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1. In which method of foreign language teaching students first learn

grammatical rules and then apply those rules to translate sentences between
the target language and the native language?
A. Direct Method
B. Grammar Translation Method
C. Communicative Approach
D. Audiolingual Method
2. Grammar Translation Method is derived from the classical method of
A. Latin and Ancient Greek
B. French and German
C. Latin and Italian
D. Italian and Greek one of the most traditional methods of language teaching.
A. Audiolingual Method
B. Direct Method
C. Grammar Translation Method
D. None of these
4. What is/are the objective/obiectives of Grammar Translation Method?
A. Students' general intellectual development
B. To enable students to read and translate the literature written in the source
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
5. Grammar Translation Method originated in:
A. 17th century
B. Early 18th century
C. Early 19th century
D. Late 19th century
6. Grammar Translation Method has a heavy bias towards written work
A. Oral work
B. Learned work
C. Grammatical work
D. None of these
7. In which method of foreign language teaching very little work is done in the
target language?
A. Direct Method
B. Grammar Translation Method
C. Audiolingual Method
D. None of these
8. Who says "Students had learned the language well if they could translate
the passages well"?
A. Skinner
B. Omaggio
C. Bloomfield
D. Sapir
9. Who created the framework for the Grammar Translation Method?
A. Noam Chomsky
B. F. Skinner
C. Karl Plotz
D. None of these
10. Who said that testing of students is done exclusively through translation?
A. Noam Chomsky
B. Karl Marx
C. Karl Plotz
D. Omaggio
11. How do students learn the rules of English according to Grammar
Translation Method?
A. Induction
B. Planning and practice
C. Memorization and cramming
D. None of theseShow Answer
12. Listening and speaking are neglected in Grammar Translation Method. So
it is a/an:
A. Unnatural
B. Natural
C. Improper
D. Proper
13. Why is Grammar Translation Method easy to adopt?
A. It is natural method
B. It is unnatural method
C. It is easy
D. It costs nothing
15. In Grammar Translation Method ....translates all words, phrases and
sentences of a lesson from English into the mother tongue of the learners.
A. Students
B. Teachers
C. Surprise visitors
D. None of these
16. Until ...Grammar Translation Method stayed in schools.
A. 1940s
B. 1950s
C. 1960s
D. 1970s
17. Which method of language teaching does not develop the habit of thinking
in the target language?
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Direct Method
C. Audiolingual Method
D. None of these
18. Grammar Translation Method involves:
A. Oral work
B. Rules learning
C. Listening
D. None of these
19. Grammar Translation has so many drawbacks. These drawbacks:
A. Can not be mended
B. Can be mended
C. Can be mended with little effort
D. None of theseShow Answer
20. It is admitted that no language can be translated into another language
exactly. Grammar Translation Method focuses on translation. So, it is a ..
...of Grammar Translation Method.
A. Quality
B. Drawback
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
21. The learning process in Grammar Translation Method starts from:
A. Writing
B. Speaking
C. Listening
D. Reading
22. In Grammar Translation Method, natural order of learning a language is:
A. Strictly adopted
B. Partially ignored
C. Reversed
D. None of these
23. Which method of language teaching neglects pattern practice in teaching
A. Communicative Approach
B. Audiolingual Method
C. Direct Method
D. Grammar Translation Method
24. Translation from English into mother tongue and vice versa is the process
adopted in:
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Direct Method
C. Communicative Approach
D. Audiolingual Method
25. Which name was given to Grammar Translation Method in U. S. A?
A. Inverse Method
B. Prussian Method
C. Russian Method
D. Correct Method
26. Which method of language learning involves the learning of the rules of
grammar and their aplication in translation from one language into the other
A. Communicative Approach
B. Audiolingual Method
C. Direct Method
D. Grammar Translation Method
27. In Grammar Translation Method, virtually allocated to allow
students to produce their own sentence.
A. A little time
B. Much time
C. No time
D. None of these
28. The leading exponent/exponents of Grammar Translation Method is/are:
A. Johann Meidinger
B. Karl Plotz and John Seidensticker
C. H. S. Ollendrof
D. All of these
29. Grammar Translation Method was originally used to teach Latin and
Greek which were:
A. Dead languages
B. Difficult languages
C. Widely spoken languages
D. None of these
30. In Grammar Translation Method,….. taught with extensive
explanations in the native language.
A. Speaking skill
B. Vocabulary
C. Grammar
D. Gestures
31. Grammar Translation Method was in practice in Europe from 1940s.
A. 1810s
B. 1840s
C. 1820s
D. 1800s
32. How can the idiom and phraseology of target language be best assimilated
in GrammarTranslation Method?
A. In the process of interpretation
B. By reading and writing
C. By cramming
D. None of these
33. Grammar Translation Method emphasizes the study of grammar through:
A. Rejection and acception
B. Practice
C. Induction
D. Deduction the method of teaching foreign language by giving equivalent of the
foreign words and phrases in the native language.
A. Audiolinqual Method
B. Communicative approach
C. Direct Method
D. Grammar Translation Method
35. Where can the Grammar Translation be best employed?
A. Where there are smaller classrooms
B. Where there are lesser number of students
C. Where there are less competent teachers
D. None of these
36. For which kind of classrooms is the Grammar Translation Method useful?
A. Smaller classrooms
B. Larger classrooms
C. Classrooms with dark interiors
D. None of these
37. Which language learning method is the best way to understand linguistic
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Direct Method
C. Communicative Approach
D. Audiolingual Method
38. In Grammar Translation communicated through means of
reading passages but there is little direct confrontation with foreign elements.
A. Learning environment
B. Class of people
C. Culture
D. None of these
39. What does Grammar Translation Method neglect?
A. Habit formation
B. Cramming
C. Grammar
D. VocabularyShow Answer
40. Why does the contact frequency of the target language reduce in
Grammar TranslationMethod?
A. Use of Audiovisual aids
B. Involvement of the mother tongue
C. Inefficient teachers
D. None of these
41. Which expressions are difficult to translate from one language into
A. Old expressions
B. Modern expressions
C. Direct expressions
D. Idiomatic expressions
42. How are the structures of the foreign language understood in Grammar
Translation Method?
A. By compatring and constrasting with those of mother tongue
B. By cramming
C. By writing extensively
D. By practiceShow Answer
43. It is advisible to temper Grammar Translation Method with other
methods to produce a:
A. Flexible methodology
B. Conducive methodology
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
44. Grammar Translation Method is less time consuming and an easy method
for the teachers because it requires no:
A. Competency
B. Classroom
C. Audio-visual aids
D. None of theseShow Answer
45. Grammar Translation Method emphasizes:
A. Speaking
B. Accuracy
C. Listening
D. None of theseShow Answer
46. Which language teaching method focuses mainly on reading and writing?
A. Direct Method
B. Communicative approach
C. Audiolingual Method
D. Grammar Translation MethodShow Answer
47. In which language teaching method new terms are explained in native
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Direct Method
C. Communicative Approach
D. Audiolingual Method
48. In Grammar Translation Method the main focus remains only the.
A. Target language
B. Native language
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
49. Grammar Translation Method of teaching English is also known as
the.....of teaching English.
A. Best method
B. Fast method
C. Modern method
D. Classical method
50. Grammar Translation Method is useful to the classes where there are
students of levels.
A. Same
B. Low
C. Various
D. High
51. Grammar Translation Method is the oldest method of teaching English.
What is/are its other names?
A. Traditional Method
B. Prussian Method
C. Classical Method
D. All of theseShow Answer
52. In which language teaching method, we use the rule "from known to
A. Audiolingual Method
B. Grammar Translation Method
C. Direct Method
D. None of theseShow Answer
53. In which method of teaching language do the textbooks occupy an
important place?
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Direct Method
C. Audi-Lingual Method
D. None of these
54. On which thing does the Grammar Translation Method lay great stress?
A. Target language
B. Speaking
C. Listening
D. Translation
55. The teacher translates every sentence into the mother tongue in:
A. Audiolingual Method
B. Direct Method
C. Grammar Translation Method
D. None of these
56. Which language teaching method puts a tremendous strain on teacher's
A. The Physical Response
B. Audiolingual Method
C. Direct Method
D. Grammar Translation Method
57. What is the basic unit of teaching and language practice?
A. Alphabet
C. Phrase c Word
D. Sentence
58. Which method of teaching language is known as convenient, economical
and time saving at primary level?
A. Audiolingual Method
B. Grammar Translation Method
C. Direct Method
D. The Physical Response MethodShow Answer
59. No importance is given to intonation, pronunciation and speaking in:
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Direct Method
C. Audilingual Method
D. The Physical Response Method
60. Who was/were the main exponents of Grammar Translation Method?
A. Johan Medinger
B. John Seiden
C. H. E. Palmer
D. Both A & B
61. In Grammar Translation Method grammar is learnt:
A. Deductively
B. Inductively
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
62. Which language teaching method builds vocabulary, gives clarity and
reduces the chances of vagueness?
A. Grammar Translation Method
B. Audiolingual Method
C. The Physical Response Method
D. Direct Method
63. What is/are demerit/demerits of Grammar Translation Method?
A. No focus on speaking
B. Unnatural Method
C. Loses correct effects of target language
D. All of these
64. In Grammar Translation Method ...gets little attention.
A. Writing
B. Target language
C. Reading
D. Translation
65. Grammar Translation Method improves the art of translation of the
students. It also gives the:
A. Listening comprehension
B. Good style of speaking
C. Spoken ability
D. Correct knowledge to use EnglishShow Answer
66. In which language teaching method are the rules of grammar taught
A. In Grammar Translation Method
B. In Audiolingual Method
C. In Direct Method
D. In Physical Respone MethodShow Answer
67. In Grammar Translation Method main focus is on:
A. Reading
B. Writing
C. Both A & B
D. Listening
68. Which method of language teaching is recommended at primary level?
A. The Physical Response Method
B. Audiolingual Method
C. Direct Method
D. Grammar Translation Method
69. Grammar Translation Method is used to teach:
A. Grammar
B. Foreign language
C. Translation
D. Classical rules
70. In Grammar Translation Method we use…. ....tongue in the class mostly.
A. Mother
B. Foreign
C. Pidgin
D. Linguafranca
71. What do we call to "learning is to connect old and new ideas" in Grammar
Translation Method"?
A. Appreciative theory
B. Depreciative theory
C. Cognitive theory
D. None of these
72. Why do we call Grammar Translation Method as the Classical Method?
A. It is derived from the classical method of teaching Latin
B. It is derived from the classical method of teaching Greek
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

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