Science 6 Diagnostic-Test SY2022-2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Bago City

SY 2022-2023

Directions: Read and understand the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write your answers in another sheet of paper.

1. Which of these best describes a heterogeneous mixture?

A. The components are not visible.
B. They show only one phase.
C. They have components that are not uniform.
D. They have the same properties.

2. Mixtures can be homogenous or heterogeneous. A sachet of 3 in 1 coffee contains coffee, sugar and powdered
cream. When hot water is being poured into the 3 in 1 mixture, it turned homogeneous. What idea supports the said
A. The components of mixtures when dissolve in hot water cannot be identified.
B. The components of mixtures mixed with hot water taste sweet.
C. The components of mixtures form a two-layer liquid.
D. The components of mixtures can be separated.

3. Which of the following is a mixture?

A. B. C. D.

4. Your mother prepared pinakbet for lunch. How will you describe its
A. It is a homogeneous mixture because it was evenly mixed.
B. It is a heterogeneous mixture because its components are visible.
C. It is a heterogeneous mixture because of its uniformity.
D. It is a homogeneous mixture because it is not uniform.

5. What do you call the substance that can be dissolved in the given solvent?
A. solute B. insoluble C. gas D. colloid

6. Which of the following describes solubility?

A. The ability of liquid to change color.
B. The ability of something to dissolve in a liquid
C. The time it takes for something to settle at the bottom of a liquid.
D. The speed of pouring a liquid out of a container.

7.What is known as the universal solvent?

A. water C. vinegar
B. acetone D. soy sauce

8. Which of the following is an example of a colloid?

A. mayonnaise
B. cooking oil
C. soft drinks
D. bubbles in water

9. What phenomenon occur when dispersed colloid particles scatter light?

A. Tyndall effect C. miscible
B. shaft effect D. Immiscible

10.What method of separating mixtures is being illustrated below?

A. magnetic separation
B. distillation
C. filtration
D. Decantation

11.This kind of technique in separating mixtures is used in separating

fine sand from rocks in the mixtures of sand and gravel.
A. picking C. filtering
B. sieving D. evaporation

12.Lester had noticed that the amount of water in a container with a

plant becomes less as the days goes by. What do you think is
the reason of decreasing amount of water in a container?
A. Some insects sipped the water.
B. Water in the container was not changed.
C. Water evaporated because of heat.
D. The plant has a stem.

13. The skeletal system has several important functions in our body. Which of this is
NOT the function of the skeletal system?
A. The skeletal system provides the framework which supports and maintains
shape of the body.
B. The skeletal system protects the internal organ of the body.
C. The skeletal system provides an attachment for the muscle which makes
body movements possible.
D. The skeletal system provides enzymes that help in digesting food for the

14.Which of the following statements best describes the function of the digestive
A. It releases acids and mixes food.
B. It aids in absorption of nutrients from food.
C. It carries food from stomach to the intestine.
D. It breaks down food so that the body can absorb food nutrients.

15. Which of these are the pumping chambers of the heart?

A. atria C. aorta
B. ventricles D. valves

16. How does oxygen in the air get into the blood?
A. through the nose
B. through the throat
C. through the tiny capillaries
D. through the mouth
17. If you accidentally step on a broken glass and blood flow out in your wound.
What would you do with your wound if your parents were not around to
attend your injury?
A. Wash your cut in flowing water with soap and put medicine on it after
B. Shout for help because you do not know what to do.
C. Ignore the wound on your feet and play with your favourite computer game.
D. Immediately put some medicine on it even though it was not cleaned.

18. What is the functional unit of the nervous system?

A. neurons C. brain
B. muscles D. bones

19. What is the largest part of the brain responsible for higher thinking processes?
A. brainstem C. spinal cord
B. cerebrum D. cerebellum

20. All given set of animals are classified in one vertebrate group, which is NOT?
I. gecko, snake, crocodile, iguana
II. dolphin, cat, horse, sheep
III. ostrich, bat, penguin, duck
IV. toad, newt, salamander, frog

21. What are the distinguishing characteristics of invertebrates that differ from
vertebrates aside from the absence of backbone?
A. Invertebrates are mostly stronger and bigger than vertebrates.
B. Invertebrates are mostly smaller and weaker than vertebrates.
C. Invertebrates are complex compared to those vertebrates.
D. Invertebrates do not have segmented bodies.

22. Which group of organisms can be found in the mangrove ecosystem?

A. mussels, fish, corals
B. worm, rat, fish
C. butterfly, snake, bird
D. mangrove trees, fiddler crab, fish

23. Why is the relationship between the corals and the algae in the coral reefs
considered mutualistic?
A. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the algae.
B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.
C. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the algae are harmed.
D. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.
24. One example of competition in tropical rainforest is when the shrubs and trees
are growing together in one area. What do they compete for?
A. sunlight and soil nutrients.
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide.
C. chemicals and oxygen.
D. water and chemicals.

25. Which of the following shows wildlife conservation?

A. excessive hunting of wild animals
B. protecting the forests against harmful activities
C. practicing kaingin system in the forest
D. muro-ami fishing

26. Which force is present when two objects rub against each other?
A. friction
B. gravity
C. magnetic
D. Motion

27. Which of the following situations shows that friction is increased?

A. Ana uses rubber shoes while jogging.
B. Ruben puts rollers on heavy cabinets.
C. Naldo puts grease on his bicycle gears.
D. Belle puts floor wax to make the floor smooth.

28. In which of the following situations would friction most likely pose a problem?
A. holding a pen to write
B. striking a match to cook
C. walking on a slippery floor
D. rubbing your hands to warm them

29. In order to jump, what force do we need to overcome?

A. friction
B. gravity
C. mass
D. wind

30. Infer what may happen if a ball is thrown upward?

A. The ball remains in the air.
B. The ball moves in a curve path.
C. The ball will go back to the ground.
D. The ball continues to move upward.

31.What force that pulls all objects on Earth, towards the Earth’s center?
A. gravity c. earthquake
B. centrifugal d. electricity

32. Which forms of energy is/are produced by a candle?

I. Heat II. Electrical III. Light IV. Sound

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

33. Which form of energy is present when the television is turned on?
A. light
B. electrical energy
C. sound energy
D. all of the above

34. Marco wanted to load heavy boxes at the back of his truck.Which simple machine should Marco use?
A. pulley
B. inclined plane
C. stairs
D. wheelbarrow

35. Which simple machine is a double inclined plane and has a sharp edge?
A. pulley
B. lever
C. screw
D. Wedge

36.Which energy transformation takes place when running?

A. mechanical energy to light
B. mechanical energy to sound energy
C. chemical energy to electrical energy
D. chemical energy to mechanical energy

37. Among the given choices below, which shows that chemical energy is changed to mechanical energy?
A. tapping the drum
B. plucking the guitar
C. switching on the light bulb
D. a horse running after eating grass

38. In what way does magma come out from the interior of the earth?
A. flooding
B. landslide
C. earthquake
D. volcanic eruption

39. Which of the following are hot, molten rocks found in the Earth’s interior?
A. magma
B. lava flow
C. ash deposit
D. volcanic rock

40. Which of these activities does not show a safety precaution before an earthquake?
A. Drop, cover, and hold.
B. Have an emergency plan.
C. Prepare an emergency survival kit.
D. Familiarize the danger in your area.

41. Why is it important to know what to do before, during, and after earthquakes?
A. To protect our houses.
B. To prevent earthquakes from occurring.
C. To minimize damages on our appliances.
D. To reduce fear, anxiety and losses.

42. When is the best season for farmers to start planting their crops?
A. winter season
B. spring season
C. dry season
D. wet season

43. The Philippines experiences two seasons only because it is located near the _________.
A. Equator
B. North Pole
C. South Pole
D. Temperate Region

44. Which season takes place in the Philippines during the months of June to November?
A. dry season
B. wet season
C. cold season
D. summer season

45. Which of the following causes of day and night?

A. rotation of the sun on its axis
B. rotation of the Earth on its axis
C. revolution of the moon around the sun
D. revolution of the moon around the Earth

46.Identify in which planet in the solar system supports life?

A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Uranus

47. Which heavenly body do all the planets in the solar system revolve?
A. Sun
B. Pluto
C. Earth
D. Asteroid

48.Which of the following planets has prominent rings?

A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Saturn
D. Mercury

49. Which planet is between Venus and Mars?

A. Venus
B. Earth
C. Jupiter
D. Uranus

50.What is the correct order of the planets in the Solar System, starting closest to the Sun?
A.Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
B.Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
C.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto
D.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Bago City

SY 2022-2023


Objectives No. of No. of Test Easy Average Difficult

Days/ Item Place
Week ment Rem Under Applyi Ana Evalua Creatin
Taught embe standi ng lyzi ting g
ring ng ng

Describing Mixtures 1 4 1,3 2,4

Differentiating Solute from a Solvent 1 5

Factors Affecting Solubility 1 1 7

Solutions and Their Characteristics 1 6

Colloids and Their Characteristics 1 2 8,9

Suspensions and their Characteristics

Separating Mixtures through Filtering and 1 11

Separating Mixtures through Evaporation 1 1 12

Mixtures through Decantation 1

Separating Mixtures using Magnets 1 1 10

1 1 13
Identify the major parts of skeletal
Explaining how each organ of the
skeletal system works
Name the major parts of digestive 1 1 14
Explain how each part of the
digestive system works together
Identify the different organs of the 1 1 16
respiratory system
Explain how each part of the
respiratory system work together

Identify the different organs of the 1 2 15 17

circulatory system
Explain how each part of the
circulatory system work together
Identify thé different parts of thé nervous 1 2 18,1
system 9
Explain how each part of thé nervous
system work togéthér
Describe the distinguishing characteristics 1 1 20
of each group of vertebrates.Classify each
group of vertebrates

Describe the distinguishing 1 1 21

characteristics of each group of
Classify each group of invertebrates
Identify and discuss the interactions 1 2 23 24
among living and non-living things in
tropical rainforests, coral reefs and
mangrove swamps
Identifying ways to protect and conserve 1 2 22,2
the tropical rainforest, coral reefs and 5
mangrove swamps

Describe friction 1 1 26

Explain how friction affects the motion 1 2 27 28

of objects
Describe gravity 1 1 29
Explain how gravity affects the motion of 1 2 31 30
Describe the different forms of energy 1 1 32

Trace energy transformation 1 3 33 36,37

Describe the characteristics and uses of 1 2 35 34

simple machines
Describe the changes that occur on the 1 2 38,3
Earth’s surface as a result of volcanic 9
Enumerate what to do before, during, and 1 2
after earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 40,4
Describe the different seasons in the 1 2 42 43
Discuss appropriate activities for specific 1 1 44
seasons in the Philippines.

Describe the Earth’s movement on its axis 1 1 45

and orbit
Compare Planets in the Solar System 1 3 48,49 46

Make a model of the solar system 1 2 47 50

showing relative sizes of the
planets and their relative distances from
the Sun.


Key Answer

SY 2022-2023

1.C 11.B 21.C 31.A 41.D

2.A 12.C 22.D 32.B 42.D
3.A 13.A 23.B 33.D 43.A
4.B 14.D 24.A 34.B 44.B
5.A 15.B 25.B 35.D 45.B
6.B 16.C 26.A 36.D 46.A
7.A 17.A 27.A 37.D 47.A
8.A 18.A 28.C 38.D 48.C
9.A 19.B 29.B 39.A 49.B
10.A 20.C 30.C 40.A 50.D

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