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Pursuant to the 1987 Constitution, the State shall protect and promote the right
of all children to accessible and quality basic education . Alongside this right is the
constitutional policy that the State shall promote and protect heir holistic development
through the promotion of their physical , moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-

The 1987 Constitution and other domestic and international laws, primarily the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, guarantee a range of rights of
children to promote their over-all well -being. Among the rights of the child in basic
education are the right to education, right against discrimination, right to health, right to
participation and to have one’s views heard, right to religion, right to respect and play,
and right to protection against all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, cruelty,
exploitation, and maltreatment (1987 Constitution, Article XV, Section 3[2]).

The Catumbalon Elementary School, in upholding the right of the child to

special protection and reiterating its policy of zero tolerance for any act of abuse and
violence against the child, issued DepEd Order (DO) No. 40, s. 2012 on the “Policy and
guidelines on Protecting Children in School from Abuse, Violence, Exploitation,
Discrimination, Bullying and Other Forms of Abuse”, otherwise known as the “Child
Protection Policy”.

The Catumbalon Elementary School fully recognizes the rights of the child and
takes proactive measures to uphold not only the right of the child to special protection
but also the other rights of the child in the context of basic education.

The Catumbalon Elementary School, as a duty-bearer, is mandated to exert every

effort to uphold the rights of the children in basic education, promote their welfare, and
enhance their opportunities for a useful and happy life (Republic Act No. 7610 [1992],
Sec. 2; Presidential Decree 603 [1974], Article 1. The best interest of children shall be
the paramount and primary consideration of the Department in all actions concerning
children (UNCRC, Art. 3[1]; R.A. No. 7610, Sec. 2).

Thus, to strengthen the implementation of the School Child Protection Policy

and to help ensure that the rights of the child in the basic education context are
respected, protected, promoted and fulfilled in, and by, the School, the Catumbalon
Elementary School adopts this policy.


In pursuance of the holistic development of the child, the Catumbalon

Elementary School envisions child-centred and child caring basic education schools,
learning centers, and offices, which respect, protect, promote, and fulfil the dignity and
rights of the child in basic education so they may lead productive and happy lives as
they participate in nation-building. For this purpose, the Child Protection Policy is
hereby created.
A significant right of the child in basic education is the right to protection from all forms
of violence, abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, and maltreatment. Thus, the Department
issued DO No. 40, s. 2012 or the Child Protection Policy to promote and maintain zero
tolerance to all forms of violence against children. To establish a mechanism to fully
operationalize, implement, and coordinate programs, projects, and activities pertaining to
child protection policy

Towards this end, Catumbalon Elementary School in collaboration with its partners
and stakeholders, shall ensure that all schools are conducive to the education of
children. The best interest of the child shall be the paramount consideration in all
decisions and actions involving children, whether undertaken by public or private social
welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities, and legislative bodies,
consistent with the principle of First Call for Children, as enunciated in the CRC.
Teachers and learning facilitators of Catumbalon Elementary School are their substitute
parents, and are expected to discharge their functions and duties with this in mind.

Catumbalon Elementary School has adopted the policy to provide special protection
to children who are gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect
their normal development and over which they have no control, and to assist the
concerned agencies in their rehabilitation.

Furthermore, Catumbalon Elementary School aims to ensure such special protection

from all forms of abuse and exploitation and care as is necessary for the child's well-
being, taking into account the primary rights and duties of parents, legal guardians, or
other individuals who are legally responsible and exercise custody over the child.
DepEd recognizes the participatory rights of the child in the formulation and
implementation of policies, and in all proceedings affecting them, whether they be
victims or aggressors, either directly, or through a representative.



Catumbalon Elementary School are called to establish relationships which are grounded
in love, compassion, reconciliation and justice. In witnessing these values, we reject ideas,
beliefs and behaviours which marginalize or victimize people.

 Provide documentation of child protection of all learners;

 Protect and maintain learning environment where learners feel safe and secured,
able to listen and encourage to talk about his or her feelings;
 Provide a warm and caring atmosphere for the learners where they can ask help
from all forms of injustice or abuse;
 Protect each learner from any form of abuse, whether from an adult or another
 Be alert to signs of abuses in school and from outside

 Child Abuse ( RA 7610)
 Violence Against Women & their Children( RA 9262)
 Child Labor(RA 9231)
 Children In Conflict with the Law( RA 9344, RA 10630)
 Child Trafficking (RA 9208)
 Rape (RA 8353), RA 11648)


1. "Child" — refers to any person below eighteen (18) years of age or those over
but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from
abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or
mental disability or condition; (RA 7610). For purposes of this Department
Order, the term also includes pupils or students who may be eighteen (18) years
of age or older but are in school.

2. "Children in School" — refers to bona fide pupils, students or learners who are
enrolled in the basic education system, whether regular, irregular, transferee or
repeater, including those who have been temporarily out of school, who are in
the school or learning centers premises or participating in school sanctioned

3. "Pupil, Student or Learner" — means a child who regularly attends classes in

any level of the basic education system, under the supervision and tutelage of a
teacher or facilitator.
4. "School Personnel" — means the persons, singly or collectively, working in a
public or private school. They are classified as follows:

a. "School Head" refers to the chief executive officer or administrator of

a public or private school or learning center.
b. "Other School Officials" include other school officers, including
teachers, who are occupying supervisory positions or positions of
responsibility, and are involved in policy formulation or implementation
in a school.
c. "Academic Personnel" includes all school personnel who are formally
engaged in actual teaching service or in research assignments, either on
a full-time or a part-time basis, as well as those who possess certain
prescribed academic functions directly supportive of teaching, such as
registrars, librarians, guidance counselors, researchers, and other similar
persons. They may include school officials who are responsible for
academic matters, and other school officials.

d. "Other Personnel" includes all other non-academic personnel in the

school, whatever may be the nature of their appointment and status of

5. "Child Protection" - refers to programs, services, procedures and structures

that are intended to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation,
discrimination and violence.

6. "Parents" refers to biological parents, step-parents, adoptive parents and

the common-law spouse or partner of the parent;

7. "Guardians or Custodians" — refers to legal guardians, foster parents, and

other persons, including relatives or even non-relatives, who have physical
custody of the child.

8. "School Visitor or Guest" — refers to any person who visits the school and
has any official business with the school, and any person who does not have
any official business but is found within the premises of the school. This may
include those who are within the school premises for certain reasons, e.g.
student teachers, catechists, service providers, suppliers, bidders, parents and
guardians of other children.

9. "Child Abuse" — refers to the maltreatment of a child, whether habitual or

not, which includes any of the following:

1) psychological or physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and

emotional maltreatment;

2) any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the

intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being;

3) unreasonable deprivation of the child's basic needs for survival, such as

food and shelter; or
4) failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child
resulting in serious impairment of his or her growth and development or
in the child's permanent incapacity or death (Sec. 3 RA 7610).
10. "Discrimination against children" — refers to an act of exclusion,
distinction, restriction or preference which is based on any ground such as
age, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth,
being infected or affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus and
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), being pregnant, being a
child in conflict with the law, being a child with disability or other status or
condition, and which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing
the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing,
of all rights and freedoms.
11. "Child exploitation" refers to the use of children for someone else's
advantage, gratification or profit often resulting in an unjust, cruel and
harmful treatment of the child. These activities disrupt the child's normal
physical or mental health, education, moral or social emotional
development. It covers situations of manipulation, misuse, abuse,
victimization, oppression or ill-treatment.

There are two (2) main forms of child exploitation that are recognized:
a. Sexual exploitation — refers to the abuse of a position of
vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes. It
includes, but it is not limited to forcing a child to participate in
prostitution or the production of pornographic materials, as a result
of being subjected to a threat, deception, coercion, abduction, and
force, abuse of authority, debt bondage, and fraud or through abuse
of a victim's vulnerability.

b. Economic exploitation — refers to the use of the child in work or

other activities for the benefit of others. Economic exploitation
involves a certain gain or profit through the production, distribution
and consumption of goods and services. This includes, but is not
limited to, illegal child labor, as defined in RA 9231.

12. "Violence against children committed in schools" - refers to a single act

or a series of acts committed by school administrators, academic and non-
academic personnel against a child, which result in or is likely to result in
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or other abuses including

threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary
deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:

1. Physical violence refers to acts that inflict bodily or physical

harm. It includes assigning children to perform tasks which
are hazardous to their physical well-being.

2. Sexual violence refers to acts that are sexual in nature. It

includes, but is not limited to:

a) rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness,

making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks,
physically attacking the sexual parts of the victim's

b) forcing the child to watch obscene publications and

indecent shows or forcing the child to do indecent
sexual acts and/or to engage or be involved in, the
creation or distribution of such films, indecent
publication or material; and

c) acts causing or attempting to cause the child to

engage in any sexual activity by force, threat of
force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or
other harm or coercion, or through inducements, gifts
or favors.

3. Psychological violence refers to acts or omissions causing or

likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the child,
such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking,
damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, deduction
or threat of deduction from grade or merit as a form of
punishment, and repeated verbal abuse.

4. Other acts of violence of a physical, sexual or psychological

nature that are prejudicial to the best interest of the child.

13. "Bullying or Peer Abuse" — refers to willful aggressive behavior that

is directed, towards a particular victim who may be out-numbered,
younger, weak, with disability, less confident, or otherwise vulnerable.
More particularly:

Bullying — is committed when a student commits an act or a

series of acts directed towards another student, or a series of single acts
directed towards several students in a school setting or a place of
learning, which results in physical and mental abuse, harassment,
intimidation, or humiliation. Such acts may consist of any one or more
of the following:

 Physical - hitting, pushing, tripping, kicking, spitting on others etc.

 Verbal - teasing, using offensive names, ridiculing, spreading rumours etc.
 Non-Verbal - writing offensive notes or graffiti about others, using e-mail
or text messaging to hurt others, rude gestures etc.
 Exclusion - deliberately excluding others from group, refusing to sit
next to someone etc.
 Extortion - threatening to take someone's possessions, food or money etc.
 Property - stealing, hiding, damaging or destroying property etc.
 Cyber - any form of bullying which is carried out through electronic means
such as mobile phones, email, chat room, social networking, ‘sms’, web page
14. 'Other acts of abuse by a pupil, student or learner refers to other
serious acts of abuse committed by a pupil, student or learner upon
another pupil, student or learner of the same school, not falling under
the definition of 'bullying' in the preceding provisions, including but not
limited to acts of a physical, sexual or psychological nature.

15. "Corporal Punishment" - refers to a kind of punishment or penalty

imposed for an alleged or actual offense, which is carried out or
inflicted, for the purpose of discipline, training or control, by a teacher,
school administrator, an adult, or any other child who has been given or
has assumed authority or responsibility for punishment or discipline. It
includes physical, humiliating or degrading punishment, including, but
not limited to the following:

a. Blows such as, but not limited to, beating, kicking, hitting,
slapping, or lashing, of any part of a child's body, with or
without the use of an instrument such as, but not limited to a
cane, broom, stick, whip or belt;
b. Striking of a child's face or head, such being declared as a
"no contact zone",

c. Pulling hair, shaking, twisting joints, cutting or piercing skin,

dragging, pushing or throwing of a child;
d. Forcing a child to perform physically painful or damaging acts
such as, but not limited to, holding a weight or weights for an
extended period and kneeling on stones, salt, pebbles or other

e. Deprivation of a child's physical needs as a form of punishment;

6) Deliberate exposure to fire, ice, water, smoke, sunlight, rain,

pepper, alcohol, or forcing the child to swallow substances,
dangerous chemicals, and other materials that can cause discomfort or
threaten the child's health, safety and sense of security such as, but
not limited to bleach or insecticides, excrement or urine;

i. Tying up a child;
ii. Confinement, imprisonment or depriving the liberty of a

iii. Verbal abuse or assaults, including intimidation or threat

of bodily harm, swearing or cursing, ridiculing or
denigrating the child;

iv. Forcing a child to wear a sign, to undress or disrobe, or

to put on anything that will make a child look or feel

foolish, which belittles or humiliates the child in front of

v. Permanent confiscation of personal property of pupils,

students or learners, except when such pieces of property
pose a danger to the child or to others; and
vi. Other analogous acts.

16. "Positive and Non-Violent Discipline of Children" —is a way of

thinking and a holistic, constructive and pro-active approach to teaching
that helps children develop appropriate thinking and behavior in the
short and long-term and fosters self-discipline. It is based on the
fundamental principle that children are full human beings with basic
human rights. Positive discipline begins with setting the long-term
goals or impacts that teachers want to have on their students' adult lives,
and using everyday situations and challenges as opportunities to teach
life-long skills and values to students.





Catumbalon Elementary School shall build the capacities of school personnel,

pupils, students and learners, parents and guardians to understand and deal with child
abuse, exploitation, violence and discrimination cases, bullying and peer violence by
conducting sessions, trainings and seminars on positive peer relationships and
enhancement of social and emotional competence.

They shall use training modules which include positive and nonviolent
discipline in classroom management, anger and stress management and gender
sensitivity. They shall likewise employ means which enhance the skills and pedagogy
in integrating and teaching children's rights in the classroom.

The programs that are intended to promote Positive and Non-Violent Discipline
include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Integration of education sessions on corporal punishment and positive discipline

in the initiatives of the Parent-Teachers Associations (PTAs);

1.1: Ensure that all pupils/learners, school personnel, parents, guardians and
community are aware of the Child Protection Policy;

2. Capacity-building programs for school administrators, teachers and non-

academic personnel focused on children's rights, child development and
positive and nonviolent approaches in teaching and classroom management, to
enable them to incorporate positive discipline messages jn parent-teacher
conferences and family counseling, and integrate messages on children's rights
and corporal punishment in classroom discussions;

2.a. Conduct psychological capability building and mental health awareness for
school child protection committee;

3. Encouraging and supporting the formation and initiatives of support groups

among teaching and non-teaching staff, and parents and caregivers;

4. Implementing specific parenting orientation sessions with parents and

caregivers and other activities;

5. Implementing school activities or events that raise awareness on children's

rights, corporal punishment and positive discipline, fostering the active
involvement of and providing venues for bringing together parents, families and

5.a. It is a legal obligation of teachers and personnel to report incidents of harm,

neglect or abuse of learners to proper authority.

6. Encouraging and supporting student-led initiatives to raise awareness on

children's rights, corporal punishment and positive discipline; and

7. Setting up child-friendly mechanisms for obtaining children's views and

participation in the formulation, monitoring and assessment of school rules and
policies related to student discipline.




A complaint for bullying or peer abuse shall be acted upon by the School Head
following the procedures herein set forth:
a. Bullying - Upon the filing of a complaint or upon notice by a school personnel or
official of any bullying or peer abuse incident, the same shall be immediately
reported to the School Head, who shall inform the parents or guardian of the
victim and the offending child, in a meeting called for the purpose. The victim
and the offending child shall be referred to the Child Protection Committee for
counseling and other interventions. The penalty of reprimand, if warranted, may
be imposed by the School Head in the presence of the parents or guardians.

If bullying is committed for a second or subsequent time, after the offending

child has received counseling or other interventions, the penalty of suspension
for not more than one (1) week may be imposed by the School Head, if such is
warranted. During the period of suspension, the offending child and the parents
or guardians may be required to attend further seminars and counseling. The
School Head shall likewise ensure that the appropriate interventions, counseling
and other services, are provided for the victim or victims of bullying.

b. Bullying that results in serious physical injuries or death - If the bullying or peer
abuse resulted in serious physical injuries or death, whenever appropriate, the
case shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act 9344
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

c. Procedure - In all cases where the imposable penalty on the offending child is
suspension, exclusion or expulsion, the following minimum requirements of due
process shall be complied with:

(1) The child and the parents or guardians must be informed of the complaint in

(2) The child shall be given the opportunity to answer the complaint in writing, with
the assistance of the parents or guardian;

(3) The decision of the school head must be in writing, stating the facts and the
reasons for the decision;

(4) The decision of the school head may be appealed, as provided in existing rules of
the Department.


a. Report incident or complain to guidance councilor
b. Guidance councilor conduct intake interview
c. Call the attention of complaint’s adviser
d. Call the attention of Parents of the bully (in writing)- specifying the types of
e. Order the bully to answer the complaint in writing with the assistance of the
parents or guardian
f. Convene CPC members to conduct investigation
g. Schedule a conference inviting both parties
h. The CPC will issue decision in writing stating facts and reasons for the

(Note: If the student is found to have knowingly made a false accusation of the
bullying the said student shall be subjected to disciplinary actions following the
above-mentioned process)


a. Written reprimand(warning)
b. Community service( ex. Manage garbage disposal, gardening, sweeping,
watering the plants, cleaning)- number of days for community services will
depend of the acts of committed.
c. Suspension
d. Exclusion or expulsion

Depending on the gravity of the bullying committed by any pupil, student or

learner, the school may impose other non-punitive measures, in lieu of punitive
measures, in accordance with the principles of Positive and Non-Violent


Other serious acts of violence or abuse committed by a pupil, student or

learner upon another pupil, student or learner of the same school, shall, and
whenever appropriate, be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Republic
Act 9344 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.


The following acts, as defined in Section 3 of this Order, are hereby prohibited
and shall be penalized in administrative proceedings as Grave or Simple Misconduct
depending on the gravity of the act and its consequences, under existing laws, rules and

1. Child abuse;
2. Discrimination against children;
3. Child Exploitation
4. Violence Against Children in School;
5. Corporal Punishment;
6. Any analogous or similar acts.

B. TYPES OF ABUSES ON CHILDREN: (For Referral Pathway Mechanism)

1. Child Abuse ( RA 7610)
2. Violence Against Women & their Children( RA 9262)
3. Children In Conflict with the Law( RA 9344, RA 10630)
4. Child Trafficking (RA 9208)
5. Rape (RA 8353), RA 11648)
6. Child Labor (RA 9231)
Republic Act No. 9231 - An Act Providing For The Elimination Of The Worst Forms of Child Labor And Affording Stronger
Protection For The Working Child, Amending for This Purpose Republic Act No. 7610, As Amended, Otherwise Known
as the "Special Protection Of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation And Discrimination Act", 2003

Definition of Terms:

Child Labor:
any work or economic activity performed by a child that subjects him or her to any form of exploitation or is harmful to
his or her health and safety or physical, mental or psychological development. (IRR, Section 3[b])

Working Child:
child below 18 years of age who performs work or economic activity that is not child labor
child below 15 years of age who works:
- directly under the responsibility of his/her parents or legal guardian and where only members of the
child’s family are employed; or
- in public entertainment or information

Hours of Work:
Child is 15 or older but below 18:
-maximum of 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week
-should not work from 10 pm to 6 am
Child is below 15:
-maximum of 4 hours a day, 20 hours a week
-should not work from 8 pm to 6 am
 Dangerous Heights - refers to any elevated surface of more than (two) 2 meters
 Difficult Condition - includes work performed for long hours or during the night, or where the child is
unreasonably confined to the premises of the employer
 Heavy Loads - refers to any load that weighs more than 10 kg or 20% of a male child’s body weight
whichever is lesser, or 8 kg or 15% of a female child’s body weight whichever is lesser
Exceptions to the Prohibition on Employment of Children Below 15 Years of Age
 Child works under the sole responsibility of his/her parents or guardian, where only members of the
child’s family are employed.
 Child’s employment or participation in public entertainment or information is essential.


Written, verbal or electronic expressions or a physical act of gesture, or any combination
directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing in reasonable fear
of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property, creating a hostile environment at
school for the other student, interfere with the rights of other student at school or materially
and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school.
1. Punching
2. Kicking
3. Elbowing
4. Slapping
5. Tickling
6. Headlock
7. Pranks
8. Putting anything in the bag
9. Stealing/ getting things without the consent of the student
10. Damage of any property of the student
11. Posting in social media(messenger, text, email, group chat, games)
12. Online video bullying
13. Teasing
14. Fighting (No serious damage)
15. Slanderous statement
16. Name calling
17. Membership in Gang or any group practicing illegal activities
18. And other related bullying acts.


1. Report incident or complaint to guidance councilor
2. Guidance councilor conduct intake interview
3. Call the attention of complaint’s adviser
4. Call the attention of Parent’s( if the parents is not the alleged perpetrator)
5. Assist and refer the learner to Barangay or PNP (LGU-Valencia City)

1. Provide any possible assistance (spiritual and moral, and in-kind support)
2. Monitor the condition and performance of the survivor(victim) learner
3. Conduct one-on-one coaching and learning development assistance
4. Assist the victim in any activity required by the case procedure
5. Gather feedback and update on the status


1.In all cases involving child abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination, bullying
and other acts of abuse, the CPC shall accomplish the Intake Sheet (Annex "B").
The School Head may refer the victims and offenders in cases involving child
abuse, exploitation, discrimination, bullying or peer abuse and other acts of abuse,
to the CSWDO for assessment. The CSWDO shall determine the appropriate

2.The School Head, with the aid of the assigned Guidance Counselor/Teacher, and
in coordination with the CSWDO, shall immediately remove the victim, or in
appropriate cases the offender, from the place of the incident, if the victim is
determined to be at risk. The child's family shall be informed of any action taken.

3.The School Head may also refer to the CSWDO other pupils, students or learners
who are victims of abuse at home, children at risk, children in especially difficult
circumstances, children with special needs or at risk, children facing difficult
situations, or those who are exhibiting signs of aggressive behavior, with a view to
obtaining professional assessment, appropriate interventions and assistance from
competent service providers.


Chairperson NANDY L. RAFANAN


Vice Chairperson MARY GRACE B. BLANCO

Designated Guidance Counselor

Teacher’s Representative JENNIFER D. CAINGLES

Teacher Association President

Parent’s Representative ARIEL S. CARBON

PTA President

Pupil’s Representative KATHLEEN KATE J. GINER

SELG President

Representative from Barangay Hon. IVYM S. NOSER

Chairman on Education Committee

A. The CPC shall perform the following functions:

1. Draft a school child protection policy with a code of conduct and a plan
to ensure child protection and safety, which shall be reviewed every
three (3) years. The template for the school child protection policy is
attached as Annex "C";

2. Initiate information dissemination programs and organize activities for

the protection of children from abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination and bullying or peer abuse;

3. Develop and implement a school-based referral and monitoring system.

The template for the referral system is attached as Annex "D",

4. Establish a system for identifying students who may be suffering from

significant harm based on any physical, emotional or behavioral signs;

5. Identify, refer and, if appropriate, report to the appropriate offices cases

involving child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination and

6. Give assistance to parents or guardians, whenever necessary in securing

expert guidance counseling from the appropriate offices or institutions;

7. Coordinate closely with the Women and Child Protection Desks of the
Philippine National Police (PNP), the City Social Welfare and
Development Office (CSWDO), other government agencies, and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), as may be appropriate;

8. Monitor the implementation of positive measures and effective

procedures in providing the necessary support for the child and for those
who care for the child; and
9. Ensure that the children's right to be heard are respected and upheld in
all matters and procedures affecting their welfare.


The School Heads shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Ensure the institution of effective child protection policies and procedures, and
monitor compliance thereof;

2. Ensure that the school adopts a child protection policy;

3. Ensure that all pupils, students or learners, school personnel, parents, guardians
or custodians, and visitors and guests are made aware of child protection
policy (Annex "C").

4. Organize and convene the Child Protection Committee for the school;
5. Conduct the capacity building activities for the members of the Child
Protection Committee and Guidance Counselors/Teachers;

6. Conduct disciplinary proceedings in cases of offenses committed by pupils,

students or learners;
7. Ensure that the participatory and other rights of children are respected and
upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare;

8. Maintain a record of all proceedings related to bullying or peer abuse and

submit after each school year to the Division Office the report and a copy of
the intake form (Annexes "A" & "B", respectively);

9. Conduct the appropriate training and capability building activities on child

protection measures and protocols;

10.Ensure that the school adopts a student Code of Conduct to be followed by every
pupil, student or learner while on school grounds, or when traveling to and from
school, or during a school-sponsored activity, and during lunch period, whether on
or off campus;

11.Adopt such conflict resolution mechanisms that respect the rights of indigenous
peoples, provided that they conform to this Department Order and they uphold the
rights of the child;

12.Coordinate with the appropriate offices and other agency or instrumentality for
appropriate assistance and intervention, as may be required in the performance of
its functions;

13.Coordinate with the Department of Social Welfare and Development or, the
appropriate government agencies or non-governmental organizations on a Child
Protection Hotline for reporting abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination,
bullying and other similar acts and for counseling;

14.Ensure that all incidents of abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination, bullying

and other similar acts are addressed in accordance with the provisions of this
Department Order.

Article 218 of the Family Code of the Philippines provides the following
responsibilities of school administrators, teachers, academic and nonacademic and
other personnel:

1. Exercise special parental authority and responsibility over the child while
under their supervision, instruction and custody. Authority and responsibility
shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises of
the school, entity or institution.

2. Articles 220 and 233 of the Family Code of the Philippines, Presidential
Decree No. 603, and other related laws enumerated the following duties and
responsibilities of the abovementioned persons and personnel over the children
under their supervision, instruction and custody:

3.Keep them in their company and support, educate and instruct them by right
precept and good example;

4.Give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and

5.Enhance, protect, preserve and maintain their physical and mental health at all

6. Furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise their
activities, recreation and association with others, protect them from bad company
and prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental to their health, studies and

7. Represent them in all matters affecting their interests;

8. Inculcate the value of respect and obedience;

9. Practice positive and non-violent discipline, as may be required under the

circumstances; provided, that in no case shall corporal punishment be inflicted upon

10. Perform such other duties as are imposed by law upon them, as substitute parent or
guardians; and

11. School personnel shall also strictly comply with the school's child protection


A. Pupils, students and learners shall have the following duties and
1. Comply with the school's regulations, as long as they are in harmony
with their best interests. Pupils, students and learners shall refrain from:

i. Engaging in discrimination, or leading a group of pupils or

students to discriminate another, with reference to one's physical
appearance, weaknesses and status of any sort;
ii. Doing any act that is inappropriate or sexually provocative;

iii. Participating in behavior of other students that is illegal, unsafe
or abusive;
iv. Marking or damaging school property, including books, in any
v. Engaging in fights or any aggressive behavior;

vi. Introducing into the school premises or otherwise possessing

prohibited articles, such as deadly weapons, drugs, alcohol, toxic and
noxious substances, cigarettes and pornographic material; and

vii. Performing other similar acts that cause damage or injury to

another. An allegation that any of these acts has been committed shall
not be used to curtail the child's basic rights, or interpreted to defeat
the objectives of this Department Order.

2. Conduct themselves in accordance with their levels of development,

maturity, and demonstrated capabilities, with a proper regard for the
rights and welfare of other persons;
3. Respect another person's rights regardless of opinion, status, gender,
ethnicity, religion, as well as everyone's moral and physical integrity; and
4. Observe the Code of Conduct for pupils, students and learners.

B. The CPC shall perform the following functions:

1. Draft a school child protection policy with a code of conduct and a
plan to ensure child protection and safety, which shall be reviewed
every three (3) years. The template for the school child protection
policy is attached as Annex "C";

2. Initiate information dissemination programs and organize activities for

the protection of children from abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination and bullying or peer abuse;

3. Develop and implement a school-based referral and monitoring system.

The template for the referral system is attached as Annex "D",

4. Establish a system for identifying students who may be suffering from

significant harm based on any physical, emotional or behavioral signs;

5. Identify, refer and, if appropriate, report to the appropriate offices cases

involving child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination and

6. Give assistance to parents or guardians, whenever necessary in securing

expert guidance counseling from the appropriate offices or institutions;

7. Coordinate closely with the Women and Child Protection Desks of the
Philippine National Police (PNP), the City Social Welfare and
Development Office (CSWDO), other government agencies, and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), as may be appropriate;

8. Monitor the implementation of positive measures and effective

procedures in providing the necessary support for the child and for those
who care for the child; and

9. Ensure that the children's right to be heard are respected and upheld in
all matters and procedures affecting their welfare.



Complaints of child abuse, violence, discrimination, exploitation,

bullying and other acts of abuse under this Department Order shall be within the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Department, and shall not be brought for amicable
settlement before the Barangay, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations.
Complaints for acts committed by persons not under the jurisdiction of the
Disciplinary Authority of the Department shall be referred to the appropriate


In child abuse, violence, discrimination, exploitation, bullying or peer

abuse and other acts of abuse by a pupil, student or learners, the identity or
other information that may reasonably identify the pupil, student or learner,
whether victim or offender, shall be withheld from the public to protect his or
her privacy.

On the other hand, the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers protects
the rights of teachers and no publicity shall be given to any disciplinary action
against a teacher during the pendency of his or her case.


Criminal and Civil Liability arising from child abuse, discrimination,

and other acts of abuse are separate and distinct, and shall not be a bar to the
filing of an administrative case under this guidelines.

This Policy and Guidelines on Protecting Pupils in Catumbalon Elementary School
from abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse shall take
effect immediately upon issuance.

Appendix 1 – Bullying / Harassment Reporting Template

Staff member recording incident:


Date: / ___ /

Name of student(s) who appears to have investigated bullying



Grade & Section: _______________

Name(s) of target(s)



Name(s) of witnesses



Did you observe the incident? YES  NO 

If ‘NO’ who reported the incident to you?


Brief description of incident (what was allegedly said or done to the student
who appears to have been bullied?





What form(s) of bullying took place? Verbal  Physical  Indirect  Cyber

Other  Please detail: ______________________________

Describe how you responded (Did you use a school anti-bullying practice?)



The CATUMBALON Elementary School herewith adopt this

Child Protection Policy as per accepted by the School and the
Parents-Teachers Association and as ordered by the Department of

School Year: 2022-2023

President: ARIEL S. CARBON _____________________

Vice-President: NOBERT S. CORTEZ _____________________

Secretary: JENNIFER D. CAINGLES _____________________

Treasurer: JEANIE ROSE L. PANES _____________________

Auditor: MELANIE R. CARRERA _____________________

P.I.O.: JOEL G. DELA CRUZ _____________________

MAE S. SABLADA _____________________

Bus. Manager: REGIELYN JENODIA _____________________


School Guidance Coordinator


The CATUMBALON Elementary School herewith adopt this

Child Protection Policy as per accepted by the School and the
Parents-Teachers Association and as ordered by the Department of

School Year: 2023-2024

President: ARIEL S. CARBON _____________________

Vice-President: NORBERT S. CORTEZ _____________________

Secretary: JENNIFER D. CAINGLES _____________________

Treasurer: JEANIE ROSE L. PANES _____________________

Auditor: MELANIE R. CARRERA _____________________

P.I.O.: JOEL G. DELA CRUZ _____________________

MAE S. SABLADA _____________________

Bus. Managers: REGIELYN JENODIA _____________________

DEILYN DINOY _____________________


School Guidance Coordinator


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