Time, Materials and Steps What Teacher Will Do What Pupil's Will Do

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Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Date of teaching: October,5th2022

Unit 2 - Lesson 1 – VOCABULARY (Period 2)
Period 17:Time: 35 minutes
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recognise the 6 animals
with a positive attitude.
B. Previous knowledge:
- Vocabulary: panda, tiger, monkey, fish, octopus, elephant
- Grammar: This is a/an … .
C. Competence
Communication/ collaboration: the pupils work together to identify animals and
practice formulating the question and short answers correctly.
Core competencies & Personal qualities
- Building up interests and good habits in learning English.
- Building up non-verbal communication skills through feeling expression.
- Building up an awareness of being kind to animals.
- Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
D. Materials required for the lesson: Pupil’s book, Workbook, powerpoint,
TV/projector, CD, flashcards, etc.
E. Procedure
Time, materials What teacher will do What pupil’s will do
and steps
Warm up & Review
7 minutes - Greet the whole class. - Greet the teacher
PowerPoint - Play a song to create a fun atmosphere. (Old - Sing the song
MC Donald has a farm)
- Encourage Ss to sing along and act out.
Review: - Review the vocabulary
Show Flashcards of animals the board and
have the pupils to read aloud.
Mime the action of each animal, ask them to
guess and call out the word. Invite some
pupils to come up and do the same as teacher.
What is missing?
Have the pupils look at all the words.

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What pupil’s will do

and steps
Ask them to close their eyes and guess what
animal is missing.
3 minutes Activity 2: Listen and tick or cross. -Look at the picture, put a
Pupil’s book Have the pupils read all the words from 1 to tick or a cross.
6 in Activity 2 (Pupil’s book P.18) - Check in pairs.
Ask them to look at the picture and find the
animal. If they can see the animal, tick the
box, if they can not see it, put a cross.
Make sure that all the pupils understand the
Make a demo with number 1 (an octopus)
Check on PPT slide and have the pupils
check in pairs pointing to the animal and say
“This is a tiger.” …
12 minutes Activity 3: Draw, write and say. - Follow T’s instructions
PowerPoint Before drawing, ask the pupils to talk about - Draw, write and say
Pupil’s book what animals they like.
Tell them today each pupil will make his/her
own zoo.
Have them to look at the book Activity 3.
The girl draws the animals that she like.
Have them to read the sentences aloud.
Have the pupils watch the videos of drawing
some animals.
Have the pupils draw a zoo of 3 – 4 animals
in their papers.

5 minutes Introduce about the zoo: - Follow T’s instructions

PowerPoint After drawing, have the pupils write the - Practice introducing
sentences in their pictures. about their own pictures.
Ask them to stand up and practice the
sentences pattern:
- “This is my zoo. This is a/an … .”
Optional Game: Sky scrapers: - Join in the game.
Divide class into two teams: Sunshine
Building and Rainbow Building.
Have Ss look at the screen and take turns
choose the numbers.
Have Ss look and answer the questions.

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What pupil’s will do

and steps
Click on the airplanes to drop the floors if the
pupils have the right answer.
Click on the white arrow to continue the
6 minutes Workbook activity: - Follow T’s instructions
Workbook P14 Activity 1: - Do the exercises.
Have the pupils look at Activity 1
(Workbook P.14) and match the pictures
with the correct words.
Check on PPT slide and check in pairs.
Activity 2:
Have the class look at the word chain and
find all the animals that they have learnt.
Ask them look at the Activity 1 and say what
aniaml is missing?
Ask the pupils to draw it on the box.
3 minutes - Show the slide of all the words again and - Follow T’s instructions
help pupils review the vocabulary they have - Review the vocabulary
- Remind Ss of the value “Be kind to
-Have the whole class stands up, sings the - Say “Goodbye” to
song and acts out one more time. teacher.
Wave hands and say goodbye to the pupils.
Have fun!
- Say “Goodbye” to end the lesson.
35 minutes



School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Date of teaching: October,5th2022

Unit 2 - Lesson 2 – GRAMMAR (Period 1)
Period 18: Time: 35 minutes
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discover how to say
and ask what things are with a positive attitude.
New grammar: What is it? – It’s a/an…
B. Previous knowledge:
- Vocabulary: panda, monkey, tiger, elephant, octopus, fish
Students know: saying about animals
C. Competence
Think: Demonstrate the processing and interpreting skills by completing the
matching exercise.
Communication/ collaboration: Work together and communicate effectively.
Core competencies & Personal qualities
- Building up interests and good habits in learning English.
- Building up non-verbal communication skills through feeling expression.
- Building up awareness of taking care of animals.
- Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
D. Materials required for the lesson: Pupil’s book, workbook, powerpoint,
TV/projector, CD, flashcards, etc.
E. Procedure
Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do
and steps
Warm up
3 minutes - Greet the whole class. - Greet the teacher
powerpoint - Play a song to create a fun atmosphere. - Sing the song.
(Walking in the jungle)
- Encourage Ss to sing along.

Teacher’s presentation & Students’ practice

3 minutes Review vocabulary - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Review the words.

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
- Use flashcards or the pictures in the slide to
help Ss to review the vocabulary of animals
from the last lesson again.
- Point at each picture on the slide/Show both
picture side and word side of the flashcards
one by one, speak aloud the words first, then
ask Ss to repeat chorally, in-group, and
4 minutes Game 1: “Passing ball” - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Divide the class into 3 groups. - Play the game.
- Prepare 3 softballs and give each group one
- Explain the rule of the game: When the
teacher plays the music, students in each group
have to pass the ball around their team. After
that, when the teacher stops the music, they
have to stop too. The teacher shows a picture
and asks the students holding the balls to name
the animal. Repeat this activity several time
5 minutes Activity 1: "Listen and repeat" - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Ask Ss to look at their books or look at the - Call out the words
following slide. Ask them to look at activity 1. - Listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to look at activity 1 and say where
Beakie and Eddie are (in a hot air balloon).
- Play the CD and ask the pupils to listen and
point to the animals.
- Then play the CD again and have them repeat
chorally, in group, and individually.
5 minutes Work in pairs. - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Show two sentences It’s an elephant. and It’s - Work in pairs
a monkey. on the slide.
- Ask Ss what they notice about the two
- Have one student circle a/ an in the two
- Write some more sentences below those two
It’s an octopus. It’s an apple. It’s a cat. It’s
a burger.
- Have another student circle a/ an in the
sentences, then underline the initial letters in
the words after a/ an.
- In pairs, Ss practise It’s a/ an….
School year: 2022- 2023
Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
3 minutes Grammar explanation - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Write down the grammar stop on the board - Study and practice the
or use the powerpoint slide to explain the structures.
grammar structure to Ss:
+ We use “What is it?” –“It’s a/an…” when
we want to ask and say what things are.
- After explaining, show the pictures of
animals and the words one by one, reads the
model sentences aloud for Ss to listen and
repeat chorally, in group, and individually.
Optional Game 2: Walking in the jungle - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Set the scene: Tell students that they are - Play the game.
going to the jungle but they are lost. So they
have to overcome 6 challenges to get out of the
- Rules of the game: Ask Ss to look at the
picture on the slice and answer the question
what animal it is using the sentence pattern: “
It’s a/ an…”. If they have the correct answer
give them a point and keep going the game.
5 minutes Activity 2: Read and match - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Ask Ss to look at their books or look at the - Call out the words
following slide. Ask them to look at activity 2. - Read and match
- Write It’s a … and It’s an … on the board.
- Give Ss animal word cards to tape in the
correct column.
- Then have Ss connect the words in their book
to make sentences.
- Check answers orally.

Students’ production
5 minutes Practise speaking - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Work in pairs. - Work in pairs.
- Ask Ss to look at the picture, ask and answer - Practice the structures.
using the structure: What is it? – It’s a /an…..
- Encourage Ss to name another animal if they
know it.
- Then invite some pairs to practice on the
board in front of the class.
2 minutes - Show the slide of the grammar stop again and - Follow T’s instructions
help Ss review the structures they have learnt. - Review the structures
School year: 2022- 2023
Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
- Say “Goodbye” to end the lesson. - Say “Goodbye” to
35 minutes



Date of teaching: October,7th2022

Unit 2 - Lesson 2 – GRAMMAR (Period 2)
Period 19:Time: 35 minutes
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to say and ask what
things are with a positive attitude.
New grammar: What is it? – It’s a/an…
B. Previous knowledge:
- Vocabulary: panda, monkey, tiger, elephant, octopus, fish
- Grammar: What is it? – It’s a/an…
Students know: how to say and ask about an animal using “What is it?” – “It’s a/an...”
C. Competence
Think: Demonstrate the processing and interpreting skills by completing the
matching exercise.
Communication/ collaboration: Work together and communicate effectively.
Core competencies & Personal qualities
- Building up interests and good habits in learning English.
- Building up non-verbal communication skills through feeling expression.
- Building up awareness of taking care of animals.
- Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
School year: 2022- 2023
Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

D. Materials required for the lesson: Pupil’s book, workbook, powerpoint,

TV/projector, CD, flashcards, etc.
E. Procedure
Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do
and steps
Warm up
3 minutes - Greet the whole class. - Greet the teacher
powerpoint - Play a song to create a fun atmosphere. - Sing the song.
(Clap! Stomp!Jump!)
- Encourage Ss to sing along.
Teacher’s presentation & Students’ practice
2 minutes Review grammar - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Use PPT to review the sentence pattern - Review the words.
“What is it?”-“It’s a/an…” from the last lesson
- Ask the class to look at the screen and speak
aloud the sentence pattern chorally, in-group,
and individually.
3 minutes Game 1: “Who’s faster?” - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Divide the class into two teams Eddie and - Play the game.
- Ask them to look at the screen and say “ Look
and guess What is it?”
- Click on the slide to show a part of the
- Which team raises its hand first will get a
chance to answer.
- Encourage Ss to answer in the sentence
pattern: “It’s a/an…”, if not they won’t get
- Have fun!
5 minutes Activity 3: Play “Animal” game - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Point to the picture of the pupils playing the - Play the game
animal game.
- Read the speech bubbles aloud and have the
pupils repeat.
- In groups of three the pupils take turns, one
acting out an animal, one asking What is it?
and one answering It’s a/an (animal).
- Monitor and make sure a/an are used

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
- Invite some groups to show their acting in
front of the class.
- Give compliments for good teamwork.
5 minutes Blended teaching tip - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Display the Interactive Pupil’s Book page. - Do the task
- Use the various pen/pencil tools to start
drawing one of the animals from Unit 2
- Say What is it? and encourage Ss to guess.
- When the drawing is complete, say It’s a /an
- Invite Ss to come to the board to colour in the
5 minutes Game 2: Gold Miner - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Set the scene: Say “Let’s play Gold Miner - Play the game.
game together”. And divide the class into 2
teams. They will take turns to play.
- Rules of the game: There are 8 gold nuggets
and 3 treasure boxes for two teams. Follow the
directions and answer the questions. If they
have the correct answer, they can choose one
of the items to get a point. If not, they lose a
- End the game, monitor and check who has
more points will win.

Students’ production
5 minutes Workbook Excersice - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Ask Ss to open their workbooks on page 15. - Do the tasks
- Show them how to do the tasks.
- Ask Ss to complete the exercise.
- Go around to help if needed.
- Show the correct answer on the slide.
5 minutes Game 3: Put a/an game - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Divide the class into teams of six and give - Play the game.
each team a piece of paper.
- Call out an animal name and a different
student from each team writes a/an.
- Award a point for the first correct answer and
an extra point for good teamwork.
- Have fun!

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
2 minutes - Show the slide of the grammar stop again and - Follow T’s instructions
help Ss review the structures they have learnt. - Review the structures
- Say “Goodbye” to end the lesson. - Say “Goodbye” to
35 minutes



Date of teaching: October,7th2022

Unit 2 - Lesson 3 – SOUNDS

Period 20: Time: 35 minutes
A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the sounds
/h/, /m/, /ɪə/ and practice them through a chant with a positive attitude.
New vocabulary: hut, here
B. Previous knowledge:
- Vocabulary: panda, monkey, tiger, elephant, octopus, fish
- Grammar: What is it? – It’s a/an…
Students know: saying about animals
C. Competence
Think: Demonstrate the processing and interpreting skills by finding out the
phonicsin the excersice
Communication/ collaboration: Work together and communicate effectively.
Core competencies & Personal qualities
- Building up interests and good habits in learning English.
School year: 2022- 2023
Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

- Building up non-verbal communication skills through feeling expression.

- Building up awareness of taking care of animals.
- Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
D. Materials required for the lesson: Pupil’s book, workbook, powerpoint,
TV/projector, CD, flashcards, etc.
E. Procedure
Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do
and steps
Warm up
3 minutes - Greet the whole class. - Greet the teacher
powerpoint - Play a song to create a fun atmosphere. - Sing the song.
(English Alphabet song)
- Encourage Ss to sing along.
Teacher’s presentation & Students’ practice
3 minutes Review phonics - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Use PPT to review the sentence pattern - Review the words.
“What is it?”-“It’s a/an…” from Unit 1 again.
- Ask the class to look at the screen and speak
aloud the sentence pattern chorally, in-group,
and individually.
3 minutes New Lesson - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Get to know more three letters in the lesson. - Call out the letters
- Introduce the 3 letters Ee, Hh, Mm to
- Hold up the letter cards / Show them on the
- Then have them call out the letters loudly in-
group, and individually.

3 minutes Game 1: Make it fun! - Follow T’s instructions

powerpoint - Hold up alphabet cards for the letters h, m, - Play the game.
e_e and say the letters for Ss to repeat again.
- Tape the cards on the board and invite the
class to point to the letters as you say them.
- Do this fast to make it fun!
5 minutes Activity 1: Listen and chant - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Point to the picture and say hut. - Answer the T’s question
- Point to the eyes and ask Ss what they think - Listen and chant
is in the hut. Elicit the answer: “It’s a cat.” - Clap along the chant
- Point to the teacher’s position and say here.

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
- Change the position and elicit the meaning of
- Then play the CD and ask Ss to listen.
- Play the CD again with pauses and have them
- Then practise the chant with Ss and clap
5 minutes Activity 2: Listen and say - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Play the CD and have Ss listen and repeat the - Listen and say
sounds and words.
- Ask Ss to point to the letters and words in
their book.
- Then practise saying the words round the
class chorally and individually.
5 minutes Activity 3: Look, listen, connect and say - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Play the CD and ask Ss to look and point to - Listen and connect then
the letters and the pictures with the incomplete say
words below.
- Then they connect and write the letters to
complete the words.
- Pause the CD and check with the class after
each word.
Optional Game 2: Flower growing - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Set the scene: In the garden, there are two - Play the game.
flowers do not bloom, Ss have to plant and
grow to make them bloom
- Rules of the game: Divide the class into two
teams. Ss take turns to answer the question. If
they have the correct answer they can keep
going to make their flower bloom faster. If not,
they have to stop and wait the next turn.
4 minutes Activity 4: Read the chant and underline h, - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint m and e-e - Do the task.
- Write the chant on the board /show it on the
- Invite pupils to underline the letters h, m and
- Then ask them to underline the letters in their
- Go round and check Ss’ work.

Students’ production

School year: 2022- 2023

Grade 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thị Hiền

Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do

and steps
5 minutes Workbook Excersice - Follow T’s instructions
powerpoint - Ask Ss to open their workbooks on page 15. - Do the task.
- Show them how to do the tasks.
- Ask Ss to complete the exercise.
- Go around to help if needed.
- Show the correct answer on the slide.
2 minutes - Show the slide of the grammar stop again and - Follow T’s instructions
help Ss review the structures they have learnt. - Review the structures
- Say “Goodbye” to end the lesson. - Say “Goodbye” to
35 minutes



School year: 2022- 2023

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