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Introduction to Industrial Security

What is Security?
✓ Security came from the Greek word “securos” which means safe, safety or secured.
✓ The term security connotes safety from harm; it is the condition of being free from
fear, doubt, apprehension, anxiety and danger. It implies state of certainty and safety.
✓ Is a state or situation of being secured; there is freedom from fear, harm, danger,
loss, destruction or damages. Basically, it is an act of humans that led to many
unsecured and unsafe conditions.
It comprises for many reasons could be economic, revenge, or just plain greed
and avarice. Whatever the motives, the civilized man needs adequate protection.
✓ Manwong and Hipolito (2008) defined security as same as protection and safety,
protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional,
occupational, psychological as the consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents
or any event could be considered as not desirable.
✓ Security work involves active and passive measures so that effective defense can
be established against crimes.

Active Measures are:

1. physical barriers
2. security lighting
3. use of vaults,
4. locks and others

Passive Measures are:

- Those that will deter man from committing such act for fear of being caught
charged in court or get dismissed.
- Security education programs, investigation, fire prevention seminars, personal
security checks.

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What is Industrial Security Management?

✓ ISM primarily deals with the industrial plants and business enterprises where
properties, personnel and processes are safeguarded.
✓ ISM is concerned in preparation by utilizing methods and devices to curtail or
minimize loss to a company due to security breach. The underlying philosophy is that
threats which may be categorized as natural or man-made cannot be prevented but
anticipation and careful planning reduces risks and potential loss.

Legal Bases of Industrial Security in the Philippines

1.Natural Authority. The highest law is the law of self-preservation. By instinct, man
naturally reacts to protect himself, his family, his honor, freedom, liberty and property from
danger, threat or hazard. He does it personally and/or thru the help of others.

2. Constitutional Authority. The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect
people. The government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in the fulfilment
thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by law, or to render
personal military or civil service (Art II, Sec 4 of the 1987 Constitution).
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor
shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws (Art III, Sec 1 of 1987
Constitution). This means the life, liberty; freedom and property can only be taken from a
person after the observance of due process of law.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects
against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall
be inviolable (Art III, Sec. 2 of 1987 Constitution).

3. Statutory Authority
1. The RPC (Act No. 3815, as amended) Applicable provisions of the Code on Crimes
Against persons, Personal Liberty and Security and Property have bearing on the security
and protection of one’s life, liberty and property.
2. Private Security Agency Law (R.A. 5487 as amended) governs the operation,
administration of security agency, and activities, qualifications, duties and licensing of

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security guards, watchmen and private detectives. In short, it is the intention of this law to
professionalize the security services in order to upgrade the level of security protection.

Law Relevant to Industrial Security Management

Section 24, R.A. 6975, as amended – Powers and functions of the PNP: Issue
licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance with law. Supervise
and control the training and operations of security agencies and issue licenses to operate
security agencies, and to security guards and private detectives, or the practice of their

Origins and Development of Security

World Setting
1. Henry Fielding – a magistrate who proposed a permanent, professional and adequately
paid security force.
2. Allan Pinkerton – a copper from Scotland and Chicago Police Department’s first
detective, established what was to become one of the oldest and largest private security
operations in the United States, the Pinkerton Agency. He is also credited with hiring the
first woman detective.
3. Wells and Fargo Company – a freight transportation company, employed their own
detectives and security personnel, known as shotgun riders. This is owned by Henry wells
and William Fargo.
4. Brinks, Inc. – pioneered the armoured car and courier service. This is owned by
Washington Perry Brink.
5. Edwin Holmes – he offered the first burglar alarm service in the US in 1858.
6. William J. Burns – a former Secret Service investigator and head of the Bureau of
Investigation (forerunner of FBI), started the Burns Detective Agency in 1909 which became
the sole investigating agency for the American Bankers’ Association.
7. Baker Industries – initiated a fire control and detection equipment business.
8. American Society for Industrial Security International – it is the first security
professional organization. It was formed in 1955 and this also signifies the modern age of

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Philippines Setting
In the Philippines, President Ferdinand E. Marcos on June 13, 1969 signed the
Republic Act 5487, the Private Security Agency Law. In this law was assigned the most
important role of Security Guard Force in assisting the Police in its mission to safeguard
lives and properties. The then Philippine Constabulary (PC) played a great role in
supervising all Private Constabulary issued Staff Memo dated August 4, 1969 creating the
Philippine Constabulary Security and Investigation Agency Supervisory Office (PCSIASO).
After barely two (2) months another General Staff Memo was issued renaming PCISASO to
PCSOSIA. On June 29, 1970, it was again renamed.
As PC Supervisory Unit for Security and Investigation Agency (SUSIA). However,
the supervision was later on transferred to the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
(NICA). With the intention of continuously professionalizing the security industry, several
Presidential Decrees were issued such as PD No. 11 issued on October 1972, amending
certain sections of RA 5487 particularly Sections 4 as to who may organize a security and
watchman agency; PD 100 on January 17, 1973 further amended Sections 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9
which permits the watchman or security guard to assist in cases of emergency disaster or
With the creation of the Philippine National Police on January 1, 1991 pursuant to
RA 6975, PCSUSIA became Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies
(SOSIA) and on January 01, 1995 it was renamed as PNP SAGSD (Security Agencies and
Guards Supervision Division). This Unit of the PNP was given the same functions to that of
the PCSOSIA but a more challenging and expanding tasks. To date, there are more or less
Two Thousand (2,000) registered security agencies operating in the Philippines, Five
Hundred Sixty Thousand (560,000) licensed security personnel and One Hundred Twenty
Four (124) Private Security Training Institutions.

Jimenez Security Agency (formerly the Special Watchman Agency) – the first formally
licensed private security agency in the Philippines dated March 1, 1933. This was owned,
managed and operated in the City of Manila by brothers Juan and Pedro Jimenez.

Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators (PADPAO) – on

May 30, 1958, it was formally organized in accordance of RA 5487 in setting the standards
and minimum requirements for the operation of the security agency.

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The Three Major Areas of security

1. Physical Security- this concern with the physical measures adopted to prevent
unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, material and document and to safeguard them
against espionage, damage, loss and theft.
2. Personnel Security- this is as important as physical security. Personnel security starts
even before the hiring of an employee and remains to be maintained for as long as the
person is employed. Its purpose is to insure that a firm hires those best suited to assist the
firm in achieving its goals and objectives and once hired assist in providing necessary
security to the work force while carrying out their functions.
3. Document and Information Security- this involves the protection of documents as
classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft and
compromise through disclosure.

Security Management
It is the proper utilization of resources in a security organization in order to meet
organizational goals and objectives and to ensure their achievements.
In other sense, it is a broad field of management related to asset management,
physical and human resource safety functions. It entails the identification of an
organization’s information assets and the development, documentation and implementation
of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines.
Management tools such as information classification, risk assessment and risk
analysis are used to identify threats, classify assets and the rate system vulnerabilities so
that effective control can be implemented.

Major Fields in Security

The following fields or areas of security according to its purpose:
Physical Fields
1. Physical Security. describes measures that prevent or deter intruders from assessing a
facility, resource, or information stored on physical media. It can be as simple as locked
door or as elaborate as multiple layers of armed guards post.
2. Shopping Center Security (Mall or Supermarket). A type of security which is
concerned with the protection of the stores, warehouses, storage, its immediate premises

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and properties as well as the supermarket personnel and customers. Security personnel
are trained in customer relation and criminalities such as detecting robbery, shoplifting, and
bomb detection.
3. Home Security. A fields of security which has prime duties of protecting residential
homes or town sites including the protection of entire houses against property losses and
4. Airport Security. It one of the field of physical security which focuses on the airports
against crime and terrorism. It includes the protection for the safety of passengers and
personnel including their aircraft.

Political Fields
1. International Security. consists of the measure taken by nations and international
organizations, such as the United Nations, to ensure mutual survival and safety. These
measures include the military actions and diplomatic agreements such as treaties and
2. National Security. Refers to the requirement to maintain the survival of the nation- state
through the use of economic, military and political power and exercise of diplomacy.
3. Human Security. Refers to an emerging paradigm for understanding global
vulnerabilities whose proponents challenge the traditional notion of national security by
arguing that the proper referent for security should be the individual rather than the state.
Human security holds that a proper-centered view of security is necessary for national
regional and global stability.

Monetary Field
1. Financial Security. Refers to the methods applied for the protection of fungible,
negotiable instrument representing financial value. It is broadly categorized into debt
securities such as banknotes, bonds and debentures, and equity securities, etc.

IT Fields or Computer security.

1. Computer Security. Is a branch of computer science that addresses enforcement of
secure behavior on the operation of computer.
Is a branch of information security applied to both theoretical and actual computer

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2. Data Security. It is the means of ensuring that the data is kept safe from corruption and
that access to it is suitably controlled. Thus, data security ensure privacy.
3. Application Security. Encompasses measures taken to prevent exceptions in the
security policy of an application or the underlying system (vulnerabilities) through the flaws
in the design, development, or deployment of the application.
4. Information Security. Means protecting information and information systems from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction.
5. Network Security. Consist of the provisions made in an underlying computer network
infrastructure, policies, adopted by the network administrator to protect the network and the
network-accessible resources from unauthorized access and the effectiveness (or lack) of
these measures combined together.

Security Concepts Common Among Fields of Security

1. Risk – it is a possible event which could cause a loss.
2. Threat – It is a method of triggering a risk event that is dangerous.
3. Vulnerabilities – the weaknesses of the target that can be potentially exploited by a
4. Exploit – vulnerabilities that has been triggered by a threat-a risk of 1.0 (100%)
5. Countermeasure – it is a way or method to stop a threat from triggering a risk event.
6. Defense in Depth – it is a strategy that never rely on a single security measure.
7. Assurance – it is the level of guarantee that a security system will behave as expected.

Protective Security System

Protective Security can be defined as those measures taken by an installation or unit
to protect itself against sabotage, espionage or subversion and at the same time provide
freedom of action in order to provide the installation of the unit with the necessary flexibility
to accomplish its mission.
The aspects of protective security can be seen with the application of the following
types of security:
1. Industrial Security. A type of security applied to business groups engaged in industries
like manufacturing, assembling, research and development, processing, warehousing and
even agriculture. It may also mean the business of providing security.

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2. Hotel Security. Type of security applied to hotels where its properties are protected from
pilferage, loss, damage and the function in the hotel restaurants are not disturbed and
troubled by outsiders or the guest themselves. This type of security employs house
detectives, uniforms guard and supervisor and insures that hotel guests and their personal
effects are safeguarded.
3. Bank Security. This type of security is concern with bank operations. Its main objective
is the protection of bank cash and assets, its personnel and clientele. Security personnel
are trained to safeguard bank and assets while in storage, in transit and during
4. VIP Security. A type of security applied for the protection of top-ranking officials of the
government or private entity, visiting persons of illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
5. School Security. A type of security that is concerned with the protection of students,
faculty members, and school properties. Security personnel are trained to protect the
school property from theft, vandals, handling campus riots and detecting the use of
intoxicated drugs and alcohol by the students.
6. Supermarket or Mall Security. A type of security which is concerned with the protection
of the stores, warehouses, storage, its immediate premises and properties as well as the
supermarket personnel and customers. Security personnel are trained to detect “shoplifter”,
robbery, and bomb detection and customer relation.

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Agas, J.L. Notes on Industrial Security Management. (Reviewer).

Delizo, D.B.S., & Corpuz, W.M. (2011). Industrial Security Management Manual. (2011 ed.).
Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Domingo, C.G., & Manwong R.K. (2020). Industrial Security Management (A Textbook for
Criminology and Security. (2020 ed.). Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Ajero, J.M. (2014). Industrial & Corporate Security Management. (2014 ed.). Quezon City,
Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Manwong, R.K., & Domingo, C.G. (2020). Industrial Security Management.

(2020 ed.). Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.

Corpuz, W.M., & Delizo, D.B. (2011). Industrial Security Management Manual. Quezon City,
Wiseman Book Trading, Inc.

Hipolito, L.M., & Manwong, R.K. (2008). A Primer in Industrial Security Management.
Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Peckley, M.F. (2013). Security Management Principles and Practices. Quezon City,
Wiseman’s Book Trading.

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