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World Class Laundry Machines.

Made In India. Since 1975.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Made in India, for the World. Introduction
Stefab is India’s Largest Producer of Industrial Laundry, Dry-Cleaning, Apparel Processing
& Finishing Machines with 12,000 Installations comprising of over 70,000 Machines. Its
manufacturing facilities are spread over 18,000 m². In the last four decades, we have consistently
innovated to meet the evolving needs of the industry. It is our sincere passion towards ‘Make in
India’ which makes us the No. 1 choice in the country. Our extensive range of products includes
washer extractors, dryers, flat-work ironers, dry-cleaning & steam finishing machines along with
auxiliary equipment & accessories.

Objective Customers
Deliver laundry solutions for all. Confidence to a life-long relationship.
To create the most advanced laundry Our top priority has always been on
environment with efficient & durable customer satisfaction. We build trust with
machines covering all segments. Bring our customers to give industrial laundry
automation in laundry & contribute to our a new face with our diverse & qualified
industry with our indigenous technology. resources.

Services Dealers
Stefab is proud of the services it offers. Worldwide dealer network.
Project designs, utility economics, feasibility Our machines are available through a wide
charts are an integral part of our project network of associates. They work closely
consultancy. We provide supervision of with us to satisfy the specific demands
installation, comprehensive training for of our customers from choosing the right
operation as well as maintenance contracts. products to hands on training for operations.

Products Made in India

Widest range. Affordable prices. Quality at par with the world standards.
Our extensive range of products with For Stefab, it all began in the year 1975. A
different capacities and configurations desire to simply do what no other Indian
can fulfil the needs of many industries. Our company had done before, make user-
range includes washer extractors, drying friendly, advanced, durable and cost-
tumblers, flat-work ironers, dry-cleaning effective laundry machines. At par with
& steam finishing machines along with world standards.
auxiliary equipment.
“ Quality is as much in the actual product, as in the mind.”
Indeed, in this interface of vision & reality, an idea is born.
For Stefab, it all began in the year 1975. A desire to simply do what no other Indian company
had done before: “Make user-friendly, cost-effective, Industrial Laundry, Dry-cleaning, Apparel
Processing & Steam Finishing machines. At par with world standards, right here in India.”
Where did this take us?
Today, 18,000 square Meters of ‘state of the art’ manufacturing facilities, computer aided
designs with over 350 qualified & experienced workforce attribute to the high standards of
Stefab machines used worldwide. With over 12,000 major installations, Stefab quality & expertise
continue to remain unmatched. Facts, that have translated into Stefab becoming the largest &
most preferred manufacturer from India.

Deepak Arora
Managing Director
& History
For over last five decades, we have consistently had the vision & confidence to build a product
strived to make the world of laundry technology which was at par with the world standards. His
better in India with each passing year. It was the knack for engineering precision & ability to think
awareness on textile care & linen management, ahead, gave birth to Stefab in the year 1975. The
which always motivated us to present advance first manufacturing plant was established in
laundry solutions for the Indian community. Delhi with humble beginnings. The company
then expanded to bigger premises & today the
Mr. Deepak Arora, founder & managing director facilities are spread over 18,000 sq. mtrs.
of Stefab had a vision towards ‘Make in India’
in the year 1975. The objective was simple yet From introducing the first front loading
fulfilling enough contributing a major share of indigenous washing machine to fully automatic
value to the world of laundry in India. infection barrier washer extractors, bedsheet
feeders, folders & stackers, it has been an
In the 70s, commercial laundry machines were overwhelming journey. Today, Stefab is known
only imported from the western world as no to be the mother of all laundry equipment
company could produce these machines in companies in India.
India. Mr. Deepak Arora, an engineering scholar
Key Achievements

Introduced a dry-cleaning
Stefab manufactured machine, model DMX for
the first chest heated the Indian market. An
ironer. Only a handful alternative to the glorious
50 Kg High Spin top
manufacturers at Italian machines.
suspended washer
that time from the A machine which could
We in our first extractors were
western world had use MTO solvent & also
year of inception Going big size. produced with a G
the technology to have an ergonomically
gave India the first Produced a 100 Kg Force of 300 & were
produce chest heated designed filtration system
ever front-loading Front loading washer supplied to Nuclear
ironers. with two storage tanks
washing machine & dryer. Power Corporation The first ever Infection
& dryer replacing of India at their Barrier washer was
the conventional Kakrapara station. produced. Indian healthcare
1978 1999 institutions had an
horizontal belly
washers. opportunity to have an
1990 Indian product in the
segment thus allowing
them to have an economical
1975 1980 access to build an advanced
infection free laundry setup.


2003 2015 2023

Stefab became the first Electric 830 MM Chest.

1988 company in India to One of a kind patented
1998 produce a fully automatic, design developed by Stefab
PLC driven, 120 Kg with Tilt Stefab produced an making it the only player
The first ever range washer extractor with automatic bedsheet
of medium spin hard in the industry to offer
340 G. The same machine folder, feeder & stacker. this technology. Electric
mount machines were was supplied to Christian The advanced system
designed. Attaining consumption of only 60
1979 medical college in Vellore, helped the company to KW with an output of
a G-force of 200 with 500 Kg! Yes you further expand its range of
Tamil Nadu & is running 300 single bedsheets per
rigid mounted baskets read it right! Stefab finishing equipment.
Always ahead of the smoothly till date. hour makes it the number
was a concept for the produced 500 Kg The technology built can
time. Launched the apparel processing one choice in flat-work
future - all indigenously achieve speeds upto
first ever direct drive machines with tilt processing worldwide.
executed. 100 meters/ minute with
Hydro Extractor. The & 200 Kg dryers &
three-legged hydro options of five folds in two
supplied to a very lanes simultaneously.
extractors dominated renowned garment
the industry & the manufacturer in
direct drive, self- Bangladesh.
balancing machine
was a breakthrough.
Widest Range, Affordable Prices & Truly World Class.
Why Choose Stefab?
The three most important parameters which makes us the most preferred brand for Industrial laundry equipment are Advance, Efficient & Durable.

The first product in a laundry system is a washer extractor. Stefab produces a wide range of these machines ranging from 15 to 200 Kg. In our washers,
the heart of it is the bearing housing which has evolved over the last three decades. From choosing the right materials in casting to the placement and
precision of the spherical roller bearings in conjunction with the robotically machined shaft with almost zero tolerance of error allows us to achieve Stefab
maximum G-force with almost no vibration & long life. Similarly, all our products have a unique innovated technology which makes us a step ahead
than our competitors.
European /
Stefab machines are extremely efficient and have a proven track record of delivering an average life of 50,000 hours thus making the cost per cycle the American
lowest as per industry norms. Choosing us as your laundry equipment partner will help you achieve best standards of quality and energy parameters. Manufacturers
Stefab has a large portfolio of products to plan a versatile system catering all segments. Today, electric systems are dominating the world and rightly
so; have impacted the laundry industry too. Stefab has proactively taken that as an opportunity & presented the industry with all electric solutions.
We are the first company in the world to have produced an electric 830 MM Dia chest heated flat-work ironer consuming only 55 KWs per hour.
Such advancements have allowed us to plan an all-electric laundry setup up-to three tonnes per shift without the need of gas or steam lines while
maintaining the same quality and energy cost structures.
The static and dynamic weight independently makes a substantial difference in performance of the machine in long run. Machines with higher Efficiency
dynamic load have a direct impact on the core structure of the product. The world has witnessed a change in manufacturing techniques and choice
of material in order to produce in larger quantities. Along with reducing the cost of manufacturing by using light weight materials, Stefab on the other
hand has particularly maintained the accustomed & proven technology and curated a balance from best of both scenarios. This is why our machines
have a stronger and a wider acceptance worldwide.

We at Stefab, strive for every moment to keep up with the highest level of pre & post sales services. Our experienced resources study clients’
requirements, offer suitable equipment & also assist them with project reports including ROI charts, layouts etc. During post sales, we provide Stefab
supervision of installation & comprehensive training for operation. Stefab economical spare parts are available ‘online’ & ‘off-the-shelf’. We build trust
with our customers to give industrial laundry a new face with our diverse & qualified resources.


Made in India, for the World.

European Manufacturers

Stefab Local Manufacturers

Chinese Equipment

Our Partners
Segments We Cater

Hospitality Healthcare Commercial Laundry Government Institutions Apparel Manufactureres Other Industries

For over 48 years, Stefab has been focused

on providing for the specific needs of the
commercial laundry industry. We engage
with our customers to identify the issues they Stefab provides turnkey laundry systems
face everyday, all while offering the lowest to all major government sectors. These
cost of Solution in the industry. include layouts with space, machinery,
utility requirements along with all additional
In an industry where durable equipment is support as & how required.
an essential requirement, you can rely on our
unmatched build quality, which is backed by Ships/ Navy
comprehensive warranty standards and the Stefab has a special range of products for
largest and most penetrated service network. the ships taking into consideration of many Garment Manufacturers are major
dynamic forces consumers of textile processing
Healthcare Industry is one of the biggest In this day & age, controlling energy and machines for many decades now.
buyers of laundry machines. Hospitals need water consumption is more important than Railways is a major sector which uses Stefab Stefab is a leading enzyme washer & dryer
to give extreme importance to the laundry ever. That’s why for over five decades, we’ve machines for complete laundry solutions equipment provider in apparel & garment
services and the quality of linen they provide. designed our machines to reduce energy from washing, drying, ironing to folding/ manufacturing companies. Stefab produced
Hospitality Industry all over the world is one usage and help lower the utility costs. stacking of bedsheets, blankets, towels etc. 500 Kg apparel processing machines with tilt Our portfolio is extensive with more than 140
of the biggest buyers of laundry machines. In As Laundry is an essential function for all & 200 Kg dryers & supplied to a very renowned models, we have the capacity and bandwidth
this day & age of extreme competition, the housekeeping departments, but in healthare Significantly increase efficiency with our Below are few other government sectors that garment manufacturer in Bangladesh. to service other important industries such as
industry has understood the importance of facilities, laundry plays an even more important industry-leading quick wash & dry cycle use Stefab machines to process their entire Pharma, Work Wears, Institutes, Hostels,
having an on-premise laundry. The quality role–not only contributing to comfort and times. Handle the toughest soiled linen with laundry loads. Leather Processing Ashrams, Apartments, Project Sites etc.
and life of linen is one of the most important aesthetics, but also assisting with infection our customizable wash-programs with our Defense Bases, Stefab also provides extractor & drying We have in depth knowledge to design the
factors and this can be achieved by having an control. Stefab is one of the few producers of smart computer (ST9) that allow soaking & Educational Institutes, machines to the leather industries as per their most effective & advance laundry systems for
in-house laundry setup. Infection Barrier Washer Extractors. delayed start times for heavy-duty washes. Prisons etc. specifications & requirements. types of customers.
Complete Range of Products

Washing & Drying Technology Flat-Work Technology Dry-Cleaning Machines Finishing & Auxiliary Machines

Front Loading Washer Extractors Chest Heated Ironers (1, 2 or 3 Rolls) Hard Mount - Perc. & Multi-Solvent Automatic Shirt Pressing Unit
15-120 Kg Capacity 250 MM to 830 MM Dia | 1.5 Mtr to 3.3 Mtr 10 - 25 Kg Cap. - Upto 99.9% Recovery Flat Bed Drying Press
General Utility Presses
Barrier Washer Extractors Roller Heated Ironers (1, 2 or 3 Rolls) Soft Mount - Perc. & Multi-Solvent
30-120 Kg Capacity 800 MM Dia | 3.0 Mtr & 3.3 Mtr 18 - 40 Kg Cap. - Upto 99.9% Recovery Cuff & Collar Press
Universal Form Finisher
Medium Spin Washer Extractors Automatic Bed-Sheet Folder Tandem Systems Trouser Topper
15, 23 & 30 Kg Capacity Two Lane, 2 Length + 3 Cross Folds Upto 80 Kg Capacity
Vacuum Finishing Tables
Low Spin Washing Machines Automatic Bedsheet Feeder & Stacker MTO / ISOPAR Solvents Stain Removing Machine
30-120 Kg Capacity 15 Kg Cap. Upto 80% Recovery. Steam Generators
Trolleys, Tables & Scrub Station etc..
Tumble Dryers
15 -200 Kg Capacity
Complete Range of Products
Washer Extractors. AXS 30 AXS 60 Washer Extractors.
High Spin. Soft Mount. AXS 120 AXS 120 T Medium Spin. Hard Mount. NXS 15 NXS 23 NXS 30
Model No. AXE 30 AXE 60 Model No.
AXT 120 AXT 120 T NXE 15 NXE 23 NXE 30
AXT 30 AXT 60
Stainless Steel Cabinet. Stainless Steel Cabinet.
Computer Controlled. 30 kg 60 kg 120 kg 120 kg Computer Controlled. 15 kg 23 kg 30 kg
Top Suspension. Capacity/ 1:9 = 35 Kg 1:9 = 68 Kg 1:9 = 135 Kg Capacity/ 1:9 = 35 Kg
1:9 = 135 Kg 1:9 = 17 Kg 1:9 = 25 Kg
Filling Factor 1:10 = 30 Kg 1:10 = 60 Kg 1:10 = 120 Kg Filling Factor 1:10 = 30 Kg
1:10 = 120 Kg ‘NX’ Range 1:10 = 15 Kg 1:10 = 23 Kg
‘AX’ Range
With Micro Computer
(uploads upto 99
programs), Efficient With Micro Computer
I-Drive (uploads upto 99
inverter drive,
Wet-cleaning Five compartment programs), Efficient
dispenser & inverter drive,
Smart Soap self-unloading option I-Drive 5 compartment
in 120 kg capacity. dispenser & motorized
Advanced PLC Advanced PLC drain valve.
Heating mode can be
Big Beat Steam, electric or Big Beat Heating mode can be
Thermic fluid. Steam or electric.

Infection Barrier Stack Washer-Dryer.

Washer Extractors. BXS 30 BXS 60 BXS 100 BXS 120 High Spin. Soft Mount.
Model No. Model No. STX 10 STX 15
High Spin. Soft Mount. BXE 30 BXE 60 BXE 100
Computer Controlled.
Stainless Steel Cabinet. 30 kg 60 kg 100 kg 120 kg Commercial Duty. 10 kg 15 kg
Capacity/ Capacity/
Computer Controlled. 1:9 = 33 Kg 1:9 = 65 Kg 1:9 = 110 Kg 1:9 = 135 Kg 1:9 = 12 Kg 1:9 = 17 Kg
Filling Factor Filling Factor
Top Suspension. 1:10 = 30 Kg 1:10 = 60 Kg 1:10 = 100 Kg 1:10 = 120 Kg 1:10 = 10 Kg 1:10 = 15 Kg
‘STX’ Range
‘BX’ Range With separate
Computers for
Pass through design, Washer & Dryer,
Efficient inverter drive, Inverter drive,
I-Drive Five compartment Vibration Dampers
dispenser & separate & Die Cast Housing.
Smart Soap
doors for loading & Heating mode
Advanced PLC unloading. I-Drive shall be electric for
Heating mode can be washer & option of
Big Beat Wet-cleaning gas in Dyers .
Steam or electric.

Washer Extractors. Front Loading

High Spin. Soft Mount. FXS 15 FXS 25 FXS 60 Washing Machines. LMS 30 LMS 60
Model No. FXS 100 FXS 110 T Model No. LMS 120
FXE 15 FXE 25 FXE 60 LME 30 LME 60
Stainless Steel Cabinet. Automatic Time,
Computer Controlled. 15 kg 25 kg 60 kg 100 kg 110 kg Temperature & 30 kg 60 kg 120 kg
Capacity/ Capacity/
Bottom Suspension. 1:9 = 17 Kg 1:9 = 28 Kg 1:9 = 65 Kg 1:9 = 110 Kg 1:9 = 122 Kg Level Control. 1:9 = 35 Kg 1:9 = 68 Kg 1:9 = 135 Kg
Filling Factor Filling Factor
1:10 = 15 Kg 1:10 = 25 Kg 1:10 = 60 Kg 1:10 = 100 Kg 1:10 = 110 Kg 1:10 = 30 Kg 1:10 = 60 Kg 1:10 = 120 Kg
‘FX’ Range ‘LM’ Range
Smart Bottom
I-Drive suspension, Efficient
inverter drive, Auto All stainless steel with
Wet-cleaning Soap dispenser & electric control panel
self-unloading & motorized drain
Smart Soap
option in 110 kg valve.
Advanced PLC capacity.
Heating mode can Heating mode can be
Big Beat be Steam or electric. Big Beat Steam or electric.
Hydro Extractors. Drying Tumblers.
Direct Drive. Self-Balancing. DRS 200T
Model No. HX 15 HX 30 HX 60 DRS 15, DRE 15 DRS 30, DRE 30 DRS 60, DRE 60
Stainless Steel Cylinder. DRS 23 DRS 120, DRT 120 DRT 200T
Model No. DRT 15, DRL 15 DRT 30, DRL 30 DRT 60, DRL 60
Stainless Steel Body. Microprocessor Control. DRE 23 DRL 120, DRG 120 DRL 200T
DRD 15, DRG 15 DRD 30, DRG 30 DRD 60, DRG 60
Automatic DC Injection Brake. Reversible. DRG 200T
Capacity 30 kg 60 kg 120 kg

‘HX’ Range Capacity/ 15 kg 23 kg 30 kg 60 kg 120 kg 200 kg

‘DR’ Range
Filling 1:18 = 17 Kg 1:18 = 25 Kg 1:18 = 33 Kg 1:18 = 66 Kg 1:18 = 135 Kg 1:18 = 225 Kg
Factor 1:20 = 15 Kg 1:20 = 23 Kg 1:20 = 30 Kg 1:20 = 60 Kg 1:20 = 120 Kg 1:20 = 200 Kg

Stainless Steel
Cylinder & outer drum.
Automatic DC Injection
Brake. Direct Drive &
Self balancing. With PLC Control
& Self cleaning
Lint screen.
Side Loading Available in
Washing Machine. WMS 30 WMS 60 Steam, electric,
Model No. WMS 120 WMS 240
WME 30 WME 60 Thermic fluid,
Full Stainless Steel body. Diesel & Gas
Automatic time & Dry Sense heating modes.
Temperature Control. Capacity/ 30 kg 60 kg 120 kg 240 kg
Filling Factor 1:10 = 30 Kg 1:10 = 60 Kg 1:10 = 120 Kg 1:10 = 240 Kg
‘WM’ Range Flatwork Drying Ironer. FRS 38-200 FRS 53-300
Chest Heated. Model No. FRE 25-150 FRE 38-200 FRE 53-300
FRT 38-200 FRT 83-300
Front Feed, Front Return.
Roller Size Ø250 – 1500L Ø380 – 2000L Ø530 – 3000L
With all Stainless Steel ‘FR’ Range
Body, electric control
panel & Idler/ Gear
Box positive drive. With variable
Frequency Drive,
Available in Steam & Advanced spring &
electric. I-Drive Polyester padding,
Gear box drive,
conveyor roller & feed
Apparel Processing I-Drive belts.
Machines. PXS 15 &
Model No. PLS 120 PLS 240 PLS 360T Available in Electric,
PXE 15 Chestech
Front Loading, Open Pocket. Steam, Thermic fluid.
For Enzyme/Stone Washing,
Dyeing & Specialty Washes. Capacity/ 120 kg 240 kg 360 kg 15 kg
Filling Factor 1:10 = 120 Kg 1:10 = 240 Kg 1:10 = 360 Kg 1:10 = 15 Kg Flatwork Drying Ironer. FS 53-300 FE 83-300
Chest Heated. FS 83-330 (2 Roll) FS 83-330 (3 Roll)
‘PL’ Range Model No. FE 53-300 FS 83-330
FT 83-330 (2 Roll) FT 83-330 (3 Roll)
FT 53-300 FT 83-330
Front Feed, Rear Return.
Roller Size Ø530 – 3000L Ø830 – 3000 / 3300L Ø830 – 3300L Ø830 – 3300L
‘FS’ Range
With variable
Frequency Drive,
Advanced spring &
With simple, efficient
Polyester padding,
inverter drive. Digital
Gear box drive,
time & temperature
conveyor roller & feed
control. S.S. Water,
I-Drive I-Drive belts.
Steam & Drain valves.
Hydraulic forward tilt Available in Steam,
Big Beat on 360kg machine. Chestech electric or Thermic
fluid heated.
Flatwork Drying Ironer. Firbimatic Perc/ Multi
RLS 80-300 RS 80-300 RS 80-330 (2 & 3 Roll)
Roller Heated. Solvent Dry-cleaning Capacity 10 kg 15 kg 18 kg 25 kg
Model No. RLE 80-300 RE 80-300 RE 80-330 (2 & 3 Roll)
RLG 80-300 RG 80-300 RG 80-330 (2 & 3 Roll)
RL Range.
Front Feed, Front Return. F Series No. of Tanks 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Roller Size Ø800 – 3000L Ø800 – 3000L Ø800 – 3300L
Roller Ø800 – 1 Roll.

With variable Multisolvent machines

RS Range. can process all types of
Front Feed, Rear Return. Frequency Drive,
tensioned belt system, hydrocarbon & green-
Roller Ø800 – 1 & 2 Rolls. earth solvents.
Gear box drive,
conveyor roller & feed
‘RS & RL’ Range belts.
I-Drive Available in Steam,
electric & gas.
Firbimatic Perc/ Multi
Automatic Bed Sheet Solvent Dry-cleaning Capacity 18 kg 20 kg 25 kg 32 kg 40 kg
Feeder. Machines.
Model No. FD 330

High-capacity Vortex / Ecogreen Tanks 3 3 3 3 3

centrifugal fans & a Maximum Bed 3300 Width & Series
special designed duct for Sheet Size 3200 Length
all types of flat linens.
A special designed duct arrangement to create
FD 330 powerful controlled air to hold, smoothly stretch &
feed all types of flat linens to the flat-work ironer.
Adjustable speed for perfect synchronization with
I-Drive all types of ironers. Efficient & uniform suction.

Firbimatic TANDEM
Automatic Bed Perc/ Multi Solvent Capacity 18 kg x 2 20 kg x 2 25 kg x 2 32 kg x 2 40 kg x 2
Sheet Folder. Dry-cleaning
Model No. FL 330
2 Primary Folds + 3 Tanks 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2
Cross Folds. Single or Maximum Bed 3300 Width & Vortex / Ecogreen
Double Lane with smart Sheet Size 3200 Length Tandem Series
touch screen computer.

FL 330 Quick & automatic fold size selection & perfect

speed synchronization. Programmable Computer
can be customized for any folding configuration.
The preset programs can be easily modified or
erased. LCD shows flow of all primary & cross
I-Drive folds. Integrated with Inverter Drives for precise Dry-cleaning Machine. Perc Solvent.
speed synchronization with the Ironer. Easy to Model No. DPRE 8
5 Fold Stainless Steel Solvent Tanks, Inner
understand & operate. Dry to Dry. 3 Tanks. Two Ecological Filters.
Cylinder, Still, Air Circuit & all parts in
Upto 99.8% Solvent Recovery. Electric
Capacity 8 kg contact with solvent.
Large capacity refrigeration system
Automatic Bed Sheet
DPRE Range with auto cool down.
Stacker. Model No. STK 80

Adjustable speed & Work Table Dry-cleaning Machine. MTO Solvent.

stacking for perfect Sheet Size & 800 x 550 & 2500 Model No. DMX 15
synchronization with a Conveyor length High Spin, Soft Mount.
maximum of 20 stacks. 2 Tanks. Twin Cartridge Filters.
Can be attached with any bed-sheet folder. Capacity 15 kg Programmable Computer provides
Upto 80% Solvent Recovery.
STK 80 To automatically stack & move the folded linens options of light/dark shades, gentle
coming out of the flat-work ironer towards the DMX Range wash, strong wash, normal spin, high
I-Drive packing area. spin, short cycle & full cycle.
Flat Bed Press. FPS 150 Automatic Shirt Trouser Form Knitwear Steam
Model No. FPE 150 Pressing Unit. Model No. SPU 800 Finisher. Model No. STF 500 Finishing Press. Model No. KSP 200
Pneumatically FPT 150
Operated. Buck with Itegreted Body. STF 500 KSP 200
Moisture Suction. Inbuilt Touch Screen Dimensions
Head/ Bed Size 1500 x 750 Dimensions 2000 x 1300 & 2000 700 x 1100 x 1950 Head/ Bed Size 2000 X 1000
Auto Timed Release. PLC. (W x D x H)

FP Range SPU 800

Heating mode can be Smooth operation of
Automatic Shirt Operated. Steaming
steam, electric or rocker arms & head.
Pressing Unit with Head & Buck. Large Slanting. Centrifugal suction
thermic fluid. Centrifugal Suction
Integrated Body, Built-in Centrifugal Table Top. blower provides
Blower keeps padding
Sleeve Cuff & Collar Vacuum. Adjustable With mobile waist Quick Steam efficient moisture
dry at all times.
Pressing Machine. Ironing Pressure. band, digital sequen- Distribution. suction, quick drying
Efficient moisture
With inbuilt Touch Foot Switches. tial timers & powerful Powerful Suction. of the table top &
suction. Quick drying
Screen PLC. Sequential Timers. centrifugal blower. Bed Size: 2000 x 1000 padding.

Laundry Utility Press. Laundry Cuff & Collar Universal Form Stain Removing
Model No. LUP 140 Press. Model No. LCF 90 Finisher. Model No. SUF 500 Machine. Model No. SP 120
Operated. Adjustable Pneumatically Operated. SUF 500 SP 120
Ironing Pressure. S.S Polished Head. Maximum Bed Dimensions
Head/ Bed Size 1300 x 460 x 260 950 x 170 500 x 1300 x 1700 Work Station Size 1200 x 340 x 140
S.S Polished Head. Steam Heated Sheet Size (W x D x H)
Auto Timed Release. Padded Buck.
Perfect alignment.
Fine pressing.
LUP 140 Stainless Steel LCF 90 Operator’s safety & Adjustable Timings Stainless steel work
Polished Head convenience. Safe for Steam & Air. S.S Work Station. station with fine
provides perfect drying & fine pressing Heat Resistant Swiveling Sleeve Arm. mesh nose. Narrow,
alignment. of all types of cotton Mannequin Fabric. Accurate positioning S.S Spotting Guns. swiveling type sleeve
Fine pressing. garments. Auto Timed Electrically Operated results fine finishing. Steam Air Gun. arm. Long rust free life.
Operator’s safety & Release. Adjustable Valves. Sequential Efficient steaming & Ecological Suction. Operator’s
convenience. Ironing Pressure. Digital Timers. fine hot air finishing. Lighting Device. Convenience.

Dry-cleaning Laundry Mushroom Vacuum Vacuum Dress

Utility Press & Model No. Head/ Bed Size Topper Press & Model No. Head/ Bed Size Finishing Table & Model No. Table Top Size Finishing Board & Model No. Table Top Size
Dry-cleaning Dry-cleaning Online Vacuum Smart Vacuum Dress
Legger Press Mushroom Topper Finishing Table. Finishing Board.
DUP 120 1080 X 330 X 270 Press. LMP 60 550 X 320 VF 120 1200 x 750 VT 140 1400 x 550 x 200
Pneumatically VF 120 VT 140
Operated. Steaming Pneumatically VFS 100 SVT 140
Head & Buck. operated with Jumbo
DLP 120 1200 X 460 X 270 DMP 60 550 X 320 VFS 100 1000 x 650 SVT 140 1400 x 500 x 250
Built-in Centrifugal push bottons at front.
Vacuum. Adjustable Adjustable Ironing
Ironing Pressure. Pressure.
Rectangular General Utility
Foot Switches. Foot Switches.
Table Top with electric Table Top.
Sequential Timers. Sequential Timers.
steam iron & teflon Extended Exhaust Duct.
shoe. Dual Foot Pedals.
DUP 120 LMP 60
DLP 120 DMP 60
Moist air is exhausted Moist air is exhausted Extended exhaust
upwards with upwards with duct with Dual Foot
With steaming Steaming head Steam heated extended duct. Rectangular Table Top extended duct. Pedals & LED tube
Head & Steaming & buck provides stainless steel Steaming head Garment shelf with with built-in 4 Kg per Garment shelf with light. Can be operated
buck, Digital Time perfect alignment polished head. & buck with concealed fluorescent hour Steam Generator. concealed fluorescent from both sides. With
Release, Rocker & fine finishing. Perfect alignment. centrifugal vacuum. tube light is mounted Steam ironing of all tube light is mounted Built-in Boiler, Suction,
Arms, Air Cylinder, Safe drying & fine Fine pressing. Safe drying & Fine on the duct so that the types of garments on the duct so that the Blowing, Heating,
Springs & pressing of all types Operator’s safety & pressing of all types table top is uniformly & all types of textile table top is uniformly Spotting, Steam Iron &
Centrifugal Blower. of garments. convenience. of garments. illuminated. made up articles. illuminated. Teflon Shoe.
Steam Generators. Electric, Thread Blowing
Portable & Automatic. Model No. SE 4 SE 8 SE 40 Machine.
Stainless Steel Pressure
TBM 500 Model No. TBM 500 Adjustable foot pedal. Powerful
Steam centrifugal suction blower
SE 4, SE 8 & SE 40 4 Kg / Hr 8 Kg / Hr 40 Kg / Hr All Metal Body. Acrylic see-through maintains powerful air to blow away
Capacity Dimensions
Garment Trough. Adjustable Air Flow. 690 x 1400 x 1650 loose threads & dust. Vibration less
(W x D x H)
Built-in Garment Trap. performance.
Audio/Video Signal for Low Water Level.
Steam Solenoid Valve Wide range of steam
with Flow Control Knob. generators from 4kg/ Trolleys, Tables &
Stainless Steel Heating Element hr to 40 kg/hr with Scrub Stations
Float Type Water Level Controller built in water storage
Pressure Control Switch. tank. Washroom Trolleys,
For transportation/ Dry-Linen Trolleys,
Handling of laundry articles Shelf Trolleys,
Steam Generators. Deisel & & linens. Scrubbing of heavily Hanger Trolley,
Gas, Portable & Automatic. soiled articles.All Stainless Mobile Tables,
Model No. SD 60 SG 60
Carbon Pressure Vessel. Steel Bars Formed out of all Laundry Scrub Station,
Stainless Steel Tubes & Bars. & Storage Racks.
SD 60 & SG 60 Steam
60 Kg / Hr 60 Kg / Hr
Fully Automatic.
Audio/Video Signal for Low Water Level. Reciprocating Type.
Diesel/Gas fired Burner Continuous Duty Industrial Variant No. 1 Hp 2 HP 3 HP 5 HP 7.5 HP 10 HP
Motorized Piston Water Feed Pump Float Available in Diesel & Air Compressor.
Type Water Level Controller Pressure Gas with built in water
storage tank Air Compressors
Control Switch. Tank
45 Ltrs 100 Ltrs 160 Ltrs 220 Ltrs 220 Ltrs 220 Ltrs
Garment Packing Garment Conveyor.
Machine. Model No. GP 800 Computerized. Model No. Capacity
GP 800 GC 300
GC 600
Poly Bag Width ≤ 600 MM GC 300 300 Garments Complete with motor, starter, pressure
switch & pressure gauge.
Robust cast iron crankshaft. Pressure relief Available in
Seals the Garment GC 600 600 Garments
valve for extra safety. Efficient Oil Filter. 1 HP, 2 HP, 3 HP, 5 HP, 7.5 HP & 10 HP.
in Polyester bag.
Automatic timer for Garments on hangers are
heat seal. Upper blade placed into slots of the
Conveyor. Computer runs Steam Boilers
for Cross cut & lower
one for Chamfer cut. the conveyor to bring the Model No. RXA-02 RXA-04 RXA-06 RXD-850
Easy to pull down the identified Thermax ‘Revomax’
poly bag. Garment to the required Steam Boilers with Steam
location. Separator. 200 kg/hr 400 kg/hr 600 kg/hr 850 kg/hr
Coil Type. NON-IBR.
Fabric Inspection Machine HSD. 90% Efficiency.
Model No. FNS 180 FNS 180i FNS 330
FNS Range
Three pass, forced circulation design.
Smart Control Panel. Working Width 1800 mm 1800 mm 3300 mm Reverse Flame Technology for ample
Automatic Precision Rollers. residence time. Ensures complete
Extra width for wide combustion. Maintains consistent
fabric rolls. Working width Uniform Light through high thermal efficiency. Unique
1800 to 3300 MM. screen for thorough Membrane Coil Design for uniform
check. VFD enabled to set heat transfer leading to enhanced
Edge control (i) is optional required speed. Available coil life. With Economiser-Optimiser
at an added cost. with specially designed Combination & Cyclonic Steam
smart edge control system. Separator.
Good Design is obvious and Great Design is transparent. - Joe Sparano
Plan the most advanced laundry setup! Hospitals System HS 750
Planning a laundry requires one to have complete in & out knowledge on the Mechanised Laundry Handling 750 kg Hospital Linen in 8 Hours
subject. It is an area which requires immense planning and strategy in place
as the overall investment on the project should have effective returns over
a course of time. The primary machines such as the washer, dryer & ironer
themselves have multiple capacities, variants, heating modes and types. One 750 kg 250 Beds 80% Occupancy 8 Hours BXE30 x 1 AXE60 x 1 DRE30 x 2 FRE38-200 x 1
must take into consideration various factors like project location, segment
one is catering to, economical heating mode availability etc.
It is basis the above that helps to achieve an all round successful system System HS 1500
which delivers utmost quality along with keeping the efficiency standards
Mechanised Laundry Handling 1500 kg Hospital Linen in 8 Hours
high thus keeping the cost per cycle the lowest. Hospitals need to give extreme importance to
the laundry services and the quality of linen they
provide. As Laundry is an essential function for
all housekeeping departments, but in health-
Stefab has carefully designed multiple standard laundry caren facilities, laundry plays an even more 1500 kg 500 Beds 80% Occupancy 8 Hours BXE30 x 2 AXE60 x 2 DRE60 x 2 FRE53-300 x 1
systems as shown below for each segment whether it important role – not only contributing to comfort DRE30 x 1

is hospitality, healthcare, commercial/ retail laundry, and aesthetics, but also assisting with infection
control. Stefab is one of the few producers in the
railways or others. world of Infection Barrier Washer Extractors. System HS 3000
Mechanised Laundry Handling 3000 kg Hospital Linen in 8 Hours
Our systems for a complete on premises
healthcare laundry also range from 125 Kg to
10,000 kg per shift. Stefab can furnish details and
plans on other systems too as per the number of
beds in a hospital. 3000 kg 1000 Beds 80% Occupancy 8 Hours BXS30 x 2 AXS60 x 5 DRS60 x 3 FS53-300 x 2
DRS30 x 1

Hotels System HT 750

Commercial System CLR 500
Mechanised Laundry Handling 750 kg Hotel Linen in 8 Hours.
Mechanised Laundry Handling 500 kg Retail Laundry Linen in 8 Hours.

750 kg 100-120 Rooms 80% Occupancy 8 Hours AXE60 x 1 DRE30 x 2 RLE80-300 x 1

AXE30 x 1 500 kg 8 Hours DMX15 x 1 FXE25 x 2 DRE30 x 1 FRE25-150 x 1
DRE15 x 1

System HT 1500
System CLR 750
Mechanised Laundry Handling 1500 kg Hotel Linen in 8 Hours.
Hospitality Industry is one of the largest Mechanised Laundry Handling 750 kg Retail Laundry Linen in 8 Hours.
consumers of laundry machines globally. In this Similarly, for other industries also - Systems
day and age of extreme competition, the industry have been designed taking multiple factors
has understood the importance of having an on- into consideration. In case of planning a retail
premises laundry. The quality and life of linen 1500 kg 200-225 80% Occupancy 8 Hours AXE60 x 2 DRE60 x 2 FRE53-300 x 1
laundry the capacity of each machine will be
is one of the most important factors and this Rooms AXE30 x 2 less as against institutional laundry. This is 750 kg 8 Hours F10ASLT2 x 1 FXE25 x 2 DRE30 x 2 FRE25-150 x 1

can be achieved by having an in-house laundry because while processing retail loads it is much FXE15 x 2 DRE15 x 1

setup. The hotel laundry systems curated by us unlikely to receive one type of garment in bulk
range from as low as 125 Kg per shift to 10,000 System HT 3000 quantities. Every garment is different in terms
of composition, size, color etc thus they cannot System CLR 1000
kg per shift. Here is a glimpse of three of them to Mechanised Laundry Handling 3000 kg Hotel Linen in 8 Hours.
understand the overview of a setup. be put all together as they demand independent Mechanised Laundry Handling 1000 kg Retail Laundry Linen in 8 Hours.
wash cycles, detergent, water temperature,
Stefab can furnish details and plans on other beating action etc.
systems too as per the number of keys in the
hotel/ resort. 3000 kg 400-450 80% Occupancy 8 Hours AXS60 x 6 DRS60 x 3 FS83-330 (2 Roll) Once the right system is chosen, Stefab experts
Rooms furnish commercial/ technical dynamics, ROI 1000 kg 8 Hours F15ASLT3 x 1 AXE30 x 3 DRE30 x 2 FRE25-150 x 2
FXE15 x 1 DRE15 x 2
charts, 2D & 3D layouts to have a detailed
Choosing the right heating mode!

Lowest cost per cycle

For up-to three tons per shift we suggest an all electric setup. Stefab has a wide range of products with multiple heating modes
As & how the capacity of the laundry setup goes beyond that, which gives the freedom to the user to choose the right heating
the electric load substantially increases. If higher electric load is mode as per the availability. For instance a Stefab 60 Kg washer
available at site at an economical rate per KW, then an all electric extractor drive motor consumes only 4.5 units per hour & its
setup is the most feasible up-to even 4 tons/ shift. electric consumption for heaters is only 18 KW per hour which
shall raise the temperature of water up-to 80 Degrees. This
If the electric load is limited, then the heat production from system is the most efficient as per the ongoing industry norms.
electric heaters is then replaced by the major fuel available.
Electricity in this case then is only used to cater the motor loads Similary the ironers produced by us contribute significantly &
of the machines. help us to choose a system where we put the least ecological
impact on society. We are the first ever company to produce an
Therefore, every setup is different & to conclude the best all electric chest heated ironer dia 830 MM consuming only 55
arrangement of heating modes depends on various parameters. KW per hour, giving an output of 250 single bedsheets per hour
Initial Capex in some cases also play an important role to decide making it by far the most effective solution for flat-work ironing.
if the user wants to invest in steam boilers or not. Boiler is not the
only investment but the chimney, piping, tanks associated with Stefab technical team furnishes a consumption parameters
it, at additional costs which substantially increases the initial chart with real-time economics for the user to understand the
investment towards CAPEX. Stefab has a wide range of products best system as per his needs. Our solution with competitive
with multiple heating modes which gives the freedom to the user CAPEX & OPEX charts lead to the lowest per KG cost per cycle
to choose the right heating mode as per the availability. in any segment.
Technical Competence Genuine Parts
Stefab has developed indegenous technologies over the years for all segments of machines. These advancements has given us a strong Original Quality
competitive edge in the industry making us the most preferred choice when it comes to efficiency and ecological footprint. These particular
independent innovations are precisely developed keeping in mind the increasing costs of manpower, fuel, water etc. Spare parts are available locally as well & may cost less Every component in the machine has the highest level of R&D
initially, but they are not engineered specifically for Stefab & technical expertise behind it. The quality of genuine parts
The systems we deliver as the most effective solution for any customer comprising of washers, dryers, ironers along with auxiliary equipment machines. Often they need to be replaced and can damage cannot be compared to the parts available locally. Stefab has
becomes the most economical package in the long run. It is the cost per cycle which makes the most difference for any industry and that is other parts and affect the performance of our machines. One been producing laundry machines for over 48 years.
what we as a brand, focus on. has to be careful, and it is always best to install authentic

Precision machined, ground smooth & polished chest exerts uniform high pressure
across the entire roll through pneumatic cylinders. Stefab has more than 2000 chest
ironers in operation pan India & abroad.

Fully programable computer captures all the features for any customized process. The
preset programs can be easily modified or erased. Step by step display provides cycle
advance, variable time signal & diagnostic checks. Smart wireless connectivity. Easy to
understand & operate.

Advanced moisture sensors designed specifically for the professional dryers enabling
high efficiency. No manual intervention required by the user. The PLC auto detects the
moisture in the basket & gives cut-off signals to the heating mode aptly.

All types of dozing pumps are compatible with Stefab ST9 PLC giving the user utmost
flexibiilty to achieve great washing results. ST9 PLC works in sync with dozing computer Excellent Service Capabilities
uninterrupted. Upto six dozing pump systems can be installed to each machine.
Our machines are built to last and they are backed up by industry’s best service & warranty policies.

Service is one of the most important factors while you choose your laundry equipment partner. With Stefab one can be totally sure of the
same. Our Service is backed by our engineers and associates spread nationwide and abroad. We understand breakdowns and it has always
been our first priority to address complaints providing quick service and genuine parts to our customers.
The three beater basket design in our AX Range results in maximum beating action & ef-
fective washes in shorter cycle time. The polished stainless steel beaters are designed We stand behind every machine we produce with comprehensive warranty on all machines, which is by far a better value than what is offered
with utmost precision then slided into the basket & laser welded. by the competing companies. Stefab comprehensive warranty plan proves the strength of our machines. Our commitment to producing
advanced and reliable machines is braced by our warranty policy.

Should you require more information on Service & Warranty, please contact us on [email protected]

2 Length Folds +3 Cross Folds. 1st Primary fold through full vertical drop. 2nd Primary
fold by converging rollers. 1st Cross fold by a “Blade fold” directing the linen between
rollers. 2nd Cross fold by an air jet & 3rd Cross by automatic “Lift fingers” through reverse
conveyor mechanism.
Our Presence
Corporate Office Regional Offices
& Plant 1
39/14, Netaji Subhash STEFAB INDIA LIMITED
Industrial Area, 30 North Avenue,
West Punjabi Bagh,
Tikri Kalan, Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110026. India
New Delhi 110041. India
Tel : 011) 41018201-04
Tel : +91. 9811285711 Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
102 Navratna Apartments,
19/10 Jakhoda, Chembur Mumbai 400071. India
Bahadurgarh, Tel/Fax : (022) 25204013
Dist. Jhajjar, Email : [email protected]
Haryana 124505.

Tel : +91. 9811285711 South

Email : [email protected]
323 Raheja Arcade, Koramangla,
Bengaluru 560095. India

Sales & Service Tel : (080) 25534086

Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] STEFAB INDIA LIMITED
Corporate Office CJ 157, Sector 2, Salt Lake City,
New Delhi Kolkata 700091. India

Operations: Tel/Fax : (033) 23587601

Regional / Branch Email : [email protected]
+91-98112 85714 / 715 Offices
[email protected] New Delhi
Ludhiana Branch Offices
Mumbai Ludhiana
International Presence Kolkata
Nepal 13 Jasdeep Complex,
Bhutan Associate Office Industrial Area ‘A,’ R.K. Road.
Ludhiana 141003. India
Bangladesh Srinagar
Sri Lanka Jaipur Tel/Fax : (0161) 5025377
Maldives Surat Email : [email protected]
Mauritius Pune
Kenya Indore
Saudi Arabia Hyderabad Ahmedabad
Ethiopia Vellore A/703, Satva Shreeji Apartment,
Singapore Thiruvanthapuram Opposite Khodiyar Mata Mandir,
Naroda, Ahmedabad 382330.
UAE Bhubaneshwar India
Vietnam Jamshedpur
Tanzania Guwahati Mob : +91-9099994104
Malaysia Raipur Email : [email protected]
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Version: SIL/CO/DD/SB/23-24/102

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