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Soil Scientific Research Methods Used in Archaeology – Promising Soil

Biochemistry: a Mini-review

Article in Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis · September 2015

DOI: 10.11118/actaun201563041417


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3 authors:

Valerie Vranová Theodore Danso Marfo

Mendel University in Brno 12 PUBLICATIONS 676 CITATIONS

Klement Rejšek
Mendel University in Brno


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Volume 63 155 Number 4, 2015



Valerie Vranová1, Theodore Danso Marfo1, Klement Rejšek1

Department of Geology and Soil Science, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic


Research Methods Used in Archaeology – Promising Soil Biochemistry: a Mini-review. Acta Universitatis
Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 63(4): 1417–1426.

This work seeks to review soil scientific methods that have been used and are still being used
in archaeology. This review paper aims at emphasising the importance of soil science practice to
archaeology thus adding a scientific analytical nature to the cultural nature of archaeology. Common
methods (physical, chemical and biochemical) used to analyse archaeological soils and artefacts is
touched on and their strengths and shortcomings duly noted to become the base for future research.
Furthermore, the authors made emphasis on distinctive excavating/sampling methods, biochemical
analyses focused on distinctive features of plough-land and soil organic matter mineralization,
Counter Immunoelectrophoresis (CEIP) method by the presence of proteins testing, carbon analyses
such as carbon-14 dating techniques, soil phosphorus studies and geochemical analyses of hematite
Fe2O3 and cinnabaryte HgS contents. It is obvious that, the future of archaeology is in the soil because
the soil harbours information of the past hence the synergy between soil and archaeological research
has to be strengthened and archaeology made a prime agenda by soil scientists by expanding
the analyses scope of total phosphorus extraction and giving attention to soil magnetism.

Keywords: soil properties, soil biochemistry, phosphorus starch, lipid, protein

INTRODUCTION soil scientific research methods used in archaeology

Soil biochemistry basically has its starting points and a discussion of their interpretative potential.
from carbohydrate compositions, characterisation A lot of people have described archaeology in
of their biotic origins and their isolations (Paul, several ways for its 150 years of study (Daniel,
2014). The theory itself comes from the biochemical 1950; McGlade and van der Leeuw, 1997). The
nature of changes in microbial biomass carbon, differences in the descriptions can largely be
contrasting plant carbon, and animal carbon. A pinned on the changes in the focus of the subject
forward march of this part of soil biochemistry matter. Archaeology is becoming more and more
will be, thus, focused on the interrelationships associated with science and taking into account
between soil carbohydrate composition and soil human actions. Basically, descriptions or definitions
physics leading to understanding both origins and given to archaeology depict the perception the
stability of soil saccharides, and soil organic matter authors have towards the subject matter. In a
as a whole. For that reason, both mobility of organic nutshell, archaeology is more of an investigative
polymers, their aliphatic, cyclic and aromatic nature, research, which seeks to uncover what was done by
and the isotopic composition of soil organic matter humans that once lived in an area (Sumner, 1999).
related to human settlements, vegetation changes The Society of American Archaeology describes
and natural soil processes have been scrutinized in archaeology as a field of anthropology which
the mirror of archaeological records. Therefore, the analyses the physical remains of ancient and recent
objectives of the paper include both a selection of past lives to understand human culture (Reyman,
1992). On the other hand, the soil is heterogeneous

1418 Valerie Vranová, Theodore Danso Marfo, Klement Rejšek

and generally complex to study. For this reason, Soil Physical Analysis in Archaeology
soil is studied in a lot of disciplines (examples are; Perfect description of soils helps archaeologists
forestry, agriculture, geology, geography, chemistry to understand what was done on a particular
etc). This has led to the development of so many site in the past (Holliday, 2004). The most used
methods to studying various concepts within the physical features of soil in archaeology are soil
soil. Again, the soil is seen by these disciplines in structure, aggregate stability, colour and texture
different lenses. It is seen mostly as a sediment or (Moore et al., 1993). These are primarily used to date
growth medium for organisms (geologists see the archaeological sites.
soil as sediments, pedologists are more concerned
with soil formation whereas agriculturalist and Soil Structure and Aggregate Stability
foresters are concerned with its productivity). Soil aggregates are categories of soil particles that
Archaeology will bring another dimension because bind to each other more tightly than to adjacent
all the above would be interpreted from a human particles. Aggregate stability is the ability of soil
cultural angle. Although archaeologists, most of the aggregates to resist collapse when subjected to
time dig through soil layers for artefacts to get an forces such as those associated with tillage as well
idea of what happened on the site so many years ago, as water or wind erosion. Aggregate stability is a
the soil itself can also be an important storehouse sign of organic matter content, biological activity
of information hence soil analysis (physical, as well as nutrient cycling processes in the soil
chemical or biochemical) can help archaeologists (Hrabovska et al., 2014). The age of soil has influence
to date sites and get to know the major activities the of its structure. The older a soil is, the stronger the
people there did (e.g. soil analysis on fertility can aggregates and younger have weak aggregates hence
help archaeologist understand the farming systems archaeologist can use this general age rule to some
practiced in ancient times). extent when it comes to dating of sites. Additionally,
The Scandinavia has closely linked archaeology the stability or instability of soil aggregates gives
to geology, dating and agriculture. An archaeologist archaeologists a hint of other factors of interest such
by the name, J. J. A. Worsaae (1821–1886) from as carbon, nitrogen or phosphorus.
Denmark successfully resolved the mysterious
sediment formation on the sea shell middens and Colour
since then archaeology in Scandinavia has always A geochemical analysis of hematite Fe2O3
had strong association with geology (Briggs, 2005). and cinnabaryte HgS contents focused on their
Due to the increased interest in the economics accumulation as remnants of usage of pigments for
of ancient times and landscape, there have been some human rituals and funerals as well as their
heightened interests in soil within archaeology combined colour effect for the production of red
(Sherratt, 1997). These connections led to the ceramics makes their investigation a crucial soil
development of environmental archaeology and scientific research method needed in archaeology.
geoarchaeology (Butzer, 1971; Brown, 1997). The Top soils of ancient times are mostly not preserved
book ‘’Soil science in Archaeology’’ written by Susan in-situ but at most archaeological excavation areas
Limbrey was a great contribution to wed soil and or sites. Ancient pits filled with former topsoil is the
archaeology together (Mackney, 1976). This giant common practice (Eckmeier and Wiesenberg, 2009;
step made soil micromorphology a vital part of Lauer et al., 2013; Lauer et al., 2014). Soil colour is
soil study in archaeology and it is still developing very important to archaeologists because it is a key
(Courty et al., 1990). It is clear that in the early stages determinant of age (Jones and MacGregor, 2002).
of archaeology practice in Europe, pedology seemed In North-West Germany, a dark brown soil filling
strong. In America, Karl Butzer gave an ecological represents Neolithic period, grey-brown represents
angle to archaeology and this later became known the Iron Age and light grey represents the Roman
as geoarchaeology (Butzer, 1980). Although the era. Soil colour as a dating parameter is very crucial
geology angle of archaeology in America seemed because in areas where no artefacts are found, it
stronger in earlier times, the pedology angle has becomes the only factor there is to date the site. The
never been out of the scene. Soil erosion has since Munsell Soil Colour Charts as commonly practiced
the beginning of soil study been seen as the greatest in soil science is also used to some extent by
soil degradation factor hence soil erosion became archaeologists. Its description of soil colour limits
an integral part in geoarchaeology (Boardman and the dating and quantitative nature of archaeological
Poesen, 2006; White, 2013). practice. For instance, not every possible colour
From the above, it is obvious that efforts have can be found and light exposure generates several
been made in the past to link archaeology and soil perceptions of colour. Spectrometry presents
analysis. This mini-review will throw more light on a fast and precise way to determine soil colour
the need to properly merge soil scientific methods (Torrent and Barrón, 1993). Soil colour and its
especially soil biochemistry with archaeological chemical properties can be measured with this
practices. The synergy between these two fields method because spectrometry produces values
of study will be beneficial to both and most that are possible to analyse statistically. Soil forming
importantly lead to a more realistically precise processes as well as other soil features produces
archaeological predictions.
Soil Scientific Research Methods Used in Archaeology – Promising Soil Biochemistry: a Mini-review 1419

the colour of soil material hence soil colour is a sign with other substances using reagents. The amount
or indicator of what materials were present in soils of reagent added has a bearing on its capacity of
from prehistoric to even modern times (Barrett, extraction and the reagent’s strength is measured
2002; Rossel et al., 2006). Addition and removal of by how easy it dissociates in solution. A lot of
some particular compounds characterises human archaeological interest in soil phosphorus has
influence in soil formation. Benzene polycarboxylic been on soil available phosphorus (Menon et al.,
acid molecular method is mostly employed to spot 1989). This might be so because there are a lot of
charcoal carbon composition in soil (Hammes simple on-field methods to measure soil available
et al., 2007). Eckmeier and Gerlach (2012) tested phosphorus but essentially, the main reason is that,
soil spectra measurements in two regions north- agriculturists found it very important. Almost all
west Germany (Luvisols) and central Germany the early analysis on soil phosphorus in archaeology
(Chernozems). Pit fillings from Neolithic to Iron Age was on available phosphorus. Available phosphorus
were sampled. Aer the analyses, a key conclusion measurements were developed to measure nutrient
they came to was that though UV/Vis (Ultraviolet- availability to plants hence it was mainly for the
visible spectroscopy) presents a fast way of analysis, agricultural sciences (Bray, 1929). There are a
it can only be used aer the method has been number of problems associated with how methods
calibrated. Furthermore, the difference in colour of analysing available phosphorus is interpreted
of soil for the different archaeological periods was hence might not be the ultimate indicator for
clear but could not be explained (Eckmeier and archaeological purposes. It should also be noted
Gerlach, 2012). that different plants take-up different quantities
of phosphorus from the same soil hence available
Soil Texture phosphorus will only roughly say something about
Distribution of particle size is very important phosphorus status in the soil and not necessarily
to archaeologists. This is because, it is a stable relate to phosphorus existing in nature (Dietz, 1957).
soil property and it is used to assess the level As stated earlier, a lot of the soil phosphorus
of soil formation and spot imbalances in soil research in archaeology uses methods easily applied
profiles. Particle size analyses encompasses the on the field. The ring or spot test is a vivid example
determination of soil separates greater than 2 mm and it is used to test for easily removable available soil
thus sand (2–0.05 mm), silt (0.05–0.002 mm) and phosphorus (Eidt, 1973). Nitric acid was originally
clay (< 0.002 mm) (Klute, 1986). Soil texture analysis used for this method but later hydrochloric or
can be done as follows; sieving when separates are sulphuric acids were used because it gave better
big thus greater than 0.05mm and hygrometer or results. The main drawback of this method is that
pipette method for smoother separates < 0.05 mm it only gives qualitative data which is not easily
(Bouyoucos, 1962). Soil textural analyses were reproducible hence not so reliable. Though the
used to compare the degree of pedogenesis of two ring or spot test method is simple and can be done
different pedons of Busia in Western Kenya. The on-field, the above mentioned drawback has
outcome of this research showed that both pedons pushed some archaeologists to reject it completely
had clayey subsoil but the first had a sandy clay (Bakkevig, 1980). A semi-quantitative method which
top soil and the second, sandy clay loam. The silt employs the use of colorimetry was developed.
clay ratio of both pedons was very low hence both This is similar to the spot and ring test method but
pedons represents a highly weathered materials and its added advantage is that it is more quantitative
the pedon with sandy clay top soil being the more (Watanabe and Olsen, 1965). Rypkema et al. (2007)
weathered of the two since its silt/clay ratio was also reported the development of modern soil
smaller (Kenbeney et al., 2014). phosphate analytical method which employs the use
of spectrometer, it is simple, can be done on-field
Soil Chemical Analysis in Archaeology in just 6 minutes and fully quantitative. The only
Phosphorus: Phosphorus analysis of soils has drawback is that the set-up is expensive and results
been the most explored by archaeologists when are not easily explainable (Rypkema et al., 2007).
soil science is concerned (Leonardi et al., 1999). Total phosphorus analysis became the focus of
Phosphorus analysis is an indication of past archaeologist but because of its complexity, research
human activity and it is frequently employed in on total phosphorus was minimal (Dietz, 1957). The
archaeological research. High amounts of phosphate most used total phosphorus methods are; digestion
in soil is a clear sign that those that once lived there, in HClO4, fusion with Na2CO3 as well as sequential
probably used the site for disposal of refuse with digestion in H2SO4, H2O2 and HF (Proudfoot, 1976).
high organic matter content from human addition Total phosphorus measurements gives quantitative
of manure, food residue, animal remains, urine data that can be compared to each other unlike
etc. (Conway, 1983; Schlezinger and Howes, 2000). available phosphorus hence for now it might be
Soil phosphorus analysis takes into account two the best indicator of human phosphorus inputs.
basic components; extraction of soil phosphorus Lendakova and Grigelova (2012) made a strong
and measuring the amount of phosphate in extract case for the use of concentrated nitric acid followed
(Provan, 1971). The principle of extraction is to by photometry to determine total phosphorus
break the molecular bonds phosphorus forms content in archaeological samples. They came to
1420 Valerie Vranová, Theodore Danso Marfo, Klement Rejšek

this assertion when they conducted phosphate levels in archaeological soil suggests the level of past
analysis at the Olomouc-Nemilany archaeological occupation of the site.
site. The prominent positive features reported Calcium analyses has been another soil scientific
in their publication titled “Phosphate analysis of research focus for archaeologists due to the
sediment from the archaeological site Olomouc- importance of both accumulation of primary/
Nemilany” were its time and cost effectiveness secondary carbonates and calcite micrite. Retallack
but the authors could not ascertain the method’s (2001) as well as Schaetzl and Anderson (2005) made
reliability considering the fact that it is currently not a summary of the distinctive roles of carbonates and
commercially employed. The major drawback of calcium silt as the interfaces of pedology with the
total phosphorus measurement is that, it includes other natural sciences.
all of inorganic phosphorus which is much higher
than human phosphorus input (Holliday and Carbon
Gartner, 2007). This drawback will affect areas with Carbon analysis is most of the time applied as
high levels of natural phosphorus. C-14 dating. Carbon dating is used to establish the
The first method employed to extract phosphorus, age of ancient organic materials and the features
mainly available phosphorus is based on citric acid they contain. Human activities play a vital role in
(2%). The authenticity of this method has been the formation of soil organic matter. Soil organic
questioned since the huge amounts of phosphorus matter found in sites of previous human habitation
extracted may possibly include other forms of has higher carbon thus about 2 times more than
phosphorus (organic and inorganic phosphorus). sites with almost no human habitation historically
Ruttenberg (1992) and Leonardi et al. (1999) did some (Holliday, 2004). Analysing soil organic matter
comparative analysis of some phosphorus extraction requires a systematic collection of soil samples
methods in the context of archaeology and their from a potential site. Non-soil materials such as
conclusions were as follows: i) the difference stones and roots are removed, air-dried, burned in a
existing between total phosphorus measured regulated temperature for a time period aer which
by fusion and that measured by perchloric acid the carbon percent is ascertained considering the
digestion increases as the ratio of coarse sand in the pre and post burning states.
soil also increases; ii) organic and total phosphorus In terms of the role carbon studies play as a soil
were analysed and compared. Both were good for scientific research method used in archeology, the
archaeological analysis but the latter is faster and authors reinforced the individual determinations of
cheaper; iii) perchloric acid extraction of total four groups of carbon compounds: i) plant carbon,
phosphorus generated the closest correlation with ii) microbial and biomass carbon, iii) stabile carbon
man influenced soils. 5 -stanols has proved to be a forms, and iv) labile carbon forms. With respect to
useful biomarker for soil analysis in archaeology. It carbon-14 dating techniques, Aitken and Martin
gives a clear picture of the past manure application (2003), Schoeninger (2010) and Taylor as well as
unlike total phosphorus (Evershed, 1997; Ernée and Bar-Yosef (2014) present a comprehensive review
Majer, 2009; Birk et al., 2011; Prokeš et al., 2013). of both particular dating methods and soil age
Detailed role of soil calcium as an important Nitrogen
component of identifying food preparation areas of Human occupation leaves a great deal of nitrogen
the past, its presence in the ash of burning charcoal (Rapp and Hill, 2006) but nitrogen analysis just like
and its high content in teeth and bones makes its calcium analysis is not as reliable as phosphorus
investigation a crucial soil scientific research needed analysis for archaeology hence there are just a few
in archaeology. Middens are mainly the sites for available literature on nitrogen and calcium analysis
bone and ash disposal and these two materials are for archaeology. Holliday (2004) notes that nitrogen
composed of significant amount of calcium. As time is relatively more volatile hence its analysis may
wear on, the calcium from these middens becomes be of no use on very old sites. The detailed role of
part of the soil matrix hence could be measured. nitrogen can be found in the chapter which focuses
Carr (1982) suggested that higher calcium levels on on soil biochemistry.
a site is an indication that the site was once a garbage
or refuse dumping ground hence areas kept clean Other Elements
will have lower calcium levels. Systematic sampling Trace metals content in the soil can also give an
of a site should that matter record markedly higher indication of what happened years back on the site
calcium content areas and marked as middens under investigation by archaeologists. Trace metals
that once had a lot of bone and ash. Sullivan and can be analysed using the following methods;
Kealhofer (2004) in their archaeological research nitric-perchloric digestion, chelate extraction
spotted marl and shellfish leovers using calcium (effective on calcareous soils), acid extractants
analysis. Cook and Heier (1965) found out that, and magnetic susceptibility (Parnell et al., 2002).
calcium, carbon and nitrogen were almost always Barium and magnesium detection in soil of sites
found at the centre of the sites under archaeological under archaeological investigation indicates high
investigation. This brings to bear that, calcium level of organic refuse or garbage disposal. Lead
Soil Scientific Research Methods Used in Archaeology – Promising Soil Biochemistry: a Mini-review 1421

and Mercury detection is a sign that the major starch residue identification is light microscopy
occupation at the site under investigation was (Olsen, 1988). This method in some cases provides
predominately cra production (Alloway and identifications chemical analyses are unable to give
Alloway, 1995). but the latter has an advantage when it comes to
Information hidden in the chemical traits of morphological microscopic research.
archaeological soils are most of the time ignored
during archaeological investigations but in- Protein
depth analysis of soils can answer a lot of crucial Proteins can be found in plant tissues and all body
archaeological and environmental questions posed. fluids and tissues e.g. urine, blood, faeces etc. Test
Activities of human settlements can easily be of protein remains on artefacts and in soils is done
detected by the increased levels of plant available by the Counter Immunoelectrophoresis (CEIP)
phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper method. This method is based on the reaction
in archaeological soils (Hejcman et al., 2013). between an antigen and an antibody (Shanks et al.,
The chemical traits of human activities are well 1999). In this case the antigen is the protein remains
kept in fills of sunken subsoil archaeological features on the artefact or in the soil. It is also essential to
juxtaposed with surrounding control samples test soil controls to prevent false positive results
(Hejcman et al., 2013). Soil depth, rock particle generated by bacteria and faecal matter of animals.
constituent, soil pH, soil texture, soil temperature This method is widely used by archaeologists
and soil moisture are crucial soil properties that world-wide. It was used by the Laboratory of
help in bone decomposition and in finding secret Archaeological Science of Califonia State University
or clandestine graves (Surabian, 2012). Soil pH in the United States of America to test 25 artefacts
presents the best clue in detecting grave soils since and 2 soil samples but the results generated
it affects adipocere formation. Adipocere slows 23 negative readings. This can be pinned on several
down decomposition. Adipocere formation which is reasons such as insufficient protein residue on or in
supported by mildly alkaline soil becomes abundant sample or no identifiable protein residue but in the
as time wears on (Gordon and Buikstra, 1981). The broader sense, it highlights the imprecise nature of
odour produced by the adipocere is easily detected the method hence the need to expand the scope of
by cadaver dogs (Rebmann, 2000). The adipocere the method (Yohe and Gibbons, 2013).
which happens as a result of anaerobic bacterial
hydrolysis of fat in tissue replacing putrefaction Lipid
of cadaver with a cast of firm fatty tissue in the soil Lipid is the general term for compounds that
distinguishes grave site soils from cenotaphs and cannot dissolve in water. For Archaeologists,
other human settlement sites. the lipids of interest are fatty acids, sterols,
waxes, triacylglycerol and terpenes. Lipids have
Soil Biochemical Analysis in Archaeology high stability in higher temperatures and its
Analyses of microscopic archaeological remains decomposition in temperatures for cooking is
of biological nature is on the increase nowadays. small compared to starch and proteins (Fahy et al.,
The main ones of archaeological interest are starch, 2005). For over 40 years, various techniques have
proteins and lipids. been used to get information about lipid residues
in artefacts and soils for archaeological purposes.
Starch The most common is the Gas chromatography
It is the main food store of plants (Badenhuizen, (with flame ionization detector, mass spectrometry
1965). Archaeological analysis takes into account or gas chromatography combustion/isotope ratio
two main starch forms classified based on their methods) (Evershed, 1993). An advancement of
function and location. These are transitional starch lipid identification analysis is the development
found mainly in leaves and storage starch found of biomarkers to give precise results over the last
mainly in seeds, roots, fruits etc. (Barton, 2007). twenty years (Evershed, 2008). This analysis is
Starch is made up glucose molecules and complete mainly based on fatty acid composition. Fatty acids
granules are not soluble in cold water. The character give a general archaeological character of residue
of starch which is of most interest to archaeologists but it is not able to help trace the exact source that
is how it behaves under wet and heat conditions is they can only be classified as of a plant or animal
as well as being chemically stained. Under wet source.
conditions starch imbibes water and swells up but
returns to its initial shape when it dries up. This Saccharides
happens only when swelling was not too severe Cheshire (1977) stated that the application of
and when the temperature is kept at an optimum saccharide studies for the broader usage reinforcing
level. Otherwise the swelling is irreversible and this that a stability of polysaccharides in soil is not
situation is termed gelatinisation. Microscopic plant related to their chemical composition but to
remains have been found on Acheulean artefacts their unavailability. Such unavailability is caused
from prehistoric time to modern times hence it is by either inaccessibility within undecomposed
obvious that these remains can survive for a really biological residues and/or insolubility resulting
long time. The most widely used technique for from adsorption onto clay. Methodologically, Ball
1422 Valerie Vranová, Theodore Danso Marfo, Klement Rejšek

et al. (1996) gave a description of the differences microbial communities. Again, lipids of animal
between the carbohydrates obtained by hot-water origin such as cholesterol (Hjulström and Isaksson,
extraction and those extracted by acid hydrolysis 2009) in soil samples can serve as another evidence of
from the viewpoint of its practical usage. The usage past human beings settlements. An advantage of soil
of such studies has to include the division between lipids and associated compounds determinations
a specific composition of soil saccharides of plant can easily be substantiated by understanding the
(Chao et al., 2007) and a specific composition of sources for waxes (residues of inhibited biological
soil saccharides of microorganisms (Rakhuba activity), carotenoids (plant pigments) and resins
et al., 2009). An understanding of these differences (wood of coniferous tree species).
would allow us to detect the specific features of the Biochemical analyses can be combined with other
archaeological records. soil scientific investigations. In particular, studies
Soil magnetism as an investigation tool for focused on distinctive features of plough-land can
archaeologists failed to keep pace with current be reinforced. Cultivation to the depth of 25 cm,
analytical research but it still remains very relevant deep ploughing to the depth of 50 cm and layering
to archaeology. This method comes in handy if of organic compounds aer a speedy deforestation
both erosion and sedimentation processes are to to colluvial deposits are proposed as promising soil
be analysed (Singer and Fine, 1989; Blundell et al., research areas for archaeology.
Soil biochemistry as a whole seems to be an Excavating or Sampling Recommendations
important tool as well (Craig and Collins, 2000, For the synergy between archaeology and soil
2002; D’Anjou et al., 2012; Vranová et al., 2012; science to be first and foremost feasible, the quality
Vranová et al., 2013a). This is because it adequately of sampling should be high. Adequate sampling
takes into account the following; mineralisation can only be done when the questions that require
processes, decomposition processes, enzymatic answers are brought up in advance. Archaeological
processes and soil organic compounds composition, sampling involves different strategies than other
soil polysaccharides and lipids in particular. First purposes of soil sampling such as for soil fertility,
of all, soil organic matter mineralization (Balesdent soil genesis, etc. Before the excavation is done,
et al., 1988) including microbial carbon (Cmic) the site must be apportioned into sampling or
and the metabolic quotient, and soil microbial excavation units which should cover the whole site
decomposition (Child, 1995; Haslam, 2004) and should not overlap. Most of the time, the choice
can be studied effectively. The results of such of units is not clear-cut. Non-Invasive methods such
investigations manifest through the appearance as field-walking followed by aspects of invasive
of simple inorganic substances, soluble in the soil methods such as test-pits may seem the most logical
solution, differences between naturally occurring approach of sampling but this approach is not
and anthropogenic complex organic compounds. time efficient. Purposive sampling which involves
Furthermore, such results can be supported by digging targeted areas with already identified
the appearance of simple organic substances, possible features or probabilistic way of sampling,
insoluble in the soil solution. Secondly, soil if not so much is known in advance about the site.
enzymology may be a very promising soil research If purposive sampling is employed, the shape and
for archaeology (Dick et al., 1994), especially for size of the excavation units are likely to be defined
phosphomonoesterases (Rejšek et al., 2012), ureases by the nature of the visible evidence that points
(Formanek et al., 2006) and proteases (Vranová to their location. When it comes to probabilistic
et al., 2013b). This is mainly because of their direct sampling, the choice of excavation units is usually
interrelationships and the fact that they remain either 2 meters wide by digging machine and mostly
unchanged aer speeding up specific biochemical 30 meters long, or in the case of hand-dug test-
reactions resulting in formation of new products pits, usually 1 or 2 meters square. Trenches are of
at the end of the reactions. Turek et al. (2015) a flexible design, cheap, good when it comes to the
presented results dealing with the ratio(s) between detection of features but are destructive and have
galactose/mannose and arabinose/xylose (the GM/ a poor recovery rate for archaeological finds. Test-
AX ratios) as a method of allowing a differentiation pits are good in the detection of archaeological
among soil organic matter (SOM). The presence finds and are generally not destructive but labour-
of soil polysaccharides can be evaluated from intensive hence expensive but highly recommended
the viewpoint of a plant stock storage by humans (Richardson and Gajewski, 2003).
versus an accumulation by natural presence of soil

It is evidently clear that the soil represents a great storehouse of information for archaeology hence
the connection between the two fields thus soil science and archaeology should be tightened. Further
research should be done to drastically minimize the main drawbacks of soil total phosphorus analysis.
Soil magnetism should be deeply explored as it holds the key to reliable archaeological investigations.
Soil Scientific Research Methods Used in Archaeology – Promising Soil Biochemistry: a Mini-review 1423

Evaluating the quantity, quality and biodegradability of soil organic matter as influenced by either
their plant or microbial origins leads to distinctive features of the archaeological records where
inconsistencies in their interpretations can be effectively treated. The prehistoric alterations
in the local archaeological soil body profiles documented by archaeological and biochemical
evidences and related to microbial and biochemical changes induced by paleoenvironmental
amendments and settlement dynamics rotations can be studied from soil scientific points of view.
Biochemical analyses of archaeological sediments formed under different ancient activities and
prehistoric human influence add considerable evidence for understanding prehistoric patterns in
ancient landscapes and their properties.
In terms of future research, the authors will like to devote their effort to focus on the following specific
themes i) artificial metal contents in settlements/graves, ii) biochemical methods applied for studies
of entombment with graves and without coffins, and iii) biochemical methods applied for studies of
soils in settlements and soils in graves.

This study was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Grant No. GA15-02453S).

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Valerie Vranová: [email protected]
Theodore Danso Marfo: [email protected]
Klement Rejšek: [email protected]

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