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Centralized Services Support Integrations with Employee Central Compensation

Centralized services now support existing integrations between Employee

Central Compensation and Global Benefits as well as Employee Central Compensation and SAP
SuccessFactors Compensation.

Integration with the following processes is supported:

 Employee Central Global Benefits

When a user enrolls into an Allowance benefit, the system creates a compensation entry
with the enrolled amount.

 SAP SuccessFactors Compensation

Compensation data is published from SAP SuccessFactors Compensation to Employee

Central Compensation.

Employee Central using Centralized services targets consistency regarding system behavior,
validations, functionalities across UIs, imports, and APIs. There are no behavior changes, these
transactions are simply moved to Centralized services.

Configuration Requirements
As an administrator, if you need to opt out of the feature, the setting for this feature
is Company System and Logo Settings > Enable Centralized Services for Integrations with
Employee Central Compensation (Applicable only for saving changes from EC Benefits & SAP
SuccessFactors Compensation). If you opted out of this feature in the previous release, you can
opt out again for this release if required.

Centralized Services Support for Hire and Rehire Including Fixed Term Contract
Centralized services now support Hire and Rehire of an employee including Fixed Term Contract
(FTC). Hire and Rehire flows (excluding FTC) are also supported when using the Manage Pending
Hires tool.
Hire, Rehire, and Fixed Term Contract scenarios on Centralized services come with the following
Forward Propagation
Forward propagation is now supported for Rehire scenarios as well as Hire and Rehire scenarios
for Onboarding. Forward propagation isn’t supported for Fixed Term Contracts.
Message Handling
In cases where there are issues after a user tries to save their changes, warning, and error
messages are now grouped by entity and sub-grouped by severity and can also be filtered.
If you have the User Permissions > National ID (Restricted to only country/region of legal entity)
enabled, we now validate that the country/region for national ID is same as the legal entity
We now update the Last Modified Source on all entities that are saved as part of the hire,
rehire, and FTC transactions. For hire and rehire including FTC the Last Modified Source is "Hire
Process". For FTC termination record, the Last Modified Source is "Fixed Term Contract
The Recruiting follow-up processes for candidates during hire and rehire now happens
Work permit entity is now an employment-based entity, instead of being a person-based entity,
which means that when rehiring an employee using Rehire with New Employment, the system
doesn't display any existing work permit records for this person.
Fixed Term Contracts (FTC)
When adding an FTC between two existing FTCs, we now show the Hire Date and Termination
Date of the latest FTC in the Employment Details block. This was done to ensure that the Hire
Date and Termination Date in Job information History are in sync with the Hire Date and
Termination Date in Employment Details.
Position Follow-up Processes
Position follow-up processes now automatically run in the background when you add or rehire
an employee, or add a Fixed Term Contract. The behavior of the different follow-up processes
doesn’t change.
The follow-up processes run in the background in this order:
Take Over Direct Reports
Hierarchy Adaptation
Synchronization between Matrix Relationships and Job Relationships
"To Be Hired" Status Adaptation for the Position
When an error occurs during one of the follow-up processes, the system saves all the
successfully processed data for that process. For example, if an error occurs during Hierarchy
Adaptation, the direct reports that were processed without any errors still get the new manager.

The system sends an email to the user who initiated the action. If there is a workflow for the
action and an error occurs in one of the processes after the workflow for the action was
approved, the email is sent to the user who initially initiated the action, not the workflow
approver. The system also creates an admin alert of the Position Follow-Up Processes type. This
alert includes information that helps you identify and fix the errors, such as the name of the
specific follow-up process that failed, and the name of the user for whom the initial action was
saved. Under Actions >Admin Alerts, you can retrigger the follow-up process after you've
resolved the errors. The system then automatically deletes the admin alert. You can also delete
the admin alert manually.

Configuration Requirements
By default, this setting is automatically on in your system. As an administrator, if you need to opt
out of the feature, the setting for this feature is Admin Center > Company System and Logo
Settings > Enable Centralized Services to Add New Employee, Add New Employee for Fixed
Term, and Rehire Inactive Employee.

To enable use of Manage Pending Hires with Onboarding, go to Admin Center > Onboarding
General Settings> Submit Onboarding Data Using Centralized Services. By default, this setting is
automatically on in your system.

Role-Based Permission Prerequisites

You have the Admin Alert Object Permissions > Position Follow-Up Admin Alert permission.

What's Changed

Last Modified Source

The Job Information History UI now shows the Last Modified Source which in this screenshot is
the Hire Process.

How It Looks Now

The Job Information History UI now shows the Last Modified Source which in this screenshot is
the Fixed Term Contract Termination.

In the current version, one of the changes is that the Last Modified Source is now updated on all
entities. Screenshots here show the Last Modified Source for a Hire and Fixed Term Contract.

Position Follow-up Processes

In the current version, the position follow-up processes automatically run in the background
when you add or rehire an employee, or add a fixed-term contract. You don't have to wait for
the system to finish all these processes before continuing your work. The behavior of each
process hasn't changed.

In the previous version, you had to wait for the system to finish the follow-up processes before
the employee was added or rehired, or a fixed-term contract was added.

Centralized Services Support Manager Self-Service Changes for Global Assignments

Centralized services now support adding a global assignment from the Manager Self-Service
(MSS) Take Action > Add Global Assignment menu and from the Manage Pending Hires tool.
Centralized services now also supports editing, ending, and obsoleting an employee's global
assignment using the Manager Self-Service (MSS) Take Action > Manage Global
Assignment menu.

Global Assignment using MSS on Centralized services comes with the following benefits:

User Interface Changes

 When adding a global assignment, the Start Date, Company, and Event Reason fields
are shown in that order at the top of the page by default.

The screenshot here shows how the fields display when Centralized services aren’t enabled.
Message Handling

In cases where there are issues after a user tries to save their changes, warning, and error
messages are now grouped by entity and subgrouped by severity and can also be filtered.

 When adding, editing, or ending a global assignment, for both Home and Host
Assignments, onSave rules for Job Information as source element are supported.

 When adding a global assignment, onInit and onChange rules for Employee Information,
and Employee Information Model as source element are supported.

 When adding a global assignment, onInit rules on Start Date, Company, and Event
Reason fields are no longer supported.

 onView rules are no longer supported.

Cross-Entity Rules
 When adding, editing, or ending a global assignment, cross-entity rules with Job
Information as source element and Employment Information, Compensation
Information, Recurring Pay Components, Non-Recurring Pay Components, or Job
Relationships as target element are supported on Home Assignment records.

 When editing a global assignment, cross-entity rules with Job Information as source
element and Job Relationship or Compensation Information as target element are
triggered only if a Job Information record exists on the same date or before the Job
Relationship or Compensation Information start date when saving a Host Assignment. If
not, you receive an error.
 When adding, editing, or ending a global assignment, cross-entity rules with Job
Information or Compensation Information as the source element and Employment
Information as the target element for Host Assignment are no longer supported.


 When ending a global assignment, preference is always given to a Global Assignment

Information workflow configuration. If no Global Assignment Information workflow
configuration is found, then the system checks whether a Job Information workflow
configuration exists and uses that configuration to trigger the workflow.

 When updating an Add Global Assignment workflow, the system doesn’t check if the
user has the Edit permission for User Permissions > Manage Data > Global Assignment
Details > Global Assignment Add permission. This means that a user is able to update
any of the global assignment details even if they don’t have this permission.

Position Management

 If Position Management is enabled, when adding a global assignment, you can decide on
the allocation of direct reports, meaning that you can decide whether incumbents stay
with the current manager or move to the new hire. Here's an example of the allocation
of direct reports change.

Configuration Requirements
As an administrator, if you need to opt out of the feature, the setting for this feature is Admin
Center > Company System and Logo Settings > Enable Centralized Services for Global
Assignment (Applicable for Add, Edit, End and Obsolete actions from UI).
Role-Based Permission Prerequisites
You have the permission to Edit for User Permissions> Manage Data >Global Assignment
Details >Global Assignment Add permission.

You have the Admin Alert Object Permissions> Position Follow-Up Admin Alert permission.

What's Changed
In the current version, the position follow-up processes automatically run in the background
when a global assignment is added, edited, ended, or set to obsolete. You don't have to wait for
the system to finish all these processes before continuing your work. The behavior of some
processes has changed for different actions, and are described in the previous table.

In the previous version, you had to wait for the system to finish the follow-up processes before
a global assignment was saved.

Centralized Services Support Manager Self-Service Changes for Concurrent Employment

Centralized services now support adding a concurrent employment using the Manager Self-
Service (MSS) Take Action> Add Concurrent Employment menu and from the Manage Pending
Hires tool.

Concurrent Employment using MSS on Centralized services comes with the following benefits:

 Message Handling

In cases where there are issues after a user tries to save their changes, warning, and
error messages are now grouped by entity and sub-grouped by severity and can also be

 Position Follow-Up Activities

When a concurrent employment is saved, the following processes now run in the

 Hierarchy Adaptation

 To-Be-Hired status adaptation for the position

 Position Reclassification
 Synchronization between Matrix Relationships and Job Relationships

 If Position Management is enabled, when adding a concurrent employment, you can

decide on the allocation of direct reports, meaning that you can decide whether
incumbents stay with the current manager or move to the new hire.

 Workflows

 For pending Concurrent Employment workflows, the Job Relationships section is

now shown to the user.

 When updating an Add Concurrent Employment workflow, we don’t check if the

user has the Edit permission for User Permissions > Employee
Data > Employment Details > Add new Employment permission. This means
that a user is able to update any of the concurrent employment details even if
they don’t have this permission.

 Event Reasons

All Hire event reasons are shown in the drop-down list.

 Locale

When adding a concurrent employment, the system uses the default company locale
rather than the locale of the logged-in user.

There are a few changes from legacy behavior:

 FTE Calculation for onSave Rules

If the standard-hours field is enabled in the configuration, the system will always
calculate the FTE based on Job Information Standard Hours vs Object Standard Hours
(Legal Entity or Location or Job Classification) depending on the configuration. This
ensures that the FTE value is never zero. However, if you have manually updated the
FTE value or set it using a rule to a value other than null or zero, it will not be
overwritten by the automated calculation.

 onView Rules

onView rules are no longer supported.

 Cross-Entity Rules
Cross-entity rules with Employment Information as the source element and Compensation
Information, Recurring Pay Components, Non-Recurring Pay Components, or Job Relationships
as the target element are no longer supported.

When adding a Concurrent Employment, country/region-specific fields configured for

Employment Information are now displayed.

Here's an example of the fields shown to the administrator in the Add Concurrent
Employment page.

Here's an example of the allocation of direct reports change.

Employee Central using Centralized services targets consistency regarding system behavior,
validations, functionalities across UIs, imports, and APIs.

Configuration Requirements
As an administrator, if you need to opt out of the feature, the setting for this feature is Admin
Center> Company and Logo Settings> Enable Centralized Services to Add Concurrent
Employment on the Manager Self-Service UI (and Enable Configurable Concurrent

Role-Based Permission Prerequisites

You have the permission to Edit for User Permissions> Employee Data > Employment
Details > Add new Employment permission.

You have the Admin Alert Object Permissions > Position Follow-Up Admin Alert permission.

Enhancements for Hire Date Changes in Secondary Assignments

The hire date for a concurrent employment is now automatically changed for Secondary
Assignments for a concurrent employment with Centralized services enabled. In the previous
version, you had to manually make the change in the Secondary Assignments object.

Now, when the hire date of the Job Information hire record is changed, the start date of the
secondary assignment record in Manage Data is also adjusted accordingly. The hire date of the
secondary assignment can be moved to the same date or to a later date than the hire date of
the main employment. The system now validates the dates to ensure that they are in the
expected date range.

We made these changes to improve consistency and reduce manual errors.

Configuration Requirements
By default, this setting is automatically on in your system. As an administrator, if you need to
opt out of the feature, the setting for this feature is Admin Center Company and Logo
Settings Enable Centralized Services to Add Concurrent Employment on the Manager Self-
Service UI (and Enable Configurable Concurrent Employment).

What's Changed
How It Looks Now

The hire date of the secondary assignment can be moved to a date on or after the main
employment hire date. The new error message, as shown in the screenshot, clearly states this.

How It Looked Before

In the previous release, the error message wasn’t clear about the conditions when the error
was received.

Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on History UI for Dependents

Centralized services are enabled by default to support saving changes on the History UI for

With Centralized services enabled, saving changes on the History UI of the Dependents block in
People Profile comes with the following benefits:

 Forward propagation

 When you use the Insert New Record option, the changes are propagated to
future records until a future field value is different from the original field value or
there is a data gap.

 When you use the Edit option or the Delete option, the changes are not applied
to any future records.
 Data validation

When you choose the Insert New Record option to add a dependent or update data for
existing dependents, you can only set a new start date for the changes.

 Enhanced onSave rules with Dependents or Dependents Model as the base object

 For rules assigned to Person Relationships: You can now define Then statements
to set field values for Person Relationships and dependents' all other entities, for
example, Biographical Information.

 For rules assigned to Personal Information, Global Information, Biographical

Information, Address Information, or National ID Information: You can now
define Then statements to set field values only for the entity to which the rule

 Data access period

The Data Access Period Settings option now applies to the data of dependents. The
option controls your access to historical data of dependents, including their Address
Information and Personal Information. You're only able to access and edit the data that
is effective-dated within the set period. For more information about this option,
Here's a screenshot of the History UI for dependents.

Employee Central using Centralized services brings consistent system behaviors, validations,
and functionality across UIs, imports, and APIs.

Configuration Requirements
As an administrator, if you need to opt out of the feature, deselect the setting for this
feature Company System and Logo Settings >Enable Centralized Services for Dependents
(Applicable for saving changes on History UI).

In the previous release, Centralized services were enabled by default to support saving changes
on the Editing UI for Dependents and data imports for Person Relationships. If you opted out of
this feature in the previous release, this feature will be enabled again in this release. You can
opt out again for this release if necessary through Company System and Logo Settings> Enable
Centralized Services for Dependents (Applicable for data imports from UI and API and saving
changes on Editing UI).

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