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(USA Track & Field)


Jesus Dapena and Travis K. Ficklin

Biomechanics Laboratory, Dept. of Kinesiology, Indiana University

If one of your high jumpers was studied in our project, we hope you will find the information in this report
helpful for the coaching of your athlete.

Although the hi gh jump has been one of the most intensely studied events in track and field, knowledge of it is
st ill imperfect, and there is room for doubts and disagreements. We have tried to give you what we believe are the
best poss ible recommendations, based on the biomechanical information that is presently available, but we do not
pretend to have all the answers. We hope you do not feel that we are trying to force our ideas on you, because that is
definitely not our intent. Use what you like, and ignore what you don't like. If you find any part of this report useful
in any way, we will feel that it has served its purpose.

Here is how we suggest that you use the report:

• Read the main text of th e report (" Discuss ion of high jumping technique, and general analysis of results"). Try to
follow the logic that we used to arrive at our conclusions.

• If yo u feel comfortable with our logic, and it fits with your own ideas, try to implement our recomm endation s as
described in "Specific recommendation s for individual athletes". Throughout the report, keep in mind that "c.m."
stands for "center of mass", a point that represents the average position of the whole body. This point is also called
somet im es the "center of gravity".

• If yo u do not agree with our logic, we still hope that you will find our data useful for reaching your own
conc lusion s.

segments that make up the body of an individua l athlete are not known exactly, and neither are the moments of
inertia nor other important mechanical characteristics of the segments of the human body. Therefore, researchers
have to work with estimates of those values, and different researchers work with different estimates. The methods
used for the ca lculation of mechanica l information (for instance: three-dimensional coordinates of body landm arks,
center of mass position, angular momentum) also vary from one researcher to another. Because of this, it is often
not advisable to compare the data from reports produced by different laboratories.

Even within our own laboratory, some definitions have changed from one report to another. Also, some of the
data are calculated with progressive ly improved methods which give more accurate values . Therefore, the data in
this report may not be strictly comparable with data presented in previous reports. However, all values given in the
present report were computed usi ng the same method , because any data for jumps from prev ious years were re-
ca lcul ated. Therefore, all the data presented in this report, including data for jumps made in previous years, are
compatible with each other.

Jesus Dapena Department of Kinesiology

HPER 11 2
Bloomington , November 13, 2007 Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

telephon e: (8 12) 855-8407

email : dapena@indi


I NTRODUCTION ............... ................... .................. ....... ... ... ........... ... ........... ............ .... ... ... ......... .. ............. .. .............. ... .. I

GENERAL METH O DOLOGY ..... ... ..... ....................................................................... ........... .. ..... ...... .... ..... ...... ... ... ... .. 1
Vid eotaping and se lection of tri als ..... ...... .... ...... ................ .............................................. ................ ...... .... ..... ... ... ... ... !
Vid eo analys is ........... .. ......... ... ..... .... ........ .... ............ .... .......................................... ....... .................... ..... .... ...... ... .. ........ I
Seq uences ........ ......... .. ... ....... .. ...... .... ............ ...... ...... ................................................ ......................... .. ..... .. ........ ........... I
Subject characteri sti cs and meet res u Its ..... .... ...... ...... ..... ........................................................................ ........ ... ......... I


OF R ESULTS .... ........................................... ... ..... ............................. .. ......... ........... ....... ............................. !
General character istics of th e run-up ....... ..... .. .. .................................. ...... .. ......... ... .. .... .. .... .... ....... .......... ........ ... ..... .. . 2
Approach angles .... .... ........ ......... ... ............................ ...... .. ................................. ...... .. ... .... ... ....... ... ... .. ....... ...... ... ...... .. 2
Progress ion of th e run-up ......... .. .. ... ............. ................................ .... .. ....... ................ .. ...... ....... ............. ... ....... ........ .. 2
Horizo ntal ve loc ity and height of th e c. m. at th e end ofthe run-up ....................... ....................... .... ... .... .... ........... .. 3
Vertica l ve locity of the c. m. at th e start of th e takeoff phase ......................... ... ..... .......................... ...................... !!
Ori entation of the takeoff foot, and potenti al for ankle injuri es ............................................ .......... .... .... .. ....... .. ..... 12
Trunk lean ....... ....... ... .... ....... ... .................................................................... .. ...... ... ..................................................... 12
Arm and lead leg actions ..... .. ....... .... ................... ....... ..... ........................................... ... .................... ... .... .................. 15
Takeoff tim e ............... ................... .............................. .......................................... ........ ................... ... ..... .... ......... ..... 17
Change in hori zo nta l ve loc ity durin g the takeoff ph ase .................................. ... ........ .. ............ ..... ........... ....... ... ..... 17
Height and verti ca l ve loc ity of th e c. m. at th e end of th e takeoff ph ase ........... ... .......... ............... ................ .. ........ 17
Height of th e bar, peak height of th e c.m ., and clearan ce height .......................... ......... ............................. .. ....... .. 19
Takeoff distance ..... ...... ......... .. ........... ... ............... .. .... ............... .............. ... ................. ............................................ ... 20
Angular momentum .. ........ .. ... ........... .... .............. ....... ............ .......... ... ..... ................... .................................... ......... .. 20
Adj ustments in th e air ... ......... .. ......... .... ............ ........ ............ .......... .. .... ....... ......... ... .... ...................................... .... ... 28
The twist rotat ion; prob lems in its execution ....... ........ ...... ......... ............. ... .......... .. ...... .................................. ......... 3 1
Co ntrol of airborne movements; computer simulat ion ...... .... .................. .. ........... .. .. ......................... .. .... .... .. ... ..... 33

SPEC I FI C RECO MM EN D ATI ONS FOR I N DI V ID UA L AT HL ETES ............ .. .. ........ ... ............................... .... 35
Dillin g .............. ....... ... .. ..... ....... .... .... .... ... ... .... .. .. .. ................ ........................ .... .......... .. .. ............................ ..... ............ 35
Harri s .............. ....................... .................. ............. ... ............ ...... ... ........ .... ...................... ........ ........................ ..... ........ 44
Hutch in son ........................................... ............ .. .. ....................... .......... .......... ............ ......... .... ...... ..... ........... .. ........... 52
Littleton ............... .............. ....... ... ............. ....... ................... .. ......... ......... ... ... .............................. .............. ......... ...... .. 6 1
Moffatt ........ ....... .................. ........ .... .................................... .............. ................ .. ...... ......... ........... .... ... .... .... ...... ... ...... 70
Nieto ..................... .. .......... .. ... .............................................. ........................ ....... .. ......... ..... .......... ............ ...... ..... .. ...... 79
Se ll ers ....... ...................... ..... ............................................ .... .... ................ ......... ................ ................. .. ...... ........ .. .... .. 88
Shunk .......... ...... ..... ...... ............. .... .... ................................ ..... .. ........ .... ........ ................... ...... .......... .. .. ........ .... .... ........ . 98
Willi ams ... ............. ... .. ......... ....... ....... .............. .............. ............ .............. ......... .. .............. ........... ... ....... ..... ........ ..... 107

REFER ENCES ............................... ... ................................................................... ... ........ ..................................... .. ...... 120

ACKNOWLED GEMEN T S ... ........ .... ... ..... ........................ ... ....... ........... ................ .. .................................... ..... ... ..... . 12 1


STEPS O F T H E R UN-U P ............................. .................. .......... ........................... ..... .. ...................... ...... .. 122


T H E LAST ST EPS O F T H E R UN-U P ....................................... .. ............ ... ........ ... ....................... ..... ... .. 127


A PP EN DI X 4: DRAW I NG TH E PAT H O F A HIG H JUMP RUN-U P ... ..... ... ... ...... ...... ....................... ...... .... 13 1
I NTRODUCTI ON run-up, step lengths, and o ther in fo rm ation.

Th is report contains a biomechanical ana lys is of Seq uences

the techniques used by som e of the top athl etes in the Computer g raphi cs we re used to produce severa l
final of the men's hig h jump event at th e 20 07 motion sequ ences for each jump . They are in serted
USATF C ham pionships. Data from anal yses mad e in in this report immediate ly after th e indiv idua l
previous yea rs are a lso show n for so me of these analysis of each athlete. There are three pages of
athl etes. sequ ences for each trial.
T he report eva lu ates the adva ntages and The first page is labe led " Run-up", and it shows
disadvantages of the techniques used by the anal yzed a double sequ ence of the end of the run-up and th e
athl etes , and suggests how to co rrect so me of the takeoff phase. The top of th e page shows a s id e
technique problems fo und . The rat ionale used for the v iew ; th e bo tto m of th e page shows a back view. The
tec hnique eva lu ations stems from a comprehens ive back view is w hat wou ld be seen by a hypotheti ca l
interpretation of the Fosbury-flop sty le of hig h observer following the athlete a long th e curved path
jumping that is based o n the research of Dyatchkov of th e run-up ; the s id e v iew is what wo uld be seen by
( 1968) and Ozolin ( 1973), o n basic research carri ed an observer standin g at th e center of th e run-up
out by the first autho r of this report (Dapena, 1980a, curve. The numbers at th e botton of the page indicate
1980b , 198 7a, 1995a, 1995b ; Dapena et at., 198 8, time, in second s. To facilitate th e co mpari so n of one
1990, 1997a), and o n the ex perien ce acc umu Ia ted jump with another, the value t = I 0.00 seco nd s was
throug h the analysis of American and o ther hig h arbitraril y ass ig ned in a ll tria ls to th e instant when the
jumpers at Indi ana University s ince 1982 ( Dapena, takeoff foot fir st made contact with th e gro und to
1987b, 1987c; Dapena eta! , 1982, 1983a, 1983b, start the takeoff ph ase .
1986a, 1986b , 1986c, 1991 , 1993a , 1993 b, 1993c, The next page of computer pl ots (labeled
1994a, 1994b, 1995a, 1995 b, 1997b , 1997c, 1998a, "Takeoff Ph ase") shows s id e and back v iews of a
1998b , 1999a, 1999b , 200 I a, 200 I b, 2002a, 2002b, deta iled sequ ence of the takeoff phase. (The
2003~2003 b ,2 004 a,2 004b ,2 006~2006b , 20 0 7) in sequence usua lly extend s so mewhat beyond the loss
the co urse of serv ice work spo nsored by the United of contact of th e takeoff foot with the gro und .)
States Olympic Committee, USA Track & Field The third page (labeled " Bar C learance") shows
and/or the Internationa l Olympic Co mmittee. a do uble sequ ence of the bar c learance. The top of
the page shows the view along the bar ; th e botto m of
GENERAL MET H ODOLOGY the page shows the view perpendi cul ar to th e plane of
the bar and the standard s.
Videotaping a nd se lectio n of tria ls
T he jumps were video taped s imultaneo us ly w ith S u bject characteristics a nd meet res ul ts
two high definition v id eo cam eras shooting at 50 Table I shows ge nera l in formation on th e
images per seco nd . It was no t poss ible to reco rd a ll ana lyzed athletes, and th e ir results in th e
the j ump s in the meet. However, it was possible to competitions. All the jumpers used th e Fosbury-tlop
find for a ll the athl etes presented in thi s report at least sty le.
o ne tria l that was representativ e of the best jumps of
the athlete during the competition. (The best jump of DI SCUSS I ON OF HIG H JUMP I NG
an athl ete is not necessarily a successful clearance.) TEC H N I QUE, AND GENERAL
A number was ass ig ned to each tria l. This ANA L YS I S OF R ESULTS
number simply indi cated th e order of appearance of
that jump in o ur videos, and it is used here for A hig h jump can be di v ided into three parts: the
identifi catio n purposes. run-up ph ase, the takeoff phase, and th e fli g ht or bar
clearance ph ase. The purpose of the run-up is to set
Video ana lys is the appropriate co nditio ns for the beginning of th e
The locatio ns of 2 1 body landm arks were takeo ff phase. During the takeoff phase, the athl ete
measured (" di g iti zed") in the images obtai ned by the exerts forces th at determine the maxi mum height that
two cameras. Co mputer programs were then used to the c. m . wi II reach afte r leav ing the g ro und and the
ca lcu late the three-dimens io na l (3 D) coordinates of ang ular mo mentum (a lso ca ll ed " rotary momentum")
the body landm arks fro m the final part of th e run-up that th e body will have durin g the bar c learance. The
through the takeoff phase and the bar clearance. onl y active movements that can be made after
Another program used th ese 3 D coordin ates to leav ing the g round are intern a l co mpensato ry
ca lcul ate the locatio n of th e center of mass (c.m .) movements (for ins tan ce, o ne part of the body can be
(a lso ca lled the center of g rav ity, e .g.), speed ofthe

Table I

Genera l info rm ati o n o n th e ana lyzed jumpers, and meet results.

Athl ete Standin g We ig ht Perso na l best Bes t he ig hts c leared at meets(**)

he ig ht mark (*)
(m) (Kg) ( m) (m)

Jim DILLING 1.95 86 2.3 0 2.27 (U07)

Tora HARRIS 1.91 84 2.33 2.24 (UO I); 2.24 (U02); 2.22 (U03);
2.27 (T04); 2.33 (U06) ; 2.2 1 (U07)
Euge ne HUTC HINSON 1.89 76 2.26 2.2 1 (U07)
Will LITTLETON 1.87 77 2.2 8 2. 18 (U07)
Kei th MOFFATT 1.99 80 2.30 2.27 (T04 ); 2.30 (U06) ; 2.24 (U07)
Jamie N IETO 1.94 84 2.34 2 .25 (U99); 2.2 1 (UO I); 2.24 (U02)
2.3 0 (U03); 2.33 (T04); 2. 19 (U06)
2 .24 (U07)
Scott SE LL ERS 1.88 75 2.33 2 . 19 (U06); 2 . 18 (U07)
Adam S H UNK 1.8 3 75 2.3 0 2 .24 (T04); 2.24 (U07)
Jesse WILLIAM S 1.84 73 2.33 2 .24 (T04); 2.24 (U07)

(*) by th e end of th e las t meet in which th e jumper was an a lyzed

(**) U99 = 1999 US ATF C h.; UO I = 200 I USATF Ch .; U02 = 2002 USATF C h.; U03 = 2003 USATF
C h.; T04 = 2004 U .S. O ly mpic Trials ; U06 = 2006 USATF Ch .; U0 7 = 200 7 USATF Ch .

li fted by loweri ng ano th er part; o ne part of th e body steps of the run-up , the takeoff ph ase and th e a irbo rn e
can be m ade to ro tate faster by makin g another part ph ase. Notice that the c. m . (e.g .) path is initia lly to
s low down its rotation) . th e left of th e footprints . This is because th e athlete
The run-up serves as a preparation for th e takeoff
ph ase, th e most important part of the jump . The is leaning toward th e left during th e curve. The c. m .
actions of th e athl ete durin g th e bar c learance are less path th en co nverges w ith th e footprints, and the c.m .
impo rtant: Most of the pro bl ems fo und in th e bar is pretty mu ch directly over th e takeoff foot at th e
clearance actu a ll y origi nate in th e run-up o r takeoff end of th e takeoff.
ph ases. Figure 2 a lso show s ang les t 1, p 2 , p 1 and p0 : t 1 is
th e ang le between th e bar and th e lin e joining the last
General characteristics of the run-up two footprints; p 2 and p 1 are the ang les betw een th e
T he typ ica l length of th e run-up fo r ex perienced bar and th e path of the c. m. in the ai rb orne ph ases of
hig h jumpers is abo ut I 0 steps. In th e Fosbury-flo p th e las t two steps; p 0 is the ang le between the bar and
techniqu e, th e first part of the run-up usua lly follows th e path of th e c. m . durin g the a irborn e phase that
a stra ight lin e perpendicular to th e plane of th e fo llows the takeoff. The angles are sma ller in
stand ard s, and th e las t four o r fi ve steps fo llow a athletes who move mo re para ll e l to th e bar. The
curve (Figure 1). On e ofth e main purposes of the va lu es of th ese ang les are shown in Table 2.
curve is to make the jumper lean away fr om the bar at
the start of the takeoff phase . The faster th e run o r Progress ion of the run-up
th e tig hter th e curve, the greater th e lean toward th e To start th e run-up , the athlete can e ith er take a
center of the curve . (Fo r mo re deta ils on th e shape of few wa lking steps and th en start runnin g, or make a
the run-up , see A ppendi x 4 .) standing start. In th e ear ly part of the run-up the
athl ete needs to follow a g radu a l progress ion in
Approach angles which each step is a littl e bit lo nge r and fas ter than
Fig ure 2 shows an overhead view of the last two the prev io us o ne. After a few steps, the high j ump er

Figure 1
Figure 2

Or-----------,0 takeoff po int

1 '
, ' .....

I '
~- '
G 8 -T--
I '
' I
Po'··..., i Too
________j_. __ _

\ c. m. path


raJi LI S or

e. m . pos iti on at the end
- I1e tak eo t'f p I1ase
~P 1· · · ... sL ,
', •••••••
1 o tt ------------ .L.~
/ the eur\'e
/ \n 1
1 I

--------------------- ___ , or

________ -- ll start
'' the curve
ce nter of th e cun·e


'' o ppos ite fo rce . The upward fo rce exerted by th e

g ro und o n th e ath lete is mu ch larger than body
Q we ig ht, and it changes the ve rtical velocity of the
c. m . fro m a va lu e th at is initi a ll y c lose to zero to a
p large upward verti cal ve loc ity . Th e verti ca l ve loc ity
of th e athlete at th e end of the takeoff ph ase
I determin es th e peak he ig ht that th e c.m . w ill reach
q after th e ath lete leaves th e g ro und , and is therefore of
great impo rtan ce fo r the result of th e jump.
p To max imize th e verti ca l ve loc ity at the end of

start or the run -u p - 0 th e takeoff ph ase, th e product of th e verti ca l fo rce

exerted by the athlete o n th e g round and the tim e
durin g which thi s fo rce is exerted sho uld be as large
as poss ibl e. Thi s can be ac hieved by makin g the
w ill be runnin g pretty fast, with lo ng , re laxed steps, verti ca l force as large as poss ible and th e verti ca l
ve ry s imilar to those of a 400-m eter o r 800-m eter range of mo tio n thro ug h w hi ch th e c. m . trave ls
runn er. In th e last two or three steps of th e run-up th e durin g th e takeoff ph ase as lo ng as poss ible.
athl ete should g radu a lly lower the hips. It mu st be A fas t approach run can he lp th e athlete to exert
stressed here that thi s low erin g of th e hips has to be a large r vertica l fo rce o n th e gro und. This can be
achi eved witho ut inc urring a s ig nificant loss of ac hi eved in the fo llowin g way : Wh en th e takeo ff leg
runnin g speed . is planted ahead of th e body at the end of the run-up,
the kn ee extensor mu sc les (qu adriceps) res ist agai nst
Horizo nta l velocity a nd heig ht o f th e c. m. at the the fl ex io n of th e leg, but the leg is fo rced to fl ex
end of the run- up anyway , because o f th e fo rward mo mentum of th e
T he takeoff ph ase is defin ed as th e period of jumper. In thi s process the takeoff leg's kn ee
tim e between th e in stant when th e takeo ff foot first extenso r mu scl es are stretched . It is be lieved th at this
to uches th e g ro und (to uchdown) and the in stant when stre tching produ ces a stimu latio n of the musc les,
it loses co ntac t w ith the gro und (takeoff). During th e which in turn a llows th e foot of th e takeoff leg to
takeoff ph ase, th e takeoff leg pu shes down on th e press hard er again st the g ro und . In thi s way, a fas t
g ro und . In reactio n, th e g ro und pu shes upward o n run-up he lps to in crease th e ve rtica l fo rce exerted
the body thro ug h the takeo ff leg w ith an equ a l and durin g th e takeoff phase. ( Fo r a more extend ed

Table 2

Directio n o f th e foo tprints o f th e last ste p (t 1) , d irec tio n of the pa th of the c .m . in the las t two steps (p2 and p 1) and afte r
takeotT(p 0 ) , d irectio n o f th e lo ng itud in al axis of th e foo t with respec t to th e ba r (e 1) , w ith res pect to the fi na l direc tion of
th e run- up (e 2) and w ith respect to th e ho rizon tal fo rce made o n th e gro und durin g th e takeoff ph ase (e 1) , leng th of th e last
ste p (S L 1, ex pressed in meters and a lso as a percent of th e stand ing he ight of the co rres po ndin g athl ete), and takeoff
d istance (TOD) . No te : So me of the va lu es in th is tab le may not fi t perfec tl y w ith each o ther, beca use of ro unding off.

Athl ete Trial and t, p, PI Po e, e, e, SL 1 TOD

(0) Cl n ( 0) Cl (0) (0) (m ) (%) (m)

Di llin g 97 U07 37 55 47 43 19 28 33 2.05 105 1.23

Harris 21 UOI 34 51 44 36 4 39 46 2.03 106 1.09

17 U02 27 50 39 40 6 33 33 1. 99 104 1.09
II U03 27 49 41 39 II 30 32 1.85 97 1.1 4
30 T04 31 52 47 40 13 34 42 1.90 100 1.08
38 U06 31 55 46 42 15 30 35 1.94 10 1 1. 50
61 U07 30 53 43 39 21 22 26 1.98 104 1.25

Hutchinso n 72 U07 37 55 47 45 36 II 14 2. 12 11 2 0.95

Litt leton 48 U07 34 56 45 41 16 29 34 1.94 104 1.1 7

Moffa tt 33 T04 28 52 39 35 12 26 31 2 . 17 109 0 .98

40 U06 27 57 41 42 20 21 21 2 . 18 109 0 .92
84 U07 33 57 45 40 24 22 28 2 .09 105 1.03

Nieto 17 U99 34 61 47 40 3 44 51 2.02 104 0 .96

36 UO I 32 59 46 42 6 40 45 1.9 1 98 I 13
13 U02 28 59 43 41 15 28 30 1.90 98 1.07
37 U03 26 55 43 38 7 35 40 1.96 10 1 1.04
62 T04 24 53 39 39 9 31 32 2.02 104 1.0 1
24 U06 31 60 46 44 2 44 46 2 .05 106 148
99 U07 32 58 46 38 4 42 52 1.97 102 1.05

Se ll ers 03 U06 43 56 50 46 38 12 17 2 . 14 11 4 1.25

42 U07 45 56 52 53 34 17 16 2.09 Ill 140

Shunk 28 T04 29 52 42 35 8 34 40 1.94 106 0.79

95 U07 29 53 41 37 2 39 43 1.77 97 1.00

Wi ll iams 16 T04 19 48 37 37 2 35 35 1.8 1 99 0.94

82 U07 33 59 48 43 0 48 54 1. 76 96 143

(*) U99 = 1999 USATF C h.; UO I = 200 I USATF Ch.; U02 = 2002 USATF Ch.; U03 = 2003 USATF C h.; T04 = 2004
U.S. O lympi c T ria ls ; U06 = 2006 USATF Ch.; U07 = 2007 USATF Ch.

di scuss io n of th e mechani sms th at may be in vo lved and in a hig h pos itio n at th e end of the takeoff. Most
in th e high jump takeoff, see Dapena and C hung, hig h jumpers have no tro uble ac hi ev ing a reaso nably
198 8.) Ta bl e 3 shows the va lues of vH2 , the hig h pos itio n at th e end of th e takeoff; th e greatest
hori zo nta l ve loc ity of the athlete in th e next-to- las t difficul ty Iies in the establi shm ent of a low pos ition at
step of th e run-up , and of vH 1, th e ho ri zo nta l ve loc ity the start of th e takeoff phase . T here are two ways to
of the athlete in th e las t step of th e run -up , just produce a low pos iti on of th e c.m . at the start of th e
before th e tak eoff foo t is pI anted o n th e g ro und . Th e takeoff ph ase: (a) to run with bent legs in th e last
va lu e of VHt is the important o ne . couple of steps of th e run-up ; and (b) to run on a
To m ax imize th e ve rti ca l ran ge of motion curve, which makes the athl ete lean toward th e center
thro ug h whi ch fo rce is exerted o n the body during th e of th e curve, and thus produ ces a furth er lowerin g of
takeo ff ph ase, it is necessary fo r th e center of mass to the c.m . Th e c. m .-lowerin g effects of th e two
be in a low pos it ion at the start of the takeoff ph ase meth ods are additive, and hig h jumpers norma lly

Table 3

Height of th e c.m. at the start of th e takeoff pha se (ilru, expressed in meters and a lso as a percent of th e
standin g he ight of eac h athl ete), hori zo ntal ve loc ity in th e last two steps of th e run-up (v 112 and v 111 ), horizo ntal
ve locity afte r takeoff(v 1rro) , change in hori zo ntal ve loc ity during th e tak eoff phase (t.v 11 ), vertical ve loc ity at
the start of the takeoff phase (vzm), and vertica l velocity at the end of the takeoff ph ase (vl.To). Note : Some of
th e va lu es in thi s tabl e may not fit perfec tl y w ith each oth er, because of roundin g off.

Athlete Trial and h·m VHz V][J VJI TO t.v " VzTD VzTo
(m) (%) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s)

Dillin g 97 U07 0.92 47 .5 7.9 7.8 4 .2 -3 .6 -0.6 4.40

Harri s 21 UO I 0.84 44 .0 8. 1 8.0 3.9 -4 . 1 -0.7 4.40

17 U02 0.86 45 .0 7.7 7.8 3.9 -3.9 -0 .6 4.40
II U03 0.88 46 .0 8.0 7.7 4.1 -3 .6 -0 .3 4.40
30 T04 0.88 46.0 8. 1 7.7 4 .0 -3.7 -0.4 4JO
38 U06 0 .86 45 .0 8.2 8.0 4.5 -3 .6 -0.4 4 .50
61 U07 0.85 44 .5 8J 8.0 4 .2 -3 .8 -0 .3 4JO

Hutchin so n 72 U07 0.82 43 .5 7J 7.2 3.5 -3 .7 -0 .5 4JO

Littl eton 48 U07 0.86 46 .0 7.8 7.9 4 .6 -3 .3 -OJ 4 . 15

Moffatt 33 T04 0.97 48 .5 7.9 7.7 4.2 -3 .5 -0.5 4JO

40 U06 0.94 47 .0 7.2 7.3 3.6 -3 .7 -0.4 4.45
84 U07 0.96 48 .5 6 .9 7.2 3.8 -3J -OJ 4JO

N ieto 17 U99 0.9 1 47 .0 7.2 7.0 3.6 -3.4 -OJ 4JO

36 UO I 0.88 45.5 7.7 7. 1 3.7 -3.4 -0.3 4JO
13 U02 0.88 45 .5 7.6 7.2 3.6 -3 .6 -0.2 4 JO
37 U03 0.89 46 .0 7.4 7.3 3.8 -3.5 -OJ 4.40
62 T04 0 .92 47 .5 7.2 6.9 3.4 -3 .5 -0 .5 4.40
24 U06 0 .90 46 .5 7.6 7.4 4.0 -3.4 -0.2 4 .25
99 U07 0.9 1 46.5 7. 1 7.3 4 .0 -3.4 -OJ 4JO

Sellers 03 U06 0.89 47 .5 7.8 8.0 4 .5 -3.4 -0 .5 4JO

42 U07 0.90 48 .0 7.5 7.7 4J -3.4 -0 .6 4 .25

Shunk 28 T04 0.8 1 44 .5 7.8 7.0 3.5 -3.5 -0.2 4J5

95 U07 0.84 46 .0 7.7 7.1 3.9 -3 .2 -0. 1 4.40

Willi ams 16 T04 0.88 47 .5 7.4 7.3 3.8 -3.4 -0.2 4.40
82 U07 0 .88 48 .0 7.8 7.7 4J -3.4 -OJ 4 .50

(*) U99 = 1999 USATF Ch.; UO I = 200 I USATF Ch.; U02 = 2002 USATF Ch.; U03 = 2003 USA TF Ch.;
T04 = 2004 U.S. O lympic Tria ls ; U06 = 2006 USATF Ch.; U07 = 2007 USATF Ch.

lower th e c. m. through the combin ation of both necessary work to achieve this, since th e results will
meth ods. be highly rewarding. Appendix 2 describes so me
Running with bent legs requires th e body to be exercises that can help high jumpers to run with bent
supported by a deeply flexed non-takeoff leg durin g legs in the last steps of the run-up without los ing
the nex t-to-last step of the run-up , and thi s requires a speed, and to produ ce a good pos ition for the body at
very strong non-takeoff leg. A Iso, it is d ifficu It to th e start of the takeoff ph ase.
learn the appropriate neuromu scul ar pattern s that will By runnin g on a curve, the athlete can reduce the
allow th e ath tete to pass over the deeply fl exed non- amount of leg flexi on needed to attain any given
takeoff leg without los in g speed. Still , it is poss ible amount of c. m. lowering. Therefore, th e curved run-
to learn how to run fast with bent legs. It requires a up makes it easier to maintain a fast running speed
considerable amount of effort and trainin g, but while lowering the c.m. Unfortunately, th e amount
athl etes should be strongly encouraged to put in the of c.m. lowering that can be produced exclusively

thro ug h curve-i ndu ced leaning is rath er limited . than the second o ne. However, if the two values of
T herefore, hig h jumpers no rmally need to combine hm were, fo r in stance, 46.5% and 48.0% it would not
bent-l egs runnin g w ith the use of a curved run-up to be poss ible to be compl ete ly sure w hi ch of th e
produce th e necessary amount of lowerin g of the c .m . jumpers was lower, becau se th e 46.5% co uld be
Table 3 shows th e value of hm , the heig ht of th e rea lly 47.5%, and th e 48 .0% co uld be rea lly 47 .0% .)
c.m . at the in stant w hen th e tak eoff foot is planted o n Let' s cons ider what would happen if a ll th e
the g ro und to start the takeoff ph ase . It is the athl etes shown in Figure 3 had simil ar dy namic
comb in ed result of running w ith bent legs and strength in th e takeoff leg. In such case, the athletes
leanin g toward th e center of th e cur ve. It is in th e upper left part of th e gra ph wo uld be far from
expressed in meters, but a lso as a percent of each th e ir limit for bu cklin g, the athletes in the lower right
athl ete' s standing he ig ht. The percent va lues are part of the g raph would be c losest to bucklin g, and
more meaningful for the compariso n of o ne athl ete the athletes in th e center, lower left and upper right
w ith anoth er. parts of the g raph wo uld be so mewhere in between
Let's say th at an athlete has learn ed how to run with respect to th e ri sk of buckling. Therefore, if a ll
fast and low. A new pro blem could occur : The th e athletes show n in Figure 3 had s imilar dy nami c
athl ete co uld ac tu a lly be too fa st and too low . If th e streng th , we would reco mm end th e athl etes in the
takeoff leg is not stro ng eno ug h, it will be forced to upper left part of th e g raph to learn how to run faster
flex excess ive ly during th e takeoff ph ase , and then it and lower (see Appendix 2) , and th en ex perim ent
may not be abl e to make a forcefu I ex tens io n in th e with jumps us ing run-ups that are faster and/or lower
final part of th e takeoff ph ase . In oth er words, th e than th e ir ori g inal ones. The athletes in the center,
takeoff leg m ay bu ck le (collapse) und er the stress , lower left and upp er ri g ht parts o f th e graph would
and th e res ult will be a very low jump o r an aborted a lso be advised to exper iment with faster and lower
j ump . Therefore, it is important to find th e o ptimum run-ups, poss ibly emph as izin g " faster" for the
combin ati on of run-up speed and c.m . he ig ht. We jumpers in the lower left part of the g raph , and
wi ll now see how this can be do ne. " lower" for the jumpers in the upper ri g ht part of the
Figure 3 show s a plot ofhm versus VHJ· (At this g raph . The athletes in the lower ri g ht part of th e
tim e, pl ease ig nore the diago nal lines ; we will deal g raph would be cautio ned aga inst the use of much
with them later o n.) Each po int o n th e g raph faster and /or lower run-up s th an their present o nes,
rep resents o ne jump by o ne athl ete. A different because these athletes wo uld already be c loser to
sy mbo l has been ass ig ned to each athlete. This buckling th an the oth ers.
sy mbo l will be used for th at athl ete in a ll graph s of The procedure just describ ed would make sense
this report. Po ints in th e left part of th e g raph if a ll th e jumpers shown in Figure 3 had s imil ar
represent jumps w ith a s low speed at th e end of the dynamic strength in th e takeoff leg . However, this is
run-up ; points in the right part of the g raph represent not a good assumption : The takeoff legs of different
jumps w ith a fast speed at th e end of th e run-up . hig h jumpers will have different amounts of dynamic
Po ints in th e upper part of the graph represent jumps strength , and mo re powerful athle tes will be able to
with a hig h c.m . at the end of the run-up ; points in the handle faster and lo wer run-ups without bucklin g.
lower part of the g raph represent jumps with a low Therefore, it is poss ible that an athlete in th e upper
c. m . at th e end of the run-up . This kind of g raph left part of the g raph mig ht be weak , and thus already
permi ts to v isua li ze s imultaneous ly how fast and how c lose to bucklin g , while an athlete farther dow n and
hig h an athlete was at the end o f the run-up . For to th e ri g ht in the g raph mig ht be mo re powerful , and
in stance, a po int in th e upper ri g ht part of the g raph ac tua lly farther from buckling. The o ptimum
would indi cate a jump with a fast run-up but a hig h co mbination of run-up speed and c. m . he ig ht will be
c.m . pos ition at th e end of th e run-up. different fo r different hig h jumpers , and we w ill need
(At this poi nt, it is important to co ns ider th e to know a hig h jumper' s dynamic strength befo re we
acc uracy of these va lu es . A II meas urem ents have can predict how fast and how low th at hig h j umper
so me degree of erro r, and dependin g o n what is be in g sho uld be at th e end of the run-up.
meas ured, the erro r may be larger or sm a ller. Th e It is not easy to measure the dyn amic strength of
errors in the vH 1 values are s ma ll , typically less th an a high jumper's takeoff leg . The personal record of
0 . 1 m/s; th e errors in th e hm va lues can be of greater an athl ete in a squ at lift o r in a vertica l jump-and-
s ig nifi cance . It is easy for th e va lu e of hm to be ha lf reach test are not good indi cators of th e dynamic
a percent point off for any jump , and occas iona lly it streng th of th e takeoff leg. Thi s is because these tests
co uld be off by as mu ch as o ne whole percent po int. do not duplicate c lose ly enough th e conditions of th e
T herefo re, if two jumpers had, for instance, hm high jump takeoff. The best indi cato r that we have
va lu es of46 .5% and 49.0%, res pect ive ly , we co uld found of th e takeoff leg ' s dy namic strength is the
be pretty sure that the first jumper rea lly was lower capab ili ty of th e hig h jumper to generate lift in an

Figure 3



MOF 84


IL 16

NIE62 0
47 }:{ MO 40
NIE 17

46 SHU 95

NIE 36




7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2

VHI (m/s)

ac tua l hig h jump. Therefore, we use the vertical th at athl etes near th e regress io n lin e or be low it were
ve loc ity achi eved by the hig h jumper at the end of th e running too s low ly at the end of th e run-up.
takeoff ph ase (VzTO - see be low) to indicate the A s imilar ratio na le can be followed with th e
athl ete's dy nami c strength o r " tak eoff power". g raph of hm vs. Vzro, show n in Figure 5. Each of the
To help us in our prediction of th e optimum small open circles in Figure 5 represents one jump by
horizo ntal speed at the end of the run-up from the one of th e athletes in o ur stati stica l sample. The
dynamic strength of th e takeoff leg , we made use of oth er symbo ls represent the athl etes ana lyzed for the
stati stica l inform atio n accumulated thro ug h film present report. The ho rizo ntal ax is of the g raph aga in
ana lyses of ma le and female hig h jumpers in the shows vertical velocity at takeoff (vzTO): The most
co urse of Scientific Support Services work spon sored powerful high jumpers are the ones who are abl e to
at Indiana University by th e United States Olympic generate more lift, and they are to th e ri ght in the
Com mittee and by USA Track & Field (formerly The g raph ; th e weaker jumpers are to the left. The
Athletics Congress) in th e peri od 1982- 1987 . The vertica l ax is shows the he ig ht of the c.m . at the start
athl etes in vo lv ed in these studi es were a ll elite hi gh of the takeoff ph ase (hm ), expressed as a percent of
jumpers film ed at the fin a ls of natio na l and th e athl ete's standin g he ig ht. The di ago nal regression
internatio na l leve l co mpetitio ns (USATF and NCAA lin e shows the trend of the stati st ica l data . Although
Champ io nships ; U.S . Olympic Trials; Wor ld Indoor the data are more " noisy" than in th e prev io us graph
Champio nships). (i .e. , th ere is a wider " cloud" around th e regress io n
Each of the s ma ll o pen c irc les in Figure 4 lin e), th e g raph in Fig ure 5 also agrees with o ur
represents one jump by one of the athl etes in our genera l expectatio ns: The more powerful jumpers
ori g inal statistical sa mpl e. The other sy mbo ls (larger Vzro values) are able to be lower at the end of
represent the athletes analyzed for the present report. th e run-up (smaller hm values) w ith o ut bu ckling
The ho ri zo nta l ax is of th e g raph shows vertical durin g the takeoff ph ase. In Figure 5, jumpers on the
ve locity at takeoff (vzTO): The most powerful hig h regress ion lin e or above it will have bad techniques in
jumpers are the ones w ho are able to ge nerate more this regard , and the optimum will be somewhere
lift, and they are to the ri g ht in the g raph ; the weaker be low th e reg ress io n lin e.
jumpers are to th e left. The vertical axis shows th e Wh en Fig ures 4 and 5 are used as diag nosti c
final speed of th e run-up (vH 1). The di ago nal tools, it is necessary to take into cons id eration the
" regression" line shows the trend of the stati stica l information from both g raphs. For in stance, if a
data. The graph agrees with o ur expectations: The g iven athlete is pretty much on the regression lin es of
more powerful jumpers, those able to get more lift Figures 4 and 5, or below the regression line in
(larger Vzro) , can a lso handle faster run-ups (larger Fig ure 4 and above the regression line in Figure 5, we
v~ 11 ) without bucklin g . should presume th at this athlete is not near th e
So , what is th e o ptimum run-up speed for a given buckling po int. Therefore th e athlete sho uld be
hig h jumper? It seems safe to assume that most hig h adv ised to in crease the run-up speed and/o r to run
jumpers will not use regularly a run-up that is so fast with lower hips at th e end of th e run-up . However, if
that the takeoff leg will buckle . Thi s is because it an athl ete is s lig htl y below the regression lin e in
takes intense concentratio n and effo rt fo r a hig h Figure 4 , but markedly be low it in Figure 5, the case
jumper to use a fast run-up , and if the athlete fee ls is different. Since th e c.m . was very low durin g the
th at the leg has buckled in o ne jump, an easier run-up, may be th e athl ete was c lose to the bu ck ling
(slower) run-up will be used in further jumps. Since po int, even th oug h the run-up speed was not very
buck lin g (o r at leas t partial buckling) will begin to fast. In this case, it would not be appropriate to
occur at run-up speeds immediately faster than the advise an increase in run-up speed, even if th e
optimum , this m eans th at few hig h jumpers sho uld be athlete's run-up speed was somewhat s low in
expected to use regularl y run-ups that are fas ter th an compari so n to what we would ex pect o n the average.
their o ptimum . On the other hand , we sho uld ex pect By now, it sho uld be c lear to the reader that the
a larger number of hig h jumpers to use run-up speeds intensity of th e demands put on the takeoff leg during
that are s lower th an their o ptimum . This is because a the takeoff phase depe nds m a inly on th e combination
fa ir numb er of high jumpers have not learned to use a of final run-up speed and c. m. he ig ht at the end of the
fast eno ug h run-up . Therefore, the diago nal run-up . Therefore, the adv ice given to an individual
regression line which m arks th e average trend in the athlete needs to take into acco unt both of these
g raph represents speeds that are s lower than the factors s imultan eo us ly . This is where the diago na l
optimum. In sum , a lthou g h th e prec ise value of th e lin es in Fig ure 3 come into play. Each diago nal line
optimum run-up speed is not known for any g iv en indicates combinati ons of run-up speed and c.m.
value of Vzro, we know that it will be faster than the heig ht th at are equally demanding for the takeoff leg .
val ue indicated by the diago na l regress ion lin e, and Diago na l lin es further down and toward the rig ht on
8.0 ~ 6.
SEL03 ""
HAR 2 1 HAR 38

LI T 48 OIL97
7.8 + HAR 30
0 0 0 0
. HAR 17

"" @
MOF 33 ""


0 0 0 0 0
N IE 24
7.4 0 ):!:>
99 WIL 16
e J:t o ~·
o J:t o o
0 0

7.2 + 0
HUT72~ N I E
MOF 84
N IE 36 ):!

c+ SH U95
0 0 ""!

7.0 + 0 0 0~ N IE 17 ):! + sH U 28
~ N IE 62
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0

VZTO (m/s)


the g raph represent progress ively mo re demanding the bar e ither o n the way up toward the peak of th e
combin at ions. Each athlete's Vzro va lu e (which jump o r o n th e way d ow n.
needs to be obta in ed fro m Table 3) d etermines the It is important to keep in mind that the reg ress ion
appro priate diago na l line for that athlete in Fig ure 3. lin es in F ig ures 4 and 5 represent average va lues , not
If an athlete is hig her and/o r to the left of the optimum va lu es . They represent m edi ocre
recomm end ed diagona l lin e, as will often be th e case, techniqu es that are not parti cul ar ly bad but a lso not
we w ill adv ise the athlete to move his/her po int to the parti cul arl y good . For o ptimum technique, an athl ete
reco mm end ed diago nal lin e. If the athlete is already need s to be hig her than th e regress ion line ofF ig ure4
on the reco mm end ed di ago na l line , we will advi se the and/o r lower than th e reg ress io n lin e of Figure 5. In
athl ete to retain the current co mbin ati o n of run-up contras t, th e diago nal lines in Figure 3 have a lready
speed and c. m . height. If th e athlete is so mewh at been adjusted to represent optimum values in stead of
lower and /or to the ri g ht of the recomm ended average values. Therefore, if an athl ete ' s po int in
diagonal lin e, we will a lso adv ise th e athlete to retain Figure 3 is o n the di ago na l line recomm ended for that
the current combin atio n of run-up speed and c.m . athl ete (based on th e athlete ' s Vzr o va lu e taken from
he ight. T his is because our reco mm end ed diago na l Tab le 3), th e athlete is cons idered to be at his/her
lin e is a rath er co nservative cho ice with a safety o ptimum co mbin atio n of speed and c.m . he ig ht at the
marg in built into it. [Note f or other researchers end of th e run-up .
(coaches and athletes can skip this) : In statistical ( IMPORTANT CAUTION: C hang ing to a
terms, the recommended diagonals were chosen to be faster and /o r low er run-up wi II put a g reater stress on
only one standard deviation more demanding than the takeoff leg, and thu s it may increase the ri sk of
the average.] In the rare case that the athl ete is mu ch injury if the leg is not stron g eno ug h. Therefore, it is
lower and/or much farther to the rig ht than the always important to use caution in the adoption of a
recommended di ago na l lin e, we wi ll warn th e ath lete faster and /or low er run-up . If the des ired change is
that such a combin atio n mig ht be excess ive ly very large, it wo uld be adv isable to make it g radu a lly,
demanding in relation to th e athlete ' s current leg over a peri od of time. In a ll cases, it may be wise to
strength capability . further stren gthen th e takeoff leg, so th at it can
We have a reasonably good idea o f which is the withstand the in creased force of the impact produ ced
appropriate diago na l lin e for each athl ete. However, w hen the takeoff leg is pl anted .)
we do not know where th e athlete's po int sho uld be
located along that di ago nal lin e. Coaches who are Vertical velocity of the c.m. at the start of the
advocates for so-ca ll ed " power jumping" w ill prefer takeoff phase
the athlete's poi nt to be farther down and to the left The ve rtica l veloc ity at th e end o f the takeoff
a lo ng th e di ago na l lin e, whi le coaches who are phase, which is of crucial impo rtance fo r th e he ight
adv ocates for so-ca lled "speed jumping" will prefer o f the jump , is determin ed by the vertical velocity at
the athlete's po int to be farther up and toward the the start of the takeo ff phase and by the change that
right a long the diago na l lin e. We are neutral in thi s takes pl ace in its value durin g the takeoff ph ase . In
disp ute : As long as the ath lete is on the no rm a l hig h jumping, at th e end of the run-up (that is,
recommended di ago na l lin e, we cons id er the athlete at the start of th e tak eoff phase) th e ath lete is mov in g
to have an appropr iate co mbin atio n of speed and c. m. fast forward, and a lso s lig htl y dow nwa rd . In other
he ig ht at th e end of th e run-up . The o nl y caution th at wo rd s, the ve rti ca l ve loc ity a t th e start of the takeoff
we give is to avoid extreme va lu es e ith er far up and ph ase (vzm) usua lly has a small negati ve va lu e ( i.e.,
to th e right or far down and to the left a long th e dow nwa rd) . It is ev ident that for a give n change in
diago na l line, because bo th will tend to create vertical ve loc ity durin g the takeoff ph ase, the athl ete
problems later fo r the bar c learance. An extremely with the small est a mo unt of negative vertical velocity
fast speed and hig h c.m . pos itio n at the end of the at touchdown wil l jump the hig hes t. The valu es of
run-up w ill tend to leave the athlete with a lot of Vzm are shown in Table 3 . The jumpers w ith the best
leftover hor izo ntal speed at th e end of th e takeoff. techniques in thi s res pect are th ose with th e least
This will m ake it imposs ibl e for the ath lete to "drape" negative Vzm va lu es.
around the bar w ith o ut kn ocki ng it down with either In each step of the run-up th e c. m . norma lly
the sho ulders or th e ca lv es . At th e other extreme, a moves up s lig htl y as th e athl ete takes off from the
very s low speed and low c. m . pos itio n at the end of g ro und , reaches a max imum height, and th en drops
the run-up wi ll tend to leave th e athl ete w ith o nl y a down aga in before th e athl ete plants the next foot on
small amo un t of leftover ho ri zo ntal speed at the end the gro und . In the last step of the run-up , if the
of the takeoff. This will severe ly limit the amount of takeoff foot is p !anted o n th e g ro und early, the
ho ri zo nta l travel of the body after th e end o f th e takeoff phase wil l start before the c. m . acquires too
takeoff, and thus w ill make it diffi cult to avoi d hitting much downward vert ica l ve loc ity . To ac hi eve this ,

the athlete has to try to make th e las t two foot of the run-up , but usually it is a lso dev iated s lightly
contacts with the g round very quick ly one after th e toward the landing pit (see Figure 6). (The reason for
other. In other w ord s, th e tempo of the last two foot this dev iation is ex plain ed in Appendix 3 .)
supports shou ld be ve ry fast. Most hig h jumpers plant th e takeoff foot o n the
If the length of th e last step is very long, it co uld gro und with its lo ng itudinal ax is po inting in a
contribute to a late planting of the takeoff fo o t, which directio n that ge nera lly is not a lig ned with th e fin a l
in turn co uld lead to a large negativ e va lu e fo r Vzm. directio n of th e run -up nor with th e ho ri zo ntal force
Ta bl e 2 shows th e leng th of the last step of the run-up th at the athlete is abo ut to m ake o n th e g rou nd: It is
(S L 1). T his length is ex pressed in meters, but to more para ll e l to the bar th an e ither one of them .
fac ilitate co mpariso ns amo ng athl etes it is also Since th e hori zo nta l reacti o n force that the foot
ex pressed as a percent of th e standing he ig ht of each receives from the g ro und is not a lig ned wi th the
athl ete. long itudin a l ax is of the foot, th e force tends to make
Another factor that has an influ ence o n th e th e foot ro ll inward . (See the sequ ence in Figure 7,
ve rti ca l velocity at the start o f th e takeoff phase is th e obtained from a high- speed v id eo tape taken durin g
way in which th e c.m . is lowered in the fina l part of the 1988 Internatio nal Golden High Jump Gala
the run-up. Hig h jumpers can be c lassified into three competition in Genk , Be lg ium - co urtesy of Dr . Bart
g roups, depending on the way in which they lower Van Gheluwe.) In anato mica l te rmin o logy, this
the c.m. Many athl etes lower the ir c. m . ear ly (two or rotation is ca ll ed " pro natio n of the ankle j o int". It
three steps before the takeoff) , and th en th ey move stretches the media l s id e of th e joint, and produ ces
relatively flat in th e last step. T hese athletes ty pica ll y co mpress io n in the latera l s id e of th e jo int. If th e
have a moderate amo unt of downward ve rti ca l pronation is very severe, it can lead to injury of the
ve loc ity at the in stant that th e takeoff ph ase starts. ankle . It a lso m akes th e foo t be suppo rted less by th e
T he second gro up of athl etes keep th e ir hips hig h o utside edge o f the foot , and more by th e long itud in a !
until almost th e very end of th e run-up, and then th ey (forward-backward) arch of th e foo t o n th e media l
lower the c.m. in th e las t step . Th ese athletes have a s ide . Accordin g to Krahl and Kn ebe l (1979), this can
large negative vertical velocity at the start of the lead to injury of the foot itse lf.
takeoff phase, regardl ess of how early they plant the Pronation of the ankl e j o int occurs in th e takeoffs
takeofffoot o n th e g ro und . A third g roup of athletes of man y hig h jump ers. However, it can bed ifficu It
lower the c. m . in th e same way as th e first gro up, but to see, dependin g o n th e pos itio n of the camera and
then they raise the c .m . aga in quite a bit as the no n- the s ize of th e image. Because of thi s, pronation of
takeoff leg pushes off into the last step. Th ese the ankl e j o int is oft en no t c learl y v is ibl e in o ur
athl etes ty pi ca lly have a ve ry s ma ll a mo unt of standard film s o r v id eotapes of hig h jumping
downward verti ca l ve loc ity at th e start of the takeoff competitio ns (and th erefore it does not show in o ur
ph ase, and this is good, but th ey a lso was te part of computer g raphi cs sequences eith er). This does not
their prev io us lowerin g of th e c .m . necessaril y mean th at there is no ankle pro natio n; it
The first and th e third techniqu es have bo th onl y means that we can't see it.
advantages and di sadvantages, but the second In an effort to diag nose the ri sk of ankle and foot
technique seems to be less so und than the o ther two, injury fo r each anal yzed hig h jumper, we measured
because of th e large do wn wa rd ve rtica l velocity th at ang les e 1 (th e ang le between th e lo ng itudin a l ax is of
it produces at th e in stant of th e start of the takeoff the foot and th e bar), e 2 (between the lo ng itudinal
ph ase. There is a mo re de ta il ed di scuss io n of these ax is of th e foot and th e f in a l direction of th e run-up ),
three techniqu es in Appendix I . and e 3 (between the longi tudin a l ax is of th e foot and
A g rap h show in g the ve rti ca l mo tio n of the c .m . the ho ri zo nta l force) in each jump. (See Figure 6.)
in the final part of th e run-up was produ ced for each The va lues of th ese ang les are repo rted in Table 2.
athl ete, and these gra ph s are in serted in the report For diag nos is of the risk of injury , e 3 is the most
afte r th e individual ana lys is of each athl ete . important ang le. Although th e safety limit is not we ll
known, anecdotal ev id ence suggests that e3 values
O r ientatio n of th e ta keo ff foot, a nd po te ntia l fo r sma ller than 20° are reasonably sa fe , that e3 values
an kle a nd foot inj u r ies between 20° and 30° are somew hat risky , and th at e 3
At the end of the run-up, th e hig h jumper's c.m . values larger th an 30° are dange ro us.
is mov ing at an ang le p 1 w ith respect to th e bar (see
" A pproach angles"). During th e takeo ff phase, th e Tru nk lea n
athl ete pu shes o n th e g ro und ve rti ca ll y downward , Figure 8 shows BFTD , BFTO, LRTD and
and a lso hor izo nta lly. T he ho ri zo nta l force that the LRTO, the backward/forward and left/rig ht ang les of
foo t makes on th e gro und during th e takeoff phase lean of th e trunk at the start an d at th e end of th e
po ints forward, a lm ost in lin e with th e final directio n takeoff phase, respectively . The va lu es of th ese

Figure 7
Figure 6

landing pit

ba r

fin al direc tion , '•,,
of th e run-up __;;; .. __ '•,,,

/''--, ----:~~:
ho11Zontal f01 ce made
on the ground

longit udinal axJS --t-- -~;-1- __

or thdtx>t Pt
---- ,_'----
-------------------------- ----~-'-l--~~~--·:::::o
horizontal reac ti on force
rece ived by th e foot

Figure 8

'-..., BFTO
' \

- - -- - - "-

side view

I /
/ I

I -'---
-'--- -

back view
(videota pe courtesy of
Bart Van Gheluwe)

Table 4

Ang les of tilt of the trunk [bac kward/forward at th e start of th e takeoff phase (BFTD) and at th e end of the takeoff pha se (BFTO), and
th e chan ge in this angle during th e ta keoflphase (t.BF); left/rig ht at the start of the takeoff phase (L RTD) and at th e end of th e takeoff
phase (LRTO), and the change in thi s angle during th e takeoff phase (t.LR)] , acti ve ness of th e ann nea res t to th e bar (AAN) and of th e
ann farthest from the bar (AAF), summed acti ve ness of the two arms (AA T) , ac ti ve ness of the lead leg (LLA), and summed acti veness of
th e three free limbs (F LA). No te : Some of the values in this ta bl e may not fi t perfect ly with eac h o ther, because of rounding off.

meet (*)
Cl (0) (0) (0) Cl (0) (mm/m) (mm/m) (mm/m) (mm/m) (mm/m)

Dillin g 97 U07 79 92 14 77 89 12 8.0 8.3 16 .2 15.8 32 . 1

Harris 21 UO I 74 88 14 72 85 13 5.0 7.9 12 .9 9.3 22 .2

17 U02 76 85 9 73 96 23 7.9 9.0 17.0 I 0.4 27.4
II U03 75 86 II 76 92 15 I 1.1 9.5 20 .6 11.6 32 .2
30 T04 73 88 16 72 89 18 9.0 8.0 17.0 8.7 25 .7
38 U06 77 87 10 74 94 20 5.6 7.2 12.8 11.9 24 .7
61 U07 76 87 II 74 97 23 8.7 7.6 16.3 12.9 29.3

Hutchinso n 72 U07 75 92 17 87 102 15 12 .2 13. 1 25 .3 25 .5 50.8

Littleto n 48 U07 84 90 6 79 10 1 21 8.2 7.2 15 .5 15.3 30.8

Mo ffat1 33 T04 88 84 -4 76 102 26 4.1 6.0 10 . 1 16.9 27.0

40 U06 83 79 -4 76 103 27 5.4 7.7 13.2 2 1.6 34 .8
84 U07 87 83 -4 79 10 1 22 5.0 7.0 12.0 19.6 3 1.6

Nieto 17 U99 80 89 10 74 96 22 5.0 9.9 14 .9 17.4 32.3

36 UO I 68 83 15 75 100 25 4 .0 11 . 1 15. 1 13.4 28.4
13 U02 72 81 9 74 97 23 4 .9 8.5 13.4 16.5 29 .9
37 U03 75 85 10 72 100 28 5.0 8.7 13.6 16.3 30 .0
62 T04 77 80 3 77 102 26 7.5 11 .5 19.0 20 .2 39 .2
24 U06 83 95 12 75 98 23 4 .5 9. 1 13.6 16. 1 29 .7
99 U07 82 89 7 73 97 24 7.3 10 .0 17.3 18 . 1 35.4

Se llers 03 U06 74 88 14 81 10 1 20 7.4 12 .8 20 .2 20.8 4 1.0

42 U07 79 92 13 84 106 22 7.6 13.8 2 1.4 20 .9 42.3

Shunk 28 T04 71 82 10 72 97 25 6.1 10 .3 16.4 15.3 31.7

95 U07 73 81 7 74 100 26 6.4 9.7 16 . 1 16.9 33 .0

Willi ams 16 T04 76 92 16 77 92 15 8.6 3.6 12 . 1 12. 1 24 .2

82 U07 76 89 13 76 89 13 9.0 5. 1 14 .2 12.4 26.5

(*) U99 = 1999 USATF C h.; UO I = 200 I USATF Ch.; U02 = 2002 USATF Ch.; U03 = 2003 USATF Ch .; T04 = 2004 U.S. O lympic
Tria ls; U06 = 2006 USA TF C h.; U07 = 2007 USATF Ch.

ang les are g iven in Table 4 . The trunk normally has it is usually somew hat beyond the ve rtica l (L RTO ).
a backward lean at the start of the takeoff phase Up to I 0° beyo nd the vertical (LRTO = I 00 °) may be
(BFTD). Then it rotates forward , and by the end of co ns idered norma l. Table 4 a lso shows the values of
th e takeoff it is c lose to vertical , and somet im es past ~BF and ~LR . T hese are th e changes that occur
th e vert ica l (BFTO). Due to th e curved run-up, the durin g the takeoff ph ase in th e backward/forw ard and
trunk no rm a lly has a lso a late ra l lean toward the left/r ig ht ang les of ti It of the trunk , respect ive ly.
center of the curve at the start of th e takeoff phase Statistical info rm at io n has show n that th ere is a
(L RTD ). Durin g the takeoff ph ase, the trunk rotates relation ship of the trunk lean ang les with the ve rtica l
toward the ri g ht (toward the left in athl etes who tak e ve loc ity of th e athlete at the end of the takeoff ph ase,
off from the ri ght foot) , and by the end of the takeoff and co nsequ ently with the peak height of th e c. m.: If

two athl etes have s im ilar run-up speed, he ig ht of the acce lerated up wa rd durin g th e takeoff phase, th ey
c.m . at th e end of th e run-up and arm ac tio ns during exert by reaction a compress ive fo rce down ward on
the takeoff phase (see be low), the athlete w ith s ma ll er the trunk . Thi s fo rce is tran smi tted thro ug h the
BFTD , t. BF, LRT D and t.LR valu es ge nera lly takeoff leg to th e g ro und . Th e in creased downward
o bta in s a large r ve rtica l ve locity by th e end of th e verti ca l force exerted by th e foot on th e g round
ta keoff ph ase. T hi s means th at athl etes w ith g reater evokes by reactio n an increased up ward vertica l fo rce
bac kwa rd lean at th e start of the takeo ff ph ase and exerted by th e g ro und o n th e athlete. T hi s produces a
g reater latera l lean toward th e center of th e curve at large r vertical ve loc ity of th e c .m . of the athl ete by
the start of the ta keoff ph ase te nd to jump hig her. th e end of the takeo ff ph ase, and co nsequ entl y a
A lso, fo r a g ive n amo unt of bac kw ard lean at th e start higher jump .
of the takeoff ph ase, the athl etes w ho ex peri ence Th ere is no perfec t way to meas ure how acti ve
sma ll er changes in thi s ang le durin g th e takeoff ph ase th e arm s and the lead leg were during th e takeoff
genera lly jump hig her, and for a g iven amo unt of ph ase of a hig h jump . In o ur reports w e have
latera l lean at th e start of th e takeoff ph ase, th e progress ive ly improved o ur measurement of thi s
athl etes who ex perience sm a ller changes in this ang le impo rtant technique facto r; th e data in th e present
durin g the takeoff ph ase a lso tend to jump hig her. repo rt were ca lculated with o ur latest meth od whi ch
However, before j umping to conc lu s ions and g ives mo re meaningful valu es th an so me of the
dec iding th at a ll hig h jumpers sho uld lean backward previo us o nes.
and latera ll y as much as poss ible at th e start of th e [Note for other researchers (coaches and
takeoff ph ase, and then change th ose ang les of lean athletes can skip this paragraph): In this report, arm
as little as poss ibl e during th e ta keo ff ph ase itse lf, it activeness was expressed as the vertical range of
is necessary to take two po ints into cons id eratio n. motion of the c. m. of each arm during the takeoff
First o f a ll , sma ll va lu es o f BFTD , t.B F, LRTD and phase (re lative to the upper end of the trunk),
t. LR are not o nl y statisti ca lly assoc iated w ith large r multiplied by the frac tion of the whole body mass that
ve rti ca l veloc iti es at th e end o f th e tak eoff ph ase corresponds to the arm, and divided by the standing
(w hi ch is good), but also with less ang ul ar height of the subject. The activeness of the lead leg
mo mentum (see be low), and th erefo re w ith a less was similarly measured as the vertical range of
effecti ve rotatio n during the bar c learance. motion of the c. m. of the lead leg during the takeoff
A lso, we can't be comple te ly certa in that sm a ll phase (relative to the lower end of the trunk),
va lues of BFTD , t. BF, LRTD and t.LR produce a multiplied by the fractio n of the whole body mass that
takeoff that ge nerates a larger am o unt of ve rti ca l corresponds to the lead leg. and div ided by the
ve loc ity and therefore a hig her peak he ig ht fo r the standing height of the subject. In effect, this means
c. m . We do n't understand we ll the cause-effect that the activeness of each free limb was expressed as
mechani sms behind th e stati sti ca l re latio nships, and it the number of millimeters contributed by the limb
is poss ibl e to offer a ltern ati ve ex pl anatio ns, such as motion to the lifting of the c. m. of the whole body
this o ne: Weaker athletes are no t abl e to ge nerate during the takeoffphase, per meter of standing
much lift, mainly because th ey are wea k. Therefo re, height. Defined in this way, the activeness of each
they are not able to jump very hig h. Thi s makes f ree limb cons iders the limb's mass, its average
them reach the peak of th e jump re lative ly soon after vertical velocity during the takeoffphase, and the
takeoff. Co nsequ entl y, th ey will want to rotate faster duration of this vertical motion. It allows the
in the ai r to reach a no rm a l ho ri zo ntal layo ut pos itio n comparison of one j umper with another, and also
at the peak of the jump . Fo r thi s, they will gen erate direct comparison of the lead leg action with the arm
mo re ang ul ar mo mentum durin g th e takeoff, whi ch in actions.]
turn w ill require larger va lues o fBFTD , t.BF , LRTD Tabl e 4 shows the ac ti veness of th e arm nearest
and t.LR . We can't be sure of whi ch interpretati on is to th e bar (AAN ) and o f th e arm fa rth est fro m the bar
th e correct o ne: Does the trunk til t affec t the he ig ht (AA F), th e summ ed acti veness of th e two arm s
of th e jump, or does th e weakn ess of th e athl ete affect (A AT), the ac ti ve ness of th e lead leg ( LLA) and the
the he ight o f the jump and ( indirectly) th e trunk tilt? co mbin ed acti veness of a ll three free limbs ( FLA).
O r are both ex planatio ns partly correct? At this po int, (As ex pl a in ed in th e prev io us paragraph , coaches and
we don't kn ow fo r sure. athl etes don't need to wo rry about th e fin e deta il s of
how th ese va lues w ere calculated ; th ey onl y need to
Arm and lead leg actions keep in mind th at large r numb ers ind icate g reater
The ac tio ns of th e arm s and of th e lead leg ac tiveness of th e limbs durin g the takeoff.)
durin g the ta keoff ph ase are very important fo r the Fig ure 9 shows a plo t of AA F versus AAN for
o utco me of a hig h jump . When th ese fr ee limb s are the ana lyzed tri a ls. Th e fa rth er to th e ri ght that a
po int is o n the pl ot, the g reater th e acti veness of th e

Figure 9



HUT 72
SEL 03

NIE 36 NIE 62

SHU 28

+ }:{
NIE I + NIE 99

NIE24 i E
SHU 95

OIL 97

8 ... 0
NIE 13
• ... HAR 30

HAR 21 MO F 40 ...
LIT 48
b. HAR 61
0 ...
MOF 84 HAR 38

WIL 82

WIL 16

2 4 6 8 10

AAN (mm/m)

arm nearest to the bar ; th e hig her up that a po int is on detrim enta l. Short takeoffs go together with a stro ng
the plot, the greater the act iveness of the arm farthest ac tio n of the takeoff leg (good) , but a lso with weak
from the bar. T he ideal is to be as far to th e ri g ht and arm actio ns and w ith a hig h c.m. position at th e start
as hig h up as possib le o n th e graph, as this g ives the of th e takeoff ph ase (bad). In sum , takeoff tim es are
largest va lu es for th e to tal arm action , AA T , also informative , but the length of th e takeoff tim e by
shown in the grap h. itself does not necessarily indi cate good or bad
For a good arm ac tio n, both arm s sho uld swi ng technique.
stro ng ly forward and up durin g th e takeoff ph ase .
The arm s should not be too fl exed at th e e lbow C hange in horizo nta l velocity durin g the takeoff
during the sw ing - a good e lbow ang le seem s to be phase
somew here between full ex tens io n and 90 ° of It was ex plained befo re that the athlete sho uld
fl ex ion. have a large hori zo ntal ve loc ity at the instant
The diagonal lin e goi ng from the lower left immediately before th e takeoff foot is planted on the
corner of Figure 9 toward the upper rig ht part of the gro und to start the takeoff ph ase, and that therefore
graph indicates the poi nts for w hich both arm s would no horizonta l velocity sho uld be lost befo re that
have the same act ive ness. T he pos iti o ns of th e po ints in stant. However, th e hori zo nta l ve loc ity sho uld be
above the diagonal lin e reflect a we ll- establi shed fact: redu ced cons id erably durin g the takeoff phase itself.
Hig h jumpers are ge nera lly mo re active w ith th e arm The losses of horizonta l ve loc ity th at a ll hig h jumpers
that is far th est from th e bar. ex perience during the takeoff ph ase (see tlv 1.1 in Table
So me hig h jumpers ( in c ludin g m any women) fa il 3) are du e to th e fact that th e jumper pu shes forward
to prepare their arm s correctly in the last steps of the o n the g ro und durin g the takeoff ph ase, and therefore
run-up , and at the beginning of the takeo ff phase the receives a backward reaction force fro m the gro und .
arm nearest to the bar is ahead of the body in stead of These losses of ho ri zo nta l ve loc ity durin g the takeoff
behind it. From this position th e arm is not able to phase are an intrin sic part of the takeoff process , and
swing stro ng ly fo rward and upward during the th ey are associated with the ge nerat ion of vert ica l
takeoff, and these jumpers usua lly end up with small ve loc ity . !fa n athl ete does not lose much hori zo nta l
AAN va lues. These athl etes sho uld learn to bring ve locity durin g the takeoff phase, thi s m ay be a sign
both arm s back in the final o ne or two steps of the that the athlete is not mak in g good use of the
run-up , so that both arms can late r sw in g hard hori zo nta l velocity obtain ed durin g th e run-up . We
forward and up during th e takeoff phase. Learnin g cou ld say that th e athlete sho uld produ ce a lo t of
this kind of arm actio n will take som e time and effort, hori zo ntal velocity durin g the run-up so that it can
but it sho uld he lp these athl etes to jump hig her. If a th en be lost during the takeoff ph ase while the athl ete
jumper is unabl e to prepare th e arm s for a double-arm obtains vertica l ve loc ity . If not enoug h ho ri zo nta l
actio n, the forward arm sho uld be in a low pos itio n at velocity is produced durin g the run-up, or if not
the start of the takeoff ph ase . That way , it can be eno ug h of it is lost during the takeoff phase, we can
thrown up wa rd during the takeoff, a lth o ug h usua lly say that th e run-up is not be ing used appro priately to
not quite as hard as with a do ubl e-arm action . help th e athlete to jump hig her.
Figure I 0 shows a plot of LLA versus AAT for
the an a lyzed trials . T he farther to the ri g ht th at a Height and vertica l veloc ity of th e c. m. at the end
po int is on the plot, th e g reater th e co mbined of th e takeo ff ph ase
ac ti ve ness of th e arm s ; th e higher up that a po int is on The peak he ig ht th at the c. m . wi ll reach over the
the plot, the greater th e activeness of the lead leg . bar is co mplete ly determined by th e end of the
The ideal is to be as far to th e right and as hig h up as takeoff phase: It is determined by th e he ig ht and the
poss ibl e on the graph , as this g ives the largest values vertica l velocity of the c.m . at th e end of the takeoff.
for the to tal free limb action , FLA , a lso show n in the At the instant that th e takeoff foot loses contact
g raph . with the gro und , the c .m . of a hig h jumper is usually
at a he ight so mewhere between 68% and 73 % of the
Ta keo ff ti me standin g he ig ht of th e athlete . This means that ta ll
The duration of the takeoff phase (TTO) is show n hig h jumpers have a built-in advantage : Their
in Table 5. (Due to the s low cam era speeds used , the centers of mass wi ll genera ll y be higher at the instant
va lu e ofT TO can eas ily be in erro r by 0.01 s, and that they leave th e gro und .
somet im es by as mu ch as 0.02 s.) This "takeoff T he vert ica l ve loc ity of th e c.m. at th e end of the
tim e" is influenced by a series of factors. Some of takeoff phase (vzTO, show n in Table 3) determin es
them are beneficia l for th e jump ; oth ers are how much h igher the c.m . wi ll travel beyond the
takeoff heig ht after the athlete leaves the grou nd .

Figure 10






0 SEL 03

<> <> SEL42
20 0 NIE 62
MOF 84

NIE 17 }:{
}:{ NIE99
0 NIE 13 + s HU95
MOF 33 NIE 37
NIE 24 A \ .DIL97
15 Ll 8 SHU 28
NIE 36
W IL 16
eT WIL82
HAR 38
• I-IAR61

10 HARI 7
HAR 2 1 T
HAR 30 ~~


0 5 10 15 20 25

AAT (mm/m)

Table 5

Ta keo ff time (Tro), he ight o f th e bar (hBAR), o utco me of the jump, maximum he ight o f the c.m. (h, K), c lea rance height in th e
pl ane of th e stand ard s (hcLs), abso lute clea rance he ight (hcLA), effectiveness o f th e bar cl earance in the plane o f th e standard s
(~ h c Ls) , and abso lute e ffecti ve ness o f th e bar clearance (~ h cLA ) ; tw istin g ang ul ar momentum (1-J.,-), forward so mersa ultin g
ang ul ar momentu m ( HF), lateral so mersa ultin g ang ul ar momentum (HL) and total so mersa ultin g angul ar momentum (Hs)
du ri ng th e a irbo rne ph ase . Note : So me of the va lu es in thi s tabl e may not fit perfectl y w ith eac h oth er, beca use of ro undin g

Athl ete Tr ia l and TTo hnAR O utco me hi'K hu .s hu .A ~h c1.s ~ h ci.A HT H,. H ~. Hs
meet (*)
(s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (**) (**) (**) (**)

Dillin g 97 U07 0 . 17 2.2 7 cl ea rance 236 2.27 2.28 -0.09 -0 .08 30 80 35 90

Harris 21 UO I 0 . 18 2.24 clearance 23 4 2.25 2.28 -0. 09 -0.06 50 90 80 120

17 U02 0 . 18 2.24 clea rance 2.33 2.26 230 -0 .07 -0.03 60 65 90 11 0
II U03 0 . 17 2.22 clea ran ce 2 .33 2. 17 2.26 -0 .14 -0.07 55 55 90 105
30 T04 0 . 16 2.27 clea rance 2 .28 2.25 2.25 -0.03 -0.03 65 100 90 135
38 U06 0. 15 230 cleara nce 2.38 235 235 -0 .03 -0.03 55 85 90 120
61 U07 0 .18 2.2 1 clea rance 2.28 2. 24 2.26 -0 .04 -0 .02 55 75 95 120

Hutchin so n 72 U07 0.22 2.2 1 c leara nce 2.27 2.2 1 2.22 -0 .06 -0 .05 50 60 70 90

Littl eton 48 U07 0 .16 2 .18 clea rance 2.20 2.20 2.20 0.00 0 .00 45 90 90 125

Mo ffa tt 33 T04 0 .17 2 .27 clea ran ce 235 2.26 230 -0.09 -0 .05 40 50 90 100
40 U06 0 . 18 23 0 clea rance 2.41 232 233 -0.09 -0 .08 50 45 95 110
84 U07 0 . 18 2.24 c lea rance 2.33 2.25 2.27 -0.08 -0 .06 40 45 95 105

Nieto 17 U99 0 .19 2.25 clea rance 230 230 2 .30 0.00 0 .00 35 85 95 125
36 UO I 0 .20 2.27 mi ss 23 1 2.25 2.28 -0.06 -0 .03 40 55 100 11 5
13 U02 0 .18 2.24 clea rance 23 1 2.27 2 .27 -0.04 -0 .04 45 60 95 11 0
37 U03 0. 18 230 clea rance 236 2.28 234 -0.08 -0 .02 45 65 100 120
62 T04 0 . 18 233 c lea rance 235 23 1 235 -0.04 0 .00 55 70 95 11 5
24 U06 0 .18 2.2 4 mi ss 2.28 2.2 1 2.23 -0.07 -0 .05 40 65 95 11 5
99 U07 0 . 19 2 .25 clea ra nce 2.30 2.28 2.29 -0.02 -0 .0 1 35 65 100 11 5

Se ll ers 03 U06 0 . 17 2. 19 clearance 2.27 2.20 2.2 1 -0.07 -0 .06 45 80 70 105

42 U07 0 . 18 2 .18 c learance 2.2 4 2. 18 2. 18 -0.06 -0 .06 45 70 75 105

Shunk 28 T04 0 . 19 2 .27 miss 2.25 2.2 1 2.22 -0.04 -0 .03 60 75 90 11 5

95 U07 0 . 19 2.27 miss 2.27 2.23 2.2 8 -0.04 +0 .0 1 55 55 95 11 0

Willi ams 16 T04 0 . 16 2.24 clea rance 2.28 2.25 2.25 -0 .03 -0 .03 50 90 75 120
82 U07 0. 15 2.24 clea rance 232 2.25 2.27 -0 .07 -0.05 30 80 75 11 0

(*) U99 = 1999 USATF Ch .; UO I = 200 I USATF Ch .; U02 = 2002 USA TF Ch., U03 = 2003 USATF Ch.; T04 = 2004 US
O lympic T ri als; U06 = 2006 USATF Ch., U07 = 2007 USATF Ch.
(** ) Ang ul ar momentum units: s·' · 10·'

Height of the bar, pea k height of the c.m., and been cleared successfu ll y ; if th e bar stays up , th e
clearance height athlete is credited with the heig ht at whi ch the bar
The he ig ht of th e bar (h sAR), th e maximum was set, even if the jumper had room to spare over it.
heig ht reached by th e c. m . (hrK) and the outcome o f Us in g computer modeling and g raphics, it is
th e jump are shown in Table 5 . poss ible to estimate the approximate maximum
The true value of a hig h jump generally is not heig ht that an ath lete wou ld have been ab le to c lear
kn own : If the bar is knocked down , the jump is ruled c lean ly witho ut touchi ng the bar in a g iven jump
a fou I and the ath lete gets zero credit, even though a ("c learance heig ht" ), regard less of whether the actual
hy poth eti cal bar set at a lower heig ht wo uld have jump was offi c ially a valid c learan ce o r a foul.

Fig ure II shows three im ages of a hig h jumper's Takeo ff distance

c learance of a bar set at 2.25 m . Fig ure 12 sho ws a ll T he di stance be tw een th e toe of the takeoff foo t
the im ages obta in ed thro ug h v id eo ana lys is o f the bar and th e pl ane of th e bar and th e stand ard s is ca lled
c learance . In F ig ure 13 th e drawin g has been th e " takeoff distance" ( Fig ure 2). The va lu e of this
saturated w ith interm edi ate pos itio ns of th e hig h di stance is shown in T abl e 2, and it is impo rtant
jumper, ca lcul ated thro ug h a process ca lled because it determines th e pos it io n o f the peak of th e
curv il inear interp o latio n. Th e sca le in th e "saturatio n jump re lati ve to the bar: If an athlete takes off too fa r
draw in g" shows th at in thi s jump th e athl ete wo uld fro m the bar, th e c. m . w ill reach its max imum he ig ht
have been able to c lear a bar set in the plane of the befo re cross ing th e p lane o f th e standards, and th e
standard s at a he ig ht of 2.3 4 m (hc Ls) witho ut jumper will pro bably fa ll o n the bar; if the athlete
touching it. A c loser examinatio n o f Fig ure 13 a lso takes o ff too c lose to the bar, th ere w ill be a large ri sk
shows that th e m ax imum he ig ht of th e " ho llow" area of hitting th e bar w hil e the c. m . is o n the way up ,
left be low th e body was no t perfectl y centered over befo re reaching its max imum he ig ht. Different
the bar: If this athl ete had taken o ff c loser to the athl etes usually need different takeoff distances. T he
plane of th e stand ard s, he wo u ld have been able to optimum va lu e fo r th e takeoff distance of each
c lear a bar set at an abso lute m ax imum he ig ht of athl ete is th e o ne th at wi ll m ake the c.m . of th e
2.35 m (hcLA) w ith o ut to uching it. j umper reach its m ax imum he ig ht mo re o r less
Due to erro rs in the d ig iti za tio n of the film s or directl y over th e bar, and it will depend prim arily on
v id eotapes , in the thi ckn esses of th e va ri o us bo dy th e f in a l directio n of th e run-up and o n th e amo unt of
seg ments of the co mputer g raphi cs mode l and in the res idua l ho rizonta l ve loc ity th at the athlete has left
degree of curvature of th e trunk in th e drawin gs, th e after th e compl etion of the takeo ff phase.
va lu e of th e c learance he ig ht in the plane o f the In genera l, athl etes w ho travel more
stand ards (hc Ls) and the va lu e of the abso lute perpendicu Jar to the bar in the f in a l steps of the run-
c learance he ight (hcLA) o bta ined us ing th is meth od up (indicated by large p 2 and p 1 ang les in T able 2)
are no t perfect ly acc urate. A tes t sho w ed th at hcLs will also trave l mo re perp endicular to the bar afte r th e
wi ll be over- or und erestim ated on th e average by compl etio n of th e takeoff ph ase (indicated by large p0
betwee n 0 .02 m and 0 .0 3 m , but thi s w ill be larger o r ang les in T able 2 ), and they will need to take o ff
sma ll er in indiv idu a l cases. Therefo re, the calcul ated farther fro m th e bar. In genera l, ath letes w ho run
c learance he ig ht va lu es should be co ns id ered o nl y faster in th e fin a l steps of th e run -up ( indi cated by
roug h estim ates . It is a lso necessary to keep in mind large va lues o f v1-12 and V H 1 in T abl e 3) will also have
th at hig h jumpers can ge nera lly d epress th e bar abo ut mo re hori zontal ve locity left after takeoff (indicated
0 .02 m, sometim es 0 .04 m, and occas io nal ly 0.06 m by larg e va lues o fvH ro in Tab le 3); thu s, th ey will
or mo re w itho ut kn ockin g it down. trave l throu gh larger ho ri zonta l di stances aft er the
T he differences between th e cl earance he ig hts compl etion of the takeoff phase th an s lower j ump ers,
and th e peak he ig ht of th e c. m . indi cate th e and th ey will a lso need to take off fa rth er fro m th e
effec ti ve ness of th e bar c learance in th e pl ane of th e bar in ord er fo r th e c.m . to reach its max imum he ight
stand ard s (.::lhc Ls = hcLs - hrK) and th e abso lute mo re or less directly over th e bar.
effec ti veness of the bar c learance (.::lhc LA = he LA - Hig h jumpers need to be able to judge after a
hrK)· Large r negati ve numbers indi cate less effecti ve miss w heth er th e takeoff po in t mig ht have been too
bar c learances . c lose o r too fa r fro m th e bar. Thi s can be done by
T abl e 5 shows the max imum he ig ht that th e pay ing attention to th e tim e w hen the bar w as hit. If
ath lete wo uld hav e been able to clear witho ut th e bar was hit a lo ng time aft er the takeoff, this
to uching th e bar in th e plane o f th e standard s (hcLs), pro bably means that the bar w as hit as th e athlete was
th e abso lute max imum he ig ht th at the athl ete wo uld coming down fro m th e peak o f the jump , imply ing
have been able to c lear w itho ut touchin g the bar that th e athlete too k o ff too far fro m th e bar, and in
(hcLA), th e effecti ve ness o f th e bar c learance in the that case the ath Jete sho uld move th e startin g po int of
plane of th e stand ard s (.::lhc Ls), and th e abso lute the run-up s lig htly c los er to th e bar ; if th e bar w as hit
effec ti ve ness of th e bar c learance (.::lhcLA) in th e very soo n after tak eoff, this probably mean s th at th e
ana lyzed tri a ls. bar was hit w hil e th e athlete was still on th e way up
T he most usua l reasons fo r an ineffecti ve bar toward th e peak of th e jump, imply in g that th e
cl earance are: takin g off too c lose o r too fa r fro m th e takeoff po int was too c lose to th e bar, and in th at case
bar, in suffic ient amo unt o f so mersaulting an g ul ar the athlete sho u ld move the startin g po int of th e run -
momentum , in suffi c ient twist rotatio n, poo r arching, up s lig htly farth er fr o m the bar.
and bad timin g of th e archin g/un-arching process.
Th ese as pects of hig h jumping techniqu e w ill be Ang ular mo mentum
discussed next. An g ular mo mentum (a lso ca lled " rotary

Figure 11

HARKEN #34 062787 2.25 M CLEARANCE

Figure 12

HARKEN ~34 062787 2 . 25 M CLEARANCE


Figure 13

HARKEN *34 062787 2 . 25 M CLEARANCE


momentum ") is a mechanica l factor that makes the durin g the tak eoff ph ase.
athl e te rotate. Hig h jumpers need th e ri g ht amount of Stati st ics show th at jumpers w ith a ve ry large
ang ular momentum to make in th e air the rotations backw ard lean at th e start of the takeoff phase (s ma ll
necessary for a proper bar clearance. The athlete BFTD ang les) do not get quite as much forw ard
obtains th e angular momentum durin g the takeoff so mersaulting angular momentum as other jumpers.
ph ase, through the forces that the takeoff foot makes The reaso ns for this are not co mpl ete ly clear.
o n the gro und ; the angular momentum cannot be The forward so mersaulting angular mo mentum
changed afte r the athl ete leaves the g ro und . can a lso be affected by the actions of the arms and
The bar c learan ce technique of a Fosbury-flop lead leg. Wide sw ings of the arm s and of the lead
can be described ro ug hly as a twisting somersault. leg durin g the takeoff can help the athl ete to jump
To a great extent, th e twist rotatio n (w hi ch m akes the hig her (see " Arm and lead leg actio ns" above) .
athl ete turn the back to the bar durin g the asce ndin g However, in a v iew from the s id e (top sequ ence in
part of the fli g ht path) is ge nerated by sw ing in g the Figure 16) they a lso imply backwa rd (c lockw ise)
lead leg up and so mewhat away from th e bar durin g rotat io ns of these limbs, which can reduce th e total
the takeoff, and so metimes also by actively turnin g forw ard so mersaulting ang ular mo mentum of the
the shoulders and arm s during the takeoff in the body .
desired direction of th e twist. These actions create To dimini sh this pro blem , so me high jumpers
angu lar mo mentum about a vertical ax is . This is turn their back toward th e bar in the last step of the
ca ll ed th e twisting ang ul ar momentum , Hr. The Hr run-up , and then sw ing the arms diagonally fo rward
va lu es of the analyzed athletes are shown in Table 5. and away from th e bar during the takeoff phase (see
Mos t hig h jumpers have no difficulty obtaining an Fig ure 17) . Since thi s diago nal arm sw in g is not a
app ropr iate amo unt of Hr . (However, we will see perfect bac kward ro tati o n, it interferes less with the
later that the actions tha t the athlete makes in th e a ir, ge neration of forward som ersaultin g ang ul ar
as we ll as other factors , can a lso s ig nificantly affect momentum .
w hether the hig h jumper will be perfectl y face-up at
the peak of th e jump, o r tilted to o ne s ide with one
hip lower than the other.)
Fig ure 14
The so mersault rotatio n, which will make the
shou lders go down while the kn ees go up , results
from two components: a fo rward so mersaulting
compo nent and a latera l somersaulting component.
(a) Fo rward so mersa ultin g a ng ular
momentum (H F) Durin g the takeoff phase, the (a) (b)
athl ete produces ang ul ar mo m entum about a
horizontal ax is perpendi cul ar to the final direction of
the run-up (see Figure 14 a and the sequence at the '·
top of Figure 15) . This forward ro tation is s imilar to
the one prod uced when a person ho ps off from a
mov ing bus facing the direction of motio n ofthe bu s : side v iew back view
After the feet hit th e g ro und , the tend ency is to rotate
forward and fall flat on one's face . It can be
described as angular mo mentum produ ced by th e
checking of a linear mo tion .
-......_ -......_ final run- up direc1ion
The tilt ang les of the trunk at the start and at the
end of the takeoff phase (see "Trunk lean") are
stat istically re lated to the angular mo mentum G III . 1.\II.R,\I
. . ._/'. . ._·;Q
o bta in ed by th e athlete . Large changes of the trunk "1)\ II ·R"'i\l il ll'\'i...l -V'......... I
tilt from a backward pos itio n toward vertical durin g RUL\110' :::::-.... I
the takeoff phase are assoc iated with a larger a mo unt --G---~ -
of forward somersaulting angular mo mentum . This
makes sense, because athle tes with a large amount of (c)
IliSl "II A' I
!\o, u ~<sAt ut~c ;
/ ~"'P" '
forward so mersaultin g ang ular mo mentum at the end Rtll:\ 110\i
I \
of the takeoff phase sho uld a lso be expected to have a 1 0 1(\\1\}{J)

large a mo unt of it a lready during the takeoff phase,

and this shou ld contribute to a g reater forward
rotation of the body in general and of the trunk overhead view




10 . 22 10.20 10 . 18 10 . 16 10.14 10 . 12 10.10 10 .08 10.06 10 .04 10.02 10.00





10.22 10 .20 10.18 10.16 10.14 10.12 10.10 10 . 08 10.06 10.04 10.02 10.00




10 . 22 10.20 10.18 10 . 16 10.14 10 . 12 10.10 10.08 10.06 10.04 10.02 10.00

(b) Lateral somersa ultin g angular jumpers th at it is necessary to seek a co mp ro mise

momentum (HL) During th e takeo ff ph ase, ang ular between lift and ro tati o n.
momentum is a lso produced abo ut a ho ri zo nta l ax is The botto m sequ ence in Fig ure 17 shows that in
in Iin e w ith the f in a l directio n of th e run-up (see an athl ete who takes off fro m th e left leg a d iago na l
Fig ure 14 b and th e botto m sequence in Fig ure 15) . In arm swin g is assoc iated with a c lockw ise motion of
a rear v iew of an athl ete who takes off fro m th e left th e arm s in a v iew fro m th e back , and th erefore it
leg, this ang ul ar mo m entum co mpo nent appears as a co ntributes to th e ge neratio n of latera l somersaulting
c lockw ise ro tatio n. ang ular mo mentum .
If th e j ump er m ade use of a stra ig ht run-up , in a High jumpers usua lly have more latera l th an
rear v iew the athl ete wo uld be uprig ht at touchdown, fo rwa rd so mersaulting ang ul ar mom entum . T he sum
and leaning toward th e bar at the end of th e takeoff. of th ese two ang ular mom entum components add s up
Si nce a leaning pos ition wo uld result in a low er to th e required tota l (o r " resultant") somersaulting
he ig ht of th e c .m . at th e end of th e takeoff ph ase, the ang ular mo mentum , Hs ( Fig ure 14c) . (This is not a
prod ucti on of ang ul ar mo mentum wo uld thu s cause a
redu ct ion in the ve rti ca l range of motio n of th e c.m .
s imple additio n ; th e fo rmula is Hs = ~H ~ + H ~ .)
durin g th e takeoff ph ase. However, if th e athl ete uses Th e fo rw ard ( HF), latera l (HL) and tota l (Hs)
a cur ved run-up, the initia l lean of th e athl ete to the so mersaulting ang ular mo mentum va lu es of th e
left at the end of th e approach run m ay a llow th e ana lyzed athle tes are shown in Table 5, and in
athl ete to be uprig ht at th e end of th e takeoff ph ase g raphica l fo rm in Fig ure 18. (To fac ilita te
(see Fig ure 14 b and th e bo ttom sequ ence in F ig ure co mpari so ns a mo ng a thl etes, th e ang ular momentum
15) . T he fi na l uprig ht pos iti on contributes to a higher va lu es have been no rm a lized for th e we ight and
c. m . pos itio n at the end of the takeoff ph ase. Also, standin g he ig ht of each athl ete.) In genera l, athl etes
th e initi a l latera l tilt contributes to a lower c .m . w ith more ang ul ar mo m entum tend to rotate faster.
pos iti on at the start of th e takeoff ph ase . Th erefore Fem a le hig h jumpers tend to acquire mo re
the curved run-up , togeth er w ith the ge neration of ang ular momentum than m a le hig h jumpers. Thi s is
latera l so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum , contributes because th e wo men do n't jump quite as h igh, and
to in crease the ve rtica l range of motion of the c. m . th erefore th ey need to rotate fas ter to co mpensate for
d uring the ta keoff ph ase, and thu s permits g reater lift th e sma ller amo unt of tim e th at they have avai labl e
th an if a stra ig ht run -up we re used . ( However, so me between th e takeoff and the peak of the jump.
cautio n is necessary here, s in ce statisti ca l info rm atio n
suggests that j ump ers w ith an excess ive lean toward Adj ustm e nts in the a ir
the center of th e curve at the start of th e takeoff phase Afte r the takeoff is co mpl eted, th e path of the
tend to get a sma ll er amo unt of latera l so mersaulting c. m . is tota ll y determin ed, and nothing can be done to
ang ular momentum th an j ump ers w ith a more change it. However, this does not mean th at th e
moderate lean. T he reaso ns fo rth is are not c lear. ) paths of a ll parts of th e body are determined . Wh at
T here is some statistical assoc iatio n betw een cann ot be changed is th e path of th e po int that
large changes in the left/ri g ht tilt ang le of th e trunk represents th e average pos itio n of all body parts (th e
dur ing th e takeoff ph ase and large amo unts of latera l c.m. ), bu t it is poss ible to move o ne part of the body
so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum at the end of th e in o ne directio n if other parts are moved in th e
takeoff ph ase. T hi s m akes sense, because ath Ietes o ppos ite directio n. Us ing this prin c ipl e, after the
w ith a large amo unt of latera l so mersaulting angular sho uld ers pass over th e bar th e hig h jumper can ra ise
mo mentum at the end of th e takeoff ph ase should the hips by lowerin g th e head and th e legs . For a
a lso be ex pected to have a large amo unt of it a lready g iven pos ition of th e c.m ., th e farther the head and
d uring the takeoff phase, w hi ch sho uld co ntribute to a th e legs are lowered , the hig her the hips w ill be lifted .
g reater rotatio n of the trunk durin g th e takeoff ph ase T hi s is th e reaso n fo r the arched pos itio n o n top of
from its initi a l latera l directio n toward th e vertica l. the bar.
T he reader sho uld be re mind ed at this po int that To a g reat extent, th e ro tatio n of th e hig h j umper
a lth oug h large changes in tilt durin g th e takeo ff phase in th e a ir is a lso determin ed once the takeoff phase is
and, to a certa in extent, sma ll backward and latera l compl eted, because th e ang ul ar mo mentum of the
leans of the trunk at the start of th e takeoff phase athl ete cannot be changed durin g the a irborne ph ase .
(i .e ., large BFTD and L RT D va lu es) are assoc iated However, some a lteratio ns of th e ro tatio n are st ill
w ith increased ang ular mo mentum , th ey are a lso poss ibl e. By s low ing dow n th e ro tatio ns of so me
stati stica lly assoc iated wi th redu ced vertical ve loc ity parts of the body, oth er parts of the body w ill speed
at th e end of th e takeoff ph ase, and th erefo re with a up as a co mpensatio n, and v ice versa. For instance,
redu ced max imum he ig ht of the c .m . at the peak of th e athlete shown in Fig ure 19a s lowed down the
the j ump . T his suppo rts th e intuitive fee ling of hig h co unterc lockw ise rotatio n of th e takeoff leg shortly

Figure 18







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Figure 19
._. -()
~r r ~
--~ C c__ ~
F ~------~ ~

after th e takeo ff ph ase was co mp leted, by fl ex ing at somersaulted faster : Both jumpers had th e same tilt
the kn ee and ex tending at the hip ( t = I 0 .34 - at t = I 0.22 s, but at t = I 0.94 s the athl ete in Fig ure
10 .58 s). In reactio n, this helped th e trunk to rotate 19c had a mo re backward-rotated pos itio n than th e
faster co unterc lockwise, and th erefo re contributed to athl ete in Figure 19b . T he faster speed of rotati on of
produce th e horizo nta l pos itio n shown by th e trunk at th e jumper in Fig ure 19c was du e to hi s more
t = 10 .58 s. Later, fr o m t = I 0 .5 8 tot = 10 .82 s, the co mpact body config uratio n in the period between t =
athl ete slowed down th e counterclockwise rotatio n of I 0.46 s and t = 10 .70 s. It was ac hi eved ma inly
th e trunk , and even reversed it into a c lockwise throug h a g reater fl ex io n of the kn ees . Thi s
ro tation; in reactio n, th e legs s imultan eo us ly config uratio n of th e body redu ced th e athl ete's
increased th e ir speed of rotation counterc lockwise, mo ment of inertia abo ut an ax is para lle l to the bar,
and thu s c leared th e bar (t = 10 .58- I 0 .82 s) . and mad e him so mersault fas ter. (The jumps show n
The prin c ipl es of acti on and reaction just in Fig ures 19b and 19c were artific ia l jumps
describ ed both fo r tran slatio n and ro tatio n result in produced us in g co mputer s imul atio n - see be low .
th e ty pi ca l archin g and un-arch in g actio ns of hig h Thi s ensured that th e athl ete had exactl y th e same
jumpers o ver the bar: Th e ath lete needs to arch in pos ition at takeoff and th e same amo unt of angular
o rder to lift the hip s, and then to un-arch in ord er to momentum in both jumps. )
speed up the rotati on of th e legs. As the body un- Th e techniqu e used by the athl ete in Fig ure 19c
arches , th e legs go up , but th e hips go down . can be ve ry helpful fo r hig h jumpers with low or
T herefo re, timing is critic al. If th e body un-arches moderate amo unts of so mersaulting ang ular
too late, th e ca lves will kn ock th e bar down ; if the mo mentum . Both jumps show n in Fig ures 19b and
body un-arches too earl y, th e athlete w ill " sit" on th e 19c had the same amo unt of ang ular mo mentum (H s
bar and w ill a lso kn ock it down . = I I 0), and th e center of mass reached a peak he ig ht
Th ere can be severa l reaso ns for an athl ete's 0.0 7 m hig her than the bar in both jumps. While th e
weak arching . The athl ete may be un aw are that athl ete in Fig ure 19b hit th e bar with his ca lves (t =
he/she is not arching eno ug h. Or th e athl ete is not I 0 .82 s), the fas ter so mersault rotation of the athl ete
able to coordinate properl y th e necessary actio ns of in Fig ure 19c he lp ed him to pass a ll parts of th e body
th e limbs. Or th e athl ete is no t fl ex ib le eno ug h. Or o ver th e bar with som e ro o m to spare.
th e athlete is fl ex ible eno ug h but has w eak abdo minal In the rare cases in whi ch a hig h jumper has a
mu sc les and hip fl exo r mu sc les (the mu scles that pass very large amount of ang ular mo mentum , the
in fr ont of th e hip j o int) , and therefo re is re luctant to technique shown in Fig ure 19c co uld be a liability,
arch ve ry mu ch s in ce he/she is aw are th at the because it mig ht acce lerate th e rotatio n so mu ch th at
necessary un-arching actio n that will be required later th e sho uld ers will hit the bar o n the way up . Fo r
will be imposs ible to execute with th e necessary athl etes with a large a mo unt of ang ul ar mo mentum , it
fo rcefuln ess due to th e weakn ess of th e abd omin a l will be better to keep the legs mo re extended on th e
and hip fl exo r mu sc les . way up to th e bar, fo llo win g the body configuratio n
Anoth er w ay in whi ch rotatio n can be changed is pattern shown in Fig ure 19b . This will temporarily
by alterin g th e " mom ent of inertia" of the body . Th e s low down the backward so mersau lt, and thus
moment of in ertia is a number th at indi cates whether prevent the athl ete fro m hitting the bar with th e
th e various parts th at m ake up th e body are c lose to sho uld ers o n the w ay up to th e bar. (Of course, th e
th e ax is o f rotation or far fr om it. When many parts athl ete will still need to arch and un-arch with good
ofth e body are far fr om the ax is of rotati on , th e timing over th e bar.)
moment of inertia of th e body is large, and thi s
decreases th e speed of turning abo ut th e ax is of T he tw ist rotation; proble ms in its exec utio n
rotat ion. Vi ce ve rsa, if most parts of th e body are It was po inted o ut earli er th at th e tw ist rotati on
kept c lose to th e ax is of rotatio n, th e mo ment of in hig h jumping is pro du ced to a g reat ex tent by th e
inertia is sma ll , and th e speed of ro tatio n in creases . tw isting compo nent of ang ular mo mentum , HT. But
This is wh at happ ens to fi g ure skaters in a v iew fr om it was a lso mentio ned th at o th er fac to rs co uld affect
overhead wh en th ey spin : As they bring th e ir arm s wh ether the jumper wo uld be perfectl y face-up at th e
c loser to th e verti ca l ax is of rotatio n, th ey spin fas ter peak of th e jump, or tilted to o ne s id e with o ne hip
abo ut the ve rtica l ax is. In hig h jumping, rotatio n lower than the oth er. On e of th e mos t impo rtant of
abo ut a ho ri zo ntal ax is paralle l to th e bar (i.e ., the these facto rs is th e pro po rti on betw een th e s izes of
so mersault) is genera lly mo re impo rtant th an rotation the fo rward and latera l co mponents of th e
about th e ve rtical ax is, but th e sam e princ ipl e is at somersaulting ang ul ar mo m entum . We w ill now see
wo rk . T he jumps shown in Fig ures 19b and 19c both how thi s works.
had th e same amount of so mersaultin g ang ul ar Fig ure 20 show s sketches of a hy poth eti cal hig h
momentum . How ever, th e athl ete in Fig ure 19c jumper at th e end of the takeoff ph ase and after three

Figure 20 lower th an th e hip of the lead leg .

Another po int that we have to take into acco unt
is th at, while th e twisting co mpo nent of angular
needs 90° twist momentum (Hr) is a majo r factor in the ge neration of
(b) th e twi st rotation in hig h jumping, it is ge nerall y not
needs 135° twist needs 45° twist eno ug h to pro duce th e necessary face-up pos ition on
(c) (a) to p of th e bar : In addition , the athlete a lso needs to
use rotationa l action and reactio n about the
longitudinal axis of th e body to increase the amount
of twist rotatio n th at occurs in the a ir. In a norma l
hig h jump, th e athlete needs to achi eve abo ut 90 ° of
twist rotation between takeoff and the peak of the
jump. Approximately ha lf of it (abo ut 45 °) is
initial body {I produ ced by the twisting ang ul ar mo mentum ; the
at takeoff oth er half(ro ug hl y anoth er 45°) needs to be produced
thro ug h rotat io na l actio n and reaction. Rotationa l
ac tion and reactio n is sometim es ca ll ed "catting"
because cats dro pped in an ups id e-d own pos ition
w ith no angu lar mo mentum use a m echanis m of this
kind to land on their feet.
The cattin g that takes pl ace in th e twist rotation
of a hig h jump is diff icult to see, because it is
pure somersault rotations in different directions (with obscured by th e so mersault and twist rotat io ns
no twist), a ll viewed fr o m overh ead . For s impli city, produced by th e angular mo mentum . If we could
we have ass um ed that the final direction of the run-up " hide" the somersault and twist rotations prod uced by
was at a 45 ° angle with respect to the bar. A no rmal the ang ul ar momentum , we would be abl e to iso late
comb in at ion of forward and latera l compo nents of the catting rotation , and see it c learl y. To achieve
so mersaulting ang ular mom entum wo uld produce at that, we wo uld need to look at th e hig h jumper from
the peak of the jump th e pos ition shown in image b, the viewpoint of a ro tating ca mera. Th e camera
which would require in addition 90 ° of twist ro tatio n wo uld need to somersault with the athlete , stay ing
to ge nerate a face-up orientation . If instead an athlete aligned with the athl ete's lo ng itudin a l ax is. The
ge nerated o nly lateral so mersaultin g angular camera would a lso need to twist with th e athl ete, just
mo mentum , the result would be th e pos ition shown in fast eno ug h to keep up with th e po rtio n of the twist
image a, w hi ch wou ld require o nl y abo ut 45° of twist rotation produced by the twisting component of
rotat ion to achi eve a face-up orientation ; if the athlete angu lar mo mentum . That way, all that would be left
ge nerated o nly fo rward so mersaultin g angular wo uld be th e rotatio n produced by the catting, and
mo mentum , the result wou ld be th e pos ition shown in this rotatio n is what would be visible in th e ca mera's
image c, whi ch wo uld require abo ut 135 ° oftwist view . It is imposs ibl e to make a rea l camera rotate in
rotation to ac hi eve a face-up orienta tion . It is ve ry such a way, but we can use a computer to ca lculate
unu sua l for hig h jumpers to have o nl y latera l or how th e jump wo uld have appeared in th e images of
forward so mersaultin g ang ular mom entum , but many such a camera if it had existed. Thi s is what is show n
jumpers have mu ch larger amo unts of o ne than of th e in Figure 2 1.
oth er. The example sho ws that jumpers with The sequ ence in Figure 2 1 covers the period
particul arly large amounts of forward so mersaulting between takeoff and the peak of th e jump, and
angu lar momentum and small a mo unts of latera l progresses from left to ri g ht. All the im ages are
somersaulting ang ular mo m entum will need to tw ist v iewed from a directio n a lig ned with th e long itudina l
more in th e a ir if th e athl ete is to be face up at the axis of th e athlete. (The head is th e part of the athlete
peak of th e jump. Otherwise, th e body will be tilted, nearest to the " camera".) As th e jump progressed ,
w ith th e hip of the lead leg lower than the hip of the the camera somersaulted with th e ath Jete , so it stayed
takeoff leg . Co nverse ly , jumpers with particul arly a lig ned with th e athl ete's long itudin a l ax is. The
large amo unts of late ra l som ersaulting ang ul ar camera a lso twisted counterc lockw ise w ith the
mo mentum and sma ll amo unts of forward athl ete, just fast enough to keep up with th e portion
so mersaultin g ang ular mom entum wi ll need to twist of the twist rotatio n produced by the twisting
less in th e air than other jumpers in ord er to be component of ang ul ar mo mentum . Figure 21 shows
perfectl y face up at th e peak ofthej ump . Oth erwise, a c lear co unterc lockwise rotatio n of the hips (a bout
the body wi ll be tilted , with th e hip of th e takeoff leg 45°) between th e beg inning and th e end of th e

Figure 21

acti o ns
rcactio{j-..._ f\

sequence. T hi s impli es that the a thl ete ro tated takeoff ph ase ; a pos ition th at is too tilted toward th e
co un terc lockwise fas ter th an th e camera, i.e., fas ter ri g ht at the end o f the takeoff ph ase (toward the left
than the part of th e tw ist rotatio n pro duced by the in th e case of jumpers takin g o ff fr o m th e ri g ht foo t);
tw ist in g co mpo nent of ang ular mo m entum. Th e premature lowerin g of th e lead leg soo n aft er takeoff.
co un te rc lockw ise rotatio n of the hips v is ible in the Wh en thi s kind of pro bl em occurs, it w ill be
sequ ence is th e amo un t of tw ist rotatio n pro du ced necessary to check th e cause of th e pro bl em in each
th ro ugh catting. It occurred m a inly as a reaction to indi vidu a l case, and then dec id e w hat wo uld be the
th e c lockwise motio ns of the rig ht leg, w hi ch moved eas ies t way to correct it.
toward the ri g ht, and th en backw ard . (These actions
of the ri g ht leg are subtl e, but neverth e less v is ibl e in Control of airborne movements; computer
the sequ ence.) In part, th e co un terc lockw ise catting simulation
rotatio n of th e hips was a lso a reactio n to the We have seen th at th e c.m . path and th e ang ular
c lockw ise rotation of the ri g ht arm. With o ut th e mo mentum of a hig h jumper are determ ined by th e
catting, th e tw ist rotatio n of this athl ete wo uld have time th e athl ete leaves th e g ro und . We have a lso
been redu ced by an amo unt equ iva lent to th e seen that in spite of th ese restrictio ns o n th e free do m
approx im ate ly 45 ° of co unterc lockw ise ro tat io n of the jumper, th e athl ete sti II has a certa in degree of
vis ib le in the sequence of Fig ure 2 1. contro l over th e movem ents of th e body durin g the
Some j umpers e mph as ize th e tw isting ang ular a irbo rn e ph ase.
momentum mo re; others tend to e mph as ize th e Sometim es it is easy to predi ct in ro ug h genera l
catting mo re. If not eno ug h twisting angular term s ho w th e ac tio ns of certa in parts of the body
momentum is ge nerated during th e takeo ff ph ase, or dur ing the a irbo rne ph ase will affect the mo tions of
if th e athlete does no t do eno ug h catting in th e a ir, th e the rest of th e body, but it is difficult to judge throug h
athl ete w ill not tw ist eno ug h in th e a ir, wh ich w ill simple "eyeba lling" w heth er th e amounts of moti on
make th e body be in a tilted pos itio n at th e peak of w ill be suffic ient to achieve th e des ired res ults.
th e jump, with th e hip of th e lead leg low er than th e Other times, particularly in complex three-
hip of th e takeoff leg. T hi s will put the hip of the dim ens io nal a irbo rne motions such as th ose in vo lved
lead leg ( i.e., th e low hip) in danger of hittin g th e bar. in hig h j umping, it is not even poss ible to predict th e
T here are other ways in whi ch pro bl ems can kinds of mo tio ns th at w ill be produ ced by act ions of
occur in th e twist ro ta ti on . If at the end of th e ta keoff oth er parts of the body , let a lo ne th e ir amoun ts .
ph ase an athl ete is tilting backwa rd too far, or is To he lp so lve this pro ble m, a meth od fo r th e
tiltin g too far toward th e ri g ht (too fa r tow ard th e left computer s imul atio n of hum an a irborne movements
in th e case of a jumper w ho takes off fro m th e rig ht was develo ped ( Dapena, 1981 ). In thi s meth od, we
foo t), o r if the lead leg is lowered too soo n after g ive the computer th e path of th e c.m . and th e
takeoff, th e tw ist rotatio n w ill be s lower. This is due ang ular mo mentum of th e body fro m an actu al j ump
to interac tions between th e so mersault and twist th at was film ed or v id eo taped . We a lso g ive th e
rotatio ns that are too co mpl ex to ex pl a in here . co mputer th e pa ttern s of moti on (ang les) o f a ll th e
Acco rdin g to th e previous discuss io n, a tilted body segments re lati ve to the trunk durin g the entire
pos it io n at th e peak of th ej ump in w hi ch the hip of a irbo rn e ph ase . T he computer then ca lculates how
the lead leg is lower than th e h ip of the takeoff leg the trunk has to move durin g the a irborn e ph ase to
can be du e to a vari ety of causes : an in suffic ient ma inta in th e path of th e c. m . and th e ang ular
amount of tw isting ang ular mo mentum ; a mu ch momentum of the w ho le body the sam e as in th e
larger amount of fo rward than latera l so m ersaulting orig in a l j ump. If we input to the computer the
ang ular momentum ; in suffic ient catting in th e a ir ; a orig in a l pattern s of motio n of the segments (th at is,
backward tilted pos ition of th e body at th e end of th e th e pattern s of mo tio n that occurred in the or ig in a l

j ump), th e computer w ill gen erate a jump that w ill be

practica lly id enti ca l to th e orig in al jump . But if we
input to th e computer a ltered pattern s of motion of
th e segments, th e computer will generate an altered
jump . This is th e jump that would have been
produced if th e high jumper had used th e sam e run-
up and takeoff as in the orig in a l jump, but th en
dec id ed to change th e moti ons of th e Iimbs after
taking off from the ground . Once th e computer has
generated the simu lated jump, thi s jump can be
shown using graphi c representati ons just like any
other jump.
With th e simul ation meth od, it is a lso poss ibl e to
input to th e computer an altered amount of angul ar
momentum . Thi s generates a simulated jump that
shows how th e athlete would have moved in th e air if
the run -up and takeoff had been changed to produ ce a
d iffe rent amount of angular momentum than in th e
origin al j ump.
The co mputer simulation meth od just described
can be used to test for vi able altern atives in th e
airborn e actions of high jumpers, and a lso to
in ves tigate th e effects of different amounts of angular
momentum .

SPEC I FI C R ECOMMEND AT I ONS FOR takeoff phase . Th en, hi s arm actio ns durin g th e
I ND I V ID UAL AT H LETES takeoff ph ase were stro ng (AAT = 16 .2 mm/ m).
However, th e acti on of his lead leg was weak ( LLA =
Jim DI LL I NG 15. 8 mm /m), and th erefore hi s overa ll combin ation of
arm and lead leg actio ns w as somewh at weak (F LA =
Jum p 97 was Dillin g's las t successful c learance 32. 1 mm /m) .
at th e 2007 USATF Champi onships (2.2 7 m).
In jump 97, th e backward lean of Dilling ' s trunk
Based o n Dilling's ve rtica l ve loc ity at takeoff in at th e start of th e takeo ff ph ase was so mewh at sma ll
j ump 97 (vzm = 4 .40 m/s), a techniqu e of average (BFTD = 79°). Then he ro tated fo rward, and by the
qu a lity wo uld have in c lud ed a fin a l run-up speed of end o f th e takeoff hi s trunk was 2 o beyo nd the
abo ut 7.5 m/s and a c. m . he ig ht at th e end of th e run- verti ca l ( BFTO = 92°). In th e vi ew fro m th e s id e, th e
up equa l to abo ut 4 7% of his ow n standing he ig ht. trun k sho uld be vertica l ( i. e., at 90°) at th e end of the
Dilling's actu a l c. m. he ig ht at th e end of the run-up takeoff, so Dilling's overrotatio n pro bably produ ced
was s imilar to w hat mig ht have been expected for a a s lig ht loss of li ft. Dilling was able to ge nerate a
technique of average qu a lity (hm = 47. 5%), but he good amo unt of fo rwa rd somersaulting angular
was fas ter (vH 1 = 7. 8 m/s) . The overa ll co mbin ati on mo mentum ( HF = 80). It wo uld have been preferabl e
of run-up speed and c. m . he ig ht that Dilling used in for Dilling to have a g reater amo unt of backwa rd lean
jump 97 was reasonably good fo r a jumper capabl e of at the start of th e tak eoff ph ase, and then rotated only
generatin g 4 .40 m/s of vertical ve loc ity. up to th e vertica l by th e end of the takeoff. That way,
he wo uld have been abl e to generate the same amo unt
T he las t step of Dilling's run-up was so mewhat of ang ular mo m entum witho ut incurring any loss of
too lo ng (S L 1 = 2. 05 m , o r I 05 % of hi s own standing lift.
height). This s lig htly lo ng length of the last step of
the run-up pro bably contributed to Dilling's Dilling ' s trunk had a good amo unt of lean toward
so mewhat large negative vertical ve loc ity at the sta rt th e left at th e start of th e takeoff ph ase ( LRTD =
of the takeoff phase (vzm = -0.6 m/s). A large 7r) . Th en, he rotated toward th e rig ht, but by the
negati ve Vzm valu e is not ad v isable, because it end of th e takeoff he had not quite reach ed th e
requires the athl ete to make an extra effo rt to stop th e
verti ca l in th e view fr o m th e back (LRTO = 89°). In
downward motio n before produ c ing th e needed
th e v iew fr om th e bac k, it's no rm a l to go a few
up ward vertica l ve locity .
degrees pas t the vertica l at th e end of the takeoff. We
consider it acceptabl e ( indeed , des irable) to tilt up to
At the end of th e run-up , Dilling pl anted th e
10° pas t the vertica l at th e end of th e takeoff( in th e
takeo ff foo t too para ll e l to th e bar . Because of thi s,
view fro m th e bac k) because we be lieve that this may
the ang le between th e lo ng itudin a l ax is of th e ta keoff
be th e best co mp ro mise between th e generat ion of lift
foo t and the hor izo nta l fo rce rece ived by th e foot was
and th e generati on of ro tatio n (ang ular mo mentum ).
too large (e 3 = 33°). This wo uld no rma lly lead us to
Thus, Dilling's pos itio n at th e end of th e takeoff in
predict a risk of foo t pro nation, and injury to th e
jump 97 was too conserva ti ve. Because of this, the
ankle and foot. (See th e sectio n o n " Ori entation of
amo unt of latera l som ersaulting ang ular mo mentum
the takeo ff foot, and potenti a l for ankl e and foot
th at he was able to g enerate w as extremely s ma ll (H L
inj uri es" in th e m a in text of th e report. ) However,
= 35). (Fig ure 18 shows th e c learly th e difference
direct examin atio n of th e v id eos showed litt le or no
between Di lling's HL va lu es and those of th e oth er
vis ible pro natio n in any of Dilling's jumps. It is
hig h jumpers.)
necessary to keep in mind that, du e to o ur c am era
locat ions, it is hard er to actu a lly see pro natio n in
Dilling's fo rward and latera l co mpo nents of
j umpers w ho approach fr om th e ri g ht s ide ( lik e
somersaulting ang ular mo m entum added up to a very
Dilling) , so it is co nce ivabl e th at he mig ht be
sma ll to ta l amo unt of so mersaultin g ang ul ar
pro nating w ith o ut o ur no tic ing it, but we think thi s is
mo mentum ( Hs = 90).
unlike ly.
Dilling's sm a ll amo unt of latera l so mersaulting
Dillin g started hi s arm preparatio ns too many
angular mo mentum produced two pro blems. T he
steps befo re th e takeoff. T herefor e, he spent too
most impo rtant one was that it redu ced his tota l
many steps runnin g w ith th e arm s o ut of sy nc w ith
amo unt of so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum , which
the legs. To some extent, thi s m ay have limited his
in turn s low ed down th e so mersault rotatio n over th e
ability to run fas t. But he did succeed in hav ing hi s
bar. But in add it ion it a lso produced a large
arm s in good ( i.e., low) pos itio ns at th e start of the

di sproportion between hi s forward and latera l

compon ents of somersaulting angu lar momentum .
This disproportion prevented Dilling's body from
being perpendicular to the bar during the bar
clearance. In stead , he was slanted, with his head
mu ch closer to th e left standard than his legs. (See
above.) This slanted position made the left knee
reach the bar earlier than the right knee , and thu s T
!! A I X
made it more difficult to avoid dislodgin g the bar T
with th e legs. ll t\R I

The peak height reached by the c.m. in jump 97

was hpK = 2.36 m. The "saturation graph" shows that
in this jump Dilling could have cleared clean ly a bar
set at about hcLs = 2.27 m, and at he LA= 2.28 m if he
had taken off slightly closer to the pl ane of the bar
and the standards. In relation to the peak height of
the c.m. (2.36 m), th e 2.28 m clean clearance height
indicated that hi s bar clearance was not very
effectiv e. This did not mean that D iII ing did
anythin g wrong in th e air; in fact, his actions in the
air were quite good. The lack of effectiveness of
7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2
Dilling's bar clearance was th e direct resu lt of his was reasonably good, better th an average quality .
very small total amount of so mersaulting angu lar However, for a tru ly high quali ty combin ation it
momentum , and therefore the result of the extremely would be advisable for Dilling to use a still slightly
small amount of latera l so mersaulting angu lar faster and/or lower run-up. In term s of Figure 3,
momentum that he was able to generate durin g the Dillin g's point should be moved to th e diagonal lin e
takeoff. recomm end ed for Vzm = 4.40 m/s. (See th e graph
above.) Possible co mbinations could be 8.0 m/s and
We carried out several tests using computer 47.5%, or 7.9 m/s and 46 .5%, or 7.8 m/s and 46%, as
simulation of th e bar clearance. In these tests we shown by the three arrows in th e graph . (See
kept the pos ition at takeoff, the angu lar momentum Appendix 2 for exerc ises that will help to produce
and the path of th e c. m. th e same as in the orig inal fast and low co nditions at th e end of the run-up.)
jump, but we made changes in th e acti ons th at Dillin g
made in th e air. In these simulations, we were not (Standard caution when increasing th e run-up
ab le to improve on the effectiveness of the bar speed and /or lowering the c.m. height at the end of
clearance th at Dilling achi eved in the original jump . the run-up: Til e use of a Jaster and/or lower run-
This confirmed that the probl ems in Dilling's bar up will put a greater stress on til e takeoff leg, and
clearance were due to his angular momentum , and thus it may increase tile risk of injury if tile leg is
not to his actions in the air. not strong enough. Therefore, it is always
important to use caution in the adoption of a Jaster
Recommendations and/or lower run-up. If tile desired change is very
large, it would be advisable to make it gradually,
Dillin g' s combin atio n of speed and height at the over a period of time. In all cases, it may be wise to
end of the run-up (7 .8 m/s and 47.5%, respectively) further strengthen til e takeoff leg, so that it can

withstand the increased force of the impact lead leg. But if Dilling lifted th e knee of his right
produced wh en the takeoff leg is planted.) knee higher at th e end of th e takeoff, he would be
able to generate a littl e bit more lift durin g the takeoff
A small probl em in Dilling' s technique was the phase .
somewhat long length of th e last step of his run-up .
To co rrect thi s, he should try to increase the tempo of In summ ary, th e most seri ous problem in
the last two foo t landings , i.e., he should try to plant Dilling's techniqu e is probably his very small amount
th e left foot on th e ground almost imm edi ately after of lateral so mersaulting angul ar momentum , which
he pl ants th e right foot. By increasing the tempo of has an important detrimental effect on th e
th e last two foot landings , Dilling will reduce the effectiv eness of hi s bar clearance. This needs to be
length of th e last step of th e run-up , but more co rrected by allowing th e trunk to rotate furth er
importantly, he will redu ce the tim e that he spend s in toward the right by th e end of the takeoff ph ase . Of
th e air durin g th at step. This will prevent him from lesser importance are the slightly excess ive length of
accumul atin g too much downw ard (negativ e) verti ca l the last step of his run-up , his so mewhat in suffi cient
ve loc ity in th e air, so that he does not have an amount of backward lean at th e start of th e takeoff
excess ively large downward vertical ve locity when ph ase, and th e weakn ess of his lead leg action during
he pl ants th e left foot on the ground to start th e th e takeoff ph ase .
takeoff ph ase .

In the view from th e back, Dillin g had a good

lean toward th e left at th e start of th e takeoff ph ase,
but th en he did not all ow his trunk to rotate enough
toward the right by the end of the takeoff. This is
probably the most important problem in Dillin g's
technique. He needs to allow his trunk to rotate
much furth er toward th e right, to a pos ition up to I oo
beyond the vertical in th e view from th e back at th e
end of th e takeoff ph ase . Thi s will allow him to
generate a larger amount of lateral so mersaultin g
angular momentum , whi ch in turn will lead to a
larger tota l amount of somersaulting angul ar
momentum as well as better proportions betw een th e
forward and lateral components of so mersaulting
angular momentum . This will produce a better
so mersault rotation over the bar, and will thus
improve the effectiveness of Dilling' s bar clearance.

A mu ch smaller probl em is Dilling' s so mew hat

small amount of backward lean at th e start of the
takeoff ph ase . He should thru st his hips a littl e bit
furth er forward in th e very last step of th e run-up .
This will give his trunk a larger amount of backward
lean at the start of th e tak eoff ph ase. Then, he should
allow hi s trunk to rotate forw ard during th e takeo ff
ph ase, but only up to th e verti ca l by th e end of the
takeoff. This should produ ce th e same amount of
fo rward somersaulting angular momentum as in jump
97, while avo iding any loss of lift th at might have
been produced through excess ive forward lean at th e
end of th e takeoff.

Whil e Dilling' s arm actions during th e takeoff

ph ase were good, th e acti on of his lead leg was not
very strong. This is anoth er problem th at is relative ly
min or, because to a great extent the stron g actions of
the arm s partly co mpensate for the weakness of th e
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DILLING #97 062407 2 . 27 M CLEARANCE


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DILLING #97 062407 2 . 27 M CLEARANCE


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DILLING #97 062407 2.27 M CLEARANCE


DILLING #97 062407 2.27 M CLEARANCE


Tora HARRIS adequate for his needs, and poss ibly even too stro ng,
given the extremely demandin g co nditions produ ced
Jump 6 1 was Harri s' last successful clearan ce at by hi s tremend ously fas t and low run-up .
th e 200 7 USAT F Championships (2.2 1 m) .
Harris' trunk had a moderate backward lean at
Based on Harris' vertica l ve loc ity at takeoff in th e start of th e takeoff ph ase (BFTD = 76°). Then, he
jump 6 1 (vzro = 4.3 0 m/s) , a techniqu e of average rotated forward durin g the takeoff ph ase, but at th e
quali ty would have includ ed a fin a l run-up speed of end of th e takeo ff he was still somewhat short of the
about 7.4 m/s and a c. m. height at th e start of th e verti ca l in a view from th e side (BFTO = 8r) . The
takeoff ph ase equal to about 47% of hi s own standing amount of forward so mersaulting angul ar momentum
height. Harris' actual speed at th e end of th e run-up th at Harris was able to generate was somewhat small
(vH 1 = 8.0 m/s) was mu ch faster th an wh at would be (HF = 75).
ex pected for a techniqu e of average quality, and his
c.m. at th e end of th e run-up was in a mu ch lower Harris' trunk had a very good lean toward the left
pos ition (hm = 44.5%) th an what would be ex pected. at th e start of the takeoff phase (LRTD = 74°). Th en
Overall , th e co mbin ation of run-up speed and c. m. he rotated toward th e right, and at th e end of th e
height th at Harri s used in jump 61 was ex tremely takeo ff he was r past th e verti ca l in a view from th e
demanding - maybe too demanding if he was not in back (LRTO = 9r). In the view from th e back, it's
peak phys ica l condition. normal to be up to I 0° past th e vertical at the end of
the takeo ff. Th erefore, Harris' pos ition at the end of
At th e end of th e run-up , Harris pl anted th e
the takeo ff in jump 61 was very good. His good
takeoff foo t too parall el to th e bar. Because ofthi s,
pos itions at th e start and at th e end of th e takeoff
th e angle between the long itudinal ax is of th e tak eoff
phase enabl ed him to generate a large total amount of
foot and the horizo ntal force received by the foot was
lateral somersaulting angular momentum (HL= 95).
so mewhat too large (e 3 = 26°). Thi s was actually a
very good improvement in comp ari so n with any of Harris' forward and latera l components of
his prev ious an alyzed jumps, but sti II it would somersaultin g angul ar momentum add ed up to a large
norm ally lead us to predi ct some ri sk of foot total amount of somersaulting angular momentum
pronati on, and injury to th e ankle and foo t. (See th e (Hs = 120) .
section on "Orientation of th e takeoff foot, and
potential fo r ankle and foo t injuri es" in th e main text Harris' c.m . reached a max imum height hPK =
of the report.) However, direct examination of th e 2 .28 m in jump 6 1. Th e "saturation graph" shows
videos showed little or no visibl e pronation in any of th at in this jump he co uld have cl eared cleanly a bar
Harris' jumps. It is necessary to keep in mind th at, set at about hCLs = 2 .24 m, and at hcLA= 2.26 m if he
due to our camera locations, it is hard er to actu ally had taken off betw een 5 and I 0 em closer to th e pl ane
see pronation in jumpers who approach from th e right of th e bar and th e stand ard s. In relation to the peak
side (like Harri s) , so it is conce ivable that he might height of the c. m. (2 .28 m), the 2.2 6 m clean
be pronating with out our noti cing it, but we think this clearance height indicated a very effective bar
is highly unlikely. clearance .
Harris' arm actions durin g th e takeo ff phase were Recommendations
stro ng (AAT = 16 .3 mm/m), a good imp rovement
relati ve to 2006 . The action of his lead leg was weak All as pects of Harri s' technique were quite good.
(LLA = 12 .9 mm/m), alth ough it was better than in The ori entati on of the takeoff foot does not seem to
any of his previous analyzed jumps. The overall be a problem anymore now th at we can observe it
combin ation of arm and lead leg action s was weak more accurately with high-definition video.
(FLA = 29.3 mm/m) , a lth ough it was better than in
most of his previous an alyzed jumps. Norm ally, we Harris' co mbin ation of speed and c. m. height at
wo uld consider weakn ess in th e fr ee-limb actions a th e end of th e run -up was extremely good. He should
problem in a jumper's technique. However, Harris' not go any fas ter or lower th an in jump 61 . We also
run-up was so fas t and so low th at it put a tremendous suspect th at he should not go quite so fas t nor so low
amount of stress on th e takeoff leg. The use of very unless he is in perfect phys ical condition.
stro ng free-limb actions durin g th e takeoff ph ase in
addition to such conditions at the end of th e run-up The weakn ess of Harris' arm and lead leg actions
might have produced the collapse of th e takeo ff leg . might superfi cially seem to be a problem in his
Therefore, Harris' free-limb actions may have been

technique. However, as ex plai ned before, we believe

that Harri s' arm and lead leg ac tio ns may actua lly
have been too stron g, g iven how fast and how low he
was at the end of th e run-up .

Harris' leans backwa rd and toward th e left at the

start of th e takeo ff phase and at th e end of th e takeoff
phase were all good in jump 61. This as pect of his
technique needs no changes.

Harris ' bar c learance is un o rth odox, as usua l,

with a " s itting" body co nfig urati on o n th e way up to
the bar (see the sequ ence of th e bar c learance at t =
I 0.34 sand t = I 0.46 s) and a somewhat tilted
position near th e peak of th e jump, with the ri g ht hip
lower th an th e left hip (see th e sequence of the bar
c learance at t = I 0.70 s). However, this technique
works we ll with Harris' condition s at th e end of th e
takeoff. The technique is very effective for Harri s,
a llowi ng him to c lear c leanly a bar set only 2 em
lower than th e peak heig ht reached by his c.m.
T herefore , we adv ise him to m ake no changes in it.

O ne might then ask why Harris did not jump

near ly as high in the 2007 competition as in the 2006
competitio n. A key e lem ent was hi s mu ch sm a ll er
amount of vertica l velocity at th e end of the takeoff,
Vzro = 4.50 m/s in 2006 but 4 .30 m/s in jump 61 from
2007, which prod uced a peak c .m . he ight of 2.3 8 m
in 2006 but 2 .2 8 min jump 61 from 2007 . W e do not
know what caused this deterio ratio n. T echniqu e did
not seem to be the pro blem . We suspect that Harris'
physical co nditio n was not good o n th e day of th e
2007 meet, or that he was s imply un able to
coo rdinate his mu scular effo rts pro perly durin g th e
takeoff ph ase - the c lass ica l " bad d ay" syndrome that
a ll hig h jumpers ex perien ce at o ne m eet or anoth er.
Harris may have co mpo unded the pro blem by
stick in g to an ex tre me ly de manding combination of
ve ry fast speed and very low he ig ht at the end of the
run-up . If the phys ica l co nditio n of the athlete is not
at its peak, it is better to back off slightly from
makin g extreme de mand s o n the takeoff leg, because
the weakened takeoff leg will ac tually perform worse
w ith a " better" (i .e., more demandin g) combin atio n
of run-up speed and he ig ht.

Another factor th at affected Harris ' perfo rmance

at the 2007 meet was that, when th e bar was raised to
2.24 m he was unable to repeat th e jump that he had
executed at the 2 .2 1 m he ig ht. Hi s three attempts at
2.24 m were inferior to his jump at 2 .2 1 m, which
would have allowed him to clear the 2 .24 m bar, and
poss ibly (w ith a s lig ht bru sh) even th e 2.27 m bar.
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HARRIS #61 062407 2.21 M CLEARANCE


10.22 10.20 10.18 10.16 10.14 10.12 10.10 10.08 10 . 06 10 . 04 10.02 10.00 ::3
HARRIS #61 062407 2 . 21 M CLEARANCE


10.94 10.82 10 . 70 10.58 10 . 46 10 . 34 10 . 22 +:>.




~- ----


9.40 9.60 9 . 80 10 . 00

HARRIS #61 062407 2.21 M CLEARANCE


HARRIS #61 062407 2 . 21 M CLEARANCE


HARRIS #61 062407 2 . 21 M CLEARANCE


Eugene HUTCH INSON examin ation of the videos showed no visible

pronatio n in any of Hutchin so n ' s jumps. This was a ll
Jump 72 was Hutchin so n ' s last successful very good.
clearance at th e 2007 USATF Championships (2 .2 1
m). Hutchin son 's arm actions during the takeoff
phase were very stro ng (AA T = 25 .3 mm/m). The
Based on Hutchin so n 's vertical velocity at action of his lead leg was a lso stro ng (LLA = 25 .5
takeoff in jump 72 (vzTO = 4 .30 m/s) , a technique of mm/m) . Not surpri si ng ly , th e overall co mbin ation of
average qu a lity would have included a final run-up arm and lead leg actions was very stro ng (FLA = 50.8
speed of abo ut 7.4 m/s and a c .m . heig ht at the start mm/m). This was a ll exce ll ent
ofthe takeoff ph ase equal to about 47% of hi s own
standing height. Hutchin so n had a s lower speed at Hutchin so n's trunk had a good backwa rd lean at
the end of the run-up (vH 1 = 7.2 m/s) than what would the start of th e takeoff ph ase ( BFTD = 75 °). Then , he
be ex pected for a technique of average quality , but rotated forward durin g th e takeoff ph ase, and at the
his c.m. at th e end of the run-up was a lso in a mu ch end of th e takeoff he was s lightl y beyond th e verti ca l
lower pos ition (hm = 43 .5%) th an what would be in a v iew from the s ide (BFTO = 92 °). This s lightly
expected . Overall, the combinatio n of run-up speed excess iv e forward lean at th e end of th e takeoff
and c.m. he ig ht that Hutchin son used in jump 72 was probably mad e him lose a little bit of lift. In spite of
good . th e large amount of forward rotatio n that Hutchinson
went throu gh durin g the takeoff phase, th e amount of
The technique th at Hutch in son used for gettin g forward so mersaulting ang ul ar momentum that he
into pos itio n in th e las t steps of th e run-up was was able to generate during th e takeoff ph ase was
s imil ar to the o ne used by athlete B of Appendix I sma ll (H F = 60) . This was probably due to hi s stro ng
(a lth oug h less ex tre me). This was not good. free-limb actions, which are good for generatin g lift
Hutchin son ' s c.m. was in a moderately low posit io n but can interfere with th e generatio n of forward
two steps befo re the takeoff phase. After he pushed so mersaulting angular mom entum . (See th e section
off with hi s left foot into the next-to-last step , his o n "Angular momentum" in th e ma in text of the
c.m . reached a he ig ht of about 50% of his own report.)
standing heig ht - in the pages of computer graphics
that follow these comm ents, see Hutchin son 's graph Hutchin son ' s trunk had a lmost no lean toward
of "e .g. heig ht vs tim e" at about t = 9.68 s. Then, the left at th e start of the takeoff phase (LRTD = 8r ;
Hutchin son lowered hi s c. m . to a much lower vertical would hav e been 90 °). Then he rotated
pos ition . For thi s, he s imply did not stop the drop toward the right, and at the end of the takeoff his
co mpl etely at any time during the period of suppo rt trunk was 12° past the vertical in a view from the
over th e rig ht foot (t = 9 .76- 9.97 s). Wh en the right bac k (LRTO = I 02 °). In the view from the back, it's
foot left the g ro und at t = 9.97 s, Hutchin son was in a
no rmal to go a few degrees past the vertical at the end
lower pos ition th an in the prev iou s step , but th e c .m .
of the takeoff. We cons ider it acceptable (indeed ,
was not go ing up at this tim e : It was still dropping.
des irable) to tilt up to I oopast the vertical at the end
Then , th e speed of droppin g beca me still larger in th e
of the takeoff phase ( in th e view from the back)
final non-support phase of the run-up (from t = 9.97 s
because we believe th at this may be the best
tot = I 0 .00 s) . By the time that Hutchinso n planted
compromise between the generation of lift and th e
the left foot on the g ro und to start the takeoff ph ase,
generatio n of rotation (angular momentum). But
his c.m. was dropping at a somewhat large speed
Hutchin son was 2° beyond the a ll owable limit for tilt
(vzm = -0 .5 m/s), and this was not good for th e
at the end of the takeoff, and this may have cost him
takeoff ph ase of th e jump. A large negative Vzm
some additional lift. As in the forward rotation,
va lu e is not adv isabl e, because it requires the athlete
Hutchin son 's overrotati on toward th e right during the
to make an extra effort to sto p the dow nward mo tion
takeoff phase did not a llow him to produce an
before prod ucin g the needed up ward vertical
adequate amount of angular momentum : His latera l
ve locity. Another factor that influ enced
so mersaultin g angular momentum was very small
Hutchin son's rather large negative vertical velocity at
( HL = 70). Thi s was due to hi s a lmost compl ete lack
the start of the takeoff phase was the lo ng length of
of lean toward th e left at the start of th e takeoff
his last step (SL 1 = 2.12 m, o r 11 2% of his own
phase .
standi ng height).
Not surpris in g ly, Hutchin so n's fo rw ard and
At the end of the run-up , Hutch in so n planted th e
latera l compon ents of so mersaulting ang ul ar
takeoff foo t at a very safe angle (e 3 = 14°), and direct

momentum added up to a very sma ll total amount of lean toward th e left was th at Hutchin so n's run-up
somersaulting ang ular mo mentum (H s = 90) . w as not curved enoug h: It was too straig ht. To
acquire the necessary a mo unt of lean toward th e left
Hutchin son 's c.m . reached a max imum he ig ht at the end of th e run-up , he will need to tighten th e
hrK = 2.27 m in jump 72. Th e " saturatio n g raph" run-up curve, i.e. , to use a curve with a shorter radius .
show s that in this jump Hutchin so n could have See Appendi x 4 fo r more info rm ati on o n how to
c leared c leanly a bar set at abo ut hcLs = 2 .2 1 m, and change th e shape of the run-up curve .
at hcLA = 2 .22 m if he had taken off s lig htl y farth er
fro m th e pl ane of the bar and th e standard s. In Also , hav ing the appro priate amount of curvature
re lation to the peak he ight of th e c .m . (2.27 m), th e in th e run-up does no t g uarantee that th e athl ete will
2.22 m c lean c learan ce heig ht indicated th at lean properly . Th e back view of Hutchin son at t =
Hutchin son ' s bar cl earance in jump 72 was 9 .82/9 .88 s sho ws that hi s trunk stayed uprig ht while
reasonably effectiv e. Cons iderin g th at his ang ul ar the legs jutted o ut to w ard th e ri g ht. This was not
momentum w as ve ry small , this indi cated that his good . It is impo rtant to lean wi th th e entire body , and
ac tions in th e a ir were very good . not only with th e legs.

Recommendations Once Hutchin so n has m anaged to get th e

appro priate amount of lean toward the left at th e start
Most as pects of Hutchin so n 's technique were of the takeo ff ph ase (by us in g a sho rter curve radiu s
quite good . His ma in techniqu e pro blem was in th e and by leanin g w ith the entire body), he w ill be abl e
bar c learance . A ltho ug h we c lass ify his bar c learance to rotate toward th e ri g ht thro ug h a very large ang le
as " reasonably effective", this is not the sam e as durin g the takeoff phase, to a pos ition up to 10° (but
say ing th at it was satisfacto ry: It wasn ' t. no mo re than th at) beyond the vertica l by th e end of
Hutchinson ' s bar c learance can be m ade much mo re the takeoff. By do ing this, he w ill be able to generate
effec ti ve th an it was in jump 72 . Th e solution w ill a larger amount of latera l somersaulting angul ar
require the generatio n of a larger tota l a mount of momentum . This will in crease hi s to ta l amo unt of
somersaulting ang ular mom entum. somersaulting ang ular mom entum , which in turn w ill
improve th e effectiveness of his bar c learance: With
Hutchin so n' s fo rward co mpo nent of the same peak he ig ht of the c.m. , he w ill be able to
somersaulting ang ular mo m entum was sm a ll . The c lear a bar set at a hig her he ig ht.
reaso n fo r this was that it is diffi cult to ge nerate a lot
of forward somersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum when A rath er sma ll pro ble m in Hutchin so n' s
th e ath tete uses very intense arm and lead leg actions technique w as that he had a so mewhat too large
durin g the takeoff phase. W eakenin g the arm and downward vertical ve locity at th e tim e that th e left
lead leg ac tio ns during th e takeoff ph ase wo uld foot was pl anted o n th e g ro und to start the takeoff
ind eed he lp to increase th e forward som ersaulting ph ase. To elim inate thi s proble m, Hutchin son wo uld
angular mo mentum , but thi s wo uld co me at the cost first need to be a lready at a very low he ig ht two steps
of qui te a bit of lift. T herefore this is not an befo re takeoff. Then he wo uld need to trave l rath er
adv isable way to in crease th e ang ular mo mentum . flat in th ose fin a l two steps, ne ith er ra is ing no r
Hutchin so n should reta in his current very good arm lowerin g hi s hips. Th en, in th e las t step of th e run-up
and lead leg actions durin g the takeoff phase, even if he sho uld not lift hi s left foot as high as he did in
this Iim its the ge nerati on of fo rward so mersaulting jump 72 (see th e s id e v iew at t = 9 .94 s) , and he
ang ular mo mentum . Th e so lutio n to the ang ular sho uld try to increase th e te mpo of th e las t two foo t
mo mentum pro bl em will need to com e thro ugh the landin gs, i. e ., he sho uld try to plant th e left foo t on
latera l component of so mersaulting ang ular the g round a lmost immediate ly after he plants the
momentum , as we will see next. ri g ht foot. By in creas ing the tempo of th e last two
foot landings, Hutchin son should be abl e to redu ce
The reaso n why Hutchin son was not able to the leng th of th e last step of th e run-up , but more
ge nerate a good amo unt of latera l so mersaultin g importantly, he will reduce the tim e that he spends in
ang ular momentum (and th erefo re th e m a in reason the a ir durin g th at step. This w ill prevent him from
fo r the mediocre effecti ve ness of his bar c learan ce) acc umul ating too much downw ard (negati ve) verti ca l
was that he did not have eno ug h lean tow ard the left ve loc ity in the a ir, so th at he does no t have an
at th e start of th e takeoff ph ase. (See the view fro m excess ively large downward vertical ve loc ity w hen
the back at t = I 0 .00 s in hi s run-up or takeoff he pl ants th e left foo t o n th e g ro und to start the
sequences, and co mpare it w ith th ose of Harris, N ieto takeoff ph ase.
or Shunk .) In turn , th e reason fo r thi s in suff ic ient

Other than the changes described above fo r th e

run -up cur ve and fo r the increase of th e te mpo of the
las t two footfa lls of the run-up , we pro pose no oth er
changes for Hutc hinson ' s technique. Hi s run -up was
of the slow-bu t-very- low variety , w hich is a perfec tly
va lid optio n. His arm and lead leg actio ns were very
good, and so was the safe o ri entation of his takeoff
foot. Except fo r the in suff ic ient curvature of
Hutchin son 's run-up curve (and th e pro blems that it
prod uced in the bar clearance) , and to a lesser extent
hi s excess ively long last step , his techniqu e was
overa ll very sound .
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HUTCHINSON #72 062407 2 . 21 M CLEARANCE


10.22 10 . 20 10.18 10 . 16 10.14 10 . 12 10 . 10 10.08 10.06 10 . 04 10 . 02 10.00 0'1
HUTCHINSON #72 062407 2 . 21 M CLEARANCE



10 . 94 10.82 10.70 10.58 10 . 46 10.34 10.22 -..)
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HUTCHINSON #72 062407 2 . 21 M


1.00 m

HUTCHINSON #72 062407 2.21 M


Will LITTLETON 2.18 m clearance

(jump 48)
Jump 48 was Littleto n 's las t successful c learance
at th e 2007 USATF Champio nships (2 . 18 m).

Li tt leton ' s verti ca l veloc ity at takeoff in jump 4 8

was VzTO = 4 . 15 m/s. However, th e USATF
Cha mpionships were not a ve ry good comp etitio n fo r
him , and thu s Littleton ' s 4. 15 m/s VzTO va lue presents
a di sto rted v iew of his phys ica l conditi on during th e
2007 season. L ittleton ' s best mark of th e seaso n was
2.28 m. Even tho ug h we have no hard data o n his
2.28 m jum p, we can esti m ate fa irly accurate ly that
he mu st have generated abo ut 4.3 5 m/s of ve rtical
ve loc ity in that j ump . T herefo re, we w ill co ns id er
Vzro = 4 .3 5 m/s th e best indi cator of Littleto n' s
phys ica l condit io n. between the middle image and the image o n the left,
as indicated by the large r amo unt of bl ac k so le v is ibl e
Based o n a ve rti cal ve loc ity at takeoff of Vzr o = in th e im age o n th e left . Oth er jumps by Littleton
4 .35 m/s, a technique of average qu a li ty wo uld have durin g the comp etitio n showed s imilar s ig ns of
in c lud ed a fin a l run-up speed of abo ut 7 .4 m/s and a pro natio n. It is true th at the amo unt of pronatio n
c.m . he ig ht at the end of th e run-up equ al to about does not seem very severe in these im ages , but we
4 7% of hi s ow n standing he ig ht. In j ump 4 8, need to keep in mind th at ne ith er o ne of these two
Li tt leton was ac tua lly s lig htl y lower at the end of the sequ ences were taken from th e best v iew po int for the
run-up (hm = 46%) th an w hat wo uld be ex pected in a o bservat ion of pronati on, so it is poss ible th at th e
technique of average qu a lity, and he w as a lso mu ch pronation mig ht be mo re severe th an what meets the
fas ter (vH 1 = 7.9 m/s) . T his was a very good eye.
combination fo r h im .
Littleton did not prepare his arm s fo r a double-
At the end of the run-up , Littl eto n planted th e arm tak eoff. (See th e s id e-view and back-vi ew
takeoff foo t too para ll e l to th e bar. Because of this, sequ ences of the run-up between t = 9 .58 sand t
th e ang le between the lo ng itudin a l ax is of th e takeoff = I 0.00 s.) Still , he m anaged to have both arm s in
foo t and the hori zo nta l fo rce rece ived by the foo t was moderate ly low pos itio ns at the start of th e takeoff
too large (e 3 = 34°). T hi s wo uld no rm a lly lead us to ph ase (t = I 0.00 s) , w hich ra ised th e poss ibil ity that
predict a risk of foo t pro natio n, and injury to the he m ig ht still be able to use reasonably stro ng arm
ank le and foot. (See the sectio n on " O rientatio n of acti ons durin g the takeoff ph ase . Ind eed, Littleto n
the takeoff foo t, and potentia l fo r ankl e and foo t lifted hi s rig ht arm to a hig h pos iti on by th e end of
inj uri es" in th e m ain text of th e repo rt. ) However, the takeoff ph ase, so its action was fa irly strong
d irect examinati on of th e vid eos showed o nly (AAN = 8 .2 mm/m). (See the detail ed sequ ence of
moderate amo unts of pro nation in Littleton 's jumps. the takeoff phase between t = I 0 .00 s and t = I 0.16 s;
see a lso Fig ure 9 in the main tex t of the report.) He
Until las t year we reco rd ed th e jumps w ith mov ie a lso lifted his left e lbow to a hig h pos ition by th e end
cameras ( 16 mm fi lm), and th e im ages of th e jumps of th e takeoff ph ase, but in additio n he executed an
we re genera ll y not c lear eno ug h to actua lly see the intern a l rotatio n of th e left upper arm th at put the left
pronati on of the foot durin g th e takeoff ph ase. This fo rearm in a ho ri zo nta l o rientatio n at th e end of th e
yea r, we have swi tched to hig h definiti o n v id eo takeoff, whi ch put th e left wri st bare ly hig her than
cameras , and th e im ages are c learer. Thi s som etim es the left e lbow and should er. (See th e sequence of th e
a llows us to see the pron atio n w hen it occurs . The ta keoff ph ase at t = I 0 . 16 s .) Thi s m ade th e action of
images in this page show screen captures of two Littleton 's left arm be very weak (AAF = 7 .2 mm /m) .
separate views of Littleto n's takeoff foot durin g th e Keep in mind that the arm farth est from the bar (th e
takeoff ph ase in jump 4 8. Only a sma ll a mount of left arm in Littleto n ' s case) is the one th at norma lly
pro nation is evident. Both views showed th at the makes a stronger actio n in most hig h jumpers.
foo t ro ll ed : The left im age of the botto m sequ ence Because of the weak action of his left arm , Litt leton' s
shows th e tilted shoe; th e to p sequ ence does not show tota l arm action was som ew hat weak (AAT = 15.5
the tilt directl y , but it does show th at the outs id e edge mm/ m). Littleto n did no t lift his rig ht kn ee h igh
of th e shoe ac tua lly lifted off fr o m th e g ro und enoug h at th e end of the takeoff ph ase . T herefo re,

the ac tion of his lead leg was weak ( LLA = 15.3 was hrK = 2 .20 m. T he "saturatio n g raph" shows that
mm /m). His overall combin ation of arm and lead leg in this jump Littl eton could have cleared cleanly a bar
actions was a lso weak (F LA = 30.8 mm /m). set a lso at abo ut hcLs = 2 .20 m . In re lati on to the
peak heig ht of th e c.m . (2 .20 m), the 2 .20 m c lean
In j ump 48 , Littl eto n ' s trunk had o nl y a very clearance he ight indicated an extre me ly effective bar
sma ll amo unt of bac kward lean at th e start of th e clearance .
takeoff ph ase (BFTD = 84 °). Then he rotated
forwa rd, and by the end of the ta keoff hi s trunk was Recomm endation s
vert ica l ( BFTO = 90 °). Thi s pos itio n at the end of
th e takeoff ph ase was very good. But, g ive n th at Almost all as pects of Littleton 's technique we re
Littleto n's backwa rd lean at the start of the takeoff very good . He was reaso nably low and very fas t at
ph ase was very sma ll , and that he did not ro tate the end of the run -up . Then, w ithout produ cing
forward throug h a ve ry large ang le during the takeoff excess ive leans fo rward no r toward the right at the
ph ase (s ince he had not go ne beyo nd th e ve rti ca l by end of th e takeoff, he generated good a mounts of
th e end of th e takeoff) , we ex pected him to generate ang ular momentum , whi ch contri buted to make his
onl y a limited amo unt of fo rward so m ersaulting bar c learance extreme ly effect ive . These are so me of
ang ular momentum . However, he was able to the most impo rtant techniqu e aspects of high
generate a large amo un t of forwa rd som ersaulting j umping, and Litt leto n d id th em a ll very we ll.
ang ular momentum (HF = 90) . It's not entire ly c lear
how Litt leton m anaged to do thi s. In part, it may The o nl y s ig n ificant concern that we have about
have been faci litated by the weak ness of his arm and Littleto n' s technique is the o ri entatio n of his left foo t
lead leg actions. ( Weak ar m and lead leg actio ns can durin g th e takeoff phase. He pl anted the takeoff foo t
hamper the generat ion of li ft, but th ey do fac il itate too para ll e l to th e bar. Based on this, we advise him
the generatio n of fo rwa rd som ersaul ting ang ular to pl ant the takeoff foo t on th e g round w ith its
mo mentum .) long itudin al ax is mo re in lin e w ith th e fin al d irection
of th e run-up , w ith th e toe po int ing at least 15 o more
Littleto n' s trun k had a moderate amo unt of lean clockw ise than in jump 48 . Thi s technique change
toward the left at the start of th e takeoff ph ase w ill help to prevent foot pro natio n, and inj ury to the
(L RTD = 79 °). Then he rotated toward the rig ht, and ank le and foot.
by the end of the takeoff he was I I o past the vertical
in th e v iew fro m th e back ( LRTO = I 0 I 0 ). In th e In the pas t, to adv ise high j ump ers about the
view fro m the back, it's no rm a l to go a few degrees appro priate o ri entat io n of th e ta keoff foot, we re li ed
past the vertica l at th e end of th e ta keoff We exclus ive ly o n th e orientatio n of the takeoff foo t
cons ider it acceptabl e ( indeed , des irable) to t ilt up to relati ve to the direction of the horizo nta l fo rce made
10° pas t th e vertica l at the end of th e takeo ff ( in th e by the athlete o n th e ground durin g th e takeoff phase
view from th e back) because we believe th at this may (ang le e3 ). This was because it was alm ost never
be th e best compro mise between th e generatio n of lift poss ibl e to actu a lly see th e foot pro nation in th e
and th e generatio n of ro tati on (ang ular mom entum) . im ages of the 16 mm mov ie film that we used. This
Litt leton was essentia lly at th e acceptabl e limit fo r has changed to som e extent w ith our sw itch to high
lean toward th e rig ht at th e end of th e takeoff phase . defi nition v ideo . The im ages are mu ch clearer, and
T hat was ve ry good . The fac t that Littleto n had only we have a better chance of actua lly see ing the
a moderate amo un t of lean toward th e left at th e start pronation in th e v id eo im ages . For athl etes who
of the takeoff phase limi ted som ewhat th e amo unt of approach from the left, we can genera lly see the
rotat ion towa rd the rig ht that he co uld go th ro ugh pro nati on qui te we ll if it occurs . Unfo rtun ate ly, for
d uri ng the takeoff phase w itho ut be ing over-rotated at athl etes who approach fro m th e right ( like Littl eton),
the end of the takeoff Because of this, the amo unt of it is not so easy to see, due to the pos itions in which
latera l so mersaulting ang ul ar momentum that he was we have to pl ace o ur cam eras . Still , we were abl e to
ab le to generate was so mewh at sm all (H L = 90). detect so me pro natio n in most of Littl eton 's jumps.
Because of the rather large va lu e of th e e3 ang le in
Littleto n's fo rwa rd and latera l compo nents of j ump 4 8 and th e ex istence of pronat ion in Littleto n' s
so mersaulting ang ular mom entum ad ded up to a good j umps (even tho ugh we can' t judge very well how
tota l amo unt of so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum severe th at pro nation was), o ur adv ice to Littleton is
( Hs = 125) . to pl ay it safe by plantin g th e takeoff foo t more in
lin e w ith the fi nal di rectio n of the run -up .
The peak heig ht reached by the c.m . in j ump 48

Other than the just described change in th e w ill actu a lly produce mo re lift fo r Littleto n. (See the
o rientatio n of th e takeoff foot, we have no oth er prev io us two parag raph s.) Tak ing a ll of this into
stro ng adv ice fo r Littl eto n. Sure, we co uld adv ise acco unt, is it wo rth whil e to experiment w ith all these
him to swin g hi s left arm and th e kn ee of hi s rig ht leg changes? We think th at it pro bably isn ' t. O ur advice
hard er fo rward and up , to hig her pos itio ns by th e end is to wo rk only o n th e improved o ri entatio n of th e
of th e takeoff ph ase. Such actio ns mig ht a ll ow takeo fffoo t, and to leave everything e lse in
Littleto n to generate mo re lift. Ho w ever, it is Litttl eto n 's techniqu e as it was in j ump 4 8.
poss ibl e that, w ith his very fast and low run-up,
Littleto n might be already near his limit fo r bu cklin g, Future improvem ents in Littleto n's results w ill
in which case a marked increase in hi s arm o r lead probably need to be based on improve ments in hi s
leg ac tio ns might be counterproducti ve . phys ica l conditio n rath er th an in hi s techniqu e,
because hi s techniqu e is a lready very good.
Even if in creased arm and lead leg actio ns wo uld
in crease Littleto n's li ft (w hi ch is so mething th at we
are not sure of), th ey could a lso produ ce o ther
pro bl ems unless oth er changes are a lso incorp orated
in to his technique, as w ill be ex pla in ed next. As we
stated previo us ly , it is poss ible that th e weakn ess of
Littleton' s arm and lead leg actio ns mig ht be what
a llows him to ge nerate a good tota l amo unt of
so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum , because th ey
co mpensate fo r the probl em created by the very sma ll
size of hi s bac kward lean at th e start of the takeoff
ph ase. If Littl eto n streng thened hi s arm and lead leg
actions w ith o ut f irst correcting ( i.e. , increas ing) hi s
bac kward lean at th e start of th e takeoff phase, it is
poss ibl e that th e amo unt of fo rward so mersaultin g
ang ular mo mentum th at he wo uld be abl e to generate
wo uld beco me sma ller. This wo uld reduce his to ta l
amount of so mersaulting ang ular mo mentum , whi ch
in turn wo uld pro bably deterio rate th e effecti veness
of Littleto n's bar c learance. Thu s, w hat Littleton
wo uld gain in lift (thro ug h his enhanced arm and lead
leg actio ns) mig ht be lost thro ug h redu ced
effecti ve ness in his bar clearance. T herefo re, s imply
makin g stronger use of the arm s and lead leg during
th e takeoff ph ase is pro bab ly no t a good idea fo r
Littleto n.

What wo uld happen if Littl eto n were to thrust his

hips further fo rward in th e las t step of th e run-up, and
thu s acquire a larger amo unt of bac kw ard lean at the
start of th e takeoff phase? In such case, he wo uld
have avail able a larger range of motion of fo rward
rotatio n fro m th ere a ll the way to the vertical by th e
end of th e takeoff ph ase, and this wo uld favo r the
generation of a larger a mo unt of forward
somersaulting ang ular mo m entum . Thi s wo uld
compensate for any ang ul ar mo mentum loss
produced by th e use of stro nger arm and lead leg
actions. In thi s way , Littleto n might be abl e to
generate more li ft thro ug h stro nge r use of his arm s
and lead led with o ut incurring any ill effects o n th e
effecti veness of hi s bar c learance . This sound s like a
good idea . However, it brings us back to the fact that
we don 't kn ow if enhanced arm and lead leg actio ns
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LITTLETON #48 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE


10 . 22 10.20 10.18 10.16 10 . 14 10 . 12 10 . 10 10.08 10.06 10 . 04 10.02 10 . 00 Vl
LITTLETON #48 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE



10 . 94 10.82 10 . 70 10 . 58 10 . 46 10 . 34 10 . 22 0\




/ ~


9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00

LITTLETON #48 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE






Keith MOFFATT 2.24 m clearance

(jump 84)
Jump 84 was Moffatt's last successful cl earance
at th e 200 7 USAT F C hampio nships (2 .24 m).

Based on Moffat t's verti ca l ve loc ity at takeo ff in

j ump 84 (vzTO = 4 .3 0 m/s) , a techniqu e of average
qua li ty wo uld have includ ed a fin a l run-up speed of
about 7.4 m/s and a c. m . he ig ht at th e end ofth e run-
up equ al to about 47% of his o wn standing he ig ht.
At th e end of th e run-up, Moffatt's c.m . was actua lly
higher th an w hat wo uld be expected fo r a technique 2.27 m third miss
of average qua lity (hro = 4 8.5%), and his speed was
s lower (vH 1 = 7.2 m/s). Thi s o vera ll co mbinatio n of
run-up speed and c.m. he ig ht th at Moffatt used in
j ump 84 w as a very weak challenge fo r a jumper
capable of generatin g 4 .3 0 m/s of verti ca l velocity .
In fac t, it was wo rse than th e combin atio ns th at he
used in his prev ious ana lyzed jumps. O ver tim e,
Moffatt has used progress ive ly weaker co mbin atio ns his 2.24 m c learance Uump 84) and in hi s third miss
of fin a l speed and c .m . he ig ht a t th e end of the run- at 2 .27 m . Even th oug h this camera v iew is not th e
up . (See the g raphi c be low, based o n Fig ure 3.) This best for th e observa tio n of takeoff foot pro nation, it is
is the most important perfo rm ance-re lated probl em in c lear th at th ere was pro natio n: In bo th jumps, the
Moffatt's technique. o uts id e edge of th e shoe lifted off from th e g round
between th e middle im age and the image on th e left.
Th e effect was more m arked in th e bottom jump .

Moffatt's arm actions durin g th e takeoff phase

we re w eak (AAT = 12 .0 mm/ m). The actio n of the
lead leg was strong ( LLA = 19.6 mm /m). The overa ll
co mbinatio n of arm and lead leg actions was
so mewhat w eak (FLA = 3 1.6 mm/m), w eaker th an in

. 2006 .

11, .iO l rl J)i

Moffatt had o nl y a sm a ll amo unt of backward
lean at the start of th e takeoff ph ase in jump 84
(BFTD = 8r ). By itse lf, thi s presented a proble m for
At the end of th e run-up of jump 84 , Moffatt th e generation of forward som ersaulting angular
planted the takeofffoot too para lle l to the bar. momentum. But th en th e pro blem was co mpound ed :
Because of thi s, the ang le betw een th e lo ng itudin a l As in 2004 and 200 6, in stead of rotating fo rward
ax is of th e takeoff foot and the ho ri zo nta l fo rce toward the ve rtical durin g th e takeo ff phase,
rece ived by th e foot was too large ( e3 = 2 8°), and Moffatt' s trunk actu a lly ro tated backward , so th at at
created a risk of ankl e pronation, and injury to th e th e end of the takeoff hi s trunk had a larger backw ard
ankle and foot. (See th e section o n " Orientation of lean th an at th e start (BFTO = 83°). Given this, it
th e takeoff foot, and potentia l fo r ankl e and foot was not surpris ing that Moffatt was only able to
injuri es" in the main text of th e report.) generate a very small am ount of forward
som ersaulting ang ular mo mentum (H F = 45).
Until las t year we reco rd ed the jumps with movi e
cameras ( 16 mm f ilm) , and th e im ages ofth e jumps Moffatt's trunk had a moderate lean toward th e
were ge nera lly not c lear eno ug h to actu a lly see the left at the start of the takeo ff phase (LRTD = 79°) .
pronatio n of th e foot du ring the takeoff ph ase. T hi s T hen, he rotated toward the rig ht durin g the takeoff
year, we have sw itched to hig h definiti on v id eo phase, and by th e end of the takeoff he was I I o pas t
cam eras , and th e im ages are c learer. This so metim es the ve rtical in th e v iew fro m th e bac k ( LRTO =
a llows us to see th e pro natio n w hen it occurs. The 0
I0 I In the v iew fro m the bac k, it's norm a l to go a
) .

sequ ence im ages o n this page show screen captures few degrees pas t the vertica l at the end of th e takeoff.
o f Moffatt' s takeoff foot during the tak eoff phase in

We consider it acce ptable ( ind eed, des irable) to tilt Recommendations

up to I 0° pas t th e vertica l at the end of the takeoff
ph ase ( in th e v iew fro m th e back) because we be li eve To a g reat extent, o ur reco mm endations to
that th is may be th e bes t compro mi se betwee n th e Moffatt are the sam e as last year's.
ge neration of Iift and the generation of rotatio n
(angular mo mentum ). So Moffatt was essentia lly at In jump 84, Moffatt was very high and very slow
the a llowable Iim it fo r ti It at the end of th e takeoff. at th e end of the run-up . T hi s is th e most important
T his was good, and an improvem ent re lati ve to 2006. perform ance-re lated pro bl em in his technique.
Moffatt was able to generate a good a mo unt of latera l Moffatt needs to be much fas ter and/or lower. For
somersaul tin g ang ular mom entum ( HL = 95) . any jumper, th e o ptimum co mbin atio n of run -up
speed and c.m . he ig ht at th e end of the run -up is
Moffatt's very s ma ll forwa rd and large la tera l fas ter and /o r lower th an the ex pected ave rage
compo nents of som ersaultin g ang ular mo mentum ("o rd inary") combin at io n. In terms of Fig ure 3, a ll
added up to a sm a ll total a mo unt of somersaul ting so lutio ns to this pro bl em in vo lve mov ing Moffatt's
ang ular momentum (Hs = I 05). po int to th e diago na l lin e recomm end ed fo r VzTO =
4.3 0 m/s. One poss ibl e o ptio n wo uld be to combin e
T he peak height reac hed by th e c.m . in jump 84 the he ig ht th at Moffatt had at th e end of the run-up in
was hr K = 2.33 m . Th e "saturatio n g raph" shows th at j ump 84 (hm = 4 8.5%) with a mu ch fas ter speed (vH 1
in this j ump Moffatt could have c leared c leanly a bar = 8. 0-8 . 1 m/s) . (See the hor izo nta l arrow in the g raph
set at abo ut hc Ls = 2 .25 m , and at hcLA = 2.27 m if he be low.) T his larger a mo unt of f in a l run-up speed
had take n off about I 0 em c loser to th e bar. In sho uld a ll ow Moffatt to generate mo re lift durin g th e
re latio n to th e peak he ig ht of th e c. m . (2.33 m), the takeoff ph ase, and thu s to produce a larger he ig ht fo r
2 .27 m c lean c learance he ig ht indi cated th at his c.m . at th e peak of the j ump . (See A ppendi x 2 for
Moffatt's bar c learance was not very effecti ve. exerc ises that w ill he lp to produ ce fas t and low
cond iti ons at the end of th e run -up .)

An a ltern ati ve option

wo uld be to put th e c. m . at
the end of th e run-up in a
lower pos ition, equi va lent
to abo ut 47% of Moffatt's
own standing he ig ht. T his
wo uld be a f in a l run-up
height si m ilar to the one
used by Moffatt in jump
40 fro m 2006 . W ith such
a pos itio n at the end of the
run-up , a fin a l hori zo nta l
speed of abo ut 7.8-7.9 m/s
SII U q5
wo uld be suffic ient to
qua lify as optima l. (See
~IE J6
th e interm ediate arrow in
th e g raph .)
ll AI .o8
T A third poss ib ility
li A R I
T wo uld be to put th e c. m . at
liAR 61
the end of th e run-up in a
still lower pos itio n,
1- R ~ I
equ iva lent to about 46% of
Moffatt' own standing

he ig ht. T his wo uld be a
fin a l run-up he ight s im ilar
to those used by Littleton
or Shunk at the 20 07
USATF C ha mpionships.
7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 With such a pos it ion at the

end o f th e run-up , a fi nal hori zo ntal speed of abo ut repo rt; (d) use stronger arm actions during the takeoff
7.7 m/s wo uld be suffic ient to qu a li fy as o ptima l. phase.
(See the low est of the three arrows in th e graph .)
Amo ng the athl etes anal yzed in this repo rt,
(Standard caution when increasing the run-up Moffatt is pro bably the o ne wh o is performing
speed and /or lowering the c.m. height at the end of fa rth est fro m hi s potentia l. If he ever corrects hi s
the run-up: The use of a faster and/or lower run- many and impo rtant technique pro bl ems, he co uld
up will put a greater stress on the takeoff leg, and make tre mendo us progress in his high jump res ults.
thus it may increase the risk of injury if the leg is
not strong enough. Therefore, it is always
important to use caution in the adoption of a Jaster
am/lor lower run-up. If the desired change is very
large, it would be advisable to make it gradually,
over a period of time. In all cases, it may be wise to
further strengthen the takeoff Leg, so that it can
withstand the increased force of the impact
produced when th e takeoff leg is planted.)

Based on th e ang le between th e lo ng itudin al ax is

of th e takeoff foo t and the ho ri zo ntal fo rce rece ived
by th e foo t (ang le e3 ) in jump 84 , Moffatt's foot
ori entatio n did not seem too dangero us. However,
th e video im ages stro ng ly suggested th at the pro blem
may be more serious. T herefo re, we adv ise Moffatt
to pl ant th e takeoff foo t o n th e ground w ith the
long itudin al ax is of th e foot mo re in lin e with the
fi nal direction of the run-up : It sho uld be planted on
th e gro und in a mo re c lockw ise o rientatio n, w ith the
toe po inting at least I 0° mo re toward th e landing pit
th an in j ump 84. T his techniqu e change sho uld he lp
to prevent ankle pro nati on, and injury to th e ankle
and foot.

In regard to Mo ffatt's fo rwa rd/bac kward and

left-rig ht leans durin g th e takeoff ph ase, and to his
bar c learance, th e changes in th ese as pects of his
technique s ince last year have been quite small.
Please refer to th e ad v ice g iven in las t y ear's report in
regard to th ese as pects of Moffatt's technique.

Moffatt's arm ac ti ons durin g th e takeoff ph ase

suffe red so me deterio rati o n between 2006 and 200 7.
Moffatt needs to thru st his arm s hard er fo rw ard and
up ward during the takeoff ph ase, to a higher pos ition
by the end of th e takeoff. These actio ns w ill he lp
him to generate mo re lift . Th e acti on of Moffatt's
lead leg during the takeoff phase is no t bad, and
therefore it does not need an y changes.

Th e changes proposed fo r Moffa tt are, by o rder

of impo rtance: (a) correct th e o ri entati on of the
takeoff foo t - this is an impo rtant safety-re lated issue;
(b) use a fas ter speed and a low er pos itio n at the end
of the run-up - this is the most impo rtant
perfo rmance-related issue; (c) m ake changes in the
bar c learance techniqu e, as expla ined in last year's
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MOFFATT #84 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


10.22 10 . 20 10 .1 8 10 .1 6 10.14 10 .1 2 10.10 10.08 10.06 10.04 10 . 02 10.00 ~
MOFFATT #84 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


10.94 10.82 10.70 10.58 10.46 10.34 10.22 Vl


--- / v


9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00

MOFFATT #84 062407 2 . 24 M CLEARANCE


MOFFATT #84 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


MOFFATT #84 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


Jamie N I ETO

Jump 99 was N ieto's las t successful c learance in 2.15 m 2.27 m

the "administrat ive tiebreaker" to dec id e 2nd place at clea rance miss #1
th e 200 7 US ATF C hampio nships (2.25 m).

Based o n N ieto's ve rtica l ve loc ity at takeoff in

j um p 99 (vzm = 4.30 m/s), a technique of average
q ua li ty wo uld have in clud ed a c.m . he ig ht equ a l to 2.18m 2.27 m
clearance miss #2
abo ut 4 7% of hi s own standing he ig ht at th e end of
th e run-up , and a fin a l run -up speed of about 7.4 m/s.
Nieto's actu a l c.m . he ig ht and speed at th e end of th e
run -up (hm = 46.5%; v 1.11 = 7 .3 m/s) were s imil ar to
those expected fo r a techniqu e of ave rage qua li ty.
2.2 1 m 2.27 m
T herefo re, th e overa ll co mbination of f in a l run-up
cleara nce miss #3
speed and c.m . he ight that Ni eto used in jump 99 was
not very bad , bu t a lso not parti cul arl y good .

At the end of th e run -up , N ieto pl anted th e

takeoff foot too para ll e l to the bar. Because of thi s, 2.24 m 2.27 m
th e ang le between th e lo ng itudin a l ax is of th e takeoff clearance tiebreaker
foo t and the horizo nta l fo rce rece ived by the foo t was miss #1
extre me ly large (e 3 = 52°). T his wo uld no rm a lly lead
us to predict a very large risk of foo t pro natio n, and
injury to th e ankl e and foo t. (See the sectio n o n
"Ori entation of th e takeo ff foot, and potentia l fo r 2.25 m
ankle and foo t injuri es" in th e m a in text of the tiebreaker
re port.) However, th ro ug h direct v iew in g of the clearance

videos we noti ced th at there was o nl y a moderate

amo unt of pronation in N ieto's jumps. (See the
images on thi s page.) takeoff ph ase, and it was r beyo nd th e verti ca l by
the end of the takeoff ( LRTO = 9r). In th e view
N ieto's arm actions durin g th e takeoff phase we re fro m the back, it's no rm a l fo r hig h j ump ers to go up
stro ng (AAT = 17.3 mm/m), and th e ac tion of his to I 0° past the vertica l at the end of the takeoff. T his
lead leg was somewhat weak (LLA = 18 . 1 mm /m). see ms to prov id e an o ptimum compro mise between
In co nsequ ence, th e overa ll co mbin atio n ofN ieto's th e generatio n of lift and the generation of eno ug h
arm and lead leg actions in jump 99 w as so mew hat lateral somersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum to permit a
weak ( FLA = 35 .4 mm /m) . Thi s was not quite as good rotation over th e bar. T herefore, Nieto's
good as in 2004, but better th an in any o th er of pos it io n at the end of the takeoff was quite good. H is
N ieto's prev ious ana lyzed jumps. large a mo unt of ro tation toward the left durin g th e
takeoff ph ase a llowed h im to ge nerate a good amoun t
N ieto had onl y a s ma ll amo un t of bac kward lean of latera l somersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum (HL =
at the start of th e ta keoff ph ase in jump 99 ( BFTD = I 00).
82°). T hen he rotated fo rwa rd durin g th e takeoff
ph ase, and at th e end o f th e ta keoff he was essentia lly Nieto's som ewhat s ma ll amo unt of forward
ve rti ca l ( BFTO = 89°) . A pro ble m w ith this was that, so mersaulting angular mo mentum and large a mount
due to his sm all amo unt of bac kw ard lean at the start of lateral so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum
of the takeoff ph ase, Ni eto did no t rotate forward co mbined into a so mewhat sma ll tota l amount of
thro ug h a large eno ug h ang le durin g th e takeoff so mersaulting ang ular mo mentum (Hs = 11 5) .
ph ase . T his limited to a som ewhat s ma ll va lue the
amount of forwa rd so mersaul ti ng ang ular mo mentum N ieto's c. m . reached a max imum he ig ht hrK =
that he was abl e to ge nerate ( HF = 65) . 2 .30 m in jump 99 . T he "saturation graph" shows
that in this j ump he co uld have c leared cleanly a bar
N ieto's trun k had a very good lean toward the set at abo ut hcLs = 2.28 m, and at hc LA = 2.29 m if he
right at th e start of the takeoff ph ase ( LRTD = 73 °). had taken off s lig htl y fa rth er from the pl ane of the
T hen hi s trun k rotated toward th e left during th e bar and the standard s. In re latio n to th e peak he ig ht
of the c.m . (2.3 0 m), the 2 .29
m c lean c learance he ig ht
47 )::{
indicated a ve ry effecti ve bar '>: II 17

c learance . Thi s had

parti cu lar merit in v iew of the
fact th at N ieto's to ta l amo unt 46 SIIUOl
of so mersaulting ang ular -+.;
mo mentum was somew hat )::{
sma ll. \/ 1[ j(>

Overa ll , N ieto's leans a t
the pIan t and at the end of th e
takeoff, his generat ion of
+ l ~H
ang ular momentum , and hi s 44
bar c learance were ve ry

Reco mm enda tio ns 43


T he ma in pro ble m in
N ieto ' s technique was his
7.0 7.2 7.4
co mb inatio n of speed and
c. m . he ig ht at the end of the run-up . He needs to be important to use caution in th e adoption of a Jaster
faste r and /o r lower than in j ump 99. T he o ptimum and/or lower run-up. If th e desired change is very
co mbin atio n fo r any j umper is fas ter and /o r lower large, it would be advisable to make it gradually,
th an th e ex pected ave rage ("o rdin ary") combin ation. over a period of time. In all cases, it may be wise to
In term s of Fig ure 3 , a ll so luti ons to th is probl em f urther strength en th e takeoff leg, so that it can
invo lve mov ing Nieto's po int to the diago na l lin e withstand the increased fo rce of the impact
reco mm ended for Vzm = 4 .30 m/s. On e poss ib le produ ced wh en the takeoff leg is planted. )
o ption wo uld be to co mbine th e he ig ht th at Ni eto had
at th e end of the run-up in jump 99 (hm = 46 .5%) In spite of the very large ang le between th e
w ith a much fas ter speed (vH 1 = 7.7-7.8 m/s). (See lo ng itudin a l ax is of Ni eto's ta keoff foot and the
the ho rizo nta l arrow in th e g raph shown in this page.) hori zo nta l force rece ived by the foo t (ang le e3 ) , d irect
T his larger amo un t of fin a l run-up speed sho u ld observatio n of th e v id eotape im ages indicate that
a ll ow N ieto to generate more lift durin g the takeo ff N ieto's ankle only experi enced a moderate amo unt of
ph ase, and thu s to produce a large r he ight fo r hi s c.m . pronatio n. Ang le e 3 is not th e o nly fac to r th at
at th e peak of th e jump . (See Appendi x 2 fo r determin es th e amo unt of pro natio n, and it may be
exercises that wi ll he lp to produ ce fas t and low that Nieto's ank le mu sculature is stro ng enoug h to
co nditio ns at the end of th e run-up .) contro l the amount of pro natio n of the foot in spite of
the very large e3 ang le . We sti ll think it wo uld be
An a ltern ati ve o ption wo uld be to put the c.m . at good fo r Nieto to plant the takeoff foot on the ground
the end of th e run-up in a lower pos ition, equi va lent in a mo re counterc lockw ise orientatio n, w ith the toe
to about 45.5% of Nieto's own standing he ig ht. T his po inting more toward the land ing pit than in jump 99.
wo uld be a f ina l run-up he ig ht s imi lar to those used However, du e to th e in fo rm atio n g leaned fro m
by N ieto in j umps 36 and 13 fr om 2001 /2002. With N ieto's vid eo images, we are not as co ncern ed abo ut
such a pos ition at the end of th e run-up , a fin a l N ieto ' s ankle as we we re in prev io us re ports.
ho ri zo nta l speed of abo ut 7 .6 m/s wo uld be suffi c ient
to qu a lify as o ptima l. (See the arro w po inting Nieto's arm and lead leg actio ns in jump 99 we re
dow nward and toward the r ig ht in th e g raph .) overall so mew hat weak , but this was not a very
important pro b lem . T he prob lem wo uld be
(S ta nd ard ca ut ion w hen in crea sin g t he run- up compl ete ly e limin ated if N ieto lifted h is left knee a
s peed a nd /or lowe rin g the c. m. height a t th e end of litt le bit hig her at the end of the takeoff phase.
t he run- up: The use of a f aster and/or lower run-
up will put a greater stress on th e takeoff leg, and No changes sho u ld be made in N ieto's leans at
thus it may increase the risk of injury if th e leg is the start and at the end of th e takeoff phase , in his
not strong enough. Therefo re, it is alway s generation of ang ular mo m entum , nor in hi s actio ns

on top of the bar. These as pects of his technique are

already very good.
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NIETO #99 062407 2 . 25 M CLEARANCE


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NIETO #99 062407 2.25 M CLEARANCE


NIETO #99 062407 2 . 25 M CLEARANCE



Jump 42 was Se llers' las t successful c learance at

the 2007 USATF Champio nships (2 .18 m) .

Se llers ' verti ca l ve loc ity at takeoff in jump 42

was Vzro = 4 .25 m/s. However, th e USATF
Champio nships were a parti cul arly bad co mpetition
fo r him , and thus Se llers' 4 .25 m/s Vzro va lu e without any pro natio n of the takeofffoot. However,
presents a distorted view of his phys ica l condition it is poss ible th at Se ll ers' ankl e m ay not be as safe as
during the 2007 season. Se ll ers' best mark of th e it seems.
season was 2 .33 m . Even though we have no hard
data on hi s 2.33 m jump, we can estimate fairly Until last yea r we recorded the jumps with mov ie
acc urately that he mu st have generated about 4.55 cameras ( 16 mm f ilm) , and th e images of the j umps
m!s of ver tica l ve loc ity in th at jump . Therefore, we were generall y not clear eno ugh to actually see the
wi ll co ns id er Vzro = 4.55 mls th e best indi cato r of pronation of the fo ot during the takeoff ph ase. This
Se llers' physical condition . year, we have swi tched to high definiti o n v id eo
cameras , and the im ages are c learer. This sometim es
Based on a ve rtical velocity at takeoff of Vzro = all ows us to see the pron atio n when it occurs. The
4.55 m/s, a technique of average qu ali ty wo uld have im ages above show screen captures of Sellers'
included a final run -up speed of abo ut 7.6 m/s and a takeoff foot during the takeoff ph ase in jump 42 .
c.m. he ight at the end of th e run-up equ al to abo ut Even th ough th is camera v iew is not the best for the
46.5% of his ow n standin g he ig ht. In jump 42, observation of takeoff foot pro nation, some pronation
Se llers was actually s lig htly faster at the end of th e is ev id ent: The o utside edge of th e shoe ac tua lly
run-up (vH 1 = 7.7 m/s) th an what would be expected lifted off from th e g round between th e middl e im age
in a technique of ave rage quality , but his c.m. was and the image on the left, and other jumps by Sellers
also c learly hig her (hm = 48%). This was mu ch during the competition showed s imilar ev idence of
worse than the 8.0/4 7 .5 co mbin atio n that he used in pron ati on. It is not clear to us why Sellers' foot
2006 , and a weak chall enge for a hig h jumper with a pronated when hi s e 3 ang le was so good. It is true
takeoff leg capabl e of genera tin g 4 .55 m/s of vertica l th at the amo unt of pro nat ion does not seem very
ve loc ity . T he wet conditio ns of the track in th e 2007 severe in th ese im ages, but we need to keep in mind
competition may have played a ro le in this prob lem , th at the images were not taken from the best
but we don ' t know fo r sure . viewpoint for th e o bservatio n of pronation, so it is
possible that the pronati on mig ht be more severe th an
The last step of Sellers' run-up was somewhat what meets th e eye.
too long (SL 1 = 2 .09 m, o r Ill % of hi s own standing
height). This lo ng length of the last step of th e run- Sellers' arm actions during th e takeoff ph ase
up probably contributed to Sellers' so mewhat large were very strong (AAT = 2 1.4 mm/m) , and the act ion
negati ve vertical ve loc ity at the start of the takeoff of his lead leg was also strong (LLA = 20.9 mm/m).
phase (vzm = -0 .6 m/s) . A large negative Vzm value Therefore, hi s overall combination of arm and lead
is not adv isable, because it requires the athlete to leg actions was a lso stron g (FLA = 42.3 mm /m).
make an extra effort to stop th e dow nward mot io n This was a ll very good .
before producing the needed up ward vertica l
ve loc ity. lnjump 42 , Sellers' trunk had o nly a small
amo unt of backw ard lean at th e start of the takeoff
At the end of the run-up, Sellers planted the phase (BFTD = 79 °). Then he rotated fo rward , and
takeoff foo t at what we cons ider to be a very good by the end of the takeoff his trunk was 2 ° beyond the
orientat ion, not too parall e l to the bar. As expected , vertical (BFTO = 92°) . In the view from th e s ide, the
the ang le that thi s produced between th e foot and the trunk should be vert ica l (i.e., at 90°) at the end of the
horizontal direction in which th e foot pu shed against takeoff, so Sellers ' overrotatio n probably prod uced a
th e g ro und during th e tak eoff phase was small ( e 3 = s light loss of lift. Also, due to Sellers' sma ll amount
16°). (See the section o n "Orientatio n of the takeoff of backward lean at th e start of the takeoff phase, and
foo t, and potential for ankl e and foot injuries" in the in spite of the fact that he was s lightly overrotated
main text of the report.) This was s imilar to Se ll ers' forward by the end of th e takeoff phase, th e amoun t
e 3 ang le va lue fro m 2006 , and we would ex pect such of forward somersaultin g ang ul ar mo mentum that he
a s ma ll e3 ang le to produce a very safe takeoff, was abl e to generate was somew hat sma ll (HF = 70) .

T his limitatio n in th e amo unt of angular momentum Se llers' m arked

was ult imate ly due to Se llers' in suffic ient bac kward lean toward th e bar at
lean at th e start of th e takeoff phase . the end of the takeoff
pu t his shoulders in
Se llers' trun k had o nl y a very sm a ll amo un t of dange r of hitting th e
lean towa rd the left at th e start of the takeoff phase bar o n th e way up ,
(LRTD = 84 °) . T hen he ro tated toward th e ri g ht, and even w ith hi s limited
by the end of th e takeoff he was 16° pas t the vert ical amo unt of
in th e v iew from the back ( LRTO = I 06°). In th e so mersaulting ang ular
v iew fro m th e back, it's no rma l to go a few degrees mo mentum . T his may
past the verti ca l at th e end of th e takeoff. We have been w hat led
cons ider it acceptabl e ( ind eed , des irable) to tilt up to him to ado pt a rather unu sua l " sitt ing" body
I past the ve rtica l at th e end of the takeoff ( in th e config urati on o n the way up to the bar. As the athl ete
view from th e bac k) because we be lieve th at this may gets into such a config ura tio n the legs rotate
be th e best co mpro mi se betwee n th e ge neration of lift counterclockw ise ( in th e v iew fro m th e left standard ,
and the generatio n of rotatio n (ang ular mom entum ). a lo ng th e bar) w hile th e upper trunk rotates c lockw ise
However, in hi s quest fo r th e generatio n of latera l and the hips dro p dow n. (See th e graphi c above.)
so mersaulting ang ular mo m entum , Sell ers we nt we ll T his is a good maneuver that he lps to keep th e
beyo nd the acceptable limit fo r lean toward the ri g ht sho ulders away fro m the bar. It is ge nera lly not
by the end of the takeoff ph ase. T his probably necessary in no rm a l jumps in whi ch th e athlete is
produced a s izabl e loss of lift fo r th e j ump . And still , c loser to vertica l at the end of the takeoff phase . (We
he was only abl e to ge nerate a sm a ll amount of latera l ass um e that th e purpose of th is " sitting" body
somersaulting ang ular mo m entum ( HL = 75). T his configuratio n used by Se llers was indeed to prevent
limi ted amo unt of ang ular mo mentum , as well as the the sho ulders fro m hitting th e bar, and not an attemp t
loss of lift assoc iated w ith the excess ive lean toward at imple mentin g the " kn ee bend ing" maneuver that
th e ri g ht at th e end of th e takeoff, were bo th we pro posed in the 2006 repo rt. The maneuver th at
ult imate ly due to Se llers ' insuffic ient lean toward th e we pro posed w as to " bend the kn ees as if th e athl ete
left at th e start of the takeoff ph ase. T he wet were try ing to k ick th e bar fro m below w ith his
co nd itions of the track in the 2007 co mpetition may hee ls", qui te diffe rent fro m th e " s itting" pos ition
have pl ayed a ro le in thi s pro blem : Did the we t track describ ed above, which Se ll ers used in a ll of h is
make it imposs ibl e to use a curve tig ht eno ug h to j umps at th e 2007 m eet.)
pro du ce the necessary amo unt of lean toward th e
left? We don ' t kn ow. In j ump 42, Se ll ers did not arch very much. T he
graphics be low show his maxi mum arch in j ump 03
Sellers ' fo rward and latera l compo nents of from 200 6 and in jump 42 . (The im age of j ump 03
so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum added up to a has been ro tated counterc lockw ise to faci litate the
sma ll to ta l amo unt of so mersaulting ang ul ar compari son of th e amo unts of arching.) T he g raphics
mo mentum ( Hs = I 05) . This was th e sam e amo unt show th at Se ll ers used mu ch less arching in j ump 42
th at he generated in 2006, bu t in j ump 42 fr o m 2007 from 200 7 than in j ump 03 fro m 20 06.
Se llers' leans backward and toward the left at th e
jump 03 from 2006 jump 42
start of the takeoff ph ase were c learly wo rse (sma ll er)
than in 2006. T hi s res ul ted in larger leans fo rward
and toward th e right at the end of th e takeoff, w ith
consequently larger losses of lift .

T he peak he ig ht reached by th e c. m. in jump 42

was hr K = 2 .24 m . T he " satura tion g raph" shows th at
in thi s j ump Se ll ers co ul d have c leared c leanl y a bar
set at abo ut hc Ls = 2 .1 8 m . In re latio n to the peak
he ight of th e c. m . (2 .24 m), the 2 . 18 m c lean
c learance he ig ht ind icated a bar c learance th at was Recomm endations
not very effective. T he effectiveness of Se ll ers ' bar
c learance was si m ilar to that of2006 . In part th e Sellers ' techniqu e was much wo rse in 2007 than
pro blem was du e, as in 2006 , to Se ll ers' limited tota l in 2006 . We do not kn ow to w hat extent th e
amount of somersaul ting ang ul ar mo mentum , but problems were due to the s lip pery conditio ns of the
there were oth er complicating fac to rs as we ll. track. (The track was we t in both meets, but it

see med to dry off better

toward the end of the meet in
2006 th an in 200 7 .)
An impo rtant proble m in
Sellers' techniqu e w as his
co mbin atio n of speed and
c.m . he ig ht at the end o f the /
run-up. He needs to be faster
and/or lower th an in j ump
42 . T he optimum
com bin ation for any j umper
is faste r and/or lower than
the ex pected average
("o rd in ary") combin atio n. In
terms of F ig ure 3, a ll
so lut io ns to th is pro b lem
in vo lve mov ing Sell ers'
poi nt to th e diago nal lin e HAR II
reco mm ended fo r Vz TO =
4 .55 m/s. (See the g raph o n
th e right. ) One poss ib le
o ptio n wo uld be to co mb ine
the heights that Se ll ers had at
the end of the run-up in
j umps 03 or 42 w ith a mu ch
larger amount of speed than
what Se ll ers had in jump 42.
We wo uld suggest fo r him a
fin al speed of abo ut 8.3 o r
8.2 m/s. (See the hori zo nta l
arrow and the arrow th at
po ints s lig htl y downwa rd in
the g raph show n to th e rig ht
of these lin es.) These larger
fi nal speeds of Se ll ers ' run -
up sho uld a llow him to
generate mo re li ft during the
takeoff ph ase , and thu s to
prod uce a larger he ig ht fo r
his c.m . at th e peak of th e 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2
j ump . (See App endi x 2 fo r
exerc ises that wi ll help to produce fas t and low right in th e graph above .)
co nd it ions at the end of the run-up .)
These reco mm ended co mbin ati ons of speed and
An altern ati ve o ption wo uld be to put th e c. m. at heig ht at th e end of the run-up are based o n the use of
th e end of the run-up in a c learly low er pos ition, average "run -of-the- mill " arm and lead leg actions
equi va lent, fo r instance, to about 46% of Se ll ers' ow n during the takeoff ph ase. A thl etes such as Sellers
stand ing heig ht. Th is wo uld be a fi na l run-up he ig ht who use very stro ng arm and lead leg actions during
si mil ar to those used by Littleton o r Shunk at th e th e tak eoff ph ase should comp ensate by us ing
2007 USATF Cha mpionships. With such a pos ition somewhat s lower and/o r higher run-ups; oth erw ise,
at the end of the run-up , Se llers wo uld not need to be th e takeoff leg might buck le during the takeoff ph ase.
trave ling at 8.2/8.3 m/s at the end of the run-up fo r
hi s technique to be cons idered o ptimum : A fin al (Sta nd ard ca utio n w hen increasi ng the r un- up
horizontal speed of about 8.0 m/s wo uld do. (See th e speed a nd /or lowerin g t he c.m. height at the end of
arrow po inting steeply downward and toward th e the r un-up: The use of a faster and/or Lower run-

up will put a greater stress on the takeoff leg, and As ex pl a in ed before, we do not kn ow why
thus it may increase the risk of injury if the leg is Se llers' takeoff foot pronated, when it had such a
not strong enough. Th erefore, it is always good o rientatio n during th e takeoff phase . May be th e
important to use caution in th e adoption of a faster mu sc les th at fi g ht aga inst pronatio n are weak in
am/lor lower run-up. If the desired change is very re latio n to the oth er mu sc les of his takeoff leg. Or he
large, it would be advisable to make it gradually, mig ht have fl at fee t, a lth o ug h we think that this is
over a period of time. In all cases, it may be wise to unlike ly . We a lso are not sure how severe th e
further strengthen the takeoff leg, so that it can amo unt of pro natio n is. In any case, it may not be a
withstand the increased force of the impact bad idea to have Se ll ers be examined by a phys ician
produced when the takeoff leg is planted.) o r a phys ica l therapist. May be there is nothing
wro ng w ith hi s foo t o r ankle, but m ay be th ere is, and
Th e most impo rtant proble m in Sellers' an o rth otic mig ht he lp to protect aga inst inj ury .
techniqu e w as pro bably the minim a l a mount of lean
that he had toward th e left at the start of th e takeoff Se llers' arm and lead leg actio ns durin g the
ph ase . (See the back v iews of hi s run-up sequence o r takeoff ph ase were very good. N o changes are
of his takeoff sequ ence at t = I 0 .00 s.) It led him to needed thi s as pect of his techniqu e. In fact, as
acquire a very large lean of hi s trunk toward the ri g ht mentio ned above, Se ll ers ' free limb ac tions we re so
at th e end of th e takeoff ph ase (see th e bac k view of stro ng th at, fo r optimum techniqu e, he sho uld
the takeoff sequ ence at t = I 0 . 18 s) , w hi ch in turn led pro bably use a s lig htl y s lower and/o r higher run-up
to a large loss of lift . T he fas ter run -up speed th at we than w hat was reco mm ended in th e prev ious page .
pro pose fo r Se ll ers sho uld he lp to produce a s lig ht
increase in hi s lean toward th e left at the end of th e In th e a ir, o ur ad vice to Se llers is to impl ement
run-up . However, to acquire th e necessary amo unt of the a irborn e ac tio ns pro posed in th e 200 6 report: He
lean he w ill pro bably a lso have to tig hten th e run-up should bend th e kn ees as if he w ere try ing to kick th e
curve, i.e., to use a curve w ith a sho rter radiu s. See bar fro m be low with his hee ls. (See the 2006 report
Append ix 4 for mo re information o n how to change for furth er deta il s.)
th e shape of th e run-up curve.
In summ ary , Se llers sho uld use a faster and/or
A sma ller pro blem is Se llers' in suffi c ient lower run-up . He sho uld al so tig hten ( i.e., sho rten)
backwa rd lean at th e start of the takeoff phase. He the radius of hi s curve, and he sho uld thru st his h ips
should thru st hi s hips furth er fo rward in th e ve ry last furth er fo rward in th e las t step of th e run-up . T hi s
step of the run-up . This w ill g ive his trunk a large r w ill produ ce good leans tow ard th e left and backward
amo unt of bac kward lean at th e start of th e takeo ff at th e start of the takeoff phase. He should try to
ph ase. T hen, he sho uld a llow hi s trunk to rotate plant th e takeoff foo t o n th e g ro und imm edi ate ly afte r
fo rwa rd durin g the takeo ff ph ase, but o nly up to th e he pl ants th e ri g ht foot o n th e g round . Then he
ve rtica l by the end of th e takeoff. This should should rotate during the takeoff ph ase fo rwa rd all the
produ ce a large r amount of fo rward so mersaultin g way to th e verti cal, and to ward the rig ht to a pos ition
ang ular mo mentum , w hile avo iding any loss of lift no more th an I 0 ° beyo nd th e vertical in the v iew
th at mig ht have been produced thro ug h excess ive from the back. By do ing this, he will generate a good
fo rward lean at th e end of the takeoff. amount of somersaulting an g ul ar mo mentum w ith out
los ing any lift. In th e a ir, he needs to impl ement the
Anoth er sma ll pro bl em was the rath er long a irbo rne acti ons pro posed in th e 2006 repo rt
length of Se ll ers ' last step of th e run-up . To correct ( inc luding th e bending of th e kn ees as if he we re
thi s, he should try to in crease th e tempo of th e las t try ing to ki ck th e bar fro m be low w ith hi s hee ls:
two foot landings, i.e., he sho uld try to pl ant th e left mimic th e ac tio ns of s imul ation #2 fr o m th e 2006
foo t o n the gro und a lmost imm edi ate ly aft er he pl ants repo rt). N o changes sho uld be m ade in Sell ers ' ar m
the ri g ht foo t. By in creasi ng the tempo of th e las t o r lead leg ac tio ns durin g th e takeoff ph ase , because
two foot landings, Se llers sho uld be abl e to redu ce they are a lread y very good . It may be a good id ea to
the length of the last step of th e run-up, but more get his takeoff foot examin ed by a physic ian or a
impo rtantly, he will redu ce th e time that he spends in phys ica l therapist - m ay be th ere isn ' t anything wro ng
the a ir durin g th at step. Th is w ill prevent him fr om w ith it, but may be th ere is.
accumul ating too mu ch dow nward (negati ve) verti ca l
veloc ity in the a ir, so th at he does no t have an
excess ive ly large downward ve rtica l ve loc ity when
he pl ants th e left foot on the g ro und to start th e
takeoff ph ase.
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SELLERS #42 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE


10.22 10.20 10.18 10 . 16 10 . 14 10.12 10 . 10 10.08 10 . 06 10.04 10 . 02 10 . 00 VJ
SELLERS #42 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE


10.94 10.82 10 . 70 10 . 58 10 . 46 10 . 34 10.22 ~



~ -------------
~ 50

--------- ~


9.40 9.60 9.80 10 . 00

SELLERS #42 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE


SELLERS #42 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE


SELLERS #42 062407 2 . 18 M CLEARANCE


Adam SHUNK at the end of th e takeoff. W e co nsid er it acceptable

( ind eed , des irable) to tilt up to I 0° pas t the vertical at
Jump 95 was Shunk's 2"d attempt at 2.27 m at th e the end of the takeoff phase (in th e view from th e
2007 USATF C ha mpionships. It was a c lose miss, back) because we be lieve th at thi s may be the best
and probably hi s best jump of th e day. compromise between the generati on of lift and the
generatio n of rotation (ang ular mo mentum). So
Based o n Shunk's vertica l veloc ity at takeoff in Shunk ' s left/r ig ht lean ang les at the start and at the
j ump 95 (vzm = 4.40 m/s) , a technique of average end of th e takeoff ph ase were both very good. This
qua li ty wo uld have included a final run-up speed of a llowed him to generate a large amo unt of latera l
abo ut 7.5 m/s and a c.m. heig ht at the end of the run- somersaultin g angu lar mo mentum durin g th e takeoff
up equ a l to abo ut 4 7% of his own standing he ight. ph ase (HL = 95) .
Shunk was actually in a s lig htly lower pos ition at the
end of the run-up than what would be expected for a Shunk's forward and latera l co mponents of
techniqu e of average qu a lity (hm = 46%), but he was somersaultin g ang ular mom entum ad ded up to a
a lso ve ry s low (vH 1 = 7 . 1 m/s) . Overall , th e so mewhat sma ll total amo unt of som ersaultin g
combin at ion of run-up speed and c.m . he ight that ang ular mo mentum ( Hs = II 0) .
Shunk used in j ump 95 was a weak cha ll enge for a
hig h jumper w ith a takeoff leg capabl e of ge nerati ng T he peak he ig ht reached by th e c.m . in jump 95
4.40 m/s of verti ca l ve loc ity . Shunk actua lly had a was hrK = 2 .27 m. The " saturation graph" shows that
good amo unt of speed in the next-to- last step of the in this jump Shunk could have c leared cl eanly a bar
run -u p (v 112 = 7.7 m/s) , but lost a lot of it (0.6 m/s) as set at about hc Ls = 2.23 m , and at hc LA = 2.28 m if he
he passed over the right foo t. had taken off abo ut 5 em farther from th e pl ane of the
bar and the standard s. In re latio n to the peak he ig ht
At the end of the run-up, Shunk planted the of the c.m . (2 .27 m), the 2.28 m c lean c learance
takeoff foot too para ll e l to th e bar. Because of this, he ig ht indi cated an extreme ly effect ive bar clearance.
the ang le between th e lo ng itudina l ax is of th e takeoff Considering th at Shunk's angular momentum was
foot and the ho ri zo nta l force received by th e foot was somewhat sma ll , this indicated that hi s ac tions in the
very large ( e 3 = 43 °). T his produced a very large risk ai r were exceptio na lly good.
of ank le pronation , an d injury to th e ankle and foot.
(See the sectio n o n " O ri entation of th e takeoff foot, Recommendations
and potential for ankl e and fo ot injuries" in th e ma in
text of the report.) Shunk had two ma in probl ems in his technique .
The first one was his combination of speed and c.m.
Shunk's arm act ions durin g the takeoff ph ase he ig ht at the end of the run-up. The o ptimum
we re stro ng (AA T = 16. 1 mm/ m). However, th e combinatio n for any jumper is faster and /or lower
actio n of hi s lead leg was somewh at weak (LLA = th an the expected average (" ordin ary") combin atio n.
16 .9 mm /m) . Because of this, hi s overall Although Shunk was in a reaso nably low pos ition at
combin atio n of arm and lead leg actio ns was th e end of th e run-up , his fin a l run-up speed was not
somewhat weak (FLA = 33 .0 mm/ m). fast eno ug h. There are severa l ways in which Shunk
can so lve this problem . In terms of Fig ure 3, a ll
Shunk 's trunk had a good backward lean at the options in vo lve moving hi s po int to the diagonal lin e
start of the takeoff ph ase ( BFTD = 73 °). But then he recomm ended for Vzro = 4.40 m/s . (See th e grap h in
did not rotate forward eno ug h durin g th e takeoff the next page .) One poss ibl e o ptio n wou ld be to
phase, and at th e end of the takeoff he was still fa r combin e th e reasonably good (low) he ight that Shunk
from the vertica l in th e v iew fro m the sid e (BFTO = a lready had at the end of th e run-up in jump 95 with a
81 °). Because of this, the amount of forward much larger amount of speed. W e wo uld suggest for
somersaulting angular mo mentum that Shunk was him a final speed of about 7.8 m/s. (See th e
ab le to generate was sma ll (Hr = 55) . ho ri zo nta l arrow in the g raph shown in the next
page.) To achieve this , Shunk would not ac tu a lly
Shunk's trunk had a very good lean toward the have to run faster during the entire final part of the
left at the start of the takeoff ph ase (L RTD = 74 °) . run-up. He a lready has a good amo unt of speed in
T hen, he rotated toward the right, and by th e end of the next-to-las t step of th e run-up (vH 2 = 7.7 m/s) , so
the takeoff he was I 0° past th e vertical in the view he just needs to co ncentrate o n not los ing any of this
from th e back (L RTO = I 00 °). In th e view from the speed as he passes over the las t support on his right
back , it's norm a l to go a few degrees pas t the vert ica l foot. For thi s, Shunk needs to try to pull backward
harder o n th e gro und w ith his right foot. A larger

fin al speed of his run -up

should allow Shunk to 0 0
~101 · 8~
generate more lift during th e SlL 4~ <>
takeo ff phase, and thus to
\VII. R2
produce a larger height for
VIL 16
his c.m . at th e peak of the
j ump . (See App endix 2 for 0

Ill I. 97
):{ ~ 10 . 40
exercises that wi ll help to NIE 17
produ ce fast and low ):{
N I L 99
co nditions at th e end of th e
run-up .)

An altern ati ve option

wo uld be to put th e c.m. in a
slightly lower pos iti on,
simi lar to th e lower height
th at Shunk had at th e end of
th e run-up in jump 28 from
2004 . If Sh unk is able to $
+ I ~8

achi eve this, he would not

need to be trave lin g at 7.8
m/s at the end of th e run-up
for his technique to be
co nsidered optimum : A fin al


horizontal speed of 7.5 m/s

wo uld do. (See th e arrow
pointin g downward and 7.0 7.2 7.4 7. 6 7.8 8. 0 8.2
toward the right in the graph
on this page .) exclusive ly on th e orientation of the takeoff foot
relative to the direction of th e horizontal force made
(Sta nd a rd ca ution w hen increasin g th e run-up by th e ath Jete on the ground during the tak eoff ph ase
speed a nd /or lowering th e c.m. height a t th e end of (an gle e3 ) . This was becau se it was almost never
th e run-up: Th e use of a Jaster and/or lower run- poss ib le to actu ally see th e foot pronation in the
up will put a greater stress on th e takeoff leg, and images of the 16 mm movie fi lm th at we used. This
thus it may increase the risk of injury if th e leg is has changed to some extent with our switch to high
not strong enough. Th erefore, it is always definiti on video. The im ages are mu ch clearer, and
important to use caution in th e adoption of a Jaster we have a better chance of actua lly see ing the
and/or lower run-up. If th e desired change is very pronation in th e vid eo im ages . For athl etes who
large, it would be advisable to make it gradually, approach from th e left , we can generally see the
over a period of time. In all cases, it may be wise to pronation quite well if it occurs. Unfortun ately, for
furth er strength en th e takeoff leg, so that it can athl etes who approach from the right (like Shunk) , it
withstand the increased f orce of the impact is not so easy to see, du e to the pos itions in which we
produced when lite takeoff leg is planted. ) have to place our cameras . Sti ll , we were able to
detect pronati on in most of Shunk 's j umps. Th e two
The second major problem in Shunk's techniqu e series of im ages in th e nex t page show th e takeoff
was the orientation of th e left foot during th e takeo ff foot in two of Shunk ' s jumps. Th e fi rstjump was his
ph ase . He planted th e takeoff foot too para llel to th e clearance at 2.2 1 m; th e second one was hi s second
bar. Based on this, we advi se him to plant the takeoff miss at 2.2 7 m Uump 95) . The midd le photo of th e
foo t on th e groun d with its longitudin al ax is more in first sequ ence (the 2.2 1 m c learance) shows what th e
lin e with the fin al directi on of th e run-up , with th e toe takeoff foot loo ks like imm ediately after the entire
pointing at least 25 ° more clockwise th an in jump 95. shoe so le establishes full contact with th e ground ,
This technique change wi ll help to prevent foot before hard ly any pron ati on has occurred. A
pronation, and injury to th e ank le and foot. co mparison of thi s photo with the left photo of the
sam e jump and with the middle and left photos ofth e
In the past, to advise high j ump ers about the second miss at 2.2 7 m (al l three of which
appropriate ori entation of th e takeoff foot, we reli ed corresponded to slightly later tim es within the takeoff

not to make any changes in hi s Jeans at th e start nor

2.21 m clearance at the end of th e ta keoff ph ase, no r in his actio ns over
the bar

We do adv ise Shunk to take off a littl e bit fa rth er

fro m the bar th an he did in jump 95 . This is
necessary in order to center his body better over th e
bar, and thu s to reap th e full benefits of his exce llent
bar c learance.

So our ma in adv ice to Shun k is to pass more

smoothly over the ri g ht leg in the penultimate step of
2.27 m second miss th e run -up, los ing litt le o r no hor izo nta l speed, and to
(jump 95) plant th e ta keoff foo t more in Iin e w ith the f in a l
direction of th e run-up . He a lso needs to take care
not to take off too c lose to th e bar.

ph ase) shows th at, in the latter three ph otos, th e

o uts ide edge of th e shoe was lifted off from the
g ro und . T his indicated th at th ere was pro natio n.
G iven the very large va lu e of th e e 3 ang le in jump 95
and th e ex istence of pro natio n in Shunk 's jumps
(even tho ugh we can ' t judge very w e ll how severe
th at pro nation w as), o ur advi ce to Shunk is to play it
sa fe, and plant the takeoff foot mo re in lin e with th e
fin a l directio n of th e run-up .

A minor pro bl em in Shunk 's technique was the

so mewhat wea k actio n of hi s lead leg . It wo u Jd be
good to li ft th e kn ee of th e ri g ht leg hig her by th e end
of th e takeo ff. T his sho uld he lp Shunk to generate a
s lig htly large r a mo un t of lift .

Shun k sho uld not m ake any changes in his leans

at the start no r at the end of th e takeoff phase, no r in
his ac tions over th e bar, becau se these as pects of his
technique are a lready near-p erfect. It is true th at
Shunk did not rotate fo rward eno ug h during the
takeoff ph ase, and th at this limited his fo rward
co mpo nent of so mersaulting ang ular mo mentum , and
co nsequ entl y a lso hi s to ta l amo unt of so mersaulting
ang ular momentu m. However, thi s was not a
pro blem for hi m. T he amo unt of so mersaulting
ang ul ar momentum that he ge nerated, togeth er w ith
his very good actions in th e a ir, produced an
extreme ly effecti ve bar c learance: He wo uld have
been able to c lear a bar set I em hig her than th e peak
he ig ht reached by his c. m . This is th e most effecti ve
bar c learance that we have ever measured in an
American hig h jumper. Th at is w hy we adv ise Shun k
H 0
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SHUNK #95 062407 2 . 27 M MISS


10 . 22 10.20 10.18 10 . 16 10 . 14 10 . 12 10.10 10 . 08 10 . 06 10 . 04 10 . 02 10 . 00 0

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SHUNK #95 062407 2.27 M MISS


SHUNK #95 062407 2.27 M MISS



Jump 82 was William s' las t successful c learance

2. 15 m 2.21 m
at th e 2007 USATF C hampio nships (2 .24 m).
miss #1 cl ea ran ce

Based on Willia ms' vertica l ve loc ity at takeoff in

jump 82 (vzro = 4 .50 m/s) , a technique of average
qua lity wo uld have in c luded a c. m . he ig ht at th e end
of the run-up equ a l to abo ut 46.5% of hi s own
standing he ig ht, and a fin a l run-up speed of abo ut 7.6 2. 15 m 2.24 m
m/s. Willi ams' actu a l speed at th e end of th e run-up mi ss #2 clearance

(vH 1 = 7 .7 m/s) w as s lig htl y fas ter than what mig ht

have been expected fo r a techniqu e of average
qu ali ty , but he was a lso hig her (hm = 4 8%). T he
overa ll comb inati on of run-up speed and c.m . he ight
th at Willi am s used in jump 82 was not very bad , but
a lso not particul ar ly good . 2. 15 m 2.27 m
cl eara nce miss #1
At th e end of th e run-up, Willi ams planted th e
takeoff foo t too para ll e l to th e bar. Because of this,
the ang le between the long itudin a l ax is of th e takeoff
foo t and the hori zo nta l fo rce rece ived by the foot w as
extreme ly large (e 3 = 54°) . This produ ced a very
large ri sk of foot pro natio n, and injury to the ankl e 2.18 m 2.27 m
and foot. (See th e sectio n on "Ori entation of the clea rance miss #2
takeoff foo t, and potentia l fo r ank le and foot injuri es"
in th e ma in text of th e report.) Th e danger was
confirm ed th ro ug h d irect v iew ing of th e v id eos,
which showed a large amo unt of pro nation in a ll of
Willi ams ' jumps. (See the images o n thi s page .)
2. 27 m
mi ss #3
Williams did not prepare his arm s fo r a do uble-
arm takeoff. (See th e s ide-v iew and bac k-vi ew
sequences of the run-up betw een t = 9 .64 s and t
= 10 .00 s.) Still , he managed to have both arm s in actio n was w eak (A AT = 14 .2 mm/ m). Willi ams did
low pos iti ons at the start of th e tak eoff phase (t = not lift hi s left kn ee hig h enoug h at th e end of the
I 0 .00 s), and this ra ised the poss ibi lity that he m ig ht takeoff ph ase. Therefore, th e action of his lead leg
still be able to execute reaso nably strong arm acti ons was w eak (LLA = 12 .4 mm/ m) . His overa ll
durin g the takeoff phase. Indeed, Willia ms lifted hi s combinatio n of arm and lead leg actions w as a lso
left arm to a hig h pos iti on by th e end of the takeoff weak ( FLA = 26.5 mm /m).
phase, so its actio n was stro ng (AAN = 9 .0 mm/ m).
(See th e deta il ed sequence of th e takeoff phase Willia ms had a moderate amo unt o f backward
between t = I 0.00 sand t = I 0 . 16 s; see a lso Fig ure 9 lean at the start of th e takeo ff ph ase in jump 82
in th e ma in text of th e repo rt. ) He a lso lifted hi s ri g ht (BFTD = 76 °). Th en he rotated forw ard durin g th e
e lbow to a high pos itio n by the end of th e takeo ff takeoff phase, and at the end of the takeoff he was
ph ase, but in additio n he executed an intern a l rotatio n essenti a lly ve rtica l (BFTO = 89 °). T hi s was all very
of th e ri g ht upper arm that put the ri g ht forearm in a good, and it a llowed him to ge nerate a large amo unt
ho ri zo nta l pos ition at the end of th e takeoff, whi ch of forward so mersau lting ang ul ar mo mentum (HF =
pu t th e right hand in a lower pos itio n th an the ri ght 80).
sho ulder. (See the sequence of th e takeoff ph ase at t
= 10 . 16 s.) This made the actio n of Williams ' ri g ht Williams' trunk had a good lean toward the right
arm be ve ry weak (AAF = 5. 1 mm/ m) . Keep in mind at th e start of the takeoff ph ase (LRTD = 76°) . Th en
that th e arm fa rth est fr o m th e bar (th e ri g ht arm in he rotated toward th e left, and at th e end of th e
Williams' case) is th e o ne th at norm a ll y m akes a takeoff he was I o short of th e vertica l in a v iew fro m
stro nger actio n in most hig h jumpers . Because of th e the back (LRTO = 89 °) . In th e v iew fro m the bac k,
weak actio n of his ri g ht arm , Willia ms' total arm

it's norm al to go a few degrees past the verti ca l at th e airborn e mot ions than the mai n sequence of j ump
end of th e takeoff. We co nsid er it acceptable 82 ' s bar clearance. Therefo re, the reader can use
(indeed, des irable) to tilt up to 10° past the vertica l at them to check that Williams indeed started to un-arch
the end of the takeoff ph ase (in th e view from th e too soon. See the view along th e bar of simulation # I
back) because we be lieve th at thi s may be th e best between t = I 0. 64 sand t = I 0.76 s. Th e sequence
co mpromise between th e generation of lift and th e shows th at Will iams started to un-arch before his hips
generation of rotation (angul ar momentum). had crossed over to the oth er sid e of the bar.)
Therefore, Williams' lack of lean toward th e left at
the end of the tak eoff was very "conservative", and In simulation #2 we kept th e pos ition at takeoff,
the amount of latera l somersaulting angul ar th e angular momentum and the path of the c.m. th e
momentum that he was able to generate was small same as in the orig in al jump . In the air, we had
(HL= 75). Williams execute, on the way up to the bar (up tot =
I 0.64 s), th e same actions as in th e orig inal j um p 82 .
Willi ams' large amount of fo rward But fro m th at po int onward we had him change hi s
somersaulting angul ar momentum and small amount actions. (See th e view along the bar in the sequence
of lateral somersaultin g angul ar momentum of simulation #2.) We had him keep his knees
combined into a somew hat small total amount of lowered fo r a littl e bit longer th an in the origin al
somersaulting angular momentum (Hs = II 0). j ump (between t = I 0.64 sand t = I 0.76 s) ; then we
had him lift his knees very strongly (t = I 0.76-1 0.88
Williams' c.m. reached a max imum height hrK= s) to avo id dragg ing th e bar down w ith his ca lves .
2.32 m in jump 82. Th e "saturation graph" shows
that in this j ump he co uld have cleared cleanly a bar The "satu ration graph" of simulation #2 showed
set at about hcLs = 2.25 m, and at hcLA = 2.27 m if he that, w ith th ese alterati ons in his act ions over the bar,
had taken off about 5 em c loser to the pl ane of the Will iams wo uld have been able to clear cleanly a bar
bar and th e stand ard s. In relation to th e peak height set at a height of2.30 m. A height of2.3 0 m is 0.03
of th e c.m. (2 .32 m), the 2.27 m clean clearance m higher than th e 2.27 m height (hcLA) th at Will iams
height indi cated a reasonably effective bar clearance. co uld have cleared cleanly in th e origin al jump, and
only 0.02 m lower th an th e peak height reached by
Alth ough we class ify Willi ams' bar clearance as the c. m. (2.32 m). Thi s wo uld qu alify as a very
"reaso nably effec tive", thi s is not th e same as say ing effective bar clearance.
th at he should be satisfi ed with it. Computer
anim ations of jump 82 showed th at Williams started Recommendations
his un-arch ing prematurely, and we wond ered if a
change in the timin g of Willi ams' un-arching might The main prob lem in Williams' techniqu e was
help him to produ ce a more effective bar clearance. the orientation of his takeoff foo t. He should plant
the takeofffoot on th e gro und with the long itudi nal
To in vestigate this qu estion furth er, we made ax is of th e foot more in lin e w ith th e fin al direction of
tes ts usin g compu ter simulation of the bar clearance. the run-up : The foot should be pl anted on th e ground
We made two compu ter simul ations. In the first one in a more co unterc lockw ise orientation, w ith the toe
of these computer-generated jumps ("s imul ation # I") pointin g at least 35 ° more toward the landing pi t than
we kept the pos ition of th e body at takeoff, th e in jump 82. This techniqu e change will help to
angular momentum , the path of the c. m. and the prevent ankl e pronation, and injury to th e ankle and
motions of th e body segments relati ve to each other foot. This is a hea lth-related issue rath er than a
after takeoff th e sa me as in the origin al j ump 82. perform ance-related issue, but nevertheless it is the
Grap hic sequences of this simul ation (v iew fro m most important problem in Willi ams' technique.
overh ead; view perp endi cular to the pl ane of the bar
and the standards; view in line w ith th e bar) are From a perfo rm ance standpoint, th e most
show n in one of th e graphi cs pages th at follow these important probl em in Willi ams' technique was hi s
comm ents. The result was a simul ated j ump very co mbinat ion of speed and c. m. height at th e end of
si mil ar to the origi na l j ump . This is a stand ard the run-up . He needs to be fas ter and/or lower than
pract ice in computer simul ati on, to check th at th e in j ump 82. The optimum co mbin ation fo r any
simulation program is functioning properly. The j umper is faster and/or lower th an th e expected
graphic sequences of this unaltered simul ated jump average ("o rdin ary") combin ation. In terms of Figure
are shown here to prov id e a bas is for co mp arison 3, all so lutions to thi s pro blem in vo lve mov ing
with simul ation #2. (The sequ ences of the simul ated Williams' point to th e diago nal line recomm ended for
jump also happen to show more images of th e Vzro = 4.50 m/s. One poss ibl e option would be to

combin e the he ig ht that William s had at the end of

the run -up in jump 82 (hm = 48%) with a much faster
speed (vH 1 = 8.2 m/s) . (See th e hor izonta l arrow in
the g raph shown on this page.) T his larger amo un t of
fina l run-up speed should a ll ow William s to generate
mo re lift durin g the takeoff phase, and thus to
produce a large r he ig ht for his c. m . at the peak of the
jump. (See Appendix 2 for exercises that w ill he lp to
produ ce fast and low conditio ns at th e end of th e run-
up .) An alternati ve o pti o n wo uld be to put th e c. m . in
a lower pos itio n at the end of th e run-up , equi va lent
for in stance to about 46 .5% of Willi ams' own
standing height. This wou ld be a fina l run-up height
s imil ar to th ose used by Littleton , Nieto and Shunk in
2007. With such a position at the end of th e run-up, a
fina l hor izo ntal speed of about 8.0 m/s wo uld be
suffic ient to qua li fy as o ptim a l. (See the arrow
pointing downward and toward the right in th e
graph .) T
li AR I

(Standard caution when increasing the run-up

speed and /or lowering the c.m. height at the end of
th e run-up: Th e use of a Jaster and/or lower run-
up will put a greater stress on th e takeoff leg, and
thus it may increase the risk of injury if th e leg is
not strong enough. Th erefore, it is always
important to use caution in th e adoption of a fa ster
and/or lower run-up. If the desired change is very
large, it would be advisable to make it gradually,
over a period of time. In all cases, it may be wise to
furth er strength en th e takeoff leg, so that it can 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2
withstand the increased force of the impact
produced when th e takeoff leg is planted.) require so me pri or streng thening of Williams' hip
fl exo r musc les (th e mu sc les that cross over the front
The second most important perfo rm ance-re lated ofthe hip) and a lso of his abdo min a l mu sc les .
prob lem in Wil lia ms' technique was probably the
med iocre effectiveness of his bar c learance. T his can Th e third most important performance-re lated
be improved in various ways: (a) It wou ld be good if problem in William s ' technique was probably th e
Williams rotated further toward th e left during the weak ness of his free- limb actions du rin g the takeoff
takeoff phase, to a pos ition about I 0 ° beyond the phase. Willia ms sho uld sw ing his rig ht arm and the
verti ca l (in the v iew fro m th e back) at th e end of th e knee of his left leg harder forward and up , to hig her
takeoff ph ase . Thi s would a llow him to generate a positions by the end of the takeoff phase. T his w iII
larger amount of lateral somersaulting angul ar help him to obtain more lift fro m the g ro un d.
momentum , and therefore a lso a larger tota l amount
of somersaul ting ang ular mom entum . The resu lt wil l
be an improved rotatio n over the bar, and probably
better effecti veness in the bar c learance. (b)
Williams a lso has to be careful not to take off too far
from the plan e of the bar and the standard s (a
problem that he had in jump 82). (c) But most
importantly for the effecti veness of hi s bar c learance,
Willi ams needs to de lay briefly the start of hi s un -
arch ing until after his hips have crossed over to th e
oth er s ide of the bar. T hen he needs to un-arch very
strong ly and sudden ly , as shown in s imulation #2 . It
is poss ibl e that the imple mentation of " c" mig ht
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J. WILLIAMS #82 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


10.00 10 . 02 10 . 04 10.06 10.08 10.10 10 . 12 10 . 14 10 . 16 10 . 18 10.20 10 . 22

J. WILLIAMS #82 062407 2 . 24 M CLEARANCE



10 . 22 10 . 34 10 . 46 10 . 58 10 . 70 10 . 82 10 . 94 -


/ ~~ 50



9.40 9 .6 0 9.80 10.00

J . WILL IAMS #82 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


J. WILLIAMS #82 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE

11 5

J. WILLIAMS #82 062407 2 . 24 M CLEARANCE



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10 . 22 110 . 28 1 10 . 34 1 1o.4o 1 10.46 1o . s21 1o164 1p . 1o 110.16 1 1o . 82 1

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J. WILLIAMS # 82 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE




J. WILLIAMS #82 062407 2.24 M CLEARANCE


REFERENCES 17. Dapena, J., M. Feltner and R. Bahamonde.

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I. Dapena, J. Mechani cs of translation in the Fosbu ry- Report for Scientific Services Project (USOC/TAC) .
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2. Dapena, J. Mechani cs of rotation in the Fosbu ry-flop. pp, 1986b.
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3. Dapena, J. Simulation of modified hum an airborne Chung. Biomechani cal analys is of high jump, #4
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5. Dapena, J. Biomechani cal analysis of high j ump, #7 (Women). Report for Elite A thlete Project
(Men). Report f or Scientific Services Project (USOCITAC). U.S. Olympic Training Center,
(USOC/TAC) . U.S. Olympic Training Center, Co lorado Springs, I 19 pp, 1983a.
Co lorado Springs, 2 15 pp, 1987b. 20. Dapena, J. and B.J. Go rd on. High jump, # 17
6. Dapena, 1. Biomechani cal analysis ofhi ghjump, #8 (Women). Report for S cientific Services Project
(Women). Report fo r Scientific Services Project (USATF) . US A Track & Field, Indianapolis, 139 pp,
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This research proj ect was funded by a grant

from USA Track & Field .

APPENDIX I and th en pu shing the c. m . up aga in , so th at by the

time that the rig ht foo t lost contact w ith the gro und at
TECHNIQUES FOR LOWERING THE t = 9.93 s th e c.m . was mov ing up wa rd at 0.4 m/s.
CENTER OF MASS IN THE LAST Then, durin g th e las t no nsupport phase (t = 9.93 -
STEPS OF THE RUN-UP I 0.00 s), the c. m . made anoth er sho rt proj ectil e path ,
in whi ch it reached a max imum he ig ht and th en
T he f irst steps of a hig h jump run-up are norm a l started dro pping aga in. Th e c.m . dro ps w ith more
runnin g steps. The c .m . is lowered o nly near the end , and more speed with every hundredth of a second
and this is achi eved m a inly thro ug h the combin ation that passes by befo re th e takeoff leg is pl anted . T hat
of a latera l lean toward th e center of the curve and th e is why it is reco mm ended th at hig h jumpers plant
fl ex io n of th e kn ee of th e suppo rtin g leg (see Figure th e ir takeoff leg very soon, so th at th ey w ill not be
A2. 1 in App endi x 2). At th e instant that th e tak eoff dro pping w ith too mu ch speed at th e start of the
foo t is pl anted on th e g ro und to beg in th e takeoff takeoff ph ase. T he c. m . of thi s athl ete was dropping
ph ase, th e c. m . sho uld be co mparati ve ly low, and it at -0. 3 m/s at the start of th e takeoff ph ase (vzm =
sho uld have a large ho ri zo nta l ve loc ity. -0 .3 m/s).
At th e in stant th at th e foo t lands on th e g ro und in So in th e technique shown by athlete A, the c.m .
a no rm a l runnin g step, the c. m . of th e athlete has a is a lready low two steps before th e start of th e takeoff
large ho ri zo nta l ve loc ity and a lso so me down ward ph ase, and it may be lo w ered still a little bit more in
verti ca l ve loc ity. But in th e last step of a hig h jump the last step . Wh en th e takeo ff foot fin ally makes
run-up it is important th at th e downward verti ca l co ntact w ith the gro und to start th e takeoff ph ase, the
ve loc ity be minimized, in order no t to waste effo rt c.m . is mo re o r less low but no t dro pping very fast ( if
brak ing this down wa rd mo tio n durin g th e takeoff there is not a lo ng de lay in the pl anting of th e takeoff
ph ase. Co nsequ ently, the run-up of a high jumper foot; if th ere were a lo ng de lay, th e speed of dro pping
sho uld ideally lead to th e fo llo win g conditio ns at the co uld be large).
start of the takeoff phase: large ho ri zo nta l veloc ity, Fig ure A I .2 show s athlete B, with a ve ry
reasonably low c .m ., and minim a l do wnward ve rtical different techniqu e. Th e c. m . was very hig h two
ve loc ity. steps befo re the takeoff ph ase (aft er th e athlete
Fig ures A I . I, A I .2 and A 1.3 show examples of pushed off into th e nex t-to- las t step , th e c. m . reached
three techniqu es used by hig h jumpers to lower the a he ig ht of abo ut 59% of the standing he ig ht of th e
c. m . In th ese three f ig ures, th e ho ri zo ntals of th e athl ete). Runnin g wi th such a hig h c.m . is mu ch
g raph s show tim e (the shaded bars at the botto m mo re co mfo rtable th an runnin g like athlete A, but it
indicate g ro und suppo rt ph ases; th e clear bars is not poss ible to start a no rma l takeoff phase unl ess
indicate no nsuppo rt ph ases, in whi ch both feet are off the c. m . is low er th an th at. Th erefore, athl ete B,
the ground ; t = I 0 .00 s w as arbitrarily ass ig ned to th e co nsc io us ly o r sub co nsc io us ly, rea lized th at th e c.m .
start of th e takeoff ph ase) . Th e ve rti ca ls of th e had to be lowered . Fo r this, th e athlete s imply did
graph s show th e he ig ht of th e center of mass o ver th e not sto p the d ro p co mplete ly during the period of
g ro und , ex pressed as a percent of th e standing he ig ht suppo rt o ver th e ri g ht foot (t = 9 .84-9.95 s). When
of th e athl ete . th e ri g ht foot left th e gro und at t = 9.95 s, the athl ete
T he g raph s co rrespo nd to three fema le hig h was much lower th an in the prev io us step, but the
j umpers w ith s imil ar perso na l best marks. To c. m . was no t go in g up at this tim e: It was still
fac i Iitate the ex pl anation of th ese techn iques, we w ill dro pping. Th e speed of dro ppin g became still larger
ass um e th at a ll three athl etes too k off fro m th e left in th e fo llow ing no nsuppo rt ph ase . Even tho ug h th e
foot. T he c. m . of athlete A, show n in Fig ure A 1. 1, athl ete planted th e takeoff foot ve ry soon, by th en the
was g radu all y lowered in the late part of the run-up . c. m . was dro pping at a ve ry large speed (-0 .7 m/s),
At abo ut t = 9.48 s (two steps befo re the takeoff and this is no t good fo r th e takeoff ph ase of th e jump .
ph ase started), the c. m. was a lready rather low . The advantage of th e techniqu e used by jumper
T hen, as th e athl ete pu shed with th e left leg into th e B is that it m ade it very easy for th e athlete to
nex t-to-l as t step, th e c.m . went up to start a short ma inta in (and even in crease) a fas t run-up speed in
projectile path in th e a ir (t = 9 .6 3 s). Th e c. m. th e last steps. Athl ete A was not abl e to ma inta in
reached th e peak of th e pa th at t = 9 .66 s, and th en speed quite as we ll , because it is diffi cult to run fast
started dropping aga in . By th e tim e th at th e ri g ht foo t over a deeply fl exed suppo rt leg. T he di sad vantage
was planted, at t = 9.75 s, th e c. m . was droppin g at o f the techniqu e of a thl ete B was th at th e c. m . was
about -0.9 m/s. T hen th e suppo rt of th e rig ht leg dropping w ith a large speed at th e start of the takeoff
reversed th e verti ca l motio n of th e c.m ., first stopping ph ase, while th e c. m . of athl ete A was mov ing mo re
the downward motio n at t = 9 .82 s (at a he ight fl at.
so mewhat lo wer than in th e prev io us suppo rt phase), Th e id eal wo uld be to lower the hips early, as
h (%)


peak of path
is reached
ballistic path
starts rappin g
peak of path
is reached

body starts going ~


50 """"

lowest point of path right foot
in left leg support is planted right foot
leaves gro t.dnd
do~ward mo'tion is
st pped by the support
of the right leg

Athlete A

40 N
9.60 9.80 10.00 t (s)
h (%)


very hi g h path

landing of d ro p pi n g
rig ht f oot a t s t a rt
t akeoff phase "rj


5~ I

Athlete B

4.0 -

9.60 9.80 HL£m t (s)

h (%)


very small downward

rtical velocity
zero) at

phase ~


50 I
e upward
the time
ght foot

low point of body

in the middle of
the support phase
of the right foot

Athlete C


9.60 9.80 10.00 t (s)


athl ete A did , but avo idin g an y loss of ho ri zo nta l

speed. Fo r thi s, athlete A would need spec ia l drill s
and exerc ises (see Appendi x 2); athle te 8 wo uld need
to start lowerin g th e c. m . earlier, two or three steps
before takeoff, and this athl ete wo uld also need to do
the drills and exerc ises; oth erw ise, she wo uld brake
the ho ri zo nta l speed of th e run -up wh en she lowered
the hips.
Fig ure A 1.3 shows an interestin g techniqu e by a
third athlete (athlete C) . In th e middl e of th e las t
suppo rt ph ase of th e approach run (t = 9. 85 s), th e
c. m . of athlete C was lower th an th ose of athl etes A
and 8 , but in th e second ha lf of thi s supp ort ph ase th e
athl ete li fted th e c. m . co ns id erably, and by th e end of
it (t = 9.95 s) th e c. m . had a rath er large up ward
ve rtica l ve loc ity (0.5 m/s). Th e a irbo rne ph ase th at
fo llowed was ve ry brief. By th e beg inn ing of th e
takeoff ph ase (t= I 0 .00 s), th e c. m . was at about th e
same he ig ht as those of th e o th er two j ump ers, but it
was not d roppin g at a ll : T he vertica l ve loc ity of
athl ete Cat th e start of th e takeoff ph ase was 0 .0 m/s.
At this po int, it is not poss ible to dec ide wheth er
athl ete C wo uld have been better off ma inta ining a
lower path of th e c. m . in th e las t step, at th e ex pense
of a moderate negati ve verti ca l ve locity at the start of
th e takeoff ph ase (like athl ete A), o r with th e present
technique, in whi ch she sacri f iced part o f the
prev io us lowerin g of th e c. m . in o rder to avo id
havi ng any negati ve ve rti ca l ve loc ity at th e start of
the takeoff phase.
In sum , based o n th e in fo rm ati o n presently
ava ilabl e, the techniqu es used by a thl etes A and C to
lower the c. m . appear to be equ a lly good, but th e
technique used by athl ete 8 seem s to be wo rse,
because it leads to a very large downwa rd ve loc ity at
th e start of th e takeoff ph ase.

APPENDIX 2 g ro und , to sto p th e fo rward moti on. After stopping

mo mentarily in pos itio n e, th e takeoff leg makes a
EXERCISES TO HELP THE LOWERING OF s lig ht pu sh fo rward o n the g ro und , and by reaction
THE CENTER OF MASS I N THE LAST STEPS th e athlete goes bac kward again to pos itio n a. T he
OF THE RUN-UP exerc ise is repeated o ver and over until the non-
takeoff leg gets tired.
Many hig h jumpers have difficulties in th e las t Important po ints to cons ider: The w ho le mo tion
steps o f the approach run : Th ey are unabl e to run fas t sho uld be ve ry s low. T he kn ee of th e no n-takeoff leg
whil e keeping th e ir hips lo w . Thi s is a typica l sho uld be kept very fl exed at about 90 ° throug hout
problem in hig h jumping techniqu e. It takes som e th e wh o le exerc ise. Fro m pos iti ons a to d th e athlete
sho uld fee l as if he/she w ere go in g to kn ee l with th e
FigureA2.1 no n-takeoff leg, w ith the hip we ll fo rward . The most
di ffic ult po int of th e exerc ise is at pos itio n d .
Betwee n pos it ions d and e, the non-takeoff leg sho uld
not be extend ed s ig nificantl y. T he id ea is to th rust
th e hips fo rw ard ( but without extending the knee of
the non-takeoff leg) at th e last in stant, just befo re
los ing ba lance fo rwa rd . Immediate ly afterwa rd , th e
foo t of th e takeoff leg is pl anted ahead of th e body to
stop th e forw ard motio n (pos itio n e) . It wo uld
poss ibly be des irable, fr om th e po int of view of
moto r learnin g, to have th e trunk acquire betwee n
pos itions d and e som e bac kward lean, s imilar to the
one th at occurs in ac tua l jumping (see Fig ure A2 . I).
However, thi s is diffi cult to do w ith the we ig hts , and
it is not cru c ia l fo r th e exerc ise . The exercise should
effo rt to co rrect thi s probl em , but th e impro vem ents first be do ne with o nl y a I 0 Kg bar w itho ut we ights.
that the co rrectio n produ ces are definite ly wo rth the Th en, w hen th e ath Jete has learn ed the exerc ise, ve ry
effo rt. lig ht we ig hts can be add ed . As the athlete gets
Th e g reatest difficulty is to be abl e to pass over stro nge r, the w e ig hts sho uld g radu a lly be in creased.
th e deeply-flexed no n-takeoff leg in th e nex t-to-last
step, and have th e no n-takeoff leg suppo rt the wh o le
body with no s ig n o f co llapse or of brakin g . This is Figure A2.3
demonstrated ve ry w e ll by the athl ete in Fig ure A2 . I .
Fig ure A2.2 shows an exerc ise with we ig hts that
can he lp the hig h jumper to acquire th e necessary
support strength in th e no n-takeoff leg . (Thi s
exerc ise was dev ised by Artu ro Oliver.) Th e start of
the exerc ise is in a stat ic pos itio n (a) . Th en , th e

Figm·e A2.2
A second exerc ise is shown in Fig ure A2 .3. It
was a lso devi sed by Arturo 0 live r, and it consists of
30 to 50-meter runs at abo ut 50% o f max imum speed,
with the hips he ld low (as low as in the las t steps of a
hig h jump approach run ), and carry in g a 20-25 Kg
barb e ll o n the sho uld ers (IMPORTANT : Wrap a
a b c d c towe l aro und th e bar). Th e m a in id ea is to fo rce th e
athl ete to run w ith low , fl at, non-bo un cy steps ; if the
athl ete makes bo uncy steps, th e barbe ll w ill bounce
ath Jete pu shes off ge ntl y with th e back leg (th e on the sho ulders, th e ath Jete w i II notice it, and make
takeoff leg), to place th e weig ht of th e body over th e adju stm ents in th e runnin g to prevent th e excess ive
no n-takeoff leg . Th e body th en s lo wly passes o ver bo unc ing . Make sure that no one is in your way
the no n-takeoff leg (pos itio ns b-d), and finall y, at the when you do this exercise!
las t instant, the takeoff leg is placed ahead o n th e When th e athlete is able to d o th ese exerc ises

fai rl y we ll (say, after one mo nth of prac ti ce), it w ill

be time to start introducing th e new mo tio ns into
ac tual jumping. It may be good to start w ith low-
intensity " pop-ups" us ing a sho rt run-up (four or s ix
steps) at a s low speed. The emphasis shou ld be on
lowerin g the hips in the las t two o r three steps
witho ut los ing any speed . Then , the length and speed
of the run-up fo r these pop-ups sho u ld be in creased
g radua lly , and after a few days (o r weeks -- it depend s
o n how quickly the ath lete assimi lates the new
movements), th e athl ete w ill be prac ti cing with a full
hig h jump run-up and a bar. Wh en j umping us ing the
full speed of a norma l hig h jump , it will be more
difficult to avo id brakin g while the athlete passes
over th e deeply-fl exed no n-takeoff leg in th e las t
suppo rt of th e run-up . T o a vo id bra kin g, th e a thl ete
will have to co ncentra te intensely on try in g to pull
bac kwa rd wit h th e no n-ta keo ff foo t w h en it la nd s
o n t he g ro und .

APPENDIX 3 from the back, it causes th e path of the c. m . of th e

athl ete to dev iate a little bit to th e left durin g the
PRODUCTION OF LATERAL ta keoff ph ase , makin g ang le p 0 be genera lly
SOMERSAULTING ANGULAR MOMENTUM somewhat sma ller th an ang le p 1 (see Fig ure 2 and
Tabl e 2 in th e ma in tex t of the repo rt). This is
T he ma in tex t of this report ex pl a in s th at hig h interesting for us, because it implies that by
ju mpers need a co mbin atio n of fo rward comparin g th e s izes of these two ang les we can check
somersaulting ang ul ar mom entum ( HF) and latera l whether an athlete pu shed away fro m the center of
so mersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum ( HL) to be able to th e curve durin g th e takeoff phase o r not.
ac hi eve a norma l rotati o n over the bar (see "A ng ul ar Th e technique described above is used by most
mome ntum ") . In thi s sectio n of th e report we w ill athl etes. However, so m e jumpers pu sh directly
deal in g reater depth w ith H L and how it is produ ced . dow n, o r even toward th e center of th e curve, durin g
The three images in the upper left part of Figure the ta keoff ph ase ( in these j umpers, ang le p0 is equa l
A3. 1 show a back view sequ ence of th e ta keoff phase to p 1 or large r than p 1, res pecti ve ly) . T his leads to
of a hig h jumper and the fo rce th at th e athl ete makes prob lems. If the athl ete placed th e ta keofffoot
o n the g ro und durin g the takeoff ph ase (actu a ll y, thi s directl y ahead of th e c .m ., th e athlete wo uld not get
force w ill change fro m o ne part of th e takeoff phase any latera l som ersaultin g rotati o n the result could
to ano ther, bu t fo r s impli c ity th e average fo rce has even be a counterc lockw ise latera l so mersaulting
been draw n here in a ll three im ages) . T he three rotatio n. T herefo re, som e of th ese athletes pl ace th e
images in the upper ri g ht part of Fig ure A3. 1 show takeofffoo t ahead of th e c. m . but s lig htly to the left
the same sequence, but th e fo rce shown here is th e (see athlete 2, in the middle row ofF ig ure A3 . I).
equa l and oppos ite fo rce th at th e g round makes on Thi s a ll ows th ese athl etes to o bta in so me latera l
the athlete in react io n to the fo rce th at the athle te somersaulting ang ul ar mo m entum , but not much,
makes on the g ro und . because durin g the takeoff ph ase the fo rce exerted by
T he athlete shown in th e s ix im ages in th e top th e gro und on th e athlete passes o nl y s lig htly to the
row of Fig ure A3 . 1 had a stand ard techniqu e : At th e left of th e c. m.
start of the takeoff ph ase, th e athl ete was leanin g O th er athletes th at pu sh toward the center of th e
toward th e center of the curve (i n this case, to th e curve durin g th e takeoff ph ase want mo re ang ul ar
left). T he takeoff foot was pl anted pretty mu ch momentum th an th at, and th erefore they pl ace the
directly ahead of the c.m ., and th erefo re in thi s back takeoff foo t on the gro und ahead of the c .m . and ve ry
v iew the foot appears a lm ost directly undern eath th e markedly to th e left (see athlete 3, in the botto m row
c. m . (th e sma ll c irc le in s ide th e body). During th e of Fig ure A3 .I) . In th ese athl etes the fo rce exerted
takeoff ph ase, the athl ete exerted a fo rce on th e by th e g round o n th e athle te passes c learl y to the left
g ro un d, and by reaction the g ro und exerted a fo rce on of th e c. m ., and therefo re th ey get a good amo unt of
the athlete . T he force exerted by th e gro und o n th e latera l somersaulting ang ul ar mo mentum. However,
athl e te made the athlete start rotatin g c lockw ise in they pay a price fo r this : Because the foot is placed
thi s bac k v iew . By th e end of th e takeo ff ph ase, th e so fa r to th e left, th e c. m . is a lways to the rig ht of th e
athl ete was rotating c lockw ise , and the body had foot in a v iew fro m th e back , and therefo re the body
reached a pretty mu ch ve rtica l pos itio n. has a m arked lean toward th e ri g ht by the end of the
A key elem ent fo r the pro ductio n of the takeoff ph ase .
clockw ise rotation of th e athlete is the fo rce exerted Mos t hig h j ump ers pu sh away fro m th e center of
by th e g ro und on th e athlete . Thi s fo rce mu st pass th e curve during th e takeoff phase w itho ut needing to
c learly to the left of the c.m. If th e fo rce passes too think abo ut it. Th erefo re, it genera lly is not
c lose to th e c. m ., th ere w ill be very little rotatio n, and necessary to te ll athl etes th at they have to do thi s.
if it passes d irectly thro ug h the c.m . th ere w ill be no However, a j ump er w ith th e pro blem s de monstrated
rotat ion at a ll . So the fo rce mu st be po in ting up and by athletes 2 and 3 of Fig ure A3. 1 w ill need to be
slig htl y to th e left, and thi s is w hat th e three images to ld to push w ith th e takeo ff leg away from th e center
in th e upper ri ght part of Fig ure A3. 1 show . To of the curve, and the coach sho uld m ake up drills to
obta in these fo rces, the athlete must pu sh o n the he lp to teac h th e athl ete how to do this if the prob lem
gro un d dow n and s lig htly to th e rig ht, as the three occu rs.
im ages in the upper le ft part of Fig ure A3. 1 show .
Most athletes are not aware th at durin g the takeoff
ph ase th ey pu sh w ith th e ir takeoff foo t s lig htly away
from the center of the curve, but th ey do.
As th e fo rce exerted by the g round on th e athlete
usua lly po ints up ward and to th e left in this v iew

Figure A3-1

force made by the athlete force made by the ground

on the ground on the athlete

athlete 1

athlete 2

athlete 3
13 1

APPENDIX 4 athl ete in the Spec ific Reco mmend ations section).
Jumpers no t includ ed in thi s repo rt should first
DRAWING THE PATH OF A HIGH JUMP ass um e that their id ea l p 1 ang le is 40°. Then, if the
RUN-UP run-up curve drawn based o n that ang le does not fee l
co mfo rtable, they sho uld ex perim ent with oth er p 1
T he cur ved run-up used in the Fosbury-fl op style va lues until th ey find an ang le th at fee ls good . Fo r
of hig h jumping makes th e athlete lean to ward th e most athletes the o ptimum value ofp 1 w ill be
center of the curve . This he lps th e jumper to lower so mew here between 35 ° and 45 °.
th e c. m . in th e last steps of th e run-up . It a lso a llows
the ath lete to rotate durin g the takeoff phase fro m an Deciding the radius of curvature of the run-up
ini tia l pos ition in which th e body is tilted toward th e path (distance r)
center of the curve to a f in a l pos itio n in w hi ch th e The run-up curve needs to have an optimum
body is essenti a lly vertica l; th erefo re, it a llow s th e radiu s of curvature. If the radius is too small, th e
athl ete to generate rotatio n ( latera l so mersaulting cur ve w ill be too tight, and the athl ete will have
ang ul ar mo mentum) with out hav ing to lean difficul ty runnin g; if th e radiu s is too large, the curve
excess ive ly toward the bar at th e end of the takeoff. will be too stra ig ht, and th e athlete w ill not lean
A curved run-up has c lear benefits over a stra ight eno ugh toward th e center of th e curve. T he optimum
one, and th erefore a ll hig h jumpers should use a radius w ill depend o n th e speed of the jumper: T he
cur ved run-up . However, a curved run-up is a lso fas ter the run-up , th e lo nger the radiu s should be. We
mo re co mpl ex . T herefore, it is mo re di ffi cult to can make a ro ugh es tima te of th e optimum va lue of
learn , and requires more attentio n fro m th e athlete the radius of curvature fo r an indiv idu a l high jumper
2 2
and the coach. using th e equation r = v I 6 .8 (men) o rr = v I 4 .8
T he curved run-up can a lso be a so urce of (wo men), where r is th e approx im ate va lue of th e
in cons istency: Th ere are m any different poss ible radius of curvature ( in m eters), and v is the fin al
path s that the jumper can fo llow between th e start of speed of the run-up ( in m eters/seco nd) . Jumpers who
th e run-up and th e takeoff po int. If the athlete does kn ow the ir fin a l run-up speed (such as th e jumpers
not a lways fo llow the sam e path , th e di stance ana lyzed in this repo rt) can m ake a rou g h initi al
between th e takeoff po int and the bar w ill va ry fr o m estimate fo r the ir o ptimum radiu s of curvature by
o ne j ump to anoth er. T hi s incons istency w ill make it substituting into th e appro priate equ ation the ir ow n
d iffi cu It fo r th e athl ete to reach th e peak of the jump vH 1 valu e fro m Table 3 (o r a di fferent va lu e ofvH 1
directly over the bar. proposed fo r that ath Jete in the Spec if ic
To make it eas ier fo r a hig h jumper to fo llow a Reco mm endatio ns section). Fo r jumpers not
g ive n run-up path cons istentl y, it can be useful to analyzed in this repo rt, it is more difficult to se lect a
mark th e des ired path o n the g ro und fo r practice good initia l es timate for th e radius of curvature, but
sess io ns (Dapena, 1995a; Dapena et at. , !997a) . But the fo llowing ro ug h g uid e lines can be fo llowed for
before drawing th e run-up path , it will first be o lympi c-leve l high jumpers: 6 .5-ll m for men ;
necessary to choose v a lu es fo r the two ma in fa ctors 7.5-1 3 m fo r wom en. In a ll cases (even for the
th at determine th e path : (a) th e final direction of th e jumpers analyzed in this repo rt), th e optimum valu e
run-up and (b) th e radius of curva ture. of th e radius of curvature fo r each in d iv idu a l athl ete
w ill ultim ate ly have to be fo und thro ug h fin e-tuning,
Deciding the final direction of the run-up path us ing tria l and erro r.
(angle PI)
T he fin a l di rec tio n of the run-up can be defin ed Actual drawing of the run-up
as the ang le between th e bar and th e direction of Materi a ls needed : a measuring tape (at least 15
motion of the c.m . in th e las t a irbo rne ph as e of the meters lo ng), a piece of cha lk , and white adh es ive
run-up immediate ly befo re the takeoff foot is planted tape .
on th e ground . Thi s ang le is ca ll ed p 1 in thi s repo rt, Te ll the athlete to m ake a few jumps at a
and its va lu es are g iven in T able 2. (The ang le of the chall eng ing height, us ing his/her present run-up .
fin a l run-up direction sho uld no t be confused with the Us in g adhes iv e tape, make a cross on the ground to
ang le betwee n th e bar and the lin e jo ining the last mark the pos ition of th e takeoff po int (po int A in
two foo tprints. T hi s latter ang le is ca lled t1, and it is Figure A4. ! ).
ge nera ll y l 0-1 5 degrees sm a ller th an th e ang le of th e Put one end of th e meas uring tape at po int A,
fi na l run-up directio n, p 1.) Jumpers ana lyzed in this and measure a distance j para ll e l to the bar. T he
re port should use th e va lue of p 1 given in T abl e 2 (o r va lue of j depends o n th e f in a l di rec tion des ired fo r
in so me cases a d iffe rent va lue proposed fo r the th e run-up (p 1):

PI To find the center of th e curve (po int D), put one

end of th e tape at po int A , and m ake the tape pass
25 ° 1.75 m over po int C . The center of the curve will be a ligned
30 ° 2.70 m w ith po ints A and C, and it will be at a di stance r
35 ° 3 .65 m fr om po int A . (Genera l g uide lines fo r the optimum
40° 4. 65 m valu e of r were g iven prev io us ly in thi s A ppendi x. )
45 ° 5 .75 m Mark po int D w ith cha lk .
With center in poi nt D and rad iu s r, draw an arc
50 ° 7 .00 m
fro m po int A to po int E . ( Po int E has to be at th e
sam e di stance fr om th e pl ane of the bar and th e
(Genera l g uid e lines fo r th e o ptimum va lue o fp 1
standard s as po int D .) The arc fr o m A to E is th e
were g iven previo usly in thi s Appendi x . If yo u want
run-up curve. M ark it with strip s of adh es ive tape.
to try a P1 ang le interm ediate betwe en the ones g iven
Put a transverse piece o f tape at po int E to mark th e
in this tabl e, yo u should use a valu e of j interm ediate
start of the curve.
between th e ones g iven in th e table.)
Startin g at po int E, draw a stra igh t lin e
Mark th e new po int ( B) w ith cha lk . Put o ne end
perp endicular to th e bar (E-F), and mark it w ith strips
of the tape at po int B, and m easure a di stance k = I 0
o f adh es ive tape. Set th e bar at a cha lleng ing he ight,
meters in th e directio n perpendicular to the bar.
and have th e jumper take a few jumps . By tria l and
Mark th e new po int (C) with cha lk . Th e line j o ining
erro r, find th e optimum pos itio n fo r the start of th e
po int A and po int C indi cates th e directio n of th e
run-up (po int G), and mark it w ith a transverse piece
center of the curve re lati ve to th e takeoff po int.
of adh es ive tape.
Figure A4.1 T he run-up is now ready . Th e set-up just
describ ed can be left in pl ace fo r tra ining, and it w ill
co ntribute to dri II into th e athlete th e pattern th at the
run-up sho uld fo llow .

Things to reme mber:

Qf--------0 • Po int E indicates th e pl ace w here the curve
A should start, but th e athlete does not necessaril y have
-7 ._ to step on thi s po int.
• Som e jumpers m ay find it d ifficult to fo llow
E exactly th e path mark ed by the adh es ive tape in th e
0 '
tran s ition fro m the stra ig ht to th e curved part of th e
run-up . This sho uld no t be a pro blem : It is
acce ptabl e to dev iate som ewh at from th e path mark ed
T by the adh es ive tape in the area aro und po int E, as
·c lo ng as the athlete d evi ates cons istent ly in the same
way in every jump .
• It is impo rtant to fo ll ow the tape very
prec ise ly in th e middl e and fin a l parts ofthe curve.

CC 11LCr or th e c u n C The set-up d escribed above can be left in pl ace

for tra ining . However, o ne or two marks w ill have to
suffice fo r co mpetitions . Distances a, b, c and d
should be measured in th e training set-up (see Figure
A4 .2) . In th e comp etiti on, di stance a w ill be used to
reco nstru ct the pos itio n of po int H. Distances b and c
w ill then be used to reconstru ct th e triang le fo rm ed
by the stand ard and po ints G and H. T his w ill a llow
th e athl ete to locate th e start of the run-up (po int G) .
sturt or the run-up - '*" G Distance d can be used to find the posi tion of po int E
if the rul es of the competition a llow fo r a mark to be
placed at th at po int.

Figure A4.2

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