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1. The Researcher is generally expected to……..

(A) Study of existing literature in a field

(B) Generate new principles and theories

(C) Synthesis the ideas given by others

(D) Evaluate the finding of the study.

2. Research is ……….

(A) Searching again and again

(B) Finding solution to any problem

(C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth for any problem

(D) None of the above

3. The ‘re’ in ‘research’ is a prefix meaning……………

(A) Over again

(B) A New

(C) Again

(D) All of the above.

4. The word ‘Research’ means……

(A) Study

(B) Rediscover

(C) Education

(D) Writing

5. The Research is always –

(A) Verifying the old knowledge

(B) Exploring new knowledge

(C) Filling the gap between the knowledge

(D) All of these

6. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(A) Discoveries are researches

(B) Researches lead to discovery

(C) Invention and Research are releated

(D) None of the above

7. Validity refers to……

(A) The degree or extend to which the instrument is actually measuring what it claims or purposes to be

(B) One should be extremely careful in ensuring that the procedures followed to find answers to questions are
relevant,appropriate and justified.

(C) Research should be structured with specified steps to be taken in a specified sequence in accordance with the
well-defined set of rule

(D) All of the above.

8 …………… is the idea that knowledge comes from experience

(A) Rationalism

(B) Deductive reasoning

(C) Logic

(D) Empiricism

9. A doctor studies the relatives effectiveness of two drugs of dengue fever. His research would be classified as……

(A) Descriptive Survey

(B) Experimental Research

(C) Case Study

(D) Ethnography
10. Which of the following statements is true of a theory?

(A) It most simply means “explanation”

(B) It answers the “how” and “why” question

(C) It can be a well developed explanatory system

(D) All of the above are correct

11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good theory or explanation?

(A) It is parsimonious

(B) It is testable

(C) It is general enough to apply to more than one place, situation,or person.

(D) All of the above are characteristics of good theories.

12. Authenticity of a research finding is its……….

(A) Originality

(B) Validity

(C) Objectivity

(D) All of the above

13. The main characteristics of scientific research is……..

(A) Empirical

(B) Theoretical

(C) Experimental

(D) All of the above.

14. What is research?

(A) Research is a careful study or investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or information.

(B) Research is investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery andinterpretation of facts, revision of
accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws.
(C) Research describes a careful. systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge. undertalken
to establish facts or principles.

(D) All of the above

15. Which is not a definition of research ?

(A) A structured enguiy that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve Problems and create new knowledqe
that is generally applicable

(B) Atool involving one or more mathematical techniques Used to analyze and Detter understand a data set
generated by earlier measurement procedures

(C) An investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or principles.

(D) A careful study or investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or information.

16. A research tool involving one or more mathematical techniques used to analyze and better understand a data
set generated by earlier measurement procedures.

(A) Discovery

(B) Research

(C) Statistics

(D) All of the above

17. Which of the following statements is wrong ?

A) Explanation means a statement, fact, circumstances etc. that explains something.

B) Prediction means the power to affect or change the way something functions or develops.

C) Description means saying in words what something/somebody is like.

D) Exploration means to examine something thoroughly in order to test it or find facts about it.

18. Which of the following statements describes 'Influence?

(A) A statement, fact, circumstances etc. that explains something

(B) The power to affect or change the way something functions or develops.

(C) Saying in words what something/somebody is like.

(D) To examine something thoroughly in order to test it or find facts about it

19. Which of the following statements describes 'Exploration?

(A) Saying in words what something/somebody is like

(B) The power to affect or change the way something functions or develops.

(C) To examine something thoroughly in order to test it or find facts about it

(D) A statement, fact, circumstances etc. that explains something.

20. The research in education has not given due importance to

(A) Adolescent student's problems.

(B) Adolescent learning styles

(C) Adult student's leaming styles

(D) Children's learning styles

21. In a research, an operational definition refers to

(A) Meaningful description of concepts

(B) Tentative statements

(C) Applicability of concepts

(D) Precise, dictionary meaning

22. In simple terms, reliability' is the………..

(A) Consistency of scores on tests

(B) Appropriateness of interpretation based on test scores

(C) Ways in which people are the same

(D) Rank order of participants on some measure

23. One of the essential characteristics of research is………….

(A) Replicability

(B) Generalizability
(C) Usability

(D) Objectivity

24. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research?

(A) Research is systematic

(B) Research is not a process

(C) Research is problem oriented

(D) Research is not passive

(D) Research is not passive

25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a research?

(A) Rigorous

(B) Systematic

(C) Logical

(D) Qualitative

26. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a research?

(A) Empirical

(B) Replicable

(C) Critical

(D) Quantitative

27. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?

(A) Socio-economic Status

(B) Marital Status

(C) Numerical Aptitude

(D) Professional Attitude

28. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?

(A) Poverty line

(B) GDP Growth

(C) Language Aptitude

(D) Academic grades

29. Which of the following statement is corect?

(A) Reliability ensures validity

(B) Validity ensures reliability.

(C) Reliability and validity are independent of each other

(D) Reliability does not depend on objectivity

30. A common test in research demands much priority on

(A) Reliability

(B) Usability

(C) Objectivity

(D) All of the above

31. One of the following is not a quality of researcher:

(A) Unison with that of which he is in search

(B) He must be of alert mind

(C) Keenness in equiry

(D) His assertion to outstrip the evidence

32. The important pre-requisites of a researcher in sciences, social sciences and humanities are :

(A) Laboratory skills, records, supervisor, topic

(B) Supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience

(C) Archives, SupervisOr, topic, flexibility in thinking

(D) Topic, supervisor, good temperament, pre-conceived notions

33. A good academic researcher is………

(A) Dependent on his teacher

(B) Follower of research plan strictly

(C) Open minded and radical

(D) Highly knowledgeable

34. Which one of the following is most essential for a researcher?

(A) Genuine interest in Research

(B) Good understanding of Research Process

(C) Adequate interest in and aptitude for Research

(D) Patience and Perseverance

35. Research can be conducted by a person who....

(A) Has studied research methodology

(B) Holds a postgraduate degree

(C) Possesses thinking and reasoning ability

(D) Is a hard worker

36. A good researcher must possess………

(A) An inquiry mind

(B) A master's degree

(C) A good health

(D) Enough funds

37. Research can be classified as :

(A) Basic, Applied and Action Research

(B) Quantitative and Qualitative Research

(C) Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research

(D) All the above

38. Action research is……….

(A) An applied research

(B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems

(C) A longitudinal research

(D) Simulative research

39. The process not needed in Experimental Researches is…….

(A) Observation

(B) Manipulation

(C) Controlling

(D) Content Analysis

40. Manipulation is always a part of……….

(A) Historical research

(B) Orientation Research

(C) Descriptive research

(D) None of the above

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