Average Filtering

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Average Filtering: Theory, Design and Implementation

Chapter · April 2016

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2 authors:

Javier Gonzalez-Barajas Davis Montenegro

Honeywell Electric Power Research Institute


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Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez†

Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Columbia

Digital filtering is a set of algorithms based on differential equations.
The simplest algorithm within this set is the Finite Impulse Response
(FIR) filter. This only requires the input samples to generate the filtered
output, avoiding the feedback loops. FIR filters can be designed and
implemented according to the need, and because of their simplicity have
found application on many fields including Real-Time systems. A special
implementation of a low pass algorithm is the averaging filter. It
calculates the output sample using the average from a finite number of
input samples. The averaging filter is used in situations where is
necessary to smooth data that carrying high frequency distortion. The
main aim of this chapter is the exposition of the theory, implementation
and application of the average filtering. This chapter also presents the
application of the average filteringin two study cases:
electrophysiological signals and electrical power signals.

Keywords: average, digital signal processing, filtering, low order, real-time

E-mail: [email protected] (Davis Montenegro).

E-mail: [email protected] (Javier Gonzalez).
2 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

Nowadays data acquisition using digital interfaces is the preferred
technique for describing and analyzing physical phenomenon. Depending on
the primary element (sensor) and the environmental conditions a wide range of
high frequency noise can be part of the acquired waveform.
This situation demands a cleaning stage where the involved noise gets
reduced after the acquisition process. With this process it is expected that
further stages will receive clean data for performing analysis. As result, the
accuracy of the obtained information for describing the phenomenon gets
But not all applications look for the same goal. There are fields of
application where it is required to eliminate signal components which are
harmonics of the desired waveform. Once the undesired signal components are
separated these can be used for performing control actions for eliminate them.
The cases mentioned above can be found in instruments, signal
coditioning equipment, control equipment, among others. These applications
have a common request: Fast algorithms for implementation with several
hardware architectures for real-time operation.
These kind of problems can be addressed by using digital filtering. Digital
filtering is a set of algorithms based on differential equations. The simplest
algorithm within this set is the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. This
requires only the input samples to generate the filtered output, avoiding the
feedback loops. FIR filters can be designed and implemented according to the
need, and because of their simplicity have found application on many fields
including Real-Time systems.
A special implementation of a low pass filters is the averaging filter. It
calculates the output sample using the average value from a finite number of
input samples. The averaging filter is used in situations where data carrying
high frequency distortion need to be smoothed.
The aim of this chapter is the exposition of the theory, implementation and
application of the average filtering. This chapter also presents the application
of the average filtering in two study cases: electrophysiological signals and
electrical power signals.
Average Filtering 3


Theoretical Background

A digital filter is a discrete system designed for processing data stored in

arrays. Mathematically, a digital filter can be described using a differential
equation as shown in (1).

∑𝐿−1 𝐿−1
𝑘=0 𝑉𝑘 𝑦(𝑛 − 𝑘) = ∑𝑘=0 𝑊𝑘 𝑥 (𝑛 − 𝑘) (1)

An Alternative form is the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. This uses
only the actual and previous input for performing the filtering action. This
form avoids the uses of previous outputs, thus reducing the computational
burden when calculating the output y(n) as shown in (2).

𝑦[𝑛] = ∑𝐿−1
𝑘=0 𝑊𝑘 𝑥(𝑛 − 𝑘) (2)

A digital FIR structure with a particular function is the average filter. This
Filter attenuates higher frequency components and smooths the signal. The
average filter is shownin (3), where the variable L is de order of average filter.

𝑦[𝑛] = ∑𝐿−1
𝑘=0 𝑥(𝑛 − 𝑘) (3)

These filters have the following characteristics [1]:

1. The transfer function only has one constant term. The other terms are
always the coefficients of the shift registers where the inputs are
stored. Additionally, all the poles are in the origin of the Z plane. This
guarantees the stability of the filter because the impulse response
counts with a finite number of terms.
2. The operations of the FIR filter involves only multiply the inputs by
its coefficients for being accumulated. The implementation of this
filter is very simple.
3. Given the format of the FIR filter its coefficients can be found to
obtain the desired response. This filter can be configured as low-pass,
band-pass and high pass.
4 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

There are several methods for obtaining the coefficients of this filter.
These methods use the Fast Fourier Transform, time windows, frequency
sampling among others [2]. Some of them and their practical application are
shown as follows.

Design Algorithms

The frequency response of the average filter depends of the L value

according to (2) and (3). Using the following code in MATLAB, it is possible
estimate the frequency response.

l = [2 4 8 16 32 64];
N = length (l);
for i = 1:N
L = l (i);
B = (1/L)* ones (1, L);
[H, F] = freqz (B, 1, 200, Fs);
A (i,:) = abs (H);

With this algorithm it is possible to calculate the response of the filter FIR
in the frequency domain for different values of L. In Figure 1 the response for
L = 4, 8 and 16 are shown.

Figure 1. Response of the FIR filter for L = 4, 8 and 16.

Average Filtering 5

In Figure 1 the operational characteristics of the filter can be appreciated

such as the Gibbs oscillations, the ripple at the cut off frequency, among
others. Then, for testing the performance of the filter with different values of L
a waveform is built using a sample frequency of 500 Hz. This waveform is
composed by 4 frequencies as shown in the following code:

Fs = 500;
Ts = 1/Fs;
n = 1:500;
t = (n-1)*Ts;
s = cos (2*pi*5*n*Ts);
r = cos (2*pi*13*n*Ts) + cos (2*pi*72*n*Ts) + cos (2*pi*130*n*Ts);
x = s + r;

As result, the signal x (n) is composed by two parts: the clean and desired
waveform and the noise. The clean waveform is s(n) and the noise is
represented by r(n). Both components are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Clean waveform (Up) and Contaminated waveform (Bottom).

6 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

The contaminated waveform x(n) will be entered to the filter and the
output signal y(n) will be plotted. For this example 4, 8, 16 and 32 coefficients
(L) are proposed for designing 4 different filters. This procedure is made using
the following code:

l= [4 8 16 32];
N = length (l);
for i = 1:N
L = l(i);
b = (1/L)* ones (1, L);
y (i,:) = filter(b, 1, x);

The obtained outputs for each filter are shown on Figure 3. In this Figure
is notable the low-pass effect of the filter and the smooth reached depending
on the order of the filter. Additionally, it is evident that when the order of the
filter gets increase the performance of the filter is better. However, the
increment in the filter order means a higher computational burden. It is then
when a balance must be found between computational burden and the filter
response. Another consideration for the FIR filter is the phase shifting when
increasing the order of the filter.

Figure 3. Signal y(n) obtained from different versions of the average filter.
Average Filtering 7

For implementing this filter in different languages a simple coding is

required. One technique for a simple implementation is using the concept of
convolution [3]. According to its definition a convolution can be described as
shown in (4).

𝑦(𝑛) = 𝑥(𝑛) ∗ ℎ(𝑛) (4)

In this case h(n) is a discrete function and its coefficients corresponds to

the value of L. This discrete function is described in (5) where it is an array of
size L filled with ones divided by L.

ℎ(𝑛) = ( ) [10 12 … … . . 1𝐿−1 ] (5)

This implementation can be performed using C++ in a simple way. The

following code can be used for implementing a simple average filter in a
regular computer. The input samples are stored in the shift array x and the
result of the convolution loop is placed in the variable c.

for (n = L + 1; n <= N; n ++)

{c = 0;
For (k = 1; k <= L, k ++)
c = c + x(n-k);
y (n) = c/L;}

But sometimes the time becomes a major concern. In these cases users
would like to implement this kind of filters using hardware for covering a
wider spectrum. The preferred technologies for this are FPGAs. Figure 4
shows the implementation of an average filter based on shift registers which
can be described in hardware using VHDL.
In Figure 4, the shift registers Rn are used for storing the samples taken
with the analog to digital converter (ADC) in time. The register B0 is used for
storing the result of operating these samples according to (5) using bit right
shifting. As result, the filtered signal will be found after operate all the
coefficients of the filter corresponding to the shift register length.
This structure can be implemented using VHDL with the following code:

identity FILTER is
Port (X: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
8 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

Y: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
end tarjeta;

architecture Behavioral of FILTER is

signal R0:std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal R1:std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal R2:std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal R3:std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
B0:std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
B1:std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);

process (C)
if C = '0' and C'event then
X < = not A;
R0 <= not (A);
R1 <= R0;
R2 <= R1;
R3 <= R2;
end if;

end process;
B0 <= R0 + R1 + R2 + R3;
B1 (7) <= '0';
B1 (6) <='0';
B1 (5) <= B0 (7);
B1 (4) <= B0 (6);
B1 (3) <= B0 (5);
B1 (2) <= B0 (4);
B1 (1) <= B0 (3);
B1 (0) <= B0 (2);
Y <= B1;
end Behavioral;

This code can be used for reproducing the proposed filter within a FPGA.
This device can then be used for several purposes.
Average Filtering 9

Figure 4. Average filter based on shift registers.

Applications in the Time and Frequency Domains

Many applications of the average filter can be found in the time and
frequency domains. Sometimes, the input signals have baseline components
for which modern technology is not immune. The problem with this kind of
components is that they contaminate the low-frequency components of the
studied signal [4]. In the Followings lines of code for MATLAB, it is possible
simulate a discrete signal with a base line component.

fs = 500;
Ts = 0.001;
n = 1:1000;
t = (n-1)*Ts;
s1 = sin (2*pi*10*n*(1/fs));
s2 = sin (2*pi*15*n*(1/fs));
s3 = sin (2*pi*20*n*(1/fs));
s4 = sin (2*pi*25*n*(1/fs));
s5 = sin (2*pi*30*n*(1/fs));
x = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5;
v = 2*sin (2*pi*0.2*n*(1/fs));
s = x + v;
10 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

This code will generate a waveform based on sinusoidal signals. The

baseline of a waveform can be described as a background that surrounds the
important data of the composed signal [5]. This background represents a
source of noise that can affect the accuracy of the information contained in the
time window.
The waveform generated with the code presented above is shown in
Figure 5. In this Figure it is possible to appreciate the concepts of baseline
mentioned previously.

Figure 5. Waveform generated containing baseline components (left) and the baseline

For isolating the baseline from the composed waveform an average filter
can be implemented using 128 memory blocks (L). The code for implement
this filter and extract the baseline as show in Figure 5 (right) is as follows:

L = 128;
b = (1/L)*ones (1, L);
y = filter (b, 1, s);

This simple implementation allows by generating a group of coefficients

with the same value to characterize the useless data. In this particular case this
modeled noise can be used for removing it from the original signal before
perform extract the desired information. In Figure 5 if the signal at the right is
algebraically subtracted from the signal at the left the base line components
gets eliminated. The resulting waveform is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Waveform obtained after the baseline removal.
12 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

These procedures are common in several applications. Two examples of

these applications are going to be presented as follows.

Study Case: Electrophysiological Signals

The electrocardiogram is an electrophysiological signal that describes the

electrical behavior of the human heart. The electrocardiographic signal (ECG)
requires several measurements from different parts of the patient’s body
(biomedical instrumentation). However, the presence of electrical equipment
adds disturbances that affect the instrumentation system.
The ECG’s amplitude is around 1mV and its bandwidth is between 0.5
and 100 Hz. Figure 9 shows an electrocardiographic signal taken from the
signals data base Physionet [6]. The proposed signal and its components in the
frequency domain are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Proposed ECG signal and its spectrum.

Average Filtering 13

This signal is going to be altered by adding noise corresponding to the

noise generated by the proximity of power lines, which is common in ECG
signals once they are acquired. The MATLAB code used for generate the new
waveform is presented as follows:

load signal
fs = 500;
Ts = 1/fs;
N = 1000;
n = 1:N;
t= (n-1)/fs;
r = 0.5*sin (2*pi*60*n*Ts);
x1 = s + r;

The obtained waveform is shown in Figure 8. This new version of the

original signal is closer to a real scenario where different factors, such as
power lines, can add undesired data to the time window.
Then following the procedure presented above the average filter can be
obtained by using a simple code in MATLAB. In this case a low order is
selected for implement the filter (L = 8); the aim is to verify how with low
orders the filter reach a good performance for this kind of tasks. The
implemented code is as follows:

L = 8;
b = (1/L)*ones (1, L);
y = filter (b, 1, x1);
y = y/max (y);

Figure 8. Distorted ECG signal by the proximity of power lines.

14 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

Figure 9. Filtered ECG signal using average filtering with L = 8.

As result the noise added initially becomes reduced significantly as shown

in Figure 9. This demonstrates that the average filter results highly efficient for
working as low-pass filter and eliminate the undesired components of the
studied signal. Additionally the computational burden is not demanding for
Real-time application.

Study Case: Active Filters for Power Conditioning

In power systems the connection of non-conventional loads such as power

inverters, electronic power sources, Electric Vehicles, among others, has led a
big workforce interested in power quality issues [7, 8]. The power quality
disturbances are already identified and documented in international standards
[9, 10]; these standards define the characteristics of the disturbances for
monitoring and control.
Harmonic distortion is a very common disturbance and there is a big
interest in reduce it in power systems [11, 12] for building the smart grid.
Using active power filters the harmonics can be modeled and eliminated from
Average Filtering 15

the power system by injecting or draining energy. Figure 10 shows the general
schematic of an Active filter for power conditioning connected in shunt.

Figure 10. General schematic of active filters for power conditioning.

The control of the semiconductors for injecting the correcting signal is

performed by the active filter controller. This structure was proposed by Akagi
et al. [13] for applying the instantaneous power theory and eliminating the
harmonics present in the power lines [14].
The interesting about this application is that works with only one sample
for infer the operation of the semiconductor bridge. As result, energy can be
dragged and stored in the capacitors or injected when it is necessary.
In this special application the use of average filtering results adequate.
First the voltage and current signal samples are acquired and transformed from
the a, b, c plane to the α, β, 0 plane using Clark’s transformation as shown in

1⁄ 1 0
𝐼𝑐𝑎 −𝑖0
[𝐼𝑐𝑏 ] = √ 1⁄ −1⁄
3 √2 2 2 𝑖𝑐𝛼 ]
[ (6)
𝐼𝑐𝑐 𝑖𝑐𝛽
1 −1⁄ −√3⁄
[ ⁄√2 2 2]
Figure 11. Distorted current waveforms (top) and filtered non active current (bottom).
Figure 12. Obtained current signal (phase a) when the filter is operating.
18 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

Then, terms associated with 0 sequence (ground) can be discarded because

they do not contribute to the non-active power [15]. With this reduces vector
the reference frame can change from α, β, 0 to the p, q plane. This new frame
separates the active power from the non-active power, which represents the
undesired components of the power signal (harmonics). This transformation is
performed as follows:

𝑖𝑐𝛼 1 𝑉𝛼 −𝑉𝛽 −𝑝̃ + ∆𝑝̅

[𝑖 ] = 𝑉 2 +𝑉 2 [ ][ ] (7)
𝑐𝛽 𝛼 𝛽 𝑉 𝛽 𝑉𝛼 −𝑞̅ − 𝑞̃

In (7) Vα and Vβ were obtained using the same procedure presented in (6).
These equations are invertible making possible to go from different reference
frames for control purposes. After equation (7) is operated the composed
power signal −𝑝̃ + ∆𝑝̅ can be filtered using the current sample.
This consideration means that the action of the filter is performed after a
number of iteration equal to the length of the filter’s shift register. So if the
filter has a length of 8 registers means that only after 8 iterations the filter will
be initialized. This initialization will guarantee that all the coefficients of the
filter are different to 0 and the filtering action will be performed.
After the filtering the new term p is transformed in inverse for determining
the current value for injecting/drain from the power system. The
injection/drain sequence of the semiconductor bridge is made by applying a
hysteresis algorithm that delivers the triggering sequence for each phase.
The following MATLAB code generates the current waveforms of a three
phase 6 pulse inverter; this device can be found in some Electric Vehicles. The
X/R ratio of the system is quite low making the total harmonic distortion
(THD) of the voltage signal lower than 1.

% Manitudes of odd harmonics and fundamental (Inverter IEEE 519)

Harm = [1 0.1378 0.30 0.12 0.089 0.056 0.044];
Fs = 3000; %Sample Frequency S/s
FFund = 60; %Fundamental Freq (60 Hz)
Per = 5; %Periods
Long = (Fs/FFund)*Per + 1; %length of the vectors
N = 0:Long-1; %Samples equivalent to “Per” periods
theta = 2*pi/3; %Phase angle
Ic = zeros (3, Long);
Tam = size (Harm);
% Generate the 3 phase current waveforms
Average Filtering 19

for Fr = 1:Tam(2), %Tam(2),

Ic = Ic + [Harm (Fr)*sin((Fr*2-1)*2*pi*FFund*n/Fs);
Harm (Fr)*sin ((Fr*2-1)*(2*pi*FFund*n/Fs + theta));
Harm (Fr)*sin ((Fr*2-1)*(2*pi*FFund*n/Fs-theta))];
t = n/Fs;
plot (t, Ic);
grid on;
xlabel (‘Time (sec)’);
ylabel(‘Amplitude (Amps)’);

The generated waveforms are shown in Figure 11 (up). The magnitude of

these signals is normalized and represents a demand big enough for impact
negatively the power system. After performing the plane transformation of the
current and voltage waveforms the average filter is applied. Then the non-
active power is transformed into the harmonic current shown in Figure 11
(bottom). The resulting current waveform when the filter operates is shown in
Figure 12.

This chapter has presented an introduction to the theory, design and
implementation of average filters. The characteristics of these filters make of
them easy for designing and implement. They are widely applied in several
fields due their suitability for Real-Time execution. Two of these applications
have been presented and also some codes for simulating them.

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20 Davis Montenegro and Javier Gonzalez

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Average Filtering 21

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P. K.

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