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Tutorial Sheet 4
Kinematics and Kinetics of Rigid Bodies - 2
Principle of Work and Energy & Impulse & Momentum
Engineering Mechanics
Dynamics- CIE 262
Mr. Kalolo Mukanga J.R

Mulungushi University
Dynamics- CIE 261@MU2023 1

Part 1: Principle of Work and Energy

Question 1
The pendulum consists of a 10-kg uniform disk and a 3-kg uniform slender
rod. If it is released from rest in the position shown, determine its angular
velocity when it rotates clockwise 90°.

Dynamics- CIE 261@MU2023 2


Question 2
If and the 15-kg uniform slender rod starts from rest at , determine the rod’s
angular velocity at the instant just before 𝜽= 45°

Dynamics- CIE 261@MU2023 3

Question 3
The assembly consists of two 10-kg bars which are pin connected. If the bars are
released from rest when 𝜃 = 60°, determine their angular velocities at the instant
𝜽 = 0°. The 5-kg disk at C has a radius of 0.5 m and rolls without slipping. A

Dynamics- CIE 261@MU2023 4


Question 4
The slender 6-kg bar AB is horizontal and at rest and the spring is unstretched.
Determine the angular velocity of the bar when it has rotated clockwise 45°
after being released. The spring has a stiffness of k = 12 N/m.

Dynamics- CIE 261@MU2023 5

Part 2: Principle Impulse and Momentum

Question 5
The 10-g bullet having a velocity of 800 m/s is fired into the edge of the 5-kg
disk as shown. Determine the angular velocity of the disk just after the bullet
becomes embedded into its edge. Also, calculate the angle u the disk will swing
when it stops. The disk is originally at rest. Neglect the mass of the rod AB.

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Question 6
The 12-kg rod AB is pinned to the 40-kg disk. If the disk is given an angular
velocity vD = 100 rad/s while the rod is held stationary, and the assembly is
then released, determine the angular velocity of the rod after the disk has
stopped spinning relative to the rod due to frictional resistance at the bearing
B. Motion is in the horizontal plane. Neglect friction at the pin A.

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Question 7
The pendulum consists of a 15-kg solid ball and 6-kg rod. If it is released from
rest when 𝜽𝟏 = 90°, determine the angle 𝜽𝟐 after the ball strikes the wall,
rebounds, and the pendulum swings up to the point of momentary rest. Take e =

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End of Tutorial Sheet 4

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