Practice Test Level A2

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1. Write the opposites of verbs and adjectives.

answer __________________ wet __________________

find __________________ soft __________________
forget __________________ right __________________
get up __________________ low __________________
give __________________ far __________________
finish __________________ easy __________________
pull __________________ curly __________________
spend __________________ cheap __________________
throw __________________ alive __________________

2. Fill in the correct Preposition of Place or Movement from the box.

across at down from in front of into next to off out of through

a) Bob looked ____________________ the window and saw a stranger in the

b) While I was driving ____________________ the tunnel, I saw an accident.
c) The boys jumped ____________________ the wall and ran away.
d) Don’t forget to turn left ____________________ the traffic lights.
e) There was a terrible snowstorm so it was really difficult to climb
____________________ the mountain.
f) There’s a new Italian restaurant ____________________ the newsagent’s.
g) Excuse me! How long does it take to get ____________________ the train
station to the city centre?
h) Have you put your clothes ____________________ the washing machine?
i) Yesterday my cat ran ____________________ the street – I was really scared!
j) An old lady was walking ____________________ me with a chicken in her bag!

3. Write the correct Preposition of Time: at / in / on / during.

___________ Wednesday ___________ 1848

___________ the weekend ___________ the week
___________ the morning ___________ night
___________ Thanksgiving ___________ Christmas Day
___________ March ___________ autumn
___________ noon ___________ half past one
___________ Saturday afternoon ___________ 3rd August, 2008

4. Circle the correct word – Some, Any, No, Every and their Compounds.

a) Don’t just stand there, do something / nothing. Call the emergency!

b) This cat’s got long fur. You can find it somewhere / everywhere in the house.
c) I haven’t bought no / any ketchup.
d) The shop is closed. Everyone / Every has gone home.
e) The students didn’t come to the party. there wasn’t anybody / nobody there.
f) My sister is a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal. She knows everything /something about
g) There are some / any really intelligent students in this class.
h) The trip was so boring! Something / Nothing interesting happened.
i) Would you like any / some jam on your bread?
j) I wanted to watch TV but the remote control was nowhere / anywhere.

5. Give short answers.

a) Were you at the restaurant yesterday? Yes, _______________________.

b) Are you from Germany? Yes, _______________________.
c) Is her grandma coming by bus? No, _______________________.
d) Did we eat all the cake last night? No, _______________________.
e) Are there any policemen here? Yes, _______________________.
f) Has Donald ever been to Paris? No, _______________________.
g) Do you speak Spanish? Yes, _______________________.
h) Will you become a shop assistant? No, _______________________.
i) Have you done your homework yet? Yes, _______________________.
j) Does your brother live in Manchester? Yes, _______________________.
k) Was Christine angry with you? No, _______________________.
l) Are they going to arrive tomorrow? No, _______________________.

6. Use the correct tense – Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past
Simple, Past Progressive, Future Simple and ’Going to’ Future.

A. I / work.
________________________________________________________ at the moment.
_____________________________________________________________ every day.
_____________________________________________________________ yesterday.
___________________ never _______________________________________ before.
____________________________________________________________ tomorrow.
____________________________________________________ last Monday at 6:30.
Maybe ______________________________________________________ next week.

B. they / drive?
____________________________________________________ 3 days ago at 12:30?
_________________ usually _____________________________________________?
_________________ probably ___________________________________ next week?
____________________________________________________________ tomorrow?
_________________________________________________________________ now?
___________________ ever _____________________________________________?
____________________________________________________________ last Friday?

C. He / not study.
_________________ often _______________________________________________.
__________________________________________________________________ yet.
____________________________________________________________ next week.
__________________________________________________ 2 days ago at 8 o’clock.
_____________________________________________________________ last week.
I think _______________________________________________________ tomorrow.
____________________________________________________________ at present.
7. Complete the text with a word from the list – Comparison of Adjectives and

as horrible than prettiest smaller worst smallest carefully dirtiest most

best more the big bad

Not the _______________ holiday in my life

I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was
_______________ than the one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was the
_______________ room in the hotel. The weather was _______________, too. It was
_______________ cold as in the Antarctica. The beach near the hotel was very dirty –
it was the _______________ of all the beaches on the island. The food was
_______________ expensive _______________ I expected, and I didn’t have enough
money. One day I went shopping in a _______________ department store and I
broke a vase. It was the _______________ expensive vase in the whole shop. I tried
to walk more _______________ back to the hotel but I slipped on a banana skin.
What a nightmare! Everyone was laughing at me but the _______________ lady was
laughing _______________ most loudly. The _______________ thing of all was that I
lost my passport and I couldn’t go back home. It was the most _______________
holiday all my life.

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