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Tingkat Lanjut TAHUN PELAJARAN 2023/2024

According to UNODC's World Drug Report 2021, cannabis potency has quadrupled in some parts of the world
over the last two decades. Meanwhile, the percentage of adolescents who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as
much as 40 per cent. This perception gap prevails despite evidence that cannabis use is associated with a variety of
health and other harms. This is especially among regular long-term users. Moreover, most countries have reported
a rise in the use of cannabis during the pandemic.
"Lower perception of drug use risks has been linked to higher rates of drug use. The findings of UNODC's 2021
World Drug Report highlight the need to close the gap between perception and reality to educate young people and
safeguard public health," said UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly.
The COVID-19 crisis has pushed more than 100 million people into extreme poverty. It has greatly exacerbated
unemployment and inequalities as the world lost 255 million jobs in 2020. Mental health conditions are also on the
rise worldwide. These factors have the potential to encourage a rise in drug use disorders. Moreover, changes have
already been observed in drug use patterns during the pandemic. This includes increases in the use of cannabis and
the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives. Underlying socioeconomic stressors have also likely accelerated
demand for these drugs.
In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial
setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once
again. The rise in the use of technology and crypto currency payments which are used to operate outside the regular
financial system drives it.
Access to drugs has also become simpler than ever with online sales. Major drug markets on the dark web are
now worth some $315 million annually. Contactless drug transactions such as through the mail are also on the rise.
A trend is possibly accelerated by the pandemic. Drug traffickers are now agile and adaptable in using new online
platforms to sell drugs and other substances. The combination of this situation and rapid technological innovation
may increase the availability of illicit drugs.
Adapted from
1. The passage above mostly talks about…
A. The development of drug market in the world
B. The use of Cannabis for medication
C. The impact of consuming drug on people’s health
D. The role of technology in increasing drug risks
E. The increasing use of drug due to Covid- 19

2. What can be concluded about the use of drugs from the passage?
A. An increased use of cannabis and the non- medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives is frightening
B. Technological innovation generates rapid drug transactions.
C. A lot of young people do not understand the use of drugs.
D. The sale of drugs on the dark web reaches millions of dollars yearly.
E. Contactless drug transactions accelerate the number of drug traffickers.

3. All the following sentences are true according to the passage, except…
A. The Covid-19 forced people to be unemployed
B. The potential use of cannabis has doubled around the globe
C. Illegal drugs are increasingly available because of the rapid technological advancement
D. The increase of drug use is high due to lower perception of drug use risks
E. Socioeconomic factors trigger the increased use of drugs

4. The word “it” in the last sentence of paragraph 4 refers to the…

A. Drug traffickers’ operation
B. Recovery from initial setbacks
C. Cause of lockdown restriction
D. Rise of the technology use
E. Regular financial system

5. The word “exacerbated” has a similar in meaning to…

A. worsen
B. lower
C. reduce
D. lessen
E. diminish
Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk on
the earth. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Argentina and North America in
Patagonia, a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America. Besides the interesting fact that
the dinosaur was huge and horrifying. It is even more astounding that the bones of several dinosaurs
were found together. This discovery challenges the prior theory that the biggest meat eaters live as
loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex lives
in North America and was believed to hunt and live alone.
The newly discovered meat-eater appears to be related to the Giganotosaurus family, being closely
related to it as a fox would be to a dog. It is not of the same family as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, being as
different from it as a cat is from a dog.
The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago. With needle-
shaped noses and razor-sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although their legs
were slightly shorter, and their jaws were designed to be better able to cut the body of their prey into
pieces quickly and precisely.

6. The topic of the text is about…

A. the discovery about dinosaurs
B. the research on dinosaurs
C. the bones of dinosaurs
D. the types of dinosaurs
E. the meet-eating dinosaurs

7. From the text we may conclude that….

A. The jaws of dinosaurs were shaped the same.
B. The result of studies disproved the prior theories about dinosaurs
C. North America was the origin of all dinosaurs
D. Dinosaurs could not live together with their own kind
E. All dinosaurs have the same bones and the same height

8. Which of the following is true about the newly discovered dinosaurs?

A. They are called Tyrannosaurus Rex
B. They like living as loners
C. They are called Giganotosaurus
D. They used to live in groups
E. They were not as huge as other dinosaurs

9. The bones of the dinosaurs discovered recently shows that the newly discovered dinosaurs…
A. Are closely related to those living in North America
B. Have the same bone structure as those of foxes and dogs
C. Eat their preys in neat pieces due to the shape of their jaws
D. Lived a hundred million years earlier than other dinosaurs.
E. Belong to the same family and origin as the Giganotosaurus.
10. The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to…
A. The prior theories
B. The dinosaurs
C. The bones
D. The scientist
E. The research

11. Rizka… on her report for three days in a row without much sleep. That;s why she looks tired.
A. works
B. is working
C. has been working
D. was working
E. had been working

12. Anthropologists have been studying that tribe for the last five years. It means that they… that tribe.
A. have finished studying
B. studied
C. were studying
D. had studied
E. are still studying

13. The book that I … in the classroom was found by Ali.

A. Had left
B. Was leaving
C. Had been leaving
D. Have left
E. Would have left

14. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen…
A. are being produced
B. are produced
C. is being produced
D. is produced
E. was produced

15. Neither the football players nor their coach… satisfied with the referee’s decision…
A. was
B. be
C. were
D. being
E. he was
16. They have worked hard to prevent excessive government spending, protect the environment and…
A. provide qualified education
B. the provision of quality education
C. providing quality education
D. quality education is provided
E. for providing quality education

17. “What do the reporters usually ask the authorities nowadays?”

“… Indonesia will soon be able to overcome the economic problem very soon.”
A. Whether
B. In case
C. Whom
D. About which
E. Which

18. The announcement on the billboard tells the first semester student’s….
A. What time the first lesson begins everyday
B. What time does the first lesson begin everyday
C. Everyday what time does the first lesson begin everyday
D. At what time does the first lesson begin everyday
E. When does the first lesson begin everyday

19. As European artist began flocking to Bali in the 1930’s. Western influences… into Balinese art.
A. were gradually introduced
B. gradually introduced
C. were gradually introducing
D. to be gradually introduced
E. they were gradually introduced

20. It is believed that… city of Ambon will take a long time to rebuild.
A. The damage is tremendously
B. It is the tremendously damaging
C. The tremendously damaged
D. It is the tremendously damaged
E. The tremendously damaging
A forgotten issue in urbanism is land use during the night time, with problems such as noise and dirt, which
could be improved with information from twitter. At least this what Enrique and Vanessa Frias-Martinez believe,
computer science researchers at Telefonica Research and the University of Maryland (USA) respectively, who have
suggested using geolocalized tweets for urban planning and land use.
Enrique Frias-Martinez explained that geolocalized tweets can be a very useful source of information for
planning since it is an activity carried out by a large number of people who provide information on where they are
at a specific time and what they are doing. The researcher points out that thanks to the increased use of
smartphones, social networks like Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to access and produce information
These networks generate tags with the event’s geolocation. The new technique “automatically determines
land uses in urban areas by grouping together geographical regions with similar patterns of Twitter activity, “says
the researcher. Using aggregate activity of tweets, the Frias-Martinez siblings have studied land use in Manhattan,
Madrid and London. In the first two cases they identified four uses: residential, business, daytime leisure (mainly
parks and tourist areas) and nightlife areas. The study has determined that, in Madrid, nighttime tweet activity is
concentrated on weekends and in Manhattan, on weekdays. On the other hand, London is characterized by its
tweeting activity in daytime leisure areas.
20. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
A. Many people like to use geolocation tags on Twitter.
B. Information from social networks can be accessed universally.
C. Geolocalized tweets can be useful for urban planning.
D. Complex patterns of Twitter activities can finally be identified.
E. Problems concerning urbanism are often neglected and forgotten.

21. According to the passage, which of the following is not true about the study?
A. It shows that people in London mostly tweet in daytime leisure areas.
B. The focus of the study is land use in Manhattan, Madrid and London.
C. Residential, business, daytime leisure and nightlife areas could be identified.
D. Manhattan and Madrid’s night-time tweet activities are concentrated differently.
E. The researchers could identify four land uses in Manhattan, Madrid and London.
21. The word “ubiquitously” in the last sentence of paragraph two can be best replaced by….
A. rare
B. unusual
C. occasional
D. widespread
E. infrequent

Humans have a unique affinity for bitter food, like dark chocolate, coffee, and broccoli. Most other animals
interpret a bitter taste as a warning to stay away from a non-edible material, but some humans can’t get enough of
it. According to a new study, people with the greatest affinity for bitter foods may even have more psychopathic
and antisocial tendencies.
In the study, 500 participants were asked how much they enjoyed different examples of sweet, sour, salty,
and bitter foods. Then, they were asked to take a series of personality assessment quizzes to evaluate their
aggression, each of the Dark Triad measures (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), everyday sadism
(verbal, physical, and vicarious), as well as Big Five personality traits, which include extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness.
The researchers found that people who liked bitter foods were also more likely to score highly in measures of
psychopathy, sadism, and aggression. In fact, they write, an affinity for bitter foods was a better predictor of
personality than any of the other tastes.
This study adds valuable information to the little-explored question of how personality relates to taste
preferences. However, understanding what makes a person like a particular food is a complex knot of biology and
psychology, influenced by his or her sensitivity to tastes and odors as well as past experiences. Moreover, the study
doesn’t provide any information about what might cause that preference, is it biology or psychology, or both? This
information might be even more valuable than the study at hand.

22. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Research has lent a new insight on food affinity.
B. Food preference can be a reflection of one’s personality.
C. Mental disorders may be a common problem in society.
D. What we eat may trigger our negative traits and emotions.
E. A study on taste has discovered a ground breaking finding.

23. The word “affinity” in this passage means…

A. difference
B. similarity
C. listing
D. preference
E. deviation

24. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Fondness for bitter food can cause harm to a person.
B. This study is complex and involves a lot of fields of science.
C. People who like papaya leaves may be aggressive persons.
D. The findings of the research are considered conclusive and numeric.
E. Sweet food lovers are better as persons compared to those liking bitter food.
The most common January undertaking in that quest is dietary—shifting the actual molecules that fuel
everything we do. Most of us will fail to meaningfully change, and then feel only more inadequate in that failure.
We fail because absurd goals can never be maintained, and because sometimes our own bodies (partly the way we
were born, but mostly the way we’ve trained them to demand constant supplies of simple carbohydrates and
insulin) make it almost impossible not to fail—to live without feeling deprived and hungry and joyless.
Maybe most importantly, many people fail when they don’t truly believe in what they’re doing. The
gratification of sugar is immediate, and the idea of a paralyzing stroke decades hence is remote. It seems there are
more important things to worry about right now.
One solution might be to think beyond yourself. I’m reminded of that because this week the good people at
Bon Appetite magazine tweeted a story under the headline “Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Going
Paleo.” (Tell me I’m making mistakes, and I will click every time.) The “Paleo” approach to eating is, in brief,
using evolutionary history to inform consumption. Some mistakes described in the article differed from what I
think are the most important to consider—for Paleo or most any diet.
Their first piece of advice is to avoid eating too much saturated fat. That’s a contentious claim packed into a
paragraph of a culinary magazine. Books have been written on the subject, and many nutrition experts have come
to disagree that the weight of evidence supports limiting saturated fat. (Within reason—don’t test it and try to
subsist on lard alone.) The Paleo movement itself arose in step with the realization over the past two decades that
saturated fat had been wrongly blamed by some experts as the central dietary culprit in heart disease. While other
experts disagree that saturated fat intake should be unlimited (and some research has found that substituting
polyunsaturated fats can be beneficial), it’s unclear to many that strict limits are prudent.
I’m not convinced it’s worthwhile for most people to think about saturated fat at all—to avoid it or to gorge
on it. So here are what I see as more pressing mistakes related to Paleo, and the opportunities that those mistakes
25. What is the topic of the passage?
A. The failure in maintain diet resolution
B. People’s mistakes in maintain their dietary
C. Paleo movement in recent years
D. Limitation of saturated fat in Paleo diet
E. Common mistakes found in Paleo

26. The word “it” in the second paragraph refers to….

A. the advice
B. a culinary magazine
C. saturated fat
D. nutrition
E. a tweet

27. According to the text, which of the following statements is false?

A. Failure in doing things is mostly caused by doubtfulness of what is being done.
B. Sometimes our body demands constant supplies of simple carbohydrates and insulin.
C. Some experts had wrongly blamed that saturated fat is the main cause in heart disease.
D. Nutrition experts oppose that the weight of evidence supports limiting saturated fat.
E. Polyunsaturated fats are the only fats allowed to consume without any limitation

28. The word “beneficial” has a similar meaning with….

A. dangerous
B. harmful
C. useful
D. hazardous
E. unsafe
Today’s graduates start their job search with a belief that they should enter their company or industry of
choice immediately after graduation. Research has shown that younger millennials are motivated by roles that are
meaningful and where they can be given responsibility quickly. They tend to change jobs often and are looking for
ways to move up the ladder and increase their salary at a faster pace than other generations currently in the
From what we’ve observed, they are instructed by their parents and career advisers to look for
opportunities that align with their passions, and to not compromise on interests or values. We have also found that
they tend to want to focus on superb industries like sports, luxury goods or high-end consulting that are in line
with their interests. Students often pursue these dreams with a short term mindset, thinking that they need to get
started in their chosen area right away in order to be successful in their career.
However, this is the wrong way to go, especially given the current market turmoil from COVID-19 and the
fact that companies are cutting an unprecedented number of jobs as they struggle to survive. College graduates
should try and focus on the longer term, looking at their first job as a mean to an end, and not the end itself.
Besides, each person’s vision and path will change over time, due to interests changing and markets evolving. You
may find yourself off of your original path at some point, but the practice of consciously evaluating short-term
opportunities against long-term goals will reduce the frustration along the way and lead to the ability to make better
sense of each opportunity as it presents itself.
Adapted from:

29. What is the last paragraph about?

A. The danger of COVID-19
B. Jobs opportunities
C. College graduates’ vision
D. Long-term goals of employees
E. Suggestion for job seekers

30. What does the phrase ‘move up the ladder’ mean in paragraph 1?
A. Raise to higher level
B. Get upset
C. Force entry to a building
D. End a relationship
E. Start talking about a subject

31. Which sentence is closest in meaning to the sentence “each person’s vision and path will change over time,
due to interests changing and markets evolving” in the last paragraph?
A. Although each person’s vision and path change over time, interests change and markets evolve
B. Because each person’s vision and path change over time, interests will change and markets will evolve
C. Interests changing and markets evolving can change each person’s vision and path
D. The fact that each person’s vision and path will change over time makes interests are changing and
markets are evolving
E. Not only each person’s vision and path, but also interests and markets change over time
32. What does the phrase ‘these dreams’ in the second paragraph refer to?
A. Their parents’ opportunities
B. Career advisers’ dreams
C. Their passions
D. Superb jobs in line with their interests
E. sports, luxury goods or high-end consulting

33. The word “superb” in the second paragraph has a dissimilar meaning to….
A. great
B. wonderful
C. fabulous
D. odious
E. excellent

There are two basic types of glaciers, those that flow outward in all directions with little regard for any
underlying terrain and those that are confined by terrain to a particular path.
The first category of glaciers includes those massive blankets that cover whole continents, appropriately called
ice sheets. There must be over 50,000 square kilometers of land covered with ice for the glacier to qualify as an ice
sheet. When portions of an ice sheet spread out over the ocean, they form ice shelves.
About 20,000 years ago the Cordilleran Ice Sheet covered nearly all the mountains in southern Alaska, western
Canada, and the western United States. It was about 3 kilometers deep at its thickest point in northern Alberta. Now
there are only two sheets left on Earth, those covering Greenland and Antarctica.
Any domelike body of ice that also flows out in all directions but covers less than 50,000 square kilometers is
called an ice cap. Although ice caps are rare nowadays, there are a number in northeastern Canada, on Baffin
Island, and on the Queen Elizabeth Islands.
The second category of glaciers includes those of a variety of shapes and sizes generally called mountain or
alpine glaciers. Mountain glaciers are typically identified by the landform that controls their flow. One form of
mountain glacier that resembles an ice cap in that it flows outward in several directions is called an ice field. The
difference between an ice field and an ice cap is subtle. Essentially, the flow of an ice field is somewhat controlled
by surrounding terrain and thus does not have the domelike shape of a cap. There are several ice fields in the
Wrangell. St. Elias, and Chugach mountains of Alaska and northern British Columbia.
Less spectacular than large ice fields are the most common types of mountain glaciers: the cirque and valley
glaciers. Cirque glaciers are found in depressions in the surface of the land and have a characteristic circular shape.
The ice of valley glaciers, bound by terrain, flows down valleys, curves around their corners, and falls over cliffs.
Adapted from:
34. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Where major glaciers are located
B. How glaciers shape the land
C. How glaciers are formed
D. The different kinds of glaciers
E. The cirque and valley glaciers

35. It can be concluded from the text that ice sheet was given that name
A. They are confined to mountain valleys.
B. They cover large areas of land.
C. They are thicker in some areas than in others.
D. They have a characteristic circular shape.
E. They spread out over the ocean.

36. The sentence “When portions of an ice sheet spread out over the ocean, they form ice shelves” can be restated
as …
A. Either ice sheets or ice shelves are formed by spreading out the ocean.
B. Portions of ocean can form ice sheets and ice shelves.
C. Ice shelves are ice sheets spreading out over the ocean.
D. When ice sheets and ice shelves are mixed, they form ocean.
E. Portions of an ice shelve can spread out over the ocean and form ice sheet.

37. Based on the passage, ice shelves can be found …

A. filling deep valleys
B. spreading into the ocean
C. covering an entire continent
D. buried within the mountains
E. 50,000 kilometers from the ocean

38. The word “subtle” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to …

A. slight
B. obvious
C. common
D. important
E. measurable
As we’ve all experienced, we’re simply not as adept at anything in our lives if we don’t sleep well.
Cognitive skills and motor abilities (41…….) if there is short-term or long-term deficit of proper sleep. Just like
the rest of us, athletes see a drop in their performance across all sorts of measurements when they are kept awake
for the entire night, or even interrupted in their sleep.

It seems like certain kinds of athletic task are more are more affected by sleep deprivation. Although one of
efforts and high-intensity exercise see an impact, sustained efforts and aerobic work seem to suffer (42……).
Gross motor skills are relatively unaffected, while athletes in events requiring fast reaction times have a
particularly hard time when they get less sleep.

In a recent day, a group of basketball players volunteered to wear motion-sensing wristbands to determine
(43…….) they slept on average. For two week, the group kept to their normal schedules, while researchers
measured their performances on sprint drills, free throws, and three-point shooting. The results of the study show
that extra- sleep period players improved their game. Such performance enhancement is the son of gain that one
associates with drugs or years of training and not sufficient sleep.

However, athletes face challenges with their sleep that many of us don’t have, (44……..) high travel
demand. Zigzagging across the country, professional athletes stay awake thinking about their next game the
following day. To try and deal with this disruption, many athletes have started to adopt naps between morning
practice and the evening’s game. It is hoped that by napping every game every day, the hours add up over the
course on a season. If athletes and trainers start viewing sleep as a performance booster rather than a chore, the
effort takes to sleep well will seem like a smart investment.
6. 4 1 …
A. are effected
B. are being effected
C. had been effected
D. would be effected
E. would have been effected

7. 4 2 …
A. no impact
B. less seriously
C. performance boosterz
D. an even larger setback
E. challenges in their sleep

8. 4 3 …
A. how far
B. how much
C. how long
D. how often
E. how many

9. 4 4 …
A. meanwhile
B. however
C. so
D. such as
E. if

45. The word “kept to” in the third passage has the same meaning with…
A. continued
B. remained
C. stayed
D. alternated
E. customized
Question: How can I be fluent and communicative in English?
1. Nayla Ahya Seeing good examples of communication helps you to get into the habit of communicating in
the same way and sorts out some of your grammar mistakes. Having clever friends makes
you listen to how English is used properly, assuming they actually do use English
properly. If you really want to communicate something, then you will find words to do so,
but most likely by reading and listening.
2. Tinna Farina For the communication part, I would say that you should improve your vocabulary and
grammar, together with pronunciation and fluency. For achieving this feat, read books,
listen to other speakers, read “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis, and develop a
basic hold on the mechanics of literature. Memorize some idioms, master prepositions,
utilize correct modals, and don’t use active voice all the time.
3. Ahmed Naraya The best and fastest way is to learn it from internet. Listen carefully what they talk and how
they talk. Focus on body language, learn and apply. It is important to be a good
listener before we are able to communicate efficiently and pleasantly.
4. Sandrina Muhlis Someone can’t be truly good at communicating. Communication is a skill, just like
playing tennis.
5. Febrian Nashir A good communicator is one that the listener understands. They understand the thoughts that
you are trying to convey. This puts the responsibility on the speaker not the listener.
Adapted from:

46. Who suggests the reader to read other references to improve the communication skills?
a. Febrian Nashir
b. Sandirna Muhlis
c. Tinna Farina
d. Nayla Ahya
e. Ahmed Naraya

47. Who posted the least relevant answer about the topic?
a. Sandrina Muhlis
b. Febrian Nasir
c. Ahmed Naraya
d. Tinna Farina
e. Nayla Ahya

48. From many opinions above, it can be concluded that…

a. Make English as your habit is the best way to be a good communicative speaker.
b. Conquering all English skills is important to be communicative in English. You can learn it from
your friends, internet or books.
c. The key of good communication is being a good listener.
d. You can use body language if the listener doesn’t understand your thought.
e. Communication doesn’t need to be learnt because we can learn it by ourselves.
49. Nayla Ahya has a different opinion with Tinna Farina on the ways how to be communicative in English. In
her opinions,…
a. a good communicator is the one that the listener understands meanwhile Tinna said that you can
easily learn it from internet.
b. You must improve your vocabulary and grammar but Tinna suggests to memorize some idioms and
master prepositions.
c. make English as your habit, find your clever friend to be a good role model to conquer it, on the other
hand Tinna suggests to read some book reference, listen to the speaker and strengthen the mechanic
of literature.
d. Focuses on body language, try to learn and apply it on your daily life but Tinna said that no one can
be a good communicator.
e. Vocabulary and grammar are the keys but Tinna said that reading and listening are the most important
things to be learnt.

50. The word “sorts out” has a similar in meaning with…

a. overview
b. classify
c. shorten
d. reflect
e. visualize

1. E 11. C 21. C 31. E 41. A

2. B 12. E 22. E 32. A 42. D
3. B 13. A 23. D 33. C 43. C
4. A 14. D 24. A 34. D 44. D
5. A 15. A 25. B 35. D 45. A
6. A 16. A 26. B 36. D 46. C
7. B 17. A 27. A 37. B 47. A
8. D 18. A 28. C 38. C 48. B
9. C 19. A 29. E 39. B 49. C
10. B 20. C 30. C 40. A 50. B

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