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Green chemistry for chemical synthesis

Chao-Jun Li*† and Barry M. Trost†‡
*Department of Chemistry, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2K6; and ‡Department of
Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5080

Edited by Jack Halpern, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved July 3, 2008 (received for review May 5, 2008).

Green chemistry for chemical synthesis addresses our future challenges in working with chemical processes and products by invent-
ing novel reactions that can maximize the desired products and minimize by-products, designing new synthetic schemes and appa-
rati that can simplify operations in chemical productions, and seeking greener solvents that are inherently environmentally and
ecologically benign.

atom economy 兩 synthetic efficiency 兩 sustainable chemical feedstocks 兩 green solvents

ver the past two centuries, quantity of product isolated addition incorporates all atoms of the
Reaction Yield = x 100%
fundamental theories and re- theoretical quantity of product starting materials into the final product.
activities in chemistry have Recognizing this fundamental phenome-
been soundly established. molecular wt. of desired product non, in 1991 (4) Trost presented a set of
x 100% coherent guiding principles for evaluat-
Such theories and reactivities have pro- Atom Economy =
molecular weight of all products
vided the foundations for the chemical ing the efficiency of specific chemical
enterprise that generates critical living Fig. 1. Definition of the fundamental difference processes, termed the atom economy,
needs such as food for the world’s popu- in the manner in which the reaction and the atom which has subsequently been incorpo-
lation, achieves various medical wonders economy yields are generated. rated into the ‘‘Twelve Principles of
that save millions of lives and improve Green Chemistry’’ and has altered the
people’s health, and produces materials way many chemists design and plan their
feedstocks, reactions, solvents, and
essential to the present and future needs syntheses. Atom economy seeks to maxi-
of mankind. Just less than two centuries mize the incorporation of the starting
ago, organic compounds were believed Chemical Feedstocks materials into the final product of any
to be only accessible through biological given reaction. The additional corollary
Presently, the main feedstock of chemi-
processes under the influence of ‘‘vital is that, if maximum incorporation can-
cal products comes from nonrenewable
forces’’ (1). Today, many molecules of not be achieved, then ideally the quanti-
petroleum that is being depleted rapidly
great complexity can be synthesized both for chemical and energy needs. ties of side products should be minute
readily. The total syntheses of natural However, nature provides a vast amount and environmentally innocuous. There is
products with extremely high complexity of biomass in the renewable forms of a fundamental difference in the manner
such as vitamin B12 (2) and palytoxin carbohydrates, amino acids, and triglcer- in which a reaction yield and the atom
(3) in the laboratory are testimonials ides to obtain organic products (9), but economy yield is calculated (Fig. 1).
of achievements comparable to the con- a major obstacle to using renewable The reaction yield is only concerned
struction of the great pyramids at the biomass as feedstock is the need for with the quantity of the desired product
molecular scale. However, despite such novel chemistry to transform the large that is isolated, relative to the theoreti-
enormous achievements, we are facing amounts of biomass selectively and effi- cal quantity of the product. Atom econ-
great challenges in future chemical syn- ciently, in its natural state, without ex- omy takes all used reagents and unwanted
tensive functionalization, defunctional- side products into account along with the
thesis. The present state-of-the-art pro-
ization, or protection. desired product. For example, substitu-
cesses for synthesizing chemical products
tions and eliminations represent the vast
are highly inefficient. The concept of
Reactions majority of uneconomical classical reac-
atom economy (4, 5) was created to
Reactions play the most fundamental tions in which inherent wastes are un-
emphasize the importance of this ineffi-
role in synthesis. The ideology of Green avoidable (Scheme 1). Simple additions or
ciency. The E factor (6) provided a quan-
Chemistry calls for the development of cycloadditions and rearrangements repre-
tifiable measure of such inefficiency and
new chemical reactivities and reaction sent desired modes of reactivities (Scheme
showed that, for every kilogram of fine 1). Reaction Mass Efficiency (RME)
conditions that can potentially provide
chemical and pharmaceutical products and Mass Intensity (MI) are additional
benefits for chemical syntheses in terms
produced, 5–100 times that amount of concepts to evaluate the efficiency of
of resource and energy efficiency, prod-
chemical waste is generated. Such low uct selectivity, operational simplicity, synthetic reactions to take into account
efficiency in state-of-the-art organic and health and environmental safety. the reaction yield (10).
syntheses presents great challenges in Recently, innovative reactions with
resource conservation and draws envi- Atom Economy. Conventionally, attaining such inherent advantages have been de-
ronmental and health concerns related the highest yield and product selectivity veloped with the aid of chemical and
to the chemical wastes. were the governing factors of chemical
Since its birth over a decade ago the synthesis. Little consideration was given
field of Green Chemistry has been spe- to the usage of multiple reagents in stoi- Author contributions: C.-J.L. and B.M.T. wrote the paper.
cifically designed to meet such chal- chiometric quantities, which often were The authors declare no conflict of interest.
lenges in chemical synthesis (7, 8). To not incorporated into the target mole- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
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address these challenges, innovative and cule and would result in significant side †To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail:
fundamentally novel chemistry is needed products. However, in a balanced chemi- [email protected] or [email protected].
throughout the synthetic processes: cal reaction, a simple addition or cyclo- © 2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0804348105 PNAS 兩 September 9, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 36 兩 13197–13202

H Krische and coworkers (16), in which
N + OH + + H2O primary alcohols were added stereos-
electively to alkenes, which provides an
Atom economy % = (42.08/119.21) x 100% = 35.3% atom-economic version of the classical
reaction where a Grignard reagent is
added to an aldehyde (Scheme 6).
Claisen Rearrangement:

Direct Conversion of C–H Bonds. Direct
200oC transformation of the C–H bonds of or-
ganic molecules into desired structures
H without extra chemical transformations
Atom economy % = (134.18/134.18) x 100% = 100% represents another class of major desir-
able reactions (17–23). In nature, a vari-
Scheme 1. ety of organic compounds can be oxi-
dized easily by molecular oxygen or
other oxygen donors in the cells of bac-
teria, fungi, plants, insects, fish, and
Ph3P Cl
mammals (24–26). It is worth noting the
cat. In(OSO2CF3)3
O 6 6 O important advances in biomimetic ap-
proaches to such oxidations (27–36).
H H Hydroxylation of linear alkanes or meth-
2 steps ane to generate terminal alcohols is very
HO 6
useful in the synthesis of chemicals and
fuels (37).
However, the direct conversion of
Scheme 2. C–H bonds into C–C bonds leads to
more efficient syntheses of complex
products with reduced synthetic opera-
tions (38). Recently, great progress has
H3CO2C H been made in transition-metal-catalyzed
OTIPS activation and further reaction of C–H
85% bonds (39). Li (40) and others have
H +
developed various methods to generate
H3CO2C Ru(NCCH3)3 PF6 C–C bonds directly from two different
C–H bonds in the presence of an oxidiz-
R = CHO H3CO2C CHO ing reagent through a cross-dehydroge-
H native coupling (CDC) catalyzed by
H transition metals. For example, (NH)-
80% indoles and tetrahydroisoquinolines were
converted directly into alkaloids by us-
Scheme 3.
ing such a coupling (Scheme 7) (41).
Recently, an elegant cross-coupling
of two aryl C–H bonds to form arene–
O OMe Ru(H2O)6(tos)2 O O OMe
arene coupling products was reported by
+ (H2O)5Ru OMe Fagnou, Sanford, and others (Scheme 8)
(42, 43).
(n-1) equiv.
Synthesis Without Protections. Because of
Scheme 4. the nature of classical chemical reactiv-
ity, organic synthesis extensively utilizes
protection–deprotection of functional
biological catalysts. Some representative thetic strategies to ones of ideal atom groups, which increases the number of
examples are the following. economy (Scheme 3) (12). steps in synthesizing the desired target
Isomerizations. Isomerization of propargyl Ring-opening metathesis polymerization. The compounds. Novel chemistry is needed
alcohols into conjugated carbonyl com- living ring-opening metathesis polymer- to perform organic synthesis without
protection and deprotection. Recently,
pounds provides an atom-economic ization developed by Grubbs and co-
progress has been made on this subject.
means for synthesizing such compounds. workers represents another type of
For example, Baran et al. (44) have re-
By using a ruthenium-catalyzed redox isomerization and has been used to ported a total synthesis of a natural
isomerization of propargyl alcohols into make a variety of materials, such as product without any protecting groups.
enones in lieu of the traditional two-step those used in dentistry (Scheme 4) (13). Another instance is the efficient synthe-
stoichiometric reduction and oxidation Addition reactions. The processes of add- sis of (⫹)-3-deoxy-D-glycero-D-galacto-
sequence, a catalytic enantioselective ing allyl alcohol to alkynes to form ␥,␦- nonulosonic acid (KDN) by using the
total synthesis of adociacetylene B can unstaturated ketones and aldehydes in indium-mediated allylation reaction
be realized efficiently (Scheme 2) (11). aqueous media were developed by Trost in water reported by Chan and Li
Isomerization of an alkynyl vinylcyclo- et al. (14) and Dixneuf et al. (15), re- (Scheme 9) (45).
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propene to a fused 5- to 7-ring structure spectively (Scheme 5). Another elegant The Knoevenagel condensation of the
converts classical atom inefficient syn- example was recently reported by ␤-diketone with hemiacetalic sugar gave

13198 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0804348105 Li and Trost

OH O crofluidic pumping systems that pass
cat. RuCp(COD)Cl material through various packed col-
Ph H + R' R R'
aqueous media umns containing immobilized reagents,
catalysts, scavengers, or catch-and-re-
Scheme 5. lease agents, combining seven separate
synthetic steps linked into one continu-
ous sequence (Scheme 14).
[Ir(COD)Cl]2 (3.75 mol%)
OH BIPHEP (7.5 mol%)
R1 R1 Biocatalysis. Through millions of years
R1 Bu4NI (10 mol%) of evolution and ‘‘sustainability,’’ na-
DCE (1 M)
61-94% Yield ture developed highly efficient and se-
65 oC 5-15:1 rr lective means to achieve the desired
> 95:5 syn:anti
transformations. The potential useful-
Scheme 6. ness of various catalysts of Nature,
such as enzymes (51), whole cells, and
catalytic antibodies (52) for organic
synthesis, has become more and more
5 mol% CuBr N recognized. Frequently, biocatalysis
leads to extremely high reaction rates
and selectivities such as enantioselec-
H FG NH tivities that go beyond the reach of
chemical catalysts. These developments
58-98 % have provided powerful and parallel
tools in the synthetic chemist’s toolbox.
Scheme 7. CDC reactions of various indoles with tetrahydroisoquinolines.
However, the high substrate specificity
of enzymes presents a dilemma for syn-
thetic chemistry in which wide sub-
H Pd(TFA)2 (cat) strate applicability is desired. The re-
3-NO2Py (cat)
cent exciting development in ‘‘directed
R +
CsOPiv (cat) evolution’’ (53) provides potential op-
Cu(OAc)2 (3 equiv) R portunities in using biological catalysts
O ArH:PivOH (4:1) to overcome this issue.
140oC mw O
Solvents are auxiliary materials used in
Scheme 8. chemical synthesis. They are not an inte-
gral part of the compounds undergoing
reaction, yet they play an important role

HO + HO in chemical production and synthesis.
H +
OH OH 6:1 OH OH By far, the largest amount of ‘‘auxiliary
ozonolysis waste’’ in most chemical productions is
OH associated with solvent usage. In a clas-
HO O CO2H sical chemical process, solvents are used
(+) KDN extensively for dissolving reactants, ex-
mannose tracting and washing products, separat-
ing mixtures, cleaning reaction apparati,
Scheme 9. and dispersing products for practical
applications. Although the invention
of various exotic organic solvents has
␤-C-glucosidic ketone in water directly and cascade reaction processes that in-
resulted in some remarkable advances
(Scheme 10) (46). corporate as many reactions as possible
in chemistry, the legacy of such solvents
The Click chemistry (47) developed to give the final product in one opera-
has led to various environmental and
by Sharpless tolerates a wide range of tion. For example, a palladium-catalyzed
health concerns. Consequently, as part
functionalities and allows the direct tandem reaction resulted in multirings of Green Chemistry efforts, various
modification of biological compounds. in one step (Scheme 12) (48). Another cleaner solvents have been evaluated
The archetypical example of Click example is Jamison’s synthesis of the as replacements (54).
chemistry is the Huisgen 1,3-dipolar core piece of ‘‘ladder’’ polyether marine The primary function of solvents in
cycloaddition of alkynes to azides to natural products through a biomimetic classical chemical syntheses is to facili-
form 1,4-disubsituted 1,2,3-triazoles cascade cyclization in neutral water tate mass transfer to modulate chemical
catalyzed by Cu(I) (Scheme 11). The (Scheme 13) (49). reactions in terms of reaction rate,
reaction is mild and highly efficient, An alternative way to simplify organic yields, conversions, and selectivity. They
and does not require protecting syntheses into a single operation is to do this by dissolving the reactants in
groups. perform sequential reactions in a flow dilute homogeneous mixtures. The
reactor. Ley and colleaques (50) re- ironic aspect of this process is that, after
Tandem/Cascade/Flow Reactors. Also of ported that a multistep synthesis of the the reaction, the final product has to be
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fundamental importance to greener syn- alkaloid natural product (⫾)-oxomariti- reseparated from the solvent through
theses is the development of tandem dine can be accomplished by using mi- energy-intensive means.

Li and Trost PNAS 兩 September 9, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 36 兩 13199

O early development of life in an anaero-
+ H HO
2 bic environment, can facilitate air-
OH O H2O, 90 °C
OH CH3 sensitive transition-metal catalysis in
Na OH open air (61). The use of water as a sol-
vent also implies the elimination of te-
CH3 HO O CH2 HO HO O dious protection–deprotection processes
O OH CH3 - CH3COONa OH for certain acidic-hydrogen-containing
Na O
Na OH functional groups, which contributes to
Scheme 10. One step synthesis of ␤-C-glucosidic ketone in aqueous medium.
the overall synthetic efficiency. Water-
soluble compounds, such as carbohy-
drates, can be used directly without the
R2 need for laborious derivatization and
Cu(I) N water-soluble catalysts can be reused
N N + R2 N after separation from water-insoluble
R1 N organic products. Aqueous organic
R1 chemistry is also essential in the emerg-
ing field of chemical biology, which uses
Scheme 11. chemical tools to study biological systems.
One challenge of using water as a sol-
vent is the regeneration of pure water that
contains only minor impurities. In this
respect, newer purification technologies
P h O 2S
P hO 2 S such as ultrafiltration or natural evapora-
OC H 3
tion (if the impurity is not vaporizable)
2.5% (dba)3 Pd2į CH Cl3
Ph 3P, H O Ac help. Another challenge of using water is
P hH , 5 0 o C Ph O 2S separating water-soluble products from
P h O 2S
water. In addition, many organic com-
7 7%
pounds are not soluble in water. Although
Scheme 12. ‘‘on-water’’ techniques have provided ex-
cellent solutions for some situations, there
will be cases where completely soluble in
HO Me O O water is desired.
O 70oC, 72% HO O O CO2. In some cases, water is undesirable.
Although some chemical processes may
53% isolated yield
be modified to use water, green solvents
Scheme 13. with different properties than water are
nevertheless needed. One such solvent is
liquid and supercritical CO2. It is also a
O natural solvent, although some energy
HO microchannel flow reactor (pressure) is consumed in its production.
MeO In addition, CO2 is renewable, nonflam-
H mable, and readily evaporating. Other
Br 7 steps, one operation N
MeO excellent features of CO2 include its fast
Scheme 14. Synthesis in flow of (⫾)-oxomaritidine. drying time, better ability to dissolve
organic compounds, and better flow abil-
ity because of its low viscosity compared
The development of Green Chemistry most inexpensive and environmentally with other solvents including water.
redefines the role of a solvent: An ideal benign solvent. Since it was reported These properties are complementary to
solvent facilitates the mass transfer but that Diels–Alder reactions (56) could water and provide supplementary needs.
does not dissolve! In addition, a desirable be greatly accelerated by using water as Through the landmark work by Noyori
green solvent should be natural, non- a solvent instead of organic solvents et al. (62), DeSimone et al. (63), Tumas
toxic, cheap, and readily available. More (Scheme 15), there has been consider- and colleaques (64), Leitner (65), and
desirably, it should have additional ben- able attention dedicated to the develop- others, supercritical CO2 is emerging as
efits of aiding the reaction, separation, ment of organic reactions in water (57– an important medium for chemical syn-
or catalyst recycling. The concept of or- 59). Besides Diels–Alder reactions, thesis. One special feature of liquid and
ganic reactions ‘‘on-water,’’ (55) in other examples cover almost all of the supercritical CO2 is its high mixibility
which non-water-soluble reagents react most useful organic reactions, even with gases, which offers high efficiency
by floating on water to generate a non- ‘‘water-sensitive’’ reactions (Scheme 16) (and often higher selectivity) in reac-
water-soluble and readily separable final (60). In many cases, because of hydro- tions such as hydrogenations with hydro-
product, is an excellent manifestation of phobic effects, using water as a solvent gen gas and oxidations with air (66).
this new definition. not only accelerates reaction rates but Another feature of CO2 is its rapid sep-
also enhances reaction selectivities, even aration from catalysts and products by
Water. The only natural solvent on earth when the reactants are sparingly soluble simple depressurization and recapture.
is water. Life requires the construction or insoluble in the medium. Further- Taking the advantage of these features,
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of chemical bonds in an aqueous envi- more, the low solubility of oxygen gas Britz et al. (67) (Scheme 17) and Cole-
ronment. It is obvious that water is the in water, an important property in the Hamilton et al. (68) developed an effi-

13200 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0804348105 Li and Trost

H2O +
+ O

Scheme 15.

cat. Cu(OTf) / ligand HN
R1 CHO + Ar NH2 + R2
toluene or water R1
48-93% yield, 78-99.5% ee
ligand= Fig. 2. Continuous supercritical hydrogenation.
[Figure reproduced courtesy of Martyn Poliakoff
Ph Ph
(Copyright held by Nottingham University).]
Scheme 16.

sustainability demand more efficient

cat. 5% Pd APII Deloxan® and benign scientific technologies for
+ H2 working with chemical processes and
CO2, 120 bar, >40 oC products. Green chemistry addresses
such challenges by inventing novel re-
flow rate: 0.5-20 mL/min actions that can maximize the desired
conversion >95% products and minimize by-products,
Scheme 17.
designing new synthetic schemes and
apparati that can simplify operations in
chemical productions, and seeking
cient flow chemical reactor for clean cellulose (70) and changing the outcome greener solvents that are inherently
synthesis (Fig. 2). of reactions (71). Another innovative environmentally and ecologically be-
discovery is the recently developed nign. Together, such fundamental inno-
Nonnatural Solvents. In addition to the ‘‘switchable solvents’’ by Jessop, Liotta, vations in chemical sciences will lead
two ‘‘natural green solvents’’, various Erckert, and others (72). Such solvents us to a new generation of chemical
nonnatural ones have also been inten- change their properties with different
sively studied as green alternatives. The needs. Beside these solvents, other syn-
most widely studied ones are ionic liq- thetic solvents such as fluorous (73, 74)
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank all colleagues
and property-changing soluble polymer
uids (69). The greatest advantage of who are actively pursuing green chemistry. This
systems (75) have been evaluated as po- work was supported by the National Science
these solvents is their low vapor pres- tential green alternatives. Foundation, the National Science Foundation–
sures, which offer advantages in reduc-
Environmental Protection Agency joint pro-
ing volatile organics in the air. Such Conclusion gram for a sustainable environment, and the
novel solvents also offer various interest- Our future challenges in resource, en- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
ing new chemistries such as dissolving vironmental, economical, and societal Council.

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