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Names: Date: _______ Score: _________

Activity 6: Ocean Currents

Objective: Explain how ocean currents affect climate.
Materials: Pen or pencil, map that illustrate currents, ruler, short bond paper.
1. Study the map below

Figure 6.1 shows different loops or gyres of surface currents around the world. In
northern hemisphere, the current flows in clockwise direction. On the other hand, in
southern hemisphere the current flows in counterclockwise direction. These clockwise
and counterclockwise of ocean currents are caused by Coriolis Effect. Ocean currents
that flow away from the equator carries warm water. The air above the warm water has
higher temperature. When ocean currents that bring cold water move towards a coastal
region, the temperature of that area decreases as warmer air from the land flows to the
sea resulting to a cold climate. When warm ocean currents that take along warm water
go to a land mass, the temperature of that place increases as warmer air above the water
flows inland, resulting to a warm climate.

Guide Questions: (Note: Use the back portion of this paper for your answers.)
1. What are the different ocean currents that carry warm water? Give at least three
2. What are the different ocean currents that carry cold water? Give at least three
3. What kind of water does Greenland Current take along? Explain.
4. How do Kamchatka Current and Kuroshio Current affect the Northeastern part
and Southern part of Japan?
5. How do ocean currents affect climate?

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