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Assessment Brief - Coursework

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Academic Year 2023-2024

Semester 2

LLM028 (Full time on campus and Online

Module Number
Distance Learning)

Module Title International Climate Change Law

Assessment Method Coursework (first diet)

Deadline (time and date) Friday 26 April 2024 1pm GMT

Assessment Dropbox in the Module Study

Area in CampusMoodle.

Word Limit 3,500 (Including footnotes)

Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) text IS NOT authorised

Module Co-ordinator Rebecca Cox/John Karlberg

What knowledge and/or skills will I develop by undertaking the assessment?

You will develop your understanding of:

International climate change law and policy.

The inter connection between international climate change law and policy and human rights and

sustainable development.

Your capacity to undertake desk-based qualitative research on the topic matter;

Your capacity to critically analyse the background, function, implementation, and effectiveness of

international climate change law and evaluate its evolution.

On successful completion of the assessment students will be able to achieve the following

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Version: 5
What knowledge and/or skills will I develop by undertaking the assessment?
Learning Outcomes:

1. Critically appraise the evolution of international environmental law and the role of legal

instruments and approaches to mitigating and adapting to climate change.

2. Critically analyse the roles of key actors in global climate change law ranging from

governments, businesses, ecosystems and the environment (both voiceless), scientists,

societies, lawyers, policymakers, and NGOs.

3. Appreciate the overlaps and comprehend the complex relationship between climate

change, human rights, sustainable development, intergenerational equality, environmental

justice and institutional change

Please also refer to the Module Descriptor, available from the module Moodle study area.

What is expected of me in this assessment?

Task(s) - content

 This assessment requires you to submit a coursework essay.

 Your capacity to prepare this coursework will reflect your engagement with the

module’s material across the semester.

 Your personal research around the coursework’s core issues will be essential once

the coursework preparation period starts. This effort will typically involve your

capacity to carry out some efficient desk-based research into qualitative material

that can be found online and from a range of academic sources available from the

RGU library and databases.

 The material that can be accessed through the module’s Moodle page can help you

start as a base to prepare this coursework assignment. However, this material

should only serve as a base. Thereafter you are expected to carry out extensive

research around the topic based on your understanding of the coursework

assignment. This will evidence your capacity to master the topics and issues related

to your studies while on the programme.

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What is expected of me in this assessment?

Task(s) - format

 You should prepare and finally submit a 3,500-word essay, supported by footnotes

and a bibliography (see below for more detail). Your OSCOLA footnotes are included

in this total word count (see also below).

 All essays must be typewritten, in Arial or Verdana font styles, font size 11. Essays

should be left aligned, have 1.5" spacing and be on one side of A4 paper.

 Your coursework should contain an introduction, main body and conclusion.

 Your essay MUST include footnotes. Including footnotes provides authority for your

statements and informs the marker about the sources you have relied on. Your

coursework must be free from plagiarism, borrowing from other academic sources

or collusion. Your essay must be your own work.

 All footnotes and bibliography must be fully checked and in the correct OSCOLA

form and format for academic legal works. You will find the OSCOLA rules at:

 The essay’s total word count must appear on the title page.

 Your coursework must be submitted via the designated drop box on the module

Moodle page.

 For further details, please refer to the RGU Assessment policy for more detailed


 Coursework received late, without valid reason, will be regarded as a non-

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What is expected of me in this assessment?
submission (NS) and one of your assessment opportunities will be lost.

Coursework Question

“The COP 28 has been described as ‘…the “beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era by laying
the ground for a swift, just and equitable transition, underpinned by deep emissions cuts and
scaled-up finance’1

Critically appraise this description of the COP 28 outcomes, considering the historical
development of international climate change law and policy to date and critically evaluate
whether the ultimate goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is
likely to be met within the timeframes set out in the Paris Agreement.

You must provide reasons for your answer. Your answer must refer to at least ten appropriate
academic texts and journals.”

How will I be graded?

A grade will be provided for each criterion on the feedback grid which is specific to the assessment.

The overall grade for the assessment will be calculated using the algorithm below*.

At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade A, at least 75% of the feedback grid to be at
Grade B or better, and normally 100% of the feedback grid to be at Grade C or better.

At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade B or better, at least 75% of the feedback grid to
be at Grade C or better, and normally 100% of the feedback grid to be at Grade D or better.

‘COP28 Agreement Signals “Beginning of the End” of the Fossil Fuel Era’ (United Nations Climate Change, 13 December
2023) accessed 10
January 2024

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How will I be graded?

At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade C or better, and at least 75% of the feedback
grid to be at Grade D or better.

At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade D or better, and at least 75% of the feedback
grid to be at Grade E or better.

E At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade E or better.

F Failing to achieve at least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade E or better.

NS Non-submission.

*If the word count is above the specified word limit by more than 10% or the submission contains an excessive use

of text within tables, the grade for the submission will be reduced to the next lowest grade.

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Feedback grid for Postgraduate Coursework

CRITERIA Outstanding GOOD Highly Competent Competent Failure Open to Condonement Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Meritorious Performance Performance
The submission clearly The submission The submission The submission The final draft clearly lacks The submission does not
SUBJECT addresses the key issues discusses the majority selectively touches identified some relevant focus and does not identify focus on the
KNOWLEDGE covered by the question/ of the issues covered on some of the issues issues but the approach the key legal/policy principles assignment's core
assignment. The discussion is by the assignment, but raised by the to the key legal/policy at stake. There is little questions/policy
(30 %) insightful, well informed, and this exploration could assignment. The principles lacks focus evidence of relevant principles. There is clear
identifies the relevant have been more review of relevant and proved very broad. research/or original, personal evidence of lack of focus,
legal/policy principles and thorough. The work legal/policy principles There are insufficient thoughts. There was quality research,
authorities. It engages provides a well focused and authorities links with academic/legal considerable inclusion of technical insight, and the
accurately with the relevant review of established proved sound but authorities, with only a material that the student submission does not
legal/policy principles, and academic/legal displayed a more marginal effort to display failed to demonstrate as meet acceptable
fluidly connects them to authorities although limited knowledge some insightful relevant. The final discussion standards for academic
academic/legal authorities. the discussion could with a broad exploration of relevant does not display advanced work.
The work demonstrates have been technically understanding and material. The submission evidence of suitable research,
excellent and original more engaging. exploration reflects a lot of derivative focus, and critical
engagement with the subject The submission views, although some engagement.
area. displays evidence of are personal and suitably
very good engagement formulated.
with relevant material.

The work displays advanced The work displays a The work took a The work displays a The work does not make The work does not rest

Date created: August 2023

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CRITERIA Outstanding GOOD Highly Competent Competent Failure Open to Condonement Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Meritorious Performance Performance
ANALYSIS & ability to introduce the subject commendable capacity relevant focus but limited exploration of the sufficient, and relevant, on a suitable
EVALUATION/ matter and key tenets of the to introduce the subject introduced the question/circumstances' connections with the consideration of the
APPLICATION OF question/assignment. The matter/or several question's subject relevant focus/key question/circumstances' assignment's core tenets.
THE LAW student applies the law very tenets of the matter/key tenets in tenets. The discussion relevant focus/key tenets. The There is no suitable
well and make pertinent question/assignment. fairly general terms. appears to rest on a discussion appears to be exploration of the
connections to the central The discussion makes The discussion generic approach to the largely generic. There is very law/issues/circumstances
issues/circumstances. relevant references to appears to rest on a law, without offering a limited evidence of critical at stake.
(30 %) the law with sound generic, but good, detailed exploration of exploration/insight.
The discussion addresses the consideration of approach to the law, the more generic The final draft fails to
assignment by offering several central even if limited in its material identified. It The discussion displays deliver a structured
structured and informed views, issues/circumstances. technical approach, does not offer an several technical weaknesses. answer which
and is extremely well linked to arguments, and insightful consideration There is a lack of structure and reflects on and considers
the The discussion is consideration of of the engagement with relevant informed views and
question/issues/circumstances. structured and well more advanced issues/circumstances at material, policy, and law. research.
The text also insightfully informed. It contrasts issues/circumstances. stake.
considers a variety of multiple views and The conclusion it is very The conclusion is poor or
views/research. research. The discussion is The discussion revolves limited in non-existent.
structured but would around a logical substance/findings/connectio
The work provides detailed The work closes with have welcomed a presentation but more n with earlier discussion.
conclusions that have been selectively-derived more engaging structure and
critically discussed/contrasted conclusions and consideration of engagement with
and which follow on logically connects well to the relevant material, relevant material, policy
from the earlier analysis. submission's analysis. policy and law. and law would have
been welcome.
The conclusion could
have been better The conclusion was
connected to the lacking in depth.
core of the Establishing better
discussion. The connections with earlier
findings could have findings would have also
closed on more enhanced the
advanced/personal performance.
A well-organised, professional A very good level of This submission rests The submission comes in This submission displays This submission rests on
CRITERIA Outstanding GOOD Highly Competent Competent Failure Open to Condonement Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Meritorious Performance Performance
COMMUNICATION submission, with excellent presentation and on a visible structure. an acceptable format, serious problems in its a poor structure and/or
structure and presentation. structure is Suitable language but with some problems structure and/or format. format. There are many
Very good connections demonstrated. Very- and terminology, but in structure and layout. There are deficiencies in deficiencies in
(20 %) between the core discussion well written, with with some minor The text shows multiple expression, and/or use of expression, or use of
and its conclusion/ findings. competent use of spelling, grammatical, lapses from standard terminology. Numerous terminology that may
A high level of competence in language and or typographical syntax, terminology and spelling, grammatical and pose obstacles to the
the use of language and terminology, and errors. some spelling, typographical errors are reader. The work also
terminology, with minimal generally free from The draft makes a grammatical and present throughout. contains multiple
spelling, grammatical and spelling, grammatical good effort to typographical errors. The conclusion insufficiently, spelling, grammatical, or
typographical errors. and typographical connect the The conclusion and or hardly, connects to the core typographical errors.
errors. Suitably discussion to its findings could have been discussion. The discussion does not
connecting the conclusion/findings. better connected to the reflect the required
discussion to its core discussion. standards of clear
conclusion/findings. communication and/or
there is no substantial
findings/or logical
connections between
sections and conclusions.

The work makes use of The work explores a The work explores a The work displays The work rests on some very The work does not come
RESEARCH multiple, quality, and well- very good range of good range of reasonable research but limited research. This final with evidence of any
CRITERIA Outstanding GOOD Highly Competent Competent Failure Open to Condonement Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Meritorious Performance Performance
chosen sources. A superb quality sources. It sources. It displays could have easily gone draft should have come with sound and serious
(20 %) depth of research has been displays an some understanding further. The submission stronger evidence of wider research. Sources are
carried out, appropriate to the understanding of of research, and should have come with exploration of research and essentially non-
assignment. adequate research, or technical material, some stronger evidence technical material. academic/very limited/or
The referencing is clear and technical material, in overall in line with of wider exploration of The OSCOLA referencing is non-existent. The
consistently follows the line with the the assignment. research/technical generally ignored or incorrect, OSCOLA referencing is
OSCOLA rules. assignment. The referencing is material . and should have received generally ignored or non-
The OSCOLA provided with The OSCOLA referencing, more attention. existent.
referencing, and text occasional and text citations lack
citations, are generally departures from the consistency and could
correct. OSCOLA rules. have received more
Coursework received late, without valid reason, will be regarded as a non-submission (NS) and one of your assessment opportunities will be lost.
What else is important to my assessment?
What is the Assessment Word Limit Statement?
It is important that you adhere to the Word Limit specified above. The Assessment Word Limit Statement can be

found in Appendix 2 of the RGU Assessment Policy. It provides detail on the purpose, setting and implementation

of wordage limits; lists what is included and excluded from the word count; and the penalty for exceeding the

word count.

What’s included in the word count?

The table below lists the constituent parts which are included and excluded from the word limit of a Coursework;

more detail can be found in the full Assessment Word Limit Statement. Images will not be allowed as a

mechanism to circumvent the word count.

Excluded Included
Main Text e.g. Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology,
Cover or Title Page Results, Discussion, Analysis, Conclusions, and
Executive Summary (Reports) or Abstract Headings and subheadings

Contents Page In-text citations

List of Abbreviations and/or List of Acronyms Footnotes (relating to in-text footnote numbers)

List of Tables and/or List of Figures Quotes and quotations written within “…”

Tables – mainly numeric content Tables – mainly text content


Reference List and/or Bibliography



What are the penalties?

The grade for the submission will be reduced to the next lowest grade if:

 The word count of submitted work is above the specified word limit by more than 10%.

 The submission contains an excessive use of text within Tables or Footnotes.

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What else is important to my assessment?
What is false authorship?
“The University defines this as the practice of submitting work where the student is not the author of that work.

The ‘false authorship’ may relate to the student engaging with a third party and/or software tool to complete an

assessment, either in part or whole. This may include work produced by, but not attributed to: another student,

an essay mill, a family member or friend, a tutoring service or the unauthorised use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

software. It may also include payment, or other favours, though this will not always be the case. It may relate to

any form of assessment or conducting research” (RGU 2023).

What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is “the practice of presenting the thoughts, writings or other output of another or others as original,

without acknowledgement of their source(s) at the point of their use in the student’s work. All materials including

text, data, diagrams or other illustrations used to support a piece of work, whether from a printed publication or

from electronic media, should be appropriately identified and referenced and should not normally be copied

directly unless as an acknowledged quotation. Text, opinions or ideas translated into the words of the individual

student should in all cases acknowledge the original source” (RGU 2023).

What is collusion?
Collusion is defined as “two or more students working together, without the prior authorisation of the Course

Leader, tutor or supervisor, to produce the same piece of work, and then attempting to present this work as their

own“ (RGU 2023).

For further information please see Academic Integrity.

What if I’m unable to submit?

 The University operates a Fit to Sit Policy which means that if you undertake an assessment then you are

declaring yourself well enough to do so.

 If you require an extension, you should complete and submit a Coursework Extension Form. This form is

available on the RGU Student and Applicant Forms page.

 Further support is available from your Course Leader.

What additional support is available?

 RGU Study Skills provide advice and guidance on academic writing, study skills, maths and statistics and

basic IT.

 RGU Library guidance on referencing and citing.

 The Inclusion Centre: Disability & Dyslexia.

 Your Module Coordinator, Course Leader and designated Personal Tutor can also provide support.

What are the University rules on assessment?

The University Regulation ‘A4: Assessment and Recommendations of Assessment Boards‘ sets out important

information about assessment and how it is conducted across the University.

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