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132KV Substation Fault Analysis

Name: Amal Akbar,Emmara Zulfiqar, Hamza Latif

ID: 19006019-004,009,010
BS-EE Batch 06

Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Management & Technology
Lahore, Sialkot Campus
Load flow analysis using software is accurate and gives highly reliable results.
This research makes effective use of Electrical Transient Analyzer Program
(ETAP) to carry out load flow analysis of 132 kV substation[1],[2]. The actual
ratings of Power Transformers, Circuit Breakers, Current Transformers, Potential
Transformers and Isolating switches are taken and modelled accordingly in ETAP.
This 132 kV substation is located in Punjab State Transmission Corporation
Limited (PSTCL) which comprises of 2 Power Transformers, 13 Circuit Breakers,
13 Current Transformers, 3 Potential Transformers and 6 Isolating switches [3].
The major cause of almost all the major power system disturbance is under
voltage. Reactive power (Vars) cannot be transmitted very far especially under
heavy load conditions so it must be generated close to the point of consumption.
This is because the difference in voltage causes reactive power (Vars) to flow and
voltages on a power system are only +/- 5 percent of nominal and this small
voltage difference does not cause substantial reactive power (Vars) to flow over
long distances. So if that reactive power (Vars) is not available at the load centre,
the voltage level go down. Chronic under voltages can cause excess wear and tear
on certain devices like motor as they will tend to run overly hot if the voltage is
low[4]. The single line diagram of the substation is simulated in ETAP based upon
actual data and it is seen that at both the 11 kV feeder buses there is under voltage.
To overcome the under voltage at both the 11 kV feeder buses capacitor bank of
suitable ratings are placed in shunt. Section 2 is the details of the components.
Section 3 is the simulation of single line diagram of 132 kV substation in ETAP
based upon practical data. Section 4 is the Load Flow Analysis of the substation.
Section 5 contains the Alert summary report generated after load flow analysis.
Section 6 is the load flow analysis of the substation with an improvement to
surmount the problem of under voltage. Section 7 is the ratiocination of this
research work.
Component Type Rating Power Transformer Transformer 1 Minimum Maximum
10 MVA 12.5 MVA Transformer 2 16 MVA 20 MVA Circuit Breaker CB 1-4
145kV/1600A CB 5-12 12kV/630A CB 13 12kv/1250A Current Transformer CT
1,3 Primary Secondary 600A 1A CT 2 75A 1A CT 4 200A 1A CT 5,6 400A 5A
CT 7 900A 5A CT 8-12 400A 5A CT 13 1200A 5A Potential Transformer PT 1
132 kV 110 V PT 2,3 11 kV 110V Isolating Switches SW 1-6 132 kV/1600A
Feeders Load 1 250A Load 2 400A Load 3 200A Load 4 270A Load 5 310A Load
6 280A Load 7 20A.
Figure 1 load flow analysis Simulation


Load Flow Analysis of the 132 kV substation carried out using ETAP in which
NewtonRaphson method is used and it is observed that at the Bus 3 and Bus 4
there is under voltage which can be clearly seen from Fig. 2 (a) showing the
sectional view of the feeders. At Bus 3 the voltage level is 94.01% and at bus 4 the
voltage level is 94.78%. Load Flow Analysis of 132 kV substation Sectional View
of the Feeders TABLE 2 shows that the real power on swing bus i.e. BUS 1 is
24.463 MW and the reactive power is 16.088 Mvar and the power factor is 83.6%
which is very low. TABLE 2 Monitoring Points kV MW Mvar %PF BUS 1* 132
24.463 16.088 83.6 BUS 3 11 17.772 9.593 83.3 BUS 4 11 9.557 5.158 84 *
Swing Bus TABLE 3 shows the Demand and Losses summary report which tells
us about the total demand of the system and also about the losses that occurs in a
system. TABLE 3 Type MW Mvar MVA %PF Swing Bus 24.463 16.088 29.279
83.6(lag) Total Demand 24.463 16.088 29.279 83.6(lag) Total Static Load 24.293
13.112 27.605 88(lag) Apparent Losses 0.17 2.976 Transformer 1 61.4* 951.5*
Transformer 2 108.9* 2024.9*.

Short Circuit Fault

Figure 2 Short Circuit fault at Bus 4

Load Flow study using ETAP software is carried out with an approach to
overcome the problem of an under voltage. Load Flow Studies using ETAP
software is an excellent tool for system planning. A number of operating
procedures can be analyzed such as the loss of generator, a transmission line, a
transformer or a load. Load flow studies can be used to determine the optimum size
and location of capacitors to surmount the problem of an under voltage. Also, they
are useful in determining the system voltages under conditions of suddenly applied
or disconnected loads. Load flow studies determine if system voltages remain
within specified limits under various contingency conditions, and whether
equipment such as transformers and conductors are overloaded. Load-flow studies
are often used to identify the need for additional generation, capacitive, or
inductive VAR support, or the placement of capacitors and/or reactors to maintain
system voltages within specified limits.

[1] Keith Brown, Herminio Abcede, Farookh Shokooh, Gary Donner “Interactive
Simulation of Power Systems: ETAP applications and techniques”, Page(s): 1930-
1941,IEEE ,1990.

[2] J. Arrillaga, N.R. Watson “Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems”,

second edition, ISBN : 978-0-471-87249-8 , John Wiley and Sons[2001].

[3] Report by “Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL)” for 132
kV transmission substations.



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