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Part 1: Choose a, b, c, or d as the best answers.

1. American companies stand to make a fortune from China's ________ for energy.
a. Local market b. firm c. vast demand d. join program
2. The police have provided experts to ________ local people affected by the tragedy.
a. involve b. court c. spout d. counsel
3. Made by a famous manufacturer is ________.
a. genus b. fashionable c. designer d. lucrative
4. The writer suggests that concealing financial activities from a spouse is ________
a. short-practiced b. long-practiced c. short-term d. long-term
5. The official censors have excised the ________ sections of the report.
a. Controversial b. strategic c. powerful d. regional
6. Refers to the major economic systems of a country such as inflation or unemployment is ________
a. Utopia b. wage-gap c. work force d. macroeconomics
7. The music was especially ________ for the film.
a. different b. composed c. saturated d. changed
8. Online ________ is a illegal business that causes the recording music industry business to lose billions of dollars in
profits every year.
a. music format b. music piracy c. digital music d. music business
9. according to the rules or the usual way of doing things is ________.
a. regulation b. society c. skills d. expense
10. In the experiment on racial attitudes, the researchers ________income level because they didn’t want it to influence the
a. controlled for b. became c. got d. took
11. Serpentine means ________.
a. curving and twisting c. choosy
b. very luxurious or posh d. spreading out in all directions
12. He caught me at the ________moment that I fainted.
a. interesting b. bad c. precise d. annual
13. She was the classic ________old lady, living with a houseful of cats.
a. charismatic b. well-worn c. eccentric d. commercial
14. The Oscars are the most ________awards in the cinema industry.
a. political b. prestigious c. universal d. radical
15. The Sơn Tùng’s ________ album published in April, 2017.
a. Songs b. record c. violation d. debut
16. Teenagers need access to confidential and impartial advice.
a. biased b.unfair c. unbiased d. involved
17. She has to have insulin injections for her diabetes.
a. Substance in blood; too much causes heart disease
b. Medical condition due to lack of insulin and too much sugar in the blood
c. Serious and long-lasting disease
d. Substance produced by the body which controls level of sugar in blood
18. All this luxury was a far cry from the poverty of his childhood.
a. slightly different c. similar
b. very different d. very similar
19. Weinstein is just one of a mushrooming number of Internet users who are jumping on the blogging bandwagon,
publishing online journals to write about topics thet interest them.
a. numbers are maintained c. increasing numbers
b. changing numbers d. talking numbers
20. A capacity for permanent innovation becomes the touchstone of success.
a. a new idea or method
b. a belief, custom or way of doing something that has existed for a long time
c. an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community
d. a situation in which something stays the same and does not grow and develop
21. The airlines are phasing out any aircraft that is more than 20 years old.
a. gradually stopping c. immediately stopping
b. beginning d. starting
22. She was a great athlete but she ________at the last hurdle and fell.
a. stumbled b. chatted c. blurted d. supplied
23. He ____________________ about the baby, though we'd agreed to keep it a secret for a while.
a. Burn something out c. cross everything out
b. Back something up d. blurted everything out
24. In 60 percent of the households surveyed both ________ went out to work.
a. Vows b. spouses c. legal d. taxes
25. _ is a person who is chosen to speak officially for a group or organization.
a. Spokespeople c. salesperson
b. spokewise d. spokesperson
26. radioactive waste means ________
a. a chemical material and basic material used for nuclear technology
b. a place where nuclear power is generated
c. waste material given off during a nuclear reaction
d. natural resources such as oil, coal and natural gas formed in the ground over millions on years
27. gritty city is ________
a. a wonderful city c. a hard, realistic city
b. a wealthy city d. a big city
28. He built up his savings by being very ________.
a. waste b. careful c. frugal d. cheerful
29. With the rise in fuel prices, we really need a new way to ________power.
a. react b. generate c. waste d. economize
30. There was a delay on our flight but he finally ________.
a. took off b. landed c. taxied d. opened
31. You can always go to your lecture for ________ on how to write a good essay.
a. effect b. composition c. advice d. belief
32. The merger proved to be very ________ for both companies.
a. raunchy b. lucrative c. delicate d. fashionable
33. Program which makes files available to others across the Internet means ________.
a. Subscription c. music download
b. online music store d. file-share network
34. Jake won’t be home for dinner tonight because he has to attend a ________with his client.
a. business event c. fashion leader
b. wedding planning d. telephone bill
35. Studying the culture of one country (e.g., Japan)
a. cross-cultural training c. sub-culture
b. culture shock d. culture-specific
36. She was struggling to live on a small ________.
a. stall b.pension c. pace of life d. house
37. Don't spoil your ________ by eating between meals.
a. appetite b. spicy c. sweat d. serpentine
38. Recent events seem less serious when put into an international ________.
a. guilt b. respite c. perspective d. optimism
39. Someone who can easily attract followers means ________.
a. well-known b. venerated c. wonderful d. charismatic
40. ________ is ethnic group from Kurdistan.
a. Kurds b. Secular c. Islam d. Muslim
41. The Gold Cup is one of the most ________ events in the racing calendar.
a. universal b. modest c. prestigious d. obscure
42. Football has received special ________ from many the people.
a. origin b. attention c. intension d. source
43. The costumes from the movie are to be ________for charity.
a. post b. fence c. bid d. auctioned
44. I think you did it ________- that was no accident.
a. deliberately b. illegibly c. virtually d. inadvertently
45. Although their treachery was ________, the authorities thought it wiser not to prosecute.
a. irrefutable b. available b. considerable d. applicable
46. ________ is containing poison.
a. healthy b. innocent c. harmless d. toxic
47. The new president’s policies don’t work. They’re completely ________.
a. effective b. enforce c. ineffective d. unenforceable
48. made to look exactly like something in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real thing means
a. counterfeit b. incomparable c. inimitable d. unique
49. I agree that we are accomplishing nothing at the moment, and I share your ________.
a. frustration b. cachinnation c. counterfort d. calefaction
50. My sisters were ________ over what to watch on TV.
a. concerning b. leading c. squabbling d. finding
Part 2:
1.Playing on strong national feelings, they _______ the crowd to burn down the Embassy.
A. animated B. inclined C. incited D. impressed
2. You sometimes ________ quite valuable things in antique shop.
A. come back B. come round C. come across D. come into
3. You should be _________ of yourself for behaving so badly.
A. embarrassed B. disgusted C. confused D. ashamed
4. Before take on the job, will you give me a rough______ of how much will it cost?
A. esteem B. estimate C. realization D. value
5. Vitamin C is ________ in lemons; therefore, lemons can help us fight colds.
A. simple B. abundant C. single D. unmixed
6. If the boss sees you doing that, you’ll get into _______.
A. mess B. nuisance C. trouble D. struggle
7. The company is investing last year’s record _______ in new machinery.
A. profits B. business C. employment D. tickets
8. This is a good time to buy – before the government ________ interest rates again.
A. gets B. offers C. raises D. finds
9. The retail _______ of that computer has been reduced; it’s now only $300.
A. logo B. price C. product D. sales
10. The main _______ for most businesses is employee salaries.
A. cost B. assets C. benefits D. solution
11. Last year the Swansons built a house on their ______ in the mountains.
A. expansion B. property C. increase D. loan
12. If you want a better _______, you need to go to a bigger store.
A. advantage B. customers’ assistanceC. selection D. monument
13. Telemarketing doesn’t make an actual product; it’s an example of a _____ industry.
A. working B. business C. service D. decline
14. It’s sometimes cheaper to make machine parts in one country and ______ them into the finished product in another.
A. assemble B. build C. investigate D.replace
15. As soon as his party came into ______, he raised the salaries of Member of Parliament.
A. right B. position C. strength D. power
16. After toiling for years as an engineer, he decided to retire at the age of 49.
A. working hard B. making lots of money C. having fun D. relaxing
17. His pensions has dwindled after years due to high expenses in this country.
A. increased B. stabilized C. decreased D. saved
18. Even if they wind up living lavishly on less money, some people just don’t settle well in a foreign culture.
A. poorly B. dependently C. inexpensively D. wastefully
19. the musicians graduated from that school are adept at playing at least four instruments.
A. proficient B. proverbial C. awkward D. careful
20. The human ear admits only a very limited range of frequencies.
A. confesses B. lets in C. enters D. forces in
21. A progressive tax applies greater tax rates to larger incomes than to smaller ones.
A. forecasts B. involves C. wastes D. devotes
22. His mother’s alert mind caught Billy’s lies.
A. alarming B. vigilant C. sluggish D. wry
23. Teaching provides the chief means of conveying knowledge from generation to generation.
A. reviewing B. mastering C. passing on D. preserving
24. There isn’t any known cure for dyslexia, but neurologists have developed ways to help sufferers cope with it.
A. retard B. dispense with C. deal with D. cure
25. All the cleaning products are hazardous to the skin and eyes; therefore, keep them out of reach of children.
A. dangerous B. liquefied C. enjoyable D. arduous
26. Students have to fill out many forms before beginning classes.
A. eliminate B. complete C. distribute D. apply for
27. It is ridiculous to become angry about so insignificant matter as football.
A. sinful B. tragic C. absurd D. trivial
28. Mrs. Brown is a provident person who saves something each month.
A. punctual B. rash C. thrifty D. adventurous
29. Our company possesses unique research capabilities.
A. only B. solely C. uniform D. unbalanced
30. Everybody was stunned by the election news; nobody had expected Prosperity Party to do so well.
A. elated B. deserted C. astounded D. depressed
31. The American writer Mark Twain has been venerated for almost a century.
A. respected B. well-known C. added D. thought
32. There's something charismatic about himthat people are just drawn to.
A. changing B. humorous C. reliable D. attractive
33. The whole family is eccentric. They are doing different things from others.
A. normal B. fun C. rude D. bizarre
34. The U.S. number-one tennis player gave disappointingly lackluster performance.
A. energetic B. tiring C. interesting D. safe
35. She showed genuine sorrow at the news.
A. sincere B. expected C. nice D. fearful
36. The patient was put into isolation because the disease was highly ___________.
A. contagious B. pregnant C. prevalent D. genuine
37. It’s important to __________ before and after doing exercise.
A. spread B. stretch C. strain D. sprout
38. A constant headache could be a(n) _________of something more serious.
A. immunization B. symptom C. infection D. synthetic
39. Don’t go to work with that cold, or you’ll _______ to other people.
A. pass it on B. catch it C. turn it on D. rescure it
40. You can’t smoke here – please _________ your cigarette.
A. put up withB. put down C. put away D. put out
41. Wendy knew that Gary had been drinking alcohol, so she _____ to get in his car.
A. hesitated B. doubted C. appreciated D. applied
42. To ________ there would be enough food at the party, Kelly ordered twice as much as she thought she needed.
A. preview B. suspect C. predict D. ensure
43. Last summer, someone _______Cheryl's apartment while she was on holiday and stole her TV.
A. made up B. broke into C. switched off D. checked out
44. Grace was so ________ when her boyfriend said she had gained weight that she began to cry.
A. promoted B. attracted C. insulted D. shifted
45. Sometimes children learn how to _____from movies that contain bad language.
A. bother B. swear C. compete D. emphasize
46. Even though I heard the man speak, I couldn't _______if he was Australian or from New Zealand.
A. count on B. think over C. figure out D. break up
47. In his interview, mark ______ that he could speak French. However, after he was hired, the
company found out that he had lied.
A. negotiated B. exposed C. claimed D. observed
48. Last summer, someone ________Cheryl's apartment while she was on holiday and stole her TV.
A. made up B. broke into C. switched off D. check out
49.. Carlos likes to _____of how much money he spends every day.
A. look forward B. split the bill C. keep track D. be in touch
50. When I play loud music, the people in the apartment ____ me often bang their ceiling until I stop.
A. beneath B. opposite C. toward D. beyond
Part 3:
1. ____________ is a person who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs, and relationships.
A. Psychologist B. Anthropologist C. Astronomist D. Sociologist
2. Pollution has a disastrous effect on the ____________ of a region.
A. astronomy B. sociology C. geology D. ecology
3. ____________is the study of weather conditions as they exist over a long period of time.
A. Biology B. Psychology C. Climatology D. Chemistry
4. South Korea has become one of the most _______ countries in Asia at teaching English to its citizens.
A. willingness B. aggressive C. ready D. volunteer
5. Does the writer use an emotional argument or a ___________ argument?
A. logical B. comparative C. essential D. social
6. People should start treating tobacco use like alcohol _________.
A. consumed B. consuming C. consumption D. consumer
7. Chinese business schools also need to _________ English language skills.
A. organize B. emphasize C. modernize D. criticize
8. Speaking English with a native accent has become a status _____________.
A. symbol B. symbolic C. symbolize D. symbolism
9. ____________ traditionally support clean nuclear power over polluting fossil fuels.
A. Environmentalist B. Environmentalists C. Environmental D. Environmentally
10. People are using extended breaks to relieve work ____________.
A. activity B. time C. pressure D. load
11. Having worked for a few years, they feel they ___________ it.
A. admire B. proud C. agreed D. deserve
12. She advised us to look abroad for more ___________ business ventures.
A. lucrative B. intensive C. expensive D. aggressive
13. Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible _______.
A. disappearance B. interruption C. manifestation D. eruption
14. Problems can occur when a company does not know a ________ has broken into its system.
A. spam B. hacker C. wi-fi D. hot spot
15. Overall, ________ policy programs have demonstrated remarkable stability.
A. immigration B. immigrant C. immigrate D. emigration
16. The Harvard presidency is perhaps the most ________ job in higher education.
A. generous B. disadvantageous C. advantageous D. prestigious
17. She played the tune on the flute and I did some ________ on the piano.
A. melody B. discord C. harmonies D. legato
18. Try to avoid ________ with the people who report to you.
A. contribution B. confrontation C. compromise D. agreement
19. There was a wave of ________ about future earnings of software and internet companies.
A. optimism B. gloomy C. pessimistic D. pessimist
20. All fruit species had a sweet ________ as perceived by the first author.
A. wine B. aroma C. perfume D. odour
21. Our students have many different nationalities, religions, and ___________.
A. personality B. majority C. ethnicities D. minority
22. Most of the students at their school practice ___________ as this is a largely Muslim community.
A. Buddhism B. Islam C. Catholicism D. Christianity
23. The album was released to little fanfare and relatively ___________ reviews.
A. enthusiastic B. energetic C. lackluster D. romantic
24. The ___________ leader extends the range of influence beyond those that can meet or hear them personally.
A. charismatic B. unattractive C. interested D. reputable
25. She was an elderly ___________ who lived with 25 cats.
A. activist B. performer C. comedian D. eccentric
26. That was an ___________ performance from such a young tennis player.
A. impress B. impressive C. impressively D. unimpressed
27. After a long journey I was looking forward to sleeping in a ___________ bed.
A. comfort B. comfortably C. comfortable D. uncomfortably
28. You need a special license to operate a ___________ vehicle.
A. commerce B. commercially C. commercials D. commercial
29. The president is so ___________ that he is able to dictate to the government.
A. powerful B. powerfully C. power D. powerless
30. He draws a comparison with similar ___________ felt with regard to other reforms or social changes
A. disappointing B. disappointments C. disappointed D. disappointingly
31. She ___________ management of this department last winter.
A. took out B. took over C. took after D. took off
32. I just don't want him ___________ my case for being late for work.
A. getting out B. getting up C. getting on D. getting over
33. The worst impact is the massive loss of land.
A. minimal B. tiny C. heavy D. acceptable
34. Ecotourism needs to recruit better educated people, so it won't provide more jobs for the local people.
A. reduce B. offer C. wipe out D. add
35. If tourists leave litter after the picnic, they may cause pollution.
A. drop B. depart C. escape D. disappear
36. Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture.
A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety
37. The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss.
A. reserve B. generation C. natural environment D. diversity
38. He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children.
A. disappeared B. increased C. threatened D. reduced
39. Overpopulation in big cities has severely affected the air and water quality.
A. seriously B. insignificantly C. largely D. commonly
40. The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities.
A. famous B. excited C. mass D. local
41. A sustainable forest is a forest where trees that are cut are replanted and the wildlife is protected.
A. pre-tested B. preserved C. reserved D. protested
42. When you take part in an eco tour, you learn more about the cultural traditions of the local people and the natural
habitat of some rare animals.
A. participate B. conduct C. enjoy D. depart
43. Cutting down trees or hunting wild animals may upset the ecological balance of an area.
A. strengthen B. motivate C. comfort D. disturb
44. Mass tourism may cause numerous problems.
A. bring in B. bring up C. bring about D. bring away
45. I am very much interested in learning more about ecotourism and its benefits.
A. problems B. advantages C. dangers D. issues
46. The role of scientists is to observe and describe the world, not to try to control it.
A. look at B. look up C. look into D. look down
47. Mass tourism has contributed to the destruction of the environment.
A. organization B. structure C. construction D. devastation
48. Tourists enjoy the beauty of wildlife without harming it.
A. fostering B. damaging C. protecting D. preserving
49. Ecotourism helps tourists learn how to protect the environment.
A. damage B. change C. adapt D. save
50. Ecotourism activities have had some negative impacts on the environment and people in the area.
A. influences B. factors C. criteria D. stimuli

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