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V alerna.

A world shaped by the magic of Vaala:

the threefold power of Dream, Will, and
Source, which provides the potential for all things to
evolve, to change.
Driven by Vaala, the greatest realms vie for
The half-elves of Allaria, the maghyri of Tyveria,
and the beast-kin of Nahuac have long been locked
in a fierce rivalry. From the frozen north, pious
Ysvalian knights bring their Light to a darkening
world. Across a dozen kingdoms, humans, elves,
dwarves, gnomes, halflings, orcs, and saurians make
war upon their rivals. Yet the greatest threat in all
Valerna comes not from the mortal world, but from
the Red Moon, Drakha. When the Red Moon rises,
the dragons descend... In the face of the draconic
threat, the squabbles of mortals are as nothing. Only
the mightiest heroes can stand against them. And
those heroes, when circumstances are right, can win
the respect of their dragon adversaries like no other.
When this happens, the two become as one-dual
beings, known as Dragonbonded. Beings who are
needed now, more than ever.

Based on the universe created by Daniel Servitje.

Lead Designers: Sarah Madsen, Brian Suskind
Additional Writing: JC Alvarez, Bernardo Alvarez, Mark
A. Latham, Ben McFarland
Additional worldbuilding: JC Alvarez, Tom Babbey,
Rubén Bañuelos, Daniel Ehrli, Alastor Guzmán, George
Mann, Mark A. Latham

Publisher: Draco Studios

Managing Director: Caroline Pritchard-Law Many thanks to all members from our Dragonbond
Chief Strategy Officer: George Mann community! Special thanks to the Loot Tavern team!
Creative Director: Daniel Ehrli
IP Manager: Mark A. Latham
Art Director: Tom Babbey

Logo and Brand Design: Tom Babbey, Heidi Badillo,

Renato Escalante

Layout Design: Heidi Badillo

Additional Graphic Design: Corazón Martínez, Angel
Lira, Edgar Santa Ana
Disclaimer: This is a book of fiction. The publisher respects
Cover Art: Aldo Domínguez all cultures, beliefs and religions. No dragons were harmed.
Cover Art (Deluxe version): Mukhlis Nur (Sinlaire)
Interior Illustrations: Irene Aretia, Tom Babbey, Bruce ISBN: 979-8-9893493-0-2
Breneisse, Milivoj Ćeran, Daarken, Aldo Domínguez, First Printing: October 2023
Rodrigo Gil, Lucas Graciano, Lars Grant-West, Allie SKU: DAO-27100
Irwin, Thibaud Jacquier-Bret (l’Arpenteur), Makenna SKU (Deluxe version): DAO-27101
Karp, Tumo Mere, Aaron Miller, Scott Murphy, Anton
Ninov, Nicholas Phillips, Steve Prescott, Vinod Rams, Dragonbond and their respective logos Itza’s Guide to
Alannah Rose, Chris Seaman, Odysseus Stamoglou, Dragonbonding, Great Wyrms of Drakha, Endless Sagas,
Florian Stitz, John Tedrick, Todd Ulrich, Alexander Battles of Valerna, Elyse’s Guide to Magic, Lords of Vaala,
VanNgo, Tyler Walpole, Adam Wesierski Dragonbond Quest are trademarks of Draco Gaming
Back Cover Art: Fesbra Inc. No portion of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without written
Project Management: Pamela Forzán, William Burgos permission from the copyright holders.
Chief Financial Officer: Alejandro Reyes Varela
Operations: Ana de la Torre, Mitzi Díaz
Marketing: Raúl Díaz, Valeria Hernández, Moisés Rivera, Printed in China. 2023 Draco Gaming Inc. 848
Edgar Santa Ana, Tim Vincent, Gabriel Viveros Brickell Avenue, Suite 950. Miami, FL 33131, USA.
Index: Rubén Bañuelos
Represented in Mexico by Draco Gaming SA de CV.
Proofreading: Anne Heemskerk
Playtest & Feedback: Étienne Bourgeois, Anne Contact us:
Heemskerk, Sam Paisley, Megan Pisarik, Overread,
Dragon Protector [email protected]

Dragon Broods. ........................................106

Character Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ehrlya......................................................113
Allai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Exor.......................................................119
Orc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fulgen.................................................125
Tánaid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Magnifex...........................................131
Maghyr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Nix....................................................137
Halfling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Baastherox, the Mightiest...............................143
Dwarf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dragonbonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 5
Elf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Return of the Dragonbonded.....................148
Gnome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Draconic Combat......................................155
Human. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Languages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
Feats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 Dragon Equipment.....................................166
Magic Items & Equipment.............................168
Classes......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Dragon Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Vaala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 5
Dragon Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 44 New Schools of Magic................................180
Vaala Adept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 New Spells..............................................182
Subclasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Spells Description......................................184
Barbarian: Path of Scars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2
Bard: College of Nightmares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 CHAPTER 6: THE WORLD OF DRAGONBOND 201
Cleric: Battle Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6
Allaria.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 0
Druid: Circle of Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 7 8 Tyveria.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 2
Fighter: Gladiator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 Nahuac.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 4
Monk: Way of the Covenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Ysval..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 6
Monk: Way of the Eight Paths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 Other Realms...........................................218
The Cursed Coast.......................................220
Paladin: Oath of Radiance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Ranger: Fai Hunter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 8 8 CHAPTER 7: BESTIARY 223
Ranger: Shadowstalker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0
Rogue: Crimson Hawk Spellblade. . . .. . . . . . .........92 APPENDIX A: HARVESTING & CRAFTING 322
Rogue: Dreamspy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4
Sorcerer: Blood Sorcery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 APPENDIX B: DRAGONCRAFTING 334
Warlock: The Fell Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8
Wizard: Makaab Weaving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0
Wizard: School of Entropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 0 2 INDEX 339
Welcome, Dragonbonded!
You are about to embark on the most incredible—and perhaps most terrifying—adventure of your life.
You walk in the shadow of greatness. You stand side-by-side with one of the most powerful
creatures ever to live. But more than that—you stand on the precipice of a true bond with a dragon, a
connection that transcends empathy and understanding, and goes far beyond even the bounds of love.
To be Dragonbonded is to share your life with something greater than yourself. To become one
half of a union of souls. To cease your former life as an individual and share your innermost
thoughts, feelings, ideals, and dreams with another.
(Oh—and getting to soar through the skies on dragonback is pretty amazing… Plus, a dragon can
be pretty handy in a fight. Remember, this is supposed to be fun, too).
My name is Itza Chapula, late of the Xibac Necromancers, now a free citizen of Nahauc and
recently bonded with the great Fulgen dragon, Reganna.
As one of the most recent of Valerna’s Dragonbonded, I believe I have a unique perspective to
offer, and this tome you hold is an accumulation of my notes, records, observations, and learnings
from these last few years. A guide to those of you who would follow in my footsteps and have chosen to
share their life with a dragon of the Red Moon.
To be Dragonbonded is to become one of the most powerful beings on Valerna. Sharing your life
with one of these great creatures is a towering responsibility. Some choose a path of righteousness—to
use their newfound power to protect those who cannot otherwise protect themselves. To lead others with
compassion and honor. Others take a different road, looking only to destroy and profit from their
union, to smite and rule with an iron fist. Others still choose to join the Covenant of Dragonbonded,
comprising some of the greatest heroes and leaders of our time—a ruling cabal that guides the very fate
of our world. It is a decision not to be taken lightly, and one I, myself, struggle with still.
As a Dragonbonded, you will share the incredible lifespan of your bonded dragon—unless, that
is, one of you is killed. The psychological torment of such a loss will see an end to both of you. You
must learn to live as one, to think as one. Only in doing so will you survive.
You shall always be treated as an outsider. One who—despite the protection you might
offer, despite your good will—will never be fully trusted by those who do not understand the
path you have taken.
And yet, bonding with a dragon is the greatest privilege that can be granted to a mortal in this
world. To sail the skies, to share the joy of utter, unabashed freedom, to live in a manner that so few
can ever truly dream of… it is the truest form of liberation.
So, I say to you now, young Dragonbonded—fly free. Learn. Grow alongside your dragons.
Choose the right path for you both, and never stray.
And a final word of warning: always watch your backs. The green eye of jealousy knows no
bounds, and there are those in this world who covet the bond you share more than anything else. Your
enemies will always be waiting, always ready.
Follow the guidance in this book, and so shall you.



I n the Dragonbond setting, Rhaava is a world of mortals

and dragons created not by capricious gods, but by Vaala,
the primal force of change. Through the threefold aspects
Chapter 4 lists the details for new equipment and magic
items, including items for dragons themselves.
Chapter 5 delves into the nature of Vaala, presenting
of Vaala—Fai, Id, and K’aab—all things have the potential new spells, new Valernian spell schools, and a new Vaala
to evolve, to change, to become more. Motivated by this point system usable by every class.
primordial drive, mighty nations rise and fall, monsters prey Chapter 6 explores the realms of Valerna, recounting
on the unwary, proud armies march to war, and exceptional a brief history of the world with details about the mighty
heroes ride dragons through tumultuous skies. kingdoms and important personages who dwell therein.
Since the beginning of recorded history, dragons have Chapter 7 unveils a horde of new monsters that can be
descended from the Red Moon every twenty-seven years to encountered in the world of Dragonbond, including stat
ravage Valerna, the largest continent on Rhaava. But now, blocks for the mighty dragons of the six broods.
thanks to the actions of the world’s mightiest adventurers, Appendix A and B offers an optional crafting system
a new age has begun—an age of Endless Sagas—where for players so they can construct their own equipment and
dragons and mortals must find their place in the world magical items!
together, or do battle in the ages-old tradition. Valerna
is a place of limitless adventure, high magic, and untold
dangers. In this world, fame and glory await the bold, but Options for Every Game
an ignominious end awaits the foolhardy and unwary. In Everything in this book is usable in the world of Dragonbond
this world, the mightiest and wiliest adventurers can wield or in the custom setting of your home campaign. Whether
the power of Vaala to shape the very world. And some rare you use all the options you’ll find inside or just a few, the
few may beat all the odds, and form the Dragonbond— ancestries, classes, spells, items, and monsters provide a wealth
becoming as one with a mighty dragon, taking their place of material for both GMs and players alike to enrich their
amongst Valerna’s legendary figures. thrilling and heroic adventures.

Using This Book

Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding is the ultimate introduction
to the world of Dragonbond. Written for both players and
GMs, this book details the peoples, cultures, conflicts and
monsters of Valerna, the unique dragon broods of the
Red Moon, and the rare magical unification of mortal
and dragon: the Dragonbond itself!
The options here are compatible with the 5th edition
rules for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
Chapter 1 illustrates some of the various peoples of
Valerna and presents new ancestries and lineages, new
options for familiar ancestries, Dragonbond-specific feats,
and languages for any Dragonbond character.
Chapter 2 provides options for heroes, including three
new classes (the dragon herald, the dragon hunter, and
the Vaala adept), new subclasses, and exciting roleplaying
Chapter 3 discusses the draconic broods of Valerna,
including their habits, lairs, and hoards, and offers
suggestions on roleplaying these indomitable creatures.
This chapter also explores the nature of the Dragonbond, a
mystical link connecting mortal to dragon, as well as rules
for fighting alongside or against dragons, including rules for
aerial battles in the skies!


T he realms of Valerna are populated with unique
peoples of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. Within
this chapter is a cross-section of ancestries and lineages
found across the continent. Some are entirely new, while
others are subsets of those you may be familiar with, such
as elves, dwarves, and gnomes. The ancestries presented
here are allai, maghyr, and tánaid, and the lineages
are nwoda (dwarf ), ellari (elf ), godao (gnome), púka
(halfling) and obakkar (orc). Also included are several
human variants based on their culture of origin: Allarian,
Náhuinn, Tyverian, and Ysvalian.

Character Creation
When creating your character, you start by choosing an
ancestry and lineage for them. If you choose one of the
ancestries or lineages presented here, follow these rules
during character creation.

Ability Score Increase

After determining your character’s ability scores, if you
chose an ancestry from this list, either increase one
ability score by 1 point and one ability score by 2 points,
or increase three different scores by 1 each. Follow this
rule regardless of how you determine your character’s
ability scores.
If you chose an existing ancestry from another source,
and chose a lineage from those listed here, increase one
ability score of your choice by 1 point.
Each ancestry and lineage presented here has a set of
suggested ability score increases. Use these suggestions if
you wish to play a character more typical of that ancestry.

Starting Languages
Your character can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language of your choice. Work with your GM
to determine which languages make the most sense for
your character. The languages used in Valerna and their
descriptions can be found in the “Languages” section later
in this chapter.

The Dragon Kingdom of Allaria, ruled by a half-elven
elite, is home to most half-elves of Valerna. The allai are
commonly called honor elves because they traditionally
consider themselves more honorable than both the
humans and ellari they come from.
Since allai do not live as long as ellari, many place
great importance on their ancestry and lineage and strive
to remember their history and those that came before
them. Honor elves typically display a mix of human
industriousness and ellari inspiration. They often like
baroque arts, complex philosophy, and monumental
architecture. In the Allarian military, they are strict and
organized, fighting as one individual with a single purpose.

The Eliadu
The closest thing that the Allarians have to a
sacred text, the Eliadu is a collection of works
written during the Age of the Covenant. It warns
of the dangers of unfettered Dream and cautions
all Valernians against the unbridled power of
dragonbonding. It also claims that the natural state
of the world is the constant pursuit of order, that
out of chaos comes peace, with everything eventually
finding its place. According to the Eliadu, the goal is
not a fixed order but the process itself. No one knows
who wrote the Eliadu, and scholars debate over the
identity of the author—or authors.

Place, Purpose, Passion

For the allai, the Eliadu is more than just the Rule of Law.
It’s so ingrained into their consciousness that it becomes
a part of their being. Even those allai who don’t reside
within Allaria find that they innately prefer order and
are only happy when they have a cause to fight for or a
focus for their passion. They long to find their place in the
world and to fulfill their purpose, whatever that may be.

Allarian Honor Names

Once an Allarian claims a title, that title becomes part
of their identity and rarely goes unused. After a time,
the term is integrated into their name, becoming an
The Allai and the Ellari honor name. A few examples of honor names are: Fan
(senator), Lai (noble, “honorable”), Lu (captain), Mon
In an attempt to stave off the danger attributed to the (magistrate), Qan (dragon king/queen), Qani (prince/
ellari’s Fai nature in the wake of the First Null War, princess), Qar (warden), and Ran (general).
Qan Zai, the first Dragon King of Allaria, instituted the When claiming an honor name, the hyphenated
Dreamless Treatment, forcing the ellari within the realm prefix Ni, meaning partial or demi, may be utilized by
to consume an alchemical potion that severed them from an Allarian to denote their limited status. For example,
the Fai. The Dreamless Treatment became standard for a warden squire would have the honor name Ni-Qar,
all Allarian silver elves, with even some allai taking it as whereas a bastard son accepted into a noble family
a fashion trend, to “avoid nightmares.” The Dreamless might use Ni-Lai.
Treatment was still a day-to-day reality until a little over
a decade ago, when the first ellari ruler of Allaria, the
Dragon Queen, Qan Elyse, immediately abolished it
throughout the kingdom, stopping its import cold and Allai Traits
levying humiliating fines on anyone that bought or sold it Your allai character shares traits with other allai but also
within Allarian territory. with both elves and humans.
Now, Qan Elyse’s social reforms are beginning to Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence,
reverse the ellari’s status as second-class citizens. While the Wisdom, and Charisma scores each increase by 1.
allai have a long-standing history of prejudice against their Aspect Affinity. You are not innately tied to any
silver elf kin, many are trying to reconcile with them and particular Vaala aspect. You gain one mote of affinity in
live side by side as equals. any one aspect of your choice.
Age. Allai can live up to 200 years and are considered
adults by 21 years.
Appearance Size. Allai typically stand anywhere between 5½ feet
Most allai are distinguished by a thicker build than other and 6½ feet tall. Your size is Medium.
elves. Their skin tones are as varied as those of humans, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
and some honor elves may sport beards. Darkvision. Your elven heritage gives you the
ability to see in the darkness. You can see in dim light
within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness
Allai Names as if it were dim light. You can’t see color in darkness,
only shades of gray.
Allai names are proud, with meanings related to abstract Fervent Focus. When you create your allai, work with
virtues or philosophical ideals. Like their language, their your GM to choose a goal, passion, or purpose for your
names are derived from ellari names with some syllable character to pursue. Once per day, when you make an
modifications, especially using an n for masculine endings attack roll, ability check, or saving throw in pursuit of
and an a for feminine endings. Some traditional ellari your chosen focus, you can reroll it and use your choice of
names are also used by honor elves, particularly among the two results. Once you use this ability, you cannot use
the nobility. it again until you finish a long rest. When you gain a new
Besides their proper names, allai use an honor name level, you can change your character’s chosen focus, at
that reflects their role or duty in society. Placed before their your GM’s discretion.
proper name, an honor name typically denotes their formal Forced Order. As an allai, you have the ability to
position or rank, such as for a senator, but can occasionally impose your will on your surroundings. You know the
mark their social or professional stature, such as for a noble resistance cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast
or master smith. The practice is widespread throughout the aid spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and
Allaria, with non-allai who hold a position of rank or honor regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
utilizing honor names as befits their station. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the counterspell
Masculine Names: Adaman, Aelen, Arlan, Aun, Balin, spell as a 3rd-level spell once with this trait and regain the
Breon, Daraen, Eldan, Endan, Ennan, Fean, Finnan, ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is
Galan, Iannan, Idan, Kelan, Lannan, Maladin, Malen, your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Mannan, Menassan, Min, Qin, Taran, Valin, Zan Versatile Proficiency. You gain proficiency in one skill
Feminine Names: Adysa, Alla, Alym, Anysa, Arla, Aunnea, and with one tool of your choice.
Elya, Enda, Ennea, Gala, Ilea, Laenna, Nama, Nia, Nisa,
Qia, Senia, Terya, Teryana, Ynia, Yunna, Zia, Ziella
The term “orc” is often used to refer to a strong, hardy
people who were fractured and scattered across Valerna.

Broken but Reforged

Orcs had a thriving civilization centuries before the
rise of the first human realms, now remembered
only as the Old Realm. Eventually, they were
decimated by the Altanesi Empire, a massive
human civilization that quickly rose to rule the
known world for a thousand years. The Altanesi
cast a deadly curse on the Old Realm, known
as the Lessening, which robbed the orcs of their
sense of self and memories of their culture. In
the chaos that followed, the orcs turned on one
another, slaughtering each other until they were a
shadow of who they once were.

Orc Traits
Your orc character shares some traits with
other orcs.
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your
Strength or Wisdom score (your choice)
increases by 2.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. In darkness, everything appears
in shades of unsaturated red.
Lineage. Once scattered across
Valerna, the orcs have since
reformed into three known
lineages. One of them, the
obakkar, is found below.

The orc diaspora reformed
into scattered tribes,
searching for a way to


restore their lost ancestral memories. Those who would Appearance

become the obakkar discovered bakka amber and, through
this substance, began to remember who they once were. Obakkar are muscular, tusked humanoids with golden skin,
Obakkar orcs are typically lean and strong, embracing a black or amber eyes, and black to reddish-blonde hair.
stoic martial culture. The naka—obakkar clans or tribes—of the Scourge
Triumvirate each have a particular pattern of brandings
that they receive to memorialize their achievements and
Bakka Amber stoke their inner flame. An obakkar has their first brand
Bakka amber is pure Source given substance, a honey- seared into their skin when they reach adulthood, and then
colored resin formed from the lava created by the elemental another for each accomplishment throughout their life.
djaat. The djaat’s lava held vast untapped power until the They model their clothing, hierarchy, towns, and buildings
obakkar devised a method of refining it, creating bakka after the organization of bees and other hive insects.
and a tar-like byproduct of pure Will called djaati oil. The
amber, the obakkar keep for themselves, and they gift the Obakkar Names
djaati oil to the boaab to use in their rites, which in turn
fuel the djaat. In this manner, these three peoples sustained All obakkar have a personal name followed by the name of
and empowered one another, forming a society known as their naka. Orc war-mothers are often given the title of ma
the Scourge Triumvirate in the southern land of Sabaar. to indicate their status and rank. A war-mother’s chosen
Over time, the obakkar perfected their methods of consorts have the right to add the war-mother’s title and
working bakka amber. While originally they wore small name to the end of their own as a matronym, to indicate
pieces of the amber as simple trinkets, the obakkar now their association with an influential warrior.
use bakka to craft weapons, art, and jewelry, which in Personal Names: Aara, Akka, Daara, Ebel, Kaman,
turn bolster them with its power. By working with and
Matu, Saba, Sodaar, Ubakka, Uura
connecting to Source in this solid form, they are able to
forge strong connections with other living things. On rare Naka Names: Aat, Bat, Bog, Kamat, Laog, Mabab, Saan,
occasions, bakka amber is further concentrated and used Tokh, Ub, Yog
in obakkar rituals, connecting them to the pride, power,
and purpose of their ancestors.
Obakkar Traits
Your obakkar character shares the following traits with
Sacred Life other orcs of their kind.
The amber orcs came out of the Lessening with a renewed Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
focus on the value of life, birth, and community. Children score or your Charisma score (your choice) increases by 1.
are very important for the obakkar people, and they Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Source. You gain
consider every new birth a blessing. Children are raised one mote of affinity in K’aab.
communally and are considered the responsibility of every Age. Due to the Lessening, obakkar have shorter
member of their tribe. lifespans than many other people of Valerna. Their average
Obakkar society is a lawful and organized warrior lifespan is 70 years, and they are considered mature by
hierarchy, which holds life as its utmost ideal and honor their late teens.
and bravery as its highest virtues. The amber orcs saw a Size. You are tall and muscular, averaging 6 to 7 feet in
drastic reduction in their families during the Lessening, height. Your size is Medium.
which gives them a unique outlook on the value of life, Empowered by Amber. Bakka amber connects you to
birth, and community. Obakkar leaders are known as your people, bolstering you and allowing you to harness
war-mothers, and they hold parents, particularly mothers, ancestral memories that were once forgotten. As long as
in high esteem. Non-obakkar that voluntarily join their you have even a small trinket of bakka amber in your
ranks to bear children for them are welcomed as bula’ma, possession, you gain the following benefits:
or sacred mothers, and are given a blessed status.
• You gain advantage on all Strength and Constitution
saving throws.
Bindings • You can attempt to draw on your ancestral memories
When two or more amber orcs wish to join their to recall lore you do not know, making an Intelligence
households, they can declare a Binding with each other, (History) check relying on the collective and ancient
becoming one in the eyes of society. The great deeds of one knowledge of the orcs. Once you use this feature, you
reflect well on the other, and dishonor on one is dishonor can not benefit from it again until you finish a long rest.
on both. Bindings are considered lifelong alliances and Purging Flame. You have resistance to poison and
may be done for romantic, strategic, or political reasons. If fire damage.
two orc bands wish to join, two of their war-mothers may
declare it so, marking their tribes as one for eternity.

Tánaid are human shapeshifters with a strong connection
to K’aab, the Source aspect of Vaala, known to guide life
and death.

Many humans display a particular affinity for K’aab, and
such a tie manifests in many ways. These people develop
nature-related powers as they grow, from speaking with
animals to healing others. Source-gifted humans are seen
as blessed children in most places they’re born, but some
cultures shun them as witch-spawn and force them to hide
their powers or flee their homeland.

The tánaid’s affinity for Source gives them the ability
to take on an animal form. This animal form remains
the same throughout a tánaid’s life, representing an
individual’s personal, specific guardian tána spirit. In some
regions, tánaid tend to live together according to their
tána spirit, forming jaguar-kin cities or deer-kin towns.
While there are communities for almost every animal
in Valerna, the best-known tánaid societies include the
ocelinn jaguar-kin, cúhinn canid-kin, maame deer-kin,
and mun kisuut bat-kin of Nahuac; the langa wolf-kin of
the Fai woods; and the ríma elk-kin of Ysval.

Many tánaid appear as typical humans, but their skin can
be much darker or much paler than the typical spectrum.
They may also have bestial features, such as slitted pupils,
pronounced canines, or antlers.

Tánaid Names
The tánaid use the human names common to the region or
culture to which they were born. Most tánaid originate in
Nahuac, so they typically possess names from this realm.


Tánaid Traits Ocelinn Jaguar-Kin. The mightiest and most numerous

tánaid in Nahuac are the ocelinn, who rule three of the five
Your tánaid character’s heritage manifests in a number of traits. largest Náhuinn cities, including the capital.
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1. TÁNA SPIRIT BENEFIT
Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Source. You gain Cúhinn You gain advantage on all Wisdom
one mote of affinity in K’aab. canid-kin (Perception) checks that rely on sight
Age. Tánaid mature slowly, being considered adults by 21 or smell.
years and living up to 300 years. Maame Your movement speed increases to
Size. Tánaid stand as tall as average humans, typically deer-kin 60 feet.
between 4 feet and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Mun kisuut You gain a fly speed of 40 feet.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. bat-kin
The Gift. You have proficiency in one Wisdom-related Ocelinn You gain advantage on either all
skill of your choice. jaguar-kin Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks or all
K’aab Power. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Strength (Athletics) checks (your
the enhance ability spell on yourself once per day. You need no
material components to cast this spell in this manner.
Tána Spirit. As a tánaid, you have awakened your
tána spirit, allowing you to take on the shape of an
animal. Choose one animal from the Tána Spirit table. Kaabstone Amulets
You gain an additional benefit from your chosen spirit, as Most tánaid are given a Kaabstone amulet during
shown in the table. a special ceremony when they reach adulthood.
As an action, you can shift from your own form to This amulet allows them to mystically store their
the form of your chosen animal, though you may retain equipment when they transform, with only the
animalistic features when you are not in your animal amulet remaining around the neck or wrist of the
form. This transformation lasts up to a number of hours tánaid when in their animal form. At your GM’s
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), but you discretion, you may gain a Kaabstone amulet at
can revert to your normal appearance sooner as a bonus character creation.
action. Any equipment you’re wearing or carrying does not See chapter 4 for more information on Kaabstone
transform and falls to the ground around you. You regain amulets.
the use of this ability when you finish a long rest.
While in animal form, you gain darkvision within 60 feet,
your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 piercing or slashing damage,
and you gain the trait listed alongside your animal form in the
Tána Spirit table. The rest of your statistics remain the same.
If the table offers you a choice of traits, make that choice
during character creation.

Tána Spirit
Tánaid often group together by tána spirit, forming
communities based on their guardian. Below are the most
common types of shapeshifters and their descriptions.
Cúhinn Canid-Kin. The canid-kin have their own state,
Cucáinn, a very small ápal in East Nahuac. Every cúhinn,
from the rare and robust wolf-kin to the wise and nomadic
coyote-kin, can be found throughout Nahuac, living in
harmony with their neighbors within and outside their ápal.
Maame Deer-Kin. The mysterious deer-kin live
somewhat apart from Náhuinn society, rarely interacting
outside their ápal, a bare and arid plain along the eastern
coast of the Sea of Nahuac. There, they live as isolated,
hardened tribes that hunt, forage, and live even closer to
nature than other Náhuinn peoples.
Mun Kisuut Bat-Kin. The bat-kin live in a remote
ápal in the thickest forests of East Nahuac. They are often
adopted as spies, messengers, and aerial troops by the
armies of other states.
A human blessed with a particularly powerful tie to the
Will aspect of Vaala can become something else entirely: a
maghyr, gifted with increased physical and mental abilities as
well as an extended lifespan. This gift manifests as the ability
to manipulate and empower blood, minds, and emotions,
making them a terrifying force both in the throne room and
on the battlefield. Such great power comes with a downside,
however; within each maghyr resides a vindictive spirit,
known as a kadhah, with but one goal: destroy the maghyr
that houses it.

Vaala Vampires
Most maghyri, and another type of exceptionally powerful
Will-chosen known as the vampyri, can exert some degree of
control over minds or emotions. But all vampyri and maghyri
must power their abilities—and their very essences—by
consuming blood and the Vaala it contains.
They are justly feared for this reason, and many maghyri
are forced to hide their nature and abilities—except in Tyveria,
where they are in fact the ruling elite. In turn, Tyverian
maghyri and vampyri are expected to pledge their service to a
maghyr house.
Many maghyri content themselves with reduced powers,
being almost the equal of normal humans, save for what
seems to be excellent health. But even these “contained”
Will-chosen find it hard to maintain a balance and often
seek out positions of power.

A vengeful spirit born of their maghyr’s own power, a kadhah is
an ever-present danger in the life of their maghyr. It demands
that their maghyr embrace who they are, accepting their power
but also not using it for trivial things. The kadhah is fickle but
patient, waiting eagerly for the moment their maghyr stumbles.
It is a precarious and deadly balancing game—if a maghyr


overextends their power, or if they attempt to renounce body often becomes lean and muscular. Many maghyri
their nature and never utilize their innate abilities, their grow deathly pale as they become more powerful, and
kadhah may manifest and attempt to strike them down. they may develop fangs or blackened claws after years of
Some more dominant maghyr bloodlines face an even more feeding on others.
potent challenge, as a maghyr’s kadhah is made all the more
powerful by their family’s centuries of refined skills.
Defeating a kadhah is only a temporary reprieve, however, Maghyr Names
as the kadhah cannot be completely destroyed until their
maghyr is dead. As the maghyr increases in strength and Maghyri use the human names common to the region
power, so does their kadhah. Many a maghyr has searched or culture to which they were born. Maghyri in Tyveria,
for a way to control or destroy their kadhah, but none have or those outside Tyveria who pledge loyalty to a Tyverian
succeeded. All maghyri know it’s only a matter of time until maghyr house, take the name of their house as a surname,
they lose the battle and fall to their kadhah. See chapter 7 for adding the term id before it, in the style of the noble houses
more information on the kadhah. of that realm.

Blood Pacts Maghyr Traits

The maghyri have learned to manipulate their kadhah in Your maghyr character has the following traits.
one very important way: in the creation of blood pacts. Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
By overseeing an agreement between two or more parties, increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
a maghyr can tie their kadhah to the pact. If anyone Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Will. You gain
involved breaks the pact, they find themselves facing one mote of affinity in Id.
down the maghyr’s manifested kadhah. The threat of Age. Maghyri age like typical humans and are
such a punishment is often enough to keep all parties in considered adults by their late teens or early twenties. But as
line, making a blood pact something that should not be a maghyr increases in power, their aging slows, until they
entered into lightly. cannot die of old age.
However, the more complicated an agreement, the Size. Maghyri vary in height, from 4 feet to over 6 feet
more difficult it is for a blood pact to be cemented by tall. Your size is Small or Medium.
a maghyr without the ritual going awry. To these ends, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
the blood mages of Tyveria have formed an entire sect of Darkvision. As a maghyr, you have honed your
blood priests whose primary purpose is to oversee rituals senses with Id. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
involved in crafting complicated blood pacts. of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Awakened Blood Awaken Blood. You have the ability to awaken blood,
which you need for your powers. You can use an action to
A maghyr has the ability to awaken blood—to infuse create one dose of awakened blood by empowering fresh
it with the Will aspect of Vaala until it becomes more blood within 15 feet of you. To do so, you need blood
potent. Though a maghyr can subsist on mundane blood, freshly drawn from a living creature within the past hour.
most prefer to consume awakened blood and use it for This can be blood spilled in the heat of battle or blood
their rituals, as it is far more nourishing and powerful drawn from a creature for this express purpose. If drawing
than normal blood. For those who aren’t Will-chosen, blood from a willing creature, the creature takes 1 hit
awakened blood acts as a powerful elixir, providing point of damage for each dose of blood drawn. You can
healing or strength. craft a dose of awakened blood a number of times equal
Some extremely powerful maghyri can awaken the to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses
blood within a living creature and create a vampyr, but to do so when you finish a long rest. Awakened blood can
the process is extremely difficult for both the maghyr and be used as a spellcasting focus for your blood sorcery, and
the would-be vampyr. More often than not, the initiate you can cast through any awakened blood within 15 feet
simply dies, and the weakened maghyr may be left facing of you as if you were in its space.
their manifested kadhah.

Born human, a maghyr can come from any of the cultures
of Valerna, and their appearance can be just as varied.
Once a maghyr comes into their power, however, their

Additionally, you can use awakened blood to push past Bite. You can make a Bite attack, an unarmed
the limits of your abilities. As a bonus action, you can strike that deals 1d4 piercing damage. If your Bite hits
consume any number of doses of awakened blood and a living creature, you can choose to deal an additional
gain one of the following benefits: 1d4 necrotic damage to consume the same number
of doses of blood from the creature. The creature’s hit
• For the next minute, you can add the same number
point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
to any one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check
necrotic damage taken until it finishes a long rest. If you
as the number of doses you consumed.
are consuming blood from a willing creature, for each
• You regain one spell slot of a level equal to the
subsequent round that you use your action to continue
number of doses you consumed.
to feed, you can deal your Bite’s necrotic damage without
If you use your awakened blood in either of these making an attack roll.
manners, you must immediately roll for a Kadhah Maghyr Weakness. Despite your many abilities as a
Manifestation (see below), subtracting a penalty from maghyr, you have a number of weaknesses:
the roll equal to the number of doses of awakened blood
Bloodlust. You must drink blood to maintain yourself
you consumed.
and your power and to hold your kadhah at bay. When
you utilize any of your blood sorcery, if you have not
consumed a dose of blood within the past 24 hours
or a dose of awakened blood within the last 48 hours,
you immediately roll for a Kadhah Manifestation (see
below). For each additional 48 hours you have gone
without consuming blood, you suffer a −1 penalty on
the roll.
Compelled Sorcery. When you complete a long rest, if
you have not used your blood sorcery within the past
24 hours, you must immediately roll for a Kadhah
Manifestation (see below). For each additional 48 hours
you have gone without using your blood sorcery, you
suffer a −1 penalty on the roll.
Kadhah Manifestation. Each maghyr’s kadhah is
constantly watching and waiting for the opportunity
to strike them down. When the GM calls for it, roll
percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower
than your character level, your kadhah immediately
appears in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you.
Once a kadhah manifests, it attacks you and your allies
relentlessly until you die or it dies.

GM Guidance: The Maghyr and the Kadhah

The relationship between a maghyr and their
kadhah is a careful dance of power and control. As
the GM, you may call for a Kadhah Manifestation
roll any time you think it’s appropriate, including
when you think a maghyr character is abusing their
Blood Sorcery. As a maghyr, you have some innate powers or rejecting their nature. Examples of this
blood mastery. You know the blood whip cantrip. When include casual, flippant use of blood sorcery (like
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the blood pact spell once using a blood whip to reach a goblet across the
with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you room instead of walking) and a refusal to accept
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast blood freely given.
the charm person spell once with this trait and regain the
ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you
reach 7th level, you can cast the dominate person spell once
with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.


eager to learn the tales of other peoples and cultures. And

Halfling every so often, a bright halfling will take to the road, intent
on living the stories firsthand.
The smallest of humanoid peoples, halflings are a common
sight everywhere in Valerna, mostly as an integral, almost
symbiotic part of human cultures. Appearance
Halflings are often looked down upon for their smaller Valernian halflings look like small, pointy-eared humanoids
size and unassuming attitudes. Yet their main strength lies with wide eyes of deep red, white, brown, or dark blue,
in their closeness to the small things, the crucial details that with no visible sclera or pupil. Their skin color runs from
larger creatures overlook. tan to indigo. Of all halflings, púka appear the most like
human children, with round faces and joyful eyes.
Eternal Children Púka Names
One legend maintains that halflings came about when
thousands of orphaned human, dwarven, and gnomish youths Púka use the naming customs of the human culture or
across Valerna were touched by the Dreambleed, giving them realm they belong to (see the “Human” section later in
a sense of childlike wonder—and stature—forever. Many this chapter).
halflings often take comfort in being curious, playful, and
lighthearted, never quite losing the joy of childhood. Púka Traits
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
Halfling Traits increases by 1.
Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Source. You gain
Your halfling character has a number of traits in common one mote of affinity in K’aab.
with all other halflings. Age. Púka live up to 150 years and are considered
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score mature by 21.
increases by 2. Size. Púka stand at about 3 feet tall and weigh around
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Lucky. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, Cook and Craft. You have proficiency with two sets of
ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and artisan’s tools of your choice.
must use the new roll. Friends of the Hearth. When you take a short rest, you
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against can spend your Hit Dice to heal another character.
being frightened. Cartwright. You have proficiency with vehicles (land).
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space Food and Travel. You have advantage on Wisdom
of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. (Survival) checks to forage for
Lineage. Numerous and plentiful, halflings are found food, to avoid becoming lost,
in almost every realm in Valerna and have diversified and to find a safe route
into different lineages to suit their new homes. One such through the wilds.
lineage, the púka, is listed below.

Púka, or bright halflings, are the most common type of
halflings found in Valerna. Affable lovers of quality and
comfort, púka are the best cooks, blacksmiths, and bakers
on the continent, and their inns, smithies, and taverns are
renowned in every realm.
The highest concentration of bright halflings resides
in the Holy Alliance of Ysval, in the Northerlands, where
they have become an integral part of the Ysvalian culture
of home, hearth, and hard work. But they have established
their inns, taverns, and workshops in every corner of
Valerna, always greeting their neighbors with a smile and a
freshly cooked meal.

Tall Tales
The only thing that púka like almost as much as food and
crafts is a good story, whether composing, reading, or
listening to one. They know many of the songs and the tales
of Valerna and never tire of sharing or hearing them, often
Dwarves are stout and short creatures of the earth. They have
a strong inner connection to Vaala, manifesting its aspects in
their natural, physical form.

Forged from Vaala

According to dwarven legend, whereas most mortal
peoples began their existence spontaneously when they
were born from the essence of the Protogons after the
Second Age, dwarves were made (forged, they would
say) by an unnamed, surviving Protogon during the Age
of Mortals. The purpose of their creation is unknown,
and debate about the nature of their existence is a
favorite pastime of dwarven scholars.

Dwarf Traits
Your dwarf character has an assortment of inborn abilities,
part and parcel of your dwarven nature.
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
score increases by 2.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed
is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Darkvision. All dwarves originated as subterranean
creatures and, thus, have superior vision in dim lighting.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage
on saving throws against poison, and you have
resistance against poison damage.
Dwarven Combat Training. You have
proficiency with the battleaxe, light hammer,
and warhammer.


Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan’s Appearance

tools of your choice: smith’s tools, brewer’s supplies, or
mason’s tools. Nwoda are taller than the average dwarf and tend to be
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence more stout and muscular than humans. Their heads are
(History) check related to the origin of stonework, you ringed with gems and crystals instead of hair or beards.
are considered proficient in the History skill and add Their skin is darker than those of other dwarves, ranging
double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of from a sunkissed gold to a deep, ruddy brown.
your normal proficiency bonus.
Lineage. There are several lineages of dwarves across Nwoda Clans
Valerna. One of them, the nwoda, is found below. Today four major nwoda clans remain.
The Yaku, or the Ruby Clan, have reddish crystal
Nwoda growths in their bodies and are known for their
flamboyant style and dedication to self-expression.
Sky dwarves, or nwoda, are Fai beings, with more access The Kuti, or the Sapphire Clan, sport crystalline hair
to the Dream aspect of Vaala than most peoples other and beards of brightest blue and are famous for their
than the elves. exploration and discoveries.
When the Dreambleed swept through Valerna, it The Yuman, or the Amethyst Clan, are known for
destroyed the lush and teeming region of Enkhara, their deep purple body crystals and for their wisdom and
decimating the kingdoms of the sphinxes and leaving leadership abilities.
behind a parched and arid desert. In the wake of this The Zumari, or the Emerald Clan, bear greenish
catastrophic change, however, a great floating crystal was crystals and live in the Blood Empire of Tyveria as pirates
formed, later known to legend as the Apa Una’jawahm— and smugglers.
the Great Birthstone. From this birthstone, the nwoda
emerged, establishing cities on the ideals of freedom and
order based on the rule of law.
Nwoda Names
Sky dwarves respect the clan naming customs of standard
Masculine Names: Aabu, Abumbulu, Adebu, Adege,
Called una’jawahm’a, birthstones are sacred to sky Ademe, Adetu, Adisu, Alatu, Amada, Amatuma,
dwarves, for they cannot be born outside of them. The Anza, Awalu, Ayebu, Ayoku, Bara, Binkeke, Ghaliya,
nwoda clans once lived together in the Great Birthstone, Gwanu, Kiku, Kumaru, Mahamu, Moa, Mosu, Oku,
until the tyranny of the ruling Amasi dwarves ended Olala, Olalu, Oluwaru, Pasu, Saba
in a rebellion that culminated in the splitting of the Feminine Names: Abido, Abisi, Adaso, Alemosi,
Great Birthstone by the Zumari clan. When the Great Anuwo, Arasi, Aymo, Ayoto, Bawo, Dami, Damo,
Birthstone was split, its fragments were scattered across Daso, Hajaro, Hajjo, Jawamo, Kyado, Lolo, Maho,
the Enkharan Desert and beyond. The remaining four Momo, Momoso, Olo, Pasai, Paso, Shado, Taeo, Tosi
clans each claimed a cluster as their own: the sapphire Clan Names: Kuti, Yaku, Yuman, Zumari
Kuti clan, the ruby Yaku clan, and the amethyst Yuman
clan all remained in the Enkharan Desert, while the
emerald Zumari clan exiled themselves and their Nwoda Traits
birthstone to Tyveria out of shame after the destruction Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
of the Apa Una’jawahm. increases by 1.
Beneath the scattered birthstone clusters, the desert began Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Dream. You gain
to flourish. Gemstone forests grew, and with them came one mote of affinity in Fai.
water, fertile ground, and strange beasts. Nomadic peoples of Age. Nwoda live up to 300 years and are considered
all types were drawn to these oases and formed great cities, mature by 21.
each with a clan’s birthstone floating in the sky above. Size. Nwoda are the tallest of the dwarves, with most
Now, the nwoda have a rich, far-ranging society based on standing at about 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
flying, trade, and exploration, which reaches every corner of Natural Flight. You have a flying speed of 20 feet.
Valerna thanks to their floating ships. Additionally, you can hover; if your speed is reduced
to 0 while flying, you continue to float in place. If you
Crystal Flight are knocked prone, you can stand without using your
Birthstones give the nwoda their innate ability to levitate Sky Traveler. You have proficiency with vehicles (air)
by rejecting gravity through Fai. They call this power and navigator’s tools.
yahum (floating), and it is the same magic that they use to
make their shard-ships fly.

Elves claim to be the first people of Valerna, born from
the magic of the Protogons during the earliest ages of
history. They ruled western Valerna from their fabled
Ellari Kingdoms, enchanted realms built out of Dream
magic, and their wizard-lords wrote reality as they saw fit
through their ancient art of Dreamshaping. For millennia
these realms withstood dragon incursions, human
invasions, and monster attacks, until a magical cataclysm
known as the Dreambleed destroyed the ancient world
and elven civilization with it.
After the Dreambleed struck, many elves escaped
Valerna, by sea or by the dark paths of the subterranean
world, and were lost to history. The few surviving ellari
kingdoms were forced to strike a truce with their human
neighbors, founding the joint human-elf states that would
become the Dragon Kingdom of Allaria. Today, no large-
scale elven nations remain on Valerna outside of Allaria
in the Westerlands and the Arkane Dominion of Sikaria
in the North Sea, but elves can be found everywhere as
traveling artists, daring explorers, dedicated researchers, or
mighty wizards.

Elf Traits
Your elf character has a variety of natural abilities, the
result of thousands of years of elven refinement.
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Elves spend much of their time beneath
the stars and the moon. You can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Ancient Ancestry. You have proficiency in the History skill.
Lineage. Once, there was only one elven people.
Across the eras, they diverged into separate branches. The
oldest of these branches, the ellari, are listed below.

The ellari, or silver elves, were the first of their people, and
so perhaps, if their claims are true, the first of all Valernian
peoples. According to legend, they were dreamed into
being by the lingering power of the Protogons and
established rich and harmonious cities across the realm.
Once, glorious ellari kingdoms dotted Valerna, each
more splendorous and peaceful than the last. But they fell
during the cataclysm known as the Dreambleed, and they
dwindled as other peoples rose to power. Today most ellari
live in human or allai realms, save for small forest clans that
retain their ancestral identity at a greatly reduced scale.


The Curse of Dreams Ellari Names

All ellari have the ability to share their dreams with others Silver elves retain the naming customs of the ancient ellari
of their kind, a gift they once used to communicate and kingdoms. They prefer descriptive names, with meanings
establish bonds across their civilization. The elven magic such as bright star or blade of grass. Some have adopted or
of Dreamshaping is, in fact, based on this ability. received allai names.
The ellari sleep, and dream, like other mortal creatures. Masculine Names: Adamai, Aelei, Arlaii, Aunai, Bali,
However, ellari, by their very nature, are more in control Breonai, Daraei, Ei, Endu, Feali, Finnai, Galai, Hanai,
of the dream and are aware of where it begins and reality Iannai, Idai, Kelai, Lannai, Malei, Malekei, Mali,
ends. They can often bend their dreams to their will and Manali, Mannai, Menassai, Minei, Nai, Qai, Qi, Taei,
can cast magic that affects the dream realm as if it were Tarai, Vali, Yi, Ynai
the waking world. An ellari is comfortable in their dreams Feminine Names: Adyse, Aie, Alde, Allae, Alyme, Anyse,
and can actively choose their focus, using them to gain Arle, Aunne, Edae, Ende, Ennae, Galae, Hannae, Ile,
insights into their allies, their foes, and even themselves. Laenne, Malae, Manise, Mawe, Namae, Nie, Qie,
Sadly, dreams were the primary gateway for the Senide, Terye, Ynise, Yunne, Xe, Zie, Zielle
devastating force known as the Null to manifest into
the world. After the global conflict known today as the
First Null War, the Allarian Dragon King, Qan Zai, Ellari Traits
blamed silver elves, both for the Null invasion and for the Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
Dreambleed itself, using the ellari’s pupil-less “null-eyes” increases by 1.
as so-called proof of an alleged, innate tendency toward Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Dream. You gain
nightmare and unlife. Thus, most silver elves in Valerna one mote of affinity in Fai.
were forcefully subjected to the Dreamless Treatment, Age. Ellari can live up to 400 years and are considered
a magical drug that cut off their connection to Fai and mature by 50 years.
inhibited their ability to communicate through dreams. Size. Ellari tend to be slender, standing around 5 feet
This practice lasted for centuries until the rise of the ellari tall. Your size is Medium.
Dragon Queen, Qan Elyse, who abolished the treatment Dreamsharing. While sleeping, your dreams become
and restored rights to the oppressed ellari. gateways to the minds of others. You can cast the
dreamwalking spell once as a 1st level spell using this trait
and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Rebellion and Tradition
While they can be found all across the Westerlands, ellari
are most numerous in Allaria, where they are free citizens
by law but often still vassals in practice. Allarian silver Dreaming in Valerna
elves generally live as and among humans, and many In the world of Dragonbond, dreams are not merely
still carry the effects of the Dreamless Treatment across nightly distractions but are a potential avenue for
generations of their ancestry. connection and interaction. For those with the
A few silver elves managed to establish hidden forest aptitude for Dreamshaping, dreams are doorways
communities during Allarian rule and never submitted to to step through and windows into the minds of
the allai’s civilization or their Dreamless Treatment. Today, dreamers. Elves such as the ellari and the faari, as well
the people of these settlements are no longer considered as some other Fai-based creatures, can manipulate
outlaws, though they still refuse Allarian rule, and many their dreams and those of others in order to
urban-dwelling ellari are seeking their freedom in these communicate, uncover secrets, or even travel via the
remote communities rather than in the cities where their Dreamspace and emerge far across the realms.
ancestors suffered. The average Valernian may go their entire life
without feeling the touch of Dreamshaping on their
Appearance slumbering mind. But adventurers are not average
mortals and would do well to guard their dreams
Most ellari have pale skin and white hair, which they from prying eyes and grasping fingers.
traditionally decorate with natural dyes. Their eyes are
light-colored, ranging from silver to a pale yellow, and
have white pupils or, more commonly, no discernable
pupils at all.

Gnomes are short, slight humanoids, naturally gifted for
planning and building.

An Inspired People
Small, energetic, and focused, gnomes typically love
crafts and invention. The gnomes were the first people to
choose to live underground, for they were drawn to the
inner workings, the mysteries, and origins of things. There
in the deepest darkness, while seeking answers to their
own existence in the world, gnomes ignited the Spark
in the Dark—a connection to Fai they saw as the source
of curiosity, ingenuity, and creativity, bringing light to a
world that had never known it.

Gnome Traits
Your gnome character has certain characteristics in
common with all other gnomes.
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence
score increases by 2.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you
have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
against magic.
Lineage. Gnomes have spread far and wide across
Valerna, diverging into different peoples. One such
people, the godao, appears below.


Godao Appearance
Golden gnomes are diminutive creatures, with
The first gnomish people to appear in the world, the roughly the same skin and hair color variation
godao, or golden gnomes, are known for their creative, as humans.
active minds and their knack for networking and
It was the godao who lit the Spark in the Dark that Godao Names
would become their peoples’ magical creativity. Then, as Golden gnomes use a proper name and a family name,
they have done ever since, they harnessed this power, this placing the family name first.
Spark, in a real, working artifact, creating the first arcane Godao are fond of boastful or whimsical nicknames,
lanterns that would allow them and their descendants to such as Lady Clocksprocket, Gearlock Genius, or
travel and populate the underground. Professor Precision. They often use their nicknames
Most godao live in the Dragon Kingdom of Allaria, instead of a family name or personal name.
whose civilized environment furthers their entrepreneurial Masculine Names: Andao, Arao, Babo, Dondo, Endo,
outlook and engineering ventures. They own and run Fip, Gamao, Gano, Gap, Hubo, Hup, Pamo, Pap,
the Grand Guild of Allaria, a continent-wide consortium Peno, Pilao, Sanno, Sasao
focused on developing, building, and selling machines. Feminine Names: Ao, Bao, Cao, Dao, Do, Eo, Fio, Gio,
Lio, Loi, Pao, Pio, Ro, So, Tai, Tao, Ti
Ancestral Allies Family Names: Anelli, Bobani, Candelli, Delli, Ettani,
Originally the neighbors and allies of the silver elves, the Fanneri, Ganni, Mozanni, Panni, Romi
gnomes built a network of underground dwellings and
workshops below the elven kingdoms, providing the ellari Godao Traits
with impressive devices and artifacts that rivaled their own Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
fabulous dreams. This era was recorded as the Time of Two increases by 1.
Treasures, with silver on the surface and gold hidden below. Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Dream. You gain
The friendship between silver elves and golden gnomes one mote of affinity in Fai.
is the oldest surviving covenant between two Valernian Age. Godao live up to 300 years and reach
peoples. Even in this latest millennium, in which the adulthood at 20.
ellari were subjugated by the Dragon Kingdom, the Size. Godao stand around 3 feet tall and average
godao remained near, their innate creativity drawn to around 75 pounds. Your size is Small.
the dreams of silver elves, diminished as they were by the Inspired Crafter. You have proficiency with two
Dreamless Treatment. It was under the auspices of the artisan’s tools of your choice.
Dragon Kingdom that the godao built their Grand Guild Magic of the Spark. You have advantage on any ability
of Allaria, the massive trade organization that provides the check made to craft or repair an item. When you craft an
raw supplies they need to work with from every corner of item using artisan’s tools that you’re proficient with, the
Valerna and handles the distribution of their inventions to time required to craft the item is halved.
every realm. When creating a magic item, you need no formula
or spellcasting abilities; the item can have any ability or
The Spark property that your GM approves, regardless of your own
The godao are very close to the Fai aspect of Vaala, access to spells or effects.
which they call the Spark in the Dark or the Inspiration.
Through the Spark, golden gnomes have developed a
magical engineering ability that allows them to create
fantastic contraptions and artifacts without necessarily
understanding how they do so. Most golden gnomes have
some kind of knack for crafts, and those that develop
it may create true magic items. Any artifact created in
this way is known as a glinting gadget, or simply a glint.
The creation of these gadgets is the gnomes’ best-known
cultural trait and the main service provided across Valerna
by their Grand Guild.

Human Allarian
Humans are the most populous people in Valerna and are Humans from the Dragon Kingdom are typically
as diverse as the lands they inhabit. Like all of the other hardworking, unassuming, and law-abiding. Most
creatures of the world, save for dragons, humans are filled Allarian humans find themselves in the trades or a crafting
with and shaped by Vaala. Each culture has its own values, profession and, therefore, tend to gather in large cities
which influence those raised within them. The human for easy access to materials and customers, where they
variants below reflect the average human found in each occupy the middle and upper classes. Their complexion
listed realm. typically varies from pale to light or medium tan, and
they often have dark hair. But Allaria is a melting pot of
Valernian ethnicities, allowing for wildly variant physical
Human Traits characteristics.
Humans make up the majority of the population in
Humans in Valerna are diverse and varied but have many Allaria. They come from a wide range of towns, tribes, and
traits in common with one another. cultures that established themselves around the city-states
Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and of half-elven rulers, having accepted allai rule in exchange
live less than a century. for the protection and resources of the realm. Allarian
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from humans are often Dream-touched, due to their close
4 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is your choice of proximity to the Fai Woods and ellari magic.
Small or Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Feat. You gain one feat of your choice. Allarian Names
People. Choose one of the following cultures: Allarian, Allarians use no surnames, but many use the name of
Náhuinn, Tyverian, and Ysvalian. their province, city, town, or even neighborhood to fill
the same role, for example Brendis of Chaen or Valen
of Southpoint. They may also use an honor name (see
the “Allai” section earlier in this chapter) if they hold a
significant rank or position.
Masculine Names: Annas, Aulas, Caen, Cannen, Caven,
Lacen, Marcen, Markas, Valen, Velas
Feminine Names: Artis, Astis, Atilis, Catis, Mesis, Persis,
Ramis, Tanis, Velis, Vitis

Allarian Traits
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Dream. You gain
one mote of affinity in Fai.

Humans from Nahuac are stoic and proud, and they
place heavy weight on the importance of community and
working together. They excel at team activities and like to
boast about their orderly and holistic society, their ability
to endure hardship, and their close connection to nature.
Their skin tones vary from a lighter tan to deep brown or
copper, and their hair is often shades of brown or black.
Tána spirits are an important part of Náhuinn
culture. Each Náhuinn citizen, even those who are not
Source-gifted, choose a tána spirit that guides their life.
As a Náhuinn human, choose an animal, plant, or other
nature-based element, such as earth or lightning, to be
your tána spirit.


Náhuinn Names Tyverian Traits

Náhuinn have a personal name, followed by their place of Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
origin or one of their parents’ names. score increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.
Masculine Names: Arod, Baat, Buuc, Cháac, Garran, Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Will. You gain
Húnac, Kaaxu, Nuuntac, Tuulat, Xuulin one mote of affinity in Id.
Feminine Names: Abal, Abarri, Arial, Cinna, Enáati,
Gwaláin, Itzal, Láinal, Muyal, Ródin, Taal
Náhuinn Traits Ysvalians are pious, simple, and neighborly people who
Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution like to gather around the hearth, eat good food, and lead
score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1. a virtuous life by the teachings of the Light. Through their
Aspect Affinity. You are a creature of Source. You gain faith and determination, they learned to survive in harsh
one mote of affinity in K’aab. conditions and turn their tundra lands into fertile valleys.
The Holy Alliance of Ysval was founded by pilgrims and
settlers from across Valerna, so their humans look like
Tyverian any other. They dress in furs, leather, crude jewelry, and
verdigris shell armor.
The Blood Empire of Tyveria claims to be the mightiest The majority of the realm’s human population are
and most affluent realm of Valerna, and its people reflect descended from the cultists that first settled it. Very few
that fact. Tyverians are often loud, flamboyant, hedonistic, Ysvalian humans develop any aspect-specific potential, but
and cutthroat, worshiping beauty, pleasure, and power instead depend on their direct approach to Vaala through
as a rule. Though they tend to be dark-haired, a Tyverian their faith in the Galadyan Temple of Light rather than the
human can have any hair color found across Valerna, with magical power of a specific aspect.
anywhere from the palest to darkest skin tones.
The majority of Tyverians are humans, though most
of them retain the potential to become vampyri thanks Ysvalian Names
to the Id magic practiced across the land. A powerful Ysvalian names are simple and short, with surnames
minority of Will-chosen humans make up the Blood consisting of the first syllable of one of their parents’
Empire’s ruling maghyr and vampyr elites. The rest are the names followed by the suffix san (son of ) or enda
bulk of the Tyverian population and are mostly made up (daughter of ). For example, Alek, the son of Alyana,
of free citizens, including farmers, merchants, criminals, would be Alek Alsan, and Ilyda, the daughter of Hallan,
and adventurers. As a Tyverian human, you can dream of would be Ilyda Halenda.
one day achieving the greatness of a vampyr or content Masculine Names: Andren, Endre, Halen, Lucan, Marek,
yourself with a more mundane life. Mordan, Pentek, Sieyan, Uryan,Vegran
Feminine Names: Allyna, Beyel, Gutel, Ildel, Karel,
Kyrena, Paia, Reiel, Yarosel, Ysel.
Tyverian Names
Tyverian names are simple and sharp, with only noble
houses using a surname, consisting of their house name Ysvalian Traits
after their personal name, with the term -id placed Suggested Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
between them, meaning “by the will of.” increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.
Masculine Names: Arraka, Batuka, Hamaj, Karpajan, Aspect Affinity. You have no tie to any one aspect of Vaala.
Nadrael, Rajan, Savros, Semra, Taeran, Voreal, Xir You gain one mote of affinity in the aspect of your choice.
Feminine Names: Alina, Chamra, Darei, Dasmeda,
Erianna, Karima, Kyra, Radmana, Sagla, Verina
House Names: Bassara, Dasmedi, Graven, Harga,
Maruul, Radjekul, Sajari, Wernega

Each of the different realms, cultures, and peoples of Valerna
have their own languages and distinct dialects. Below are
Rare Languages
many of the languages found across the continent. These languages are not often heard and are typically
harder to learn, either because of the complexity of the
language itself or because it is only spoken by small or
Common Languages insular groups. Check with your GM before taking any of
these languages.
These languages are often heard throughout Valerna or are
the official languages of their respective realms. LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION
Boa’a The native tongue of most saurians, es-
pecially the boaab and bendavee. Hard to
learn for humans. Spoken in Nahuac and
Common A simplified offshoot of Late Altanesi. Buka Native language of the bucentauri.
Spoken in all settled realms of Valerna.
Allai The official language of Allaria. A very Buun The native tongue of buunkun saurians.
complex, musical-sounding variation of Spoken only in Nahuac.
Ellari. Spoken by Allarians, allai, bucentauri, Djaataki A primordial language of the djaat. Nearly
ellari, and godao. impossible to learn for non-djaat.
Bakkai The primary orcish language. Spoken in the Draconic The native language of the dragons of
Scourge Triumvirate by boaab, obakkar, Drakha.
flame djaat, and Sabaari humans.
Hmyrya The common tongue of giants.
Ellari The elven tongue, and the first language
spoken by mortals. Ikoi An ancient tongue with elements of Ances-
tral Boa’a and Old Altanesi. Spoken only by
Gellan Spoken among the Gellanor League. iko'ob and some Altanesi and ikini.
Godao The first gnome tongue. Spoken by godao Iuuta The language of uutabai. Spoken by their
and their allies. tribes and some Sikarians.
Late Altanesi The modern form of Old Altanesi. The Magy The secret, elite tongue of maghyri. Deri-
native tongue of the Altanesi and most ved from Old Altanesi, and taught only to
humans in the Primalian mountains. Tyverian nobles and their vampyri.
Náhuinn The human tongue of Nahuac. Spoken by Ogerri A dialect of Bakkai spoken by Tyverian
Náhuinn humans, ocelinn, buunkun, and ogerron.
Old Altanesi The language of the ancient Altanesi
Nwoda The language of the nwoda clans. Empire, from which many current Valernian
Sabaari The common language of the Scourge languages evolved. Now spoken in the
Triumvirate and residents of the region of Altanesi Ascendancy.
Sabaar. A variation of the Boa’a tongue, Oneiric The language of dreams, and the common
modified so that humans and orcs can tongue of all feydh creatures.
speak it.
Orlaai A northern variation of the Bakkai tongue.
Tyverian The imperial language of Tyveria. Spoken by orlar and some Gellans.
Ysvalian A dialect of Common. Spoken by Ysvalians Primordial The language of the Protogons and other
and Gellans. primal beings.
Sikarian A dialect of Ellari. Spoken by sikari and
Generic Languages in Valerna Sjóda The first dwarven tongue. Spoken by sjóda
If you’re playing a character with an ancestry from and their allies.
another source, you may have more generic language Wadeep The language of the waada people, and
options, such as Elvish, Gnomish, or Dwarvish instead adopted as a native tongue by most
of Valerna-specific ones. In this case, your character can citizens of the Hollowdepths. Spoken by
speak, read, and understand the following languages. mo'da dwarves, deepdwellers, and z'aari.
Dwarvish: Nwoda or Sjóda
Elvish: Ellari or Sikarian
Giant: Hmyrya
Gnomish: Godao
Halfling: Allai, Náhuinn, Tyverian, or Ysvalian
Orc: Bakkai, Ogerri, or Orlaai


• When a creature within 5 feet of you is reduced to 0
hit points, you can use your reaction to immediately
A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives spend one Hit Die to regain hit points. You can use
a character special capabilities. It embodies training, this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency
experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides. bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish
At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score a long rest.
Improvement feature. Using the optional feats rule, you
can forgo taking that feature to take a feat of your choice Eliadu Empowered
instead. You can take each feat only once unless that feat’s
description says otherwise. Prerequisite: allai, ellari elf, godao gnome, or Allarian
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat to human
take that feat. If you ever lose a feat’s prerequisite, you Like the Allarian ideal, you have a keen mind, perfect poise,
can’t use that feat again until you regain the prerequisite. and unwavering honor. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 1, to a

Cultural Feats
maximum of 20.
• You gain advantage on saving throws against
These feats are limited by your ancestry, lineage, or place enchantment and illusion spells.
of origin.
Heart of the Battle
Alki Psion Prerequisite: nwoda dwarf, obakkar orc, or Ysvalian human
Prerequisite: maghyr or Tyverian human You thrive on the thrill of combat, bolstered by being
You are an Alki, a type of Will-chosen human with a at the center of the fray. You have advantage on weapon
psychic gift. Choose two 1st-level enchantment or illusion attack rolls when you have 3 or more hostile creatures
spells from any list. You can cast each of these spells within 5 feet of you.
innately once, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability,
without using verbal, somatic, or material components.
Kaabac Healer
You regain the use of both spells after finishing a long rest.
Prerequisite: Náhuinn human or tánaid
The Source gifted you with the power of life, which
Altruist allows you to heal yourself and others. You gain the
Prerequisite: púka halfling or Ysvalian human following benefits:
You are a true Galadyan, always ready to share with and • If you or any friendly creatures within 15 feet of you
protect your people, and the Light has blessed you for it. regain hit points by spending Hit Dice at the end of
You gain the following benefits: a short rest, each of those creatures regains extra hit
• You know the light cantrip. points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1
• When you finish a short rest, you can spend your own additional hit point).
Hit Dice to heal other characters within 30 feet of you. • If you spend 10 minutes in quiet meditation, when
• Every time you use a healing effect on a creature other your meditation is complete, you can remove one
than yourself (including spending your Hit Dice to condition or disease from yourself or a living creature
heal others), you regain half the amount of hit points within 5 feet of you. The condition can be blinded,
granted by the healing effect. deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. Alternatively, if you
spend 1 hour in meditation, you can reduce the target’s
exhaustion level by one or end an effect reducing either
Bloodthirsty the target’s ability scores or its hit point maximum. You
Prerequisite: maghyr or Tyverian human regain this ability after you finish a long rest.
You embody the Tyverian values of ruthless competition
and being invigorated by the defeat of your enemies. You
gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Charisma score by 1 point,
to a maximum of 20.

Kaabac Unity Bonded Defense
Prerequisite: Náhuinn human, tánaid, or obakkar orc Prerequisite: dragonbonded
You have achieved a deep understanding of how the Your bond allows you to gain protection from each other’s
service and sacrifice of the individual is vital to the success presence. You gain the following benefits:
of the greater whole.You gain the following benefits:
• When you and your bonded dragon are within 10 feet
• Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, to a of each other, both of you gain a +2 bonus to AC.
maximum of 20.
• When a creature you can see within 10 feet of you
• You can use the Help action as a bonus action.
attacks your bonded dragon, you can use your reaction
• When you succeed on an attack roll, ability check, or to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. Similarly,
saving throw, you can choose one creature other than when a creature your dragon can see within 10 feet of
yourself within 30 feet of you. This creature can add it attacks you, the dragon can use its reaction to impose
a number equal to your proficiency bonus to its next disadvantage on the attack roll.
attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You regain this
ability after you finish a long rest.
Bonded Magic
Prerequisite: dragonbonded
Skilled Crafter
Your entwined Vaala responds to any magic you and your
Prerequisite: nwoda dwarf, godao gnome, púka halfling, or
dragon cast on yourselves. Once per day, when you cast
Ysvalian human
a spell targeting yourself, or your bonded dragon casts a
You are a master artisan. You gain proficiency with two spell targeting itself, the spell can target both of you. You
sets of artisan’s tools of your choice. Additionally, you regain the use of this ability once you finish a long rest.
double your proficiency bonus for any tools you are
proficient in, provided you have not gained this benefit
from another source. Bonded Senses
Prerequisite: dragonbonded

Dragonbonded Feats Your bond extends across great distances. As long as you
and your bonded dragon remain on the same world, you
The feats below empower you and your bonded dragon. can communicate telepathically across any distance.
See chapter 3 for dragonbonding rules. Additionally, as an action, you can see through your
bonded dragon’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start
of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses
Bonded Survival that the dragon has. During this time, you are blinded and
Prerequisite: dragonbonded deafened with regard to your own senses. Your bonded
Your bond is so strong that it transcends death, allowing dragon can use an action to similarly perceive through your
one of you to fight on when you would otherwise own senses.
succumb to oblivion. When you or your bonded dragon
is reduced to 0 hit points, whoever took the damage—you Coatl Bond
or the dragon—falls unconscious, while the other drops to
Prerequisite: dragonbonded with a Coatl dragon
1 hit point instead. If the unconscious character dies, you
both die. Once you benefit from this feat, you can not The curiosity and intelligence of Coatl dragons has rubbed
benefit from it again until you finish a long rest. off on you, giving you the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You learn a 1st-level spell of your choice from any spell
list. You can cast this spell innately once, without using
verbal, somatic, or material components. You regain
use of this spell when you finish a long rest.

Ehrlya Bond
Prerequisite: dragonbonded with an Ehrlya dragon
You have learned some of the craft and tricks of the Ehryla
artificers, giving you the following benefits:
• Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain advantage on all ability checks that involve
artisan’s tools.

Exor Bond
Prerequisite: dragonbonded with an Exor dragon
You have acquired a fraction of the stealth and ruthlessness
of Exor hunters, giving you the following benefits:
• Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• Once during your turn, when you make a weapon
attack with advantage on the attack roll, you deal 1d6
additional damage on a hit.

Fulgen Bond
Prerequisite: dragonbonded with a Fulgen dragon
You have acquired some of the self-assuredness and
magical presence of Fulgen dragons, giving you the
following benefits:
• Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• When you succeed on any Charisma check, the target
suffers disadvantage on its next attack roll, saving
throw, or ability check against you, until the end of
your next turn.

Magnifex Bond
Prerequisite: dragonbonded with a Magnifex dragon
You have gained some of the majesty and guile of
Magnifex dragons, giving you the following benefits:
• Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• When you are hit by a weapon attack from a creature
you can see, you can use your reaction to make a
Charisma (Deception or Performance) check. If the
result of your Charisma check meets or exceeds the
result of the attack roll, the attack misses, even if it
would hit your AC.

Nix Bond
Prerequisite: dragonbonded with a Nix dragon
Your long contact with an undead dragon has
strengthened you against vile rot, giving you the following
• Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage.

A dventure calls for those with the spark of the hero to brave
the dangers few others dare to face. Your character is an
extraordinary individual who has heard the call and answered
it. Perhaps this is the moment you’ve been waiting for, or
it could be that the role of hero was thrust upon you in a
moment of crisis. Whatever your character’s reasons, their epic
journey begins here.
Your character’s class is one of the key elements that
defines them. Through your class, you determine your
character’s skills, powers, and abilities. More than the other
aspects of character creation, your choice of class directs the
path your character will walk. However, it is more than a
mere occupation; it is part of who your character is and how
they seek to impact the world they live in.
The twelve standard classes found in the Core rules are
also present in Valerna, with a few minor alterations. There
are no deities in Valerna, for example. So clerics and other
“divine” classes instead venerate philosophies or ideals, and
the strength of their faith in these concepts allows them to
harness the power of Vaala, the force that sustains life and
magic. Any changes to the twelve core classes are described
in the “Subclasses” section of this book. In addition to these
familiar classes, there are three new classes that are unique
to the world of Dragonbond: the dragon hunter, the dragon
herald, and the Vaala adept.
Many of the class features listed here have optional Vaala
augmentations that alter their effects. See the “Vaala Points
System” section of chapter 5: Magic, page 176 for more
information on augmentations and their implementation.

Dragon Hunter d10 Intelligence & All armor,
A canny warrior Constitution shields, simple
who crafts and martial
magical items weapons
from the remains
of the deadliest
Dragon Herald d8 Constitution & Light and
An idealistic Charisma medium armor,
champion who simple weapons
uses magical
runes and powers
inspired by the
mighty dragons
Vaala Adept d6 Intelligence & Simple weapons
A master Wisdom
spellcaster who
delves into the
very nature of
magic itself

Dragon Hunter
The massive maw of the crimson dragon opens and blasts
a torrent of steel-melting fire, only for the flames to deflect
off the shield of the armored hunter.
Glowing eyes searching the gloom, the colossal wyrm
fails to notice the hunter cloaked in shadows, blade
raised to strike.
The rampaging dragon stops, gore dripping
from its fangs, as a lone figure steps into view. The
grinning hunter gestures toward the scaled terror in an
unmistakable invitation to battle.
Dragons are one of the greatest threats to the
inhabitants of Valerna, descending from the Red
Moon to feast on the Vaala within them. The waves of
catastrophic assaults inspire a dedicated cadre of warriors
determined to stop their devastation. To stand against a
dragon, one needs to possess bravery, power, and perhaps
even some measure of desperation. Those who follow
this path all have stories to tell of friends or family lost
to dragon claw or fiery breath. Whether their motivation
is to protect or to seek revenge, these hunters are often
all that stand between the ferocious wyrms and their
innocent victims.
As a dragon hunter, you seek out and destroy your
draconic foes however you can. By fusing your martial
traditions with Vaala, you’ve mastered the skills needed to
take the fight to the dragons and craft powerful magical
items from their corpses.

Class Features
As a dragon hunter you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per dragon hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
Constitution modifier per dragon hunter level after 1st


Chosen Prey
Armor: All armor, shields
1st-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Through study and diligence, you learn to focus your Vaala
Tools: leatherworker’s tools, smith’s tools, or tinker’s tools connection to guide your attacks against your foes. When
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can mark
Skills: Choose three skills from Arcana, Athletics, Insight, the creature as your prey for 1 minute, or until you lose
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell).
The first time you hit the marked target on each of
Equipment your turns, including the attack used to mark it, the target
takes an extra 1d4 damage of the weapon’s type. The
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the damage increases by 1d4 if the target is a Dragon.
equipment granted by your background:
When you reach certain levels in this class, this
• (a) scale mail or (b) studded leather armor feature’s extra damage (and the extra damage dealt to
• (a) a longsword or (b) two simple melee weapons Dragons) increases by a die type: to 1d6 at 6th level, to
• (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack 1d8 at 10th level, and to 1d10 at 14th level.
• A light crossbow and 20 bolts You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
The Dragon Hunter

1st-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
1st +2 Chosen Prey, –
Resolute Exposure to dragons and your training has fortified your
spirit. You have advantage on saving throws against any
2nd +2 Draconic –
Awareness effect that causes the frightened condition.
At 10th level, you become immune to being frightened.
3rd +2 Hunting Lodge, 2
4th +2 Ability Score
2 Draconic Awareness
2nd-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
5th +3 Extra Attack 2
As an action, you can expand your awareness, sensing the
6th +3 Lodge Feature 3
presence of nearby draconic beings. Until the end of your
7th +3 Hunter’s Lure 3 next turn, you detect the presence, but not the specific
8th +3 Ability Score 3 location, of any Dragon and any draconic or reptilian
Improvement creature within 1 mile of you.
9th +4 Lesser Repudiate 3 You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 +
Legend your Intelligence modifier. When you finish a long rest, you
regain all expended uses.
10th +4 Lodge Feature 4
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 2 points from
11th +4 Hunter’s Evasion 4 your Vaala pool when using this feature, you can determine the
12th +4 Ability Score 4 brood of a Dragon you sense. In addition, for every 2 points
Improvement you spend beyond the first 2, you can expand the range of your
Draconic Awareness by another mile.
13th +5 Extra Attack (2) 4

Hunting Lodge
14th +5 Greater 4
3rd-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
15th +5 Lodge Feature 5
You officially begin your path as a dragon hunter when
16th +5 Ability Score 5
you choose a hunting lodge, the common term for one
of several doctrines of dragon hunting, based on their
17th +6 – 5 preferred techniques. Most often this takes the form of
18th +6 Lodge Feature 6 established lodges, organizations where hunters learn their
19th +6 Ability Score 6 craft. However, there are also wandering hunters who take
Improvement on a single apprentice and teach them as they travel. The
lodges are described at the end of the class description.
20th +6 Dragonbane 6
Your choice of hunting lodge grants you features when
you choose it at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, 15th,
and 18th levels.
Forma All requirements for individual forma are defined in
the list of forma at the end of this class description, and
3rd-Level Dragon Hunter Feature the number of forma an item can hold is indicated below:
You learn how to instill magical powers into your • 3 forma: armor, weapon
equipment using components harvested from a slain • 2 forma: helmet, rod, scepter
dragon. The training and methodology to use draconic
• 1 forma: belt, bracers, boots, cloak, gauntlets/gloves,
body parts to apply a particular augmentation to a
mask, ring, shield
nonmagical item is called a forma. The components
harvested from dragons are commonly referred to as Removing or replacing a forma requires 1 hour of work,
skutte (see the “Dragoncrafting” section in Appendix B). provided you have leatherworker’s tools, smith’s tools,
You learn two forma when you reach 3rd level, choosing or tinker’s tools in hand. If you are replacing an applied
from the list of forma at the end of this class description. forma with a new one, you must spend skutte equal to half
Each time you gain a level in this class, you can replace one the cost of the new forma. If you are removing a forma
forma you know with a different one from this feature. completely, you can recover an amount of skutte equal to
When you learn a new forma from gaining a dragon half the amount you spent to apply the forma. You can
hunter level, you receive enough skutte to apply that forma sever your connection to a lost or stolen forma item at
once. For example, at 3rd level you gain two forma and the end of a long rest. You do not recover any skutte from
enough skutte to apply each of those forma one time. doing so, but the missing forma no longer counts against
Skutte can be harvested from slain Dragons, or, if your GM the number of your maximum applied forma.
approves, purchased from your lodge or merchants.
You learn an additional forma of your choice when
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the
Ability Score Improvement
Forma Known column of the Dragon Hunter table. 4th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Forma Saving Throws and 19th levels, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
You use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an
throw DC for a forma’s ability. ability score above 20 using this feature.
Forma save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking
Intelligence modifier. this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Applying and Removing Forma Extra Attack

At the end of a long rest, provided you have
leatherworker’s tools, smith’s tools, or tinker’s tools in 5th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
hand, you can apply one of your forma to a nonmagical You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take
item. The application takes 1 hour. You must meet the the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks
requirements of the forma, and use the required number increases to three when you reach 13th level in this class.
of skutte. At the end of the hour, the nonmagical item
becomes an augmented item possessing the power granted
by the forma and is considered magical.
Hunter’s Lure
The maximum number of forma you can have applied 7th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
to items at a given time is equal to the number of forma With your vast knowledge of hunting, you can trick the
you know. For example, if you know two forma, you can most powerful creatures into moving closer to you. As a
have two augmented items, or one item augmented with bonus action, you choose one creature you can see within
two forma. 100 feet to make an Intelligence saving throw against your
Some types of items can only hold a single forma, while forma save DC. On a failed save, the creature must use
others can hold several. In addition, the effects of some its movement to move toward you, up to its speed, by the
forma stack with additional applications, giving the wielder shortest and most direct route, avoiding obvious obstacles
all of the benefits from either multiple items augmented or hazards as it moves, such as pits, lava, and opportunity
by the same forma or from one forma applied to an item attacks, and stopping within 5 feet of you. Dragons have
multiple times. Other, more powerful forma only benefit disadvantage on this saving throw.
the wielder once, regardless of how many times that forma You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
has been applied to their items. Unless otherwise noted in proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you
the description, an augmented item or its wielder only gains finish a long rest.
the benefits of a given forma once, regardless of how many
times it is applied to one or more items.


Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you

spend from your Vaala pool when using this feature,
its range increases by 100 feet. When you
increase the range of this feature,
you no longer need to see the
creature, but you must be aware
of its presence.

Lesser Repudiate Legend

9th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
You tap into Vaala to deny your foes their legendary
capabilities. When a creature within 60 feet of you that you
can see uses its Legendary Resistance trait, you can use your
reaction to force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw
against your forma save DC. On a failure, the target also
fails the saving throw that triggered the use of Legendary
Resistance, and the use of Legendary Resistance is wasted.
Once you use the feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 3 points from
your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the target has
disadvantage on the saving throw.

Hunter’s Evasion
11th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
You learn how to better avoid the dragon’s deadly breath
weapon and other effects that damage an area. When you
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage
from an effect, you instead take no damage if you succeed
on the save and only half damage if you fail.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 4 points Dragonbane
from your Vaala pool when you fail your Dexterity saving 20th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature
throw using this feature, you can reroll the save and must
use the new roll. You’ve reached the pinnacle of dragonslaying might.
During a combat encounter, you can use an action to gain
the following benefits for 1 minute:
Greater Repudiate Legend • At the beginning of each of your turns, choose one
14th-Level Dragon Hunter Feature Dragon you can see. You are immune to that Dragon’s
breath weapons.
Your connection to Vaala allows you to level the playing field
when you combat powerful foes. When a target you can see • Once on each of your turns, when you hit a creature
attempts to use a legendary action, you can use your reaction marked with your Chosen Prey feature with a weapon
to suppress it. If it costs 1 legendary action to activate, it is attack, the extra damage from your Chosen Prey
suppressed, has no effect, and the legendary action is wasted. feature is doubled.
If it costs 2 or more legendary actions to activate, you must • When you are hit with an attack that deals acid, cold,
make an Intelligence check (DC equals 10 + the target’s fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage, you gain
proficiency bonus). If you are successful, the legendary action immunity to that same damage type from subsequent
fails, and the legendary action cost is spent. attacks made by that creature until the beginning of
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you have already used your next turn.
your reaction for the round, and a target you can see Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
attempts to use a legendary action, you can spend 5 before you can use it again.
points from your Vaala pool to use this feature again as an Vaala Augmentation (Fai). While your Dragonbane
additional reaction. feature is active, you can use a bonus action to spend
points from your Vaala pool and regain 1d8 hit points for
every point you spend.
Hunting Lodges Selective Resistance
6th-level Bastion Lodge Feature
Dragon hunters utilize a variety of different methods to You learn to prepare yourself for the various elemental
bring down their resilient prey, and hunters gravitate toward attacks used by the draconic broods. When you finish a
others who share their particular style. This has spurred the long rest, you can choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire,
development of hunting lodges across Valerna, and three of lightning, poison, or thunder. Until you finish another long
the best known are described below. rest, you have resistance to damage of that type.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 6 points you spend
Bastion Lodge (Id) from your Vaala pool when you choose a damage type, you
can touch one friendly creature to have them also gain the
In Valerna, the threat of dragons is never a distant one. benefit of your Selective Resistance feature against the same
Countless lives have been lost to their incursions. The type of damage.
members of the Bastion Lodge, called Bulwarks, believe that
the safest method of defeating a dragon lies in training to
withstand or endure their powerful attacks. As a member of Vengeful Strike
this august order you master techniques that harness the Id 10th-Level Bastion Lodge Feature
aspect of Vaala. You’ve learned to protect your allies from attacks by absorbing
Bastion lodges range from beautiful, marble manors, some of the power directed against them and storing it to use
well staffed and well funded by their grateful neighbors, yourself. When a friendly creature you can see within 30 feet
to rough guildhouses overlooking pastoral farmlands. The of you takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage,
members see their style of dragon hunting as the most you can use your reaction to steal some of the attack’s power.
effective way to protect others. Your ally takes half of the triggering damage.
The first time you hit with a melee or ranged weapon
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool attack on your next turn, your target takes extra damage
equal to half of the triggering damage.
3rd-Level Bastion Lodge Feature You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
When you select this Hunting Lodge, you gain a Mote of proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you
Affinity in Id. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum finish a long rest.
increases by 2. Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 4 points
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Id, from your Vaala pool while making your attack, you can
and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. transmute the extra damage dealt from one of the listed
types to another. For example, you could absorb fire damage
and deal lightning damage instead.
Lodge Benefits
3rd-Level Bastion Lodge Feature
You learn the resistance cantrip, and Intelligence is your Cleaving Barrier
spellcasting ability for it. In addition, you can add the 15th-Level Bastion Lodge Feature
Bastioned forma to your list of known forma, counting it Just as the stone diverts the stream, you can focus your Id to
against the number of forma you can learn. deflect the area of effect attacks of your foes. When a hostile
creature you can see casts a spell or uses an ability that deals
damage to targets in a cone or line, and if you are in that
Bastioned (Forma) area, you can use your reaction to present your weapon or
Hunter Level: 3 shield and divert it, allowing all creatures in a 30-foot cone
Item: Armor, item, shield, weapon behind you to avoid it completely.
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte You take damage from the effect as if you failed
Applications: Once your saving throw, but you still make a saving throw to
Attunement: No determine if you suffer any other effects from the diverted
While the augmented item with this forma is in your spell or ability.
possession, you have advantage on saving throws to resist Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 5 points from
the poisoned condition. Moreover, if you fail a saving your Vaala pool when you use your Cleaving Barrier, you
throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. can increase the size of your protective cone to 60 feet.
Once you use this reroll ability you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
Supreme Bulwark
18th-Level Bastion Lodge Feature
By wrapping the power of your Id around your body, you
fortify yourself against injury. As a bonus action, you gain
resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage,


and your Selective Resistance feature provides immunity to creature. You continue to use your new initiative until the
the chosen damage type instead of resistance. These benefits end of the encounter. Once you use this reaction, you must
last for 1 minute. finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
In addition, while this effect is active, you can use a
bonus action to regain hit points equal to your proficiency
bonus plus your Constitution modifier. However, if you Damage Malediction
are reduced to 0 hit points while your Supreme Bulwark is 6th-Level Reaver Lodge Feature
active but don’t die, you gain a level of exhaustion. You learn to use Vaala to create a weakness in the defenses
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or of your foes. As an action, one creature of your choice
long rest before you can use it again. that you can see within 60 feet of you must succeed on
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 6 points from an Intelligence saving throw against your forma save DC
your Vaala pool when using a bonus action to regain hit or gain a weakness to one damage type of your choice for
points with this feature, the amount of hit points regained 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the target can
increases by 10. repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
You can only have one use of Damage Malediction
Reaver Lodge (K’aab) active at a time. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all
Dragons are well armored and powerful, and they have expended uses when you finish a long rest.
numerous protections that must be overcome in order to defeat Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 3 points
them. Informally known as Edges, the members of the Reaver from your Vaala pool when using this feature, the target
Lodge follow a martial tradition that teaches techniques to
has disadvantage on its saving throws against the effect.
weaken and debilitate draconic foes. The skills and maneuvers
you master as a member of the Reavers tap into the K’aab
aspect of Vaala, manipulating the raw elements of life. Echostep Strike
Reaver lodges are usually fortified estates, redoubts, or 10th-Level Reaver Lodge Feature
small keeps proudly displaying the trophies of their hunts
for all to see. The members of this lodge tend to be focused Once per turn, as part of an Attack action against a target
and practical, more concerned with results rather than you can see that is marked by your Chosen Prey feature,
social niceties. you can magically teleport up to twice your speed to
appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target.
At the end of your Attack action, you can choose to either
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool instantly reappear in the space you teleported from or stay
3rd-Level Reaver Lodge Feature where you teleported to.
When you select this hunting lodge, you gain a Mote of If your target is at least two size categories larger than
Affinity in K’aab. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum you, you can choose to appear on top of it if its space is
increases by 2. within your teleport range.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 4 points you
K’aab and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the
range of your teleport increases by 20 feet.
Lodge Benefits
3rd-Level Reaver Lodge Feature Hunter’s Presence
You learn the true strike cantrip, and Intelligence is your 15th-Level Reaver Lodge Feature
spellcasting ability for it. In addition, you can add the Your prowess at dragon hunting invokes fear and
Reaver forma to your list of known forma, counting it trepidation in your foes. As an action, you can choose a
against the number of forma you can learn. number of creatures that are aware of you and within 60
feet of you equal to half of your proficiency bonus. Each
Reaver (Forma) target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
Hunter Level: 3 frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature
Item: Armor, item, shield, weapon can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use this
Applications: Once feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can
Attunement. No use it again.
While the item augmented with this forma is in your Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 5 points you
possession, you have advantage on initiative rolls. Moreover, spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the
during combat, when a creature you can see within 60 feet range of your Hunter’s Presence increases by 10 feet.
of you starts its turn, you can use your reaction to change
your initiative to take your turn immediately after that

Equalizing Transformation Shadowed (Forma)
18th-Level Reaver Lodge Feature Hunter Level: 3
By infusing yourself with the K’aab aspect of Vaala, you can Item: Belt, boots, cloak
even the playing field against your foes. As an action, you Crafting Cost: 1 skutte
Applications: Once
magically grow stronger and gain the following benefits for Attunement: No
1 minute:
While the item augmented with this forma is in your
• Your Strength becomes 24 if it isn’t already higher. possession, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
• You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength to move quietly. Moreover, you can use a bonus action to
saving throws. create a shadowy double of yourself in your space. The double
• When rolling damage for your weapon attacks, you roll moves with you and mimics your actions so it is difficult to
three times the normal number of dice. For example, a discern which is the real you. Creatures wishing to target you
longsword would deal 3d8 slashing damage instead of 1d8. with a weapon or spell attack must succeed on a Wisdom
You can use this feature a number of times equal to half of saving throw or target your shadow double instead. The
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it double lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency
when you finish a long rest. bonus, or until it is successfully struck by an attack.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 10 Once you use the shadow double ability, you must finish
points from your Vaala pool as a bonus action during the a short or long rest before you can use it again.
duration of this effect, you magically grow one size category
larger, along with anything you are wearing or carrying.
While enlarged, you roll four times the normal number Ghost Stride
of dice when rolling damage for your weapon attacks. You 6th-Level Shadow Lodge Feature
can remain enlarged for a number of turns equal to your You learn to move swiftly and quietly to avoid even the
proficiency bonus. When this enlarging effect ends, the enhanced senses of dragons. Your speed increases by 10 feet.
feature’s effect also ends. Moreover, you can use a bonus action to shroud yourself
with magical shadows for 1 minute. When you do so, you
Shadow Lodge (Fai) can’t be detected with blindsight, you have no discernable
scent or odor, and you can’t be tracked by magical means.
If a dragon can’t see you, it can’t hurt you. The members of Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
the Shadow Lodge, called Shades, use stealth to keep from rest before you can use it again.
being detected while attacking their draconic targets. As a Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 3 points from
member of this secretive order, you study disciplines that your Vaala pool as a bonus action while this feature is active,
harness the Fai aspect of Vaala. you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and
Shadow lodges tend to be forts and lairs hidden within you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces. This
both urban and rural environments, typically disguised as benefit lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
innocuous businesses or secreted away beneath street or hill.
The members of this lodge tend to be quiet and reserved,
watching everything with a practiced eye before fading into
Swallowstep Strike
the shadows to await their moment to strike. 10th-Level Shadow Lodge Feature
When you are hit by a Bite attack from a creature Large sized
or larger, you can use your reaction to throw yourself down
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool that creature’s throat. While swallowed in this manner, you
3rd-Level Shadow Lodge Feature are not blinded or restrained, you have advantage on attack
When you select this hunting lodge, you gain a Mote of Affinity rolls against the swallowing creature, and your melee weapon
in Fai. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage to it.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Fai You can remain inside the creature’s stomach for as
and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. long as you wish, regardless of how much damage the
target takes. However, you can’t breathe while inside the
target. If the creature’s description allows it to damage
Lodge Benefits swallowed or engulfed creatures, you take that damage
3rd-Level Shadow Lodge Feature At the end of each of its turns, the creature can try to
You learn the minor illusion cantrip, and Intelligence is purge itself of you by making a Constitution saving throw
your spellcasting ability for it. In addition, you can add the against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Shadowed forma to your list of known forma, counting it Strength bonus. On a success, the creature regurgitates you
against the number of forma you can learn. into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. You can also
use an action to emerge from the creature.
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 4 points from
your Vaala pool as bonus action while you are swallowed, you
can make a single melee weapon attack against the target.


15th-Level Shadow Lodge Feature
When a creature you can see hits you with an attack, you Crafted from components harvested from slain dragons and
can use your reaction to briefly transform into a shadowy applied to nonmagical items, armor, and weapons, these special
silhouette, gaining immunity to all damage, including the augmentations imbue mundane objects with magical abilities.
triggering attack, and losing the ability to physically interact The description of each forma contains the following:
with objects until the end of your next turn. You can move • Hunter Level: The minimum number of dragon hunter
through solid objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you levels you must have to apply the forma to an item
occupy the same space as a solid object when this effect ends, • Item: The type of item that the forma can be applied to
you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space • Crafting Cost: The amount of skutte that must be spent
that you can occupy and take force damage equal to twice the to apply the forma to an item
number of feet you are moved.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest • Applications: How many times this forma can be
before you can use it again. applied to a single item
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 5 points from • Attunement: Whether you must be attuned to the item
your Vaala pool when this effect ends, you can choose to in order use the power of the forma
magically teleport to an unoccupied spot you can see within Some forma benefits do not stack. Unless otherwise
60 feet of you. noted in the description, an augmented item or its wielder
only gains the benefits of a given forma once, regardless of
Sidereal Step how many times that forma is applied to one or more items.
18th-Level Shadow Lodge Feature
You learn the highest art of your hunting lodge, the ability
Dragon Hunter Formas
to become a shadow but still touch the normal world. As
an action, you step outside of the boundaries of time itself MINIMUM DRAGON
for 1 round, also gaining the benefits of your Shadowform HUNTER LEVEL
feature. While you are outside of time, you can attack or
Bone Marrow Lamination 3
make minor changes to the creatures within 120 feet at the
start of their turn as listed below, appearing as a flickering Colossus Climber 3
shadow seen out of the corner of the eyes. You can’t be Dragonbone Reinforcement 3
targeted or attacked by any means while under the effect of
Scalebane 3
this feature.
If any of the effects of this feature require a saving throw, Wyrmforged 3
the DC is your forma save DC. Wyrmhide Reinforcement 3
During the round, you can choose to perform one of the Dragonblood Etching 6
following actions on each creature at the start of their turn:
Drakebane 6
• Make one weapon attack against the creature.
Great Wyrm’s Contingency 6
• Force the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw or
fall prone. Rending Claw 6
• Move the creature up to 15 feet in any direction you Weakening 6
choose. Wingbind 6
• Grant the creature the benefits of the blur spell until Winged 6
the start of your next turn, as you move them partially
Brood Reliquary 10
out of phase with reality.
• If the creature is a spellcaster, force it to make a Fang’s Edge 10
Wisdom check or lose concentration. Heartstring Aegis 10
• Give a bonus or penalty equal to your Intelligence Phrenic Distillation 10
modifier to the next attack roll, ability check, or Scaled 10
saving throw the creature makes before the start of
Vitality Infusion 10
your next turn.
Draconis Supremis 15
At the beginning of your next turn you reappear in an
unoccupied spot you can see within 120 feet of the space you Dragonhair Mesh 15
vanished from, and the effect ends. Once you use this feature, Synaptic Threads 15
you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. Draconic Fetter 18
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). For every 6 points you
Hunter’s Legion 18
spend from your Vaala pool when interacting with a
creature while using Sidereal Step, you can increase or Superior Synaptic Threads 18
reduce the damage of its next successful weapon attack
before the start of your next turn by 12.
Bone Marrow Lamination While the Dragon is charmed, you have a telepathic link
with it as long as the two of you are on the same planet.
Hunter Level: 3 You can use this telepathic link to issue commands to the
Item: Any non-weapon item creature while you are conscious (no action required), which
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple and general
Applications: Multiple course of action, such as “Attack that creature,” “Run over
Attunement. No there,” or “Fetch that object.” If the creature completes
While the item augmented with this forma is in your the order and doesn’t receive further direction from you, it
possession, your hit point maximum increases by 10. defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability.
Additional Forma. For each additional Bone Marrow You can use your action to take total and precise control
Lamination you apply to the same item, your hit point of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature
maximum increases by an additional 10. If you apply takes only the actions you choose, and doesn’t do anything
this forma to a different item, the benefit ends on the that you don’t allow it to do. During this time, you can also
previous item. cause the creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to
use your own reaction as well.
Brood Reliquary At the end of each of its turns, the Dragon can repeat
the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Once you
Hunter Level: 10
use this forma, you must finish a long rest before you can
Item: Helmet, ring, rod, scepter
use it again.
Crafting Cost: 2 skutte
Applications: Once
Attunement: Yes Draconis Supremis
While the item augmented with this forma is in your Hunter Level: 15
possession, you can use an action to roll an Intelligence Item: Weapon
(Arcana) check with a DC equal to the 10 + half of the Crafting Cost: 6 skutte
CR of a Dragon you can see. If you succeed, all friendly Applications: Once
creatures that can hear you within 30 feet of you gain a Attunement: Yes
bonus of 1d6 extra damage on their weapon attacks against When you score a critical hit on a creature marked with
that brood of Dragon. This bonus lasts for 1 minute. Once your Chosen Prey feature using a weapon augmented by
you use this forma’s ability, you can’t use it again until you this forma, the target must make a Constitution saving
finish a short or long rest. throw. On a failed save, the target takes 10d10 necrotic
or radiant damage (your choice). On a successful save, the
Colossus Climber target is stunned until the end of its next turn. Once you
use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before
Hunter Level: 3
you can use it again.
Item: Belt, boots, bracers, cloak,
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte
Applications: Once Dragonblood Etching
Attunement: No Hunter Level: 6
While the item augmented with this forma is in your Item: Weapon
possession, you have advantage on ability check contests to Crafting Cost: 3 skutte
climb onto bigger creatures and on ability check contests Applications: Multiple
or saving throws to resist being dislodged once you are atop Attunement: Yes
the creature. Your weapon is enhanced with the blood of a dragon.
Choose one damage type - acid, cold, fire, lightning,
Draconic Fetter poison, or necrotic - when you apply this forma. Your
weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage of this type when it hits.
Hunter Level: 18
Additional Forma. For each additional Dragonblood
Item: ring, rod, scepter
Etching you apply to the same weapon, the extra damage
Crafting Cost: 10 skutte
increases by 1d6.
Applications: Once
Attunement: Yes
While you hold or wear the item augmented with this forma,
Dragonbone Reinforcement
you can use an action to force a Dragon that you can see Hunter Level: 3
to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the dragon Item: Armor, shield
is charmed by you for 1 hour. If the Dragon is in a combat Crafting Cost: 1 skutte
encounter, it has advantage on the saving throw. Dragons Applications: Once
immune to being charmed are still affected, but a Dragon Attunement: Yes
with a CR higher than your level is immune to this feature. When you apply this forma, choose one saving throw.
While you are wearing or holding the item augmented by
this forma, you have advantage on that saving throw.

Dragonhair Mesh Heartstring Aegis

Hunter Level: 15 Hunter Level: 10
Item: Belt, boots, bracers, cloak, gauntlets/gloves, Item: Armor, shield
helmet, mask, ring, rod, scepter Crafting Cost: 2 skutte
Crafting Cost: 4 skutte Applications: Once
Applications: Once Attunement: No
Attunement: Yes While you are wearing or holding the item augmented by
While you are wearing or holding the item augmented with this forma, you can turn any critical hit against you into a
this forma, you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, normal hit. The augmented item has 3 charges. Each use of
provided that you have at least 1 hit point. If you lose a the item’s forma effect expends 1 charge. The augmented
body part, the missing limb regrows and returns to full item regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest.
functionality after 1d6 + 1 days if you have at least 1 hit
point the whole time. Hunter’s Legion
You can also use a bonus action to immediately heal
Hunter Level: 18
50 hit points. If you do, this forma’s effects stop until you
Item: Weapon
finish a long rest.
Crafting Cost: 10 skutte
Applications: Once
Drakebane Attunement: Yes
Hunter Level: 6 While you wield a weapon augmented by this forma, you have
Item: Weapon a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Moreover,
Crafting Cost: 3 skutte while you hold the drawn weapon, it creates an aura in a 30-
Applications: Once foot radius around you. You and all creatures friendly to you in
Attunement: No the aura deal an extra 3d6 damage against Dragons.
When you hit a Dragon with a weapon augmented by With this forma applied to a weapon, no other forma can
this forma, the Dragon takes an extra 3d6 damage. be applied to it, and all forma previously applied to it become
nonfunctional. If you apply this forma to a different item, the
benefit ends on the previous item.
Fang’s Edge
Hunter Level: 10 Phrenic Distillation
Item: Weapon
Crafting Cost: 2 skutte Hunter Level: 10
Applications: Multiple Item: Belt, bracers, gauntlets/gloves
Attunement: Yes Crafting Cost: 6 skutte
Applications: Multiple
On each of your turns, the first time you hit a creature Attunement: Yes
marked with your Chosen Prey feature using a weapon
augmented with this forma, you automatically deal the When you apply this forma, choose either Intelligence or
maximum damage possible for that weapon, but you don’t Wisdom. While you are wearing the item augmented by
maximize the damage from any additional sources, such this forma, you gain a +2 bonus to the ability score you
as the extra damage from Chosen Prey, Sneak Attack, the selected. If you are attuned to an item augmented by the
Dragonblood Etching forma, or similar abilities. Vitality Infusion forma, this forma will not function.
Additional Forma. For each additional Fang’s Edge you Additional Forma. If you augment and wear additional
apply to the same weapon, you can automatically deal the items with this forma, you gain an additional +1 bonus to
maximum damage with one additional attack on each of the ability you selected (to a maximum of 24) for each such
your turns. item after the first one.

Great Wyrm’s Contingency Rending Claw

Hunter Level: 6 Hunter Level: 6
Item: Belt, bracers, boots, cloak, gauntlets/gloves, Item: Weapon
helmet, mask, ring, rod, scepter Crafting Cost: 3 skutte
Crafting Cost: 4 skutte Applications: Once
Applications: Once Attunement: No
Attunement: No This forma channels the might of the dragons to addle the
If you are reduced to 0 hit points while the item augmented by mind of your foe. On each of your turns, the first time you
this forma is in your possession, you immediately regain half hit a creature marked by your Chosen Prey feature with a
of your maximum hit points. However, you have disadvantage weapon augmented by this forma, the target must succeed
on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until you on an Intelligence saving throw or all attacks against it have
finish a long rest. Once you make use of this forma’s effect, it advantage until the beginning of your next turn. If you hit a
can’t be used again until you finish a long rest. different creature with a weapon augmented by this forma,
the effect ends on the previous target.
Scalebane Vitality Infusion
Hunter Level: 3 Hunter Level: 10
Item: Weapon Item: Belt, bracers, gauntlets/gloves
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte Crafting Cost: 6 skutte
Applications: Multiple Applications: Multiple
Attunement: No Attunement: Yes
When you hit a creature marked by your Chosen Prey When you apply this forma, choose either Strength,
feature with a weapon augmented by this forma, the target’s Dexterity, or Constitution. While you are wearing the item
Armor Class is reduced by 1 until the beginning of your next augmented by this forma, you gain a +2 bonus to the ability
turn, up to a maximum equal to your proficiency bonus. score you selected. If you are attuned to an item augmented by
The effects of hits by the same Scalebane weapon stack, the Phrenic Distillation forma, this forma will not function.
so subsequent attacks continue to reduce the target’s AC. Additional Forma. If you augment and wear additional items
However, a target struck by a Scalebane weapon is immune with this forma, you gain an additional +1 bonus to the ability
to the AC reducing effect of Scalebane weapons wielded by you selected (to a maximum of 24) for each such item after the
other creatures until the initial effect ends. first one.
Additional Forma. For each additional Scalebane forma
you apply to the same weapon, the amount of a target’s AC Weakening
that is reduced with each hit increases by 1. Hunter Level: 6
Item: Weapon
Scaled Crafting Cost: 3 skutte
Hunter Level: 10 Applications: Once
Item: armor Attunement: No
Crafting Cost: 4 skutte On your turn, the first time you hit a creature marked by
Applications: Once your Chosen Prey feature with a weapon augmented by this
Attunement: Yes forma, the target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On
When you apply this forma, choose one of the following a failed save, the target loses its resistance to one damage type
damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or thunder. of your choice until the end of your next turn. If the target is
While you are wearing the item augmented by this forma, immune to that damage type, it instead is resistant to it until
you have resistance against that type of damage. the end of your next turn. A target can only be subjected to one
effect from this forma at a time.
Superior Synaptic Threads
Hunter Level: 18 Wingbind
Item: Any non-weapon item Hunter Level: 6
Crafting Cost: 10 skutte Item: Weapon
Applications: Once Crafting Cost: 3 skutte
Attunement: No Applications: Once
While you have the item augmented by this forma in Attunement: No
your possession, you can attune up to five magic items at On your turn, the first time you hit a creature marked by
once. The effect of this forma does not stack with the effects your Chosen Prey feature with a weapon augmented by this
of anything that increases the number of items you can forma, the target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw
attune to at the same time, including an item augmented or its flying speed (if any) is reduced to 0 feet until the end
by the Synaptic Threads forma. If you apply this forma to a of your next turn. An airborne creature affected by this safely
different item, the benefit ends on the previous item. descends 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground or the
effect ends.
Synaptic Threads
Hunter Level: 15 Winged
Item: Any non-weapon item Hunter Level: 6
Crafting Cost: 6 skutte Item: Armor, belt, bracers, boots, cloak, ring
Applications: Once Crafting Cost: 3 skutte
Attunement: No Applications: Multiple
While you have the item augmented by this forma in Attunement: Yes
your possession, you can attune up to four magic items at While you carry or wear the item augmented with this forma,
once. This effect of this forma does not stack with the effects you can expend 1 of its charges to gain a flying speed equal to half
of anything that increases the number of items you can of your normal speed for 10 minutes. If you are flying when the
attune to at the same time, including an item augmented by duration expires, you safely descend 30 feet per round until you
the Superior Synaptic Threads forma. If you apply this forma land. The augmented item has 3 charges. The augmented item
to a different item, the benefit ends on the previous item. regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest.

Additional Forma. For each additional Winged forma you You have a +1 bonus to your AC while wearing an item
apply to the same item, your flying speed increases by 10 feet. augmented by this forma.
If you apply this forma to a different item, the benefit ends on Additional Forma. For each additional Wyrmhide
the previous item. Reinforcement forma you apply to the same item, its AC
bonus increases by 1. The bonus from this forma only stacks
Wyrmforged with further applications of it to the same item. If you
augment different items with this forma, you must track each
Hunter Level: 3 item’s bonus separately.
Item: Weapon
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte
Applications: Multiple
Attunement: No
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with a
weapon augmented by this forma.
Additional Forma. For each additional Wyrmforged
forma you apply to the same weapon, the bonus to attack and
damage rolls increases by 1. The bonus from this forma only
stacks with further applications of it to the same weapon. If
you augment different weapons with this forma, you must
track each weapon’s bonus separately.

Wyrmhide Reinforcement
Hunter Level: 3
Item: Armor, shield
Crafting Cost: 1 skutte
Applications: Multiple
Attunement: No

Dragon Herald
As spiders pour through the hidden passage of a crumbling
ruin, a dwarven scholar inscribes a magical rune onto her robes
guarding herself from the onslaught.
Calling out for his companions to beware, an ellari
adventurer’s eyes glow with inner light as he breathes a blast of
fire onto the orc raiding party.
Cornered, wounded, and without hope, a human
nonetheless grins at her foes as she transforms into the
majestic and terrifying form of a bronze dragon.
To most, the great wryms are nothing but catastrophe,
but dragon heralds see past the often cruel and destructive
nature of the dragons to glimpse their glory and majesty.
While a few dragon heralds actually act as direct agents of
specific broods, most do not serve dragons and may not
even agree with their actions.
Dragon heralds venerate the mighty dragon broods,
infusing their efforts with Vaala to imitate the great wyrms’
abilities and even transform themselves into dragons. They
have crafted their own runic magic system in an attempt to
mimic the dragon’s Kadmic runes, through which the heralds
cast spells and empower themselves and their allies. Some
heralds seek to redeem the dragons by using their abilities for
the good of all, whereas others simply hope to turn this power
to their own advantage.

Class Features
As a dragon herald you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per dragon herald level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per dragon herald level after 1st

Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Arcana,
Deception, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Religion,
and Survival.


Equipment Tracing a Rune

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the To activate the power of one of your runes, you trace the rune
equipment granted by your background: in the air, on another creature, or on your own form. This is
• Any two simple weapons of your choice called tracing a rune. Each rune requires an action to trace,
• A light crossbow and 20 bolts unless otherwise indicated in its description. A rune leaves
a temporary magical mark that glows faintly with eldritch
• Leather armor and a dagger
energy until that rune is expended.
• A leather sketchbook or journal You do not need to maintain concentration on a rune,
unless otherwise indicated in its description. Runes are not
Vaala Aspects and Broods spells and, thus, aren’t affected by the counterspell spell or
similar effects. However, runes’ effects are magical, making
Just as the great draconic broods are not tied to any single them subject to spells that negate magical effects, such as
aspect of Vaala, so follow the dragon heralds. None of the antimagic field and dispel magic.
venerated broods available to choose from at the end of
the class description are limited to a single Vaala aspect Rune Primary Effects and Exploits
for their various Vaala augmentations. Instead, individual A rune confers a benefit, called a primary effect, on the
features granted by a given venerated brood could have caster or target. A rune’s primary effect lasts until the end of
augmentations from any of the three Vaala aspects. the duration indicated in its description.
Each rune also has a secondary effect called an exploit.
Runecasting When the caster or the target inscribed with the rune exploits
it, the rune unleashes all its stored power to trigger a separate
1st-Level Dragon Herald Feature effect. Unless otherwise noted, a rune vanishes after its exploit
is used, ending all of that rune’s effects.
In your study of the great dragon broods and their nature,
Some advanced runes grant multiple primary effects
you learn to emulate them, manifesting Vaala through
and exploits. If a rune has more than one exploit, you can
magical runes inspired by the Kadmic runes used by true
choose the exploit to use, but the rune is expended after any
dragons. The mystical glyphs and symbols you use imbue you
one of its exploits is used.
with magical abilities.
The Dragon Herald
1st +2 Runecasting, Dragon Senses 2 1 1 —
2nd +2 Impelling Speech 3 1 1 —

3rd +2 Venerated Brood, 3 2 2 1st

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 2 2 1st
5th +3 — 4 2 2 2nd
6th +3 Venerated Brood Feature 4 3 3 2nd
7th +3 Dragonstone 4 3 3 3rd
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3rd
9th +4 — 5 3 3 4th
10th +4 Venerated Brood Feature 5 4 4 4th
11th +4 Swift Runes 5 4 4 5th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 4 5th
13th +5 — 6 4 4 5th
14th +5 Venerated Brood Feature 6 5 5 5th
15th +5 Bonding Glyphs 6 5 5 5th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 5 5 5th
17th +6 — 7 5 5 5th
18th +6 Venerated Brood Feature 7 6 6 5th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 6 6 5th
20th +6 Elder Form 8 6 6 5th

Rune Slots Impelling Speech
The Dragon Herald table shows how many rune slots you 2nd-Level Dragon Herald Feature
have to trace your runes. To trace one of your runes, you
must expend a rune slot. You regain all expended rune As your expertise as a herald grows, so does your ability
slots when you finish a short or long rest. to use your words to sway others and beguile your
listeners. Choose one of the following skills: Deception,
Intimidation, or Persuasion. You gain proficiency in the
Runes Known at 1st Level and Higher skill you select and add double your proficiency bonus to
At 1st level, you know two runes of your choice, each of any ability check you make with that skill instead of using
which is detailed at the end of the class description. your normal proficiency bonus.
The Runes Known column in the Dragon Herald table Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 2 points from
shows when you learn more runes of your choice. When your Vaala pool immediately after you make an ability
you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the check using the chosen skill, you can choose to reroll the
runes you know and replace it with another rune that you die and must use the new roll.
could learn at that level.
If a rune has prerequisites, you must meet them to
learn it. You can learn the rune at the same time as you Venerated Brood
meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your 3rd-Level Dragon Herald Feature
level in this class. Choose one draconic brood listed at the end of the class
description to be the inspiration you draw upon when you
Runes Active channel Vaala. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level
You can only maintain a certain number of active runes and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.
at the same time, but you can have any combination of
the runes you know active up to that limit. The Dragon
Herald table shows how many runes you can have active Spellcasting
at once. An active rune is considered to be one that When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast the
continues to grant its benefits. You can end an active rune cantrips provided by your venerated brood’s Brood Spells
at any time. feature. Additionally, you can cast spells from the dragon
herald spell list using a special rune known as a Brood Rune.
Runecasting Ability Your spellcasting for cantrips and spells uses the same ability,
Charisma is your runecasting ability for your runes. In save DC, and attack modifier as your runecasting.
addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting
the saving throw DC for a rune you trace and when Brood Rune
making an attack roll with one. Prerequisite: Membership in a venerated brood
Rune save DC = 8 + your Proficiency bonus + you Range: Self
Charisma modifier Duration: Until you finish a long rest
Rune attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your When you choose a venerated brood, a special rune
Charisma modifier appears somewhere on your body. This rune does not
count toward the number of runes you may have active at
Dragon Senses one time. You can use this rune to channel Vaala and cast
a spell you know. The Dragon Herald table shows the level
1st-Level Dragon Herald Feature of spell you can cast with your Brood Rune. You can cast
Your study and admiration of dragons grants you some a spell with your Brood Rune once. You regain all uses of
measure of their keen vision and scent tracking. You gain your Brood Rune when you finish a short rest.
darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, You gain one additional use of your Brood Rune at 9th
your range increases by 30 feet. Moreover, you gain a level and again at 14th level.
scent-based form of blindsight with a range of 5 feet. You Vaala Augmentation (Any). You can cast a spell
must be able to smell, and your blindsight can’t detect with your Brood Rune without expending a use of it by
creatures without a discernible scent, such as a bodiless spending a number of points from your Vaala pool equal
ghost or shadows. to the spell level of the spell you cast. You must still meet
Your blindsight increases by 5 feet at 7th level, and any prerequisites for the spell.
again at 11th and 15th levels.
Vaala Augmentation (Any). If you expend 2
points from your Vaala pool before making a Wisdom
(Perception) check, you have advantage on the check.


Ability Score Improvement area covered by the mark is no larger than a handprint, and
it can be on any part of the body. Once inscribed, damage or
4th-Level Dragon Herald Feature injury doesn’t disrupt the glyph’s function. All bonding glyphs
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, fade when you finish a long rest.
and 19th levels, you can increase one ability score of your When you trace a rune with yourself as the target, you
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your can choose any number of creatures bearing one of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score Bonding Glyphs to gain the same primary effect. You can
above 20 using this feature. share up to two of your active runes with your companions
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this in this manner.
feature to take a feat of your choice instead. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again.

Vaala Augmentation (Any). For every 3 points you
spend from your Vaala pool during the 10 minutes you are
7th-Level Dragon Herald Feature inscribing runes, you can inscribe an additional creature
with a Bonding Glyph.
You learn to inscribe a rock, tile, or other hand-sized,
nonmagical object and turn it into a dragonstone. Creating
a dragonstone requires 10 minutes of work, and it lasts until Elder Form
you finish a long rest.
20th-Level Dragon Herald Feature
A dragonstone has AC 15 and 1 hit point, and it is
immune to poison and psychic damage. When the duration You achieve the ultimate expression of your draconic
ends, or if the dragonstone is destroyed, it crumbles and is lost. devotion and can become a dragon. You can use your
When you use your Draconic Transformation feature action to assume the form of a Dragon of the same type as
from your venerated brood, a creature in possession of your venerated brood with a challenge rating equal to your
your dragonstone gains the same attribute you choose. If dragon herald level or lower for 1 hour.
you lose concentration, both you and the creature holding Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the
your dragonstone lose the benefit of your Draconic chosen creature, though you retain your alignment and
Transformation. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain
Once you use this feature to create a dragonstone, you all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition
must finish a long rest before you can use it again. Starting to gaining those of your new form. If the Dragon has any
at 15th level, you can create up to two dragonstones that of the same proficiencies as you, you use whichever bonus
last until you finish a long rest, each requiring 10 minutes is larger.
of work to complete. You can use the traits and actions of your new form. In
addition, you retain any features from your class, ancestry,

Swift Runes
or other source and can use them, provided that your new
form is physically capable of doing so. You can’t use any
11th-Level Dragon Herald Feature legendary actions or lair actions of the new form.
When you transform, you choose whether your
You can focus your connection to Vaala to produce nearly equipment falls to the ground, merges into the new form,
instantaneous runes. On your turn, you can trace a rune or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions normally,
as a bonus action. Only the primary effect of the rune can but equipment doesn’t change shape or size to match the
be activated as a bonus action; the time required to use any new form unless it already had the ability to do so. Any
rune exploit remains the same. equipment that the new form can’t wear falls to the ground
When you use this feature, you can use your action on the or merges into the new form. Equipment that merges into
same turn to trace another rune only if it has yourself as its the new form has no effect in that state.
target. You must expend rune slots for both runes as normal. For the duration of this feature, you can use an action to
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest change back to your normal form or back to your Dragon
before you can use it again. form, following the same restrictions and rules but with the
Vaala Augmentation (Any). If you spend 4 points from following exception: If your new form has more hit points
your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you gain a bonus use than your current one, your hit points remain at their
of the Swift Rune feature before you finish your next long rest. current value.
When you revert to your normal form, you return to
Bonding Glyphs the number of hit points you had before you transformed.
If you return as the result of dropping to 0 hit points, any
15th-Level Dragon Herald Feature excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as
You learn the secret of sharing your runic gifts with your the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit
companions. You can choose a number of creatures equal to points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.
half of your proficiency bonus and spend a total of 10 minutes Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
magically inscribing a tattoo-like glyph onto their bodies. The before you can use it again.

Venerated Broods Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool
3rd-level Coatl Brood Feature
The dragons of Drakha rule the Red Moon in broods, When you select this venerated brood, you gain a Mote of
each rivaling the others in power, terror, and majesty. As a Affinity in a Vaala aspect of your choice. Additionally, your
dragon herald, you choose one of these broods to venerate, Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
and you gain powers themed around your choice. The When you reach 14th level, you gain another Mote of
saving throw DC for abilities from your venerated brood Affinity in the aspect you chose at 3rd level and your Vaala
equals your rune save DC. point maximum increases by 2.

Brood Spells
3rd-Level Coatl Brood Feature
You learn the mage hand and vicious mockery cantrips.
Coatl Brood Additionally, you learn a number of spells that you can cast
with your Brood Rune, as indicated in the Coatl Brood
To truly know requires study, and with knowledge comes Spell table. These are dragon herald spells for you.
power. This is the axiom behind your veneration of the
Coatl dragons. As a follower of this path, you strive for
Coatl Brood Spells
lore and wisdom, obsessing over mundane minutiae and
mystical arcana with equal fervor. Just as your draconic DRAGON
idols hoard knowledge, there are no topics you do not HERALD LEVEL
find fascinating. Some Coatl dragon heralds prefer the 3rd detect magic, identify
lives of solitary scholars, still others travel the road eager to
5th blur, detect thoughts
experience the wonders of the world. You know, in time,
that you will accumulate enough knowledge to prove your 7th clairvoyance, counterspell
superiority and glorify the dragons you so honor. 9th divination, freedom of movement
11th arcane hand, modify memory

Disruption Breath
3rd-Level Coatl Brood Feature
You can use your action to exhale a blast of magical force.
When you use your breath weapon, each creature in a 15
ft cone must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature
takes 2d6 force damage on a failed save, and half as much
damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6
at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After
you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it again until
you complete a short or long rest.
Vaala Augmentation [K’aab]. For every 3 points
you spend from your Vaala pool when you use this
feature, you can add an additional 1d6 damage to your
Disruption Breath.

Draconic Transformation
6th-Level Coatl Brood Feature
Growing closer to the Coatl, you learn to manifest draconic
attributes for a short time. As a bonus action, you choose one
of the attributes described below to gain for 1 minute (requires
concentration as if using a spell). Once you use this feature,
you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
If the attribute you select is a natural weapon, it counts
as a simple melee weapon for you, but when you attack
with it, you add your Charisma modifier to the attack


and damage rolls instead of your Strength modifier. Your that are aware of you and within 60 feet of you equal to
clothing and equipment magically adjust to accommodate your proficiency bonus. Each target must succeed on a
your new physical form. Wisdom saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute as
When you activate this feature, you choose one of the their thoughts become jumbled and confused. A creature
following attributes: can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
• Entwining Tail. You grow a long draconic tail, which ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
deals 1d4 damage on a hit and has the reach property. A saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
target hit with your tail is grappled (escape DC equals creature is immune to your Mystifying Presence feature
10 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). for the next 24 hours.
• Feathered Wings. You manifest the scaled and feathered Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
wings of a Coatl. For the duration, you gain a flying speed before you can use it again.
equal to your walking speed and can hover.
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 5 points
• Insulating Scales. Feather-like scales cover your body,
granting you resistance to cold damage.
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, each
target has disadvantage on its saving throws against your
• Rupturing Claws. Your hands transform into scaled Mystifying Presence.
claws, each of which you can use as a weapon if it’s empty.
Your claws are magical weapons that deal 1d8 slashing
damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns, if you hit Elemental Redirection
a target with your claw attack and both of your hands
are empty, you can make one additional claw attack with
18th-Level Coatl Brood Feature
disadvantage on the attack roll as part of the same action. Imitating the Coatl dragons, you can bend energy to
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you spend target your foes instead of you. If you succeed on a
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can saving throw against a spell or effect that deals acid, cold,
increase the damage of this feature’s natural attacks by one fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your
additional die. For example, you could spend 3 points to reaction to divert some of the energy. The damage you
increase the damage of your rupturing claws from 1d8 to 2d8. take is reduced by 3d10 + your proficiency bonus. You
Or, if you spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a immediately make a ranged spell attack, using your rune
bonus action, you can activate this feature a second time attack modifier, against one target you can see within
before needing to finish a long rest. 15 feet. On a hit, the target takes damage of the original
effect’s type equal to the amount of damage you reduced.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 6 points
Mental Reflection from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you
10th-Level Coatl Brood Feature can target two additional creatures within 30 feet of the
Studying the Coatl’s resistance to mind-affecting original target. You must make separate ranged spell
enchantments, you’ve developed a similar way to protect attacks against each target.
yourself from the same threats. If you are the sole target
of an enchantment spell or other mind-altering magical
effect and you succeed on a saving throw against it, you
can use your reaction to reflect the spell. The reflected
spell has no effect on you and instead targets a creature of
your choice within the spell’s range, measuring from you, Ehrlya Brood
as though it was the original target.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or Let other dragon heralds dabble in petty squabbles or
long rest before you can use it again. challenges of strength. Those who follow the path of
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 4 points the Ehrlya know the true way to venerate the dragons is
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can to harness the fire of the forge to improve yourself. The
add half of your proficiency bonus to the spell save DC of Ehrlya dragons show by example that, like the creation of
the reflected spell. a blade, you only grow stronger through time, fire, and
skill. Perhaps you adventure to continue on your road of
self improvement, to gather rare materials for your work,
Mystifying Presence or perhaps, just to hone your art. Either way, through
14th-Level Coatl Brood Feature the crucible of fire, you will show any and all that true
veneration of the dragons comes through forge-tested skill
Emulating the auras used by the eldest of the Coatl, and the heat of the flame.
you learn to befuddle the minds of those around you.
As an action, you can choose a number of creatures

When you activate this feature, you choose one of the
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool following attributes:
3rd-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature • Bronze Wings. You manifest the scaled bronze wings
When you select this venerated brood, you gain a Mote of of an Ehrlya dragon. For the duration, you gain a flying
Affinity in a Vaala aspect of your choice. Additionally, your speed equal to your walking speed and can hover.
Vaala point maximum increases by 2. • Burning Claws. Your hands transform into scaled claws,
When you reach 14th level, you gain another Mote of each of which you can use as a weapon if it’s empty.
Affinity in the aspect you chose at 3rd level and your Vaala Your claws are magical weapons that deal 1d4 slashing
point maximum increases by 2. damage and 1d4 fire damage on a hit. Once on each of
your turns, if you hit a target with your claw attack, you
Brood Spells can make one additional claw attack with disadvantage
on the attack roll as part of the same action.
3rd-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature
• Magma Tail. You grow a long draconic tail dripping
You learn the fire bolt and mending cantrips. Additionally,
magical molten earth, which deals 1d4 fire damage on
you learn a number of spells that you can cast with your
a hit and has the reach property. If you hit a creature
Brood Rune, as indicated in the Ehrlya Brood Spell table.
with your magma tail, the 5-foot area around that
These are dragon herald spells for you.
target becomes difficult terrain for 1 hour.
Ehrlya Brood Spells • Burning Scales. Scorching iron scales cover your body,
granting you resistance to fire damage. Additionally,
DRAGON whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with
a melee attack, the attacker takes 1d4 fire damage.
3rd burning hands, floating disk
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you spend
5th heat metal, shatter from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can
7th fireball, glyph of warding increase the damage of this feature’s natural attacks by one
additional die. For example, you could spend 3 points to
9th fabricate, wall of fire
increase the slashing and fire damage of your burning claws
11th creation, flame strike from 1d4 each to 2d4 each.
Or, if you spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a
bonus action, you can activate this feature a second time
Flame Breath before needing to finish a long rest.
3rd-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature
Channeling Vaala to emulate the Ehrlya dragons, you can Searing Companion
use your action to exhale a blast of flame. Each creature in 10th-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature
a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking Inspired by the Ehrlya dragon’s ability with both fire and
2d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much damage creation, as an action you can summon a spirit formed of
on a successful one. flames to be your companion. The spirit manifests for a
The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus or until it
level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use this feature, you is reduced to 0 hit points, you dismiss it as a bonus action,
can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest. or you die. Once you use this feature, you must finish a
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 3 points you long rest before you can use it again.
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you The spirit appears in an unoccupied space of your choice
can add 1d6 to the damage of your Flame Breath. that you can see within 30 feet of you. The spirit is friendly
to you and your companions and obeys your commands.
Draconic Transformation See this creature’s game statistics in the searing companion
stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in
6th-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature several places. You determine the spirit’s general appearance.
As you grow closer to the Ehryla, you learn to manifest In combat, your searing companion shares your
draconic attributes for a short time. As a bonus action, you initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after
gain one of the attributes described below for 1 minute yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but it
(requires concentration as if using a spell). Once you use this only takes the Dodge action on its turn unless you take
feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. a bonus action on your turn to command it to take a
If the selected attribute is a natural weapon, it counts as different action. If you are incapacitated, the spirit can take
a simple melee weapon for you, and when you attack with any action of its choice, not just Dodge.
it, you add your Strength modifier to the attack and damage Vaala Augmentation (Fai). For every 4 points you
rolls as normal. Your clothing and equipment magically spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you
adjust to accommodate your new physical form. can increase the searing companion’s AC by 2 and its hit
point maximum by 10.


Conflagrant Presence
Searing Companion 14th-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature
Emulating the firestorms created by the eldest of the
Medium Elemental Ehrlya dragons, you manifest an aura of searing flames and
scorching winds. As an action, a number of creatures of
Armor Class 11 + PB (natural armor) your choice equal to your proficiency bonus that you can
Hit Points 2 + your Intelligence modifier + five see within 60 feet of you take 2d10 fire damage and must
times your dragon herald level (your companion has succeed on a Constitution saving throw or catch on fire
a number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your dragon for 1 minute. At the start of each of its turns, a burning
herald level) creature must repeat the saving throw or take 2d10 fire
Speed 40 ft, fly 20 ft damage. The fire is magical and can’t be extinguished by
non-magical means.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 4 points you
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the
18(+4) 15(+2) 17(+3) 4(-3) 10(+0) 16(+3) damage from it increases by 1d10.

Saving Throws Dex +2 plus PB, Con +3 plus PB Scaled Form

Damage Immunity fire, poison 18th-Level Ehrlya Brood Feature
Condition Immunity exhaustion, paralyzed, When a creature you can see hits you with an attack, you
petrified, poisoned, unconscious can use your reaction to temporarily cover your body with
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 magical scales. You gain immunity to all damage except for
Languages Primordial, understands the languages psychic damage until the end of your next turn. Once you
you speak use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before
you can use it again.
Challenge – Proficiency Bonus equals your PB Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 6 points
from your Vaala pool when you activate this feature, you
Amorphous Form. The searing companion can can share your Scaled Form with others instead of gaining
move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide the benefit described above. A number of creatures of your
without squeezing. choice equal to half of your proficiency bonus (including
you), that you can see within 30 feet of you, gain a
Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the searing resistance to all damage apart from psychic damage until
companion moves in water, or for every gallon of the end of your next turn.
water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage.

Multiattack. The elemental makes a number of
attacks equal to half your PB.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack Exor Brood
modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 Dragon heralds who follow the path of the Exor are
+ PB fire damage. If the target is a creature or hunters at heart. They exult in the thrill of the hunt,
a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature reveling in that moment of victory over their prey. As
takes an action to douse the flame, the target one who venerates the Exor dragons, you constantly push
takes 4 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of yourself to develop your skills and tend to be aggressive,
its turns. quick to violence, and intolerant of weakness. Where
Rejuvenation (3/day). The searing companion can others fall like so much prey, you will remain standing, as
touch magical or natural fire and regain 2d8 + proof that you are strong and worthy.
PB hit points.
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool
3rd-Level Exor Brood Feature
When you select this venerated brood, you gain a Mote of
Affinity in a Vaala aspect of your choice. Additionally, your
Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
When you reach 14th level, you gain another Mote of
Affinity in the aspect you chose at 3rd level and your Vaala
point maximum increases by 2.

1d8 slashing damage on a hit. Once on each of your
Brood Spells
turns, if you hit a target with your claw attack, you can
3rd-Level Exor Brood Feature make one additional claw attack with disadvantage on
You learn the produce flame and true strike cantrips. the attack roll as part of the same action.
Additionally, you learn a number of spells that you can • Tunneler. You gain a burrowing speed equal to your
cast with your Brood Rune, as indicated in the Exor walking speed.
Brood Spell table. These are dragon herald spells for you.
• Wind Shroud. You surround yourself with a cloak of
Exor Brood Spells whirling winds. The first ranged weapon attack roll
against you each round is made with disadvantage.
SPELLS • Wings of Sand. You manifest wings of magically
animated sand. For the duration, you gain a flying
3rd hunter’s mark, longstrider speed equal to your walking speed and can hover.
5th branding smite, pass without trace Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you
7th haste, wind wall spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
9th freedom of movement, greater
you can increase the damage of this feature’s natural
invisibility attacks by one additional die. For example, you could
11th hold monster, mislead
spend 3 points to increase the damage of your crystal
claws from 1d8 to 2d8.
Or, if you spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a
Sabulous Breath bonus action, you can activate this feature a second time
3rd-Level Exor Brood Feature before needing to finish a long rest.
Channeling Vaala to emulate the Exor dragons, you can
use your action to exhale a blast of scouring sand. Each Burrowing Strike
creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving 10th-Level Exor Brood Feature
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 slashing Inspired by the ambushes favored by the Exor dragons,
damage and is blinded until the end of its next turn. On you learn a devastating tunneling attack. While using
a successful saving throw, a creature takes half as much the Dash action, you have a burrowing speed equal to
damage and is not blinded. your walking speed. If you end your Dash while still
The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th in the material you were burrowing through and are
level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use this feature, you within your melee weapon attack’s reach of a target, you
can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest. can immediately use a bonus action to burst out of the
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 3 points you material and make a melee weapon attack against it.
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, If you burrowed at least 10 feet straight toward the
you can add 1d6 to the damage of your Sabulous Breath. target this turn before attacking them with the bonus
action, each creature within 5 feet of the target must
Draconic Transformation succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
6th-Level Exor Brood Feature Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 4 points
from your Vaala pool when you make your attack with
As you grow closer to the Exor, you learn to manifest your bonus action, you can make a second melee weapon
draconic attributes for a short time. As a bonus action, attack as part of the same bonus action.
you gain one of the attributes described below for 1
minute (requires concentration as if using a spell). Once
you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you Frightful Presence
can use it again.
If the selected attribute is a natural weapon, it 14th-Level Exor Brood Feature
counts as a simple melee weapon for you, and you add Emulating the predatory nature of the Exor dragons, your
your Strength modifier to the attack and damage rolls aura makes your foes tremble in fear. As an action, you
when you attack with it, as normal. Your clothing and can choose a number of creatures that are aware of you
equipment magically adjust to accommodate your new and within 60 feet of you equal to your proficiency bonus.
physical form. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
When you activate this feature, you choose one of the become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
following attributes: saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
• Crystal Claws. Your hands transform into steel-like effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
crystal claws, each of which you can use as a weapon successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune
if it’s empty. Your claws are magical weapons that deal to your Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.


Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again. Fulgen Brood Spells
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 5 points DRAGON
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, each HERALD LEVEL
target has disadvantage on its saving throws against your 3rd command, guiding bolt
Frightful Presence. 5th hold person, suggestion

7th beacon of hope, counterspell,

Shroud of Sand 9th compulsion, private sanctum
18th-Level Exor Brood Feature 11th dominate person, greater restoration
You start to master the Exor’s ability to produce a cloak of
obscuring sand. When you are hit by an attack, you can use
your reaction to magically produce a scouring dust cloud Goldfire Breath
in a 15-foot-radius around yourself that lasts until the start
of your next turn. The area is heavily obscured to creatures 3rd-Level Fulgen Brood Feature
other than you, but wind can disperse the cloud. Channeling Vaala to emulate the mighty Fulgen dragons,
Creatures within the area must make a Strength saving you can use your action to exhale a blast of golden molten
throw. On a failed save, a target takes 2d6 slashing damage metal. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a
and is pushed to the nearest unoccupied space outside the Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage on
area. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
and isn’t pushed. The area of the cone becomes difficult terrain for 1
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 2 points from minute. Any creature entering that area for the first time on a
your Vaala pool that you spend when you activate this turn or starting its turn there must make the same Dexterity
feature, the damage from the dust cloud increases by 1d6. saving throw, taking 2d4 fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much on a successful one. After 1 minute, the metal
created by your Goldfire Breath crumbles to dust.
The damage increases to 3d6 and 3d4 at 6th level,
4d6 and 4d4 at 11th level, and 5d6 and 5d4 at 16th level.
After you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
Fulgen Brood complete a short or long rest.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 3 points you
Honoring and revering the Fulgen dragons, you admire spend from your Vaala pool, you can add 1d6 to the initial
traditions, careful planning, and the dance of politics damage of your Goldfire Breath.
and social conflicts. Many dragon heralds who follow
this path obsess over scholarly pursuits or devote
themselves to the practice of law or rhetoric. Others seek Draconic Transformation
opportunities to demonstrate their primacy over other 6th-Level Fulgen Brood Feature
adventurers, just as their Fulgen idols hold themselves to As you grow closer to the Fulgen, you learn to manifest
be superior to other dragons. draconic attributes for a short time. As a bonus action, you
gain one of the attributes described below for 1 minute
(requires concentration as if using a spell). Once you use this
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
3rd-Level Fulgen Brood Feature If the selected attribute is a natural weapon, it counts as
When you select this venerated brood, you gain a Mote a simple melee weapon for you, and you add your Strength
of Affinity in a Vaala aspect of your choice. Additionally, modifier to the attack and damage rolls when you attack
your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. with it, as normal. Your clothing and equipment magically
When you reach 14th level, you gain another Mote of adjust to accommodate your new physical form.
Affinity in the aspect you chose at 3rd level and your Vaala When you activate this feature, you choose one of the
following attributes:
point maximum increases by 2.
• Commanding Presence. Your physical appearance
shifts, becoming inspiring to those who behold you. You
Brood Spells gain advantage on Charisma checks.
3rd-Level Fulgen Brood Feature • Faithful Servitors. You gain a number of invisible
You learn the prestidigitation and sacred flame cantrips. servants (as per the unseen servant spell) equal to
Additionally, you learn a number of spells that you can half your proficiency bonus. Unlike other Draconic
cast with your Brood Rune, as indicated in the Fulgen Transformation attributes, your unseen servants can last
Brood Spell table. These are dragon herald spells for you. for up to 1 hour.

• Golden Wings. You manifest magical golden wings. Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 5 points from
For the duration, you gain a flying speed equal to your your Vaala pool, each target has disadvantage on its saving
walking speed and can hover. throws against you Commanding Presence.
• Slashing Claws. Your hands transform into scaled
claws, each of which you can use as a weapon if it’s
Deny Foe
empty. Your claws are magical weapons that deal 1d8
slashing damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns, if 18th-Level Fulgen Brood Feature
you hit a target with your claw attack, you can make one You learn to mimic the Fulgen’s ability to magically shift
additional claw attack with disadvantage on the attack your position. When a hostile creature you can see attacks
roll as part of the same action. you, you can use your reaction to teleport up to 60 feet
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you spend to an unoccupied space you can see. When you disappear,
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can you leave behind a perfect replica of yourself made from a
increase the damage of this feature’s natural attacks by one sparkling magical stone that crumbles to dust at the start
additional die. For example, you could spend 3 points to of your next turn. If you are outside the triggering attack’s
increase the damage of your slashing claws from 1d8 to 2d8. range after teleporting, the attack hits the replica instead,
Or, if you spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a which magically rings like a gong.
bonus action, you can activate this feature a second time You can use this feature three times, regaining all
before needing to finish a long rest. expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Vaal Augmentation (Id). If you spend 6 points from
your Vaala pool when you use this feature, instead of the
Aura of Superiority benefit described above, you can force the creature that
10th-Level Fulgen Brood Feature triggered the reaction to make a Wisdom saving throw.
Emulating your chosen brood, you use an action to On a failed save, the target is teleported up to 60 feet to an
emanate an aura that inspires your companions to greater unoccupied space you can see.
levels of cooperation and excellence. The aura extends 5 feet
from you in every direction for 1 minute.
An allied creature that starts its turn within your aura
can choose one of the following benefits that lasts until the
end of its turn:
• Gain advantage on its first attack roll
Magnifex Brood
• Gain advantage on one ability check The devotees of this brood crave new experiences, knowing
• Gain a +10 bonus to its speed that only by personally experiencing the joys, sorrows,
• Gain a +2 bonus to its AC pleasures, and pains of the world can they truly come to
understand the work of art that is existence. As a follower of
Your aura does not extend through total cover and does this path, you place great value on art and beauty, but the
not function while you’re incapacitated. central focus of your devotion is experiencing all life has to
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 4 points you spend offer. Magnifex heralds tend to be fiercely competitive with
from your Vaala pool, you can increase the radius of your each other, striving to outdo each other.
aura by 5 feet.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

Commanding Presence
3rd-Level Magnifex Brood Feature
14th-Level Fulgen Brood Feature
When you select this venerated brood, you gain a Mote of
Emulating the superiority of the Fulgen dragons, even your Affinity in a Vaala aspect of your choice. Additionally, your
foes obey your orders. As an action, a number of creatures Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
of your choice that are within 60 feet equal to your When you reach 14th level, you gain another Mote
proficiency bonus, that are aware of you, must succeed on a of Affinity in the aspect you chose at 3rd level and add 2
Wisdom saving throw or become controlled for 1 minute. additional points to your Vaala pool.
At the beginning of its turn, you can give a controlled
creature a single command (as per the command spell) that
they must obey. At the end of each of its turns, a creature Brood Spells
can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. 3rd-Level Magnifex Brood Feature
If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
it, the creature is immune to your Commanding Presence You learn the eldritch blast and thaumaturgy cantrips.
for the next 24 hours. Additionally, you learn a number of spells that you can
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest cast with your Brood Rune, as indicated in the Magnifex
before you can use it again. Brood Spell table. These are dragon herald spells for you.


Magnifex Brood Spells Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you spend
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can
DRAGON SPELLS increase the damage of this feature’s natural attacks by one
additional die. For example, you could spend 3 points to
3rd charm person, color spray increase the slashing and fire damage of your mesmerizing
5th enhance ability, mirror image claws from 1d4 each to 2d4 each.
Or, if you spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a bonus
7th hypnotic pattern, major image
action, you can activate this feature a second time before
9th arcane eye, polymorph needing to finish a long rest.
11th geas, seeming

Scintillating Aura
Crystalline Breath 10th-Level Magnifex Brood Feature
3rd-Level Magnifex Brood Feature Inspired by the Magnifex’s beguiling scales, you’ve learned
You can use your action to spit a stream of silvery-gray to magically generate a similar effect. As an action, mind-
bismuth in a line that is 5 feet wide and 30 feet long. Each altering power pours out of you and coalesces into a soft
creature in the area of the exhalation must make a Dexterity radiance that extends out to a 15-foot radius around you for
saving throw, taking 2d6 poison damage on a failed save, and 1 minute. Until the effect ends, the aura moves with you,
half as much damage on a successful one. centered on you.
The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th Each nonhostile creature of your choice within that aura
level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use this feature, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by
can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest. you. While charmed by this feature, a target is incapacitated
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 2 points and has a speed of 0. On a success, a creature is immune to
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, a creature your Scintillating Aura for 24 hours.
damaged by it must repeat the saving throw at the start of The effect ends on an affected creature if it takes any
its next turn or take damage equal to half as much as the damage, if someone uses an action to shake the creature out
original damage. of its stupor, or if it is no longer in the area of effect.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again.
Draconic Transformation Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 4 points you
6th-Level Magnifex Brood Feature spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you
As you grow closer to the Magnifex, you learn to manifest can increase the radius of your aura by 5 feet.
draconic attributes for a short time. As a bonus action, you
gain one of the attributes described below for 1 minute Crystalline Field
(requires concentration as if using a spell). Once you use this 14th-Level Magnifex Brood Feature
feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
If the selected attribute is a natural weapon, it counts as Emulating the Magnifex’s command over crystals, you
a simple melee weapon for you, and you add your Strength use an action to cause a number of spikes of gray crystal
modifier to the attack and damage rolls when you attack equal to your proficiency bonus to erupt out of the ground
with it, as normal. Your clothing and equipment magically within 100 feet of you. Each crystal is a spike that has a
adjust to accommodate your new physical form. diameter of 5 feet and height of 10 feet. You can choose the
When you activate this feature, you choose one of the location of each crystal. The crystals last for 1 minute before
following attributes: dissolving. During this duration, you can use a bonus
• Bismuth Wings. You manifest the iridescent metal wings action to dissolve one crystal and erupt a replacement in a
of a Magnifex dragon. For the duration, you gain a flying new location within range.
speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. If a crystal emerges in a space occupied by a creature, the
target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a successful
• Mesmerizing Claws. Your hands transform into save, the target moves 5 feet in a direction of their choice. On
shimmering scaled claws, each of which you can use as a failed save, the target takes 3d10 piercing damage and is
a weapon if it’s empty. Your claws are magical weapons restrained. A restrained creature can repeat the saving throw
that deal 1d4 slashing damage and 1d4 fire damage on a at the end of each of its turns, freeing itself on a success.
hit. Once on each of your turns, if you hit a target with Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
your claw attack, that foe has disadvantage on its next before you can use it again.
attack roll. Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 3 points you
• Scaling Stride. You can climb vertical surfaces and spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you
ceilings at half your speed without tools or needing to can summon one additional crystal.
make an ability check.
• Scorching Scales. Golden scales cover your body,
granting you resistance to fire damage.

Detonate Crystal Deathleech Breath
18th-Level Magnifex Brood Feature 3rd-Level Nix Brood Feature
When a creature you have restrained using your Crystalline Channeling Vaala to emulate the Nix dragons, you can
Field feature successfully breaks free of its crystal, you can use use your action to exhale a blast of necrotic fumes. Each
your reaction to cause that crystal to explode into shards. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving
creature within 10 feet of the crystal must make a Dexterity throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 necrotic
saving throw, taking 4d6 slashing damage on a failed save, damage, and for each creature that fails this save, you
or half as much on a successful one. The damage from this regain 1d4 hit points. On a successful saving throw a
feature is magical. Once detonated, that crystal shard can’t be
creature takes half as much damage, and you do not regain
dissolved and reformed until you finish a long rest.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 2 points from
hit points.
your Vaala pool that you spend when you use this feature, The damage (and amount of hit points recovered)
the slashing damage increases by 1d6. increases to 3d6 (2d4) at 6th level, 4d6 (3d4) at 11th
level, and 5d6 (4d4) at 16th level. After you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you complete a short
or long rest.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 3 points you
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
Nix Brood you can increase the size of the cone by 15 feet, up to a
maximum cone size of 90 feet.
Those who venerate the Nix know that the struggle between
life and death is the turning point around which all of Draconic Transformation
creation revolves. Some follow this path to embrace the
necromantic powers refined by the Nix, others seek to 6th-Level Nix Brood Feature
harness that same might for the betterment of all. As one As you grow closer to the Nix, you learn to manifest draconic
who follows this brood, you study the interplay between the attributes for a short time. As a bonus action, you gain one
living and dead, searching for new wisdom and techniques. of the attributes described below for 1 minute (requires
Nix heralds tend to be patient and secretive, well versed in concentration as if using a spell). Once you use this feature,
the superstitions and narrow-minded views of those too you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
limited to understand their great works. If the selected attribute is a natural weapon, it
counts as a simple melee weapon for you, and you add
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool your Strength modifier to the attack and damage rolls
when you attack with it, as normal. Your clothing and
3rd-Level Nix Brood Feature equipment magically adjust to accommodate your new
When you select this venerated brood, you gain a Mote of physical form.
Affinity in a Vaala aspect of your choice. Additionally, your When you activate this feature, you choose one of the
Vaala point maximum increases by 2. following attributes:
When you reach 14th level, you gain another Mote of
Affinity in the aspect you chose at 3rd level and your Vaala • Absorption Rune. You mimic one of the runes used
point maximum increases by 2. by the Nix. When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning,
or thunder damage, you have advantage on the next
saving throw against an effect that causes damage of
Brood Spells that type, until the start of your next turn. If you are
3rd-Level Nix Brood Feature affected by a different damage type from that list while
You learn the chill touch and spare the dying cantrips. this feature is active, the new damage type replaces the
Additionally, you learn a number of spells that you can cast previous one.
with your Brood Rune, as indicated in the Nix Brood Spell • Necrotic Claws. Your hands transform into claws made
table. These are dragon herald spells for you. from necrotic shadows, each of which you can use as a
weapon if it’s empty. Your claws are magical weapons
Nix Brood Spells that deal 1d8 necrotic damage on a hit. Once on each of
DRAGON your turns, if you hit a target with your claw attack, you
HERALD LEVEL can make one additional claw attack with disadvantage
3rd false life, inflict wounds on the attack roll as part of the same action.
5th blindness/deafness, ray of • Undead Nature. You don’t require air, you have
enfeeblement resistance to necrotic damage, and you are immune to
7th animate dead, revivify effects that would cause you to sleep.
9th blight, death ward
11th contagion, raise dead


• Wings of Shadow. You manifest wings of magical Bloodspear Rune

shadow. For the duration, you gain a flying speed
18th-Level Nix Brood Feature
equal to your walking speed and can hover.
You learn to trace a crude replica of one of the Nix runes
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you
to hinder your foes. When you are hit by an attack from
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
a creature you can see, you can use your reaction to
you can increase the damage of this feature’s natural
transform your spilled blood into three spears of crimson
attacks by one additional die. For example, you could
crystal that lance out at your foes. You can hurl each spear
spend 3 points to increase the damage of your necrotic
at the same target or different targets.
claws from 1d8 to 2d8.
Make a ranged spell attack for each crystal spear using
Or, if you spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a
your rune attack modifier. On a hit, the target takes 2d6
bonus action, you can activate this feature a second time
necrotic damage and is poisoned until the start of your
before needing to finish a long rest.
next turn.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
Call Undead Thralls long rest before you can use it again.
10th-Level Nix Brood Feature Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 2 points you
By funneling Vaala, you can manufacture a semblance of spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
life to create servants from the dead. As an action, you can you create one additional crystal spear.
animate up to two Undead creatures from corpses or piles
of bones within 30 feet. They rise as ghouls or specters
(your choice), and they are animated for 1 minute. On
each of your turns, the undead servants obey your mental Runes
commands if they are within 60 feet of you, acting on
The dragon herald runes described below are listed
your initiative, and they follow those orders until the
according to their common names, but their more formal
task is complete. If you issue no commands, the undead
names, used by the elder heralds, are also included.
only protect themselves against hostile creatures. After 1
minute, the undead creatures crumble to dust. Once you
use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before Aegis Rune (Halsa)
you can use it again. Prerequisite: –
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 4 points you Range: 30 feet
spend from your Vaala pool, you can summon another
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
ghoul or specter (your choice). The maximum number
of undead you can have active at a time is equal to your When you trace this rune, it appears as a small glowing
proficiency bonus. glyph on the skin of a willing creature. Choose one saving
throw. The target creature gains advantage on that saving
throw for the duration. You can only have one aegis rune
Rune of Death active on the same creature at a time.
14th-Level Nix Brood Feature Exploit. The wielder of this rune can use this exploit as
Inspired by the runes found on the bones of Nix dragons, a bonus action to end a condition on itself.
you magically inscribe a crude copy in the air. Every
creature of your choice within 60 feet must make a Alert Rune (Rask)
Constitution saving throw. A target takes 4d12 necrotic
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful Prerequisite: –
one. Undead creatures in the same radius gain temporary Range: Touch
hit points equal to half the damage dealt by your rune. Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
A Humanoid killed by this feature rises at the start of When you trace this rune as an action, you touch one
your next turn as a zombie for 1 minute. It is under your willing creature and magically inscribe a glyph on its skin.
control, following your mental commands to the best of For the duration of this rune, the marked creature gains
its ability and acting on your initiative. a bonus equal to half of your proficiency bonus on its
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest initiative rolls.
before you can use it again. Exploit. As a reaction, a creature marked with this
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 5 points you rune can use this exploit to immediately take the Dash,
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.
necrotic damage increases by 1d12.

Alter Arms Rune (Kjern) Exploit. The marked creature combines all of its
remaining glyphs into a volley of burning symbols. As an
Prerequisite: – action, the marked creature makes a single ranged spell
Range: Touch attack against a target that it can see within range using
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest your rune attack modifier. On a hit, the target takes 2d12
When you trace this rune as an action, you can choose fire damage for the first glyph and an extra 1d12 fire
one damage type and magically inscribe a glowing glyph damage for each remaining glyph, up to a maximum of
on a ranged or melee weapon. For the duration of this 7d12 fire damage.
rune, the marked weapon magically deals the type of
damage you choose, not its regular type.
Detection Rune (Avslor)
Exploit. When the wielder of a weapon bearing this
rune hits a target with that weapon, they can use this Prerequisite: —
exploit to deal additional damage of the same type as was Range: 60 feet
chosen when the rune was traced. The additional damage Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
totals a number of d6s equal to your proficiency bonus When you trace this rune, it appears as a small glowing
(maximum of 6d6). glyph on a point you choose within range that you can
see. For the duration of this rune, you immediately sense
the location of all creatures in a 30 foot radius around the
Armored Rune (Vakt)
rune as if using tremorsense. At the start of each of your
Prerequisite: – turns, you can choose to highlight one creature within
Range: Touch that radius with a mystical glittering light. This radiance
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest illuminates hidden and invisible creatures.
When you trace this rune as an action, it appears as a Exploit. As an action, you can collapse the rune’s
small glowing glyph on the skin of a willing creature. For magic around a creature highlighted by it. That creature
the duration of this rune, the creature gains a bonus to its must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained
AC equal to half of your proficiency bonus. until the end of your next turn.
Exploit. When an attacker hits a creature marked
with this rune, the marked creature can use this exploit to
Dispelling Rune (Skingra)
increase the bonus AC granted by this rune to equal your
full proficiency bonus for the triggering attack roll. Prerequisite: 7th-Level Dragon Herald
Range: Touch
Duration: Until you finish a long rest
Burning Rune (Eldregn)
When you trace this rune as an action, you touch one
Prerequisite: 7th-Level Dragon Herald willing creature and magically inscribe a glyph on its skin.
Range: Touch For the duration of this rune, the marked creature can cast
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest the dispel magic spell as an action using your runecasting
When you trace this rune, you touch one willing creature. ability. Once it does so, it must finish a short rest before it
A number of floating magical glyphs equal to your can do so again.
proficiency bonus appear and orbit around the creature’s Exploit. As an action, the marked creature can exploit
head for the duration. this rune to end one condition on itself or dispel an ongoing
The marked creature can use a bonus action to send 3rd-level spell (or lower) that it is suffering from.
one of the glyphs burning toward one target it can see Exploit. When a creature the marked creature can see
within 60 feet. When it does so, the creature makes a within 60 feet of it casts a spell, the marked creature can
ranged spell attack using your rune attack modifier. On use its reaction to exploit this rune and cast counterspell
a hit, the target takes 2d12 fire damage. Whether the using your runecasting ability.
marked creature hits or misses, one glyph is expended for
each of these attacks. The rune ends early if the last glyph
Feeble Rune (Acklas)
is expended.
When the marked creature takes a short rest, it can Prerequisite: —
spend a hit die to recover 1d4 glyphs. Range: 60 feet
Exploit. As an action, the marked creature can trigger Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
all of its remaining glyphs at once, sending each remaining When you trace this rune, choose one creature within
burning glyph at a different target of its choice that it can range that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw.
see within range, making a separate ranged spell attack On a failed save, this rune appears as a small glowing
using your rune attack modifier for each. Any glyphs not glyph on the forehead of the target.
used in this action vanish when the rune is exploited.


For the duration of this rune, whenever the target Keen Aim Rune (Udar)
makes an attack roll or a saving throw, the target must
subtract a number equal to half of your proficiency bonus Prerequisite: –
from the attack roll or saving throw (including those Range: Touch
made to end this effect). At the end of each of its turns, Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect When you trace this rune as an action, it appears as a small
on a success. glowing glyph on the surface of a weapon of your choice. For
Exploit. When the target marked with this rune the duration of this rune, the wielder of the weapon gains a
makes an attack roll or saving throw, you can use your bonus on attack rolls made with the weapon equal to half of
reaction to subtract double your proficiency bonus from your proficiency bonus.
the target’s roll. You can choose to use this exploit after Exploit. The wielder can choose to exploit this rune
the creature makes its roll but before the GM determines as part of an Attack action to gain advantage on all of its
whether the attack roll or saving throw succeeds or fails. attacks with the marked weapon until the beginning of its
next turn.
Healer’s Rune (Laka)
Prerequisite: – Luck Rune (Tur)
Range: Touch Prerequisite: 7th-Level Dragon Herald
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest Range: Touch
When you trace this rune as an action, you can touch one Duration: Until you finish a long rest
willing creature and magically inscribe a glyph on its skin. When you trace this rune as an action, you touch one
For the duration of this rune, when the marked creature willing creature and magically inscribe a glyph on its
regains hit points, whether by spending hit dice or skin. For the duration of this rune, the marked creature
through magical healing, it adds your proficiency bonus gains extraordinary good luck. The creature can reroll an
to the total amount it heals.
Exploit. When the marked creature takes damage, it
can use this exploit as a reaction. The marked creature
regains hit points totaling a number of d6s equal to your
proficiency bonus (maximum of 6d6).

Imbue Arms Rune (Hoja)

Prerequisite: 7th-Level Dragon Herald
Range: Touch
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
When you trace this rune, you touch one weapon and
inscribe a magical glyph upon it. For the duration of this
rune, the marked weapon has one of the following features,
selected when you trace the rune.
• Fjader: The weapon gains the light property.
• Hast: The ranged weapon ignores the loading property.
• Kret: The thrown weapon returns to the wielder’s hand
immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack.
• Sken: The weapon deals an additional 1d6 damage of a
type of your choice on a successful hit.
• Vig: The weapon gains the finesse property.
Exploit. As part of an Attack action, the wielder can
use this exploit to cause the weapon to ignore all damage
resistances of a target it hits until the beginning of the
wielder’s next turn.
Exploit. When the wielder makes a successful attack with
a weapon marked with this rune, it can use this exploit to
curse the target. Until the end of the wielder’s next turn, the
target has disadvantage on its attack rolls against the wielder.

ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that it fails and Regeneration Rune (Stiga)
must use the new roll. Once the marked creature uses this
ability, it must finish a short rest before it can use it again. Prerequisite: 7th-Level Dragon Herald
Exploit. If the rerolled ability check, saving throw, or Range: Touch
attack roll fails, the marked creature can immediately use Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
this exploit to reroll the die a second time, and it must use When you trace this rune as an action, you touch one
the new roll. willing creature and magically inscribe a glyph on its skin.
Exploit. As a reaction when a willing creature within For the duration of this rune, the marked creature regains
15 feet of the marked creature fails an ability check, saving 1 hit point every 10 minutes.
throw, or attack roll, the marked creature can use this Exploit. As an action, the marked creature can use
exploit to make the willing creature reroll the die, and it this exploit to choose itself or another creature within 5
must use the new roll. feet. The target regains hit points totaling a number of d6s
equal to half of your proficiency bonus.
Protective Sphere Rune (Omvanda) Exploit. As an action, the marked creature can use this
exploit to make a melee spell attack against a target it can
Prerequisite: 14th-Level Dragon Herald touch using your rune attack modifier. On a hit, the target
Range: Self takes a number of d6s of necrotic damage equal to your
Duration: 10 minutes proficiency bonus.
When you trace this rune as an action, you surround
yourself with a semi-transparent sphere of intertwining
Shackle Rune (Atarep)
glyphs. The sphere moves with you and requires
concentration to maintain. For the duration of this rune, Prerequisite: 14th-Level Dragon Herald
any spell of 4th level or lower cast from outside the sphere Range: 100 feet
can’t affect you within the sphere, even if the spell is cast Duration: 1 minute
using a higher level spell slot or it’s a spell that affects all When you trace this rune, a huge invisible glyph
creatures within an area. covers a 60 foot radius around a point you choose within
Exploit. As a reaction when you are targeted by a spell range. Each creature of your choice within that radius
of 4th level or lower, you can use this exploit to absorb must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a
the spell, negating the spell’s effects and regaining one creature is enveloped in crackling bands of energy, taking
use of your runes. You can gain more uses of your runes 5d12 lightning damage and being restrained for the
than indicated on the Runes Cast column of the Dragon duration. On a successful save, a creature takes half as
Herald table, up to a maximum equal to your proficiency much damage and is not restrained.
bonus. All rune uses gained in this way are lost when you At the beginning of each of its turns, a restrained
finish a short or long rest. Using this exploit does not end creature must repeat the saving throw, taking 2d12
this rune. lightning damage and remaining restrained on a failed
Exploit. As a reaction when you are targeted by a spell save, or ending the effect on itself on a successful one.
of 4th level or lower, you can use this exploit to magically Exploit. At the beginning of a restrained creature’s
copy that spell into your sphere of glyphs. On your turn, turn, you can use a reaction to magically teleport all
you can use an action to cast that same spell, using the restrained creatures to different unoccupied spaces
original caster’s spellcasting ability and spell save DC. At within the radius of the rune. This exploit does not end
the end of your next turn, you lose the ability to cast this the rune, but you can only use this exploit once per
spell. Using this exploit does not end this rune. tracing of this rune.
Exploit. As an action, you can use this exploit to Exploit. When you hit a restrained creature with a
expand your sphere of glyphs out to a radius of 30 feet melee weapon attack, you can use this exploit to cause all
for 1 minute. The sphere stops moving with you and restrained creatures to take the same damage as the target
becomes static. The area within the sphere is under the of your melee weapon attack.
same effect as the antimagic field spell. Using this exploit Exploit. You can use an action to focus all of the rune’s
shortens the duration of this feature to a number of magic on a single foe with this exploit. A single restrained
rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, but it does not target immediately takes 2d12 lightning damage plus
end this rune immediately. 2d12 for every other restrained creature in the radius of
your rune.


Shieldwall Rune (Pansar) Stonefield Rune (Vass)

Prerequisite: 14th-Level Dragon Herald Prerequisite: –
Range: 30 feet Range: 60 ft
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 minute
When you trace this rune as an action, you can choose When you trace this rune as an action, a small glowing
a number of willing creatures up to your proficiency glyph appears on a point that you can see within range.
bonus that you can see within range. These targets gain a Sharp stones erupt from the ground in a 15-foot radius
glowing glyph on their armor or clothing for the duration. around the rune for the duration, causing the area to
Each target gains a +1 bonus to their AC. become difficult terrain.
Moreover, at the start of each of your subsequent When the stones appear, each creature within the
turns, you can redistribute the total amount of bonus area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking piercing
AC among the marked creatures. You can choose to give damage equal to 2d6 plus your proficiency bonus on a
no bonus AC to some creatures when you do so, but no failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
single creature can receive the entire pool of bonus AC. For the duration, when a creature enters the area for
For example, if 5 creatures are marked by this rune at the the first time, or starts its turn there, it must make the
start of your turn, you could give one target +4 to their same saving throw.
AC, while another creature could gain +1. Exploit. When a creature starts its turn within the area
Exploit. As a bonus action, a creature marked with this of this rune, you can use this exploit as a reaction to cause
rune can use this exploit to gain advantage on their next the stones to explode. Each creature in the area must make
attack. Using this exploit ends the rune for the marked a Dexterity saving throw, taking piercing damage equal to
creature, reducing the pool of available bonus AC by 1, 4d6 plus your proficiency bonus on a failed save, or half as
but it does not end the rune for other marked creatures. much damage on a successful one.
Exploit. As a reaction when a creature marked
with this rune is attacked by a creature it can see,
the marked creature can use this exploit to impose Viscous Rune (Falla)
disadvantage on the attack roll. Using this exploit ends Prerequisite: –
the rune for the marked creature, reducing the pool of Range: 10 feet
available bonus AC by 1, but it does not end the rune Duration: Up to 1 hour per dragon herald level
for other marked creatures.
When you trace this rune, it appears as a small glowing
Exploit. When a creature marked with this rune hits
glyph on a surface you can see within range.
a target with a weapon attack, it can use this exploit to
The rune is nearly invisible to all creatures apart from
force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw against
you and requires a successful Intelligence (Investigation)
your rune save DC. On a failed save, the marked creature
check against your rune save DC to be found. You can
loses its AC bonus from this feature, reducing the pool of
designate a number of creatures equal to your dragon
available bonus AC by the same amount, and the target’s
herald level that do not trigger the rune.
AC is also reduced by the same amount until the end of
For the duration of this rune, when a creature you
the marked creature’s next turn.
haven’t designated approaches within 10 feet of the rune,
it triggers, creating a magical adhesion effect in the area.
Skilled Rune (Oka) All creatures within 10 feet of the rune must succeed on
Prerequisite: – Dexterity saving throws against your rune save DC or
Range: Touch be restrained. At the end of each of its turns, a restrained
creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
Duration: Until you finish a short or long rest
itself on a success.
When you trace this rune as an action, you choose Exploit. As an action while one or more creatures
one skill and magically inscribe a glyph on the skin of a are restrained by your Falla rune, you can detonate the
willing creature. For the duration of this rune, the marked glyph. All restrained creatures in the radius of the rune
creature gains a bonus equal to half of your proficiency must repeat the Dexterity saving throw, taking a number
bonus on ability checks using that skill. of d6s in radiant damage equal to half of your proficiency
Exploit. If the creature marked with this rune fails an bonus on a failure (minimum of 1d6), or half as much on
ability check involving the skill you selected, it can use a successful save.
this exploit to immediately reroll the die, and it must use
the new roll.

Vaala Adept
Raising an eyebrow at his audience, a human holds up
his palm, focuses his imagination, and forms a sparkling
gemstone out of nothing.
Dodging the swipe of the beast’s claws, an allai
transforms her arm into a pillar of fire and brings it down
upon the head of her foe.
In the nearby darkness, a nwoda touches his finger to
his forehead and, without a word, encourages the guard to
walk away from her post.
In Valerna, spellcasters of all different disciplines touch
the three aspects of Vaala, the wellspring of all magic and
life itself, to cast their spells. None reach as deeply into
that source as the Vaala adepts. These focused spellcasters
devote themselves to one of the three aspects of Vaala.
Where wizards define themselves by the spells they
cast and clerics venerate their ideals, the adepts are the
supreme explorers of Vaala’s potential.
As a Vaala adept, your abiding passion is to grow
your connection to your chosen aspect, safeguard Vaala
from any who misuse it, and to expand the breadth of
magical knowledge.

Class Features
As a Vaala adept, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Vaala adept level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per Vaala adept level after 1st

Armor: None
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History,
Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
• (a) a quarterstaff or (b) any simple melee weapon
• (a) a component pouch or (b) a spellcasting focus
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
• (a) a journal or (b) a historical tome

Vaala Adept
1st +2 Aspect Doctrine, 4 2 - - - - - - - -
Replenish (one
2nd +2 Shape Vaala (one 4 3 - - - - - - - -
use), Aspect
3rd +2 – 4 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score 5 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 Advanced Studies 5 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Shape Vaala (two 5 4 3 3 - - - - - -
uses), Aspect
7th +3 – 5 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th +3 Ability Score 5 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 Aspect Feature 5 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Replenish (two 6 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
uses), Spellweave
11th +4 – 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th +4 Ability Score 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 Advanced Studies 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Aspect Feature 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 – 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th +5 Ability Score 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 Aspect Feature 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Shape Vaala (three 6 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Im- 6 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Vaala Master 6 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1

Aspect Doctrine you gain a doctrine spell, you always have it prepared and it
doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare
1st-Level Vaala Adept Feature each day. All doctrine spells are Vaala adept spells for you.
At 1st level, you choose one Vaala aspect as your focus:
Dream, Source, or Will. Your choice grants you aspect
doctrine spells and features when you choose it at 1st level. It
also grants you additional ways to use Shape Vaala when you 1st-Level Vaala Adept Feature
gain that feature at 2nd level and additional features at 6th, As a conduit for Vaala, you can cast Vaala adept spells.
9th, 14th, and 17th levels. The doctrines are described at the
end of the class description.

Aspect Spells At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from
the cleric, druid, or wizard spell lists. These spells become
Each aspect doctrine has a list of spells that you gain at the Vaala adept spells for you. You learn additional cantrips
Vaala adept levels noted in the doctrine description. Once of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips
Known column of the Vaala Adept table.

Preparing and Casting Spells Spellcasting Focus
The Vaala Adept table shows how many spell slots you You can use an arcane focus or a holy symbol (usually
have to cast your Vaala adept spells of 1st level and higher. exemplifying a philosophy or concept in Valerna) as a
To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spellcasting focus for your Vaala adept spells.
spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of Vaala adept spells that are Replenish
available for you to cast from among the spells on the 1st-Level Vaala Adept Feature
cleric, druid, and wizard spell lists. These spells are Vaala You have learned to tap into the flow of Vaala to restore
adept spells for you. To do so, choose a number of Vaala your pool of Vaala points. As a bonus action, you perform
adept spells equal to your ability score modifier for the a quick meditation and can regain Vaala points equal to
ability determined by the aspect doctrine you selected (see your proficiency bonus. Once you use this feature, you
“Spellcasting Ability”) + your Vaala adept level (minimum can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you Beginning at 10th level, you can use your Replenish
have spell slots. twice between rests. When you finish a short or long rest,
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Vaala adept who you regain your expended uses.
selected the Will aspect, you have four 1st-level and two
2nd-level spell slots and use Charisma as your spellcasting
ability. With a Charisma of 16, your list of prepared Shape Vaala
spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any 2nd-Level Vaala Adept Feature
combination. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from You gain the ability to concentrate and focus Vaala for a
your list of prepared spells. short time, shaping that energy to produce magical effects.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you You start with two such effects: Adaptive Aegis and an
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Vaala adept spells additional Shape Vaala effect determined by your Aspect
requires time spent meditating on the nature of Vaala: at Doctrine feature. You will gain a third Shape Vaala effect
least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. from your chosen aspect doctrine at 9th level as well.
When you use Shape Vaala, you choose which effect
Spellcasting Ability to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use
your Shape Vaala again.
The spellcasting ability for your Vaala adept spells is Some Shape Vaala effects require saving throws. When
determined by which Vaala aspect you choose to focus on, you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your
as determined in the Aspect Doctrine feature. Vaala adept spell save DC.
• Dream (Intelligence) Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Shape Vaala
• Source (Wisdom) twice between rests, and beginning at 18th level, you can
• Will (Charisma) use it three times between rests. When you finish a short
or long rest, you regain your expended uses.
The power of your spells comes from your intense
study and meditations on your chosen aspect of Vaala. You
use the ability indicated by your chosen aspect whenever Shape Vaala: Adaptive Aegis
a Vaala adept spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or
addition, you use the modifier for your spellcasting ability
thunder damage you can use your Shape Vaala as a
when setting the saving throw DC for a Vaala adept spell
reaction to immediately gain resistance to that damage
you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
type until the beginning of your next turn.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Vaala Augmentation (Any). If you spend 2 points
spellcasting ability modifier from your Vaala pool as part of the reaction you use to
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your activate this feature, your next weapon attack deals an
spellcasting ability modifier additional 1d6 damage of the same type.

Ritual Casting Ability Score Improvement

You can cast a Vaala adept spell as a ritual if that spell has 4th-Level Vaala Adept Feature
the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this Dream Doctrine Spells
feature to take a feat of your choice instead.
Advanced Studies 1st silent image, sleep
5th-Level Vaala Adept Feature 3rd detect thoughts, misty step
You have expanded your connection to Vaala to such an 5th hypnotic pattern, major image
extent that you dabble in its other forms. Choose one 1st 7th arcane eye, phantasmal killer
or 2nd level feature from an aspect doctrine you did not
9th dream, telepathic bond
choose at 1st level. You gain that feature.
At 13th level, you gain one feature of your choice of 9th
level or lower from an aspect doctrine you did not choose.
Dream Mote and Increased Vaala Pool
Spellweave 1st-Level Dream Doctrine Feature
When you adopt this doctrine, you gain a Mote of Affinity
10th-Level Vaala Adept Feature in Fai. Moreover, your Vaala point maximum increases by 4.
Thanks to your ever-growing ability to harness Vaala, you At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Fai
can manipulate multiple weaves of magic simultaneously. and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
When you use an action to cast a spell, you can also cast
another cantrip or 1st-level spell as part of the same action. Shape Vaala: Dreamcrafting
If the second spell cast is not a cantrip, you must expend
spell slots for both spells. This feature doesn’t allow you to 2nd-Level Dream Doctrine Feature
concentrate on more than one spell at a time. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Shape Vaala to
When you reach 12th level, and again at 14th, 16th, make your imagination real. You can meditate for 1
18th, and 20th level, the maximum level of the second spell minute, picturing a nonmagical, inanimate object that
cast increases by one. can fit entirely within a cube that is 10-feet on each
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest side. The object you picture must be one that you have
before you can use it again. seen before. An item created in this fashion has
no monetary value.
Vaala Master
20th-Level Vaala Adept Feature
You have become one with Vaala, its living avatar in the
mortal world and beyond. As an action, you can call upon
Vaala to alter reality when your need is great. Describe the
assistance or effect you seek. The GM chooses the nature
of the result; the effect of any Vaala adept spell or ability
would be appropriate as a baseline. If you use this feature,
you can’t use it again for 7 days.

Aspect Doctrine
As a Vaala adept, you focus your studies on one of the
aspects of Vaala—Will, Source, or Dream. Traveling the
world to practice your skills allows you to continue to
explore your chosen aspect, deepening your connection
with Vaala itself.

Dream Doctrine
The aspect of raw ideas, of unlimited potential and
unbound imagination. Through Dream, something quite
literally can come out of nothing.

The object appears on the ground in an unoccupied Vaala Augmentation (Fai). For every 4 points you
space you can see within 30 feet of you. It is visibly crude, spend from your Vaala pool when you activate this feature,
though perfectly functional, and obviously a creation of you can target an additional creature that you can see
magic (shining with a dim glow or similarly marked). The within 30 feet of the initial target. A creature can only be
object vanishes after 1 hour, if you use this feature again, targeted once per use of this feature.
or if you move more than 60 feet away from it.
When you reach 17th level, the objects created by your
Dreamcrafting last for 24 hours. Create Dreamsphere
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 2 points 17th-Level Dream Doctrine Feature
from your Vaala pool when you activate this feature, you Weaving Vaala as if it were thread, you create a dreamlike
can use it as an action. If you spend 4 points from your bubble that engulfs those around you. As an action, you
Vaala pool, the duration increases by a number of hours can create a sphere of Fai emanating from you in a 60-foot
equal to your proficiency bonus. radius that moves with you. Your Dreamsphere lasts for 1
minute and requires concentration to maintain. Once you
use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can
Awakened Inner Eye use it again.
6th-Level Dream Doctrine Feature Each creature of your choice within the sphere must
You can spend 3 points from your Vaala pool as a bonus make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, you
action to give yourself the ability to see invisible creatures determine the dream or nightmare the creature sees within
and objects (as per the see invisibility spell) for 1 hour. their minds, creating dream terrain and threats. Creatures
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long of your choice who enter the sphere or begin their turn
rest before you can use it again. within it must repeat the Intelligence saving throw. A
Moreover, when you use this feature at 11th level, you creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to
gain truesight and can notice secret doors hidden by magic. this feature for 24 hours. Creatures with truesight, who do
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you expend 2 additional not dream, or who have an Intelligence of 5 or lower are
points from your Vaala pool when you activate this feature, also immune to your Dreamsphere.
you can also grant another creature that you touch the same You can choose what sort of dream a creature
benefits of your Awakened Inner Eye. experiences and one effect the dream has on it, from the
following options:
Shape Vaala: Dreamstrike
Pleasant Dream
9th-Level Dream Doctrine Feature
You can use your Shape Vaala to bring forth nightmares • You grant it temporary hit points equal to 2d10 plus
into the minds of your foes. As an action, you focus on a your Vaala adept level.
creature you can see within 60 feet and force it to make an • You end one effect that is causing it to be charmed or
Intelligence saving throw. The creature takes 5d8 psychic frightened.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a • You grant it half cover from attacks originating outside
successful one. This feature has no effect on undead or the sphere until the beginning of its next turn.
constructs with an Intelligence score of 8 or lower.
• It takes 7d6 psychic damage.
• It is frightened of you until the beginning of its next turn.
• It is restrained until the beginning of its next turn.
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 6 points
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, creatures
within the area have disadvantage on their saving throws
against the effects of your Dreamsphere.


Source Doctrine Shape Vaala: Elemental Form

The aspect of raw materials, of elements and nature, and 9th-Level Source Doctrine Feature
also of life and death. Through Source, life evolves and Manipulating living flesh, you can use your ability to
seasons pass. shape Vaala to assume the form of an elemental. As a
bonus action, you magically transform into an Elemental
whose challenge rating is equal to or less than your level.
Source Doctrine Spells You can remain in your new form for a number of rounds
VAALA equal to half of your proficiency bonus or until you use a
ADEPT LEVEL bonus action to return to your normal form.
1st burning hands, cure wounds Your statistics are replaced by the statistics of the
3rd acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement chosen elemental. Your gear melds with your new form,
and you can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit
5th lightning bolt, revivify
from any of your equipment.
7th blight, ice storm You assume the hit points of your new form. When
9th mass cure wounds, wall of stone you revert to your normal form, you return to the number
of hit points you had before you transformed. If you
revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any
Source Mote and Increased Vaala Pool
1st-Level Source Doctrine Feature
When you adopt this doctrine, you gain a Mote of
Affinity in K’aab. Moreover, your Vaala point maximum
increases by 4.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in
K’aab and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Shape Vaala: Vitality Transference

2nd-Level Source Doctrine Feature
You can use your Shape Vaala to manipulate the life
energy of a dying foe. When a creature within 30 feet of
you that you can see dies from a weapon or spell attack,
you can use your Shape Vaala as a reaction to restore hit
points to another creature you can see within 30 feet of
you equal to 1d6 plus your proficiency bonus.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 2 points you
spend from your Vaala pool when you activate this feature,
you can add 1d6 to the amount of hit points restored.

K’aab Aegis
6th-Level Source Doctrine
As an action, you can spend 3 points from your Vaala
pool to give yourself resistance to any one of the
following damage types: cold, fire, force, lightning,
necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. This effect
lasts until you finish a short or long rest.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you expend 3
additional points from your Vaala pool when you activate
this feature, you can grant another creature you touch
resistance to the same damage type as the one you chose
for your K’aab Aegis.

excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long
as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to Will Doctrine
0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious. The aspect of raw power, of plans and politics, by which
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 4 points individuals change the world through their drives and
from your Vaala pool when you activate this feature, you decisive actions.
can remain in your elemental form for up to 1 minute.
Will Doctrine Spells
Twinned Aegis VAALA
17th-Level Source Doctrine Feature SPELLS
You improve your ability to protect yourself with Vaala as 1st command, shield
if using the sturdiest of shields. As a bonus action, choose 3rd hold person, suggestion
a pair of affiliated damage types from the following list.
For 1 minute, you are immune to both damage types. 5th counterspell, nondetection
• Radiant and necrotic 7th compulsion, polymorph
• Cold and fire 9th dominate person, greater restoration
• Lightning and thunder
• Acid and poison
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 6 points Will Mote and Increased Vaala Pool
you spend from your Vaala pool when you activate this 1st-Level Will Doctrine Feature
feature, you can give another creature that you can see When you adopt this doctrine, you gain a Mote of Affinity
within 30 feet of you immunity to in Id. Moreover, your Vaala point maximum increases by 4.
one of the damage types in the At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Id
pair you selected. and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Shape Vaala: Protective Ward

2nd-Level Will Doctrine Feature
You can use your Shape Vaala to shield yourself or
others from harm. As an action, you can touch a willing
creature and give it a bonus to its AC equal to half of your
proficiency bonus. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 2 points from
your Vaala pool when you activate this feature, the target
creature also has advantage on their next saving throw.

Mental Fortress
6th-Level Will Doctrine Feature
A powerful mind quickly learns to shrug off psychic
intrusions. As an action, you can spend 3 points from
your Vaala pool to render yourself immune to magic that
allows other creatures to read your thoughts, determine
whether you are lying, or magically spy upon you. This
effect lasts until you finish a short or long rest.


Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 3 points from An affected creature is only charmed or frightened as
your Vaala pool when you activate this feature, you can long as they are within the aura. If such a creature moves
grant another creature you touch the same benefits of your outside the aura, it is no longer charmed or frightened but
Mental Fortress. regains the condition if it reenters the aura.
On a successful saving throw, the target is unaffected
and is immune to your Beguiling Presence for 24 hours.
Shape Vaala: Reactive Control Vaala Augmentation (Id). While your Beguiling
9th-Level Will Doctrine Feature Presence is active, if you spend 6 points from your Vaala
When an attacker you can see within 60 feet of you pool as a bonus action, you can choose one of the creatures
targets you with a weapon or spell attack, you can use affected by your Beguiling Presence and dominate it (as
your Shape Vaala as a reaction to force the attacker to the dominate person spell) until the beginning of your next
make a Charisma saving throw against your Spell Save turn. This augmentation only functions once for each use
DC. On a failed save, the attacker instead makes its attack of Beguiling Presence.
against a target of your choice within range. If no other
target is within range, the attack or spell is wasted.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). When you activate this
feature as a reaction, if you spend 4 points from your
Vaala pool, you can use this feature when a weapon or
spell attack targets an ally you can see within 60 feet.

Beguiling Presence
17th-Level Will Doctrine Feature
As your connection to Vaala continues to grow, you gain
vast powers to instill charm or fear in others. As an action,
you project a beguiling aura in a 60-foot radius sphere
centered on you for 1 minute. Until the effect ends, the
aura moves with you, centered on you.
When the aura appears, each creature of your choice
within the area must make a Charisma saving throw against
your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, a creature is charmed
or frightened by you (your choice) for the duration. A
creature entering the aura for the first time must also make
this saving throw.
Valerna calls for heroes and people of all lineages, creeds, Using These Subclasses in Other Settings. The
Vaala aspects, and philosophies to rise to the challenge. In subclasses described in this section can easily be used in
this section are new options for the familiar array of core other 5e settings. If the GM does not wish to use Vaala
classes appropriate for a game set in Valerna or wherever augmentations, they can be ignored.
you wish.

New Subclasses


Barbarian: Path of Scars Increase your power through mystical scars.

Bard: College of Nightmares Manipulate the mind through waking dreams and beguile your foes.

Cleric: Battle Domain Your philosophy of war teaches you how to protect and support your fellow warriors.

Form mystical bonds with your companions to share your abilities, or copy the powers of
Druid: Circle of Change
your foes.
Inspire your companions to greater excellence, and harness the audience’s thrill to enhan-
Fighter: Gladiator
ce your skills.

Monk: Way of the Covenant Protect the world from ravaging dragons using powers inspired by the wyrms themselves.

Monk: Way of the Eight Paths Follow one of eight paths of enlightenment to unlock the might within.

Paladin: Oath of Radiance Push back the darkness by channeling the power of light.

Ranger: Fai Hunter Hunt the capricious feydh with your loyal qirin mount.

Ranger: Shadowstalker Dance in and out of the darkness to strike unseen and vanish like a spirit.

Rogue: Crimson Hawk Spellblade Combine subterfuge and arcana to gain an edge on your foes.

Rogue: Dreamspy Slip into the dreams of your targets to steal their thoughts or end their lives.

Sorcerer: Blood Sorcery Grab hold of the very essence of mortality to heal, control, manipulate, or destroy.

Warlock: The Fell Crown Don the mask of a patron of nightmares and wield the baleful power of dreams.

Wizard: Makaab Weaver Grasp the fabric of creation itself to magically shape the natural world.

Wizard: School of Entropy Delve into the cycles of birth, decay, and rebirth and dabble with the secrets of immortality.

Barbarian: Path of Scars
The scars and tattoos on your body tell the story of
your life, keep tally of your feats, and are a physical
representation of the power of your rage. Where other
barbarians rely on emotion or some external source for
their fury, you have learned to embrace the purity of pain
to shape Vaala with your rage. The ritualistic marks on
your body, while painful to acquire, stand as a mark of
your strength, a tribute to your power. This path originated
among the ancient Altanesi, but is still practiced by the
descendants of the auna in the Primalian Range and on
the Cursed Coast. Recently, scarred barbarians have seen a
resurgence in the Altanesi Ascendancy and beyond.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

3rd-Level Path of Scars Feature
When you choose this path at 3rd level, you gain a Mote of
Affinity in Id. Additionally, your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another
Mote of Affinity in Id and your Vaala
point maximum increases by 2.

Ritual Artist
3rd-Level Path of Scars Feature
Yours is a path that merges art with the body.
You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill if
you didn’t have it, and you also become
proficient in either calligrapher’s or
painter’s supplies.


Scars Transcribe Scar

3rd-Level Path of Scars Feature 6th-Level Path of Scars Feature
You can inscribe a magical mark into your flesh, called a scar, You can use special inks to give a companion a temporary
an enchanted sign of your strength and endurance. When copy of one of your scars. You can select one of your scars
you gain this feature you can inscribe one scar which can and take 10 minutes to inscribe a tattooed copy onto another
either be a mark carved into the skin or a symbol tattooed willing creature. The tattooed creature can activate this
with rare inks. Once inscribed, the scar is permanent. temporary magical mark as a bonus action, and the benefits
You gain the ability to inscribe an additional scar at are identical to the scar you chose to copy onto them, with
6th, 10th, and 14th levels. Each scar, unless the description the exception that they do not require the creature to rage.
notes otherwise, can be taken only once. The temporary mark is active for a number of rounds equal
Blade. This scar flaunts your combat ability. Your melee to half of your proficiency bonus. Once this duration ends, or
attack rolls can’t have disadvantage while you’re raging. the creature finishes a long rest, the temporary mark vanishes.
Dragon. This scar tells the story of your massive Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
strength and power. You gain an additional +1 bonus to before using it again.
your rage damage. If you have more than one of these scars, Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 3 points you spend
the bonuses stack. from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can
Fire. As fire means life to many, this scar is a reminder give a temporary scar to an additional willing creature.
of your stubborn refusal to die. While you are raging, if
you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you Suppress Scar
immediately stabilize. Once you use this scar’s effect, you
must finish a long rest before you can use it again. If you 10th-Level Path of Scars Feature
have more than one of these scars, when you are reduced to You gain the ability to temporarily suppress the effects of
0 hit points, you regain 1d6 hit points for each fire scar you the scars on your body, sacrificing its power to aid yourself.
have beyond the first. As a reaction, you gain one of the following benefits for
Gemstone. This scar is the mark of magical secrets. each of your scars that you suppress:
Choose one cantrip from the wizard or cleric spell list. You • Regain 1d6 hit points plus an additional 1d6 hit points
now know that cantrip and can cast it using your character for each scar you suppress for this benefit after the first
level as the spellcaster level and your Constitution as the • Remove a condition on yourself
spellcasting ability.
Hammer and Anvil. This scar represents your overall • Reroll a failed ability check or saving throw and use the
toughness. While you are raging, you gain a +1 bonus to new roll
your Unarmored Defense AC. If you have more than one of You lose all benefits from each suppressed scar until you
these scars, the bonuses stack. finish a long rest.
Mountain. This scar is a mark of fortitude. While
you are raging, after you take damage of a type other than Living Scar
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, you gain resistance to that
damage type until the rage ends. You can only have one such 14th-Level Path of Scars Feature
resistance at a time. If you take damage of a different eligible You can magically animate your scars as if they had a life of
damage type, your resistance shifts to that type of damage. their own. When you enter a rage, one scar of your choice
Open Eye. This scar reflects the opening of your inner eye. leaps from your body, the tissue or ink forming into the
While you are raging, you have advantage on ability checks shape of any Beast that has a challenge rating of 1 or lower
made to spot invisible or magically concealed creatures. for 1 minute. During this time, you do not receive the
Web. This scar reflects your talents and skills. You either benefits of the scar you selected.
gain proficiency in a skill of your choice or choose a skill The Beast obeys your commands as best as it can and
you already have proficiency in and double your proficiency takes its turn on your initiative. On your turn, you can
bonus in that particular skill while you are raging. If you have telepathically command the Beast where to move and to
more than one of these scars, you must choose a take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, or Help action (no action
new skill for each additional scar. required by you).
World Tree. This scar shows you have If you are incapacitated or absent, the Beast acts on its
endured and survived. When you enter a own, focusing on protecting you and itself. If the Beast
rage, you gain temporary hit points equal drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no
to your proficiency bonus plus your physical form. Once you use this feature, you must finish a
Constitution modifier. If you have more short or long rest before you can use it again.
than one of these scars, you can add 10 Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 5 points you
additional temporary hit points for each spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
scar beyond the first. the maximum CR of the Beast shape your scar assumes
increases by 1.

Bard: College of Nightmares
The first College of Nightmares was born in the deep and
hidden Fell courts of the Fai Woods, where bards learned to
use Fai to insidiously sap the will of their targets as they slept
and even to enter waking minds. The knowledge of this art
has spread, attracting dreamers and ne’er-do-wells alike. You
are a singer of dreams, a piper of the night. Your music slips
into the mind, calling on others to listen and lower their
guard to your whispered song.


Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool Insidious Whispers

3rd-Level College of Nightmares Feature 6th-Level College of Nightmares Feature
When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain a When a target of an enchantment or illusion spell you
Mote of Affinity in Fai. Additionally, your Vaala point cast succeeds on a saving throw against the spell, you
maximum increases by 2. can use your reaction to expend one of your uses of
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Fai Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and
and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. subtracting the number rolled from the creature’s saving
throw result, potentially causing them to actually fail the
save. The creature is immune if it can’t hear you or if it’s
Invasive Words immune to being charmed.
3rd-Level College of Nightmares Feature Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 3 points
Your words carry extra weight. You gain advantage on from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, it doesn’t
one Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check. Once expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration.
you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest
before using it again. Waking Dream
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 2
14th-Level College of Nightmares Feature
points from your Vaala pool after you fail a Charisma
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check, you can reroll your As an action, you can choose a living creature that you
check and must use the new roll. can see within 60 feet and pull their mind into a quasi-
dream state. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw against your bard spell save DC or be stunned for 1
Eldritch Dreams minute while their mind enters a world formed from their
3rd-Level College of Nightmares Feature dreams or nightmares.
You know the sleep spell if you didn’t know it already. At the beginning of each of its turns, a stunned target
You also learn spells from the College of Nightmare takes 4d12 psychic damage. If the stunned target takes
Spells table as you advance in level. These spells don’t damage from any source other than the Waking Dream,
count toward your limit of known spells and always it can repeat the Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect
count as bard spells for you. on a success.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
College of Nightmares Spells Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 5 points
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can
BARD LEVEL SPELLS select a second target within 30 feet of the first target.
3rd calm emotions, suggestion,
5th fear, sending

7th compulsion, confusion

9th dream, phantasmal killer

*New spell found in this book.

Cleric: Battle Domain
The purpose of a battle philosophy is not the search for
ways to kill but to protect, support, and strengthen your
companions upon the field of war. By exploring all of
the various facets of combat, you have learned to channel
Vaala in order to manipulate the outcome of conflicts as
they happen. Other priests can heal with their spells.
Paladins can channel power into their attacks.
Warriors can exhibit martial skill. As a warpriest,
you touch on all of these aspects, blending them
into a unified whole that makes you the true
master of the battlefield.

Battle Domain Spells

1st heroism, hunter’s mark
3rd blur, enlarge/reduce

5th counterspell, haste

7th fire shield, hallucinatory terrain
9th cloudkill, wall of force

Vaala Mote and Increased

Vaala Pool
1st-Level Battle Domain Feature
When you adopt this domain, you gain a Mote
of Affinity in one Vaala aspect of your choice.
Once you make this choice you can’t change
it. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum
increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in
the aspect you selected at 1st level and your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.

Bonus Proficiencies
1st-Level Battle Domain Feature
When you choose this domain, you gain proficiency with
martial weapons and heavy armor.

Retribution Riposte
1st-Level Battle Domain Feature
Your protective spirit drives you to remain vigilant over
your companions on the field of war, prompting swift
vengeance against any who injure them. When a creature
you can see deals damage to a nonhostile creature, you can
use your reaction to cast a cantrip or make a weapon attack
against the attacking creature with a weapon you hold in
your hands.


Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). When you use

your reaction for this feature, instead of the effect described Warmaster Techniques
above, you can spend a number of points from your Vaala SPELL SLOT
pool to cast a spell on the nonhostile target of the triggering LEVEL
attack. You must spend a number of Vaala points equal to 2nd or lower Weapon attacks against the target
the level of the spell you choose to cast. creature have disadvantage
3rd or 4th The target gains an additional
Channel Divinity: Battle Trance weapon attack when using the
Attack action.
2nd-Level Battle Domain Feature
5th or 6th The target can choose to succeed
You can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action to enter on the first saving throw it fails.
a mystical trance for 1 minute. Maintaining your battle trance
requires concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), 7th or higher The target gains an additional
action to take on its turn.
and you can’t cast spells while using it.
When you enter your trance, and at the beginning
of each of your turns while your trance is active, choose
a number of creatures (that can include you) up to Vaala Strike
your proficiency bonus that you can see within 30 feet 8th-Level Battle Domain Feature
of you. You grant each of the creatures you selected a You gain the ability to channel Vaala into your weapon,
single benefit of your choice from the list below until the infusing your strikes with energy. Once on each of your
beginning of your next turn. Each target can be granted a turns, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you
different benefit. can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 damage of any
• Gain a bonus to AC equal to half of your proficiency damage type you choose. When you reach 14th level, the
bonus extra damage increases to 2d8. Weapon attacks made with
• Gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to half of your your Vaala Strike feature count as magical for the purpose of
proficiency bonus overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks
• Gain a bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to half of and damage.
your proficiency bonus Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). If you spend 3
• Gain a bonus to ability checks equal to half of your points from your Vaala pool when you make your Vaala Strike,
proficiency bonus a bolt of energy leaps from the target to a second creature of
• Gain a bonus to saving throws equal to half of your your choice that you can see within 5 feet of the first. The
proficiency bonus second creature also takes 1d8 damage (or 2d8 damage if you
• Gain a bonus to speed equal to 5 feet per each point of are 14th level or higher) of the type you selected.
your proficiency bonus
• Regain hit points equal to half of your proficiency Pillars of Carnage
bonus plus your cleric level 17th-Level Battle Domain Feature
You can choose to end your trance at the beginning of As an action, you utter a word that resonates with Vaala,
your turn. Otherwise, your battle trance ends early if you lose causing your power to scour the battlefield. Up to six
concentration, cast a spell, are knocked unconscious, or die. creatures you can see momentarily become pillars of radiant
Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). At the energy. Neither you nor the creatures within the pillars are
beginning of each of your turns when you select a trance harmed by the effect of this feature.
benefit, you can expend any number of points from your Every other creature within 15 feet of one of these
Vaala pool and increase that benefit’s bonus or the hit burning pillars must make a Constitution saving throw.
points it recovers by half that amount (rounded down). On a failed save, a creature takes 10 force damage plus 2d6
radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute. On a successful
Warmaster Techniques save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded. A
6th-Level Battle Domain Feature creature blinded by the pillars makes another Constitution
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful
Delving deeper into the connections with your companions, save, it is no longer blinded. Creatures can be targeted by
you’ve learned to bolster their abilities at the expense of your multiple burning pillars if their ranges overlap.
own spellcasting. As a bonus action, you can expend one spell Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
slot to grant a benefit to one willing creature that you can see before you can use it again.
within 30 feet of you until the beginning of your next turn.
The level of spell slot you must spend and the effect granted Vaala Pool Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). If you
are described in the Warmaster Techniques table. spend 6 points from your Vaala pool as a bonus action, you
Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). When you use can use this feature one additional time before you rest.
one of your Warmaster Techniques, if you spend a number
of points from your Vaala pool equal to the level of the spell
slot you expend, you immediately recover that spell slot.
Druid: Circle of Change
Many druids believe change is all that prevents the world
from sliding into a pit of stagnation or into the void of
the Null. Too much order, too much structure, and the
progress of evolution, the imagination of creation itself,
grinds to a halt. These druids point to stifling laws or cus-
toms, such as Allaria’s Eliadu, as examples of an unhealthy
shifting of the world toward rigid order. The only way to
counterbalance this is to embrace chaos. You are a follow-
er of change, but your path can be difficult. Some chaos
druids simply provoke change without thought, but you
know you must walk the knife’s edge between the drive
to promote change or diverse growth and the unintended
consequences of your actions.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

2nd-Level Circle of Change Feature
When you join this circle at 2nd level, you gain a Mote
of Affinity in K’aab. Additionally, your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in
K’aab and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Circle Spells
2nd-Level Circle of Change Feature
As you advance in level, you gain access to
additional spells granted by your K’aab
knowledge, as indicated in the Change
Circle Spells table. When you gain
access to one of these spells, you
always have it prepared, and it
doesn’t count against the number
of spells you can prepare each day.
If the spell is not a druid spell, it
counts as a druid spell for you.


Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 3 points you

Change Circle Spells spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
you can choose one additional creature to be linked and,
if it fails the saving throw, to be entangled as well. Each
1st command, hideous laughter targeted creature must be within 60 feet of you and be
3rd misty step, ray of enfeeblement
able to hear you.

5th bestow curse, counterspell

7th confusion, polymorph
10th-Level Circle of Change Feature
9th animate objects, telekinesis
You learn how to feel the reverberations in the natural
world caused by spellcasting and how to replicate certain
effects. When you see a creature casting a spell within 120
Chaotic Bond feet of you, you can use your reaction to roll an ability
2nd-Level Circle of Change Feature check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 +
You can form magical bonds of cooperation between the spell’s level. On a success, you immediately cast a copy
a group of allies by using a bonus action to choose a of the spell using the same attack modifiers, saving throw
number of friendly creatures that can hear you within 60 DCs, and similar statistics of the original spell. You use
feet of you equal to 1 + your proficiency bonus. Until the yourself as the point of origin to determine range, and you
bond ends, the targets are magically linked to you while can choose the target for your copy of the spell.
within 60 feet of you. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
The bond contains a number of change points equal to before you can use it again.
your proficiency bonus. When a linked creature makes an Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). When you use this
ability check or attack roll, but before the GM determines reaction, if you spend 4 points from your Vaala pool,
whether it succeeds or fails, the linked creature can expend you have advantage on the ability check made to copy
one or more change points to increase the roll result by the spell.
the number of change points expended. The bond lasts for
1 hour or until all change points have been expended. Bondshape
If a member of your bond moves more than 60 feet 14th-Level Circle of Change Feature
from you, they stop gaining the benefit of this feature but
are still considered to be part of the bond. They can gain You can share your bestial form with members of your
the benefit again when they return to within 60 feet of you. bond. When you use your Wild Shape feature, the
You can use this feature twice. You regain any creatures currently linked with your Chaotic Bond feature
expended uses when you finish a long rest. can also assume the same Beast shape. This shape change
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 2 points you
follows the same rules as your Wild Shape feature except
spend from your Vaala pool when you form your Chaotic that you and the linked creatures can only stay in Beast
Bond, you can increase your total number of change shape for a number of minutes equal to half your druid
points by 1. level (rounded down). Once you use this feature, you
must finish a long rest before using it again.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). For every 5 points you
Tangled Essence spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
6th-Level Circle of Change Feature you can increase the maximum challenge rating by 1
You can bond the lifeforce of your foes together. As an when determining which Beast form you can choose.
action, you choose two creatures that can hear you within
60 feet of you. You form a magical link between them for
1 minute, causing them each to be linked. Each linked
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against
your druid spell save DC or it also becomes entangled.
When a linked creature takes damage, each entangled
creature also takes half that damage. An entangled creature
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the entangled effect on itself on a success. It
remains linked for the duration of the effect.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.

Fighter: Gladiator
You have trained to fight in an arena, making a spectacle
of battle and excelling at imposing the towering force of
your will to get the better of your opponents. The most
famous gladiator schools are in Tyveria, where a warrior
may advance socially by distinguishing themselves in the
arena, and in Sikaria, where combat sports are the most
popular pastime of an otherwise detached and scientific
culture. When you are not seeking glory in the arena, you
keep your skills sharp by adventuring.


Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool and add the number rolled to the result. Once the creature
3rd-Level Gladiator Feature uses this bonus die, the Martial Inspiration effect ends. A
creature can only have one of these bonus dice at a time.
When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you gain a
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Mote of Affinity in Id. Additionally, your Vaala point
your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when
maximum increases by 2.
you finish a long rest.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Id
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 3 points from
and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the bonus die
increases to 1d10.
Arena Training
3rd-Level Gladiator Feature Victorious Exhilaration
You gain proficiency in the Performance skill. 10th-Level Gladiator Feature
Additionally, when you are wearing light armor or no
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can make
armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity
a Charisma (Performance) check and gain temporary hit
modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield
points equal to the result. Temporary hit points gained
and still gain this benefit.
from this feature stack, but they do not stack with any
other sources of temporary hit points.
Emboldened Performance If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points as the
3rd-Level Gladiator Feature result of a critical hit, you instead roll a Charisma
You gain a boost to your martial prowess when you have (Performance) check and gain temporary hit points
an audience. As a bonus action, you call upon a number of equal to the twice the result.
creatures that can hear you within 60 feet of you equal to Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 4 or more
half of your proficiency bonus (minimum of 1), requiring points from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
them to use their reactions to witness your actions. Until you gain additional temporary hit points equal to the
the beginning of your next turn, you gain a bonus to number of Vaala points you spend.
your attack rolls and damage rolls equal to the number of
creatures forced to use their reactions in this way. Martial Rally
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or 15-Level Gladiator Feature
long rest before you can use it again. You can use this When you roll initiative and have no uses of Action Surge
feature twice between short or long rests starting at 10th remaining, you regain one use.
level, and three times starting at 17th level. Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 5 points
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 2 points you from your Vaala pool when you regain your use of Action
spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, Surge, you also have advantage on your next attack roll.
you can call upon an additional creature.
Embellished Strikes
Martial Inspiration
18th-Level Gladiator Feature
7th-Level Gladiator Feature
You learn to land blows designed to play to a crowd. Once
You can inspire others through your prowess in combat. per round, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can roll a Charisma (Performance) check and
attack or successfully grapple or shove a creature, you can add the result to the weapon’s damage.
choose one creature, other than yourself, within 60 feet of Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you make two melee
you that can see you. weapon attacks in the same turn as you used your
On that target creature’s next turn, when it makes an Embellished Strikes feature, and the second attack hits a
ability check, attack roll, or damage roll, it can roll 1d8 creature, you can spend 6 points from your Vaala pool to
roll a Charisma (Performance) check. You then add the
result of the check to the damage of your second attack.
If you make a third melee weapon attack in the same
turn you used your Embellished Strikes feature and hit a
creature, you can spend 9 points from your Vaala pool to
make a Charisma (Performance) check. You then add the
result to the damage for your third attack.

Monk: Way of the Covenant
The fundamental philosophy of the Way of the Cove-
nant is twofold: Stand against the dragons who threaten
the world, and find and protect the dragonbonded. As
a follower of the Way of the Covenant, you might have
studied under the masters in the revered Temple of Ret
Sajuut, or you may have learned from one of the wan-
dering monks who follow this path. No matter how you
came to your skills, you seek to live your life by the creed
of the Dragonbonded Covenant.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

3rd-Level Way of the Covenant Feature
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain
a Mote of Affinity in Id. Additionally, your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Id
and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Draconic Insight
3rd-Level Way of the Covenant Feature
Your study of the various draconic broods and interactions
with dragonbonded pairs grants you knowledge and a
knack for communicating with the great wyrms. Choose
one Intelligence-based skill and gain proficiency in it.
Additionally, you have advantage on ability checks made
using the Intimidation or Persuasion skill when speaking
with draconic creatures.

Forms of the Dragon

3rd-Level Way of the Covenant Feature
Your training in martial arts teaches you how to channel
Vaala to imbue yourself with abilities inspired by the
draconic broods. You gain the following benefits.
Beguiling Forms. Moving your hands in swirling
patterns, you mimic the hypnotic movements of the
Magnifex brood. Using the Attack action, you can spend
2 ki points and choose one creature that can see you
within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or become charmed until the end of your
next turn. A creature charmed in this way is restrained.
If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack
action, this can replace one of them.
Bronze Scale Stance. As a reaction to a melee or
ranged weapon attack, you can spend 2 ki points to cover
your body in the copper or bronze scales of an Ehrlya
dragon. You can add your proficiency bonus to your AC
until the end of your next turn.


Desert Wyrm Dash. Inspired by the mighty Exor take the normal damage from the effect if you failed your
brood, you can burrow through the ground to deliver a saving throw.
punishing strike. When you use your action to Dash, you Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 3 points from
can spend 2 ki points to gain a burrowing speed equal your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can target a
to your walking speed. At the end of your Dash, you second creature within 30 feet of you to take the same amount
reemerge onto the surface, and you can use a bonus action of damage if they fail the same Dexterity saving throw.
to make one melee attack.
Insight of the Feathered Crown. As the Coatl are Forms of the Covenant
driven by a scholar’s curiosity, you can imbue your
11th-Level Way of the Covenant Feature
knowledge with Vaala. You can spend 2 ki points to gain
advantage on an Intelligence or Wisdom ability check. The mission of Oryan Yssan’s new, idealistic Dragonbonded
Radiant Eyes of Aureus. You can channel the Covenant inspires the ongoing development of your
brilliance of the Fulgen dragons into beams of light from martial arts. You gain the following benefits:
your eyes. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 ki points Covenant Shield. When you, or a nonhostile creature
and target one creature that can see you within 30 feet. you can see within 10 feet of you, are hit by an attack or
The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw an effect that deals damage, you can form a shield to blunt
or be blinded until the end of your next turn. the assault. You can spend 3 ki points as a reaction to
Spectral Touch of Transference. Studying the flow of surround yourself with an aura of protection that radiates
necrotic energy within the Nix dragons, you can use this 10 feet from you. You and your allies within the aura are
knowledge to absorb some of its lifeforce. As an action, immune to one damage type of your choice, including
you can spend 2 ki points to touch a willing creature damage of that type from the triggering attack. The aura
and roll your Martial Arts die. The target loses hit points lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
equal to twice the result, and you regain hit points equal Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 4 points from
to that number. your Vaala pool when you use this reaction, the radius of
If you instead spend 4 ki points you can use your the aura increases by 10 feet.
Spectral Touch of Transference against unwilling targets. Shelter of the Bond. As an action, you can touch
When you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, the a willing creature and spend 2 ki points to remove a
target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed condition from it or restore a number of hit points to it
save, you roll your Martial Arts die, and the target loses equal to three times your monk level. You must finish a
hit points equal to twice the result while you regain hit long rest before you can use your Shelter of the Bond again.
points equal to that number.
Wyrm Fury Strike
Divert the River 17th-Level Way of the Covenant Feature
6th-Level Way of the Covenant Feature Inspired by your study of dragons, you can channel
Much as the flow of water can be redirected, your martial elements from any and all of their broods into a single
arts teach how to change the path of magical energy. strike. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike,
When you succeed on a saving throw against an effect you can spend up to 12 ki points, applying one or
that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder more of the extra damage effects described below in any
damage, you can spend 2 ki points as a reaction to divert combination.
the damage you did not take toward a creature you can see • 2d8 acid damage (2 ki points)
within 30 feet of you. • 2d8 cold damage (2 ki points)
The target must make a Dexterity saving throw with • 2d8 fire damage (2 ki points)
a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
• 2d8 lightning damage (2 ki points)
modifier. On a failure, the target takes damage equal to the
amount that did not affect you from the original attack. • 2d8 poison damage (2 ki points)
For example, if you successfully save against an acid • 2d8 thunder damage (2 ki points)
splash cantrip, you divert the entire acid damage toward Once you use your Wyrm Fury Strike, you must finish
the new target. If you successfully save against a fireball a short or long rest before you can use it again.
spell, however, you divert half the damage (the half that Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 6 points
didn’t damage you) toward the new target. from your Vaala pool when you deal damage with your
When you reach 12th level in this class, even if you Wyrm Fury Strike, the target is also knocked prone. If you
fail the saving throw, you can still spend 2 ki points as a instead spend 12 points from your Vaala pool, the target is
reaction to copy half the damage you receive and send incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn.
it toward one creature you can see within 30 feet if the
creature fails the Dexterity saving throw above. You still

Monk: Way of the Eight Paths
In one ancient and mysterious sect of Valernian spiritualism, the
eight directions represent the natural cycles of the world and the
flow of Vaala through all living things. These ideals evolved from
similar beliefs of the Náhuinn, who often assign great cultural
meaning to the cardinal directions. The monks who follow the
Eight Paths embark on a journey of the spirit, each following a
different route toward enlightenment.
The Way of the Eight Paths is central to the Order of Fándred,
but versions of it have spread across Valerna. The Eight Paths are
philosophies about nature and one’s spirit. Each monk of the
order chooses one of these paths to follow, displaying powers and
abilities specifically related to that aspect. Monks of the Eight
Paths bear trinkets or tattoos representing their path, and most
wear gray-green hoods, a symbol of their pledge to follow the
tenets of the tradition.
As a monk of the Eight Paths, you choose your spiritual
route, and it is one unique to you, though others certainly
share similar pathways. You will unlock many abilities
and powers during your life-long journey toward ultimate

The Tenets of the Eight Paths

Each of the Eight Paths of Fándred follows a particular
philosophy and is linked with a tána spirit, a nature totem
embodying its beliefs.
The Branch. The path of protection. As we are greater
together than alone, you must stand for others and aid those
in need. Monks of the Branch heal with a touch and magically
shield the helpless. Their animal is the bear.
The Claw. The path of bravery. In the struggle against
injustice, you must be stalwart and without fear. Monks of
the Claw have great willpower and determination. Their
animal is the jaguar.
The Feather. The path of teaching. You must find peace
within, for only by knowing oneself can you lead others to
the truth. Monks of the Feather demonstrate instinctive
leadership, inspiring heroism in their companions. Their
animal is the eagle.
The Leaf. The path of perception. To understand the world
and protect it, you must always be aware. Monks of the Leaf
excel in investigations and tracking. Their animal is the wolf.
The Lightning. The path of strength. It is not enough
to merely stand in the way of disaster; you must always act
decisively and without hesitation. Monks of the Lightning
follow the most militaristic branch of the Eight Paths, and are
known for their ruthlessness. Their animal is the hawk.
The Moon. The path of understanding. Knowing only the
foolish accept as true that which they view but once, you must
always seek the truth below the surface. Monks of the Moon
possess nearly supernatural insight and abhor falsehoods. Their
animal is the snake.
The Stone. The path of endurance. Be direct and resolute in
the stream of adversity, and hardship will part around you like
water. Stone monks toughen their bodies and minds to withstand
anything that might assail them. Their animal is the boar.
The Wind. The path of movement. As the breeze is
unchained, so too must you be free of roots or attachments,
be they places, people, or your identity. Monks of the
Wind have incredible speed, both when traveling and when
fighting. Their animal is the deer.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool Disciple’s Discovery

11th-Level Way of the Eight Paths Feature
3rd-Level Way of the Eight Paths Feature
As you follow your chosen tradition, your spirit reaches
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain a
deeper into Vaala, the source of all. The token of your path
Mote of Affinity in K’aab. Additionally, your Vaala point
magically becomes larger or more ornate, or you receive a
maximum increases by 2.
second similar symbol of your dedication.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in K’aab
You gain a magical benefit based on the path you selected
and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
with your Initiate’s Insight feature. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you
Initiate’s Insight expend 3 ki points to use it again.
3rd-Level Way of the Eight Paths Feature The Branch. As a bonus action, you can touch a creature
Though the road you follow has eight branches, all lead and either restore a number of hit points equal to 4d6 plus
toward the truth, and you must select one to be your path. your proficiency bonus or remove one level of exhaustion.
You make or receive a physical representation of your chosen The Claw. As a bonus action, you remove any effect
path. An amulet, a trinket, or a tattoo are traditional options. causing the frightened condition from all creatures within 15
You choose one of the eight paths described below, and gain feet of you. If you remove at least one condition using this
its feature. feature, you can make one extra attack this turn when you
The Branch. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Medicine) use your Attack action.
checks and on saving throws against effects that deal The Feather. As a bonus action, an aura of heroism
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. emanates from you in a 30-foot radius, moving with you
The Claw. You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) until the beginning of your next turn. Each nonhostile
checks. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point to gain creature in the aura, including you, has advantage on their
advantage on a saving throw against becoming frightened. first attack roll on their turn.
The Feather. You gain advantage on Charisma The Leaf. As a bonus action, you gain tremorsense to a
(Persuasion) checks. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point range of 120 feet until the beginning of your next turn.
to gain advantage on a saving throw against becoming The Lightning. As a bonus action, you can charge your
charmed. blows with Vaala’s unending strength. When you make an
The Leaf. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) unarmed strike, any target you hit, and all hostile creatures
checks. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point to gain within 5 feet of that target, must make a Strength saving
advantage on a saving throw against becoming blinded or throw against your ki save DC or be knocked prone. You
deafened. retain this ability until the beginning of your next turn.
The Lightning. You can add your proficiency bonus to The Moon. As a bonus action, you gain truesight to a
your initiative rolls. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point range of 120 feet until the beginning of your next turn.
to gain advantage on any saving throw that might cause you The Stone. As a bonus action, you gain immunity to all
to fall prone. damage types except for force and psychic damage until the
The Moon. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) beginning of your next turn. If you expend ki points to use
checks. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point to gain this feature again before you finish a long rest, you must
advantage on a saving throw against illusion effects. expend 6 ki points instead of 3.
The Stone. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) The Wind. As a bonus action, you magically enhance
checks and on saving throws against becoming poisoned or your movement this round. For every 10 feet you move, you
gaining exhaustion. can magically teleport 30 feet to a place you can see. You
The Wind. You gain advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) retain this ability until the beginning of your next turn.
checks. As a reaction, you can spend 1 ki point to gain
advantage on a saving throw against becoming restrained or Eightfold Master
incapacitated. 17th-Level Way of the Eight Paths Feature
The token of your spiritual journey melds into your body,
Ki Smite becoming a unique, stylized tattoo, as your mind stretches
6th-Level Way of the Eight Paths Feature beyond the limitations of paths to begin the final steps
toward true enlightenment. At the end of a long rest, you can
When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can choose a total of two of the paths described in this subclass,
spend 1 ki point to roll your Martial Arts die and deal extra enabling you to use the Initiate’s Insight and Disciple’s
damage to the target equal to the result. You can use this Discovery features as though you are a member of both
feature only once on each of your turns. When you reach 12th paths. You can choose the path you originally selected plus a
level in this class, you instead roll your Martial Arts die twice new one, or you can choose two new paths, abandoning your
and deal extra damage to the target equal to the total result. old path. Each time you finish a long rest you can choose the
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 3 points same paths or new ones.
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the target Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). As an action, you can
spend 6 points from your Vaala pool and change one of your
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your ki paths for a different one.
save DC or be knocked prone.

Paladin: Oath of Radiance
When shadow threatens to cover the world, it is the
people’s task to kindle the light. Followers of the Oath of
Radiance believe the light of community, of the bonds be-
tween friends, family, and allies, will always push back the
deepest darkness. The Oath of Radiance was first codified
among the Galadyan knights of Ysval, when they turned
away from the Null, the corrupting herald of oblivion.
Today, paladins independent of Ysval revere and follow
the Oath of Radiance across Valerna. As a paladin of this
oath, you have sworn to protect the community, aid those
in need, promote generosity, fight against the null, and
always carry the light of hope in your heart.

Tenets of Radiance
You are sworn to protect life, faith, and
fellowship in a harsh world, as the bonfire
must be protected against the cold wind
and as the tiniest spark brightens the
darkest night. A paladin who takes
this oath carries a small leather manifesto
exploring the tenets of radiance.
Awaken the Light Within. Through
your allegiance to the other tenets of your
oath, kindle the light inside. Share your
illumination. Be an inspiration to others and
create hope and warmth. Shine as a beacon against
the darkness.
Bravery in Generosity. Share what is yours, and
find honor in serving those in need. The light shines
when one takes from oneself to give to others.
Glory to Serve. Assist those in need. Integrity is
tempered through acts that help others.
Strength through Community. Promote
and safeguard the community. Find strength in
alliances. Forge unity and purpose. A shattered
blade only cuts the wielder.
Vigilance against the Darkness. Be ever
watchful against any who seek to extinguish
the light. Root out those who threaten to bring
the Null into the world. Stand against any who
promote darkness.

Using the Null Outside

of the Dragonbond Setting
In the world of Valerna, the Null is a once and
future danger. It is nothingness itself, a force of
anti-creation. It beguiles the lost and hopeless,
and it seeks to destroy and unmake everything.
The paladins of the Oath of Radiance are uniquely
trained to combat the Null.
If you are using the Oath of Radiance in a
different setting, the Null can be represented as
ancient entities of destruction, such as Old Ones,
Elder Things, or similar eldritch beings. Aberrations
can easily be used in place of Null creatures.


Oath Spells Brilliant Excoriation

You gain oath spells from the Oath of Radiance Spells 7th-Level Oath of Radiance Feature
table at the paladin levels listed. Your connection to the light aids you in focusing strikes
against your foes. Once on each of your turns, when you
Oath of Radiance Spells hit a creature using your Divine Smite feature, a different
creature of your choice within 30 feet of you is immediately
highlighted in a pearlescent radiance. The next attack roll
3rd healing word, shield of faith made against this highlighted target before the end of your
next turn has advantage. At 18th level, two creatures of
5th lesser restoration, warding bond
your choice within 30 feet of you are illuminated.
9th counterspell, daylight Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). If you spend
13th banishment, guardian of faith 3 points from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
17th flame strike, greater restoration
you can outline an additional creature within 30 feet.

Blinding Censure
Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool
15th-Level Oath of Radiance Feature
3rd-Level Oath of Radiance Feature
The first time you deal radiant damage to a creature on
When you swear this oath at 3rd level, you gain a Mote
a turn, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
in a Vaala Affinity of your choice. Once you make this
choice, you can’t change it. Additionally, your Vaala point against your paladin spell save DC or be blinded until the
maximum increases by 2. end of its next turn. If you deal radiant damage to more
At 14th level, you gain another Mote in the Vaala Affinity than one creature simultaneously, you must choose one of
you selected at 3rd level and your Vaala point maximum the creatures to make this saving throw. A blinded creature
increases by 2. can use its action to repeat the Constitution saving throw,
ending the effect early on a success.
Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). When you
Channel Divinity activate your Blinding Censure, if you spend 5 points from
3rd-Level Oath of Radiance Feature your Vaala pool, every target that takes radiant damage
You gain the following two Channel Divinity options. from your attacks before the beginning of your next turn
Castigation of Light. You can use your Channel Divinity must succeed on the saving throw or be blinded until the
to abjure your foes. As an action, your inner light shines end of its next turn. Once you use this augmentation, you
forth, and every creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
must make a Charisma saving throw. A creature takes radiant
damage equal to 2d8 + your paladin level on a failed saving Avatar of Light
throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Moreover, a Null or Aberration creature that fails its 20th-Level Oath of Radiance Feature
saving throw is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. The light inside infuses you with its brilliant radiance. As an
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as action, you become wreathed in a nimbus of shining light.
far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a For 1 minute, you benefit from the following effects:
space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its • You have resistance to necrotic, bludgeoning, piercing,
action, it can take only the Dash action or try to escape from and slashing damage.
an effect that prevents it from moving. If the creature can’t • When you take the Attack action and target a Null
move, it can take the Dodge action.
or Aberration creature, you can make one additional
Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). For every 2
attack as part of that action.
points you spend from your Vaala pool when you use
this feature, the damage from your Castigation of Light • At the start of each of your turns, you regain 10 hit
increases by 1d8 (to a maximum number of additional d8s points, as do your allies within 30 feet of you.
equal to your proficiency bonus). These effects end early if you are incapacitated or die.
Allied Bastion. You can use your Channel Divinity to Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
strengthen the lifeforce of your allies. As a bonus action, finish a long rest.
you give an inspirational declaration on the tenets of light, Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). If you spend 6
kindling, and community. Each creature of your choice that points from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, it
can hear you within 30 feet of you gains temporary hit points lasts for an additional minute.
equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
Vaala Augmentation (Chosen Aspect). For every point
you spend from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
you can increase the number of temporary hit points by 1.

Ranger: Fai Hunter
As a Fai hunter, you are constantly vigilant for incursions
by the Fell and are particularly adept at routing out and
eliminating these threats. Fai hunters originated at the
warden lodges of Allaria, but they can be of use anywhere
in Valerna where the veil between this world and the
Dreamspace is thin.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

3rd-Level Fai Hunter Feature
When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you gain a Mote
of Affinity in Fai. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum
increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another
Mote of Affinity in Fai and your
Vaala point maximum increases
by 2.

Fai Hunter Magic

3rd-Level Fai Hunter Feature
Starting at 3rd level, you learn
an additional spell when you
reach certain levels in this
class, as shown in the Fai
Hunter Spells table. The spell
counts as a ranger spell for you,
but it doesn’t count against the
number of spells you know.

By treating common iron ore with special
antimagic dusts, Allarian wizards have
developed deadsteel, a metal capable of
hurting and depowering Fai creatures,
from nightmare spirits and feydh
tricksters to Fai goblins and dream
elves. Traditionally, it is given only
to Fai hunters and a few specialized
wizard castes and distributed only
by hand-picked scholars from the
Allarian court.
At your GM’s discretion, you may
acquire a deadsteel weapon when you
choose this subclass. For more about deadsteel
weapons, see Chapter 4: Items & Equipment.


Fai Hunter Spells

Qirin Mount
7th-Level Fai Hunter Feature
RANGER LEVEL SPELLS You gain a black qirin mount that accompanies you on
your adventures and is trained to fight alongside you.
3rd bane
The qirin obeys your commands as best it can. It takes
5th see invisibility its turn on your initiative. On your turn, you can verbally
9th counterspell command the qirin where to move and to take the Attack,
Dash, Disengage, or Help action (no action required by
13th banishment
you). If you don’t issue a command, the qirin takes the
17th hold monster Dodge action. It can spend its Hit Dice during a short rest
to regain hit points.
If you are incapacitated or absent, the qirin acts on
Deny Dream its own, focusing on protecting you and itself. The qirin
3rd-Level Fai Hunter Feature never requires your command to use its reaction, such as
You’ve learned to repel the magic of the Fell. You have when making an opportunity attack.
advantage on saving throws made against illusion magic. When traveling through your favored terrain while
You have advantage on saving throws against being riding your qirin, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
charmed, if you do not have it already, and magic cannot If the qirin dies, you can obtain a new qirin mount by
put you to sleep. spending 8 hours magically bonding with a black qirin
Additionally, when a creature you can see within that isn’t hostile to you.
60 feet of you attempts to teleport, you can use your
reaction to nullify their magic and force them to remain Improved Qirin Mount
in place. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving 11th-Level Fai Hunter Feature
throw against your ranger spell save DC or their teleport
fails. Feydh creatures have disadvantage on this saving Your qirin has grown and improved alongside you. Add
throw. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus to the qirin’s ability checks, saving
your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of 1) and regain all throws, attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC. Its hit point
expended uses when you finish a long rest. maximum equals the hit point maximum listed in its stat
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 2 points block or four times your ranger level, whichever is higher.
from your Vaala pool, you can use this feature to nullify a In addition, your qirin now benefits from your Slayer’s
creature’s teleportation again before a long rest. Focus feature, as long as it is within 30 feet of you.

Slayer’s Focus Mirror Dream

3rd-Level Fai Hunter Feature 15th-Level Fai Hunter Feature
Your time hunting the feydh has improved your tactics. You’ve learned to use magical creatures’ powers against
When you activate this feature, for the next minute, when them. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you
you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the creature takes casts a spell or uses a magical effect, you can use your
an additional 1d6 damage. If the creature is feyd, they reaction to immediately use the same ability or cast the
instead take an additional 1d10 weapon damage. Once same spell without using a spell slot, even if you do not
you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you know the spell or ability.
finish a short or long rest. You can use this feature twice, regaining all expended
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 2 points uses when you finish a long rest.
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 5 points
you increase the additional damage to 1d8 and 2d6, from your Vaala pool, you can gain an additional use of
respectively. this feature before resting.

Ranger: Shadowstalker
As a shadowstalker, you know how to use the shadows
and the environment to your advantage. You are an expert
at hit-and-run tactics, striking your enemy before melting
away into the underbrush to strike again. Shadowstalker
contingents originated in Nahuac and are often composed
of ocelinn jaguar-kin, whose shapeshifting abilities gift
them increased strength and agility.


Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool Fleet Foot

3rd-Level Shadowstalker Feature 11th-Level Shadowstalker Feature
When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you gain a You are particularly skilled at moving through a certain
Mote of Affinity in K’aab. Additionally, your Vaala point type of landscape. When you are in your favored terrain
maximum increases by 2. or in dim light or darkness, all of your movement speeds
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in increase by 10 feet, and you can take the Dash action as a
K’aab and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2. bonus action. Additionally, you and your allies can travel
in your favored terrain for up to 16 hours a day without
Guerilla Warrior risking exhaustion.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 5 points
3rd-Level Shadowstalker Feature from your Vaala pool as an action, your speed in your
You are adept at hitting your opponent and slipping into favored terrain increases by an additional 10 feet for a
the shadows to await your next opportunity. If you strike number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus.
a creature with a weapon attack, you can turn invisible, as
per the invisibility spell, as a bonus action until the start of
your next turn.
Pack Tactics
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your 15th-Level Shadowstalker Feature
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if
finish a long rest. at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 2 points incapacitated.
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). As a bonus action,
invisibility lasts for 1 minute. you can spend 5 points from your Vaala pool to grant
the benefits of your Pack Tactics feature to one ally of
Eyes of the Jaguar your choice within 15 feet. The target gains advantage on
attack rolls against a creature if at least one of their allies is
7th-Level Shadowstalker Feature within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t incapacitated. This
You’ve attuned your sight to perceive the slightest details benefit lasts until the start of your next turn.
in even the densest jungle. You gain darkvision out to 60
feet, and you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks to spot a hidden creature. If you already have
darkvision from another source, it extends to 120 feet.
Additionally, you do not suffer disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks from being inside of a lightly
obscured area.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 4 points
from your Vaala pool as a bonus action, you extend your
darkvision by another 60 feet for 1 minute.

Rogue: Crimson Hawk
You’ve trained as a member of the Crimson Hawks, the
preeminent criminal organization in all of Valerna. As
a spellblade, you have combined your knack for stealth
and subterfuge with arcane abilities, allowing you to slip
in and out of secure locations without a trace and giving
you a deadly edge against your enemies.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

3rd-Level Crimson Hawk Spellblade Feature
When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you gain a
Mote of Affinity in Id. Additionally, your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in
Id and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

3rd-Level Crimson Hawk Spellblade Feature
You gain the ability to cast spells.
Cantrips. You know the message cantrip.
Spell Slots. You have a number of spell slots equal
to your proficiency bonus. All of your spell slots are
the same level, as indicated by the Crimson Hawk
Spellblade Spells table. To cast one of your spellblade
spells, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all
expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, when you are 5th level, you have
three 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 2nd-level spell
invisibility, you must spend one of those slots, and you
cast it as a 3rd-level spell.
Spellblade Spells. You gain access to spells from the
Crimson Hawk Spellblade Spells table at the rogue levels
listed. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you
always have it prepared.


Deadly Accuracy
Crimson Hawk Spellblade Spells
13th-Level Crimson Hawk Spellblade Feature
SPELLS You know just where to hit to make it hurt. When you
roll damage for an attack, you can reroll a number of dice
3rd invisibility, spider climb 2nd equal to your proficiency bonus, and you must use the
5th knock, pass without trace 3rd new result.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again
7th dimension door, greater 4th
until you finish a short or long rest.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). When you hit with an
9th modify memory, passwall 5th
attack, you can spend 4 points from your Vaala pool to
immediately regain the use of this feature.
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting
ability for your spells, since you learn your spells through
Portent of Death
dedicated study and memorization. You use your
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting 17th-Level Crimson Hawk Spellblade Feature
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier You can mark a target for death, instilling a primal terror
when setting the saving throw DC for these spells or when in them and allowing you to track them at great distances.
making an attack roll with these spells. Choose a creature you can see within 90 feet of you. The
target becomes marked, and must succeed on a Wisdom
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus saving throw or be frightened of you for the next 24 hours.
+ your Intelligence modifier For the duration, any attacks you make against the
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus marked creature are made with advantage, and you know
+ your Intelligence modifier the distance and direction to the marked creature as long
as the two of you are on the same world. If the creature is
Blood for Blood moving, you know the direction of its movement.
3rd-Level Crimson Hawk Spellblade Feature Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again
until you finish a long rest.
When you are engaging in two-weapon fighting and make
Vaala Augmentation (Id). When you activate this
an off-hand attack with your bonus action, this attack can
feature, you can spend 5 points from your Vaala pool to
benefit from your Sneak Attack, even if you have already
impose disadvantage on the target’s saving throws against
used your Sneak Attack this turn.
this feature.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). For every 2 Vaala points
you spend, you can use this feature an additional time
before resting.

Poisoner’s Constitution
9th-Level Crimson Hawk Spellblade Feature
You gain proficiency with the poisoner’s kit. You are
immune to poison damage and cannot be poisoned.
Additionally, you have advantage on Intelligence
(Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect
the presence of poison in food or drink.

Rogue: Dreamspy
Dreamspies are elite operatives using Vaala-fueled abilities to
befuddle or injure their foes, and to root through what’s rarely
seen to uncover dark secrets. As one of these lethal spies, you
dance in and out of the shadows and even dreams on missions
to gather information or to kill. Perhaps you graduated from
one of Allaria’s Dreamshaper schools or are a member of a
deadly assassin guild, or perhaps you make your way as an in-
dependent agent. You are a baleful shadow, a bladed whisper
whose real specialty is convincing others that you don’t exist.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

3rd-Level Dreamspy Feature
When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you gain a Mote of
Affinity in Fai. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum increases
by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Fai and
your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Arcane Espionage Tricks

3rd-Level Dreamspy Feature
Thanks to your extensive training, you have learned a few
magical tricks to aid in your skulduggery. You gain the
Dreamstep trick as well as two other arcane tricks of your
choice. Your arcane espionage tricks are detailed below. Using
an arcane trick requires an action, bonus action, or reaction
as indicated in the spell the trick replicates, unless the trick’s
description says otherwise.
You can use your arcane espionage tricks, in any
combination, a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest. For example, if you were 5th level and chose the
Arcane Shroud and Psychic Intuition tricks, you could use
one of them three times, one twice and the other once, or any
such combination.
When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one
of the tricks you know and replace it with another trick you
could learn at that level. You gain a fourth trick at 9th level
and a fifth at 15th level.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your arcane tricks,
so you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving
throw DC for your arcane tricks and when making an attack
roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
+ your Charisma modifier.

Arcane Espionage Tricks

The arcane espionage tricks are presented in alphabetical order.
Arcane Shroud. Weaving Vaala around yourself, you can
cast invisibility with this trick.


Ascending Stance. Aided by Vaala, you learn to traverse Vaala Augmentation (Fai). As an action, if you spend 4
vertical surfaces. You can cast spider climb with this trick. points from your Vaala pool, creatures within 30 feet of you
Beguiling Vision. Crafting Vaala into spectral illusions, can’t be targeted with Divination magic or perceived through
you can cast silent image with this trick. magical scrying sensors. This effect lasts for 1 hour (though
Compel Veracity. You’ve learned to use Vaala to suppress you can use another action to spend an additional 4 points
lies and falsehoods. You can cast zone of truth with this trick. to trigger it again), and you must maintain concentration on
Dreamstep. You can enter the sleeping minds of others this effect (as if you are concentrating on a spell).
to gather information. You can cast the dreamwalking spell
with this trick.
Eldritch Masquerade. You’ve learned to harness Vaala to Devitalizing Strike
alter your appearance. You can cast disguise self with this trick. 13th-Level Dreamspy Feature
Mesmerizing Gaze. Focusing Vaala through your eyes, Your ongoing studies and training teach you precise points
you can cast enthrall with this trick. on the body that can hinder your foes if damaged. Once per
Psychic Intuition. You’ve learned to reach into the minds turn, when you successfully hit a creature with a weapon
of others. You can cast detect thoughts with this trick. attack while you have advantage on the attack roll, the
Rapid Pace. Infusing your legs with Vaala, you move in target must make a Constitution saving throw against
a flash. You can cast longstrider with this trick. your rogue spell save DC. On a failed save, the target has
Rapid Restorative. You’ve learned to focus your disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end
connection with Vaala to quickly remove adverse of your next turn.
conditions. You can cast lesser restoration with this trick. Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 5 points from
Shadow Leap. Reaching through the shadows, you can your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can also
cast misty step with this trick. force a creature within 30 feet of your target to make a
Stillness Abounds. Muffling all sound with a blanket of Wisdom saving throw against your rogue spell save DC. On
Vaala, you can cast silence with this trick. a failed save, the new target has disadvantage on attack rolls
Touch of Agony. You slash your foe with spectral and ability checks until the end of your next turn.
claws fashioned from Vaala. You can cast inflict wounds
with this trick.
Obliviation Shroud
Whispered Lure. With a hint of Vaala to emphasize
your words, you can cast suggestion with this trick. 17th-Level Dreamspy Feature
You wrap yourself in a cloak of Vaala, erasing yourself
from the vision and minds of nearby creatures. As a bonus
Social Adroitness
action, you can don your Obliviation Shroud and gain the
3rd-Level Dreamspy Feature following benefits for up to 1 hour as long as you maintain
Thanks to your training, when you fail an Intelligence, concentration (as though concentrating on a spell):
Wisdom, or Charisma ability check, you can choose to You become generally unremarkable and forgettable to
reroll the result and must use the new result. You can use those who see you. Creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom
this feature three times, and you regain all expended uses (Perception) checks to notice you when you are hidden.
when you finish a long rest. A creature that does notice you while you are hidden
Vaala Pool Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 2 points must make a Wisdom saving throw against your rogue spell
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you gain a save DC. On a failed save, the creature immediately forgets
bonus to the reroll equal to your proficiency bonus. you for 1 minute. It can’t see, hear, or otherwise perceive you,
and the creature’s mind rationalizes away minor changes to
Unseen Mind the location around the creature. This memory modification
only alters the creature’s memory of that last hour, it can still
9th-Level Dreamspy Feature recall you if it encountered you prior to that.
As a dreamspy, you’ve trained your mind in complex rituals If you damage a creature that can’t perceive you, it
to protect yourself against those who would use magic to immediately makes another saving throw to notice you and
discern your activities. You gain the following benefits: gains advantage on its rolls to notice and remember you.
You are immune to magic that allows other creatures to Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying, know before you can use it again.
your alignment, or know your creature type. Vaala Augmentation (Fai). When you activate your
Divination magic cannot target you specifically, nor can Obliviation Shroud, if you spend 6 points from your Vaala
you be perceived through magical scrying sensors, although pool, you can choose a number of creatures you can see
such effects can still target locations, creatures, and objects within 60 feet of you equal to your proficiency bonus to
that you interact with. also gain the benefits of your Obliviation Shroud. If you
Special traits, features, or abilities that divine a creature’s lose concentration, the effect ends for the other creatures as
location always fail against you. Your presence can still be well. Using this augmentation reduces the duration of this
detected by magic, but your location cannot be pinpointed. feature to 10 minutes.

Sorcerer: Blood Sorcery
Your innate magic comes from the primal power of Id—the
Will aspect of Vaala. Perhaps you were born Id-chosen,
with a particularly strong tie to Id, or perhaps another
blood sorcerer empowered you, infusing you with innate
abilities to control and manipulate the blood, minds, and
emotions of others. Many maghyri are born with some
blood sorcery, but anyone with a potent connection to Id
may develop these powers spontaneously.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

1st-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature
When you choose this origin at 1st level, you gain a Mote
of Affinity in Id. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum
increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote
of Affinity in Id and your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.

Blood Magic
1st-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature
Your ties to Id gives you access
to specialized magic. When your
Spellcasting feature lets you learn or
replace a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer
spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose
from the Blood Sorcerer Spells table in
addition to the sorcerer spell list. You must
obey all other restrictions for selecting the
spell. These spells are sorcerer spells for you.

Blood Sorcerer Spells


cantrip blood whip*

1st boil blood*, command

2nd enthrall
3rd vampiric touch
4th compulsion
5th geas, modify memory
6th circle of death, harm
7th pneumonic flood*
8th cardiac blockade*

*New spell found in this book.


Purge Corruption Vaala Pool Augmentation (Id). For every 5 Vaala

points you spend from your Vaala pool when you activate
1st-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature this feature, the damage increases by 1d6 and the range
As an action, you can neutralize one poison or end one increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of 150 feet.
disease affecting you. If more than one poison or disease
afflicts you, you can end one you know is present, or you
end one at random. Once you use this feature, you can’t
Blood Thrall
use it again until you finish a long rest. 18th-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 3 Vaala You are immune to necrotic damage. Additionally, you
points, you can activate this feature as a bonus action can attempt to dominate a creature, turning it into a
instead of an action. blood thrall at your command. As an action, you can
target a creature you can see within 120 feet of you and
Force of Will spend 5 sorcery points. The creature must succeed on a
Charisma saving throw against your sorcerer spell save DC
6th-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature or become charmed by you for the next 8 hours. Before
Starting at 6th level, when you cast an enchantment or the end of the duration, you can spend an additional 5
blood magic spell, you have a bonus to your spell attack sorcery points to extend the duration of the charm by an
modifier or spell save DC for that spell equal to your additional 8 hours.
Charisma modifier. While the creature is charmed, you have a telepathic
link with it as long as the two of you are on the same
Blood Draw world. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands
6th-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature to the creature while you are conscious (no action
required) which it does its best to obey. You can specify a
Starting at 6th level, you can cause a foe’s blood to flow simple and general course of action, such as “attack that
freely, draining them of life. When you deal piercing or creature,” “run over there,” or “fetch that object.” If the
slashing damage to a creature, you can cause them to creature completes its order and doesn’t receive further
begin bleeding. A bleeding creature takes an additional direction from you, it defends and preserves itself to the
1d4 necrotic damage at the beginning of each of their best of its ability.
turns for 1 minute or until they either regain hit points You can use your action to take total and precise
or use an action to staunch their wound. This feature has control of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the
no effect on creatures without blood, such as Constructs, creature takes only the actions you choose and doesn’t do
Elementals, Oozes, and Undead. In addition, when a anything that you don’t allow it to do. During this time,
bleeding creature takes necrotic damage from this feature, you can also cause the creature to use a reaction, but this
you may siphon the blood into vials or other containers requires you to use your own reaction as well.
for later use. You gain one vial of blood each time a You can only have one creature charmed in this way at
creature takes necrotic damage from this feature. a time. If you successfully charm another creature using
Vaala Augmentation (Id). When you activate this this feature, this effect ends on any other creatures. If the
feature, for every 2 points you spend from your Vaala charmed creature takes damage from you or your allies, it
pool, you increase the damage by an additional 1d4. can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
Vaala Augmentation (Id). If you spend 6 points
Absorb Vitality from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you
14th-Level Blood Sorcerer Feature can increase the number of blood thralls you can have
Starting at 14th level, you can manipulate the blood of charmed at the same time by 1.
those around you, drawing it out of their bodies and into
your own to replenish some of your health. As an action,
you can choose any number of creatures that you can
see within 60 feet of you and spend 1 sorcery point per
creature chosen. Each target must succeed on a Charisma
saving throw against your sorcerer spell save DC or take
2d6 necrotic damage, and you regain hit points equal to
half the amount of necrotic damage dealt. This feature has
no effect on creatures without blood, such as Constructs,
Elementals, Oozes, and Undead.

Warlock: The Fell Crown
You have made a pact with one of the Fell crowns, the masters
of dreams. These mighty entities rule nightmare-woven palaces
and enthrall mortals, living vicariously through their servants
in the wider world. The mightiest Fell crowns in Valerna in-
clude Ennai the Raven King, Mabeliné of the Autumn Court,
Gobelinal of the Dancing Horde, Ninguna of the Checker-
board, Talisa of the Seven Masks, Crómac of the Forest Fog,
and Distura the Gnarled. While some mortals become mask-
bound, acting as dream tethers for the crowns, you rise above
those thralls to serve as an elite agent of your patron.Your Fell
crown patron might send you to collect mortals to feed on
their dreams, challenge threats to the Fell courts, or recover
lost artifacts. The connection you share with your patron can
slowly bring about personality changes. You might begin to
question what is real and what is dream. When you wake from
sleep, your only wish might be to return to the feydh realms of
dream. Eventually you know you will be welcome in the court
of your Fell crown. Until that time, you will be your patron’s
eyes and hands in the mortal world.

Pact Boon Style

Depending on what you’ve chosen for your Pact Boon
feature, a Fell patron will grant you one of the following:
• Pact of the Chain. A Dream imp or a sprite.
• Pact of the Blade. A magnificent sword forged of Fai-glass
• Pact of the Tome. A thick strip-bound tome with
wooden covers, carved with whorls and leaf motifs.

Expanded Spell List

The Fell crown lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added
to the warlock spell list for you.
Fell Crown Expanded Spells
1st inflict wounds, silent image
2nd see invisibility, silence
3rd bestow curse, blink
4th polymorph, greater invisibility
5th antilife shell, mislead

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

1st-Level Fell Crown Feature
When you forge this pact at 1st level, you gain a Mote of Affinity in
Fai. Additionally, your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in Fai and
your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Bonus Spells
1st-Level Fell Crown Feature
You learn the minor illusion and prestidigitation cantrips. They
count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don’t count against
your number of cantrips known.
Moreover, you also add the sleep spell to your list of known
spells without counting it against your total number of known
spells. When you reach 9th level in this class, you likewise
learn the dream spell.

Inscrutable Mask Invasive Mind

1st-Level Fell Crown Feature 10th-Level Fell Crown Feature
When you make the pact with your patron, you receive a Even while awake, threads of dreams remain, allowing you
magical, featureless mask carved or decorated with ornate to connect your mind to others. You learn the spell dominate
motifs. This mask is a sign of your bond with your patron, and it person. It counts as a warlock spell for you, but it doesn’t count
is the greatest gift a Fell crown’s servant can receive. Your patron against the number of spells you know. You can also cast it
views the world through your mask and can whisper secrets to once without a spell slot, and you regain the ability to do so
you while you wear it. when you finish a long rest.
You can summon your mask with a thought, causing it to In addition, while you wear your faceless mask, you can use
appear on your face where it will stay, as if grafted to your bones, the following ability.
until you dismiss it. Doing so does not require an action. Baleful Weaving. Reaching through the ether, you connect
While you wear your mask you can see through it as if it the dream strands of others and force them to share their
was invisible. You can use your mask as a spellcasting focus, injuries. A number of creatures of your choice equal to your
and you gain advantage on saving throws and ability checks to proficiency bonus that you can see within 60 feet of you must
discern illusions. Your mask also gains additional powers as you make a Charisma saving throw. Two creatures of your choice
gain levels in this class. from among those that failed the saving throw are linked in a
While you wear your faceless mask, you gain the mystical connection for 1 minute.
following ability. While they are connected, each time one of the creatures
Eyes of Nightmare. You can use a bonus action to send a takes damage, the other creature takes the same amount. A
beam made of dark dreams at a target you can see within 30 creature connected in this way can repeat the Charisma saving
feet. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on both
the target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your creatures on a success.
warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, the target takes 1d4 Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or long
psychic damage and is frightened of you until the start of your rest before you can use it again.
next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as much Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 4 points from your
damage and is not frightened. Vaala pool as a reaction when one of the creatures connected by
your Baleful Weaving successfully repeats the saving throw to
Your mask creates more than one beam when you reach
end the effect, you can force that creature to reroll the save, and
higher levels: two beams at 9th level and three beams at
it must use the new result.
16th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at
different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Nightmare Maw
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you 14th-Level Fell Crown Feature
finish a long rest.
Rendering dreams into reality, you open a rift to the dream realm
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 2 points from
to swallow your foes. An extra dimensional hole with a 5-foot
your Vaala pool for each beam you project from your Eyes of radius opens up at a point you can see within 60 feet of you for 1
Nightmare, targets that succeed on the Wisdom saving throw minute. The hole can be in a horizontal or vertical orientation and
take 1d4 psychic damage, and targets that fail the save take an doesn’t need to be placed on a solid surface (or any surface). Each
additional 1d4 psychic damage. round, you can use a bonus action to move the nightmare maw
up to 30 feet. You must maintain concentration to keep it open
Mantle of the Ravenous Oubliette (as if you are concentrating on a spell).
A creature that starts their turn in the hole’s radius must
6th-Level Fell Crown Feature
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
Wisps of dreams and nightmares enshroud you, unseen by most pulled into the hole. Your nightmare maw can only hold one
but always present. You gain resistance to psychic damage. creature at a time.
In addition, while you wear your faceless mask, you gain A target that falls into the hole is banished to the realm of
the following ability. dreams where they are tormented by endless nightmares. A
Devour Spell. When a creature you can see casts a spell, you target remains there for the duration or until it escapes.
can use your reaction to consume the reflection the spell casts in At the beginning of each of its turns within the realm of
the realm of dreams and cast it yourself on your next turn. dreams, a target must make a Charisma saving throw. The
If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, you target takes 4d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as
consume the dream reflection of the spell. If the creature is much damage on a success.
casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check A target can use its action to attempt to escape. It must
using your Charisma modifier. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s make a DC 20 Intelligence check, and on a success, it appears
level. On a success, you consume the spell’s dream reflection. in the nearest unoccupied space outside of the maw’s radius.
Until your next turn ends, you can cast the spell you’ve When the effect ends, any creature in the realm of dreams
consumed the dream reflection of one time. Doing so does falls back out of the maw into the nearest unoccupied space.
not use a spell slot. Once you use this ability you must finish a The effect ends early if you lose concentration, get knocked
short or long rest before you can use it again. unconscious, or die. Once you use this feature, you must finish
Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 3 points from a long rest before you can use it again.
your Vaala pool when you use this feature on a spell of 4th Vaala Augmentation (Fai). If you spend 5 points from
level or higher, you gain advantage on your ability check to your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you do not need to
consume its dream reflection. maintain concentration on this feature as long as you spend
another 5 points at the beginning of each of your turns.
Wizard: Makaab Weaving
As a Makaab weaver, you have a deep understanding of
both the environment and magic. Through your mastery of
K’aab and its intricate patterns, you can shape the physical
world as you see fit, coaxing nature into the form you de-
sire. This studious art is found primarily in Nahuac, where
they have a profound reverence for the natural world.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

2nd-Level Makaab Weaving Feature
When you select this school at 2nd level, you gain a
Mote of Affinity in K’aab. Additionally, your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in
K’aab and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Expanded Spell List

2nd-Level Makaab Weaving Feature
Your attunement to K’aab allows you to manipulate
nature and all its forms. You gain access to some druid
spells as listed in the Makaab Weaving Spells table. These
spells are wizard spells for you. The gold and time you
must spend to copy one of these spells into your spell
book is halved.

Makaab Weaving Spells

Cantrip druidcraft, produce flame
1st create or destroy water, entangle,
2nd locate animals or plants, moonbeam,
protection from poison, spike growth
3rd call lightning, daylight, meld into stone,
plant growth, speak with plants, water
walk, wind wall
4th commune with nature
5th contagion, tree stride
6th transport via plants, wall of thorns,
wind walk
7th fire storm
8th earthquake
9th storm of vengeance


Weaving Spell Storing

2nd-Level Makaab Weaving Feature 10th-Level Makaab Weaving Feature
You can shape branches, vines, rocks, ice, or other You’ve learned how to store your magic by imbuing it
naturally occurring material into a simple form, such as into a rock, twig, flower bud, nugget of metal, or other
a basket, bowl, or shield. As an action, you coax natural natural item, ready to be accessed later. Once per day, you
material within 10 feet of you into the shape of your can store a spell of 5th level or lower in a natural item by
choosing. The item you create must fit within a 2-foot touching the item when the spell is cast. The spell has no
cube and must be one solid piece with no hinges or effect other than to be stored in the item and lasts for 48
moveable parts (though you can, for instance, use this hours before dissipating. An item can only hold one spell
feature once to craft a container and again to craft a lid). at a time. You regain the use of this feature when you
The item lasts until it is destroyed or you dispel it with a finish a long rest.
bonus action. A creature holding the item can cast the spell stored
You can also use this feature to craft rudimentary within it. The spell level remains the same as when you
weapons, such as clubs, mauls, staves, or spears. One use originally cast it to imbue it into the item, and it uses your
of this feature creates 10 basic arrows or bolts, but they are spellcasting ability, spell save DC, and spell attack bonus.
fragile and break once used. Once cast, the spell is no longer stored in the item.
You must have access to enough natural materials to Vaala Pool Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 4
form the desired object, or this feature fails. You can use points from your Vaala pool when you use this feature,
this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence you can store a spell of 7th level or lower.
modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended
uses when you complete a long rest. Expert Weaver
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 2 points
14-level Makaab Weaving Feature
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, the size of
the item you can create increases to a 5-foot cube. You have honed your connection with K’aab and can craft
more elaborate creations with your weaving ability.
You can use an action to create an item from natural
Alter Elements materials, such as wood or stone, within 30 feet of you.
6th-Level Makaab Weaving Feature The item must fit within a 5-foot cube and can have
You are keenly attuned to the elements and can twist simple mechanical aspects such as hinges, levers, and
them to your needs. This feature grants you the wheels. The item is permanent and cannot be dispelled.
following benefits: You can also use this feature to craft more complex
When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, weapons, such as crossbows and sharpened swords and
lightning, poison, necrotic, or thunder damage, you can axes. Using this feature for one action creates 20 basic
replace its damage type with another listed type. arrows or bolts.
As an action, you can shift a 5-foot-square area of Alternatively, you construct larger items or structures,
nonmagical, unworked natural material from one state of such as trebuchets, walls, or buildings, formed from
matter (solid, liquid, or gas) to another. For example, you woven trees or carved stone, by chaining together uses
can turn water to ice, or rock to mud. Each use of this of this feature. You can form up to 5 cubic feet of the
aspect of Alter Elements can only transform material from construct or structure with each use.
one listed state to an adjacent state. So you can’t turn ice Similar to your Weaving feature, you must have access
into steam, for instance. The ice must become water first. to enough natural material of the required type to form
As an action, you can touch a weapon and imbue the desired object. For instance, to craft an iron sword
it with one of the following elements: acid, cold, fire, with a wooden hilt, you must have iron or iron ore and
lightning, poison, necrotic, or thunder. For the next wood within range.
minute, the weapon deals an additional 1d8 damage of You can use this feature a number of times equal to
the chosen damage type. your Intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus
You can use this feature a number of times equal to (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses after
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all you finish a long rest.
expended uses when you finish a long rest. Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you begin a turn with
no uses of this feature, you can use a bonus action and
spend 6 points from your Vaala pool to regain half of your

There are many path

maximum number of uses.
s to choose in this wo
fare well in Valerna rld, and each person
, with Vaala at their must choose it for th
side. It is in us all to emselves. The true of
lenges along the way, find our path and wa heart will
not least when we m lk it. T here will be chal-
must remain true to ust face the discourag
ourselves and choose ement of those who wo
ou r own way to interac uld steer us wrong. But we
we will ultimately t with the world arou
shape that world and nd us, for through Vaala
craft it into somethin ,
g all the greater.
Wizard: School of Entropy
The School of Entropy, also known as the xibac tradition,
researches life and death, the cycles of birth, decay, and
rebirth. As a wizard of this school, you learn to use wizard
magic to heal, regenerate, prevent death, or even attain
immortality. Despite common misconceptions, you are
not a mere necromancer; rather, you understand that
death is but one part of life’s continual cycles. The un-
dead xibac wizards of Mígtal developed this tradition and
remain some of its greatest practitioners, though other
entropists can be found across Valerna.

Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool

2nd-Level School of Entropy Feature
When you select this school at 3rd level, you gain a
Mote of Affinity in K’aab. Additionally, your Vaala point
maximum increases by 2.
At 14th level, you gain another Mote of Affinity in
K’aab and your Vaala point maximum increases by 2.

Entropic Healing
2nd-Level School of Entropy Feature
Your understanding of the threads of Vaala, and of the
balance between life and death, allows you to transmute
your damaging spells into healing energy. When you cast
a spell that deals damage to a single target, you can choose
for that spell to instead restore a number of hit points to
the target equal to the damage you roll.
Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 2 points
from your Vaala pool when you use this feature, you can
choose a second creature within 30 feet of the target of the
spell you cast with your Entropic Healing. You can divide
the amount of hit points restored by this feature between
the two creatures.

Focused Researcher
2nd-Level School of Entropy Feature
Each time you gain a wizard level (including the one that
granted you this feature), you can add one additional
necromancy spell of your choice from the wizard spell list
to your spellbook. The spell must be of a level for which
you have spell slots as shown on the Wizard table.

Necromantic Transference
6th-Level School of Entropy Feature
Your research into life and death allows you to add the
revivify and animate dead spells to your spell book if they
are not there already. These spells become wizard spells
for you.
Moreover, when you kill one or more Undead
creatures in a single turn with a spell of 1st level or higher,
you can choose to recover an expended spell slot. The


recovered spell slot must be of a level that is up to half the maintain control of the creature for another 24 hours, you
number of Undead creatures you killed with your spell must repeat the ritual on the creature, or creatures, before
(minimum of 1). Once you use this ability, you can’t use it the current 24-hour period ends. This use of the rite
again until you finish a short or long rest. reasserts your control over the Undead xibac creatures you
Vaala Pool Augmentation (K’aab). You can spend have animated, rather than animating new ones.
points from your Vaala pool to recover a second spell slot Vaala Augmentation (K’aab). If you spend 4 points
when you use this feature. You must spend Vaala points from your Vaala pool when you use either ability from this
equal to twice the spell slot’s level to recover it. feature, each Undead creature you create gains a +2 bonus
to its Armor Class.
The Xibac Rite
10th-Level School of Entropy Feature Master of the Cycle
Thanks to your ongoing research, you learn one of the 14th-Level School of Entropy Feature
greatest techniques of the xibac wizards: the creation of At the pinnacle of your understanding of the interplay
undead servants. between life and death, you move beyond the bounds of
You can mentally command any creature you animate mortality, gaining the following benefits:
with this feature as a bonus action on each of your turns • You gain the Undead creature type. You can be turned
if the creature is within 120 feet of you. (If you control or affected by spells and abilities that target Undead.
multiple creatures, you can command any or all of
• You no longer recover hit points during a short rest.
them at the same time, issuing the same command to
However, healing magic, such as the cure wounds
each one.) You decide what action the creature will take
spell, functions normally when targeting you, and
and where it will move during its next turn, or you can
finishing a long rest restores your full hit points.
issue a general command, such as to guard a particular
chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the • You gain darkvision out to 120 ft.
creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. • You no longer need to eat. You cannot benefit from
Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it food or drink, though magical potions affect you
until its task is complete. normally.
To create Undead servants, the Xibac Rite gives you • You become immune to disease.
two options. • When you gain levels of exhaustion, you consider each
Entropic Puppetry. As an action, you can choose a level as if it were one level less. For example, you treat
number of creatures up to half your proficiency bonus 3 levels of exhaustion as if it were only 2 levels. If you
that have been dead for no longer than 24 hours, reach 6 levels of exhaustion you still perish.
temporarily reanimating the corpses as zombies or
skeletons (your choice) as if using the animate dead spell. • You can no longer fall asleep, either by normal or
The Undead creatures obey your commands and last for magical means. You can still take a short or long rest.
1 minute. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again • You can no longer die of old age.
until you finish a short or long rest.
Create Xibac Undead. As part of a ritual that takes 1
hour, you can choose a number of corpses of Medium or
Small humanoids within 10 feet up to your proficiency
bonus. Using this feature you can reanimate each
corpse into a xibac numbed, a xibac burned, or a xibac
drowned. You can control five xibac numbed, three xibac
burned, or two xibac drowned at once using this feature.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest. A creature you create with this
ability is under your control for 24 hours, after which
it stops obeying any command you have given it. To


C reated in Kadmos’s image, dragons are fearsome,
intelligent creatures. Due to the Curse of Kadmos,
most dragons reside on Drakha, having established deep
connections and stable lairs on the Red Moon. Severed from
Vaala, the source of life, the dragons were forced to consume
the inhabitants of Rhaava to gain power.
Once, the Eye of Kadmos opened only every 27 years,
allowing dragons to raid Valerna, feasting upon as many
inhabitants as they could before returning to Drakha with
their captives. This cycle allowed for periods of relative peace
and reconstruction between dragon raids, for civilizations to
thrive and hope. But now, matters are more dire. Through
forbidden magic, the Eye of Kadmos was forced open
outside of this cycle, creating a perilous but permanent
path between Rhaava and Drakha. Though the journey
is dangerous, dragons can slip through to Rhaava more
frequently, and some even prefer to make their lairs in
Valerna rather than returning to the Red Moon and the
squabbles of their own kind.
This chapter details the dragons of Valerna and
Drakha, as well as dragon-focused player options. Stats
for dragons of various broods can be found in Chapter 7:
Bestiary of this book.

Dragon Biology
Dragons are born from eggs, as the egg was the first step
toward new life that Kadmos could envision. The eggs of
each dragon brood vary in size, texture, and hatching time,
from the seven months of delicate Coatl eggs to the two years
of heavy, metallic Fulgen eggs.
All dragons of the Red Moon are capable of flight, and
they all gain at least two deadly breath attacks once they
reach a certain age—one of fire and another of a specific
primordial element determined by their brood. As a dragon
grows older, it learns to use its lethal breath more creatively,
sometimes even combining two effects to create new ones.
All dragons are carnivorous and eat anything they can get
their claws on. The Vaala they consume during raids allows
them to spend years without food or drink, but when hungry
they can eat many times their size in living flesh.

Dragons naturally have long lifespans, but because of
their aggressive nature and frequent fights, only the most
Valernian Captives
powerful survive to become ancient. Those who do seem truly Throughout the ages, some dragons have found new and
immortal to others, as Vaala consumption can keep them alive varied uses for Valernians. While most dragons eat their cap-
for millennia. A dragon tends to grow larger as it gets older, tives outright or give them in tribute for their azhurma to
but size is more a measure of its Vaala consumption than its feast upon, some keep their captives to use their Vaala when
age. A dragon that has consumed large amounts of Vaala, needed or as test subjects for magical experiments.
or frequently channeled energy through rune magic, will In the past, some dragons attempted to keep generations
be larger and mightier than an older dragon that hasn’t had of Valernians alive on the Red Moon to be used as livestock,
access to such resources. but after discovering that no Drakha-born creature has
access to Vaala, the practice was abandoned. Currently, most
peoples of Valerna born on Drakha are either escapees or
Dragon Society their descendants or citizens of Aureus’s Golden City, where
Valernians can gain minimal rights.
Although dragons are inherently independent, they have
built communities around their respective broods, under
the vision and leadership of their azhurma—their brood’s Dragonkin
eldest member or sire. On Drakha, dragons of a respective
Dragons were not the only creatures created in Kadmos’s
brood tend to live in close proximity to one another, some
image. In addition to the great wyrms, smaller, humanoid
even establishing entire cities filled with the dragons of one
versions of Kadmos came into being. Now known across
specific brood. This allows them to work in concert toward
Valerna as dragonkin, these draconic humanoids are typica-
a common goal, but it also results in territorial disputes and
lly bipedal and have varied levels of intelligence and social
other internal conflicts.
structures, with some living as wild predators, while others
Dragons are territorial by nature, but most of all, they
have developed complex cultures.
crave power. Even if they follow an azhurma, if the chance
presents itself, they will not hesitate to seize power for As the dragonkin multiplied across Valerna and Drakha,
themselves. That being said, they are incredibly patient, some swore fealty to various azhurma and were gifted a lesser
and their plans tend to outlive the foresight of most rune in return. This rune gave them a fraction of the brood’s
sentient creatures. power and, over time, altered the dragonkins’ physical
Dragons from the same brood have common physical features to reflect those of the brood. The relationship
similarities and particular characteristics. Though individuals between dragons and their dragonkin varies by brood; where
vary, in general, brood members also share certain cultural one might treat their dragonkin as no better than beasts of
traits and personal pursuits; for example, Coatl dragons burden, others give them full standing as members of their
crave knowledge and learning, while Ehrlya dragons enjoy draconic community. In general, on Drakha, while most
losing themselves in their craft. dragonkin serve the dragons of their brood in some form or
another, they typically enjoy a higher social standing than
Drakha-born Valernians.
Kadmic Runes
Due to the Curse of Kadmos, dragons are cut off from
Vaala, denying them the use of traditional magic. Over the Dragon Broods
eons after their banishment on Drakha, however, Kadmos The dragons of Valerna are classified by brood. Each
developed draconic runes, which allow dragons to channel brood is a family line, created by a particularly powerful
Vaala and mimic the magic used in Valerna. These runes progenitor called an azhurma. Dragons of a single brood
have since been passed down through the broods, with each share many common traits and have similar lifespans.
new generation learning, modifying, and sometimes even Many dragons aspire to one day attain enough power to
creating their own runes. For more information on Kadmic become an azhurma in their own right and sire their own
runes, see the “Dragon” section of Chapter 7: Bestiary. brood—or lay claim to their existing brood, reshaping it
to suit their vision.
Runic Anchors Some, but not all, of the broods that can be found
on Drakha or in Valerna are listed in this chapter. Each
Though Kadmic runes can grant a dragon power by brood’s section not only enumerates its characteristics
allowing them to channel Vaala, they also serve as tethers, but also provides guidance for building a dragon of that
anchoring them to Drakha. The more runes a dragon learns, brood and their lair, as well as variant abilities to modify
the harder it becomes for them to cross the Eye of Kadmos their existing stats.
and leave the Red Moon. Thus, the mightiest of dragons,
including all of the azhurma, are confined to Drakha, unable
to raid other worlds with their weaker kin.


by two dice for every age category lower than ancient, to

Dragon Brood Lifespans a minimum of two dice. For example, an ancient Coatl
HATCHING AVERAGE dragon may deal 55 (10d10) damage to targets of its
TIME LIFESPAN breath weapon attack, whereas a young Coatl would
Coatl Tiny 7 months 1,500 years
deal 33 (6d10) damage and a wyrmling would deal only
22 (4d10) damage. Some variant abilities may only be
Magnifex Small 10 months 1,200 years
suitable for certain age categories, which are listed in
Exor Small 13 months 1,500 years
parentheses after the ability’s name.
Adding a variant ability that deals a damage type
Ehrlya Medium 18 months 1,800 years
other than bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing also gives
Fulgen Medium 24 months 2,000 years the dragon immunity to that damage type if they did not
Nix — — Don’t age already have it.

DC Modifier by Age Category

Hatchling +1
Each brood listed in this chapter also provides the
characteristics typical of their lairs, including optional lair Wyrmling +2
actions and regional effects. Dragons who have lived in Young +3
one location long enough to establish a lair often develop
Adult +4
an intrinsic connection to their home. This connection
empowers them and even allows the dragon a small amount Ancient +5
of control over the structure and the land around them,
which they can use to defend themselves if the need arises.
Due to the Curse of Kadmos, regional lair effects typically
only occur on Drakha, where the influence of the dragons is Valernian Brood Equivalents
greatest, but they may occur to a lesser extent in Valerna if a Though the dragons, broods, and variant abilities
dragon has a long-established lair. described in this chapter are intended to be used in a
Dragonbond campaign, GMs who prefer to use the
dragons found in other settings can refer to the table
Variant Abilities below to substitute more familiar types of dragons for the
new broods. These equivalents do not take alignment into
Though the dragons of a particular brood often share consideration and are purely a comparison of thematic
a number of characteristics, there is still variety within function and abilities.
broods, allowing for different traits and abilities. Each Alternatively, GMs can use the variant abilities in
brood in this chapter contains a section on variant abilities these sections to enhance dragons from other sources.
that lists alternate attacks and breath weapons that can be
applied to a dragon of that brood. The GM can trade out VALERNIAN
existing abilities or add these variants on top of what the DRAGON BROOD
dragon already possesses. Coatl Green dragon or couatl
The saving throw DC for a variant breath weapon is the Ehrlya Brass, bronze, or copper
same as that for the dragon’s existing breath weapons. To dragon
calculate a breath weapon saving throw DC for a dragon that Exor Blue, red, or white dragon
does not already possess one, use its Constitution modifier.
Fulgen Gold dragon
Breath weapon saving throw DC = 8 + the dragon’s
Magnifex Blue or silver dragon
proficiency bonus + the dragon’s Constitution modifier
Nix Dracolich or black dragon
For other variant abilities, the saving throw DC can
be calculated with the most relevant ability modifier
instead of Constitution. For example, a dragon’s claw Variant Kadmic Runes
attack that can also knock a creature prone would use Though all dragons can use Kadmic runes to cast spells (as
the same save DC calculation as a breath weapon except detailed in chapter 7: Bestiary of this book), they can also be
that the dragon’s Constitution modifier is replaced with used to invoke other effects. These more specialized runes are
its Strength modifier. If in doubt about which ability often taught only when a dragon has reached an important
modifier to use when calculating the DC, use the modifier milestone, and many dragons will only learn a handful of such
for the dragon’s age category as listed in the DC Modifier runes in their lifetime. Each brood has a variant Kadmic rune
by Age Category table. ability that can be added to a dragon’s stats.
The damage listed in the variant abilities assumes the
dragon is of the ancient age category. To calculate the
damage a younger dragon would deal, reduce the damage


Coatl Kuxcoatl’s primary drive is knowledge—to him, there

is nothing more powerful—and he encourages those of his
Brilliant feathered dragons with an aptitude for the brood to delve into every mystery, to search for answers to
arcane, Coatl dragons are one of the more mysterious and every question, and to constantly push the limits of what it
enigmatic dragon broods. Preferring to live in solitude so means to be a dragon.
they can devote all of their time to the study of magic, they
regard other beings, including other dragon broods, as test
subjects to be observed, studied, and sometimes dissected.
Favoring magic over physical combat, Coatl dragons
fight with spells and magical abilities until forced to do
otherwise. When pressed into a physical confrontation,
they prefer to stay airborne, blasting their enemies with fire
and buffeting them with their wings rather than engaging
directly with tooth and claw.

Characteristics Creating a Coatl Dragon

Coatl dragons are lithe, with long necks and winding, Use the following tables to inspire your creation of a Coatl dragon.
snake-like tails. Young Coatl dragons have more scales than
feathers. Their feathers fill in as they mature, and they often
grow great crests or tail fans once they reach adulthood. Coatl Dragon Personality Traits
With a variety of bright, vibrant colors reminiscent of jungle 1d8 TRAIT
birds, they take great pride in their plumage. 1 I trail off midsentence when a new thought
Dragons of the Coatl brood are, by their very nature, strikes me.
endlessly curious and driven to pursue knowledge, 2 I often lose track of time and keep odd hours
often at great cost. When they’re young, Coatl dragons when deep in study and experimentation.
often venture far from their lairs, eschewing safety for 3 I’m cold and clinical in my approach to other
exploration and discovery, while older Coatl dragons send creatures.
servants to do the field work while they stay tucked safely 4 When I discover something new, I can barely
away in their strongholds. Unlike most other broods, Coatl contain my excitement.
dragons tend to be analytical, patient, and slow to anger, 5 I often rely too much on my magic.
though they can still be provoked into a frenzy over insults 6 I use technical terms and dense language to
and incursions into their territory, as their primal instincts describe even the simplest concept.
lie in wait beneath their deceptively placid visage. 7 New creatures are fascinating to me, and I waste
no time questioning them about their existence.

Azhurma 8 Nothing is more satisfying than putting an

ignorant brute in their place with my knowledge
Kuxcoatl, known as the Arcane of Power, is the azhurma and arcane abilities.
of the Coatl dragon brood. According to legend, as a
dragonkin known as Kuxbaan, he was unsatisfied with Coatl Dragon Ideals
his life beneath the heel of the dragons and contained an 1d8 IDEAL
insatiable curiosity about the world around him. After a
1 Knowledge. All knowledge is worth having.
chance meeting with a bunkuun Kaabweaver during a raid
on Valerna, Kuxbaan began to wonder about the nature 2 Curiosity. The worlds are full of wonders, and we
must discover them all.
of existence and the power of magic. When he returned
to Drakha, he began experimenting on himself. He was 3 Superiority. You’re worth nothing unless you’re
better than everyone else.
certain that if he, like all draconic beings, had the blood of
Kadmos in his veins, then he could rise to attain the same 4 Progress. Those who do not move forward are
doomed to be relegated to history.
status as the great wyrms.
After years of research and experimentation, he 5 Change. We must always strive to improve, learn,
and grow, or else we’ll stagnate and die.
emerged as no longer the dragonkin Kuxbaan but a great
6 Secrets. Sharing knowledge lessens it; those who
Coatl dragon with a flowing tail fan and stunning crest. hold the keys to existence wield the most power.
He challenged the brood’s azhurma and defeated them in
7 Diversity. Just as a natural ecosystem thrives
combat, using magic and strategy rather than pure physical on diversity, dragons will only reach their true
might. Claiming the position of azhurma, he renamed potential by expanding their horizons and
himself Kuxcoatl. encouraging new schools of thought.
8 Exploration. It is not enough to just read about
things; one must see and experience them
firsthand to truly understand.
Coatl Dragon Flaws Lair Features
1d8 FLAW Coatl lairs can vary widely, but most have common features.
Flight Shafts. These broad, circular tunnels are crafted
1 I see other creatures—even other dragons—as
interesting specimens to be observed at best, and test specifically to allow flight into and within the Coatl’s lair.
subjects at worst. They may be dug at any angle and are particularly challenging
2 I become enraged when proven wrong. for non-flying creatures to traverse.
Sanctum Arcanum. The innermost room of the Coatl’s
3 I become obsessed when an unanswered question is
lair, this chamber is typically heavily protected by arcane
before me.
wards, elaborate traps, and highly skilled guards. The
4 I jealously guard my knowledge and studies, even when
it would benefit me to share them. Coatl’s most prized research and test subjects lie within, the
5 I’m dismissive of those who I perceive of being of no use
culmination of years of collecting knowledge.
to me. Runic Security. The lair of a Coatl dragon is at least
6 I talk down to others. partially secured by Kadmic runes inscribed on the structure
of the lair itself. These magical traps or wards glow with an
7 I’m easily distracted.
otherworldly light and contain spells or other harmful effects
8 I’m constantly comparing myself to others and am never that trigger when an assailant draws near.
satisfied with my current situation.

Lair Actions
Coatl Dragon Goals Lair actions occur on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
1d8 GOAL ties). The dragon can only use one lair action a round.
1 I will find a way to break the Curse of Kadmos. Arcane Miasma. Each creature in the Coatl’s lair must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
2 I intend to become an azhurma in my own right and start
my own brood. confused (as per the confusion spell) for 1 minute. An affected
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
3 I will discover a ground-breaking arcane secret and
prove myself to be the best of my brood. turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
4 I want to be left alone to read my books and conduct my Dispel Magic. All spells of 5th level or lower affecting
research in peace. objects, creatures, or areas within the Coatl’s lair immediately
5 One day, I will overtake Kuxcoatl, the way he overtook end.
the azhurma before him, and reshape the Coatl in my Reveal Weaknesses. The Coatl dragon automatically
own image.
learns the current hit points, armor class, and
6 I will discover a way to force a Dragonbond so I can ability scores of every creature within 20 feet.
have unlimited access to Vaala.
Shimmering Glaze. Each creature within the
7 I will develop my own school of magic to rival the Kadmic Coatl’s lair must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw or become limned in shimmering
8 I will discover the truth about the Protogons and, in turn,
light. Any attack roll against an affected creature is
the truth about dragonkind.
made with advantage if the attacker can see it, and
the affected creature can’t benefit from being invisible.

Coatl Lairs Regional Effects

The region containing the Coatl’s lair is warped by its presence
Most Coatl lairs are found in the Arcanum Wilds on Drahka, and power, which create one or more of the following effects:
housed within great pyramid-like structures of stone and
• Heavy clouds and frequent lightning fill the sky within 5
metal. Therein lie grand libraries and arcane laboratories,
miles of the dragon’s lair. Within half a mile, for every 10
filled with decades or even centuries worth of research and
minutes spent traveling above ground, each creature must
populated with thralls and Coatl dragonkin. Kuxcoatl resides
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10)
within the Pyramid of Enlightenment, where he spends most
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
of his time deep in study, performing experiments.
on a successful one.
In Valerna, Coatl dragons prefer to lair in places of power
• The vegetation within 6 miles of the Coatl’s lair is thick
or knowledge. Ruins of ancient libraries, forgotten wizard
and lush, resembling a dense jungle. The land within this
towers, and abandoned academies are all potential locations
area takes twice as long to traverse.
for a Coatl lair. A Coatl in Valerna typically works alone,
• Whenever a creature that can understand a language
preferring secrecy and isolation to the trouble of kidnapping
finishes a long rest within 6 miles of the Coatl’s lair, they
and cultivating servants. Unlike their lairs on Drakha, which
can understand, speak, and read any language until they
are built to their preferences and specifications, Coatl lairs
leave the area.
in Valerna are reclaimed and often ill-fitting. A Coatl may
do their best to outfit their lair as they see fit, but they are If the dragon dies, the storm ends immediately. The
inevitably held back by the restrictions of the space. other effects fade and finally end after 24 hours.


Variant Coatl Abilities Adventure Seeds

Not all Coatl dragons are the same, and neither are their A few suggestions for adventures involving Coatl dragons can
powers. The optional abilities described below can be added to be found here:
a Coatl dragon’s stats. • An arcane curse has been unleashed upon the land.
Information on the only cure resides in a book in the
Actions possession of a Coatl. The characters must obtain this
Kadmic Rune: Antimagic (1/Day). The dragon sketches a book by whatever means necessary.
rune in the air, and a glowing glyph appears on a point that • A Coatl dragon has discovered a secret that could
the dragon can see within 120 feet. A 10-foot-radius sphere of shake dragon society to its core. The characters come
antimagic appears, centered on the glyph, for 1 minute. For the across the Coatl after she defeats another dragon in
duration, the area is under the effect of an antimagic field spell. combat. Terrified, desperate, and on the run from the
rest of dragonkind, who are trying to kill her in order
Reactions to obtain—or destroy—this knowledge, she begs the
characters for help.
Counterspell (3/Day). The dragon attempts to interrupt a • The characters are hired by a mysterious collector, who sends
creature casting a spell that it can see within 60 feet of it. If them into ancient ruins in search of lost knowledge and
the spell is 4th level or lower, the creature’s spell fails and has arcane tomes and pays handsomely for these items in return.
no effect. If the spell is 5th level or higher, the dragon must
make an Intelligence check with a DC of 10 + the spell’s level.

On a success, the creature’s spell fails and has no effect.

Breath Weapons
Ball Lightning. The dragon exhales a 15-foot-radius sphere of
lightning. The sphere travels 20 feet in a straight line before
dissipating. Each creature within the path of the sphere must
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) lightning
damage and 21 (6d6) thunder damage on a failed save, or

Mature Coatl dragons have mighty

half as much damage on a successful one.

wingspans, resplendent in colors, patterns,

Cryogenic Blast (Adult, Ancient). The dragon exhales a stream

eyespots, quills, and other secondary features

of sub-zero liquid in a 15-foot line. Each creature within the

for show or spellcraft.

line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,

a creature takes 55 (10d10) cold damage and is restrained
until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, a creature
takes half as much damage and is not restrained. If this effect
reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is immediately frozen
solid and is considered petrified.
Frigid Breath. The dragon exhales a frozen mist in a 15-
foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed on
a Constitution saving throw or take 55 (10d10) cold

Juvenile Coatl dragons begin to develop

damage and have its speed halved until the end of the

the trademark pointed flight feathers of

dragon’s next turn.

mature dragons.

Coatl hatchlings emerge from the egg

with fully feathered wings. The feathers
begin as short and rounded.


Ehrlya Azhurma
Pragmatic and driven, Ehrlya dragons view the act of Dehrilya, called the Forge Queen, is the azhurma of the
creation as their primary focus. These dragons, scaled in Ehrlya brood. An immense dragon with an ornate head
bronze or copper, don’t hoard or covet; they are crafters crest and a tail longer than her body, Dehrilya is a product
devoted to creating weapons, armor, and devices of the of her own design and skill. She hatched from a cast-off
utmost quality. For many of these dragons, the perfect egg, abandoned by a long-lost brood. Alone and without
medium for their craft is themselves, and they use their skills support, she should have perished. Instead, she used her
to modify their own bodies to provide new features or to cunning, intelligence, and knack for creation to thrive. As
enhance their already potent physical abilities. a young inventor and metalworker, she spent much of her
Though among the most resilient of the broods, the time in the heart of volcanoes, using the intense heat as
Ehrlya often ensconce themselves in their volcanic lairs, her forge and innovating her craft. Dehrilya believed her
obsessing over their creations and zealously protecting them own body could be improved with the use of a magical
from any who would dare to steal them. forge, making her stronger, tougher, and faster. To this end,
she labored far beyond what had previously been thought
Characteristics possible by other dragons.

Ehrlya dragons are large and powerful, with prominent

crests of horns sweeping back from their heads and tails
that narrow only to end in wide, flat, club-like shapes. Their
scales glint with the light of their magma-fueled forges,
and the air around them ripples with waves of heat. When
they hatch, Ehrlya dragons have short tails and no crests;
however, their tail length and the prominence of their crests
increase as they age. Their scales typically range in color
from a metallic red to a rich bronze, though some tend
toward a coppery green or even a metallic cobalt hue. Her sheer force of will and incredible creations drew
Usually having little desire to enter into conflict with others to Dehrilya’s side, and she forged her own brood from
lesser creatures, if they notice them at all, Ehrlya dragons the outcasts abandoned by other broods. This incredible act
prefer to spend their energy on designing and creating. They cemented her position as the new azhurma, and the brood
are by far the most utilitarian of dragon breeds, a trait which took her name and adopted her penchant for invention.
extends into everything they do. They value hard work and Dehrilya rules her brood from the Kiln, a fortress-
good results and don’t concern themselves with the petty forge built in and around the caldera of the great volcano
squabbles and egotistical conquering of most of their kin. Nurazhirme on Drakha. Believing strength and perfection
When provoked or attacked, most Ehrlya dragons opt for a are not matters of birth but qualities to be forged and shaped,
direct response, with little time for trickery or subterfuge. she accepts dragons shunned by their own broods and makes
Ehrlya-made metalwork and magic items are among them part of hers. Though Brood Ehrlya is the smallest of the
the most powerful, both in Valerna and on Drakha, and major dragon groups, its members are a formidable force, a
they’re naturally among the most coveted. As soon as they fact other dragons acknowledge and respect. She pushes her
are able, an Ehrlya will construct its own forge. On Drakha, followers to devote themselves to their craft, convinced there
skilled artificers of the brood are expected to teach younger is perfection waiting to be discovered within each gemstone,
dragons, and it’s not uncommon for two or more dragons bit of metal, or living creature.
to collaborate on a large project under the watchful eye of
an elder master. Even the Ehrlya dragons who toil alone in
Valerna focus their entire lives around their forges. Though
age merits respect, skill in forging and metalworking is the
most prized and honored virtue among the brood.

Creating an Ehrlya Dragon Ehrlya Dragon Goals
Use the following tables to inspire your creation of an
Ehrlya dragon. 1d8 GOAL
1 I search for a lost manuscript that details a
Ehrlya Dragon Personality Traits fantastic crafting method from ancient days.
1d8 TRAIT 2 I will create the greatest masterpiece ever seen.

1 I am direct, almost to the point of being rude. 3 It is time for the azhurma to step aside for a real
2 I must always work to improve myself.
4 I must find a series of extremely rare components
3 I eagerly tell anyone about my greatest creations, for my next great work.
ensuring I make myself sound good.
5 Only in isolation can I create my masterpiece.
4 I am always working on the little details of my
latest creation. 6 I search for an apprentice to pass my greatest
secrets on to.
5 I must teach others what I know.
7 I will pursue the thieves who stole my collection
6 If there is an opportunity to show off my skills, I until the sun perishes or they do.
jump at it.
8 I must acquire the aid of the greatest tinkers,
7 As I travel, I gather components for my next metalworkers, and inventors in order to complete
creation. my masterpiece.
8 Theory is fine, but practical and realistic thinking
allow us to overcome any obstacle.

Ehrlya Dragon Ideals

1 Creativity. Always seek to make that which is
new, for creation brings change and change
fends off stagnation.
2 Self-Improvement. Each of us can remake
ourselves to become what we envision.
3 Pragmatism. The most direct course is usually
the correct one.
4 Skill. Only in demonstrating our abilities can we
prove our worth to the world.
5 Hoard. We must conceal our treasures and
secrets from those who would steal them.
6 Knowledge. We must seek out new techniques
and research, for only with knowledge can we
hope to grow in power.
7 Superiority. My work, my craft, my inventions will
be proven the greatest.
8 Discipline. Only by mastering ourselves, can we
hope to master anything else.

Ehrlya Dragon Flaws

1d8 FLAW
1 I obsess over every little detail and try to make
everything perfect.
2 I can’t stand the cold.

3 I would destroy the world to keep my creations safe.

4 I have an urge to push the boundaries of my craft
and art, even if I tread into highly questionable
5 I have little patience for obtuse thinkers and
so-called philosophers.
6 Did you see my latest creation? Let me
show you!
7 I constantly nag others to follow my example
and improve themselves.
8 I put my creations and my crafting before the
needs of anyone in this world.

Ehrlya Lairs Lair Features

On the moon of Drakha, the Ehrlya brood frequent the Ehrlya lairs can vary widely, but most have common features.
Obsidian Plains. This desolate territory surrounds the Metal Sentinels. Towering golems stand watch on the
lava-spewing volcano of Nurazhirme and is dotted with rim of the caldera leading down to the volcanic lair.
smaller volcanoes and subterranean lava vents. These Exhibition Hall. The pride of any Ehrlya dragon,
areas of extreme geothermal activity are often chosen as this long, spiraling, multi-level gallery winds around
locations for Ehrlya lairs. the inside of a vertical shaft descending deeper into the
In Valerna, Ehrlya dragons build their forge-lairs in lair. The walls are open to the central shaft, allowing
areas of sweltering heat and where they have ready access the dragon easy access. The gallery itself contains niches
to lava for their smithies, steam hammers, and other displaying the greatest of the dragon’s creations.
equipment. Volcanoes are the most preferable locations Great Forge. At the lowest level of the lair, in the
for Ehrlya lairs, but other sites might include deep heart of the volcano, is the forge where the dragon
vents, craters, or other cracks in the world’s mantle. The crafts its marvelous creations. Lava is funneled through
dragons’ fortress-like structures center around two main crucibles near anvils and rune-etched molds while
rooms: the forge and the hatchery. The Ehrlya employ eldritch machines of metal and crystal loom above.
metallic servitor constructs of all sizes and designs,
animated by magic and dedicated to their dragons. Lair Actions
Unlike some other broods, the Ehrlya often work Lair actions occur on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
together, so it is not uncommon to find more than one ties). The dragon can only use one lair action a round.
dragon in a lair as they learn from each other and work Antigravity Mote. The dragon chooses a point on
on communal projects. the ground of its lair that it can see within 120 feet of it.
Gravity is reversed in an area in the shape of a cylinder
that is 100 feet tall with a 50-foot radius, centered on that
point. All creatures and objects that aren’t anchored to the
ground in that area fall upward and reach the ceiling or
the top of the affected area. A creature can make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw to grab onto a fixed object it can
reach, thus avoiding the upward fall. Creatures that fail
their saving throw, and aren’t otherwise prevented from
falling, strike the ceiling just as they would had they fallen
downward an equal distance. At the start of its turn, an
affected creature falls back down.

Lava Spout. The dragon chooses a point on the ground Regional Effects
that it can see within 120 feet of it. Lava spews from the
ground, spraying molten rock in a 20-foot-radius sphere The region containing the Ehrlya’s lair is warped by the
centered on that point. Each creature in that area must dragon’s presence and power, which create one or more of
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) the following effects:
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a • The temperature within 10 miles of the Ehrlya’s lair is
successful one. In addition, the area is difficult terrain for 1 warmer than the average for the area, and it rises higher
hour. During this time, a creature that starts its turn in the in the areas closest to the lair.
area takes 3 (1d6) fire damage. • Geothermal activity within 6 miles of the Ehrlya’s
Repulsion Field. Every creature within 120 feet of the lair increases in frequency, giving rise to steam vents,
dragon must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be geysers, fumaroles, boiling lakes, and hot mud pits. The
pushed up to 60 feet away from it. land within this area takes twice as long to traverse.
Suppress Item. The dragon chooses one target it can • The dragon can sense the aura of the strongest magic
see within 120 feet of it. The target must succeed on item in the possession of any creature within 1 mile of
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or the properties and it and learns something of its nature.
powers of its magic items are suppressed until initiative If the dragon dies, these effects end immediately.
count 20 on the next round. An affected creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on a success.

The wing of a mature Ehrlya dragon,

proudly displaying the craftwork and body

modification the brood is known for.

Of note are the keratinous scales

that cover the wing, giving it a
lava flow-like pattern.

must succeed on a second Dexterity saving throw or

the magic item is damaged enough to lose its magical
properties. A skilled wizard or arcane smith can restore
a magic item damaged in this way by working on the
item for 2 days per level of rarity. For example, this
requires 2 days of work for a common item or 10 days
for a legendary one.
Solar Flare (Adult, Ancient). The dragon exhales a stream
of impossibly hot energy in a 15-foot line that is 5

Variant Ehrlya Abilities

feet wide. Each creature within the line must succeed
on a Dexterity saving throw or take 27 (5d10) fire
Not all Ehrlya dragons are the same, and neither are their damage and 27 (5d10) force damage. The creature is
powers. The optional abilities described below can be added disintegrated if this damage reduces it to 0 hit points,
to an Ehrlya dragon’s stats. as per the disintegrate spell.
Xantheous Cloud. The dragon exhales yellowish sulfuric
Actions gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the area must
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it
Kadmic Rune: Disjunction (1/Day). The dragon focuses takes 39 (6d12) poison damage and is incapacitated by
on a single magic item it can see within 120 feet and illness. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
scribes a glyph that appears on the surface of the item end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
for 1 minute. While an item bears this rune, its magical success.
properties are suppressed.
If a creature holds or wears a magic item targeted by
this rune, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw
to prevent this effect. A creature can repeat the Wisdom
Adventure Seeds
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the A few suggestions for adventures involving Ehrlya dragons
effect on an item it holds or wears on a success. can be found here:
• An unexpectedly friendly Ehrlya dragon needs assistance
Breath Weapons clearing out the tunnels within a volcano so it can build
its new forge-lair.
Smelting Breath. The dragon spits a 5-foot-radius sphere of • To stop the recent attacks by a furious Ehrlya dragon on
energy and flame at a creature it can see within 20 feet a nearby city, the characters must hunt down a pair of
of it. The creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving wily thieves and return the objects they stole.
throw or take 27 (5d10) fire damage. Additionally, this • A dying Ehrlya dragon has finished its masterpiece,
fire destroys an item of the dragon’s choice that the a powerful magic item, and is searching for someone
target holds or wields. If the item is magical, the target worthy enough to wield it.

Exor Azhurma
The Exor revel in the thrill of the hunt and relish the sweet Fierce Rawraxxa, the Apex Huntress, is the youngest of all
taste of vanquishing their prey. These hunting dragons the azhurma on Drakha but is among the most powerful.
pit themselves against rivals and prey knowing that only Her territory, the Shrilling Sands, is an arid wasteland of
victory and defeat determine their place in the world. dunes, rocky outcroppings, deep crevasses, and scouring
The worldview of the Exor divides all other creatures into sandstorms. Unique among the other azhurma, Rawraxxa
adversaries to be contended with and quarry to be stalked, disdains those who need a lair as weak. Instead, she consi-
killed, and consumed. They instinctively exploit any per- ders the entire Shrilling Sands to be her domain to do with
ceived weaknesses in their foes, all the better to demonstra- as she sees fit. Dotting the sweltering desert are towering
te their dominance. Standing as the apex predators in their monuments of bone, skin, and organs pieced together as
territories, Exor dragons favor desert or arid locations for tributes to her.
their lairs but can adapt to nearly any environment. Above
all else, this brood follows the philosophy that if you aren’t
the hunter, you’re the prey.

The Exor are predatory dragons ranging in color from gold
to red to brass, with scales shaped like shark’s teeth and
rows of jagged spikes running the length of their backs to
the end of their whip-like tails. Their powerful frames fea-
ture large thick forelimbs and smaller hindlimbs. Unique The Apex Huntress holds herself to the ideals followed
among dragons, the Exor have three-clawed talons with a by her brood: Meet every challenge, be hunter or be prey,
dewclaw digit that aids them in climbing and turning at and give no quarter to the weak. Rawraxxa molded herself
high speeds. into the ultimate hunter, excelling at the tactics and skills
While hunting, an Exor dragon’s greatest pleasure necessary to ambush and strike down her quarry with
comes from stalking and ambushing their prey, and they savage violence. Possessing a uniquely long and agile tail,
will often draw out a confrontation in order to elicit the she has been known to strangle weaker dragons.
greatest challenge before closing in for the kill. Unlike Though she stands as azhurma, Rawraxxa knows her
dragons from other broods, an Exor prefers its physical lofty position is not due to the loyalty of her followers
weapons over its breath weapons. Springing upon their but to her undefeated status. This attitude trickles down
prey from an unseen location is a common tactic for these to the rest of her brood. Exor dragons respect stronger
dragons, especially burrowing beneath their targets before members but view that same strength as a challenge to
launching a stealthy attack from below. be defeated. Rawraxxa herself does not harbor many
An Exor dragon hunts with other brood members but emotions for her own brood, or anyone else. All that
only to increase their chance of finding prey, not due to any matters to her is the hunt.
particular loyalty. Each Exor knows that when they are strong
enough, they are expected to lead a hunting pack formed of
weaker Exor. Surprisingly, many Exor dragons offer positions
in their packs to defeated dragons from other broods. These
new recruits are required to be loyal and function like an Exor
themselves, and they are closely watched until they prove
themselves. Each Exor knows it will someday challenge a
stronger member of the brood, either proving itself superior
or, perhaps, perishing in the attempt.

Creating an Exor Dragon Exor Dragon Goals
Use the following tables to inspire your creation of an 1d8 GOAL
Exor dragon. 1 I will gather a skull from every kind of creature
until my collection is complete.
Exor Dragon Personality Traits
2 I need to grow stronger and more skilled so I can
1d8 TRAIT take my place as azhurma.
1 Only by challenging the strong can I prove my 3 Those who despoiled the area around my lair
own strength. must be hunted down and destroyed.
2 I share my hunting skills with those who are 4 I must challenge and defeat ever-stronger foes to
worthy. prove that I am the mightiest hunter.
3 To me, everyone is either hunter or prey. 5 I will create a hunting pack that will live forever in
song and legend.
4 In combat, and in life, I move stealthily and strike
unexpectedly. 6 I seek to teach the lesser creatures some of
my hunting skills so they can grow strong and
5 I don’t show weakness.
become decent prey.
6 I don’t back down from a challenge, ever.
7 I will hunt the greatest prey of all: Baastherox, the
7 Each of my scars holds a story that I will gladly Mightiest.
8 I follow the trail of a legendary mortal hunter
8 I never rush the kill; playing with my prey is far who is rumored to possess the ultimate hunting
more satisfying. technique.

Exor Dragon Ideals

1 Fear. Flesh is delicious, but a prey’s fear is the
taste to savor.
2 Aggression. Victory is only achieved by swift,
furious action.
3 Superiority. All lesser beings are prey.
4 Hunger. To experience life, it must be consumed
so its flavor lingers on the lips.
5 Self-Improvement. Only by growing stronger in
body and skill can I achieve my glorious destiny.
6 Cruelty. Making a foe suffer serves as a warning
to future opponents.
7 Patience. The perfect ambush requires the will to
wait for the perfect moment to strike.
8 Ruthlessness. Never offer a second chance, for one
who is prey might someday return as a hunter.

Exor Dragon Flaws

1d8 FLAW
1 I insist that my companions
consume a portion of those
who I’ve vanquished.
2 I see everything as a challenge
that I must answer.
3 I don’t really like the taste of meat.
4 I’m always wondering how a creature
will taste.
5 My prey must know I hunt them. Fear
me and despair!
6 Heights make me nervous. I’d rather be
7 I’d rather go on the attack than “plan” or “think”
8 If there is a way to inflict pain, I’ll find it.


Exor Lairs of their prey. Traditionally, these corpses are impaled on

stalagmites rising from the floor or are hung on hooks
On the Red Moon, Exor dragons make their lairs in the dangling from high ceilings. The Exor dragons in Valerna
Shrilling Sands. Some burrow below the sand to carve have learned to season their larder with herbs, spices, and
tunnels in the rock beneath, while others prefer to hew out other flavorings, and some have developed a passion for
lofty aeries on high cliffs or stone spires. Most Exor prefer to culinary experimentation.
conceal the entrances to their lairs and often have secret un- Hall of the Vanquished. Most Exor lairs include one
derground tunnels, the better to ambush any attackers with. chamber where the dragon displays the trophies of their
In Valerna, Exor dragons build their lairs in warm, hunts. This chamber has high walls, smoothed by the
arid environments but will adapt to other climates if the dragon’s scouring breath, and is illuminated by glowing
need arises. In such circumstances, an Exor might burrow runes or reflecting crystals which channel light from the
far underground to tap some geothermal vent or perhaps surface. The dragon’s trophies, in the form of skulls, skins,
persuade lesser creatures to fashion a massive hearth in the whole skeletons, or even magically preserved bodies,
center of its lair. line the walls and floor, artfully arranged to highlight
Though they typically don’t hoard material objects, Exor the fierceness of the foe. Exor dragons often leave traps,
dragons often collect trophies from particularly challenging themed to the power of the vanquished foe, to guard their
foes. These might include the skulls, skins, or possessions of precious trophies.
vanquished creatures, displayed prominently around the lair. Secret Tunnels. The canny Exor dragons know the
hunter can quickly become the prey. They will create
Lair Features multiple hidden passages connecting various parts of their
lair so they can ambush intruders. These secret tunnels are
Exor lairs can vary widely, but most have usually completely filled with sand, allowing the dragons
common features. to use their burrowing ability to traverse them, and the
Larder. Closely following the entrances are hidden by clever camouflage or magical
Exor’s love of the hunt is their illusions. Every Exor lair will have at least one hidden exit in
enjoyment of consuming the case the dragon needs to make a strategic withdrawal.
spoils of their victories. In
their lairs, these dragons
devote a whole chamber Lair Actions
to house the carcasses Lair actions occur on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
ties). The dragon can only use one lair action a round.
Choking Storm. Sand and dust fill the air in a 20-foot-
radius sphere centered on a point the dragon can see within
its lair. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Crystalline Coat. Sand is pulled in to
cover the dragon’s body and harden into a
layer of crystal. Until initiative count 20
on the next round, each creature has
disadvantage on its first attack roll
made against the dragon.

Sandspout. The dragon chooses a point on the ground Regional Effects
that it can see within 120 feet of it. A geyser of sand
with a 5-foot radius erupts 20 feet high from that point. The region containing an Exor’s lair is warped by the dra-
A creature on the ground where the spout emerged or gon’s presence and power, which create one or more of the
in the air above it must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving following effects:
throw. On a failed save, the creature is hurled up to 20 • The shadows cast by the bones and remains of creatures
feet upward before falling to the ground and landing killed within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair animate to
prone. On a successful save, a creature moves to the nearest reenact the moment of their deaths.
unoccupied space instead of being hurled. • If the dragon’s name is spoken within 1 mile of its lair,
If the upward moving target encounters some object the dragon knows it and hears everything said within
(such as a ceiling), the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage 10 feet of that spot for the next 5 minutes.
for every 10 feet it moves before impact. • Creatures that take a long rest within 6 miles of the
Swiftsand. The dragon chooses up to three creatures dragon’s lair have a nagging feeling of being stalked by
it can see within the lair, causing the ground beneath each some unseen predator.
target to transmute into quicksand. A targeted creature If the Exor dragon dies, all of these effects end
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be immediately.
restrained until initiative count 20 on the next round.
Alternatively, another creature within 5 feet of a restrained
target can use an action to try to pull the target out of
the quicksand by making a DC 15 Strength check. On a
success, the restrained effect on that target ends.

Exor wyrmlings are able to fly,

run, and hunt from the moment
they hatch.

Variant Exor Abilities Windblast Breath. The dragon exhales a concentrated

stream of wind in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide.
Not all Exor dragons are the same, and neither are their Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving
powers. The optional abilities described below can be added throw. On a failed saving throw, a target takes 27 (5d10)
to an Exor dragon’s stats. bludgeoning damage and is thrown away from the line
a number of feet equal to the damage it took (rounded
Actions down to the nearest 5 feet), landing prone. On a
Kadmic Rune: Pitfall (3/Day). The dragon focuses on successful save, a target takes half as much damage and is
a point on the ground it can see within 90 feet of it and not thrown.
scribes a rune in the air. A sheer-sided pit, 10 feet wide
and 30 feet deep, opens beneath that point. Creatures
within the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
Adventure Seeds
or fall into the pit. A few suggestions for adventures involving Exor dragons can
be found here:
Breath Weapons • Hearing of their exploits, an Exor dragon challenges
the characters to a series of hunts to prove who is the
Desiccating Breath. The dragon exhales a cloud of black greatest in Valerna.
dust in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must • A young Exor dragon begs the characters for help
make a Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (5d10) against an older Exor that is stalking it. But is this a
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage genuine call for help or an elaborate ambush?
on a successful one. A creature who fails this save can’t • The bones of a famed hero now reside as a trophy
speak until it consumes some sort of liquid as it chokes in an Exor dragon’s lair. The hero’s family will pay
on the dust. handsomely for the return of the remains.
Obscuring Breath. The dragon breathes a swirling cloud
of dust in a 20-foot-radius sphere around itself. Until
the end of the dragon’s next turn, the area is obscured,
and the dragon becomes invisible (as per the greater
invisibility spell).

Fulgen Azhurma
Aureus, the Lord of Radiant Dragons, is the Fulgen azhur-
The proudest and most arrogant of their kin, Fulgen dragons ma and one of the oldest living beings in existence. He
believe themselves to be the natural rulers of the dragons. remembers the rise and fall of Kadmos and watched as the
These metallic-scaled dragons present a dichotomy of Primordial Dragon perished at the hands of the Dragon-
ruthless dominance mixed with a noble, genteel civility they bonded. Aureus is a powerful combatant but it is his gift of
believe befits their station. They devote a great deal of time foresight—not a magical ability but one born of logic and
to debating topics like law, magic, and rhetoric, yet they reasoning—which has earned him the most victories.
also spend an equal amount of effort honing their fighting
skills. Above all else, Fulgen dragons instinctively value
power in whatever form it takes, be it natural strengths,
deep knowledge, hard-learned skill, desirable resources, or
an upperhand in the intrigues of social conflict. Even other
dragons are wary of entering into battle with a Fulgen.

The metallic scales on a Fulgen’s powerful body come in a
vast range of colors, from gold to brass, crimson, or even
shades of green or blue. They have broad chests, short backs A skilled politician, Aureus has a nearly unparalleled
and large powerful limbs. Their heads have the shape of an knack for elaborate manipulations and intricate strategies.
axe or wedge, with prominent ridges of horn rising above His plans are long reaching and difficult to discern, as he
or somewhat swept back. Many Fulgen also have barbel seems to take all possibilities into account. Aureus evaluates
“whiskers” around their mouth or snout. Their tails are thick hundreds of possible outcomes for his projects before
and held outward, off the ground, when they stand or move, unleashing his agents, backed by his incredible resources,
as befits their refined demeanor. onto the playing board, learning from each player’s
Fulgen dragons boast the most diverse and complex moves. His primary goal is to keep the power of his brood
society on Drakha, including its only major metropolis, the paramount, but only slightly less important is his almost
Golden City. There, the brood rules over a large number obsessive drive to improve things. The focus around which
of dragonkin and Valernians. However, thanks to the laws most of his plans revolve is the Golden City, the most
instituted by their azhurma, Aureus, they moderate their populated and civilized place of Drakha. Aureus watches
instincts and graciously suffer, or at times even tolerate, the over this mighty creation from his Golden Palace at the
presence of lesser beings. heart of the city.
Believing menial work to be beneath them, the Fulgen
delegate most of these tasks to their followers, servants,
and other creatures, allowing themselves the freedom to
concentrate on what they consider more important matters.
Creating a Fulgen Dragon
Instructed in a wide variety of subjects from a young age, Use the following tables to inspire your creation of a
Fulgen dragons have exceptional foresight and a great Fulgen dragon.
depth of knowledge. The most renowned Fulgen dragons
occasionally take on students to teach them philosophy, Fulgen Dragon Personality Traits
politics, and strategy. In the Golden City, the Fulgen 1d8 TRAIT
Academy’s majestic gardens are packed with students strolling 1 Those who fail to heed the past must be informed
with their tutors, building on their mutual knowledge for the of my new twelve-part historical treatise.
future greatness of the brood. 2 I fully expect everyone to acknowledge my
3 I cannot even envision a situation where I lose.
4 Everyone is usually less knowledgeable than I am,
a fact I am quick to prove whenever possible.

Throughout all the great ages of Valerna, the Dragons of

5 I have a philosophical saying for every situation.
6 Others should listen to me, because I am always right.

the Red Moon have been a blight. They are the greatest
7 Those who fail to speak to me with respect face

enemies of civilization, streaming down upon us in their

my wrath.

multitudes to ravage, feed and destroy.

8 I have no patience for those of limited intelligence.

Fulgen Dragon Ideals Fulgen Dragon Goals
1d8 IDEAL 1d8 GOAL
1 Power. The only important thing in life is the 1 I will gather the greatest magic items in the world
accumulation of power, in any form. so their power might be mine.
2 Knowledge. The duty of the practically immortal 2 I have lost an important tome loaned to me by
is to learn and preserve as much lore as possible. the azhurma and must recover it at all costs.
3 Protection. By shepherding lesser creatures, we 3 I seek a new disciple so I might share my amazing
prove our own greatness. intellect.
4 Intrigue. The best plans are the ones your foes 4 I secretly delve into forbidden knowledge.
never see coming.
5 My plans will secure for me my own domain and,
5 Superiority. Other creatures lack my intellect and eventually, my own brood.
wisdom and must submit to my guidance, for
6 I will travel the world to debate the greatest
their own good.
scholars and prove that I am superior.
6 Debate. There is no situation that can’t be improved
7 I am forming a cadre of lesser creatures to serve
by a discussion for at least an hour or two.
me as a war band.
7 Order. Every creature has a place in the hierarchy
8 Once I find a particular lost artifact, my power
of life and should not impinge on their betters.
shall be unlimited.
8 Ego. The concerns of lesser creatures are

Fulgen Dragon Flaws

1d8 FLAW
1 I never bother to remember the names of
unimportant creatures.
2 I am constantly sidetracked by the search for
3 I will lecture about almost any subject if given the
4 Though I act noble, I secretly wish to revel in base
5 I view other creatures’ possessions as tribute I
can claim.
6 Unless the threat comes from a dragon, I tend to
dismiss it.
7 While I should use rhetoric to make my points, I
tend to resort to violence first.
8 I expect lesser creatures to serve me, as is my due.


Fulgen Lairs Lair Features

Most Fulgen dragons on the Red Moon live in and around Fulgen lairs can vary widely, but most have common features.
the Golden City. This city, formed of three concentric Grand Hall. Just past the entrance to a Fulgen lair is
circles, is a vast metropolis sized for gargantuan creatures. a richly decorated chamber where the dragon entertains
The Fulgen live and train in the Middle and Central Rings guests, holds philosophical debates, and receives tributes
of the city, making use of such notable locations as the from lesser creatures. Secret panels in the walls of the hall
Gilt Library, the Court of Trials, the Scriptorium, and the hold well-armed servitors or followers, providing security
Fulgen Academy. Within the city, the Fulgen have domiciles in case of danger.
more than lairs, though these multi-room buildings often Librarium. The most private room in the lair is the
take on the attributes of traditional lairs, albeit in a more librarium. The exact contents of this chamber depend on the
constrained manner. draconic owner but could be a trove of knowledge, a magic
In Valerna, Fulgen dragons prefer to make their lairs in item collection, a war room, or even a repository of blackmail
or near urban areas, mostly so that the other creatures can material. The contents of the librarium are often guarded by
see to their needs. Fulgen will claim an abandoned palace magical traps, armed followers, or other hidden means.
or fortress or make use of an underground ruin, though in Servitor Chambers. Depending on the size of the
such cases they will demand other creatures upgrade the lair, one section is usually dedicated to house the followers
facilities to meet the dragon’s specifications. and servants who wait on the dragon. These areas include
A Fulgen’s hoard is usually a reflection of the dragon’s comfortable and well-appointed bedchambers, common
preferred method of power. The dragons who seek power rooms, and kitchens.
through knowledge will collect ancient tomes, scrolls, and
archeological relics, whereas those who prefer magical Lair Actions
objects or intrigue might hoard arcane artifacts or Lair actions occur on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
secrets, respectively. ties). The dragon can only use one lair action a round.
Regal Presence. The force of the dragon’s powerful
personality fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the
dragon. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
either charmed or restrained by the dragon (the dragon’s
choice) until initiative count 20 on the next round.
Rejuvenated Power. Drawing on the power infusing its
lair, the dragon rolls a d6. On a 6, the dragon recharges its
Breath Weapons action.
Willing Sacrifice. An ally within sight of the dragon
expends a number of its Hit Dice, up to its maximum,
and the dragon regains 10 hit points for each Hit Die the
ally expends.

A juvenile Fulgen dragon, displaying the
brood’s typical powerful, lean build.

Note the subcutaneous support

of the dorsal ridge.

The keeled
The small contact
shape of the head
points of the feet allow
aids in flight
for fast running when
not in the sky.

Regional Effects Variant Fulgen Abilities

Fulgen lairs in the Golden City on Drakha only have regio-
Not all Fulgen dragons are the same, and neither are their
nal effects within the walls of their domicile. In Valerna, the
powers. The optional abilities described below can be added
region containing a Fulgen’s lair is warped by the dragon’s
to a Fulgen dragon’s stats.
presence and power, which create one or more of the fo-
llowing effects:
• Creatures that spend a month or longer within 5 miles Actions
of the dragon’s lair instinctively treat the dragon with Kadmic Rune: Command Obeisance (1/Day). The dragon
respect, regardless of their personal feelings. traces a rune on its forehead and bellows an earth-shaking
• Within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair, creatures roar. Each creature within 250 feet that can see or hear the
unconsciously use respectful manners when conversing dragon must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or suffer
with others. the following effects:
• Reflective materials within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair • It immediately drops whatever it’s holding.
never seem to tarnish or lose their luster. • Its speed is reduced to zero until the end of the dragon’s
If the Fulgen dragon dies, these effects fade over the course next turn.
of a month before ending completely. • It must use its action to drop prone on the floor in a
prostrate bow, and remain that way until the start of
their next turn.
• It cannot take bonus actions or reactions.

Bonus Actions Adventure Seeds

Deafening Wings. The dragon slams its wings together A few suggestions for adventures involving Fulgen dragons
creating a deafening crash. Each creature within 30 feet that can be found here:
can hear the dragon must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or be deafened for 1 minute. A deafened creature • To end the vicious fighting between two heavily armed
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, factions led by dragon heralds, the characters must
ending the effect on itself on a success. enlist the aid of a reclusive Fulgen dragon.
• A Fulgen dragon recently arrived in a remote city
and declared the entire area to be her property. The
Breath Weapons characters must defeat or trick the dragon or otherwise
Incandescent Breath. The dragon exhales white-hot energy convince her to leave.
in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a • A heavily wounded Fulgen dragon promises the
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes characters great rewards if they delve into their
35 (10d6) radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute. former lair and defeat the fierce monsters who ran
On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and the dragon off.
isn’t blinded. A creature blinded by this breath weapon
makes a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of

of the Dragonbond, those

And yet, through the power
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

to be our greatest allies,

same dragons can yet prove
nge the world.
and empower people to cha

Magnifex Azhurma
Magnifex dragons are beautiful, vain, and self-indulgent. Sivax Magnifex, the Prince of Perfect Ecstacy, is the azhur-
They enjoy decadent luxuries more than any other dragon, ma of the Magnifex brood. From a young age, Sivax was
making their homes only in the most stunning landscapes, known for his keen eye for beauty and his violent hatred of
collecting the most splendid art objects as treasure, and everything he considered less than perfect. It was with that
eating only the most well-seasoned prey. discerning eye that the young Sivax saw something, some
A Magnifex is mercurial and quick to anger but cunning flaw he could not clearly identify, within Yurvix, the brood’s
enough to fight only when victory is likely and risk minimal. first azhurma. He scrutinized Yurvix for years, analyzing the
They dislike physical damage, for it mars their beauty, great wyrm, determined to find the reason for his distaste
and never let an insult pass. In combat, a Magnifex is a toward his azhurma.
breathtaking sight, with the light shifting and reflecting
off its shimmering scales, earning them the nickname “the
dancing death.”

Magnifex dragons are slim and agile, their long necks and
tails giving them a serpentine look. They often sport frills or
fans on their necks, backs, and tails and may have barbels or
spines along their jaws. Their colors typically range in the dark
Finally, one evening, Sivax realized the flaw in Yurvix.
blacks, reds, and purples, often with opalescent, iridescent, or
The flaw was undeniable and one that was so much a part of
shimmering accents in one or more colors. Magnifex dragons
Yurvix that it would taint the azhurma for the rest of his days.
are proud of their appearance and flaunt their unique features
And so, under cover of night, Sivax slaughtered Yurvix, using
whenever possible, especially in the presence of their kin.
the azhurma’s fatal flaw against him, and crafted the defeated
Though all dragons are proud and vain, Magnifex
azhurma’s body, blood, and entrails into a masterpiece within
dragons exemplify these traits. With a particular eye for
the shining square of the city of Paradis. When the Magnifex
beauty, they strive to surround themselves with elements
population awoke and saw what Sivax had done, they exulted
they find aesthetically pleasing. Each Magnifex has their
in his exquisite genius and unrivaled skill.
own interpretation of beauty, however, and their tastes
Now, Sivax is the unrivaled authority on beauty within
often tend to the extreme. A Magnifex may find rapture
the Magnifex population. Capricious and arrogant, he is
in the particular arrangement of corpses, for instance, or
secure in his position as the most glorious of all dragons,
in delicate patterns traced into the ashes of a razed village.
holding court within the glass spires of his lair on Drakha.
Many Magnifex create art from carnage, earning them a
particularly disturbing reputation.
Not all art is appealing to a Magnifex, however. Though
they are easily appeased with gifts and displays fitting their
Creating a Magnifex Dragon
particular tastes, they are just as easily enraged by items or Use the following tables to inspire your creation of a
performances they consider ugly or mediocre. An entrancing Magnifex dragon.
song on the lute may earn their mercy, but one wrong note
earns their wrath. Magnifex Dragon Personality Traits
Devious and fond of cutthroat social politics, Magnifex
dragons enjoy elaborate parties where they can display
their superiority and revel in the adoration of others. Such 1 I’m easily distracted by my own reflection.
gatherings with more than one Magnifex present often end in 2 I flatter and sweet talk to get my way, even if I
bloodshed, however, as the goading and posturing eventually don’t mean any of it.
leads at least one of them to frenzy, to the horror—or 3 I avoid conflict by pitting my enemies against
delight—of the other guests. each other.
4 I am cunning and patient, willing to wait years for
a plan to come to fruition.
5 I have a particular obsession with sweets.
6 I’m capable of much, but I prefer to have others do
things for me.
7 I love watching others vie for my attention.
8 I wear my wealth, adorning myself with jewels and
other riches.

Magnifex Dragon Ideals Magnifex Dragon Goals
1d8 IDEAL 1d8 GOAL
1 Worship. The more creatures who recognize your 1 Another Magnifex stole a favorite art piece from
beauty, the more worth you have in the world. me. I must get it back.
2 Beauty. That which is ugly does not deserve to 2 I have a rival. I will see them brought low.
3 I will prove myself to be the utmost authority on
3 Experience. Without new and unique my favored expression of art and beauty.
experiences, life becomes hollow and pointless.
4 I will hold the best party the Magnifex have ever
4 Novelty. Repetition and routine are the death attended—and I will survive it.
knells of existence.
5 I wish to taste all the cuisine that Rhaava and
5 Indulgence. It is not enough to experience a Drakha have to offer.
thing; one must experience it to excess to truly
appreciate it. 6 I will collect the most skilled artists and craftsmen
and keep them for myself.
6 Competition. Only by proving yourself against
your peers can you truly know your worth. 7 I will be a force so terrifying that mortals will tell
stories and sing songs of my splendor across
7 Society. Life is pointless without others to the ages.
challenge you and witness your successes.
8 I will craft a lair so stunning, it will be the envy of
8 Perfection. One must always strive for perfection my brood for generations to come.
in all things. Never display an unfinished painting.

Magnifex Dragon Flaws

1d8 FLAW
1 I’m easily bored.
2 I only surround myself with those who agree
with me.
3 I’m never satisfied with my appearance and
obsess over perceived imperfections, no matter
how small.
4 I overindulge in… well, everything.
5 I become easily obsessed over a new diversion
and lose interest just as quickly.
6 I am unforgiving of flaws or missteps in others.
7 I cannot hold my tongue.
8 I am rigid in my opinions and
unrelenting in my actions.


Magnifex Lairs Lair Features

On Drakha, most Magnifex dragons lair within the great Magnifex lairs can vary widely, but most have common
city of Paradis, nestled within a subterranean complex of features.
winding tunnels and vast caverns known as the Crystalline Crystal Spires. The Magnifex lair is adorned with
Maze. Since their beauty must be admired, Magnifex prefer towering spires of shimmering, rainbow-hued bismuth
to live in close proximity to other creatures, so that their crystals. They might be left in their natural state or formed
splendor may be seen and remarked upon regularly. They into particular designs by the Magnifex.
craft great structures of metal, glass, and crystal and enjoy Mercury Fountains. Water features filled with silver
pools and fountains of mercury, which act as shimmering mercury—such as fountains, waterfalls, reflecting pools,
mirrors that reflect their magnificence. They fill their halls and spouts—are found in nearly every Magnifex lair. The
with works of art and maintain a large population of artists, Magnifex may periodically add blood from a fresh kill to
performers, admirers, and sycophants. The uppermost levels these fountains, creating an entrancing, deep metallic-red
of Paradis house Sivax’s grand palace, the only structure that hue to the liquid.
is visible aboveground. Gallery. The walls, halls, and rooms of the Magnifex’s
In Valerna, Magnifex dragons desire only the most lair are filled with art of all types, but the structure
beautiful of locations to establish their lair. Whether this typically features a primary gallery, where the dragon can
means a rocky promontory with a breathtaking view, once- display its most prized possessions. This chamber may be at
forgotten ruins with ancient and elaborate stonework, or the heart of the lair, for only the Magnifex itself to enjoy,
carefully cultivated gardens of the rarest blossoms is up to or may be in a more public space so that the dragon can
the particular Magnifex. But once a location is chosen, the flaunt its collection in the presence of others.
Magnifex sets to work making it their own, breathing into
existence sculptures of shimmering bismuth, adorning the Lair Actions
walls with priceless tapestries, or even kidnapping mortals Lair actions occur on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
to serve them and witness their majesty. ties). The dragon can only use one lair action a round.
Aggressive Art. The statues within the lair animate and
come to the defense of the dragon. They act on the dragon’s
turn and use the statistics of a stone golem or an iron golem,
as appropriate. If the dragon dies, the statues become
inanimate again at the end of their next turn.
Environmental Inspiration. The dragon gains
inspiration from the art and architecture that surrounds
it. The dragon gains a d12 Environmental Inspiration
die. Once within the next round, the dragon can roll the
Environmental Inspiration die and add the number rolled
to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes.
Once the Environmental Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost.
The dragon can only have one inspiration die in this way at
a time.

A developing Magnifex wyrmling
slumbers in her egg as bismuth
crystals form on the shell exterior.

Mercury Rain. Fat drops of mercury fall from the

ceilings and the sky within the dragon’s lair. Each creature
Variant Magnifex Abilities
within the area must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution Not all Magnifex dragons are the same, and neither are their
saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned powers. The optional abilities described below can be added
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its to a Magnifex dragon’s stats.
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Regional Effects Stinging Barbels (Recharge 5–6). Each creature within 10
The region containing the Magnifex’s lair is warped by the feet must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6)
dragon’s presence and power, which create one or more of poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
the following effects: a successful one.
• The land within 3 miles of the Magnifex’s lair is studded Razor Tail Fan. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20
with towering formations of iridescent bismuth crystals. ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 10) slashing damage, and the
• All bodies of water within 2 miles of the lair have been target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
transformed into liquid mercury. A creature who drinks
this liquid becomes poisoned for the next 24 hours. Bonus Actions
• Creatures within 6 miles of the Magnifex’s lair find
themselves increasingly concerned with their physical Kadmic Rune: Dizzying Flash (1/Day). The dragon
appearance and their social standing, among both their sketches a rune in the air, which appears at a point of its
friends and their enemies, and become jealous of their choice within 120 feet and explodes in a burst of light and
companions and covetous of any valuable or unique color. Each creature within 60 feet of that point must make
items others may possess. a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is
stunned until the end of their next turn, and blinded for 1
If the dragon dies, the crystals remain until they are minute. On a success, the creature is blinded until the end
destroyed, the water returns to normal after 10 days, and all of their next turn. A blinded creature can repeat the saving
other effects end immediately. throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success.

Breath Weapons
Crystal Jet (Adult, Ancient). The dragon exhales a jet
Adventure Seeds
of liquid bismuth in a line that is 60 feet long and 5 A few suggestions for adventures involving Magnifex dra-
feet wide. Each creature in the line must succeed on gons can be found here:
a Dexterity saving throw or become restrained as the • A local artistic prodigy has been kidnapped by a
liquid solidifies into a wall of shimmering bismuth Magnifex dragon who wishes to keep the artist for
crystals. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw themselves. The characters must enter the dragon’s lair
moves to one side of the wall (the creature’s choice). A and rescue the artist.
restrained creature can use its action to make a DC 20 • Two rival Magnifex dragons are hosting a days-long
Strength (Athletics) check to attempt to break free. The competition to decide which of them is superior, and
wall is 2 feet thick and 10 feet tall. Each 5-foot section they’ve kidnapped the characters to be the judges.
has an AC of 13 and 60 hit points and is immune to • A nearby Magnifex has sent out a declaration: The local
poison and psychic damage. If a 5-foot section of the mortals must shower her with worthy gifts, or she will
wall is reduced to 0 hit points, it crumbles away, and raze the city to the ground. The characters must aid
any restrained creatures in that space are freed. the mortals in gathering the appropriate offerings or
otherwise stop the dragon from her spiteful destruction.

Dragons come in many forms, each derived from one of

the great broods. These lineages bestow unique characteristics upon
g styles
their hatchlings, influencing their personalities and temperament, their fightin
the insights
and interests. Some delve deep into the arcane, shunning society for
rampaging in trials
gleaned from ancient knowledge, while others are brutish and bold,
of strength and power. 135

Nix Azhurma
The undead brood, the Nix are hated and feared by all Nixis, the Veilbreaker, is a massive skeletal dragon of great
other dragons. Their embrace of necromancy makes them power. She was the first to unlock the secrets of draconic
unique among dragons and more powerful, in a sense, than undeath, creating her own brood through necromancy and
all others, for they have cheated death. Nix dragons are not building a legion of undead creatures to serve her.
born but are created through a magical rite that strips away
their flesh but imbues them with necromantic powers of
their own. Their azhurma, Nixis, is not just the progenitor
of their line but truly their creator and, as such, is shown
loyalty and respect from those of her brood.

Looking like gaunt, skeletal carcasses, Nix dragons bear an
unnatural glow in their mostly empty eye sockets. Since they
As a young dragon, Nixis was often described by her
are created through necromancy, the Nix brood is a strange
kin as tame and weak. She struggled to hunt and often
amalgamation of skeletal dragons from other broods; what
had to satisfy herself with carrion and cast-off bits of her
was once a Coatl dragon will sit side by side with what was
broodmates’ kills. Shunned by the other dragons, she led
once a Fulgen or a Magnifex, all their previous hostilities
a solitary life and spent much time in the company of
forgotten in their new unlife. The very breath of a Nix dragon
corpses, ruminating often on the essence of life and death.
can drain one’s life force, consuming souls to add to the
Her wanderings brought her in close proximity to the
dragon’s power.
Ossarium, a vast valley filled with the bones of combatants
The creation of a Nix dragon is a long and difficult
from some ancient struggle long forgotten and steeped
process, and few outside of Nixis herself have managed to
in latent necromantic energy. This energy eventually
successfully complete it on another dragon. Depending on
permeated Nixis herself and, coupled with her loneliness,
the age of the transformed dragon, they may retain some of
granted her the insight to teach herself the basics of
the personality traits of their former brood, which become
necromancy. She began animating small creatures by
tempered over time with an eerie, quiet patience. Nix dragons
carving runes into their bones and feeding a small portion
created while still in their eggs never learn the ways of their
of her own essence to the corpse, but she often mourned
original brood and know only the cold embrace of undeath.
the limits of her power.
Many Nix dragons are satisfied to remain in the background
When she stumbled into the territory of another
and let the other dragon broods war amongst themselves,
dragon, a fierce battle occurred. Nixis harbored no illusions
quietly confident that, in the end, death will take them all—
that she would win the fight but could not face the shame
and death, after all, is their domain.
of fleeing. It was in that moment that she realized the
As they don’t need to feed, and kill only to further their
truth: In death, the fear she felt every day scavenging for
necromantic research, Nix dragons rarely venture out of their
scraps would be gone, replaced with certainty and singular
territory except to steal eggs so they can bring them back for
purpose. Nixis died at peace, and when night fell, she rose
Nixis to transform into new broodmates. These raiding parties
again, an undead dragon surrounded by her creations.
are a favorite target of other broods, particularly Exors.
Nixis now resides deep within the Catacomb Reaches
The Nix embody calm, patience, endurance, resilience,
on Drakha. By stealing, killing, and resurrecting eggs from
and community. Reliant on one another in a way the other
other dragon broods, she has successfully created more
broods are not, these dragons often lair in close proximity to
necromantic dragons like herself. These undead creatures
each other, or even share lairs with multiple other Nix. They
act as her phylactery, allowing her to remain untouchable
will often work together as a cabal, pooling their necromantic
if even one survives. Each of them wields undead powers
power to raise stronger and more powerful undead creatures
in their own right, but each also holds a tiny fragment
than they could manage on their own.
of Nixis within themselves, a vessel for their azhurma’s
strength and eternal life.

Creating a Nix Dragon Nix Dragon Goals
Use the following tables to inspire your creation of a Nix 1d8 GOAL
1 I will locate a new source of necromantic
power, one that will allow the Nix to attain true
Nix Dragon Personality Traits superiority.
1d8 TRAIT 2 I will prove myself to my azhurma and win her
1 I pity those shackled to life, as there is far more approval.
power in undeath. 3 I feel lonely and out of place among my brood
2 I rarely speak out loud, as I’m so used to using and long to return myself to life.
my telepathy to communicate. 4 I’m constantly searching for new and interesting
3 I like to adorn my bones with decorative designs bones to add to my undead creations.
and inlays that complement my runes. 5 I wish to apply my necromancy in a way that has
4 I prefer to keep to the shadows, remaining never been seen before.
unnoticed and unobtrusive. 6 Did the Protogons have bones? If so, what effect
5 When I meet a new creature, I can’t help would Nix necromancy have on them? I want to
remarking on its bone structure. find out.

6 I tap my claws along my exposed rib cage when deep 7 I wish to wield necromancy powerful enough to
in thought or as a nervous habit. rival Nixis herself.

7 The bodily functions of living creatures disgust me. 8 I will establish a Nix stronghold in Valerna and
raise an undead army to subjugate the mortals.
8 I chafe against the cooperative nature of the Nix
and long to strike out on my own.

Nix Dragon Ideals

1 Patience. Eternity is a long time, and our enemies
are mortal.
2 Power. Undeath is absolute control over one’s fate.

3 Undeath. Undeath is the ideal state of existence.

4 Freedom. Only through undeath can one slough
off the pain and limitations of the living.
5 Cooperation. We are far stronger together than
we would be alone.
6 Subterfuge. True power does not brag. Be
discrete and subtle in all things.
7 Bones. The building blocks of unlife are the only
things that matter.
8 Revenge. Those weak and victimized in life can
unleash vengeance tenfold in death.

Nix Dragon Flaws

1d8 FLAW
1 I often forget that living creatures need vital things
like food, water, and warmth to survive.
2 My undeath makes me overconfident and
3 I no longer have a sense of the passage
of time. Years go by in but a blink.
4 I have forgotten—or have never
known—what it was like to be alive.
5 I lean too much on my brethren
and don’t know how to stand on my own.
6 I envy the other broods’ passions, power, and
7 I’m so focused on the long-term that I’m blind to
immediate threats.
8 I’ve never left my lair; the world outside my lands
remains a mystery to me.


Nix Lairs Caustic Swampwater. The area around a Nix lair is

often swampy and difficult to traverse. This swamp can seep
On Drakha, the Nix brood lives in the Ossarium in the Ca- into the lair itself, filling the lower levels with poisonous gases,
tacomb Reaches. The Reaches themselves are craggy badlands corrosive muck, and deadly sinkholes.
on the edge of the Drakhan deserts, with little in the way of Ritual Ossuary. The Nix lair typically has a room
natural life. Here, Nix dragons establish their lairs and use the where the dragon and its cabal conducts its necromantic
ambient necromantic energy of the valley itself to aid them in rituals to construct undead servants. Examples of this type
the construction of skeletal creatures of all sorts. Nixis resides of space include a grand necromantic cathedral, a shadow-
within the Great Mausoleum at the heart of the Ossarium. filled courtyard, a crumbling mausoleum, and a cramped
In Valerna, Nix dragons make their homes in isolated subterranean burial chamber, and they vary depending on the
locations, such as toxic swamps, the peaks of jagged mountain Nix’s tastes and the lair’s construction.
ranges, and scarred, desolate wastelands. Ancient catacombs,
haunted battlefields, and crumbling dungeons are all ideal Lair Actions
Nix lair settings, where the land itself provides them with the
Lair actions occur on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
bones and bodies for their necromantic experimentation.
ties). The dragon can only use one lair action a round.
Necrotic Siphon. Each living creature within the Nix’s
Lair Features lair takes 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and the Nix regains hit
Nix lairs can vary widely, but most have common features. points equal to the total amount of damage taken by the
Plentiful Bones. A Nix lair is often strewn with the targets.
bones of various creatures. The area around a Nix lair is often Rattle of Bones. A tremor fills the air as the bones in the
deadly to the living, and the bodies of most creatures are left Nix’s lair begin to shake and clatter in a horrific cacophony.
where they fell, to decay and be picked clean by the corrosive Each living creature in the Nix’s lair who can hear must
nature of the environment or the Nix’s servants. As the dragon succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have
uses these bones to craft their own golem-like servants, the disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
remnants are left behind, either scattered about throws until the end of their next turn.
or carefully organized in a workshop. Sinkholes. Each creature of the Nix’s choosing within its
lair must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be
sucked into the muck, becoming completely buried in mud
and water. A creature buried in this fashion is restrained and
cannot breath. A creature can free itself by succeeding on a
DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check. Another creature can use
its action to pull a buried creature from the muck with a
successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check.

The face of a Nix Dragon, formerly
of the Ehrlya brood, showing the
skull modifications common to both
Nix magic and Ehrlyan craft.

Regional Effects Variant Nix Abilities

The region containing the Nix’s lair is warped by the Nix’s Not all Nix dragons are the same, and neither are their
presence and power, which create one or more of the fo- powers. The optional abilities described below can be added
llowing effects: to a Nix dragon’s stats.
• A creature within 5 miles of the Nix’s lair that has been
dead for more than 24 hours cannot be returned to life by
Bonus Actions
any means as long as it is within the area.
• The dragon is immediately aware of any living creature Necrotic Aura (1/Day). The dragon emanates an aura of
that comes within 1 mile of its lair. death energy for 1 minute. Each living creature that starts
• The plants within 2 miles of the Nix’s lair are corrupted its turn within 15 feet of the dragon must make a Cons-
and undead. Any creature who eats a plant or fruit grown titution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
in this area becomes poisoned. A character gains one level 27 (5d10) necrotic damage, and the dragon regains half as
of exhaustion for every 24 hours they remain poisoned in many hit points.
this way.
• The sky within 10 miles of the Nix’s lair is cloudy and Reactions
dark, as if in perpetual twilight but with no stars or moon. Nix Rune: Relentless (1/Day). If the dragon is reduced to
If the dragon dies, a poisoned creature remains poisoned until 0 hit points, it regains hit points equal to half its hit point
cured and continues to gain levels of exhaustion. The other maximum instead.
effects end immediately.

Breath Weapons Adventure Seeds

Necrotic Beam (Recharge 6; Adult, Ancient). The A few suggestions for adventures involving Nix dragons
dragon exhales a beam of pure necrotic energy in a can be found here:
line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in
the line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking • A clutch of Fulgen eggs was stolen, and the Fulgen
66 (12d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half blames the mortals of the nearby city. The truth is, the
as much damage on a successful one. The target is eggs were taken by a Nix dragon to be transformed into
disintegrated if this damage leaves it with 0 hit points. Nix hatchlings. The characters must find and return the
A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing or eggs to the Fulgen before it lays waste to the city.
carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a fine gray • Undead skeletal constructs have been emerging
dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means from a forgotten subterranean mausoleum. The
of a true resurrection or wish spell. characters must investigate and find the source of the
necromancy: a Nix dragon establishing a new lair.
• A wizard thinks they’ve almost solved the puzzle to
undoing the necromancy that imbues Nix dragons

Yet there is one thing that should

with their particular flavor of unlife, but they need

be remembered of
all dragons that visit Valerna
a specimen to study. The characters must find and

: they should be feared.

capture a Nix dragon and bring it back to the wizard—

Always. For they seek the infi

nite power of Vaala,
without killing it.

and will stop at nothing to cla

im it as their own.

the Mightiest
Possibly the greatest of his kind, Baastherox stands uni-
que among the dragons of the Red Moon. Possessing no
brood, neither dependant on an azhurma nor beholden
to offspring, the Mightiest is blessed with unbridled free-
dom and unmatched power but chooses a life of isolation
and introspection.
Time and again, he has met every challenge and
emerged victorious. The single glaring exception was Adventure Seeds
an ancient confrontation with Kadmos themselves.
A few suggestions for adventures involving Baastherox can be
Baastherox’s defeat at the claws and teeth of his own
found here:
creator spurred him to become the most powerful of
all the dragons. However, Kadmos fell in the last of the • A powerful mage needs samples of bones from each
Protogon Wars, before Baastherox could prove his might type of draconic brood, the older the better, in order
and superiority. Today, Baastherox is content to await to combat a deadly magical plague sweeping the
the desperate and foolish who dare to seek him out in his lands. The characters must travel to Drakha and delve
lonely lair. into the field of bones in the Great Death without
angering Baastherox.

The Titan Skull • When the First Dragon returns to lay waste to
Rhaava, the characters must embark on a desperate
In the center of a stretch of desert on the Red Moon mission to the Red Moon to enlist the aid of
called the Great Death, the Mightiest makes his lair Baastherox, the only creature with a chance at
inside the bleached skull of a long-forgotten titan. Above defeating Kadmos.
the skull, perpetual storm clouds ripple with lightning • A chance exists to seal the dragons on the Red Moon
and thunder without a single drop of rain ever falling. for all time. To accomplish this, the characters must
The desert surrounding the skull is littered with layers of defeat Baastherox and capture his dying essence in a
skeletons and carcasses. special eldritch machine.

Hoard of Bones
A mere collection of trinkets is beneath the notice of one
as powerful as Baastherox. If this ancient dragon is consi-
dered to have a hoard at all, it would be the bodies of the
dragons he has defeated. This field of bones contains the
remains of countless dragons, dragonkin, and other natives
of Drakha and stands as a tribute to the millennia of failed
challengers to Baastherox’s power. Among these bones,
intrepid searchers could find magic items and eldritch
artifacts that ancient challengers hoped would aid them
against the Mightiest.

N obody knows how or why it happens, but millennia
ago it was discovered that dragons and mortals could
entwine their Vaala together. This radically changed the
Character Level
lives of both Valernians and dragons, leading to at least
three world-spanning wars and the rise of four separate
Bonding Requirements
nations throughout history. A character can bond with any dragon of the appropriate
A Dragonbond can occur spontaneously when a dragon age category or younger, as determined by their character
and a mortal share a moment of profound understanding level. Refer to the Character Level and Dragon Ages table to
and respect for one another. It can happen in a fraction of a determine the dragon age a character can bond with.
second, and when it does, the mortal and dragon are linked,
their essences interconnected through Vaala. The moment of Character Level and Dragon Ages
bonding is a soul-shaking event for both parties, and those
who have experienced it struggle to put the feeling into CHARACTER LEVEL DRAGON AGE CATEGORY
words. This bond provides the dragon with a permanent link 1 Hatchling
to the mortal’s Vaala, which stops its craving for an essence it 3 Wyrmling
does not possess, and gives the mortal the dragon’s extended
7 Young
lifespan, among other benefits. From that moment on, the
lives of both creatures are bound together, and their paths 13 Adult
become one. Each retains their own personality and identity, 18 Ancient
but their life forces blend into a shared whole. If one dies, the
other follows soon after.
When the first Dragonbond occurred, it shifted the
balance between the dragons, mortals, and Protogons.
Advancing Bonded Dragons
Dragonbonded mortals felt strong enough to challenge the Feeding upon an unending flow of Vaala from their bonded
dragons of the Red Moon, and bonded dragons felt strong partner, bonded dragons advance in power and size at a
enough to challenge the Protogons. The ensuing conflicts much faster rate compared to unbonded dragons. When a
marked the end of the Age of Mortals and led to the Age character reaches certain levels, their bonded dragon will also
of Heroes, which saw the rise of the legendary Altanesi grow in kind. Refer to the Character Level and Dragon Ages
Empire. It also gave mortals unprecedented protection table to determine when a dragon reaches a new age category.
against dragon raids in the form of dragonbonded If a character has bonded with a dragon that is
champions, whose dragon allies fought to protect those significantly below their level, that dragon increases an age
with whom their lives were now linked. category each time the character gains a level until it reaches
However, the Dragonbonded grew too arrogant and tried the age indicated in the table.
to directly channel Vaala to close the Eye of Kadmos. This
ritual failed catastrophically and allowed the entrance of the
Null plague into reality. After a long and fierce war, a solution Bonding with Older Dragons
was contrived to seal the Null away forever. In order to do At the GM’s discretion, a character may bond with a
so, the magic of the Dragonbond itself had to be sacrificed, dragon whose age is above what their level allows. If this
and for a thousand years there were no new Dragonbonded. occurs, the dragon does not increase in age or power
Then, mere decades ago, the seals that held the Null until the character reaches the appropriate level.
weakened and led to the Second Null War. However, along
with the reentry of the Null into Valerna, whatever magic
that had been lost also returned, and dragons and mortals
have begun to bond together once again.
Today, the Dragonbonded have risen once more. They
are few in number but great in strength. The dragons of
the Red Moon know that the balance of power has tipped
again, and the futures of both Drakha and Valerna hang in
that balance.
Forming a Dragonbond as listed in the Brood Characteristics table, it triggers a
dragonbonding attempt.
A Dragonbond is a mystical connection formed between For example, if a character rolls a 20 on the die while
a mortal and a dragon. It is up to the GM’s discretion if making an Intelligence (Arcana) check in the presence of a
a character and a dragon have the opportunity to form a Coatl dragon, it triggers a bonding attempt between that
Dragonbond. This occurs when a mortal and a dragon see character and the Coatl.
each other as equals, rather than as simply monster and prey. If more than one dragon associated with the ability, skill,
Each brood has its particular likes and dislikes, and a or tool is present, the GM decides which one might bond
dragon of a given brood may be more likely to bond with with the character. For dragons of a type not listed, the GM
a mortal that displays traits and features esteemed by their determines the the dragon’s associated abilities and skills.
brood. But occasionally the bond is surprising, linking a
dragon and a mortal that have little in common. Ultimately,
the Dragonbond is enigmatic and spontaneous, and it Brood Characteristics
occurs without regard to the feelings of the dragon or the ASSOCIATED
mortal alike. The Dragonbond cannot be forced, nor can BROOD ASSOCIATED ABILITIES SKILLS AND
it be avoided. The bond itself remains one of the great TOOLS
mysteries of Rhaava, as does the reason for its formation.
Coatl Dexterity, Intelligence, Arcana, Nature
As such, a Dragonbond between a character and a Wisdom
dragon is automatic and may happen at any time when the
Ehrlya Strength, Constitution, Smith’s Tools
GM decides it is appropriate for the story and the characters. Intelligence (Strength),
However, it is important to note that, while a character may Athletics
have no choice in dragonbonding, a player has the choice
Exor Strength, Dexterity, Athletics,
to decline a Dragonbond. When the opportunity to form a Wisdom Stealth
Dragonbond arises, the GM must inform the player, who
Fulgen Strength, Intelligence, Persuasion,
must then consent to or decline the formation of the bond Charisma Insight
between their character and the dragon.
Magnifex Intimidation,
If a player agrees, the Dragonbond is formed, linking Dexterity, Wisdom,
Charisma Performance
the character and the dragon in a magical connection. The
dragon becomes an ally to the character it bonded to. It will Nix Constitution, Intelligence, Arcana,
help the party to the best of its ability, but it will protect the Wisdom Medicine
life of its bonded partner at all costs, as they are both linked
as one from that moment on.
Attempting to Form the Dragonbond
Seeking Out the Dragonbond When a dragonbonding attempt is triggered, both the
character and the dragon must make two additional stages
Though the characters cannot force a bond, they can go
of ability checks, determined by the dragon’s brood and the
to great lengths to encourage one to occur. A character
character’s primary Vaala aspect affinity, as explained below.
who spends their time researching dragons, learning the
For each stage, the character must make an ability
broods’ particular tendencies, and honing their skills in
check based on the dragon’s brood, as listed in the Brood
order to attract the attention of a certain dragon may find
Characteristics table. Each brood has three associated
themselves with more opportunities to form a bond—or
abilities; the character must succeed on an ability check
more opportunities to be eaten.
using the two abilities that were not included in the
triggering roll. Using our example from above, the character
who rolled a 20 on the die on an Intelligence (Arcana) check
in the presence of a Coatl dragon cannot use Intelligence as
Optional Rules: one of the two ability checks made to form the bond. The
Dragonbonding Mechanics character can decide in which order they wish to complete
the checks.
For GMs who want a little more uncertainty at their table, Simultaneously, the dragon makes two ability checks,
this section includes optional rules for triggering and one at each stage, using the abilities associated with the
forming a Dragonbond. character’s primary Vaala aspect affinity, as listed in the
Aspect Abilities table. A character’s primary Vaala aspect
affinity is the aspect in which they have the most motes
Triggering the Dragonbond of affinity (see the “Vaala Points” section of chapter 5:
While the Dragonbond typically happens spontaneously, a Magic for more information on Vaala aspects and motes
character may perform a feat of such prowess that it draws of affinity). If the character has no obvious primary Vaala
the notice of a dragon, triggering a bonding attempt. Each aspect affinity, the player and GM should work together to
brood has its own particular affinities, however, and what may determine which makes the most sense for the character.
resonate with a Coatl will likely not do the same for an Ehrliya. The dragon may decide in which order it wishes to
When a character in the presence of a dragon rolls a complete the checks.
20 on the die for a saving throw or ability check using an
ability, skill, or tool associated with that dragon’s brood,

Aspect Abilities At the Table: Controlling Dragons

ASPECT PHYSICAL ABILITY MENTAL ABILITY Dragonbonding brings several new wrinkles to the
gaming table. Chief among them is the question,
Fai Dexterity Intelligence
“Who controls the dragon?” Ultimately, the GM
Id Strength Charisma controls the dragon. A dragon is a fully independent
creature, with their own powerful mind, desires, and
K’aab Constitution Wisdom goals. A Dragonbond is a partnership of equals, not the
domination of one or the other. Leaving the control to
For each stage, both the character and the dragon make the GM allows the dragon to remain autonomous, with
an ability check against the DC of that particular stage. The their own opinions and plans, to be treated like any other
DC for the first stage is 10, and the DC of the second stage NPC working with the characters.
is 15. The GM may decide that the dragon automatically During combat, however, a GM may hand over
succeeds on these ability checks. control to the player of the bonded character, in order to
Returning to our example, the character above rolled lighten the GM’s workload while they run the encounter.
a 20 on an Intelligence (Arcana) check in the presence of It is important to remember, though, that dragons are
a Coatl dragon, triggering a dragonbonding attempt. The not animal companions, nor do they blindly obey the
player consults the Brood Characteristics table for the Coatl commands of their bonded mortal. If at any point the
dragon, and finds they must roll Dexterity and Wisdom GM feels the player’s choice of action for the dragon goes
ability checks for the two stages. The character, an ellari against the dragon’s character, they can take control back
dreamspy rogue, decides they want to use Wisdom for the from the player.
first stage and use Dexterity, their strongest ability, for the
second and final stage. Since the character has two motes
of affinity in Fai, based on their ancestry and subclass, the
dragon consults the Aspect Abilities table and finds they
must roll Dexterity and Intelligence checks, the two abilities
Effects of the Dragonbond
associated with Fai. The pair’s dragonbonding stages would The Dragonbond has numerous effects on both the dragon and
look like this: the mortal, as well as their allies.

Example Dragonbonding Stages Individual Effects

The character and dragon linked by a successful Dragonbond
ABILITY CHECK ABILITY CHECK gain the following general effects:
1 Wisdom Dexterity 10 • The bonded character is immune to the Breath Weapons
of the dragon’s brood.
2 Dexterity Intelligence 15
• The bonded character can read and speak Draconic and
can communicate with the dragon telepathically to a
More than One Success range of 120 feet.
• The bonded character gains darkvision to a range equal
Together, the character and the dragon need at least one success
to the dragon’s darkvision.
from their ability checks in each stage of the dragonbonding
process. If both succeed on their ability checks in the first stage, • The dragon acts on its own initiative, or the bonded
they each gain a +2 bonus to their checks in the second stage. character and the dragon can choose at the beginning
of an encounter to act on the same initiative. If they do
so, the bonded character chooses which of them rolls
Rolling 20 or 1 initiative, with both using the same result. On that
If the d20 roll for an ability check in the first dragonbonding initiative count, both the bonded character and the
stage is a 20, that character or dragon gains advantage on their dragon act simultaneously, ordering their moves and
ability check in the second stage. However, if the d20 roll is a 1 actions as they wish.
in the first dragonbonding stage, that character’s ability check in • The dragon won’t willingly act to harm the bonded
the second stage is made with disadvantage. character and will prioritize the bonded character’s
survival over that of other party members.
Failing the Bonding Attempt • The dragon can no longer recharge its Breath Weapon.
Once it uses its Breath Weapon, the dragon must finish
The Dragonbond fails if both the character and the dragon a short or long rest before using it again. A character can
fail their ability checks in either stage of the process. If a use a bonus action to spend 4 points from their Vaala
Dragonbond fails, the character can’t ever attempt to bond pool and allow their bonded dragon’s Breath Weapon to
with that dragon again. Moreover, no one can attempt to recharge at the start of its next turn.
forge their own Dragonbond with that dragon for 1d4
weeks, nor can the character attempt to bond with another • The dragon cannot gain or use legendary actions, legendary
dragon for the same amount of time. resistance, lair actions, or lair regional effects. If the dragon
had any of these prior to bonding, it loses them.

Hit Points and Death
The bond between the character and the dragon splits their
The Return of the
life forces between them, resulting in the following effects:
• If either the bonded character or the dragon is reduced
to 0 hit points, they are both reduced to 0 hit points After the First Null War, when the Dragonbonded of Valerna
and fall unconscious, and they both begin making death made the ultimate sacrifice to contain the Null threat, the
saving throws. magic of the Dragonbond itself was lost to the world. Those
• If any effect causes the bonded character or dragon to few who survived the cataclysmic final days of the war
die, they both die. dwindled and faded, and for a thousand years there were no
• As long as either the bonded character or dragon is alive, more Dragonbonded at all. Their deeds passed to legend, and
the other will not die of old age. dragons once again became known only as ravening beasts
that preyed on mortals.
Resurrecting the Dragonbonded Against all expectations, and against all hope, it was
A Dragonbond persists even in death. While resurrection Elyse, princess of Allaria, who would become the first of
is rare in Valerna, if the bonded character and dragon die, many new Dragonbonded. As the Null began to once
they can both be resurrected, though at great cost. more gain a foothold in the world, so did Vaala find its
own way to fight back. The Second Null War was fought
• If either the bonded character or the dragon is once again with mighty Dragonbonded heroes leading the
resurrected, the other returns to life as well. forces of Valerna once again.
• After being resurrected, the bonded character and the Of these great heroes, four bonded pairs remain as
dragon both suffer the penalties listed in the resurrection shining examples of all the Dragonbond can be: Elyse, the
spell, regardless of what spell or effect was used to return Dragon Queen of Allaria, and Ferellon, the heir of Brood
them to life. Fulgen; Adrael, Blood Emperor of Tyveria, and Nagasha
Magnifex, the consummate draconic artist; Eiráandi, warrior
Party Effects of Nahuac, and the feathered sorcerer Tetzcoatl; and Oryan
Having a dragon bonded to one member of the party can Yssan, knight of Ysval, and the apex predator Rakzor of Brood
benefit the other party members. A bonded character and Exor. These four not only were instrumental in defeating
dragon can perform a ritual that bestows magical abilities to the Null incursion, but have also—by accident or design—
those who participate in it. The adventurers spend 1 hour shaped the very fortunes of Valerna for over three decades.
communing with one another as the dragon links their spirits They have fought beside each other, and against each other,
together, cementing their bond as a party. but always they unite when the safety of Valerna is at stake.
When the ritual is complete, the following benefits apply Of the four, Oryan has taken the gift of the bond the most
to everyone in the party except for the dragonbonded character seriously, as befits a sworn knight of the Galadyan Light.
and the dragon: He has refounded the Temple of Ret- Sajuut, and seeks to
• They can speak and understand Draconic. restore the ancient Dragonbond Covenant. The resistance of
• They gain darkvision out to a range equal to half that of the his three contemporaries to join the new Covenant weighs
bonded dragon, or if they already have darkvision, its range heavily upon him, and part of him knows that one day the
increases by 10 feet. rift created by their refusal may become irreconcilable. Until
• They gain resistance to the Breath Weapons of the bonded that day, however, he remains their erstwhile ally, and turns
dragon’s brood or type. his attention instead to helping fledgling Dragonbonded find
• The dragon counts as an additional party member, and their way in the world.
the GM should take this into account when determining Since the bonds of these four now-legendary figures were
encounter difficulty and shared XP. formed, many new Dragonbonded have arisen, some of
• If the bonded pair dies or leaves the party for longer than whom have already begun to make names for themselves,
1 month, the other party members lose these benefits, and carving their own legends across Valerna. Of these, the young
the ritual must be performed again to restore them. necromancer Itza, and the Fulgen dragon Reganna, are seen
as having perhaps the greatest potential. Reganna’s power
and majesty rivals even that of Ferellon, and Itza herself is
also unique, having conquered death itself to take up the
bond. The very wise believe Vaala itself saw potential in Itza.
Potential even yet to be realized…

true potential of both

To be dragonbonded is to unleash the
odiment of power
yourself and the dragon. It is the emb
the fate of those around
enough to change the world, to alter
148 and beyond. It must be held sacred and protected.

Itza & Reganna average Náhuinn, she will always be a xibac. However,
her newfound status as one of the Dragonbonded puts
Itza Chapula was born and raised a xibac—a her at the heart of Angdáin’s affairs. People speak of her
necromancer, whose mastery of Source magic could be and Reganna in both awe and fear,
used for communing with the dead or raising them to in equal measure. It seems even
do her bidding. The lord of Itza’s tribe was Zuma, whose now, after saving the city, Itza
methods were particularly callous even for one who remains an outsider.
had embraced lichdom. From a young age, Itza found
the thought of using the remains of fellow Náhuinn as
laborers and soldiers distasteful, and eventually she turned
her back on her own kind.
However, making her way amongst the peoples of
Nahuac was not easy. Settling in the city of Angdáin, she
strived to help people say goodbye to their dead loved
ones, all the while fleeing persecution from those who
believed she was still allied with the reviled Zuma.
Itza’s path changed when, at the hands of the renegade
Allarian general Ran Kore and the dragon Reganna,
Angdáin was brought to its knees.
Reganna, a ferocious wyrm of the Fulgen brood, had
forged a tentative alliance with the renegade Allarians. She
believed her path to glory among her kind was to conquer
Angdáin and become its draconic ruler, demanding
tribute from the puny mortals who dwelt there. Ran Kore,
believing the subjugation of Nahuac to be the quickest
way to peace between their realms, was only too happy to
use the dragon to achieve his goal.
During the first wave of attacks, Itza found herself
in the path of the dragon and was slain… or so it
seemed. Vaala, it appeared, had other plans for
Itza. Just as she had so many times communed
with the recently deceased, her own spirit now
navigated the strands of K’aab magic and found
its way back to her body, restored for a purpose
unknowable to mere mortals.
Seeing the city in ruins, Itza tracked down
Reganna and found the great wyrm injured at the
hands of the Allarians. The alliance between the
dragon and the allai, it seemed, had been a tentative
one, and their animosity had boiled over into conflict.
Though it seemed as though the dragon would slay
Itza for a second time, they instead reached an
understanding, and a Dragonbond formed between
Now with Vaala coursing through her, Reganna
was reinvigorated, and with the strength of a
dragon augmenting her own powers, Itza became
a force to be reckoned with. Together, they
took to the skies to liberate Angdáin from the
invaders. Opposed by the newly dragonbonded
pair, Ran Kore was defeated, and though it came
at a heavy cost, Angdáin endured.
After everything that happened during the
battle, Itza still stands apart from the people
of the city. The xibac shun her for turning
her back on their traditions, while to the

Elyse & Ferellon Qan Yin was an honorable man and tried to do right
by his daughter, yet Elyse remained a constant reminder
Elyse was born the bastard daughter of Qan Yin, the of his one dishonorable action. His ministers would often
Dragon King, from an unknown ellari woman. Elyse’s hide her from his sight, to save their ruler the shame of
illegitimate birth was a disgrace to the Dragon Dynasty, having to look upon her.
the half-elf rulers of Allaria. As a silver elf in a royal Elyse found solace in reading and training. In her
court that looked upon her kind as dangerous discovery of new things about the world and herself, she
second-class citizens, she held the title could imagine the dreams the dreamless potion denied
ni-qani but was a princess in title her. Only when she studied under the court advisor, Arlaii,
only. Suffering insults and abuse did she cease the Dreamless Treatment and unlock the
from the other nobles, her only potential of her Dreamshaping abilities.
friend was her half-sister, However, when the Red Moon rose, the dragons of
Qani Nisse. Brood Fulgen demanded a sacrifice from the royal house,
to honor the ancient treaty between Allaria and Drakha.
Rather than see Qani Nisse handed over to the wyrms,
Elyse volunteered to take her place. In that moment, Qan
Yin recognized Elyse as a princess of the realm and, with
a heavy heart, sent his ellari daughter to her end, or so he
Elyse used her knowledge and skill to stand up to the
dragon—Ferellon Fulgen, one of the mightiest of his brood.
Ferellon was born to the majestic Fulgen brood, a son
of Aureus Fulgen himself. Mighty and majestic, he quickly
became his father’s favorite, meant to sit at the right claw
of the azhurma, a shining example of Fulgen superiority
to other broods. The mission to Allaria would be Ferellon’s
moment of triumph, to validate his father’s pride. Ferellon
would bring back a royal tribute to the king of dragons.
But in the moment Ferellon met Elyse, everything
changed. This seemingly innocent, servile girl turned the
tables on him. Her wits and knowledge overcame Ferellon’s
might. And when all his instincts told Ferellon to smite
this upstart mortal, instead he felt admiration for her,
just as she felt in awe of him. And they bonded, the first
Dragonbond in a thousand years.
Bound by immensely powerful magic, far greater than
even the azhurma could wield, Ferellon found a new
purpose in life. He would protect Elyse, fight with her, and
teach her to soar with pride.
And soar they did. Elyse’s sharp mind and empathic
leadership marshaled the Dragonbonded to fight and
survive the terrible Null Wars. That same leadership and
commitment saw her become the queen of Allaria.
Once she was crowned, Qan Elyse I declared an end
to the bigoted oppression silver elves had long suffered
under the Dragon Dynasty. She enacted a series of
reforms that would transform Allaria into a nation of
dreams—dreams that everybody could share, and honor.
And beside her, Ferellon stood proud, more proud
than any dragon could ever be.

The dragonbond is ever

ything. It is the
means by which Valer
na itself will survive.

Adrael & Nagasha Nagasha bonded with Adrael id Tyverianes. The

dragon knew at once that together they would create her
masterpiece: History would serve as her canvas and power
For centuries, the throne of Blood Empress Tyveris
as her brush.
remained unoccupied, her sanguine legacy unclaimed.
With the power of the Dragonbond coursing through
Through the intrigue and infighting of the maghyr
his veins, Adrael at last claimed the Blood of Tyveris,
houses, her empire stagnated in decadence. The maghyri
unleashing her legacy. In the years that followed, not
held the empire together by inspiring fear in their
only did the dragonbonded pair save the world from the
opponents, and none more so than the prince regent,
incursions of the Null, but they brought
about a new order to the Tyverian
That was, until Xariel’s son, Adrael id Tyverianes,
Empire—one with Adrael and
changed everything. Through cunning and brutality, he
Nagasha at its very center,
rose in power within his house. He could have settled into
an empire where merit,
a life of privilege, but instead his incessant opposition to
not blood, became the
Xariel earned him exile.
measure of power.
Adrael became a fearsome warrior and a powerful
Together, Adrael and
blood sorcerer. Invited back to the palace by his celebrated
Nagasha would make their
brother, Varael, Adrael watched in horror as Varael tried
legacy a masterpiece.
to claim the Blood of Tyveris and failed. Seizing the
moment, Xariel ordered the death of his son, placing
a price on his head and forcing him to flee the palace.
Hunted by his own family, Adrael was finally cornered
by Xariel’s troops. He fought valiantly, his blood sorcery
honed into a fine art—artistry that was witnessed by an
unlikely onlooker.
The dragon Nagasha was born into the Magnifex
brood, who treasure aesthetic experience above all things,
believing their own existence to be empty without artistry
and beauty. But unlike her self-obsessed kin, Nagasha saw
greater aesthetic potential in the complex interactions
of the world beyond her. She already knew herself as the
apex of beauty, rivaling even her azhurma in both form
and grace, and yet she wanted more. She believed crossing
the Eye of Kadmos would offer her that which she craved.
After a perilous trek to Valerna, Nagasha found
herself in Tyveria, where her discerning eye caught sight
of a battle, with one mortal fighting against many. She
circled overhead, intrigued by the glorious last stand of
the beleaguered maghyr. Just as it seemed Adrael would
lose, Nagasha intervened, unable to let such an artist of
bloodletting die an ignoble death.
As Adrael contemplated his doom, the dragon
attacked. Nagasha cut through the lines of vampyr
soldiers, their preternatural abilities but an afterthought
to her might. When at last she confronted the
wounded Adrael, she expected nothing more than
to claim his life for herself. Yet, undaunted by the
dragon, Adrael fought back. The maghyr prince
and the Magnifex dragon engaged in a dance of
death, each fighting with perfect martial form and
exceptional sorcery. As Nagasha at last prevailed,
and prepared to savor the killing blow, she saw
in her prey a quality far beyond the immortality of
dragons, and in Adrael’s eyes she saw not fear of her,
but respect.

Oryan & Rakzor Since Ysval lost a war against Tyveria many years earlier,
the maghyr lords of Tyveria had enforced the Blood Geas,
Oryan Yssan is a good-hearted bear of a man, a burly a terrible magical contract which forced the Ysvalians to
warrior and a pious knight. A tall, affable, brave, and give up their own children to be trained as gladiators in
boisterous warrior, Oryan feared precious few things Tyverian arenas. Oryan, among others, sought ways to
even before he dragonbonded. Even when facing circumvent the geas, smuggling children into hiding in
something that managed to scare him, he would other lands, knowing that discovery would bring a terrible
always charge on regardless, swinging his hammer curse upon them.
and, often, laughing, for to show fear would When the Red Moon rose and the dragons attacked
dishearten those he had sworn to protect. Valerna, Oryan at last threw caution to the wind. Traveling
The first child of the Holy Duc of Ysval, to Tyveria aboard a mercenary Nwoda shardship, he
Oryan was trained from boyhood to attempted to rescue his kin from within the territory of his
succeed his blessed mother in ruling the enemy. During this daring raid, the shardship was attacked
northern realm. And yet, as a knight, by a particularly aggressive dragon, which threatened to
he could not turn a blind eye to the destroy all of Oryan’s carefully laid plans.
injustice he saw all around him. The That dragon was Rakzor, of Brood Exor. A ruthless
more he rode out in defense of the hunter with no ambition other than to kill and feed,
realm, the more he realized that Rakzor had come to Valerna to prove himself a true apex
there was one enemy who, for predator. He could not resist the heavily armed flying
too long, had held Ysval in its ship, with its crew of warriors. In their destruction, Rakzor
merciless thrall: Tyveria. would find true infamy!
Oryan saw that the dragon would not be deterred, and
so he flung himself onto the beast’s back and fought it in
the air, buying time for his people to escape. The man and
the dragon fell from the sky, battling all the way, and by
the time they hit the ground, they had become more than
wyrm and mortal: They had become Dragonbonded.
Since then, Oryan and Rakzor have fought side-
by-side in the Second Null War and the ensuing war
between Ysval and Tyveria. It was this latter conflict
that greatly calmed Oryan’s headstrong ways, for it was
he who led his people into a bloody war, resulting in
thousands of deaths.
Oryan subsequently renounced the throne of Ysval,
taking it upon himself to rebuild the Dragonbonded
Covenant and relocate to the temple of Ret Sajuut.
From there, he guides new Dragonbonded to
control their power and channel it into a beneficial
force for Valerna.
Rakzor Exor is the opposite of Oryan in many
ways and loathes Oryan’s do-good nature. However,
he knows Oryan is a mighty warrior, and by the
mortal’s side Rakzor has tasted glorious battle on many
occasions. For now, that is enough…

and a dragon is not one to
The bond between a mortal
rging of two beings into one:
taken lightly, for it is the me of
ies and minds. It is an act
one life that shares two bod
d the seizing of something far
sacrifice and compassion, an
greater than yourself.

Eirándi & Tetzcoatl A magical force transferred between the two of them.
Tetzcoatl saw not a morsel of food, but a headstrong and
One of the shapeshifting jaguar-kin of Nahuac, Eirándi deeply conflicted young woman, who needed a mentor
was trained to kill from an early age, a child soldier to help her navigate a dangerous world. Eirándi, in turn,
willing to fight and die for the glory of Nahuac. A no- saw not a ravening beast, but a sorcerer of great skill,
nonsense warrior with a penchant for gallows humor, whose strength, combined with hers, would help her put
Eirándi is sworn to protect the natural order by any to rights all the terrible mistakes she had made.
means necessary. A positive and uplifting force, Tetzcoatl has proved
It was this battle-lust and warrior’s pride that allowed time and again the perfect foil for Eirándi’s grim
the young Eirándi to be manipulated into starting a war demeanor, and these two opposites have come to depend
between Nahuac and their age-old rivals, Allaria. As the on each other as equals.
consequences of her actions became clear, the Allarians
renounced the Ancient Pledge, a magical oath between
the two peoples that had held the Null at bay for many
centuries. With the pledge broken, the Null entered the
world once more, and a desperate war began.
Eirándi confronted those who had driven her to
this act of madness, only to discover that she had been
wholly betrayed. Outnumbered by those she had long
thought of as kin, Eirándi fled her own people as battle
raged all around.
At the entrance to the sacred cenote outside the walls
of Nahuacáinn, Eirándi found herself cornered by a band
of elite ocelinn warriors. Summoning her tána spirit and
shifting into half-jaguar form, she prepared to sell her
life dearly. But then came an unexpected intervention.
From the deep pit of the cenote came a feathered
serpentine dragon. It spiraled from the sacred depths,
swooping over the heads of the warriors, before coming
to rest upon the walls of an ancient ruin.
This dragon was Tetzcoatl of Brood Coatl, a wise and
powerful dragon with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
While most of his kin were hunting mortals across
Valerna, Tetz had come to a site of ancient power, where
Vaala ran deep, to study the secrets of the cenote laid
down by the first scholars of the Nahuac lands. Sensing
the sudden flow of tána magic above, Tetzcoatl had
come to observe and study these curious, shapeshifting
mortals, seemingly oblivious to the panic his appearance
had caused in the ocelinn, in all but Eirándi.
As her foes stood in confusion, uncertain whether
to continue their fight or to turn instead against the
dragon, Eirándi took her chance. Acting quickly,
without hesitation, she slew three of her former kin
before they could act and gave their leader a vicious scar,
causing him to flee. Then, with nowhere else to go, she
turned to face the dragon alone.

W hile draconic combat is a common event in many
games, it takes center stage in the Dragonbond
Controlling a Mount
setting. In Valerna, characters often fight against—or While you’re mounted, you have two options. You can
alongside—these great creatures, and provided within this either control the mount or allow it to act independently.
section are optional rules the GM can implement at the Intelligent and bonded dragon mounts act independently.
table to expand upon draconic combat. You can control a mount only if it has been trained to
accept a rider. Domesticated horses, donkeys, and similar
creatures have such training. The initiative of a controlled
Mounted Combat mount changes to match yours when you mount it. It
moves as you direct it, and it has only three action options:
Whether riding a horse, a griffon, or a bonded dragon, Dash, Disengage, and Dodge. A controlled mount can
mounted combat provides a thrilling addition to any move and act even on the turn you mount it.
encounter. Below are the basic rules for mounted combat An independent mount retains its place in the initiative
in Dragonbond. order. Bearing a rider puts no restrictions on the actions
an intelligent mount can take, and it moves and acts as it
Types of Mounts wishes. It might flee from combat, rush to attack and devour
a badly injured foe, or otherwise act against your wishes.
A willing creature that is one size larger than you and that A bonded dragon can either retain its place in the
has the appropriate anatomy can serve as a mount. There are initiative order or act on the initiative of its bonded
three types of mounts. companion. See the “Effects of the Dragonbond” section
Unintelligent Mount. A creature that has an Intelligence earlier in this chapter for more information.
score of 3 or lower or does not speak any language is an If a controlled or independent mount provokes an
unintelligent mount. opportunity attack while you’re on it, the attacker can
Intelligent Mount. A creature that has an Intelligence score target you or the mount.
of 4 or higher or speaks a language is an intelligent mount.
Bonded Dragon. A dragon that meets the same criteria as
an intelligent mount and shares a Dragonbond with another
creature is considered its own category: a bonded dragon.
Valernian Martial
Tradition Feat
Mounting and Dismounting
Once during your move, you can mount a creature that is
and Maneuvers
within 5 feet of you or dismount. Doing so costs an amount In the world of Dragonbond, generations of battles
of movement equal to half your speed. For example, if your between mortals and dragons have resulted in the
speed is 30 feet, you must spend 15 feet of movement to development of martial traditions to combat the draconic
mount a horse. Therefore, you can’t mount if you don’t have threat. Dragonbonded riders and their allies can also use
15 feet of movement left or if your speed is 0. techniques to combine the powers of mortals and dragons
If an effect moves your mount against its will while you’re
into breathtaking abilities.
on it, you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw
The combat maneuvers described in this section
or fall off the mount, landing prone in an unoccupied space
within 5 feet of it. If you’re knocked prone while mounted, do not guarantee victory, but with proper timing and
you must make the same saving throw. execution they can prove to be the difference between
If your mount is knocked prone, you can use your life and death. Though these maneuvers were initially
reaction to dismount it as it falls and land on your feet. developed to fight dragons or battle alongside them,
Otherwise, you are dismounted and fall prone in an their use has spread across Valerna. You can use them
unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. with other allies besides dragons or while fighting non-
draconic foes.

In order to use these combat maneuvers, you must Additionally, if your attack hits, your mount’s movement
first take the Valernian Martial Tradition feat. You can does not provoke opportunity attacks from that target
use the optional feat rules to forgo taking an Ability until the end of your turn.
Score Improvement when you gain one from a class level Once you use this feature, you must wait 1d4 rounds
to instead take this feat. before you can use it again.
Full-Body Slam. If you are riding a flying mount, you
Valernian Martial Tradition Feat can use a bonus action to direct your mount to forcefully
land on a target at least one size smaller than itself directly
You have studied various martial techniques, some designed to
below it. An unintelligent or intelligent mount uses its
combat dragons, others to fight alongside them. You can take
reaction to perform this maneuver, but a dragon bonded to
this feat multiple times.
you can choose to use its action instead if it’s available.
• Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On
maximum of 20. a failed save, it takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage plus an
• You learn three maneuvers of your choice, from those additional 2d10 for each size category difference between
detailed in this section. You can only use one maneuver the target and your mount. For example, if the target is
per turn. Most require the use of an action, bonus action, Medium sized, the additional damage would be 2d10 if
or reaction, as indicated in their individual entries, or your mount is Large sized, 4d10 if it is Huge sized, or
even require two or more creatures working in unison. 6d10 if your mount is Gargantuan sized. On a successful
Whenever you gain a level, you can replace one maneuver save, the target is shoved to an unoccupied space of its
you know with another maneuver. Some of these choice within 5 feet of it.
maneuvers require a target to make a saving throw to resist You can use this maneuver three times, and you regain
the effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Maneuver saving throw DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Imbue Attack. When you make a weapon attack, you
your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence modifier (your choice). can use a bonus action to call upon a dragon ally within 10
feet of you to exhale a fraction of its mighty breath weapon
Blinding Strike. When you hit a creature with a weapon upon your weapon. The weapon’s damage type is replaced
attack, you can choose not to deal damage and instead with the damage type dealt by the dragon’s choice of the
force the target to make a Constitution saving throw or Breath Weapons it has available. If the dragon’s chosen
be blinded until the end of its next turn. You can use this Breath Weapon has two damage types, you can choose
maneuver three times, and you regain all expended uses which one to use. The first time you deal damage to a target
when you finish a long rest. with that weapon, the effect ends. If the dragon is bonded to
Bladespike Climb. If you wield a bladed melee weapon you, your weapon retains its new damage type for 1 minute
in each hand and hit a creature at least one size larger than regardless of how many successful attacks you make.
you with both weapons during the same Attack action, you Preemptive Dodge. You can use a bonus action to keep
can attempt to bury your weapons into the target’s hide and a watchful eye on the area effect spells and abilities of your
hold on. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On opponents, ready to leap for safety at a moment’s notice.
a failure, you move into its space and can use your movement, Until the start of your next turn, you have disadvantage
if available, to climb along the creature’s body as if it were on attack rolls. However, the first time you are targeted
difficult terrain by stabbing it. On subsequent turns, you must by an ability that affects an area and requires you to make
use an action to continue to stay connected to the target and a saving throw, you can use your reaction to first move a
move in this way. When you do so, the target takes 1d4 points distance up to your speed. If this moves you outside the
of piercing damage, and it has disadvantage on attempts to affected area, the attack has no effect on you. Once you use
dislodge you until your next turn. this maneuver you must finish a short or long rest before
Enhance Alacrity. As an action, you can expend a you can use it again.
spell slot, channeling the power into a creature you touch. Reactive Shove. When a creature no more than one size
The target gains 5 feet of speed per level of the spell slot larger than you within your reach provokes an opportunity
expended until the beginning of your next turn. attack, you can use your reaction to shove the target. You
Flyby Springing Strike. When mounted on a flying must make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the
creature, if you fly within 5 feet of a creature at least one target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
size larger than you (or within a Close sphere in aerial (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, the
combat), you can use an action to jump onto the target, creature is pushed 10 feet directly away from you. If you
make a melee weapon attack, and then leap back onto push the target so it moves within the reach of an intelligent
your own mount. You have advantage on your attack mount or bonded dragon, the mount or dragon can use its
roll, and if it hits the target, you deal extra damage equal reaction to make one melee weapon attack against the target.
to double your proficiency bonus. If your mount is a Sacrificial Strike. You call upon a dragon bonded to
dragon bonded to you, the extra damage from this attack you to lend you some of its power. This does not require an
is instead equal to three times your proficiency bonus. action. On its turn, if the dragon you are bonded to forgoes
one or more of its attacks while taking the Multiattack
action, then on your next turn, you can use a bonus action

to make an additional weapon attack. You can use this the distance your mount can throw you increases by 30 feet.
maneuver three times, and you regain all expended uses on You can use this maneuver three times, and you regain all
a long rest. expended uses on a long rest.
Tremor Dive. If you are riding a flying mount, you Wingover. If you are riding a flying mount, you can use
can use a bonus action to guide your mount to dive a a bonus action to guide your mount into a swooping attack.
distance up to its movement and slam onto the ground. It immediately flies upward, turns, then dives straight down,
An unintelligent or intelligent mount uses its reaction to returning to its point of origin without provoking any
perform this maneuver, but a dragon bonded to you can opportunity attacks. An unintelligent or intelligent mount
choose to use its movement instead. uses its reaction to perform this maneuver, but a dragon
If the mount moves at least 15 feet in this way, it bonded to you can choose to use its movement instead. At
unleashes a localized shockwave in a 15-foot cube centered the completion of this maneuver, you and your mount each
on your mount. Creatures in that area must make a Strength gain advantage on the next attack roll you make this round.
saving throw or fall prone. You can use this maneuver three You can use this maneuver three times, and you regain all
times, and you regain all expended uses on a long rest. expended uses on a long rest.
Tumbling Advance. When you succeed on a saving
throw against a spell or ability that targets an area, such as a
fireball spell or a dragon’s Breath Weapon, you can use your
reaction to immediately move up to your speed.
Winged Special. If you are riding a flying mount, you
can command your mount to throw you in a straight line at
a creature up to a distance equal to half your speed plus half
your mount’s flying speed. This movement does not trigger
opportunity attacks. An unintelligent or intelligent mount
uses its reaction to perform this maneuver, but a dragon
bonded to you can choose to use its bonus action instead.
If you move at least 10 feet in this way and land within
5 feet of the target, you can use a bonus action to make one
melee weapon attack on that target and deal 1d10 extra
damage if you hit. If your mount is a dragon bonded to you,

Aerial Combat
Battles between flying creatures in Dragonbond feature
the combatants wheeling above, beneath, and around
each other in an airborne skirmish. These rules assume
an encounter involving two or more creatures in the air.
Aerial combat is supposed to be fast, thrilling, and easy
to manage at the game table. For that reason, certain
aspects of airborne fighting, such as altitude and specific
distance, are abstracted so as not to slow down the game.

Range Spheres
In an airborne battle, the exact distance you move doesn’t
matter, nor does the precise direction. Instead, the aerial
combat rules establish three abstract zones, or spheres,
that define the combat area: Close, Medium, and Long. In
general, these range spheres are less about distance and more
about the positional relationship between creatures and the
type of combat that occurs within these spaces.
The ranges are divided into three concentric spheres.
The aerial battlefield itself is the Long sphere. From here,
creatures will enter or exit the combat zone. Within that
area can be one or more Medium spheres. Finally, inside a
Medium sphere can be one or more Close spheres where
creatures battle in proximity.
Multiple Close or Medium spheres can be present in
the same Long sphere during an aerial battle. A new Close
sphere forms when two creatures that weren’t already in a
Close sphere close the distance between each other to fight
with melee attacks.
An airborne creature stays in its current sphere,
regardless of the movement of other creatures, unless the
creature moves itself, is moved by a specific effect, or is
engaged by a foe with melee attacks to form a new Close
sphere around it.
Moving from one sphere to an adjacent sphere uses all
of a creature’s flying movement on its turn. Using the Dash
action allows a creature to use all of this movement again,
effectively moving two spheres in the same turn. Close Range Sphere
Creatures in aerial combat only provoke opportunity This sphere encompasses a radius around a creature in
attacks while moving from a Close sphere to Medium sphere. melee combat with one or more other creatures, including
Moving to or from any other sphere, or exiting the encounter the areas above and below. Multiple Close spheres can exist
completely, does not provoke an opportunity attack. in the same aerial combat, each surrounded by their own
Medium sphere. Those Medium spheres are not connected
Sphere Attack Ranges unless the GM decides otherwise.
Though distance in aerial combat is abstracted, the following A target in a Close sphere is always assumed to be
guidelines should be used to adjudicate attack ranges. within reach of the melee attacks of any creature who
is also in the same Close sphere. Creatures in a Close
• Attacks, spells, and abilities with a range of 60 feet sphere have disadvantage on all ranged attack rolls, and
or less can only be used in a Close sphere, targeting ranged and spell attack rolls against a single target in a
creatures in the same sphere. Close sphere are made with disadvantage. When a spell
• Ranged attacks, spells, and abilities with a range of or other effect targets an area in a Close sphere, instead
more than 60 feet and up to 150 feet can be used to of individual targets, it targets every creature and object
target creatures in an adjacent sphere. in the Close sphere regardless of the shape or size of the
• Ranged attacks, spells, and abilities with a range of area of effect. For special melee attacks like grappling and
more than 150 feet can be used to target creatures up shoving, see the “Aerial Combat Rules” section later in this
to two spheres away. chapter.

A creature who wants to leave a Close sphere must use

its entire movement to do so, and it enters the Medium
Aerial Combat Rules
sphere. Unless it takes the Disengage action as well, this This section provides new rules for creatures engaging
provokes attacks of opportunity from other creatures in the in aerial combat. Some of the rules described below are
same Close sphere. appropriate for flying creatures and others are more useful
for the riders of flying creatures.
Medium Range Sphere
This sphere encompasses a radius containing everything Entering an Aerial Combat Area
beyond the Close spheres within it out to the Long sphere. If you are heading toward an aerial battle already underway,
Multiple Medium spheres can exist in the same aerial the GM determines how long it takes for you to join the
combat, each surrounded by the Long sphere. combat. When you enter the aerial combat area, you use the
A creature in a Medium sphere is always assumed to rules presented here and in the “Range Spheres” section.
be at least 60 feet from other creatures also in the same
Medium sphere. When a spell or effect that targets an Falling Out of Aerial Combat
area is aimed at a Medium sphere, it only targets a single
In aerial combat, a flying creature that has its speed
creature of the caster’s choice, as individual creatures are a
reduced to 0, that is knocked prone, or that loses its ability
significant distance apart.
to move begins to fall if it is not hovering or held up by
A creature in a Medium sphere can use its entire
magical means.
movement to enter an adjacent Close sphere or to close the
When a creature begins to fall, it immediately falls into
distance to a target in the same Medium sphere and form
the Long sphere, if it wasn’t there before. At the end of the
a new Close sphere with them. A creature can alternatively
creature’s next turn, if it is still falling, it drops out of the
use its entire movement to leave the Medium sphere and
aerial combat area and plummets 500 feet. This descent
enter the Long sphere. Moving out of a Medium sphere
continues an additional 500 feet at the end of each of the
doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
creature’s turns until it halts its fall or hits the ground. The
GM determines the distance or time required to reenter the
Long Range Sphere aerial combat area.
This sphere encompasses a radius containing everything A falling creature with a flying speed can recover from
beyond the Medium spheres within it out to the edge of the a fall by using all of its movement on its turn to halt its fall
encounter area. and begin flying again.
A creature in a Long sphere is always assumed to be at
least 150 feet from other creatures also in the Long sphere.
Ranged and spell attack rolls against a single target in a
Close sphere are made with disadvantage. When a spell or Aerial Combat Involving Creatures with
effect that targets an area is aimed at a Long sphere, it only Different Speeds
targets a single creature of the caster’s choice, as individual In general, aerial combat assumes a battle between
creatures are a significant distance apart. creatures with reasonably equal flying speeds.
A creature in the Long sphere can use its entire However, if an encounter involves creatures with
movement to enter an adjacent Medium sphere or to close wildly different speeds, the abstract nature of
the distance to a target in the Long sphere and form a new aerial combat may push the bounds of logic and
Medium sphere with them. Moving out of the Long sphere immersion. In such circumstances, GMs can choose
doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks. to use these optional rules.
A creature can exit an encounter by using all of its If a creature has more than twice the flying speed
movement while in the Long sphere and taking the of the other combatants, it can move two spheres
Disengage action. Once outside of the encounter area, a with a single movement instead of one. Conversely,
creature’s flying speed determines its movement. if a creature has less than half the flying speed of the
other combatants, it must use its movement and the
Dash action to move one sphere.

Aerial Charge The larger creature can attempt to dislodge you as an
action. It makes a Strength (Athletics) check contested by
While in aerial combat, you can use an action to push your Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
another creature out of its current sphere. (your choice). If you are dislodged from the larger creature
The target must be no more than one size larger than and you have no natural or magical ability to fly, you
you and must be within the same sphere when you use this immediately begin falling as per the “Falling Out of Aerial
action. You use your full movement to approach the creature Combat” section.
and then make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the If you land on, or move onto, the target’s wing, you can
target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check impede the target’s flying speed. Until you are dislodged, the
(the target chooses the ability to use). If you win the contest, target’s flying speed is reduced by half, meaning it needs to
you knock the target out of its current sphere into an use its movement and the Dash action to move to an adjacent
adjacent one of your choice. An aerial charge can’t be used to sphere. However, the target has advantage on checks made to
push a target out of aerial combat. dislodge you as long as you remain on its wing.
With a success, you have the option of staying in your
current sphere or choosing to move with the target out of
the current sphere, where you would form a new, separate Dragonbonded Strikes
Close sphere with the target. Moving in this way does not If you ride a dragon bonded to you in aerial combat, when
provoke opportunity attacks. you or the bonded dragon make an attack against a creature,
the other bonded partner gains advantage on attack rolls
Shoving a Rider made against that same target. Should one of you attack a
different creature, the other loses the advantage on attack
If you successfully use your Attack action to shove the rider rolls against the previous target, gaining advantage on attack
of a flying creature in aerial combat, the target is knocked rolls against the new one. If you dismount the dragon, or
from its mount and begins falling. A rider using a saddle has are knocked off of it, this effect ends until you are riding a
advantage on its ability check to remain in place. You cannot dragon bonded to you again.
shove a creature that is not mounted on or scaling a flying
creature or flying object.
Other Actions In Aerial Combat
Some of the actions usable during a typical combat differ
Aerial Grappling slightly when used in aerial combat. These differences are
A flying creature can grapple another in the normal fashion. indicated in the individual entries.
It is important to remember that the target of a grapple Dash. Taking the Dash action allows you to gain extra
must be no more than one size larger than you. movement for the current turn. You can use this extra
When the grapple begins, both creatures immediately fall movement to move to an adjacent sphere or to close the
into the Long sphere and continue to fall as per the rules in distance to another combatant in the same sphere and form
the “Falling Out of Aerial Combat” section until the grapple a new, smaller sphere within the current one.
is broken, at which point each creature will need to halt Disengage. You can take the Disengage action to avoid
its fall or eventually hit the ground. During this fall, each opportunity attacks while moving from a Close sphere to a
creature involved in the grapple, including any riders on Medium sphere or, along with using all of your movement,
the flying creatures, can use its reaction to target any other to exit the encounter area if you are in a Long sphere.
creature involved in the same grapple with a single attack Dodge. If you are falling, you can’t take the Dodge
or a single spell with a casting time of 1 action, 1 bonus action until you halt your fall and resume flying.
action, or 1 reaction. Ranged attack rolls are made with Help. You can aid another creature in the completion of
disadvantage. a task by taking the Help action only if you are in the same
sphere as the creature you are aiding.
Landing On or Scaling a Larger Creature Hide. Generally speaking, you can’t hide during aerial
combat unless environmental factors, as determined by
While in a Close sphere during aerial combat, you can the GM, obscure visibility. You can take the Hide action
attempt to climb on another creature in the same Close normally in an area that is lightly or heavily obscured. If
sphere if it is more than one size larger than you. When you the area is heavily obscured, you have advantage on your
do so, you must make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity Dexterity (Stealth) check.
(Acrobatics) check contested by the target’s Dexterity Ready. In aerial combat, readied actions are much more
(Acrobatics) check. If you succeed, you move into the specific than those in normal combat. When you take the
target’s space, climbing on its body. Ready action in aerial combat, you must specify a specific
While in the target’s space, you move with the target and creature that will trigger your reaction. A target riding a
treat the target’s body as difficult terrain. You have advantage flying creature counts as a pair for the purposes of this Ready
on attack rolls against the target. The GM will determine action. So you could say, “When that Fulgen dragon moves
whether the target can attack you, depending on your out of that Close sphere, I’ll attack it with my bow,” or, “If
location on the target’s body. the rider on that Exor dragon flies into this Medium sphere


with me, I’ll move away.” You couldn’t say, “The next time Aerial Combat Example
any flying creature moves into this Medium sphere, I’ll cast
An example is provided here of how the range spheres used
magic missile at it.”
for aerial combat could shift and change throughout the
Search. When you take the Search action trying to focus
course of an encounter. See the accompanying figures for a
your attention on something outside of your current sphere,
visual representation.
you have disadvantage on any ability check required.

Round 1: Riders A and B enter aerial Round 2: On their turns, Riders A and Round 3: Riders A and B battle in their
combat with each other, forming a Long B each move toward each other, forming Close sphere. Rider C moves to Medium
sphere, They use ranged attacks and spells a Medium then a Close sphere. Rider C sphere and uses a ranged attack on Rider
against each other. enters the combat in the Long sphere. A. Rider D enters the Long sphere.

Round 1: Riders A and B continue Round 2: Rider B defeats Rider A, Round 3: Rider D moves to Medium
fighting, Rider C uses a ranged attack on eliminating the Close sphere around them. sphere, provoking opportunity attacks.
Rider A. Rider D moves to Medium range, Rider B moves from their Medium sphere Then Rider D uses the dash action to move
then uses the Dash action to form a new to the Close sphere where Riders C and D to the Long sphere, with the intention of
Close sphere with Rider C. are battling. existing the battle next round.


A n adventurer is only as good as their equipment! This
chapter provides new weapons, adventuring gear,
ammunition, and special materials that are found in the
world of Dragonbond, both magical and mundane.

Armor & Weapons

Many of the arms and armor found in the world of
Dragonbond are the same as many other fantasy worlds.
However, the mortals of Rhaava have created many
wonderful and unique items; equipment new to this book
can be found here.
Also included in this section are special materials found
only on Rhaava. The rarity of these materials vary, and they
can be used to craft weapons and armor of all types.

Special Materials
Weapons and armor in Valerna made from the following
special materials convey additional properties.
Bakka. Created by the obakkar, bakka is a dense, tawny
material made by refining the lava produced by the flame
djaat. A sacred substance for the obakkar, its use in rituals and
daily life is central to their culture. Bakka amber is fashioned
into weapons, armor, jewelry, and art and is even powdered
for alchemical uses.
Weapons and armor made from bakka weigh 50% more
than the standard versions, and they cost twice as much.
Armor not normally made of metal can’t be made from this
material. Bakka armor contains little to no metal and grants
fire resistance to its wearer.
Deadsteel. Iron ore can be treated with a special
antimagic dust to make deadsteel. The resulting metal is
particularly useful against Fai creatures, able to cut through
their defenses and even disable their powers temporarily.
The process for creating deadsteel was developed by Allarian
wizards, and weapons made with such a metal are typically
only given to Fai hunters and others handpicked by the
scholars of the Allarian courts.
Deadsteel weapons are considered magical for the
purpose of overcoming damage resistances. A Feydh
creature hit with a deadsteel weapon loses all of its innate
resistances until the end of its next turn, including
damage resistances and any advantage on saving throws
against spells or other magical effects. Additionally, when
a Feydh creature must make a Constitution saving throw
to maintain concentration due to taking damage from
a deadsteel weapon, the save is made with disadvantage.
Distribution of deadsteel is carefully controlled, making it
hard to get and causing weapons made from deadsteel to
cost three times as much as the standard versions. 163
Fai Glass. A creation of the Fell Courts, Fai glass is a the aerial lance to be used with one hand, but it requires
Dream-wrought crystal material that is as strong as steel two hands to wield when you aren’t mounted. You have
but far lighter, and armor made from it offers far more disadvantage on attack rolls made with an aerial lance if
maneuverability for the wearer. you are not mounted using an aerial saddle or if you use
Weapons forged from Fai glass deal an additional 1d4 this lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you.
psychic damage and count as magical for the purpose of Atlatl. The atlatl, also known as a spear-thrower, is
overcoming resistances. Medium armor made from this a tool for hurling special darts the size of thin javelins
material allows for a maximum Dexterity modifier of +4 to at a greater distance and with greater force than can be
be applied to AC, and heavy armor made of it allows for a achieved by hand. The atlatl is typically the length of
maximum Dexterity modifier of +2 to be applied to AC. the hunter’s forearm with a cup or spur that anchors the
Fai glass armor does not impose disadvantage on Dexterity ammunition to be thrown into place. The atlatl is the
(Stealth) checks. Weapons and armor made from Fai glass weapon of choice for cúhinn hunters in Nahuac.
weigh half as much (rounded up) and cost three times more
than the standard versions.
Jawahm Crystal. Harvested from gemstone clusters in the
Enkharan Desert by the nwoda clans, this crystalline material
is used by the sky dwarves as the heart of their magical
technology. Jawahm weapons also never need sharpening.
Armor not normally made of metal can’t be made from Blood Blade. Typically
jawahm crystal. Armor made from this material allows its wielded in pairs by Tyverian bloodclaw
wearer to double their jump distance. Jawahm crystal armor troops, this wicked-looking weapon acts as an extension of
and weapons cost 50% more than the standard versions. the wielder’s arm, with long blades on either side forming a
Stormsteel. This bitter-cold metal is forged by the sjóda, talon-like appearance. They are usually made of tyvalite.
the frost dwarves of the Gellanor League.
Weapons crafted from stormsteel deal an additional
1d4 cold damage and count as magical for the purpose
of overcoming resistances. A creature wearing stormsteel
armor gains resistance to cold damage. Weapons and
armor made from stormsteel cost twice as much as the
standard versions.
Tyvalite. A soft red metal from Tyveria, tyvalite is a key Harpoon.
component used in some magic rituals, its high malleability A long pole with
making it easy to shape and scribe. It is also folded into a barbed hook or blade on the end, a harpoon is typically
steel and used in weapon crafting, giving a beautiful striated used by those in the Ysvalian Alliance for fishing, hunting,
appearance to blades and other metal weapons and making it and defense. It can be wielded one-handed or two-handed
easier to layer enchantments into them. Tyvalite can be tinted and thrown short distances.
when shaped, allowing crafters to create metal armor and
weapons of a wide variety of hues.
Tyvalite steel blades can also be honed to a keen edge,
giving the wielder a +1 bonus to slashing damage on attacks
made with such a weapon. Tyvalite items cost twice as much Huntsword. This long, thin
as the standard versions. blade is used primarily by the Fai hunters
of Allaria. Its length makes it ideal for use while
Weapons mounted, and the Fai hunters can wield this massive weapon
with surprising finesse from the backs of their trained qirin.
This section lists the details for the new weapons Made from deadsteel, huntswords are particularly deadly
introduced in this book. Some have extra properties, listed against the Fell and other feydh. A huntsword requires two
in their description and indicated by the “special” property hands to wield when you aren’t mounted.
in the Weapons table.

Aerial Lance.
Designed for aerial battles while
riding on dragonback, these 14-to-16- Macahui. This
foot spears are set with a vamplate, a small circular plate to weapon originates in Nahuac.
protect the hand. Though made from the hardest woods, a A long wooden club embedded with
jawahm crystal core allows this lance to be wielded deftly razor-sharp shards of kaabstone along the sides, a typical
despite its extreme length. Saddles designed for aerial macahui can be wielded with one hand, though the larger
combat are equipped with a mounting rest that allows heavy version requires two hands to wield it effectively.

Moonblade. Reaver Scythe. Used

So named because most often by the skorpikon riders
it has a triply curved blade that of Tyveria, this weapon features two
resembles the three moons of Rhaava in their curved, bladed heads made of tyvalite on
crescent state, the moonblade is of a similar style to the either end of a long, twisted shaft. Though
huntsword. Originating in Allaria, it is sometimes made from difficult to learn, once mastered, it can be
deadsteel, though it’s most often made of a mundane metal. wielded with vicious efficiency, particularly
from the back of a mount.

Spiked Chain. This long, heavy chain

is studded with barbed, sharpened spikes.
Typically wielded by the hulking ogerron,
the chain can be used to entangle and
immobilize a target. A spiked chain has a
reach of 20 feet, and you have disadvantage
on attack rolls when you use the chain
against a target within 5 feet of you. When
you hit a Large or smaller target with an
attack with this weapon, you can force it to
make a Dexterity saving throw (DC of 8 +
Repeater Crossbow. An invention of the godao, these your Strength modifier + your proficiency
crossbows are rigged with chains of ammunition and bonus). On a failure, the target is grappled
are able to fire multiple shots without being reloaded. and has disadvantage on Strength checks
However, a result of a 1 on an attack roll made with a and saving throws. Until the grapple ends,
repeater crossbow results in a bolt jam, and the use of the target is restrained and the chain can’t be
tinker’s tools as an action is required to unjam the weapon used against another target.
so it is usable once more.

Simple Melee Weapons

Harpoon 1 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)

Macahui 8 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. —

Macahui, heavy 12 gp 1d10 slashing 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Simple Ranged Weapons

Repeater crossbow, light 75 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 90/240), special, two-handed
Martial Melee Weapons

Blood blade 50 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, light, tyvalite

Huntsword 150 gp 2d6 slashing 5 lb. Deadsteel, heavy, special
Moonblade 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Reaver scythe 150 gp 2d8 slashing 18 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed, tyvalite
Spiked chain 50 gp 1d8 slashing 10 lb. Heavy, special, two-handed
Martial Ranged Weapons

Aerial lance 160 gp 1d12 piercing 3 lb Reach, special

Atlatl 5 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), light
Repeater crossbow, heavy 150 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Ammunition (range 120/400), heavy, special,

Adventuring Gear Adventuring Gear
This section describes items that have special rules or ITEM COST WEIGHT
require further explanation. The Adventuring Gear table Ammunition
provides pricing for ammunition and other gear.
Atlatl darts (5) 1 gp 5 lb.
Shev Explosives. The shev of Tyveria are renowned for
their alchemical weapons. Many of these take the form of Repeater crossbow bolts, 1 gp 1 lb.
bombs or other explosives that can quickly turn the tide heavy (chain of 4)
of battle. As an action, you may activate and throw an Repeater crossbow bolts, light 1 gp 1 lb.
explosive up to 30 feet. The radius, DC, and damage of a (chain of 8)
few such explosives are listed below. Shev explosive
Acid Bomb. This bomb explodes upon impact. Each Acid bomb 50 gp 1/2 lb.
creature within a 10-foot radius must make a DC 13
Putrid gas 50 gp 1/2 lb.
Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 acid damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Splatter bomb 150 gp 1 lb.
Putrid Gas. When the bomb lands, it releases a greenish
gas that immediately fills the area within a 10-foot radius
and spreads an additional 10 feet at the beginning of each of
your turns, to a maximum of 30 feet. The gas spreads around Dragon Equipment
corners and remains for 1 minute. Each creature that enters This section describes items worn or used by Dragons.
the area for the first time or starts its turn there must make Dragon Barding. Barding is armor designed to protect
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against poison. On a a dragon’s head, neck, chest, and body. Any type of armor
failed save, a creature spends its action that turn gagging and can be purchased as barding. The cost and weight varies
retching. Creatures that don’t need to breathe or are immune depending on the size of the dragon it is fitted for. Barding
to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw. A strong for a Large Dragon costs four times the equivalent armor
wind disperses the gas, as long as it has somewhere to go, made for Humanoids, and it weighs twice as much.
ending the effect. Dragonriding Saddle. This saddle is made of sturdy
Splatter Bomb. This bomb explodes upon impact, leather and designed to fit a dragon. It braces the dragon’s
coating the area in a 10-foot radius with a sticky substance. rider, helping you keep your seat during mounted combat.
The area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature in the It is often fitted with straps and belts to hold the rider
area when the bomb explodes must succeed on a DC 17 in place during aerial maneuvers. Using a saddle gives
Dexterity saving throw or become restrained. Additionally, you advantage on any ability check made to remain in
each creature who enters the area or starts their turn mounted. The cost and weight of a dragonriding saddle
there must succeed on the same saving throw or become varies depending on the size of dragon it is fitted for.
restrained. A creature restrained in this way may use
its action to make a DC 20 Strength check, ending the
restrained condition on itself on a success.

as smiths
, arm or and othe r such item s take s grea t skill, and forges run hot across all Valerna
The crafting of weapons stry, to battle. So, too,
drou s ores and min eral s into grea t tool s, to be used in everything from farming, to indu and
fashion won als or the bark of the abundant trees are manipulated
ticed , in whi ch the hide of anim
are the ancient crafts still prac Crimson Coast are renowned for their high fash
ion, while in
es, jewe lry and good s. The arti sans of the
fashioned into cloth forged by the Elves of Allaria.
eria , the blac kest iron is shap ed into wea pons of war that can stand against anything

Swivel Ballista. Larger than a normal crossbow, this 12 Dexterity saving throw. The creature’s speed is reduced
miniature ballista is designed to mount on a dragonriding to 0 on a failed save, or halved on a successful one, until a
saddle or aerial gondola. It fires heavy steel bolts typically creature uses an action to remove the bola. A creature that
fitted with crystal shard tips. It takes one action to reload is smaller than Large takes the damage but automatically
a swivel ballista and one action to aim and fire it. A swivel succeeds on the saving throw.
ballista has AC 15 and 25 hit points, and it is immune to Tailspike. This metal spike is secured to a dragon’s
poison and psychic damage. This weapon is too large and tail by straps and buckles. A tailspike inflicts the listed
unwieldy to be carried and fired by a Medium-sized creature. damage, depending on the size and type of the weapon, in
Swivel Ballista Bola Bolt. A specialized form of bolt addition to the normal damage of the wearer’s tail attack.
designed to hinder flying creatures. The head of the bola Tailspikes come in various styles including blades, axes,
bolt detaches after being fired, separating into two heavy and greatblades. The cost and weight of a tailspike varies
halves attached by a length of strong chain. A creature depending on the size of dragon it is fitted for.
hit by a bola bolt takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage. In
addition, if the creature is Large or larger, it makes a DC

Dragon Equipment
Dragon barding, Large/Huge/Gargantuan – x4/x8/x20 x2/x4/x10
Dragonriding saddle, Large/Huge/Gargantuan – 150 gp/200 gp/300 gp 40 lb./55 lb./75 lb.

Swivel ballista 2d10 piercing, range 120/480 100 gp 30 lb

Swivel ballista bolts (10) – 5 gp 3 lbs

Swivel ballista bola bolt (1) 1d8 bludgeoning, range 80/320 25 gp 10 lbs

Axe, Huge/Gargantuan 2d8 slashing/2d10 slashing 400 gp/800 gp 40 lb./80 lb.

Blade, Huge/Gargantuan 2d6 slashing/2d8 slashing 300 gp/600 gp 30 lb./60 lb.
Greatblade, Huge/Gargantuan 2d10 slashing/2d12 slashing 500 gp/1000 gp 60 lb./120 lb.

Spike, Huge/Gargantuan 2d4 piercing/2d6 piercing 150 gp/300 gp 10 lb./20 lb.

Magic Items Bracelet of the Broods
& Equipment
Wondrous item, legendary
Components: Bone from each brood of dragon represented,
This section contains new magic items and equipment. mythic essence
Components. A new line has been added to the This bracelet has 1d4 magic charms made from carved
magic items listed here: Components. This works in dragon bone. The charms may look like various dragon
conjunction with the optional crafting and enchanting parts or even dragons themselves. The bracelet also has
rules found in appendix A. If you are not using these many nonmagical beads made from precious stones,
optional rules, you can disregard each item’s components. such as amethyst, citrine, coral, jade, pearl, and onyx. If
If a magic item’s description does not contain a a magic charm is removed from the bracelet, that charm
components entry, it means that item cannot be created loses its magic.
through standard crafting or enchanting. Such items Six types of charms exist based on different dragon
include artifacts, like the Heart of Kadmos, or items that broods. The GM decides the type of each charm on
can only be created with specific magic, such as a dose of the bracelet or determines it randomly. A bracelet can
awakened blood or a Kaabstone amulet. have more than one charm of the same type. As a bonus
action, you can activate a charm to use the property
Blood-Draw Dagger stored within. Once a charm is used in this way, it can’t
be used again until the next dawn.
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
Components: Frail essence (Id), pouch of teeth from a blood husk
Found most often in Tyveria, this dagger has a specially
molded runnel and a hollow chamber in the hilt that
can hold a glass vial. When you hit a creature using
this dagger, it deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage. In
addition, if you have an empty vial in the hilt and deal at
least 1 necrotic damage with the dagger, the vial fills with
blood. Removing and replacing a vial requires an action.

1–2 Coatl You gain truesight out to a range
of 120 feet for an hour.
3–4 Ehrlya You cast the alter self spell. It
lasts for the duration without
5–6 Exor You cast the hunter’s mark spell.
For the duration, you know the
direction and distance to your
marked prey.
7–8 Fulgen You cast the command spell on
up to 12 creatures, using Charisma
as the spellcasting ability.
9–10 Magnifex Your form shimmers, causing
creatures to have disadvantage
on attack rolls against you for the
next hour. If you take damage,

None of this, however, is what makes them
this effect ceases until the start of

of magic
for the act of creation is, in itself, an act
your next turn.

in Valerna, and the channeling of Vaala emp
11–12 Nix Plates of bone cover your skin.
For the next hour, you have a +2

both the creators and the items they create.

bonus to your AC and you are
immune to necrotic damage.

Dose of Awakened Blood paint, and the dragon must succeed on a DC 15

Charisma saving throw or suffer disadvantage on all its
Potion, rare attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
This blood is a deep red and shimmers slightly in the Pollen. Small wisps of pollen are suspended in this
light. If you’re not a maghyr and you consume this blood, silvery gelatinous oil. If a pollen-coated weapon strikes a
you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points and gain a +2 bonus to Fulgen dragon, it releases a cloud of choking pollen dust,
your Strength and Dexterity scores until you finish a and the dragon must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
short or long rest. saving throw or be unable to speak or use its Decree until
If you consume more than one dose of awakened blood the end of its next turn.
before finishing a short or long rest, you regain additional Pumice. Small gray flecks of stone are suspended in
hit points and gain an additional +2 bonus to your this greenish gelatinous oil. If a pumice-coated weapon
Strength and Dexterity scores for each dose consumed, strikes a Coatl dragon, it causes some of the dragon’s
but there is a compounding 20 percent chance that you feathers to molt, and the dragon must succeed on a DC
immediately vomit up all of the consumed awakened 15 Wisdom saving throw or be unable to cast spells until
blood, losing all Strength and Dexterity bonuses the end of its next turn.
conferred and suffering disadvantage on all Constitution Resin. This yellow gelatinous oil is layered with floating
saving throws until you finish a short or long rest. nodules of amber, clumped into threads. If a resin-coated
weapon strikes an Exor dragon, a sticky spray erupts from
the impact, and the dragon must succeed on a DC 15
Dragonbane Oil Constitution saving throw or be unable to use its burrow
speed until the end of its next turn.
Wondrous item, rare
Rime. This faintly blue gelatinous oil has ice crystals
Components: Phial of dragon blood from the associated floating in it and is chill to the touch. If a rime-coated
brood, robust essence weapon strikes an Ehrlya dragon, it covers the target with
This tiny vial contains odd particles suspended in a viscous a thin layer of ice, and the dragon must succeed on a
liquid. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be unable to use its
or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Dragonfire Breath Weapon until the end of its next turn.
Applying the oil takes an action. For 1 hour, the coated Spore. Flecks of gray-green tufts move slowly through
weapon is magical and has a +2 bonus to attack and this clear gelatinous oil. If a spore-coated weapon strikes
damage rolls against Dragons. a Nix dragon, it spreads living spores across the target’s
Different types of dragonbane oil exist, each with a undead bones, and the dragon must succeed on a DC 15
different secondary effect. The GM chooses the kind of oil Wisdom saving throw or be unable to activate any of its
or determines it randomly. runes until the end of its next turn.
d100 Dragonbane Oil
Dye (Magnifex)
Pollen (Fulgen)
Dragon Champion’s Shield
36–50 Pumice (Coatl) Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
51–65 Resin (Exor) Components: Dragon’s breath sac, potent essence
66–90 Rime (Ehrlya) While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.
91–00 Spore (Nix) This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC.
Dye. Small spheres of colored dye float in this faintly Breath Repulsion. While holding this shield, if you
purple gelatinous oil. If a dye-coated weapon strikes a take damage from a Dragon’s Breath Weapon, you can use
Magnifex dragon, it splashes the target with multicolored your reaction to immediately send a pulse wave back at the
dragon. Make a ranged spell attack using Constitution
as your spellcasting modifier. On a hit, the
dragon takes force damage equal to half the
damage the Breath Weapon dealt to you.
Champion’s Resistance. Once a day, if
you fail a saving throw against a Dragon’s
Breath Weapon, you can choose to
succeed instead. Once you use the shield
in this way, this property cannot be used
again until the next dawn.

Godao Palanquin Grounding Arrow
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Weapon (arrow), rare (requires attunement)
Components: Potent essence (Fai), pouch of scales from a Fai hydra Components: Phial of dragon blood, robust essence
This contraption consists of an elaborate throne-like chair When you hit a Dragon with this arrow, it deals an extra
atop three mechanical insectoid legs. It can fit one Small 2d10 piercing damage. In addition, the dragon must
or Medium creature comfortably. The palanquin is a succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or have
Medium object with AC 20, 150 hit points, and a speed its speed reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
of 40 feet. It is immune to poison and psychic damage. Once a grounding arrow deals its extra damage to a
When you are seated in the palanquin, you can control Dragon, it becomes a nonmagical arrow.
it by issuing one of the following mental commands as a Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist,
bonus action, which it carries out immediately. such as grounding bolts meant for a crossbow, though
Move. The palanquin moves up to its speed to a spot you arrows are most common.
can see within range, following a path of your choosing.
Attack. The palanquin makes one melee weapon attack
against a target within 5 feet. It has a +4 to hit and deals Harpoon Tether
1d8 + 4 piercing damage on a hit. Wondrous item, rare
Defend. The palanquin defends you. You gain a +3 Components: Robust essence, shimmerworm tusk
bonus to your AC until you issue another command to the
palanquin or you leave the seat. This engraved steel and copper six-inch tube features a
barbed spearhead on either end and is segmented in the
center. Inside the tube, a 120-foot cable of enchanted
tyvalite steel is coiled.
When you use an action to twist the halves of the tube
in separate directions, you can launch one or both magic
spearheads at up to two targets of your choice within 60
feet of you, trailing the attached cable behind them. If
you target two creatures, you must be between them.
Each target must succeed on DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw or take 3d6 piercing damage and be grappled
(escape DC 15) as the harpoon tip impales them. As
a bonus action, you can twist the tube halves in the
opposite direction, causing the cable to retract. Grappled
creatures are pulled 20 feet straight toward the tube each
round until the spearheads socket back into the tube.
A creature escaping from the grapple takes 6d6
slashing damage when the spearhead rips free.

Heart of Kadmos
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
Many millennia ago, Kadmos, the ancient creator of
dragons, was banished to the Red Moon by the Protogons
and their connection to Vaala was severed. Unbeknownst
to the First Dragon, however, the Protogons could not
fully destroy the bond between Kadmos and Vaala, so
instead they removed it from the dragon and forced it into
a physical form. Although this original creation has been
lost to history, a fragment of it, broken off long ago, still
remains. Appearing in scattered accounts over the eons, the
sages call this remnant the Heart of Kadmos.
The Heart of Kadmos is an oblong sphere, about fifteen
inches in diameter, made from a strange reddish-yellow
gemstone of unknown origin.
Shroud of the Creator. While you are attuned to
the Heart and carry it on your person, Dragons have
disadvantage on saving throws against charm and fear
effects from you. If you hold the attuned Heart in one

Destroying the Heart. The Heart is impervious to all

damage, including the attacks and Breath Weapons of
Dragons. However, if subjected to the Breath Weapons
of five separate broods in the same round or a critical
hit from a +3 weapon, the Heart vanishes, severing all
attunements. The Heart of Kadmos will reappear elsewhere
in the world within 1d4 weeks.

Jewelry of Vaala Resonance

Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement by a
Components: Essence (type varies by rarity), phial of blood
each from a Fai, Id, and K’aab creature
This jewelry stores Vaala for later use by the attuned
hand, you are immune to the Breath Weapons of Dragons wearer. Each type of jewelry can store different amounts
and have advantage on saving throws against any action or of Vaala. The GM decides the type of each jewelry or
ability used by a Dragon. determines it randomly. When found, a piece of jewelry
Spells. The Heart has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + contains 1d4 − 1 Vaala points.
2 expended charges daily at dawn. While you hold the Any creature can use an action to spend up to 3 Vaala
Heart, you can use an action and expend one or more points, channeling them into the jewelry and storing
charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) them. If the jewelry cannot hold the Vaala points, the
from it: beacon of hope (1 charge), fly (1 charge), globe of points are expended without effect.
invulnerability (2 charges), inflict wounds (5th-level version, While wearing the jewelry, you can use an action to
3 charges), and resurrection (5 charges). You can also use an recover Vaala points from the jewelry, up to the number
action to cast spare the dying or command from the Heart stored within it. The Vaala points recovered from the
without using any charges. jewelry are no longer stored within it.
Draconic Domination. While you are attuned to the
Heart and carry it on your person, you sense the presence
of Dragons within 1 mile of your location. Additionally,
you can use an action to send a telepathic call to the
closest Dragon within 50 miles. That dragon must succeed
on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by
you until you finish a long rest. If you or your allies are
currently fighting the dragon, it has advantage on the
saving throw.
While the dragon is charmed, you have a telepathic
link with it, and you can use this link to issue commands
to the dragon while you are conscious (no action required).
The dragon does its best to obey. You can specify a simple
and general course of action, such as “Attack that creature,”
“Fly to that spot,” or “Grab that object.” If the creature
completes the order and doesn’t receive further directions
from you, it defends and preserves itself (or you) to the
best of its ability.
Each time the dragon takes damage, it repeats the
Wisdom saving throw against the charm effect. If the
saving throw succeeds, the effect ends, but the dragon is
unaware it has been charmed by you.
Once you use this property, you must wait for 1d4 days
before using it again.


1–4 Ring 3 Uncommon Frail essence
5–7 Bracelet 5 Rare Robust essence

8–9 Armband 6 Very rare Potence essence

10 Diadem 8 Legendary Mythic essence
Kaabstone Amulet
Wondrous item, uncommon (tánaid only)
This green stone amulet is infused with Source magic.
While wearing this amulet, when you transform from
your human or hybrid form into your animal form,
everything you are wearing or carrying is magically
transported into the extradimensional space inside the
amulet. The amulet remains on your body while in
animal form—around your neck, on your wrist, etc.
When you revert to your human or hybrid form, your
clothing and equipment return to where they were on
your body when you originally transformed into your
animal form.
You must be wearing the amulet for it to function for
you. If the amulet is removed while you are in animal
form, your belongings remain inside the amulet, even if
you transform back into human or hybrid form. If you
die while your belongings are within the amulet, they
remain in the amulet. If another tánaid uses this amulet
when your belongings are within it, your belongings
remain stored and are inaccessible to them. Only their
clothing and equipment are transferred into and out of
the amulet when they use it. Retrieving items from a
Kaabstone amulet that has been removed from its tánaid
requires the use of powerful Source magic, only known
by the Náhuinn wizards who craft the amulets.

Weapon (harpoon), rare (requires attunement by a cleric or
Components: Foghorn horn, robust essence
Typically wielded by Galadyan priests as a sign of their station
and faith, this harpoon deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
When you hit an Aberration or Null creature
with this harpoon, that target takes an extra
2d8 radiant damage instead.
When holding the lightstaff, you can
use a bonus action to cause the staff to
emit bright light in a 15-foot radius and
dim light for an additional 15 feet.
You can dismiss this light at will.

Shielding Saddle
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Components: Pouch of feathers from a Coatl dragon,
robust essence
This dragonriding saddle is etched with
arcane runes. The saddle has three charges.
When you are hit with an attack while riding
in this saddle, you may use your reaction to
expend one of the charges. Until the start of
Thundering Maul
your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to your Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)
AC, including against the triggering attack, Components: Robust essence (Fai), volatile mote of air
and you take no damage from magic missile. This maul is made of Fai glass and infused with
The saddle regains all expended uses at the next dawn. the magics of the Fell. When you hit a target
with an attack using this maul, you deal an
Skyhook Scepter additional 1d6 thunder damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw
Wondrous item, rare or be knocked prone.
Components: Jawahm crystal, primordial dust from a gem troll, In addition, the maul has 3 charges. When you
robust essence (Fai) hit a target, you can expend 1 charge to release a
This tapered rod is bent into a half circle at the top like wave of thunderous energy from the maul. Each
a shepherd’s crook. The length of the scepter is fitted with other creature except you within 10 feet of the
bands of crystal and a large ruby in a recessed setting. A target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving
looped lanyard of braided mithril threads hangs from throw or be pushed 10 feet directly away from the
the bottom. target. The maul regains all expended charges at the
As an action, you can press the ruby, causing the next dawn.
crook to leap off of the end of the scepter and float
up to 60 feet in the air above you. While holding
the now-headless scepter, you can use your reaction
to press the ruby a second time. This causes you
Tinker’s Pouch
and the scepter to soar into the air, directly to the Wondrous item, uncommon
crook, where the scepter reattaches. You can bring Components: Fadrake hide, frail essence (Fai)
one willing creature of your size or smaller who is This simple leather bag, marked with a faded image of
carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. The willing a box of tools and made from worn leather or cloth,
creature must be within 5 feet of you when you use appears empty. As an action, you can reach into the bag
the scepter. and retrieve a simple, inexpensive, mundane crafting
component, such as a hinge, a handful or screws, or a
Swift Barding needle and thread. Items that come in bunches, such as
marbles, count as a single item for the purposes of this
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a flying property.
creature) Once you use this item, you can’t use it again for
Components: Fell fox liver, potent essence 24 hours.
This leather and metal set of barding is inscribed
with arcane runes. When placed upon a flying
creature, it magically changes sizes to fit that
creature perfectly. As a bonus action, the wearer
can activate the item or another creature can
instead speak the command word to do so. Upon
activation, the flying speed of the creature wearing
this barding increases by 20 feet for 1 minute.
Additionally, activated swift barding allows a
mount to move to another sphere as a bonus
action during aerial combat (see the “Draconic
Combat” section in Chapter 3: Dragons, page
155 for more details on aerial combat).
This item has 3 charges. Each activation of it
expends 1 charge. The item regains all expended
charges when its wearer finishes a long rest.

T he world of Dragonbond is filled with magic, the
essence of which is known to those in Valerna as
Vaala. Vaala can be used to produce potent spells but is also
used by many commoners in everyday life. From the wise
woman who twists a bit of K’aab to cleanse a wound, to
the powerful wizard who harnesses vast amounts of Fai to
achieve nigh impossible feats, Vaala is part and parcel to life
in Valerna. This chapter provides additional spells and new
rules for magic in Dragonbond.

Vaala is often referred to by its aspects. Most creatures
on Rhaava cannot comprehend the workings of Vaala as
a whole and instead divide it into three distinct parts in
order to access, manipulate, and utilize its power.
Fai. Also known as Dream, Fai is the aspect of
imagination, of the unpredictable and unrealized. It
manifests in budding ideas, unconscious thoughts, and
nightmares. It is the magic of concept, of abstract forces
such as beauty, order, and chaos.
Id. Also known as Will, Id is the aspect of decision,
power, and influence. Of all aspects, it is the closest to
Vaala’s raw, true nature—the ability to affect the universe
through action and assertion. It is the magic of forces
and energy, of cause and effect.
K’aab. Also known as Source, K’aab is the aspect
of growth, creation, and transformation. It manifests
in birth, learning, and development, in life and
reproduction but also in decay and death. It is the magic
of cycles, of processes and experience.

Vaala Pool
On Rhaava, Vaala is the force of life and creation. It exists
within and around all living things, creating a connective
web of growth, possibility, and change.
All creatures of Rhaava are thus connected to Vaala.
Within them all is that same possibility, that same power
and potential. In this way, all creatures hold the ability
to use magic, though not all have the strength to craft
mighty spells.
At character creation, a character has two new items on
their sheet: Vaala points and motes of affinity. A character
gains Vaala points and motes of affinity from their lineage
and class choices, as indicated in the sections below.

Using Vaala Points Outside of Dragonbond Motes of Affinity
If you are playing a class or lineage from outside
this book or wish to implement Vaala points in your Motes represent a character’s deepening affinity with one
home game, use the following guidance. or more Vaala aspects, namely Fai, Id, and K’aab. Each
Motes of Affinity. A character gains one mote mote in a Vaala aspect allows a character to more easily
of affinity of their choice from their ancestry at access the powers from that aspect. Motes are gained in
character creation. They gain an additional mote of several ways during character creation and advancement.
affinity in an aspect of their choice when they choose This is explained further below.
their first subclass and another of the same aspect On your Valerna character sheet, this looks similar to
when they reach 14th level in that same class. The the tracks used for death saving throws, with each aspect of
GM and player should work together to determine Vaala accompanied by five empty pips beside them.
which aspect of Vaala makes the most sense for their Fai
ancestry and subclass.
Vaala Points. Along with the pool of points
they receive at character creation (as detailed in the K’aab
“Vaala Points” section), they increase their Vaala When you gain a mote in an aspect, you fill in one of
point maximum by 2 when they choose their first the dots. Each mote you have in a Vaala aspect reduces the
subclass and by 2 more when they reach 14th level. Vaala point cost of activating an ability tied to that aspect
by 1, to a minimum cost of 1 Vaala point. For example,
a character with one mote in Fai who activates a Vaala
Vaala Points augmentation with a Fai aspect and a cost of 2 only has to
pay 1 Vaala point instead of 2.
Your character gains a reservoir of mystical energy
representing your ever deepening connection to Vaala. This
pool of Vaala points can be used to power ancestral, class, Gaining Motes
and spell abilities. Characters begin with a pool of these A character can gain a mote of affinity in different
Vaala points, the maximum size of which is determined by ways. They gain a mote from their ancestry or lineage,
the following: as certain creatures are born with an affinity toward an
Vaala point maximum = your proficiency bonus aspect of Vaala. They gain a mote when they select their
+ your primary ability’s modifier (as determined first subclass and another when they reach 14th level in
by your class) the same class. There are some other, rare methods of
gaining motes, including rituals, magic items, and special
You might also have additional Vaala points from your rewards. Multiclassing does not grant you additional
choice of ancestry or class, increasing your Vaala point motes. Most characters will only ever gain three motes.
maximum accordingly. These points can then be spent to
activate or fuel various features. In addition, each Vaala aspect
has a different set of universal abilities that can be activated Multiclassing and Vaala Points
by spending points from the Vaala pool (see the “Casting If your game is using multiclassing rules, it’s
Spells with Vaala” and “Vaala Abilities and Augmentations” important to note that a character can only ever gain
sections). These can be accessed by any character as long as the Vaala Mote and Increased Vaala Pool class feature
they have enough points in their Vaala pool. twice—once when they choose their first subclass,
and once at 14th level in that class—regardless of
how many classes they take.
Spending Vaala Points
However, if a character gains enough levels in
Vaala abilities and augmentations indicate a particular another class to gain that feature again, they can
Vaala aspect affinity as well as the number of Vaala points choose to replace a mote of affinity previously gained
required to activate it. Low-level features might cost 1 from their class with one from the class they just
point to activate, while high-level features might require 6 gained a level in.
or more points. Spending points from your pool to use a For example, if a rogue character chooses the
Vaala ability does not require an action, bonus action, or Crimson Hawk Spellblade archetype at 3rd level
reaction unless indicated in its description. and gains the mote of affinity in Id and Vaala pool
Increase from that archetype, they do not gain any
Recovering Vaala Points additional motes or points if they decide to later
take a level of Vaala adept with the Dream doctrine.
When you finish a long rest, you can regain spent Vaala
In such a case, the character can leave their Id mote
points, up to a number equal to half your Vaala point
of affinity in place from their rogue archetype or
maximum. For example, if a character’s Vaala point
replace it with the Fai mote of affinity provided by
maximum equals 8, they can regain up to 4 Vaala points
the Vaala adept doctrine.
upon finishing a long rest.

Casting Spells with Vaala Additionally, you may not cast a spell in this way again for a
number of days equal to 1 + the level of the spell cast.
A character can channel their connection with Vaala to If a non-spellcasting character uses this method to cast a
cast spells. This can be done in one of two ways, as long spell, they can use Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom as
as the spell has a Vaala affinity. their spellcasting ability (caster’s choice).

Casting a Spell You Know NPCs, Monsters, and Vaala Points

You can cast a spell you know using Vaala instead of spell The GM may wish to give NPCs or monsters Vaala
slots. To do so, you expend a number of Vaala points points. To do so, assign the creature a number of motes
equal to 3 + the spell’s level. The cost of casting a spell of affinity according to their CR, as listed in the NPC
in this fashion is reduced by 1 point per mote of affinity & Monster Motes of Affinity table, and a number of
you have in the spell’s corresponding Vaala aspect, to a Vaala points equal to their proficiency bonus + the
minimum cost of 1 Vaala point. The spell must be of a ability modifier of your choice. A monster has motes
level you can cast. of affinity that correspond to their assigned Vaala
aspect, as listed in Chapter 7: Bestiary of this book.
Dragons can never have access to Vaala points, as
Casting a Spell You Don’t Know their innate tie to Vaala has been severed by the Curse
You can cast a spell you don’t know using Vaala instead of Kadmos.
of spell slots. To do so, you must expend a number of
Vaala points equal to 3 + twice the spell’s level. The cost
of casting a spell in this fashion is reduced by 1 point per NPC & Monster Motes of Affinity
mote of affinity you have in the spell’s corresponding Vaala CREATURE CR MOTES OF AFFINITY
aspect, to a minimum cost of 1 Vaala point. The spell must 1-5 1
be of a level that a spellcaster of your level could cast.
6-15 2
When you cast a spell you do not know in this way, you
immediately take force damage equal to 1d4 per Vaala point 16 and higher 3
spent to cast the spell as the raw Vaala tears through you.

Vaala Abilities Alter Damage
and Augmentations Vaala Augmentation
When you make an attack or cast a spell, you can spend Vaala
All creatures of Rhaava—save for dragons—are connected points to change the damage type dealt by the attack or spell
to Vaala. Many have learned to channel this power to effect. The Vaala aspect associated with this augmentation
achieve effects, great or small, in their everyday life. varies based on the damage type chosen, as indicated in the
Many class features list a Vaala augmentation specific to Alter Damage Cost table.
that feature. However, there are a number of Vaala abilities
and augmentations accessible by anyone, regardless of class Alter Damage Cost
or known features.
A Vaala ability provides a new power to be used, NEW DAMAGE TYPE COST
whereas a Vaala augmentation can be triggered when a acid, necrotic, piercing, poison (Id) 7
specific action, ability, or effect is used. Any character
utilizing Vaala points has access to the Vaala abilities and bludgeoning, cold, fire, lightning, thunder 7
augmentations listed in this section. The cost of each (K’aab)
ability or augmentation is reduced by 1 point per mote of force, psychic, radiant, slashing (Fai) 7
affinity the character has in the corresponding Vaala aspect,
to a minimum cost of 1 Vaala point.
A Vaala ability or augmentation cannot be used in Blinking Blade
conjunction with a feature or ability that provides a similar
effect; for example, the Extend Range Vaala augmentation Vaala Augmentation (Fai)
cannot be used in conjunction with the sorcerer’s Distant For every 5 Vaala points you spend when you make a
Spell Metamagic option. melee weapon attack, you can make an additional attack
with the same weapon against another target within 15 feet
of you, though you can only make one additional attack
against each new target in this way.

Burst of Speed
Vaala Augmentation (Id)
For every 5 Vaala points you spend when you move, your
speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn. If you
make a long jump and spend 5 Vaala points, your jump
distance is doubled.

Channel Elements
Vaala Ability (K’aab)
As an action, you can spend 3 Vaala points to cast one of
the following cantrips: produce flame, mold earth, ray of
frost, shape water, or shocking grasp.

Vaala Ability (Fai)
As an action, you can spend 3 Vaala points to cast one
of the following cantrips: light, mage hand, mending,
prestidigitation, or thaumaturgy.

Elemental Resistance
Vaala Ability (K’aab)
As a bonus action, you can spend 3 Vaala points to gain
resistance to one of the following damage types until the
end of your next turn: cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
Alternatively, you can spend 7 Vaala points to gain
immunity to the chosen damage type until the end of your
next turn.


Extend Range Alternatively, you can use your reaction to spend 10

Vaala points to immediately reflect the charm back on
Vaala Augmentation (Fai) its source. If it’s a spell, the spell has no effect on you and
When you make a ranged spell or weapon attack, you can instead targets the caster as if it originated from you, using
increase the range of the attack by 10 feet for every 2 Vaala the slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting
points you spend. ability of the caster. If it’s not a spell, it still targets the source
with the same effect as though you were using or controlling
Increase Ability it, as long as the source can be affected by the charm.
Vaala Augmentation (Id)
When you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Other Spells and Vaala Points
ability check, you can spend 4 Vaala points to gain For those who wish to use spells from sources other
advantage on that check. than this book but still use the Vaala points system
presented here, the GM can assign a Vaala affinity to
K’aab Retribution those spells.
Ideally, the aspect should be assigned based on
Vaala Ability (K’aab)
the specifics of the spell and its function. In a pinch,
When a creature you can see within 10 feet of you hits you an aspect can be assigned quickly based on a spell’s
with an attack, you can use your reaction to spend 7 Vaala school, with the following guidance.
points and immediately deal 2d6 cold, fire, lightning, or Abjuration spells are typically Id.
thunder damage (your choice) to the attacker.
Conjuration spells are typically Fai.
Divination spells are typically Fai.
Reflect Charm Enchantment spells are typically Id.
Vaala Ability (Id) Evocation spells are typically K’aab.
If you are the target of a charm effect or spell, you can use Illusion spells are typically Fai.
your reaction to spend 7 Vaala points to shield yourself Necromancy spells are typically K’aab.
and be unaffected by the charm.
Transmutation spells are typically K’aab.
New Schools of Magic
Many peoples of Valerna have created their own forms of
magic, influenced by their cultures, their homelands, and
their affinities for one or more aspects of Vaala. This section
details five such schools of magic found within Valerna.
Each spell description, found later in this chapter,
includes both the spell’s Valernian spell school, if any, and its
traditional spell school. In addition, the spell’s corresponding
Vaala aspect, if any, is included in parentheses. Null spells, by
their very nature, do not have a corresponding Vaala aspect.

Ellari magic that uses Fai to craft items out of the
filaments of Dream and to walk through the minds of
others, Dreamshaping is the art of imagination and
magic made manifest.
Once nearly lost to the Dreambleed, the craft of
Dreamshaping was kept alive in formal academies that
only admitted allai, while the ellari were forbidden from
practicing their ancestral magic. Now, with Qan Elyse’s
more progressive policies, the ellari have begun practicing
in public once more. Those with a strong tie to Fai may
Blood develop the means to wield Dreamshaping.

Used primarily by the maghyr blood sorcerers of Tyveria,

this school of magic uses blood and Id to control and
damage foes.
Though the maghyri have an innate ability to use
blood magic, any creature with a strong enough tie to the
Will aspect of Vaala can learn it. This is typically achieved
by having their blood awakened within their veins by a
powerful maghyr blood sorcerer, unlocking the potential to
wield blood magic—and possibly turning the target into a
vampyr in the process.
The use of blood magic requires blood. This can be
blood from a fallen enemy, from a willing ally, or the caster’s
own. Often, blood sorcerers will cut themselves in the
heat of battle and pull the blood from their own bodies to
attack their enemies. The blood required for a spell may be
manipulated by the spell itself, or the magic may consume
a drop or more of mundane or awakened blood.
A sister to the dragon heralds’ use of runes, rune magic
involves sketching symbols that channel Vaala for devastating
effects. Though dragon heralds have mastered the art of
rune magic, others have developed some spells in the same
tradition that are usable by other spellcasters, if they have the
will to learn.
Rune magic in general has no link to any one aspect of
Vaala, though each specific spell may have an innate tether to
Fai, K’aab, or Id.


For example, if you have 11 total Null corruption

points and you cast a 3rd-level Null spell, you suffer an
additional 4 Null corruption points (1 permanent and
3 temporary), putting you at 15 total points. When this
occurs, you must succeed on the Wisdom saving throw
or be transformed. If you cast another spell or are affected
by something that causes you to suffer additional Null
corruption points while still at 15 total points, you would
repeat the saving throw, transforming on a failure. If you
finish a long rest and reduce your total Null corruption
points below 15 (due to losing temporary points), you
would only make the saving throw once you meet or
exceed 15 total points once again.
Characters that suffer Null corruption often find
themselves growing more and more apathetic to the world
around them. They may try to hide their corruption at first
but eventually embrace the Null, longing for nothing more
than total oblivion.
Dangerous and forbidden, Null magic grants its user The Null and Vaala Points
immense power at the risk of corruption. Vaala and the Null are the antithesis of one another.
Null spells are incredibly rare and hard to find, and Therefore, Null spells cannot be cast using Vaala points, nor
they carry a heavy social stigma attached to them. At best, can they be augmented with Vaala points in any way.
a spellcaster seen using Null magic can expect to be run
out of town, but it’s not unusual for such a person to be
arrested and executed in quick order to avoid the spread of
Null corruption.

Null Corruption
Each use of Null magic infects the practitioner with
Null corruption, which eventually twists their body and
thoughts, leaving them a mindless husk dedicated solely to
the expansion of the Null itself.
If you cast a Null spell, you immediately suffer 1
permanent Null corruption point and an additional
number of temporary Null corruption points equal to
the spell’s level. You can reduce the number of temporary
Null corruption points your character has by 1 each
time you finish a long rest. The use of a spell such as
greater restoration also removes 1 point of temporary Null
corruption. Permanent Null corruption points can never
be removed and persist even after death.
The threshold for potentially suffering ultimate and
permanent corruption is 15 total Null corruption points. Originating in Nahuac, makaab weaving uses Source
If at any time you meet or exceed the threshold of 15 total to manipulate the natural world. Weavers can twist and
Null corruption points (a combination of permanent and change the plants, stone, and earth around them, shaping
temporary points), or suffer any additional Null corruption objects, growing walls, or even forming entire buildings
points while already at or above 15 total points, you must without ever wielding a hammer, chisel, or saw.
immediately succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw Those with a powerful draw toward K’aab may find
or lose yourself to the Null and be transformed into a Null they have a knack for weaving. Patience is key to learning
abomination. This change is permanent and can only be this art, as it often requires the practitioner to coax rather
undone with the use of a wish spell. than command, and those who disregard the patterns of
nature will struggle to master this school of magic.

New Spells Dragon 4th Level
This section describes new spells. It begins with spell lists by
school and by spellcasting class. The remainder contains spell
Herald Spells Biting Winds
Black Mold
descriptions, presented alphabetically by spell name. 1st Level Hive Heat
Runemark Stone Footing
Bard Spells Sucking Void Wretched Arcanum

Cantrips (0 Level) 8th Level 2nd Level 5th Level

Psychic Flare Forced Corruption Aura of Apathy Arcane Amplification
Cleansing Rune Witness
1st Level 9th Level Illusory Reinforcements
Acrobatic Stance
6th Level
3rd Level Imbue Item
Invoke Elements Rend the Veil
Consumption Mass Dispel Magic
Sucking Void
Vaala Infusion
Cleric Spells False Friends
Raise Corpse Cluster
7th Level
Jade Forces
1st Level Panopticon
2nd Level 4th Level
Runemark Roaring Geysers
Aura of Apathy Life Leeching
Sucking Void
Charmed Reverie Wretched Arcanum 8th Level
Tána Whispers
Illusory Reinforcements Vtesh’s Might Forced Corruption
2nd Level 5th Level
3rd Level Aura of Apathy 9th Level
Arcane Amplification Rend the Veil
Consume Vaala Wingward Arcane Protection
Fai Jump 3rd Level
Ishtotl’s Intuition
Witness Paladin Spells
False Friends Bolster Will
Kel-Teoti’s Arcane Focalizer Cantrips
Power Word Strike
Consume Vaala
Fai Jump Druid Spells 1st Level
Regenerative Carapace Raise Corpse Cluster 1st Level Runemark
Shape Momentum
Acrobatic Stance Sucking Void
Yahum Lift 4th Level
Invoke Elements
Biting Winds
Reopen Scars 2nd Level
4th Level System Shock Aura of Apathy
Biting Winds Runemark
Wretched Arcanum
Blindspot Sucking Void 3rd Level
Vtesh’s Might
Wretched Arcanum Tána Whispers Consume Vaala
5th Level Vaala Infusion Raise Corpse Cluster
5th Level Arcane Amplification 2nd Level 4th Level
Arcane Amplification Arcane Protection Aura of Apathy System Shock
Arcane Protection Dreamlance Cavitation Wretched Arcanum
Dreamlance Witness Charmed Reverie Vtesh’s Might
Ishtotl’s Intuition
Wind Web
Witness 6th Level Wingward 5th Level
Mass Dispel Magic Witness
6th Level 3rd Level
Imbue Item 7th Level
Mass Dispel Magic Panopticon
Consume Vaala
Fai Jump
Ranger Spells
Summon Feydh Kel-Teoti’s Arcane Focalizer 1st Level
8th Level Raise Corpse Cluster
7th Level Invoke Elements
Forced Corruption Regenerative Carapace
Beckoning Illusion Runemark
Static Charge Sucking Void
Panopticon 9th Level
Weave Vegetation Tána Whispers
Roaring Geysers Rend the Veil

2nd Level 5th Level 4th Level 3rd Level

Aura of Apathy Arcane Amplification Blindspot Consume Vaala
Wind Web Witness System Shock Consumption
Wingward Wretched Arcanum Kel-Teoti’s Arcane Focalizer
6th Level Power Word Strike
3rd Level Imbue Item 5th Level Raise Corpse Cluster
Consume Vaala Mass Dispel Magic Arcane Amplification Regenerative Carapace
Fai Jump Shattered Ground Witness Shape Momentum
Raise Corpse Cluster Summon Feydh
6th Level Static Charge
Regenerative Carapace
7th Level Imbue Item Weave Vegetation
Yahum Lift
Beckoning Illusion Mass Dispel Magic 4th Level
4th Level Jade Forces Summon Feydh Black Mold
Hive Heat Panopticon
7th Level Blindspot
Wretched Arcanum Roaring Geysers
Beckoning Illusion Biting Winds
5th Level 8th Level Panopticon Hive Heat
Witness Forced Corruption Life Leeching
8th Level Stone Footing
Sorcerer 9th Level
Dark Harvest
Forced Corruption System Shock
Wretched Arcanum
Spells Dreamstorm
9th Level
Rend the Veil
Dreamstorm 5th Level
Cantrips (0 Level) Rend the Veil Arcane Amplification

Psychic Flare Arcane Protection
1st Level Wizard Spells Ishtotl’s Intuition
Blood Spike Spells Cantrips (0 Level)
Dreamwalking Cantrips (0 Level) Blood Whip 6th Level
Reopen Scars Blood Whip Psychic Flare Imbue Item
Runemark Psychic Flare Mass Dispel Magic
Sucking Void 1st Level Shattered Ground
Vaala Infusion 1st Level Acrobatic Stance Summon Feydh
Acrobatic Stance Blood Spike
2nd Level Blood Spike Dreamwalking 7th Level
Aura of Apathy Boil Blood Invoke Elements Beckoning Illusion
Bloodshield Tendrils Dreamwalking Runemark Jade Forces
Charmed Reverie Invoke Elements Sucking Void Panopticon
Illusory Reinforcements Reopen Scars Pneumonic Flood
Sanguine Tether Runemark 2nd Level Roaring Geysers
Sucking Void Aura of Apathy
3rd Level Cavitation 8th Level
Bolster Will 2nd Level Charmed Reverie Cardiac Blockade
Consume Vaala Aura of Apathy Sanguine Tether Forced Corruption
False Friend Charmed Reverie Wind Web
Kel-Teoti’s Arcane Focalizer 9th Level
Illusory Reinforcements Wingward
Raise Corpse Cluster Dreamstorm
Sanguine Tether
Regenerative Carapace Rend the Veil
Yahum Lift 3rd Level
Consume Vaala
4th Level Fai Jump
Black Mold False Friends

Vaala is magic in its purest form. It is

Raise Corpse Cluster
System Shock

a true wonder to behold.

Yahum Lift
Wretched Arcanum
Spell Descriptions Aura of Apathy
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. 2nd-level abjuration, Null
Casting Time: 1 action
Acrobatic Stance Range: Self
Components: V, S
1st-level transmutation (Fai) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid, paladin, ranger,
Range: Self sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Components: S The unfeeling energy of the Null radiates from you in
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute an aura with a 30-foot radius. Until the spell ends, each
Class: Bard, druid, warlock, wizard hostile creature in the area is vulnerable to all damage types.
You adopt a highly mobile and light stance. For the Additionally, each creature that starts its turn in the aura
duration of the spell, you have advantage on Dexterity must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic
checks and saving throws, and if you are knocked prone damage and have its movement halved until the start of its
you can use your reaction to return to your feet. next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, you also increase your speed by slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 per
5 feet for each level slot above 1st. slot level above 2nd.

Arcane Amplification Beckoning Illusion

5th-level divination, rune (Id) 7th-level illusion, Dreamshaping (ritual, Fai)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small Coatl dragon scale worth Components: V
50 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Class: Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid, sorcerer, You choose one creature you can see within range.
warlock, wizard Creatures that have an Intelligence of 3 or lower are
You touch one creature, tracing a glowing green rune on unaffected by this spell.
its body. For the duration, it has advantage on all spell The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
attack rolls. failure, the target imagines it sees the object of its heart’s
desire at a spot you choose within range. The object looks

Arcane Protection
and feels real to the target and, if it is a creature, moves,
acts, and speaks as it would. On your turn, as a bonus
5th-level abjuration, rune (Id) action, you can move the object up to 30 feet as long as it
stays within 120 feet of you.
Casting Time: 1 reaction
While under the effects of this spell, the target will do
Range: 30 feet everything it can to reach the object of its heart’s desire
Components: S, M (a butterfly wing) (though it won’t move directly into harm, such as over the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute edge of a cliff or into a fire). For the duration, on each of
Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, wizard the target’s turns, it must use its full movement to move
When a creature you can see within range is hit with a spell toward the object by the safest route possible.
attack, you sketch a rune that appears on its chest, protecting If the target reaches the object of its heart’s desire, its
it from arcane energy. The target is unaffected by the spell movement speed is halved, and it has disadvantage on
that triggered this reaction, even if it would have hit, and is all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks, as it is
immune to that spell for the duration. distracted by the object.
The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

In Valerna, Vaala flows through

everything. It is the
essence of life and death, of power
and dreams. It is the
making and unmaking of all thin

Biting Winds Blood Pact

4th-level evocation, weaving (K’aab) 2nd-level enchantment, blood (ritual, Id)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood from each participant)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Until fulfilled
Class: Cleric, druid, wizard Class: Special (maghyr only)
A freezing gale blasts from you in a line 5 feet wide and 120 feet You forge a magical bond between two willing creatures within
long in a direction you chose. Each creature in the area must range who enter into an agreement with one-another, sealing
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature the pact with blood. The agreement can be simple, such as
takes 4d8 cold damage and 3d6 slashing damage, is pushed agreeing to work together to slay a common foe, or more
30 feet away from you in a direction following the line, and complex, such as detailing the terms for a business agreement.
suffers one level of exhaustion. On a successful save, the creature The terms of the agreement can be written or verbal.
takes half as much damage, isn’t pushed, and doesn’t suffer If a participant breaks the terms of the pact, it becomes
exhaustion. the target of your kadhah, which immediately manifests in an
empty space within 10 feet of the target and attacks them. The

Black Mold kadhah fights until it or its target is destroyed.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
4th-level conjuration, weaving (ritual, K’aab) slot of 3rd level or higher, you can add one additional
participant to the agreement per spell slot above 2nd.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of damp wood) Blood Pacts and the Blood Geas
Duration: 10 minutes The realm of Tyveria has perfected the art of the blood
Class: Druid, sorcerer, wizard pact, even going so far as to bind the entire nation
You create a blanket of black mold in a 20-foot radius centered of Ysval with one known as the Blood Geas. Such
on a spot you can see within range. The area is considered complicated pacts are difficult to craft and require many
difficult terrain. When you cast the spell, each creature in the specially trained Tyverian blood priests working in
area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become concert together over hours, weeks, or even months.
blinded and poisoned for 1 minute. Characters who wish to form more powerful blood
For the duration, the radius of the mold expands by 5 feet at pacts can do so (at the GM’s discretion) by combining
the beginning of each of your turns (to a maximum of 50 feet). their casting with that of other maghyri. Such complex
A creature that enters the area for the first time or ends its turn rituals may require awakened blood and vast amounts
there must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer the of time and energy, and they have a chance of failing
effects listed above. outright, causing the maghyri’s kadhahs to manifest.
An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end Such pacts should only be attempted by the very
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. experienced—or the very desperate.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, the maximum radius of the area expands
by 5 feet for each slot level above 4th.
Blindspot 1st-level evocation, blood (Id)
4th-level enchantment, Dreamshaping (Fai) Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 20 feet
Range: 60 feet Components: V, S
Components: V, M (black ink) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Class: Sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Class: Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard A creature within range that has blood must make a
You target one creature you can see within range and force Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, for 1d8 necrotic damage as you pull a solidified shard of blood
the duration, one creature or object of your choice becomes from it and hurl the spike at another target within 60 feet of
invisible to the target only. it. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d6
If the target takes damage from the chosen creature or piercing damage.
object, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
a success. of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 and 1d6,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot respectively, for each slot level above 1st.
of 5th level or higher, you can choose 1 additional target for
each slot level above 4th. 185
Blood Whip Bolster Will
Transmutation, blood cantrip (Id) 3rd-level abjuration (Id)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 reaction
Range: 30 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (a vial of blood or a dose of awakened Components: V
blood) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 minute Class: Cleric, sorcerer
Class: Blood sorcerer, warlock, wizard You amplify the Id of a creature you can see within range,
You create a whip-like tendril of blood to attack enemies or bolstering them against death for a moment. When the
grab objects within range. For the duration, you can use an target fails a death saving throw, it can reroll the saving
action to make a ranged spell attack with the blood whip. On throw but must use the new result.
a hit, the target takes 1d6 slashing damage and is grappled
(escape DC equals your spell save DC). If the grappled target is
Large or smaller, you can use a bonus action to pull the target
15 feet closer to you.
This tendril’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Bloodshield Tendrils
2nd-level evocation, blood (Id)
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Range: 10 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Sorcerer
When you or a creature you can see within range is hit by
an attack, you cause writhing tendrils of blood to erupt
from the back and sides of the target, dealing 1d4 necrotic
damage. Until the start of your next turn, the tendrils
provide a +5 bonus to the target’s AC and Dexterity
saving throws. In addition, all opportunity attacks made
by the target deal 1d10 extra damage.

Boil Blood
1st-level necromancy, blood (Id)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Blood sorcerer, warlock
You extend your Will to a creature, causing its
blood to boil in its veins. The target must make a
Charisma saving throw, taking 2d6 necrotic damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for
each slot level above 1st.

ra w en er gy , to sh ap e it and br ing it forth,
l that rm, can
ho can learn to channe ill to create, or transfo
For the lucky few w se w ith th e sh ee r w mmon
ese nt s a po w er ot he rwise unimagined. T
ca st sp el ls bo th de ad ly or life-giving, to su
re pr ing it to ining.
the physical realm, us rms of their own imag
manifest the Vaala in t mag ic in to sh ap es an d fo
am or beyond, to craf
entities from the Dre

Cardiac Blockade Cleansing Rune

8th-level necromancy, blood (Id) 2nd-level transmutation, rune (Fai)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (a dose of awakened blood mixed with Components: V, S, M (a vial of saltwater)
lard, which the spell consumes) Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous Class: Dragon herald
Class: Blood sorcerer, wizard A glowing white rune appears on the ground at a point you
You twist your target’s Id and cause its heart to seize. The target choose within range. A 10-foot-radius area centered on the rune
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the becomes a purifying space, gaining the following effects:
target takes 12d8 necrotic damage and is stunned for the next • Broken objects within the area are repaired, as per the
minute; on a successful save, it takes half as much damage. The mending spell.
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, • All nonmagical food and drink within the area is purified
ending the effect on itself on a success. and rendered free of poison and disease, as per the purify
food and drink spell.
Cavitation • Any living creatures with 0 hit points within the area are
2nd-level evocation (K’aab) These effects are applied to items and creatures within the area
Casting Time: 1 action when the spell is cast as well as any that enter the space during
Range: 60 feet the duration.
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous Consume Vaala
Class: Druid, wizard
3rd-level transmutation, Null
You snap your fingers and make a ranged spell attack against Casting Time: 1 action
a creature you can see within range. On a hit, the target
Range: 30 feet
takes 4d8 thunder damage, and every creature within 10 feet
of the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw Components: V, S
or take 2d8 thunder damage. If you cast this spell against a Duration: Instantaneous
target that is underwater, the damage increases by 2d8 (to Class: Bard, cleric, druid, paladin, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
6d8 and 4d8, respectively). You target a living creature you can see within range. The
creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
Charmed Reverie it takes 1d8 necrotic damage, loses 1d4 Vaala points, and has
its maximum number of Vaala points reduced by the same
2nd-level enchantment, Dreamshaping (Fai) number, and you regain the same number of Vaala points. On
Casting Time: 1 action a success, it takes half as much damage. The reduction to the
Range: 60 feet target’s Vaala point maximum lasts until it finishes a long rest.
Components: S, M (a silk scarf worth 100 gp) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 and
Duration: Instantaneous the Vaala point reduction increases by 1d4 for each slot level
Class: Bard, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard above 3rd.
You implant a magical cue within a creature’s mind to
influence its dreams in your favor. A creature you can see
within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or Consumption
be influenced by your dream magic. A creature with an 3rd-level necromancy, rune (Id)
Intelligence of 6 or lower is unaffected by this spell. Casting Time: 1 action
When you cast this spell, you state the goal you want
Range: 30 feet
to achieve by influencing the target’s dream. For example,
your goal might be to access a restricted area, gain a discount Components: V, S, M (powdered root worth 10 gp, which the
from a merchant, or learn secret information. The next time spell consumes)
the target sleeps, it experiences a dream prompted by your Duration: Instantaneous
goal. When it wakes after dreaming, it is charmed by you for Class: Bard, dragon herald, wizard
the next 24 hours. You scribble a rune in the air. One creature of your
While it is charmed by you, the target regards you as a choice that you can see within range must succeed on
friendly acquaintance, and you have advantage on checks a Constitution saving throw or its Constitution score is
made against it in pursuit of your stated goal. The charmed reduced by 2 and you gain temporary hit points equal to
target sees its decisions as logical and reasonable until the 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
spell ends or until you or your companions do anything The ability score reduction also affects the target’s hit
harmful to it. The next time the target wakes up after the point maximum. The reduction lasts until the target finishes
spell ends, it knows it was charmed by you. a long rest.
Dark Harvest Dreamlance
9th-level necromancy, blood (Id) 5th-level enchantment, Dreamshaping (Fai)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (two doses of awakened blood, which Components: V, S
the spell consumes) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Class: Bard, cleric
Class: Sorcerer You blast a creature you can see within range with psychic
A 60-foot-radius sphere of magical darkness appears centered power. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking
on you. Until the spell ends, the sphere moves with you, 4d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
centered on you. You can see in this darkness as if it were dim on a successful one. On a failed save, a creature’s consciousness
light but cannot discern color, only shades of gray. is also pushed out of its body and banished into Dreamspace.
When you cast the spell, each creature of your choice in While the target’s consciousness remains in this realm,
the area must make a Constitution saving throw as its blood is its body falls into a catatonic state. At the end of each of its
pulled from its body, taking 10d10 necrotic damage on a failed turns, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw, taking 4d6
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. psychic damage on a failed save or ending the spell on a
Each creature that ends its turn within the area must repeat successful one. If the creature’s body takes damage from any
the saving throw, taking an additional 5d10 necrotic damage other source, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the spell
on a failed save. on a success.
Additionally, this spell allows you to draw blood from
the targets to save for later use. You can draw up to 2 vials
of blood if a creature fails the saving throw, or up to 1 vial of Dreamstorm
blood if it succeeds, provided you have the empty containers to 9th-level conjuration, Dreamshaping (Fai)
hold it. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Class: Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You conjure a roiling storm of black, pink,
purple, and blue clouds centered on a
point you can see within range. The
storm has a radius of 500 feet.
When you cast this spell, you can
designate any number of creatures
within range. These creatures
are immune to the effects of the
Each creature beneath the storm
when it appears must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or take 2d6
psychic damage and be frightened of
you for 1 minute. For the next 7 days,
each creature who failed this saving throw
suffers from nightmares.
Each round you maintain concentration, the storm
produces different effects at the start of your turn.
Round 2. Shimmering, multicolored lightning strikes 6
creatures of your choice in the area. Each target must make
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 lightning damage
and 5d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Rounds 3–4. Nightmarish images appear in the clouds
above. Each creature beneath the storm must succeed on
a Charisma saving throw or take 8d6 psychic damage and
immediately move its full speed in a random direction.
Round 5. A glittering rain pours down. Each creature
beneath the storm must make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, the creature takes 5d10 psychic damage and
falls unconscious until the spell ends, until it takes damage,

or until another creature uses its action to shake it awake. Dropping to 0 Hit Points in the Dream. If you are
On a success, the creature takes half as much damage and reduced to 0 hit points while within a dream, the spell ends,
does not fall unconscious. and you awaken in your body with 1 hit point. If the target
Rounds 6–10. Tendrils of clouds descend from the storm. is reduced to 0 hit points while you are within its dream, the
The area beneath the storm becomes difficult terrain and dream ends, and the target is reduced to 0 hit points.
heavily obscured. Each creature beneath the storm takes 2d6 Ending the Dream. If the dream ends due to the target
psychic damage and must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw waking, dying, dropping to 0 hit points, or succeeding
or be grappled by a tendril (escape DC 25) and pulled 30 feet on its saving throw, you are shoved out of the dream and
into the air. A grappled creature is restrained. must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. You take 4d10
At the start of your turn, each grappled creature is pulled psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
another 30 feet into the air, to a maximum of 120 feet, a successful one, and you immediately awaken. You can end
and takes an additional 4d6 psychic damage. When the the dream voluntarily at any point, causing you to awaken.
spell ends, the tendrils vanish, and each grappled creature If the dream ends on its own at the end of the spell duration,
immediately falls to the ground. you awaken naturally.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Dreamwalking slot of 2nd level or higher, for each slot level above 1st,
the distance increases by 12 miles and you can bring one
1st-level divination, Dreamshaping (ritual, Fai) additional creature within 30 feet of you when you cast the
Casting Time: 1 action spell into the dream.
Range: 3 miles In addition, if you cast this spell while in a dream using
a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can use it to instead
Components: V immediately step from the target’s dream and into the real
Duration: 8 hours world, teleporting yourself and anything you’re wearing or
Class: College of nightmares bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard carrying, as well as any number of creatures of your choice
You link your dreams with the dreams of another sleeping that entered the dream with you, into unoccupied spaces
creature, allowing you to step into its dreams to converse within 20 feet of the target.
with, spy on, or even attack them. To do so, you must cast
the spell before a long rest, declaring the target of your spell
at the time of casting. The target must be a creature you are
familiar with or whose dreams you have visited before. The
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or, during
your long rest, you can enter its dreams, interacting with
them as if they were reality. The target can choose to fail this
save. If your target is not asleep while you are sleeping, the
spell fails.
While in the dream, you can move about, interact with
things, and attack and cast spells as if the dream were reality.
Your dream-self has the same statistics and abilities as your
waking self.
If you cast this spell while in a dream, you can target
another creature, at any distance, as long as you have seen it
before. If the new target fails the Wisdom saving throw, you
can immediately move from the previous target’s dream to
the new target’s dream if it is asleep.
When the target creature wakes, it remembers the dream
and any interactions it had with you while in it.
Interacting with the Dream. While within the dream, you
can attempt to alter it to suit your needs, changing elements
such as the environment, people, and overall feel of the dream.
Each time you wish to change something, you must succeed on
a Wisdom (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 8 + the target’s
proficiency bonus + the target’s Wisdom modifier. On a failed
save, the dream does not change, and the target has the chance
to notice something is amiss (see “Getting Caught”).
Getting Caught. An unwilling target may notice you
are intruding into its dream and attempt to force you from
its mind. If you act in a way unexpected by the target in
the context of the dream, if you fail an attempt to alter the
dream, or if you or your allies attack the target, the target
can immediately make a new Wisdom saving throw. On a
success, the dream ends, and you are forced from the dream
(see “Ending the Dream”).
Fai Jump
3rd-level conjuration, Dreamshaping (Fai)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a wildflower native to Allaria)
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Bard, cleric, druid, ranger, warlock
You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see
within 60 feet. If you appear within 5 feet of a
creature, you can make one melee weapon attack
against that creature.

False Friends
3rd-level enchantment, rune (Fai)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a platinum chain link worth 10 gp)
Duration: Until dispelled
Class: Bard, dragon herald, sorcerer, warlock
You touch a creature within range and a pale rune appears on For the duration, at the start of each of its turns, the target
its body in a location of your choice. The target must succeed takes 3d8 fire damage as the bees generate heat by rapidly
on a Charisma saving throw or, until the spell ends, it believes beating their wings. At the end of each of their turns, the target
its allies are secretly plotting its demise, were never its friends can repeat the saving throw, dispersing the bees and ending the
at all, or have otherwise turned against it. An affected creature spell for them on a success.
who takes damage can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
on a success. Creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower or that
are immune to being charmed are unaffected by this spell. Illusory Reinforcements
2nd-level illusion, rune (Fai)
Forced Corruption Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
8th-level transmutation, Null Components: V, S, M (a toy soldier)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute
Range: 120 feet Class: Bard, dragon herald, sorcerer, warlock wizard
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Bard, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You target one creature you can see within range and flood its
body and mind with the Null. The target must make a Wisdom
saving throw, taking 12d12 psychic damage and suffering 8
permanent Null corruption points on a failure, or taking half
as much damage and suffering 4 permanent Null corruption
points on a success.

Hive Heat
4th-level conjuration, weaving (K’aab)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (a dollop of honey)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Class: Druid, ranger, wizard
You summon a swarm of bees that surround
a creature of your choosing within range.
The target must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or become restrained and deafened for the
duration as the bees envelope them.

A dim rune appears on the ground at a point of your choice

within range, causing 3 illusory figures of Large size or Invoke Elements
smaller to manifest in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of 1st-level transmutation, weaving (K’aab)
the rune that you can see. They look, sound, and act real and Casting Time: 1 action
have the appearance of your choice. The illusory figures have Range: 60 feet
an AC of 10.
When you cast the spell, each creature who can see the Components: V, S
illusory figures must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
or believe the figures to be real. Closer inspection, such as Class: Bard, druid, ranger, warlock, wizard
touching or hitting one of the figures with an attack, reveals the You cause an effect in a 5-foot-radius, 5-foot-tall cylinder
illusion. centered on a point on the ground you can see within range,
As a bonus action, you can move one or more of the illusory based on an element of your choice: air, earth, fire, or water.
figures up to 30 feet to a space you can see, as long as they Air. You create whirling winds, causing the area to be lightly
remain within 30 feet of the rune. obscured. Ranged attack rolls into or through this area are made
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell with disadvantage.
slot of 3rd level or higher, you may create 1 additional illusory Earth. You fill the area with soil. Each creature that starts
figure for each slot level above 2nd. its turn in the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
be restrained.
Imbue Item Fire. Flames swirl in the area. Each creature that starts its
turn in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
6th-level transmutation, Dreamshaping (ritual, Fai) 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Casting Time: 1 hour
Water. Heavy rain falls in the area. The now muddy or
Range: 120 feet slippery ground becomes difficult terrain and natural fires in the
Components: V, S area are extinguished.
Duration: Until dispelled At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Class: Bard, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius and the height of the spell
You alter an item you can see within range, imbuing it with both increase by 5 feet for each slot level above 1st.
Fai magic and changing its fundamental essence. Choose an
item of Large or smaller size that you can see within range
that isn’t being worn or carried. You can imbue the item with Ishtotl’s Intuition
one property of your choice: anchored, elemental, floating, 5th-level enchantment, rune (Fai)
fortified, or fragile. The item can only have one property at Casting Time: 1 minute
a time. If this spell has been cast on an item and you cast it
Range: Touch
on the item again, any previous effects on that item from this
spell immediately end. Components: V, S, M (a piece of chalk)
Anchored. The item becomes locked in place and doesn’t Duration: 24 hours
move, even if it is defying gravity. The item can hold up to Class: Bard, dragon herald, wizard
8,000 pounds of weight. More weight causes the item to fall You touch a willing creature, and a rune appears behind its
at a rate of 60 feet per round. A creature can use an action head. When you cast this spell, choose one spell you know of
to make a DC 30 Strength check, moving the item up to 10 3rd level or lower to assign to the rune. For the duration, the
feet on a success. target can cast the assigned spell a number of times equal to
Elemental. You imbue the item with an element of your spellcasting ability modifier, using its Intelligence as the
your choice (cold, fire, or lightning). For the duration, spellcasting ability. When all uses are expended, the spell ends
any creature that touches the item immediately takes 1d4 and the rune disappears.
damage of the chosen type and continues to take damage at
the end of each of its turns if it maintains contact.
Floating. The item floats up to 150 feet above the Jade Forces
ground. The item can support up to 500 lbs. More weight
7th-level conjuration, weaving (ritual, K’aab)
causes the item to fall at a speed of 60 feet per round. You
can use a bonus action to move the item at a speed of 10 Casting Time: 1 action
feet per round, and a creature can use an action to make a Range: 60 feet
DC 18 Strength check, moving the item up to 10 feet on Components: V, S, M (500 gp worth of jade and a piece of
a success. Kaabstone, which the spell consumes)
Fortified. The item becomes more durable. It gains a Duration: 10 minutes
bonus of +5 to its AC, and its hit points are doubled. Class: Druid, sorcerer, wizard
Fragile. The item becomes brittle and easier to break. Three Medium jade statues of soldiers appear within range in
It suffers a penalty of −5 to its AC, and its hit points are spots of your choosing. The statues must be within at least 30
reduced by half. feet of one another. Each statue has an AC of 17 and 25 hit
points and is immune to psychic damage.

You and up to 12 of your allies make all attack rolls and
saving throws with advantage when within 10 feet of a statue. Life Leeching
In addition, when you are within 10 feet of a statue, you can 4th-level necromancy, rune (Id)
divert up to 25 points of damage you would take from an Casting Time: 1 action
attack to the statue. When a statue is reduced to 0 hit points,
it crumbles into rubble and offers no more protection. When Range: 60 feet
all the statues are destroyed, the spell ends. Components: V, S, M (a handful of flower buds)
If this spell is cast as a ritual, the statues remain for up to Duration: Instantaneous
24 hours. Class: Bard, dragon herald, wizard
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 9th- You scribe a rune in the air in front of you, and a beam of sickly
level spell slot, the number of soldier statues increases to five. light shoots toward a creature you can see within range. The
target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8
Kel-Teoti’s Arcane Focalizer necrotic damage and have its hit point maximum reduced by
the same amount, and you gain the same number of temporary
3rd-level enchantment (K’aab) hit points. The reduction to the target’s hit point maximum
Casting Time: 1 action lasts until it finishes a long rest.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Range: 30 feet
slot of 5th level or higher, you can increase the damage by 1d8
Components: V, S, M (a Kaabstone figurine of a hedgehog) for each slot level above 4th.
Duration: 1 minute
Class: Bard, druid, sorcerer, wizard
You choose a willing target you can see within range. For the
duration, the target is surrounded by a greenish gold aura
and has advantage on Constitution saving throws made to
maintain concentration.

Mass Dispel Magic Power Word Strike

6th-level abjuration (Null) 3rd-level enchantment (Id)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Bard, cleric, druid, paladin, sorcerer, warlock, wizard Class: Bard, dragon herald, sorcerer, wizard
A wave of Null energy bursts from you in a 60-foot-radius You speak a word of power that causes one creature you can
sphere. Any magical effect or spell of 6th level or lower on a see within range to lash out at a nearby target. If the creature
creature or object in the area ends. For each spell of 7th level or has 75 hit points or less, it immediately uses its reaction to
higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The make a melee or ranged attack against the nearest target.
DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. If you succeed on the check,
Otherwise, the spell has no effect on it.
the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 7th level or higher, you automatically end effects of a slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional
spell in the area if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level creature for each slot level above 3rd. The creatures must be
of the spell slot you used. within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Panopticon Psychic Flare

7th-level divination, Null (ritual) Enchantment, Dreamshaping cantrip (Fai)
Casting Time: 1action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 hour
Class: Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Class: Bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You hurl a burst of intense emotions into the mind of one
You summon a massive eye of void-like darkness that hovers creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on
up to 20 feet above your head for the duration. When you cast a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 psychic damage and have
this spell, you designate up to 6 willing creatures within range. disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of
For the duration, each creature you designate has advantage your next turn.
on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks as long as it is This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
within 60 feet of you. level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
When the spell ends, each creature that benefited from
this spell suffers 1 level of exhaustion and 1 permanent Null
corruption point. Raise Corpse Cluster
3rd-level necromancy, Null
Pneumonic Flood Casting Time: 1 action
7th-level evocation, blood (Id) Range: 120 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Touch Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M (a dose of awakened blood, which the Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid, paladin, ranger,
sorcerer, warlock, wizard
spell consumes)
Three or more corpses you target within range are drawn
Duration: Instantaneous
together to form a corpse cluster under your control in an
Class: Blood sorcerer, wizard unoccupied spot of your choice within range.
You command a target’s blood to fill its lungs. Make a As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can mentally
melee spell attack. On a hit, the target must succeed on a command the corpse cluster if it is within 120 feet of you.
Constitution saving throw or take 5d10 necrotic damage You decide what action the corpse cluster will take and where
and immediately begin suffocating. The target can repeat it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the command, such as to attack a creature or guard a corridor.
suffocation effect on a success. If you issue no commands, the corpse cluster only defends
itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the corpse
cluster continues to follow it until its task is complete.

The corpse cluster is under your control for 24 hours,
after which it stops obeying any command you have given Rend the Veil
it. To maintain control of the corpse cluster for another 24 9th-level conjuration, Null (ritual)
hours, you must cast this spell on it before the current 24- Casting Time: 1 action
hour period ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control
over the corpse cluster you have already animated, rather Range: 500 feet
than creating a new one. Components: V, S
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
slot of 4th level or higher, you can animate one additional Class: Bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
corpse cluster for each slot level above 3rd, provided you You tear open a void-like portal at a point you can see
have enough corpses. within range, allowing the Null entry into the world.
When you cast the spell, each non-Null creature within 30
Regenerative Carapace feet of the portal must make a Constitution saving throw,
taking 6d6 necrotic damage and suffering 1 permanent
3rd-level transmutation (K’aab) Null corruption point on a failed save, or taking half as
Casting Time: 1 action much damage and not suffering Null corruption on a
Range: 30 feet successful one. Each creature that starts its turn within 30
Components: V, S feet of the portal must repeat the saving throw.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Each round you maintain concentration, at the start
Class: Bard, druid, ranger, sorcerer, wizard of each of your turns, the radius of the spell increases by
You touch a willing creature within range. Its skin becomes 10 feet, to a maximum of 120 feet. Additionally, hostile
hard, encasing them in a thick carapace. For the duration, the Null creatures begin to pour forth from the portal on each
target has a +5 bonus to its AC, its movement speed is halved, subsequent round.
and it can use its action to heal a number of hit points equal to Rounds 2–4. 1d4 voidworms emerge.
1d4 + your spellcasting modifier. Rounds 5–7. 1d4 voidworms and 1d6 nullborn emerge.
Round 8. 1 nullborn avatar emerges.
Rounds 9–10. 3d6 nullborn emerge.
When the spell ends, the portal closes, but any Null creatures
that emerged remain.

Reopen Scars
1st-level evocation, blood (Id)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You focus on a creature you can see within
range whose current hit points are less than its
hit point maximum. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 necrotic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Additionally, if the target fails its saving throw, you can
draw a vial of its blood to you, as long as you have an empty
vial to contain it.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
each slot level above 1st.


Roaring Geysers
7th-level evocation, weaving (K’aab)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a loadstone)
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Bard, druid, sorcerer, wizard
A sulfur and stone geyser erupts from the ground in a 10-foot-
radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point you choose
within range. The area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature
in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8
fire damage and 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

1st-level divination, rune (ritual, Fai)
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (alchemical powder and ink worth at
least 100 gp)
Duration: 8 hours, or until dispelled
Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid, ranger, sorcerer,
You mark a willing creature with a rune. For the duration,
you can communicate telepathically with the target as long
as it is within sight. Additionally, you can sense which
direction the target is in if it is within 25 miles of you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can mark one additional
creature for every spell slot above 1st.

Sanguine Tether
2nd-level necromancy, blood (Id)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Class: Sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You magically pull a 10-foot-long line of blood from a
creature you can see within range. The target takes 2d6
necrotic damage and must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature is tethered with one
end of the line of blood locked in its body while the other
end is affixed to a point you choose within 10 feet of the
A tethered creature can’t move more than 10 feet from
the point where the tether is affixed until either the spell
ends or the blood tether is destroyed (AC 10, hp 10). Each
time the blood tether takes damage, the tethered creature
also takes the same damage.

Shape Momentum Choose a spot within range. The ground in a 20-foot-radius
sphere erupts and showers the area with white-hot amber.
3rd-level evocation (K’aab) Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving
Casting Time: 1 reaction throw, taking 4d10 piercing damage and 4d10 fire damage
Range: 60 feet on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
For the duration, the area becomes difficult terrain. Each
Components: S, M
creature that begins its turn in the area must succeed on a
Duration: Instantaneous Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 fire damage.
Class: Bard, wizard
When a creature misses with a ranged attack against
a target within range, you can adjust the projectile’s Static Charge
trajectory to help them hit the intended target. Make a 3rd-level transmutation (K’aab)
ranged spell attack against the same target. On a hit, the Casting Time: 1 bonus action
original attack hits.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a piece of coral)
Duration: 1 minute
Class: Druid, wizard
You touch a melee weapon and imbue it with electricity.
For the duration, the weapon has a reach of 15 feet and
deals an additional 2d6 lightning damage. If this spell is
cast underwater, the additional damage increases to 2d10
lightning damage.

Stone Footing
4th-level transmutation, weaving (K’aab)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (stone trinket in the shape of a
foghorn bull)
Duration: 1 minute
Class: Druid, wizard
Choose a creature you can see within range. For the duration,
the target has tremorsense up to 30 feet and cannot be
knocked prone.

Sucking Void
1st-level conjuration, Null
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid, paladin, ranger,
sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Shattered Ground You conjure a 5-foot-diameter sphere of nothingness in an
unoccupied space you can see within range. Each creature
6th-level evocation, weaving (K’aab) within 20 feet of the sphere must make a Strength saving
Casting Time: 1 action throw. On a failed save, the creature is pulled 10 feet directly
Range: 120 feet toward the sphere and takes 1d10 cold damage and 1d10
Components: V, S, M (a sledgehammer and 300 gp worth necrotic damage. On a successful save, it takes half as much
of amber) damage and is not pulled toward the sphere.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Class: Sorcerer, wizard slot of 2nd level or higher, the cold and necrotic damage both
increase by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.


System Shock
4th-level necromancy, blood (Id)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a vial of blood)
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Cleric, paladin, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You channel disrupting energy into the nervous system of a
target you can see within range. The target must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or take 10d6 necrotic damage and
be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Tána Whispers
1st-level divination (K’aab)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a makaab stone)
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Cleric, druid, ranger
When you cast this spell, you can ask a question about
the area in your immediate vicinity, gaining the answer by
understanding the signs of nature: the sound of insects,
movements of animals, the creaking of the trees, etc. The
question can be about events in the spell’s area within the

Summon Feydh
6th-level conjuration, Dreamshaping (Fai)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a single hair from a Feydh creature)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Class: Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You summon a Feydh creature from the Dreamspace
with a challenge rating of 6 or lower, which appears in an
unoccupied space you can see within range. The creature
returns to the Dreamspace when it drops to 0 hit points or
when the spell ends.
The Feydh creature is friendly to you and your
companions. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own
turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no
action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to
it, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes
no actions.
Meddling with the Dreamspace can draw unwanted
attention. When you cast this spell, roll 1d100. On a 1,
instead of whatever creature you were attempting to summon,
a Fell knight appears and is hostile toward you. If you have
already cast this spell in the past 24 hours, the die for this roll
is a d20 instead.

past day, about creatures in the area or ones that have passed
Bridge. You form a bridge of twisting vines. The bridge
through it, about the weather, or about other circumstances.
can be up to 60 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 5 feet thick, but
The GM gives you a correct answer as interpreted through the
it must be anchored to a solid surface at both ends. It can
environment around you.
hold up to 1,000 lbs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Trellis. You form a thin, easily climbable trellis of vines,
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can ask one additional question
anchored at a point you can see within range. The trellis can
per slot level above 1st. be up to 120 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and 2 feet thick, but it
must be anchored to a solid surface at both ends. It can hold
Vaala Infusion up to 500 lbs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
1st-level transmutation (any aspect) slot of 4th level or higher, you can double the length, width,
Casting Time: 1 action or thickness of any of the above structures for each slot level
Range: Self above 3rd. Doubling the thickness of the bridge or trellis
Components: S triples its weight limit.
Duration: Instantaneous
Class: Bard, dragon herald, sorcerer
By expending arcane power, you can replenish your pool
Wind Web
of Vaala. You regain 2 Vaala points, up to your Vaala point 2nd-level conjuration, weaving (K’aab)
maximum. This spell can’t be cast with Vaala points, though Casting Time: 1 action
you can still use points to augment it. Range: 120 feet
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Components: V, M (a feather and a strand of spider silk)
slot of 2nd level or higher, you regain a number of Vaala points Duration: 1 hour
equal to twice the level of the spell slot used, up to your Vaala Class: Druid, ranger, wizard
point maximum.
You suspend an invisible web of wind in a flat circle with a
20-foot radius at a spot you can see within range. The web
Vtesh’s Might remains in the spot for the duration or until a creature enters
the web’s space. Any projectiles fired at the web are deflected
4th-level transmutation, rune (Fai) upward and automatically miss. Large objects such as boulders
Casting Time: 1 action are unaffected by the web.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a bit of brimstone)
Duration: 1 minute
Class: Cleric, dragon herald, paladin
You inscribe an amber rune on a weapon. For the duration,
attack rolls made with that weapon score a critical hit on a d20
roll of 19 or 20.

Weave Vegetation
3rd-level conjuration, weaving (ritual, K’aab)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: S, M (a leaf clipping)
Duration: Until dispelled
Class: Druid, wizard
Vines and saplings grow at a point you can see within range,
twining and weaving into the shape of your choice. When you
cast this spell, you can designate the shape the plants take.
As a bonus action, you can dispel the structure, causing
it to crumble into ash.
Wall. A wall of vegetation grows out of a solid surface.
You choose to make the wall up to 60 feet long, 10 feet
high, and 5 feet thick or form the wall into the perimeter of
a circle that has a diameter of up to 20 feet and is up to 20
feet high and 5 feet thick. The wall blocks line of sight.
A creature can move through the wall slowly. For every 1
foot a creature moves through the wall, it must spend 4 feet
of movement.

When a Large or smaller creature enters the web’s space for

the first time, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or Yahum Lift
be grappled and restrained as the web wraps around them and 3rd-level transmutation (Fai)
comes free from its spot. A grappled creature can repeat the Casting Time: 1 action
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, escaping the web Range: Touch
on a success. Components: V, S, M (a jawahm crystal shard)
Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by the web. If a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
creature of this size enters the web’s space, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Class: Bard, ranger, sorcerer, warlock
slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration extends to 8 hours. You touch an unattached rock or slab of stone of Medium or
smaller size, causing it to float up to 10 feet off the ground.
Witness For the duration, it can hold up to 300 lbs., and it obeys
your mental commands, moving at a fly speed of 40 feet. If
5th-level enchantment, Null the weight on the stone exceeds 300 lbs., the stone descends
at a rate of 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground or
Casting Time: 1 action
the spell ends.
Range: 30 feet At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Components: V, S slot of 4th level or higher, you can make one additional
Duration: 1 minute stone float per slot level above 3rd.
Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid, paladin, ranger,
sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You choose a creature you can see within range and fill its mind
with terrifying visions of the Null. The target must succeed on
a Wisdom saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion and
become frightened of all creatures for the duration. An affected
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the frightened effect on a success.
If the spell lasts for 1 minute, the target suffers 1
permanent Null corruption point.

2nd-level abjuration (K’aab)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Class: Cleric, druid, ranger, wizard
This spell wards a willing creature you
touch. For the duration, the creature can’t
be targeted by spells of 3rd level or lower
that inhibit or reduce its flying speed.

Wretched Arcanum
4th-level transmutation, Null
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ash
from a funeral pyre)
Duration: 1 minute
Class: Bard, cleric, dragon herald, druid,
paladin, ranger, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
You become filled with the roaring might of
the Null. The next time you cast a spell before
the duration ends, it deals twice as much damage,
and this spell ends.



R haava is a world of magic and adventure, filled

with monsters, outlandish realms, and powerful
forces. It is a world of constant change and upheaval.
Immortal spirits yet roam the world hand-in-hand
with mortals, many of whom retain some of the power
they inherited from their Protogon forebears.
Most of Rhaava’s important figures and stories
come from the continent of Valerna, its largest and
most populous landmass. Here, out of the many
ancient tribes that roamed these once-primal lands,
nearly a dozen realms have coalesced and risen above
the rest, forming the most powerful nations of the
world. Some came about through the tireless work of
tribal alliances, while others grew from the ruins of
their even mightier ancestors.
Valerna is a land carved by the destruction of the
Protogons that first shaped the world and the ancient
magical wars that followed, leaving behind incredible
landscapes—deserts with floating crystals, forests
dreamed into existence, and swamps made of the
blood of living creatures—all of which share space
uneasily with mortal settlements. In such places, both
high adventure and danger can be found in every
corner, from the threat of otherworldly creatures,
from lingering supernatural curses of bygone ages,
or from the gleaming blades of ruthless assassins and
sell-swords. The threat of dragons—once limited to a
single incursion every 27 years—is now ever present,
and great wyrms descend regularly from the Red
Moon of Drakha to feast upon the magical essence
of mortals. Here, the earth-shattering clash of arcane
forces is an everyday occurrence.
Yet it is the dragons—the world’s greatest
threat—that are also, in part, responsible for its
greatest salvation. Thanks to the mysterious power
of the Dragonbond, mighty heroes have risen across
Valerna, who alone have the power to join with the
wyrms to stand against their own, and against worse
things still—foes from within and without the world
of mortals.

was cast from the surface of Rhaava, the Primordial Dragon
In The Beginning... tore out their own eye and placed it in the night sky. The
The world of Rhaava is a mighty, primal world, the creation of Eye of Kadmos, now fixed among the stars, became a great
which dates back only a few millennia. Born not by the hands celestial rift—a pathway between Rhaava and Drakha. Every
of gods but by the very manifestation of Vaala, it is a world twenty-seven years, the Eye blinks, and through it the dragons
in constant motion, where empires rise and fall as part of the make incursions into the world to sate themselves on Vaala.
natural order, where destruction makes way for regrowth, and Thus, a new balance of sorts was reached, with dragons
where magic is a way of life. making desperate forays into the world to drink of Vaala,
prolonging their lives, but ultimately being doomed to return
to confinement upon the Red Moon, where they would be
The Age of Protogons forced to remain for all time.
Rhaava was at first populated only by powerful immortals,
and the first among these were the Protogons. These colossal
beings of immeasurable power bestrode the world with neither
design nor desire. Vaala had given them sentience, and they Vaala
knew only that they were the force that would set things in Vaala is a primal force that exists within all things, its
motion and that that motion would give birth to something strands connecting everything from stardust to seedlings,
new. Where the mighty Protogons trod, new life would form from the tiniest insect to the mightiest dragon. It is a
from the fabric of reality while lesser things shriveled and force of change and perpetual motion, an energy that
died. The very presence of a Protogon created change in the some might call magic but that the very wise would
world. This was their nature, to embody the will of Vaala. call potential. Vaala cannot be destroyed, but it can be
Some Protogons had a greater sense of self than others and transformed through action, the ebb and flow of Vaala
even gave themselves names. Kadmos, the Primordial Dragon, shifting with every conscious deed. The more extreme the
was among these. Kadmos questioned the Unwritten Rule— action, the greater the transformation, but there always
the only rule of existence—that the Protogons must not create must be change.
others like themselves. After all, if the very essence of Vaala Vaala has three aspects. These are the three paths to
is change, momentum, and potential, surely bringing more truth, for those with eyes to see:
Protogons into the world could only create greater potential. Fai, the Dream, which holds imagination and creativity.
Unique amongst their kind, Kadmos examined their own
existence and began to desire more. K’aab, the Source, which guides life and death.
Id, the Will, which begets power and transformation.

The Age Dragons

The people of Valerna instinctively know how to
of manipulate Vaala in subtle ways through these aspects, yet
the very wise might harness its power to instigate growth,
From the start, Kadmos had a curious mind. They wondered
renewal, or destruction. Through their embodiment of
about the past and the future, about the secrets of Vaala. The the aspects of Vaala, a sorcerer might wield powers terrible
First Dragon understood that the way of Vaala was a cycle of to behold. And yet no such magic is considered good or
change, that all creation was an act of repetition. These things evil; magic is simply the acceleration of inevitable change.
and more did Kadmos ponder until they became consumed As surely as the cosmos must remain in motion, all things
by questions, and in turn the questions became justifications must change.
for breaking the rule. And thus, did the First Dragon replicate
themselves, creating beings that were not lesser to Kadmos
but equal to them, equal to the Protogons. They named these
new beings dragons, and through them Kadmos’s powers
multiplied a hundredfold. The Age of Mortals
Appalled at Kadmos’s disregard for the natural order, the The Protogons never fully recovered from the war against the
Protogons waged war on the dragons. It was a long and costly dragons, and as their powers diminished, the mortal peoples
conflict. Thousands of Kadmos’s progeny were slaughtered, of Rhaava, who had for so long existed only as the vagaries
and even Protogons fell in battle, proving that the first of the Protogons’ powers had allowed, began to flourish,
beings could indeed be killed. Sobered by this realization, becoming wiser and more resourceful with every passing era.
the Protogons united their powers and exiled all dragons, Already, the snake-like boaab and other saurians had gained
Kadmos included, to Drakha, the distant Red Moon. This footholds across Rhaava. But so too rose the ellari, masters
act of banishment not only tore the dragons from Rhaava but of invention and creation, and the godao, lovers of order and
severed their ties with Vaala. This unthinkable punishment crafts. Much later came the auna—the builders—whose toil
became known as Kadmos’s Curse, for it made the Primordial and industry slowly began to tame the land. Seeing Rhaava
Dragon and its progeny less than Protogons. Without Vaala transformed, an unnamed Protogon harnessed the Vaala to
to twist and change and remake all around them, the dragons create the droda, a long-lived people tasked with protecting
were doomed to grow old and die. the earth and stone.
Though crippled by the Protogons’ curse, Kadmos was not As the auna spread, they grew independent of the
so easily defeated. During the final battle, even as Kadmos Protogons and developed language and culture of their
own. They called themselves human, and they renamed


all the noble peoples, beasts, and plants of the world in record the sum total of their knowledge of history as a single,
their own tongues. Therefore, the ellari became known as continuous line counting back and forward from “zero.”
elves, the godao were gnomes, and the droda were dwarves. Other peoples tend to divide their calendars into
These peoples spread across Rhaava to find purpose of their annals or ages, based on significant events in
own. Their will was strong, their dreams vast, and Vaala their own realm, and thus opinion differs
followed in their steps. And as they inherited Rhaava, on the true start point of Valerna’s
the Protogons diminished further still, not painfully but history. For example, Year One of
willingly, for they saw their role as complete. Some were the Tyverian calendar begins when
transformed into new and unexpected forms, while others Blood Empress Tyveris sat the
faded from history completely. throne for the first time.
The mortals, it seemed, would have to find their own
way in the world. The mortals fought among themselves, for
they were different, and difference breeds conflict. The ellari
wanted the godao to join their dance. The godao wanted
their caves and tunnels to be barred to outsiders. And the
humans always wanted more territory and resources. All this
led to war, but war cannot last forever. The ellari learned to
stand clear of godao labyrinths, and the first human tribes
learned to respect the boundaries of the droda. And so it
went, until at last there was peace.
But peace, like war, never lasts.

The Reckoning of Years

Most of the great realms of Valerna count the passage of
time in their own fashion, but it is the Náhuinn sages,
with their art of numbercraft, or ixabac, who have
reckoned the beginning and ending of the great eras
since the dawn of time. Their calendar is difficult for
outsiders to comprehend, as it breaks down time
into cycles of 52 days and 52 years, originating
with the destruction of the Protogons, which
scholars call the First Year. The dates listed
here are thus derived from that calendar
but presented in a fashion that mortals
of other realms might understand.
The ixabac scholars were the first to

All dates are based on the Náhuinn calendar.

Age of the Protogons 832 The Dragonbonded ellari, Ennai, unwittingly

(Dates are approximate) triggers the Dreambleed, a cataclysmic magical
event that wreaks devastation across Valerna, and
Unknown Sages argue still over the age of Rhaava. Some say sunders the Ellari kingdoms.
the world is very young, perhaps only hundreds
of thousands of years old. Some say it existed 840 The Dragonbonded Covenant is formed as a way
for millions of years before Vaala birthed the for Valerna’s mightiest heroes to start fixing the
Protogons. All agree that for countless millennia, world’s problems rather than advancing personal
the world was a shifting, changing, chaotic place. interests. The Fell Courts are encountered for the
first time.
ca. −52,000 Kadmos creates more of their kind. Protogons
war with Kadmos, and Kadmos is exiled to the 844 The first daimoi appear in the Hollowdepths.
Red moon, resulting in the formation of the Eye
of Kadmos. 866 The Great Birthstone of the Nwoda rises in
Enkhara, now sometimes known as the Jeweled
Age of Mortals
900 A group of individualistic Dragonbonded form
ca. −18,000 Mortal peoples start to appear, beginning with the a secret cabal, and write what they call the
saurians. “Manifest”, in stark response to the Covenant.
ca. −15,000 Formation of the great saurian kingdoms under
the Scaled League. Age of the Covenant
ca. −9000 The Ellari Kingdoms are established. 1001 The Golden Age begins. The temple of Ret Sajuut
is founded by the Dragonbonded Covenant in the
ca. −6000 Human tribes are encountered across Valerna. Primalian Mountains.
ca. −5000 Control of the Scaled League moves to the League 2949–89 In response to the greatest dragon incursion ever
of Snakefolk. They conquer most of their rivals seen, the Covenant decrees that it will take the
and become the predominant mortal realm. fight to the dragons, and end the attacks once and
-1620 The first Dragonbonded appear. (This is the first for all – thus begins the great war against Drakha.
event in history whose date is fully agreed upon by 2999 A cabal of Dragonbonded ellari use their dream-
ixabac sages.) shaping to seek an ultimate weapon from beyond
Rhaava. They are slain in the attempt, and the
Age of Heroes deaths of their bonded dragons bring a Null titan
into the world.
1 Dragons and the Dragonbonded wage war on the
Protogons. The Protogons are destroyed. 3060 The pirate captain Tyveris forms an alliance with
the warlord Radjek, and begins her conquest of the
100 The deaths of the Protogons had created vast, Easterlands.
tunneling craters across the world, which begin to
form the Hollowdepths. 3068–70 The First Null War, ending with the formation of
the Great Seals. It is over a thousand years before
270 War between humans and snakefolk. The human any new dragonbonds are formed.
warlord Altan founds the Altanesi Empire.
3070-80 Rise of the Great Northern Realms (Allaria, Na-
557 War between the Altanesi and orcs. The Altanesi huac, Tyveria, Ysval), forged by the victors of the
Empire begins to fracture as other realms see Altan’s Null War. Nahuac becomes custodian of the seals
treatment of the orcs as unjust. In a great devasta- and begins construction of three great temples to
tion that the obakkar now call the Lessening, the protect them.
orc peoples are scattered across Valerna, forming the
distinct cultures seen today. 3084 The prophet Galadyn arrives in Ysval.
572 The Nahuac Coalition begins to form—a rough ca. 3099 First known reference to the Eliadu, the Allarian
collective of tribes with common purpose. book of laws. The Allarian feydh-hunters band
together and formalize their order of warden lodges.
675–78 The Altanesi war with an elven alliance; Altan is
slain by the sorceress Inyse, prompting the fall of 3125–29 Wars are waged between Ysval and Tyveria, and
the Altanesi Empire. Humans push north, fighting the city of Kara Tibor falls. Tyveria initiates the
against or settling with various other peoples. Blood Geas.
3130–31 The Nwoda descend into civil war, and the Zumari
clan relocates to Tyveria. The sphinxes awaken.
3362 Blood Empress Tyveris dies, and with that, the
Dragonbonded Covenant is formally ended.

Age of War
ca. 3500 The vast, fertile “shields” of Enkhara attract the
shaba watu to their gemstone forests – other
disparate settlers from leagues around flock to these
oases to found new settlements.
3504 A group of dispossessed ellari seek to join the
Nahuac Coalition but betray their hosts,
instead stealing a hoard of Source slabs for their
experiments. The ellari flee the vengeance of the
Nahuinn and establish the Arkane Dominion far
in the northwest.
ca. 3700 The Scourge Triumvirate forms in the south, and
the djaat are freed.
3700 The Grand Guild rises to prominence in Allaria,
gaining representation in the senate.
3750–58 The first great war between Allaria and Nahuac
is waged.
3812 The first Shield City of Enkhara is completed, and
the mysterious Witnesses take up the mantle of
rulers and lawmakers.
4056–57 The Dragonbond returns. The Eye of Kadmos is
forced open. The Second Null War begins. The
Sikari reveal their strength to the world.
4057 Nefali is defeated. Adrael claims the Blood of
Tyveris. Elyse is crowned Dragon Queen of Al-
laria. The Raven Knights leave Ysval and go into
4058 Adrael’s twin sister, Varanna, is sent to the City
of Crimson Spires, becoming de facto head of the
Crimson Hawks.

Age of Endless Sagas

4060 Oryan breaks the Blood Geas. The existence of the
realm of Gellanor becomes known.
4060–63 The War of the North is waged between Ysval,
Gellanor and Tyveria. During the turmoil, House
Draavia founds a new settlement on the Cursed
Coast. Ochilite ore is discovered.
4064 Oryan restores the temple of Ret Sajuut and
founds the new Dragonbonded Covenant.
4065 Daar Altan begins to reforge the Altanesi
kingdoms as the Altanesi Ascendancy.
The Dragonbond
In the first centuries of the Age of Mortals, dubbed by
some to be the Primal Age, life was a struggle. A few
Protogons still walked the world, absentmindedly
bringing devastation in their wake. The saurians,
a line of mortals born after Kadmos’s curse,
became powerful, subjugating other peoples
in preparation for incursions by their draconic
masters every twentyseven years. When the
dragons came, they wrought utter destruction
and returned to the Red Moon with slaves
picked from the strongest and wisest mortals
they could find. Those left behind fought
among themselves for scant resources in an
endless war for survival.
All of that changed with the rise of the
A Dragonbonded is a dual being: a dragon
and a mortal, bound together. The first occurred
eons ago, and accounts of how it transpired conflict.
The bestknown story recounts how the dragon Abraxas
fought a Protogon and found unlikely aid in the form
of the elven wizard Teryane. Other sources claim Teryane
fell in love with Abraxas while the dragon had taken
elven shape, and their bond was a kind of marriage. Some this first bond was unstable, requiring Teryane and Abraxas
versions of the legend suggest Teryane and Abraxas were to seek out Kadmos so that the Primordial Dragon could
both devoured by a Protogon and, having fought their way cement the magic of their union. Soon afterward, other
out from the inside, were forever changed by the primal Dragonbonded appeared throughout the world whenever
Vaala within the towering immortal. Whatever the truth, a mortal of great prowess would acknowledge a dragon
as something other than monstrous and whenever the
dragon, in kind, would see the mortal as something more
than prey. In this instant, if the circumstances were right,
the two would form a bond that transcended life and
death and would became two hearts beating as
one. The mortal partner is gifted a dragon’s
power, and the dragon receives
a connection to Vaala that
their kind has not enjoyed
since Kadmos’s Curse. But
the power involved is often too
much to endure, requiring a
pilgrimage to a sacred temple,
or even to the Red Moon
itself, to stabilize the magic,
lest the bond kill the bonded.
Together, these dragons
and mortals rose up against
the Protogons themselves.
The ensuing centuries saw
a long, three-sided battle
between the dragons of the Red
Moon, mortal armies led by
Dragonbonded heroes, and the
few remaining Protogons. And the
Protogons lost.


The Null for all time with a blood curse. Finally, the Dragonbonded
Arn Zai of Allaria, brother to Mannai, swore a binding
Beyond Vaala, beyond magic, is the Null. oath that his people would protect the seals for eternity,
The Null is nothing. It is the absence of drive, of magic, an oath so powerful that it not only repelled the Null
of being. It is the force of not-being, the great denier of from the world, but somehow also ended the ritual bond
will, the infinite silence after the noise of existence. If Vaala between dragon and mortal.
is potential, the Null is stagnation: two forces, in total From that day, Arn Zai became known
opposition and, yet, intrinsically linked. as Qan Zai, the first Dragon King of
The Null is a state beyond states, an experience beyond Allaria, whose oath had saved the
experiences, and as such, cannot exist in the material world but at great cost. But that
universe. Or so it was believed. When some of the first which does not exist cannot truly
Dragonbonded sought to harness raw Vaala, without the be defeated. And beyond the
limitations of mortal intentions and perceptions, they seals, the Null endured, waiting
inadvertently created a manifestation of the Null in the for the day when the seals would
material world. The Null took physical forms, warped and be broken by the folly and petty
debased, insults to Vaala. Misshapen, discolored masses of ambitions of mortals…
matter vaguely imitating flesh tore into the world from a
place beyond, malformed tendrils grasping for solid matter,
corrupting and infecting everything from air and water to
flesh and blood. The Null spread across the world, the very
antithesis of life on Rhaava. It was the greatest threat that
reality had ever known…

The First Null War

The emergence of the Null divided the Dragonbonded.
Some believed the Null could be harnessed as the ultimate
weapon, protecting Rhaava from the predation of the
dragons once and for all. Others believed the Null to
be an abomination and forbade the use of Null magic
entirely. When a contingent of the former group sacrificed
themselves to bring forth more Nullborn entities into the
world, Rhaava was consumed by a desperate war the likes
of which had not been seen since dragons and Protogons
had vied for supremacy.
Cities fell; kingdoms crumbled. With the great loss of
life came a hopelessness that the Null might end all things.
Ellari civilization was all but destroyed as the Null invaded
their dreams, using their own Fai magic against them to
birth ravening creatures into the world. All seemed lost.
But the remaining Dragonbonded rallied, uniting to
face the darkness, the power of their bond the only surety
against the Null-born monstrosities. As it was a sacrifice of
the Dragonbonded that brought the Null into the world,
so would a sacrifice return the Null to that lightless place
whence it had come. The Dragonbonded used their powers
to create three great seals, objects of immense power that
would trap the Null in its empty void, closing the paths
back to the material world forever. But such power comes
at a price.
In Nahuac, a thousand willing volunteers swore fealty
to the xibac necromancers, becoming the first deathless
tribe. They severed themselves from Vaala, knowing that in
doing so they embraced a fate worse than death. The xibac
took this gift of Vaala, and with this power forged the first
seal. Next, the blood sorceress Tyveris slew the love of her
life, the Tyverian hero Mannai and his bonded dragon,
Vystra, closing the second seal while condemning her line


The Scarred Era It has been thirty years since the four Dragonbonded
emerged to face the Null, tearing the Eye of Kadmos in the
The fall of the Dragonbond was a turning point for Valerna. process. Of them, Adrael and Elyse eschewed the laws of
The sorceress Tyveris became Blood Empress of Tyveria the ancient Dragonbonded, and became rulers of their own
after sacrificing her Dragonbonded lover, and the Nahuac realms, each determined to bring about change for their
Coalition was formalized to watch over the Great Seals. people for very different reasons. The Náhuinn bonded,
The Dragonbonded hero Zai Xi defeated two Nullborn in Eirándi, is now the greatest hero of Nahuac, though she
personal combat, thus becoming Qan Zai, the first Dragon refuses to either rule the Coalition or lead its armies, for
King of Allaria. The last surviving Null cultists fled to the her path is a solitary one. Only the Ysvalian, Oryan Yssan,
north, at last coming to their senses and denouncing the seeks to restore balance to the world. Refounding the temple
Null influence, founding the Holy Alliance of Ysval to atone of Ret Sajuut, his new Dragonbonded Covenant grows in
for their part in the war. power each day, as new Dragonbonded appear across Valerna
Over the thousand years that followed, the four Great and make their way to his sanctuary.
Northern Realms of Allaria, Tyveria, the Nahuac, and the The Four Great Northern Realms increasingly find
Ysvalian Alliance, rose to dominate Valerna. They warred themselves challenged for supremacy in Valerna. To the far
many times, jostling for prominence, yet stood united in north, Gellanor and Sikaria have proven several times that
their efforts against the dragons every 27 years. they are forces to be reckoned with, while to the south the
It took centuries for the world to recover. Then three events Enkharans, the Scourge Triumvirate, and Risen Altanesi have
took place that changed the history of Valerna yet again. been found to possess power and territory far in excess of what
First, the Great Seals were broken by the plot of a powerful was previously believed. News reaches the ears of the wise
Null sorcerer, heralding not only the return of the Null, but about the emergence of a new power in what was once called
the creation of the first new Dragonbonded for a millennium. the Broken Kingdoms, and the expansion of the mysterious
Second, the newly bonded traveled to Drakha to Fell Courts that exist at once within and beyond the dreams
complete the bond, but refused to stay on the Red Moon of mortals. Meanwhile, discoveries of magical artefacts of great
while Valerna was in peril. Using forbidden magic, they power have led to adventurers and mercenaries flocking to the
forced open the eye of Kadmos, creating a permanent, if contested lands of the Cursed Coast in droves.
unstable, path between Drakha and Rhaava. This not only Valerna now more than ever is a land of opportunity,
allowed their return but also permitted the boldest dragons where warlords, heroes and immortals strive to seize fortune
to ignore the Curse of Kadmos for the first time in history and glory, and shape the world in their wake…
and cross to Valerna at any time.
Finally, the Second Null War began, when a Null titan
emerged from beyond the Great Seals and turned its might Realms of Valerna
upon Nahuac. This war ended almost as soon as it began, Valerna is a diverse land of magic and wonder, war and
as the new Dragonbonded, their draconic allies, and the hardship, adventure and treachery. The greatest civilizations
armies of Nahuac stood strong against the tide of darkness. of the known world exist here, realms formed from powerful
But in the aftermath, the Null still maintained a foothold in coalitions. The story of Valerna is built upon the deeds of
the world, alongside the now more frequent incursions by great heroes, and that story is still being woven. For in this
dragons. Valerna would never be the same again. land, the Dragonbonded first rose, and it is they who dictate
the course of history to this day.
The Endless Sagas The following pages detail the main territories and borders
in Valerna at the time of the Return of the Dragonbonded;
Valerna is a place where nothing stays the same for long— these realms lead the cultural progress, political intrigues and
through war, or sorcery, or incursions from beyond, or the military struggles across the continent.
machinations of mortals and immortals alike—there is
always some new threat or some wondrous event with the
potential to change the course of history. So tumultuous
is this current era that some scholars have already taken to
calling it the Age of Endless Sagas.
“Honor your dream.”
The Dragon Kingdom of Allaria is one of the mightiest have Allarians begun to challenge this dogma, leading to an
realms in Valerna, ruled by an ancestral dynasty of half- ongoing, and sometimes violent, overhaul of their society.
elven kings that base their power on a rigid system of laws, The kingdom was born from an alliance between
castes, and hierarchies. It is a marvelous realm of dualities, human states and the Ellari Kingdoms of the Westerlands.
of artistry and rigid discipline. The realm contains the Tradition records that they joined forces to defeat a
greatest spellcasters, artists, and inventors of Valerna, with legendary hydra, now immortalized on the Allarian coat of
a culture built upon the assumption that half-elves, called arms. After the alliance, the greatest of the human hunters
the allai (honor elves), are wiser than either elves or humans married ellari king, begetting the first half-elven line. The
and are, therefore, uniquely suited to rule. Only recently elves and humans who have followed in their footsteps

gave birth to the first generations of honor elves, making

up Allaria’s ruling class, who have controlled the kingdom
Armies of Allaria
ever since. By restricting rule to the allai, both the Ellari The Allarian army is known for its elite training and
Kingdoms and the human warlords were held at bay, and unparalleled discipline. Its armies are often outnumbered
Allaria grew stronger than both. but rarely outclassed. Allarian soldiers never break formation
When the old Ellari Kingdoms were destroyed by a and focus on patience and on knowing when and where to
terrible magical cataclysm known as the Dreambleed, many strike, relying on elite, well-trained soldiers renowned for
of the ellari (silver elves) sought refuge in Allaria. The elves keeping their cool in battle.
were increasingly discriminated against in their new home, The mainstay of an Allarian army is the Oathguard. These
becoming second-class citizens beneath the human and elite men-at-arms fight in well-drilled formations, excelling
half-elf populace and still further beneath the imperious gaze at defensive tactics and forming an impassable wall of steel
of the ruling houses. Recently, the newly crowned Dragon against which wave after wave of enemy soldiers crash.
Queen Elyse has overturned the old laws, granting equal Supporting these doughty warriors are the qirin riders,
rights to all citizens of Allaria, regardless of heritage. But old specialist cavalry that use the qirin’s intelligence to perform
habits and festering enmities die hard. Despite the many advanced maneuvers beyond the abilities of a regular mount.
social changes of Qan Elyse’s reign, Allaria remains a proud Alongside the qirin riders, bucentaur cavalry constitute
realm, with ancestral institutions and deeply ingrained the most fearsome element of the Allarian military. These
traditions that are not easily challenged. Its half-elves still mighty creatures more than compensate for their lack of
behave like noble elites, and its recently freed castes struggle discipline with their ferocity and zest for battle.
to find their place in a changing structure. Since Qan Elyse ascended the throne, the armies of
Allaria have included an increasing number of Dreamshapers
The Eliadu amongst their ranks. Freed from the tyranny of the
Dreamless Treatment, these combat wizards have learned
Allaria remains a kingdom of honored tradition, virtuous to focus their connection with the Fai into a skillful art of
nobility, strict rules, proud righteousness, and ancestral warfare. Master strategists, Dreamshapers use their magic to
philosophy. Rich and poor alike are taught to respect the transport Allarian units to where they are most needed or to
hierarchy of the Eliadu, the Sacred Law of the Realm. confuse enemy troops with powerful illusions.
According to the Eliadu, social order is the cornerstone
of Allaria’s endurance, vital for the realm to function and
for everyone to prosper. Although class differences are still
pronounced, particularly in the largest cities, honor and
law are so ingrained in Allarian culture that their society
remains stable despite inequalities that a foreigner may
perceive as injustice.

The Dreamless Treatment

Perhaps the best-known legacy of Allaria is also its most
controversial practice. It’s the dark consequence of a culture
born of conflicting ideologies, but it’s also what has led the
kingdom to its current status as a world power. Called the
Dreamless Treatment, this practice grew from the fear of the
cataclysm that had so destroyed the silver elves’ civilization.
To avoid such a thing ever happening again, the first Dragon
King of Allaria, Qan Zai, decreed that every silver elf in the
kingdom must imbibe an alchemical formula daily to sever
their ties to the Fai, effectively outlawing Dream magic
across the realm.
Of course, such authoritarian measures only increased
resentment of the ellari, who were blamed for the
Dreambleed, and it was not until the Dragonbonded Qan
Elyse rose to power centuries later that the Dreamless
Treatment decree was repealed. The new Allarian motto,
“Honor your dream,” blends the high aspirations of the
Eliadu with the right of every citizen to shape the world they
desire in their minds and to make it a reality through honor
and duty. Thus does Elyse seek to unite traditionalists and
radicals under one banner, maintaining order while making
restitution for centuries of injustice.

“Unleash your legacy.”
At the center of Valerna lies the Blood Empire of Tyveria. enforcers, the vampyri, control the majority human
As corrupt as it is powerful, Tyveria is the continent’s populace. Tyverians are famed for their ruthlessness, their
political, cultural, and military core, and the only rival to thirst for power, and their disregard for what other peoples
Allaria for dominance over the other realms. Ruled over know as tact or diplomacy.
by the haughty, enigmatic maghyri, blood sorcerers with The Blood Empire was founded in the aftermath of
the vampiric ability to consume and manipulate the blood war, when the great blood sorceress Tyveris gathered orc,
of other creatures, Tyveria is a conflicted empire of the human, and halfling tribes scattered throughout the land
greatest individual freedoms and the cruelest tyrannies. As and forged them into an empire through strength, guile,
the great maghyr houses rule the empire, their ennobled and force of will. Though Tyveris’s eponymous empire

outlasted her, it was weakened over the subsequent

centuries thanks to the petty ambition and corruption Armies of Tyveria
of her successors. Despite its size and potential, it was In battle, Tyverian armies are feared not for their skill and
only after centuries of stagnant, decadent despotism that tactics but for their swift and relentless waves of attack.
the realm rose to its current glory when Adrael, a distant As halfling shevs disrupt and terrorize enemy lines with
descendant of Tyveris, swept away the power held by the exploding flasks of poison gas, hordes of expendable troops
petty warlords and became Blood Emperor, turning the are driven forward against the enemy, throwing themselves
empire into a single force under his absolute control. against shield walls without a thought for their own safety.
Tyveria’s rise to dominance under Adrael’s rule has The blood of the fallen only serves to empower the vampyr
been awe-inspiring, as rivals fell into line and swore fealty captains and maghyr sorcerers, increasing the army’s
to him, and the self-indulgence of the Tyverian nobility strength the longer a battle rages.
was reforged into steely purpose. Nevertheless, the Blood The bulk of Tyverian infantry is formed of blooded
Emperor’s reforms have also bred enmity and resentment, soldiers, humans plucked from the hardest districts of the
and many would like to see Adrael’s reign fail. empire, or forged in the fires of the gladiatorial arenas, and
trained to fight without fear. These troops are supported
The Sanguine Legacy by hulking ogerrons, Tyverian orcs whose martial skill is as
formidable as their brute strength.
In Tyveria, blood is power. Through blood sorcery, the Supporting the hordes of foot soldiers are some of the
maghyri imbue a blood tithe—preferably given willingly most fearsome cavalry in Valerna: vampyr warriors whose
—with magical properties. This awakened blood is then mounts are terrifying creatures mutated by blood magic
used as currency, for its value to the ruling echelons of and trained for war. Horrific skorpikons, giant Oriashi
Tyverian society is immeasurable. skorpikons, scuttle toward enemy lines, with poisoned stings
Such is the power of blood in Tyverian society that and claws that can snap a person in twain. Overhead, the
a maghyr’s entire legacy–their deeds, magic, and will – wasp-like vespidae swoop down upon their prey, disrupting
permeates every drop of precious ichor within them. The enemy lines and sowing fear wherever they strike.
more a maghyr imposes their will upon the world during
their life, the stronger the imprint upon their blood. When
a maghyr noble dies, their essence lives on in their blood,
leaving their body in a shimmering cloud of red mist—the
manifest embodiment of their power in life—which must
be claimed by their surviving heirs by means of an intricate
ritual. This sanguine legacy is passed on only to those who
prove themselves worthy. The inheritor of such a great
boon gains all the power of their forebears, strengthening
their own bloodline so that each subsequent generation
becomes more powerful than the last.
Not all maghyri succeed in claiming the sanguine
legacy. Some even die during the ritual, understanding the
true nature of their dark inheritance only at the very end.
Only those who eschew humility and conduct the ritual
with confidence and determination to bend the power to
their own indomitable will, can be found worthy. Thus,
the famed maghyr arrogance and callous disregard for
tradition lives on through each generation.
There is a terrible side-effect to this sanguine legacy,
however. The use of blood sorcery creates kadhah
spirits, dark wraiths that stalk and harass the magic’s
wielder. Every maghyr has its own kadhah, which grows
in strength and skill every time the maghyr uses their
powers and lives on through their ancestral blood. Thus,
each generation of maghyri breeds a stronger kadhah
than the last, presenting an ever greater danger to their
house. The maghyri see themselves as tragic heroes,
cursed to be defeated by their own power. All maghyri
live in certainty of their doom, and aspire to make their
ultimate end as glorious as possible.

“Weave a worthy life.”
The oldest realm of Valerna, Nahuac is a vast coalition themselves as Ándaidd (the First Free Ones). Indeed,
of free states, finding commonality in their deep respect Nahuac has survived two great ages of history and four
for nature, life, and death. The Náhuinn people believe major wars with its structures and institutions all but
in upholding their proud traditions, and they observe a intact, and its people look to the past for lessons on how to
philosophy of cooperation, working in harmony with each face the future.
other and the forces of nature that surround them. Nahuac is a land rich in diversity, with hills, mountains,
The humans of Nahuac are the oldest lineage in thick forests, misty jungles, plains, roaring rivers, and arid
existence, tracing their forebears directly from the ancient deserts, all harboring a staggering array of life. Its northern
Altanesi Empire. For this reason, the Náhuinn refer to border is marked by the Snaking Sea—the largest ocean

strait in Valerna. The people of Nahuac sustain themselves of the avian buunkun became independent states. Later,
by hunting, foraging, fishing, and farming but never take when the Altanesi Empire fell, the buunkun brought their
from the land more than it can afford to give. Even Nahuac’s human allies to the region, creating the Nahuac Coalition.
cities are carefully constructed to be one with the land, Iltal is a coastal region, windswept and mountainous,
growing almost organically out of the hills and jungles, their where the buunkun build their aeries, sanctum cities
stepped pyramids rising majestically above lush gardens located far above the ground. The quarter contains thirteen
and winding rivers. The Náhuinn thrive through careful states, the rulers of which, the Thirteen Flying Sages, serve
study of nature and a common philosophy based on respect as senior members of the Coalition, not as leaders but as
for the land and the magic inherent in all things, living mentors to the other rulers. While the Thirteen can’t match
and nonliving. Despite its relative lack of industrial and the power of the ocelinn states, they more than make up
economic development, Nahuac is one of the most powerful for it with their wisdom, to which even the ocelinn bow.
and prosperous nations in Valerna, with a simple yet When disagreements arise within the Council of Speakers,
unshakable culture and enviable magical and military might. it falls to the sages of Iltal to mediate and restore harmony.

The Four Quarters Armies of The Nahuac Coalition

Nahuac’s scattered peoples are distributed between four It is said that to fight the Náhuinn is to fight the very
great nations, named Nahu Általid (the Four Quadrants), environment, and that is not far from the truth. At the
each with its own strong identity, culture, and practices behest of Nahuac’s sorcerers, forests spring to life, rivers
adapted from the unique landscape around them. They swell, the ground trembles, and the skies open. Where the
are ruled by their own mahau (monarchs), who all have a armies of Nahuac march, nature itself marches also.
voice in the fate of Nahuac. The bestial savagery of Nahuac is reflected by its
Mígtal, the North Quarter: Bordering the Sea of disparate beast-kin regiments. Elite jaguar-like ocelinn
Nahuac, Mígtal is the domain of the Nine Human States launch assaults as swift as any cavalry, supported by
of the Coalition. It is a cold, dark land—a realm of strong rugged, iron-scaled bendavee warriors. Overhead the bat-
magic and ancient knowledge. The Nine Lords of Death, like mun kisuut scout the lay of the land, while Buunkun
the quarter’s rulers, are powerful undead sorcerers and sorcerers swoop across the field, incanting the makaab
among the greatest wizards in Valerna. weave to turn nature itself against the foe.
The Mígtainn are regarded with mistrust because of And yet even these ferocious forces of nature often pale
their practice of xibac magic, which most other Náhuinn in comparison to the coteries of xibac sorcerers who march
consider a perversion of Vaala. But the Nine Human States alongside them. These once-human necromancers are
are as loyal and dedicated to the ideals of Náhuinn culture devious and underhanded, wielding the forbidden arts to
as anyone else, and they retain their place in the council weaken their targets or, even, raise the dead…
despite a catalog of misunderstandings and conflicts with
their more orthodox peers.
Ad’tal, the South Quarter: Located in the Cipác
Peninsula, the lands of Ad’tal alternate between humid
swamps, thick jungles, and barren wasteland. And the
bendavee, the stoic lizardfolk of Nahuac, are equally at
home in all of these territories.
The South Quarter contains seven states, spearheaded
by the strongest bendavee tribes, known collectively as the
Seven Thunders. These tribes contain the most ferocious
warriors in Nahuac—the strong-arm of the realm’s military.
Tlátal, the East Quarter: The largest and most
powerful region of Nahuac, Tlátal is the domain of
the Kaabac, so-called Source-gifted humans, whose
attunement to Vaala enables them to take the form
of beasts. Among Tlátal’s states are the four Ocelinn
Lordships, which oversee the lands of the jaguar people,
plus the free states of the mun kisuut (bat-kin), maame
(deer-kin), and cuhinn peoples (wolf-kin).
However, in a council of equals, the four ccelinn lords
are more equal than others, and their voices always carry
authority and command respect. The great city-state of
Nahuacáinn, the unofficial capital of the Coalition, is one of
the Ocelinn Lordships and the strongest state in Nahuac.
Iltal, the West Quarter: The oldest quarter of Nahuac,
Iltal was settled when the early bendavee nations and those
“Kindle the light together.”
A hardy, pious community, the Holy Alliance of Ysval is The Holy Alliance is organized into dukedoms, of
a light in the darkness of the snow-swept north. But this which Ysval is the first and the most important, but they
strong-hearted community had the darkest of beginnings. all share roughly the same power, authority, and rights.
The youngest realm of Valerna, Ysval was formed only a Ysval remains a small realm of scattered rural settlements
few decades after the First Null War, when the defeated and rough-hewn watchtowers, but the people are
acolytes of the Null took refuge in the northern wilds. spirited and stalwart in their resistance against Tyverian
Their broken forces repented their dark ways, turning to annexation. It is the least powerful of Valernian realms,
worshipping the Light, finding renewed purpose in the though its military has repeatedly been underestimated
frozen tundra and dark forests. and, as a result, has stolen victory from several enemies,

even Tyveria itself. The Ysvalians would say that they text, and founded the Temple of Light, which would
win because they fight for their people, for their homes forevermore be the driving force of Ysvalian civilization. In
and families, and most of all, they fight with faith in the every settlement, a great fire was lit—a beacon that must
Galadyan Light. never be extinguished, a symbol of the Galadyan Light that
Ysval would not have prospered so were it not for its blazes in the hearts of all Ysvalians.
alliance with the Hmyr giants and the púka halflings. Púka While many believe this divine spark is a manifestation
in particular complement the humans’ determination and of all three aspects of Vaala, there are those in Valerna
industriousness with their skilled craftsmanship, good humor, who believe another source is responsible for the Ysvalian’s
and legendary culinary skills. Through a sense of community power. For that which the Null touches it does not so
and hard work, the Ysvalian settlers forged alliances that easily relinquish…
would slowly transform harsh tundra into fertile farmlands—
in fact, the richest soil in Valerna—and the bleak northern
nights into townships full of light and warmth. It is not
Armies of Ysval
without cause that the people of Ysval see themselves as a More than strength, discipline, or loyalty, the Ysvalian
light in the darkness, a warm fire in the freezing night, and a army is built on cooperation and fellowship. Its Galadyan
helping hand in a lonely, unforgiving world. priests turn bands of brutal warriors into single cohesive
units, joined by the power of the Light, lending strength to
The Galadyan Temple of Light the whole far greater than the sum of its parts.
The human warriors of Ysval are drawn primarily
The only widespread organized religion in all Valerna, the from the knightly orders, heavily armored paladins whose
Temple of Light rose after the First Null War when the faith in the Light is unshakeable and whose oaths make
surviving Null cultists and their families fled the forces of it nigh impossible to forsake the realm when battle calls.
the Dragonbonded and hid in the bleak North. Galadyan Knights fight on foot, while their brethren of the
Lost and defeated, eschewed by all allies, without the Griffon and Reinknight orders ride into battle on ferocious
power of the Dragonbond, and with no Null magic to griffons and heavily muscled tundra reindeer, respectively.
draw upon, these desperate refugees rejected their former Trundling alongside these powerful warriors, halflings
faith, seeing in the bleak, dangerous shadow of their new bring their púka carts to war, distributing their delicious
home all the darkness that the Null represented. Facing potions and brews to embattled soldiers, instilling the
death from cold and starvation, these huddled survivors weary with renewed vigor.
clung to the idea of a new life, to light a fire in the dark that And yet, even with these formidable forces, the
would summon likeminded believers in fellowship. This Ysvalians are often outnumbered. Thus, it falls to their
is remembered as the Kindling, the moment when the last most powerful allies to redress the balance: the mighty
Null cultists turned to the path of righteousness and lit the Hmyr giants of the Bonewood. The giant clans are not
flame of community to survive the winter nights. aligned with the Light at all but have sworn kinship with
With renewed purpose and commitment to toil, the the Ysvalians who have shown them nothing but kindness
first Ysvalians built farmsteads, then villages, then towns, over the years, an unshakeable loyalty that spells doom for
and finally small, crude walled cities. Many died in the the enemies of Ysval.
hard winters, but eventually they prospered. Lights blazed Outside the four great realms, many other peoples inhabit
in windows, fires crackled in hearths, and songs of praise Valerna. Some live in harmony with the kingdoms around
and thankfulness were sung in the frozen north for the them, while others seek to ascend to power themselves. As is
first time in history. The fire had been kindled, and with it the way on Rhaava, civilizations rise and fall, and old orders
came the light. give way to new.
It was decades later that the first temple was founded.
A whaler named Galadyn, his boat sunk by a monstrous
sea creature, somehow delivered himself and his
four crewmen safely to shore from the frozen seas,
without a scratch. They claimed that the “Light
had saved them.” They are still remembered as
the Delivered Five, and to this day the Five
Cities of the Holy Alliance commemorate
their rescue. Thereafter, Galadyn became a
prophet of sorts. Wherever he went, frozen
tundra became fertile, the sick were healed,
and what was broken was mended. The
Light had taken residence in him and,
through him, manifested in the physical
world. Soon, the Delivered Five came
together to record their experiences
in the Book of Galadyn, now a sacred
Other Realms
wonder to behold, a place where the only limit to creation is the
Along the northwestern coast lies the Arkane Dominion of boundless imagination of the elves.
Sikaria, a magocracy ruled by the enigmatic and capricious
blue elves, the sikari. This wild region is inhabited by
some of the strangest creatures on Rhaava, mutated by the The Shield Clans of Enkhara
changeling powers of the elves, themselves living testament
to their own experimentations with the forces of nature. Sometimes, the casual observer of the skies might catch a
Using their power of zoethurgy, the sikari cut themselves off glimpse of a strange, glittering vessel gliding past the clouds.
from the Fai, thus escaping the ignominious fate of their kin, These are the famous shard-ships of the nwoda, the sky
the ellari. As a culture, Sikarians are curious, inquisitive, and… dwarves. These skilled navigators travel the world as traders,
confrontational. They embrace clashing ideas and aesthetics, merchants, explorers, mercenaries, and sometimes pirates.
accept unusual experiences, and challenge preconceptions. The sky dwarves hail from the Jeweled Desert, the name of
Their openness to new ideas and states of being makes them at which derives from the bizarre formations of floating gems that
times hedonistic and reckless, and as a result, their realm is a hover there majestically, defying gravity. The largest of these are
nwoda birthstones, or una’jawahm, floating fortresses of vast
size. Beneath the birthstones, the desert springs to life, forming
huge oases and verdant plains stretching for leagues in all
directions. Within this lush circle, great “shield-cities” have risen
under a powerful alliance of humans, dwarves, elves, sphinxes,
and the mysterious Shaba Watu. Calling themselves the Shield
Clans of Enkhara, they are a protectorate, sworn to bring their
ideals of order to the lawlessness of the desert.

The Scourge Triumvirate

When the world still gasped for breath and the trees stopped
walking, rooting themselves to the land, the boaab snakefolk,
the first people, roamed Valerna. Admirers and worshippers of
dragons, the boaab paid fealty to the great wyrms of Drakha.
Then came other peoples, children compared to the boaab.
Among them were the humans, with their endless ambition
and shifting purpose, and the world was forever changed,
plunged into the chaos known today.
Deposed from their position of power by the greedy
humans, the boaab retreated to the Citadel Uur, the first and
greatest fortress-city of Valerna, to live by the old true ways.
They built three other citadels, and persisted there in isolation.
Their culture thrived, and their lands expanded. Soon the
obakkar orcs and the mysterious djaat rallied to the boaab,
forming what is now known as the Scourge Triumvirate in the
region of Sabaar, an ancient Bakkai word meaning “scouring
flame.” Now, bound by a centuries-old alliance, the Scourge is
ready to take vengeance upon the world of humans and reclaim The Frost Horde arose when the Ysvalian Raven Knights
their rightful place as rulers of Valerna. refused to worship the Light of the Galadyan Temple and, as
punishment, were exiled to the Northern Wastes. There, the
The Fell Courts knights’ grudges festered until, at last, they drew other tribes
from the frozen lands to their cause with promises of plunder
Deep in the enchanted forests and magical regions created by and victory. Now, with the help of snow orcs, the orcs’ mighty
the Dreambleed, where the Fai is strongest in Valerna, there broodmothers known as the Winter Witches, and a stout army
are realms that are not realms and a people that is not quite a of mammoth-riding frost dwarves, the Raven Knights are
people. These are the Fell Courts, the fey realm of the faari, or poised to wreak vengeance on everything south of their border.
dream elves. The elven archmages that caused the Dreambleed
were consumed by the devastation; all that remained of these
great elves was their memory, which the Fai shaped into The Altanesi Ascendancy
dream-like entities—alive, but not truly, and composed of Thousands of years ago, the first humans crawled out from
pure Dream magic. These elves are now known as the fell. under the oppression of the boaab and united all mortal tribes
No sooner were the Fell born than they set up an imaginary under a single banner. This became the Altanesi Empire, a
realm in the depths of the forest, a mockery of the great elven realm of unparalleled knowledge and power whose armies
nations of yore. Myriad sylvan creatures flocked to this new marched at the behest of sorcerer-kings and flew the Altanesi
haven of Fai magic—goblins, giants, forest spirits, and beast- colors from one end of Valerna to the other. But almost as
kin—along with foolhardy humans who find themselves lost in suddenly as it had risen, the empire fell, although its legacy
the dream-like woods, wandering for an eternity in this shifting shaped the story of every other civilized realm. The Altanesi
realm until they become one with the Fell Courts. Few mortals themselves, the descendants of those lost dynasties, retired to
believe the Fell Courts exist, but for those ill-fated travelers who the Primalian Mountains, where they still live. They remain a
stray too close to the dark forests, the sinister sound of hunting mighty people, blessed with magical bloodlines but reduced to
horns on the wind and the cold, musical laughter of the elves a collection of scattered tribal states.
heralds a danger all too real… Today, a warlord has come, claiming to be the last scion
of the Altanesi lineages. The ancient allies of the Lost Empire
Gellanor have flocked to the warlord’s banner, eager to restore the glory
of their pasts. At first it seemed like an impossible dream, but
A small but powerful military coalition confined to the ice gradually the Risen Altanesi have grown in power such that the
wastes of the polar seas, the Gellanor League, also called the great realms of Valerna have begun to take note. The Altanesi
Frost Horde, is less a realm than a wandering horde, intent on muster for war, their growing host of tribal warriors, tiger-kin,
conquering all before them. Determined to fight their way from and jade gnomes eager to reclaim what they see as rightfully
their frozen confinement, they eye the beacon fires of Ysval theirs. They call themselves the Ascendancy, and they intend to
greedily and covet still more the wealth and power of Tyveria. conquer the world. 219
independence in the Cursed Coast, and sent expeditionary
The Cursed Coast parties to conquer a new territory. However, this proved
Stretching from the City of Crimson Spires in the north, to much more difficult than expected, and the new realm of
the mysterious Vision Valley in the south, the area known Draavia is instead more of a vassal state, paying Tyveria
as the Cursed Coast has earned its name many times over. handsomely for the privilege of being left to their own
Once called the Dreaming Coast by the first elves, it has devices. Draavia is heavily industrialised, with huge mining
been the site of so many wars, disasters, and cataclysmic operations scarring the landscape and tall chimneys belching
events that it has garnered a fell reputation. An ancient smoke day and night, blackening the sky.
land, in which great civilizations have risen and fallen, it House Draavia clings to the old ways, making them
is said to resonate with a primordial power that lies buried especially hated by Ysvalians, who remember only too well
beneath its mist-haunted valleys and great walled cities, the horrors of the Blood Geas. Until very recently, the
power that the greedy and ambitious would stop at nothing Draavians forced the orcs of the Cursed Coast to work their
to possess… mines, but now the orcs have rebelled, organizing together as
the Orcannad and carving out their own territories, proving
to be a constant thorn in the side of Draavian ambitions.
The Aunai States
The largest and most powerful faction in the Cursed Coast is The City of Crimson Spires
not really a single realm at all but rather a collection of states
united by common cause. Named for the ancient human Kara Tibor, better known as the City of Crimson Spires,
kingdom of the auna people that is believed to have been is an independent city-state acting as the gateway to the
the first real power in the Cursed Coast, the Aunai States north of the Cursed Coast. The true power in the city are
are dominated by four cities, each ruled by a different noble the Crimson Hawks—an organised group of assassins and
family who has, at one point or another, claimed to be the criminals, masterminded from the shadows by Adrael’s sister,
rightful ruler of the entire coast. Varanna. The Hawks run operations in every city across the
For now, the rulers of Corim are in ascendancy—though Cursed Coast and are feared throughout the land.
not everyone is happy with the arrangement. The four states
often rally to the call to arms for the greater good but only
when it suits them, and only for a price.
The Bjarda of Griffon’s Beak
The Bjarda is an independent Ysvalian force that settled the
Draavia territory north of the City of Crimson Spires, in an area
they call Griffon’s Beak, when Ysval withdrew from the city’s
House Draavia of Tyveria were much opposed to Adrael’s occupation. They are a self-appointed order of enforcers,
reforms, refusing to adopt the new ways. Clinging to power whose sworn duty is to keep an eye on the City of Crimson
in the far-flung border city of Kara Matula, they dreamt of Spires, ensuring it never again falls under Tyverian rule.

The spire-lords see the Bjarda as little more than lies the Vision Valley, and thus the southern border is lined
squatters—but evicting them would almost certainly bring with thrumming obelisks of Source slabs, designed to repel
the wrath of Ysval, and that would be a war neither party the mysterious feydh from Náhuinn lands.
can afford.
Vision Valley
Tuzaqu and Ahukala Territories This beautiful, forested valley was once a scenic passage
The Náhuinn territory of the Cursed Coast was once the between the Cursed Coast and Nahuac, but few dare travel
northernmost tip of the Coalition, before they were cut off its ancient trails today. Since the Dreambleed, Vision Valley
from their kin by the Dreambleed. They have developed in a has become a place redolent with Fai energy, and it contains
microcosm ever since, forming their own small facsimile of many hidden crossings through which the unwary traveler
the Coalition with their own councils and armies, though on might find themselves spirited away to the court of Bele, a
a much smaller scale. The two primary factions are the Tuzaq powerful Fell crown.
(primarily ocelinn) and the Ahukal (xibac necromancers).
The ocelinn warbands of the Tuzaqu Territory mostly
comprise white jaguars—incredibly rare in Nahuac but The Exile Kingdoms
commonplace in the Cursed Coast. The white jaguar ocelinn These large areas of no-man’s-lands have never been
have long held a rivalry with the xibac necromancers, conquered and are made up of vast, windswept plains
culminating in the destruction of the xibac temple-city and populated by fearsome beasts and roving monsters. It is even
an annexation of their lands. What the ocelinn didn’t know, said that Null entities, cut off from the controlling influence
however, was that the temple-city was built over the ruins of of their long-banished horde, haunt ancient ruins here and
a much older city, possibly built by the Altanesi and toppled prey on unwary travelers.
during the Dreambleed, and the xibac have now largely Into these inhospitable lands come the Exiled Lords.
moved underground into a fortified, subterranean realm of From dispossessed princes to robber barons, these outcasts
unknown size. It is whispered that the first necromancers and their retainers hope to stake their claim and make a
once dwelt in that dark necropolis, and that the xibac are kingdom in their own name in these cursed lands. Some are
now privy to ancient lore that bolsters their powers. more successful than others—there are a few walled towns
The Náhuinn are besieged from all sides: Their territory and fortresses that have stood the test of time. But for the
to the west, nearest the coast, is much coveted as a route most part, settlements rise and fall along with an endless
between Allaria and the Aunai States, and the ocelinn fight succession of warlords.
tooth and nail to keep their neighbours at bay. To the south


T his bestiary provides statistics for more than
80 monsters found within Valerna. Though
these stat blocks should be usable in any 5th edition
game, there are a few elements that are unique to
Dragonbond. For example, each monster’s type
also lists which aspect of Vaala most influences
their kind, something the GM may find useful for
narrative flavor and other in-game considerations.

A Note on
Creature Types
While most creature types in Dragonbond are
common across 5th edition, a few do not have perfect
correlations. Many of the peoples of Valerna, such
as the bucentauri and the boaab, are not strictly
Humanoid, despite their rich culture and their position
as one of the main inhabitants of the continent, nor are
they Monstrosities. In such cases, these creatures have
been labeled as Beastfolk, a new creature type. They
should be treated with the same depth and care given
to Humanoid societies.
Additionally, Valerna does not have Fey creatures
as they are found in other settings; the Feydh are the
closest counterpart to the Fey and should be treated
as Fey when dealing with game rules. Similarly, any
Fey creatures imported from other resources can be
considered Feydh in a Valerna setting.
Lastly, some creatures have the Vaala Spirit tag.
Such entities are manifestations of Vaala within
Valerna, either through a strong tie to Vaala in life
that has persisted after death, such as the cihuen
spirit, or as an embodiment of one of its aspects, like
the azhid or kadhah. These monsters are particularly
rich in Vaala.

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Allarian Fai Hunter
The Dragon Kingdom of Allaria shares many borders with
Allarian Fai Hunter
Medium Humanoid (Elf, Fai)
the Fai Woods, and it’s rife with crossings where the Fell slip
into Valerna from their dream realms. Left unchecked, these Armor Class 15 (leather)
entities pose a major threat to Allarian cities and settlements. Hit Points 117 (26d8)
Fai hunters have trained for generations to keep the Fell Speed 30 ft.
and similar Fai creatures at bay, ever since the catastrophic
Dreambleed sent shockwaves throughout the continent. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Feydh Slayers. Fai hunters are skilled at taking down 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
Fell beings. They know the tricks of the feydh and can
counter their magic and abilities with ease. They wield Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +4
deadsteel weapons, which bypass many of the feydh’s Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +4, Stealth +6, Survival +4
resistances, helping them repel the monsters and banish Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
them back to where they came from. Languages Allai, Common
Mounted Hunters. Fai hunters often patrol the forests Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
of Allaria on the backs of their trained black qirin. These
intelligent creatures are native to Allaria and move through Deadsteel Weapons. The Fai hunter’s weapons are
the woods and undergrowth with ease. Many Fai hunters made of deadsteel.
regularly work with the same qirin, and the two form a close Feydh Slayer. The Fai hunter’s attacks deal an extra 3
(1d6) damage to Feydh creatures.
bond that far surpasses that of a typical mount and rider.
Huntsword Training. The Fai hunter’s specialized
training allows it to use its Dexterity instead of its
Strength for attack and damage rolls when wielding its

Multiattack. The Fai hunter makes two Huntsword or
Shortbow attacks.
Huntsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
80/320, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Deny Dream (2/Day). When a creature within 60 feet of
the Fai hunter attempts to teleport, it must succeed on a
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or the teleport fails.


Allarian Oathguard Allarian Oathguard

Oathguard are the elite warriors of the Dragon Medium Humanoid (Elf, Fai)
Kingdom of Allaria. They are tactically flexible warriors
who specialize in holding defensive positions in battle. Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Outside of the military, they often serve as elite guards. Hit Points 195 (30d8 + 60)
Qan Elyse, Allaria’s Dragon Queen, has a regiment of Speed 30 ft.
oathguard that serve as her protectors.
Warden Lodges. Allaria houses multiple Warden STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Lodges, which act as schools and guilds for the military 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
elite. These establishments have existed for centuries,
and remain powerful despite Qan Elyse’s recent social Saving Throws Str +9, Con +6
reforms. All oathguard train at a warden lodge, alongside Skills Athletics +9, Acrobatics +8, History +4
qirin-riding wardens and other oathguard, and typically Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
form strong bonds of friendship and respect with those of Languages Allai, Common
their lodge. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Dual-Wielder. The oathguard can wield two longswords.

Multiattack. The oathguard makes three Longsword or
Longbow attacks. It can replace one attack with a use of
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The oathguard casts one of the following
spells, requiring no material components and using
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13).
2/day each: heroism, hold person, protection from evil
and good

Off-Hand Attack. If the oathguard makes at least one
Longsword attack on its turn, it can make an additional
Longsword attack.
Whirlwind (Recharge 5–6). The oathguard makes a
spinning attack. Each creature within 5 feet must make a
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
takes 28 (8d6) slashing damage and is knocked prone. On
a success, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t
knocked prone.

Riposte. When an oathguard is hit by an enemy’s melee
attack, it can make a Longsword attack against a creature
within 5 feet.

Allarian Warden
The noble cavalry of Allaria, wardens ride specially
trained qirin—brave and beautiful beasts who are able
to follow military orders and maintain formation in the
heat of battle. When not actively at war, wardens often
serve as high-ranking city guards and patrol the streets,
keeping the citizenry safe from a variety of hazards. They
often work in conjunction with Fai hunters, driving back
threats from the Fell Courts.
Qirin Mounts. Wardens are rarely encountered off
their qirin mount. They typically use silver qirin, which
are thicker and sturdier than black qirin, but some high-
ranking officers will ride gold qirin, particularly during
parades or other shows of grandeur and force. Most
wardens will use the same qirin throughout their time in
the service.

Allarian Warden
Medium Humanoid (Elf, Fai)

Armor Class 14 (ring mail)

Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +5

Skills Animal Handling +3, Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Allai, Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Mounted Maneuvers. If the warden is mounted on a

qirin, the warden has advantage on all attack rolls.

Multiattack. The warden makes two Glaive attacks.
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Warden Lodges. Wardens train at specialized
one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage. schools throughout Allaria and are typically paired
with their qirin during this time. These lodges are
BONUS ACTIONS powerful institutions, and some resist Qan Elyse’s
Qirin Charge. If the warden is mounted and its mount newer policies, embracing the disgruntled allai
moved at least 10 feet this turn, the warden can use its nobles who have flooded their halls in search of the
bonus action to make a Glaive attack.
prestige that Elyse stripped from them.


A spirit made out of pure Id, an azhid is
a manifestation of the collective desires of
a people. An azhid is as powerful as the
Id it has absorbed, which it consumes in
the form of humanoid blood. While it
has powerful Id magic, it can also use the
thoughts and desires of any mortal, be it
an ally or an enemy, to shape its magic
into wondrous and terrifying forms. They
are typically found in Tyveria, where the
maghyr blood sorcerers shape blood and
Id into a multitude of forms, but they can
manifest anywhere in Valerna where desire
is strong and Id is plentiful.
Blood Offerings. Many mortals offer
blood to azhidi to earn their goodwill. Once
the creature has consumed enough Id, it
gains the ability to shape the Id of mortals
and give physical reality to their wishes in
accordance to the amount of blood given.
Azhidi also seek the company of mortals,
granting them wishes in exchange for
blood. As an azhid grants more wishes
and demands more blood, it becomes
exponentially more powerful, until it can
rival even the most powerful maghyr. The
strongest azhidi become guardians of entire
cities, receiving the worship and blood
sacrifice of thousands of people in exchange
for their power and blessings.

Multiattack. The azhid makes two Blood Slash attacks. It
Large Elemental (Vaala Spirit, Id) can replace one attack with a use of Spellcasting.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 20
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing damage plus 5
Hit Points 170 (20d10 + 60) (1d10) necrotic damage, and the azhid regains hit points
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
Spellcasting. If there are living creatures at less than full hit
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA points within 30 ft. of the azhid, it casts one of the following
spells, requiring no material components and using
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
At will: blood whip, boil blood
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +6, Cha +8 3/day: suggestion
Skills Deception +8, Insight +6, Intimidation +8, Perception 1/day each: cloudkill, geas, telekinesis
+6, Persuasion +8 Wish Granted. The azhid casts the wish spell on behalf of
Damage Immunities necrotic another creature. It does not suffer any negative effects
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from doing so. Once the azhid casts wish in this fashion, it
from nonmagical attacks cannot use this action again for 7 days.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive
Perception 16 BONUS ACTIONS
Languages Common, Primordial, Magy, Tyverian, Blood Drain (Recharge 5–6). The azhid targets a living
telepathy 60 ft. creature at less than full hit points within 30 ft. The
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 creature must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw,
taking 10 (3d6) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic
Magic Resistance. The azhid has advantage on saving damage and gaining 1 level of exhaustion on a failed
throws against spells and other magical effects. save, or half as much damage and no exhaustion on a
successful one.

Bendavee Bendavee
Lizard people from the swamps and jungles of southern
Medium Beastfolk (Saurian, K’aab)
Nahuac, the bendavee are a culture of hardy warriors
and explorers, with armored scales, camouflage abilities, Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
and regenerative powers. They are peaceful Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
when left alone but fearsome when provoked Speed 30 ft.
or threatened. They rule over Ad’tal, the
South Quarter of Nahuac, and like most STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Náhuinn, they enjoy telling tales, singing 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
songs of battles won and love lost, and
believe everyone is a very small part of a Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +4
greater whole. They have an innate tie to Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4
Source magic, and often practice makaab Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
weaving, crafting wondrous items and Languages Common, Náhuinn
structures from the land around them. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Most Bendavee are at least passingly
proficient with the macahui, a bladed Natural Stalker. The bendavee can ignore difficult
mace common to the region. terrain, and it gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and
Wisdom (Survival) checks.
Regeneration. The bendavee regains 4 (1d8) hit points at
the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.

Multiattack. The bendavee makes two Bite attacks or
one Macahui attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Macahui. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The bendavee casts one of the following
spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell
save 12).
At will: mending, produce flame


Blood Husk
A shameful secret of Tyveria, a blood husk is born
Blood Husk
Medium Undead (Id)
when a vampyr or blood sorcerer drains too much
blood from a donor, leaving the victim in a diseased, Armor Class 11
incurable, subhuman state. Their skin shrivels and Hit Points 27 (6d8)
grays, their faces becoming skull-like grimaces, and Speed 30 ft.
their hands become gnarled and claw-like. The blood
husk’s lack of blood instills in them an insatiable thirst STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that cannot be sated, no matter how many victims they 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 7 (-2) 6 (-2)
feed upon. Neither alive nor dead, they exist in a state
of undeath: never changing, never thinking, merely Saving Throws Con +2
existing to feed on the living. Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5
Insatiable Hunger. A blood husk will attack any Senses passive Perception 12
living creature to drink its blood and eat its flesh, Languages understands Common
to seek a fleeting respite to its unending thirst. They Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
attack with abandon, for they feel no pain, shed barely
a drop of blood, and can withstand wounds that would Bloodhunger. The blood husk gains advantage on melee
kill a mortal ten times over. attack rolls against living creatures that are at less than
Mindless Thralls. When a blood husk full hit points.
Bloodsucker. A creature that starts its turn grappled by
deteriorates further still, they almost become the blood husk takes 8 (2d6) necrotic damage, and the
walking skeletons, known commonly as blood blood husk regains 8 hit points.
leeches due to the reddish hue their desiccated flesh
adopts. These creatures are highly prized by blood ACTIONS
sorcerers, for their complete lack of will makes them Multiattack. The blood husk makes two attacks, only
one of which can be a Bite attack.
easier to control than servants or foot soldiers.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature that is grappled by the blood husk,
incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing
damage and 5 (1d8) necrotic damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage and is grappled
(escape DC 13).

Clinging Thirst. When a creature hits the blood husk
with a melee attack, the blood husk can make a Bite
attack against it.

Blooded Gladiator
The Tyverian culture, under the rule of maghyri and their
vampyr underlings, values power and blood above all.
In such a society, normal humans—those without the
gift of blood sorcery—have very little chance of social
advancement. Many humans become blooded gladiators—
specialized combatants and pit fighters, with ambitions of
becoming famous champions in the arena and being chosen
to serve under a vampyr. Becoming a blooded gladiator
requires an invitation from one of the many blooded orders
across the Empire, after which, fame, glory, and prestige
quickly follow—if the gladiator survives. The best of these
orders may offer vampyr status in a noble house, or, for the
very skilled or very lucky, the chance to become maghyr.
Ruthless. A blooded gladiator is cutthroat and vicious
in their rivalries. They view this as their one chance to
earn a better life and pursue it with a single-minded
passion. They care little for those they destroy on their
way to the top, and Tyveria rewards them for such
callousness with fame and fortune.
Charismatic Fighters. While physical
prowess is a priority for blooded gladiators,
so is the ability to entertain and gather a loyal
following. Those who earn the most attention gain
the most accolades, and gladiators soon find that
simply surviving the arena is not enough to win
them prestige and social advancement.

Blooded Gladiator ACTIONS

Multiattack. The blooded gladiator makes two Tyvalite
Medium Humanoid (Human, Id) Blade attacks.
Headbutt. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor Class 13 one target grappled by the gladiator. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4)
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30) bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed on a DC
Speed 30 ft. 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of
its next turn.
Tyvalite Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage, and the target is
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +5 grappled. While the target is grappled, the gladiator cannot
Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +6 use its Whip attack.
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Tyverian
Reel and Bash. The blooded gladiator pulls a creature
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
grappled by its whip up to 10 feet straight toward it and
immediately makes a Headbutt attack.
Blooded Rage. If the blooded gladiator is below half of its hit
point maximum, it gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, REACTIONS
and slashing damage. Misdirection. The blooded gladiator adds 2 to its AC against
one weapon attack that would hit it.


Bloodclaw Bloodclaw
For those humans who cannot thrive in the arenas of Medium Humanoid (Human, Id)
Tyveria, joining the ranks of the Blood Emperor’s own army
offer one of their only outlets for advancement. However, Armor Class 13
the military is as ruthless as any fighting pit, with fierce Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
training that instills loyalty to the Empire above all. Speed 30 ft.
Bloodclaws are the foot soldiers of Tyveria. Taught to
be fearless and heedless with their own safety, they charge
into battle to kill as many enemies as possible before 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1)
they die and empower their vampyr with their blood.
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
Wieling bladed arm extensions made of sharp tyvalite steel,
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +3
bloodclaws leap into enemy forces to eviscerate anything Senses Passive Perception 9
that moves. They wear little armor, both for increased Languages Common, Tyverian
mobility and to spill more of their own blood on the Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
battlefield for their vampyr captain to utilize.
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the bloodclaw can
gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during
that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage
until the start of the next turn.

Multiattack. The bloodclaw makes two Blood Blade
Blood Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Consuming Bloodlust. When the bloodclaw takes
damage, it can deal an additional 3 (1d6) necrotic
damage to itself. If it does so, until the end of its next
turn, all of its attacks deal an extra 3 (1d6) damage.

Boaab While most boaab have learned to tolerate human
neighbors and even work with them once in a while—as
Boaab, or snakefolk, are a powerful type of saurians. The long as they concede the boaab’s authority—the dominator
boaab once ruled much of Valerna, before the rise of the caste is made up of very ancient boaab families with
human and elf civilizations. After their defeat at the hands long memories and a very ingrained hate for humans.
of the Altanesi Empire, the boaab withdrew from history Dominator clans keep their people’s ancestral grudge
before rising again after the second Null War as one of against humans alive as if they had experienced it
the three forces ruling the Scourge Triumvirate of Sabaar. firsthand, and their agenda tends to perpetuate it.
The boaab have never forgotten the former glory of their
empire and hope to one day rule over Valerna.
With powerful connections to Id, the boaab do not
Boaab Flamebrands
shy away from imposing their will upon others. The most Combining stealth and martial prowess with psychic
ruthless boaab have no qualms about dominating their attacks, Flamebrands are cunning and terrifying foes.
thralls’ minds completely, suppressing their underlings’ They typically wield four scimitars, one in each of their
personalities and keeping them loyal and submissive. four hands, and slip through the battlefield, picking off
enemies as they go. To aid in their strikes, Flamebrands
use telepathy to distract their enemies before slipping in
Boaab Snakefolk behind them and delivering a killing blow.
Even the common folk of the boaab are a terrifying Outside of combat, the Flamebrands are charged with
sight on the battlefield. Their large size—most boaab the creation, stewardship, and enforcement of the law in
measure upward of thirteen feet long—and their ability to the Scourge Triumvirate, as well as tax collection and riot
muddle their opponent’s mind make them a surprisingly control, all of which they carry out ruthlessly. Their callous
formidable foe. tactics have led to a simmering hatred or quiet fear of them
amongst the populace.
Boaab Dominators
Making up the ruling caste of the boaab, dominators are
incredibly old and powerful beings, whose psychic and
spellcasting powers have few matches in the mortal world.
Each dominator is in charge of a single aspect of boaab
government, under the service of the Ashen Archon, the
supreme lord of Sabaar.


Boaab Snakefolk Languages Boa’a, Common, Sabaari, telepathy 30 ft.

Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Large Beastfolk (Saurian, Id)

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12) Multiattack. The boaab makes one Bite attack and one
Speed 30 ft. Scimitar attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) poisoned.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Saving Throws Dex +4, Int +3 target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Skills History +3, Insight +2, Stealth +4 Spellcasting. The boaab casts suggestion, requiring no
Damage Immunities poison material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting
Condition Immunities poisoned ability (spell save DC 13).
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Boaab Dominator Magic Weapons. The boaab’s weapon attacks are magical.

Large Beastfolk (Saurian, Id) ACTIONS

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed
Hit Points 117 (18d10 + 18) on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned.
Speed 30 ft. Magic Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Spellcasting. The boaab casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Charisma as the
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
At will: hold person, suggestion, true strike
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +6, Wis +4 3/day: hypnotic pattern, compulsion, dominate person
Skills Arcana +6, Deception +8, History +6, Insight +4, 1/day: eyebite, mass suggestion
Investigation +6, Persuasion +8
Damage Immunities poison BONUS ACTIONS
Condition Immunities poisoned Psychic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 30 ft.,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 one target. Hit: 27 (4d10 + 5) psychic damage, and the target
Languages Boa’a, Common, Sabaari, telepathy 60 ft. must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or have
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the end
of its next turn.

Boaab Flamebrand ACTIONS

Multiattack. The boaab makes two Bite or Scimitar attacks
Large Beastfolk (Saurian, Id) in any combination. It can replace one attack with a use of
Armor Class 16 (studded leather) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12) target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must
Speed 30 ft. succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become
poisoned until its next long or short rest.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
14 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Spellcasting. The boaab casts suggestion, requiring no
material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +4 ability (spell save DC 13).
Skills Deception +5, Perception +2, Stealth +6
Damage Immunities poison BONUS ACTIONS
Condition Immunities poisoned Enflame Emotions. The boaab radiates a hyper-aggressive
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 empathic stimulus, enraging a target creature within 30 feet.
The target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or
Languages Boa’a, Common, Sabaari, telepathy 30 ft.
immediately make a melee attack against the nearest creature
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 with advantage on the attack roll. All attack rolls against the
target also have advantage until the end of the target’s next turn.
Exploit Distraction. If the boabb deals damage with a weapon Viper’s Insight. The boaab reaches out with its mind to
attack, it deals an additional 7 (2d6) psychic damage. distract a creature within 20 feet with an Intelligence of 3
or higher. The target creature must succeed on a DC 13
Charisma saving throw or the boaab gains advantage on its
next attack roll against the target.

Bucentaur Tribal bucentauri are gruff and taciturn in everyday
interactions but boisterous in their celebrations. They look
The native dwellers of the steppes of the Westerlands, down on the “tamed”—their nickname for bucentauri that
bucentauri are a proud, brave people with a simple approach accept Allarian rule—but respect anyone that lives and
to life—enjoy it while it lasts and defend yours from lets live. Their Mahesh, or ruler, is Menkaar, a mighty and
outsiders. With the heads and lower bodies of oxen and revered warlord that currently maintains an uneasy truce
the torsos of humanoids, bucentauri are tremendous melee with the Allarian Dragon Queen, Qan Elyse, but allows his
fighters and even better archers, capable of mobile feats with people to raid settlements and caravans that dare test the
bows that astound their allies and terrify their enemies. borders of his lands.
Most bucentauri live free in the steppes, but a few
have sworn fealty to the Dragon Kingdom of Allaria,
trading their life as roaming raiders for one of honor and
discipline in service.

Bucentauri Bladesworn
Perhaps the most savage force in the Allarian
military, bucentauri of the bladepath
use massive swords or axes to
charge heedlessly into battle.
Their fierceness is such that all
other units are instructed to stay
clear of them.

Bucentauri Bowsworn
Serving in the Allarian armies, bowsworn archers are trained
to use massive greatbows, larger than what a human could
ever fire on horseback. Bucentauri of the bowpath can rely
on their four-legged stability to make impressive shots, even
when at a tactical disadvantage.

Bucentauri Raider
While some Bucentauri have accepted Allarian
influence, most tribes maintain independence
from the Dragon Kingdom and violently
defend their territory from Allarian
presence, particularly beyond the Great
Gold River to the Northwest.


Bucentauri Bladesworn attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC
14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target
Large Beastfolk (K’aab) is knocked prone, the bladesworn can make one Greataxe
attack against it as a bonus action.
Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
Multiattack. The bladesworn makes two Gore or Greataxe
Speed 40 ft. attacks in any combination.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.
Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +2 BONUS ACTIONS
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +2
Launch. If the bucentaur hits with its Gore attack, it can make
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 a second Gore attack. On a hit, this second attack does no
Languages Allai, Buka, Common damage, but the target is instead thrown 10 feet in a random
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 direction and must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw
or land prone.
Sweeping Charge. If the bladeworn moves at least 20 feet
straight toward a creature and then hits it with a Greataxe

Bucentauri Bowsworn Bowsworn Archer. The bucentaur cannot suffer

disadvantage on ranged weapon attacks with its greatbow
due to range.
Large Beastfolk (K’aab)
Laminate Hornbow. The bucentaur can add its strength
Armor Class 17 (splint) bonus to ranged attack and damage rolls with its greatbow.
Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)
Speed 40 ft.
Multiattack. The bucentaur makes two Gore or two
Greatbow attacks in any combination.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Greatbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +4 200/800 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Allai, Buka, Common Launch. If the bucentaur hits with its Gore attack, it can make
a second Gore attack. On a hit, this second attack does no
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
damage, but the target is instead thrown 10 feet in a random
direction and must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
or land prone.

Bucentauri Raider ACTIONS

Multiattack. The bucentaur makes two Gore or Longsword
Large Beastfolk (K’aab) attacks in any combination.
Armor Class 12 (hide) Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
Speed 40 ft. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.


18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) Launch. If the bucentaur hits with its Gore attack, it can
make a second Gore attack. On a hit, this second attack
does no damage, but the target is instead thrown 10
Saving Throws Str +6, Wis +5 feet in a random direction and must succeed on a DC 14
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5, Stealth +2 Dexterity saving throw or land prone.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Buka, Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Buunkun Buunkun Mahuíl
Buunkun, or birdfolk, are an ancestral and wise people who Medium Beastfolk (Saurian, K’aab)
developed their first civilization long before humans did.
Once allied with the ambitious boaab, the buunkun split Armor Class 11
from them to focus on their isolated, orderly society, until Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
humans convinced them to form an alliance, which led to the Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.
founding of the Nahuac Coalition.
Bright and Varied. The buunkun people are divided into STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
numerous smaller subgroups, which have distinctly different 10 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)
appearances depending on their place of origin: from the
valiant raptorfolk of the high peaks to the stunning crestfolk Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +4
of the low slopes and from the loyal plumefolk of the misty Skills Medicine +5, Nature +3, Perception +5, Survival +5
forests to the stunning rainbowfolk of the tall trees. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Buun, Common, Náhuinn
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Buunkun Mahuílid
Many buunkun, like most citizens of Nahuac, have the status of
a mahuíl, expected to tend fields, build homes, and repair towns ACTIONS
in exchange for rations. While not always trained in fighting, all Multiattack. The buunkun makes two Bite or two Dart
buunkun know how to defend themselves and each other.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
Buunkun Kaabweavers Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
Often masters of the art of makaab weaving, many buunkun are
able to turn nature itself against an enemy or strengthen the tána
spirit of an ally. Kaabweavers use their sacred pattern magic to
control, shape, and even build with natural elements.
Buunkun Kaabweaver
Medium Beastfolk (Saurian, K’aab)

Armor Class 13 (leather armor)

Hit Points 110 (20d8 + 20)
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +5

Skills Insight +5, Medicine +5, Nature +3, Perception +5,
Survival +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Buun, Náhuinn
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. The buunkun makes two Bite, Staff, or Dart
attacks in any combination. It can replace one attack with a
use of Spellcasting.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage.
Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The buunkun casts one of the following spells,
using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
At will: cure wounds, fog cloud, thunderwave
2/day: call lightning, heat metal, moonbeam, wind wall
1/day: ice storm
Static Spark (Recharge 5–6). The buunkun harnesses the
ambient electrical charge in the area, shooting off sparks
to stun its enemies. Each creature within 30 feet of the
buunkun must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On
a failure, the creature takes 7 (3d4) lightning damage and
is stunned until the end of their next turn, taking half as
much damage and avoiding being stunned on a success.

Cihuen Spirit Cihuen Spirit

Cihuen spirits are the lingering echoes of an individual who
Medium Undead (Vaala Spirit, Fai)
sacrificed themselves for their children, friends, or their allies.
Their powerful sacrifice made them return to life as Fai entities, Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
blessed (or cursed) with a sort of immortality. They tend to Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40)
linger near the location where they died, but some have been Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
seen miles away, called by some purpose only they understand.
Echos of Life. A cihuen spirit looks like they did in life, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
except for being deathly gaunt, wearing a flowing tunic, and 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
having white pupils. They may still carry ghostly versions of
the things they used in life, if they had a particularly strong Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5, Cha +6
emotional connection to the item: A warrior may carry their Skills Perception +5
sword passed down for generations; a mother may still wear her Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
locket depicting her children; or a bard may have the lute she bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
spent years strumming. Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Renewed Purpose. All cihuen spirits manifest because of Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
the strength of their sacrifice and their emotional ties to those paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
they died for, but they do not seem to have a unified reason Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
for returning. Many cihuen spirits appear to dying mortals, Languages Common, Náhuinn
to guide them into the Source and let their souls fade away Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
peacefully. Others are vengeful, seeking harm on those they
blame for their deaths. Some seem confused and lost, as if they Incorporeal Movement. The cihuen spirit can move
through other creatures and objects as if they were
themselves don’t even understand the reason they remain. difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its
turn inside an object.
Magical Attacks. The cihuen spirit’s weapon attacks
are magical.

Multiattack. The cihuen spirit makes two Ghostly
Weapon attacks.
Ghostly Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7
(2d6) necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened
of the cihuen spirit until the end of its next turn.
Weeping Scream. The cihuen spirit emits a piercing wail.
Each creature frightened of the cihuen spirit within 20 ft.
of it must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or
take 7 (2d6) force damage plus 7 (2d6) psychic damage.

Hunter’s Mark (Recharge 4–6). The cihuen spirit casts
hunter’s mark against a creature within 90 ft. of it.

Smite Essence. Once per turn, when
the cihuen hits with a Ghostly
Weapon attack, the attack deals
an additional 7 (2d6) psychic

Dragons Dragon Age Categories
Dragons are immense, nearly immortal beings of reptilian STAGE SIZE AGE RANGE
appearance, with extraordinary strength, cunning, and Hatchling Tiny/Small Less than a year
pride. They can grow to incredible size and age and possess Wyrmling Medium 1–5 years
formidable breath weapons, physical attacks, and even
potent magic. Divided into familial broods, dragons are Young Large 6–100 years
some of the most powerful creatures in Valerna, able to Adult Huge 101–800 years
wreak unrivaled death and destruction. Ancient Gargantuan 800 years or more
Dragons predate nearly every other being in the
cosmos, apart from the Protogons, and their mighty,
monstrous forms still reflect the power of the ancient
days. They require huge amounts of Vaala, the magical Kadmic Runes and Spells
essence that channels life, in order to grow in size and Though the draconic broods of Drakha have been severed
maintain their magic. However, dragons were exiled to from a natural connection to Vaala by their banishment,
the Red Moon of Drakha in the first ages of the world, the dragons make use of spells through their use of Kadmic
and this sundering cut them off from Vaala itself. To feed runes, or dragon runes, as they are more commonly called.
their ravenous appetites for Vaala, dragons sporadically These symbols are complicated glyphs, drawn on objects
raid Rhaava, the mortal world, to feed on the magic or even in the air itself, that allow the dragons to channel
inherent to its inhabitants and imbued in objects there. magical power. Some runes allow dragons to cast spells, and
The dragons that cross the portals between worlds stage others grant them magical abilities.
frightful raids on the lands of Rhaava, especially the As an option, the GM can give any of the dragons
continent of Valerna, returning to Drakha with their presented below a number of Kadmic runes, either to
spoils of magic and captives. cast spells or grant abilities, without adjusting the CR of
Given time and enough access to Vaala, the dragons of the dragon. The number of runes a dragon can have is
Rhaava grow at a consistent rate. However, some dragons indicated in the Dragon Runes and Spell Level table.
may be stunted in their growth and power despite their Kadmic Spell Runes. A dragon utilizing runes to cast
age, due to a lack of Vaala, while others may far surpass spells can use its Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (its
their peers if they can secure an ample supply. Below is choice) as its spellcasting ability, and it calculates its spell
the common growth rate for dragons in Valerna and on attack rolls and saving throws in the standard manner.
the Red Moon.
Spell save DC = 8 + its proficiency bonus + its
spellcasting modifier
Spell attack modifier = its proficiency bonus + its
spellcasting modifier


Each dragon innately knows all of the spells from the

Wizard and Cleric spell lists. When a dragon finishes a
long rest, it prepares a number of spells from either list
equal to its proficiency bonus. The spells must be of a
level the dragon has the ability to cast. See the Dragon
Runes and Spell Level table below.
When a dragon uses a rune to cast a spell, it expends
the rune as if it was a spell slot. Each rune can be used to
cast any of the dragon’s prepared spells. Dragons recover
all expended runes when they finish a long rest.
Nearly all dragons can use runes to cast spells, though
the number of runes they know and the maximum level
of the spell they can cast are determined by their age
category, as shown in the table below. Spells cast using
these runes ignore any required material components.

Dragon Runes and Spell Level

Hatchling Can’t learn Can’t learn
Kadmic runes Kadmic runes
Wyrmling 2 1

Young 3 3
Adult 4 5
Ancient 5 7

When adding runes and spells to a dragon stat block,

the following entry can be added to its Actions section:
Runic Spellcasting. The dragon uses a Kadmic
rune to cast one of the following spells, requiring no
material components and using Intelligence, Wisdom,
or Charisma (dragon’s choice) as the spellcasting ability.

Coatl Dragon
Deep in Drakha’s only jungle, the feathered dragons
carry out their inscrutable experiments and collect
astonishing objects and diverse life-forms in their
obsessive pursuit of knowledge.

Feral and Curious. Coatl dragons are difficult to

understand by mortal standards. On one hand, they strive
for wisdom and understanding, and on the other, they
can enter into a frenzy over mundane things like minor
territorial disputes or claiming prey. In the beginning, Coatl
dragons were violent, but this all changed when Kuxcoatl the mightiest brood on Drakha. Coatl dragons spend most
came to power, after defeating the former azhurma, and of their time in their laboratories, doing fieldwork when
taught his brood the ways of magic and knowledge. there is something interesting to discover. The day-to-
Bookwyrms. Deep in the Arcanum Wilds, the day logistics of their laboratories falls to their dragonkin,
feathered dragons research ceaselessly, trying to expand who share their masters’ curiosity, serving as assistants
their already vast knowledge—for with knowledge comes that organize specimens and make sure that everything is
power. Those dragons with the largest libraries and access prepared for their dragon.
to the most magic hold the most power in the brood. Each A Society of Loners. Kuxcoatl reigns at the top of the
Coatl dragon hoards their knowledge and power, which is brood, followed by his greatest spellcasters. Coatl dragons
both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. If rarely hold council, preferring to communicate via their
they pooled their resources, Coatl dragons could become messengers or magical runes, but they do call an assembly
for matters of great importance.

Coatl Hatchling Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all

saving throws against spells and other magical effects and is
Tiny Dragon immune to the maze spell.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 14 (4d4 + 4) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 40 ft. Hit: 1 (1d4 -1) piercing damage.

Elemental Redirection (3/Day). If the dragon succeeds
9 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) on a saving throw against a spell or effect that deals acid,
cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can divert some
Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +2 of the energy. The damage the dragon takes is reduced by
7 (1d10 + 2). The dragon then immediately makes a ranged
Skills Arcana +4, Perception +3, Stealth +3
spell attack against one target it can see within 15 feet. The
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 modifier for this attack roll is +4. On a hit, the target takes
Languages Common, Draconic damage of the same type equal to the amount of damage
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 the dragon reduced.


Coatl Dragon Wyrmling ACTIONS

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Medium Dragon Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses the
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) following breath weapon:
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 15-foot cone. Each
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. creature in the area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA half as much damage on a successful one.
Spellcasting. The dragon casts one of the following spells,
10 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) requiring no material components and using Intelligence as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):
Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +3 1/day: color spray
Skills Arcana +4, History +4, Perception +3, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities fire REACTION
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Elemental Redirection (3/Day). If the dragon succeeds on a
Languages Common, Draconic saving throw against a spell or effect that deals acid, cold,
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can divert some of
the energy. The damage the dragon takes is reduced by 13
(2d10 + 2). The dragon then immediately makes a ranged
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all spell attack against one target it can see within 15 feet. The
saving throws against spells and other magical effects and is modifier for this attack roll is +4. On a hit, the target takes
immune to the maze spell. damage of the same type equal to the amount of damage
the dragon reduced.

Young Coatl Dragon Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Large Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons:
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 30-foot cone. Each
Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39) creature in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Blue Flame Sphere. The dragon breathes a sphere of
cerulean flames around itself in a 15-foot radius. Each
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 36 (8d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +6, Int +6, Wis +3, Cha +5 as much damage on a successful one.
Skills Arcana +6, History +6, Perception +6, Stealth +4 Spellcasting. The dragon casts one of the following spells,
Damage Immunities fire requiring no material components and using Intelligence as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Perception 16 At will: prestidigitation
Languages Common, Draconic 1/day each: color spray, counterspell, hold person, silent image
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Elemental Redirection (3/Day). If the dragon succeeds on a
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving
saving throw against a spell or effect that deals acid, cold,
throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune
fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can divert some of
to the maze spell.
the energy. The damage the dragon takes is reduced by 19
(3d10 + 3). The dragon then immediately makes a ranged
ACTIONS spell attack against one target it can see within 15 feet. The
Multiattack. The dragon makes one Bite attack and two modifier for this attack roll is +5. On a hit, the target takes
Claw attacks. damage of the same type equal to the amount of damage
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. the dragon reduced.
Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage.

Adult Coatl Dragon Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
Huge Dragon throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
Blue Flame Sphere. The dragon breathes a sphere of
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) cerulean flames around itself in a 30-foot radius. Each
Hit Points 172 (15d12 + 75) creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. throw, taking 36 (8d8) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lance of Disruption. The dragon breathes a magic beam in
a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that
20 (+5) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) area must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, taking
32 (5d12) force damage on a failed save, or half as much
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +10, Int +10, Wis +7, Cha +8 damage on a successful one. Each spell of 3rd level or
lower ends on creatures and objects of the dragon’s
Skills Arcana +10, History +10, Perception +12, Stealth +6
choice in the target area.
Damage Immunities fire
Spellcasting. The dragon casts one of the following spells,
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
requiring no material components and using Intelligence as the
Perception 22
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18):
Languages Common, Draconic
At will: prestidigitation
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
1/day each: color spray, counterspell, dispel magic, hold
person, major image, silent image, slow
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving
throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune
to the maze spell. REACTION
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving Elemental Redirection (3/Day). If the dragon succeeds on a
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. saving throw against a spell or effect that deals acid, cold,
fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can divert some of the
energy. The damage the dragon takes is reduced by 27
ACTIONS (4d10 + 5). The dragon then immediately makes a ranged
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Mystifying Presence. It then spell attack against one target it can see within 15 feet. The
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. It can replace modifier for this attack roll is +10. On a hit, the target takes
one attack with a Tail Lasso attack. damage of the same type equal to the amount of damage
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. the dragon reduced.
Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one LEGENDARY ACTIONS
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Tail Lasso. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
is grappled (escape DC 17). The dragon can only grapple one dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Large or smaller creature at a time. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail Lasso attack.
Mystifying Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature in a 10-foot
that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must radius around the dragon must succeed on a DC 18
succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become Strength saving throw or take 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning
charmed for 1 minute. While charmed by this action, a damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly
creature also has a speed of 0. A creature can repeat the up to half its flying speed.
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the Arcana (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon either uses its
effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is Spellcasting action or it chooses one Small or smaller object
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to that isn’t being worn or carried that it can see within 60
the dragon’s Mystifying Presence for the next 24 hours. feet of it. It magically hurls the selected object at a creature
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of it can see within 60 feet of the object. The target must
the following breath weapons: succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 24 (7d6)
bludgeoning damage.


Ancient Coatl Dragon Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 90-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving
Gargantuan Dragon throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Blue Flame Sphere. The dragon breathes a sphere of
Hit Points 313 (19d20 + 114) cerulean flames around itself in a 60-foot radius. Each
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. creature in that area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 45 (10d8) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lance of Disruption. The dragon breathes a magic beam in
24 (+7) 13 (+1) 23 (+6) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) a 60-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that
area must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw, taking
45 (7d12) force damage on a failed save, or half as much
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +13, Int +14, Wis +11, Cha +11 damage on a successful one. Every spell of 3rd level or
Skills Arcana +14, History +14, Perception +18, Stealth +8 lower ends on creatures and objects of the dragon’s
Damage Immunities fire choice in that area.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Spellcasting. The dragon casts one of the following spells,
Perception 28 requiring no material components and using Intelligence as the
Languages Common, Draconic spellcasting ability (spell save DC 22):
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 At will: prestidigitation
1/day each: color spray, counterspell, dispel magic, greater
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, hold person, major
throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune image, resilient sphere, silent image, slow
to the maze spell.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving REACTION
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Elemental Redirection (3/Day). If the dragon succeeds on a
saving throw against a spell or effect that deals acid, cold,
ACTIONS fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can divert some of the
energy. The damage the dragon takes is reduced by 34
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Mystifying Presence. It then
(5d10 + 7). The dragon then immediately makes a ranged
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. It can replace
spell attack against one target it can see within 15 feet. The
one attack with a Tail Lasso attack.
modifier for this attack roll is +14. On a hit, the target takes
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. damage of the same type equal to the amount of damage
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage. the dragon reduced.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage. LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Tail Lasso. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage, and the target options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
is grappled (escape DC 22). The dragon can only grapple one at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Large or smaller creature at a time. dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Mystifying Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail Lasso attack.
that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature in a 15-foot
succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed radius around the dragon must succeed on a DC 22
for 1 minute. While charmed by this action, a creature also Strength saving throw or take 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning
has a speed of 0. A creature can repeat the saving throw at damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a up to half its flying speed.
success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect
ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Mystifying Arcana (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon either uses its
Presence for the next 24 hours. Spellcasting action or it chooses one Medium or smaller
object that isn’t being worn or carried that it can see
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of the within 60 feet of it. It magically hurls the selected object
following breath weapons: at a creature it can see within 60 feet of the object. The
target must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or
take 31 (9d6) bludgeoning damage.

Ehrlya Dragon
Ehrlya dragons are pragmatic, hardworking, and
focused. Though they value treasure, like many
dragons, they don’t hoard or covet—they make and
refine. Ehrlya dragons can be obsessive about their
work, often ignoring other concerns and disdaining
frivolities such as vanity, morality, or compassion.

Focused Artisans. Ehrlya dragons rarely leave their stuffy, no doubt as a result of their link to their volcanic
lairs, intensely focused on crafting and guarding their lairs. Despite their focus on craft, they are fearsome
creations. They appreciate gifts and loot but only as long as opponents. Their bodies are the toughest and most resilient
they can try to recreate or surpass its quality. Each Ehrlya of dragonkind, as many of them have enhanced themselves
dragon has their own forge, where they spend their life in their own forges, and they balk at no threat. Besides
on their smithing projects. It’s not uncommon for two or their dragonkin helpers and cargo haulers, the Ehrlya
more Ehrlya to work together on one big project, under employ metallic creatures of all sizes and designs, animated
the supervision of their masters. For the Ehrlya, skill is the by magic to obey the dragons’ commands. These constructs
most highly regarded virtue. Whoever crafts the best work are mindless but utterly reliable, performing their assigned
is lauded, respected, and given younger dragons to teach. duties with a machine’s precision and follow-through.
Bronzeforged. The scales of Ehrlya dragons are bronze Dehrilya’s Elite. Brood Ehrlya is the smallest, but its
or copper, and the air around them always feels hot and members are a formidable force, which all other dragons
acknowledge and respect.

Ehrlya Hatchling saving throws against spells and other magical effects and
is immune to the maze spell.
Small Dragon Truefire. Fire damage dealt by the dragon’s attacks and
abilities ignore fire resistance and treat fire immunity as fire
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) resistance.
Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 40 ft. ACTIONS
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Flash Heat (3/Day). The dragon chooses a manufactured
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) metal object, such as a metal weapon or metal armor, that
it can see within 15 feet. The object momentarily becomes
Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +3, Wis +2, Cha +1 glowing hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object
Skills Perception +4, Persuasion +1, Nature +1, Stealth +2 takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. Moreover, until the start of the
dragon’s next turn, the following are true:
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 14 If the item is a weapon, its wielder has disadvantage on
Languages Common, Draconic attack rolls made with it.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 If the item is armor or otherwise worn, the wielder’s speed
is reduced by 10 feet.
If the object is a tool, a creature using it has disadvantage
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all
on ability checks made with it.


Ehrlya Wyrmling ACTIONS

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Medium Dragon Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses the
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) following breath weapon:
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 15-foot cone. Each
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. creature in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA as much damage on a successful one.
Flash Heat (3/Day). The dragon chooses a manufactured
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) metal object, such as a metal weapon or metal armor, that
it can see within 30 feet. The object momentarily becomes
Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +1 glowing hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object
Skills Perception +4, Persuasion +1, Nature +2, Stealth +2 takes 16 (3d10) fire damage. Moreover, until the start of the
Damage Immunities fire dragon’s next turn, the following are true:
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 14 If the item is a weapon, its wielder has disadvantage on
Languages Common, Draconic attack rolls made with it.
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 If the item is armor or otherwise worn, the wielder’s speed
is reduced by 10 feet.
If the object is a tool, a creature using it has disadvantage
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving
on ability checks made with it.
throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune
to the maze spell.
Truefire. Fire damage dealt by the dragon’s attacks and
abilities ignore fire resistance and treat fire immunity as fire

Young Ehrlya Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons:
Large Dragon Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 30-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60) as much damage on a successful one.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Magma Spit. The dragon spits three small orbs of magma and
pyroclastic material at different points up to 30 feet away,
which erupt into explosions of fire. Each creature within 10
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA feet of these points must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 13 (3d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12(+1) 11 (+0)
as much damage on a successful one. A creature in the
area of more than one explosion is affected only once.
Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +3 Flash Heat (3/Day). The dragon chooses two manufactured
Skills Perception +7, Persuasion +3, Nature +4, Stealth +3 metal objects, such as a metal weapon or metal armor,
Damage Immunities fire that it can see within 60 feet. Each object must either be
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive unattended or in the possession of a different creature. The
Perception 17 objects momentarily become glowing hot. Any creature in
Languages Common, Draconic physical contact with the object takes 16 (3d10) fire damage.
Moreover, until the start of the dragon’s next turn, the
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
following are true:
If the item is a weapon, its wielder has disadvantage on
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving attack rolls made with it
throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune
If the item is armor or otherwise worn, the wielder’s speed
to the maze spell.
is reduced by 10 feet
Truefire. Fire damage dealt by the dragon’s attacks and
If the object is a tool, a creature using it has disadvantage
abilities ignore fire resistance and treat fire immunity as fire
on ability checks made with it.

Reactive Scales. When the dragon is hit by an attack, the
Multiattack. The dragon makes one Bite attack and two
dragon temporarily coats its scales with metal. Until the
Claw attacks.
start of its next turn, it has a +3 bonus to its AC, including
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. against the triggering attack.
Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Adult Ehrlya Dragon Magma Spit. The dragon spits three small orbs of magma
and pyroclastic material at different points up to 60
Huge Dragon feet away, which erupt into explosions of fire. Each
creature within 10 feet of these points must make a DC
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) fire damage
Hit Points 212 (17d12 + 102) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. A creature in the area of more than one explosion is
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. affected only once.
Ash Cloud. The dragon exhales a 30-foot sphere of choking,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA obscuring ash centered on itself. Each creature in that
24 (+7) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking
49 (9d10) poison damage, or half as much damage on
as successful one. The area is heavily obscured until the
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +6 start of the dragon’s next turn. The dragon is immune to
Skills Perception +12, Persuasion +6, Nature +7, Stealth +5 the damage from this action and can see through the ash
Damage Immunities fire without obstruction.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception Flash Heat (3/Day). The dragon chooses three
22 manufactured metal objects, such as a metal weapon or
Languages Common, Draconic metal armor, that it can see within 60 feet. Each object must
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 either be unattended or in the possession of a different
creature. The objects momentarily become glowing hot. Any
creature in physical contact with the object takes 22 (4d10)
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all
fire damage. Moreover, until the start of the dragon’s next
saving throws against spells and other magical effects and
turn, the following are true:
is immune to the maze spell.
If the item is a weapon, its wielder has disadvantage on
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving
attack rolls made with it
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
If the item is armor or otherwise worn, the wielder’s speed
Truefire. Fire damage dealt by the dragon’s attacks and
is reduced by 10 feet
abilities ignore fire resistance and treat fire immunity as fire
resistance. If the object is a tool, a creature using it has disadvantage
on ability checks made with it.
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence. It then
makes one Molten Bite attack and two Claw attacks. Reactive Scales. When the dragon is hit by an attack, the
dragon temporarily coats its scales with metal. Until the start
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
of its next turn, it has a +3 bonus to its AC, including against
target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
the triggering attack.
Molten Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage, and the LEGENDARY ACTIONS
target must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
saving throw, nonmagical metal armor worn by the target, The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
or a nonmagical metal shield held by the target, takes a the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of
AC bonus is destroyed. its turn.
Spiked Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Spiked Tail attack.
one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 3 Pull Metal. The dragon yanks upon the magnetic nature of
(1d6) slashing damage. a Small or larger suit of metal armor or a metal weapon.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice The creature wearing or wielding the metal armor or
that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must weapon must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw, or be
succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become pulled 10 feet toward the dragon. A creature holding a
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving metal weapon affected by this action can use its reaction
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on to drop the item. When it does so, the creature is not
itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful pulled, but the weapon is pulled across the ground into
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the the dragon’s square.
dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 10 ft.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of of the dragon must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving
the following breath weapons: throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be
knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
flying speed.
creature in the area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 52 (15d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.


Ancient Ehrlya Dragon Magma Spit. The dragon spits three small orbs of magma
and pyroclastic material at different points up to 90
Gargantuan Dragon feet away, which blossom into explosions of fire. Each
creature within 20 feet of these points must make a DC
23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) fire damage
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Hit Points 407 (22d20 + 176) one. A creature in the area of more than one explosion is
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. affected only once.
Ash Cloud. The dragon exhales a 30-foot sphere of choking,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA obscuring ash centered on itself. Each creature in that
area must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw,
27 (+8) 10 (+0) 26 (+8) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) taking 66 (12d10) poison damage, or half as much
damage on as successful one. The area is heavily
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +15, Wis +10, Cha +6 obscured until the start of the dragon’s next turn. The
Skills Perception +17, Persuasion +9, Nature +10, Stealth +7 dragon is immune to the damage from this action and
can see through the ash without obstruction.
Damage Immunities fire
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Flash Heat (3/Day). The dragon chooses three
Perception 27 manufactured metal objects, such as a metal weapon or
metal armor, that it can see within 60 feet. Each object must
Languages Common, Draconic either be unattended or in the possession of a different
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 creature. The objects momentarily become glowing hot. Any
creature in physical contact with the object takes 27 (5d10)
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving fire damage. Moreover, until the start of the dragon’s next
throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune turn, the following are true:
to the maze spell. If the item is a weapon, its wielder has disadvantage on
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving attack rolls made with it have disadvantage
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If the item is armor or otherwise worn, the wielder’s speed
Truefire. Fire damage dealt by the dragon’s attacks and is reduced by 10 feet
abilities ignore fire resistance and treat fire immunity as fire If the object is a tool, a creature using it has disadvantage
resistance. on ability checks made with it.

Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence and then Reactive Scales. When the dragon is hit by an attack, the
makes two Claw attacks and one Molten Bite attack. dragon temporarily coats its scales with metal. Until the start
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one of its next turn, it has a +3 bonus to its AC, including against
target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage. the triggering attack.
Molten Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 LEGENDARY ACTIONS
ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage, and the
target must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
saving throw, nonmagical metal armor worn by the target, the options below. Only one legendary action option can
or a nonmagical metal shield held by the target, takes a be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start
Armor reduced to an AC of 10, or a shield that drops to a +0 of its turn.
bonus is destroyed. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Spiked Tail attack.
Spiked Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., Pull Metal. The dragon yanks upon the magnetic nature of
one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) a Small or larger suit of metal armor or a metal weapon.
slashing damage. The creature wearing or wielding the metal armor or
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that weapon must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw
is within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must succeed or be pulled 10 feet toward the dragon. A creature
on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 holding a metal weapon affected by this action can
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of use its reaction to drop the item. When it does so, the
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If creature is not pulled, but the weapon is pulled across
a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for the ground into the dragon’s square.
it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 10 ft.
for the next 24 hours. of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be
the following breath weapons: knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 90-foot cone. flying speed.
Each creature in the area must make a DC 23 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 63 (18d6) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Exor Dragon
Antagonistic, cruel, and ravenous
masters of the desert, Exor dragons like nothing
more than the thrill of the hunt, relishing in the
defeat their prey feels as fear overpowers them.
Aggressive Recruitment. Exor dragons are
extremely combative, often leaping into a fight for
the sheer thrill of battle. Their constant hunting
always provides excellent practice.
As part of their aggressive territorial expansion,
Exor dragons will often enter the lands of another
brood, looking to stake their own claims, often
overwhelming the local brood.

If they deem any of the conquered dragons

worthy, they might offer them a chance to
become part of their hunting pack. They devour
the unworthy, inviting the potential recruits to
partake in the feast of their former broodmates. If
the new recruits can keep up, learn the ways of the
Exor, and survive the bloody trials ahead, they can become their worth in a lethal contest. Rawraxxa, the azhurma of the
full-fledged hunters in the pack. If not, they are abandoned brood, retains her title only on the basis that she has never
to fend for themselves—which often means becoming target been defeated.
practice for Exor dragons. Apex Predators. The Exor are scattered around the deserts
Training for the hunt, both for recruited dragons and of Drakha, hunting individually or at the head of their own
for those born among the Exor, is brutally taxing. Mentors packs. They prowl their hunting grounds, masters of the
are expected to show no mercy to their wards, and many do desert’s ways, and know how to find water even in the driest
not survive training. Not even a hatchling will be given any environments.
quarter if it shows any weakness or incompetence. Those few Exor that have reached old age are covered
When an Exor dragon becomes strong enough, it is with scars or are missing limbs, their continued survival
expected to challenge those older or stronger than it and prove proof enough of their strength and worth.

Exor Hatchling Languages Common, Draconic

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Small Dragon

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Ambush Hunter. When the dragon burrows at least 10 feet
straight toward a creature on the surface and then hits it
Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
with a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an
Speed 15 ft., burrow 15 ft., fly 40 ft. extra 3 (1d6) damage of the same type as the triggering
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all
saving throws against spells and other magical effects and
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)
is immune to the maze spell.

Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +3, Wis +2 ACTIONS

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3, Survival +2 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 20 ft., Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
passive Perception 14


Exor Wyrmling Ambush Hunter. When the dragon burrows at least 10 feet
straight toward a creature on the surface and then hits it with
Medium Dragon a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3
(1d6) damage of the same type as the triggering attack.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving
Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12) throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is immune to
the maze spell.
Speed 30 ft., burrow 15 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 60 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses the
following breath weapon:
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +3, Con +5, Wis +2
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +2 Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 15-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Damage Immunities fire
throw, taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 20 ft., as much damage on a successful one.
passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Young Exor Dragon ACTIONS

Multiattack. The dragon makes one Bite attack and two Claw
Large Dragon attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) target. Hit: 13 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.
Hit Points 136 (13d10 + 65)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 80 ft. target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons:
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 30-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +4, Con +8, Wis +4 throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival +4 half as much damage on a successful one.
Damage Immunities fire Sandblast. The dragon spits a swirling ball of tiny gravel
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., shards at a point it can see within 15 feet, where it
passive Perception 17 detonates in an explosion of flame and shrapnel. Each
Languages Common, Draconic creature in a 10-foot radius sphere centered on that point
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, a creature takes 18 (4d8) fire damage and 18 (4d8)
slashing damage and is blinded until the beginning of the
Ambush Hunter. When the dragon burrows at least 15 feet dragon’s next turn. On a successful save, the creature
straight toward a creature on the surface and then hits it with takes half as much damage and is not blinded.
a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7
(2d6) damage of the same type as the triggering attack. Any REACTION
creature within 5 ft. of the dragon when it reaches the surface
Sand Shroud. When the dragon is hit with an attack, it can
for this attack must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
beat its wings, creating an obscuring dust cloud in a 10-foot
throw or be pushed 5 feet away from the dragon in a straight
radius around itself. Until the start of its next turn, the area is
line and knocked prone.
heavily obscured to creatures other than the dragon. Wind
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving disperses the cloud.
throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is immune to
the maze spell.

Adult Exor Dragon creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
Huge Dragon the next 24 hours.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) the following breath weapons:
Hit Points 202 (15d12 + 105) Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 80 ft. creature in the area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 45 (13d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
Sandblast. The dragon spits a swirling ball of tiny gravel
23 (+6) 13 (+1) 24 (+7) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) shards at a point it can see within 30 feet, where it
detonates in an explosion of flame and shrapnel. Each
creature in a 15-foot radius sphere centered on that point
Saving Throws Str +11, Dex +6, Con +12, Wis +7
must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +12, Stealth +11, Survival +7 save, a creature takes 22 (5d8) fire damage and 22 (5d8)
Damage Immunities fire slashing damage and is blinded until the beginning of the
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 90 ft., dragon’s next turn. On a successful save, the creature
passive Perception 22 takes half as much damage and is not blinded.
Languages Common, Draconic Molten Breath. The dragon exhales molten glass in a 15-foot
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
39 (6d12) fire damage and is restrained in molten glass.
Ambush Hunter. When the dragon burrows at least 20 feet On a successful save, a creature takes half as much
straight toward a creature on the surface and then hits it with damage and is not restrained. At the beginning of each
a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra of its turns, a restrained creature takes 19 (3d12) fire
10 (3d6) damage of the same type as the triggering attack. damage. The restrained creature can repeat the saving
Any creature within 10 ft. of the dragon when it reaches the throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
surface for this attack must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity itself on a success, or another creature can use its action
saving throw or be pushed 5 feet away from the dragon in a to free the restrained creature.
straight line and knocked prone.
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving REACTION
throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is immune to Sand Shroud. When the dragon is hit with an attack, it can
the maze spell. beat its wings, creating an obscuring dust cloud in a 15-foot
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving radius around itself. Until the start of its next turn, the area is
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. heavily obscured to creatures other than the dragon. Wind
disperses the cloud.
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence. It then LEGENDARY ACTIONS
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage. at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) piercing damage and 7 (2d6) slashing Sense Hidden. The dragon can see invisible creatures and
damage. objects as if they were visible.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail attack.
Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 10 ft.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving
is within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must succeed throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of flying speed.
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a


Ancient Exor Dragon the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
the next 24 hours.
Gargantuan Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of the
following breath weapons:
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
Hit Points 370 (19d20 + 171) creature in the area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Speed 40 ft., burrow 60 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 80 ft. as much damage on a successful one.
Sandblast. The dragon spits a swirling ball of tiny gravel
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA shards at a point it can see within 60 feet, where it
detonates in an explosion of flame and shrapnel. Each
27 (+8) 13 (+1) 28 (+9) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)
creature in a 30-foot radius sphere centered on that point
must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
Saving Throws Str +15, Dex +8, Con +16, Wis +10 save, a creature takes 36 (8d8) fire damage and 36 (8d8)
Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +17, Stealth +15, Survival +10 slashing damage and is blinded until the beginning of the
Damage Immunities fire dragon’s next turn. On a successful save, the creature
takes half as much damage and is not blinded.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 90
ft., passive Perception 27 Molten Breath. The dragon exhales molten glass in a 30-
Languages Common, Draconic foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 45 (7d12) fire damage and is restrained in molten glass. On
a successful saving throw, a creature takes half as much
Ambush Hunter. When the dragon burrows at least 30 feet damage and is not restrained. At the beginning of each of
straight toward a creature on the surface and then hits it with its turns, a restrained creature takes 26 (4d12) fire damage.
a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra The restrained creature can repeat the saving throw at
14 (4d6) damage of the same type as the triggering attack. the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Any creature within 10 ft. of the dragon when it reaches the success, or another creature can use its action to free the
surface for this attack must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity restrained creature.
saving throw or be pushed 5 feet away from the dragon in a
straight line and knocked prone. REACTION
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all Sand Shroud. When the dragon is hit with an attack, it can
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is beat its wings, creating an obscuring dust cloud in a 30-foot
immune to the maze spell. radius around itself. Until the start of its next turn, the area is
heavily obscured to creatures other than the dragon. Wind
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving
disperses the cloud.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence. It then options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage. Sense Hidden. The dragon can see invisible creatures and
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one objects as if they were visible.
target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) piercing damage and 7 (2d6) slashing Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail attack.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 10 ft. of
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw
target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage. or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.
is within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must succeed
on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,

Fulgen Dragon
Fulgen dragons believe themselves to be superior to
other dragons, and their beauty and might support
their claim. They are stunning to observe with their
metallic scales glinting in the sky, and facing one of them
usually means certain death, even for other dragons.
Master Planners. Fulgen dragons have exceptional
foresight, as learned and inherited from their azhurma,
Aureus the Lawmaker. They spend most of their time
debating topics like law, magic, and rhetoric among
themselves and honing their fighting skills.

The Fulgen consider menial work and tending to their basic

needs to be lowly tasks, which they delegate to their dragonkin and strongest dragons occupying the highest positions of
followers and Rhaavan captives. Thus unencumbered with government in the Fulgen’s Golden City while Valernian
minutiae, they can focus on deeper matters. and dragonkin citizens carry out their duties in its outer
The most renowned Fulgen dragons occasionally take other ring. Fulgen dragons rule over a large number of dragonkin
dragons as disciples, to learn philosophy, politics, and strategy. and Valernian servants. It is intrinsic to their nature to
The Fulgen Academy’s majestic gardens are packed with view other beings as inferior; however, thanks to Aureus’s
disciples strolling with their tutor, building on their shared laws, they have learned to temper their primal desires with
knowledge for the future greatness of the brood. obedience, graciously suffering, and at times even tolerating,
Golden Society. Fulgen dragons boast the most the presence of lesser beings.
diverse and complex society in Drakha, with the wisest

Fulgen Hatchling Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all

saving throws against spells and other magical effects and is
Small Dragon immune to the maze spell.

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 15 ft., fly 40 ft. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.


Decree (Recharge 6). The dragon utters a command to a
12 (+1) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) creature within 30 ft of it that can hear it. The target must
succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone. If
Saving Throws Str +3, Con +3, Wis +2, Cha +4 the target falls prone, the dragon can fly up to half its flying
speed toward the target and make one Bite attack if the
Skills Insight +2, Perception +4, Persuasion +4, Stealth +1 target is in range.
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2


Fulgen Wyrmling ACTIONS

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Medium Dragon target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses the
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) following breath weapon:
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 15-foot cone.
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Each creature in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 14 (6d6) fire damage on a failed
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) BONUS ACTION

Decree (Recharge 6). The dragon utters a command to a
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +4 creature within 45 ft. of it that can hear it. The target must
Skills Insight +2, Perception +4, Persuasion +4, Stealth +2 succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone. If
Damage Immunity fire the target falls prone, the dragon can fly up to half its flying
speed toward the target and make one Bite attack if the
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
target is in range.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving

throws against spells and other magical effects and is immune
to the maze spell.

Young Fulgen Dragon ACTIONS

Multiattack. The dragon makes one Bite attack and two
Large Dragon Claw attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Hit Points 171 (18d10 + 72) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons:
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 30-foot cone. Each
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 52 (15d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +8, Wis +5, Cha +8 half as much damage on a successful one.
Skills Insight +5, Perception +9, Persuasion +7, Stealth +4 Burning Aura. The dragon surrounds itself with spinning
Damage Immunity fire bands of burning magic in a 5-foot radius until the
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive beginning of its next turn. When a creature enters that
Perception 19 area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there,
the creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
Languages Common, Draconic On a failed save, the creature takes 13 (3d8) fire damage
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 and 13 (3d8) force damage. On a successful save, the
creature takes half as much damage.
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all
saving throws against spells and other magical effects and BONUS ACTION
is immune to the maze spell. Decree (Recharge 6). The dragon utters a command to a
creature within 30 ft. of it that can hear it. The target must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone. If
the target falls prone, the dragon can fly up to half its flying
speed toward the target and make one Bite attack if the
target is in range.

Adult Fulgen Dragon Burning Aura. The dragon surrounds itself with spinning
bands of burning magic in a 10-foot radius until the
Huge Dragon beginning of its next turn. When a creature enters that
area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there,
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) the creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw.
Hit Points 250 (20d12 + 120) On a failed save, the creature takes 31 (7d8) fire damage
and 31 (7d8) force damage. On a successful save, the
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
creature takes half as much damage.
Auric Lance. The dragon spews molten golden metal in a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that
24 (+7) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) line must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a
failed save, a creature takes 38 (7d10) fire damage and
is restrained. On a successful save, a creature takes half
Saving Throws Str +13, Con +12, Wis +8, Cha +10 as much damage and is not restrained. At the beginning
Skills Insight +8, Perception +14, Persuasion +10, Stealth +6 of each of its turns, a restrained creature takes 27 (5d10)
Damage Immunity fire fire damage from the molten metal. A restrained creature
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Perception 24 turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The molten
metal crumbles to dust after 1 minute.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Decree (Recharge 6). The dragon utters a command to a
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all creature within 60 ft of it that can hear it. The target must
saving throws against spells and other magical effects and succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone. If
is immune to the maze spell. the target falls prone, the dragon can fly up to half its flying
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving speed toward the target and make one Bite attack if the
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. target is in range.

Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence. Then it Deny Foe (3/Day). When a creature the dragon can see
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. attacks it, the dragon can teleport up to 60 feet to an
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one unoccupied space it can see. If the dragon is outside of the
target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage. attack’s range after teleporting, the attack misses.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage. LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become its turn.
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail attack.
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful Teleport. The dragon teleports up to 60 feet to an
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the unoccupied space it can see.
dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed
the following breath weapons: on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7)
bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. can then fly up to half its flying speed.
Each creature in the area must make a DC 20 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 63 (18d6) fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Ancient Fulgen Dragon Burning Aura. The dragon surrounds itself with spinning bands
of burning magic in a 15-foot radius until the beginning of
its next turn. When a creature enters that area for the first
Gargantuan Dragon
time on its turn or starts its turn there, the creature must
make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) creature takes 36 (8d8) fire damage and 36 (8d8) force
Hit Points 455 (26d20 + 182) damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. much damage.
Auric Lance. The dragon spews molten golden metal in a 60-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must
make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
28 (+9) 10 (+0) 26 (+7) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) creature takes 44 (8d10) fire damage and is restrained. On
a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage
Saving Throws Str +16, Con +14, Wis +10, Cha +12 and is not restrained. At the beginning of each of its turns,
a restrained creature takes 27 (5d10) fire damage from the
Skills Insight +10, Perception +17, Persuasion +12, Stealth +7
molten metal. A restrained creature can repeat the saving
Damage Immunity fire throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive itself on a success. The molten metal crumbles to dust after
Perception 27 1 minute.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 BONUS ACTION
Decree (Recharge 6). The dragon utters a command to a
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all creature within 90 feet of it that can hear it. The target must
saving throws against spells and other magical effects and is succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone. If
immune to the maze spell. the target falls prone, the dragon can fly up to half its flying
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving speed toward the target and make one Bite attack if the
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. target is in range.
Roaring Command (Recharge 6). The dragon roars an order
ACTIONS at a creature within 60 feet of it that can hear it. The target
must succeed on a DC 24 Intelligence saving throw or use
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence. Then it
its reaction to make a single melee or ranged weapon attack
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks.
against a target chosen at random from among the creatures
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one it can see within range of its attack. If there are no creatures
target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing damage. within range, the target instead uses its reaction to move up
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one to its speed away from the dragon.
target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20 ft., one REACTION
target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage. Deny Foe (3/Day). When a creature the dragon can see
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that attacks it, the dragon can teleport up to 60 feet to an
is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed unoccupied space it can see. If the dragon is outside of the
on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 attack’s range after teleporting, the attack misses.
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a LEGENDARY ACTIONS
creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the next 24 hours. the options below. Only one legendary action option can
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
the following breath weapons: turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the
start of its turn.
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving Tail Attack. The dragon makes a Tail attack.
throw, taking 70 (20d6) fire damage on a failed save, or Teleport. The dragon teleports up to 60 feet to an
half as much damage on a successful one. unoccupied space it can see.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.
Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed
on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 (2d6 + 9)
bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon
can then fly up to half its flying speed.

Magnifex Dragon
As elegant and vain as they are fierce and cruel, Magnifex dragons revelry, and violence, and no excess is frowned upon. The wisest
are the embodiment of beauty and self-importance. Obsessions of the brood have learned to remain sober during such events so
over their appearance and aesthetics run in their blood, and they that their senses remain unclouded when the fighting begins.
viciously lash out against anything they deem unsightly. Creatures wishing to parlay with a Magnifex would do well
A Beautiful Home. Magnifex dragons give great importance to bring tribute in the form of unusual or beautiful artwork.
to their lairs, choosing the most stunning landscapes of Drakha Some accounts suggest that the presence of noteworthy art itself
to settle in. Their territory of Paradis is vast and breathtaking, encouraged one dragon to spare the life of an artist or supplicant.
with lakes of mercury and rivers of bismuth running between However, as artistry is in the eye of the viewer, individual
crystalline peaks. There, the Magnifex surround themselves Magnifex have differing opinions on the virtues of a particular
with gorgeous wonder, with grand towers and sculptures as far piece, so getting a positive reaction from such tribute is still a
as the eye can see. A colossal fountain at the center of Paradis matter of chance and how well one knows that particular dragon.
looms over similar landmarks, not only because of its size, Given a choice, bards are usually consumed last by a Magnifex, or
elegance, and beauty but also because the Magnifex ritually even spared completely, for who better to spread the word of the
fill it with the blood of their fallen opponents and prey. The wyrm’s glory?
mixture of mercury and blood produces a color like no other, Eternally Competitive. Magnifex dragons are very
fascinating citizens and visitors alike. competitive, always striving to outdo each other with their
Natural Born Aesthetes. Magnifex dragons crave incredible outlandishness, exquisite taste, and coveted art collections.
experiences, no matter how lurid or shocking. Whatever fulfills Rivalry and scheming is encouraged rather than frowned upon.
a dragons’ needs for aesthetic catharsis is a work of art and, Not only is it an efficient way to weed out the competition, but
as such, deserves a place in that dragon’s lair. Each dragon’s it also ensures that only the greatest vision and most beautiful
collection is a matter of constant pride as well as turmoil, as collections remain to highlight the grandeur of Paradis. Fame and
they are fiercely competitive. Magnifex are not above stealing prestige are fleeting there, however, and no limits are observed
from or killing each other for a particular artifact. The brood’s when defending one’s social standing. A dragon can be the darling
parties are also renowned, as they have a legendary capacity for of society one day and nothing but a bloody carcass—displayed as
a work of art—the next.

Magnifex Hatchling Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +2, Wis +1, Cha +3
Skills Insight +1, Perception +3, Stealth +3
Small Dragon Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hit Points 14 (4d6)
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 40 ft. Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving
throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is immune to
the maze spell.
11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) ACTIONS
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.


Magnifex Wyrmling Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all

saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is
Medium Dragon immune to the maze spell.

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 28 (5d8 + 6) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 60 ft. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses the
following breath weapon:
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 15-foot cone. Each
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) creature in the area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +3, Wis +2, Cha +6 as much damage on a successful one.
Skills Insight +2, Perception +4, Performance +6, Persuasion +6,
Stealth +4
Damage Resistance fire Crystal Upthrust (3/Day). A 5-foot-diameter spike of gray
crystal erupts in a space of the dragon’s choice within 30 feet
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
of it. If the space is occupied by a creature, it must succeed
Perception 14
on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained until the
Languages Common, Draconic start of the dragon’s next turn. A creature that is Huge or
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 larger has advantage on this saving throw. The crystal is an
object with AC 12 and 10 hit points. It dissolves at the start of
the dragon’s next turn.

Young Magnifex Dragon poison damage and be poisoned. At the start of each of its
turns, a poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw, taking
Large Dragon 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or ending the effect
on a success.
Scintillating Scales (Recharge 6). The dragon’s scales shine
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) with an iridescent sheen, shimmering with colors. A number of
Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36) creatures of the dragon’s choice, up to its Proficiency bonus,
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 80 ft. within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
throw or be charmed until the beginning of the dragon’s
next turn. While charmed by this action, the creature is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA incapacitated and has a speed of 0. The effect ends for an
14 (+2) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) affected creature if it takes any damage or if someone else
uses an action to shake the creature out of its daze.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +6, Wis +4, Cha +8 Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons:
Skills Insight +4, Perception +7, Performance +8, Persuasion +8,
Stealth +7 Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 30-foot cone. Each
Damage Resistance fire creature in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Damage Immunity poison as much damage on a successful one.
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Perception 17 Crystal Spray. The dragon spews bismuth crystals in a 15-
foot cone that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the area of
Languages Common, Draconic effect must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 failed save, a creature takes 22 (4d10) slashing damage
and is poisoned for 1 minute. At the end of each of its
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all turns, a poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw,
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature
immune to the maze spell. already poisoned by the dragon’s Tail Stinger has
disadvantage on this saving throw.
Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its
Bite and two with its Claws. Crystal Upthrust (3/Day). Two 5-foot-diameter spikes of
gray crystal erupt in two spaces of the dragon’s choice within
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. 30 feet of it. If the space is occupied by a creature, it must
Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage. succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. until the start of the dragon’s next turn. A creature that is
Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage. Huge or larger has advantage on this saving throw. The
Tail Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., one crystal is an object with AC 12 and 10 hit points. It dissolves at
target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must the start of the dragon’s next turn.
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6)

Adult Magnifex Dragon Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
Huge Dragon throw, taking 35 (10d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Crystal Spray. The dragon spews bismuth crystals in a 30-foot
Hit Points 161 (14d12 + 70) cone. Each creature in the area of effect must make a DC
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
33 (6d10) slashing damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. At
the end of each of its turns, a poisoned creature can repeat
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. A
20 (+5) 23 (+6) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 22 (+7) creature already poisoned by the dragon’s Tail Stinger has
disadvantage on this saving throw.
Saving Throws Dex +11, Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +12 Crystal Cloud. The dragon exhales a ball of roiling bismuth
crystals at a point it can see within 60 feet of it. At the
Skills Insight +7, Perception +12, Performance +12, Persuasion
chosen point, the ball expands into a floating cloud of
+12, Stealth +11
sparkling shards with a 30-foot radius that lasts until the
Damage Resistance fire end of the dragon’s next turn.
Damage Immunity poison
When a creature enters the effect’s area for the first time
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC 18
Perception 22 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 31 (7d8)
Languages Common, Draconic poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 on a successful one. Creatures are affected even if they
hold their breath or don’t need to breathe.
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is also restrained. A creature restrained by this effect
immune to the maze spell. must make another Constitution saving throw at the
end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving this effect three times, the effect ends. If it fails its
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. saves three times, it is turned to crystal and subjected
to the petrified condition until the creature ends the
ACTIONS effect with three successful saves. The successes and
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence and then failures don’t need to be consecutive.
makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. If the creature is physically broken while petrified,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. it suffers from similar deformities if it reverts to its
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage. original state.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. BONUS ACTION
Tail Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one Crystal Upthrust (3/Day). Three 5-foot-diameter spikes of
target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) piercing damage, and the target must gray crystal erupt in a space of the dragon’s choice within
succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) 60 feet of it. If the space is occupied by a creature, it must
poison damage and be poisoned. At the start of each of its succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained
turns, a poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw, taking until the start of the dragon’s next turn. A creature that is
7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or ending the effect Huge or larger has advantage on this saving throw. The crystal
on a success. is an object with AC 12 and 10 hit points. It dissolves at the
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice start of the dragon’s next turn.
that is within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must
succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become LEGENDARY ACTIONS
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of
dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. its turn.
Scintillating Scales (Recharge 6). The dragon’s scales shine Claw. The dragon makes a Claw attack.
with an iridescent sheen, shimmering with colors. A number of
creatures of the dragon’s choice, up to its Proficiency bonus, Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 10 ft.
within 60 feet of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving of the dragon must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving
throw or be charmed until the beginning of the dragon’s throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be
next turn. While charmed by this action, the creature is knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its
incapacitated and has a speed of 0. The effect ends for an flying speed.
affected creature if it takes any damage, or if someone else Crystal Detonation (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon remotely
uses an action to shake the creature out of its daze. detonates one crystal created by its Crystal Upthrust
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of bonus action that it can see. Each creature within 10 feet
the following breath weapons: of the crystal must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw
or take 21 (6d6) slashing damage. The dragon regains hit
points equal to the damage taken.


Ancient Magnifex Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of the
following breath weapons:
Gargantuan Dragon Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 90-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) throw, taking 52 (15d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Hit Points 308 (18d20 + 119) as much damage on a successful one.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Crystal Spray. The dragon spews bismuth crystals in a 60-foot
cone. Each creature in the area of effect must make a DC
21 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 49 (9d10) slashing damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. At
22 (+6) 27 (+8) 23 (+7) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 28 (+9) the end of each of its turns, a poisoned creature can repeat
the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. A
creature already poisoned by the dragon’s Tail Stinger has
Saving Throws Dex +14, Con +8, Wis +9, Cha +15 disadvantage on this saving throw.
Skills Insight +9, Perception +15, Performance +15, Crystal Cloud. The dragon exhales a ball of roiling bismuth
Persuasion +15, Stealth +14 crystals at a point it can see within 60 feet of it. At the
Damage Resistance fire chosen point, the ball expands into a floating cloud of
Damage Immunity poison sparkling shards with a 60-foot radius that lasts until the
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive end of the dragon’s next turn.
Perception 25 When a creature enters the effect’s area for the first time
Languages Common, Draconic or starts its turn there, that creature must make a DC 21
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 54 (12d8)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. Creatures are affected even if they
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all hold their breath or don’t need to breathe.
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is
immune to the maze spell. If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is
are also restrained. A creature restrained by this effect
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving must make another Constitution saving throw at the
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against
this effect three times, the effect ends. If it fails its
ACTIONS saves three times, it is turned to crystal and subjected
Multiattack. The dragon uses its Frightful Presence and then to the petrified condition until the creature ends the
makes three attacks: one with its Bite attack and either two effect with three successful saves. The successes and
Claw attacks or one Tail Stinger attack. failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. both until the target collects three of a kind.
Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage. If the creature is physically broken while petrified,
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. it suffers from similar deformities if it reverts to its
Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage. original state.
Tail Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., BONUS ACTION
one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or take 14 Crystal Upthrust (3/Day). Five 5-foot-diameter spikes of
(4d6) poison damage and be poisoned. At the start of each gray crystal erupt in a space of the dragon’s choice within
of its turns, a poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw, 60 feet of it. If the space is occupied by a creature, it must
taking 14 (4d6) poison damage on a failed save, or ending the succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained
effect on a success. until the start of the dragon’s next turn. A creature that is
Huge or larger has advantage on this saving throw. The
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice crystal is an object with AC 12 and 10 hit points. It dissolves at
that is within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must the start of the dragon’s next turn.
succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving LEGENDARY ACTIONS
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Scintillating Scales (Recharge 6). The dragon’s scales dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
shine with an iridescent sheen, shimmering with colors. Claw. The dragon makes a Claw attack.
A number of creatures of the dragon’s choice, up to its Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 15 ft. of
Proficiency bonus, within 60 feet of it must succeed on the dragon must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw
a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked
beginning of the dragon’s next turn. While charmed by this prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.
action, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of
0. The effect ends for an affected creature if it takes any Crystal Detonation (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon remotely
damage, or if someone else uses an action to shake the detonates one crystal created by its Crystal Upthrust
creature out of its daze. bonus action that it can see. Each creature within 10 feet
of the crystal must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw
or take 54 (15d6) slashing damage. The dragon regains hit
points equal to the damage taken.

Nix Dragon
The brood created by Nixis the Veilbreaker are
undead dragons—the most unusual of dragonkind,
shunned because of their necrotic nature.
Undying. If dragons are patient because of their longevity,
Nix dragons have learned that time is of no consequence. They make plans that can
take centuries to unfold, for they do not fear the death that has already consumed
them. The Nix don’t grow; they can only grow in size or physical maturity by
absorbing Vaala, through the same necromancy that gives them unlife. Since Nix
dragons don’t need to eat, they only hunt and kill to expand the brood or to further
their necromantic research. They tend to venture outside their domain in the
Catacomb Reaches only to steal dragon eggs or for very specific errands or plots.

An Undead Plague. Nix dragons are not born but

created, brought back to life by an older Nix or stillborn
from corrupted, dead eggs. The Nix Lands in the Catacomb
Reaches are filled with nurseries—stashes of eggs stolen from
other broods—which are tested before being taken to a Nix
dragon that can imbue them with their dark power. This
necromantic power has altered the environment in the Catacomb
Reaches, causing the terrain itself to give birth to dead plants, broods disdain any so-called lesser beings, the Nix give
which continue growing and giving their rotten fruit as if they begrudging respect to those skilled in necromancy. The Nix
were alive. Nix dragons of great power can also create other Nix dragons display stalwart loyalty to their azhurma since she was
dragons, but some fail in their attempt, birthing Flawed Ones, the first to bring them to life, imbuing stolen eggs with her
undead dragons without intelligence or will who depend on their dark power and granting undeath to the embryos inside. And
creator to act or move. now, it is her will that gives all Nix dragons life and sentience.
Fellowship in Darkness. Dependent on each other’s However, she does not demand their obedience and rules
necromancy and shunned by other broods, Nix dragons have through respect rather than outright fear. Those choosing
developed closer ties as a community than other dragons, to shun her gift or her brood are free to leave the Catacomb
holding council regularly to discuss magic and how to grow Reaches to seek their own way.
their numbers and power. All Nix dragons have developed A Careful Path. Nix dragons freely enter into cooperative
a form of telepathy, which allows them to communicate by agreements with other broods or lesser species and will use
speaking directly into another being’s mind. Despite this proxies to venture forth on independent expeditions to carry
linking of minds, they still experience occasional conflict, out certain tasks. However, they carefully avoid attracting the
sometimes fighting over eggs or envying each other’s abilities, attention of other broods, especially the Fulgen, for Aureus is
but most of their wrath is saved for battling other dragons ever suspicious of the machinations Nixis is involved in and her
or facing dangers that threaten the brood. And where other dabbling in things best left alone.

Nix Hatchling Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving throws
against spells and spell-like abilities and is immune to the maze spell.
Small Undead Dragon Nix Runes. The dragon has special Nix runes embedded in its bones,
which animate its undead body and provide specific magical abilities
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) (indicated below). Nix runes can be suppressed with dispel magic (DC 19)
Hit Points 22 (4d6 + 8) or an antimagic field. If its runes are suppressed, the dragon no longer
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 40 ft. deals necrotic damage with its Draining Bite, it cannot use its Nix runes,
and it can’t increase its age category. Suppressed runes are restored
after a long rest.
Undead Nature. The dragon doesn’t require air, food, drink, or
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) sleep. It does need to consume Vaala to progress to the next age
Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Wis +0, Cha +0
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +2 ACTIONS
Damage Resistances necrotic Draining Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Damage Immunities poison Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage plus 2 (1d4) necrotic damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, poisoned BONUS ACTIONS
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic, telepathy 20 ft. Nix Rune: Life (3/Day). The dragon bolsters itself with necromantic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 energy, gaining 8 (2d4 + 4) temporary hit points for 1 hour.


Nix Wyrmling damage with its Draining Bite, it cannot use its Nix runes,
and it can’t increase its age category. Suppressed runes are
Medium Undead Dragon restored after a long rest.
Undead Nature. The dragon doesn’t require air, food, drink,
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) or sleep. It does need to consume Vaala to progress to the
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) next age category.
Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 60 ft.
Draining Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8)
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) necrotic damage.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses the
Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +5, Wis +1, Cha +1 following breath weapon:
Skills Arcana +2, Perception +3, Religion +2, Stealth +2 Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 15-foot cone. Each
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison creature in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
as much damage on a successful one.
paralyzed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Nix Rune: Limbwrack (3/Day). A ray of sickening dark
energy lances out from the dragon’s claws toward a
Languages Common, Draconic, telepathy 20 ft.
creature within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 13 (3d8) poison
damage and have its speed reduced to 0 until the end of its
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all next turn.
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is
immune to the maze spell. BONUS ACTIONS
Nix Runes. The dragon has special Nix runes embedded Nix Rune: Life (3/Day). The dragon bolsters itself with
in its bones, which animate its undead body and provide necromantic energy, gaining 13 (2d6 + 6) temporary hit
specific magical abilities (indicated below). Nix runes can be points for 1 hour.
suppressed with dispel magic (DC 19) or an antimagic field. If
its runes are suppressed, the dragon no longer deals necrotic

Young Nix Dragon Draining Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
Large Undead Dragon necrotic damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60) Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. the following breath weapons:
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 30-foot cone. Each
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 31 (9d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) as much damage on a successful one.
Necrotic Orb. The dragon spits a sphere of black flame at a
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +8, Wis +4, Cha +4 point it can see within 15 feet of it, which then detonates
Skills Arcana +5, Perception +8, Religion +5, Stealth +4 in an explosion of shadow and fire. Each creature in a
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison 15-foot radius centered on that point must make a DC
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) fire damage
paralyzed, poisoned and 16 (3d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception much damage on a successful one.
Languages Common, Draconic, telepathy 40 ft. Nix Rune: Limbwrack (3/Day). The dragon projects two rays
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 of sickening dark energy from its claws toward a creature,
or two different creatures, within 60 feet of it. Each target
must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 18
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all (4d8) poison damage per ray targeting it and have its speed
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
immune to the maze spell. Nix Rune: Undead Puppet (3/Day). The dragon animates
Nix Runes. The dragon has special Nix runes embedded up to four undead servants from corpses or piles of bones
in its bones, which animate its undead body and provide within 30 feet of it for 1 hour. The dragon decides whether
specific magical abilities (indicated below). Nix runes can be each undead creature is a ghoul or a specter. On each of
suppressed with dispel magic (DC 19) or an antimagic field. If the dragon’s turns, the undead servants obey the dragon’s
its runes are suppressed, the dragon no longer deals necrotic mental commands if they are within 60 feet of it and
damage with its Draining Bite, it cannot use its Nix runes, follow those orders until the task is complete. If the dragon
and it can’t increase its age category. Suppressed runes are issues no commands, the undead servants only protect
restored after a long rest. themselves against hostile creatures. After 1 hour, the
Undead Nature. The dragon doesn’t require air, food, drink, or undead servants crumble to dust. The dragon can have no
sleep. It does need to consume Vaala to progress to the next more than four undead servants active at a time.
age category.
ACTIONS Nix Rune: Life (3/Day). The dragon bolsters itself with necromantic
energy, gaining 21 (3d8 + 8) temporary hit points for 1 hour.
Multiattack. The dragon makes one Draining Bite and two
Claw attacks.

Adult Nix Dragon Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of
the following breath weapons:
Huge Undead Dragon Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 60-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) throw, taking 59 (17d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
Hit Points 243 (18d12 + 126) half as much damage on a successful one.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Necrotic Orb. The dragon spits a sphere of black flame at a
point it can see within 30 feet of it, which then detonates
in an explosion of shadow and fire. Each creature in a
30-foot radius centered on that point must make a DC 21
21 (+5) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) Dexterity saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) fire damage and
33 (6d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +13, Wis +7, Cha +7
Deathleech Cone. The dragon breathes necrotic fumes in a
Skills Arcana +8, Intimidation +13, Perception +13, Religion +8,
30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed
Stealth +6
on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or take 45 (10d8)
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison necrotic damage. For each creature that fails this save, the
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, dragon regains 10 (3d6) hit points.
paralyzed, poisoned
Nix Rune: Limbwrack (3/Day). The dragon projects three
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 90 ft., passive rays of sickening dark energy from its claws toward a
Perception 23 creature, or up to three different creatures, within 90 feet
Languages Common, Draconic, telepathy 60 ft. of it. Each target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 saving throw or take 18 (4d8) poison damage per ray
targeting it and have its speed reduced to 0 until the end of
its next turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Nix dragon fails a
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Nix Rune: Undead Puppet (3/Day). The dragon animates up
to 6 undead servants from corpses or piles of bones within 30
Nix Runes. The dragon has special Nix runes embedded feet of it for 1 hour. The dragon decides whether each undead
in its bones, which animate its undead body and provide creature is a ghoul or a specter. On each of the dragon’s turns,
specific magical abilities (indicated below). Nix runes can be the undead servants obey the dragon’s mental commands
suppressed with dispel magic (DC 19) or an antimagic field. If if they are within 60 feet of it and follow those orders until
its runes are suppressed, the dragon no longer deals necrotic the task is complete. If the dragon issues no commands, the
damage with its Draining Bite, it cannot use its Nix runes, undead servants only protect themselves against hostile
and it can’t increase its age category. Suppressed runes are creatures. After 1 hour, the undead servants crumble to dust.
restored after a long rest. The dragon can have no more than 6 undead servants active
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all at a time.
saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is
immune to the maze spell. BONUS ACTIONS
Undead Nature. The dragon doesn’t require air, food, drink, Nix Rune: Life (3/Day). The dragon bolsters itself with
or sleep. It does need to consume Vaala to progress to the necromantic energy, gaining 21 (2d10 + 10) temporary hit
next age category. points for 1 hour.

Multiattack. The Nix dragon uses its Frightful Presence. It Nix Rune: Absorption (3/Day). When the dragon takes acid,
then makes three attacks: one with its Draining Bite and two cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can gain immunity
with its Claws. It can replace one attack with a use of Fling. to the triggering damage type until the start of its next
Draining Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., turn. In addition, the first time the dragon hits with a melee
one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) weapon attack on its next turn, the target takes an extra 10
necrotic damage. (3d6) damage of the same type.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. The Nix dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage, and if the target is a Large the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 19). used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
The Nix dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start
Fling. A creature grappled by the dragon’s tail is thrown up
of its turn.
to 20 feet in a direction of the dragon’s choice and knocked
prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid surface or another Claw. The dragon makes a Claw attack.
creature, the thrown target takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning Wingslash (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon attacks with its
damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is wings. Each creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on a
thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (3d6 + 5) slashing
DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or also take the same damage damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up
and be knocked prone. to half its flying speed.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that Order Undead (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon gives an order
is within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must succeed and each undead creature under the dragon’s control
on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 within 120 feet of it uses its reaction to move up to half its
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of speed and make a melee attack against the nearest hostile
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature that it can see.
creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
the next 24 hours.


Ancient Nix Dragon Darkorb. The dragon spits two spheres of black flame at two
different points it can see within 60 feet of it. The spheres
blossom into 60-foot radius explosions of shadow and fire.
Gargantuan Undead Dragon
Each creature in those areas must make a DC 24 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) fire damage and 33 (6d10)
Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Hit Points 390 (20d20 + 180) on a successful one. A creature in the area of more than one
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. darkorb is affected only once.
Deathleech Cone. The dragon breathes necrotic fumes in a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a
DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take 45 (10d8) necrotic
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 28 (+9) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) damage. For each creature that fails this save, the dragon
regains 21 (6d6) hit points.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +16, Wis +9, Cha +9 Nix Rune: Death (3/Day). The dragon telepathically whispers
Skills Arcana +10, Intimidation +16, Perception +16, Religion +10, dark words of power into the mind of a creature within 90 feet
Stealth +7 of it. The target must make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw,
taking 65 (10d12) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
much damage on a successful one. If the save fails, each undead
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, creature within 60 feet of the target gains temporary hit points
paralyzed, poisoned equal to half the damage dealt to the target. A humanoid killed
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 26 by this action rises at the start of the dragon’s next turn as a
Languages Common, Draconic, telepathy 120 ft. zombie that is permanently under the dragon’s control, following
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 the dragon’s mental commands to the best of its ability.
Creatures shielded from telepathy are immune to this action.
Nix Rune: Limbwrack (3/Day). The dragon projects four rays of
Drakhan Resistance. The dragon has advantage on all saving
sickening dark energy from its claws toward a creature, or up to
throws against spells and spell-like abilities and is immune to
four different creatures, within 120 feet of it. Each target must
the maze spell.
succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take 18 (4d8)
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Nix dragon fails a saving poison damage per ray targeting it and have its speed reduced to
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. 0 until the end of its next turn.
Nix Runes. The dragon has special Nix runes embedded in its Nix Rune: Undead Puppet (3/Day). The dragon animates up to 8
bones, which animate its undead body and provide specific undead servants from corpses or piles of bones within 30 feet of
magical abilities (indicated below). Nix runes can be suppressed it for 1 hour. The dragon decides whether each undead creature
with dispel magic (DC 19) or an antimagic field. If its runes are is a ghoul or a specter. On each of the dragon’s turns, the undead
suppressed, the dragon no longer deals necrotic damage with servants obey the dragon’s mental commands if they are within
its Draining Bite, it cannot use its Nix runes, and it can’t increase 60 feet of it and follow those orders until the task is complete.
its age category. Suppressed runes are restored after a long If the dragon issues no commands, the undead servants only
rest. protect themselves against hostile creatures. After 1 hour, the
Undead Nature. The dragon doesn’t require air, food, drink, or undead servants crumble to dust. The dragon can have no more
sleep. It does need to consume Vaala to progress to the next than 8 undead servants active at a time.
age category. Risen in Nix (1/Day). The dragon targets one Nix dragon that has
been reduced to 0 hit points that it can see within 60 ft. of it. The
ACTIONS target creature is restored to full hit points and its Nix runes are
Multiattack. The Nix dragon uses its Frightful Presence. It restored.
then makes three attacks: one with its Draining Bite and two
with its Claws. It can replace one attack with a Tail attack or a BONUS ACTIONS
use of Fling.
Nix Rune: Life (3/Day). The dragon bolsters itself with
Draining Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., necromantic energy, gaining 25 (2d12 + 12) temporary hit points
one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) for 1 hour.
necrotic damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. REACTIONS
Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Nix Rune: Absorption (3/Day). When the dragon takes acid,
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can gain immunity
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) piercing damage, and if the target is a Large to the triggering damage type until the start of its next turn.
or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 22). In addition, the first time the dragon hits with a melee weapon
Fling. A creature grappled by the dragon’s tail is thrown up to attack on its next turn, the target takes an extra 17 (5d6)
40 feet in a direction of the dragon’s choice and knocked prone. damage of the same type.
If a thrown target strikes a solid surface or another creature, the
thrown target takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10
feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, LEGENDARY ACTIONS
that creature must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw The Nix dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
or also take the same damage and be knocked prone. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Nix
within 120 ft. of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. Claw. The dragon makes a Claw attack.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s Wingslash (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon attacks with its wings.
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature Each creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on a DC 22
is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (3d6 + 7) slashing damage
hours. and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its
flying speed.
Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). The dragon uses one of the
following breath weapons: Order Undead (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon gives an order and
each undead creature under the dragon’s control within 120
Dragonfire. The dragon breathes fire in a 90-foot cone. Each feet of it uses its reaction to move up to half its speed and
creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving make a melee attack against the nearest hostile creature that
throw, taking 87 (25d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half it can see.
as much damage on a successful one.

Dream Imp Dream Imp
Tiny, winged humanoids with four arms and oversized
Tiny Feydh (Fai)
eyes, dream imps are beloved by the Fell Courts for their
boundless whimsy and creativity. Constantly singing, Armor Class 13
humming, or crafting wild tales, dream imps serve to keep Hit Points 10 (4d4)
the stories of the faari alive and well, both within the Fell Speed 25 ft., fly 30 ft.
Courts and in the mortal world.
Imaginary Friends. Dream imps travel through the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
dreams of children, manifesting as a friend or companion, 5 (-3) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 18 (+4)
particularly to those children who are lonely or have
particularly vivid imaginations. Often, it’s impossible for Skills Deception +6, Perception +1, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
adults to even see a dream imp if the imp wishes to remain from nonmagical attacks
undetected, and any report of the creature is written off as Senses darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 11 (21 when
a childish flight of fancy. relying on sight)
Changelings. As the dream imp builds a relationship Languages Common, Oneiric
with a child, together the two craft more and more Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
elaborate imaginings, guided by the imp, which feed the
Fell Courts. However, sometimes the imp gets a taste of Dream Crossing. Once a day, the dream imp can use a
bonus action to slip through the barrier between Rhaava
the mortal world, and as the bond between the imp and and the Dreamspace. Similarly, once a day, it can use
child deepens, the imp becomes more and more childlike, an action to open a passage, allowing creatures to pass
while the child becomes less and less tethered to their through from one to the other, for up to 1 minute.
own world. Eventually, the imp takes the child’s place and Fai Ancestry. The dream imp gains advantage on saving
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to
sends them to the Fell Courts. Never aging, the imp may sleep.
become unsatisfied with its mortal existence and return to Magic Evasion. Spell attack rolls made against the dream
the Fell Courts within short order; other times, it clings to imp have disadvantage.
its false existence for too long and is discovered. Magic Resistance. The dream imp has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The dream imp makes two Slap attacks
against a single target.
Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage and 1 psychic
Disconcerting Laughter. The dream imp emits a shrill
giggle. Each creature within 20 ft. of it that can hear
it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
become restrained until the end of its turn.
Fai Tongues. The dream imp casts tongues on itself,
requiring no material components.
Invisibility. The dream imp magically turns
invisible until it attacks or casts a spell,
or until its concentration ends (as if
concentrating on a spell). Any equipment
the dream imp wears or carries turns
invisible with it.

Fai Leap. The dream imp can teleport up
to 3 times in quick succession, moving no
more than a total of 30 feet. This can be
used in conjunction with its Slap attacks.


Ellari Dreamshaper Dreamshaper

The ellari, also known as the silver elves, are masters of
Medium Humanoid (Elf, Fai)
Fai magic, and none more so than the Dreamshapers.
With deep connections to the Dream aspect of Vaala, Armor Class 14 (leather armor)
Dreamshapers bring imagination into reality, crafting Hit Points 85 (19d8)
physical creations out of magic and inspiration. Speed 40 ft.
Dreamshapers work in many professions across Valerna,
including in academia, architecture, art, diplomacy, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
espionage, and the military. Teams of Dreamshapers will 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 17( +3) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)
work together, bringing entire buildings into existence
or manifesting great sheets of fire or ice to destroy an Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +6
encroaching army with but a thought. Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Perception +6
Dreamwalkers. Like their faari counterparts, ellari can Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
walk within dreams, allowing them to meet with other Languages Allai, Common, Ellari
individuals across Valerna, no matter the distance. Some use Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
this as a casual way to stay connected with their loved ones,
while others train as spies, slipping unseen into the dreams Magic Weapons. The ellari’s weapon attacks are magical.
of others to collect vital intelligence or information. Some ACTIONS
Dreamshapers refine this skill to the point where they can
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
physically step through the dreams of others, appearing on creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
the other side of the continent in a blink. Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The ellari casts one of the following
spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell
save DC 14):
At will: mending, minor illusion, produce flame
3/day: charmed reverie, dreamwalking, moonbeam, sleet
storm, fabricate
1/day: black tentacles, dreamlance, faithful hound

Fai Step. The ellari teleports up to 30 feet to an
unoccupied space it can see.

Counterspell. When a creature within 60 feet of the ellari
casts a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has
no effect.
Fai Fall. If the ellari falls, it can cast feather fall on itself.
Parry. The ellari adds 5 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, it must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.

Belief in the feydh is essential to their existence.
Without stories and tales of them being told,
they vanish from memory and cease to be.
Occasionally, however, a tale will be told of
feydh creatures that do not exist, yet as the story
grows and flights of fancy take hold, the very
telling can bring the subject of the stories into
existence. Fadrakes are one such creature, formed
from pure Fai and altered by the dreamer’s
imagination. They roam where the barrier
between Valerna and the Dreamspace is thin,
and have primarily been seen in the Fai Woods.
Fantastical and Strange. Born of tall tales
and twisted into being by feydh magic, no
two fadrakes are alike. Some are nightmarish
versions of dragons, dripping venom and
possessing far too many limbs, while others
may display vivid plumage, butterfly wings, or
even antlers. They may be friendly or hostile,
but all fadrakes are unpredictable, steeped in
the chaos of their creation.

Fadrake Keen Eyesight (Eyestalks Only). The fadrake has advantage on

Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Huge Feydh (Fai) Magic Resistance. The fadrake gains advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. This includes
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) saving throws against effects that trigger the fadrake’s
Antimagic Vulnerability.
Hit Points 220 (21d12 + 84)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
Multiattack. The fadrake makes two Claw attacks and one Bite,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Gore, or Tail Stinger attack.
27 (+8) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +7 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Damage Vulnerabilities psychic Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage, and the target is grappled
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from (escape DC 23). The fadrake can only grapple two creatures at
nonmagical attacks that aren’t deadsteel the same time, and it cannot attack with a claw that it’s using to
grapple a target.
Damage Immunities poison
Gore (Antlers Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed,
ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage, and the
petrified, poisoned
target must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or fall
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 10 prone.
Languages understands Oneiric
Tail Stinger (Tail Stinger Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) piercing damage, and
the target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking
Altered Form. The fadrake has two of the following physical 35 (10d6) poison damage on a fail, or half as much damage on a
traits: antlers, butterfly wings, eyestalks, feathered crest, and tail success.
stinger. Alluring Plumage (Feathered Crest Only). The fadrake flares its
Antimagic Vulnerability. If the fadrake is the target of a dispel feathered crest. Each creature who can see the fadrake must
magic effect, or if it enters the area of an antimagic field or a succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or use its reaction to
magic circle (against any creature type), it must succeed on a move its full movement directly toward the fadrake.
Constitution saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC or Wing Flap (Butterfly Wings Only). Each creature in a 20-foot
take 4 (1d8) psychic damage per spell level. radius around the fadrake must succeed on a DC 23 Strength
Bewildering Presence. Each creature that starts its turn within saving throw or be pushed back 10 feet, take 11 (1d6 + 8)
30 ft. of the fadrake and can see or hear it must succeed on a bludgeoning damage, and fall prone.
DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become confused, as per the Psychic Flame (Recharge 5–6). The fadrake breathes illusory fire
confusion spell, until the end of its turn. If the affected creature is in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed on a
concentrating on a spell, that spell ends. DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage plus
Dreams Realized. Illusion spells that don’t normally deal damage, 7 (2d6) fire damage.
such as the major image spell, can harm a fadrake. By the same
token, an illusory wall or object will physically stop the fadrake BONUS ACTIONS
as if it were real. As an action, a caster can use an appropriate Bewildering Whispers. The fadrake can target a creature that
illusion to make a melee spell attack targeting the fadrake with a has been affected by its Bewildering Presence since the end
range of 5 feet from the illusion, dealing 3 (1d6) psychic damage of the fadrake’s last turn. The target must succeed on a DC 19
per spell level on a hit. Wisdom saving throw or suffer from the effects of a suggestion
spell, as though it were cast by the fadrake.


Fai Goblin Fai Goblin

Small, winged feydh with wild hair and a mischievous
Small Feydh (Fai)
disposition, Fai goblins are deviously dangerous foes.
They serve the Fell Courts by bringing mortals into the Armor Class 14
Dreamspace, typically through riddles or trickery. Fai Hit Points 21 (6d6)
goblins do not prefer using violence as a first or even second Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
resort, but they will fight viciously if backed into a corner.
Agents of the Fell. Often found within the Fai Woods, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
goblins travel through Valerna in search of mortals to fulfill 5 (-3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+2) 17 (+3)
their needs. These mortals, called Spirited, are vital to the
Courts’ survival, bringing with them their dreams and tales. Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +5
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7, Survival +4
Though the goblins have a strong tendency to obey the
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, and
rules, their rules are often skewed heavily in the goblins’ slashing from deadsteel weapons
favor. Mortals who agree to a game or a bargain with a Fai Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
goblin often fall afoul of a tricky clause or loophole and find from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
themselves spirited away to the Fell Courts.
Senses darkvision 40 ft., passive Perception 14
Fetches. Tricky and often spiteful, goblins will Languages Ellari, Oneiric
sometimes force a mortal into making a bargain by taking Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
a mortal baby and leaving a fetch in its place. The fetch,
an enchanted trinket or poppet that provides a clue to the Dream Crossing. Once a day, the Fai goblin can use a
child’s whereabouts in the Fai Woods, fulfills the goblin’s bonus action to slip through the barrier between Rhaava
sense of equal exchange: If something is taken, something and the Dreamspace. Similarly, once a day, it can use
an action to open a passage, allowing creatures to pass
should be left behind. Typically, the distraught parent will through from one to the other, for up to 1 minute.
follow the clue to find the goblin and be tricked or coerced Fai Ancestry. The Fai goblin gains advantage on saving
into accompanying them to the Fell Courts in exchange throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to
for the return of their child. sleep.
Glamoured Shroud. The Fai goblin has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.

Multiattack. The Fai goblin makes three Fai Bow or Claw
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Fai Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
30/250, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The Fai goblin casts one of the following
spells, requiring no spell components and using Charisma
as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
At will: bane, charm person, command, vicious mockery
3/day: enthrall, hideous laughter, sleep, suggestion
1/day each: compulsion, dominate person, geas

Fai Step. The Fai goblin teleports up to 30 feet to an
unoccupied space it can see.

Fai Hydra Fai Hydra
If the monsters of Allaria are born out of Fai from the
Huge Monstrosity (Fai)
dreams of mortals, hydras are a manifestation of unbridled
nightmares. Dating from the earliest, most primal age of Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Rhaava, hydras are veritable monsters, unsuited to survive Hit Points 187 (15d12 + 90)
in any natural ecosystem due to their enormous size, Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
impossible anatomy, and unnatural appetite.
Creature of Nightmares. A massive creature with STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
multiple heads atop as many long, serpentine necks, a Fai 23 (+6) 13 (+1) 23 (+6) 3 (-4) 9 (-1) 9 (-1)
hydra is a particularly challenging foe. The danger comes
not only from the multi-pronged attack but also from Saving Throws Str +10, Con +10
the hydra’s breath, which causes creatures to fall into an Skills Perception +3
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, and
unnatural slumber. While asleep, they experience terrible slashing from deadsteel weapons
nightmares that empower the hydra. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks
The Hydra Lord and the Allai Senses darkvision 80 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages —
Allarian legend holds that their progenitors, the Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
human huntress Karra and Qan, the ellari king of
Taessai, cemented their betrothal over the defeat of a Bolstered by Dreams. The Fai hydra gains a bonus to all
fearsome Fai hydra that threatened both their peoples. of its attack rolls and saving throws equal to the number
of creatures slumbering due to its Dream Fog within 90
Taessai was renamed Allaria, the Crown of Honor, feet of it.
and Qan and Karra’s thirteen children became the Fai Ancestry. The Fai hydra gains advantage on saving
first children with elven and human ancestry, known throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it
as allai. To this day, the Dragon Kingdom of Allaria to sleep.
marches beneath the banner of the hydra, to honor Multiple Heads. The Fai hydra has four heads. When
their ancestors and the tale. the Fai hydra has more than one head, it has advantage
on attack rolls made with its Bite and has advantage on
saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, stunned, or knocked unconscious.
If the Fai hydra takes more than 25 points of damage
in a single turn, one of the heads falls unconscious. At
the start of the Fai hydra’s turn, one unconscious head
regains consciousness unless its Regeneration trait is
Regeneration. A Fai hydra regains 10 hit points at the start
of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. If the Fai hydra takes
necrotic damage or damage from a deadsteel weapon,
this trait does not activate during the Fai hydra’s next turn.

Multiattack. The Fai hydra makes as many Bite attacks
as it has heads. It can replace one attack with a use of
Dream Fog.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.
Tail Sweep. Each creature within 10 feet of the Fai hydra
must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 15
(2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
Dream Fog (Recharge 5–6). The Fai hydra exhales a sickly
blue fog in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area
must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or fall
unconscious for the next minute. The effect ends early for
a creature if it takes damage or if someone uses an action
to shake or slap it awake. For the duration, the slumbering
creature is assailed with horrible nightmares, which
bolsters the hydra.

Ferocious Response. If a Fai hydra is hit with a melee
weapon attack, it can make a Bite attack against the
attacker if it is within reach. It can take this reaction a
number of times per turn equal to the number of heads it
has remaining.


Fándred Monk Fándred Monk

The Walkers of the Eight Paths, the Order of Fándred are a Medium Humanoid (Any, K’aab)
nature-loving order of monks from the Westerlands who first
Armor Class 16
rose in Nahuac but have since spread across Valerna. They Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
wear gray-green robes that make them hard to spot but easy Speed 45 ft.
to recognize. They prefer open fields to roads, forests to cities,
and they wander Valerna guarding the land itself against STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
anything that threatens life.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Totem Monks. Fándred monks use tána magic, the totemic
art of Nahuac sages, to power their monastic abilities. Their Saves Str +3, Dex +5
guiding spirits give them special abilities and inspire their Skills Insight +5, Perception +5, Nature +3, Survival +5
combat styles. Some Fándred monks can take the shape or Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Náhuinn
powers of an animal attuned to their Tána path.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Tenets of Fándred. The Eight Paths are directly derived
from the Fourth Paths of Náhuinn tradition. Each of Path of Eight. The Fándred monk follows one of the following paths
the Eight Paths corresponds to a tána aspect and is also a (your choice): Path of the Branch, Path of the Claw, Path of the
Feather, Path of the Leaf, Path of the Lightning, Path of the Moon,
philosophical code, guiding the monks on their journeys. Path of the Stone, Path of the Wind.
The Branch. The path of protection and healing, which Decisive Action (Path of the Lightning Only). The Fándred monk has
follows the principle “Stand for Others.” Fándred monks are advantage on initiative rolls and on all attack rolls it makes during the
first round of combat.
expected to lend their aid to anyone that needs it, regardless
Keen Awareness (Path of the Leaf Only). The Fándred monk has
of allegiance. Monks of the Branch can heal themselves or advantage on Perception checks and on all saving throws against
others with a touch. Their animal is the bear. becoming blinded or deafened.
The Claw. The path of bravery, which follows the Like the Wind (Path of the Wind Only). The Fándred monk has
advantage on saving throws and ability checks against being
principle “Control your Fear.” All Fándred monks are grappled or restrained, and it can move through difficult terrain as if
expected to lay their lives on the line in the fight against evil. it were normal terrain.
Monks that have chosen the Claw tána have unshakable Unarmored Defense. While the Fándred monk is wearing no armor
and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.
willpower and determination. Their animal is the jaguar.
Vaala Strikes. The Fándred monk’s weapon attacks are magical.
The Feather. The path of teaching, which follows the
principle “Watch from Above.” Being at peace, being
complete in oneself, leads others to the truth. Feather ACTIONS
Multiattack. The Fándred monk makes two Quarterstaff and two
monks are inspiring leaders, making warriors of the weak Unarmed Strike attacks.
and heroes of the meek. Their animal is the eagle. Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
The Leaf. The path of perception, which follows the Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
principle “Remain Aware.” A Fándred monk must pay Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target must
attention to the world so they can understand and succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become stunned
protect it. Monks of the Leaf are peerless detectives until the end of the Fándred monk’s next turn.
and trackers, trained to sniff out evil and danger. Their Blessing of the Source. The Fándred monk casts enhance ability on
itself, without using any material components.
animal is the wolf.
Call to Victory (Path of the Feather Only, 3/
The Lightning. The path of strength in action, which follows Day). The Fándred monk bolsters an ally
the principle “Oppose all Threats.” It’s not enough to within 30 feet of it who can hear it. The next
time the ally makes an attack roll, saving
fight evil; a Fándred monk must do so decisively and throw, or ability check, it rolls 1d6 and adds
without hesitation. Monks with the Lightning tána are the result to the roll.
the most militaristic and ruthless of the order. Their Defensive Strike (Path of the Stone
Only). The Fándred monk makes two
animal is the hawk. Quarterstaff attacks, and all weapon
The Moon. The path of understanding, which follows the attacks against it have disadvantage
principle “Seek the Truth.” A Fándred monk will never until its next turn.

take things at face value and will always try to reach the Healing Source (Path of the Branch
Only, 3/Day). The Fándred monk casts
bottom of things, regardless of opinions. Monks of the cure wounds.
Moon have supernatural insight and can’t be lied to. Pierce the Veil (Path of the Moon
Their animal is the snake. Only, 3/Day). For 1 minute, the
Fándred monk becomes aware of
The Stone. The path of endurance, which follows the any hidden, concealed, or invisible
principle “Face what Comes.” Borrowing from the creatures or objects within 60 feet
of it, and it automatically succeeds
cultural stoicism of the Náhuinn, Fándred monks are on saving throws to perceive
expected to take what life throws at them, be it pain or illusions.
hardship. Stone monks have superhuman fortitude and Stillness of Mind (Path of the Claw Only,
3/Day). The Fándred monk ends any
perseverance. Their animal is the boar. charmed or frightened conditions on
The Wind. The path of movement, which follows the itself and becomes immune to all charm
and fear effects for 1 minute.
principle “Stay in Motion.” The Fándred credo frowns
on roots and attachments, be they to places, people, or
identities. Wind monks have incredible speed, both when
traveling and when fighting. Their animal is the deer.
Fataar Fataar
The bullies of the Fai Woods, fataari are burly ogre-sized
Large Feydh (Fai)
humanoid feydh who gather in gangs to stalk and harass
other feydh, particularly hamanimi and Fai goblins. They Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
behave as little more than bandits, often hijacking or Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
robbing their neighbors’ treasures. When they tire of other Speed 30 ft.
feydh, fataari turn their attention to wandering mortals.
Fataari are large, muscular humanoids, with clawed STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
hands, hoofed feet, and large tusks, horns, or antlers. 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 13 (+1)
Their skin has a vivid color, such as red, blue, or green,
and they like to decorate their body with tattoos, Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5
jewelry, and war trophies. They prefer to fight with large, Skills Intimidation +3, Perception +1, Survival +1
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 11
two-handed weapons and pride themselves on their
Languages Allai, Common, Oneiric
intimidating appearances. Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Fai Ancestry. The fataar gains advantage on saving throws

against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
Magic Weapons. The fataar’s weapon attacks are

Multiattack. The fataar makes two Maul attacks
and one Claw or Tusks attack.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Tusks. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or fall

Forest Predator. The fataar casts hunters mark.

Sharp Retort. When the Fataar takes damage from
a melee attack, it can make a Tusks attack
against the attacker.


Fell Knight Fell Knight

Fell knights, also known as Dreamrunners, are the noble Medium Feydh (Fai)
warriors of the fearsome faari, the Dream elves of the Fai
Woods. They are distinguished by their Fai glass armor Armor Class 21 (Fai glass plate)
and hold their appearance and knightly demeanor in high Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15)
Speed 30 ft.
esteem. They often ride on grand hunts through the Fai
Woods and enjoy holding tournaments to establish who
among them is the most skilled and, thus, the most worthy
to call themselves a knight. 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Knightly Names. Fell knights like to give themselves
symbols, titles, or mottos based around the story or dream Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +6
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +4, Perception +4, Intimidation +6
that breathed them into existence. Such monikers include Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, and
the Knight of Frogs, the Knight of Roses, and the Knight slashing damage from deadsteel weapons
of Stars. A Fell knight’s title all but replaces their birth Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
name, which many of them don’t have or don’t remember. damage from nonmagical attacks
Dreamlike Appearance. When riding to hunt a foe or Condition Immunities frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
explore the Fai Woods, Fell knights wear suits of ornate Languages Allai, Common, Oneiric
armor and carry weapons all made of Fai glass. They ride Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
specially trained, multi-tailed Fell foxes that can jump
great heights and distances. Fai Ancestry. The Fell knight gains advantage on saving
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to
Magic Weapons. The Fell knight’s weapon attacks are

Multiattack. The Fell knight makes two Fai Glass Lance or
Fai Glass Maul attacks.
Fai Glass Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage plus 2
(1d4) psychic damage.
Fai Glass Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ( 2d6+ 3) piercing damage plus 2
(1d4) psychic damage.
Spellcasting. The Fell knight casts one of the following
spells, requiring no material components and using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
At will: charm person, command, fog cloud
1/day: enthrall, spirit guardians

Dream Step. The Fell knight teleports up to 30 feet to an
unoccupied space it can see.

Counterspell. When a creature within 60 ft. of the Fell
knight casts a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and
has no effect.

Fell Fox Fell Fox
The Fell fox is an elegant and reclusive beast from the
Large Feydh (Fai)
deepest reaches of the Fai Woods. Slender, horse-sized
creatures with vulpine heads, long legs that end in clawed Armor Class 13
paws, and mottled coats, Fell foxes are hard to spot and Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
even harder to catch. They can easily outpace many Speed 50 ft.
threats, and when cornered, they confuse and confound
their enemies by undulating their five whip-like tails in an
entrancing pattern. Some claim Fell foxes have an innate 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)
connection to Fai, while others insist it is simply their
proximity to so many feydh crossings that has influenced Skills Athletics +5, Insight +4, Perception +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
their nature. Languages understands Oneiric but can’t speak
Though shy, Fell foxes can be befriended by those who Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
have the patience to coax them out of hiding. They are the
favored mounts for the knights of the Fell armies, as their Fai Leap. The Fell fox’s long jump is up to 40 feet, with
remarkable intelligence makes them loyal companions or without a running start. It doesn’t provoke opportunity
rather than simple beasts of burden. attacks when it jumps.

Multiattack. The Fell fox makes one Paws attack and one
Bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Paws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or fall
Camouflage. The Fell fox and any creature riding it
become invisible for 1 minute. If either the Fell fox or
its rider makes an attack or casts a spell, both become
Confounding Tails. Any creature within 5 ft. of the Fell
fox must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw or
become incapacitated until the end of its next turn.

Opportunistic Predator. If the Fell fox successfully hits
with its Paws attack and the target falls prone, the Fell fox
can make a Bite attack against the prone target.


Flame Djaat Flame Djaat

Creatures of elemental rock and fire, flame djaat are beings Medium Elemental (K’aab)
of Source and have strong ties to the earth and nature. The
flame djaat have semi-humanoid forms, with hardened Armor Class 12
rock armor plating their bodies and raging infernos Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
lighting them from within. Speed 30 ft.
Forging and Reforging. A flame djaat who rests for
too long risks hardening and falling into a semi-conscious
slumber for years or even centuries. Therefore, they must 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13(+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 17 (+3)
forever stay in motion, constantly shaping and reshaping
their forms in their forges deep within the mountains. Saving Throws Int +4, Cha +5
Skills Acrobatics +4, Arcana +4, Intimidation +5
The Scourge Triumvirate. The majority of flame djaat Damage Vulnerabilities cold
live within the volcanic mountains in the Southorn and Damage Immunities fire; bludgeoning slashing, and
work in concert with the boaab and the obakkar, creating a piercing from nonmagical attacks
society called the Scourge Triumvirate. Their alliance is one Senses passive Perception 11
of mutual benefit: The flame djaat’s self-forging process Languages Common, Djaataki, Sabaari
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
creates a lava infused with Vaala. The obakkar refine this
lava into Source-potent bakka amber, which they use to
Fire Shield. When the djaat is hit with a melee attack, the
craft arms and armor, and they gift the tar-like by-product, attacker takes 9 (2d8) fire damage.
which is rich in Will, to the boaab. The boaab then use this Glow of the Flame. The djaat radiates bright light in a
tar in their own rituals, which in turn feeds the djaat. 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. As
a bonus action, the djaat can increase or decrease the
radius of its glow by 10 feet (to a maximum of 40 feet or
a minimum of 10 feet).

Multiattack. The djaat makes two Flame Blade or Fire
Bolt attacks in any combination. It can replace one attack
with a use of Spellcasting.
Flame Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 15 (4d6 + 1) fire damage.
Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) fire damage.
Flare (Recharge 6). A burst of fire flares out from the
djaat. Any creature within 5 feet of it must succeed
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6)
fire damage and become blinded until the end of its
next turn.
Spellcasting. The djaat casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Charisma as
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
At will: burning hands, faerie fire
3/day: fly, scorching ray

Healing Fire. When the djaat hits a target with a weapon
attack, it regains hit points equal to half the fire damage
dealt with its attack. It cannot use this reaction if it has
suffered cold damage since the last time it hit a target
with a weapon attack.

Foghorn Foghorn
The foghorn, also called a tundra unicorn, is a great wooly Large Beast (K’aab)
pachyderm with a single horn on its enormous head.
Foghorns are slow and clumsy but very strong, and they Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
move in large herds across the frozen landscape, relying Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60)
Speed 40 ft.
on their numbers and huge size to dissuade any would-be
predators. The foghorn’s hairy hide is particularly thick
and difficult to penetrate, adding an increased layer of
protection. 22 (+6) 7 (-2) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 5 (-3)
Creatures of Myth. Rarely encountered outside
Senses Passive Perception 11
of their native cold climates, their isolated nature has Damage Resistances cold
spawned many theories about their origin and its potential Languages —
connection with winter witchcraft. Some claim a sect of Challenge 5 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
winter witches can transform into the massive beasts and
blend in with the herd, though they admittedly cannot Trample. If the foghorn moves its full movement in a
imagine why someone would want to do such a thing. straight line, it can make a Lumbering Stomp attack against
each creature within 5 ft. of that line. A creature hit with a
Imposing Mounts. Despite their large, imposing Lumbering Stomp attack in this manner must succeed on
appearances, some within Ysval have managed to tame a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. This
foghorns for use as mounts. The small but elite Order of movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
the Foghorn, in particular, stylizes themselves after their ACTIONS
fierce and stubborn animal companions with the motto Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
“Strong and head-on.” target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or fall
Lumbering Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Flatten. When the foghorn successfully knocks a creature
prone with its Gore attack, it can immediately make a
Lumbering Stomp attack against the prone creature.

Fog Fauna
“Fog fauna” is a generalization
that refers to a wide range of large
creatures common to the Ysvalian
Tundra and the Northerlands. They
might be carnivores or herbivores,
but they are all Large or larger Beasts
with thick wool or fur to resist the
cold climate. The foghorn is only
one such fog fauna, a category which
also includes fogboars, foghounds,
and auroxen.


Galadyan Priest
Hailing from the nation of Ysval, Galadyan priests are
individuals who have dedicated themselves to the Light.
Trained by the Galadyan Temple, Galadyan priests combat
the Null wherever they find it, destroying any sign of its
influence lest it spread and destabilize their community.
They travel from town to town, searching for signs of Null
corruption, spreading the word of the Light, and helping
those in need, asking nothing in exchange except a warm
meal and a place to shelter from the cold. They carry
harpoon lightstaffs that glow with holy light; as the priests
faith and power grows, so does the light of their staff.
The Temple of Galadyan Light. The most important
organization in Ysval, and the most important church
of Valerna by far, is the Galadyan Temple of Light, the
religious system that guides the Ysvalian Alliance’s culture,
beliefs, and society. It promotes the tenets of community,
and guides its followers to kindle the warm light in the
cold darkness. All members are expected to follow the
Light, and all are encouraged to be ever vigilant to ensure
everyone is maintaining the tenets of the Temple and
upholding the community.
Blessed by the Light. Galadyan priests are blessed
individuals, both in daily life and in the battlefield. The
strength of their belief empowers their Vaala, making their
very presence anathema to Null entities, as the creatures
cannot thrive where Vaala is exceptionally strong. A
single Galadyan priest can drive out a horde of Null and
cleanse an entire town of its corruption, simply with a few
whispered prayers and an invocation of the Light.

Galadyan Priest Aura of the Light (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
For the next three rounds, any hostile creature that
Medium Humanoid (Any, Any Aspect) starts its turn within 10 feet of the priest takes 3 (1d6) fire
damage plus 3 (1d6) radiant damage, while any friendly
Armor Class 15 (half plate) creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the priest
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) regains 7 (2d6) hit points. While this aura is active, the
Speed 30 ft. priest radiates bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light
for an additional 5 feet.
Abjure Null (1/Day). The priest utters a word of rebuke,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and each Null creature within 30 feet of it must succeed
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be afraid of the priest
for 1 minute and immediately use its reaction to move its
full speed away from the priest. It must spend its turns
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +5 trying to move as far away from the priest as it can get;
Skills Medicine +5, Persuasion +4, Religion +2, Survival +5 for its action, it can only take the Dash action. If there is
Senses passive Perception 13 nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Languages Common, Ysvalian If an affected creature takes any damage, this effect ends
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 for that creature.
Spellcasting. The priest casts one of the following spells,
using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
Light of Hope. The priest has advantage on Wisdom and
Constitution saving throws and regains the maximum number At will: command, light, sacred flame
of hit points possible from any healing. 3/day each: cure wounds, hold person, lesser restoration
Null Hunter. The priest has advantage on ability checks to 1/day: greater restoration
uncover and track Null creatures and has advantage on attack
rolls and saving throws against Null creatures and their effects. BONUS ACTIONS
Healing Muster (3/Day). The priest targets a creature
ACTIONS within 30 feet of it that it can see. The priest restores
Lightstaff. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 7 (2d6) hit points to the target, and the target can
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing immediately use its reaction to make a melee attack.
damage plus 4 (1d8) radiant damage.

Gem Troll of crystal. In such cases, they become extremely territorial,
attacking anyone or anything that comes within a half-mile
Hulking bipeds with rock-like jaws and claws, gleaming of their lair.
eyes, and crystalline protrusions jutting from their thick Jawahm Devourers. Gem trolls eat all crystal and rock,
hide, gem trolls are an intimidating sight for the average but they have a particular craving for the jawahm crystal
Valernian. They prowl the wilds of Enkhara, searching for clusters of the Enkharan Desert. The floating crystals’ Fai
crystal and rock to sate their constant hunger, though they magic infuses the gem trolls with a hint of their power,
may establish a lair if they find a particularly rich deposit gifting them some minor floating abilities akin to the
nwoda’s yahum magic.
Gemstone Raiders. Although typically solitary creatures
with low intelligence, gem trolls will sometimes form packs
Gem Troll to attack gemstone forests within the Shield Clans or raid
Large Elemental (Fai) nwoda trading caravans. In such instances, the creatures
are driven primarily by hunger and instinct and will even
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) devour nwoda as the drive to consume jawahm’a pushes
Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.
them to extremes.


19 (+4) 11 (+0) 21 (+5) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws Con +8

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, poison;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Condition Immunities petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Primordial
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Yahum Magic. The troll’s long jump is up to 30

ft., with or without a running start. Its movement
ignores difficult terrain.

Multiattack. The troll makes two Claw
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target
grappled by the troll. Hit: 14
(3d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:
+7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
slashing damage, and the
target is grappled (escape DC
16). The troll has two claws,
each of which can grapple
only one target.
Rock Throw. Ranged
Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
range 20/50 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) bludgeoning

Yahum’s Gift. If the troll falls, it
slows its descent, lands on its feet,
and takes no damage (as per the
feather fall spell).


Godao Godao
Godao, also known as golden gnomes, are the second Small Humanoid (Gnome, Fai)
oldest people of Valerna. With an industrious nature and
a knack for Fai magic and tinkering, many godao tend to Armor Class 12
fall into creative professions, crafting great works of art Hit Points 14 (4d6)
Speed 25 ft.
and engineering. They’re found in most realms in Valerna,
but reside primarily in Allaria, where they work alongside
the ellari and allai to create stunning technical and
architectural achievements. 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Guild Gnomes. Most godao in Allaria work for the Grand
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +3
Guild, a transnational network of trade and engineering
Skills Arcana +6, Perception +3
research. The Guild maintains embassies and business deals Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
in every realm in Valerna, cultivating relationships and Languages Allai, Common, Godao
preserving the Guild’s interests across the continent. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Tinkerer. The godao is proficient in tinker’s tools and has

Guild Enforcers advantage on Intelligence checks related to tinkering.
Guild enforcers are the muscle of the Grand Guild and
typically act as bodyguards for Guild ambassadors or Multiattack. The godao makes one Dagger or two
merchants that spend much of their time on the road. Repeater Crossbow attacks.
However, it is not uncommon to find a Guild enforcer Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
paying a visit to local merchants to collect dues or to 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing
“encourage” the Guild’s competition to leave town. Godao damage.
who lack the knack for crafting often become Guild Repeater Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 90/240 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing
enforcers, lending their skills in combat and brute force to damage.
protect the Guild’s investments.

Guild Enforcer
Small Humanoid (Gnome, Fai)

Armor Class 14 (studded leather armor)

Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
Speed 25 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +4, Int +2

Skills Athletics +5, Insight +3, Intimidation +2, Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Allai, Common, Godao
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. The guild enforcer makes two Electrified Club
or three Repeater Crossbow attacks.
Electrified Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and
the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or take 3 (1d6) lightning damage and become
stunned until the end of its next turn.
Repeater Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 90/240 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing

Trick Shot. The next ranged weapon attack made by the Guild
Enforcer ignores half cover and three-quarters cover.

Hamanimi Lake Hamanimi
A song among the reeds, laughter through the leaves, and a
Medium Feydh (Fai)
rush of delicate steps among the undergrowth are all hints that
a hamanimi is nearby. Once spirits of the forest spoken of in Armor Class 12
hushed tones by nearby villagers, the hamanimi were eventually Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
awakened to a more earthly existence by the Fell crowns, who Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
wove the tales of the hamanimi into a form that suited them.
Now, the hamanimi act as guardians of the gateways between STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Valerna and the Fell Courts. 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3)
Beings of Nature. Hamanimi are born from, and connected
to, a specific anchor spot in nature—a tree, a lake, or a river, for Saves Con +3, Cha +5
example. They form groves around their anchor, protecting it from Skills Nature +5, Perception +3, Persuasion +5, Survival +5,
mortal outsiders. Their relatively newfound subservience to the Fell Stealth +6
has made them fickle and quick to anger, filled with bitterness at Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Oneiric, telepathy 30 ft.
the peaceful lives they once lived. Some hamanimi may dissuade Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
someone from entering their grove by shifting the forest around
them, leading the mortal in circles until they tire, while others do Fai Ancestry. The hamanimi gains advantage on saving throws
not hesitate to kill anyone who dares step foot in their territory. against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
Magic Resistance. The hamanimi has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Lake Hamanimi Speak with Aquatic Creatures. The hamanimi can
communicate with any creature native to freshwater
Connected to freshwater sources, such as rivers and ponds, lake environments as if they shared a language.
hamanimi often resemble female feydh with pale bluish skin,
flowing hair, and long garments that appear woven from river ACTIONS
foam and water. Draining Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) poison damage, and the hamanimi
Lake hamanimi use the dreams of mortals to clean their water regains the same amount of hit points. In addition, the
and give it magical properties. Drinking from a lake hamanimi’s target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
water is like partaking of the dreams of its countless victims, become stunned until the end of the hamanimi’s next turn.
If a living creature is brought to 0 hit points with this attack,
bringing alien memories and temporary madness to the drinker. the creature’s body dissolves, its essence used to feed the
hamanimi’s waters. The creature cannot be brought back to
life except by the wish spell or similar magic.
Leaf Hamanimi Dissolving Form. The hamanimi touches a body of freshwater
A leaf hamanimi is linked to an ancient tree, an orchard, at least 10 feet wide. The hamanimi teleports up to 30 ft.
to any place within the same body of water and becomes
or even a field of flowers. Appearing as a female feydh with invisible and immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
wood-brown skin, their clothes seem to be woven from leaves damage from nonmagical weapons. The hamanimi can remain
and roots, while their hair may look like moss or the whorls of in this state indefinitely, but it cannot target a creature with
an attack while it does so.
wood grain.
Water Gift. The hamanimi touches one Feydh, Humanoid,
Leaf hamanimi use the dreams they steal to give shape to or Giant creature. The target gains a swim speed equal to
beautiful flowers or grow gigantic trees. Any vegetation of their movement speed and the ability to breathe water. This
unusual size or color may indicate there are leaf hamanimi benefit lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.
in the vicinity. Waterlog (Recharge 5–6). The hamanimi causes water
to rise in the ground around it. Each creature within 20
ft. of the hamanimi must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
saving throw or become restrained until the end of the
Night Hamanimi hamanimi’s next turn.
A night hamanimi looks like a beautiful female
feydh with moon-white skin and deep-black REACTIONS
hair and eyes. Her flowing hair and black Drink Magic (Recharges after a Long Rest). If
garments seem to ebb and flow as wisps of the hamanimi is the target of a 3rd-level
or lower spell or spell-like ability that
smoke, and her very silhouette seems to dissipate requires a Wisdom or Charisma saving
and reform as it moves. throw, it can choose to counter the
The most wicked and mischievous of their kind, spell, negating it. Additionally, the
hamanimi regains 4 (1d8) hit points per
night hamanimi guard the darkness itself, the starry spell level.
nights in the woods and the hidden, misty glades.
They are known for their dark sense of humor and
hedonistic streak, gained from their neighbors in
the Fell Courts.
Night hamanimi roam the night seeking
entertainment and intrigue, often at the
expense of innocent creatures. They like to
play insidious pranks on other feydh, spread
gossip about Fell lords, and seduce mortals
for a laugh. More than a few tragic stories of
heartbreak and sorrow have their origins in a
night hamanimi’s elaborate games.

Leaf Hamanimi Night Hamanimi

Medium Feydh (Fai) Medium Feydh (Fai)

Armor Class 13 Armor Class 13

Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 19 (+4)

Saves Dex +5, Con +5 Saves Wis +3, Cha +6

Skills Nature +6, Perception +4, Persuasion +5, Survival +6, Skills Deception +6, Insight +3, Nature +4, Perception +3,
Stealth +7 Survival +3, Stealth +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Oneiric, telepathy 30 ft. Languages Oneiric, telepathy 30 ft.
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Fai Ancestry. The hamanimi gains advantage on saving throws Fai Ancestry. The hamanimi gains advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep. against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
Magic Resistance. The hamanimi has advantage on saving Magic Resistance. The hamanimi has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. throws against spells and other magical effects.
Speak with Nature. The hamanimi can communicate with Speak with Nature. The hamanimi can communicate with
Beasts and Plants as if they shared a language. Beasts, Elementals, and Plants as if they shared a language.

Draining Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Draining Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) poison damage, and the hamanimi target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) poison damage, and the hamanimi
regains the same amount of hit points. In addition, the target regains the same amount of hit points. In addition, the target
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
become stunned until the end of the hamanimi’s next turn. If become stunned until the end of the hamanimi’s next turn.
a living creature is brought to 0 hit points with this attack, the If a living creature is brought to 0 hit points with this attack,
creature’s body turns to dust, its essence used to feed the the creature’s body disappears, its essence used to feed the
hamanimi’s plants. The creature cannot be brought back to life hamanimi itself. The creature cannot be brought back to life
except by the wish spell or similar magic. except by the wish spell or similar magic.
Fuse into Wood. The hamanimi touches a Large or larger Blend into the Night. The hamanimi becomes invisible and
inanimate plant, then teleports inside it, gaining total cover intangible. The hamanimi cannot be targeted by any attack or
from all attacks, spells, and effects. The hamanimi can effect while in this state. The hamanimi can remain in this state
remain in this state indefinitely, but it cannot interact with indefinitely, but it cannot interact with other creatures while it
other creatures while it does so. If the tree is destroyed, the does so. The hamanimi can not use this ability in bright light.
hamanimi reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet. Dizzying Gaze. The hamanimi stares at all creatures within
Pollen Cloud (Recharge 5–6). The hamanimi emits a cloud of a 20-foot cone. Each creature in the area that can see the
noxious pollen. Each creature within 20 ft. of the hamanimi hamanimi must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 10 take 10 (3d6) psychic damage and become stunned until the
(3d6) poison damage and become poisoned until the end of end of the hamanimi’s next turn.
the hamanimi’s next turn. Spellcasting. The hamanimi casts one of the following spells,
Spellcasting. The hamanimi casts one of requiring no material components and using Charisma as the
the following spells, requiring no material spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
components and using Charisma as the At will: charm person, disguise self
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
1/day: calm emotions, suggestion
At will: entangle
1/day: spike growth REACTIONS
Drink Magic (Recharges after
REACTIONS a Long Rest). If the hamanimi is
Drink Magic (Recharges after a the target of a 3rd-level or lower
Long Rest). If the hamanimi spell or spell-like ability that
is the target of a 3rd-level or requires a Wisdom or Charisma
lower spell or spell-like ability saving throw, it can choose to
that requires a Wisdom or counter the spell, negating it.
Charisma saving throw, it can Additionally, the hamanimi regains
choose to counter the spell, 4 (1d8) hit points per spell level.
negating it. Additionally, the
hamanimi regains 4 (1d8)
hit points per spell level.

Hamanu Hamanu
The male counterparts of hamanimi, hamanu are animalistic
Medium Feydh (Fai)
feydh with horns and raptor-like features, such as feathers or
Armor Class 13 talons, on a vaguely humanoid frame. Like hamanimi, hamanu
Hit Points 60 (11d8 + 11) are enigmatic and can be aggressive toward mortals that enter
Speed 40 ft. their woods uninvited.
Roaming Entertainers. As opposed to hamanimi,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA who become attached to a region’s landscape, hamanu are
a manifestation of its animal denizens and are not tied to
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 17 (+3)
a particular location. Most hamanu excel at a number of
performing arts, including music, dance, and poetry, and
Saves Dex +5, Con +3
they will often use a quiet moment to entertain hamanimi
Skills Nature +4, Perception +2, Performance +7, Survival
+2, Stealth +5
and other hamanu. Occasionally, the Fell will call on them
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 to perform at their courts, and the hamanu sometimes form
Languages Oneiric, telepathy 30 ft. traveling troupes that go from grove to grove, spreading music
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 and tales. The arrival of such a troupe is often heralded by the
sound of drums, which some travelers claimed to have heard
Beguiling Performer. A creature that observes a hamanu in the dark of night. Hamanu have a particular love for ballads
performance for more than 1 minute must succeed on a DC and sprawling epics but are not above performing a rousing
13 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed for the next drinking song if the occasion calls for it.
8 hours. When charmed in this way, the creature must use Entrancing Performances. A few bold mortals will
its full movement to approach the hamanu, where it joins in
the revelries by dancing, singing, or performing in another go in search of such hamanu arts, and those who return
fashion, and must continue to do so until the charm ends. If report strange music or half-remembered visions of bizarre
a creature remains charmed for the entire duration, it gains performances that later manifest in their own dreams. Some
1 level of exhaustion. The creature can repeat the saving return with hoarse voices or fingers bloodied from lute strings,
throw if it takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a
as if they themselves had been pulled into a
Fai Ancestry. The hamanu gains advantage on saving
reverie they cannot entirely recall.
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to
Leaps and Bounds. The hamanu ignores difficult terrain.
Magic Resistance. The hamanu has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Speak with Nature. The hamanu can communicate with
Beasts as if they shared a language.

Multiattack. The hamanu makes two Gore or Poisoned
Talons attacks.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or fall
Poisoned Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
Feydh Performance. The hamanu hums, sings, plays an
instrument, or performs a rhythmic dance. Each creature
that can see or hear the hamanu must succeed on a DC 13
Wisdom saving throw or become incapacitated until the
end of the hamanu’s next turn.

Weeping Wounds. The hamanu targets a poisoned
creature that it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer 2
(1d4) poison damage each round until it receives magical
healing, uses an action to make a successful 11 Wisdom
(Medicine) check, or takes a short rest.


Hmyr into the territory for fear of angering their allies. Fog fauna—
massive beasts such as foghorns and auroxen—are native to this
Mighty giants from the Fogwood along Ysval’s northwest border, area. These creatures are vital to the hymr’s survival, as they tame
the hmyr are massive humanoids with animalistic features, such some for work and war and hunt others for their meat and hide.
as hooves, fur, or antlers. They were sole masters of the land Honor in Battle. Hmyr see themselves as noble warriors and
before the arrival of humans, and while some hmyr have made fight as such; often they’ll issue a challenge before attacking and
tenuous alliances with the Ysvalians out of respect for their sing battlesongs during the clash. Hmyr believe there is honor in
crusade against the Null, others resent Ysval’s expansion into dying in combat and giving one’s life to the natural cycle.
what they see as their territory.
Shaggy humanoids who stand over thirteen feet tall with Boar Clan
lean muscles, hmyr dress in furs, carry wooden weapons and
accessories, and paint their skin with blues, grays, and greens. The most common of hmyr, the Boar Clan people are considered
The most striking feature of hmyr giants are their antlers, which the most wise and mystic of the hmyr giants. Though they are
they display with pride, painting or carving them according to slow to anger and only resort to violence when necessary, they
their clan or profession. are fierce warriors and do not shy from a fight when it is brought
Fogwood Denizens. The hymr live in the Fogwood, a vast, to them. Their presence itself is inspiring, and their battlesongs
sprawling landscape of mountains and forests to the bolster their allies in the heat of battle.
northwest of the Ysvalian Alliance. The region is full
of hazards, one of which is the hymr themselves, Pactmakers
and few Ysvalians dare to venture too far Speakers of the Boar Clan, pactmakers are tasked with
establishing alliances with other peoples and were
responsible for the accord between the hmyr and Ysval.
They are incredibly powerful in Source magic and use their
abilities with care and responsibility. They are respected by
most other hmyr for their wisdom and diplomacy.

Wolf Clan
Hmyr of the Wolf Clan are more aggressive than their
Boar kin. Instead of using magic to inspire others, they let
wrathful Source spirits enhance their own ferocity. They
are far more likely than their Boar cousins to take offense or
issue a challenge over a relatively minor slight. Wolf hmyr
draw strength from the earth and trees themselves as they
smash into enemy lines like a growling force of nature.

Fomyr is the common name given to
various hmyr clans who never agreed
to the leadership of the Boar
pactmakers, much less to the
alliance with Ysvalians. Fomyr
giants often clash with both
humans and other hmyr
in their attempt to drive
humans away from their
lands. Fomyr don’t believe
humans have honor and
attack them without
warning, often eating
them alive. Some
fomyr have resorted
to Null-worship,
becoming the very
thing they hated in
their need to drive
humans away.

Boar Hmyr Forest Camouflage. The hmyr has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made in forested terrain.
Inspiring Protector. All allies within 10 feet of the hmyr can use the
Large Giant (K’aab)
Dodge or Help action as a bonus action.
Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield)
Hit Points 123 (13d10 + 52)
Multiattack. The hmyr makes two Club or Tree Javelin attacks.
Speed 40 ft.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13
(2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tree Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft. or
range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.
19 (+4) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)
Spellcasting. The hmyr casts one of the following spells, using
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
Saves Con +6, Wis +6 At will: cure wounds
Skills Nature +3, Perception +6, Survival +6 1/day: silence, protection from energy
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Hmyrya, Ysvalian BONUS ACTIONS
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Battlesong. The hmyr sings an inspiring song of battle. Each ally within
60 feet of the hmyr that can hear it gains a +2 bonus to its attack rolls
and saving throws until the start of the hmyr’s next turn.

Wolf Hmyr Inspired Rage. If the hmyr moves at least half its speed
in a straight line before making a weapon attack, it gains
Large Giant (K’aab) advantage on the attack roll.
Pack Tactics. The hymr has advantage on attack rolls against
Armor Class 17 (unarmored defense) a creature if at least one of the hmyr’s allies is within 5 feet of
Hit Points 157 (15d10 + 75) the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Speed 40 ft. Predator’s Intuition. The hmyr has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to
spot a hidden creature and Wisdom (Survival) checks made to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA track a creature. It ignores half cover and three-quarters cover
and does not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls due to its
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)
target being invisible.
Unarmored Defense. When the hmyr isn’t wearing armor, its
Saves Str +8, Con +8 AC includes its Constitution modifier.
Skills Nature +3, Perception +4, Survival +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 ACTIONS
Languages Hmyrya, Ysvalian Multiattack. The hmyr makes three Greataxe attacks.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Greataxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
10 ft. or range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) slashing
Forest Camouflage. The hmyr has advantage on Dexterity damage, and if the target is Medium or smaller, it must
(Stealth) checks made in forested terrain. succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5
feet directly away from the hmyr and be knocked prone.

Multiattack. The fomyr makes two Maul or Tree Javelin
Large Giant (K’aab) attacks.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Armor Class 14 (leather armor, shield)
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 123 (13d10 + 52)
Tree Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Speed 40 ft.
reach 10 ft. or range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5)
piercing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Spellcasting. The fomyr casts one of the following spells,
using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 11):
21 (+5) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
At will: chill touch
Saves Con +6, Wis +3 1/day: charm person, invisibility, ray of enfeeblement
Skills Arcana +4, Nature +4, Perception +5, Survival +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 REACTIONS
Languages Hmyrya, Ysvalian Reflective Counterspell (Recharges after a Long Rest). When
a creature within 60 ft. of the fomyr casts a spell of 3rd level
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 or lower, the fomyr decides whether the spell fails and has no
effect or whether it is redirected to another target within 60 feet
Dark Camouflage. The fomyr has advantage on Dexterity of the fomyr.
(Stealth) checks.
Magic Resistance. The fomyr has advantage on all saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.


Hmyr Pactmaker
Large Giant (K’aab)

Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin)

Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)
Speed 40 ft.


22 (+6) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)

Saves Con +7, Wis +8

Skills Nature +4, Perception +8, Persuasion +6, Survival +8
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Hmyrya, Ysvalian
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Forest Camouflage. The hmyr has advantage on Dexterity

(Stealth) checks made in forested terrain.

Greataxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
reach 10 ft. or range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6)
slashing damage.
Spellcasting. The hmyr casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Wisdom as
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
3/day each: barkskin, conjure woodland beings, dispel
magic, hold person
1/day each: heal

Inspiring Surge. One creature within 60 ft. of the hmyr
that can hear it regains 8 (2d4 + 3) hit points and can
immediately do one of the following: stand up from
prone, move up to half of its movement, or make a
weapon attack.

Hua Bird
A tiny, flightless bird with a reptilian tail and scale-like Magical Blood. Despite the risk involved, many
feathers from the Westerland forests of Nahuac, the hua wizards and other magic users contract hunters to bring
bird looks harmless enough upon first glance. However, it them hua birds, either alive or dead (though preferably
possesses a powerful venom which can turn living creatures dead, for obvious reasons), as the hua’s blood is a potent
to stone. Due to this, the hua bird has few natural magical reagent. Of course, such a job comes with a high
predators, and those that are bold enough to go after the price tag, and the blood itself fetches a hefty sum in the
unassuming creature typically possess a resistance to the right markets.
creature’s venom.


Multiattack. The hua bird makes one Beak attack and one
Tiny Beast (K’aab) Tail Barb attack.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
target. Hit: 4 (1d3 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8)
Hit Points 70 (20d4 + 20) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and
restrained for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on a success.
Tail Barb. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
5 (-3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 5 (-2) one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 +2) piercing damage and 9 (2d8)
poison damage.
Condition Immunities petrified
Senses passive Perception 11 BONUS ACTION
Languages — Venomous Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 10/20 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) poison damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or become poisoned for 1 minute.The target can repeat
Petrifying Poison. A creature poisoned by the hua bird that is the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
reduced to 0 hit points by a weapon attack from the hua bird on a success.
immediately turns to stone and is petrified.


Iko’ob Iko’ob
One of the oldest peoples of Valerna, the iko’ob, or jade
Small Humanoid (Gnome, K’aab)
gnomes, existed in their current culture since the times of
the Altanesi Empire. Hidden from Valerna for millennia, Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
they resurfaced recently to rejoin the Altanesi Ascendancy Hit Points 54 (12d6 + 12)
in its attempt to restore the Lost Empire. Speed 25 ft.
Iko’ob have bright red hair, skin of various shades of
green, and hunched stances. They dress in sumptuous,
almost regal clothing and wear golden jewelry. Many iko’ob 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
sport gear or modifications made of clockwork or walk in
the company of statues animated by their Source magics. Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +4
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Perception +4
Rebuilders. Arriving at the newly reforged Altanesi
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Ascendancy in its infancy, the iko’ob gnomes aided Daar Languages Common, Ikoi, Late Altanesi, Old Altanesi
Altan in recovering the ruins of the old Altenesi Empire Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
from the sea. Literally pulling the drowned cities from
beneath the water, the iko’ob not only uncovered ancient Gnome Cunning. The iko’ob has advantage on Intelligence,
architecture but also set about repairing and strengthening Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.
the reborn empire itself. Siege Expert. The iko’ob’s spells and weapons deal double
damage against objects.

Clockwork Haymaker (3/Day). Melee Weapon Attack: +5
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.
Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d8 − 1) bludgeoning damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The iko’ob casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Intelligence as
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
At will: mending, shocking grasp
3/day: mage armor, thunderwave
1/day: invisibility, major image, web

Acidic Spray (Recharge 6). The iko’ob targets a creature
that it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must
succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d4)
acid damage.

Kadhah of the possessed creature, surrounded by swirls of blood and
wearing its white mask on the corpse’s face. A kadhah carcass
Kadhah are the darkest manifestation of the power of blood has begun learning from its maghyr and can use the simplest
sorcery. They are spirits inextricably tied to the blood magic basic tactics, such as grappling or striking from behind.
of maghyri. Each maghyr’s control over blood, life, and death
comes at a bitter price, as they are forever haunted by their Shade
own kadhah, the living manifestation of their peerless power.
A kadhah is every bit as strong and ruthless as the maghyr It’s in this stage that the kadhah can first manifest on its own,
whose magic spawned it. without the need of a possessed corpse. It takes the form of
A kadhah is like a mirror, reflecting the power and a large humanoid silhouette sculpted from flowing blood,
memories of its maghyr. Every time a maghyr uses blood in the vague shape of its maghyr. A kadhah shade can move
sorcery, their kadhah grows in size and power, becoming independently and roam the world on its own, although it will
more terrible and more unbeatable as the sorcerer learns and still focus on chasing and killing its maghyr. A kadhah shade
expands their mastery of Id. Though no maghyr will die of old knows basic tactics and tries to mimic its maghyr’s methods
age, it is practically assured that every maghyr will die at the and abilities, which give it a rudimentary ability to predict the
hands of their own kadhah. maghyr’s moves.
Initially appearing as web-like masses of dark blood, Kadhah
take on various forms and sizes according to their maghyr’s Horror
growing power. Amidst the pulsating blood floats a white mask At this stage, the kadhah has reached full understanding of
that can change its visage to any humanoid face that it can draw its own nature and power and can even make complex plans
from the maghyr’s thoughts and memories. The mask cries such as setting traps, arranging ambushes, or forging alliances.
blood as the kadhah attacks and feeds on its prey. A kadhah horror can also communicate in the maghyr’s
Consequences of Power. A kadhah manifests in response language. It no longer resembles the maghyr, but takes on a
to the use of powerful blood magic. The most common more beast-like form, prowling the streets and wilderness in
manifestation is when a maghyr reaches beyond their search of its prey.
abilities or abuses their blood magic; a kadhah that manifests
in response to such an abuse will immediately attack its
maghyr and persist until either it or the maghyr is destroyed. Outbreak
Manifestation will also occur if an individual bound by a The strongest form of Kadhah recorded, an outbreak is a
blood pact breaks their part of the deal. A blood pact is sealed veritable monstrosity, unbound and unstoppable. A kadhah
by the power of a maghyr, and their kadhah will manifest to outbreak looks like a massive, writhing cloud of dark, thick
punish the pact-breaker. However, some kadhah are bound to blood, which squirms and floats over the land like a storm. It can
places where powerful blood magics were used. In such cases, bring death and destruction on a massive scale, often threatening
it manifests in response to its maghyr’s use of their power entire towns or cities in an effort to destroy its maghyr.
but remains even after the death of the maghyr, tied to the Having reached the peak of its intelligence, a kadhah
location by the echoes of the maghyr’s magic. outbreak will gladly use this new power level to threaten its
Endless and Growing Threat. It may take days, months, maghyr, making even long-term plans to undermine their allies,
or even years for a kadhah to become self-aware, but as soon their home, and any known refuges. A kadhah outbreak is the
as it does, killing its maghyr will become the sole purpose of very definition of an archenemy, one that is as strong as it is
its existence. Even if killed, the kadhah will reform again from smart and as dangerous as it is indestructible.
its maghyr’s increased power and continue to haunt and stalk
its target with ever-greater strength and viciousness. The only
true way to stop a kadhah is the death of its maghyr; a kadhah
Kadhah Size Chart
destroyed while it’s maghyr still lives will reform and become The chart below matches the relative size and power of
more powerful. a kadhah to its maghyr’s character level. As a general
rule, a maghyr of the listed level has a kadhah of the
corresponding strength. Not all kadhah are the same,
Stain however, and some of them can grow very powerful on
When a kadhah first appears, it is barely a side effect—a their own, far beyond their maghyr’s ability.
magical consequence of its maghyr’s spellcasting. With the
rough intelligence of a parasite, a kadhah stain will lash out MAGHYR KADHAH KADHAH SIZE
blindly at its maghyr, instinctively seeking to devour its source LEVEL STAGE
of power. A kadhah stain has just the barest hint of self- 1–4 Stain Small
awareness, uses no combat tactics, and can only manifest in its
5–8 Corpse Medium
maghyr’s close vicinity.
9–12 Shade Medium

Carcass 13–16 Horror Large

At this stage, the kadhah can possess dead flesh and blood, 17+ Outbreak Huge
entering the corpses of humanoids killed or touched by the
maghyr’s magic. In this form, it resembles a skinless version


Kadhah Stain Blood Hunt. The kadhah was created by the magic of one
specific maghyr. The kadhah has advantage on all attack
Small Aberration (Vaala Spirit, Id) rolls and ability checks targeting its maghyr, and it ignores its
maghyr’s damage resistances and immunities.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Magic Resistance. The kadhah has advantage on saving
Hit Points 30 (4d6 + 16) throws against spells and other magical effects.
Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6)
12 (+1) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) psychic damage, and the kadhah regains hit points equal to
half the psychic damage dealt.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Mirrored Bloodcasting. If the kadhah’s maghyr is at less
nonmagical attacks than its hit point maximum and within 10 ft. of it, the kadhah
can cast any spell known by its maghyr, using its maghyr’s
Senses blindsight 20 ft., darkvision 40 ft., passive Perception 9
spellcasting ability, spell save DC, and spell attack bonus.
Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Kadhah Carcass its maghyr’s damage resistances and immunities.

Magic Resistance. The kadhah has advantage on saving
Medium Aberration (Vaala Spirit, Id) throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 85 (10d8 + 40) Multiattack. The kadhah carcass makes two Blood Slash
Speed 30 ft. attacks.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one target. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6)
psychic damage, and the kadhah regains hit points equal to
14 (+2) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) half the psychic damage dealt.
Mirrored Bloodcasting. If the kadhah’s maghyr is at less
Saving Throws Con +7, Cha +2 than its hit point maximum and within 20 ft. of it, the kadhah
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing can cast any spell known by its maghyr, using its maghyr’s
from nonmagical attacks spellcasting ability, spell save DC, and spell attack bonus.
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 10 BONUS ACTION
Languages — Constant Regret. If a creature has suffered psychic damage
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 since the start of the kadhah’s last turn, the creature must
succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw, with the target
suffering that psychic damage again on a failure. Once a
Blood Hunt. The kadhah was created by the magic of one creature successfully saves against this ability, it cannot be
specific maghyr. The kadhah has advantage on all attack affected by this ability again until after it has taken a long rest.
rolls and ability checks targeting its maghyr, and it ignores

Kadhah Shade ACTIONS

Multiattack. The kadhah shade makes two Blood Slash
Medium Aberration (Vaala Spirit, Id) attacks.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6)
Hit Points 199 (21d8 + 105) psychic damage, and the kadhah regains hit points equal to
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. half the psychic damage dealt.
Mask of Torment (Recharge 5–6). The kadhah changes its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA mask to a visage that causes psychological distress in those
who witness it. Each creature that is within 10 feet of the
16 (+3) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) kadhah and can see it must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma
saving throw or be stunned until the beginning of the
Saving Throws Con +9, Cha +6 kadhah’s next turn.
Skills Perception +6 Mirrored Bloodcasting. If the kadhah’s maghyr is at less
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from than its hit point maximum and within 30 ft. of it, the kadhah
nonmagical attacks can cast any spell known by its maghyr, using its maghyr’s
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception spellcasting ability, spell save DC, and spell attack bonus.
Languages understands Magy but can’t speak BONUS ACTIONS
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Constant Regret. If a creature has suffered psychic damage
since the start of the Kadhah’s last turn, the kadhah can
force it to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, with the
Blood Hunt. The kadhah was created by the magic of one target suffering that psychic damage again on a failure.
specific maghyr. The kadhah has advantage on all attack Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it
rolls and ability checks targeting its maghyr, and it ignores its cannot be affected by this ability again until after it has
maghyr’s damage resistances and immunities. taken a long rest.
Magic Resistance. The kadhah has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.

Kadhah Horror ACTIONS
Multiattack. The kadhah horror makes three Blood Slash
Large Aberration (Vaala Spirit, Id) attacks. It can replace one of the attacks with a use of
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
Hit Points 252 (24d10 + 120) target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 17 (5d6) psychic
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. damage, and the kadhah regains hit points equal to half the
psychic damage dealt.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Mask of Torment. The kadhah changes its mask to a visage
that causes psychological distress in those who witness it. Each
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) creature that is within 30 feet of the kadhah and can see it must
succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or be stunned until
Saving Throws Con +10, Cha +9 the beginning of the kadhah’s next turn.
Skills Arcana +7, Insight +8, Perception +8, Stealth +4 Mirrored Bloodcasting. If the kadhah’s maghyr is at less than
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from its hit point maximum, the kadhah can cast any spell known
nonmagical attacks by its maghyr, using its maghyr’s spellcasting ability, spell
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 18 save DC, and spell attack bonus.
Languages Common, Magy
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 BONUS ACTIONS
Constant Regret. If a creature has suffered psychic damage
since the start of the kadhah’s last turn, the kadhah can force it
Blood Hunt. The kadhah was created by the magic of one specific
to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, with the target suffering
maghyr. The kadhah has advantage on all attack rolls and ability
that psychic damage again on a failure. Once a creature
checks targeting its maghyr, and it ignores its maghyr’s damage
successfully saves against this ability, it cannot be affected by
resistances and immunities.
this ability again until after it has taken a long rest.
Magic Resistance. The kadhah has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Kadhah Outbreak BONUS ACTIONS

Constant Regret. If a creature has suffered psychic damage
Huge Aberration (Vaala Spirit, Id) since the start of the kadhah’s last turn, the kadhah can force it to
make a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw, with the target suffering that
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) psychic damage again on a failure. Once a creature successfully
Hit Points 325 (26d12 + 156) saves against this ability, it cannot be affected by this ability again
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. until after it has taken a long rest.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The kadhah can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
20 (+5) 8 (-1) 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 23 (+6) options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The kadhah
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its next turn.
Saving Throws Con +12, Cha +12
Skills Arcana +10, Insight +11, Intimidation +12, Perception +11, Blood Slash. The kadhah makes one Blood Slash attack.
Persuasion +12, Stealth +5 Move. The kadhah moves up to its speed without provoking
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from opportunity attacks.
nonmagical attacks Red Mist (Costs 2 Actions). The kadhah emits a blood mist in
Senses blindsight 90 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 a 30-foot radius. Each creature within the area must make
Languages Common, Magy, any other languages spoken by its a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) necrotic
maghyr damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 successful one, and the kadhah regains hit points equal to
half the necrotic damage dealt.
Blood Hunt. The kadhah was created by the magic of one specific
maghyr. The kadhah has advantage on all attack rolls and ability
checks targeting its maghyr, and it ignores its maghyr’s damage
resistances and immunities.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the kadhah fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The kadhah has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The kadhah makes three Blood Slash attacks. It
can replace one of the attacks with a use of Bloodcasting.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 30 ft., one
target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 21 (6d6) psychic
damage, and the kadhah regains hit points equal to half the
psychic damage dealt.
Mask of Torment. The kadhah changes its mask to a visage
that causes psychological distress in those who witness it. Each
creature that is within 60 feet of the kadhah and can see it must
succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw or be stunned until
the beginning of the kadhah’s next turn.
Mirrored Bloodcasting. If the kadhah’s maghyr is at less than
its hit point maximum, the kadhah can cast any spell known by
its maghyr, using its maghyr’s spellcasting ability, spell save
DC, and spell attack bonus.


Maghyr Maghyr
The maghyri are the rulers of the Tyverian Empire.
Medium Humanoid (Id)
An ancestral caste of blood sorcerers who live on the
blood of living creatures, maghyri do not die of old age Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
and are particularly resilient against disease and illness, Hit Points 148 (27d8 + 27)
although they may be killed normally—often at the Speed 30 ft.
hands of other maghyri.
Blood Power. First and foremost, maghyri are blood STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
sorcerers, their inborn power enhanced by their maghyr 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
status. A single maghyr can hold off a dozen enemies at
the same time, draining opponents of their blood and Saving Throws Con +4, Cha +8
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +8, Insight +4, Persuasion +8
using it as a physical weapon against the survivors or
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
stopping their enemies’ hearts and strengthening the from nonmagical attacks
blood of their allies with a single wave of their hand. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Though maghyri can pull the blood from their enemies’ Languages Common, Magy, Tyverian
veins to power their magic, many of them carry vials of Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
blood with them to use as spell components.
Rival Houses. The maghyr status is hereditary, and all Bloodcasting. The maghyr can use the blood of others to
power its spells. If there is a living creature at less than its hit
current maghyri descend from the maghyri that were part point maximum within 30 ft. of the maghyr, the maghyr can
of the first cabal controlled by Tyveris. Each of the members cast spells as though it were in the creature’s space, but
of this cabal went on to found a noble house, which became it must use its own senses. Additionally, when the maghyr
uses its Blood Slash attack, it can cause the attack to
one of the ruling families of Tyveria. Currently, maghyr originate from the creature instead of itself.
houses remain at each other’s throats, struggling for political
and economical power under the absolute rule of Blood ACTIONS
Emperor Adrael. Multiattack. The maghyr makes three attacks with its Bite,
Dagger, or Blood Slash in any combination, but only one
The Sanguine Legacy. Maghyri came to be when can be a Bite attack. It can replace one attack with a use
Tyveris, the woman that would go on to found the Tyverian of Spellcasting.
Empire, cast a mighty blood spell to seal the Null Entities Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
during the First Null Wars. The spell made her and all her target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8)
necrotic damage, and the maghyr regains hit points equal
followers effectively immortal, at the cost of giving them to the amount of necrotic damage dealt.
an unquenchable thirst for blood. Maghyri can indeed live Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
indefinitely by feeding on the blood of others, and reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6
particularly strong maghyri may also awaken this + 3) slashing damage.
blood, giving the target limited blood sorcery Blood Slash. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5)
powers in turn. Blood awakened by maghyri slashing damage, and the maghyr regains
is an important resource in Tyveria, hit points equal to half the slashing damage
packaged and traded as luxury goods. dealt.
Kadhah. Despite the maghyri’s Spellcasting. The maghyr casts one of the
following spells, replacing any material
deadly rivalries and dangerous lifestyle, the components with blood and using
tightest leash on their immortality comes Charisma as the spellcasting ability
from their own power. Regardless of how (spell save DC 16):
At will: blood whip, chill touch, true
long they survive other threats, death is strike
inescapable for every maghyr, as they are 3/day each: boil blood, false life, hold
pursued by their kadhah—a vengeful person, mage armor
entity emerging from their own 1/day: blood pact, circle of death
sorcerous power whose only purpose BONUS ACTIONS
is to destroy its maghyr. Every kadhah Cleanse. The maghyr ends an effect
mirrors, and is spawned by, a specific that causes it to take damage on each
maghyr’s power. As a maghyr becomes of its turns.
more powerful, so too does their Quickened Blood. The maghyr makes a
Blood Slash attack.
kadhah, and even if a maghyr defeats
their kadhah, it eventually reforms again REACTIONS
from the maghyr’s growing magical power. Blood Shield. If the maghyr is hit by a weapon
In the end, the kadhah always outmatches the or spell attack, it gains +5 bonus to its AC until
the start of its next turn, including against the
maghyr, and it will win, eventually. triggering attack.

When the warhorns sound and
the Fell march into battle, some
Spirited (mortals who reside in
the Fell Courts) are fitted with
special wooden masks. These
masks are meticulously crafted
by the hamanu to absorb the me-
mories of battle from all who wear
them. Over time, the mask fills with
emotions, thoughts, and vivid, dream-like
scenes, imparting skills and knowledge to the
current maskbound.
Battle-Frenzied. The Spirited who wears
one of these masks becomes overwhelmed by
the memories and emotions of all who came
before them, and they enter a frenzy-like state
that suppresses their personalities and makes
them ideal frontline fighters. A Spirited loses
their sense of self while in this state and becomes
particularly resistant to magics and other abilities
that would affect their mind. A maskbound relies
on their frenzy-induced strength and skill rather
than complicated tactics but are aware enough to
temper their recklessness with simple strategy.
Lingering Remnants. A maskbound who
survives the battle has their mask reclaimed by the
Fell Court who gifted it to them and is then sent on
their way. Often, an unmasked Spirited has a hard
time returning to their previous existence as they
struggle with lingering memories that don’t belong to
them. A Spirited who wears too many masks may lose
themselves permanently to their battle frenzy.

Maskbound Feydh Frenzy. The maskbound is unaffected by illusions and

has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
Medium Humanoid (Fai) saving throws.

Armor Class 13 ACTIONS

Hit Points 67 (15d8) Multiattack. The maskbound makes two Clawed Glove
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft. attacks.
Clawed Glove. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) BONUS ACTIONS
Somersault. The maskbound takes the Disengage action or
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6 stands up from prone.
Damage Resistances psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, stunned Reflective Suffering. If a maskbound is targeted by an effect
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 8 or attack that deals psychic or force damage, it can choose
to not take that damage, and another creature that the
Languages Common, Oneiric maskbound can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or suffer that damage instead.


Null Null Abomination

Where Vaala is the primal energy of potential that pervades Despite the risks, some spellcasters attempt to harness the
the living world, the Null is the opposing force. The energy Null for their own advancement or to power their own
of the void, a force that exists outside of the movement of twisted experiments. Though a spellcaster may start out with
the cosmos, the Null is a paradox in of itself: It is and is not, the best of intentions, they are inevitably corrupted by the
and it exists only to unmake. Null itself. Their transformation is horrific to observe and
The Null first manifested in Valerna when a daring may happen slowly over the course of weeks or months or in
experiment intent on harnessing raw Vaala went awry. one flash of terrifying Null magic. They become malformed
The Null consumes Vaala. But unlike dragons, it is not humanoids, their bodies contorting and bloating, sprouting
empowered by it, nor does it require Vaala to persist. Instead, gnarled limbs and tentacle-like appendages, and their eyes
the Vaala it touches is undone, unraveled, destroyed, and vanish, leaving behind hollow sockets or lumps of knotted
turned against itself. Where Vaala seeks change and creation, flesh. A Null abomination retains some of its former arcane
the Null seeks nothingness, emptiness, and the end of all knowledge, though twisted by the Null.
things, even Vaala itself.
Corrupting Power. The Null is strong, some say even
stronger than Vaala. Some sages claim that the experiment Null Faceless
to harness raw Vaala did not fail after all, and that the Null
is simply the true form of Vaala. Occasionally, the power- The faceless were once humanoids that died by Null magic
hungry or truly desperate will turn to the Null for aid, or corruption. Their bodies were reborn as stunted Null
only to be corrupted in turn. things, featureless thralls of the void. Animated by the same
power that killed it, a Null faceless is a creature of loss and
oblivion, with only the most tenuous grasp on its own self
Corpse Cluster to animate it in dim remembrance of its former life.
One of the most horrifying outgrowths of the Null, a corpse A faceless looks like a vaguely humanoid, malformed
cluster forms when the Null infects dead bodies. The bodies sculpture of grayish clay, with only the barest hint of a
twist and merge into a single horrific creature that crawls or face. It cannot think or speak; it will only shamble toward
shambles after its prey in a writhing mass of grasping limbs. the closest living thing to kill it with its corrupting touch.
As it kills living creatures, it adds them to its mass, beco-
ming larger and larger. Null-Touched
Since the Null seeks to create a physical presence in the
world, corpse clusters exist only to kill other creatures and One of the most common effects of Null corruption in
add their bodies to its own, exponentially increasing the living beings is a gradual loss of identity. Most Null-touched
Null’s ability to interact with the physical world. Unless individuals forget their name, then their past, then their
destroyed, a corpse cluster will continue adding bodies to personality, and their eyes disappear as their body becomes
its mass, growing larger and more horrifying. twisted by corruption. Once the corruption is complete,
they become servitors of the Null with no remaining trace
of their former selves.
When the Null is forced to exist in the material world, it
produces Nullborn—nonliving entities of pure void. Raw Voidworm
Null energy looks like insubstantial shadow; not black but A precursor to a greater Nullborn incursion, voidworms are
grayish or milky white, with dark bulging or crackling veins. often the first thing to appear when Null magic is used or
A Nullborn is a nightmarish, distorted thing made of this channeled. Voidworms are monstrosities composed of Null
substance, with a combination of traits from various living antimatter with long, cylindrical bodies, sometimes bearing
beings or truly bizarre physical features. The one thing Null a mouth or pseudopods. They devour any Vaala in their
entities never display, however, are eyes. vicinity, creating an environment ripe for the Null, and can
create corpse clusters from fallen creatures to bolster the
Null’s forces.
Nullborn Avatar
When a very powerful Null spellcaster dies, or when Null
magic is used on a massive scale, a Nullborn avatar can be Vaala Points and the Null
formed. Massive Null entities with startling intelligence, The Null consumes and destroys Vaala, and this is
Nullborn avatars are horrifying foes, capable of summoning represented in some of the Null creatures’ stat blocks
other Null entities and directing those around them. Left by abilities that cause a loss of Vaala points.
unchecked, whole cities could quickly fall to a Nullborn If your game is not using the Vaala pool system,
avatar’s onslaught. any Null ability that drains Vaala can instead reduce
a creature’s Constitution score by 1. A creature dies
if this reduces their Constitution to 0. The reduction
lasts until the creature finishes a long rest.

Nullborn If the creature remains cursed for 24 hours, it transforms into
a Null-touched.
Large Aberration (Null)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Multiattack. The Nullborn makes three melee attacks.
Hit Points 104 (11d10 + 44) Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) necrotic damage, and the target is
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Medium or smaller creature.
A grappled creature is restrained and takes 7 (2d6) necrotic
Saving Throws Con +7, Str +6 damage at the start of each of its turns. The Nullborn can
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from grapple up to three creatures at the same time, and this
nonmagical attacks doesn’t affect the number of melee attacks it can perform
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, thunder on its turn.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Corpse Manifestation. If there are three or more corpses
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned within 10 feet of a Nullborn, it uses them to create a corpse
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive cluster. The cluster is under the Nullborn’s control and is
Perception 9 destroyed if the Nullborn is destroyed.
Languages —
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Spreading Nullrot. When the Nullborn deals damage to a
creature, the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
Magic Resistance. The Nullborn has advantage on saving
saving throw or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage at the start
throws against spells and other magical effects.
of each of its turns for 1 minute. An affected creature can
Null-Touch. A living creature that deals damage to a Nullborn repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
within 5 feet of it that reduces the Nullborn to 0 hit points must effect on itself on a success. A creature that successfully
succeed on a DC 9 Charisma saving throw or become cursed. saves against this effect is immune to Spreading Nullrot of all
Null creatures for the next 24 hours.

Null Faceless
Medium Aberration (Null)

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 34 (4d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.


13 (+1) 9 (-1) 19 (+4) 3 (-4) 5 (-3) 3 (-4)

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, petrified,

Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 7
Languages —
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Null Corruption. A living creature that dies while poisoned

by the Null faceless’s Touch attack rises again as a Null
faceless in 24 hours.
Null Flesh. The Null faceless is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form.

Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) necrotic damage, and the creature
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned until it completes a long or short rest.


Corpse Cluster Magic Resistance. The corpse cluster has advantage on

saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Large Construct Unraveling Structure. When a corpse cluster is injured, its
form begins losing cohesion. At the start of each of its turns,
Armor Class 10 a corpse cluster at less than half of its hit point maximum
Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14) must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 11
Speed 20 ft. (2d10) force damage.
Vulnerable Form. Any spell or magical effect that would alter
the corpse cluster’s form causes it to disassemble instead,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA reducing its hit point maximum by 10 per spell level.
17 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 3 (-4) 3 (-4)
Damage Immunities necrotic Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage and the target
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, prone is grappled (escape DC 15).
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 6 Increasing Mass. The corpse cluster grabs a dead body
Languages — within 10 ft. and adds it to its form. The corpse cluster’s hit
point maximum increases by 10 and it regains 10 hit points.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
If the corpse cluster’s hit point maximum increases by 80 or
more in this way, its size increases to Huge, and it can make
one additional Slam attack per turn.

Nullborn Avatar Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
one target. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) necrotic damage, and the
Huge Aberration (Null) target is grappled (escape DC 21) if it is a Huge or smaller
creature. A grappled creature is restrained and takes 21
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) (6d6) necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. The
Hit Points 375 (30d12 + 180) Nullborn avatar can grapple up to four creatures at the
same time, and this doesn’t affect the number of melee
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) attacks it can perform on its turn.
Corpse Manifestation. If there are three or more corpses
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA within 20 feet of a Nullborn avatar, it uses them to create a
corpse cluster. The cluster is under the avatar’s control and
27 (+7) 8 (-1) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)
is destroyed if the avatar is destroyed.

Saving Throws Con +12, Int +12

Skills Perception +8 BONUS ACTIONS
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Fracture Psyche (Recharge 4–6). The Nullborn avatar emits
nonmagical attacks a wave of debilitating Null energy. Each living creature within
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, 60 feet of the avatar must make a DC 19 Wisdom saving
thunder throw. On a failure, it takes 21 (6d6) psychic damage, loses 5
Vaala Points, and becomes stunned until the end of its next
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, turn. On a success, it takes half as much damage, does not
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned lose Vaala points, and is not stunned.
Senses blindsight 300 ft. (blind beyond this radius), truesight
30 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages — REACTIONS
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 Spreading Nullrot. When the Nullborn avatar deals damage
to a creature, the creature must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom
saving throw or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage at the start of
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Nullborn avatar fails a
each of its turns for 1 minute. An affected creature can repeat
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on
Magic Resistance. The Nullborn avatar has advantage on itself on a success. A creature that successfully saves against
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. this effect is immune to Spreading Nullrot of all Null creatures
Null Telepathy. The Nullborn avatar can communicate for the next 24 hours.
telepathically with any Null creatures within 300 feet of it.
Null Touch. When the Nullborn avatar is destroyed, each
creature within 100 ft. of it must succeed on a DC 19 Charisma LEGENDARY ACTIONS
saving throw or become cursed. If a creature remains cursed The Nullborn avatar takes 3 legendary actions, choosing from
for 24 hours, it transforms into a Null-touched. the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
The Nullborn avatar regains spent legendary actions at the
ACTIONS start of its turn.
Multiattack. The Nullborn avatar makes six Slash attacks or Move. The Nullborn avatar moves up to its movement speed
six Tendril attacks. without provoking an opportunity attack.
Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one Tendril. The Nullborn avatar makes one Tendril attack.
target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) Command Null (Costs 2 Actions). The Nullborn avatar
necrotic damage. telepathically commands its allies to attack. Any
Null creature within 120 feet can use its reaction to
immediately make one weapon attack.

Null Abomination ACTIONS
Multiattack. The Null abomination makes three Tendril
Large Aberration (Null) attacks. It can replace one attack with one use of
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Hit Points 253 (22d10 + 132) target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) necrotic damage, and the target is
Speed 30 ft. grappled (escape DC 19) if it is a Large or smaller creature.
A grappled creature is restrained and takes 10 (3d6)
necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. The Null
abomination can grapple up to two creatures at the same
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) time, and this doesn’t affect the number of melee attacks it
can perform on its turn.
Saving Throws Con +11, Int +6 Drain Vaala. Each creature grappled by the
Null abomination must succeed on a DC 18
Skills Arcana +6, Perception +3
Constitution saving throw or take 27 (6d8)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, necrotic damage and lose 2 Vaala Points.
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical The Null abomination regains hit points
attacks equal to half the damage dealt.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison,
Spellcasting. The Null abomination casts
one of the following spells, requiring
Condition Immunities charmed, no material components and using
frightened, poisoned Intelligence as the spell casting ability
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond (spell save DC 14):
this radius), passive Perception 13
At will: chill touch, dispel magic
Languages —
3/day each: blight, eye bite
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +5
Magic Resistance. Dissonant Howl (Recharge 6). The Null
The Null abomination has abomination lets out a cry that echoes in
advantage on saving throws against the minds of its enemies. Each creature
spells and other magical effects. within 120 feet that can hear the Null
abomination must make a DC 18 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failure, the creature
takes 44 (8d10) psychic damage and
becomes stunned until the end of its next
turn. On a success, it takes half as much
damage and is not stunned.

Voidworm Magic Resistance. The voidworm has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
Medium Aberration (Null)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage,
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. and the target loses 1 Vaala point.
Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) necrotic damage, and the target is
grappled (escape DC 13) if it is a Medium or smaller creature.
13 (+1) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 7 (-2) 4 (-3) A grappled creature is restrained and takes 3 (1d6) necrotic
damage at the start of each of its turns. The voidworm can
Saving Throws Con +3, Str +3 only have one creature grappled at a time.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Entrancing Tendrils. The voidworm undulates its tendrils in
from nonmagical attacks a disconcerting pattern. Each creature within 30 feet of the
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, voidworm that can see it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
thunder saving throw or become paralyzed until the end of the
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, creature’s next turn.
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Corpse Manifestation. If there are three or more corpses
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive within 10 feet of a voidworm, it uses them to create a corpse
Perception 8 cluster. The cluster is under the voidworm’s control and is
Languages — destroyed if the voidworm is destroyed.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2


Null-Touched Creatures Null-Touched Wolf*

Any living thing may be corrupted by contact with the Null. Medium Aberration (Null), Unaligned
A Null-touched is any creature that has suffered from Null
corruption, causing malformations, whitish tumors, or even Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
the loss of body parts. Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 40 ft.
When a living creature becomes Null-touched, it retains
its traits and statistics except as specified below:
Type. The creature’s type becomes Aberration, and it gains
the Null tag. 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 3 (-3)
Alignment. The creature becomes unaligned. It loses all
traits and abilities related to its alignment. Skills Perception +0, Stealth +4
Ability Scores. The creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Damage Immunities necrotic and radiant
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
Charisma scores are halved, to a minimum of 1. slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses. The creature loses its eyes to Null corruption. It Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
gains blindsight out to 30 ft., if it didn’t have it already. frightened
Immunities. The creature gains immunity to necrotic and Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
radiant damage, and it can no longer become blinded, passive Perception 10
deafened, charmed, or frightened. Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Resistances. The creature gains resistance to psychic damage
and to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
Keen Hearing and Smell. The Null-touched wolf has
nonmagical weapons. advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
Spellcasting. The creature loses the ability to cast spells if it hearing or smell.
had it. Pack Tactics. The Null-touched wolf has advantage on
New Trait: Necrotic Touch. The creature’s weapon attacks attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wolf’s
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
deal additional necrotic damage equal to its Constitution incapacitated.
modifier (minimum of 1 additional necrotic damage).
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 1 necrotic
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a
DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

* The Null-touched above uses a

wolf as the base creature.

Here, I have recorded ob

servations of some such
from the dreams and ni beings, including deadly
ghtmares of the sleeping, entities conjured
enough to endow them beasts born from the ve
with life, creatures man ry will of those strong
beyond the veil of life an ifested from the source
d death. of Vaala and from 295
Nwoda Nwoda
The sky dwarves of the Enkharan Desert, known as nwoda, Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Fai)
are an adventurous, clannish people, filled with wanderlust
but also with strong ties to their homeland and the floating Armor Class 13
gem clusters where they make their homes. The best- Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
Speed 25 ft., flying 20 ft. (hover)
known trait of sky dwarves is their ability to make stones
fly, and to perform incredible acrobatics themselves, with
the floating magic they call yahum.
A nwoda is a muscular dwarf with gemlike growths 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
where other humanoids grow hair. The color of these
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4
growths depends on the dwarf ’s clan, be it Yuman
Skills Acrobatics +5, Nature +5, Perception +4, Survival +4
(amethyst), Yaku (ruby), Kuti (sapphire), or the self-exiled Damage Resistances poison
Zumari (emerald). Records also tell of a lost clan, the Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Amasi (diamond) sky dwarves, but the Languages Common, Nwoda
nwoda avoid discussing such things Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
with outsiders.
Dwarven Resilience. The nwoda has advantage on saving
Born of Gems. The nwoda’s ability throws against poison effects.
to fly is not limited to themselves Natural Flight. The nwoda’s long jump is up to 30 feet, and
but is a power imparted to them by its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
their una’jawahm’a, their birthstones, It ignores difficult terrain when landing.
the city-sized floating gem clusters ACTIONS
where every nwoda is born. Each Multiattack. The nwoda makes two Dagger attacks.
clan has their own una’jawahm that Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
corresponds to their clan’s color, and reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3)
each is filled with complex, winding piercing damage.
tunnels and vast caverns that make REACTIONS
up the nwoda’s home. In the shadow Yahum’s Gift. If the nwoda falls, it slows its descent,
of each una’jawahm, oases and forests lands on its feet, and takes no damage (as per the
of strange, crystalline plant life have feather fall spell).
sprung into existence, known as
ni’khela, or shield plateaus. On these
Shields, these islands of refuge, disparate,
nomadic peoples have formed walled cities to
live off of this odd environment.
Sky Pirates. Nwoda dwarves are also the
most feared pirates in the world, as their flying
ships can raid anyone, anywhere. While the
immense majority of nwoda pirates belong to the
Emerald clan, all sky dwarf tribes have their own
raiding ships and quite a number of infamous
captains to their name.


Nwoda Sky Captain Natural Flight. The nwoda’s long jump is up to 30 feet, and
its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Fai) It ignores difficult terrain when landing.
Shard-Weapons. The nwoda’s weapon attacks are magical.
Armor Class 14 (leather)
Hit Points 156 (24d8 + 48) ACTIONS
Speed 25 ft., flying 20 ft.
Multiattack. The nwoda makes three weapon attacks.
Shard-Hook. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) target is grappled (escape DC 15). The nwoda cannot use
its Shard Hook attack when it has a creature grappled in
this way.
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +6, Con +5 Shard-Shooter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
Skills History +4, Intimidation +6, Perception +4, Persuasion 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage,
+6, Survival +4 and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Damage Resistances poison throw or take 4 (1d8) acid damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Nwoda BONUS ACTIONS
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency +3 Dash. The nwoda can take the Dash action.
Extra Attack. The nwoda makes one Shard-Hook or one
Dwarven Resilience. The nwoda has advantage on saving Shard-Shooter attack.
throws against poison effects.
Evasive Flight. When the nwoda takes the Dash action, until REACTIONS
the start of the nwoda’s next turn, all weapon attacks against
it are made with disadvantage. Yahum’s Gift. If the nwoda falls, it slows its descent, lands on
its feet, and takes no damage (as per the feather fall spell).
Shield. If the nwoda is hit by an attack, it gains a +5 bonus
to its AC until the start of its next turn, including against
the triggering attack.

Nwoda Sky Pirate Natural Flight. The nwoda’s long jump is up to 30 feet, and
its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start. It
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Fai) ignores difficult terrain when landing.
Shard-Weapons. The nwoda’s weapon attacks are magical.
Armor Class 13 (leather)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 4.5) ACTIONS
Speed 25 ft., flying 20 ft. Multiattack. The nwoda makes two weapon attacks.
Poisoned Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 11 (2d10)
poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute.
Shard-Shooter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +4 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage, and
Skills Acrobatics +4, Nature +2, Perception +3, Survival +3 the target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
Damage Resistances poison or take 4 (1d8) acid damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Dirty Tricks. The nwoda performs a series of confusing
Languages Common, Nwoda maneuvers against one creature within 15 feet of it that can
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 see it. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving
throw or the nwoda has advantage on its attack rolls against
the target until the end of the nwoda’s next turn.
Dwarven Resilience. The nwoda has advantage on saving
throws against poison effects.
Evasive Flight. When the nwoda takes the Dash action, until
the start of the nwoda’s next turn, all weapon attacks against Yahum’s Gift. If the nwoda falls, it slows its descent, lands on
it are made with disadvantage. its feet, and takes no damage (as per the feather fall spell).

Also known as amber orcs, obakkar are a matriarchal tribal
people native to the Southorn. They tend to be tall and
lean muscled, with large tusks jutting out of their
lower jaw. They decorate these tusks with markings
and jewelry made of a Source-rich material called
bakka amber.
Bakka Amber. Obakkar create bakka amber
by refining the lava produced by the flame djaat,
crafting it into a stone-like substance they then hone
into weapons, armor, jewelry, art, and more. Bakka
amber is sacred to the obakkar and is sometimes
powdered and consumed during their rites.
The material gives them a resistance to fire and
poison and strengthens them from within, even
allowing them to draw on shared ancestral memories
that might otherwise be lost.
Martriarchal. Due to the Lessening, a great curse
set upon the orcs by the Altanesi Empire long ago, the
obakkar have a diminished and fractured populace.
Children are also rare among their tribes, leading
the female obakkar to be revered and obeyed as wise
leaders. They tend to be the largest and most powerful
of their kind and gather warriors around them to form
communities based on strength and family.

Medium Humanoid (Orc, K’aab)

Armor Class 16 (breastplate)

Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4

Skills Animal Handling +3, Athletics +5, Survival +3
Damage Resistances fire, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Bakkai, Common, Sabaari
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency +2

Bakka Amber. As long as the obakkar has an item made of

bakka amber in its possession, it has advantage on Strength
and Constitution saving throws.

Multiattack. The obakkar makes two weapon attacks.
Poleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.


War-Mothers Obakkar War-Mother

War-mothers are the leaders of their respective tribes Medium Humanoid (Orc, K’aab)
or communities and command great respect from their
people. They serve as the head, the heart, and the hands Armor Class 17 (half-plate)
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
of their clan, offering counsel, establishing rules and laws,
Speed 30 ft.
and commanding troops on the battlefield when the need
arises. They oversee everything in the community, from the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
tiniest details of the day-to-day to declarations of war and
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
peace with other tribes and peoples.
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5
Skills Animal Handling +5, Athletics +6, History +5,
Persuasion +6, Survival +5
Damage Resistances fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Bakkai, Common, Sabaari
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Bakka Amber. As long as the obakkar has an item made

of bakka amber in its possession, it has advantage on
Strength and Constitution saving throws.
Memory of the Ancients. The obakkar has advantage on
Intelligence (History) checks made to recall information
about its people.

Multiattack. The obakkar makes three weapon attacks.
Poleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

War-Mother’s Cry (Refresh 6). The obakkar lets out a
fierce battle cry. All allies of the obakkar within 60 feet
of it that can hear it gain advantage on attack rolls,
saving throws, and ability checks until the start of the
obakkar’s next turn.

Protective Defense. When a creature within 5 feet of
the obakkar is hit with an attack, the obakkar can insert
itself between the attacker and the target. The target
takes half damage from the attack, and the obakkar
takes the same amount of damage.

Ocelinn Ocelinn
The ocelinn of Nahuac are tánaid—shapeshifting humans Medium Humanoid (Human, K’aab)
blessed with a strong tie to the Source aspect of Vaala—
that can transform into jaguars. They are but one of many Armor Class 12
types of tánaid, but they are by far the most numerous, Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. in jaguar form)
found across Valerna, though they reside primarily within
Nahuac. They excel at stealth and make ideal guides when
traveling through the dense Nahuac jungles. Armed with
macahui, bladed maces made of vicious obsidian, an 14 (+2) 16 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
ocelinn can be a formidable enemy—or steadfast ally.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3
Lords of the East. The ocelinn, also known as jaguar-
Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3
kin, dominate Tlátal, the East Quarter of Nahuac, which Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
is in turn broken into seven states. Four of these states Languages Common, Náhuinn
belong to the ocelinn, and the other three belong to other Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
tánaid. The four ocelinn states are known collectively as
the Ocelinn Lordships and wield great power within their Kaabmarked Amulet. The ocelinn wears a mystical amulet
quarter and throughout Nahuac. attuned to the Source aspect of Vaala. While wearing this
amulet, if the ocelinn shifts into jaguar form, any items it is
wearing or carrying enter an extradimensional space within
the amulet, leaving only the amulet around their neck, wrist,
or waist, and they return when it reverts to human or hybrid
Keen Hearing and Smell. The ocelinn has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on hearing or smell.
Pounce (Jaguar Form Only). If the ocelinn moves at least
20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a Claw
attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC
12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target
is prone, the ocelinn can make one Bite attack against it as
a bonus action.
Shapeshifter. The ocelinn can use its action to polymorph
into a jaguar-human hybrid or into a jaguar. Its statistics
remain the same in each form except where noted. Any
equipment it is wearing or carrying is not transformed
unless it is wearing a Kaabmarked amulet (see above). The
ocelinn can use a bonus action to revert to human form.

Multiattack. In human form, the ocelinn makes one
Macahui or Longbow attack. In jaguar form, the
ocelinn makes one Claw and one Bite attack. In
hybrid form, it can attack like a human or make two
Claw attacks.
Bite (Jaguar Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
slashing damage.
Claw (Hybrid or Jaguar Form Only). Melee
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Longbow (Human or Hybrid Form Only).
Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 +2)
piercing damage.
Macahui (Human or Hybrid Form
Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4
to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing


Ogerron sing the bastuu, but the chanters known as bastuuka often
lead the song during ceremonies and act as their people’s
Large, bulky humanoids with pale skin covered in thick, historians. An ogerron partaking in the Rite of Flesh also
knobby growths, ogerron are most commonly found in sings a bastuu for the fallen, honoring even their enemies
Tyveria, where they are second in population only to in death.
humans. Sometimes called skull orcs, most of the ogerron
within Tyveria are part of the Blood Empire’s military Ogerron Chainer
forces, either conscripted or mercenary, and the strongest When the ogerron go to war, they use their impressive size
and smartest of these are employed as elite guards in cities and immense bulk to their advantage against their enemies.
and at the homes of the maghyr lords. They are rare outside Ogerron chainers wield massive spiked chains that ensnare
of Tyveria, though it is not uncommon to find isolated their foes and pull them within range of their massive fists.
settlements of ogerron in other regions, particularly near They often work in concert with ogerron maulers and other
Tyveria’s borders. melee fighters, keeping their enemies entangled and giving
Roaming Rebels. Those ogerron within the Easterlands their allies an edge.
who are not under the imperial thumb form enclaves in
the countryside, and some have grown so powerful that Ogerron Mauler
even the maghyri fear to enter them. These ogerron attack
Tyverian cities and settlements and generally disrupt the The true muscle of any Tyverian army is the ogerron mauler.
Blood Empire’s control where they can, as they do not Wielding a maul in each hand, these hulking soldiers plow
believe their people should exist only to serve the maghyri through the battlefield, laying waste to those around them
and their ilk and long for ogerron independence. with sweeping arcs of their heavy attacks. Mauler’s hit hard
The Rite of Flesh. The ogerron, like all other orcs, and hit often, their strength and ferocity more than making
suffered from the Lessening, a curse levied upon them by up for any lack of technique.
the ancient Altenesi Empire. After the orcs fractured and
the ogerron reformed in Tyveria, they began the tradition
Feasting Upon the Null
of the Rite of Flesh, a ritual consumption of the bodies
of their fallen enemies. It is through this ritual that The flesh of Null entities and those corrupted by
the ogerron gain strength and overcome the Lessening, them offer no nourishment for the ogerron’s Rite of
absorbing the Vaala of the fallen. Flesh. It is tasteless and lacks Vaala, and it carries with
Song for the Dead. The ogerron recognize death as it the Null’s taint. Only starving or desperate ogerron
feast on Null-touched flesh and risk becoming
a natural part of life and honor those who have died—
corrupted themselves in turn.
particularly those who fell in the service of the living—
with a ceremonial song called a bastuu. All ogerron can

Ogerron Oversized. The ogerron can use a Small or Medium object as

an improvised weapon to make melee weapon attacks, dealing
Large Humanoid (Orc, Id) 8 (1d8 + 4) damage on a successful hit. The type of damage is
determined by the object being used, as decided by the GM.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) The object breaks and becomes unusable on a critical hit or if
a 1 is rolled on the die for the attack roll.
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45)
Speed 40 ft. Rite of Flesh. If the ogerron has partaken in the Rite of Flesh
within the past 24 hours, it has advantage on Strength checks
and Strength saving throws. To gain these benefits, the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ogerron must spend at least 10 minutes ritually consuming the
flesh of an enemy killed in battle.
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5 Multiattack. The ogerron makes two Greataxe attacks.
Skills Athletics +6, History +3, Perception +3, Survival +3 Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage.
Languages Common, Ogerri, Tyverian
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 REACTIONS
Bastuu Call (Recharges after a Long Rest). When another
Cleave. If the ogerron successfully hits a Medium or smaller ogerron dies within 60 feet of it, the ogerron can let loose
creature with its Greataxe attack, it can immediately make an a strain of a bastuu. Until the end of the ogerron’s next
attack against a second creature within 5 feet of it. turn, any ally within 30 feet of the ogerron that can hear
it receives a +1 bonus to its attack rolls and ability checks
and gains advantage on all saving throws against becoming
charmed or frightened.

Ogerron Chainer ACTIONS
Multiattack. The ogerron makes two Spiked Chain attacks
Large Humanoid (Orc, Id) and uses Reel.
Headbutt. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 15 (breastplate) target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target
Hit Points 150 (20d10 + 40) must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become
Speed 40 ft. stunned until the end of its next turn.
Spiked Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, and the target must
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become grappled
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-2) (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained
and has disadvantage on Strength checks and saving throws,
and the ogerron can’t use this weapon against another target.
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +5 Reel. The ogerron pulls a creature grappled with its Spiked Chain
Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +1, Perception +4 attack up to 20 feet straight toward the ogerron.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Ogerri, Tyverian BONUS ACTIONS
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Vicious Consequences. The ogerron makes a Headbutt attack
against a creature within 5 feet of it that is grappled by it.
Oversized. The ogerron can use a Small or Medium object as
an improvised weapon to make melee weapon attacks, dealing REACTIONS
8 (1d8 + 4) damage on a successful hit. The type of damage is
determined by the object being used, as decided by the GM. The Bastuu Call (Recharges after a Long Rest). When another
object breaks and becomes unusable on a critical hit or if a 1 is ogerron dies within 60 feet of it, the ogerron can let loose a
rolled on the die for the attack roll. strain of a bastuu. Until the end of the ogerron’s next turn, any
ally within 30 feet of the ogerron that can hear it receives a +1
Rite of Flesh. If the ogerron has partaken in the Rite of Flesh bonus to its attack rolls and ability checks and gains advantage
within the past 24 hours, it has advantage on Strength checks and
on all saving throws against becoming charmed or frightened.
Strength saving throws. To gain these benefits, the ogerron must
spend at least 10 minutes ritually consuming the flesh of an enemy
killed in battle.

Ogerron Mauler
Large Humanoid (Orc, Id)

Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 150 (20d10 + 40)
Speed 40 ft.


20 (+5) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-2)

Saving Throws Str +8, Con +6

Skills Athletics +8, Perception +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Ogerri, Tyverian
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Oversized. The ogerron can use a Small or Medium

object as an improvised weapon to make melee weapon
attacks, dealing 9 (1d8 + 5) damage on a successful hit.
The type of damage is determined by the object being
used, as decided by the GM. The object breaks and
becomes unusable on a critical hit or if a 1 is rolled on the
die for the attack roll.
Rite of Flesh. If the ogerron has partaken in the Rite
of Flesh within the past 24 hours, it has advantage on
Strength checks and Strength saving throws. To gain
these benefits, the ogerron must spend at least 10 minutes
ritually consuming the flesh of an enemy killed in battle.

Multiattack. The ogerron makes four Maul attacks.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.

Bastuu Call (Recharges after a Long Rest). When another
ogerron dies within 60 feet of it, the ogerron can let loose a
strain of a bastuu. Until the end of the ogerron’s next turn, any
ally within 30 feet Of the ogerron that can hear it receives a +1
bonus to its attack rolls and ability checks and gains advantage
on all saving throws against becoming charmed or frightened.


Orlar Northerlands—the ygarrua, ice giants with magical frost

armor that coats their bodies.
The rarest of Valernian orcs, the orlar, or snow orcs, are Once the ygarrua is brought down, the orlar harvest the
nomadic tribes from the frozen wastes of the Northerlands, ice from its corpse and bring it to the winter witches. There,
with most belonging to the Gellanor League. They have a the ice is combined with the blood of their fallen brethren—
culture centered on both physical and emotional strength, orlar warriors who have sacrificed themselves for this purpose,
praising both stoicism and passion and treating both bravery giving their lives for the continuation of their people.
and pain as marks of virtue. Once prepared, the winter witches infuse the potion with
Orlar are larger than obakkar but smaller than storm magic, awakening the power within the oljuu, before
ogerron, with pale skin covered in a fine white fur and bottling and distributing it to their people. It is with this
blue, gray, or green eyes. Their fur is soft and downy but threefold power—of the land, of the storm, and of the orlar
provides surprising insulation against the harsh cold of the themselves—that the snow orcs have won their survival.
Nomadic Warbands. The orlar live in tight-knit Orlar Warrior
warbands, traveling across the Northlands to avoid the Orlar warriors make up the majority of each orlar warband.
worst of the weather. Each warband is led by an orlar witch, They practice a careful balance of passion and stoicism and
known as a coven mother, who is chosen by her people as view pain not as a thing to be avoided but as a natural part
the wisest and most powerful of the band’s witches. The of life, to be embraced and understood. Orlar warriors
coven mother guides her people and leads the ceremonies march at the behest of their coven mother, or when the
that create the orlar’s sacred oljuu potions. Winter Coven calls Gellanor to war.
Oljuu. The orlar’s relationship with pain has historically
been defined by their sacred oljuu, a potion that helps
them withstand unimaginable agony and allows them to Orlar Witch
continue fighting when other warriors might stumble and Also known as Sisters of the Storm, orlar witches are the
fall. The creation of oljuu is a ritual unto itself and speaks spiritual leaders of their people. Almost always female, orlar
to the orlar’s identity in their adopted homeland. An orlar witches are winged, Dream-touched orcs who wield powerful
band will hunt and kill the deadliest creature found in the storm magic. No one knows the origin of the witches’ wings,
or their powers, though some claim they were a product of
the Dreambleed, or that the first witch made a pact with a
powerful feydh entity. The orlar witches are the sole crafters of
the orlar’s oljuu, a secret they guard closely.

The Winter Coven

The true power within the Gellanor League, the
Winter Coven is a group of the realm’s most powerful
orlar witches. They practice strange and secret magics,
and provide guidance to the coven mothers of each
of the various warbands. The saddest and proudest
moment for a warband is when their coven mother is
chosen to join the Winter Coven—she will lend her
guidance to all of Gellanor but must leave her people
behind to do so.

Orlar Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Orlaai, Ysvalian
Medium Humanoid (Orc, K’aab) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Armor Class 12 Oljuu. If the orlar has consumed an oljuu potion within the
Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) past 24 hours, it has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
Speed 30 ft. slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Additionally, once
per day while under the effects of the oljuu, if the orlar is
reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, it is reduced to 1
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit point instead.
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Dex +4 Falchion. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, one target. Hit: 7
(1d10 + 2) slashing damage.
Skills Survival +3
Damage Resistances cold, lightning Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Orlar Warrior Oljuu. If the orlar has consumed an oljuu potion within the past
24 hours, it has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks. Additionally, once per day while
Medium Humanoid (Orc, K’aab) under the effects of the oljuu, if the orlar is reduced to 0 hit points
but not killed outright, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the orlar warrior can gain
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but
Speed 30 ft. attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.


Multiattack. The orlar warrior makes two Falchion or two
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Longbow attacks.
Falchion. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target. Hit: 8
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +5 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +3, Survival +3 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft.,
Damage Resistances cold, lightning one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Orlaai, Ysvalian BONUS ACTION
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Strength of Oljuu (Recharges after a Short Rest). The orlar calls
upon the power of the oljuu and gains 9 (2d8) temporary hit points.
These temporary hit points last until they are depleted or the orlar
takes a short or long rest. If the orlar has not consumed oljuu in the
past 24 hours, they gain half as many temporary hit points.

Orlar Witch ACTIONS

Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +
Medium Humanoid (Orc, K’aab) 2) bludgeoning damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,
Armor Class 12 (16 with barkskin) one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Spellcasting. The orlar witch casts one of the following spells,
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
At will: barkskin, shillelagh
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 3/day each: animal messenger, bane, haste, hold person, slow
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 1/day each: awaken, call lightning, wind wall

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +6 BONUS ACTION

Skills Animal Handling +6, Medicine +6, Nature +3, Survival +8 Snowshape (1/Day). The orlar can manipulate snow and ice
Damage Resistances cold, lightning within 60 feet of it, causing one of the following effects.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Blizzard. An area 40 feet tall with a 20-foot radius centered
Languages Common, Orlaai, Ysvalian on a point within range is filled with swirling snow, causing the
area to become heavily obscured.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hailstorm. An area 40 feet tall with a 20-foot radius centered
Magic Weapons. The orlar’s weapon attacks are magical. on a point within range is filled with pelting hail. Each creature
in the area must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw
Oljuu. If the orlar has consumed an oljuu potion within the past or take 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. A creature who ends its
24 hours, it has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing turn in the affected area must repeat the saving throw, taking
damage from nonmagical attacks. Additionally, once per day additional damage on each failed save.
while under the effects of the oljuu, if the orlar is reduced to
0 hit points but not killed outright, it is reduced to 1 hit point Ice Slick. An area in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within
instead. range becomes difficult terrain. Additionally, any creature that
Shapechanger. The orlar can use its action to polymorph into a moves more than 5 feet while in this area must succeed on a DC 14
white raven or back into its true form. When in raven form, the Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
orlar’s walking speed is 5 feet, and it has a flying speed of 50 The effect lasts for 1 minute or until the orlar’s concentration is
feet. Its statistics are the same in its raven form, except for the broken (as if concentrating on a spell). For the duration, the orlar
speed changes noted. Anything the orlar is wearing transforms can use a bonus action to move the current effect to a new point
with it, but nothing it is carrying does. The orlar reverts to its true within range or choose a new effect; if it does so, the previous
form if it dies. effect ends.

Small humanoids with round faces and large eyes, Púka, Affable Allies. The púka are typically a shy but amiable
also known as bright halflings, have a friendly, childlike people. Their meals are warm and filling, their fires bright,
appearance. Though they are found in many Valernian cities and their songs a balm to the heart on an icy winter night.
and realms, they are well known throughout the Ysvalian Púka carts are a welcome sight across Valerna, loaded down
Alliance as skilled cooks, crafters, and artisans and can often with valuable supplies as well as barrels of ale and pots of
be found in these roles throughout the continent. soup. These carts provide support to the Ysvalian military
during times of war but also travel the countryside, often
serving as the connective tissue between far-flung villages.
Púka Púka Lights. Though púka settlements exist in the wilds
Small Humanoid (Fai) of Ysval, finding them can be difficult, as they prefer to
remain hidden away in the mountains and caverns of the
Armor Class 11 countryside. However, travelers who have become lost in
Hit Points 11 (2d6 + 4)
Speed 25 ft.
the wilderness have reported seeing a floating light in the
distance that guided them to a púka village or encampment,
where they were welcomed out of the cold with smiles, hot
food, and a warm bed. No one knows what causes these
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
púka lights to appear, but those within Ysval know they can
Saving Throws Cha +3, Wis +4
rely on such a sight to guide them to safety.
Skills Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4, Survival +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Ysvalian
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Brave. The púka has advantage on saving throws against

becoming frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness. The púka can move through the space
of any Medium or larger creature.
Lucky. When the púka rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, it can reroll the die and must use the
new roll.

Rolling Pin. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 − 1) bludgeoning damage.

Qirin silver qirin’s horns are much larger than the black qirin’s, and they
sometimes grow sharp spines on their cheekbones, jaws, and front
The qirin are noble beasts from the Dragon Kingdom of Allaria. legs. As their name implies, the coloration of silver qirin tends
Intelligent, wise, and empathetic, a qirin makes an ideal animal more toward grays and blacks, with shimmering silver scales.
companion and is the mount of choice for Fai hunters, wardens, and
nobility, both for their demeanor and their striking appearance. A
horse-like creature with shimmering scales, elegant horns, and cloven
Gold Qirin
hooves, the qirin is a beautiful sight in the wild and a stunning sight The regal gold qirin is the most eye-catching of the three qirin
on the battlefield. Because of this, the qirin has become associated types. With an ivory white coat, metallic gold scales, and elaborate
with hope and glory throughout Allaria. horns, the gold qirin is the mount of Allarian nobility. Typically
prized for their aesthetics, there are numerous types of gold qirin;
some sport stripes, while others have a mottled, cloud-like pattern
Black Qirin on their coat and others still are pure white. Gold qirin are often
The black qirin is the most common type of qirin found in the kept for show rather than for battle. Although their owners
forests and wilds of Allaria. Its scales and hide are a combination of may ride them in hunts or for sport, they are trained more for
brown, black, white, and golden-tan, though several color patterns competitions and parades than combat.
are bred for in captivity and not found in the wild. They are the
smallest of the qirin types, with smaller horns, making them far
more nimble in a forest environment than their silver and gold
cousins. For this reason, they are often the chosen qirin mount for
Fai hunters and others who patrol the more densely wooded regions
of Valerna.

Silver Qirin
Larger and bulkier than black qirin, silver qirin are the preferred
mounts for the Allai wardens and are more often found on a
battlefield or in a military parade. They
have a heartier constitution than their
black or gold kin, more suited for
carrying heavier loads, and they
can learn complex maneuvers
for both combat and show. The


Black Qirin Qirin Leap. The qirin’s long jump is up to 30 feet and its high
jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start. This
Large Beast (Fai) movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 52 (8d10 + 8) Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed 60 ft. creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) be knocked prone.

Skills Insight +4, Perception +4
Empathic Guidance (2/Day). The qirin chooses one
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target gains
Languages understands all spoken languages but can’t speak advantage on the next attack roll, saving throw, or ability
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 check.

Gold Qirin Qirin Leap. The qirin’s long jump is up to 30 feet and its high
jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start. This
Large Beast (Fai) movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12) Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed 60 ft. creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be
14 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) knocked prone.
Regal Prance. The gold qirin flashes its scales. Each creature
Saving Throws Cha +6, Wis +4 within 30 feet of the qirin that can see it must succeed on a
DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by the qirin
Skills Insight +4, Perception +4, Performance +6 for 1 minute. If the target takes damage, it can repeat the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 saving throw.
Languages understands all spoken languages but can’t speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 BONUS ACTIONS
Empathic Guidance (5/Day). The qirin chooses one creature
it can see within 30 feet of it. The target gains advantage on
the next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.

Silver Qirin Qirin Leap. The qirin’s long jump is up to 30 feet and its high
jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start. This
Large Beast (Fai) movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33) Multiattack. The qirin makes two Kick attacks and one Horns
Speed 60 ft. attack.
Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.
Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5 knocked prone.
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +3, Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Empathic Guidance (3/Day). The qirin chooses one creature
Languages understands all spoken languages but can’t speak
it can see within 30 feet of it. The target gains advantage on
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 the next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.

Qillu Qillu
The qillu, also known as keen halflings, have sharp minds Small Humanoid (Halfling, K’aab)
that make them particularly gifted at professions that
require organization and a high attention to detail, such as Armor Class 12
Hit Points 14 (4d6)
historians, bookkeepers, clerks, and librarians. They forget
Speed 25 ft.
very little of what they learn and can recall information years
after they read it. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Qillu are short humanoids, with long arms, long ears,
and snub noses, and they can have a variety of skin and 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
hair colors, including pale white, pitch black, and shades
of gray, peach, and brown. Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +4
The Ledger. Rumors claim the qillu keep a massive ledger Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Investigation +5, Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
that spans generations and details the histories of various Languages Allai, Common
peoples of Valerna, including names, biographies, family Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
trees, and notable deeds, all kept up-to-date via a complex
spy network. Why the qillu would keep such a ledger is a Eye for Detail. The qillu has advantage on Intelligence
mystery, and most dismiss this legend outright, claiming it’s (Investigation) checks.
pure fiction based on the qillu’s incredible memories. Halfling Nimbleness. The qillu can move through the
space of any Medium or larger creature.
Keen Mind. The qillu can accurately recall anything it has
seen or read in the past year. Additionally, it has advantage
on Intelligence (History) checks to recall information.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing
Spellcasting. The qillu casts one of the following spells,
using intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save
DC 13).
At will: comprehend languages, dancing lights, message


Shev Shev
The shev, also known as shadow halflings, originated in
Small Humanoid (Halfling, Id)
Southeast Valerna. Their civilization grew from out of
the Clotmarshes in Tyveria, one of the most unforgiving Armor Class 13
regions in Valerna. As the shev adapted to their homeland, Hit Points 66 (12d6 + 24)
Speed 25 ft.
they learned to be cautious and inventive. Shev are small
and typically hairless, with pasty skin and wide, pale eyes.
Their teeth are sharp, and their faces are bat-like, bearing
broad snub noses and long, pointed ears. 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Inventive Alchemists. Shev were the first alchemists
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +5
in Valerna, developing healing concoctions and virulent Skills Arcana +5, Perception +2, Stealth +5, Survival +2
poisons early to fight off their homeland’s deadly Damage Resistances poison
ecosystem. Later on, they were the first of Valernian Condition Immunities poisoned
peoples to experiment with nonmagical explosives. Senses passive Perception 12
Their arsenal ranges from bottles containing explosive Languages Common, Tyverian
components full of shrapnel and a liquid that ignites Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
when the air touches it, to sticky liquids that slow their
opponents and poisonous gases that blind, choke, or kill ACTIONS
them outright. Multiattack. The shev makes two Light Crossbow or two
Tyverian Recruits. The Blood Empire of Tyveria was Shortsword attacks.
quick to bring the shev into their fold, utilizing the shadow Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage
halflings’ inventiveness for their own ends. Many shev plus 2 (1d4) poison damage.
act as spies, alchemists, and cutthroats for the Tyverian Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
military, the Crimson Hawks, or the maghyr noble houses. hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3)
piercing damage.
Acid Bomb (3/Day). The shev throws a
bomb to a point of its choice within 60 feet
of it. Each creature within a 10 ft. radius of
the bomb must make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) acid damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a success.

Cunning Action. The shev can take
the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Shimmerworm shimmerworm attack, and those are often noticed mere
moments before the creature breaks forth from the ground.
Few beings in Valerna rival the fear and dread invoked by Monstrous Quarry. Though no one knows the origins
the appearance of dragons, but the shimmerworm is one of these strange monsters, the sjóda of the Gellanor League
such creature. Altered by some unknown magic, they are have taken to hunting them for their meat and useful body
massive creatures that tunnel within the frozen tundra of parts, the way the Ysvalians hunt whales, and even hold
the Northerlands and are armored with enchanted ice that competitions to see which camp can bring down the largest
sparkles like quartz crystals. specimen. This serves a dual purpose: The sjóda gain plentiful
Terror from Beneath. Since shimmerworms burrow food and materials, but they also cull the shimmerworm
beneath the ice, snow, and hard earth, there is often little population. If it’s left unchecked, shimmerworms can grow
forewarning when one approaches. Tremors and a strange so large they can devour entire settlements.
shifting of the snowpack are the only signs of an imminent

Gargantuan Monstrosity (Fai)

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 350 (20d20 + 140)
Speed burrow 60 ft.


22 (+6) 9 (-1) 25 (+7) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

Saving Throws Str +12, Con +13, Wis +6

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities cold
Condition Immunities blinded, frightened, poisoned, prone
Senses blindsight 30 ft., tremorsense 120 ft., passive
Perception 10
Languages —
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Icy Armor. Any creature that hits the shimmerworm with a

melee attack takes 14 (4d6) cold damage.
Magical Attacks. The shimmerworm’s attacks are magical.
Siege Monster. The creature deals double damage to objects
and structures.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be
swallowed by the shimmerworm. A swallowed creature is
blinded and restrained, and it has total cover from attacks
and effects outside the shimmerworm. A swallowed
creature takes 14 (4d6) cold damage and 21 (6d6) acid
damage at the start of each of the shimmerworm’s turns.
If the shimmerworm takes 40 damage or more on a single turn
from a creature inside it, the shimmerworm regurgitates all
swallowed creatures at the end of that turn. A regurgitated
creature falls prone within 10 feet of the shimmerworm. If the
shimmerworm dies, all swallowed creatures are no longer
restrained and can escape the corpse by using 20 feet of
movement, exiting prone.
Frost Breath (Recharge 4–6). The shimmerworm exhales
frigid ice shards in a 60-foot cone. Each creature within
the area must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw. On
a failed save, the creature takes 21 (6d6) piercing damage
plus 32 (5d12) cold damage and is incapacitated until the
end of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature
takes half as much damage and is not incapacitated.

Death Throes. When the shimmerworm is reduced to 0 hit
points, each creature within 20 feet of it must make a DC
20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (10d10) bludgeoning
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.


Sjóda Sjóda
The sjóda, also known as frost dwarves, are among the
Medium Humanoid (Fai)
hardiest peoples of Valerna. Their hair and beards are made of
icicle-like crystals, and their skin is hardened and impervious Armor Class 16 (hide armor, shield)
to the cold. They wear hide clothing and wield weapons made Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
of stormsteel—a dull iron that has been enchanted by winter Speed 25 ft.
witches, giving it a matte gray appearance.
Nomadic Caravans. Sjóda travel in war-tusker STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
mammoth caravans that also serve as their moving homes, 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
with children and civilians riding the war-tuskers while
scouts and warriors patrol around the caravan using Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +3
snowhound sleds. At the darkest hours of the night, they set Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3, Survival +3
up gigantic camps using tents made from animal hides. One Damage Resistances cold, poison
can see sjóda camps at a distance thanks to the glow of the Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
carved lanterns they place around their tents. Languages Common, Sjóda
Determined Survivors. Sjóda have trouble coexisting Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
with other groups. Their caravans can deplete an entire
Frost Dwarf Resilience. The sjóda has advantage on
region of game and lumber in a single season, and the Constitution saving throws.
other denizens of the Northerlands tend to be hostile
to frost dwarves as a result.The most important value of ACTIONS
frost dwarf culture, however, is survival, be it among the Multiattack. The sjóda makes two Stormsteel Battle Axe
elements or against an enemy. The only place where sjóda or Light Crossbow attacks.
tribes are always welcome is the Gellanor League, where Stormsteel Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage
their mammoth caravans ply their well-known fur and plus 2 (1d4) cold damage.
gem trade, and their numbers and strength represent
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:
a mighty boost to the Gellan armies. +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

Sikari began experimenting with the Source slabs, using the power
within them to craft their first forays into zoethurgy and forming
The blue elves of the sea, the sikari are known for their the first geni stones. When the Náhuinn discovered the sikari’s
scientific acumen and their unusual life alchemy, which actions, they felt it was a betrayal of their trust and an attack on
allows them to modify the bodies of living beings, including their culture, and they banished the elves from their lands.
themselves. They have built a whole underwater civilization Geni Stones. Each sikari possesses a geni stone, which
based on their science: the Arkane Dominion of Sikaria. Most they use to power their zoethurgy. Without such a stone,
sikari sport several body modifications and alter themselves a sikari’s modifications may begin to fail, and they may no
both for practical and aesthetic purposes. longer be able to use their powers. As such, the sikari cherish
Zoethurgy and Kistemis. The alchemical science utilized their geni stones, and some even embed them into their
by the sikari is known as zoethurgy, and it is a practice of bodies in an attempt to keep them safe.
molding and changing living beings. They do not limit
themselves to simple modifications, however; sikari have
created entire species of sentient beings through their
zoethurgical experimentation on creatures found within the Medium Humanoid (Elf, K’aab)
oceans of Valerna, including the ushobai crabfolk and the
Armor Class 13
karuukai sharkfolk.
Hit Points 27 (6d8)
According to the sikari, all such work is in pursuit of Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
kistemis, the sikari value of knowledge gained through
experimentation. The sikari are constantly striving for
change, pushing the limits of what is known and what
is possible, and they see both the ends and the means as 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
justified within their worldview.
Creators and Children. Many sikari view themselves as Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +5, Cha +4
gods among their people due to their ability to alter and, Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +5, Deception +4, Persuasion +4
allegedly, elevate other species. Even those sikari who are Damage Resistances lightning
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
not so conceited as to make such lofty claims consider
Languages Common, Ellari, Sikarian
themselves creators and consider their subjects
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
to be their children. Often, a sikari will act as
a benevolent figure to their subjects, and
Amphibious. The sikari can breathe both air and
their subjects, in turn, may treat them as water.
a beloved parent, regarding them with Combat Modifications. The sikari has
adoration and even, in some cases, advantage on all Dexterity (Acrobatics) and
worship. However, not all creations Strength (Athletics) checks and on Dexterity
checks made to determine initiative.
share such a benevolent view of this
Fai Ancestry. The sikari has advantage on
relationship; some simply wish to live saving throws against being charmed, and magic
their lives in peace outside of Sikarian can’t put it to sleep.
rule, while others actively foment
rebellion against the blue elves. ACTIONS
Academic Competition. Several Multiattack. The sikari makes two Electrified Strike
great schools of thought, known as or Trident attacks. It can replace one attack with a
use of Bioshock.
arkane akademia, exist within the
Electrified Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5
Dominion, in fierce competition with to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3)
one another. Each school considers bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) lightning
themselves the pinnacle of Sikarian damage and the target must succeed on a DC
advancement, with their own unique 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until
the start of the sikari’s next turn.
approaches and methodologies.
Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
They hold four incredibly popular +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60, one
competitions every year, known target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage, or 4 (1d8)
collectively as the Antagoneia, piercing damage if used with two hands to
where they debate theories, display make a melee attack.
artworks, and pit their biological Bioshock. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) lightning damage,
creations against each other in and the target cannot take reactions until the
gladiatorial combat. start of the sikari’s next turn.
Born of Betrayal. The sikari Spellcasting. The sikari casts one of the
began as ellari refugees from the following spells, requiring no material
Dreambleed, sheltering in Nahuac, components and using Intelligence as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
where they took an interest in Source
slabs, natural formations rich in K’aab At will: thunderwave
1/day: shatter
that are sacred to the Náhuinn people.
Perhaps unaware of this sacred nature,
or perhaps in spite of it, these elves

Skorpikon Skorpikon
Large carapaced arthropods, skorpikons have massive Large Beast (Id)
pincers and long, curving tails tipped with a wicked stinger.
They originate in the Oriashi jungles of Tyveria, where they Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
hunt other creatures and nest in deep burrows formed from Hit Points 90 (12d10 + 24)
Speed 40 ft.
the underbrush. The signs of a nearby skorpikon lair are
hard to spot, as the broken and cracked bones of its prey are
quickly covered by leaf litter and lost to the jungle.
Tyverian Cavalry. The Tyverian military raises trained 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
skorpikons for their cavalry units, fitting the creatures with
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
curved saddles and draping them with decorative tyvalite
Languages —
barding.Their many legs make them particularly adept at Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
overcoming rough terrain, and in large numbers they can
easily overwhelm other creatures, even those larger than they. Spiked Carapace. Any creature that makes a melee attack
against the skorpikon must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw or take 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Killing Blow. If the skorpikon makes two successful Claw
attacks on the same turn, the attack roll for its Stinger attack
is made with advantage.

Multiattack. The skorpikon makes two Claw attacks and
one Stinger attack.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage, and if the target
is Medium or smaller it is grappled (escape DC 13).
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
take an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage and become
incapacitated until the end of its next turn.

One of the most successful experiments of Sikarian zoethurgy,
ushobai are armored behemoths, created for combat. They
look like rotund, roughly upright crabs or lobsters with huge
claws and protruding eyes, gaining them the name crabfolk.
They relish combat, and often find a place in Sikarian society
as athletes, soldiers, or gladiators.
Gladiatorial Schools. Two primary
training schools exist within Sikaria: Paloi
and Pankratei. Both train ushobai to fight
in the Antagoneia, massive competitions
where Sikarians pit their creations against
one another and combatants vie for
supremacy. These two training schools
have a fierce rivalry, their students
often going to head-to-head in the
final matches.

Ushobai Amphibious. The ushobai can breathe air and water.

Recklessly Territorial. When defending its waters, the
Large Beastfolk (Deepborn, K’aab) ushobai can decide to attack recklessly when it makes its
first attack each turn. If so, it has advantage on all attack rolls
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) it makes during that turn, but all attack rolls against them
Hit Points 34 (4d10 + 12) have advantage until its next turn.
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
Multiattack. The ushobai makes one Pincer and one
17 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is
grappled (escape DC 13). The ushobai can grapple up to one
Saving Throws Str +5, Wis +3 creature for each of its two pincers. It can only attack with a
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3, Survival +3 pincer that is not grappling a creature or holding a weapon.
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 13 Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Languages Common, Sikarian or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2


Uutabai Uutabai
Large Beastfolk (K’aab)
Known simply as seabears by outsiders, uutabai are a species
of beastfolk native to Valerna’s frozen northern coasts. While
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) not aggressive, they are very territorial and rarely welcome
Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33) foreigners or intruders. Uutabai are bulky and furred, with
Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.
large forearms and clawed hands that allow them to walk on
two or four legs. They sport large tusks, wide-set eyes, and a
large nose near the top of their head. They often add heavy
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) clothing over their natural fur coat and complement their
frightening claws with forged weapons.
Saving Throws Con +5 Ancient Clans. It isn’t known how long uutabai have
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +4 existed, but their oral tradition claims to go back to the
Senses passive Perception 10 world’s creation and the Protogons. Uutabai elders, who
Languages Iuuta, Sikarian handle diplomacy, history, and magic, are cherished for
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 their wisdom. Each uutabai clan has one such
elder and one leader, charged with guiding
Charge. If the uutabai moves at least 10 feet straight toward
a target and then hits it with a Gore attack on the same turn, their people to victory against other clans
the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the or foreign invaders.
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.
Deep Lungs. The uutabai can hold its breath for up to 30

Multiattack. The uutabai makes two Claw
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
slashing damage.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13
(2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

The lesser nobility of Tyveria, vampyri are Will-chosen Blood Oath. The highest-ranking vampyri swear
humans like their maghyr masters, their inner willpower allegiance to a maghyr patron, who provides them with
awakened by blood sorcery. However, vampyri cannot a steady blood supply and shared power in exchange for
awaken blood themselves and, thus, are dependent on servitude. Such a bond makes the vampyr into an extension
maghyri to retain their magic. Vampyri need to feed on the of the maghyr’s power, sharing their essence through blood.
blood of living creatures to survive, but they compensate for These vampyri are known as bloodsworn and serve as their
this weakness with enhanced physical attributes and senses. maghyr’s bodyguards and most trusted agents.
Noble Retainers. Vampyri serve as vassals to maghyr Should the blood oath be broken, be it because the
houses, ruling their lands and enforcing peace in the maghyr dies or dismisses the bloodsworn or because the
name of their masters. Other than maghyr relatives and bloodsworn renounces it, the vampyr becomes suddenly
human servants, a maghyr’s court is mainly made up of weakened, and they will need to find a new master soon or
vampyr lieutenants and confidantes. Vampyri also have risk becoming feral, with no blood sorcery to awaken their
an important political presence, standing behind their power and control their blood thirst. Oathbreakers are
maghyri in ruling councils and giving them their votes in rarely sought after again, however, and most bloodsworn
diplomatic matters that affect the maghyr caste—or the know their life is forfeit if they lose their patron.
Blood Empire itself—as a whole.
Military Officers. Virtually all Tyverian career officers
are vampyri who have only known battle as a way of life,
as skilled in strategy and leadership as they are in personal
combat. Vampyr soldiers are often trained as mounted
combatants, be it in the skorpikon cavalry or the ranks of
skyborne vespida riders. They feed on the blood spilled by
their mount, becoming stronger as they fight.

Medium Humanoid (Human, Id)

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.


17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Cha +4, Con +4

Skills Insight +2, Intimidation +4, Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Magy, Tyverian
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. The vampyr makes either three melee
attacks—two with its Claws and one with its Bite—or
two Light Crossbow attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) plus 2 (1d4) necrotic damage, and
the vampyr regains hit points equal to half the necrotic
damage dealt.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing


Large flying insects with massive stingers and wings,
vespidai, or blood wasps, give off a loud, droning buzz
as they patrol the skies. They are native to the Oriashi
jungle, where they live in large swarms and
build massive mud nests that house dozens of
them. The droning from a vespida nest can
be felt in the ground almost a mile away, as
the vibrations from so many wings sends a
constant hum through the earth.
Swarming Predators. Vespidai rarely
hunt alone, instead venturing out in
groups of at least three to search for
prey. When they find a creature, they
swarm around it, using their massive
stingers to poison and eventually
kill their target. If the prey is small
enough, one vespida will carry it
back to the nest to feed the others.
Otherwise, they’ll cleave it into
manageable pieces with their mandibles,
bringing each chunk back separately.
Aerial Cavalry. Vespidai are the
air force of the Tyverian armies, trained
for battle and long-range reconnaissance.
They are most often deployed as elite
shock troops, using their manueverabiltiy
and advantageous view of the battlefield
to overwhelm their opponents and disrupt
enemy forces. They are also used as beasts
of burden in many Tyverian cities. Though
they are not as strong individually as some
creatures, their ability to deliver goods by air
makes them infinitely valuable.

Tread carefully, and

remember--the one who
the vipers’ nest is the on pokes
e who will most surely
from a poisoned bite. die

Vespida Droning Buzz. Any creature that starts its turn within 30 ft.
of a flying vespida must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving
Large Beast (Id) throw or become frightened of the vespida until the end of
the vespida’s next turn.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12) ACTIONS
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA take an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage and become
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 9 (-1) 3 (-4) poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
on a success.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages — BONUS ACTION
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Unnecessary Cruelty. The vespida makes a Stinger attack
against a frightened creature within 5 feet.

Waada Thought Eaters. The waada feed their psychic powers
by consuming the brains of other creatures, feasting on their
The waada are among the most widespread and powerful thoughts and memories. This sustains their alien life cycles, their
creatures of the Hollowdepths, the dark world of diet, and their economy; every waada has a cellar storing their
underground caves below Valerna. Bloated, bipedal favorite thoughts, which they later may share with visitors or
amphibians from the toxic wetlands of the Hollowdepths, the customers. In fact, the prestige of a waada is closely tied to the
waada’s overdeveloped brains spill outside their skulls and give kind of thoughts they serve at social gatherings. The waada are
them powerful psychic abilities, which they use for illusion also eternal collectors, gathering not only the thoughts of their
and deception. victims but also physical keepsakes of their most memorable
Scheming Traders. The waada have formed a civilization meals, and their swamp palaces are gaudy, covered in varied,
revolving around trade, extortion, and information. Their main sentimental trinkets intended to trigger pleasurable recollections.
stock is intelligence, acquired not only from their extensive The waada’s victims are eventually drained of all intelligence,
information network across the Hollowdepths but also from becoming semi-sentient husks, known as thoughtless, which the
the actual, processed and bottled intelligence of living creatures, waada use as servants and beasts of burden.
which the waada can extract and then store, analyze, and sell.
The waada network is a fixture of the Hollowdepths.
They know every rumor and every location
and have contacts in every cavern, and it is
reasonably suspected that they are behind
organized crime on the surface, being
partners of, or even the power behind,
the Allarian Undercurrent or the
Crimson Hawks.

Huge Aberration (Id) Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one creature.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) psychic damage,
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) and if the creature is Medium or smaller it becomes grappled
Hit Points 199 (21d12 + 63) (escape DC 16). A grappled creature is considered restrained.
Speed 30 ft. The waada cannot make Tongue attacks while it has a creature
grappled in this way.
Psychic Drain. The waada targets a creature it can see within
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 90 feet of it that has a brain. The creature must make a DC 16
Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 22 (4d10)
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) psychic damage, its Intelligence score is reduced by 1d4, and
it becomes stunned until the end of its turn. On a success, the
Saving Throws Wis +8, Cha +8 creature takes half as much damage, does not have its Intelligence
Skills Arcana +8, Deception +8, History +8, Insight +8, Investigation score reduced, and is not stunned. A creature whose Intelligence
+8, Perception +8, Persuasion +8 score is reduced to 0 by this attack becomes a thoughtless, as per
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18 the waada’s Create Thoughtless trait. Any ability score reductions
from this action are permanent. Only a greater restoration spell or
Languages Common, Primordial, Wadeep, telepathy 90 ft. similar magic can return the creature to its original state.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Spellcasting (Psionics). The waada casts one of the following
spells, requiring no material components and using Intelligence as
Create Thoughtless. A creature that remains charmed by a waada the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
for more than 24 hours is permanently charmed by that waada At will: charm person
and becomes a thoughtless. The creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma scores are reduced to 3, and it is under the complete 3/day: modify memory
control of the waada. If the waada dies, the creature becomes 1/day: dominate person
permanently incapacitated. Only the greater restoration spell or
similar magic can remove the charmed or incapacitated condition
and restore the creature’s abilities. BONUS ACTIONS
Magic Resistance. The waada has advantage on saving throws Command Thoughtless. The waada commands each creature it
against spells and other magical effects. has charmed to perform a single action. The command can be
generic, such as “protect me” or “attack them.”
ACTIONS Leap. The waada moves up to its speed, ignoring difficult terrain
Multiattack. The waada makes one Tongue attack and uses and moving through other creatures’ spaces.
either its Psychic Drain or Spellcasting.


Xibac Kaabmarked Xibac Drowned

The North Quarter of Nahuac, Mígtal, is ruled over by A xibac drowned is a waterlogged undead. Their
nine powerful undead sorcerers. They, and most other appearance can vary, depending on where they died and
humans in Mígtal, practice xibac necromancy, which most how long they remained beneath the water. Some simply
of Nahuac considers a perversion of Source magic. Those look dead, while others may be bloated or wrinkled,
who practice such magic, however, consider it a natural mummified from their time in a bog, or covered in
part of Source. barnacles or the remnants of aquatic parasites.
Risen Undead. Xibac sorcerers are able to create undead
to serve them. Most of these undead are mindless thralls, Xibac Numbed
known as the kaabmarked and are little more than walking
corpses. Raising an undead with their memories, feelings, Most kaabmarked are known as numbed—animated
and personality intact is a much more difficult process, bodies without a mind or soul, which move only by
requiring a ritual involving not just Source but also Dream virtue of the necromantic powers that compel them. As
and Will. their name implies, they are unfeeling and fearless, and
they act only under the orders of their creator, continuing
their function as they decompose until they are no more
Xibac Burned than skeletons.
Typically created from those who died by fire, xibac
burned are not often used in public due their appearance.
Their flesh is charred and cracked, their hair or feathers
blackened or missing entirely. However, they still hold a Xibac Drowned
spark of the fire that killed them within their hearts. Their Medium Undead (K’aab)
touch can burn, and they can regenerate themselves from
that same spark, making them useful in battle. Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 20 ft.


Medium Undead (K’aab) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 6 (-2)

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison

Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Speed 20 ft. from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Common and Náhuinn, but cannot
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) speak them
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Kaabmark. The xibac drowned bears a magical rune, known
from nonmagical attacks as a kaabmark, somewhere on its body. When the xibac
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned drowned is reduced to 0 hit points, it will rise again at full hit
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 points 24 hours later, unless its kaabmark is destroyed.
Languages understands Common and Náhuinn, but cannot
speak them ACTIONS
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Multiattack. The xibac drowned makes two Claw attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Kaabmark. The xibac burned bears a magical rune, known creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
as a kaabmark, somewhere on its body. When the xibac
burned is reduced to 0 hit points, it will rise again at full hit BONUS ACTIONS
points 24 hours later, unless the its kaabmark is destroyed. Rotten Spray (Recharge 5–6). The xibac drowned vomits
gore-choked water in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in the
ACTIONS area must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
Burning Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., or take 7 (2d6) poison damage and become poisoned until
one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) the end of its next turn.
fire damage.
Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +3 to hit, range 30 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) fire damage.
Flame Within. The xibac burned regains 7 (2d6) hit points.

Xibac Numbed Xibac Lich
Medium Undead (K’aab) Medium Undead (K’aab)

Armor Class 10 (natural armor) Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Hit Points 214 (33d8 + 66)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.


10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 9 (-1)
11 (+0) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +7
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Skills Arcana +9, History +9, Medicine +7
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
from nonmagical attacks Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, poisoned,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 unconscious
Languages understands Common and Náhuinn, but cannot Senses truesight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
speak them Perception 10
Languages Common, Náhuinn
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Kaabmark. The xibac numbed bears a magical rune, known Create Kaabmarked. As part of a ritual that takes 1
as a kaabmark, somewhere on its body. When the xibac hour, the xibac can reanimate the corpses of Medium
numbed is reduced to 0 hit points, it will rise again at full hit or Small humanoids within 10 feet. The number of
points 24 hours later, unless its kaabmark is destroyed. corpses they can reanimate at once depends on the
type of kaabmarked they use this ritual to create:
ACTIONS five xibac numbed, three xibac burned, or two
xibac drowned. The kaabmarked undead are under
Macahui Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 the xibac’s control. If the xibac is destroyed, any
ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage. remaining kaabmarked attack the creature nearest
to them until they are also destroyed.
BONUS ACTIONS Kaabmark. The xibac bears a magical rune,
Grave Breath. The xibac numbed exhales a gout of cold known as a kaabmark, somewhere on its body.
When the xibac is reduced to 0 hit points, it
graveyard mist in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area will rise again at full hit points 24 hours later,
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or unless its kaabmark is destroyed.
become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can
Magic Resistance. The xibac has advantage
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the on saving throws against spells and other
effect on itself on a success. magical effects.

Xibac Lich Necrotic Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon
Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage plus 10
Using Source magic to animate the dead, xibac (3d6) necrotic damage, and the xibac
regains 5 hit points.
necromancers are also able to apply this same approach
Siphon Life (Recharge 5–6). Each
on themselves, extending their lifespan even past death. creature within 15 feet of the xibac
Unlike most other societies, however, in Mígtal, it is must make a DC 17 Constitution
an accepted part of life and death that the practice saving throw, taking 16 (3d10)
necrotic damage on a failed
of necromancy leads to lichdom. Xibac liches are not save or half as much damage
shunned nor feared by their people, nor do they need to on a successful one. The xibac
regains hit points equal to half
practice their craft in secret. They are instead honored and the damage dealt. A creature
revered as powerful and wise arcane practitioners within reduced to 0 hit points in this
their quarter. way rises at the start of its
next turn as a xibac numbed
Totemic Shamans. Xibac necromancers prepare for their under the xibac’s control.
eventual undeath by crafting totems made from the remains Spellcasting. The xibac
of other peoples. Because death has disconnected them from casts one of the following
spells, using Intelligence as the
Vaala, they must use these totems as foci to channel Source spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18):
into their magics. Often, these totems take the form of At will: animate dead, chill touch, dispel
elaborate headdresses adorned with bones or skulls of other 3/day each: cloudkill, create undead
Valernians. They are both a symbol of the lich’s power and 1/day each: disintegrate, finger of
position and a vital tool of their continued power. death
Powerful Leaders. The most powerful liches in all of REACTIONS
Valerna are the Nine Lords of Mígtal, the leaders of the Counterspell. When a creature
nine states in the North Quarter of Nahuac. Their practice within 60 ft. of the xibac casts a spell of
of necromancy alienates them from much of Valerna, so 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has
no effect.
they rule as one, maintaining a united front to protect Shield. If the xibac is hit by an attack,
themselves and their states from hostilities from other it gains a +5 bonus to its AC until
the start of its next turn, including
realms, and from the rest of Nahuac itself. against the triggering attack.

Yummar Raider Yummar Raider

The yummar people are ancient human nomads who Medium Humanoid (Human, K’aab)
survived the Dreambleed and the fall of the Altanesi
Empire, turning into hunter clans within the frozen Armor Class 14 (hide)
Northerlands. They have been neighbors of other snow Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)
peoples for centuries, sometimes as allies, sometimes as Speed 30 ft.
rivals. Over time, the yummar have accepted members
from countless other tribes, becoming a culture identified STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
by their customs more than their physical traits. 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 13 (+1)
In battle, yummar warriors are fierce and bold,
launching into the fray with frightful cries that herald pain Saving Throws Str+4, Con +5
Skills Perception +1, Survival +1
and carnage. Their only armor is their fur clothing, but
Senses passive Perception 11
their weapons are made of sharp and vicious steel, and they Languages Common, Gellan
overwhelm their foes with their sheer numbers. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. The yummar makes two Harpoon or
Longsword attacks.
Harpoon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw or be impaled on the harpoon. An
impaled creature cannot move more than 20 feet from the
yummar without first succeeding on a DC 11 Strength check
to yank the harpoon free, taking 3 (1d6) piercing damage
in the process.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

M any adventurers purchase their gear from shops
as they pass through town or scavenge armor
and weapons from the corpses of those they’ve killed.
dragon has the following components on offer: 2 eyes, a
breath sac, 50 phials of blood, a pouch of teeth, a pouch of
claws, and its hide. Because the dragon is CR 10, the party
However, some adventurers prefer to have a more hands- can also harvest robust essence from it (see later in this chapter
on approach, and may wish to craft their own gear from for more on essence).
the materials they find on their journeys. Others may wish
to own their own shops that they operate in the downtime Dragon Harvest
between adventures, supplementing their endeavors with
a more traditional income. Introduced in this section are COMPONENT DC COMPONENTS
two new optional systems: Harvesting and Crafting. 5 Eye, flesh, phial of blood
Dragon Hunter Harvesting and Crafting. The
Harvesting and Crafting rules presented here work 10 Bone, egg, fat, pouch of claws,
pouch of teeth
separately from those for the Dragon Hunter class features.
The corpse of a creature can only be harvested once, using 15 Horn, liver, pouch of scales
either system; a player cannot harvest skutte for Dragon 20 Heart
Hunter forma and also harvest parts for the crafting system 25 Breath sac
found here from the same corpse.

Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting

Step 2 - Harvest List
The crafting section presented here is built to be able to
stand alone or to work in conjunction with the crafting The harvesters then quickly decide what they want to harvest
systems in Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting from and in which order. This order is known as the harvest list.
our friends at Loot Tavern. There, you’ll find additional Example. The party chooses to harvest the following
rules like volatile components that can explode, ruining components in the listed order: a pouch of teeth, 2 eyes, the
components with destructive damage types, salvaging breath sac, and then the essence.
old magic items, ritual carving using spellcasting
abilities instead of Dexterity, and finding traders to buy
and sell components.
Step 3 - Harvest DCs
Happy hunting! After the party has created its harvest list, the GM calculates
the Harvest DCs. They list out the chosen components in
the order the party wishes to harvest them and sequentially
add each Component DC to the total of all the previous

Harvesting Rules Component DCs. The Component DC represents how hard

a component is to harvest.
After a creature is slain, its components must be harvested
Example Harvest List
quickly before their magic fades. There are five steps involved
in this process. COMPONENT

Step 1 - Description Pouch of teeth 10 10 (10)

Eye (1) 5 15 (10+5)
When a creature dies, the GM consults the harvest table
Eye (2) 5 20 (10+5+5)
corresponding to the creature’s type and determines which of
the listed components are available to be harvested. Breath Sac 25 45 (10+5+5+25)
Example. In the example below, the party wishes to Robust essence 30 75 (10+5+5+25+30)
harvest a young Fulgen dragon they have slain. The GM
consults the Dragon Harvest table and decides that the


Step 4 - Harvesting check

Creature Size and Harvest Time


The players make a Harvesting check. A Harvesting check is
the combined total of two ability checks: an Assessment check Tiny 5 minutes
and a Carving check; these are described in more detail later Small 10 minutes
in this chapter.
Example. Because the creature being harvested is a Medium 15 minutes
dragon, the skill associated with the Assessment and Carving Large 30 minutes
checks is Survival. The wizard, the assessing harvester, makes Huge 2 hours
an Intelligence (Survival) check with a result of 17. The
Barbarian, the carving harvester, makes a Dexterity (Survival) Gargantuan 12 hours
check with a result of 20. The results of the two checks
combine to equal 37.
The adventurers have only a short time, post-mortem, to
Step 5 - Loot harvest components. Spells like gentle repose do not prevent
this. This rule prevents the aftermath of each fight from
Compare the result of the Harvesting check to the harvest list becoming a harvest-fest by limiting the number of creatures
you made in step 3. If the Harvesting check’s result met or that can be harvested.
exceeded the Harvest DC for a component, that component The Rules. For harvesting to yield magical components,
is successfully harvested. a harvester must begin harvesting a corpse within 1 minute
Example. A result of 37 means that everything except the of the creature’s death and, once it has begun harvesting, not
breath sac and essence are acquired. cease harvesting the corpse for the duration of the check.
As the shortest harvest time of any creature is 5 minutes, a
character only has time to harvest one creature after a battle
Components & Difficulty before the other creatures have degraded.

Harvesting terms and concepts are explained below.

Component DC. Some components, like teeth, are very Assessment and Carving
simple to extricate, whilst others, like hide, take a great deal
of skill to extract without ruining them. Each component has The Harvesting check is the summed total of two ability
a Component DC, indicating how hard it is to safely extract checks: Assessment and Carving. A single creature can
before it loses its magical potency. The harvest tables later in choose to make both checks; if it does so, however, it makes
this section describe the different components that varying both of these checks with disadvantage. With all Harvesting
creature types might yield. checks, the skill used for the check depends on the type
Quantity. The GM decides how many of each component of creature the characters are attempting to harvest. For
are available for harvest based on the creature. For example, example, beasts require a Survival check while aberrations
a severely damaged aboleth might only yield 1 eye and 1 require an Arcana check.
tentacle, rather than its usual bounty.
Harvest List. Components can be harvested in any order, Creature Types and Associated Skills
regardless of Component DC. The harvest list details which CREATURE TYPE SKILL
components the harvesters wish to extract and in which order.
The harvesters must agree on the harvest list together or defer Aberration Arcana
to the carving harvester. Beast Survival
Harvest DC. After the harvesters establish their harvest Beastfolk* Medicine
list, calculate the Harvest DCs. This is achieved by adding
the Component DC of each component in the list to Celestial Religion
the DC of the components higher up in the list. These Construct Investigation
cumulative DCs are known as the Harvest DCs; harvesters Dragon Survival
successfully extract each component for which they meet or
Elemental Arcana
exceed its Harvest DC.
Feydh* or Fey Arcana

Duration & Degradation Fiend Religion

Giant Medicine
Harvesting a creature takes a set duration based on the size Humanoid Medicine
of the creature, as listed in the Creature Size and Harvest
Time table. Monstrosity Survival
Ooze Nature
Plant Nature
Undead Medicine
*This creature type is new to this book. 323
Assessment. To correctly assess how best to extract
and store creature components, a character must make
an Intelligence check. The skill applicable to the check Unusual Anatomy
depends on the type of creature, as shown in the Creature
Types and Associated Skills table. A creature attempting this If a creature has some interesting anatomy not on the
Assessment check is known as the assessing harvester. appropriate harvest table, you can grab the component
Carving. Skill with a knife is the proven method of and DC from a different creature type’s harvest table.
harvesting components. A creature attempting to harvest
a corpse makes a Dexterity check. The skill applicable to
the check depends on the type of creature, as shown in
the Creature Types and Associated Skills table. A creature Aberration Harvesting
attempting this Carving check is known as the carving
Assessment check = 1d20 + Intelligence modifier +
proficiency bonus (if applicable) 5 AntennaE+*, eyeE+, fleshE, phial of
Carving check = 1d20 + Dexterity modifier + proficiency
bonus (if applicable) 10 BoneE+, eggE, fatE+, pouch of claws,
Harvesting check = Assessment check result + Carving pouch of teeth, tentacle
check result 15 HeartE, phial of mucus, liverE, stinger
Spells and Buffs. For a spell or magical effect to have 20 BrainE+, chitin, hide, main eyeV
any influence on the outcome of harvesting, it must affect a
harvester for the entire duration of the Harvesting check (see *Regarding edible components: antennae can be used as eyes.
Creature Size and Harvest Time table earlier in this chapter).
For this reason, spells with a duration of 1 minute, like bless
Beast Harvesting
or guidance, never confer their bonus to the result of the
check. A spell like enhance ability, however, which lasts for COMPONENT DC COMPONENTS
1 hour, could confer its advantage to a Harvesting check, for
example, so long as the spell begins before the check starts and 5 AntennaE+*, eyeE+, fleshE, hair, phial
does not end until after the check is completed. of bloodE+
10 Antler, beak, boneE+, eggE, fatE+, fin,
Harvest Tables horn, pincer, pouch of claws, pouch
of teeth, talon, tusk
This section presents the components that may be available 15 HeartE+, liverE+, poison gland, pouch
for each creature type. When a player declares their of feathers, pouch of scales, stinger,
intention to harvest a creature, consult the relevant table tentacle
in this section and choose the components that make sense 20 Chitin, pelt
for the creature. For example, an aboleth has tentacles, eyes, *Regarding edible components: antennae can be used as eyes.
mucus, blood, and a hide, but doesn’t have claws, chitin, or
antennae. Boss monsters can have unique components that
aren’t found in these harvest tables. Beastfolk* Harvesting
Superscripts. Some harvestable components have small
superscript letters after their name. These can be ignored COMPONENT DC COMPONENTS
unless you’re using Heliana’s Guide. A ‘v’ indicates the
5 EyeE+, fleshE, hair, phial of bloodE+
component is volatile (an optional rule found in Heliana’s
Guide), an ‘E’ indicates they are edible (but aren’t used to 10 Antler, beak, boneE+, eggE, fatE+, fin,
craft items), while an ‘E+’ indicates they are both edible and horn, pincer, pouch of claws, pouch
of teeth, talon, tusk
used in crafting. Components whose edible category is not
obvious (such as primordial dust being a spice) are indicated 15 HeartE+, liverE, poison gland, pouch
of feathers, pouch of scales, stinger,
with an asterisk and explained below the table.
20 Chitin, pelt

*This creature type is new to this book.


Feydh* or Fey Harvesting

Celestial Harvesting
5 AntennaE+**, eyeE+, fleshE, hair, phial
5 EyeE+, fleshE, hair, phial of bloodE+, of bloodE+
pouch of dustE+*
10 Antler, beak, boneE+, eggE, horn,
10 BoneE+, fatE+, horn, pouch of teeth pouch of claws, pouch of teeth,
talon, tusk
15 HeartE+, liverE, pouch of feathers,
pouch of scales 15 HeartE+, fatE+, liverE+, poison gland,
pouch of feathers, pouch of scales,
20 BrainE, skin
tentacle, tongue
25 Soulv
20 BrainE, skin, pelt
*Regarding edible components: a pouch of dust is spice. 25 Psychev

*This creature type is new to this book.

Construct Harvesting
**Regarding edible components: Antennae can be used as eyes.

5 Phial of bloodE+, phial of oilE+*

Fiend Harvesting
10 FleshE+, plating, stone
15 BoneE+, heartE, liverE, gears
20 BrainE, instructions 5 EyeE+, fleshE, hair, phial of bloodE+,
pouch of dustE+*
25 Lifesparkv
10 BoneE+, horn, pouch of claws,
*Regarding edible components: phials of oil are fat pouch of teeth
15 HeartE+, fatE+, liverE, poison gland,
Dragon Harvesting pouch of feathers, pouch of scales
20 BrainE, skin
25 Soulv
5 Eye , flesh , phial of blood
E+ E E+
*Regarding edible components: a pouch of dust is spice.
10 Bone , egg , fat , pouch of claws,
E+ E E+

pouch of teeth Giant Harvesting

15 Horn, liverE, pouch of scales
20 HeartE+
25 Breath sacv 5 FleshE, nail, phial of bloodE+
10 BoneE+, fatE+, tooth

15 HeartE+, liverE+
Elemental Harvesting 20 Skin

Humanoid Harvesting
5 EyeE+, primordial dustE+*
15 Volatile mote of air/earth/fire/waterv
5 Eye, phial of bloodE+
25 Core of air/earth/fire/waterv
10 BoneE+, eggE, pouch of teeth
*Regarding edible components: primordial dust is spice.
15 HeartE+, liverE+, pouch of feathers,
pouch of scales
20 BrainE+, skin

Monstrosity Harvesting Essence
COMPONENT DC COMPONENTS Essence is required to craft more powerful magic items. It
comes in five forms: frail, robust, potent, mythic, and deific.
5 AntennaE+*, eyeE+, fleshE, hair, phial These essences are required to craft items of uncommon,
of bloodE+ rare, very rare, legendary, and artifact rarity, respectively.
10 Antler, beak, boneE+, eggE, fatE+, fin, Whilst essence can be extracted from all creature types,
horn, pincer, pouch of claws, pouch the essence available depends on the creature’s Challenge
of teeth, talon, tusk Rating (CR). The following Essence Harvesting table can be
15 HeartE+, liverE+, poison gland, pouch appended to all the creature harvest tables in this section.
of feathers, pouch of scales,
stinger, tentacle Monstrosity Harvesting
20 Chitin, pelt
*Regarding edible components: antennae can be used as eyes. CR DC RARITY
3–6 25 Frail essence Uncommon
Ooze Harvesting 7–11 30 Robust essence Rare

12–17 35 Potent essence Very rare

18–24 40 Mythic essence Legendary
5 Phial of acidE+* 25+ 50 Deific essence Artifact
10 Phial of mucusE+
You can’t harvest a lower-level essence from a higher CR
15 VesicleE+
creature—they have only one essence, the one dictated by its CR!
20 Membrane Appearance. In the world of Dragonbond, essence is
*Regarding edible components: acid is blood, mucus is fat, Vaala, the power of life and potential. When you harvest
and vesicles are livers. essence from a creature you are gathering Vaala and storing
it (temporarily) in specially designed containers for crafting
purposes. Vaala’s appearance typically varies by aspect; Fai
Plant Harvesting
usually looks like wispy pale-blue or silver energy, Id often
manifests in jagged black or red bolts, and K’aab frequently
occurs as beams of gold or green light.
5 Phial of sapE+*, tuberE+
10 Bundle of rootsE+*, phial of waxE+, Vaala as Essence
pouch of hyphaeE+*, pouch of
In the Dragonbond setting, the essence harvested from
a creature corresponds to its primary Vaala aspect—Fai,
15 Poison glandE+*, pouch of pollenvE+*, Id, and K’aab—as indicated in its stat block in Chapter
pouch of sporesvE+*
7: Bestiary. Certain items may require essence with
20 BarkE+*, membraneE+* an associated aspect. For instance, the tinker’s pouch
*Regarding edible components: sap is blood, tuber is flesh, requires frail essence (Fai), and so needs frail essence
roots and hyphae are bones, wax is fat, poison glands are harvested from a Fai creature. For creatures outside of
livers, pollen and spores are spice, bark and membranes are this book, the GM can determine the appropriate Vaala
hearts. aspect associated with the creature.

Undead Harvesting
COMPONENT DC COMPONENTS The crafting rules below provide what you need to know to
craft each item in this book.
5 Eye , bone , phial of congealed
E+ E+

You can’t enchant a lightstaff without a harpoon. Within
this guide, there are two types of crafting, each associated
10 Marrow, pouch of teeth, rancid fatE
with a type of crafting check.
15 Ethereal ichorE+*, undying fleshE+ Manufacturing is the creation of mundane (non
20 Undying heartvE+
magical) items from raw materials by a creature proficient
with a tool using a Manufacturing check.
*Regarding edible components: ethereal ichor is spice. Enchanting is the magnification of a mundane item by a
spellcaster to give it magical powers using an Enchanting check.
Forging, detailed in Heliana’s Guide, is where both
these processes are combined, allowing a non-spellcasting
craftsperson to work magic into raw materials as the item
takes shape.

Manufacturing Tool Proficiency. Proficiency with a tool isn’t necessary

to attempt a Crafting check that requires that tool. If a
character does not have the required proficiency, it can still
Despite an adventurer’s best efforts, they’re probably going make the check, albeit with disadvantage. At the GM’s
to end up with one or two pieces of nonmagical gear. discretion, this disadvantage can be avoided if the character
Someone needs to make those items, and the following receives guidance from a book or a creature with the
manufacturing rules put that power in the players’ hands. To requisite proficiency.
manufacture a mundane item, a creature needs three things: Difficulty and Flavour. Mundane items have a
materials, a tool, and time. In some cases, at the GM’s manufacturing DC associated with their item type; the
discretion, a creature might also need auxiliary equipment. more complex the item, the higher the DC. See the
Let’s take a harpoon as an example. Manufacturing DC and Time table later in this chapter for
Materials and Cost. As a rule of thumb, the material the full breakdown.
cost of an item is one-third of its purchase value. Thus a Check. To manufacture an item, a creature must gather
harpoon, for example, is worth 3 gp and requires 1 gp of the required materials, tools, and auxiliary equipment
materials. The GM has great latitude in deciding what these and spend the requisite time crafting the item. This time
mundane materials might be. The Manufacturing DC and need not be continuous. At the end of the crafting time, a
Time table on pages later in this chapter summarizes the creature makes a Manufacturing check using proficiency
material cost of different mundane items. with the appropriate tool. A success on this check results in a
Potion and spell scroll bases are unique in that there is no completed item. A failure results in a non-functioning item
base item to compare the material cost to. In both cases, the or, if you use the quirks optional rule from Heliana’s Guide, a
cost of these magic items’ nonmagical materials is 3 gp. functioning item with one or more flaws.
Abilities and Tools. Manufacturing an item requires a
tool. The tool required depends on the item’s type. The GM
has considerable leeway in deciding if a tool is applicable Example: Manufacturing a Harpoon
or not, and has the final say on the tool required for any Materials: 3 sp steel
item. In addition, different tools require different abilities to
use them. Some tools, like carpenter’s tools, grant a choice Time: 8 hours
of abilities, much like how finesse weapons let you choose Tools: Smith’s tools
Strength or Dexterity when making an attack roll. See the Auxiliary Equipment: Forge & anvil
Tools and Their Products table below for a breakdown of Manufacturing Check: DC 14 Strength or Constitution
tools, abilities, and item types. using smith’s tools
Tools and Their Products


Alchemist’s Intelligence Potions; miscellaneous (any salves or lotions)

Brewer’s supplies Constitution Potions

Calligrapher’s Dexterity Scrolls

Carpenter’s tools Dexterity or Ammunition (arrows, bolts, and blowgun needles), instruments, rods, staves, wands,
Strength weapons (polearms, blowguns, clubs, darts, greatclubs, javelins, longbows, quarterstaves,
shortbows, tridents); miscellaneous (anything made of wood)
Cartographer’s Dexterity or Maps; miscellaneous (anything involving paper)
tools Intelligence
Cobbler’s tools Dexterity or Miscellaneous (footwear)
Cook’s utensils Constitution Magical meals*
Glassblower’s Constitution Rods, staves, wands; miscellaneous (anything made of glass)
tools or Dexterity
Herbalism kit Intelligence Potions; miscellaneous (any salves or lotions)
Jeweller’s tools Dexterity Miscellaneous (anything involving jewels or precious metals)
Leatherworker’s Dexterity Armor (light or hide), weapons (slings, whips)
Mason’s tools Strength Ammunition (sling bullets), miscellaneous (anything made of stone)
Painter’s supplies Dexterity Scrolls
Poisoner’s kit Dexterity or Poisons
Potter’s tools Dexterity Miscellaneous (anything made of clay)
Smith’s tools Constitution Ammunition (sling bullets, repeater crossbow bolts), armor (heavy or medium except
or Strength hide, shields), rods, staves, wands, weapons (axes, daggers, flails, javelins, maces, mauls,
morningstars, polearms, tridents, swords, warhammers)
Tinker’s tools Dexterity Instruments, rods, staves, wands, weapons (crossbows), wondrous items (anything with a
Weaver’s tools Constitution Armor (padded), weapons (nets, slings); miscellaneous (cloaks, hats, robes, anything made
or Dexterity of cloth)
Woodcarver’s Dexterity or Ammunition (arrows, bolts, and blowgun needles), instruments, rods, staves, wands,
tools Strength weapons (polearms, blowguns, clubs, darts, greatclubs, javelins, longbows, quarterstaves,
shortbows, tridents); miscellaneous (anything made of wood)

Miscellaneous indicates the item could belong to any category. Usually such items specify a material from which they are
made. The category this most often applies to is wondrous items.
*This is a new item category introduced in Heliana’s Guide.


Tools and Their Products

Adventuring gear Varies Varies 2 hours 11 Varies
Arrows (20) 3 sp Carpenter or 1 hour 13 1 gp
Atlatl Dart (5)* 2 sp Carpenter or wood- 1 hour 12 1 gp
Bolts (20) 3 sp Carpenter or wood- 1 hour 13 1 gp
Needles (50) 3 sp Carpenter or wood- 1 hour 13 1 gp
Repeater crossbow bolts, 2 sp Tinker 8 hours 14 1 gp
heavy (4)*
Repeater crossbow bolts, 2 sp Tinker 8 hours 14 1 gp
light (8)*
Sling Bullets (20) 1 cp Mason or Smith 1 hour 13 4 cp
Swivel Ballista Bolt (10)* 2 gp Smith or Tinker 1 hour 13 5 gp
Swivel Ballista Bola Bolt 13 gp Smith or Tinker 4 hours 14 25 gp
Armor Shield 3 gp Carpenter, smith, or 8 hours 13 10 gp
Padded 2 gp Leatherworker or 8 hours 13 5 gp
Light Armor
Leather 3 gp Leatherworker 16 hours 15 10 gp
Studded leather 15 gp Leatherworker 24 hours 17 45 gp
Hide 3 gp Leatherworker 8 hours 13 10 gp
Chain shirt 17 gp Smith 16 hours 15 50 gp
Scale male 17 gp Smith 24 hours 17 50 gp
Breastplate 130 gp Smith 40 hours 18 400 gp
Half plate 250 gp Smith 80 hours 19 750 gp
Ring mail 10 gp Smith 16 hours 15 30 gp
Chain mail 25 gp Smith 32 hours 16 75 gp
Heavy Armor
Splint 70 gp Smith 40 hours 18 200 gp
Plate 500 gp Smith 200 hours 20 1,500 gp
Aerial gondola* 400 gp Carpenter 40 hours 20 1,200 gp
Dragonriding saddle, 50 gp/ 70 Leatherworker 36 hours/ 80 18 150 gp/ 200
Large/Huge/Gargantuan* gp/ 100 gp hours/ 150 gp/ 300 gp
Dragon barding, Large/ x4/x8/x20 Varies x3/x6/x15 +2 Varies
Swivel Ballista* 30 gp Smith 26 hours 17 100 gp

Dragon Tailspike
Axe, Huge/Gargantuan* 135 gp/260 Smith 54 hours/108 18 400 gp/800
gp hours gp

Blade, Huge/Gargantuan* 100 gp/200 Smith 48 hours/96 18 300 gp/600

gp hours gp
Greatblade, Huge/ 160 gp/330 Smith 72 hours/144 18 500
Gargantuan* gp hours gp/1,000 gp
Spike, Huge/Gargantuan* 50 gp/100 Smith 24 hours/54 18 150 gp/300
gp hours gp

Tools and Their Products
Instrument 20 gp Carpenter, tinker, 16 hours 15 60 gp
Potion Base 3 gp Alchemist, brewer, 2 hours 15 10 gp
Ring Varies** Jeweler 8 hours 15 Varies**
Rod, staff, wand Varies** Varies 8 hours 17 Varies**
Acid bomb 15 gp Alchemist 8 hours 17 50 gp
Putrid gas 15 gp Alchemist 8 hours 17 50 gp
Splatter bomb 50 gp Alchemist 8 hours 17 150 gp
Spell scroll base 3 gp Calligrapher, 2 hours 15 10 gp
cartographer, painter
Club 3 cp Carpenter or 0.25 hours 14 1 sp
Dagger 7 sp Smith 1 hour 14 2 gp
Greatclub 7 cp Carpenter 0.5 hours 14 2 sp
Handaxe 2 gp Smith 3 hours 14 5 gp
Harpoon* 3 sp Smith 8 hours 14 1 gp
Heavy Macahui* 6 gp Woodcarver 18 hours 14 12 gp
Javelin 3 sp Carpenter, smith, or 1 hour 14 1 gp
Simple Melee
Light hammer 7 sp Mason or smith 1 hour 14 2 gp
Macahui* 3 gp Woodcarver 12 hours 14 8 gp
Mace 2 gp Mason or smith 3 hours 14 5 gp
Quarterstaff 2 gp Carpenter, smith, or 0.5 hours 14 5 sp
Sickle 2 sp Smith 1 hour 14 1 gp
Spear 3 sp Carpenter, smith, or 1 hour 14 1 gp
Crossbow, light 8 gp Tinker 12 hours 14 25 gp
Dart (x20) 3 cp Carpenter or 1 hour 14 1 sp
Repeater crossbow, light* 25 gp Tinker 30 hours 14 75 gp
Weapon Shortbow 8 gp Carpenter or 12 hours 14 25 gp
Sling 3 cp Weaver or 0.25 hours 14 1 sp


Tools and Their Products

Battleaxe 3 gp Smith 6 hours 17 10 gp
Blood blade* 16 gp Smith 24 hours 17 50 gp
Flail 3 gp Smith 6 hours 17 10 gp
Glaive 7 gp Carpenter, smith, or 12 hours 17 20 gp
Greataxe 10 gp Smith 18 hours 17 30 gp
Greatsword 17 gp Smith 24 hours 17 50 gp
Halberd 7 gp Carpenter, smith, or 12 hours 17 20 gp
Huntsword* 50 gp Smith 24 hours 17 150 gp
Lance 3 gp Carpenter, smith, or 6 hours 17 10 gp
Longsword 5 gp Smith 8 hours 17 15 gp
Martial Melee Maul 3 gp Mason or smith 6 hours 17 10 gp
Moonblade* 5 gp Smith 24 hours 17 15 gp
Morningstar 3 gp Smith 6 ours 17 10 gp
Pike 3 gp Carpenter, smith, or 6 hours 17 10 gp
Rapier 8 gp Smith 12 hours 17 25 gp
Reaver scythe* 60 gp Smith 24 hours 17 150 gp
Scimitar 3 gp Smith 6 hours 17 10 gp
Shortsword 3 gp Smith 6 hours 17 10 gp
Spiked chain* 15 gp Smith 24 hours 17 50 gp
Trident 2 gp Carpenter or smith 3 hours 17 5 gp
War pick 2 gp Smith 3 hours 17 5 gp
Warhammer 5 gp Mason or smith 8 hours 17 15 gp
Whip 7 sp Leatherworker 1 hour 17 2 gp
Aerial lance* 50 gp Woodcarver 20 hours 17 160 gp
Atlatl* 1 gp Woodcarver 2 hours 17 5 gp
Blowgun 3 gp Carpenter or 6 hours 17 10 gp

Martial Crossbow, hand 25 gp Tinker 40 hours 17 75 gp

Ranged Crossbow, heavy 17 gp Tinker 24 hours 17 50 gp
Longbow 17 gp Carpenter or 18 hours 17 50 gp
Net 3 sp Weaver 1 hour 17 1 gp
Repeater crossbow, 50 gp Tinker 40 hours 17 150 gp
Wondrous item*** Varies** Varies*** 8 hours 15 Varies**

#Item values in bold are different to the SRD (core 5e rules)

*This is a new item type found in this book.
**These items have a great variety in their constituent materials, from a gnarled tree root with a cost similar to a quarterstaff (2
sp) to gold and jewel-encrusted items fit for royalty. Regarding rods, staves, and wands, you can choose a weapon that is close
in material and appearance to how you picture this item.
***This can include nonmagical instruments like a compass, telescope, or the mundane component of a magical wondrous
item. The required tool and component cost is entirely up to the GM’s discretion.
Special Materials being crafted and whether or not it has attunement; the
rarer the item, the more difficult and time consuming it is
In chapter 4, several new types of materials for armor, to craft. This is broken down in the Enchanting Rarity, DC,
weapons, and other items and equipment. Crafting items with and Time table. Enchanting doesn’t have to be done all in
these materials often alters the cost, crafting time, and DC of one go—a typical enchanter might only work for 8 hours
the final crafting checks. The materials and their respective each day.
changes are listed in the Crafting with Special Materials table. Spell Scrolls. Spell scrolls are unique in that the creature
To determine the final cost, crafting time, and crafting DC, crafting the spell scroll also needs to know the spell they are
apply the modification listed to an existing recipe. crafting. For wizards, this means having the spell in their
For example, a standard dagger requires 7 sp of material, spellbook. For bards, rangers, sorcerers, and warlocks, this
1 hour crafting time, and a successful DC 14 Strength or means having the spell in their list of known spells. For
Constitution check with smith’s tools. A dagger made with clerics, druids, and paladins, this means any spell in their
stormsteel would instead require 14 sp worth of material, 2 spell list.
hours of crafting time, and a successful DC 16 Strength or Skills. As with harvesting, the skill associated with
Constitution check with smith’s tools. an enchanting check depends on the type of creature the
component was harvested from. So, if you’re making a
Crafting with Special Materials lightstaff, which requires a foghorn’s horn as its component,
you would make an ability check using Survival. See the
MATERIAL COST TIME CRAFTING DC Creature Type and Associated Skills table for the full
Bakka am- x2 x2 +3 Unlike harvesting, only creatures with a spellcasting
ber ability can enchant, as the ability used in the Enchanting
Deadsteel x3 x1.5 +2 check must be the creature’s spellcasting ability (typically
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). A wizard (whose
Fai glass x3 x2 +4 spellcasting ability is Intelligence) enchanting a harpoon into
Jawahm x1.5 x2 +4 a lightstaff would thus make an Intelligence (Survival) check.
Stormsteel x2 x2 +2
Creature Types and Associated Skills
Tyvalite x2 x1.5 +1

Enchanting Aberration Arcana

Beast Survival
Enchanting involves extracting the magical power from
Beastfolk* Medicine
creature components and applying them to mundane items.
In practice, this can take the form of physically grafting the Celestial Religion
components to the item or, for the magically inclined, direct Construct Investigation
transfer of magical power. Dragon Survival
Materials. The required materials for enchanting are: a
mundane item, a magical component, and an essence. The Elemental Arcana
first two are determined by the item’s recipe, while the latter Feydh* or Fey Arcana
is determined by the item’s rarity (see the Enchanting Rarity, Fiend Religion
DC, and Time table). Giant Medicine
Essence. While magic items gain their nuances from the
creature components used in their creation, the amplitude Humanoid Medicine
of an item’s power is derived from a substance known as Monstrosity Survival
essence. The more rare the item, the more powerful it is and Ooze Nature
the more potent the essence required. Plant Nature
If you use a rarer essence than required for a particular
item, the item gains the rarity of the essence used, affecting Undead Medicine
the time and DC required to make it (see the Enchanting *This creature type is new to this book.
Rarity, DC, and Time table). For example, if you make a
helm of telepathy using a robust essence, it would be rare
instead of uncommon, requiring 80 hours instead of 20 Check. To enchant an item, a creature must gather the
hours to craft. At the GM’s discretion, the power of the item required materials and spend the requisite time. This time
can be increased accordingly, perhaps by increasing the DC need not be continuous. At the end of the enchanting
of the saving throws to match the new rarity (from DC 13 time, a creature makes an Enchanting check with its
to 15) or even adding other effects. spellcasting ability using proficiency with the appropriate
Difficulty and Time. The DC and time required for the skill. A success on this check results in a completed
enchanting check depend on the rarity of the magic item enchantment. On a failure, the enchantment fails or,
if you’re using the quirks optional rule from Heliana’s,

the enchantment can still take hold, but the item gains a
number of flaws based on the difference between the result
of the check and the check’s DC. Success or failure, the
essence and component are consumed.

Example: Enchanting a Lightstaff

Materials: Harpoon, foghorn horn, robust essence
Time: 80 hours
Enchanting Check: DC 18 spellcasting ability (Survival)

Enchanting Rarity, DC, and Time

Common — 12 0.5 1 2
Uncommon Frail 15 4 10 20

Rare Robust 18 20 40 80
Very Rare Potent 21 80 160 320
Legendary Mythic 25 320 640 1,280
Artifact Deific 30 50,000 100,000 200,000

Crafting Summary


Raw Mundane Components Manufacturing Checks Mundane Item

Tool Manufacturing Quirk(s)

Tool Ability Tool Ability (See Heliana’s Guide)
Tool Proficiency Tool Proficiency
Time & DC*

*Depends on the mundane item being crafted


Mundane Item Enchanting Check Mundane Item

Spellcasting Enchanting Quirk (s)

Spellcasting Ability Spellcasting Ability (See Heliana’s Guide)
Skill Proficiency
Monster Component Time & DC
Skill Proficiency
Time & DC

A hallmark of the dragon hunters is their signature
magical items crafted by applying dragon bones,
scales, and other components to mundane equipment.
Additional characters working on the same dragon can
shorten the harvest time, but any character harvesting the
slain dragon for skutte must have at least three levels in
The art of making these items, collectively known as dragon hunter or be supervised by a character that has at
dragoncrafting, involves using skutte to apply a forma to a least three levels in dragon hunter. For every additional
nonmagical item. individual aiding the hunter, the time to harvest is
Skutte. Components harvested from dragons for use in reduced by 1 hour (to a minimum of 1 hour).
dragon hunter forma are known collectively as skutte.
Forma. The pattern or instructions for an item Skutte Harvesting
augmentation that grants magical enhancements is known
as a forma. See the “Dragon hunter” section of chapter 2 TIME TO SKUTTE
for more information on forma. HARVEST AVAILABLE
Tiny 1 hour 1

Skutte Small

2 hours

4 hours

Skutte is a catch-all term for parts harvested from a slain Large 6 hours 6
dragon and preserved or prepared with a special technique
Huge 8 hours 8
so they can be used for dragoncrafting. Each unit of skutte
equals one collection of preserved and prepared dragon Gargantuan 16 hours 16
parts. Each forma lists how many units of skutte are
required to apply it to an item.
Dragoncrafting and Complex Crafting
Harvesting Skutte To ease gameplay, rather than detail the minutiae
of listing the specific number and parts that can be
To harvest skutte from a slain dragon, you must spend an made into which items, the dragoncrafting rules use
appropriate amount of time processing the dragon’s corpse, an abstraction called skutte. Skutte and the rules for
as indicated in the Skutte Harvesting table. This includes applying them pertain solely to the dragon hunter class.
the actual harvesting but also the time needed to preserve However, some groups may wish to use more extensive
and prepare the parts. It takes 1 hour to harvest 1 skutte rules for harvesting monster components and crafting
from a slain dragon. At the end of the harvesting time, you items from them outside of the dragon hunter’s forma.
make a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a success, For broader and more detailed crafting rules unrelated
you gather the maximum number of skutte available for to the dragon hunter class, see Appendix A: Harvesting
the size of the dragon and the amount of time you spent & Crafting.
harvesting. On a failure, you only gather half the available
skutte (rounded down).
Harvesting a slain dragon must begin within 1 hour of
when the dragon was killed. Any skutte not harvested
within that time period is lost to spoilage.
A dragon hunter does not need to harvest all of the
available skutte from a dragon. You may choose, for
instance, to only spend 2 hours harvesting a Large dragon
instead of 6. However, in that case, if you are successful
on your Survival check, you would only obtain 2 skutte
instead of 6.

Battle Domain (cleric), 71, 76–77 Channel Divinity (cleric), 77 Deafening Wings. See Fulgen variant abilities

A Vaala Mote, 76
increased Vaala pool, 76
Domain Spells, 76
(paladin), 87
Chaotic Bond (druid), 79
character, 7
death (Dragonbonding), 148
Deny Dream (ranger), 90
Deny Foe (dragon herald), 54
Ability Score Improvement, 7
See also specific ancestry entries Battle Trance. See Channel Divinity (cleric), creation, 7 Desert Wyrm Dash. See Forms of the Dragon
See also specific class entries 77 charge (aerial combat), 160 (monk)
Absorb Vitality (sorcerer), 97 Beguiling Forms. See Forms of the Dragon Choking Storm. See Exor lair Desiccating Breath. See Exor variant abilities
Absorption Rune (Nix Brood). See under (monk) Chosen Prey (dragon hunter), 33 Detonate Crystal (dragon herald), 56
Draconic Transformation dragon herald options Beguiling Presence (Vaala Adept), 69 Circle of Change (druid), 71, 78–79 Devitalizing Stare (rogue), 95
action (aerial combat), 160–161 Beguiling Vision (rogue). See Arcane Vaala Mote, 78 Devour Spell (warlock). See Mantle of the
Adaptive Aegis. See ShapeVaala Espionage Tricks (rogue) increased Vaala pool, 78 ravenous Oubilette
Adrael, 151, 214 Bindings (orc), 11 Circle Spells,79 Disciple’s Discovery (monk), 85
Advanced Studies (Vaala adept), 65 birthstone, 19, 218–219 Citadel Uur, 219 Disengage (aerial combat). See action (aerial
adventuring gear, 166 Bismuth Wings (Magnifex Brood). See under City of Crimson Spires, 220 combat)
aerial combat, 158–161 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options class, 31–69 disengage (aerial combat). See range spheres
rules, 159–161 Bladespike Climb. See valernian martial Claw (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths dismounting. See mounting and dismounting
example, 161 tradition feat (monk) Dispel Magic (Coatl). See Coatl lair
involving creatures of different speeds, Blinding Censure (paladin), 87 Cleaving Barrier (dragon hunter), 36 Disruption Breath (dragon herald), 48
159 Blinding Strike. See valernian martial climb larger creature. See scaling larger Divert the River (monk), 83
age (ancestry). See specfic ancestry entries tradition feat creature Dodge (aerial combat). See action (aerial
age category, 107,145 Blood Draw (sorcerer), 97 Close range sphere. See range spheres combat)
Age of Dragons, 202, 204 Blood Empire, 212 Coatl Brood. See under dragon herald Draavia, 220
Age of Heroes, 204 Blood for Blood (rogue), 93 venerated Broods Draconic Awareness (dragon hunter), 33
Age of Mortals, 202–203, 204 Blood Magic (socerer), 96 Vaala Mote, 48 Draconic Insight (monk), 82
Age of Protogons, 202, 204 blood magic, 180 increased Vaala pool, 48 Draconic Transformation dragon herald
Age of the Covenant, 204 See also Blood Sorcery (sorcerer) Brood spells, 48 options, 48–56
Age of War, 205 See also maghyr Coatl, 109–111 Coatl Brood, 48–49
Aggressive Art. See Magnifex lair Blood Sorcery (sorcerer), 96 creating a Coatl dragon, 110 Ehrlya Brood, 50–51
Allai, 8–9 (maghyr), 16 lair, 110 Exor Brood, 52–53
names, 9 Vaala Mote, 96 variant abilities, 110–111 Fulgen Brood, 53–54
traits, 9 increased Vaala pool, 96 adventure seeds, 111 Magnifex Brood, 55
Allaria, 210–211 origin spells, 96 College of Nightmares (bard), 71, 74–75 Nix Brood, 56–57
Allarian. See human Blood Thrall (sorcerer), 97 Vaala Mote, 75 Dragobonding stages, 147
Allied Bastion. See Channel Divinity (paladin) Bloodlust. See under Weakness (maghyr) increased Vaala pool, 75 dragon equipment, 166
See also Allaria Bloodspear Rune (dragon herald), 57 combat, 155–161 dragon harvest, 322
Altanesi, 206, 219 boaab, 219 Commanding Presence (dragon herald), 54 dragon herald venerated Broods, 48–57
Alter elements (wizard), 101 bonded dragon (Fulgen Brood). See under Draconic Coatl Brood, 48–49
ancestry, 7–25 See also types of mount Transformation dragon herald options Ehrlya Brood, 49–51
Ándaid. See Nahuac Bondshape, 79 Compel Veracity (rogue). See Arcane Exor Brood, 51–53
Antigravity Mote. See Ehrlya lair Bonus Proficencies (cleric), 76 Espionage Tricks (rogue) Fulgen Brood, 53–54
Arcane Espionage Tricks (rogue), 94–95 Bonus Spells (warlock) Compelled Sorcery. See under Weakness Magnifex Brood, 54–56
Arcane Miasma. See Coatl lair Branch (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths (maghyr) Nix Brood, 56–57
Arena Training (fighter), 81 (monk) components (crafting), 167, 323 dragon herald, 31, 44–61
armies of Allaria, 210 breath weapon, 107 Conflagrant Presence (dragon herald), 51 venerated Brood. See dragon herald
armies of Tyveria, 213 save DC, 107 controlling a mount, 155 venerated Brood
armies of Ysval, 217 See also specific brood variant abilities Cook and Craft (Halfling), 17 dragon hunter 31, 32–43
Ascending Stance (rogue). See Arcane Brilliant Excoriation (paladin), 87 cost (weapons), 165 hunting lodges. See dragon hunter
Espionage Tricks (rogue) Bronze Scale Stance. See Forms of the Dragon (adventuring gear), 166 hunting lodges
aspect abilities (Dragonbonding), 147 (monk) (dragon equipment), 167 dragon hunter hunting lodges, 36–39
aspect affinity. See specific ancestry entries Bronze Wings (Ehrlya Brood). See under Covenant Shield. See Forms of the Covenant Bastion Lodge, 36–37
Aspect Doctrine (Vaala adept). See under Draconic Transformation dragon herald options (monk) Reaver Lodge, 37–38
Vaala adept aspect docrtines Brood Rune (dragon herald),46 crafting, 326–333 Shadow Lodge, 38–39
aspect spells (Vaala adept), 63 Broods, 106–107 summary, 333 Dragon Senses (dragon herald), 46
assessment (harvesting), 323–324 lifespan, 107 Create Dreampshere (Vaala adept), 66 Dragonbane (dragon hunter), 35
Aunai States, 220 lairs, 107 Create Xibac Undead (wizard). See Xibac Rite Dragonbond, 206
check, 324 Burning Claws (Ehrlya Brood). See under (wizard) Dragonbonded strikes, 160
Aura of Superiority (dragon herald), 54 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options Crimson Hawk Spellblade (rogue), 71, 92–93 Dragonbonding, 145–153
Avatar of Light (paladin), 87 Burning Scales (Ehrlya Brood). See under Vaala Mote, 92 forming, 146–147
Awaken Blood (maghyr), 15–16 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options increased Vaala pool, 92 triggering, 146
Awakened Inner Eye (Vaala adept), 66 Burrowing Strike (dragon herald), 52 archetype spells, 93 attempt, 147
Azhurma, 105 Cryogenic Blast. See Coatl variant abilities effects, 147–148
See also specific dragon broods Crystal Jet. See Magnifex variant abilities examples, 149–153

Crystal Spires. See Magnifex lair See also Dragonbond
Crystalline Breath (dragon herald), 55 dragoncrafting, 334
Crystalline Coat. See Exor lair Dragons, 202

B calendar. See reckoning of Years

Call Undead Thralls (dragon herald), 57
cantrips. See spellcasting (dragon herald)
Crystalline Field (dragon herald), 55
Cúbinn Canid–Kin. See tánaid
Cursed Coast, 220–221
Dragonstone (dragon herald), 47
Drakha. See Red Moon
Dream Doctrine. See under Vaala adept aspect
Baastherox, 143
adventure seeds, 143 See also spellcasting (Vaala adept) doctrines
Bakka Amber, 11, 163, 332 See also spellcasting (rogue) Dream Mote, 65

Baleful Weaving. See Invasive Mind (warlock) carfting cost (forma), 39 increased Vaala pool, 65
Ball Lightning. See Coatl variant abilities Cartwright (halfling), 17 doctrine spells, 65
Bastion Lodge. See dragon hunter hunting carving (harvesting), 323–324 Dreambleed, 20, 204, 211, 219
lodges check, 24 Damage Malediction (dragon hunter), 37 Dreamcrafting (Vaala adept), See under Shape
Vaala Mote, 36 Castigation of Light (Paladin). See Channel Darkvision. See specific ancestry entry Vaala
increased Vaala pool, 36 Divinity (paladin) Dash (aerial combat). See action (aerial Dreamless Treatment, 9, 21, 150, 211
Bastioned (dragon hunter), 37 casting. See spellcasting combat) dreamshaping magic, 180
Caustic Swampwater. See Nix lair Deadly Accuracy (rogue), 93 See also elf
deadsteel, 88, 163, 332 See also Dreamspy (rogue)
Dreamsharing (Elf ), 19 falling (mount), 155 Hide (aerial combat). See action (aerial
Dreamspy (rogue), 94
Vaala Mote, 94
increased Vaala pool, 94
(aerial combat), 159
See also grappling (aerial combat)
Feather (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths
hit points (Dragonbonding), 148
human 24–25
Makaab Weaving (wizard), 100
Dreamstep (rogue). See Arcane Espionage (monk) names, 24–25 Vaala Mote, 100
Tricks (rogue) Feathered Wings (Coatl Brood). See under traits, 24–26 increased Vaala pool, 100
Dreamstrike (Vaala adept). See under Shape Draconic Transformation dragon herald options Hunter’s Evasion (dragon hunter), 35 expanded spell list, 100
Vaala feats, 27–29, 155–157 Hunter’s Lure (dragon hunter), 34 Maame Deer-Kin. See tánaid
dwarf, 18–19, 218–219 Cultural Feats 27–28 Hunter’s Presence (dragon hunter), 37 maghyr, 14–16
names, 19 Dragonbonded Feats 29–30 Hunting Lodge (dragon hunter). See under names, 15
traits, 19 Fell Courts, 219 dragon hunter hunting lodges traits, 15
Ferellon, 150 magic items, 168–173
Fervent Focus (Allai), 9 Magic, 175–199

Fleet foot (ranger), 91 Magma Tail (Ehrlya Brood). See under
Flight Shafts. See Coatl lair Draconic Transformation dragon herald options
Flyby Springing Strike. See valernian martial Magnifex Brood. See under dragon herald
Echostep Strike (dragon hunter),37 tradition feat Id, 175 venerated Broods
Ehrlya Brood. See under dragon herald Food and Travel (Halfling), 17 Imbue Attack. See valernian martial tradition Vaala Mote, 54
venerated Broods Force of Will (sorcerer), 97 feat increased Vaala pool, 54
Vaala Mote, 50 Forced Order (Allai), 9 Impelling Speech (dragon herald), 46 Brood spells, 54
increased Vaala pool, 50 forma (dragon hunter), 34, 39–43 Improved Qirin Mount (ranger), 89 Magnifex, 131–135
Brood spells, 50 forma save DC, 34 Incandescent Breath. See Fulgen variant creating a Magnifex dragon, 131
Ehrlya, 112–117 forming a Dragonbond, See below abilities lair, 133–134
creating an Ehrlya dragon, 114 Dragonbonding Increased Vaala Pool. See under specific subclass variant abilities, 134–135
lair, 115–116 Forms of the Covenant (monk), 83 individual Dragonbonding effects, 147 adventure seeds, 135
variant abilities, 117 Forms of the Dragon (monk), 71, 82–83 Initiate’s Insight (monk), 85 maneuver. See valernian martial tradition feat
adventure seeds, 117 Friends of the Hearth (Halfling), 17 Inscrutable Mask (warlock), 99 save DC, 156
Eightfold Master (monk) 85 Frightful Presence (dragon herald), 52 Insidious Whispers (bard), 75 Mantle of the ravenous Oubilette (warlock),
Eirándi, 153 Frigid Breath. See Coatl variant abilities Insight of the Feathered Crown. See Forms of 99
Elder Form (dragon herald), 47 Frost Horde, 219 the Dragon (monk) manufacturing (crafting), 327
Eldritch Dreams (bard), 75 Fulgen Brood. See under dragon herald Insulating Scales (Coatl Brood). See under map (Valerna), 208
Eldritch Masquerade (rogue). See Arcane venerated Broods Draconic Transformation dragon herald options Martial Rally (fighter), 81
Espionage Tricks (rogue) Vaala Mote, 53 intelligent mount. See types of mount Master of the Cycle (wizard), 103
Elemental Form (Vaala adept). See under increased Vaala pool, 53 Invasive Mind (warlock), 99 Medium range sphere. See range spheres
Shape Vaala Brood spells, 53 Invasive Words (bard), 75 Mental Fortress (Vaala adept), 68
Elemental Redirection (dragon herald), 49 Fulgen, 125–129 items & equipment, 163–173 Mental Reflection (dragon herald),49
elf, 20–21 creating a Fulgen dragon, 125 Itza, 149 Mercury Fountains. See Magnifex lair
names, 21 lair, 127–128 Mercury Rain. See Magnifex lair
traits, 21 variant abilities 129 Mesmerizing Gaze (rogue). See Arcane

Eliadu, 8, 211 adventure seeds, 129 Espionage Tricks (rogue)
Ellari. See elf Full-Body Slam. See valernian martial Mesmerizing Claws (Magnifex Brood). See
Elyse, 150, 211 tradition feat under Draconic Transformation dragon herald
Embellished Strikes (fighter), 81 jawahm, 164, 332
Emboldened performance (fighter), 81 See also birthstone
Metal Sentinels. See Ehrlya lair

Empowered by Amber (Orc), 11 Mirror Dream (ranger), 89
enchanting, 332 Moon (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths

check, 332 (monk)
Endless Sagas, 205, 209 gaining motes, 176
Galadyan Knight. See Oath of Radiance mortals, 202–203
Enhance Alacrity. See valernian martial See also ancestry
tradition feat Galadyan Temple of Light, 217 K’aab Aegis (Vaala adept), 67
Galadyn, 216–217 K’aab Power (Tánaid), 13 Mote, 176
Enkhara, 218 mounted combat, 155–157
Entropic Healing (wizard), 102 Gallery. See Magnifex lair K’aab, 175
gaining Motes, 176 Kadhah Manifestation (Maghyr), 16 mounting and dismounting, 155
Entropic Puppetry (wizard). See Xibac Rite multiclassing, 176
(wizard) Gellanor, 219 Kadmic runes, 107, 238–239
Ghost Stride (dragon hunter), 38 Antimagic. See Coatl variant Mun Kisuut Bat-Kin. See tánaid
Entwining Tail (Coatl Brood). See under Mystifying Presence (dragon herald), 49
Draconic Transformation dragon herald options Gift (Tánaid), 13 abilities
Environmental Inspiration. See Magnifex lair Gladiator (Fighter), 71, 80–81 Disfunction. See Ehrlya variant
Equalizing Transformation (dragon hunter), 38 Vaala Mote, 81 abilities

essence (harvesting), 326, 332 increased Vaala pool, 81 Pitfall. See Exor variant abilities
Exhibition Hall. See Ehrlya lair gnome, 22–23 Command Obeisance. See Fulgen
Exile Kingdoms, 221 traits, 22–23 variant abilities
names, 23 Nagasha, 151
Exor Brood. See under dragon herald venerated Dizzying Flash. See Magnifex variant
Godao. See gnome Nahuac, 214–215
Broods abilities
Golden Wings (Fulgen Brood). See under Náhuinn. See human
Vaala Mote, 51 Relentless. See Nix variant abilities
Draconic Transformation dragon herald options See also Nahuac
increased Vaala pool, 51 Kadmos, 105–107, 202
Goldfire Breath (dragon herald), 53 Natural Flight (dwarf ), 19
Brood spells, 52 Ki Smite (monk), 85
Grand Guild, 23 Necromantic Transference (wizard), 102–103
Exor, 119–123 Necrotic Aura. See Nix variant abilities
creating an Exor dragon, 120 Grand Hall. See Fulgen lair
Necrotic Beam. See Nix variant abilities

lair, 121–122 grappling (aerial combat),160
Great Forge. See Ehrlya lair Necrotic Claws (Nix Brood). See under
variant abilities, 123 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options
adventure seeds, 123 Greater Repudiate Legend (dragon hunter),
35 Lair, 107 Necrotic Siphon. See Nix lair
Expert Weaver (wizard), 101 Nightmare Maw (warlock), 99
Extra Attack (dragon hunter), 34 Guerrilla Warrior (ranger), 91 landing on a larger creature, 160
language, 7, 26 Nix Brood. See under dragon herald venerated
Eye of Nightmare (warlock). See Inscrutable Broods
Mask (warlock) Lava Spout. See Ehrlya lair
Vaala Mote, 56

Eyes of the Jaguar (ranger), 91 Leaf (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths
(monk) increased Vaala pool, 56
Lesser Repudiate Legend (dragon hunter), 35 Brood spells, 56
halfling, 17 Librarium. See Fulgen lair Nix, 137–141

F names, 17 Lightning (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths creating a Nix dragon, 137
traits, 17 (monk) lair 139–140
harvesting, 322–226 Living Scar (barbarian), 73 variant abilities, 140–141
fai glass, 164, 332 adventure seeds, 141
Fai Hunter (ranger), 71, 88–89 check,323 Lodge Benefits Bastion Lodge 36
DC, 322,323 Reaver Lodge, 37 Null corruption, 181
Vaala Mote, 88 Null magic, 181
increased Vaala pool, 88 list, 322 Shadow Lodge, 38
tables, 324–326 Long range sphere. See range spheres Null, 207
conclave spells, 89 first null–war, 204, 207
Fai, 175 Help (aerial combat). See action (aerial Lords of Death. See Nahuac
combat) Nwoda. See dwarf
Faithful Servitors (Fulgen Brood). See under
Draconic Transformation dragon herald options
ritual casting (Vaala adept), 64 spell attack modifier (Vaala adept), 64 Vaala Mote. See gaining Motes

O Ritual Ossuary. See Nix lair

rune magic, 180
See also runecasting
(rogue), 93, 94
spell list, 182–183
spell save DC (Vaala adept), 64
See also under specific subclass
Vaala points, 176
Vaala pool, 175
Oath of Radiance (paladin) 71, 86–87
Vaala Mote, 87 See also Dragon Herald (rogue), 93, 94 Vaala Strike (cleric), 77
increased Vaala pool, 87 Rune of Death (dragon herald), 57 Spell Storing (wizard), 101 Vaala, 175–179, 202
Oath of Radiance Tenets, 86 rune slots, 45 spellcasting (dragon herald), 46 valernian martial tradition feat, 155–157
oath spells, 87 Runecasting (dragon herald), 45 (Vaala adept), 63 variant abilities,107
Obakkar. See orc save DC, 45 (rogue), 92 See also specific brood variant abilities
Obliviation Shroud (rogue), 95 runes, 57–61 spellcasting focus (Vaala adept), 64 Venerated Broods (dragon herald). See under
Obscuring Breath. See Exor variant abilities See also runecasting spellcasting, 177–179 dragon herald venerated Broods
Ocelinn Jaguar-Kin. See tánaid Kadmic, 106 Spellmatch (druid), 79 Vengeful Strike (dragon hunter), 36
orc, 10–11 runic anchor, 106, 107 spells, 184–199 Versatile Proficency (Allai), 9
names, 11 Runic Security. See Coatl lair Spellweave (Vaala adept), 65 Victorious Exhilaration (fighter), 81
traits, 11 Rupturing Claws (Coatl Brood). See under spending Vaala, 176 Vision Valley, 221
Oryan, 152 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options sphere. See range spheres Vitality Transference (Vaala adept). See under
Stillness Abounds (rogue). See Arcane Shape Vaala
Espionage Tricks (rogue)

Stinging Barbels. See Magnifex variant abilities

P Sabulous Breath (dragon herald), 52

Stone (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths
stormsteel, 164, 332
Pack Tactics (ranger), 91
party Dragonbonding effects, 148 Sacrifical Strike. See valernian martial subclass, 31–103 Waking Dream (bard), 75
Path of Scars (barbarian), 71, 72–73 tradition feat New 70–103 Warmaster Techniques (cleric), 77
Vaala Mote, 72 Sanctum Arcanum. See Coatl lair Supreme Bulwark (dragon hunter), 36–37 Way of the Covenant (monk), 82
increased Vaala pool, 72 Sandspout. See Exor lair Supress Item. See Ehrlya lair Vaala Mote, 82
PB. See proficiency bonus Sanguine Legacy, 213 Supress Scar (barbarian), 73 increased Vaala pool, 82
Pillars of Carnage (cleric), 77 Scaled Form (dragon herald), 51 Swallowstep Strike (dragon hunter), 38 Way of the Eight Paths (monk), 71, 84–85
Plentiful Bones. See Nix lair Scaling Stride (Magnifex Brood). See under Swift Runes (dragon herald), 47 Vaala Mote, 85
Poisoner’s Constitution (rogue), 93 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options Swiftsand. See Exor lair increased Vaala pool, 85
Portent of Death (rogue), 93 Scarred Era, 209 Tenets of the Eight Paths, 84
Preemptive Dodge. See valernian martial Scars (barbarian), 73 Weakness (maghyr), 16

tradition feat School of Entropy (wizard), 102 Bloodlust, 16
preparing spells (Vaala adept), 64 Vaala Mote, 102 Compelled Sorcery, 16
proficiency bonus. See specific class entries increased Vaala pool. 102 weapons, 164–165
Protective Ward (Vaala adept). See under schools of magic,180–181 Tána Spirit (Tánaid), 13 Weaving (wizard), 101
Shape Vaala Scintillating Aura (dragon herald), 55 tánaid, 12–13 weaving magic, 181
Protogons, 202 Scorching Scales (Magnifex Brood). See under names, 12 Westerlands. See Allaria
Psychic Intuition (rogue). See Arcane Draconic Transformation dragon herald options traits, 13 Whispered Lure (rogue). See Arcane Espionage
Espionage Tricks (rogue) Scourge Triumvirate, 219 Tetzcoatl, 153 Tricks (rogue)
Púka. See halfling Search (aerial combat). See action (aerial The Bjarda of Griffon’s Beak, 220–221 Will Doctrine. See under Vaala adept aspect
Purging Flame (Orc), 11 combat) The Fell Crown (warlock), 98 doctrines
Searing Companion (dragon herald), 50–51 Vaala Mote, 98 Will Mote, 68
Selective Resistance (dragon hunter), 36 increased Vaala pool, 98 increased Vaala pool, 68
Servitor Chambers. See Fulgen lair patron spells, 98 doctrine spells, 68

Q Shadow Leap (rogue). See Arcane Espionage

Tricks (rogue)
Shadow Lodge. See under dragon hunter
timeline, 204–205
tools and products (crafting), 328–331
Touch of Agony (rogue). See Arcane Espionage
Willing Sacrifice. See Fulgen lair
Wind (monk). See Way of the Eight Paths
Qirin Mount (ranger), 89
hunting lodges Tricks (rogue) Wind Shroud (Exor Brood). See under
Vaala Mote, 38 Transcribe Scar (barbarian), 73 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options

increased Vaala points, 38 Tremor Dive. See valernian martial tradition Windblast Breath. See Exor variant abilities
Shadowed (dragon hunter), 38 feat Winged Special. See valernian martial
Shadowform (dragon hunter), 39 Triggering a Dragonbond. See below tradition feat
Radiant Eyes of Aureus. See Forms of the Shadowstalker (ranger), 71, 90–91 Dragonbonding Wingover. See valernian martial tradition feat
Dragon (monk) Vaala Mote, 91 Tumbling Advance. See valernian martial Wings of Sand (Exor Brood). See under
Rakzor, 152 increased Vaala pool, 91 tradition feat Draconic Transformation dragon herald options
range spheres, 158–159 Shape Vaala (Vaala adept), 64 Tunneler (Exor Brood). See under Draconic Wings of Shadow (Nix Brood). See under
Rapid Pace (rogue). See Arcane Espionage Dreamcrafting (Dream Doctrine), 65 Transformation dragon herald options Draconic Transformation dragon herald options
Tricks (rogue) Dreamstrike (Dream Doctrine), 66 Tuzaqu and Ahukala territories, 221 Wyrm Fury Strike (monk), 83
Rapid Restorative (rogue). See Arcane Vitality Transference (Source Doctrine), 67 Twinned Aegis (Vaala adept), 68
Espionage Tricks (rogue) Elemental Form (Source Doctrine), 67 types of mount, 155

Rattle of bones. See Nix lair Protective Ward (Will Doctrine), 68 tyvalite, 164, 332
Razor Tail Fan. See Magnifex variant abilities Reactive Control (Will Domain), 69 Tyveria, 212–213
Reactive Control (Vaala adept). See under Shelter of the Bond. See Forms of the Tyverian. See human
Shape Vaala Covenant (monk) See also Tyveria Xantheous Cloud. See Ehrlya variant abilities
Reactive Shove. See valernian martial tradition Shield Clans of Enkhara, 218 Xibac Rite (wizard), 103
feat Shroud of Sand (dragon herald), 53 Xibac, 102, 207, 215, 221

Ready (aerial combat). See action (aerial Sideral Step (dragon hunter), 39
combat) Sikaria, 218

realms of Valerna, 209 Simmering Glaze. See Coatl lair
Reaver Lodge. See under dragon hunter Sinkholes. See Nix lair Undead Nature (Nix Brood). See under
hunting lodges skutte, 334 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options
Vaala Mote, 37 Sky Traveler (Dwarf ), 19 unintelligent mount. See types of mount Ysval, 216–217
increased Vaala points, 37 Slashing Claws (Fulgen Brood). See under Unseen Mind (rogue), 95 Ysvalian. See human
reckoning of years, 203 Draconic Transformation dragon herald options unusual anatomy, 324 See also Ysval
recovering Vaala, 176 Slayer’s Focus (ranger), 89
Red Moon, 105 Smelting Breath. See Ehrlya variant abilities

Regal Presence. See Fulgen lair Social Adroitness (rogue), 95
Reganna, 149 Solar Flare. See Ehrlya variant abilities
Rejuvenated Power. See Fulgen lair Source Doctrine. See under Vaala adept aspect
Replenish (Vaala adept), 64 doctrines Vaala ability, 178–179
Repulsion Field. See Ehrlya lair Source Mote, 66 Vaala adept 31, 62–69
Resolute (dragon hunter), 33 increased Vaala pool, 66 Vaala adept aspect doctrines, 65–69
resurrecting (Dragonbonding), 148 doctrine spells, 67 Dream Doctrine, 65–66
Retribution Riposte (cleric), 76 special materials, 163, 332 Source Doctrine, 67–68
Reveal Weakness. See Coatl lair Spectral Touch of Transference. See Forms of Will Doctrine, 68–69
Rhaava, 202–221 the Dragon (monk) Vaala augmentation 178–179
Ritual Artist (barbarian), 72 Vaala Master (Vaala adept), 65


Stat blocks (Alphabetical)

Adult Coatl Dragon, 242 Cihuen Spirit, 237 Iko’ob, 285 Orlar Warrior, 303
Adult Ehrlya Dragon, 246 Coatl Dragon Wyrmling, 241 Kadhah Carcass, 287 Orlar Witch, 304
Adult Exor Dragon, 250 Coatl Hatchling, 240 Kadhah Horror, 288 Púka, 305
Adult Fulgen Dragon, 254 Corpse Cluster, 293 Kadhah Outbreak, 288 Qillu, 308
Adult Magnifex Dragon, 258 Dream Imp, 264 Kadhah Shade, 287 Shev, 309
Adult Nix Dragon, 262 Ehrlya Hatchling, 244 Kadhah Stain, 287 Shimmerworm, 310
Allarian Fai Hunter, 224 Ehrlya Wyrmling, 245 Lake Hamanimi, 278 Sikari, 312
Allarian Oathguard, 225 Ellari Dreamshaper, 265 Leaf Hamanimi, 279 Silver Qirin, 307
Allarian Warden, 226 Exor Hatchling, 248 Maghyr, 289 Sjóda, 311
Ancient Coatl Dragon, 243 Exor Wyrmling, 249 Magnifex Hatchling, 256 Skorpikon, 313
Ancient Ehrlya Dragon, 247 Fadrake, 266 Magnifex Wyrmling, 257 Ushobai, 314
Ancient Exor Dragon, 251 Fai Goblin, 267 Maskbound, 290 Uutabai, 315
Ancient Fulgen Dragon, 255 Fai Hydra, 268 Night Hamanimi, 279 Vampyr, 316
Ancient Magnifex Dragon, 259 Fándred Monk, 269 Nix Hatchling, 260 Vespida, 317
Ancient Nix Dragon, 263 Fataar, 270 Nix Wyrmling, 261 Voidworm, 294
Azhid, 227 Fell Fox, 272 Null Abomination, 294 Waada, 318
Bendavee, 228 Fell Knight, 271 Null Faceless, 292 Wolf Hmyr, 282
Black Qirin, 307 Flame Djaat, 273 Nullborn, 292 Xibac Burned, 319
Blood Husk, 229 Foghorn, 274 Nullborn Avatar, 293 Xibac Drowned, 319
Bloodclaw, 231 Fomyr, 282 Nulll-Touched Wolf, 295 Xibac Lich, 320
Blooded Gladiator, 230 Fulgen Hatchling, 252 Nwoda, 296 Xibac Numbed, 320
Boaab Dominator, 233 Fulgen Wyrmling, 253 Nwoda Sky Captain, 297 Young Coatl Dragon, 241
Boaab Flamebrand, 233 Galadyan Priest, 275 Nwoda Sky Pirate, 297 Young Ehrlya Dragon, 245
Boaab Snakefolk, 233 Gem Troll, 276 Obakkar, 298 Young Exor Dragon, 249
Boar Hmyr, 282 Godao, 277 Obakkar War-Mother, 299 Young Fulgen Dragon, 253
Bucentauri Bladesworn, 235 Gold Qirin, 307 Ocelinn, 300 Young Magnifex Dragon, 257
Bucentauri Bowsworn, 235 Guild Enforcer, 277 Ogerron, 301 Young Nix Dragon, 261
Bucentauri Raider, 235 Hamanu, 280 Ogerron Chainer, 302 Yummar Raider, 321
Buunkun Kaabweaver, 236 Hmyr Pactmaker, 283 Ogerron Mauler, 302
Buunkun Mahuil, 236 Hua Bird, 284 Orlar, 303

Stat blocks (by CR)

Nulll-Touched Wolf, 295
CR 1/8 Ocelinn, 300 CR 5 CR 12
Púka, 305 Orlar Warrior, 303 Fell Knight, 271 Fadrake, 266
Qillu, 308 Shev, 309 Foghorn, 274
Sikari, 312
Xibac Numbed, 320
Sjóda, 311
Hmyr Pactmaker, 283
Kadhah Carcass, 287
CR 13
Vespida, 317 Adult Coatl Dragon, 242
CR 1/4 Obakkar War-Mother, 299
Adult Magnifex Dragon, 258
Buunkun Mahuil, 236
Coatl Hatchling, 240
CR 2 CR 6 Kadhah Horror, 288

Boaab Flamebrand, 233

Ehrlya Hatchling, 244
Exor Hatchling, 248 Bucentauri Raider, 235
Blooded Gladiator, 230
Gem Troll, 276
CR 15
Fulgen Hatchling, 252 Ehrlya Wyrmling, 245 Maghyr, 289 Adult Ehrlya Dragon, 246
Magnifex Hatchling, 256 Ellari Dreamshaper, 265 Nullborn, 292
Null Faceless, 292 Exor Wyrmling, 249
Fai Goblin, 267
Nwoda Sky Captain, 297
Ogerron Chainer, 302
CR 16
Flame Djaat, 273 Adult Exor Dragon, 250
CR 1/2 Fulgen Wyrmling, 253
Ogerron Mauler, 302
Wolf Hmyr, 282 Null Abomination, 294
Bendavee, 228 Guild Enforcer, 277 Young Coatl Dragon, 241
Black Qirin, 307
Blood Husk, 229
Leaf Hamanimi, 279
Nix Wyrmling, 261
Young Magnifex Dragon, 257 CR 17
Corpse Cluster, 293 Nwoda, 296 Adult Fulgen Dragon, 254
Dream Imp, 264 Obakkar, 298 CR 7 Adult Nix Dragon, 262
Godao, 277 Silver Qirin, 307 Azhid, 227 Kadhah Outbreak, 288
Hamanu, 280 Skorpikon, 313 Cihuen Spirit, 237
Iko’ob, 285 Uutabai, 315 CR 19
Nix Hatchling, 260
CR 8 Shimmerworm, 310
Orlar, 303
Ushobai, 314
CR 3 Boaab Dominator, 233
Voidworm, 294 Allarian Warden, 226 Young Ehrlya Dragon, 245 CR 20
Xibac Burned, 319 Bucentauri Bladesworn, 235 Young Exor Dragon, 249
Buunkun Kaabweaver, 236 Ancient Magnifex Dragon, 259
Yummar Raider, 321
Nullborn Avatar, 293
Fándred Monk, 269
Fataar, 270
CR 9
CR 1 Night Hamanimi, 279 Allarian Oathguard, 225 CR 21
Bloodclaw, 231 Nwoda Sky Pirate, 297 Fai Hydra, 268
Kadhah Shade, 287 Ancient Coatl Dragon, 243
Boaab Snakefolk, 233 Vampyr, 316
Waada, 318 Ancient Ehrlya Dragon, 247
Bucentauri Bowsworn, 235 Xibac Drowned, 319
Young Nix Dragon, 261 Ancient Exor Dragon, 251
Coatl Dragon Wyrmling, 241
Fell Fox, 272
CR 4 CR 22
Galadyan Priest, 275
Gold Qirin, 307 Allarian Fai Hunter, 224
CR 10
Young Fulgen Dragon, 253 Ancient Nix Dragon, 263
Hua Bird, 284 Boar Hmyr, 282
Kadhah Stain, 287 Fomyr, 282 Xibac Lich, 320
Lake Hamanimi, 278 Ogerron, 301 CR 24
Magnifex Wyrmling, 257 Orlar Witch, 304 Ancient Fulgen Dragon, 255
Maskbound, 290

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