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Analysis of scholars approach to

bearing capacity of soils

Lecturer: Mr Rajesh Goodharry
Topic: Analysis of scholars approach to bearing capacity of soils

Yuri Herve Ramiah


First of all. I thank my parents for giving me the opportunity to study at

university. Dr Goodharry, professor in the civil engineering department of the
University of the Mascarene Islands answered all the questions and these
explanations made this project possible. His suggestion and his instructions
helped me a lot to make my project a success. Thanks to my parents who
supported me and stayed awake with me while I finished my project. Last but
not least, I want to thank my classmates who helped me with their valuable
suggestion which were helpful at various stages in completing my assignment.
Engineering, Institute of Engineering (Rose-Hill Campus)
University of Mascareignes (Mauritius).


This report will focus on the different approaches by scholars on how to

investigate soil-bearing capacity.

Terzaghi’s Method................................................................................................2
Terzaghi bearing capacity equations................................................................2
Assumptions of Terzaghi’s principle................................................................5
Meyerhof’s Method..............................................................................................6
Meyerhof’s bearing capacity calculations........................................................6
Caquot’s and Kerisel’s Method..........................................................................10
Calculations of Caquot’s and Kerisel’s Method.............................................10
Brinch Hansens’ Method....................................................................................11
Brinch Hansens bearing capacity calculations...............................................11
Soils in Mauritius............................................................................................14
Choosing a method.........................................................................................15


The ultimate load which a foundation can support may be calculated using
bearing capacity theory. For preliminary design, presumed bearing values can
be used to indicate the pressures which would normally result in an adequate
factor of safety. Alternatively, there is a range of empirical methods based on in
situ test results.
The ultimate bearing capacity (qf) is the value of bearing stress which causes a
sudden catastrophic settlement of the foundation (due to shear failure).
The allowable bearing capacity (qa) is the maximum bearing stress that can be
applied to the foundation such that it is safe against instability due to shear
failure and the maximum tolerable settlement is not exceeded. The allowable
bearing capacity is normally calculated from the ultimate bearing capacity using
a factor of safety (Fs).
When excavating for a foundation, the stress at founding level is relieved by the
removal of the weight of soil. The net bearing pressure (qn) is the increase in
stress on the soil.
qn = q - qo
qo = g D
where D is the founding depth and g is the unit weight of the soil removed.

Terzaghi’s Method

Karl Terzaghi was a civil engineer who founded the branch of civil engineering
science known as soil mechanics; the study of the properties of soil under
stresses and under the action of flowing water.

Based on Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory, column load P is resisted by shear

stresses at edges of three zones under the footing and the overburden pressure, q
(= gD) above the footing. The first term in the equation is related to cohesion of
the soil. The second term is related to the depth of the footing and overburden
pressure. The third term is related to the width of the footing and the length of
shear stress area. The bearing capacity factors, Nc, Nq, Ng, are function of
internal friction angle, f.

Terzaghi bearing capacity equations

Strip footings: Qu = c Nc + g D Nq + 0.5 g B Ng

Square footings:Qu = 1.3 c Nc + g D Nq + 0.4 g B Ng
Circular footings: Qu = 1.3 c Nc + g D Nq + 0.3 g B Ng

C: Cohesion of soil (apparent cohesion intercept); g: unit weight of soil; D:
depth of footing (depth of embedment); B: width / breadth of footing; Nc, Nq,
Nr: Terzaghi's bearing capacity factors depend on soil friction angle, f:

Nq = frac {e ^ {(0.75pi-phi / 2) tanphi}} {cos ^ {2} (45 + phi / 2)}

Nc = (Nq-1) cotphi
Ngamma = frac {tanphi} {2} (frac {K_ {p}} {cos ^ {2} phi} -1)

Kp = passive pressure coefficient.

(Note: from Bowles' Foundation analysis and design book, "Terzaghi never he obtained Kp used to compute Ng")
Table 1. Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Factors.

Assumptions of Terzaghi’s principle

1. The soil is homogenous (uniform in composition throughout) and isotropic

(show same physical property in each direction).
2. The soil is fully saturated (zero air voids due to water content being so high).
3. The solid particles are incompressible.
4. Compression and flow are one-dimensional (vertical axis being the one of
5. Strains in the soil are relatively small.
6. Darcy's Law is valid for all hydraulic gradients.
7. The coefficient of permeability and the coefficient of volume compressibility
remain constant throughout the process.
8. There is a unique relationship, independent of time, between the void ratio
and effective stress.

Meyerhof’s Method

In 1951, Meyerhof published a bearing capacity theory which could be applied

to rough shallow and deep foundations. Meyerhof (1951, 1963) proposed a
bearing-capacity equation similar to that of Terzaghi's but included a shape
factor s-q with the depth term Nq. He also included depth factors and inclination
Meyerhof provided two general equations - one for the case when the resultant
load at the bearing level (Qb) is vertical (no horizontal component), and one for
the case when Qb is inclined from vertical (can be resolved into vertical and
horizontal components) with the horizontal component of load in the direction
of the width of the footing.
Vertical load:
Qb = c Nc Sc dc + q0 Nq Sq dq + 0.5 g B Ng Sg dg
Inclined load:
Qb = c Nc dc ic + q0 Nq dq iq + 0.5 g B Ng dg ig
where q0 is the vertical stress at the bearing level outside the footprint of the
foundation (called the overload pressure). q0 should be the total vertical stress
for total stress strength parameters, and the effective vertical stress for effective
strength parameters. The value of g to be used in the above equations depends
on the depth of the groundwater table relative to the depth of embedment of the
Meyerhof’s bearing capacity calculations

Nc, Nq, Nr: Meyerhof's bearing capacity factors depend on soil friction angle, f.
Nq = eptanf tan2 (45 + f / 2)
Nc = cot f (Nq - 1)
Ng = (Nq-1) tan (1.4f)
Sc, Sq, Sg: shape factors
dc, dq, dg: depth factors
ic, iq, ig: incline load factors
C: Cohesion of soil
g: unit weight of soil (Ground water level may affect)
D: depth of footing
B, L: width and length of footing
Kp = tan2 (45 + f / 2), passive pressure coefficient.
q = tan-1 (Qh / Qv) = angle of the load in degrees

The table shown below can be used to approximately check your calculation of
the main bearing capacity factors (Nc, Nq, and Ng) using Meyerhof’s method.

In all equations given below involving B and L, if there is eccentricity at the
bearing elevation,
use Beff in place of B and Leff in place of L,
where Beff = B– 2eB, and Leff = L– 2eL.
In the unusual case where L– 2eL <B– 2eB, use Beff = L– 2eL and Leff = B–
Meyerhof provided two general equations - one for the case when the resultant
load at the bearing level (Qb) is vertical (no horizontal component), and one for
the case when Qb is inclined from vertical (can be resolved into vertical and
horizontal components) with the horizontal component of load in the direction
of the width of the footing.
Vertical load:
Qb = c Nc Sc dc + q0 Nq Sq dq + 0.5 g B Ng Sg dg
Inclined load:
Qb = c Nc dc ic + q0 Nq dq iq + 0.5 g B Ng dg ig

Caquot’s and Kerisel’s Method

In 1948, Albert Caquot (1881–1976) and Jean Kerisel (1908–2005) developed

an advanced theory that modified Muller-Breslau's equations to account for a
non-planar rupture surface. They used a logarithmic spiral to represent the
rupture surface instead. This modification is extremely important for passive
earth pressure where there is soil-wall friction. Mayniel and Muller-Breslau's
equations are unconservative in this situation and are dangerous to apply. For
the active pressure coefficient, the logarithmic spiral rupture surface provides a
negligible difference compared to Muller-Breslau. These equations are too
complex to use, so tables or computers are used instead.

Calculations of Caquot’s and Kerisel’s Method

Passive earth pressure follows from the following formula:

Kp - coefficient of passive earth pressure for δ = -φ, see the table
Ψ - reduction coefficient ψ for | δ | <φ, see the table
c - cohesion of soil
σz - vertical geostatic stress

The vertical σpv and horizontal σph components of passive earth pressure are
given by:


δ - angle of friction between structure and soil
α - back face inclination of the structure

Brinch Hansens’ Method

The Brinch Hansen bearing capacity equation is the most commonly applied
method of calculating the allowable bearing capacity of soil in Europe. The
Hansen bearing capacity equation is an extension of the Terzaghi method which
includes foundations on slopes and other conditions not considered in the
Terzaghi method.
Brinch Hansen extended the work of Meyerhof to include for any tilting of the
base of the foundation and a new formula for foundations on slopes. Hansen
also derived a new formula for the bearing capacity factor Nγ.
The Brinch Hansen bearing capacity equations are presented below. These take
the same form as the Terzaghi or Meyerhof equations but the equation for the
bearing capacity factor Nγ is different and additional factors are present. Further
information on the Terzaghi method can be found in our Terzaghi Bearing
Capacity article.
Brinch Hansens bearing capacity calculations

As with other bearing capacity analysis methods, the bearing capacity factors
have been converted to graphs and tables to assist with the calculations. Some
examples are included below.

Brinch Hansen also included analysis of the bearing capacity factors for smooth
foundations which limit the friction between the base of the foundation and the
underlying soils. This is not a common condition as foundations poured insitu
will have a rough base. However this can be required in some cases such as
where pre-cast concrete foundations are used for example in cold climates
where the foundations cannot be poured insitu.
The below graph shows the Brinch Hansen bearing capacity factor Nγ in
relation to the soil angle of internal friction and the friction between the base
and the soil.

Like other bearing capacity analysis methods the Brinch Hansen method uses a
number of modification factors to adjust the results to suit certain design
conditions. In the Hansen bearing capacity equation these modification factors
Shape Factor - To modify for different foundation shapes
Depth Factor - To modify for foundation depth
Inclination Factor - To modify for inclined loads
Slope Factor - To modify for foundations on slopes
Tilted Base Factor - To modify for tilted or non-horizontal bases


To choose a method of calculating soil bearing capacity we first need to have a

small idea on the soil in Mauritius.
Soils in Mauritius

Choosing a method

We can see that the types of soil in the island varies greatly considering each
part of the island as we have sandy lands on the coasts and rocky lands in the
central plateau and more eroded lands in the mountainy regions
Considering al the methods analysed, a more recent method would be more
suitable as the method will included much more parameters and also have the
previous method’s as example to work forward. In my humble opinion, Carlos
Abou Farah’s Method would be the best method to be used as it was developed
in 2004.

- Deisgn buildings, 2004,
- TRB, 2005, Terzaghis,
- Paul D. Passe, P.E., CPM 2000, Inspectors Handbook,
- Construction Review Online 2012, Hansens,
- Science Direct 2000, Engineering Structures,
- Science Direct 2016, Journal of Rock mechanics and geotechnical
- Utah State University 2014, Soil bearing,
- Roads & Bridges 2014, Soil bearing capacity,
- New York department of transportation 2015Soil capacity,
- Galvanizeit 2014,
- South African journal of plant and soil,
- Spectrum, 2015,


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