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TODAY’S HAPPENINGS Issue - V 14th August 2023

Hosted by: Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar, India

Bhubaneswar, August 13: The World KISS, the Union Minister said, “Dr. Achyuta that the 2023 Class X topper was also from congress ever. It dealt with all the aspects of
Anthropology Congress (WAC) concluded Samanta is the best human being in the Jharkhand. the subject and KISS is the best place for it to
today at KISS Deemed to be University. world and he is a genuinely sensitive happen. The Tribal Advisory Council,
Joining as the Chief Guest in the valedictory individual. He personi ies how, with P r o f . D e e p a k Ku m a r B e h e r a , V i c e - Professor of Practice like initiatives has
session, Shri Arjun Munda, Hon’ble Union determination, dedication, vision and Chancellor, KISS-DU and President, United made KISS unique.’’
Minister of Tribal Affairs, delivered a sel less hard work, success could be India Anthropology Forum (UIAF) said, Professor Charlotte Ann Roberts, a Fellow of
brilliant and insightful speech on the achieved. Every one of us should learn this “KISS University organised the WAC 2023 in the British Academy, Department of
signi icant role of Emperor Ashoka in from him.’’ c o l l a b o ra t i o n w i t h t h e U I A F, D e l h i Archaeology Durham University, UK praised
spreading world peace. He discussed University, Utkal University and Sambalpur the astounding success of the Congress.
Ashoka’s transformation in the historic land On learning Anthropology, he said, “We have University. In the grand ive-day event there
o f K a l i n ga , a s we l l a s t h e i n t r i c a te to interact with the indigenous people as were 350 sessions, 20 round-table meetings, Prof. Amareswar Galla of the UNESCO Chair
relationship between the cult of Jagannath they understand nature from the very irst 20 workshops and 120 panel discussions. on Inclusive Museums and Sustainable
and tribal culture. day. Without the Mother Nature our survival More than 1,100 anthropologists from 51 Heritage Development, Anant National
is also at stake.’’ nations around the world joined and University, Ahmedabad and Emeritus
He said, the indigenous people should presented 1,200 research papers. There Faculty, Australian National University
engage in self-re lection, researching on In his address, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, were 8 pre-congresses before the WAC and believed that the Congress would mark a
their own communities and it would be only Founder, KIIT & KISS said, “For World there will be 10 post-WAC sessions, he turning point in tribal empowerment,
possible through quality education. “If we Anthropology Congress, KISS is the ideal informed. enabling them to lead digni ied lives. He
could empower them with proper education, venue and best place for research on recommended KISS to consider launching an
they would be able to solve their issues on A n t h r o p o l o g y ’ ’. H e r e c o u n t e d a n Prof. Anand Singh, Professor of international programme on applied
their own,’’ he observed. international conference he attended in Anthropology at the University of KwaZulu- museum anthropology, producing quali ied
On establishing a world-class museum for Europe, where a renowned Japanese Natal, South Africa, applauded Dr. Samanta's professionals to manage tribal museums.
the indigenous people at KISS University, the anthropologist hailed KISS as the "largest leadership in providing free education to
Minister said, “The Tribal Affairs Ministry is anthropological laboratory of the world." tribal students. The Congress concluded with a vote of
ready for this collaborative project, but it thanks proposed by Prof. S. Gregory,
could only be initiated following a formal Dr. Samanta also drew attention to the fact Prof. P. C. Joshi, WAC Chairman and former Secretary General of UIAF.
proposal from the Odisha Government.’’ that KISS was home to 2,000 students from Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University said
Jharkhand, the home state of Union Minister “This world congress was perhaps the most
Praising the efforts of the Founder of KIIT- Shri Arjun Munda. He proudly mentioned accessible and affordable anthropology
Issue - V 14th August 2023

Hosted by: Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar, India

Issue - V 14th August 2023

Hosted by: Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar, India

Issue - V 14th August 2023

K a l i n ga I n s t i t u te o f I n d u s t r i a l Within ifteen years of existence, KIMS the people because of the care and Food was a struggle and healthcare
Technology (KIIT) had a humble has built a stellar reputation with an compassion of the doctors. The was a daydream when Dr Samanta was
beginning in a rented house. After the i n f ra s t r u c t u re o f i n te r n a t i o n a l hospital doctors, staff and students growing up. He understands how
consolidation of KIIT, Dr Achyuta standards. Renowned physicians and continue to serve the society in an important it is to provide quality
Samanta aspired to set up a medical, doctors from the country and abroad ef icient and caring manner. healthcare to poor people who lose
dental and nursing college named have joined to serve at KIMS. KIMS has their fortune to get themselves or their
Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences earned recognition for research, Other key features of KIMS include - family members cured. He remembers
(KIMS) to extend healthcare support innovative approach in treating an incident when he was probably nine
to the people of Odisha and ailments and being at the forefront of Ÿ KIMS is an empanelled hospital for or ten years old and his left eye was
neighbouring states. Setting up a introducing healthcare-led solutions Biju Swasthiya Kalyan Yojana, injured in an accident. His mother had
medical, dental and nursing college is a for the welfare of society. It is among ECHS, and CGHS among others. inadvertently hit his eye with a stick.
big challenge in itself and a huge the few hospitals that has consistently Ÿ The NABL-accredited central She was upset and was running after
contribution to society. But Dr Achyuta made headlines for pathbreaking laboratory offers the fastest test him in the house as he ate his elder
Samanta was committed to serving the research and breakthrough surgeries. results brother’s food. His eye was saved by
people with quality healthcare Ÿ The blood bank has state-of-the-art the doctors; otherwise, today he would
facilities and nurturing medical The beauty of KIMS is its 2600 multi- facilities catering to the have only one eye. This incident made
students by providing them with a speciality hospital including a 300-bed requirements of one and all. him realise that providing health
proper education at KIMS. KIMS, Super Speciality Hospital, 300-bed Ÿ KIMS offers special packages for services at the right time and in the
which was established in 2007 as a Cancer Care Centre and 1600-bed routine health check-up for all right place is paramount. KIMS has
small medical college & an attached General Hospital for the economically s e g m e n t s o f s o c i e t y, 2 4 x 7 been conducting healthcare camps in
hospital, has grown in scope and scale disadvantaged sections, who get the ambulance services to nearby and rural areas across Odisha - all free of
and has become a large medical best of healthcare services on a neighbouring cities, medicine cost for poor people. KIMS has 10
college with 250 Undergraduate and corporate-styled air-conditioned counters that remain open satellite centres functioning in
150 Post Graduate seats with around c a m p u s a n d a p a t i e n t - f r i e n d ly throughout the day. different districts of Odisha. It has
3000 Medical, Dental and Nursing hospital. KIMS has not only emerged as Ÿ KIMS undertakes a campaign of planned to add ten more 200-bedded
students besides a state-of-the-art one of the premier hospitals in Odisha doing routine health checkups in all hospitals in the coming years.
attached hospital. and Eastern India, but it has also remote districts of Odisha
struck an emotional connection with

Hosted by: Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar, India

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