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Magnitude of stress= Force applied/ area of cross-section of the body

= F/A

Longitudinal Strain=

Shearing Strain =

Volume Strain=

Hooke’s Law=
Modulus of Elasticity= Stress/Strain

Young’s Modulus=

Shear Modulus/Modulus of Rigidity=

Shearing Stress=
Bulk Modulus=

Compressibility (k)=

Lateral Strain=

Poisson’s Ratio=

Elastic Potential Energy=


Elasticity- The property of a body, by virtue of which it tends to regain its

original size and shape when the applied force is removed, is known as
Plasticity- The tendency of substances to not regain their previous shape and
get permanently deformed is known as plasticity.
Stress- The restoring force per unit area is known as stress.
Tensile Stress- If a cylinder is stretched by two equal forces applied normal
to its cross-sectional area,the restoring force per unit area in this case is called
tensile stress.
Compressive Stress- If the cylinder is compressed under the action of
applied forces, the restoring force per unit area is known as compressive stress.
Longitudinal Strain- The change in the length ∆L to the original length L of
the body (cylinder in this case) is known as longitudinal strain.
Tangential or shearing stress- The restoring force per unit area developed
due to the applied tangential force is known as tangential or shearing stress.
Shearing Strain- It is defined as the ratio of relative displacement of the
faces ∆x to the length of thecylinder L.
Hydraulic Stress- The internal restoring force per unit area in this case is
known as hydraulic stress.
Volume Strain- It is defined as the ratio of change in volume (∆V) to the
original volume (V ).
Shear Modulus- The ratio of shearing stress to the corresponding shearing strain
is called the shear modulus of the material and is represented by G. It is also known
as modulus of rigidity.
Bulk Modulus- The ratio of hydraulic stress to the corresponding hydraulic strain is
called bulk modulus. It is denoted by symbol B.
Compressibility- The reciprocal of the bulk modulus is called compressibility and is
denoted by k. It is defined as the fractional change in volume per unit increase in
Lateral Strain- The strain perpendicular to the applied force iscalled lateral strain.
Poisson’s Ratio- The ratio of the lateral strain to the longitudinal strain in a
stretched wire is called Poisson’s ratio.

Stress- Strain Curve- The point B in the curve is known as yield point (also
known as elastic limit) and the corresponding stress is known as yield
strength ( ) of the material. The point D on the graph is the
ultimate tensile strength (σu ) of the material.

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