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Study of the Status of Tuberculosis Control Program

DOI: 10.5455/msm.2016.28.249-252 Published online:24/07/2016 Published print:08/2016

Received: 23 May 2016; Accepted: 15 July 2016

© 2016 Fereshteh Farzianpour, Mahdokht Afarin Kooshad

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

ORIGINAL PAPER Mater Sociomed. 2016 Aug; 28(4): 249-252


Fereshteh Farzianpour1, Mahdokht Afarin Kooshad2
Department of Health Management and Economic, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author: Fereshteh Farzianpour, Department of Health Management and Economic, School of Public
Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction: Ascendant trend of tuberculosis in the world introduces this disease to be one of the most important infectious
diseases in the world. So that every year, 9 million people are afflicted to active TB and about 5.1 million people die of the disease.
As the HIV contaminated cases are increased, emergence and spread field of Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) bacilli
has been provided. Objective: This study aimed to assess the Tuberculosis Control Program from 2005 to 2012 to determine
the overall situation of disease epidemiology and prioritized strategies in disease control program within the south of Tehran.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was extracted and analyzed retrospectively on the basis of records of all
TB patients in TB health center and TB software in south Tehran in 2005-2012 years. Results: From the total population under
protection of health center of south Tehran, 99% are urban and 1% are rural. During 2005-2012, 1242 TB cases have been reg-
istered and they were treated by DOTS method. There were 553 cases of new smear-positive pulmonary TB (44%), 222 cases
of smear-negative pulmonary TB (18%) and 336 cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (27%), 26 cases of recurrence (2%) and
11 cases of MDR (0.9%). Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis has included 67.4% of all tuberculosis patients. Conclusions:
The results showed that, in accordance with TB worldwide statistics, at the health center of south Tehran, pulmonary TB is the
most common form of the disease (67.4%). The incidence of smear-positive tuberculosis and all forms of TB cases has been an
ascending trend over the period between 2005 and 2012.
Key words: DOTS, HIV, TB, smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis.

1. INTRODUCTION communicated to all provinces (4). Then, Ministry of Health

Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease, mostly caused by My- and Medical Education in 2002, according to international
cobacterium tuberculosis, and for adults, is often with spu- recommendations and the proposed National Technical
tum smear positive that it is highly contagious (1). The World Committee, forced all medical universities to implement it
Health Organization observing upward trend of global bur- (5). Studies in different parts of the world suggest that the
den of TB, in the Assembly of 1991, announced tuberculosis implementation of the DOTS treatment increases treatment
as a global emergency (2, 3). Then provided the background success rate of 90-95% and even greater (4). Table 1 showed
for controlling the disease and achieving to these objectives The tuberculosis case detection statue in the south Tehran
relatively, by introducing DOTS strategy (3). The availability (2010). According to the latest statistics from the Centers for
of free diagnostic and treatment services, detection through Disease Control, the incidence of TB in the world in 2013
sputum smear microscopy experiments at all levels of na- were 122 cases and 109 cases in the region of Iran that is,
tion’s health care were the main pillar of the implementation 21 cases per hundred thousand population (5). 10555 is the
of this strategy. Circular of merging control of control pro- total number of TB cases in 2012 and 5334 is the number of
grams and care of TB in the network system in 1990 issued smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis at the current time.
by the General Office of the fight against disease and was Tuberculosis is a contagious disease and therefore sources

Mater Sociomed. 2016 Aug; 28(4): 249-252 • ORIGINAL PAPER 249

Study of the Status of Tuberculosis Control Program

Reported incidence
Number rate (/100000) CDR
Reported Expected
All TB forms 183 15.9 23 69.3
positive- 70 6.1 11 56%
pulmonary smear
tuberculosis Sputum
negative- 32 4.4
pulmonary 59 5.1
Table 1. The tuberculosis case detection statue in the south
Tehran (2010)

I.R.IRAN region world

Prevalence rate(/100000) 33 180 169
Mortality rate(/100000) 2.9 16 13
Incidence rate(/100000) 21 109 122
Case detection rate 71% 63% 67%
Hiv prevalence among tb cases 3.8% 12% 13%
Treatment success rate 84% 88% 87%
Table 2. Status indicators of TB control program in the world, the
Eastern Mediterranean region and the Islamic Republic of Iran Figure 1. Estimated HIV Incidence/Prevalence in new TB cases
in 2012 sulted of poor management in TB treatment is a serious and
growing problem in many countries of the world (5) (Table
Reported incidence 2). Table 3. The TB incidence rate in 2013 in Iran showed (5).
rate (/100000)
All TB forms 10044 12.9
Sputum posi-
4975 6.39 This study is retrospective descriptive and in terms of
pulmonary tive-smear
tuberculosis Sputum nega- time is longitudinal.
1964 2.52
tive-smear The society in this study includes all TB patients living
Extra- in the south area of Tehran (areas 10 -11 -16 -17-19 of munici-
pulmonary 2795 3.59
pality) registered in the TB Registry of city and online office
system of Health tuberculosis Ministry during 2005-2012.
Table 3.The TB incidence rate in 2013 in Iran Statistical reporting of TB cases sent by the public or private
of emissions and the amount of disease in the community sector to health center, is registered in online Tuberculosis
is essential (5). Currently, the incidence of smear-positive registration system of Ministry of Health by coordinator of
pulmonary TB, is the most important indicator of TB situa- the Tuberculosis in the city, and is treated and monitored
tion in the country (5). According to the latest World Health by health centers in south Tehran, The number of registered
Organization report in 2012, more than 12 million people TB patients in the study was 1242 patients, and the studied
worldwide are infected with tuberculosis that more than population is chosen because tuberculosis is still in the area
80% of them are associated to 22 developing countries in proposed as a public health problem and TB incidence rate
the world. There are about 8.6 million new cases of active is one of the indicators of justice in the country. Information
TB, it is estimated that about 1.3 million people will die of required after coordination with the relevant authorities of
this disease. More than 90% of TB cases and deaths occur the TB office of south Tehran were extracted and evaluated
in developing countries (5-9). according to the national standards and objectives of the
Quotient of frequency of tuberculosis entry to the country study in “Registration and Analyzing TB patients of Min-
population is called TB incidence rate, that the distribution istry of Health” system. To evaluate this program 17 indica-
map of the world countries has been displayed. tors have been determined by the Ministry of Health, that
The tuberculosis incidence and prevalence rate in 2012 is according to data from 2005 as well as their importance, 8
estimated at 122 and 109 respectively in the world popula- index were chosen as variable (the incidence rate of smear-
tion at one hundred thousand people. Simultaneous HIV- positive, the ratio of smear-positive cases to all cases of
infection significantly increases TB disease risk. Countries suspected tuberculosis, the negative sputum smear at the
with high HIV prevalence rate, especially those in sub- end of the attack treatment, the success rate of treatment for
Saharan Africa have witnessed a dramatic increase in the TB patients, mortality rate of new cases of smear-positive
number of tuberculosis patients and a significant increase in pulmonary tuberculosis, age, sex, nationality) and were
the number of TB patients and increase 2 to 3 times the rate analyzed by the SQL software of Ministry of Health system.
of incidence reported in the ‘90s. In 2012, the HIV prevalence
rate among TB patients in the world has been estimated to
be 13%. At the same time, multidrug resistance, which is re-

250 ORIGINAL PAPER • Mater Sociomed. 2016 Aug; 28(4): 249-252

Study of the Status of Tuberculosis Control Program

3. RESULTS was in 2012 (16) and the lowest rate was in 2005 (6.7) and
From the total population under protection of health has been relatively stable from 2007 onwards. The highest
center of south Tehran, 99% are urban and 1% are rural. incidence rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis
During 2005-2012, 1242 TB cases have been registered and has been at the age of 65 years and it has more level in men
they were treated by DOTS method. There were 553 cases (58%) than women. In 2012, the highest age group with
of new smear-positive pulmonary TB (44%), 222 cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis has been between 25 to 34
smear-negative pulmonary TB (18%) and 336 cases of extra- years and it has been more in women (55%) than men. Pro-
pulmonary tuberculosis (27%), 26 cases of recurrence (2%) portion of men to women in Iran is equal to 1. Low average
and 11 cases of MDR (0.9%). Smear-positive pulmonary tu- age and shows down control measures and higher average
berculosis has included 67.4% of all tuberculosis patients. age represents a better TB control in the region. According
The highest incidence of tuberculosis has been in 2012 (16) to state evaluation index, proportion of new identified TB
and the lowest has been in 2005 (6.7). The highest incidence cases to all cases of suspected tuberculosis is equal to 5,
in smear-positive patients has been in 2005 has been with which is less than 5 in south Tehran, this could be due to
6.8, and the lowest has been in 2005 with 3.2. The highest low quality samples or laboratory errors (5, 12, 13).
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis has Median age of smear-positive patients is 53 and in all
been at the age of 65 years and in men, it has been more cases it is 48 years. The median age is higher in Iranian pa-
(58%) than women. Most pulmonary tuberculosis patients tients (52) and it is 29 years in non-Iranian patients (14-17).
have been in the age group of 25-34 years and in women, it It can be said that the pattern of patience age in this city
has been more (55%) than men. Median of delay in diagnos- is slightly different than in other areas so that in the same
ing all forms of TB has been 71 days and for smear-positive studies in Arak, the disease in people has occurred over
tuberculosis, it has been 67 days. 53% of recurrence cases 60 years (12). Disease existence at early ages that imposes
has occurred in the interval of less than 2 years after pre- health problems and a heavy financial burden for families
vious treatment of the disease. 49% of patients have been and the health system is one of the major challenges facing
with a history of less than 2 years ago of contact with smear- the health center of south Tehran. The highest incidence
positive patients. Median age of smear-positive patients is rate has been in the population over 65 years, which is
53 and in all cases, it is 48 years. The median age is higher evidence of success in TB control (18). The most common
in Iranian patients (52) and in non-Iranian patients it is 29 organ involved in extra-pulmonary TB is lymph nodes with
years. The sputum smear negativity at the end of the attack prevalence rate of 28%, which is consistent with the pattern
and the success of the treatment process has been accept- of other people and reference books (19-27). 53% of recur-
able. 126 patients (10%) have had a history of risk factor for rence cases has occurred during the interval of less than 2
HIV infection, 40% of this group had been also infected years after the disease previous treatment, 49% of patients
with HIV. 146 children in close contact with smear-positive have had a history of contact with smear-positive patients
pulmonary tuberculosis patients have been checked and 7 less than 2 years ago that, this confirms importance of cor-
children with tuberculosis was discovered. Sputum smear rect investigation those around the patient for TB detection
positivity in 52.5% of cases has been +1. (27). The negativity rate of sputum smear-negative at the end
of the attack stage and the success of the treatment process
4. DISCUSSION has been acceptable. 126 (10%) patients have had a history
From the total population under protection of health of risk factors for HIV infection, 40% of this group have
center of south Tehran, 99% are urban and 1% are rural. In also been infected with HIV. 146 children in close contact
other words 1% of the population is settled in rural areas with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients were
with low health, and patient detection in this group must investigated and 7 children were discovered with tubercu-
be made actively. Proportion of detection of patients with losis. Sputum smear positivity degree in 52.5% of cases has
smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis is less than 70% been +1 (5, 23-27).
in recent years that indicates, identification of patients is
less than the national index. 44% of all registered patients 5. CONCLUSION
are with smear-positive and 18% smear-negative and 27% The results showed that, in accordance with global TB
with extra-pulmonary smear. According to the assessment statistics, also in the health center of south Tehran, the most
indicators of TB program, the proportion of smear-positive common form of the disease is pulmonary TB (67.4%). The
pulmonary tuberculosis to all patients with pulmonary tu- incidence rate of TB and smear-positive pulmonary tuber-
berculosis have been recorded approximately 65% which, culosis cases has had an ascending trend over the period of
has been at the rate of 69% in the south Tehran in 2012. Also, 2005-2012. Medan delay in the diagnosis of smear-positive
the proportion of new cases of smear positive to smear nega- patients has been 67 days, which can be considered as
tive pulmonary and extra-pulmonary new cases would be an important factor in the spread of disease. The median
approximately one to one that, above proportion has been at age of patients with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis were
the rate of 7.5 in this study in 2012, that it would be because significantly less than the median age of patients with
of failing to identify new cases of smear-positive pulmonary smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. The smear-positive
tuberculosis or treatment without exact diagnosis of smear- pulmonary tuberculosis incidence in men is higher, but for
negative and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The present extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, it is more in women. Given
results correspond with Arsang et al’s studies in Iran with that the proportion of HIV diagnosis counseling and test-
a ratio of 0.6 (11). The highest incidence rate of tuberculosis ing for TB patients have a risk factor for infection (53%), so

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