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Spring Sports Preview SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT

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T2 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview

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Center fielder, Ava Yax: Sec-
ond baseman
cation to improvement was
unparalleled this offseason,
SOFTBALL Coach’s outlook: “We were setting a new standard in the
Coach: John Goodenbury a young team last year, com- annals of our school’s history.
2023 record: 13-7, Lost in posed mostly of sophomores Our ethos, encapsulated in
sectional semifinals to Oak- and freshmen. This year, the mantra ‘play for each oth-
field-Alabama with nine seasoned players er,’ underscores our collective
Top athletes: Madison returning, I anticipate noth- spirit, emphasizing unity over
Boyce: Shortstop/Pitcher, ing short of fierce compet- individual accolades. We’ve
Emily Pietrzykowski Short- itiveness as we harness the diligently cultivated a culture
stop/Pitcher, Melissa Sawyer: lessons from last season to where ‘we’ supersedes ‘me,’
Catcher, Faith Goodenbury: elevate our game. Our dedi- fostering an environment
where every member is vi-
tal to the mission. The para-
mount goal isn’t merely our
win-loss record, but rather
the personal growth and de-
velopment of each player. We
are committed to nurturing PHOTO PROVIDED
these young women into the Alexander tennis
best versions of themselves,
both on and off the field.” and learn from every oppor- Genesee Region will be tough GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD
TENNIS tunity, we know that we can again this year. Our aim is to Coach: Lydia Spiotta
Coach: Beth Shea make this a very successful put a quality product on the 2023 record: 7-2, Sec-
2023 record: 8-8, Lost in season from start to finish.” ball field every day and com- ond-place finish at sectionals
the sectional semifinals BASEBALL pete for wins.” Top athletes: Shannon
Top athletes: Owen Dun- Coach: Cole Watterson BOYS TRACK AND FIELD Schmieder (Jumps, Sprints),
bar — Singles, Aubrey Hamm 2023 record: 7-9, Lost in Coach: Andy Buckenmey- Aaliyah Wright (Mid-Dis-
— Singles, Paul Schmidt — first round of sectionals er tance), Hayden Bezon
PHOTO PROVIDED 2023 record: 3-6, Ninth at (Throws, Sprints), Addison
Singles Top athletes: Tyler Marino:
Alexander softball sectionals Radder (Distance), Hannah
Coach’s outlook: “For the Pitcher/Outfielder, Trenton
2024 season, we are expecting Woods, Anthony Auricchio: Top athletes: Kingston Fix (Mid-Distance)

Go Teams! growth from our team. With Outfielder/Pitcher, Mason Woods (PV, Jumps, Sprints), Coach’s outlook: “We are
our top three athletes return- Snyder: Outfielder/Pitcher Jaden Snyder (Throws), Oli- excited about our growing
ing for their senior seasons, Coach’s outlook: “This ver Fernaays (Distance), Aus- numbers and are looking for-
the goal is to build upon our group enters the season tin Koch (Distance) ward to seeing what our de-
average record from last year with plenty of varsity of ex- Coach’s outlook:”We hope veloping talent can do on the
and compete with the strong perience. We hope to turn to have a competitive league track and in the field this sea-
teams that we lost to last sea- our offseason development season. Alexander will im- son. Our team will lean on our
son. The team is committed into regular season success. prove as the season moves strong group of veterans who
to making the most out of this These boys bring a level of forward. We hope to have a have experience competing
season by practicing hard competitiveness and love number of athletes perform at the highest level. We expect
whether outdoors or in. As for the game each day and it well at sectionals.” to be top competitors in our
38 Market St, Attica • (585) 591-0707 long as we maintain this drive is exciting to be around. The league and at sectionals.”



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Spring Sports Preview March 2024 T3

[email protected]
2022, 2023 Sectional Cham-
pions in Class B2
TENNIS Top athletes: Bailey Nixon,
Coach: Troy Colton Ellie Cusmano, Mackenzie
2023 record: 5-10, Eighth- McLeod, Maddi Robinson,
place at sectionals Aleah Brauen, Nichole Leit-
Top athletes: Kate Metzger ten, Lily Wheeler, Elizabeth
(Singles), Joe Tarapacki (Sin- Gouinlock, Lauren Nelson,
gles), Julie Pawlak (singles), Anna Martino
Ruby Baratta and Ellie Go- Coach’s outlook: “We have
miniak (Doubles) five returning Genesee Re-
Coach’s outlook: “Attica gion All-Stars from a season
is green in the sport of ten- ago to lead the team. Behind
nis this year but we have a these five athletes, we have a
lot of returners ready to fill good mix of experienced ath-
the shoes of last year’s senior letes and some new faces that
class. The Attica tennis squad will provide the team with
has a goal to place in the top- depth in every event. We have
3 at the sectional tournament a solid girl in every event and PHOTO PROVIDED
this year. In the first few weeks feel good about our chanc- Attica girls track and field
of practice, there’s a different es of scoring good points
type of atmosphere on the on both the track and in the
field. The strongest part of our who have joined our return- derson, Jack Janes, Clayton hosting the Genesee Region zon, Tanner Day
court. This is a great group of
team may be our relays and ers in hopes of reaching our Bezon, Noah Atteberry, Tay- Championships at Attica Coach’s outlook: “Attica
hard-working athletes with a
the girls pride themselves on goal this season. With a mix lor Zimmerman Alumni Field, hoping to take is in a rebuilding phase this
goal each day to leave prac-
competing for each other in of upperclassmen and under- Coach’s outlook: “The Atti- the title and the champion- year, as eight seniors graduat-
tice as an improved tennis
these races. There are many classmen, the team energy, ca Boys Track and Field team ship this season.” ed last year. Success in terms
player. Our goal this year is to
tough teams in the Genesee positive outlook, and deter- had huge success last season GOLF of wins will be predicated on
show up and be the best ten-
Region and we are looking mination is our key focus for with a second Class B2 Sec- Coach: Lance Bannister how often our dual partici-
nis players we can be, and let
forward to stiff competition our success this year. One of tional Title and Division II 2023 record: 13-3 pant athletes can be available
the success follow suit.”
every single meet. We want to our team goals this year is to State Championship in the Top athletes: Clayton Be- for action.”
use these competitions to get improve our league record 4x400m Relay. With the suc-
Coach: Shawn Fromwiller
ourselves ready for Sectionals and advance in sectionals. cess came from the loss of
2023 record: 10-10, Lost to
at the end of the year.” We aspire to be “the team to many graduates. This season
Bath-Haverling in sectionals
beat” and make a run in sec- the team will be led by it’s
Top athletes: Ethan Mey- “With our recent success,
the girls are really motivated tionals as well.” strength in the field events, Michelle Ann, Realtor
er: Pitcher, Brayden King:
to keep it rolling and this has BOYS TRACK AND FIELD and is excited about the abil-
Left fielder, Braden Allein:
shown at practice early on. Coach: Jenna Linsey ities of new members on the
Catcher, Justin Stockweather:
We certainly have a bunch of 2023 record: 8-1, First track and field.” Winning Strategy: Leverage my local expertise to secure the
Pitcher/First baseman
girls to replace as Skylar Sav- place Class B2 Sectionals, “The boys are very eager perfect home that fits your needs, wants, price point and style.
Coach’s outlook: “We have
age, Ashley Piorun, and Mia Genesee Region Champions, to continue their winning
10 seniors on the squad this Home Field Advantage: Gain the home field advantage
Ficarella were major point Division II State Champion ways and are working hard with personalized solutions tailored to your goals
season. The senior leader-
scorers. The nice thing is that 4x400m Relay for a third sectional title. We when selling your home.
ship and experience should
we bring back plenty of ath- Top athletes: Jordan An- are also looking forward to
lead to a good season. Our Proven Record: Trust my record for successful transactions,
goal is to win the GR league letes who scored in an indi- ensuring you hit your real estate goals out of the park.
this season and make a deep vidual event or were part of

Go Teams!
Savvy Negotiation Skills: Score the best terms with my
run in the Class B sectionals, scoring relays last spring.” savvy negotiation skills - it’s a game changer for
if not win it! We have a couple SOFTBALL your financial success.
all league players returning in Coach: Lauren Kocher From first meeting to closing day and beyond, experience my
Bryman and Meyer and will 2023 record: 10-6, Lost in unmatched communication, dedication and commitment to
be looking to them to lead us first round of sectionals ensuring you have the best real estate journey possible.
this season.” Top athletes: Madalyn 2371 State Rt. 19,
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD Robinson: Pitcher, Jaclyn Warsaw, NY 14569
Coach: Adam Landphair Torrey: Center fielder, Elise 585-968-4450 (o)
2023 record: 9-0, First- Dressel: Utility, Morgan [email protected]
place at the Genesee Region Bunk: Utility 585-329-0963 (c)
Championships, First-place Coach’s outlook: “We are
38 Market St, Attica • (585) 591-0707
at Class B2 Sectionals, 2021, excited for our new athletes
T4 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview

BATAVIA BLUE DEVILS 2023 record: 16-7, Class B Pitcher, Hannah Carney: Coach’s outlook: “We want and working hard in prac- in a match so far. The team
[email protected] champions Catcher, Sophia Minuto: First to build off last year’s team tice. They can’t wait to get is looking for them to con-
SOFTBALL Top athletes: Julia Clark: baseman, Arianna Almekin- momentum winning class back out on the diamond and tribute. The team is young
Coach: Robert Kersch Shortstop, Giana Mruczek: der: Pitcher B. The players are focused compete. The move from B to in experience but hopefully
A will be challenging for us. will improve throughout the
However, I think they are up year. Unlike in the past, we
for the task. Our schedule this will need all of the golfers in
Good Luck to year is stronger than ever with
the addition of the Mary Testa
the match to chip in and play
ALL area Tournament and more Mon-
roe Co-league crossovers.
Coach: Rich Boyce
4152 Teams! These additions should help
us gain the experience and
2023 record: 4-1, Won
Class B1 sectionals for the
W. MAIN ST., foundation needed to make second year in a row
(in the plaza) ORDER ONLINE AT another deep sectional run.” Top athletes: Ava Wierda:
WWW.CINQUINOSPIZZA.COM GOLF Throws, Campbell Riley: Dis-
314 ELLICOTT Coach: Paul Pedersen tance, Ella Shamp: Sprints/
2023 record: 4-10 Jumps, Anna Varland: Pen-
DELIVERY, DINE-IN, TAKE-OUT Top athletes: Yannis Ci- tathlon
ornei, Sam Grillo, Brennen Coach’s outlook: “The
Pedersen, Ben Pontillo Batavia Girls track team has
Coach’s outlook: “Eli won the Outdoor Class B1
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March 2024 T5

Batavia deep at multiple positions.

Returning is Bronx Buch-
From T4 holz, who will look to contin-
ue his young career and lead
Sectionals two years in a row. the Blue Devils as the ace of
With over 50 girls signed up staff on the mound, Captains
this spring, we hope to con- Grazioplene, Dombrowski
tinue to develop our athletes and Fortes will look to guide
and put together another the Blue Devils through a
competitive team. Our goal tough Class A schedule with
every year is to progress to hard work, hustle and effort
a point where we can be in and with hopes of bringing
position to contend for a home the block.”
sectional title at the end of TENNIS
the season. There are a lot of Coach: Tom Redband
competitive teams in Class B1 2023 record: 8-7, Lost in
and we certainly have a target first round of sectionals
on our back because of our Top athletes: Orion Lama
recent successes. We look for- (singles), Finn Halpin (sin-
ward to these challenges and gles), Taylyn Kennedy (sin-
we are ready to get to work.” gles)
BASEBALL Coach’s outlook: “We are
Coach: Michael Sputore looking for the top of the line-
2023 record: 9-11, Lost in up with Orion Lama, Finn
first round of sectionals. Halpin and Talyn Kennedy
Top athletes: Center fielder to be setting the tone with
Cole Grazioplene, shortstop/ consistent competitive per-
pitcher Dane Dombrowski, formances and continue to
catcher Mekhi Fortes, pitch- improve towards team and
er/third baseman Bronx Bu- individual sectionals. We
chholz, Utility Maggio Buch- have several returning play-
holz ers in the doubles positions
Coach’s outlook: “The Bat- and have gained some new
avia Blue Devils heads into players who are good athletes
the season with first-year and very competitive. Our
coach Mike Sputore. This depth and winning in these
team has a lot of returning doubles positions will be a
talent and some talented ju- key to notching victories.”
niors to make our roster very


Julia Clark | Batavia softball


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T6 March 2024


relays), Timmy Bartz (mid Top athletes: Teresa
distance / distance / relays), Compton (hurdles, long
Cooper Parker (distance and jump and triple jump), Kate-
relays), Brodie Schie (sprints lyn Kowalski (shot put), Kate
and relays) Ricupito (high jump, mid dis-
Coach’s outlook: “The tance), Sara Nickerson (long
Notre Dame boys team just jump, triple jump)
came off of a really success- Coach’s outlook: “I have
ful indoor season. Going into set a lot of goals for each indi-
this season, the energy has vidual athlete. Some of them,
shifted, these boys have high I expect, will break a few more
hopes for finishing off this school records. I also believe
school year. Track as a team that some of our ladies are
sport is really a numbers fully capable of taking some
game, you may have a few of top places in the GR and our
the best athletes on the team section. We want to keep our
but if you can’t have an ath- girls healthy, injury free and
lete in every event then you motivated throughout the
are missing out on points. season. I am looking forward
Our team has grown greatly in to seeing what the season will
size and a week into practice, bring us.”
we can already see the poten- TENNIS
tial that these kids have. I feel Coach: Carolyn Babcock
like I can confidently say that 2023 record: 8-5, Lost in
I can have an athlete or two sectional quarterfinals to Ho-
competing in each event this neoye Falls-Lima
season. We have a lot of guys Top athletes: Kate Ricupi-
that will place really well indi- to, Chance King, Riley Yunker
vidually so it will be exciting Coach’s outlook: “This
FILE PHOTO to see where we can place as a year we are looking forward
Ryan Fitzpatrick | Baseball whole this year. Our goal is to to good things from return-
stay healthy, injury free and ing players and a slew of new
to keep our eyes on section- players. Returning starters
By AJAY CYBULSKI have been the foundation doable if we work hard, play one D class this year, our class
[email protected]
als.” senior Kate Ricupito, junior
of our program which won smart and most importantly is loaded with talented teams
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD Chance King and freshman
BASEBALL its first Rotary Tournament come together as a team.” and it should be a very inter-
Coach: Morgan Munger Riley Yunker may be looking
Coach: Rick Rapone Championship since 2003 SOFTBALL esting end of May.”
Placed fourth at sectionals to solidify our lineup.”
2023 record: 23-2, Genesee and has appeared in three Coach: Otis Thomas GOLF
Region Division II Champi- consecutive Sectional finals, 2023 record: 17-6, Section Coach:
ons 13-0, Section V Class C2 in three different Sectional V Class D1 champions 2023 record: 6-5, Lost in
Champions, NYSPHSAA Far classifications. But, how far Top athletes: Loretta So- Class D sectional quarterfinal
West Regional Champions, we ultimately go will be de- rochty: Pitcher, Katie Land- Top athletes: Tommy Io-
NYSPHSAA Final Four termined by the rest of our ers: Shortstop, Mia Treleav- vannisci, Mavrik Hall, George
Top athletes: Ryan Fitz- roster. We will depend heav- en: First baseman/Pitcher Woodruff
patrick: Shortstop/Pitcher, ily on three returnees (Chase Coach’s outlook: “I think Coach’s outlook: “This
Jay Antinore: Center Field- Cummings, Chase Antinore this team is special, I know I team will be competitive on
er/Pitcher, Jaden Sherwood and Evan Fitzpatrick) from sound like a broken record the top end. How well we
Pitcher/Shortstop, Joe Di- last season, were two of but it’s going to come down to fare this season will be deter-
Risio: Left fielder/Catcher, which will just be freshman the senior leadership. These mined by the play of our ath-
Chase Antinore Right fielder/ this year. Then we need to seniors have been with me letes at the four through six
Pitcher find a couple more players since I started. So, this one positions which will be made
Coach’s outlook: “We are from our returnees from last is special. We have strength- up of yet untested players.”
anticipating another success- year’s team and JV program. ened our non-league sched- BOYS TRACK AND FIELD
ful season as we return three Our first goal always is to win ule and we are going to head Coach: Morgan Munger
very talented players that our league, then get into the down to the Mudville Invita- Placed fifth at sectionals
all have great arms and also Rotary Tournament champi- tional again which features Top athletes: Mavrick Hall
have accumulated a ton of big onship game and then get to some of the top teams in the (shot and discus), Josh Bartz
game experience. These three a Sectional Final. All that is state. With there being only (mid distance/ distance/
March 2024 T7

AVON BRAVES consisting of twelve under- on our roster, we will be able need some more help from
classmen to eight upperclass- to compete at a higher level our younger guys. Wes Far-
men, we have a lot of talent on this season.” ley has been a bright spot at
our team. Of our twenty girl BASEBALL catcher early as well.”
roster, we have fourteen re- Coach: Rob Fries SOFTBALL
turners and more specifically 2023 record: 11-5, Lost in Coach: Jill Terry
seven athletes who already sectional semifinals 2023 record: 12-8, Lost in
have two or more seasons Top athletes: Michael Row- sectional semifinals
under their belt as a member land: Pitcher/Shortstop, Jack Top athletes: Jessie Crye:
of this team. With this roster, Ruter: Pitcher/Center Field- Pitcher, Lily Ruter: Second
the newcomers will adjust er, Trevor Stroud: Pitcher/ baseman, Abigail Schutz:
quickly to the team culture Shortstop Catcher, Sarah Dioguardi:
that we’ve spent the past few Coach’s outlook: “We are First baseman
seasons establishing. I fore- bringing back a very inexpe- Coach’s outlook: “We are
see this kind of experience rienced group but have many returning eight of our nine
and dynamic making a huge young players that could re- starters from last year’s run
positive impact in the direc- ally develop as the year pro- to the semifinals which keeps
tion that our program is head- gresses. Our seniors, such as us optimistic for this sea-
PHOTO PROVIDED ed. With this kind of depth, a Remy Greenwood and Reese son. With Jessie Crye on the
Avon baseball majority of the team under- DeVito along with Rowland mound we know that we will
stands my coaching, the cul- and Ruter, are very dedicated be in any game we play. Our
ture and the expectations as and should lead us through goal will be to produce the of-
By AJAY CYBULSKI Mid-distance/distance, Mol- terings (Defense), Max we head into the season. We some early troubles and fense to go with that impres-
[email protected] lie Gunther: Pentathlon, Isis McEnerney (Attack), Hunt- have stressed to the girls that hopefully by the end of the sive ability on the mound. We
BOYS TRACK AND FIELD Salogar: Hurdles and sprints, er Rumfola (Mid-fielder), we see this season as a pivot- year we reach our potential have a few players that have
Coach: Samantha Walker Kaitlyn Geary: Mid-distance/ Colton Rose (Goalie), Ryan al season for Lakers Girls La- as an entire group. Our start- been a part of the team for the
2023 record: 3-3 distance Matzek (Defense) crosse. We have a very com- ing pitcher depth is a posi- past three years, which brings
Top athletes: Finn Soucy: Coach’s outlook: “Our Coach’s outlook: “This is
petitive schedule and what tive, but our lineup needs to experience to a team that will
Mid-distance/distance, Jor- force of powerful girls is also our first year being a part of
it will come down to is how lengthen out more to be com- have a few underclassmen
dan Murray: Jumps, sprints returning this season as ex- the Finger Lakes League andhard they push themselves in petitive with the best teams. starting. I believe if we can get
and mid-distance, Sage Pel- perienced veterans, showing we are excited for this oppor-
practice, their resiliency and Brady Driscoll and Ryan Da- everyone playing their best
legrini: Hurdles and sprints, versatility and tenacity across tunity. We are hoping to make
mental toughness. I am confi- vis have been impressive ear- at the same time we will find
Bobby Bridges: Sprints and event areas. Each of our ath- an impression against all of
dent that with the experience ly with their bats but we will success.”
jumps, Elijah Rex: Sprints letes have their own individ- these teams. We have a great
and jumps ual goals and we’re eager to mix of seasoned veterans
Coach’s outlook: “Avon foster an environment that and young up-and-coming
Track and Field is taking on will help them reach those. talent to help us throughout
a new approach this season. As a team, Avon Track & Field the year. The expectation/our
High school athletics is an has been hiding in the weeds goals are simply to get better
opportunity for students to too long and we’re ready to every week and by the end of
have a safe place to go and show everyone our talent, the season, we hope to be in a
be a part of something great- with the hope to increase our position to challenge all Class
er than themselves: a team. numbers in the next couple of C teams in sectionals.”
Track and Field is no stranger years. It’s going to take a team GIRLS LACROSSE (w/ Li-
to this, where no one sits on and community-wide effort vonia)
the bench and everyone is to get there, but we couldn’t Coach: LeAnna Presler
welcome. We have a smaller be more excited to start the 2023 record: 7-10
team, but that won’t stop our rebuilding process of our pro- Top athletes: Megan Carr:
fearless squad of underclass- gram as we transition into the midfield, Caitlynn Haugh:
men boys who are back again new and improved team of defender, Maddie Whitford:
this season, stronger and fast- ‘Riverhawks.’” midfield, Sidney Clickner:
er than ever.” BOYS LACROSSE (w/ Li- midfield, Lily Rowe: attack
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD vonia) Coach’s outlook: “I am
Coach: Samantha Walker Coach: Mark Rumfola really looking forward to
2023 record: 3-4 2023 record: 8-9, Lost in watching this team change
Top athletes: Brenna Dol- the first round of sectionals the narrative of our program. PHOTO PROVIDED
gos: Jumps, Maria Geary; Top Athletes: Owen Wet- Despite our young roster, Avon softball
T8 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview


By AJAY CYBULSKI some experience now. In season I am hoping to fo-
By AJAY CYBULSKI [email protected] addition to that, we have cus on strengthening basic
[email protected] TENNIS some really solid returners skills. All the skills that are
SOFTBALL Coach: Jay Kovaleski so I expect to score more routine need to be on point
Coach: Steven Ball 2023 record: 7-5 points in our dual meets this and executed correctly. We
2023 record: 11-5, Lost in Top athletes: Leo Bolton, year.” are also working toward
the sectional semifinals Mark Ames, Oliver Beach, BASEBALL building a positive culture
Top athletes: Lily Stalica, Jason Anstey, and Jordan Coach: Bruce Blanchard on the team allowing the
Lauren Gartz, Natalie Prinzi Marshall 2023 record: 5-10, Lost in players to all work together.”
Coach’s outlook: “Offen- Coach’s outlook: “The first round of sectionals BOYS TRACK AND
sively, this group should be team is optimistic. We have Top athletes: Amari Jones FIELD
able to manufacture runs a good core group return- Coach’s outlook: “We Coach: Mark Hryvniak
consistently. The key to be- ing and looking to fill in the are very young and inex- 2023 record: 6-0 Niagara
ing successful this year will blanks with athletes willing perienced. We have four Orleans Team Champion-
be to keep the opposition’s to take it to the next level.” returners but only one that ships, 8th place at sectionals
offense in check with our GIRLS TRACK AND started consistently. It will Top athletes: Cencere
young pitching staff.” FIELD be a rebuilding season with Lowe- Long jump/Triple
BASEBALL Coach: Bridgette Vain our goals to improve at every Jump/4x100/100m, Finneg-
Coach: Matthias Ellis II 2023 record: 0-6, 11th practice and every game as ue McCue- 100, 200, 4x100,
2023 record: 9-9, Lost in place at sectionals the season goes on.” 4x400, Kyle Radder- 110
sectional quarterfinals to Top athletes: Sophia Al- SOFTBALL Hurdles/ High Jump, Ben
Notre Dame banese: 100m, 4x100m Re- Coach: Cathy Schmitt O’Connor- 110 hurdles/Pole
Top athletes: Martin Mac lay, 200m, Meganne Moore: 2023 record: 6-9, Lost in vault, Rashard Johnson-
Connell — Shortstop, Pitch- Long Jump, Triple Jump, first round of sectionals 400, 200, 4x100, 4x400
er, Tyler Chapman — Third High Jump, Gina Sidari: Pole Top athletes: Cami Lon- Coach’s outlook: “The
Base, Pitcher, Jeremiah Vault, Long Jump don- Catcher, Makenzie 2024 goal for the Albion boys
Romero — Center Fielder, Coach’s outlook: “I am ex- Snook- Shortstop/third track team is to win the Niag-
Pitcher pecting to have some more base, Alana Irving- Pitcher, ara Orleans championship
Coach’s outlook: “This success in our league this Shortstop, Janessa Lindsey- and to place in the top of
year, the Bees look to con- year. Last year was a rebuild- Second base, catcher, Abbie section VI championships.”
tinue to rebuild the program ing year. This year we have a Wittenburg- Right fielder
after a win in sectionals and PHOTO PROVIDED
lot of young talent that have Coach’s outlook: “This
a winning season last year. Byron-Bergen golf

The Bees have worked hard
in the offseason to build to be very competitive this Byron Bergen’s baseball his-
upon this success. With only
year. As a coach, I am very tory.”
two seniors on the team this
excited about this group of GOLF
year, the Bees have a very boys. They are motivated to Coach: Rich Hannan
young and hungry group of be among the best teams in 2023 record: Sectional
baseball players. I expect us champions By AJAY CYBULSKI goal every year is to compete last year, we have experi-
[email protected] and to push the guys to the enced athletes back. The
Top athletes: Brendan
Pimm, Cody Carlson, Ryan BASEBALL next level. Let’s Go Rams!” team has been working hard
Benstead, Landon Kent Coach: Sean Eighmey SOFTBALL in the offseason to improve
Coach’s outlook: “We 2023 record: 10-10, Lost Coach: Rachel Ratchford in all facets of the game. We
have a great mix of veteran in Class B2 sectional finals 2023 record: 16-3, Lost in have also strengthened our
players as well as awesome Top athletes: Alex Bey- sectional finals non-league schedule to help
newcomers to the varsity ler: Outfielder, Evan Pendle: Top athletes: Kaili With- us prepare for a challenging
lineup. The boys love to Outfielder/First baseman, erell- Pitcher, Caydence sectional tournament. Our
play and it shows. We have Gage Thomas: Pitcher/ Spears- Catcher, Madison goal is to make a competi-
QUALITY READY-MIXED CONCRETE Shortstop, Eric Carney-Hen- Coots- Third baseman, tive run in sectionals again
course on opening week drix: Pitcher/Third base- Makayla Smith- First base- this season, while bonding
INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS man together as a team. The team
and it was a solid one for man, Dante Nealey: Catch-
1-800-873-8826 638 East Main Street er/Pitcher Coach’s outlook: “With- is optimistic for another suc-
Phone: 343-6850 Batavia, NY 14020
Coach’s outlook: “Our out graduating any starters cessful season.”
Spring Sports Preview March 2024 T9

By AJAY CYBULSKI to watching these athletes
[email protected] showcase their talents and
BASEBALL reach their potential.”
Coach: Rob VanScoter GOLF
2023 record: 9-11, Lost Coach: Kevin Greenway
to Penn Yann in sectional 2023 record: 4-12
quarterfinals. Top athletes: Benja-
Top athletes: Reid min Everett, Aiden Va-
Martin- Center fielder/ nauken, Kailubb Austin,
Pitcher, Mason Mann- Faith Muchler
Shortstop/Pitcher, Nate tru- Coach’s outlook: “We
Gardner- Shortstop/Catch- ly looking forward to this have great numbers in our
er/Pitcher, Brian Geiger- year’s outdoor season. This program this year as we look
Left fielder/Pitcher group of boys have a terrific to continue to build off of the
Coach’s outlook: “We work ethic. There is an ex- young play from last year.
have very good senior lead- cellent mix of veterans and Some new faces coming in
ership this season. Three of newcomers. We have the with the ability to elevate
our seniors are three-year potential to be quite com- the team to that competitive
PHOTO PROVIDED starters. These senior pitch- petitive in our league and in level we are looking for. With
Elba baseball ers all have varsity pitch- sectionals.” over 25 kids in the program,
ing experience and will GIRLS TRACK AND and the work they are put-
be leaned on to keep us in FIELD ting in, the future is on the
By AJAY CYBULSKI first round of sectionals Nick Scott: Shortstop/Pitch- games.” rise.”
[email protected] Top athletes: Ava Chatt er, Marky Caparco: Third Coach: Ann Ball
BOYS TRACK AND 2023 record: 3-1, Sixth- TENNIS
GOLF (w/ Oakfield-Ala- — Outfielder, Maddie Hall baseman/Pitcher, Bing Zu- FIELD Coach: Tracy Gregorius
— Shortstop, Lydia Ross — ber- captain: Utility/Pitcher, place at sectionals
bama) Coach: Matt Quibell 2023 record: 0-12
Outfielder/Infielder/Pitcher Brendan Porey: Catcher/ Top athletes: Brianne
Coach: Michael Cintori- 2023 record: 6-0, Finished Top athletes: Zach Hei-
Coach’s outlook: “I’m Pitcher Hurlburt (1500, 800), Haley
no seventh in the B2 sectional man (Singles), Ethan Frazier
very excited for this year Coach’s outlook: “We Beman (100, 200, 4x100),
2023 record: 11-2, Lost in meet (Singles), Wyatt Swift (Sin-
with a great new group of have seven returning play- Mya Hayes (100, 200,
first round of sectionals to Top athletes: Ethan Can- gles)
girls, we will be led by my ers all with significant play- 4x100), Kassidy Cole (1500,
Bloomfield field: shot put and discus, Coach’s outlook: “Dans-
veteran players from last ing time at the varsity level. 3000), Kali Myer (4x100,
Top athletes: Eli Loysen, Corey Beman: 110-me- ville Tennis is on a great
year. The one thing I took Our main goal is to grow and 4x400, 4x800)
Sam Dinsmore, Angelo Pen-
from last year was how the compete as one unit! Every
ter hurdles, 100-meter, Coach’s outlook: “Our comeback with excellent
na, Aerianna Cintorino, Jada
girls worked hard together coach and team has admira-
200-meter, Ivan Wolf-Mi- team looks very promising. numbers and potential. Our
Fite and Noah Calarco Smith
and never quit!! I am very tion for hoisting that block at
alky: 400-meter hurdles, We have 30 ladies on the courts are amazing and we
Coach’s outlook: “A young
confident as a team and the end of the year, which is
110-meter hurdles, Reese current roster. As a first- are eager to get back into the
Lancers golf team looks
family that we will work to- one of our goals as well.”
Dixon: pentathlon, Caleb year varsity coach for the competitive tennis we have
to a number of returning
wards being as successful as
Knapp: shot put and discus program, I look forward been known to have in the
veterans to fill the shoes of Coach’s outlook: “I am past. “
some great golfers who have we can be.”
graduated over the past few BASEBALL
years. ”
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T10 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview

during this year’s presea- By AJAY CYBULSKI that has everyone excited for Lamb- mid-distance, Ra-
son to carry us through this [email protected] the season. The leadership chael Matthews- mid-dis-
packed season of 20 games BASEBALL our captains will provide is tance, Harmony Sand-
in just five weeks. The ma- Coach: Scott Miller going to be a huge help for ers- Throws, Caroline
jority of those games are 2023 record: 13-10, Lost our team to meet our goals Capel- mid-distance, Sierra
against bigger schools. We in sectional semifinals of being competitive both Whitney- mid-distance, Ol-
thrive on challenges, and Top athletes: Phillip Dot- within our division and in ivia Bucci- sprints/jumps,
we’re ready to take on the terweich: Pitcher/outfield- the section.” Natalie Capel- throws,
schedule ahead. We’ve got er, Kellen O’Brien: Second SOFTBALL Greyson Haigh- throws
some incredibly intelligent, baseman, Sam Chanler: Coach: Chris Masters Coach’s outlook: “We are
skilled, and versatile players Catcher 2023 record: 0-16, Lost very lucky to have such a
PHOTO PROVIDED who are ready to leave it all to Williamson in sectional deep roster again this sea-
Coach’s outlook: “Our
Keshequa boys track and field on the field.” team has a chance to be pre-quarterfinals son. Having so many expe-
GIRLS TRACK AND competitive in every game. Top athletes: Lili Weber: rienced leaders on the team
By AJAY CYBULSKI Coach: Raegan Herne FIELD Defensively, we have some Catcher, Emily Metz: Cen- has helped transition the
[email protected] 2023 record: 16-3, Lost in Coach: Mike Valentino ter Fielder, Addy McDon- newcomers to push them-
really good athletes that
BOYS TRACK AND sectional semifinals 2023 record: 5-3, Sec- have the ability to make ald: Pitcher/Third baseman, selves at every practice. Last
FIELD Top athletes: Libby Ben- ond-place finish at section- plays. On the offensive side, Abby Radesi: Pitcher/Third season’s second sectional
Coach: Mike Uveino ner — Shortstop/Center als we have a lot of young talent baseman, Kendal Bennett: win was a lot of fun and we
2023 record: 2-3, 12th in fielder, Kelsey Davis — Sec- Top athletes: Elsye Klump that is going to have to step Shortstop are hoping to repeat that this
B5 at sectionals ond baseman, Isabella Hugi — Triple Jump, Long Jump, up for us to meet our full po- Coach’s outlook: “This year. I believe the team is off
Top athletes: Ian Hinrich: — Catcher , Ryley Benner High Jump, 100m, Riley tential.” season we are hoping to turn to a good start and looking
Triple and Long Jump, Zach — Utility, Lilly Hugi — Third Nageldinger — 400m Hur- BOYS TRACK AND the program around and get forward to watching them
Smathers: Sprinter, Sean baseman/Outfielder dles, 400m, 200m, 4x400m, FIELD back to winning. Although be competitive in our league
Favo: Distance Coach’s outlook: “I am Braelyn Isaman — 1500m, Coach: Chris Morens we will be a fairly young and sectional class.”
Coach’s outlook: “We are very excited for this year’s 8 0 0 m, Ste e p l e cha s e, 2023 record: 2-2, sixth- team, we have some excel- GOLF
excited to get started with season. We have a team 4x400m, Alivia Cartwright — place at sectionals lent players who have been Coach: Chad Henderson
this young talented team. of seven returning varsity Discus, Shot Put, Pole Vault, Top athletes: Simon Agu- working hard on their game 2023 record: 12-3, Lost in
We doubled our numbers players – (Three seasoned 4x400m ilar: Distance, Jake Bucci: with travel ball and hope to sectional finals
from last year. We have a seniors, two juniors and two Coach’s outlook: “We are Sprints/Hurdles, Caleb Rice: showcase their talent in the Top athletes: Jack Noto,
great core group of athletes freshmen) who are all itch- very excited about the up- Mid-Distance, Callan Row- LCAA. It should be the start Dom Agosto, Caleb John-
that are returning and we ing for redemption. We’ve coming season. Our num- cliffe: Sprint-Hurdles of something special here in ston, Leo Bailey
added some talented new- also got five hungry juniors bers have increased and our Coach’s outlook: “Our Geneseo.” Coach’s outlook: “We
comers. The team works moving up to varsity, ready athletes have been working team has continued to grow GIRLS TRACK AND are looking to pick up right
very hard and we are excited to prove themselves at the very hard to achieve their in size and develop each FIELD where we left off. With a
for this upcoming season to varsity level.” individual and team goals. season for the past few Coach: Danielle Rice great nucleus of starters re-
begin. Our goals are to place “This group isn’t just ded- This is a great group of stu- years. This year we have a 2023 record: 3-1, Class B3 turning we are hoping to win
well in the league and score icated; they’re tenacious. dent-athletes who make great combination of tal- sectional win. Multiple sec- a second league title in as
well in the sectional meet.” They are working very hard coaching such an enjoyable ented newcomers mixed in tional individual event wins. many years and make a deep
SOFTBALL both in the offseason and experience.” with experienced veterans Top athletes: Emily run in sectionals.”

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PHOTO PROVIDED Geneseo track and field
Spring Sports Preview March 2024 T11

LE ROY OATKAN KNIGHTS tablishing a culture and team son with an incredible 24 girls
that believes in the process, on the roster. The majority of
faces adversity head on, plays these girls are either return-
with a high Baseball IQ and ing athletes or coming off of
lives to compete will allow us a successful indoor winter
the opportunity to survive the season. After losing a couple
tough LCAA schedule that competitive girls last season,
we face. Pitching well with this team is looking to step
consistency, making the rou- into those shoes and make
tine plays the majority of the their name known. We have
time, and being great unself- five veteran seniors to pave
ish contact hitters at the plate the way. Some girls to watch
throughout the season will al- for are senior Lindsey Steffe-
low us to make another run at nilla who placed in section-
the tough Class B Title.” als last year in pent. Along-
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD side, Lindsey is fellow senior
Coach: Sue Staba Corina “Goose” Dunn who
2023 record: Placed fifth at will return in the triple jump
sectionals and long jump. Junior Zoey
Top athletes: Corina Dunn, Humphrey ran an incredible
Lindsey Steffenilla, Zoey season this winter and will
Humphrey look to keep it rolling into the
Coach’s outlook: “We are spring.”
heading into the spring sea-

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By AJAY CYBULSKI tionals that is loaded with time.” Pitcher/Outfielder?Infielder,

[email protected] great teams including three- BASEBALL Peter Clark: Catcher/Third
SOFTBALL time defending champion Coach: Antonio Koukides baseman
Coach: Mike Battaglia Wellsville. We have a mix of 2023 record: 9-11, Lost in Coach’s outlook: “Right
2023 record: 10-9, Lost in young and veteran players, sectional semifinals to Penn from the start, the focus go-
sectional quarterfinals to and expect us to get better Yann ing into this season will be on
Wayland-Cohocton as the season progresses. We Top athletes: Jackson the overall versatility of this
Top athletes: Lily Uberty: open up with a great chal- Spezzano: Pitcher/ Outfield- veteran/established group
Third baseman/pitcher, Dana lenge against a very good Per- er, Alex Spezzano: Pitcher/ of athletes. Being proficient
Reschke, Sierra Burk: Short- ry team March 27.” Shortstop, Drew Strollo: Sec- and working hard to excel
stop, Izzy Farrell: Catcher
Coach’s outlook: “I’m real-
ly looking forward to coach-
Coach: Matt Weinman
2023 record: 12-3, Section
ond baseman/Outfielder,
Adam Woodworth: Pitcher/
First baseman, Jake Higgins:
in multiple positions on the
field will give us the best op-
portunity to be successful. Es-
10% off
ing this team. The commit- V Class B2 champions all in-stock
ment level to the offseason
program was fantastic, and
Top athletes: Owen Wil-
liams, Matthew Hockey, Jack
GOOD LUCK TO ALL OUR flooring special
the attitude during the first Currin, Jack Elmore SPRING ATHLETES! for the week
week of practice has been Coach’s outlook: “We are Free s
phenomenal. These girls are very excited for this upcom- Estimate of the eclipse
committed to being success- ing season. We have some Bill Sr.
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tough LCAA schedule, and last year’s team and some
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Eastridge, Irondequoit, Mer- up. The LCAA tennis is going
cy, and Churchville-Chili, we to be strong again and I think 651 East Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 • 343-7830
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for a Class B bracket in sec- tion v well come sectional Visit our web site at:
T12 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview

LETCHWORTH INDIANS By AJAY CYBULSKI game. We return a solid de- great group of players on our bring to the team has been
[email protected] fense and potent offense. The team this year and most come fantastic. Now comes the
SOFTBALL girls have had a tremendous in with varsity experience, fun part as the coaches get to
Coach: Chad DeRock offseason and put in a lot of which is invaluable. They are mold them into strong track
2023 record: 15-8, Lost in work.” great people and very coach- athletes and try to find their
2023 C2 title game to Addi- GOLF able.” niche in the various events
son. Coach: Mike Grasso GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD that track offers..”
Top athletes: Pitcher Abbie 2023 record: 9-6, Lost in Coach: Peter Bub BASEBALL
DeRock, third baseman Rea- quarterfinals to Bishop Kear- 2023 record: 8-0, Liv- Coach: Tim Eustace
gan Bannister, center fielder ney ingston County Division II 2023 record: 11-5, Lost in
Abby Bacon, catcher Grace Top athletes: Ben Hibbard, Champions, Sectional Class sectional quarterfinals
Mitchell, shortstop Kaylie Issac Hansen, Daniel Till B-3 third-place finish, Sec- Top athletes: Adam Halsey:
Emmons Coach’s outlook: “The tional Champions in the Shortstop/Pitcher, Quinn
Coach’s outlook: “Letch- team and I are excited for the 4X400 Baker: Infielder/Pitcher,
worth will be coming into upcoming season. We have Top athletes: Erica Consta- Noah Almeter: Infielder/
the 2024 season with fire in a set of goals for the season ble: Third-place at sectionals Pitcher, Jake Stowell: Out-
PHOTO PROVIDED their eyes after coming up that we will be working hard in the pentathlon, Naomi fielder, Ayden Miller: Catcher
Letchworth boys track and field just short in the Class C2 title to try to achieve. We have a Yount: Fourth-place 800, first Coach’s outlook: “The
4 x400, Maci Weaver: Third- Letchworth Indians are ex-
place 4x100, first 4x400, Mad- cited about the season. We
die Geising: Sixth-place stee- have good leadership from
plechase, third place 4x800, our seniors, skilled players at
Sasha Bellamy: Third-place each position and depth in
disc, Fifth overall at meet of the pitching staff. We may not
champions win every game this season
Coach’s outlook: “I’m tru- but we will be competitive
ly excited with the number of with every team we play. As
athletes we have coming out the season progresses we will
this year. The enthusiasm, continue to get better.”
hard work and energy they


Spring Sports Preview March 2024 T13

LIVONIA BULLDOGS that momentum into this strong returners and a few key I made a very difficult, but
spring season, with a lot of newcomers. Beyond athletic strategic, decision to forego
athletes who are strong in performance, we are focusing a varsity team in favor of de-
both field and track events. on a team culture that has an veloping young talent at the
Having athletes that are tal- emphasis on hard work, pos- JV level. Last year was our first
ented in multiple types of itive attitudes and camarade- year back as a young varsity
events is going to be key when rie.” squad, and there was a lot of
working with a smaller ros- SOFTBALL growth throughout the sea-
ter than other teams in our Coach: Jon O’Keefe son. Seeing how this team is
class. We have dedicated and 2023 record: 2-16 looking this year, I think it was
hardworking athletes in each Top athletes: Morgan the best decision as we aim
event group that we hope to Meys: First baseman/Pitcher, to make waves on both sides
be leaders and set the exam- Chloe Meys: Pitcher, Alaina of the ball. As they step onto
ple to spread that work ethic Turek: Second baseman, the field for the 2024 season,
to the younger athletes. We Gwen Strom: Shortstop, Karly these young ladies are deter-
are working towards goals Lawton: Third baseman mined to showcase their hard
that go beyond this season, Coach’s outlook: “In 2021, work and dedication over the
the true growth of the pro- we graduated 12 seniors from past two years in a competi-
gram.” the softball program. In 2022, tive division.”
Coach: Jenna Williams
2023 record: 2-3, 12th in
Livonia softball Top athletes: Matt Mul-
vaney: Distance, Aiden
Brown: Distance, Silas Mead-
By AJAY CYBULSKI in our players, and their abili- pete again.” ows: Distance, Nick Stetter:
[email protected] ty to rise to the challenge.” GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD Sprints, Kallen Miller: Triple
GOLF TENNIS Coach: Jenna Williams Jump/Pole Vault
Coach: Ryan Humphrey Coach: John Lacitignola 2023 record: 0-9, Ninth in Coach’s outlook: “Our
2023 record: 13-2, Run- 2023 record: 14-1, B1 sec- Class B1 goals this season go beyond
ner-up in the Class A section- tional runner-up, Livingston Top athletes: Emily Foley: individual PR’s. We are fo-
als County league champion Pole Vault/Mid-distance, cusing on growth and perfor-
Top athletes: Colin Bagley, Top athletes: Gavin Taila Bezerra: High Jump/ mance as a team. We’d like
Nick Coyle, Ryan O’Duffy, Woolston, Charlie Roberts, Sprints, Blair Wallman: Long this year to begin a period of
Max McEnerney, Cayden Mary Kwak, Levi Woolston Jump/Sprints, Natalie Gause: consistent improvement, in-
Tuchrello Coach’s outlook: “Twelve Shot Put/Discus, Avery Ber- creased participation, and
Coach’s outlook: “We are hard-working seniors make nard: Hurdles success for the Bulldogs. We
a fairly young team with only up the core of this team that Coach’s outlook: “The Li- are heading into this season
two starters returning. A lot of is looking to play deep into vonia girls saw a lot of team with a lot of depth, talent and
the new players will be asked sectionals. After last season’s and individual success this experience in the distance
to jump into matches right tough loss in the sectional fi- winter on the Lakers (Livo- events. We’re also seeing a
away against a very tough nal, the squad is putting forth nia/Avon/Geneseo) Indoor lot of strength in our sprints
schedule. I have confidence the effort to return and com- Track team. We are carrying and field events, with some

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T14 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview


By AJAY CYBULSKI and arms all over the field, first track meet on April 18.
[email protected] so our defense and pitching We expect to see growth on [email protected]

TENNIS as always will be our stron- the track and in field events GIRLS TRACK AND
gest asset. After a down year with many athletes looking FIELD
Coach: Evan Giacomini Coach: Amanda James
2023 record: 0-12, Did not in 2023 by our program stan- to improve on their person-
dards this team is motivated al bests and hope to have a 2023 record: 0-5, Placed
participate in sectionals sixth-place overall at sec-
Top athletes: Angel to bring another sectional few more athletes qualify for tionals
Mulcahy, River Jones, Logan championship back to Me- sectionals.” Top athletes: Sarina John-
Trillizio dina.” LACROSSE son: sprints/mid distance,
Coach’s outlook: “The BOYS TRACK AND Coach: Todd Eick Jayla Mowday: sprints/
Medina Mustang tennis 2023 record: 11-6, Lost mid distance, Abby Provo:
team looks to continue gain- in first round of sectionals throws
Top athletes: Will Prest- Coach’s outlook: “Our
ing confidence with match
midfield, Jacob Rissew- girls team has higher num-
play as we move through the bers than in years past with
season. The team is com- midfield, Cole Callard- at-
quite a few new athletes
posed of predominantly un- tack, Jason Beyer D/LSM,
joining the team. They have PHOTO PROVIDED
derclassmen, so the team is Brennan Allen D/LSM been putting in a lot of hard Mount Morris track and field
focused on becoming more Coach’s outlook: “Look- work already and we are ex-
confident and competitive ing forward to a large cited to see where the sea- set on improving our record ing to grow as individuals.”
in the league.” group of seniors provid- son takes us. The girls are from last year and continu-
BASEBALL ing leadership on and off

Coach: Chris Goyette the field. Any victories
2023 record: 9-8 FIELD this year will be full team
Top athletes: Julian Coach: Jeffrey Dole efforts from the goalie and
Woodworth: Center field- 2023 record: 1-5 the defense over to the mid-

er, Pitcher, Brody Fry: Third Top athletes: Kaedon dies and attack; we have a
baseman, Pitcher, Ryleigh Cleveland-Hurdles and nice blend of experience
Culver: Catcher, First base- sprints, Roosevelt Mitch- and young up-and-com-
man, Aidan Papaj: Short- ell-Throws, Ryder Jones- ers. Our coaching staff has
stop, Pitcher, Vinny Gray: Distance and Hurdles, done well in exploring our
Center fielder, Shortstop, Connor Crandall-Distance, strengths and weaknesses By AJAY CYBULSKI Top athletes: Addie Dil- 2023 record: 0-9 GR
Pitcher Gordon Young-Jumps and has created a game plan [email protected] lenbeck (catcher), Brooke League
Coach’s outlook: “We Coach’s outlook: “We that best works for our team. SOFTBALL Robinson (pitcher), Bella Top athletes: Logan Sea-
expect to be one of the top have many new members Good luck to all of the teams Coach: Joseph Moore Groves (first base), Alexa man: 100M, 200M, 400M,
Class B teams in Section VI on the team this year and out there in the upcoming 2023 record: 15-4, lost in Robinson (Outfielder) Aiden Allen: 1600M, 3200M
this year. We have athletes are looking forward to our season.” the sectional finals to Notre Coach’s outlook: “We Coach’s outlook: “Grad-
Dame have to fill out some key po- uating three Class B5 place
sitions this year due to losing finishers (Josh Slinger-

Best of Luck to All Area Teams!

a really good group of girls land — 100M, Kevin Travis
last year. I have a very young — Shot/Discus, Chyenne
team as six of my starters are Tackley — Discus) we return
underclass. Young pitchers a small contingent of veter-
will be key. I believe once ans who are looking to find
the season gets rolling, this individual success this sea-
Follow Us
group will gain confidence, son. As a team, we will be too
On Facebook knowledge, and hopefully small to compete in league
some momentum.” however we are looking for
BOYS TRACK AND our individuals to compete
FIELD in Class and place in the sec-
1353 Lewiston Rd., Alabama • 585.948.9994 Coach: Amber Hamilton tion.”
Spring Sports Preview March 2024 T15

OAKFIELD-ALABAMA HORNETS sectional quarterfinals — Sprinter and Jumper, Car- fices and put in the work. We
Top athletes: Avery Wat- oline Luft -Mid-Distance and need that leadership on the
terson — Catcher/Pitcher, Distance Runner, Ryleigh Kir- track, circle, and runway not
Austin Pangrazio — Third kum — Thrower just for the present, but our
baseman/Pitcher, David Coach’s outlook: “Our boys future. We encourage and
Schnaufer — First baseman/ and girls teams are lined with take pride in seniors passing
Pitcher/Catcher, Brenden veterans who not only know the torch of working hard for
Wescott — Second baseman, what it takes to reach our in- each other and the attention
Shaun Alexander — Center dividual and team goals but to detail so we can continue
Field/Pitcher are willing to make the sacri- to build a strong program.”
Coach’s outlook: “We lost
several senior contributors
from last season that will be
hard to replace. But there are
a lot of guys returning who
have that varsity experience,
as well as some talented new-
comers who are ready to step
into new roles and become
the 2024 team that they all
want and aspire to be.”
Oakfield-Alabama softball Coach: Peter Beuler
2023 record: 9-0, Sectional
By AJAY CYBULSKI they can do. For the first time expected to contribute. While champions
[email protected] in three years, our team and we may be inexperienced Top athletes: Connor
TENNIS lineup will look significantly with three other players new Domoy — Distance and
Coach: David Carpino different, and this new begin- to the varsity team, we expect Mid-Distance Runner, Nate
2023 record: 15-1, Lost to ning is exciting for both our to be competitive within the Schildwaster — Sprinter,
Caledonia-Mumford in sec- coaches and our players.” very difficult GR. Our junior Hurdler, and Jumper, Ron
tional final SOFTBALL and senior leadership is ex- Szpylman — Sprinter and
Top athletes: Carson Coach: Jeff Schlagenhauf cellent and most of those kids Pole Vaulter, Logan Clark —
Warner, Trevor Enes, Mark 2023 record: 14-4, Lost in have won a sectional and/or Distance and Mid-Distance
Jackett, Gavin Armbrewster, sectional semifinals, GR Divi- league championship. We Runner, Kyler Harkness — PHOTO PROVIDED
Corbin DeMare sion 1 champions will need to play solid de- Thrower, Chris Lagunes — Oakfield-Alabama baseball
Coach’s outlook: “Last Top athletes: Caitlin Ryan: fense, get good pitching and Mid-Distance and Distance
year, we had nine seniors on Shortstop, Piper Hyde: Third be able to consistently put the Runner

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the team and for most of the baseman, Cara Williams: ball in the play. So far, I love GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD
year we only had one or two Pitcher, Kara Tobolski: Catch- what I am seeing and am in- Coach: Peter Beuler
underclassmen starting. So er/First baseman credibly enthusiastic about 2023 record: 6-3, Fourth-
we had many players waiting Coach’s outlook: “Head- this group.” place finish at sectionals
in the wings for their turn, and ing into this season, we will BASEBALL Top athletes: Paige Hard-
they are eager and anxious to be very young as we will have Coach: Mike Anderson ing — Pole Vaulter and Jump-
fight for spots and show what five ninth-graders that will be 2023 record: 16-5, Lost in er, Avalynn Buczek — Sprint- 585-948-5777
er and Jumper, Alahna Chatt
[email protected]
Best of Luck to All Area Teams! GO HORNETS!

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T16 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview


By AJAY CYBULSKI Coach’s outlook: “Our boys
[email protected] program has suffered from
GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD very low numbers the past
Coach: Kyle Banser couple of years. We have been
2023 record: 2-5, third in beating the halls and have got
Class B4 support from other coaches
Top athletes: Brisel Di- and the participation is up
az-Tolentino: distance, Lily from the past seasons. This
Beardsley: mid-distance, El- season is my first at the helm
lie Wolcott: pole vault, Alyssa of the boys program and just
Mead: mid-distance/pen- like I do with the girls, our
tathlon goal is to always improve our
Coach’s outlook: “We had a sectional finish. I look for-
great sectional finish last sea- ward to seeing what these
son with only 11 girls on the boys can do.”
team. This year, our numbers SOFTBALL
have jumped to 25 with some Coach: Michele Forti
promising new recruits. With 2023 record: 9-9, Lost to
four returning sectional place Dundee-Bradford in second
finishers and some new tal- round of sectionals
ent, we will see what the end Top athletes: Courtney PHOTO PROVIDED
of the season brings.” Gurbacki: Pitcher, Bryleigh York/Pavilion golf
BOYS TRACK AND FIELD Burns: Third baseman,
Coach: Kyle Banser Makayla Washburn: First Catcher, Ella Tillotson: Short- Stoddard: Pitcher/Short- GOLF opportunity. We have excep-
2023 record: 0-7 baseman, Kylie Conway: stop stop, Evan Kingdon: Infield- Coach: Keith Parish tional senior leadership and a
Coach’s outlook: “This er/Pitcher, Jake Pangrazio: 2023 record: 3-10 combination of young talent
year’s Pavilions varsity squad First baseman/Pitcher, Liam Top athletes: Ayden Taylor, that can carry us to the next
has played together for al- Ezard: Catcher, Joe Bauer: Brennan Royce, Tyler Brady level. The team is putting in
most a decade.This team’s Outfielder/Pitcher Coach’s outlook: “This is hard work and I am excited
bond and experience togeth- Coach’s outlook: “With the my first year coaching the to see the results when the
er will drive them to a win- merger of pavilion and York Pavilion York golf team and I matches begin. Attitude re-
ning season. Our goals are to for baseball this year it has am extremely excited for the flects leadership.”
stay healthy, have a positive brought together some excel-
mindset and win throughout lent baseball talent and has
the season.” given us depth throughout
BASEBALL our lineup. Expectations are
Coach: Tom Kingdon high for us to have a success-
2023 record: 7-12, Lost to ful season and contend for a
Red Jackets in sectionals sectional championship.”
Top athletes: Landen

Good Luck Pavilion!

(585) 584-8390

Pavilion softball
March 2024 T17

By AJAY CYBULSKI lays with the strong teams in the
[email protected] Coach’s outlook: “With Genesee Region.”
SOFTBALL nine experienced juniors GOLF
Coach: Amy Ostrom and and seniors, our team Coach: Zach Busch
Mark Thomas should be very competitive 2023 record: 3-8, missed
2023 record: 1-18, Lost in with many of the very good sectionals
first round to Sodus teams we face in the Gene- Top athletes: Lance Bab-
Top athletes: Leigha see Region. Those girls pro- cock, Ben Cox, Ronald
Walker: Catcher, Layne vide much of our relay ca- Thorn, Ryker Knight
Walker: First baseman, Na- pability and give us strong Coach’s outlook: “Holley
talie Foose: third baseman, individuals in virtually all of Golf is looking to build upon
Gabby Houseknecht: pitch- the track and field events. some individual improve-
er, Ryleigh Weader: outfield- Many of these girls had pre- ments that were made over
er, Teanna Church: outfield- vious modified experience last year’s season. Having
er and, so far this spring, are our top-four golfers all be
Coach’s outlook: “We showing enthusiasm and a longtime returning mem-
are looking for a bounce- willingness to work hard.” bers, there are higher ex-
back season returning five BOYS TRACK AND pectations to hang in with
seniors and the addition of FIELD some of the more compet-
some athletic and talented Coach: Art Goldstein itive teams in the Genesee
underclassmen. This is a 2023 record: 5-4, sev- Region this year. It has been
team with a great bond and enth-place at sectionals two years since our last sec-
support for one another. Top athletes: Mason tional appearance, and we
They are working hard on Merriam: Distance-Relays, hope to be back this year.” By AJAY CYBULSKI Peters tive against the teams in our
Hunter Pachia: Mid-dis- TENNIS [email protected] Coach’s outlook: “Our league this year, especially
both skills and mindset. It’s
a great group who has strong tance, Relays, Kohle Pachia: Coach: Kristian Snyder SOFTBALL team is very young this year against schools more our
senior leadership.” Hurdles, Relays, Vinny Gol- 2023 record: 0-13 Coach: Jeffrey Parizek with limited golf experience. size, as we have 31 members
GIRLS TRACK AND isano: High Jump, Chris Top athletes: Cavan Ben- 2023 record: 6-11, Lost in This year we are looking to on the team and 12 of them
FIELD Mosier: Relays, Sprints nage (Singles) sectional pre-quarterfinals build upon a lot of funda- are seniors with a couple of
Coach: Art Goldstein Coach’s outlook: “With a Coach’s outlook: “This to Pavilion mental skills and continue new faces sprinkled in with
2023 record: 4-5, 11th- roster in the mid 20’s, there season is all about building Top athletes: Danielle to improve throughout the the veterans. Six of our re-
place at sectionals are only four juniors and a program to be competi- Offhaus: Pitcher, Brooke Ro- season. I have a great core of turners placed in GRs and/
Top athletes: Emma seniors and one of them is tive. rclassmen to develop das: Catcher, Ella Christ: In- younger kids. If they stick to- or Sectionals, so we are look-
Brady: Distance, Steeple- a first-year athlete. We are into strong tennis players. fielder, Alea Barrett: Infield- gether and work hard, they ing to improve on that sta-
chase, Allison Merle: Hur- using the first three weeks To succeed, we’ll need to get er, Lia Larson: Infielder will be a tough group in the tistic. Great kids with a great
dles, Alexia Renner: Relays, of practice to discover what strong performances from Coach’s outlook: “We future.” attitude and they are willing
Sprints, Jumps, Zoey Wolf: our many new athletes a variety of underclassmen have a very veteran team BOYS TRACK AND to work. Looking forward to
Distance, Relays, PV, Sam are best at in the variety of who are looking to improve back this year with 10 varsity FIELD the season.”
Bates: Relays, 200, High events that make up the every day at practice and in returners from last season’s Coach: David Howlett TENNIS
jump, Alivia Wolf: High sport of track. One thing is matches.” roster including a whole bat- 2023 record: 1-8, 14th Coach: James Longrod
jump, 100 HH, Pentathlon, for sure, it will take a collec- tery and majority of infield place at sectionals 2023 record: 12-5, Sec-
Jailyn Bishop: Shot Put, Re- tive effort for us to compete returning with one starting Top athletes: Chris Net- tional semifinals
outfielder. Six out of nine tles — 100m, 200m, Long/ Top athletes: Joshua and
starters are back. We also Triple Jump, Ben Brundage Jonathan Esposito: First and
added some great players. — 800m, 1600m (4th 2023 second singles, respectively.
I truly feel that we will be Section V B3), Steeplechase Joseph Fagan: Third singles
playing our best softball GIRLS TRACK AND Coach’s outlook: “This
when the time is right, will FIELD season we will be replacing a
get stronger as year pro- Coach: David Howlett lot of holes from graduating
gresses! This group has been 2023 record: 2-7, 13th at seniors. We will be a young
working hard in the off sea- sectionals team, but very talented. We
son together to really make Top athletes: Hannah are looking to be in the con-
this season a special one to Brundage — 800m, 1500m versation for the league title.
remember.” (4th 2023 Section V B3), It will take maturity from our
GOLF Paige Hardenbrook — Shot players that will be elevated
Coach: Jack Keenan Put, Discus, Elizabeth Pratt into higher roles than they
2023 record: 1-10 — Shot Put, Discus, 100m were last season. It will be
Top athletes: Noah Clark, Coach’s outlook: “We are exciting to see the team take
Jacek Kwiatkowski, Joshua looking to be more competi- on new challenges this year.”
T18 March 2024

[email protected] Coach’s outlook: “The FIELD
GIRLS TRACK AND Wheatland-Chili tennis Coach: Garhett Varin
FIELD team is positioned to be a 2023 record: 4-5, Eight-
Coach: Brian Glass contender for the Genesee place in sectionals
2023 record: 3-6 Region title. There are many Top athletes: James Nolan
Top athletes: Lillian returning starters from last — TJ, 110h, Pent, Paris Wil-
Swavely: 100, 200, long year. With an experienced liams — LJ, HJ, 110h, Gabe
jump, 4x1, Emily Parker – team, the goal is to make it to Greenfield — TJ, 400h, Talen
400H, pole vault, 4x1, Bella post season and contend for Carey — 800, 1600, River
Monnat – 100, triple Jump, a sectional title.” Brandes — 1600, 3200
By AJAY CYBULSKI to the unique circumstances Ethan Loop: Catcher, Matt long jump, 4x1, Vanessa GOLF Coach’s outlook: “Very
[email protected] we’ve been given as we now Clark: Pitcher, Tony Schirm- Guerrero 100H, 200, 4x1, Coach: Anthony Man- limited numbers will be the
GOLF have brought in more 8-10th er: Pitcher long jump nara major downfall for the pro-
Coach: Bob Toland grade athletes than ever be- Coach’s outlook: “The Coach’s outlook: “This 2023 record: 4-8 gram this year. With only
2023 record: 6-6, Lost in fore. We are excited to see Eagles return the 2023 Class season we hope to build off Top athletes: Kakob De- eight boys on the team, we
first round of sectionals to their progressions and how B2 Player of the Year Markus some of our success from Salvo, Ben Hebrock will have to bring great ver-
Addison they follow our veterans Brehm for his senior sea- last year. We are returning all Coach’s outlook: “We satility to our lineup card
Top athletes: Hunter throughout the season. ” son along with seven other of our athletes who compet- had a record number of if we are going to win some
Trischler TENNIS returning starters from last ed at sectionals last year. We kids come out for the team league meets. With a good
Coach’s outlook: “The Coach: Tim Lynah year‘s team. The team hopes had a great showing at sec- this year, so we are hoping mix of upperclassman and
2024 Eagles golf team has 2023 record: 6-5, Fifth- to compete for a league ti- tionals and hope to continue to continue to build the underclassman, we are still
several returning golfers place in Class B3 sectional tle in a loaded Livingston our success with some of our program and develop the hopeful to steal a few in-
along with a new wave of tournament County Division 1 along new and young talent.” younger players. Given that dividual sectional patches
underclassmen. Collective Top athletes: Max Brown with Livonia, Hornell, Bath TENNIS there are many talented with our upperclassmen,
goals shared by the team are (Singles), Carl George Bav- and Dansville.” Coach: Chris Peets teams in the league, we are while our younger athletes
to send multiple golfers to erstock (Singles), Cole Sny- SOFTBALL GR Division II Champion hoping to finish above .500.” prepare to carry the torch for
Bath Country Club in May der (Singles), Eli Vosburg, Coach: David Stewart and sectional semifinalist the next few years.”
for the LCAA Championship Amelia Gleason 2023 record: 16-5, Lost in Top athletes: Ethan Hal-
as well as make a push for Coach’s outlook: “We are sectional semifinals
both individual sectionals a very young team this year, Top athletes: Claire Don-
and team sectionals.” looking to start five sopho- lon: Outfield, Lilyin Mel-
BOYS TRACK AND mores. We are looking for a lick: Outfield, Emily Mo-
FIELD solid contribution from our ran: Catcher, Shaila Pragle:
Coach: Dan Rizzieri lone senior, Eli Vosburg, in Shortstop, Molly Robbins:
2023 record: 4-1, Fourth- a new partnership with a Pitcher
place in B2 sectionals young, but very hard-work- Coach’s outlook: “We are
Top athletes: Wyatt Mas- ing, Amelia Gleason. We are still a very young team but
tin- Mid distance/Distance, hoping to be competitive we have a lot of experience.
Connor Mead- Mid dis- and give some of the stron- Hopefully, we can build
tance/Distance, Joe Theo- ger teams a challenge.” off last year. We had a good
bald- Mid distance/Dis- BASEBALL offseason with many of our
tance, Joe O’Neal- Sprints/ Coach: Steve Wager players playing travel ball
Jumps, Chucky Cibrian- 2023 record: 16-4, Lost in and dedicating themselves
Sprints/Mid Distance sectional quarterfinal to Le to the cages. We will have
Coach’s outlook: “After Roy four scrimmages in Myrtle
graduating the most seniors Top athletes: Markus Beach to prepare for the up-
I’ve ever had on a team last Brehm: Shortstop, Issac Me- coming season.”
year we are looking forward hlenbacher: Third baseman,
March 2024 T19


By AJAY CYBULSKI er, Adeline Ayers: Sprinter, ation. This year’s team will
[email protected] Grace Hopkins: Distance need to continue to work
BOYS TRACK AND and Jumper, Leah Cuozzo: hard and build each other
FIELD Sprinter and Hurdler, Jo- up. Teamwork and commu-
Coach: Alison Guesno selyn Hulme: Thrower and nication will be huge for us
2023 record: 4-1 sprinter this year as we continue to
Top athletes: Evan Car- Coach’s outlook: “We learn and grow as a team. We
oll: Throws, Austin Cum- have a very solid group of have a good range and depth
mings: Throws, Kyan Tiede: veterans joined by a talent- of players that will contrib-
Mid-distance/relays, Ethan ed group of newcomers to ute to this year’s squad.”
Hall: Distance/relays, Ethan round out our team. We are BASEBALL
Peffers: Hurdles looking forward to com- Coach: Tom Kingdon
Coach’s outlook: “This peting in a very strong Liv- 2023 record: 7-12, Lost to
team is focused and moti- ingston County Division III Red Jackets in sectionals
vated to compete for the Di- bracket.” Top athletes: Landen
vision III title. We have our SOFTBALL Stoddard: Pitcher/Short-
number back up and with Coach: Cara Stewart stop, Evan Kingdon: Infield-
the determination from our 2023 record: 8-9, Lost in er/Pitcher, Jake Pangrazio:
top returners and the excite- first round of sectionals to First baseman/Pitcher, Liam PHOTO PROVIDED
ment of our key newcomers, Cuba-Rushford Ezard: Catcher, Joe Bauer: Perry baseball
this team is ready to bring Top athletes: Merideth Outfielder/Pitcher
a very competitive edge to Holland (Pitcher), CC Bion- Coach’s outlook: “With By AJAY CYBULSKI letes will help the new ones Coach: Kris Goodell
each competition.” do (Pitcher/Infielder), Rylee the merger of pavilion and [email protected] transition and develop great 2023 record: 3-10, Lost in
GIRLS TRACK AND Cuozzo (First baseman) York for baseball this year it practice habits. The pro-
GIRLS TRACK AND first round of sectionals
FIELD Coach’s outlook: “The has brought together some gram has been getting better
FIELD Top athletes: Wyatt Arbo:
Coach: Mark Valentino Lady Knights are looking excellent baseball talent and over the last few years and Pitcher/Third baseman,
Coach: Jeremy Ohlson
2023 record: 2-3 forward to a great season has given us depth through- we hope to keep improving.” Bryce Tallman: Pitcher/
2023 record: 5-3, Sixth-
Top athletes: Isabel this year. We will be looking out our lineup. Expectations BOYS TRACK AND Shortstop, Beau Solcum:
place finish at sectionals
Laney: Distance and High to rebuild after the loss of are high for us to have a suc- FIELD Shortstop/Second base-
Top athletes: Abygail
Jump, Tessa Rodwell: five seniors, due to gradu- cessful season and contend Coach: Corey Hollister man, Maximus Siewert:
Herring: sprinter, Avery
Mid-distance and Triple for a sectional champion- 2023 record: 3-5, 11th Catcher, Walker Briggs:
Dueppengiesser: thrower
Jump, Lena Belisciano: ship.” place in sectionals Pitcher/Second baseman/
and hurdler, Briella Ohlson:
Hurdler and Vault- thrower and jumper, Mer- Top athletes: Evan Gif- Third baseman
edith Petri: sprinter, Court- ford (Discus, Shotput), Lo- Coach’s outlook: “The
ney Westfall: jumper and gan Church (Mid-distance team has set many goals
hurdler Events, Long Jump), Andy this season. They are look-
Coach’s outlook: “As we Kelly (Discus, Shotput), Zac ing to improve there record
look forward to this season, Narowski (Distance Events, and win a game or two in
it is exciting to see the num- Pole Vault), Parker Vinyard sectionals. The team has a
bers growing yet again this (Sprint Events, Long Jump) lot of heart and together-
year. There are some top Coach’s outlook: “We’ve ness to get where they want.
newcomers that will help got a good number of stu- They are playing as a team
lead the way for this team dent-athletes who came and have improved in many
and it will be up to the new out for the team this year. It areas of the game they look
runners to see where the is a mix of new and return- better than they have in the
team will finish at the end ing track and field athletes. past. They have the never
of the year. Some of our ath- Each of these individuals is give up attitude and are will-
letes are looking to compete capable of contributing and ing to work hard.”
for sectional titles at the end we’re hoping to compete SOFTBALL
of the season and we will see well as a team. I look for- Coach: Stef Weber
how the team progresses. ward to what this season will 2023 record: 8-11, Lost
Hopefully, the leadership bring.”
by some of our veteran ath- BASEBALL See PERRY T21
T20 March 2024

CAL-MUM RAIDERS starters returning from last tionals and also advanced
year’s team that won the to the state qualifiers on a
Class B3 sectionals and fell personal level last season.
one match short of going to In the Raiders starting team
the small school state tour- lineup, competition will
nament. All seven starters also come this spring from
from last year are seniors seniors Braden Fonte and
this spring — and will be Justin Sullivan, as well as
trying to win a fourth con- junior Ally Thompson, and
secutive LCAA Division 2 sophomores Austin Che-
title along with a third team naille, Aaron Munnings,
sectional title in the past Laura Reynolds, and Ayden
four years. The team plans Decker.”
to be competitive with all GIRLS TRACK AND
of the top small schools FIELD
in Section V, including Li- Coach: Dan Freeman
vonia and Leroy from the 2023 record: 2-3
LCAA, as well as Naples, Top athletes: Julia Wasil-
Geneva, and Wayne — co (800, 3200- returns from
who beat the Raiders 3-2 Sectional winning 4x8 relay
last year in the team state team), Emma Brogan (100,
qualifier final. In individ- 200, Triple Jump), Julianna
ual sectionals, Lorenzo Scott (100, 200, pole vault),
Martelle, Oliver Johnson, Mackenzie Poray (shot,
and Garrett Thomspon will disc), Rachelle Richter
try to repeat as individual (shot, pole vault)
singles and doubles cham- Coach’s outlook: “A lot
pions again. They will face of new faces this season for
tough competition from Caledonia-Mumford girls
FILE PHOTO their teammates includ- track. We are looking for-
Emma Years | Cal-Mum softball ing Nate Doll, Jeremiah ward to getting started and
Anderson, Max Poray, and showing growth through-
Michael Gere — who all out the upcoming season.”
By AJAY CYBULSKI guys that we will be relying the area’s top catchers. We take golf seriously and they placed in individual sec-
[email protected] on.” will need some of our girls challenge each other to get
BASEBALL SOFTBALL to step up in some new po- better each time we play.
Coach: Andy Habecker Coach: Dan Dickens sitions as Shea Drazkowski We are looking forward to
2023 record: 7-14, Lost in 2023 record: 17-5, Lost will be moving from CF to the season and to see who
first round of sectionals in sectional semifinals to SS. Excited to see what this steps up from the kids that
Top athletes: Donny Dundee-Bradford group can accomplish as a played JV last season. Trent
Peet: Shortstop/pitcher, Top athletes: Pitcher: team.” Kessler is the player most
Ryan Mills: Third base- Emma Years, Catcher: Col- GOLF likely to get into the top-6.
man/outfielder, Tyler leen Talty, Center Fielder: Coach: Mike Reed He played in six or seven
McClurg: infielder, Collin Malina Bellos, Outfielder: 2023 record: 17-1, Won varsity matches last season
Foote: infielder, Tyler Pot- Izzy Cochran, Third base- sectionals while another player was
ter: catcher man: Madison Wyskiel Top athletes: Tyler Koch, recovering from an injury.”
Coach’s outlook: “I’m Coach’s outlook: “We Noah McCready, Josh Mid- TENNIS
very excited to get this 2024 have seven of our start- dleton, Liam McArdle, Coach: Brian McQuillan
season started. Cal-Mum ers returning from a real- Trent Kessler 2023 record: 14-2, Won
has a great baseball tradi- ly good softball team last Coach’s outlook: “We ex- Class B3 sectionals
tion and I look forward to season, so we are hoping to pect to compete for league Top athletes: Lorenzo
leading the program in my compete for the LCAA D-3 and sectional champion- Martelle, Nate Doll, Oliver
first year in the district. We title as well as a sectional ships. We return the four Johnson, Jeremiah Ander-
are an athletic team that title. We haven’t won ei- players who all scored for son, Garret Thompson
will always look to take an ther since we won both in us in the sectional final. Coach’s outlook: “This
extra base. We have a good 2018. Emma Years was an The kids work hard at golf spring, our team has 18
mix of returning talent LCAA All-Star last season which to many is a recre- athletes playing varsity ten-
along with some younger and I feel Colleen is one of ational sport but our kids nis — including all seven
March 2024 T21

Perry strong, there’s nothing better

than playing games that push
From T19 you to grow day after day. I
believe in our team and all of
in sectional quarterfinals to the pieces coming together
Caledonia-Mumford over the next couple of years.”
Top athletes: Keira Weber: GOLF
Pitcher, Jaelyn Morris: Third Coach: Wendy Caccamise
baseman, Peyton Leitten: 2023 record: 4-11 record,
Second baseman, Madi Mon- Lost in first round of section-
teleone: Catcher als
Coach’s outlook: “We have Top athletes: Brady Kelly,
six returning starters this Jan Parker, Brody Sardina,
year. We were very young last Colton Royce
year, but with the returning Coach’s outlook: “My goal
players we look forward to is to make it into section-
growing as a team and put- al play again this year. As
ting together a good run in with every year, my return-
sectionals. We are expecting ers should focus on shaving
to be competitive in our di- PHOTO PROVIDED
strokes off of last year’s aver-
vision and league games. We age.” Perry softball
know all our league is very

By AJAY CYBULSKI Coach’s outlook: “Coming TENNIS vis, Aurora Livingstone, Addi- very excited that our team has last two years. We are here
[email protected] off a successful season last Coach: Katie Tharp and son Gay, Baylee Hoffmeister, doubled in size this year. The to play, have fun, learn and
BASEBALL year the girls graduated 10 Pete Hoffmeister and Patrick Langdon. interest in the Warsaw tennis
Coach: Todd Traynor seniors and have been moved 2023 record: 3-8 Coach’s outlook: “I am program has grown over the See WARSAW T24
2023 record: 13-4, Lost in from Division III into Divi- Top athletes: Singles play-
sectional quarterfinals sion II. Hoping to make some ers: Greg Treutlein, Jack Fra-
Build a
Top athletes: Ty Joy — waves and once again devel- ser, and Heaven Proefrock. “IT’S WHAT WE DO”
Pitcher/Shortstop, Patrick op an extremely young team.
” Doubles Players: Drake Da-
Klump — Pitcher/Outfielder,
Bailey Schell — Outfielder, Great Team!
Dom Fanero — Outfielder,
Cole Liebler — Pitcher/Third
Coach’s outlook: “Our
teams main focus this season
is consistency. Consisten-
cy in all facets of the game.
From pitching, to hitting, to Voted #1 Best
fielding, and everything in WE NOW OFFER DUCT CLEANING SERVICES
between. Consistency will Roofer in the We are
put us in the best possible sit- GLOW Region! ready anytime!
uation to have a positive out-
come, game in and game out.” 79 Years in Business
Coach: Tracy Plesums
2023 record: 7-1, Placed
second at Class B4 sectionals
Laubenheimer – sprints, Trusted. Reliable. Professional.
Izzy Phillips – sprints/ vault-
er, Maria Prattico – hurdles/ Richard Wendt, President
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T22 March 2024 Spring Sports Preview
Spring Sports Preview March 2024 T23

[email protected] Coach: Jennifer Merle
GOLF 2023 record: 6-14, Lost in
Coach: John Hochmuth sectional pre-quarterfinals
2023 record: 2-10 Top athletes: Reagan
Top athletes: Tyson Totten, Schneider — catcher/first
Sean Pustulka, Austin Hum- base; Aleena Maynard —
phrey first base/pitcher/third base;
Coach’s outlook: “For this Hannah Anderson — utility
upcoming golf season, Pem- player; Jayden Hootman —
broke Golf will have new fac- pitcher/outfielder
es throughout the team, from Coach’s outlook: “As the
seniors all the way down to assistant coach last season
seventh graders. Some are and the new head coach this
ready to hit the links and fight season I look to improve from
for wins and others are just last season with this veteran
beginning to learn the game group. Having only lost one
and get better each day. Our player from graduating last
goal as a team this year is to season and returning nine
improve our standing from player is big for us. We have
2023, as well as individually a lot of young talent and look
get better and learn some- forward to being a compet-
thing new each day.” itive team in the GR league
TENNIS this season. Having our fresh-
Coach: Chase Rangel man pitcher, Hootman, work-
2023 record: 4-12, Lost in ing together again with junior
second round of sectionals catcher, Schneider, will help
Top athletes: Aiden Sum- us defensively, along with our
mers, Jonah Martin, Lily Mar- other returners.”
tin (All three play singles) BASEBALL
Coach’s outlook: “We have Coach: Daniel Lang
a solid group of returning 2023 record: 4-13, Lost in
players and a good number first round of sectionals
of new players who are eager Top athletes:
to play tennis. I’m looking Owen Hootman: P, SS, OF,
to build off players’ success Kylan Ball: P, C, 2nd, Jayden
from last season and help ev- Bridge: P, 3rd, OF, Trey New-
eryone improve their overall ton: P, 1st, Anthony Abbatiel-
skills. Our main focus for this lo: C, 2nd, OF
team. We have a very athletic dedication in the offseason
season will be our doubles
play. With our returning se-
nior singles players I’m hop-
Coach’s outlook: “This is
my first year coaching the
Varsity Pembroke baseball
young group of players with
a hard work ethic and a team
focusing on what it takes to
bring the baseball program Go Pembroke Dragons!
program and my expecta- first mentality. This group has to a heightened level of suc-
ing for a solid season from our
squad this year.” tions are set very high for this shown vast improvement and cess..”
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570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020

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Office: 585.343.6750
Phone: 585-599-4520
Fax: 585.343.8502
1353 Lewiston Rd., Alabama • 585.948.9994 [email protected]
“The Fourth Generation Serving our Community.”
T24 March 2024

Warsaw cated group of girls is putting

forth the time year-round to
FROM T21 improve on their goals. We
are very excited to see what
grow. I look forward to seeing this season brings.”
how the team does this year.” BOYS TRACK AND FIELD
SOFTBALL Coach: Alan Fultz
Coach: Adam Higgins 2023 record: 6-2, Fourth-
2023 record: 4-12, Lost in place finish at sectionals
first round of sectionals Top athletes: Distance
Top athletes: Pitcher Ol- Runners: Thomas McGuire,
ivia Parker, Catcher Tanzie Carter Pietrzykowski, Sprint-
Keough, Infielder/Outfielder er: Shermon Johnson-My-
Emily Klump, Center field- ers, Jumper: Logan Lafferty,
er Zoe Kaminski, First base Thrower: Drake Davis
Kaitlyn Treutlein, Shortstop Coach’s outlook: “This
Aliyah Higgins year’s team is a team young
Coach’s outlook: “Our goal with only two seniors. The
this year is to get better every team will look to improve in-
day and compete in every dividually as the season goes
game. This is a very young on and to build as a team by
team hoping to improve on the end of the season.” PHOTO PROVIDED
last year’s record. This dedi- Warsaw girls track and field

Save the date!

4 Person Scramble
For Tickets
& info: May 25
Registration 12pm
$400 per team 1pm shotgun
(must sign up as a team) 5pm cash bar
$40 dinner only ticket 5:30pm dinner
Team Price Includes:
Golf • Cart • Lunch Ticket • Dinner Buffet

5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia | 585-343-0642 |

All proceeds to benefit JT Turnbull

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