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Content Knowledge
and Pedagogy
LESSON 1 Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Its Application across
the Curriculum

A. Write down the information asked and answer the succeeding questions based
on your class observation.

Date and Time of Observation: October 23-26, 2023

Educational Background: Bachelor in Agricultural Technology major in Crop


Assigned Grade and Section: Grade 7: Daisy

Assigned Subject/s: MAPEH, TLE, GYMNASTICS

Relevant Trainings Attended: -DEPED Division of Davao de Oro Division Training

worshops of SPA/SPS Specialization on Action
-Crafting Good Lesson Plan in 7ES and Good
-4 Day Regional Enhancement Training in Music for
Junior High School Teachers

1. Are the teacher's background and qualifications aligned with the subject's he or
she is assigned to teach?

The teacher's background and qualifications are made sure by the institution or

even by the government, before they were hired, to have such qualifications and

eligibility to impart students what they must achieve in learning. Teacher Amie

Cezar, fortunately, has been assigned to what she majored in that made her has
that mastery in her lesson. Although teachers are expected to be flexible and

versatile, still, there that special skill anyone can share especially in a work they

specialized to. Hence, that is what teacher Amie extra skillful in her teaching.

2. Does he or she use the K to 12 curriculum guide in preparing a lesson plan?

Teacher Amie uses K-12 curriculum to guide her into planning lessons and making

activities or assessments. According to her, i t serves as her manual, guide, and can

also be, timeline to follow in the right order especially in the lesson into hitting

student’s needs unto learning.

3. Does he or she consider the learner's prior knowledge in designing a lesson plan?

Ma’am Amie consider the learner’s prior knowledge in designing lesson plan as

as shared that nowadays, students should be involved in crafting what should be

taught since education has become student-centered. That’s why for her, she

lets students has a part for their own benefits of learning.

4. Does he or she use varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject matter?

Delivering and hitting different learning entails varied strategies to apply so that

students could experience and may choose what’s appropriate to their ability to

receive learning. Definitely, as observed, teacher Amie apply and deliver her
subject well in any way applicable; may it be using stories, activities, proper and

effective questioning or prompts that would help students understand.

5. Does he or she conduct research in planning for his or her lessons?

Teachers Amie does research when planning lessons. It helps them get the

latest and best information to share with students. Even in simplest browsing

information to help her with another lesson, in crafting activities, in making

exams, researching helps and guides her, indeed.

B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation. Write your
remarks in the rightmost column.

Indicators Observed Observed Remarks

1. Explains the The teacher explains subject matter

subject matter clearly, accurately, and
a. Clearly comprehensively that before even
b. Accurately starting their lesson, she reviews
c. Comprehensively and asks questions emphasizing
the students knowledge of the
2. Relates the subject The teacher uses questions that
matter with follows up or review the student
previous lessons learning from previous lesson. It
that have been made them recall topics to connect
taught or future to the next topic.
lessons to be
3. Presents facts, The teacher uses facts and theories
theories, and along with the references and
concepts to support correct citation especially in using
the validity of others claims or studies that made
content the lesson valid, strong, reliable,
believable, and understandable
among learners.
4. Manifests The teacher made sure the students
understanding of understands the topic by asking
the learners' questions whether the students
background in could relate in the lesson, checking
relation to the if the picked up the main thought.
subject matter

5. Utilizes appropriate The teacher prompts correct and

pedagogical effective way of questioning that
strategies in the leads to the introduction and
delivery of the enhancement of the topic.
subject matter

6. Integrates The teacher uses technology along

appropriate with their lesson that made learning
technology tools fun, easy, engaging, and ready to
specific to the move along the timeline set to cope
subject matter to be with the lesson.

7. Promotes inquiry- The teacher asks the students or

based learning to make the students question in order
develop higher to pick their interest and to open
order thinking skills their learning to discovery.
and/or 21st century

8. Uses appropriate The teacher used terms that are

languages to make applicable to the subject matter.
subject matter Also, she used some vernacular
delivery more words to more appropriately
comprehensible elaborate come terms in order for
students to understand well.
9. Shows skills in the The teacher uses technologies
use of information every session to visualize the
and lesson and for the students to easily
communications and quickly learn. Indeed, the
technologies (ICT) teacher knows how to use such
to facilitate teaching technology without relying unto
and learning others to set up her tools for
10. Uses effective The teacher use verbal and non-
verbal and non- verbal communication in a sense
verbal forms of that presents visual aids at the
communication same time, actions to portray what’s
strategies to being tackled. It opens the chance
promote meaningful to more examples and wide range
learning of options for students to really
understand the topics.
Other Comments:

The teacher


A. Based on what you have observed in class, explain the importance of the different

kinds of knowledge.

1. Content knowledge

Content knowledge is the teacher’s knowledge of the lesson being tackled or

discussed. Its importance has impacted students to effectively learn of what’s

retained in their brain. The reliability of the information from the content being

shared by the teacher has an impact from the level of validity for the student’s


2. Pedagogical knowledge

The pedagogical knowledge is a skill of the teacher in managing different

students regardless of the differences of character traits every student has. An

effective pedagogical knowledge or the method, the classroom guide the teacher

uses helps students stay focused than distracted especially when the teacher

knows how to handle their everyone well according to their needs to learn.
3. Curricular knowledge

Curricular knowledge is measured how the teacher knows and has mastery over

the curriculum given. The set of standard from the curriculum is met when it is

effective towards students even in the results from their assessments that is as

well meant the curricular knowledge of the teacher.

B. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her

mastery of the subject matter?

A mastery of the subject is reflected when the teacher uses teaching strategies

that students participates and engages in. Every teacher has different teaching

styles to meet student’s need for learning that is why I think the best strategy to

enhance and improve learning is by incorporating different tools in teaching

whether it would be applying traditional skills along with modern tools in teaching.

C. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her

pedagogical knowledge?

The teacher that uses different teaching styles, enriches his/her pedagogical

knowledge in a way that he/she has a skill to handle his/her classroom in a

harmonious way. One thing I have observed is that before really getting into the

lesson, the teacher made the students settle in comfort, the room is clean, seat

plan is good, and other that helps teachers which lacks and what needs to be
improved while ding all this strategies especially in the coming days how

students performed in her set up.

D. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to augment his or her

curricular knowledge?

There are lots of methods teachers may use in order to augment their curricular

knowledge. Starting of with, reviewing the curriculum they use may help them fill

the gap of what needs to be improved and of course, so they could master the

said curriculum once used in class. Additionally, they may attend various seminar

for their professional development or have collaboration with anyone to improve

their teacher skills. Some teacher as well continued studying or have their

doctorate or masters taken. This helps them have new and fresh knowledge.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

teaching is a skill that not everyone can easily do. There are lots of factors to be

considered in order to achieve learning that lasts among students skills and

knowledge. Definitely, our educational system as well needs various of ways and

styles to enrich so that no matter how difficult students are nowadays to teach,

they would still be taught well for their own good in their future and the future

generations to serve our country and even outside the country.

2. I believe that
there are still a lot of improvement that could be discovered in the process of

imparting learning to students. There can be new ways especially that learners

changes rapidly. They may have new insights and ways of having able to learn.

Thus, not limiting the teaching the curriculum helps everyone in achieving

affective learning. Students should be involved in crafting lessons as well.

3. I feel that

Students nowadays are quiet unmotivated. Only few has that hunger to learn and

sadly, its quiet alarming that teachers did their best abilities and strengths to

incorporate various styles and strategies but only few of the students get

themselves involved and actually, learn. That’s why I feel that there are still a lot

of discoveries our education may apply especially in this situation in order for

students to learn in things they needed in life.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

try my best to engage my students so they will be led and be guided to the best

of their ability and discovery of themselves, may it be in skills or intellects. Also, I

want to inspire them to become a better individuals in these cruel and/or unfair

competing world by just being kind to themselves and morally good for others

even in simplest gesture they can show and share. I believe teachers has that

power to inspire and motivate students into becoming a good person and citizen

by being a good role model in words and actions.

Lesson 2 Research-based Instruction and Principles of Teaching and


A. Answer the following questions based on your class observation.

1. Does the school promote research culture among the teachers? How?

Promoting research culture among teachers has a lot of benefits may it be

towards the teachers at the same time students. Maragusan National High

School, indeed, has their educators be in research concepts in order to help them

in so many aspects especially in obtaining latest educational strategies and styles

that may contribute to improvising teaching guide and/ methods and to the school

as well as a whole.

2. Do the teachers undertake research activities to enhance their pedagogical

content knowledge? What are these activities?

Enhancing pedagogical content knowledge is a challenge for and in every school

or institution, even to teachers to improve and have progress in learning.

Teachers, in achieving this, undertake different ways, even trials and errors, to

enrich knowledge into managing their students and improve their content and it is

by the help of research that they were guided and corrected about what to

improve or even eradicate especially in these changing students abilities to learn.

3. Are the teachers aware of the standards, principles, and pedagogical approaches

behind the K-12 curriculum?

Teachers are aware of the standards , principles, and pedagogical approaches

behind K-12 curriculum since the education in the Philippines made sure that

teachers were trained before even changing and/or improvising our curriculum.

Having our educators undergo various training and seminars orients them to what

changes to teaching styles must be their guide in handing and imparting learning

to their students .

4. Do the teachers integrate research findings, empirical evidence, and theories to

support validity of content to be taught? How?

Teachers integrate research findings, empirical evidence, and theories to support

validity of content they are about to teacher as they don’t just rely on one

information alone. They are made to be versatile, skillful, and knowledgeable to

settle for the bare minimum of their skills. Though there are some, however,

mostly they do their best to self-learn what lessons their in so they would have the

valid and reliable information they could give to students as their students could

also reflect their teachers. Whatever teachers do, it reflects how the students

learn specifically upon their assessment results.

5. Do the teachers use varied teaching approaches based on K-12 curriculum

principles? How?

yes teachers are using varied teaching approaches based on K-12 curriculum

principles. This is what they are inclined to do and trained now that the curriculum

evolves for the betterment of the whole education system. They made sure 21 st
Century learners are becoming practical and having real world skills that is why in

their grade system, performance tasks has the most weighted percentage. Honing

students skills in real life helps and guides them to their core of what should

students become especially in real life set ups.

B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation. You may write

your comments in the Remarks column.

Indicators Observed Not Remarks

1. Administers
I observed that this is applied to in
diagnostic exam to
assess the students' class especially during the first quarter
prior knowledge of the school year. Teachers even asks

students questions that recalls and

diagnoses their prior and/or


2. Prepares a lesson Not every session the teacher prepares

based on the
lesson for the students. There are
students' needs
times where they allow students to just

study, work with their classmates,

discuss, or brainstorm; this way, the

students get to interact with one

another for more learning.

3. Relates the topic to Motivating students takes a lot of
students' interest to
energy to achieve effective strategy.
motivate learners
Thus, it is a challenge towards the

teacher to meet this but, definitely, it is

observed and applied by teachers

nowadays especially that students can

easily be distracted and so, teachers

applied and trained to this challenge to

impart students flexible strategies.

4. Contextualizes the Contextualizing lesson content based

content of the
on students is observed. The teacher
lesson according to
use relatable examples, experiences,
background during discussions.

5. Articulates a clear Articulates a clear set of learning

set of learning
objectives is observed. The teacher
made sure the objective aligns to the

curriculum and students needs to


6. Provides varied The teacher uses and provide flexible

activities to support
activities that hit the learning objective.
learning objectives
She made sure the activities is

challenging and efficient to test their


7. Draws on relevant The teacher made sure her learning

bodies of knowledge
method are relevant using relevant and
to make the lesson
valid information and references.
more relevant

8. Reflects on teaching The teacher reflects on teaching

methodology and
methodologies and made use of
strategies used for
different strategies according to the
objectives needed for students


9. Examines the The teacher examines and reviews

students' previous
performances in a way to move along
performance to
to the next lesson. Reviewing and
modify learning
objectives and modifying learning objective guides the
content of the
teacher to extra create a learning that’s
lesson, including the
effective and needed.
teaching strategy

10. Aligns assessment Assessment and tasks are what made

tasks and
sure to be testing students of their
understanding. It also reflects the
activities with the
learning objectives teachers effective teaching and

knowledge. The teacher used

appropriate tasks that hit the learning


C. What are the research-based instructional strategies applied by the cooperating

teacher? Write your answers in the space below.

The teacher incorporate diverse and various strategies in teaching. Significantly, she
collaborate with her co-teachers in instructional strategies. Also, havong the internet
abundant these day, she brows the internet and finds relevant and valid information
for the crafting of lesson and assessments in her lesson. She uses research-based
instructional strategies, differentiated instruction, and actual engagement in order to
accommodate diverse learning styles and adjust teaching methods to students
needs and lacks.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.
1. How do research-based instructional strategies enrich the pedagogical content

knowledge of teachers?

Pedagogical content knowledge guides and helps teacher to what exactly

strategies they may use and could provide for their students learning considering

the difficulty to entertain and relate to them in teaching new ideas and lessons.

Research-based instructional strategies provide results and data’s that could

improvised the methods and pedagogy in handling the classroom and the


2. How do research-based instructional strategies affect the students' learning?

Research-based instructional strategies affect students learning in a way it

provide results. These result may help what should be changed for students to

learn. Though it may confuse and challenge teacher to alter many different

strategies, it would lead to a betterment of hitting what actually needs to be

implemented and applied for learning.

3. What do teachers need to do to improve their research skills?

Improving teacher skill’s in research impacts their lessons to impart towards their

learners. Helping teachers improve has a lot to do with the government and the

institution. Making them be involved and join training and seminar effectively

help them to improve and collaborate with actual ways to improve research



Complete the following:

1. I realized that

incorporating research-based instructional strategies not only aligns with

pedagogical content knowledge, also it serves as an abundant tool for teachers

to adapt and enhance their methods, strategies, pedagogy, and skills based on

the data or evidence gathered in research. This would improve the whole

learning process and the whole learning facility for the betterment of the school,

government, and students in becoming and making an effective citizen.

2. I believe that

research-based instructional strategies are important in shaping students'

learning experiences through the results taken in research. This would improvise

and guide schools, institutions, teachers in making their approaches to education

more strategic and effective.

3. I feel that

to improve their research skills, teachers need active involvement in training and

seminars. This help them achieve that collaboration with institutions and the

government. Opportunities may arise into having and becoming educators that

are empowered to impart valid learning having the application of evolving

pedagogical knowledge and strategies, approaches and methods.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

prioritize continuous professional development through active participation in

training programs and seminars. I believe this will enhance my research skills.
Recognizing the impact of evidence-based strategies, I will do my best to have

the latest and updated strategy to use to stay informed about the latest findings

to have an effective teaching practices in the classroom towards my students.

Lesson 3 Positive Use of Information and Communications Technology


A. Familiarize yourself with ICT facilities and tools for teaching and learning. Check

if the following items are available. Provide a description for each in the rightmost


ICT Facilities and Tools Available Not Description

Computer Lab/Computer  Separate room for computer

Room laboratories

 Assigned faculty to facilitate

and look after the area.

 Clean and organized.

Audio-Visual Room  Headphones Available each

glass made table

 TV is available

 Main circuits connected to

every table

Laptop/desktop  Computer and desktop

available in every faculty

Printer  Available in every faculty in

every grade level.

 Wide Format Printer Machines

Scanner  Scanners are high quality and

has big machine

LCD projector  Available

Audio equipment  Clear and big speakers

LCD/LED TV  LED TV in all classrooms

Internet access  Available internet access for

chosen faculty and staff in

chosen area

Computer hard drives and  Available

storage devices (e.g.,

compact disc, flash

drive/USB, portable drive)

Tablets, mobile phones, or  Available

other mobile devices 


B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions.

1. Does the school have specific ICT policies and standards?

The school has teachers or assigned students that handles their computers and

technologies. They have policies and standards even in their properties so it may

not be abused but used. Even in their classrooms, they have TV’s that students
or teachers may use during classes, they as much as possible, take good care of

those that whosoever could destroy them would take accountability.

2. Are the teachers aware of the school's ICT policies and standards?
The teacher and even students are made aware of the school’s ICT and policies

and standard. They made their facilities known as important as themselves.

There cab be accountability to face especially to those that abuse and destroys


3. Does the school provide ICT training for teachers?

Teachers are made sure they know how to use technologies especially now in a

21st century era where technology arise. Teachers are made sure that they are

flexible and learning to such changes and so the school provide seminars and

teach teachers to simple way to navigate the use of technology. Their knowledge

and skills of it made their works easier.

4. Does the school provide the necessary ICT tools and digital technologies to aid
teaching and learning activities?
Yes the school provide learning technologies and tools to make learning

interactive, easy, quick, simple and fun. They even have televisions each

classroom so instead of using limited projectors, they provided each classroom

TV’s for their classes.

5. Are the students provided with equal opportunity to use the computers and other
digital technologies?
Yes the students are provided with e qual opportunity to use the computers and

other digital technologies. I remember before when I am in high chool in this

school I am now observing in, we can use our computers in our projects

especially when we don’t have one in school. This school has offered students

and teachers opportunity to learn and fair enough to explore learning in quiet

conducive and accepting areas.

6. Are the teachers knowledgeable on how to operate a laptop/computer and other

digital technologies for teaching and learning?
Teacher are given a chance especially to learn this new needed skill in 21 st

century. They are taught as well and trained to this new technologies for their

easier and simpler way of teaching. Especially in school, providing that the

school already have these properties, they were taught how to operate them so

they could apply it to their class.

Other comments and observations:

Technologies made learning easier, simpler and fun however everyone must

know how to properly make use of it. It may promote learning at the same time it

creates chaos when not used with proper wisdom and intent.

C. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write

your remarks in the last column.

Competencies Observed Not Remarks

Domain I: Understanding ICT in Education

Demonstrates awareness of policies

affecting ICT in education

Complies with ICT policies as they

affect teaching-learning

Contextualizes ICT policies to the

learning environment

Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment

Demonstrates an understanding of

concepts, principles, and theories of

ICT systems as they apply to teaching-


Evaluates digital and non-digital

learning resources in response to

students' diverse needs

Develops digital learning resources to

enhance teaching-learning

Uses ICT as a tool to develop 21st

century skills: Information, Media and

Technology Skills, Learning and

Innovation Skills, Life and Career

Skills, and Effective Communications

Domain 3: Pedagogy

Applies relevant technology tools for

classroom activities

Uses ICT knowledge to solve complex

problems and support student

collaborative activities

Models collaborative knowledge

construction in face-to-face and virtual


Domain 4: Technology Tools

Demonstrates competence in the

technical operations of technology

tools and systems as they apply to

teaching and learning

Uses technology tools to create new

learning opportunities to support

communities of learners

Demonstrates proficiency in the use of

technology tools to support teaching

and learning

Domain 5: Organization and Administration

Manages technology-assisted

instruction in an inclusive classroom


Exhibits leadership in shared decision-

making using technology tools

Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning

Explores existing and emerging

technologies to acquire additional

content and pedagogical knowledge

Utilizes technology tools in creating

communities of practice

Collaborates with peers, colleagues,

and stakeholders to access information

in support of professional learning.

Domain 7: Teacher Disposition

Demonstrates social, ethical, and legal

responsibilities in the use of technology

tools and resources

Shows positive attitude towards the

use of technology tools

Source: Commission on Higher Education. 2017. CHED Memorandum Order No.

75, series of 2017: Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for Bachelor of
Secondary Education Program, pp. 71-73.

Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. What are the problems or challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning?




2. What are the challenges encountered by students in using ICT tools and other

forms for digital technologies?




3. In what domain/s of ICT competency standards for teachers do teachers need

improvement? Why?




4. How will you promote the positive use of ICT to your students?

I will encourage students to use ICT in way more learning to them through having

to use reliable resources. I will teach them of the ethical and unethical way of

using ICT and even internet to help them avoid what could




Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



Lesson 4 Strategies for Promoting Literacy and Numeracy


A. For each given domain, write down the literacy strategies used by the

cooperating teacher during your class observation.

Observation Strategies

1. Oral Language Teacher made sure every student could have a

chance to speak or read.

2. Phonological Awareness

3. Book and Print Knowledge I have observed one time the teacher provide

students with no cellphone some print outs to

read to study for the upcoming exam.

4. Alphabet Knowledge The teacher

5. Phonics and Word Recognition

6. Fluency

7. Spelling Quizzes that entails wrong spelling wrong is a

strategic way to challenge students of their

spelling. Also, the teacher write the correct

spelling for their awareness and more familiarity

upon the students.

8. Writing and Composition Having students to participate in essays or pa

9. Grammar Awareness and


10. Vocabulary Development I once observe a class where the teacher lets

the student translate phrases. That really

challenge students to their vocabulary since

there are words that cant be translated word for

word. Thus, it tested their ability to compose

sentences having their vocabulary knowledge


11. Reading Comprehension Teacher as much as possible lets students read

even from the lesson presented in the board.

This strategy lets students hone their reading

and speaking skills at the same time, their

ability to comprehend what has been read.

12. Listening Comprehension Their listening comprehension is being tested

through th

Source: Department of Education. 2016. K-12 Curriculum Guide for English.

B. Write down the numeracy strategies used by the cooperating teacher during your

class observation in the following subjects.

Subjects Strategies
1. Language (English/Filipino/mother

2. Mathematics

3. Science

4. History/Araling Panlipunan/Social

5. Values Education/Conduct Education

6. Computer/ICT

7. Music, Arts, Physical Education, and

Health (MAPEH)

8. Technology and Livelihood Education

9. Others:


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. How can literacy affect one's life?

Literacy or being literate affect one’s life in a way that can achieve

communication and not just communication but an effective one. Everyone

can communicate but not everyone can fully understand what’s being said or

passed through. This comes to play the role of being literate in life, it
improves and enhances what must be accomplished even just by

communicating with literacy.

2. How important is numeracy in our daily life?






3. How can literacy and numeracy improve the learner's academic





4. In the absence of digital technologies and printed materials, what do you think

are the strategies you can use to promote literacy and numeracy?

Digital technologies and printed materials together in achieving effective

learning process quite make learning quick and creative, more specially

strategic. This is the best way nowadays to compete against the ever

competing busy world. Hence, using these strategies enhance literacy and

numeracy in a way that there are easiest way to expand, elaborate, realize,

visualize, and even bring into reality what are difficult to learn by just using
one strategy alone. Versatility makes learning more creative, effective, and

has a bonus points of fun.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5 Strategies for Developing Critical and Creative Thinking as well
as Higher-Order Thinking Skills


A. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Review the

objectives of each lesson in the lesson plans. Provide examples of educational

objectives based on the following HOTS:

1. Creating

2. Evaluating

3. Analyzing
B. Indicate whether the following HOTS strategies are applied during your class

observation by checking the appropriate box. Write your remarks in the last


HOTS Strategies Observed Not Remarks

1. Teaches the concepts of / Teachers use and applies

HOTS HOTS especially in

assessments. There are

critical thinking, analysis, and

evaluation among students.

making instructional activities

are made sure students

would apply, analyze,

visualize, solve problems,

think critically in any situation

they be dealt with.

2. Promotes the use of HOTS / The teacher promotes HOTS

when communicating when communicating during

discussion and even upon

assessments and activities

time. They made sure of

using and applying not just

LOTS in learning but HOTS

more especially to measure

students whether they

learned indeed or not.

3. Encourages question and / The teachers are open to

answer during discussion questions or inquiries and

even to pick the greatest

interest upon the lesson. So,

proper questioning is

encourage to lead the

students into discovering the

lesson and delve more into it

through their questions

progressed with answers.

4. Uses visuals and graphic / There are different ways to

organizers to connect enhance and effectively

concepts achieve learning especially if

the students are visual

learners, using visual or

graphics made learning

easier for teachers and

students to simplify lessons

and fortunate enough,

nowadays teachers could

easily integrate these and

indeed applied this strategy

into conceptualizing


5. Uses problem-solving to / Problem-solving makes

foster critical thinking critical thinking more critically

challenging that hones

students into achieving higher

order thinking skills. This is

made by the teachers that

made assessments among

them become easier just as

how students would solve

problems through their

reasoning that challenged

and improves the student’s

critical thinking abilities.

6. Promotes collaborative / Collaborative learning is

learning to generate new encouraged in every way

ideas possible in learning as it helps

everyone in class to achieve

learning that everyone could

relate and understand. This

also open to more advance

discovery of knowledge.

7. Encourages students to / Students are given moments

elaborate their answers to read, participate, and even

elaborate their answer may it

be in oral recitations or written

works. This encouraged them

to further discuss their


8. Promotes inquiry-based / Proper way of questioning or

learning to validate ideas inquiry sets the tone to

discovering what really the

answers to the questions

about the topic. This validates

the ideas how to uncover


9. Uses educational / Objectives in every lesson are

objectives that foster HOTS made sure not only it hits the

LOTS but more importantly,

HOTS. It gives students

opportunity to set a wide

range of learning that it lasts

and not only for temporary

use. Their assessments as

well are made sure it is not

only targeting their

understanding, at the same

time, their critical thinking,

their skills, their problem-

solving ability and all.

10. Uses assessment that / Their assessments are made

promotes HOTS sure they pick up not the easy

ones that could be

answerable through

memorization of patterns but,

really putting into life what

they have memorized through

really honing their ability to

solve or to think critically

when faced with the actual

situation. These assessments

tests and motivate their

abilities to do better.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.
1. In what part of the instructional plan can teachers apply HOTS?

Teachers can apply Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in their discussions and

even in activities. This is where educators are challenge to craft and design

tasks, questions, and projects that would require students to engage and make

their critical thinking, analyzation, evaluation, memorization tested and honed or


2. How can HOTS improve the students' learning?

Having and applying Higher Order Thinking Skills into various activities make

students apply their knowledge in areas where they could forter ability to solve

problems. This would give them opportunity to develop cognitive abilities and to

critically think.

3. How important is creative and critical thinking in the 21st century workplace?

In 21st century workplace, critical and creative thinking impacts many different

aspect especially in creating an environment where creativity stands. Also, skills

like problem-solving, and logical thinking is applied to any situation workplace are

faced. Employees with these abilities may contribute success especially in

handling obstacles they know how to navigate and to adapt themselves in no

matter what pressure they may be in. This would bring strengths to the company.

4. What are the things that teachers need to improve on to enrich the students'

Teachers can enrich students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) by doing

more inquiries and proper way of questioning that allows them to be more open

minded and critical. There are many options to asks that challenge their

analytical, logical, and creative thinking. Probably open-ended questions also

would help as it would give them opportunity to further elaborate their

understanding. This thinking ability equips and hones them especially when face

with real scenarios.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

integrating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) into the activities for the students

is crucial especially when there is a need to plan out lessons that would cultivate

students' critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving abilities. This approach is not

only challenging towards the teachers into crafting assessments that are

objectively hitting HOTS but also towards students that solves and answers the

activities. However, it fosters deeper understanding and quite hones and equip

them in more meaningful and effective way possible.

2. I believe that

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) play a pivotal and important role in

improving students' learning experiences by challenging their brain to think

critically. Applying their knowledge to real-world situations or scenarios also

challenges them but equips them. This not only enhances their ability to solve

problems and become logical but also trains their minds to become more holistic

and have that cognitive development needed for their effective skill set in life,

3. I feel that

in the 21st-century, learner must have these set of skills to think and be creative.

It woould result to have an environment wherein innovation, creativity,

adaptability arise. These would contribute to them to become overcomers in so

many aspect in life or in the future, may it be in the workplace they will be in. It’s

a challenges but ensures and prepares them towards success.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Acknowledge and apply different way and strategy to hone and equip my

students. I will make sure making assessment that would relate, hone, equip and

train students to analytical, logical, and creative thinking skills. Questioning

techniques as well should be effective especially in my instructional materials

and activities that would challenge their Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) . I

will create an environment that nurtures these skills, preparing students for the

complexities of the real world.

LESSON 6 Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in Teaching and Learning


A. Conduct a survey of languages used by students and teachers at home and


Language/s used at home Language/s used at school

 Cebuano/Bisaya  Cebuano/Bisaya

 English  English

 Filipino  Filipino

 Mansaka

 Mandaya

 Cebuano/Bisaya  Cebuano/Bisaya

 English  English

 Filipino  Filipino

 Mansaka

 Mandaya

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Do the teachers of kindergarten and elementary students have a copy of the

teacher's guide and learning materials for mother tongue, Filipino, and English?

There is a need for a standard to be practiced among teachers. As I have

observed, teachers of kindergarten and elementary students have access to

teacher's guides and learning materials for mother tongue, Filipino, and English.

These resources are provided for them by the Department of Education (DepEd)

as the curriculum evolves and improves. These curriculum or learning materials

guide them into facilitating learning having to follow the set timeline each lesson.

It serves as an important reference to activate effective lesson plan using these

languages in the region may it be the official and non official language in


2. Are the teacher's guide and learning materials translated in mother tongue?

In high school, learning materials are mostly in language English and Filipino. In

elementary, from kindergarten to 3rd grade, their curriculum already implements

using mother-tongue vocabulary hence, their learning materials are challenged to

use mother-tongue. Unlike in 4th grade up to college, learning materials are

encourage to be using our official language.

3. Are there sufficient references for the teaching of mother tongue, Filipino, and


On the internet, if the teachers are quite resourceful enough, there are actually

abundant references to teach mother, Filipino, and English. The are abundant
references for teaching mother tongue as well as the Department of Education

already prepared for this. Educational materials are made possible to become

available and accessible among educators for teaching,

4. Are teachers well-informed on and trained in the teaching of mother tongue,

Filipino, and English?

Yes, in the Philippines' Department of Education, they provide curriculum

guidelines, res \ources, to teach mother tongue especially that it is a new

implemented project. On the other hand, Filipino, and English remain as it is just

like before but it is improved for and effective and adequate use ot learning


5. Do the teachers speak or understand the identified regional language of


Teachers are trained to learn and adjust to such changes in the curriculum.

Regional language is the main language of communication everyday and so I

believe teachers are proficient enough in using and understanding these

language in class.

6. Do the learners speak or understand the language of instruction used by

teachers in the implementation of MTB-MLE?

Learner are daily using and communicating language in mother tongue or in a

vernacular language, hence, the mode of instruction, learning materials in the

implementation of MTB-MLE are understandable among learner. There might be

quite of challenge for the teachers but it is easier towards students to learn other

language when using their own language first.

7. Do the learners have access to learning resources and materials?

Learner are given learning resources for them to study. These learning materials

are typically made and provided for them. They have separate ones than their

teachers because the students are made simpler and easier to understand.

C. Conduct an observation of teachers in mother tongue, Filipino and English

classes. Identify the strategies used to motivate or arouse the interest of learners

in the following language literacy domains. Write your observations in the

Remarks column.

Domains Strategies Remarks

1. Oral Language Oral recitation activities like Encourages students to

group discussions, role participate in class and share

playing, and interaction. their thought in any


2. Phonological Awareness Teachers use rhyming Enhances their sensitivity to

activities. the sounds and patterns of

the language English.

3. Book and Print Reading aloud sessions

Knowledge would be a good strategy to

make use to book and print


4. Alphabet Knowledge Interactive games, activities Eenhances students'

using Alphabet for familiarity and understanding

example, scavenger hunts of the alphabet.

and crafts.

5. Phonics and Word


6. Fluency

7. Spelling

8. Writing and Composition

9. Grammar Awareness

and Structure

10. Vocabulary


11. Reading Comprehension

12. Listening Activities such as audio

Comprehension stories, podcasts, or music

allow listening

comprehension be


A. Based on what you have observed in class, identify the benefits of using mother

tongue, Filipino, and English as MOIs.

1. Mother tongue

Using mother tongue in class helps students to become articulate enough of their

ideas and thoughts especially if that is what they use in for daily interaction.

These have help their communication skills open, clear, precise, not limited.

However, it limits their ability to learn other languages if this is the only MOI’s

used in learning.

2. Filipino

Using Filipino as Mode of Instruction is good. It helps Filipinos retain their

language as their identity. But purely using it limits and hinders other languages

to be learned among learners. Filipino is quite difficult especially in regions that

they use their vernacular or mother tongue as daily communicating language.

That is why using Filipino is quiet difficult for learning unless using and

incorporating other official languages like English and or mother tongue.

3. English

Using English as a Mode of Instruction enhances students' proficiency in their

global language. In the Philippines, mode of instruction in learning are used

abundantly and yes it fosters and help students to be prepared for more

opportunities and prepares students to become more globally competitive

especially for their future. Although it is difficult for the students in class but

incorporating English with local and official languages enhance and help them in

linguistic skills and it balances the preservation of cultural identity through the

use of mother tongue and Filipino and also global competitiveness with the

English language as mode of instruction.

B. Based on what you have observed in class, identify the strategies to improve the

teacher's ability to help students understand mother tongue, Filipino, and English.

Teachers can enhance students' understanding of Filipino and English by

implementing interactive activities that use and apply these languages. Just like

one time in my class observation, the teacher ask students to translate following

phrases about their lesson into mother tongue or in English. They were given

freedom to choose. That activity not only made them learn of the lesson but as

well help them learn and enhance their language.

C. Explain how mother tongue can enrich cultural awareness of both teachers and


Deep connection to one’s cultural roots can be just by using one’s own language.

Using mother tongue in education or as mode of instruction foster and preserves

one’s own culture. When incorporating mother tongue in teaching, students

develop a strong identity and connection upon learning. This enriches not only

other aspect of learning but their own as well.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

the use of mother tongue, Filipino, and English as modes of instruction applies a

balanced approach in learning preserving and honing language in cultural aspect

at the same time, global aspect.

2. I believe that

strategies just like, interactive language activities encourages and promotes a

balanced use of languages in the classroom . Students could apply and use these

skills in real world use that would significantly contribute to effectively use and

learn of such languages.

3. I feel that

The use of mother tongue in education has impacted everyone especially

teachers in preserving the cultural language at the same time, achieving the

learning to effectively engage students when it comes to language learning.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

prioritize encouraging and creating a various, flexible, multifaceted learning tools

to engage students in their studies especially in the use of language. Having the

use of an interactive languages, for an interactive learning environment creates

an interactive language activities. I think it would help and achieve that balance
the instruction, and materials used. This would promote learning at the same

time, cultural preservation.

LESSON 7 Classroom Communication Strategies


A. Identify the verbal and nonverbal forms of communication used by teachers and

students in the classroom.

Verbal Nonverbal Remarks

 Questioning  Signs Accessible and engaging

Techniques that these diverse

 Signal
communication methods
 Oral Recitations
 Written Classroom allows students have an

 Feedback Rules active participation in

learning. It enriches an
 Discussions  Visual Aids
environment where there
 Reporting  Charts
is interaction.

 Group discussions  Facial Engages and entertains

Expressions students with learning

 Group Reporting
environments through
 Drawings
 Role Playing various communication
  Visual Aids methods. This does not

limit their learning styles

 Presentations
and ability to efficiency.

 Pictures

B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write

your remarks in the last column.

Communication Strategies for Observed Not Remarks

Teachers Observed
Communicates with a friendly tone Teachers communicates with

a friendly at the same time,

authoritative tone.

Thinks before speaking to avoid Teachers think words

utterance of irrelevant words
appropriate to his/her

students abiding to rules and

conduct that would not harm

or hurt students.

Speaks clearly and articulately

delivers the message he or she is
trying to convey
Speaks with confidence

Demonstrates ability to produce

intelligent and fluent discourse
Demonstrates skills in written
Demonstrates proficiency in oral
Manifests positive attitude towards

Other comments and observations:











Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. How important are the verbal and non-verbal forms of communication to the
Verbal and non-verbal forms of communication is what makes the whole class

known for its discipline. In verbal, the teacher could directly speak with authority

to handle students especially when faced with situations. For examples, the
students are needing assistance that needs intent guidance from the teacher. On

the other hand, non-verbal, if the class needs policies and principles written out

for students to be guided.

2. How do verbal and non-verbal forms of communication affect the students'

Students can easily pick up and understand anything if it is spoken. If the teacher

is well spoken and has skills of communicating effectively then the students could

easily follow. However, if not, having back up style to teaching like using visual

aids or anything that can be visually realized, students can also be helped and be

more guided.

3. What forms of communication do the teachers and the students need to improve
Teachers and students should help each other out especially in achieving

effective learning styles and tools to use. Enhancing clear and precise verbal

communication would help. Using flexible and enhanced curriculum, exploring

different technologies and tools to incorporate in class or even having to explore

in reality. These areas would allow teaching to be extra and multifaceted not just

in words but in actions and movements.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that
I realized that effective communication applying verbal and non-verbal way of

communicating, helps and adds discipline in the school as a whole into creating a

conducive learning for all whether towards the students, teachers, and even in

the institution. These strategies made learning not just fun and easy but aslo,

effective and flexible.

2. I believe that

verbal and non-verbal communication has an impact for students' learning.

Having a well constructed or articulated communication creates understanding

and aids miscommunication. Significantly, it encouraged learning and engages

students for more learning experience.

3. I feel that

I feel that collaboration is a must in school whether in the form of verbal or non-

verbal cues because it enhances the pedagogy as a whole. Using and applying

clarity in verbal expression, written guides and principles, rules, using and

incorporating technology, contribute to a multifaceted learning approach, making

learning experience more conducive and interactive.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

try my best honing my verbal communication skills. I believe this is an effective

way of conveying and speaking with boldness and validity towards my students.

It would give them correct and precise information and not just that, I could
empower and help maintain classroom discipline. Also, as much as possible,

during and before class, I will incorporate many teaching tools, can be visual aids

with technology to improvise learning styles. A flexible curriculum is encouraged

in my class so that their will be an active participation and engagement among

students learning that enhances and enriches healthy and productive educational

Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries

Performance 5 4 3 2 1

(Excellent) (Proficient) (Satisfactory) (Developing) (Needs


Reflection Presents Presents very Presents some Presents few Presents no

journal comprehensive clear description of description of description of
includes PSTs description of description of worthwhile worthwhile worthwhile
worthwhile worthwhile experiences, experiences, experiences,
experiences, experiences, explains sound explains sound does not
experiences, explains sound explains sound judgment on judgment on explain sound
judgments, judgment on judgment on personal personal judgment on
performance personal strengths personal strengths and strengths and personal
and other and weaknesses strengths and weaknesses weaknesses. strengths and
insights gained anchored on weaknesses anchored on weaknesses.
in the course theories learned. anchored on few theories
some theories learned.

1- Needs Improvement (75-79)

2- Developing (80-84)
3- Satisfactory (85-89)
4- Proficient (90-94)
5- Excellent (95-100)

Interpretations of Performance Levels/Ratings

1 – Needs Improvement (75-79) The pre-service teacher is introduced to the elements and/or demonstrates only a basic level of
knowledge and understanding. S/He has yet to acquire skills for effective classroom teaching.

2 – Developing (80-84) The pre-service teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and understanding of the
elements. S/He is able to demonstrate, with assistance, the significant elements in a classroom
teaching or field setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the success of teaching
performance. S/he has still to improve on this element to improve teaching performance.

3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The pre-service teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the elements
but commits mistakes in some aspects. S/He is able to exhibit this element satisfactorily to
perform a classroom teaching with self-confidence but still has to exert more effort to improve
teaching skills.

4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The pre-service teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial knowledge and understanding of the
element and has the competent ability to apply the elements in a field setting.
5 – Advanced/Excellent

(95-100) The pre-service teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the
element. S/He can consistently apply the elements for an effective classroom teaching. S/He can
also skillfully integrate the elements into an overall lesson. S/He can critically evaluate student
learning and teaching effectiveness in order to guide subsequent instruction.
APPENDIX C: Rubric for Student Teaching Portfolio

Performance 5 3 1

Criteria (Good) (Fair) (Poor)

Components include: cover/title

page, table of contents, main
contents, references and  More than 2
 All components are  1 to 2 components
appendices, etc. components are
present. are missing.

 At least 5  More than 5

 Follows the components does components does
Organization sequence not follow the not follow the
prescribed in sequence sequence
(x4) organizing the prescribed in prescribed in
contents of the organizing the organizing the
portfolio. contents of the contents of the
portfolio. portfolio.

Mechanics  The mechanics

 At least 5  More than 5
required are
mechanics are not mechanics are not
(x4) completely
followed. followed.

Promptness  Submitted on or  Submitted five

 Submitted two days
before the days after the
after the prescribed
(x2) prescribed prescribed
deadline. deadline.
APPENDIX D: Daily Time Record
APPENDIX E: Documentation
I. Format and Style
A. Margin: 1 inch (2.54 cm) for top, bottom, and right and 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) for the left.
B. Spacing: 1.5 between all lines of every entries; double space after every line in the title,
headings, footnotes, quotations, figure captions, and all parts of tables
C. Paper: 8.5 x 13 white paper, sub. 20
D. Font/Type: Arial 12 pt.
E. Line alignment: Justified
F. Page numbering: For the preliminary pages, use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv); use
Arabic numerals for the rest of the manuscript. Paging should be placed at the upper right
hand corner.
G. In case of any dividers inserted, you can use any format.
H. For documentation, always put caption at the bottom of every photo.
I. For PST’s and CT’s Profile, always use a formal,2x2 size picture. Profile should be essay
format with 3 paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion)
J. Do not put pages on dividers

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