Fuerteventura LinealMegalithicEurafricanScripts

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Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Iberian and other lineal

Mediterranean/Euro African ancient writings: the case of Fuerteventura
(Canary Islands, Spain)

Article in International Journal of Modern Anthropology · December 2021

DOI: 10.4314/ijma.v2i16.6


8 951

9 authors, including:

Antonio Arnaiz-Villena Adrian Lopez Nares

Complutense University of Madrid Complutense University of Madrid


Jose Palacio-Gruber Fabio Suárez-Trujillo

Complutense University of Madrid Hospital Universitario de La Princesa


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International Journal of Modern Anthropology

Int. J. Mod. Anthrop. 2021. Vol. 2, Issue 16, pp: 629 - 648
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijma.v2i16.6
Available online at: www.ata.org.tn & https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijma

Research Report

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Iberian and

other lineal Mediterranean/Euro African ancient writings:
the case of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain)

Antonio Arnaiz-Villena*1, Marcial Medina2, Valentín Ruíz-del-Valle1,

Adrian López-Nares1, Jose Antonio de Vera-Lima3, Luis Mata4,
Luis Barrera-Gutiérrez1, José Palacio-Grüber1, Fabio Suarez-Trujillo1
Department of Immunology, Universidad Complutense, School of Medicine, Madrid, Spain. 2Freelance
archaeologist, Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Is., Spain. 3Cabildo Fuerteventura, Puerto del Rosario, CanaryIs.,Spain.
Director Museo Arqueológico de Fuerteventura, Betancuria, CanaryIs. ,Spain. *Corresponding author.
Departamento de Inmunología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pabellón 5, planta 4.
Avda. Complutense s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain. E. mails: [email protected]; [email protected].

(Received 22 October 2021; Accepted 26 November 2021; Published 30 November 2021)

Abstract - Lineal Megalithic/Paleolithic Lineal signs/lines may have a variety of

purposes or representations. Some authors have proposed they represent sky, planets
and stars and their movements, space/time representations or others, including
letters/syllables or symbols/events. Some are painted, other incised; the latter are
relatively more common in Megalithic scripts. Man is “writing” or creating handmade
figures on stones /rocks and other supports, which sometimes have intentionally been
polished since Paleolithic times: at least 70,000 years BP (Blombos Cave, South
Africa). Megalithic script is named because it is associated to megalithic structures,
although not exclusively. Von Petzinger 40,000 years old “symbols” and/or writing are
extended worldwide in Paleolithic caves and other rocks. Man connection was
worldwide in Paleolithic times. Canary Islands incise or picketed lineal writing exists
with a transcribed and translated meaning collection of signs (Ibero-Guanche or Latin
inscriptions and Lybic ones). Also, other African/European/Mediterranean lineal scripts
there exist and examples are given in the present paper. Fuerteventura Island contains in
addition many small or bigger stones and rocks with these Paleolithic/Megalithic
incised lines all over its territory. About timing in which these stones that were incised
by man, we are only referring to a kind of stone crafting. However, we do not discard
that they were made by man several thousand years BP. Some Paleolithic/Megalithic
scripts are mixed with clear Iberian semi-syllabary signs in Fuerteventura and other
Canary Islands. They may reflect the evolution of more ancient Megalithic scripts to
lineal writings like those detailed in the present paper and others. Finally, writing
concept should be redefined whenever more precise data and dating be available.

Keywords: Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Iberian, Guanche, Megalithic, Paleolithic,

Rock Scripts, Sitovo, Gradeshnitsa, Vinca, Berber, Tuareg, Lineal, Runes, Latin, Greek,
Sahara, Blombos, Lineal A, Lineal B, Cypriot, Petzinger.


Prehistoric scripts and the lineal megalithic rock scripts

Common prehistoric rock signs have been recorded in caves of Americas, Europe,
Africa, Asia and Oceania dated between 30,000 and 10,000 years ago, which are mainly
of lineal or pictographic characters (von Petzinger 2017;
worldwide-may-represent-the-earliest-written-language.html). This implies a wide
human contact throughout the World long before than previously thought. It is also
supported by rock geometrical-incised signs in Blombos and Klasier River Caves, and
Howiesons Poort complex rocks or pieces found in South Africa and dated, 60,000 –
100,000 years BC (Henshilwood & Dubreuil 2011; Henshilwood & D´Errico 2011;
Texier et al. 2010). Some of these latter signs are similar to those described by us on the
Rock of the Dead in Tenerife, Barranco de Ruiz, San Juan de la Rambla, Canary Islands
(Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2019a) or at La Palma Island (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2020a); and
also to those other incise/lineal rock scripts found at all other Canary Islands (Arnaiz-
Villena et al. 2015; 2019b; Benito-Mateo et al. 2016; de Balbín-Behrmann et al. 2009;
del Arco-Aguilar et al. 2009; González-Antón et al. 1995; 2016; Asociación
sociocultural Archinife 2016).

Canary Islands map.

Fuerteventura Island is the most ancient of them (23 million years old).
It is only 90 km, 55.9 miles, far from African coast.

In addition, many other ancient rock lineal scripts are named Lineal Megalithic
Writings or signs. Whether these signs represent one single or several languages,
symbolic or utilitarian material (i.e.: measuring space/time/sky schemes) is not known.
They have also been found in Iberia in a Megalithic context (thus its name): more or
less unclassifiable lines and signs are found in Southern Spain like in Huelva and Cadiz
dolmens (Vazquez-Hoys 2008; Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2013) respectively, and Antequera
Dolmens ( Muñoz-Gambero 2019). Linear rocks incise lines and signs are also found in
Northern Spain Pontevedra Stone, Galicia, Spain (Muñoz-Gambero 2019); some of
them are mixed with typical Iberian semi-syllabary scripts, as the typical vocal “i”
(Arnaiz-Villena, personal observation), (Muñoz-Gambero 2019; Arnaiz-Villena, Piedra
de Pontevedra, Museo Galego, personal observation).
In summary, together with the so called Lineal Megalithic Scripts (Vazquez-
Hoys 2008; Muñoz-Gambero 2019) found in North and South Iberia, Iberian semi-
syllabary signs are found (Fig. 1). A continuum timeline of lineal painted and incised
lines is found from lineal more ancient or Megalithic more recent alphabetic-like signs
like Sitovo and Gradeshnitsa in Bulgaria (Fig. 2), which are dated older than 3,500
years BC, Iberian (Fig. 1) and syllabaries/alphabets evolution timeline may go back till
about 70,000 years (in South Africa, Paleolithic) to 1st millennium BC and later.

Fig. 1: Iberian incise rock inscriptions found in Cerdanya, Mt Pyrenees (Spain) and Lanzarote
(Canary Islands, Spain) together with naviform likes which are a characteristic lineal rock
Iberian Scripts. These naviform lines are also found in Canary Islands together with Ibero-
Guanche rock scripts (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2015; 2020b).

International Journal of Modern Anthropology (2021)

Fig. 2.
Sitovo and Gradeshnitza ancient inscriptions found in Bulgaria dated older than 3,500 years BC.
SITOVO INSCRIPTION: http://www.korenine.si/zborniki/zbornik06/serafimov_sitovo06.pdf;
GRADESHNITSA TABLETS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradeshnitsa_tablets)

At some stages, incised lines without apparent syllable or letter representations

are mixed together with classical recognizable syllables/letters, like naviform lines that
go together in rocks with Iberian semi-syllabary both in Iberian and Canary Islands
rocks (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2015). It is likely that Iberian semi-syllabary existed long
before than 1st millennium BC, because its antiquity has mainly been adapted to appear
later than Phoenician alphabet and Phoenicians postulated arrival to Iberia and an urgent
revision is required. Strabo wrote that Southwest Iberians had writing since 6,000 years
BC (Strabo 1998).

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Mediterranean ancient writings / Arnaiz-Villena et al.

Canarian prehistoric rock scripts

We described the Iberian-Guanche rock Iberian writing twenty years ago found in
Lanzarote and Fuerteventura (Arnaiz-Villena & Alonso-García 2001). In Arnaiz-Villena
et al. (2019b) we published that this type of rock writing was found in all Canary
Islands and we named them Ibero-Guanche inscriptions because they could be
transcripted and translated with Iberian semi-syllabary and postulated Basque language
equivalences. Pichler named them “Latin” inscriptions (Pichler 2003). In addition,
Canarian reputed scholars have also published lineal signs and/or incised or engraved
lines in several papers/books that either have been hotly dismissed or neglected by other
scholars like with our own findings have (Benito-Mateo et al. 2016; de Balbín-
Behrmann et al. 2009; del Arco-Aguilar et al. 2009; González-Antón et al. 1995; 2016).
These Canarian authors and we may have been neglected because many of these
findings do not fit with the strict genetic/cultural dogma present at Canary Islands which
states that Canarian Anthropology is exclusively attached to Africa (Berbers) along all
possible times. This dogma may logically be not possible and does not add any
objective study to Canarian culture. It is particularly evident with the many small
Canarian fat “goddesses” figurines (La Fortaleza, Ansite, Gran Canaria) and/or
figurines which are similar to those found by Gimbutas in Europe (6,000 – 3,000 years
BC) and also to Mediterranean Iberia figurines: scholars name this common traits with
Canarian culture “The Gibraltar Strait Circle” that includes Mediterranean, Europe and
Africa (González-Antón et al. 2016). We also add a similarity with singular Malta
Archipelago culture: “fat goddesses”, extant Cart-Ruts in both Canarian and Malta
Archipelagos. Also pyramids are found in North Africa, Sahara Desert, Canary Islands
and possibly southern Europe (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2018; 2019c; 2020a; 2020b; 2020c;
Medina and Arnaiz-Villena 2018a; 2018b). Some Iberian scholars have not studied
Canary Islands Ibero-Guanche scripts because of “lack of enough material” (Arnaiz-
Villena, personal talk with Iberian scholars); however, Italian lineal languages (Fig. 3)
have been studied even with an extant few lines. Also, in Canary Islands not only
Iberian scripts may be found but different stages of Lineal Megalithic Scripts or older
Paleolithic (Vazquez-Hoys 2008; Muñoz-Gambero 2019) which may finally been
reached full Iberian development in Canary Islands/Iberia and other parts of Europe

with other lineal semi-syllabaries. A link between “Green” Sahara ancient rock script
culture and Canarian Archipelago and also with African, European and Mediterranean
lineal writing/scripts was lacking, and we present new evidence of such a relationship in
the present paper. It is based on rock/stone epigraphy, since Iberian characters have
been found in Central Sahara (Mt Ahaggar Area, South West Tamanrraset, Algeria and
the new Lineal Megalithic scripts showed below in Fuerteventura Island (Figs 4, 5) as
also showed in other Canary Islands.

Fig. 3
Old Italian Lineal alphabets (not dated ).VENETIC, LEPONTIC,

Material and Methods

A Sony Camera Cybershot 14.1 Megapixels Carl-Zeiss lens Vario-Tessar and Sony
Xperia G3112 cellular phone camera were used for photograph work.


Examples of schematic lineal rock scripts from Africa, Europe and Mediterranean
Area with a map of developed lineal writings placement.
Photographs of Lineal Megalithic/Paleolithic –like rock scripts at Fuerteventura

A difference should be point out between Paleolithic and Megalithic rock scripts.
Megalithic ones are found in a Megalithic context even if in small stones far from
Megaliths (not older than 7,000 years BP, see Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2015 and Muñoz-
Gambero 2019). Whether they represent syllables/letters of writing pointing out events,
space/time measuring and /or symbols is not known. It is premature any kind of
classification since the variety of scripts, their support and support size etc is
overwhelming. They are found throughout Iberia and also recorded all over the World
like South Africa (von Petzinger 2017; Henshilwood and D’Errico 2011, see Fig. 6).
For example, Pichler (2003) thinks that Vinca script is borderline between structured
writing and symbols and they are spread throughout Balcanic Peninsula and Romania.
The support of both Paleolithic and Megalithic lineal signs vary from small to
bigger stones (intentionally polished or not) and cave or orthostate walls. In the
schematic figures showed in the present paper, some examples of ancient languages
lineal writing are shown from Africa, Mediterranean Area and Europe. In addition,
Greek and Latin alphabets are also lineal. Latin and Geek were written in minor case
only at Middle Age.


Fig. 4
A, B, C. Lineal Megalithic/Paleolithic-like rock scripts found in Los Castillejos (Ampuyenta),
Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). Photos taken by authors.These type of inscriptions are
found all around Fuerteventura both on rocks and small or bigger stones. Antiquity of
inscriptions are not determined.

International Journal of Modern Anthropology (2021)


Fig. 5
A, B, C, D. Lineal Megalithic rock scripts found in Degollada de Facay, mountains that separate
Tetir Valley from Tefia Valley, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). Photos taken by authors.

Fig. 6 Blombos Cave (South Africa). A lineal Paleolithic artifact with a regular incise design (70,000
years BP). It is dated long before than Lineal Megalithic scripts (Henshilwood & D´Errico 2011). The
represented incised motifs are very similar to those found at a Fuerteventura rock, which was donated to
its Archaeological Museum on October 17th 2019 (Spanish EFE News Agency).

Fig. 7
Map showing examples of ancient Lineal Writings of Europe, Mediterranean Area, North Continental
Africa and Canary Islands main locations. Also, Iberian phrases and signs have been found in the Middle
of Sahara Desert, 200 km Southwest of Tamanrraset, Algeria (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2021)

Fig. 8
Transliterated Proto-Tuareg (Tifinagh) and Proto-Berber ancient linear alphabets. PROTO-
TUAREG: https://omniglot.com/writing/tifinagh.htm;
http://www.proel.org/index.php?pagina=alfabetos/tifinagh; PROTO-BERBER: Arnaiz-Villena
& Alonso-García 2001; Chabot 1940; 1941.

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Mediterranean ancient writings / Arnaiz-Villena et al.

Fig. 9 Iberian-Guanche incise rock inscriptions found in Mt Tenezara,Lanzarote (Canary

Islands, Spain) (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2015; 2020b).

Fig. 10 ETRUSCAN: https://omniglot.com/writing/etruscan.htm;


International Journal of Modern Anthropology (2021)

Fig. 11 Cypriot, Minoan Lineal A, and Lineal B ancient alphabets/syllabaries.

MINOAN LINEAL A: https://omniglot.com/writing/lineara.htm;
LINEAL B: http://blog.pompilos.org/archivo/to-no-to-e-re-ke-ro-re-a; Bernabé & Luján 2007;
Kober 1948)

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Mediterranean ancient writings / Arnaiz-Villena et al.

Fig. 12
Balkan Vinca and Scandinavian Runic signs. Runes are probably wrongly interpreted in this
particular example. They are widespread throughout Scandinavia and Central Europe. Other
authors interpreted them as letters /symbols.
VINCA: https://omniglot.com/writing/vinca.htm;
SCRIPT.htm, font created by Sorin Paliga of the Department of Slavic Languages and
Literature at the University of Bucharest, Romania;
RUNIC: https://omniglot.com/writing/runic.htm; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Mediterranean ancient writings / Arnaiz-Villena et al.


(See Figs 1-12)

1- Lineal Megalithic/Paleolithic signs/lines may have a variety of purposes or

representations. Some authors have proposed: sky, planets, stars representations,
space/time representations or others, including letters/syllables or symbols/events. Some
are painted, other incised or picketed; the latter are relatively more common in
Megalithic scripts.
2- Man is “writing” or creating handmade lineal figures on stones /rocks and other
supports, which sometimes have intentionally been polished since Paleolithic times: at
least 70,000 years BP (Blombos Cave, South Africa). Von Petzinger signs are over the
World mainly in caves and are dated 40,000 years ago. Man had an early contact
3- Megalithic script is named because it is associated to megalithic structures, although
not exclusively. Von Petzinger “symbols” and/or writing is extended worldwide in
Paleolithic caves and other rocks.
4- Canary Islands incise or picketed lineal writing exists mixed with transcribed and
translated meaning signs (Ibero-Guanche or Latin inscriptions and Lybic ones). Other
African/European/Mediterranean lineal scripts existed (see Fig. 7 map and Figs 1-12).
5- Fuerteventura Island contains in addition many small or bigger stones and rocks all
over its territory. Timing in which these stones where incised by man is not known, we
are only referring to a kind of stone crafting. However, we do not discard that they were
made by man several thousand years ago.
6- Some Paleolithic/Megalithic scripts are mixed with clear Iberian semi-syllabary
signs. They may reflect the evolution of more ancient Megalithic scripts to lineal
writings like those detailed in Fig. 7 map and others.
7- Writing concept should be redefined whenever more precise data and dating be

International Journal of Modern Anthropology (2021)

This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Universities PI18/00721 and European FEDER funds. We thank to Marco Antonio
Blanco del Rio from Costa Calma (Fuerteventura) for being a continuous source of

Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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To cite this article:

Arnaiz-Villena A., Medina M., Ruíz-del-Valle V., López-Nares A., de Vera-Lima J.A., Mata L.,
Barrera-Gutiérrez L., Palacio-Grüber J., Suarez-Trujillo F. 2021. Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as
precursors of Iberian and other lineal Mediterranean/Euro African ancient writings: the case of
Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain).
International Journal of Modern Anthropology. 2 (16): 629 - 648
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijma.v2i16.6

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