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O pulcherrime flos Montis Carmeli, O most beautiful Flower of Mount

vitis fructifera, Splendor Caeli, Carmel, fruitful Vine, Splendor of
Sancta Dei Filii Genetrix, Virgo Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son
immaculata, adiuva me in hac of God, Immaculate Virgin, help me
necessitate mea. in this my necessity.

O Stella Maris, in adjutórium meum O Star of the Sea, help me, and
inténde, et osténde mihi te matrem show me herein you are my Mother.
meam esse
O Holy Mary, Mother of God,
O Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Regina Queen of Heaven and earth, I
Caeli et Terrae, ex toto corde meo te humbly beseech thee from the
obsecro, ut mihi succuras in hac bottom of my heart, to succor me in
necessitate; nemo potentiam tuam this necessity; there are none that
sustinere potest. Ostende me te can withstand your power. O show
matrem meam esse me herein you are my Mother.

O Maria, sine labe concepta, ora pro O Mary, conceived without sin, pray
nobis qui ad te confugimus. (tres) for us who have recourse to thee. (3
Dulcis mater, in manibus tuis hanc
causam pono. (tres) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in
your hands. (3 times)


--- in honore Potestatem Domina
— In Honor of Our Lady's
Nostra ----
Power —
O Maria Immaculata, Virgo potens,
Oh, Immaculate Mary, Virgin most
obsecro te per potentiam immensam
powerful, I beseech thee, through
quam ab Aeterno Patre accipisti,
that immense power which thou hast
adispicere mihi innocentiam cordis,
received from the Eternal Father,
conforta me ad omnium adversarium
obtain for me purity of heart,
animae meae vicendum, et da mihi
strength to overcome all the enemies
beneficium quod in praesenti
of my soul, and the special favor I
necessitate mea imploro.

[dic petendum tuum] implore in my present necessity.

Mater Purissima! Ne derelinquas [Name your prayer intention]

me, ne despicias precem meam,
Mother most pure! Forsake me not,
exaudi me ob gloriam Dei, honorem
despise not my prayer, graciously
tuum, et animae meae bonum.
hear me for God's glory, thy honor,
Adhoc auxilium impetrandum, and the welfare of my soul.
potentiam tuam honoro recitando:
To obtain this favor I honor thy
AVE MARIA, gratia plena. power by reciting:
Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in
mulieribus et benedictus fructus Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord
ventris tui Iesus. is with thee. Blessed art thou among
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, women, and blessed is the fruit of
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now, and at the hour of death.
--- in honore Sapientiam Domina Amen.
Nostra ----
— In Honor of Our Lady's
Virgo Maria¸ Mater Mea¸ per Wisdom—
ineffabilem sapientiam te largitam
Oh Virgin Mary, my Mother,
Verbo Dei, te humiliter deprecor,
through that ineffable wisdom
impetra mihi cordis modestiam
bestowed upon thee by the Incarnate
humilitatemque, perfecta scientiam
Word of God, I humbly beseech
Voluntatis Divinae, atque potestatem
thee, obtain for me meekness and
ad volutantem tuam efficiendum
humility of heart, a perfect
knowledge of the Divine Will, and
Maria, Sedes Sapientia, Mater strength to accomplish it always.
Tenera, me duc in via virtutis
Oh Mary, Seat of Wisdom; as a
perfectioneque Christianae; ilumina
tender Mother lead me in the path of
me ut facere possim quod ad filium
Christian virtue and perfection;
dilectum tuum placitissimus est,
enlighten and enable me to do what
atque adispicere petitionem meam.
is most pleasing to thy beloved Son,
Adhoc gratiam impetrandum, and obtain my petition.
Sapientiam tuam honoro recitando

AVE MARIA, gratia plena.

Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in To obtain this grace I honor thy
mulieribus et benedictus fructus wisdom by reciting:
ventris tui Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et is with thee. Blessed art thou among
in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. women, and blessed is the fruit of
thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
--- in honore Misericordiam Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Domina Nostra ---- now, and at the hour of death.
Mater Misericordia, Mater
Poenitentia, peccatorius — In Honor of bOur Lady's
dolorosusque sto in conspectu tuo. Mercy —
Obsecro te per misericordiam Oh, Mother of Mercy, Mother of
immensam te datum Spiritu Sancto penitent sinners, I stand before thee
pro nobis peccatoris, Impetra mihi sinful and sorrowful, beseeching
peccatorum meorum contritionem thee through the immense Love
veram perfectamque, quorum given to thee by the Holy Spirit for
detestor despicioque ex toto corde us poor sinners, obtain for me true
meo, Deum etenim amo. and perfect contrition for my sins,
Mater misericordissimus, adiuva me which I hate and detest with all my
in necessitatem praesentem meam. heart, because I love God.
Tunc respicere misericorditer in nos, Mother most merciful, help me in
O Clemens, O pia, O dulcis virgo my present necessity. Turn, then
Maria. those eyes of mercy toward us, oh
Adhoc inenarrabilem donum clement, oh loving, oh sweet Virgin
impetrandum, misericordiam tuam Mary!
honoro recitando To obtain this precious gift, I honor
AVE MARIA, gratia plena. thy loving mercy by reciting:
Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord
mulieribus et benedictus fructus
ventris tui Iesus. is with thee. Blessed art thou among
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, women, and blessed is the fruit of
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now, and at the hour of death.


IN nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus IN the name of the Father, and of the
Sancti. Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen. R. Amen.

Domine Iesu, qui ineffabiles Cordis Lord Jesus, Who hast deigned to
tui dulcedines ac divitias Ecclesiae open by Thy special love the
Sponsae tuae singulari dilectione unutterable goodness and riches of
aperire dignatus es: concede nobis Thy Heart to Thy Bride, the Church:
famulis tuis, ut gratiis caelestibus, ex grant to us, Thy servants, that we
hoc dulcissimo fonte manantibus, may merit to be enriched and
ditare et recreari mereamur. refreshed by Thy heavenly graces,
R. Amen. flowing from this sweetest of
V. Cor Iesu, flagrans amore nostri.
R. Amen
R. Inflamma cor nostrum amore tui.
V. Heart of Jesus, burning with love
Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti:
for us.
Petite et accipietis; quaerite et
R. Set our hearts on fire with love of
invenietis; pulsate et aperietur vobis;
quaesumus, da nobis petentibus
divinissimi tui amoris affectum, ut te O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast said:
toto corde, ore et opere diligamus et Ask and ye shall receive, seek and
a tua numquam laude cessemus. ye shall find, knock and it shall be
R. Amen. opened unto you; we beseech Thee,
grant us the gift of Thy divine love,
(hic morare ad Sacrum Cor
that with all our heart, our words and
deeds we may ever love Thee and
V. O Sacrum Cor Iesu, Patris never cease praising Thee.
voluntati obsequentissimum. R. Amen.
R. Inclina ad te corda nostra, ut quae
(pause here to make petitions to the
placita sunt ei faciamus semper.
Sacred Heart)
O divinum Cor Iesu, praesta,
V. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, most
quaesumus, animabus purgantibus
obedient to the will of the Father.
requiem aeternam, morituris gratiam
finalem, peccatoribus veram

paenitentiam, paganis fidei lucem, R. Incline our hearts to Thee, that
nobis nostrisque omnibus tuam we may do always what is pleasing
benedictionem. Tibi ergo, Cor Iesu to Thee.
piissimum, omnes has animas
O divine Heart of Jesus, grant, we
commendamus et pro ipsis tibi
pray Thee, eternal rest to the souls in
offerimus omnia merita sacri Cordis
purgatory, final grace to those who
are about to die, true repentance to
R. Amen.
sinners, the light of faith to non
V. O sacrum Cor Iesu, salutis Christians, and Thy blessing to us
nostrae sitientissimum. and all who are dear to us. To Thee,
R. Revoca nos praevaricatores ad therefore, we commend all these
Cor, ut non moriamur in peccatis souls, and in their behalf we offer
nostris. unto Thee all the merits of Thy
Sacred Heart.
R. Amen.
Deus, qui nobis, in Corde Filii tui,
V. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, thirsting
nostris vulnerato peccatis, infinitos
for our salvation.
dilectionis thesauros misericorditer
R. Recall us sinners to Thy Heart,
largiri dignaris; concede,
that we may not die in our sins.
quaesumus, ut illi devotum pietatis
nostrae praestantes obsequium, Let us pray.
dignae quoque satisfactionis
O God, Who mercifully deigns to
exhibeamus officium. Per eundem
bestow upon us in the Heart of Thy
Christum Dominum nostrum.
Son, which was wounded for our
R. Amen. sins; the infinite treasures of love,
grant, we beseech Thee, that we who
pay Him the devout homage of our
affection may likewise exhibit a
worthy reparation for our sins.
Through the same Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.


Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia: Quia Queen of Heaven rejoice, alleluia:

quem meruisti portare, alleluia. For He whom you merited to bear,
Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia. Ora alleluia, Has risen as He said,
pro nobis Deum, alleluia. alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia.

V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin

Alleluia, Mary, alleluia.
R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, R. Because the Lord is truly risen,
alleluia. alleluia.

Oremus: Deus qui per Let us pray: O God, who by the

resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini Resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord
nostri Iesu Christi, mundum Jesus Christ, granted joy to the
laetificare dignatus es: praesta, whole world: grant we beseech
quaesumus, ut per eius Genetricem Thee, that through the intercession
Virginem Mariam, perpetuae of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we
capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem may lay hold of the joys of eternal
Christum Dominum nostrum. life. Through the same Christ our
R. Amen. Lord.
R. Amen.

+ In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus In the name of the Father, and of the
Sancti. Amen. Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.



Domine Jesu, tu expirasti, sed fons You expired, Jesus, but the source of
vitae scaturit pro animabus et life gushed forth for souls, and the
Oceanus misericordiae toti mundo ocean of mercy opened up for the
aperitur. O Fons vitae, profunda whole world. O Fount of Life,
misericordia divina, totum mundum unfathomable Divine Mercy,
involve, exinani te super nos envelop the whole world and empty
Yourself out upon us.
Sanguis aquaque vobis fido quae e
corde Jesu fons misericordiae pro
nobis effusa estis. (tres)

On the First three beads, pray: O Blood and Water, which gushed
forth from the Heart of Jesus as a
fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, You! (3 times)
sanctificetur Nomen tuum. Adveniat
On the First three beads, pray:
regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem Our Father, Who art in heaven,
nostrum quotidianum da nobis hallowed be Thy name; Thy
hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra kingdom come; Thy will be done on
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
nostris. Et ne nos inducas in day our daily bread; and forgive us
tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. our trespasses as we forgive those
who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus from evil, Amen.
tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is
benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
with thee. Blessed art thou amongst
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro
women, and blessed is the fruit of
nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
mortis nostrae. Amen. Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death,
Credo in Deum Patrem
omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et
terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium I believe in God, the Father
eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui Almighty, Creator of Heaven and
conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only
natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived
Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et by the Holy Ghost, born of the
sepultus, descendit ad inferos, tertia Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius
die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad Pilate, was crucified; died, and was
caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris buried. He descended into Hell; the
omnipotentis, inde venturus est third day He arose again from the
iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in dead; He ascended into Heaven,
Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam sitteth at the right hand of God, the
Ecclesiam Catholicam, sanctorum Father Almighty; from thence He
shall come to judge the living and
communionem, remissionem the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, the holy Catholic Church, the
vitam aeternam. Amen. communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection
On the five single beads, pray:
of the body, and the life everlasting.
"Pater aeterne, offero tibi Corpus et Amen.
Sanguinem, animam et divinitatem
On the five single beads, pray:
dilectissimi Filii Tui, Domini nostri,
Iesu Christi, in propitiatione pro Eternal Father, I offer Thee the
peccatis nostris et totius mundi." Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Thy dearly beloved Son, Our
On the decades, pray :
Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for
"Pro dolorosa Eius passione, our sins and for the sins of the whole
miserere nobis et totius mundi." world.

At the end of the Rosary, pray On the decades, pray :

three times:
For the sake of His sorrowful
"Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Passion, have mercy on us and on
Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis the whole world.
et totius mundi."
At the end of the Rosary, pray
CLOSING PRAYER (FOR 3 PM three times:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy
Aeterne Deus in quo misericordia Immortal One, have mercy upon us
est infinita, thesaurus compassionis and on the whole world.
indefectus. Respice nos benigne, et
aumenta misericordiam tuam in
nobis, ne in momentis difficilioribus
desperemus, neque dimittamus. Sed Eternal God, in whom mercy is
cum magna fiducia dedamus ad endless and the treasury of
voluntatem sanctam tuam quia Tu es compassion — inexhaustible, look
Amor et Misericordia seipsa. kindly upon us and increase Your
mercy in us, that in difficult
+ In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus
moments we might not despair nor
Sancti. Amen.

CORONA SANCTI MICHAELIS become despondent, but with great
ARCHANGELI confidence submit ourselves to Your
holy will, which is Love and Mercy
V. Deus, in adiutórium meum
In the name of the Father, and of the
R. Dómine, ad adiuvándum me
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui
Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et
nunc, et semper, et in saecula O God, come to my assistance
saeculorum. Amen. O Lord, make haste to help me.

(Pray one Our Father and three Hail Glory be to the Father, and to the
Marys after each of the following. Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it
nine salutations in honor of the nine was in the beginning, is now, and
Choirs of Angels.) ever shall be, world without end.
1. Per intercessiónem Sancti
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis (Pray one Our Father and three Hail
Séraphim, Dóminus nos dignos Marys after each of the following
effíciat incéndi igne caritátis nine salutations in honor of the nine
perféctae. Amen. Choirs of Angels.)
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3)
By the intercession of St. Michael
2. Per intercessiónem Sancti and the celestial choir of Seraphim,
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis may the Lord make us worthy to
Chérubim, Dóminus nobis grátiam burn with the fire of perfect charity.
det relínquere vias malas et Amen.
continuare in vias perfectionis
(1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
Christiánae. Amen
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3) By the intercession of St. Michael
and the celestial choir of Cherubim,
3. Per intercessiónem Sancti
may the Lord vouchsafe to grant us
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis
grace to leave the ways of
Thronorum, infundat Dominus in
wickedness and run in the paths of
córdibus nostris spíritum sincerum
Christian perfection. Amen….
verumque humilitatis. Amen
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3) (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)

4. Per intercessiónem Sancti By the intercession of St. Michael
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis and the Celestial choir of Thrones,
Dominationum, Dóminus nobis may the Lord infuse into our hearts
gratiam det gubernare sensus et a true and sincere spirit of humility.
dominare carnem petulantíssimam. Amen….
(1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3)
By the intercession of St. Michael
5. Per intercessiónem Sancti
and the celestial choir of Dominions,
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis
may the Lord give us grace to
Potestatum, Dominus ánimas nostras
govern our senses and subdue our
defendat contra tentationes et
unruly passions. Amen…
insídias diáboli. Amen.
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3) (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
6. Per intercessiónem Sancti By the intercession of St. Michael
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis and the celestial choir of Powers,
Virtutum, Dóminus nos servet a may the Lord vouchsafe to protect
malo et non permittat cádere in our souls against the snares and
tentationem. Amen. temptations of the devil. Amen.…
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3)
(1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
7. Per intercessiónem Sancti
Michaélis et cappéllae By the intercession of St. Michael
caeléstis Principatorum,, and the celestial choir of Virtues,
may the Lord preserve us from evil,
Dóminus ánimas nostras spíritu
oboediéntiae ímpleat. Amen and suffer us not to fall into
temptation. Amen….
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3)

8. Per intercessiónem Sancti (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)

Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis By the intercession of St. Michael
Archangelorum, Dóminus nobis and the celestial choir of
constántiam in fide et operibus bonis Principalities, may God fill our souls
det, ut gloriam Paradisi obtineamus. with a true spirit of obedience.
Amen. Amen. …
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3)
(1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
9. Per intercessiónem Sancti
Michaélis et cappéllae caeléstis

Angelorum, Dóminus ab eis By the intercession of St. Michael
protegemur in hac vita mortale det et and the celestial choir of
post hac perducemini ad gloriam Archangels, may the Lord give us
aeternam. Amen. perseverance in faith and in good
works, in order that we gain the
(Pater Noster 1×, Ave Maria x3)
glory of Paradise. Amen….
(1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
MICHAELIS: pray the Pater noster
By the intercession of St. Michael
and the Celestial choir of Angels,
GABRIELIS: pray the Pater noster
may the Lord grant us to be
IN HONOREM SANCTI protected by them in this mortal life
RAPHAELIS: pray the Pater noster and conducted hereafter to eternal
glory. Amen…
CUSTODIS MEI: pray the Pater (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
1 Our Father in honor of St. Michael
O Princeps gloriose sancte Míchael,
1 Our Father in honor of St. Gabriel
dux et praeposite caelestium
exercituum, custos animarum, 1 Our Father in honor of St. Raphael
dómitor spírituum rebellum, serve in
1 Our Father in honor of our
domu Regis Divini, et conductor
Guardian Angel
mirabilis noster, qui cum excelléntia
et virtute caelesti fulges, liberare nos O glorious Prince St. Michael, chief
a malo digeneris, qui ad te tornamus and commander of the heavenly
cum confidéntiae, et propítio hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher
praesídio tuo da nobis Deum magis of rebel spirits, servant in the house
fidéliter quotídie servire. of the Divine King, and our
admirable conductor, thou who dost
V. Ora pro nobis, O Gloriose Sancte
shine with excellence and
Michael, Princeps Ecclesiae Jesu
superhuman virtue, vouchsafe to
deliver us from all evil, who turn to
R. Ut digni efficiamur thee with confidence, and enable us
promissiónibus Eius. by thy gracious protection to serve
God more and more faithfully every

Oremus: Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael,
Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Omnipotens Aeterne Deus, qui
That we may be made worthy of His
prodígio bonitatis et clemente volens
salve omnes homines,
gloriosíssimum Archángelum Let us pray:
Sanctum Míchael, Príncipem
Almighty and Everlasting God, who
Ecclesia Tua constituisti, fac nos
by a prodigy of goodness and a
dignos, te rogamus, liberare eius merciful desire for the salvation of
praesidio potente, adversáriis all men, hast appointed the most
cunctiis, ne nos vexent, in hora glorious Archangel, St. Michael,
mortis nostrae, sed nos perducti Prince of Thy Church, make us
simus ab eo in praeséntiam worthy, we beseech Thee, to be
augustam divinae maiestatis tuae. delivered from all our enemies that
none of them may harass us at the
Hoc oremus méritis Jesu Christi,
hour of death, but that we may be
Domini nostri. Amen. conducted by him into the august
presence of Thy Divine Majesty.
This we beg through the merits of
Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
On the Crucifix –Signum Crucis
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et
Spiritus Sancti. Amen
Deus, in adjutorium meum intende:
To pray this chaplet, start by making
Domine, ad adjuvandum me
the sign of the cross with the
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui
On the Crucifix – The Sign of the
Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et
Cross /
nunc, et semper, et in saecula
In the name of the Father, and of the
saeculorum. Amen.
Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
On each of the six larger beads
O God, come to my assistance. O
(precedes each decade of six beads)
Lord, make haste to help me.
in order say in honor of the five
senses of Jesus. First of the sense of
Glory be to the Father, and to the
Touch, then Hearing, then Sight,
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was
then Smell, and finally Taste:
in the beginning is now and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.
Domine Jesu, miserere mei!
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui
On each of the six larger beads

Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et (precedes each decade of six beads)
nunc, et semper, et in saecula in order say in honor of the five
saeculorum. Amen. senses of Jesus. First of the sense of
Touch, then Hearing, then Sight,
On the thirty-three small beads: then Smell, and finally Taste:

Surge Domine et dissipentur My Jesus, mercy!

inimici Tui et fugiant qui oderunt Glory be to the Father, and to the
Te a Facie Tua. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was
in the beginning is now and ever
At the end of meditating on the shall be, world without end. Amen.
senses of Jesus, continue repetitions
of On the thirty-three small beads:

Surge Domine et dissipentur Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies

inimici Tui et fugiant qui oderunt be scattered, and let all who hate
Te a Facie Tua. Thee flee before Thy Face!

on the remaining three beads, to At the end of meditating on the

bring the total to 33, one for each senses of Jesus, continue repetitions
year of Our Lord’s earthly life. On of “Arise, O Lord” prayer on the
each of these last three beads, think remaining three beads, to bring the
about the wounds in His holy face total to 33, one for each year of Our
from the slaps He endured, and from Lord’s earthly life. On each of these
the crown of thorns. last three beads, think about the
wounds in His holy face from the
After all of this, repeat seven times, slaps He endured, and from the
in honor of the 7 Last Words from crown of thorns.
the Cross :
After all of this, repeat seven times,
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui in honor of the 7 Last Words from
Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et the Cross :
nunc, et semper, et in saecula
saeculorum. Amen. Glory be to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was
On the medal at the end pray: in the beginning is now and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.
Protector noster, aspice, Deus, et
respice in Faciem Christi Tui. On the medal at the end pray:

Some additional prayers that are O God, our Protector, look down
recommended to be said on the five upon us and cast Thine eyes upon
beads afterward (from the the Face of Thy Christ!

revelations of Sister Mary Pierina in Some additional prayers that are
the Golden Arrow book): recommended to be said on the five
beads afterward (from the
1)Exsurgat Deus, et dissipentur revelations of Sister Mary Pierina in
inimici ejus ; et fugiant qui oderunt the Golden Arrow book):
eum a facie ejus. (Psalm 67:2)
1) May God arise and let His
2) Trinus Deus Sanctissimus enemies be scattered and let those
Nomen omnes eorum consilia who hate Him flee before His Face!
everrat! (Psalm 67:2)

3)Sanctissimum Nomen Dei 2) May the thrice Holy Name of God

Viventis eos inter se dissideant! overthrow all their plans!

4) Terribile Nomen Dei Aeternitatis 3) May the Holy Name of the Living
omnem impietatem eorum deleat! God split them up by disagreements!

5) Domine, non desidero mortem 4) May the terrible Name of the God
peccatoris, sed ut convertatur et of Eternity stamp out all their
vivat. godlessness!
Pater, dimitte illis : non enim
sciunt quid faciunt. (Luke 23:34) 5) Lord, I do not desire the death of
the sinner, but that he be converted
and live.
Oratio Sagittae Aureae (on the Father, forgive them for they know
Crucifix): not what they do.
(Luke 23:34)
Sanctissimum, Sacratissimum,
Adorabile, Incomprehensibile et The “Golden Arrow” prayer (on the
Ineffabile Nomen Dei semper Crucifix):
Laudetur, Benedicetur, Ametur,
Adoretur et Glorificetur, in Caelis, May the most Holy, most Sacred,
in Terra et Inferno, ab omnibus most Adorable, Most
Creaturis Dei, et a Sacro Corde Incomprehensible and Ineffable
Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, Name of God Be always Praised,
in Sanctissimo Sacramento Altaris. Blessed, Loved, Adored and
Amen. Glorified, In Heaven, on Earth and
under the Earth, By all the
Pater Aeterne, Tibi Dulcissimum Creatures of God, And by the Sacred
Vultum Fillii Tui Amantissimi Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, In
offero, pro honore gloriaque the most Holy Sacrament of the
Altar. Amen”

nominis sancti tui atque pro Eternal Father, we offer Thee the
animarum salvatione. adorable Face of Thy well-beloved
Son, for the honor and glory of Thy
Domine Iesu, per merita Sancti Holy Name and for the salvation of
Faciei Tui, miserere nobis et totius souls.
mundis. (Ter)
O Jesus, through the merits of Thy
𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒊 Holy Face, have pity on us, and on
𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊 𝑵𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊 𝑰𝒆𝒔𝒖 the whole world. (three times)
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. 𝑷𝑹𝑬𝑪𝑰𝑶𝑼𝑺 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑶𝑫
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, audi nos.
Christe, exaudi nos. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have
Pater de caelis, Deus, Miserere mercy on us.
nobis. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear
Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus, us. Christ, graciously hear us.
Miserere nobis.
Spiritus Sancte, Deus, Miserere God the Father of Heaven, have
nobis. mercy on us.
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, Miserere God the Son, Redeemer of the
nobis. world, have mercy on us.
Sanguis Christi, Unigeniti Patris God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on
aeterni, Salva nos. us.
Sanguis Christi, Verbi Dei incarnati, Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy
Salva nos. on us.
Sanguis Christi, Novi et Aeterni
Testamenti, Salva nos. Blood of Christ, only-begotten Son
Sanguis Christi, in agonia decurrens of the Eternal Father, Save us.
in terram, Salva nos. Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of
Sanguis Christi, in flagellatione God, Save us.
profluens, Salva nos. Blood of Christ, of the New and
Sanguis Christi, in coronatione Eternal Testament, Save us.
spinarum emanans, Salva nos. Blood of Christ, falling upon the
Sanguis Christi, in Cruce effusus, earth in the Agony, Save us.
Salva nos. Blood of Christ, shed profusely in
Sanguis Christi, pretium nostrae the Scourging, Save us.
salutis, Salva nos. Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the
Sanguis Christi, sine quo non fit Crowning with Thorns, Save us.
remissio, Salva nos. Blood of Christ, poured out on the
Cross, Save us.
Blood of Christ, Price of our
salvation, Save us.

Sanguis Christi, in Eucharistia potus Blood of Christ, without which there
et lavacrum animarum, Salva nos. is no forgiveness, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, flumen Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink
misericordiae, Salva nos. and refreshment of souls, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, victor daemonum, Blood of Christ, river of mercy,
Salva nos. Save us.
Sanguis Christi, fortitudo martyrum, Blood of Christ, Victor over
Salva nos. demons, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, virtus confessorum, Blood of Christ, Courage of martyrs,
Salva nos. Save us.
Sanguis Christi, germinans virgines, Blood of Christ, Strength of
Salva nos. confessors, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, robur Blood of Christ, bringing forth
periclitantium, Salva nos. virgins, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, levamen Blood of Christ, Help of those in
laborantium, Salva nos. peril, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, in fletu solatium, Blood of Christ, Relief of the
Salva nos. burdened, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, spes paenitentium, Blood of Christ, Solace in sorrow,
Salva nos. Save us.
Sanguis Christi, solamen Blood of Christ, Hope of the
morientium, Salva nos. penitent, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, pax et dulcedo Blood of Christ, Consolation of the
cordium, Salva nos. dying, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, pignus vitae Blood of Christ, Peace and
aeternae, Salva nos. Tenderness of hearts, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, animas liberans de Blood of Christ, Pledge of Eternal
lacu Purgatorii, Salva nos. Life, Save us.
Sanguis Christi, omni gloria et Blood of Christ, freeing souls from
honore dignissimus, Salva nos. Purgatory, Save us.
Blood of Christ, most worthy of all
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, glory and honor, Save us.
Parce nobis, Domine.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, Who takest away the
Exaudi nos, Domine. sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, Who takest away the
Miserere nobis, Domine. sins of the world, Graciously hear
Redemisti nos, Domine, in sanguine us, O Lord.
tuo. Et fecisti nos Deo nostro Lamb of God, Who takest away the
regnum. sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Oremus: Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui Thy Blood, And made of us a
unigenitum Filium tuum mundi kingdom for our God.
Redemptorem constituisti, ac eius
sanguine placari voluisti: concede, Let Us Pray:
quaesumus, salutis nostrae pretium Almighty and Eternal God, Thou
ita venerari, atque a praesentis vitae hast appointed Thine only-begotten
malis eius virtute defendi in terris, ut Son the Redeemer of the world, and
fructu perpetuo laetemur in caelis. willed to be appeased by His Blood.
Per eundem Christum Dominum Grant, we beseech Thee, that we
nostrum. Amen. may worthily adore this Price of our
salvation, and through its power be
safeguarded from the evils of this
LITANIAE DE DIVINA present life, so that we may rejoice
MISERICORDIA in its fruits forever in Heaven.
Through the same Christ Our Lord.
Kyrie, eleison. Amen.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison. LITANY TO THE DIVINE
Christe, audi nos.
Christe, exaudi nos. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Lord, have
Pater de coelis, Deus, miserere mercy.
nobis. Christ, hear us.
Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus, Christ, graciously hear us.
miserere nobis.
Spiritus Sancte, Deus, miserere God, the Father of heaven, have
nobis. mercy on us.
Sancta trinitas, unus Deus, miserere God, the Son, Redeemer of the
nobis world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on
Misericordia Dei, e sinu Patris us.
scaturiens, in te confido! Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy
Misericordia Dei, summa divinitatis on us.
proprietas, in te confido!
Misericordia Dei, incomprehensibile Divine Mercy, greatest attribute of
mysterium, in te confido! God, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, a mysterio Divine Mercy, unfathomable love of
Trinitatis emanans, in te confido! the Sanctifier, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, quam nulla mens Divine Mercy, incomprehensible
nec angelica nec humana scrutare mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity,
potest, in te confido! we trust in You.

Misericordia Dei, de qua omne vita Divine Mercy, expression of the
et felicitas provenit, in te confido! greatest might of God, we trust in
Misericordia Dei, coelis sublimior, You.
in te confido! Divine Mercy, in creation of
Misericordia Dei, magnificorum heavenly spirits, we trust in You.
mirabilium fons, in te confido! Divine Mercy, in calling us forth
Misericordia Dei, totum universum from nothingness to existence, we
complectens, in te confido! trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, quae mundo Divine Mercy, encompassing the
descendis in Verbi incarnati whole universe, we trust in You.
personam, in te confido! Divine Mercy, endowing us with
Misericordia Dei, quae de aperto immortal life, we trust in You.
vulnere Cordis Iesu profluisti, in te Divine Mercy, shielding us from
confido! deserved punishment, we trust in
Misericordia Dei, pro nobis et You.
imprimis pro peccatoribus in Corde Divine Mercy, lifting us from the
Iesu interclusa, in te confido! misery of sin, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, in Eucharistiae Divine Mercy, justifying us through
institutione imperscrutabilis, in te the Person of the Incarnate Word,
confido! we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, quae Sanctam Divine Mercy, which flowed out
Ecclesiam condidisti, in te confido! from the wounds of Christ, we trust
Misericordia Dei, quae sacramentum in You.
Baptismi instituisti, in te confido! Divine Mercy, gushing forth from
Misericordia Dei, quae per Iesum the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in
Christum iustificas nos, in te You.
confido! Divine Mercy, giving us the Blessed
Misericordia Dei, quae in hac vita Virgin Mary as Mother of Mercy,
tota comitas nobiscum, in te we trust in You.
confido! Divine Mercy, in revealing the
Misericordia Dei, quae nos mysteries of God, we trust in You.
amplecteris in hora mortis Divine Mercy, in the founding of the
praecipue, in te confido! Holy Church, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, quae nobis vitam Divine Mercy, in instituting the
aeternam tribuis, in te confido! Holy Sacraments, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, quae in omni Divine Mercy, first of all in the
momento existentiae nostrae sacraments of Baptism and Penance,
consectaris, in te confido! we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, quae peccatores Divine Mercy, in the Holy Eucharist
obstinatos convertis, in te confido! and the sacrament of Holy Orders,
Misericordia Dei, quae ab igne inferi we trust in You.
nos protegis, in te confido! Divine Mercy, in calling us to the
holy faith, we trust in You.

Misericordia Dei, angelis prodigium, Divine Mercy, in the conversion of
sanctis imcomprehensibilis, in te sinners, we trust in You.
confido! Divine Mercy, in sanctifying the
Misericordia Dei, quae in omnibus just, we trust in You.
mysteriis ades, in te confido! Divine Mercy, in perfecting of the
Misericordia Dei, quae ab omni pious, we trust in You.
miseria nos sublevas, in te confido! Divine Mercy, fount of help for the
Misericordia Dei, fons omnis sick and the suffering, we trust in
nostrae laetitiae, in te confido! You.
Misericordia Dei, quae ex nihilo in Divine Mercy, sweet relief for
existentiam nos vocasti, in te anguished hearts, we trust in You.
confido! Divine Mercy, only hope of
Misericordia Dei, quae omnia opera despairing souls, we trust in You.
in tuis manibus complecteris, in te Divine Mercy, accompanying us in
confido! every moment of our life, we trust in
Misericordia Dei, quae omnes You.
existentes et futuros absolvis, in te Divine Mercy, anticipating our
confido! needs with graces, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, in qua omnes Divine Mercy, repose of the dying,
immergimur, in te confido! we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, amabilis cordium Divine Mercy, heavenly delight of
fatiscentium levamen, in te confido! the saved, we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, desertorum sola Divine Mercy, respite and relief of
spes, in te confido! the souls in Purgatory, we trust in
Misericordia Dei, in qua corda You.
requiescunt et pacem inveniunt Divine Mercy, crown of All Saints,
formidantes, in te confido! we trust in You.
Misericordia Dei, spem inspirans Divine Mercy, inexhaustible source
contra omnem spem, in te confido! of miracles, we trust in You.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, who revealed the
parce nobis, Domine. greatest mercy in redeeming the
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, world by dying on the cross, spare
exaudi nos, Domine. us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, who mercifully offers
miserere nobis. Yourself for our sake in every holy
Mass, graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, Lamb of God, who takes away our
super nos, quemadmodum sins with inexhaustible compassion,
speravimus in te. have mercy on us.
R. In te, Domine, speravi: non
confundar in aeternum. V: The Mercy of God is above all
His works.

Oremus. R: Hence, we will praise The Divine
Aeterne Deus, cuius misericórdiæ Mercy forever and ever.
non est númerus, et compassionis
infinítus est thesáurus: respice in Let us pray:
nos benignus et tuam misericordiam Eternal God, in whom mercy is
in nobis multiplica ut in varietatibus endless and the treasury of
non deficiamus et spem non compassion inexhaustible, look
demittamus, sed tuae voluntati, quae kindly upon us and increase Your
dilectio est et misericordia, summe mercy in us, that in difficult
fiducialiter subiiciamur. Per moments we might not despair nor
Christum Dominum nostrum. R. become despondent, but with great
Amen. confidence submit ourselves to Your
holy will, which is Love and Mercy
itself. Through our Lord Jesus
LITANIAE SANCTORUM Christ, King of mercy, who with
You and the Holy Spirit shows us
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. mercy now and forever. Amen.
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, audi
nos. Christe, exaudi nos. LITANY OF THE SAINTS
Pater de coelis Deus, Miserere
nobis. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ
Fili Redemptor mundi have mercy on us.
Deus, Miserere nobis. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ,
Spiritus sancte Deus, Miserere hear us, Christ, graciously hear us.
nobis. God, the Father of heaven, have
Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, Miserere mercy on us.
nobis. God the Son, Redeemer of the
world, have mercy on us.
Sancta Maria, Ora pro nobis. God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy
Sancta Dei Genetrix, Ora pro nobis. on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have
Sancta Virgo virginum, Ora pro mercy on us.
Sancte Michael, Ora pro nobis. Holy Mary, Pray for us.
Sancte Gabriel, Ora pro nobis. Holy Mother of God, Pray for us.
Sancte Raphael, Ora pro nobis. Holy Virgin of virgins, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Angeli, et
Archangeli, Orate pro nobis. Saint Michael, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti beatorum Spirituum Saint Gabriel, Pray for us.
ordines, Orate pro nobis. Saint Raphael, Pray for us.
All ye holy angels and
Sancte Ioannes Baptista, Ora pro archangels, Pray for us.
nobis. All ye holy orders of blessed
spirits, Pray for us.Saint John the
Sancte Ioseph, Ora pro nobis. Baptist, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Patriarchae, et Saint Joseph, Pray for us.
Prophetae, Ora pro nobis. All ye holy patriarchs and
Sancte Petre, Ora pro nobis. prophets. Pray for us.
Sancte Paule, Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Andrea, Ora pro nobis. Saint Peter, Pray for us.
Sancte Iacobe, Ora pro nobisSancte Saint Paul, Pray for us.
Ioannes, Ora pro nobis. Saint Andrew, Pray for us.
Sancte Thoma, Ora pro nobis. Saint James, Pray for us.
Sancte Iacobe, Ora pro nobis. Saint John, Pray for us.
Sancte Philippe, Ora pro nobis. Saint Thomas, Pray for us.
Sancte Bartholomaee, Ora pro nobis. Saint James, Pray for us.
Sancte Matthaee, Ora pro nobis. Saint Philip, Pray for us.
Sancte Simon, Ora pro nobis. Saint Bartholomew. Pray for us.
Sancte Thaddaee, Ora pro nobis. Saint Matthew, Pray for us.
Sancte Mathia, Ora pro nobis. Saint Simon, Pray for us.
Sancte Barnaba, Ora pro nobis. Saint Thaddeus, Pray for us.
Sancte Luca, Ora pro nobis. Saint Matthias, Pray for us.
Sancte Marce, Ora pro nobis. Saint Barnabas, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Apostoli, et Saint Luke, Pray for us.
Evangelistae, Orate pro nobis. Saint Mark, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Discipuli All ye holy apostles and
Domini, Orate pro nobis. evangelists, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Innocentes, Orate pro All ye holy disciples of our
nobis. Lord. Pray for us.
Sancte Stephane, Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Laurenti, Ora pro nobis. All ye holy Innocents, Pray for us.
Sancte Vincenti, Ora pro nobis. Saint Stephen, Pray for us.
Sancti Fabiane et Sebastiane, Orate Saint Lawrence, Pray for us.
pro nobis. Saint Vincent, Pray for us.
Sancti Ioannes et Paule, Orate pro Saints Fabian and Sebastian, Pray
nobis. for us.
Sancti Cosma et Damiane, Orate pro Saints John and Paul, Pray for us.
nobis. Saints Cosmas and Damian, Pray
Sancti Gervasi et Protasi, Orate pro for us.
nobis. Saints Gervase and Protase, Pray
Omnes sancti Martyres, Orate pro for us.
nobis. All ye holy martyrs, Pray for us.
Sancte Silvester, Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Gregori, Ora pro nobis. Saint Sylvester, Pray for us.
Sancte Ambrosi, Ora pro nobis. Saint Gregory, Pray for us.
Sancte Augustine, Ora pro nobis. Saint Ambrose, Pray for us.
Sancte Hieronyme, Ora pro nobis.

Sancte Martine, Ora pro nobis. Saint Augustine. Pray for us.
Sancte Nicolae, Ora pro nobis. Saint Jerome, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Pontifices et Saint Martin, Pray for us.
Confessores, Orate pro nobis. Saint Nicolas, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Doctores, Orate pro All ye holy bishops and
nobis. confessors, Pray for us.
Sancte Antoni, Ora pro nobis. All ye holy doctors, Pray for us.
Sancte Benedicte, Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Bernarde, Ora pro nobis. Saint Anthony, Pray for us.
Sancte Dominice, Ora pro nobis. Saint Benedict, Pray for us.
Sancte Francisce, Ora pro nobis. Saint Bernard, Pray for us.Saint
Omnes sancti Sacerdotes et Dominic, Pray for us.
Levitae, Orate pro nobis. Saint Francis, Pray for us.
Omnes sancti Monachi, et All ye holy priests and levites, Pray
Eremitae, Orate pro nobis. for us.
All ye holy monks and
Sancta Maria Magdalena, Ora pro hermits. Pray for us.
Sancta Agatha, Ora pro nobis. Saint Mary Magdalen, Pray for us.
Sancta Lucia, Ora pro nobis.Sancta Saint Agatha, Pray for us.
Agnes, Ora pro nobis. Saint Lucy, Pray for us.
Sancta Caecilia, Ora pro nobis. Saint Agnes, Pray for us.
Sancta Catharina, Ora pro nobis. Saint Cecily, Pray for us.
Sancta Anastasia, Ora pro nobis. Saint Catherine, Pray for us.
Saint Anastasia, Pray for us.
Omnes sanctae Virgines et All ye holy virgins and
Viduae, Orate pro nobis. widows, Pray for us.All ye holy
Omnes Sancti et Sanctae men and women, Saints of
Dei, Intercedite pro nobis. God, Make intercession for us.

Propitius esto, Parce nobis, Domine. Be merciful, Spare us, O Lord.

Propitius esto, Exaudi nos, Domine. Be merciful, Graciously hear us, O
Ab omni malo, Libera nos, Domine.
Ab omni peccato, Libera nos, From all evil, O Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From all sin, O Lord, deliver us.
Ab ira tua, Libera nos, Domine. From Thy wrath, O Lord, deliver
A subitanea et improvisa us.
morte, Libera nos, Domine. From a sudden and unprovided
Ab insidiis diaboli, Libera nos, death, O Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From the snares of the devil, O
Ab ira, et odio, et omni mala Lord, deliver us.
voluntate, Libera nos, Domine. From anger, and hatred, and all ill
A spiritu fornicationis, Libera nos, will, O Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From the spirit of fornication, O
A fulgure et tempestate, Libera nos, Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From lightning and tempest, O
A flagello terraemotus, Libera nos, Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From the scourge of earthquake. O
A peste, fame, et bello, Libera nos, Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From pestilence, famine and war, O
A morte perpetua, Libera nos, Lord, deliver us.
Domine. From everlasting death, O Lord,
deliver us.
Per mysterium sanctae incarnationis Through the mystery of Thy holy
tuae, Libera nos, Domine. Incarnation, O Lord, deliver us.
Per adventum tuum, Libera nos, Through Thy coming, O Lord,
Domine. deliver us.
Per nativitatem tuam, Libera nos, Through Thy nativity, O Lord,
Domine. deliver us.
Per baptismum et sanctum ieiunium Through Thy baptism and holy
tuum, Libera nos, Domine. fasting, O Lord, deliver us.
Per crucem et passionem Through Thy Cross and Passion, O
tuam, Libera nos, Domine. Lord, deliver us.
Per mortem et sepulturam Through Thy death and burial, O
tuam, Libera nos, Domine. Lord, deliver us.
Per sanctam resurrectionem Through Thy holy Resurrection, O
tuam, Libera nos, Domine. Lord, deliver us.
Per admirabilem ascensionem Through Thine admirable
tuam, Libera nos, Domine. Ascension, O Lord, deliver us.
Per adventum Spiritus sancti Through the coming of the Holy
Paracliti, Libera nos, Domine. Spirit the Paraclete, O Lord, deliver
In die iudicii, Libera nos, Domine. us.
In the day of judgment, O Lord,
Peccatores, Te rogamus, audi nos. deliver us.
Ut nobis parcas, Te rogamus, audi
nos. We sinners, We beseech Thee, hear
Ut nobis indulgeas, Te rogamus, us,
audi nos. That Thou wouldst spare us, We
Ut ad veram poenitentiam nos beseech Thee, hear us.
perducere digneris, Te rogamus, That Thou wouldst pardon us, We
audi nos. beseech Thee, hear us.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam sanctam regere, That Thou wouldst bring us to true
et conservare digneris, Te rogamus, penance, We beseech Thee, hear us.
audi nos.

Ut Domnum apostolicum, et omnes That Thou wouldst govern and
ecclesiasticos ordines in sancta preserve Thy holy Church We
religione conservare digneris, Te beseech Thee, hear us.
rogamus, audi nos. That Thou wouldst preserve our
Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae Apostolic Prelate, and all
humiliare digneris, Te rogamus, audi ecclesiastical orders in holy
nos. religion, We beseech Thee, hear us,
Ut Regibus et Principibus christianis That Thou wouldst humble the
pacem et veram concordiam donare enemies of Thy holy Church, We
digneris, Te rogamus, audi nos. beseech Thee, hear us.
Ut cuncto populo christiano pacem That Thou wouldst give peace and
et unitatem largiri digneris, Te true concord to Christian kings and
rogamus, audi nos. princes, We beseech Thee, hear
Ut nosmetipsos in tuo sancto servitio us.That Thou wouldst grant peace
confortare, et conservare and unity to all Christian
digneris, Te rogamus, audi nos. people, We beseech Thee, hear us.
Ut mentes nostras ad coelestia That Thou wouldst bring back to
desideria erigas, Te rogamus, audi the unity of the Church all those
nos. who have strayed away, and lead to
Ut omnibus benefactoribus nostris the light of the Gospel all
sempiterna bona retribuas, Te unbelievers, We beseech Thee, hear
rogamus, audi nos. us.
Ut animas nostras, fratrum, That Thou wouldst confirm and
propinquorum, et benefactorum preserve us in Thy holy service, We
nostrorum ab aeterna damnatione beseech Thee, hear us.
eripias, Te rogamus, audi nos. That Thou wouldst lift up our
Ut fructus terrae dare et conservare minds to heavenly desires, We
digneris, Te rogamus, audi nos. beseech Thee, hear us.
Ut omnibus fidelibus defunctis That Thou wouldst render eternal
requiem aeternam donare blessings to all our benefactors, We
digneris, Te rogamus, audi nos. beseech Thee, hear us.
Ut nos exaudire digneris, Te That Thou wouldst deliver our
rogamus, audi nos. souls, and the souls of our brethren,
Fili Dei, Te rogamus, audi nos. relations and benefactors, from
eternal damnation, We beseech
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Thee, hear us.
mundi, Parce nobis, Domine. That Thou wouldst give and
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata preserve the fruit of the earth, We
mundi, Exaudi nos, Domine. beseech Thee, hear us.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata That Thou wouldst give eternal rest
mundi, Miserere nobis. to all the faithful departed, We
beseech Thee, hear us.
That Thou wouldst graciously hear

Christe, audi nos. Christe, exaudi us We beseech Thee, hear us.
nos. Son of God, We beseech Thee, hear
Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. us.
Christe, eleison.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the
Pater noster… (silently to…) Et ne sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
nos inducas in tentationem, Sed Lamb of God, Who takest away the
libera nos a malo. sins of the world, Graciously hear
us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶 𝗮𝗱 𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗺 𝗗𝗲𝘂𝗺 sins of the world, have mercy on us.
(ante Confesionem)
Christ hear us. Christ, graciously
CONVERSI ad Dominum Deum hear us.
Patrem omnipotentem, puro corde Lord, have mercy on us. Christ,
ei, quantum potest parvitas nostra, have mercy on us.
maximas atque veras gratias Lord, have mercy on us.
agamus: precantes toto animo
singularem mansuetudinem eius, ut Our Father.. (silently to…) And
preces nostras in beneplacito suo lead us not into temptation, But
exaudire dignetur; inimicum quoque deliver us from evil. Amen
a nostris actibus et cogitationibus
sua virtute expellat, nobis Let us Turn Towards the Lord God
multiplicet fidem, mentem gubernet, (before entering confessionem
spirituales cogitationes concedat, et booth)
ad beatitudinem suam perducat per
Iesum Christum Filium eius. Amen. LET us turn towards the Lord God
and Father Almighty, and with a
pure heart let us give Him sincere
Oratio Post Confessionem thanks as well as our littleness will
allow: Let us with our whole hearts
SIT tibi, Domine, obsecro, meritis beseech His extraordinary clemency,
beatae semper Virginis Genetricis that He may vouchsafe to hear our
tuae Mariae et omnium Sanctorum, prayers according to His good
grata et accepta ista confessio mea, pleasure. May He by His power
et quidquid mihi defuit nunc, et de drive our enemies far from us, lest
sufficientia contritionis, de puritate we fall under the sway of the evil
et integritate confessionis, suppleat one in act or thought. May He
pietas et misericordia tua et increase our faith, rule our mind,
secundum illam digneris me habere give us spiritual thoughts, and at last
plenius et perfectius absolutum in lead us to His blessedness, through
caelo. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Jesus Christ His Son. Amen.
Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti,

Deus, per omnia saecula Prayer After Confession
saeculorum. Amen.
I BESEECH Thee, O Lord, that my
ADORO te devote confession may be made acceptable
and pleasing to Thee by the merits
ADORO te devote, latens Deitas, of Thy blessed and ever Virgin
quae sub his figuris vere latitas: tibi Mother and all the Saints. May Thy
se cor meum totum subiicit, quia te compassion and mercy fulfill
contemplans totum deficit. whatever may be lacking in me in
Visus, tactus, gustus in te fallitur, contrition, purity, or completeness of
sed auditu solo tuto creditur; credo confession. Mercifully pardon all
quidquid dixit Dei Filius: nil hoc my deficiencies that according to
verbo Veritatis verius. this greatness of mercy, I may be
In cruce latebat sola Deitas, at hic fully and perfectly absolved in
latet simul et humanitas; ambo heaven. Thou who livest and
tamen credens atque confitens, peto reignest with God the Father in the
quod petivit latro paenitens. . unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
Plagas, sicut Thomas, non intueor; forever and ever. Amen.
Deum tamen meum te confiteor; fac
me tibi semper magis credere, in te Hidden God
spem habere, te diligere.
HIDDEN God, devoutly I adore
O memoriale mortis Domini! panis Thee, truly present underneath these
vivus, vitam praestans homini! veils: all my heart subdues itself
praesta meae menti de te vivere et te before Thee, since it all before Thee
illi semper dulce sapere. faints and fails.
Pie pellicane, Iesu Domine, me
immundum munda tuo sanguine; Not to sight, or taste, or touch be
cuius una stilla salvum facere totum credit hearing only do we trust
mundum quit ab omni scelere. secure; I believe, for God the Son
Iesu, quem velatum nunc aspicio, has said it- Word of truth that ever
oro fiat illud quod tam sitio; ut te shall endure.
revelata cernens facie, visu sim
beatus tuae gloriae. Amen. On the cross was veiled Thy
Godhead's splendor, here Thy
manhood lies hidden too; unto both
alike my faith I render, and, as sued
the contrite thief, I sue.

Though I look not on Thy wounds

with Thomas, Thee, my Lord, and
Thee, my God, I call: make me more

Oratio ad ieiunium incipiendum and more believe Thy promise, hope
in Thee, and love Thee over all.
Pater Deus, tibi gratias ago pro
omnibus copiosis vitae O memorial of my Savior dying,
benedictionibus quas nobis tribuisti. Living Bread, that gives life to man;
Permite mihi hodie iēiūnāre et me make my soul, its life from Thee
mortificare, siti et fame tolerandis. supplying, taste Thy sweetness, as
Benedic intentionem meam, quam on earth it can.
Christi in cruce passione et sacrificio
unio. Hunc ieiunium dedico ut sit Deign, O Jesus, Pelican of heaven,
expiatio pro peccatis, quae scienter me, a sinner, in Thy Blood to lave,
vel ignoranter commisi. Fiat quod to a single drop of which is given all
incepturus sum ut me propius ad Te the world from all its sin to save.
adducat et ut me ad intelligenda
incommoda proximorum juvet. Fiat Contemplating, Lord, Thy hidden
hoc ieiunium et mortificatio salus presence, grant me what I thirst for
nobis atque proximis nostris, et and implore, in the revelation of Thy
nomen tuum glorificetur. essence to behold Thy glory
In nomine Domini Iesu Christi, evermore. Amen.
Salvatoris et Redemptoris nostri.
Amen Prayer to start fasting

Oh God Father, I am grateful to You

Oratio ad ieiunium rupendum for all the abundant blessings of life
that You have bestowed upon us.
O Deus, Pater misericors, gratias tibi Allow me to fast and mortify myself
ago pro hodierna die, quia perfeci today, enduring thirst and hunger.
opus meum et intentionem ieiunandi Bless this intention of mine, which I
ac mortificandi meipsum. Suscipe, unite with the sufferings and
Domine, oblationem meam parvam sacrifice of Christ on the cross. I
et imperfectam, ut expiatio pro dedicate this fast as an atonement for
peccatis meis, et indulge cunctis the sins I have committed knowingly
defectibus in ieiunio et or unknowingly.
mortificatione mea. Fac, ut unum May what I am about to undertake
fiat oblatio mea exigua cum bring me closer to You and help me
sacrificio Christi, qui volens pro understand the sufferings of my
nostra salvatione passus et mortuus fellow beings.
est. Purga animam et corpus meum May this fasting and mortification
sanguine Domini Iesu Christi, effuso bring salvation to us, our fellow
pro nostra salvatione. Purifica beings, and glorify Your name.
animam et corpus meum per In the name of Lord Jesus Christ ,
sacrificium Christi, ut dignus sim our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.

resurrectionis ad vitam aeternam et Prayer to end fasting
consortium gloriae Christi. Nunc,
concede nobis ut participemus Oh God, merciful Father, I thank
pabulo quam nobis praebuisti. Ut, You for today, as I have completed
per benedictiones Tuae, cibus my task and intention to fast and
potusque quos sumimus ac mortify myself.
comedimus, animam corpusque Accept my small and imperfect
nostrum roborent, ut officia et offering as an atonement for my
munera nostra in hoc mundo sins, and forgive all the
perseveremus. In Nomine Domini shortcomings in my fasting and
Iesu Christi, Salvatoris et mortification.
Redemptoris nostri. Amen Unite my insignificant offering with
the sacrifice of Christ, who willingly
suffered and died for our salvation.
Cleanse my soul and body with the
blood of Lord Jesus Christ, shed for
our salvation.
Purify my soul and body through
the sacrifice of Christ, so that I may
𝗢𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼 𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗺 be worthy of resurrection to eternal
life and share in Christ's glory.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ecce Now, allow us to partake in the
accedo ad Sacramentum unigeniti sustenance You have provided for
Filii tui Domini nostri Iesu Christi; us.
accedo tamquam infirmus ad May, through Your blessings, the
medicum vitae, immundus ad food and drink we consume
fontem misericordiae, caecus ad strengthen our soul and body to
lumen claritatis aeternae, pauper et continue our duties and obligations
egenus ad Dominum caeli et terrae. in this world.
Rogo ergo immensae largitatis tuae In the name of Lord Jesus Christ,
abundantiam, quatenus meam curare our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.
digneris infirmitatem, lavare
foeditatem, illuminare caecitatem, Prayer before Communion
ditare paupertatem, vestire
nuditatem; ut panem Angelorum, Almighty and eternal God, behold, I
Regem regum et Dominum approach the Sacrament of your only
dominantium tanta suscipiam begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ;
reverentia et humilitate, tanta I come as a weak person to the
contritione et devotione, tanta physician of life, as a sinner to the
puritate et fide, tali proposito et fountain of mercy, as a blind person
intentione, sicut expedit saluti ani- to the light of eternal glory, as a
mae meae. Da mihi, quaeso, poor and needy person to the Lord
Dominici Corporis et Sanguinis non of heaven and earth. I beseech,

solum suscipere Sacramentum, sed therefore, the abundance of your
etiam rem et virtutem Sacramenti. immense generosity, that you may
O mitissime Deus, da mihi Corpus deign to heal my weakness, cleanse
unigeniti Filii tui Domini nostri Iesu my filthiness, enlighten my
Christi, quod traxit de Virgine blindness, enrich my poverty, and
Maria, sic suscipere, ut corpori suo clothe my nakedness; so that I may
mystico merear incorporari, et inter receive the bread of Angels, the
eius membra connumerari. O King of kings and Lord of lords,
amantissime Pater, concede mihi with such reverence and humility,
dilectum Filium tuum, quem nunc such contrition and devotion, such
velatum in via suscipere propono, purity and faith, such intention and
revelata tandem facie perpetuo purpose, as is expedient for the
contemplari. Amen salvation of my soul. Grant me, I
beseech you, O Lord, not only to
receive the Sacrament of the Lord's
Body and Blood, but also the reality
and power of the Sacrament. O most
merciful God, grant me to receive
the Body of your only begotten Son,
Oratio post communionem our Lord Jesus Christ, which He
took from the Virgin Mary, in such a
Gratias tibi ago, Domine sancte, manner that I may be worthy to be
Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus, qui incorporated into His mystical Body
me peccatorem indignum famulum and counted among His members. O
tuum, nullis meis meritis, sed sola most loving Father, grant me to
dignatione misericordiae tuae satiare finally contemplate your beloved
dignatus es pretioso Corpore et Son, whom I now propose to receive
Sanguine Filii tui Domini nostri Iesu veiled on my earthly journey, with
Christi. Et precor, ut haec sancta His face revealed forever. Amen
communio non sit mihi reatus ad
poenam, sed intercessio salutaris ad Post-Communion Prayer
veniam. Sit mihi armatura fidei et
scutum bonae voluntatis. Sit I give thanks to You, Holy Lord,
vitiorum meorum evacuatio, Almighty Father, Eternal God, who,
concupiscentiae et libidinis despite my unworthiness and
exterminatio, caritatis et patientiae, without any merit of mine, have
humilitatis et obedientiae, deigned to satisfy me, Your
omniumque virtutum augmentatio; unworthy servant, with the precious
contra insidias inimicorum omnium Body and Blood of Your Son, our
tam visibilium quam invisibilium Lord Jesus Christ, solely out of the
firma defensio; motuum meorum abundance of Your mercy. And I
tam carnalium quam spiritualium pray that this holy communion may
perfecta quietatio, in te uno ac vero not bring me guilt for punishment,

Deo firma adhaesio, atque finis mei but may be a saving intercession for
felix consummatio. Et precor te, ut forgiveness. May it be for me the
ad illud ineffabile convivium me armor of faith and the shield of good
peccatorem perducere digneris, ubi will. May it cleanse me from my
Tu cum Filio tuo et Spiritu Sancto vices, eradicate my concupiscence
Sanctis tuis es lux vera, satietas and lust, increase my charity and
plena, gaudium sem- piternum, patience, humility and obedience,
iucunditas consummata et felicitas and all virtues; may it provide a firm
perfecta. Amen (S. Thomas Aquin.). defense against the snares of all
visible and invisible enemies; may it
bring perfect tranquility to both my
carnal and spiritual impulses, a
steadfast adherence to You, the one
true God, and a blessed completion
of my life. And I beseech You, that
You may deign to lead me, a sinner,
to that ineffable banquet, where
You, together with Your Son and the
Holy Spirit, are the true light, full
satisfaction, eternal joy,
consummate delight, and perfect
happiness. Amen. (S. Thomas


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