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Local news

Angie: *(excited) Rachel, you have to hear this! Today's news in the Dominican Republic is really

*Rachel: *(curious) What's going on, Angie?

*Angie: *(in a serious voice) Well, first, there was a *tragedy at the Salcedo Carnival*. A 15-year-old boy,
nicknamed "El Negrito Ojos Claro", suffered severe burns during the carnival. He was transferred to
Boston for treatment.

*Rachel: *(concerned) Oh no! How could that happen?

*Angie: *(nodding) Yes, it's terrible. Also, *Ozuna gave a concert in Altos de Chavón* during Holy
Saturday. His fans were excited.

*Rachel: *(smiling) That sounds great! But what else?

*Angie: *(in a reflective tone) The *Pope called for a prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine* in
his Easter message. It's an important issue.

*Angie: *(interested) And, any local news?

*Rachel: *(reporting) Yes, in *La Romana, a man killed **two people* and wounded five policemen. It
was a shooting at a residence in the Villa Pereyra sector.

*Angie: *(shocked) How sad! Are there more details?

*Rachel: *(serious) Unfortunately, we don't have many more details at this time. But you can check the
websites of *Noticias SIN, **Listín Diario* and *Diario Libre* for more information.

*Angie: *(grateful) Thanks for keeping me informed, Rachel. It is important to be aware of what is
happening in our country.

Rachel: *(sympathetic) Sure, Angie. Let's stay tuned to the news.

Dominican Republic Weather News: Changes and Predictions

Hosts: Aixa and Ryan

Aixa: Welcome to our weather newscast! We will analyze the weather conditions that will affect
the Dominican Republic during April 6-8, 2024.

Ryan: Let's start with Santo Domingo, the capital city. According to AccuWeather, here is the
forecast for those days:

 April 6: High of 29°C and low of 21°C. Chance of 0.5 mm of rain.

 April 7: High of 29°C and low of 21°C. No rain expected.
 April 8: High of 28°C and low of 19°C. No rain expected. No rain forecast1.

Aixa: In other cities, such as Azua de Compostela, Baní and San Juan de la Maguana,
temperatures will also oscillate within theseranges2.

Ryan: Remember to be prepared for any change in the weather, let's keep monitoring the
forecasts and take care of ourselves!


Political News in the Dominican Republic: Change and Continuity

Hosts: Jean and gabriel

Gabriel: Welcome to our political newscast! Today we will analyze the political landscape in the
Dominican Republic, focusing on the change and continuity that have marked the last few

Jean: The Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), which had been in power since 1996, suffered a
defeat against the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM).

Gabriel: Exactly. The PLD, in alliance with Washington and the Dominican extreme right, had
controlled all spheres of political life. The new president, Luis Abinader, came to power with a
message of fighting corruption and inequality.

Jean: But has there really been a significant change? Abinader appointed Hector Valdez
Albizu, key in the implementation of the neoliberal model, as governor of the Central Bank.

Gabriel: That's right. Privatization of state enterprises and economic liberalization have been
pillars of the PLD and now also of the PRM.

Jean: And we cannot forget the power of social networks in elections.

Gabriel: In summary, although there is a change of party in power, continuity in economic

policies and social challenges persist. Dominican politics remains a complex and exciting terrain.

Darindy: stay tuned, we will be back soon with the latest in Dominican business and economy.

Bussines and economy

Grace :* Good morning, dear viewers, welcome to "Negocios y Marketing al Día"! I'm *Grace
Morales*, and we bring you the latest news from the business world and marketing strategies in
the Dominican Republic.

Alexa: That's right, Grace. Let's start with the most relevant news. Today in marketing, we have
seen a significant growth in the use of digital strategies. Dominican companies are increasingly
adopting social media marketing, local SEO and email campaigns to reach their customers

Grace: Exactly, Alexa. Also, we cannot fail to mention the boom of e-commerce in the country.
Online stores are experiencing an increase in sales, and Dominican consumers are showing
greater confidence in online shopping.

Alexa: And speaking of businesses, we have seen an increase in the opening of small local
businesses. From coffee shops to clothing stores, Dominican entrepreneurs are contributing to
the economic development of the country.

Grace: No doubt, Alexa. And let's not forget tourism, which continues to be an important pillar
for the Dominican economy. Marketing strategies to attract visitors and promote tourist
destinations are constantly evolving.

Alexa: That's right, Grace. In summary, the world of business and marketing in the Dominican
Republic is full of opportunities and challenges, and we will be here to keep you informed in
"Negocios y Marketing al Día"!

Sports News: Successes and Challenges in Dominican Sport

Hosts: Hailyn, Luis and Angie

Luis: Welcome to our sports newscast! Today we will explore the achievements and challenges
that have marked sports in the Dominican Republic over the past year.

Angie: Without a doubt, baseball continues to be the king in our country. It is more than a sport;
it is part of our identity. Dominicans will earn more than US$500 million in the Major Leagues
this year. Figures like Juan Soto and Vladimir Guerrero Jr. have shined on the international

Hailyn: But it's not all baseball. Soccer has experienced significant growth. Although we are not
yet on a par with the regional powers, there are Dominican players excelling in foreign leagues,
such as Andrés Féliz in the Spanish league.
Luis: And we cannot forget volleyball, where our women have left their mark. The women's
national team has been successful in international competitions. In addition, basketball
continues to be a passion for many Dominicans.

Hailyn: That's right, Carlos. Despite the challenges, our athletes have proven their worth. Sport
in the Dominican Republic is a path of effort, passion and pride. Let's continue to support our



Health News in the Dominican Republic: Challenges and Achievements

Presenters: Rosa and Jade

Rosa: Welcome to our health newscast! Today we will explore the challenges and advances that
mark the health system in the Dominican Republic.

Jade: Let's start with a crucial topic: antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The Ministry of Public
Health (MOH), with the support of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health
Organization (PAHO/WHO), led the update of the National Action Plan for AMR Control.

Rosa: It is essential to understand that AMR affects the efficacy of drugs and complicates the
treatment of infections. Collaboration between the health, agricultural and environmental sectors
is essential to address this challenge.

Jade: In addition, a recent study highlights the precariousness of health services in the country.
Two-thirds of those who seek medical care in second-level hospitals come from lower-income
social strata.

Rosa: However, there are also achievements. Baseball is still part of our identity, and
Dominicans will earn more than US$500 million in the Major Leagues this year. Our athletes in
soccer, volleyball and basketball are also making their mark.

Jade: In summary, health in the Dominican Republic is a path of challenges and opportunities.
Let us continue to work together to ensure the well-being of our population.

Fashion and Celebrity Newscast at the Dominican Republic Soberanos.




 Rachel: Good evening, welcome to the special newscast about fashion and celebrities at
the Soberano Awards gala. I'm Rachel Peña.
 Abigail: And I am Abigil polanco. We are live from Santo Domingo East, where the
great night of Dominican entertainment is being celebrated.


Rachel: Let's start with fashion. The artists have paraded down the red carpet wearing their best
outfits. We highlight the elegant dress of actress Ana Garcia, designed by Luis Martinez,
which combined perfectly with her Diamantes del Caribe jewelry.

Abigail: In addition, singer Carlos Ramírez surprised with a custom-made suit by designer
Rafael Soto, inspired by Afro-descendant culture. The vibrant colors and unique details made
his look unforgettable.


Rachel: As for the celebrities, actress Laura Fernandez took home the award for Best Actress
for her role in the movie "Sueños de Arena". Her emotional speech reminded us of the
importance of Dominican cinema.

Abigail: On the other hand, singer Pedro Gómez announced his next album, which promises to
be a hit. Fans are anxious to hear his new musical proposal.


Rachel: And that concludes our special newscast on fashion and celebrities at the
Soberano Awards. Thank you for joining us. I'm Rachel Peña

Abigail: And I'm Abigail Polanco. See you next time!


International Newscast with Rosa de los Santos


 Rosa de los Santos

 Rosa de los Santos: Good evening, I welcome you to the international newscast. I am
Rosa de los Santos. We are live from Santo Domingo East, Dominican Republic, to bring
you the latest news from around the world.


 Rosa de los Santos: Let's start with the most outstanding international news:

Attacks in Boston, USA: The United States government has identified an alleged suspect in the
terrorist attacks perpetrated during the Boston Marathon. President Barack Obama announced
that the FBI will continue with the investigations and that in the next few days there could be an
arrest related to these acts.

Crisis in Venezuela: The elected president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, is facing opposition
protests that have caused the death of seven people. The South American country is going
through a serious political crisis after a close election that resulted in Maduro's victory.

Conflict in Ukraine: In Eastern Europe, the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate. Russian
forces have intensified shelling in the Donbas region, affecting civilians and provoking
international tensions. The international community is closely monitoring this situation.


 Rosa de los Santos: And that concludes our international newscast. Thank you for
joining us. I'm Rosa de los Santos. see you next time!

Outro *commercial*


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