Research Paper On Childhood Obesity and Fast Food

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex topics like childhood

obesity and its correlation with fast food consumption. It requires extensive research, critical analysis,
and coherent presentation of ideas. Many students find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer
volume of work and the high standards expected in academic writing.

When tackling a research paper on childhood obesity and fast food, one must delve into various
aspects such as the effects of fast food on children's health, the socio-economic factors contributing
to the prevalence of fast food consumption, and potential solutions to mitigate the epidemic of
childhood obesity.

Navigating through the vast array of literature, synthesizing information, and crafting a well-
structured argument can be challenging. Moreover, ensuring that the thesis meets the academic
standards and adheres to formatting guidelines adds another layer of complexity.

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With the realization that obesity poses such a unique challenge to maintaining overall public health,
there is a clear impetus to examine the context of obesity, its origins and how it will impact public
health in the immediate and long-term future. Creating cities where health rather than business
concerns take precedence will require new approaches to governance and democracy.” (Freudenberg,
Libman, and O’Keefe, 2010, p.761). Local plans need to refer to these health strategies and vice
versa. A baby whose mother was undernourished in pregnancy is at a risk of obesity (James et al.,
2004). Some children have a sedentary lifestyle, and this directly relates to obesity. In many cases,
the problem is not the child’s fault. Strategies for encouraging outlet participation should emphasise
that changes that are cost neutral may save the outlet money or attract new customers. IELTS essay,
topic: Children these days are suffering from? These could include reducing the price of healthier
foods, increasing the availability of healthier options, reducing pack size, portion control and calorie
labelling on menus. Finally, the obtained information (BMI and its percentile) was statistically
analyzed with respect to samples’ nutritional pattern and physical activities. A blood glucose test
measures blood glucose level in the blood which determines risk for diabetes. Children eat at least 1
and sometimes more meals there each day. Preventing obesity in childhood ensures better and quality
health even in the future (Paxton, 2006). The CDC pe rformed a study in 1994 that was described in
the book Fat Land; it showed that children who watched over four hours of television a day had
higher body mass index (body fatness) numbers than those who watched less than one hour a day.
B.) Change eating habits (eat slowly, develop a routine). Analysis of data from the National Child
Measurement Programme ( NCMP ) shows that obesity prevalence among children in both Reception
and Year 6 increases with increased socioeconomic deprivation (measured, for example, by the 2010
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) score). Dramatic increases are occurring in urbanized areas of
developing countries. Can this 'science-inspired' soft drink REALLY help prevent. Gladiator star, 59,
shaves decades off his age by going under the razor for first time in FIVE years. The body mass
index (BMI) percentiles of these children are compared with the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) reference data and with the Iranian standard. Physiologists have continued to
research childhood obesity and have come up with a lot about its pathology. It is such a serious
condition that some countries have declared it an epidemic that needs to be dealt with. Child
Obesity Essay by: Anonymous Yes of course it is very big problem facing children including their
parents For example, children are their age would have a higher predisposition of acquiring heart
problems and diabetes. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or
disable cookies again. An average person will not think of making something at home because they
are thinking of the time it is going to take them to prep and cook the meal. Child Obesity Essay by:
Anonymous Yes of course it is very big problem facing children including their parents For example,
children are their age would have a higher predisposition of acquiring heart problems and diabetes. Is
it really worth it in the end to have all these health issues, because most of them have no cure
whatsoever. Briefly discuss how the following factors are thought to play a role in the development
of childhood obesity. B.) Change eating habits (eat slowly, develop a routine). Don’t get me wrong,
fast food is delicious for the most part, cheap and quick, which benefits a typical American way of
eating that is always on the go. McDonald's, in January 2012, won a lawsuit, which that alleged that
it was responsible for spreading obesity and other health related problems among two New York
Teenagers (Willensky 309).
One such suggestion is to “provide teachers with appropriate training” (p.5). Although it must be
noted that this is not a report distributed solely to decrease obesity among youth, it is distributed to
increase physical activity among youth, which is not the same, though admittedly similar. KEY
WORDS: Obesity, body weight, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, overweight, adolescents.
Zinczenko observes that fast-food paragraph is also. They also emphasize that nobody ordered them
to order a Big Mac or threatened them to eat the burger or else face punishment or reprimand.
Science Daily reports that the poor eating patterns consist of drinking sugary drinks and eating
processed foods as oppose to eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Child Obesity Essay
Examples 1,829 total results An Analysis of Evaluating the Environmental Factors That Cause the
Children To Have Obesity. Child Obesity Essay Custom Student Mr Teacher ENG 1001-04 2 April
2016 Children are getting attached to television and programming, which is where the fast food
commercials vastly appear For example, kids begin to ask their parents for fast food just because
there happens to be a toy in their. It also stated that in particular, twenty five percent of United
States, four to eight year olds on a typical day will eat fast food(Wood, Marcia 2009).”. E.) Increase
physical activity (especially walking) and. Food can sometimes be a powerful psychoactive
substance, and “one way to view eating disorders is to appreciate that food is a complex mixture and
that the bo dy responds to food as it does to chemicals, such as those found in alcohol and other
psychoactive drugs. The body mass index (BMI) percentiles of these children are compared with the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reference data and with the Iranian standard.
While the Education (Curriculum Minimum Content) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 specifies that
physical education is a statutory requirement, at present no specific amount of time has to be
allocated to physical education in the curriculum. Daily activities that require walking or bicycling
has been replaced with cars for even the shortest distances. Many children spend too much time
indoors wasting away in front of the TV, playing video games, or spending time on the computer,
and consuming high fat snacks, soft drinks and candy at the same time (Weight Management). These
lawyers point out that although blaming fast food chains for obesity does not seem prudent, these
chains should be made to disclose on their menus how fattening their food is. BMI sampling has
been proven again and again to be unbelievably inaccurate. Commons melts down over Middle East
ceasefire vote with Speaker Lindsay Hoyle apologising and facing demands to QUIT after causing
chaos when he 'bent rules' to save Starmer from Labour revolt sparking walkout by Tories and SNP.
By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The number on the end is your individual
user ID from the users database table. A single 330ml can of a soft drink with added sugar (which
can contain as much as 35g of sugar), may instantly take a child over their maximum recommended
daily intake of sugar. The Global Challenge of Obesity and the International Obesity Task Force.
IUNS. 2002. 12 April 2011 from Rositano, T. They say that, 'The dietary and physical activity
behaviors of children and adolescents are influenced by many sectors of society, including families,
communities, schools, child care settings, medical care providers, faith-based institutions,
government agencies, the media, and the food and beverage industries and entertainment industries.'
Childhood obesity is on the rise and parents are the ones to blame. They like the fact that they only
have to go to McDonald’s and they would be able to enjoy free games and toys (Munger, p. 395). In
the end, what child would be able to resist such enticements. If the current trend continues, more
than 86% of adults in the United States will be overweight or obese by the year 2030. It is caused by
a number of factors including our behaviour, sedentary lifestyles and genetics. Schools can adopt a
number of policies to encourage pupils to purchase their lunch from the school canteen. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Regretfully, often times playing the social problems game takes precedence over the
more real social issues work. D.) Increase physical activity (especially walking) and. Child Obesity
Essay Custom Student Mr Teacher ENG 1001-04 2 April 2016 Children are getting attached to
television and programming, which is where the fast food commercials vastly appear For example,
kids begin to ask their parents for fast food just because there happens to be a toy in their.
On the other hand, blaming fast foods for individual food choices seems to be illogical because these
chains do not force people to buy their foods. It is very hard to say if there will ever be a decrease in
the obesity rates in society because it has gotten so back that there is no turning back. Fast food
restaurants will promote their food with misleading health claims and to top it off, they know that
children likes toys so they will offer toys as an incentive. Children?s Diets in the Mid-1990?s:
Dietary Intake and Its Relationship with School Meal Participation. Lawsuits against these fast food
chains for apparently causing obesity is considered by these jurors as illogical cases, however they
would likely support lawsuits which seek to reprimand and punish fast food chains for not warning
their customers of the nutritional contents of their food (Beaudette). This is a typical reason why
most American citizens, especially young people are overweight and almost obese. Sadly, obese
people are very often socially shunned, judged, criticized, and made fun of. Because school plays an
important role in providing a supportive environment for children, it is critical that schools improve
their dietary programs and physical activities. Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes
(T2D), hypertension and heart diseases and T2D is currently on the rise among the population of
younger children. Children suffering from obesity experience medical and psychological effects.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. According to an
article I read, it stated that “social and retail food environment influence fast food consumption and
obesity within a diverse study population of residents(Laxy, Michael 2015).”. Cookie information is
stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our
website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting
and useful. Free essay sample Child Obesity and more Essay Examples on Obesity topic from
NewYorkEssays com is a great source of ideas for writing the paper A big topic here is because many
children are obese There are ways to fix and overcome these struggles. The CDC pe rformed a study
in 1994 that was described in the book Fat Land; it showed that children who watched over four
hours of television a day had higher body mass index (body fatness) numbers than those who
watched less than one hour a day. From sun-kissed Tenerife to the romance of Rome, these are the
perfect trips to enjoy together. They focus particularly on reductions in salt, fat and sugar, smaller
portions, and inclusion of more fruit and vegetables and the provision of calorie information. This
discussion implies the shared responsibility of individuals on their food choices and for fast food
chains to take more responsibility in the food choices they make available to their consumers. This is
the reason why a person will be discourage in eating healthy, especially if you don’t have a lot of
money. Free essay sample Child Obesity and more Essay Examples on Obesity topic from
NewYorkEssays com is a great source of ideas for writing the paper A big topic here is because many
children are obese There are ways to fix and overcome these struggles. Global statistics by the World
Health Organization indicate that in 2010 over 42 million children below the age of five are
overweight. The delicious flavour caused by increased primordial palatability due to the high sugar,
fat, and salt content. For example, food outlets in low income areas can face particular barriers to
offering healthier food and drink choices, such as highly competitive, price-sensitive markets, and a
real or perceived lack of demand for healthier food and drink. Obese children are likely to continue
with the condition in adulthood and may lead to early death. Why should a person take time out of
their day to buy and prepare a meal when there is a variety of foods all over that you can get in a
matter of two minutes. Child Obesity Essay Examples 1,829 total results An Analysis of Evaluating
the Environmental Factors That Cause the Children To Have Obesity. B.) Change eating habits (eat
slowly, develop a routine). Results: The study included 300 students with ages that ranged from 1
year up to 17 years and mean age was 8.6 years old. Exact of 55.3% of the students were males and
32% were at preschool age while 43.7% were at the primary level of education. A mother who ate a
diet low in saturated fats and rich in protein significantly improves the lipid profile of their baby.
This puts her at risk for multitude of health c omplications now and later in life.
B.) Change eating habits (eat slowly, develop a routine). In considering this case, we consider
McDonald’s because it covers about 43% of the total fast food restaurants in America (Rositano, p.
1). This chain has about 30,000 restaurants in 100 countries all over the world. D.) Increase physical
activity (especially walking) and. From 1999-2008, the percentage of youths with diabetes or
“prediabetes” increased from 9 to 23. Since the aim of this project is social change with respect to
diet and physical exercise. Healthful Solutions To Your Sweet Cravings During Pregnancy. Currently
a population-wide strategy for obesity prevention is in place entitled A Fitter Future for All. If the
children are the future, then what does this mean. That would probably decrease the obesity rate a
little. The article “Fat Times” states, “If this were about tuberculosis, it would be called an epidemic”
(Elmer-Dewit 58). Child Obesity Essay Custom Student Mr Teacher ENG 1001-04 2 April 2016
Children are getting attached to television and programming, which is where the fast food
commercials vastly appear For example, kids begin to ask their parents for fast food just because
there happens to be a toy in their. Free essay sample Child Obesity and more Essay Examples on
Obesity topic from NewYorkEssays com is a great source of ideas for writing the paper A big topic
here is because many children are obese There are ways to fix and overcome these struggles. Expert
reveals how switching between tasks quickly at work is like drinking on the job. It affects both the
low and high income earners especially in urban settings. Creating cities where health rather than
business concerns take precedence will require new approaches to governance and democracy.”
(Freudenberg, Libman, and O’Keefe, 2010, p.761). Coupled with this, food portion sizes have
increased substantially over the past 50 years. In addition, the government should petition the food
manufacturing companies to indicate the consumption patterns on the food rich in calorie. If Earth
was a human: Effects of present-day environmental conditions. Societal changes have designed
physical activity out of our lives. Among 16 year olds, 87% of boys did not achieve the target,
compared with 95% of girls; the relative inactivity of females compared with males is a persistent
feature of exercise statistics in Northern Ireland, as explored in a previous blog post. They focus
particularly on reductions in salt, fat and sugar, smaller portions, and inclusion of more fruit and
vegetables and the provision of calorie information. The 1980 s were a time when Americans
suddenly started going crazy over dieting, jumping onto the treadmills, and buying prepackaged non-
fat foods. Free essay sample Child Obesity and more Essay Examples on Obesity topic from
NewYorkEssays com is a great source of ideas for writing the paper A big topic here is because many
children are obese There are ways to fix and overcome these struggles. Also a questionnaire about
their nutritional knowledge, socioeconomic status, and frequency of food consumption was filled out
for each of them. Researching and determining particular and specific causes for childhood obesity
can help in educating and motivating children and parents towards behavior changes to correct and
prevent childhood obesity. The obesity rate has been rising all over the world. Preventing obesity in
childhood ensures better and quality health even in the future (Paxton, 2006). It is essential to reduce
the intake of unhealthy fast food and replace it with healthier choices such as fruits, vegetables and
whole grains. A blood glucose test measures blood glucose level in the blood which determines risk
for diabetes. The issue seems to linger then on whether or not it is the people’s fault that they do not
possess self-control or if the fast food chains and other restaurants are to blame (Rositano, p. 1). In a
discussion by Rositano (p. 1), she set forth that it may be a combination of the two; and the food
industry must take some responsibility for the current obesity issues in America.
It is such a serious condition that some countries have declared it an epidemic that needs to be dealt
with. Another strategy they have is the coupons, such as buy one chicken sandwich, get one free or
buy one large fry and the bacon cheese burger is free. C.) Plan meals and make better food selections
(eat. Significant differences were observed between two groups in terms of fat, protein, carbohydrate
intake, and calorie consumption as well as physical activity. Eventually, they end up thinking that the
portions are just normal. Although physical activity can help prevent weight gain, it also has several
other health benefits for children, including. The study was lead by Barry Popkin, the the W.R Kenan
Jr. Distinguished Professor of Nutrition at UNC's Gillings School of Public Health Kids learn from
their parents: Children often eat a diet low in fruits and vegetables because their parents don't take
the time to cook healthy meals for them After separtaing the children into groups and observing their
calrie intake, researchers attempted to discover what aspects of childrens diets made them more
susceptible to childhood obesity and why. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Restaurants, food joints, food
trucks selling fried chicken, burger, hotdog, sandwich, and pizzas are loaded with fats and sodium.
The obesity rate has been rising all over the world. Analysis of data from the National Child
Measurement Programme ( NCMP ) shows that obesity prevalence among children in both Reception
and Year 6 increases with increased socioeconomic deprivation (measured, for example, by the 2010
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) score). These are especially high in either sugar or fat with little
fruit or vegetable content. The focus of this paper hence would be on the effect that dietary measures
and habits have on obesity, particularly the fast food industry. These chains also have unacceptable
levels of trans fats and these trans fats are major contributors to weight gain, obesity, and heart
disease (eMedTv, p. 1). In an interview by Stone Philips of several groups of individuals who had a
major stake in the obesity issue, the reporter considered the fact that obesity is a major problem in
America and critics have turned this issue into an unfair fight. Researchers for the study found that
while fast food does contribute to unhealthy children, the main culprit for childhood obesity is
learned dietary habits children observe at home. Americans are prone to always ending up at a fast
food franchise than to cook a nice healthy meal at home. After having permission from the school
authority, self-administered questionnaires were distributed to a total of 300 children, with
explanations about the questionnaire by the principal investigator and class teacher. Free essay
sample Child Obesity and more Essay Examples on Obesity topic from NewYorkEssays com is a
great source of ideas for writing the paper A big topic here is because many children are obese There
are ways to fix and overcome these struggles. Food can sometimes be a powerful psychoactive
substance, and “one way to view eating disorders is to appreciate that food is a complex mixture and
that the bo dy responds to food as it does to chemicals, such as those found in alcohol and other
psychoactive drugs. McDonald's, in January 2012, won a lawsuit, which that alleged that it was
responsible for spreading obesity and other health related problems among two New York Teenagers
(Willensky 309). Sleep apnea may impact appetite and can cause increased food intake and night
eating which leads to obesity. (3). E.) Increase physical activity (especially walking) and. For which
reason, many interest groups are pointing out that there is a need for these restaurants and fast foods
to come up with better and healthier food choices (Rositano, p. 1). Based on the documentary Super
Size Me, about 60% of Americans are overweight, and about 40% of American meals are eaten in
fast foods and restaurants. Stages of childhood include; infancy, toddler hood, pre-school, middle
childhood and adolescence. Who's to blame for the U.S. obesity epidemic? MSNBC. 2006. 12 April
2011 from Rigby, N. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table.
They like the fact that they only have to go to McDonald’s and they would be able to enjoy free
games and toys (Munger, p. 395). In the end, what child would be able to resist such enticements. In
a discussion by Murphy, she set forth that “the portions served by fast food chains and other
restaurants are far larger than the recommended portion size for most foods”. Childhood Obesity
Word Count: 1330 Approx Pages: 5 Save Essay Obviously, obesity is lowest among children who
watch less television and greater for those who watch more television. Obesity prevalence in the
most deprived 10% of children is approximately twice that of the least deprived 10%.

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