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Tubular Strength Comparison of Offshore Jacket Structures Under API RP 2A

and ISO 19902

Chapter · January 2015

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-15051-2_6


2 914

1 author:

Nizamani Zafarullah
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman


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Arazi B. Idrus1, Narayanan Sambu Potty2 and Zafarullah Nizamani3

1, 2
Associate Professor, 2PhD Student
1, 2, 3
Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Email: [email protected]


Offshore jacket platforms in Malaysia are designed using API RP2A Working Stress Design (WSD) code. WSD code has
proved its effectiveness and has been in use for long time, but it needs to be changed into Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) based code which is being followed by all building code agencies. In WSD, design safety factor is provided only on
resistance side and is based on judgement and experience. In place of WSD, Limit State Design or LRFD has proved to be
more rational as it is based on probabilistic models. The reliability of jacket platforms is maintained in API RP2A LRFD by
setting target safety factor the same as that provided in WSD designs, which means structures designed as per LRFD code will
have the same reliability as API RP2A WSD (which has already provided safe structures and the best available practice for
design). When adopting LRFD methodology, the appropriate load and resistance factors can be optimised through the process
of calibration. Knowledge of the strength equations in the different codes and the similarities and differences between them
is useful for the calibration. The first step in the calibration process is the determination of reliability of structural tubular
members of the jacket designed as per existing practice of WSD and LRFD code. Here in this research, API RP2A WSD code
and International Standard Organization (ISO 19902) (LRFD based code) are taken into consideration for the reliability
analysis. In this paper, the relevant strength equations of three codes are identified and compared and the similarities and
differences are determined for tubular members which are the main part of jacket structures.

Keywords: APIWSD, ISO 19902, Offshore Jacket Platform, Tubular Member Stresses

1. INTRODUCTION all the above codes are based on theory of shell buckling. Important
Offshore Jacket Platforms are normally designed using one of the dissimilarities are there in the equation for axial compression
following offshore design codes: API RP2A WSD [1], API RP2A especially with regard to local buckling and some load interaction
LRFD [2] or ISO 19902 [3]. Locally, Malaysia has its version of equations. The overall column buckling equation used in API WSD
the code i.e. PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) [4], which is is same as the equation in API RP2A LRFD and ISO-19902 but
actually based on the API RP2A WSD. The aim of this paper is to has different coefficients; here ISO gives lower capacity compared
determine the similarities and differences in resistance formulations to LRFD. The interaction equation for tension/compression along
provided in codes of API RP2A WSD, LRFD and ISO. Nine types with bending in ISO follows the API WSD and is linear but the
of stresses are chosen for comparing the design resistance formulae LRFD equation has a cosine form. For the numerical comparisons,
i.e. Axial tension, Axial compression, Bending, Shear, Hydrostatic tubular members of different diameters, thickness and lengths
pressure, Tension and bending, Compression and bending, Tension, are chosen from an earlier analysis and axial, bending and hoop
bending and hydrostatic pressure and Compression, bending and strengths evaluated and compared.
hydrostatic pressure. This paper reviews and summarises the comparison of the
API RP2A-LRFD and ISO 19902 codes are limit state design three basic codes for offshore jacket platforms and provide in detail
based approaches for design of steel jacket platforms. API WSD the tubular member resistance. The load factors used in API RP2A
uses a common factor of safety for material where as in API LRFD LRFD and ISO are discussed along with inherent safety factor
and ISO factors are constant in value for the type of resistance present in API RP2A WSD. Resistance formulae for the nine main
under consideration.The growth of design codes is an indicator of stress conditions are chosen for evaluation and their strengths and
development of structural design since the codes; reflect engineering weaknesses are compared. Here the steel tubular member structural
practice [5]. In this paper the tubular member design equations in components primary members are chosen which sustain the dead,
three codes are considered and main similarities and differences live and environment load coming on the main structure. LRFD
among them are identified. The equations for tubular members in and ISO standards are based on limit state approaches which uses

Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011) 41
Arazi B. Idrus, Narayanan Sambu Potty, Zafarullah Nizamani

the partial safety factors (for loads), multiplied with, characteristic for members with D/t >60 in all codes [14]. Bracing members
loads to give design action effects, and partial safety factors act as ties or struts depending on whether they carry tensile or
multiplied with characteristic resistances to give design resistances. compressive loading [14]. Chord and brace members have to
The WSD is allowable strength design approach whereas ISO withstand hydrostatic pressure and bending moment which arise
and LRFD use factors which are constant in value for the type of due to wave and current forces and from load redistribution at the
resistance under consideration. nodal points [14].
For thick walled tubular members, (d/T< 60) the strength of
very stocky columns reaches full yield even at the characteristic
2.0 BACKGROUND level due to strain hardening. At large slenderness (λ) API curve
The first design standard for offshore structures, the API WSD, was is similar to Euler buckling curve but ISO curve lies 10% below
published in October 1969. The 21st edition of API RP 2A WSD it. Greater differences are observed for thin walled tubulars (D/t
was published in 2000. After judging the advantages of LRFD in = 120). The difference between API LRFD and ISO is maximum,
AISC [7] it was considered that the time was ripe to have an API when thin walled column, is short (low λ) [10]. API LRFD and
RP2A LRFD code which was ultimately published in 1993. The WSD load capacities have been compared to ISO with all resistance
industry initially applied the WSD codes in international locations. and load factors included with environmental to gravity load ratio is
The expansion of national standards and globalisation of major 2 to 4 [15]. The LRFD curve for smaller D/t ratio starts at unity and
projects/resulted in a desire for an international standard. The oil moves upward to 1.11 (1/0.9), this shows LRFD has more capacity
and gas industry, the Exploration and Production Forum and the than ISO [15]. At greater D/t ratio LRFD crosses the unity line, short
API identified the International Organisation for Standardisation columns of ISO shows more capacity than LRFD but less at higher
(ISO) as the entity to do this [8]. The ISO Technical Committee slenderness while API WSD curves lies constantly above ISO and
67 was set up with 7 Sub-Committees. SC 7 addressed Offshore LRFD specially for greater live to dead load ratios [15].
Structures [9]. This was followed by an international code/ standard There is great difference between API and ISO for local
in 1998 with ISO 13819 [10] which has now been modified in ISO buckling. In ISO formula, the material properties as well as the
19902 in 2007. In the development of the ISO, the base document geometric properties influence the local buckling [15]. ISO and
is the API RP2A LRFD [11]. API LRFD provisions for hydrostatic pressure are identical but
The member resistance formulae in WSD have undergone different for WSD. The pressure which can be sustained is directly
major changes three times [5]. The member resistance formulae proportional to tubulars are nominally stronger according to ISO or
were introduced in the 6th edition in 1975. Prior to this, WSD API LRFD over the range where elastic buckling stress lies between
recommended the use of AISC provisions. The 1975 edition 0.55 and 6.2 times yield stress [15]. LRFD and ISO remain near
provided guidance on local buckling, hydrostatic pressure, WSD when partial load and resistance factors are considered.
interaction formulae for axial compression, bending stress, axial However WSD safety factor is 1.5 and ISO / LRFD load and
tension and hoop stress. The 11th edition (1980), equations were resistance factors are 1.3 and 1.25 respectively. Thus the overall
introduced for allowable hoop stress, a formula for combined factors is 1.5/ (1.3x1.25) = 0.92 on the ISO / LRFD capacity relative
effects of axial compression, bending and hydrostatic pressure. to WSD [15]. Comparing the equations for combined loads, the
The 17th edition (1987), the allowable bending stress was ISO has utilised the simpler interaction equations of WSD which
increased from 0.66fy to 0.75fy for members not susceptible to are linear whereas the API LRFD uses a cosine interaction equation
local buckling. The 1993, when the LRFD version was introduced, [15]. The D/t ratio of a pile shall be small so that local buckling
some formulae were modified. This was incorporated in the 21st is avoided at stresses up to yield strength. API WSD/ LRFD give
edition of WSD. minimum pile wall thickness, where continued hard driving of
This work is a part of the ongoing work at the Universiti 820 blows per meter with biggest size hammer is used which is,
Teknologi PETRONAS to determine the load and resistance factor t = 6.35+ D/100. The API values for pile diameter and thickness
for design of jacket platform in Malaysia. varies between (610-3048 mm) to (13-37) respectively [16].
The minimum annulus (gap between pile and the sleeve)
recommended by RP2A WSD and RP2A LRFD is 38 mm while the
3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ISO recommends an annulus of 40mm [17]. In ISO wind actions
All the three codes which are compared provide equations for on downstream components can be reduced due to shielding by
single load case as well as for combination of loads. Chord and upstream components. For perpendicular wind approach angles
bracing members of jacket platforms suffer from combined stresses with respect to projected area, API provides common shape factor
due to wave and current forces. Gravity loads dominate the leg coefficient for cylindrical members whereas ISO divides cylindrical
member design but environmental loads dominate the design of members into four classes [18] as shown in Table 1.
brace members [13]. In API working stress design method, the
allowable stresses are either expressed implicitly as a fraction of Table 1: Shape coefficients
yield stress or buckling stress, or by applying a safety factor on
the critical buckling stress [14]. In-place extreme environmental Shape coefficients (Cs)
design conditions for the ultimate limit state or buckling failure WSD/ LRFD ISO
modes is considered. For buckling this is often the governing Cylinders Smooth, Re > 5 × 105 0.5 0.65
design condition for majority of structural components in offshore
platforms. [14]. Utilisation ratio is equal to modelling uncertainty Smooth, Re ≤ 5 × 105 0.5 1.20
(experimental strength to predicted strength) [14]. The expressions Rough, all Re 0.5 1.05
for utilisation ratio are explicitly provided in the ISO but not in
WSD and LRFD. Local buckling checks are required to be made Covered with ice, all Re 0.5 1.20

42 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011)

In ISO the minimum capacity for joint requirement is only 5.1 Axial Tension
for primary or significant joints which influence reserve system The allowable axial tension is taken as 0.6Fy. This is based on
strength (critical load paths) or secondary joints whose failure has AISC and has remained unchanged from 1969 [5]. The LRFD and
important safety or environmental effects [19]. ISO expressions are identical. Due to low consequences of tension
yielding, safety indices in ISO and LRFD for extreme loading is
4.0 METHODOLOGY taken larger than used in WSD. The equations in LRFD and ISO
are used for yielding of gross section of cylindrical members which
This study compares the resistance formulae for different stress
covers vast majority of structures related to offshore engineering,
conditions in API RP2A WSD, API RP2A LRFD and ISO 19902
where as for non tubular members the analyses is made through
and the corresponding safety factors, these equations play a very
AISC LRFD / WSD equations respectively. In comparing design
vital role in finding the resistance factors for jacket platforms in
resistance with respect to partial safety factor, the ISO design
Malaysia as randomness and uncertainties are accurately accounted
resistance is 0.95/0.952= 99.75% of API LRFD resistance. Thus the
[20-24]. The similarities between the codes are identified. Where
expressions are the same. This kind of stress, acting independently
there are differences, the source of the formula is identified. The
as a governing stress, occurs very rarely for offshore structures as
limiting conditions for the use of the formulae provided by the
shown in Table 3.
different codes are also discussed.
The structure contains uncertainty and randomness in itself i.e. Table 3: Comparison of axial tension equation
material resistance, geometric parameters, initial defects etc. There
is uncertainty in the physical models used to asses load effects and API RP2A-WSD API RP2A-LRFD ISO 19902
response of structure [12,25]. The characteristic loads are multiplied Ft = 0.6 * Fy ft = φt * Fy f
with safety factors to give design load effects, and divisors are σt = t
Ft = tensile stress ft = tensile stress Yt
applied to characteristic resistances to give design resistance [6]. Safety factor = 0.6 φt = 0.95 σt = tensile stress
There are differences in ISO and LRFD equations for the different Safety factor = 0.95 ft = tensile strength= fy
types of resistance. γt = 1.05
The objective of this paper is to review the differences in (Safety factor = 0.9524)
stress equations provided in the three major codes for design of
offshore jacket platforms. These stresses are evaluated numerically Fy = Yield strength
by putting values in the given equation and then comparing them.
After comparison the differences are highlighted [26,27]. For comparison of equations the safety factors have to be
removed from above equations so that they will be at par with
5.0 COMPARISON OF TUBULAR STRENGTH each other. Thus they can be written as in Table 4.
EQUATIONS IN DIFFERENT CODES Table 4: Comparison of axial tension equation without factors
Jacket platform component failures include brace buckling,
plastification of the section, and punching of a chord by a brace [12]. API RP2A-WSD API RP2A-LRFD ISO 19902
Geometric slenderness D/t is limited in ISO up to 120 and material Ft = Fy ft = F y σt = fy
yield strength is limited to 500 MPa (taking lead from NORSOK
code) (Table 2). Failure criteria may be expressed as an interaction
5.2 Axial Compression
equation among member internal action and resistance variable.
The parameters for tubular members are yield stress, strain LRFD takes 0.85 as safety factor, where as ISO takes 1.18 as a
hardening, Young’s modulus, residual stresses, section parameters factor but both becomes equal when put in respective equations.
(diameter and thickness), out of roundness of the section and out Low D/t ratio members are not subject to local buckling under
of straightness of the member [12]. Comparing API LRFD and axial compression and API recommends that unstiffened tubular
ISO, the average reduction in combined axial tension and bending members should be investigated for local buckling, when D/t ratio
capacity of ISO was observed to be 9%; for axial compression, is greater than the limiting value.
bending and pressure, the average reduction in ISO was found to Unstiffened tubular members under axial compression have
be 7%; while for combined tension, bending and pressure, the ISO following failure modes [5].
formulation showed increase of capacities of 10% [13]. i) Material yield
ii) Euler column (overall) buckling
Table 2: Limit values for the variables in the three codes iii) Local buckling
iv) Combination of all
Wall thickness of member ≥ 6mm ≥ 6mm ≥ 6mm
5.2.1 Overall Column Buckling
D/t <120* <120* <120
Characteristic column strength is normalised with respect to the
Yield Strength <414 MPa <414MPa <500 MPa tubular yield stress, when partial safety factor is unity, for API
Yield strength to ultimate RP2A- LRFD and ISO 19902. The overall column buckling
– – 0.85
strength equation used in API WSD is adopted from AISC and is not
Yield strength to ultimate similar to API LRFD or ISO. Equations provided in LRFD and
– – < 0.9 ISO are similar in form but different coefficients are used. Here
tensile strength ratio
the capacity of ISO equation is lower than LRFD equation [15].
* In the local buckling equations used for axial compression, bending and
API WSD column strengths cannot be compared at a characteristic
hydrostatic pressure, D/t <300 is acceptable.

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Arazi B. Idrus, Narayanan Sambu Potty, Zafarullah Nizamani

level because of working stress design system. But total unfactored Over all column buckling: The WSD formula is based on the
load capacities can be compared. AISC [7]. The expressions in LRFD and ISO are similar, there
In Figure 1, LRFD and WSD loads are compared to ISO being a difference in the constant in the expressions (0.25 in LRFD
loads, with all resistance and load partial factors included in the and 0.278 in ISO). Also the limiting value for λ is √2 in LRFD and
computation [15]. The load capacities are dependent on assumed 1.34 in ISO. There is also a small variation in the expressions for
environmental to gravity load ratio with a range of 2-4 has been λ>√2 or 1.34 where the ISO expressions is factored using 0.9.
shown [15]. As partial load factors for API LRFD and ISO are Cylindrical shells with low D/t ratio are not prone to local
same, LRFD curves are same in all graphs [15]. The dark LRFD buckling under axial compression and are designed on the basis of
curve starts at unity and climbs to 1.11 (= 1/0.9) and this shows material failure i.e. local buckling stress is taken same as yield stress,
that LRFD will give more capacity than ISO [15]. The LRFD thin but as compared to this high D/t cylindrical shell must be checked
curve crosses the unity line, the short columns ISO gives greater for local shell buckling. In its commentary Clause, ISO
capacity than LRFD but less at higher slenderness. The API WSD gives separate equation for a member composed of two or more
curves consistently lie above both ISO and LRFD and for higher in separate cross-section along member length how ever there is no
Figure 1, LRFD and WSD loads are compared to ISO loads, with provision mentioned in API codes. The axial compressive strength
all resistance and load partial factors included in the computation is determined as follows:
[15]. The load capacities are dependent on assumed environmental i) Find elastic buckling strength Pe, for whole member taking
to gravity load ratio with a range of 2-4 has been shown [15]. As into consideration end restraints and variable cross-sectional
partial load factors for API LRFD and ISO are same, LRFD curves properties.
are same in all graphs [15]. The dark LRFD curve starts at unity and ii) Find effective length factor of member
climbs to 1.11 (=1/0.9) and this shows that LRFD will give more iii) The axial compressive strength Pc,r is determined by:
capacity than ISO [15]. The LRFD thin curve crosses the unity
line, the short columns ISO gives greater capacity than LRFD but Pc,x = [1 – 0.278 Pyc,x ] Pyc,r for ( Pyc,r )0.5 ≤ 1.34 (1)
Pe Pe
less at higher slenderness. The API WSD curves consistently lie
above both ISO and LRFD and for higher live/dead load ratios.
P = 0.9Pe for ( Pyc,r )0.5 > 1.34 (2)
c,r Pe
The axial compressive stress of each section is acquired by dividing
Pc,r by the respective crosssectional area Ai.
In Figure 2 characteristic column strength is normalised with
the yield stress of cylindrical member (without partial safety
factor). This normalised strength is plotted against the column
slenderness (λ). From this it is clear that LRFD equation match
with Euler buckling curve for λ ≥√2, when D/t > 60. Few strength
equations ever match with their elastic critical buckling curves,
for values of nondimensional slenderness quite near to unity [13].
Here slenderness is related to critical stress, which the cylindrical
member can uphold without local buckling. For thick cross-section
columns, this critical stress is the yield stress and thus here λ for
ISO and LRFD is equal, which makes LRFD and ISO strength
points fall on same vertical line [15].Thin walled cylindrical
member subject to local buckling will have displaced points
because of different equations used in different codes.

Column Slanderness λ API and λ ISO.

Figure 2: Comparison of characteristic column curve strength of ISO

19902 and API LRFD
5.2.2 Local buckling
Circular members with low D/t ratio are not subject to local
buckling under axial compression and are designed with respect to
material failure (local buckling stress is taken equal to yield stress).
But as D/t ratio increases, elastic buckling strength decreases, and
Figure 1: Ratio of API (LRFD and WSD) column strength to ISO
column strength [10] now member should be checked for local buckling.

44 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011)

5.2.3 Elastic buckling ISO has its values presented through its commentary clause
Unstiffened thin walled cylinders under axial compression and A.13.5. The length to which the effective length factor is applied
bending can fail at loads below buckling loads as predicted by is normally measured from centreline to centreline of the end
small deflection shell theory and there is sudden drop in load joints. For members framing into legs two cases are: (a) face of
carrying capacity upon buckling. This buckling load is also affected leg to face of leg for main diagonal braces, (b) face of leg
along with geometric imperfections by boundary conditions to centreline of end joint for K-braces. Cm is used to obtain an
and residual stresses, which cause inelastic action to commence equivalent moment for the moment pattern to which a beam-
before nominal stresses due to applied loads reach yield strength. column is subjected to.
Local buckling should be checked whenever d/t > 60, d/t = 60 is
Table 6: Moment reduction factors
suitable for commonly used offshore platform steel Fy = 242 MPa
to 414 MPa (35 to 60 Ksi). The expressions for local buckling in
Structural component RP2A WSD RP2A LRFD ISO 19902
WSD and LRFD are identical for D/t ≤60 and also D/t > 60. Note
that the limits given are geometrical limits. The expression in ISO Topside legs
is similar to the NORSOK [6] and dependent on material factor Braced 0.85 1 0.85
limits. Portal (unbraced) 0.85 0.85 0.85
Structure legs and
5.2.4 Inelastic buckling Piling
Offshore cylindrical members as per LRFD fall in to the inelastic Grouted composite C 1 C
range normally [3]. Inelastic local buckling as compared to elastic section C 1 C
buckling can be taken as less sensitive to geometric imperfections Ungrouted legs B 1 B
and residual stresses. Ungrouted piling
between shim points
5.2.5 Effective length factor (K)
Structure brace
Effective length factor of bracing member is reduced in ISO members
code [27]. Clause 3.3.1.d of API RP2A WSD, clause D3.2.3 of Primary diagonals and
LRFD and clause 13.5 of ISO provides the effective length factor horizontals K-braces B OR C 0.8 B OR C
and moment reduction factors for different members, which is x-braces C 0.8 B OR C
reproduced in Tables 5 and 6 respectively. longer segment length
full length C 0.9 B OR C
Table 5: Effective Length factor (K)
– B OR C
Structural component RP2A WSD RP2A LRFD ISO 19902 Secondary horizontals C 0.7 B OR C
Topside legs
Braced 1 1 1 Where,
Portal (unbraced) See note See note See note B = 0.6 – 0.4 (M1/M2), but not less than 0.4, not more than 0.85
Structure legs and C = 1 – 0.4(fa/Fe’), or 0.85, whichever is less.
Figure 3 compares local buckling strengths, normalised with
Grouted composite 1 1 1
respect to yield stress, as a function of cylindrical slenderness
section 1 1 1
(D/t). API equation provide single curve, which is independent
Ungrouted legs 1 1 1
of yield stress, where as ISO equation provide different curves
Ungrouted piling
related with yield stress. Aside from relatively small region near
between shim points
D/t = 60 and for higher strength steels, lower buckling strengths
Structure brace are shown by API.
Primary diagonals and
horizontals K-braces 0.8 0.8 0.7
x-braces 0.8 0.8 0.7
longer segment length 0.9 0.9 0.8
full length - – – 0.7
Secondary horizontals 0.7 0.7 0.7
Note: The Effective Length Alignment Chart provided in all three codes is to be
used. The alignment charts are provided in AISC and section A 13.5 of the ISO.

The effective length is found by a rational analysis considering Figure 3: Comparison of API and ISO local buckling strength
joint restraints, joint flexibility and joint movement. Studies
indicate that buckling lengths determined from refined analysis Figure 4 shows the ratio of API local buckling strength to that
improved design predictions [28]. Studies on X-frame have of ISO. This ratio applies to very stocky but short columns, for
been done by Livesley [14] and Knapp and Dixon [29] and API long columns overall buckling starts first and thus local buckling
follows the AISC effective Length Alignment Charts where as effects are not significant.

Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011) 45
Arazi B. Idrus, Narayanan Sambu Potty, Zafarullah Nizamani

moment and rational capacities of tube decrease. Tubular members

of jacket may have bending stresses due to any of following three
material regions:
a) Inelastic,
b) elastic to plastic,
c) elastic

As per API LRFD Simply supported beam tests have smaller

moment capacities than fixed end beam tests. Reduction in moment
capacity is considered with the reduction in support rigidity. On
the other hand end conditions have little influence on rotational
Figure 4: Comparison of ISO and API (LRFD or WSD) local
capacity of cylinder. At low Fy d/t, plastic hinge mechanism forms
buckling strengths
over short length of tubular. Now when end support rigidity is
reduced, hinge is formed over a longer segment of cylinder. Fy d/t
Figure 5 shows that for D/t = 60, and yield stresses in excess of
for tubular shell increases where as moment as well as rotational
350 N/mm2, the ISO provision is more burdensome than LRFD,
capacities decreases. Behaviour of cylindrical shell is defined,
whereas in yield buckling interaction region (D/t ≥ 60), the
when behaviour of cylinder subjected to bending is separated into
ISOequation is more optimistic than LRFD
three regions:
a) High rotational capacity: Ductile failure mode i.e. load decay
is gradual
b) Intermediate rotational capacity: Semi ductile failure mode
i.e. load decay is even more gradual
c) Low rotational capacity: Little post yield ductility i.e. Load
decay is rapid and is susceptible to local buckling.

From above region (a) extending up to Fy D/t = 10,340 MPa

allows to develop full plastic moment capacity. This is reduced
to 10% in excess of yield moment capacity (Mu/My = 1.10) at
Fy D/t = 20,680 MPa in region (b). LRFD nominal bending stress
Figure 5: Comparison of API and ISO local buckling strength ‘defines full plastic capacity of tubular section in region (a) while
Figure 6 shows that, WSD formulation for allowable bending stress increased by
i) ISO is independent of yield stress, but LRFD provides different (1.67- safety factor) yields less full plastic capacity [3]. In WSD
requirements for different values of yield stress. This should allowable stresses for cylinders under bending have been derived
not occur in non-dimensional structural strength frame. by using a safety factor of 1.67 against ultimate bending capacities
ii) ISO gives more structural efficiency in comparison to LRFD. at lower bound. WSD and LRFD are based on same relationship
with ultimate moment capacity normalised with respect to yield
moment capacity (Mu/My).
In ISO bending strength of fabricated tubular members is
achieved by dividing the ultimate plastic moment strength by
elastic yield moment. Here ultimate bending moment strength is
called full plastic moment of member. Members with fy = 345 MPa
and E= 205000 MPa full plastic moment can be developed if D/t
≤ 30, when D/t ≈ 60, the strength is linearly reduced to about 10%
in excess of yield strength.

5.4 Shear
Figure 6: Comparison of API and ISO local buckling strength Two types of shear are identified namely the beam shear and
torsional shear.
5.3 Bending
a) Beam shear: The expressions in all the three codes are similar
For D/t ≤10340/fy, the bending strength formula for WSD is
when the factors are removed. In the WSD, the allowable
0.75fy. In comparing design resistance formulae with respect to
beam shear stress is taken as 0.4 times the yield strength. The
partial safety factor, the ISO design resistance is 0.95/ (1/1.05)
representative shear strength is taken as fy/√3=0.58fy in ISO,
= 100% of API LRFD resistance. The expressions are the same.
the partial resistance factor being 1.05. In LRFD the resistance
The limits given in WSD and LRFD are geometric (D/t) whereas
factor is 0.95 which is same as in ISO (i.e. 1/1.05 ≈ 0.95).
the limits used in ISO are having material strength and Young’s
b) Torsional shear: The expressions in all the three codes
modulus. The upper limit for D/t given in WSD and LRFD is 300.
are similar when the factors are removed. In the WSD, the
Failure of cylindrical members in pure bending is precipitated
allowable torsional shear stress is taken as 0.4 times the yield
by localised axis symmetric bulges on the compression side of
strength. The partial resistance factor is 1.05 in the ISO. In
the cylinders [10]. Like local buckling (in axial compression)
LRFD the resistance factor is 0.95 which is same as in ISO
buckling behaviour depends on D/t ratio, at larger D/t ratios both

46 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011)

5.5 Hydrostatic pressure (Hoop buckling)

In WSD the design formula is given as fh ≤ Fhc / SF. For Fhc,
expressions are given for four elastic stress ranges. In comparing
design resistance formulae of ISO and LRFD with respect to
partial safety factor, the ISO design resistance is 0.80/(1/1.25) =
100% of API LRFD resistance. The expressions in LRFD and ISO
are identical. However, LRFD provides only a single expression
for critical hoop buckling whereas in ISO provides formula for
3 ranges of elastic hoop buckling strength. The expression for
design hydrostatic head provided in WSD and LRFD are
identical. The ISO formula is similar but however uses z with
positive measured upwards. Same expressions are provided for
circumferential stiffening ring design in WSD and LRFD.
However, the ISO gives additional guidance on (a) external
and internal rings, (b) guidance for avoidance of local buckling Figure 8: Hoop buckling strength as a function of elastic buckling stress
of ring stiffeners with and without flanges. Hydrostatic buckling
is an extremely dangerous failure mode and the safety indices are 5.6 Combined stresses without hydrostatic pressure
set in upper range (above 3) found from calibration of WSD. Hoop Here circular members acted upon by combined axial as well as
buckling occurs when tubular members subjected to external bending stresses are considered. The secondary moments from
pressure. Hoop buckling stress is determined through: factored global stresses and bending stresses (P-Δ) effects are not
i) Material yield strength with respect to elastic hoop buckling considered except in cases of large axial force or flexible
stress. component is under consideration. P – Δ effects are found to be
ii) Design equations are valid in the range of F important in the design of unbraced deck legs, piles, and laterally
flexible structures [4].
Along with hoop stresses, external hydrostatic pressure imposes
a capped force in the member if ends are capped imposes hoop 5.6.1 Tension and bending
compression in tubular member and no caped-end compression.
In WSD, the safety factor on axial component is 0.6 and for
bending the allowable stress is determined from clause 3.2.3. The
expression given in WSD in clause 3.3.2 is a modification of the
expression AISC namely
fa fbx fby
+ + ≤ 1.0 (4)
0.6Fy Fbx Fby
Equation 4 was modified for LRFD version where resistance factor
comes into effect. In comparing the design resistance formulae
with respect to partial safety factor, the LRFD has partial safety
factors of φt = 0.95 and φb = 0.95, whereas ISO has γR,b = 1.05 and
γR,b = =1.05. Hence the factors are identical. Here the components
experiencing combined axial tension and bending actions are
checked at all cross-sections along their length. If bending stress
Figure 7: Hoop and capped end axial stresses resulting from external
is greater than the axial tension, the local buckling effect (due to
pressure [5]
bending on compression side) is considered in bending strength
(Fbn) [3]. The API LRFD interaction formula is in the cosine form.
As hoop and capped-end axial stresses from external assumed Neither API WSD nor ISO uses the cosine form. In API LRFD for
to have positive sign [5]. Un go through local buckling of shell the cosine equation, the largest interaction ratio from Equations
wall anywhere between restraints. Effect of external pressure on D.2.1-1 and D.3.1-1 is to be used.
circular member is magnified by an original end-circulars like
braces, hydrostatic pressure also imposes an axial compressive 5.6.2 Compression and bending
stress of 0.5f some of which is taken by the structure and some of
The WSD equations are based on the AISC [5]. In WSD, two
which passes into the member [10].
interaction equations have to be satisfied, one for member stability
and one for plasticity. When axial component is small i.e. fa/Fa ≤
Critical hoop buckling capacity 0.15, an alternate formula is given. Also when different values of
Hoop stress ≤ (3) Cm and Fe are applicable for fbx and fby; then formulae 3.3.1-4 can
Hoop buckling safety factor
be used instead of formulae 3.3.1-1. Expression 3.3.1-4 is similar
to expressions in LRFD and ISO without the partial factors.
Critical hoop buckling capacity Fhc in API WSD is same as Expression 3.3.1-1 in WSD is identical to expressions in ISO. In
used in API LRFD (without resistance factor [5]. Elastic hoop comparing the design resistance formulae with respect to partial
buckling stress Fhe is same in LRFD and ISO codes but critical safety factor, the LRFD has partial safety factors of φC = 0.85
hoop buckling stress Fhe is different in WSD [27], which is and φb = 0.95, whereas ISO has γR,C = 1.18 and γR,b = 1.05. Each
shown in Figure 8. standard uses two formulae i.e. one involving overall compressive

Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011) 47
Arazi B. Idrus, Narayanan Sambu Potty, Zafarullah Nizamani

strength and P-δ amplified bending stress; and second involving Axial tension hydrostatic pressure interaction is similar to bending-
local buckling strength and unamplified bending stress [13].This hydrostatic pressure interaction [4].
type of stresses indicates beam-column nature of action of stress.
Two equations are provided here first is for beam-column stability 5.7.2 Compression, bending and hydrostatic pressure:
check and the second for strengthcheck for components under The title in WSD “Axial compression and Hydrostatic Pressure”
combined axial compression and bending [4]. is misleading. There are three criteria to be satisfied. In comparing
API-LRFD and ISO use AISC-ASD beam column stability the design resistance formulae with respect to partial safety factor,
interaction equation (first) and this gives conservative results the LRFD has partial safety factors of φt = 0.85, φb = 0.95 and
when used for large scale offshore members where imperfections φh = 0.80 whereas ISO has γR,t = 1.18, γR,b = 1.05 and γR,h = 1.25.
and residual stresses are comparatively more [LRFD code]. ISO Capped-end axial compression due to hydrostatic pressure does
also uses AISC [4]. Strength equation in ISO is of linear form not produce column buckling of a member under combined
as compared to LRFD which has cosine form. ISO equation is external compression as well as hydrostatic pressure. For stability
conservative for D/t<25 compared with cosine of LRFD [4]. check calculated axial compression i.e. external axial compression
Comparisons for members, with more bending stresses show only is used.
higher interaction ratios. Use of cosine equations are limited to
short specimen (L/D = 3), so there is not much support to use
this equation at present [4]. Cmx and Cmy are the reduction
factorswhich depend on support conditions of member, end The code equations for sufficiency of cylindrical members are
moments and whether transverse loading is applied and their value almost similar for stresses acting independently or in group e.g.
lies between 0.4 and 1.0. API RP2A WSD, LRFD and ISO have identical equations for
axial tension, bending and hydrostatic pressure. The equations
5.7 Combined stresses with hydrostatic pressure provided in the three codes for nine different stress conditions
have been compared through descriptions and graphs. Some of
Circular member under the water line is subjected to hydrostatic
the underlying factors for these differences were identified. These
pressure if it has not been filled with water [4]. Flooding is
equations are valid for cylindrical members of offshore jacket
allowed in hollow legs due to upending and placement and for
platforms at all depths.
pile installation [ISO]. Members filled with water under in-place
The following conclusions were drawn after comparing the
conditions are subjected by hydrostatic pressure during launch and
three codes:
installation [4].
a) ISO 19902 considers steel with yield stress up to 500 MPa
Hydrostatic pressure effects are taken into account when
where as in API Codes this limit is 414 MPa.
conducting member checks like axial compression of capped-
b) Due to low consequences of tension yielding, safety indices in
end pressures [4]. When longitudinal tensile stresses due to axial
ISO and LRFD for extreme loading is taken larger than in WSD
tension and bending and hoop compressive stresses (collapse) due
c) Effective length factor (K) of bracing member is 0.8 in API
to hydrostatic pressure occurs simultaneously then the interaction
whereas it is 0.7 in ISO 19902 which shows the conservativeness
equations are used [1].
of ISO.
Circular members subjected to hydrostatic pressure are
d) Local buckling check is based on only geometric parameter
checked against following [4]:
in API WSD and API LRFD whereas in ISO it depends on
a) Hoop buckling under hydrostatic pressure.
geometric and elastic modulus of members.
b) Tensile yielding under combination of action effects (capped-
e) Additional information is provided by ISO 19902 for external
end forces results in tension in member)
and internal rings and guidance for avoidance of local buckling
c) Compression yielding and local buckling when combined action
of ring stiffeners with and without flanges
effects like due to caped-end forces producing compression in
f) In the local buckling equations used for axial compression,
bending and hydrostatic pressure, the API allows the upper
d) Column buckling when force effects, excluding that coming
limit of D/t ratio up to 300 where as ISO 19902 permits up to
from capped-end actions results in compression.
120 only.
g) ISO 19902 gives separate equations when two or more separate
5.7.1 Tension, bending and hydrostatic pressure:
cross-sections are combined in a member under compressive
The title of this classification given in the clause 3.3.3 of the
stress, unlike in the API codes.
WSD “Axial tension and Hydrostatic Pressure” is misleading
h) The bending stress equation in ISO contains modulus of
since it includes bending also. The equation in WSD is based on
elasticity and the yield strength, where as the API equation has
the Beltrami and Haigh maximum total strain energy theory for
only yield strength.
biaxial loading.
i) Shear stress factors in API LRFD and ISO 19902 remain same,
In comparing design resistance with respect to partial safety
where as WSD has more reduced factors.
factor, the LRFD has partial safety factors of φt = 0.95, φb= 0.95
j) Linear interaction equations are introduced in ISO following
and φh = 0.80 whereas ISO has γR,t =1.05, γR,h = 1.05 and γR,h = 1.25.
API RP2A WSD whereas cosine interaction equations are
Outside hydrostatic pressure has three main effects in existence of
given by API LRFD.
tensile forces [4]:
k) The criteria, for slender beam-column strength is made through
i) Decrease of axial tension due to capped-end axial compression.
reduction below elastic buckling.
ii) Decrease in axial tensile strength (ft) caused by hoop
l) Capped end forces from hydrostatic pressure could be included
compression, results in ft,h
in or excluded from analysis of jacket structures with subsequent
iii) Decrease of bending strength (fb) caused by hoop compression
strength formulations.
results in fb,h

48 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011)

m) In WSD, design formulae are provided for four elastic stress o) When design storm environmental conditions enforce stresses
ranges. The equation in LRFD and ISO are identical. LRFD due to lateral and vertical forces WSD (AISC) stresses are
provides only a single equation for critical hoop buckling while increased by 1/3.
ISO provides equation for three ranges of elastic hoop buckling
n) Members subjected to combined compression and flexure must The authors thank Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS for
be proportioned in such a way that they satisfy strength as well supporting this project through its Graduate Assistantship
as stability criteria throughout their length. scheme. 

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Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011) 49
Arazi B. Idrus, Narayanan Sambu Potty, Zafarullah Nizamani

[24] Potty N.S., Nizamani Z.A. and Idrus A.B., ‘ Offshore ‘Resistance Parameters Statistics for Jacket Platforms in
Jacket Platforms-LRFD Code Calibration’, International Offshore Malaysia’, The Twenty-first (2011) International
conference on sustainable building and infrastructure, 15-17 Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference,
June, 2010 Kuala Lumpur, ISBN 978-983-227-23-9 (ISOPE) Hawaii, USA, June 19–24,2011, (paper accepted
for presentation)
[25] Potty N.S, Nizamani Z.A. and Idrus A.B, ‘Sustainable
infrastructure through rational codes using reliability and [28] A. B. Idrus, Narayanan S. P., M. F. A. Hamid, N. J. Cossa and
code calibration’, International conference on sustainable Z. Nizamani, “Statistical parameters of steel tubular member
building and infrastructure, 15-17 June, 2010 Kuala lumpur, design for offshore platforms in Malaysia”, 7th International
ISBN 978-983-227-23-9 Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures 13 – 15 July
2011, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, (paper accepted for
[26] Potty N.S., Cossa N.J, Nizamani Z.A. and Idrus A.B, presentation)
‘Tubular joint strength models in API RP2A WSD, API
RP2A LRFD & ISO 19902', World Engineering Congress [29] A. B. Idrus, Narayanan S. P., M. F. A. Hamid, Z. Nizamani,
2010, 2-5,August 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, and N. J. Cossa, ‘Selection of environmental parameters
Conference on Buildings and Infrastructure Technology for offshore jacket platform design in Malaysia’, 7th
International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures
[27] Arazi B. Idrus, Narayanan Sambu Potty, Mohd. Foad 13 – 15 July 2011, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, (paper
Abdul Hamid, Zafarullah Nizamani and Nelson J Cossa, accepted for presentation)


Ir. Dr Arazi Bin Idrus is an Associate Professor at EN. Zafarullah Nizamani is a Ph.D. student, in civil
the Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi engineering department at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
PETRONAS, Malaysia. He graduated with a B Eng (Hons) Malaysia. His research interest is “Environmental load and steel
degree in Civil and Structural Engineering from Sheffield tubular resistance factors for Jacket platforms in Malaysia”.
University, UK in 1984, an M Sc degree from Cranfield He has achieved Bachelor in civil engineering from Mehran
University, UK in 1994 and a PhD degree from Imperial University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro in 1991
College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK and Masters in structural engineering from N.E.D. University
in 2001. His fields of interest include Blast Design, LRFD, of engineering and technology Karachi in 2003.
IBS and Project Management. He is a Fellow of the Institution
of Engineers, Malaysia and a registered professional engineer
with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia. Prior to joining the
academic world, he worked as a civil engineer with the Public
Works Department for 17 years

IR. DR Narayanan Sambu Potty recieved his

Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering from Kerala
University and Master of Technology degree from National
Institute of Technology in Kerala, India. His PhD work
“Improving Cyclone Resistant Characteristics of Roof
Cladding of Industrial Sheds” was done at Indian Institute
of Technolgy Madras India. Currently Associate Professor at
UTP, he has earlier worked in Nagarjuna Steels Ltd., TKM
College of Engineering Kerala Inda and Universiti Malaysia
Sabah. His main research areas are steel and concrete
structures, offshore structures and construction management.

50 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 72, No.3, September 2011)

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