card numbers BP-551 to BP-560
The Ballparks Expansion adds 10 cards that
provide a new game mechanic, Home Ballpark.

When playing with Ballparks, each player is

dealt two random ballpark cards and selects
one for their home ballpark. The other card is
discarded face down. Whenever a player has
the Home Field, the effect of their home ballpark
applies. Ballpark effects apply to both players.
Lucky Fields
Hayes Park Sold Out Park: The winning team gains +2
Small Park: When placing Threatened Hits, all Revenue for their Buy Round.
Double Threatened Hits become Home Runs if
the FA Deck Check Type matches the Batter. The Brick House
Low Pitcher’s Mound: When playing a Cyborg,
Ridback Meadows it cannot affect ANY Threatened Hits if the FA
Large Park: When placing Threatened Hits, all Deck Check Type is a Cyborg.
Home Run Threatened Hits become Double if
the FA Deck Check Type matches the Batter. Poelzing Grounds
Windy Park: When placing Threatened Hits, all
Selinker Stadium Threatened Double Hits become Threatened
Robot Chargers Fail: When placing Threatened Triple Hits and all Threatened Triple Hits
Hits, reduce ALL Threatened Hits for Robot become Threatened Home Run Hits if the FA
players by 1 if the FA Deck Check is a Robot. Deck Check matches the Batter.

Leo Greens Example of Ballpark effect:

Super Astro Turf: When playing any type of The current game is at Ralph’s Home Field,
Glove, all Single Threatened Hits are immune to Ridback Meadows. Mike plays Barry Sosa who
Glove effect if the FA Deck Check Type matches threatens Home Run, Home Run. When these
the Batter. Threatened Hits are placed, a check is made
against the FA Deck to determine whether the
Lehmann Park ballpark effect happens.
High Pitcher’s Mound: When playing a Cyborg, Ralph draws a Natural, which matches the Barry
it cancels ALL Threatened Hits vs. any Player if Sosa player Type. Both Home Runs are reduced
the FA Deck Check Type is a Cyborg. to Doubles! If Ralph had drawn a Robot or a
Cyborg, then the Threatened Home Runs would
Seegert Gardens both stand.
Real Grass: When playing any type of Glove, Note that this effect applies to both players when
improve the Glove to Magna Glove (cancels 2 placing Threatened Hits.
Hits) if the FA Deck Check Type is a Natural.

Fitz Field
High Grass: When placing Threatened Hits, all
Single Threatened Hits are cancelled if the FA
Deck Check Type matches the Batter.

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ALL-STAR EXPANSION Magna Glove Plus: Cancel 2 Hits & Pick
Card numbers AS-591 to AS-605 off all base runners.
Bunt: All Gloved or Cancelled Hits Magna Glove Plus: Cancel 2 Hits and
become Bunt: Batter and all base Runners whenever you play a Natural: Glove (for
advance only 1 Base for each Bunt. rest of game).
All Gloved/Cancelled Hits are now considered Magna Glove Plus: Cancel 2 Hits and add
a Bunt. For each Hit turned into a Bunt, base one of the gloved Hits to the end of your
runners may only advance 1 base. Fast base Hit Box.
runners won’t advance an extra base and
Magna Glove is the same as any other Magna
Average base runners won’t score from second
Gloves. However, the Plus adds a separate
base. Any Hits not Gloved or Cancelled are
carried out as usual.
Pick off all base runners: Base runner speeds
Golden Glove: Cancel 3 Hits. don’t matter. Pick off all base runners and
Similar to Magna Glove and subject to all effects Magna Glove both work for the Visitor Save.
that target Glove. Fence Crusher is crushed! Whenever you play a Natural: Glove. This only
Hit for Cycle: Single, Double, Triple, & applies to the mini game in which this card is
Home run (if make Robot Check). played: Whenever you place a Natural IN PLAY,
it gains the Glove Immediate Action. Only the
If you make a successful Robot Check, place Magna Glove applies for the Visitor Save.
these as your threatened hits that will be
executed in the order shown. Add one of the gloved Hits to the end of your Hit
box. If you cancel any hits, you can choose 1 of
Leaping Catch: Cancel 2 Home runs. them to add to the end of your threatened hits. It is
Leaping catch only cancels Home Runs. Fence now just like any other threatened hit for effects.
Crusher is dismayed! Opponent’s Choice for you: Home Run
Magna Glove: Cancel 2 Hits. OR +6 Revenue for the Buy Round.
OR Leadoff: if this is your first card Your opponent must choose to either give you
played: Home Run. an Immediate Home Run or +6 Revenue for the
When playing this card, you can only choose 1 Buy Round at the end of this mini game.
of these Immediate Actions.
Pick off all base runners and Cancel all
Hits (if Check matches Batter’s type).
Base runner speed does not matter. Both
conditions are only met if a successful Check is
made against the Batter’s Type (Natural/Cyborg/
Steal Sign: Double (unless Opponent’s
next card play is (Cyborg/Robot/Natural)).
When you play this card, add an additional batter
to the end of the line for your threatened hits.
If your opponent’s next card placed IN PLAY
corresponds to the required card type (Natural/
Cyborg/Robot), remove this threatened hit.
Otherwise, this Hit follows normal rules for
threatened list and is done last.

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This player can’t be sent to Minor For the Buy Round: +4 Revenue (once
Leagues per series).
This player has a rock solid contract!
The effect for this Coach only applies to a
Whenever you play a Cyborg: Double (for single mini-game during the series. When
rest of game). played this provides +4 Revenue for the Buy
Round at the end of the current mini-game.
Whenever you play a Robot: Single (for
rest of game) For the Buy Round: You may discard &
replace up to 3 available Free Agents
The indicated Hits (Double/Single) are placed
(once per series).
last after Hits from your Hit box and other
effects have been placed.) During your turn in the Buy round, discard up
to 3 cards from the Buy Row and then replace
Rest of game refers to the current mini game.
them from the top of the Free Agent Deck. Then
You may Copy 1 Immediate Action from make your Buy.
your last card played in your In Play Box. This Coach ability can only be used once for a
This only applies to 1 Immediate Action from single mini game during the entire series.
your last card played to your IN PLAY box. Go Wiffle (AKA Wiffle’s Revenge): If
If there are multiple choices, you may only
Knuckleball is played against Wiffle,
choose 1.
Robot Check to nullify the Knuckleball
and +1 Revenue. Go Wiffle!
This allows Wiffle to make a Robot check
against a Cyborg with Knuckleball. If successful,
the Knuckleball is nullified and Wiffle places 3
Single threatened hits AND gains +1 Revenue in
the Buy Round.
High Heat: Cancel all Hits if Batter Check;
Otherwise Walk
This cancels all Hits if you make a successful
Check vs. the Batter’s Type (Natural, Robot,
PROMO CARDS or Cyborg). If failed, all Hits are converted into
Card numbers PR-511 to PR-520, and PR-606 Walks instead.
to PR-614.
Leaping Catch: Cancel 2 Home Runs
Cyborgs can’t cancel Home Runs on this AND Clutch: Home Run if any base
card. runner (and only if behind).
Cyborgs can still cancel any other threatened Leaping catch only cancels Home Runs. Fence
Hits (such as Hits provided by other Crusher is dismayed!
Immediate Actions).
The Clutch only happens if you meet both
Draw top 3 Lineup cards, reorder, and conditions: at least 1 base runner (on any base)
replace on top. You may now PH this AND you are behind in score.
card as normal.
Draw the top 3 cards from your Lineup (draw
deck) and reorder them however you like before
placing them back on top of your Lineup. After
this, you may also choose to immediately Pinch
Hit this card as normal (discarding it to the
Dugout). You may now draw either the top card
of your Lineup or your On Deck card and place
it In Play — performing the Immediate Action(s)
and placing threatened Hits as usual.

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Magna Glove Plus: Cancel 2 Hits and add Sweep: If ahead or behind, Cancel all Hits.
both to the end of your Hit Box. Sweep Plus: If ahead or behind, Cancel
Magna Glove is the same as any other Magna all Hits and add one of them to the end of
Gloves. However, the Plus adds a separate your Hit Box.
effect. Add both Hits to the end of your Hit box.
If you cancel 1 or 2 Hits, add them to the end of Cancel all Hits unless the score is tied (you must
your threatened hits. These are now just like any be ahead or behind). Batter Type doesn’t matter.
other threatened hit for effects. The added Hit from Sweep Plus allows you
to add the best cancelled Hit as your own
Opponent’s Choice for you: Cancel all
threatened Hit (as if it were the last Hit in your
threatened Hits OR Refresh up to 2 cards Hit Box). This also only happens if you are not
from hand. tied (you must be ahead or behind).
This Immediate Action can’t be used for the
Visitor’s Save. Triple Crown: Home Run with Natural
Your opponent chooses which of the 2
Immediate Actions are used. King Yaz makes a Natural Check by drawing
against the top card from the Free Agent Deck.
Cancel all threatened Hits OR Refresh up to
If successful, he immediately hits a Home Run.
2 cards from your hand means your opponent
immediately removes all of their threatened hits
OR you may discard up to 2 cards from your Special thanks to Ryan Sliger who provided
hand to your Dugout (discards) and then draw several concepts for new cards used in the
the same number of cards to your hand from All Stars expansion and some of the new
your Lineup (draw deck). Promos.
Opponent’s Choice for you: Pick off all
base runners OR Immediately: Walk,
Walk, Walk.
This Immediate Action can’t be used for the
Visitor’s Save.
Your opponent chooses which of the 2
Immediate Actions are used.
Pick off all base runners Or Immediately Walk,
Walk, Walk. Your opponent chooses either to
immediately remove all of their own base runners
OR you immediately gain 3 intentional Walks.
Steal Signs: Double (unless Opponent’s
next card play is (Cyborg/Robot/Natural)).
The indicated Hit (Double) is placed last after
Hits from your Hit box and other effects have
been placed. If your opponent plays the required
card (Cyborg/Robot/Natural), immediately
remove this threatened hit before you resolve
your threatened hits. Otherwise, this Hit is
treated as a normal threatened hit (Subject to
Glove, Cancel, and any other effects that affect
threatened hits).

BH2045-BasesLoaded-Reference-v5.indd 11 3/19/24 2:36 PM

‹ The active player plays a card from their hand to their IN PLAY Box.
‹ The active player resolves their Immediate Action Box, if applicable.
‹ The opponent’s threatened hits are resolved, if applicable.
‹ The active player places Batters to represent their threatened hits based on the Hit
Boxes on their card.
‹ Then this cycle is repeated by the opponent. This continues back and forth until
each player has played 6 cards.
Note: Additional threatened hits may be added by card effects. Additional threatened hits are placed at
the end of the row.
IMPORTANT: After the player who played second has played their final card, the player who played first
may still attempt a Visitor’s Save by using either their ON DECK card or the top Card of their LINEUP.
They may only apply any Defensive Actions from this card, which is discarded to the Dugout afterwards.
This ensures all threatened hits have the opportunity to be countered by a defensive play.


‹ When resolving threatened hits, Batters become Base Runners and always move
based only on the Hit.
‹ Only 1 Base Runner can occupy a base (1st, 2nd, and 3rd).
‹ Base Runners cannot pass one another.
‹ Base Runners may not be able to advance their full number of bases because of a
slower runner in front of them.

‹ Hits allow the Batter and Base Runners to move around the bases in counter
clockwise order based on the Hit as well as their speed, if possible/
‹ For all Base Runners:
‘ Single Hit: Advance 1 base
‘ Double Hit: Advance 2 bases
‘ Triple Hit: Advance 3 bases
‘ Home Run Hit: Advance all the way to Home.
‹ Base Runners that reach Home score 1 Run.
‹ Base Runners Speed (only if already on base)
‘ Slow Base Runners (White): Slow Base Runners only advance the number of
bases equal to the Hit as described above. (For example: Advance 1 base for
a Single, 2 bases for a Double, 3 bases for a Triple, and all the way Home on a
Home Run.)
‘ Average Base Runners (Blue): Average Base Runners advance the number of
bases equal to the hit the same as Slow runners with one exception: An Average
Base Runner on 2nd base will advance from 2nd base to Home on a Single
(thereby scoring a run).
‘ Fast Base Runners (Red): Fast Base Runners always advance the number of
bases equal to the Hit +1. (For example: They advance 2 bases on a single, and
all the way home on a double, triple, or home run).

BH2045-BasesLoaded-Reference-v5.indd 12 3/19/24 2:36 PM

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