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(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

School of Law
Details of Active learning conducted during AY 2022-2023 Even
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Dr. Sheikh Inam Ul Mansoor
Subject: Moot Court and Internship

Sl.No. Class Date Time

1 BAL 20/03/23 02:35-03:25pm
10 Law
Section 3



On the 20th of March 2023, an invigorating moot court exercise was conducted at BAL Semester 10
Law 994 Section 3. The moot court exercise was an integral part of our curriculum, aiming to
provide practical insights into the legal system, enhance critical thinking, oral advocacy, and research
skills among the participating students.


The primary objective of the moot court exercise was to offer students a simulated courtroom
experience, wherein they could analyze legal issues, formulate arguments, present their case before a
panel of judges, and engage in a constructive legal debate. The exercise aimed to foster their
understanding of legal procedures, increase confidence in public speaking, and develop persuasive
communication skills.


In the weeks leading up to the moot court exercise, students were divided into teams of three, with
each team assigned the role of either the prosecution or the defense. The case problem, designed by
the faculty, was centered around a relevant legal issue, allowing the students to delve into real-world
legal complexities. Each team was provided with a detailed case brief, containing relevant statutes,
precedents, and supporting materials to prepare their arguments thoroughly.

Students were encouraged to engage in independent research, consult legal databases, and seek
guidance from their teachers to bolster their understanding of the case and develop strong legal
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
arguments. The preparation phase also involved mock trials, where students received constructive
feedback from faculty members, refining their presentation skills and argumentation.

The Moot Court Exercise:

On the day of the moot court exercise, the courtroom was set up to emulate an authentic legal setting,
complete with a judge's bench, witness stand, and seating for the audience. Distinguished members
of the faculty were invited to serve as judges, providing the students with a sense of seriousness and
professionalism during the proceedings.

Each team was given an opportunity to present their case, with two members acting as oral advocates
while the third member remained on standby as a researcher to provide instant legal references if
required during the arguments. Following the presentations, the opposing team had a chance to rebut
the arguments, leading to an intellectually stimulating exchange.

The judges evaluated the performance of each team based on various criteria, such as legal
knowledge, articulation, courtroom demeanor, and responsiveness to questions. After the completion
of all rounds, the judges provided constructive feedback to the students, highlighting their strengths
and areas for improvement.

Learning Outcomes:

The moot court exercise proved to be an immensely enriching experience for the participating
students. They demonstrated remarkable dedication, enthusiasm, and an eagerness to learn
throughout the process. The exercise helped students to:

 Enhance their legal research skills: Students learned to navigate legal databases, distinguish
relevant precedents, and apply legal principles effectively.

 Develop persuasive communication: The exercise honed students' ability to present complex
legal arguments in a clear, concise, and convincing manner.

 Improve critical thinking: By analyzing legal issues from various angles, students developed
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

 Gain confidence in public speaking: Presenting arguments in a simulated courtroom setting

boosted students' confidence and eloquence in public speaking.

 Experience teamwork: Working in teams, students learned to collaborate, delegate tasks, and
support one another throughout the preparation process.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

The moot court exercise conducted on 20th March 2023 was a resounding success. It provided
students with an invaluable opportunity to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical application, offering a glimpse into the demanding yet rewarding world of legal advocacy.
The exercise not only instilled a passion for the legal profession but also equipped students with
transferable skills that will prove beneficial in various facets of their academic and professional lives.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

Dean – SOL:
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

School of Law
Details of Active learning conducted
AY 2022-2023 Even Semester
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Dr. Mohd Saleem
Subject: Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)

S.N. Class Date Time

1. BAL Semester 8 Law 22/04/23 12:30-01:20pm
993 Section 3

Report on Arbitration Exercise

Dated on 15-05-2023


On 23/04/2023, an arbitration exercise was conducted for the students of BAL Semester 8 Law
993 Section 3. The purpose of this exercise was to provide students with a practical
understanding of arbitration, a method of Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) commonly used
in legal and commercial settings. The exercise aimed to enhance students' analytical and
communication skills while simulating real-world scenarios that they might encounter in their
professional careers.


The primary objectives of the arbitration exercise were as follows:

To familiarize students with the fundamental principles and procedures of arbitration.
To enable students to apply their legal knowledge to practical dispute resolution
 To enhance students' ability to construct persuasive arguments and present their cases
 To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in resolving disputes.

 The exercise involved BAL Semester 8 Law 993 Section 3. They were divided into

Exercise Details:

1. Preparatory Phase:
The exercise, students were introduced to the concept of arbitration in class. They were provided
with relevant study materials and case studies to analyze. Additionally, they were guided on the
legal framework governing arbitration and the role of arbitrators.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

2. Case Selection: Each group was assigned a specific case study that involved a dispute
between two parties. The case studies covered diverse areas of law, such as contracts,
employment, business, and intellectual property. The complexity of the cases varied to challenge
the students' problem-solving abilities.

3. Preparation and Research: Each group was given sufficient time to thoroughly investigate
and prepare their respective cases. Students were encouraged to research legal precedents,
statutes, and international conventions related to their assigned cases.

4. Arbitration Hearing: On the day of the exercise, the groups presented their cases before a
panel of mock arbitrators, which consisted of teachers and legal professionals. The students were
required to follow the formal procedures observed in real arbitration hearings.

5. Cross-Examination and Rebuttal: After presenting their arguments, the students engaged in
cross-examination and rebuttals, simulating the real challenges faced during the arbitration

6.Award and Feedback: Following the presentations, the arbitrators provided feedback to each
group, evaluating their performance based on their legal arguments, presentation skills, and
ability to effectively address counterarguments.


The arbitration exercise held on 24/April 2023 was a resounding success. It provided students
with an immersive learning experience, helping them bridge the gap between theoretical
knowledge and practical application. By engaging in mock arbitration proceedings, the students
gained valuable insights into the complexities of dispute resolution and honed their advocacy

Furthermore, the exercise allowed students to work collaboratively as a team, promoting

teamwork and cooperation among them. The feedback provided by the panel of arbitrators
proved invaluable, as it highlighted areas for improvement and offered constructive criticism.

We believe that such practical exercises are essential in shaping well-rounded and competent
professionals. The arbitration exercise served its purpose in equipping our students with the
necessary skills to navigate legal disputes efficiently and professionally.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

Dean - SOL :
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

School of Law
Details of Active learning conducted during AY 2022-2023 Even
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Mansi Shukla
Subject: Special Contracts

Sl.No. Class Date Time

1 BAL 20/03/23 02:35-03:25pm
Semester 10
Law 994
Section 3

REPORT: Special Contract – Moot court and Memorial Drafting Exercise (Participative


In the month of May 2023, an invigorating moot court exercise was conducted for the students of
Second Semester among all four sections. The moot court exercise was an integral part of our
curriculum, aiming to provide practical insights into the legal system, enhance critical thinking, oral
advocacy, and research skills among the participating students.


The primary objective of the moot court exercise was to offer students a simulated courtroom
experience, wherein they could analyze legal issues relating to the subject being learnt, i.e., Special
Contracts, to formulate arguments, present their case before a panel of judges, and engage in a
constructive legal debate. The exercise aimed to foster their understanding of legal procedures,
increase confidence in public speaking, and develop persuasive communication skills.


In the weeks leading up to the moot court exercise, students were instructed to draft memorials
depending on the side they had been allotted i.e., plaintiff or defendant. The case problem, designed
by the faculty, was centered around a relevant legal issue involving issues of contract law, allowing
the students to delve into real-world legal complexities. Each student was provided with a detailed
case brief, containing relevant statutes, precedents, and supporting materials to prepare their arguments
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
Students were encouraged to engage in independent research, consult legal databases, and seek
guidance from their teachers to bolster their understanding of the case and develop strong legal
arguments. The preparation phase also involved mock trials, where students received constructive
feedback from faculty members, refining their presentation skills and argumentation.

The Memorial Drafting:

The students were instructed to prepare memorials providing arguments for the side they were
representing by adhering to the guidelines provided to them. They were instructed to understand the
facts of the case, proceed with research from the legal data bases that the University is affiliated with,
and structure the memorial with the following:
- Cover Page
- Table of Contents
- Index of Authorities
- Index of Abbreviations
- Statement of Facts
- Statement of Jurisdiction
- Issues Raised
- Summary of Arguments
- Arguments Advanced
- Prayer

The Moot Court Exercise:

On the day of the moot court exercise, the courtroom was set up to emulate an authentic legal setting,
complete with a judge's bench, witness stand, and seating for the audience. Distinguished members of
the faculty were invited to serve as judges, providing the students with a sense of seriousness and
professionalism during the proceedings.

Each student was given an opportunity to present their case, and the students went up against each
other to increase competitive spirit. Following the presentations, the opposing student had a chance to
rebut the arguments, leading to an intellectually stimulating exchange.

The judges evaluated the performance of each student based on various criteria, such as legal
knowledge, articulation, courtroom demeanor, and responsiveness to questions. After the completion
of all rounds, the judges provided constructive feedback to the students, highlighting their strengths
and areas for improvement.

Learning Outcomes:
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
The moot court exercise proved to be an immensely enriching experience for the participating students.
They demonstrated remarkable dedication, enthusiasm, and an eagerness to learn throughout the
process. The exercise helped students to:

 Enhance their legal research skills: Students learned to navigate legal databases, distinguish
relevant precedents, and apply legal principles effectively.

 Develop persuasive communication: The exercise honed students' ability to present complex
legal arguments in a clear, concise, and convincing manner.

 Improve critical thinking: By analyzing legal issues from various angles, students developed
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

 Gain confidence in public speaking: Presenting arguments in a simulated courtroom setting

boosted students' confidence and eloquence in public speaking.


The moot court exercise and the memorial drafting exercise was a resounding success. It provided
students with an invaluable opportunity to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical
application, offering a glimpse into the demanding yet rewarding world of legal advocacy. The exercise
not only instilled a passion for the legal profession but also equipped students with transferable skills
that will prove beneficial in various facets of their academic and professional lives.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

REPORT: Special Contract: Written Assignment (Experiential Learning)

The students were instructed to research on the topic of Right to Lien and come up with a written
assignment. In simple terms, a lien means the right to keep somebody's property until a debt is paid
and not the right to sell it to someone else. The right to a lien is a legal claim or encumbrance over a
property or asset that gives a person or entity the right to retain possession of that property until a
debt or obligation is satisfied. It is a form of security interest that allows a creditor to protect their
interest in the property until the debtor fulfills their payment obligation.
The primary objective of ensuring the students submit written assignments was to increase their
retention capacity. The other objectives of the assignment were:
Demonstrating Understanding: Written assignments allow students to showcase their comprehension
and grasp of the subject matter. It's an opportunity for students to articulate what they have learned
and how they can apply that knowledge.
Critical Thinking and Analysis: Through writing, students are encouraged to think critically, analyze
information, and form their own arguments and interpretations. This process helps them develop
analytical skills and the ability to evaluate different perspectives.
Communication Skills: Writing assignments help students improve their communication skills. They
learn how to express their ideas clearly, logically, and persuasively, which is a valuable skill in any
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
Research and Information Literacy: Many assignments require students to conduct research to
support their arguments. This helps them develop research skills, learn to identify reliable sources,
and understand how to integrate information into their writing.
Creativity and Originality: Some assignments may encourage students to be creative and think
outside the box. This fosters originality and innovation in their work.
Time Management: Meeting assignment deadlines teaches students to manage their time effectively
and work efficiently under time constraints.
Subject Mastery: Writing about a topic reinforces the students' understanding of the subject matter.
The process of organizing thoughts and explaining concepts solidifies their knowledge.
Evaluation and Assessment: Written assignments provide a basis for teachers to evaluate students'
progress and comprehension. Teachers can identify areas where students need help and tailor their
teaching accordingly.
Academic Integrity: Completing written assignments encourages students to practice academic
honesty, cite sources properly, and avoid plagiarism.
Professional Skills: In higher education and professional settings, writing skills are vital. Written
assignments help students develop skills necessary for future academic and career success.
Personal Development: Writing assignments can be a form of self-expression and self-discovery.
Students may reflect on their experiences, values, and beliefs while working on certain types of
Overall, written assignments serve as a multifaceted tool for both educators and students. They are
not only a means of assessment but also a way to develop essential skills that are valuable throughout
a person's academic and professional journey. Thus, ensuring the students write on a topic of legal
relevance helped advance their knowledge on the concept of Lien.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

Dean – SOL:
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

School of Law
Details of Active Learning conducted during AY 2021-2022 Even
Name of the Faculty: Sanidhya Sadanand Nayak
Subject: LAW 3007 Company Law 1

Sl.No. Class Date Time

1 BBL 24/05/23 02:35-03:25pm
Semester 4
Section 3

Report on Problem-Solving exercise Conducted on 24-05-2023


On 24th May 2023, a problem-solving activity was conducted for the students of BBL Semester 4
LAW 3007 Section 3. The exercise aimed to enhance students' analytical and communication skills
while simulating real-world scenarios that they might encounter in their professional careers.


The primary objectives of the arbitration exercise were as follows:

 To familiarize students with the fundamental principles and procedures of company law.
 To enable students to apply their legal knowledge to practical disputes
 To enhance students' ability to construct persuasive arguments in support of their decision.
 To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

 The exercise involved BBL Semester 4 LAW 3007 Section 3.

Exercise Details:

Preparatory Phase: Before the exercise, students were provide the area of the problem. They were
provided with relevant study materials to comprehend the problems.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
Activity Day: On the day of the exercise, the students were provided with the problem to analyse and
determine on the question posed in the problem.

Feedback: The approaches of the students were analyzed and feedback was provided to improve on
the approaches.

The students were enabled to improve their problem solving and analytical skills


Dean – SOL:
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)

School of Law
Details of Active learning conducted during AY 2021-2022 Even
Name of the Faculty: Prof. Soyonika Gogoi
Subject: Family Law - I

Sl.No. Class Date Time

1 BBL 20/04/2023 10:00-10:50 am
Semester VI
LAW 2026
Section 4

Report on Moot Court Exercise

Conducted on 20/04/2023


 On 20/04/2023 an Moot Court exercise was conducted for the students of BBL Semester VI
Law 2026 Section 4.
 The purpose of this exercise was to provide students with a practical understanding of how to
moot, and to how to prepare a memorial for mooting.
 The exercise aimed to enhance students' analytical, presentation and communication skills
while simulating real-world scenarios that they might encounter in their professional legal


The primary objectives of the Moot Court exercise were as follows:

 The major goal of the moot court exercise was to provide students with a simulated
courtroom experience in which they could examine legal issues, make arguments, present
their case before a panel of judges, and engage in meaningful legal discourse. The activity
sought to improve their awareness of legal procedures, boost their confidence in public
speaking, and build persuasive communication skills.


 Students were divided into three-person teams in the weeks running up to the moot court
exercise, with each team assigned the role of either the prosecution or the defense.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
 The faculty-designed case problem revolved on a relevant legal topic, allowing students to dive
into real-world legal intricacies.
 Each team was given a full case brief comprising pertinent legislation, precedents, and
supporting resources to thoroughly prepare their arguments. Students were urged to conduct
independent study, check legal databases, and seek advice from their lecturers in order to better
comprehend the issue and produce good legal arguments.
 Mock trials were also held throughout the preparation process, during which students got
critical comments from faculty members, allowing them to improve their presenting and
arguments abilities.

The Moot Court Exercise Details:

On the day of the moot court exercise, the courtroom was made up to seem like an actual legal
environment, replete with a judge's bench, witness stand, and audience seats. Distinguished members
of the faculty were invited to act as judges, giving the students with a feeling of seriousness and
professionalism throughout the proceedings.

Each team was given the opportunity to present their case, with two members serving as oral
advocates and the third serving as a researcher to offer rapid legal references if needed throughout
the debates. Following the presentations, the opposing side had the opportunity to refute the ideas,
resulting in an intellectually fascinating dialogue.

The judges graded each team's performance based on a variety of factors, including legal knowledge,
articulation, courtroom attitude, and reaction to queries. Following the conclusion of all rounds, the
judges delivered critical remarks to the students, stressing their strengths and areas for growth.

Learning Outcomes:

The moot court exercise proved to be an immensely enriching experience for the participating students.
They demonstrated remarkable dedication, enthusiasm, and an eagerness to learn throughout the
process. The exercise helped students to:

 Enhance their legal research skills: Students learned to navigate legal databases,
distinguish relevant precedents, and apply legal principles effectively.

 Develop persuasive communication: The exercise honed students' ability to present

complex legal arguments in a clear, concise, and convincing manner.

 Improve critical thinking: By analyzing legal issues from various angles, students
developed critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

 Gain confidence in public speaking: Presenting arguments in a simulated courtroom

setting boosted students' confidence and eloquence in public speaking.
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
 Experience teamwork: Working in teams, students learned to collaborate, delegate
tasks, and support one another throughout the preparation process.

 The Moot Court proved to be an enriching exercise for the students.
 It gave students an essential chance to bridge the gap between academic understanding and
actual application, giving them a look into the challenging yet rewarding world of legal
 The activity not only created a love of the legal profession in students, but it also provided
them with transferrable abilities that will be useful in other aspects of their academic and
professional careers.

(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)
(Private University Estd. in Karnataka State by Act No.41 of 2013)


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