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Winter Semester 2023-2024 Digital Assignment-1

Course Name & code: Software Engineering-BCSE301L

Name : shree manjulaa : 21BCI0153

1. Illustrate briefly about the below given example, explain the importance of Agile process model in - project
Example of Agile software development

Let us assume that a company named Adobe is working on project to come up with a competing product for
Microsoft Word, that provides all the features provided by Microsoft Word and any other features requested
by the marketing team. The final product needs to be ready in 10 months of time. If they decide to use the
traditional waterfall model, then following things will happen:
• At a high level, the project teams would spend 15% of their time on gathering requirements and analysis
(1.5 months)
• 20% of their time on design (2 months)
• 40% on coding (4 months) and unit testing
• 20% on System and Integration testing (2 months).
• At the end of this cycle, the project may also have 2 weeks of User Acceptance testing by marketing teams.
• In this approach, the customer does not get to see the end product until the end of the project, when it
becomes too late to make significant changes.

Whereas with Agile development methodology:

• Each project is broken up into several ‘Iterations’.

• All Iterations should be of the same time duration (between 2 to 8 weeks).
• At the end of each iteration, a working product should be delivered.
• In simple terms, in the Agile approach the project will be broken up into 10 releases (assuming each
iteration is set to last 4 weeks).
• Rather than spending 1.5 months on requirements gathering, in Agile software development, the team
will decide the basic core features that are required in the product and decide which of these features
can be developed in the first iteration.
• Any remaining features that cannot be delivered in the first iteration will be taken up in the next iteration
or subsequent iterations, based on priority.
• At the end of the first iterations, the team will deliver a working software with the features that were
finalized for that iteration.
• There will be 10 iterations and at the end of each iteration the customer is delivered a working software
that is incrementally enhanced and updated with the features that were shortlisted for that iteration.
Title: Agile Software Development:
The example of Adobe's endeavor to develop a competitive product for Microsoft Word serves as a
compelling case study to underscore the significance of the Agile software development process model over
the conventional waterfall model.

Traditional Waterfall Model:

In the traditional waterfall model, project phases (requirements gathering, design, coding, testing) follow a
linear sequence, with a substantial time investment in each phase. This approach leads to delayed customer
visibility and challenges in accommodating late changes, rendering it less adaptive to evolving project needs.

Agile Development Methodology:

In stark contrast, the Agile development methodology employs an iterative and incremental approach. The
project is divided into fixed-duration iterations (e.g., 4 weeks), culminating in the delivery of a working
product at the end of each iteration. In the Adobe case, the project is subdivided into 10 iterations, ensuring
frequent software delivery.

Key Differentiators of Agile:

Agile's emphasis on delivering a basic core set of features in the initial iteration enables the team to respond
promptly to changing requirements. The iterative and collaborative nature of Agile addresses the limitations
inherent in the waterfall model, where late changes are cumbersome and costly.

Agile Principles:
The principles underlying Agile, as outlined in the introduction, prioritize customer satisfaction, adaptability
to change, and continuous delivery. The methodology promotes collaboration, regular customer interactions,
and a flexible response to evolving priorities. Working software is deemed the primary measure of progress,
setting Agile apart from plan-based methods.

In conclusion, the Agile software development process model proves indispensable in dynamic business
landscapes. Its iterative approach, continuous customer engagement, and adaptability distinguish it as the
preferred methodology over the traditional waterfall model. By ensuring early and frequent delivery of
valuable software and accommodating changes based on evolving requirements, Agile emerges as a
paradigm shift in project management methodologies.

2. Identify and do risk analysis for the E - Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile GPS Tracking using all possible
risk types.


**Title: Risk Analysis for E-Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile GPS Tracking**

Risk management is a critical aspect of project planning and execution. In the context of developing an E-Vehicle
Tracking system utilizing Driver Mobile GPS Tracking, it is imperative to identify, analyze, and respond to
potential risks. This assignment focuses on the risk management planning for this project, aiming to anticipate
challenges, assess their impact, and formulate a comprehensive risk resolution plan.

**Risk Management Planning:**

Risk management is a systematic process involving the identification, analysis, and response to risks throughout
the project lifecycle. A robust risk resolution plan is formulated to address each identified risk factor, analyzing
their potential impact on the project. This plan outlines probable responses that can be implemented to mitigate
or manage these risks as they arise.

**Risk Factors Identification:**

The initial step in risk management is to identify potential risk factors associated with the E-Vehicle Tracking
project. These factors may stem from assumptions, constraints, user expectations, or specific project situations.
Effectively managing these risks involves recognizing and documenting them comprehensively.

**Types of Risks:**

1. **Technical Risks:**

- GPS Signal Interference: Unforeseen disruptions to GPS signals may impact accurate vehicle tracking.

- Mobile App Compatibility: Compatibility issues with diverse mobile devices used by drivers.

2. **Operational Risks:**

- Server Downtime: Potential disruptions in server functionality affecting real-time tracking.

- Driver Compliance: Non-adherence of drivers to the mobile GPS tracking guidelines.

3. **Project Management Risks:**

- Scope Creep: Uncontrolled expansion of project scope impacting timelines and resources.

- Communication Gaps: Ineffective communication channels leading to misunderstandings and delays.

4. **Security Risks:**

- Data Breach: Unauthorized access to sensitive tracking data compromising user privacy.

- Cyber Attacks: Potential threats to the integrity of the tracking system through hacking attempts.
**Risk Resolution Plan:**

Each identified risk factor necessitates a tailored response plan:

1. **Technical Risks Response:**

- GPS Signal Interference: Implement backup tracking mechanisms.

- Mobile App Compatibility: Regularly update and test the mobile app for various devices.

2. **Operational Risks Response:**

- Server Downtime: Establish backup servers and implement proactive monitoring.

- Driver Compliance: Conduct regular training sessions and establish clear guidelines.

3. **Project Management Risks Response:**

- Scope Creep: Implement change control processes.

- Communication Gaps: Utilize project management tools for transparent communication.

4. **Security Risks Response:**

- Data Breach: Employ encryption protocols and regular security audits.

- Cyber Attacks: Regularly update security measures and conduct penetration testing.


Effective risk management is crucial for the success of the E-Vehicle Tracking project. By identifying and
addressing potential risks, the project team can ensure a smoother development process and enhance the overall
reliability and security of the tracking system. Regular monitoring and adaptation of the risk resolution plan
throughout the project's lifecycle are essential to navigate unforeseen challenges successfully.

3. Assume OLA E-Bike company is in need of a Software Product to maintain all its activity in Automated format,
Identify the requirements for the company and explain the functional and non-functional requirements for it.

**Title: Software Requirements Specification for OLA E-Bike Company**

**1. Introduction:**
The OLA E-Bike Company aims to streamline its operations through the development of a comprehensive
software system. This document outlines the functional and non-functional requirements necessary for the
successful implementation of the software product.

**2. User Requirements Definition:**

**2.1 Functional Requirements:**

- **User Authentication and Authorization:**

- Users should be able to log in with secure authentication.
- Different user roles (e.g., admin, employee) with specific access privileges.

- **Automated Booking System:**

- Users should be able to book E-Bikes seamlessly through the platform.
- Real-time availability updates for E-Bikes.

- **Route Planning:**
- Integration with mapping services for efficient route planning.
- Displaying optimal routes and estimated travel times.

- **Payment Integration:**
- Secure payment gateway integration for online transactions.
- Support for multiple payment methods.

- **Maintenance Tracking:**
- System should track and schedule maintenance tasks for each E-Bike.
- Automated alerts for upcoming maintenance.

- **Reporting and Analytics:**

- Generation of reports on usage, revenue, and maintenance history.
- Analytics dashboard for data-driven decision-making.

**2.2 Non-functional Requirements:**

- **Security:**
- Ensure data encryption for user information and transactions.
- Implement secure coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities.

- **Scalability:**
- The system should scale to accommodate an increasing number of users and E-Bikes.
- Support for concurrent users during peak times.

- **Reliability:**
- The system should be available 99.99% of the time.
- Backup and recovery mechanisms to prevent data loss.

- **Usability:**
- Intuitive user interface for easy navigation.
- Accessibility features for users with disabilities.
- **Performance:**
- Response time for key functions should be under 2 seconds.
- System should handle concurrent bookings without performance degradation.

**3. Product and Process Standards:**

- **Compliance:**
- The software should adhere to industry standards for data protection and privacy.
- Follow coding standards and best practices.

- **Interoperability:**
- Ensure compatibility with commonly used web browsers and mobile platforms.
- Integration capabilities with third-party services and APIs.

**4. Conclusion:**
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides a detailed overview of the functional and non-
functional requirements for the OLA E-Bike Company's automated software system. Adhering to these
requirements will ensure the successful development and implementation of a robust, secure, and user-friendly
platform to enhance the efficiency of OLA E-Bike operations.
4. Consider the following Function point components and their complexity. If the total degree of influences is
52, Predict the estimated function points.
Function type Estimated count complexity
ELF 2 7
ILF 4 10
EQ 22 4
EO 16 5
EI 24 4

5. Explain in detail about COCOMO model for software cost estimation. Use it to estimate the effort required to
build software for a simple ATM that produces 12 screens, 10 reports and has 80 software components.
Assume average complexity and average developer maturity. Use application composition model with object
NOTE: Description of each step should be given. Verification of the answers should be highlighted

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