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Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk about something that affects many of us in this digital age: the
fear of missing out, or as we commonly call it, FOMO. Is FOMO real, or is it just a
product of our imagination?

Well, let me tell you, FOMO is very real. With social media and constant connectivity,
we are bombarded with updates about what others are doing, and it's easy to feel
left out. We see our friends posting pictures of exciting vacations, fun parties, or
achievements, and we can't help but wonder if we're missing out on all the

This fear can lead to anxiety and a sense of inadequacy. We might even make choices
we don't really want to make, just to avoid missing out. It's essential to remember
that while FOMO is real, it's also essential to balance our digital lives with real-world
experiences. So, next time you feel FOMO creeping in, take a step back, prioritize
what truly matters to you, and remember that life is not just about what you see
online. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to shed light on a critical topic in our seminar on body and health:
eating disorders. It's crucial to understand that eating disorders are not just about
going on a diet or trying to lose weight. They are complex mental and health
disorders that can take years to recover from.

Eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating, are serious conditions
that affect not only a person's physical health but also their emotional well-being.
They often stem from deep-rooted issues like low self-esteem, societal pressures, or

People with eating disorders may engage in harmful behaviors like extreme calorie
restriction, purging, or overeating to cope with their emotions. These behaviors can
have severe consequences on their bodies, including damage to the heart, bones,
and mental health.

It's crucial that we approach this topic with empathy and understanding, and provide
support to those who may be struggling. Remember, eating disorders are not a
choice, and recovery can be a long and challenging journey. Let's work together to
raise awareness and promote a healthier, more compassionate society. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I, Raja Rajini, would like to present my views on the motion: "Cryptocurrency will
never replace traditional currency."

I am firmly against this motion. While cryptocurrency has gained popularity and
disrupted financial systems, it's unlikely to entirely replace traditional currency for
several reasons. First, traditional currency, like cash and banknotes, is widely
accepted and trusted by governments worldwide. Cryptocurrencies lack this universal
acceptance and regulation.

Second, cryptocurrencies are volatile, making them risky for everyday transactions.
Their value can fluctuate drastically in a short period, which can be problematic for
both consumers and businesses.

Third, not everyone has access to the technology needed for cryptocurrency
transactions, leaving behind those without internet or digital devices. This digital
divide hinders widespread adoption.

In conclusion, while cryptocurrencies have their merits, they are unlikely to replace
traditional currency fully. Both forms will likely coexist, each serving its purpose in our
financial world. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I, Sohan (or So Funny, as some of you might know me), would like to share my
thoughts on the motion: "Life skills like cooking, personal finances, and taxes should
be taught in schools."

I'm all in for this motion! Teaching life skills like cooking, managing personal
finances, and understanding taxes in schools is crucial. First, cooking is a basic
survival skill. It's essential for maintaining a healthy diet and saving money by eating
at home.

Second, personal finance education helps students make informed decisions about
money. They learn to budget, save, and invest wisely, which is vital for their future
financial well-being.
Lastly, understanding taxes is a responsibility every citizen faces. Teaching it in
schools ensures that young adults are prepared to file taxes correctly and responsibly
when they start earning.

In conclusion, these life skills are practical and necessary for students to thrive as
adults. Schools should equip them with the knowledge and confidence to navigate
the real world successfully. Thank you!



🚗🛑 Stay Safe on the Roads - Your Life Depends on It!

Hey there, everyone! 👋 It's Roshan (or Roshni), your friendly social worker, and today,

I want to talk to you about a topic that's close to my heart: Road Safety. 🚗💔

The rise in road accidents is alarming, and it's high time we take action. Careless

driving not only endangers lives but also destroys property. 🏠💥

Here are some crucial tips to keep in mind:

1. Obey Traffic Rules: Those signs and signals are not for decoration. They are
there to keep us safe. Please, follow them diligently.
2. Don't Speed: Speeding can turn a minor mistake into a major tragedy. Slow
down, be patient, and arrive alive.
3. Avoid Distractions: Put your phone away while driving. Texts and calls can
wait. Your focus should be on the road.
4. Buckle Up: Seatbelts are your best friend. They can save your life in an
5. Never Drink and Drive: Alcohol impairs judgment and reaction time. It's not
worth risking lives.
6. Stay Calm and Patient: Road rage never solves anything. Take deep breaths
and keep your cool.
7. Regular Vehicle Maintenance: Ensure your vehicle is in good condition.
Faulty brakes or tires can lead to accidents.

Remember, it's not just about your safety; it's about the safety of everyone on the

road. Let's be responsible drivers and make our roads safer for everyone. 💚🌟
Spread the word and save lives! 🙏🚗 #RoadSafety #DriveSafe #CarefulDriving

🌟 Discover India's Craft Heritage 🌟

You're Invited to Delhi Heart Exhibition!

Date: [Insert Date] Time: [Insert Time] Venue: Delhi Heart, Delhi

Join Us on a Journey of Artistry and Culture!

🎉 Explore Handcrafted Wonders: Admire the exquisite craftsmanship of India's


Shop Unique Treasures: Find one-of-a-kind souvenirs and gifts.

🍛 Savor Culinary Delights: Enjoy delicious regional cuisines.

🎨 Live Demonstrations: Witness artisans at work, creating magic with their hands.

🌸 Cultural Performances: Be enthralled by traditional dances and music.

📸 Photo Opportunities: Capture memories with vibrant backdrops.

🇮🇳 Experience the Soul of India's Artistry!

Admission: Free for All

🧡 Presented by the Cultural Minister of India 🧡

Don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in India's rich heritage of craftsmanship.

Mark the date and join us for an unforgettable day of art, culture, and creativity! 🌺🎨🥂

For more information, visit [website] or call [contact number].

Come, Celebrate India's Artistry at Delhi Heart! 🎉🇮🇳


🚫📱 Mobile Games Alert! 🧒🚫

Too Much Screen Time is Not Fine!

Kids, playing mobile games all day can:

1. 📵 Isolate you from real-world fun.

2. 📉 Hurt your eyes and health.

3. 🤯 Affect schoolwork and sleep.

Balance is Key! 🤗📚🏃‍

Let's Play, Learn, and Grow Together! 🌟 #HealthyHabits


🌟 Excel Academies: Your NEET Success Partner! 🌟

Join our NEET coaching courses:

1. NEET Crash Course: Quick revision for last-minute excellence.

2. NEET Foundation: Build strong fundamentals.
3. NEET Test Series: Sharpen your exam skills.

Expert faculty, top-notch resources, and proven success!

Call [Your Contact Number] for details. Don't miss your chance to excel! 📚👩‍‍
#NEETCoaching #ExcelWithUs

🌄 Discover Shimla with Arun Gupta! 🌄

Explore Shimla's beauty with our local expert, Arun Gupta. He knows all the hidden
gems and tourist spots.

🌟 Customized tours Scenic walks 🍲 Local cuisine tips

Experience Shimla like never before! Call Arun Gupta at [Phone Number] for an
unforgettable tour. #ShimlaTourGuide

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