A-Detailed-Lesson-Plan-agriculture - Alapan - Grade9

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REPUBLIC of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
Labo, Aloran, Misamis Occidental

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Agricrop 9

Teacher Ana Rowina A. Alapan Grade Level 9
Teaching Date May 09, 2023 Learning Area STVE
Teaching Time 9:40-11:20 AM Quarter IV

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate an understanding concepts,
underlying theories and principles in nursery works.
B. Performance Standard The learner uses from materials tools and
equipment for nursery work
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives LO.3 Store and Stockpile Material
3.1 Store plant debris and waste materials produced
during nursery activities according to nursery/OHS

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected:

Knowledge: Classify the proper ways of storing and

disposing farm waste and debris
Skill: Segregate wastes in the farm
Attitude: Value the importance of managing
waste in the farm
II. CONTENT Farm Waste Management
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG
2. Learner’s Guide pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, television set, PowerPoint presentation,
printed pictures
C. Key Behavioral Indicator Value the importance of managing waste in the

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
1. Prayer
Kindly lead the prayer. Let us pray.

2. Greetings
Good morning, class. Good morning, Ma’am.
Please take your seat.
How are you doing today? We are doing great, Ma’am.
Wow! That is good to hear!

3. Classroom Management
I would like to request everyone to
arrange their chairs properly and make (Students will arrange their chairs and will pick up
sure there are no pieces of trash around pieces of trash.)

4. Checking of Attendance
I think everyone is present. I’m glad that
you all understand that coming to school
is vital.
Before we start our discussion, we have
rules to be follow before, during and
after the discussion.

 Be respectful
 Listen when someone is talking
 Raise your write hand to

At this point, I’m going to show you a

What can you say about these pictures?

It’s a waste ma’am.
Great! Where do we usually see waste?
Everywhere ma’am.

At this moment, let’s have an activity.
Direction: Assemble the jumbled letters to
form a word. Everyone should participate.

Note: The teacher will give an activity.


Our discussion for today is about Farm
Waste Management

But before that, kindly read our objectives

for today. 1. Classify the proper ways of storing and disposing
farm waste and debris
2. Segregate wastes in the farm
3. Value the importance of managing waste in the farm
Thank you.
Note: The teacher will ask some questions
to the students.

Is everyone here have a farm?

Yes ma’am.
That great!

What are the major concern in your farm?

Waste ma’am.
Yes, waste is a major concern of some
farmers happens in their farm.

What is Waste?
Kindly read.
Waste Waste
- is unwanted or unsalable materials - is unwanted or unsalable materials
produced wholly from agricultural produced wholly from agricultural
operations directly related to the operations directly related to the
growing of crops or raising of animals growing of crops or raising of animals
for the primary purpose of making a for the primary purpose of making a
profit or for a livelihood. profit or for a livelihood.
- is defined as any substance, debris,
leftovers that was produced during - is defined as any substance, debris,
agricultural works. leftovers that was produced during
agricultural works.

Thank you!

Kindly read!

Types of Agricultural Waste

Types of Agricultural Waste
waste that can be decompose and 1. BIODEGRADABLE (ORGANIC) -
use as soil enhancer (fertilizers) waste that can be decompose and use as
Examples are: grass cuttings, soil enhancer (fertilizers)
dried leaves, twigs and small Examples are: grass cuttings,
branches, egg shells, fruit dried leaves, twigs and small
and vegetable peelings. branches, egg shells, fruit
b. NON – BIODEGRADABLE – and vegetable peelings.
waste can be turned into landfill or 2. NON – BIODEGRADABLE – waste can
can be used for other purpose. be turned into landfill or can be used for
Examples are: planting other purpose.
materials (plastic bags, and Examples are: planting
wrappers, containers and materials (plastic bags, and
others), glass, bottles, metal, wrappers, containers
and wires, Styrofoam, and others), glass, bottles,
gallons. metal, and wires, Styrofoam,
c. HAZARDOUS WASTE – these are gallons.
wastes that are dangerous to health 3. HAZARDOUS WASTE – these are
for it may cause injury, death and wastes that are dangerous to health for it
illness. may cause injury, death and illness.
Examples are: broken glass, Examples are: broken glass,
chemical waste (fertilizer) chemical waste (fertilizer)
insecticides and others, insecticides and others, empty
empty containers, syringe. containers, syringe.
these are waste that do not gives waste that do not gives threat on life.
threat on life. Examples are: kitchen waste, dried
Examples are: kitchen waste, leaves, grass cuttings
dried leaves, grass cuttings
Okay thank you!

Those are the Types of Agricultural Waste

How will you manage waste in the farm? By segregating waste in the farm ma’am.

Very Good!

For you class, what is Waste Management?

Waste Management
- Refers to the various schemes to
manage and dispose of wastes. It can be
by discarding, destroying, processing,
recycling, reusing, or controlling
Very Good! wastes.

Waste management involves disposing,

processing, recycling, reusing, or
controlling waste.

Here are the types of waste management.

Kindly read!
Types of Waste Management
1. REDUCE – minimizing the
production of wastes consuming
goods which are really needed. It
also suggests to avoid buying or Types of Waste Management
using of single used item.
2. REUSE – using some wastes for 1. REDUCE – minimizing the production of
some other purpose. wastes consuming goods which are really
3. RECYCLE – turning waste into new needed. It also suggests to avoid buying or
product or item. using of single used item.
4. RECOVER – make some wastes to 2. REUSE – using some wastes for some other
be use as coal or source of energy purpose.
for our needs. 3. RECYCLE – turning waste into new product
5. LANDFILL – disposing wastes or item.
which do not have value at all. 4. RECOVER – make some wastes to be use as
coal or source of energy for our needs.
5. LANDFILL – disposing wastes which do not
have value at all.

What are the types of agricultural waste?

1. Biodegradable
2. Non-biodegradable
3. Hazardous waste
4. Non – hazardous waste
Very Good!

What is Biodegradable?
Biodegradable is waste that can be decompose and
use as soil enhancer (fertilizers).
Very good!

What are the examples of Hazardous waste?

The examples are broken glass, chemical waste
(fertilizer) insecticides and others, empty
Very good! containers, syringe.

How many types of Waste Management?

What are they?

There are five types

1. Reduce
2. Reuse
3. Recycle
4. Recover
5. Land fill
Why is it necessary to dispose our waste
properly especially in our farm?

Waste management is a collective term for every

Very good! procedure needed to handle trash.

Since you clearly understand our lesson this
morning, let’s have an activity.

Note: The teacher will group the students

into 2.

Group 1.
Directions: Study the waste in the box. Put them
on the right bin by writing them on the space

Dried leaves syringe Styrofoam

Empty bottle twigs animal manure
Glass iron chips eggshells
Plastic wrapper

_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________

Group 2
Directions: List down examples of Biodegradable
and non - Biodegradable waste. Write on the space
provided for each number.
A. Biodegradable B. Non – Biodegradable
1. _______________ 1. __________________
2. _______________ 2. __________________
3. _______________ 3. __________________
4. _______________ 4. __________________
5. _______________ 5. __________________

Directions: Read the statement carefully. Choose
the letter of your answer by writing it on your
answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is not recyclable?

a. Broken glass b. cartons c.
plastic bottles d. twigs
2. It is a mandating the proper waste
management program in the Philippines?
a. Energy System Management
b. Ecological Solid Waste Management
c. Ecosystem Solid Managing System
d. Environmental Solid Waste
Management Program
3. These are wastes that can be decompose and
use as soil enhancer.
a. Biodegradable b. Hazardous
c. Non - biodegradable d. Non – Answer
hazardous waste
4. It is any substance debris or leftovers 1. A
produce during farm operations 2. B
a. carbon b. leftovers 3. A
c. manure d. waste 4. D
5. There are wastes that are dangerous and 5. B
could harm people at the farm.
a. Biodegradable b. Hazardous
waste c. Non -
biodegradable d. Non – hazardous

Complete the given phrase based on your understanding.5pts
1. I learned that waste should be stored in _____________________________
2. To monitor the accumulation of waste we need to provide a __________



Above Mastery Below

Mastery Nearing Mastery NoneMastery
Level Mastery

Prepared by Checked by

Ana Rowina A. Alapan Panfilo Maglasang

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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