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Subject Code: MSMG-5940H-A-W01-2024GW-OSH

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Albion Basin Negotiation

Submitted to: Rob Elkington

Date of Submission: 14th February 2024

Group- Troublemakers

Name Student Id

Rishta Tabassum Huq 0799358

Ramisa Shahanaz 0805817

Rownak Haider 0804551

Camellia Cathrina Cruze 0812700

Faysal Wahab Siddiqui 0805591

Negotiation Planning Document

Case- Albion Basin Summer Use (United States Forest Services)

Team: Troublemakers

Adapted from: Thompson, Leigh, L. 2015. Negotiation Course.

Background of the negotiation:

United States Forest Services TOA/FOA/WMC/ASL/Residents

Overuse of the 1 Make sure the roads 1 Make sure the roads are
Summer Roads aren’t ruined and figure maintained properly
(30%) out road management

Interest: To ensure routes are Interest: To ensure that the roads are
safe and can not only be used by maintained properly and not ruined
the visitors but by the residents due to overuse.
as well.

Visitor 2 Make sure there’s a 2 ASL- Make sure there are

Management and limited number of visitors fewer visitors
(30%) TOA- Might develop summer
businesses to supplement the
tourism economy of the town
and possibly grow existing
and new summer programs
eg- Shuttle services

FOA- To preserve the land,

they want to buy the land.

Residents- Make sure there

are fewer visitors, thus less
noise and pollution

Interest: To ensure a positive Interest: to make sure that the land is

visitor experience and minimize preserved and free from any
environmental impact

environmental problems that could
ruin the nature of Albion Basin

Funding (20%) 3 By leveraging the 3 Could figure out their

partnerships try to get fundraising initiatives
funding to promote
preservation activities
and sustainable
management practices

Interest: To support the causes Interest: Gain more funds to support

each of the parties want their causes

Issues the 4 Trying to make sure the 4 It’s getting hectic for the
Residents have locals are safe with their residents to live among so
(10%) privacy and hikers are many outsiders roaming here
within the limits and there who are going
off-trail. In addition, there are
chances of fire and dirt
affecting their daily life.

Interest: Help the residents of Interest: Not getting their daily lives
Alta live peacefully disrupted by the visitors and making
sure they have access to the road in

Water 5 Reservoir water can not 5 Enjoying a fresh bath at

Contamination be contaminated by any natural reservoirs is part of the
(7%) chance with human hiking adventure

Interest: Ensure that the water Interest: Hikers want to enjoy the
body is safe freshwater while hiking

WMC Open 6 We want to make sure for 6 They want open access to the
access to the WMC to get access they country and the basin
Albion Basin have to pay a small
amount that goes to help
(3%) the overall growth and

sustainability of the basin
Interest: making sure the WMC Interest: They don’t want to pay any
group abides by the rules and fees to use the basin and for their
regulations that are to be set recreational activities

Reservation Price Maintaining the status Quo, Not

selling the land to Friends of
Alta, and having little but
increased payments for parking,
recreational activities, etc.

BATNA External Partnerships,

Volunteering Programs

Points to Justify the above notes-

1. Road maintenance and management- Ensuring that roads are safe for both locals and
tourists. At the same time keeping the roads from being abused and deteriorated in
order to preserve their integrity.
2. Visitor Management- The objective of ASL and residents is to restrict the quantity of
guests in order to protect the environment and sustain a satisfying guest experience.
The Tourism Office of Albion (TOA) suggests creating summer companies to boost the
local economy and putting in place shuttle services to efficiently handle tourist traffic.
Friends of Alta (FOA): aims to limit visitor access and any environmental harm by
owning the land in order to preserve it.
3. Fundraising- Through partnerships, each party seeks to secure financing in order to
pursue their own causes. Increasing funding to support their sustainable management
techniques and conservation initiatives.
4. Ensuring local safety- Addressing issues like off-trail hiking, fire dangers, and
environmental impacts that worry locals who live near a lot of tourists. addressing the
effects of increased visitor traffic while ensuring locals can continue their daily routines
and have access to the route.
5. Friends of Alta (FOA) in collaboration with the Town of Alta (TOA) has come up with
a solution for enhancing the security of the Albion Basin. FOA has agreed to fund the
Marshalls and other law enforcement agencies needed for the protection of the water
reservoirs so that no one can use and contaminate the water body.
6. Wasatch Mountain Club (WMC) has given a wonderful suggestion of using cable cars
along with the existing shuttle service which is aimed to minimize the pressure on the
road and also can be a new way of tourism for the Albion Basin.

7. Preventing Contamination- Preserving the water body's purity and safety in order to
protect the ecosystem. Preserving the purity of the water while enabling hikers to
partake in freshwater sports.
8. Access fees for WMC- Enforcing laws and guidelines to provide fair access for all
users and responsible basin use. Preserving the current state of affairs, refusing to sell
land to outside parties, and avoiding fees for recreational and basin usage.

Analysis of:
1. What do we want from this negotiation?
The main goal sought by the United States Forest Service (USFS) in this
negotiation was to accommodate for parties concerned, attempting to accept at
least a portion of their suggestions. A key focus was to make sure that there's full
access to the Albion Basin throughout the year was a primary priority.
Furthermore, our objective was to promote cooperation among the several parties
involved to jointly contribute to beneficial developmental transformations for the
town of Alta and the surrounding area.
2. What is our Target Price (TP)?
The target price was not a tangible factor but it was more of an intangible factor
with every party, we wanted to keep the road open, manage excess crowds by
having a reservation system, and raise funds for the development of Albion Basin
Road and alternative transportation.
3. What is our Reservation Value (RV) and how did we arrive at this figure?
In this negotiation, we did not have any particular value or figure to deal with but
there were certain instances that had to be dealt with for which this meeting was
called upon by the United States Forest Department (USFS), that is us. Among
the issues, the main aim was to talk with all parties involved in our negotiation
and come to a possible agreement to work together in favor of Albion Basin.

Our main motive was to make sure that Albion Basin remains the way it was
meant to be that is open to tourists in all seasons regardless and at the same time
to make sure that the environment is not at all hampered. This has been going on
and this is how it remained for which we can say that we had no other option but
to maintain the status quo. Just to clarify on this, although we remain at status
quo, some terms and conditions were discussed further and some changes were
brought into like management of the area, funding, new hiking route, etc.

4. What is our BATNA and how did we arrive at this BATNA?
Our main goal was to encourage environmental conservation while making sure
that everyone who was participating was on the same page. Our goal was to
maintain the route while obtaining funds, especially from the FOA because of
their wide-ranging NGO network. Through partnerships, organizations can access
resources, expertise, and experience that they might not have on staff. We
prioritized cooperation and consensus among all parties and were ready to wait
and adjust our strategy accordingly if our goals weren't aligned.

5. What do we know about the organization we are negotiating with?
The United States Forest Service (USFS) is currently in negotiations with various
parties regarding the management of Albion Basin. Here is what we know about
these organizations:
● Alta Ski Lifts Company (ASL): ASL has maintained a longstanding
partnership with the USFS. And is responsible for the year-round
maintenance and oversight of Albion Basin. ASL is dedicated to
preserving the natural resources and wildlife in the area. ASL has obtained
a special use permit from USFS that grants them the ability to engage in
activities throughout the year. This includes the operation of the Albion
Grill and the Sunnyside chairlift. ASL's permit enables them to provide
visitor amenities and transportation options in the area.
● Town of Alta (TOA): TOA is committed to safeguarding Albion Basin for
future generations. They are responsible for maintaining the road, funding
a summer shuttle, and ensuring public safety in the area. TOA has taken
on additional responsibilities that are usually handled by USFS employees,
due to funding limitations. TOA has mentioned limited financial resources
when it comes to supporting preservation efforts at Albion Basin.
● Friends of Alta: Friends of Alta is a non-profit organization that provides
support to TOA in funding and staffing the information booth at the
entrance to Albion Basin Road. The organization's goal is to provide
visitors with information about environmental sensitivity and conservation
efforts in the area. Friends of Alta prioritize directing funds towards land
acquisition in Albion Basin to prevent additional development.
● Residents: Residents of Albion Basin have raised some concerns. Some
common issues that arise are the noise levels coming from the
campground, hikers going off-trail, dust kicked up by vehicles on the road,
and an elevated risk of fire hazards. Residents understand the importance

of utilizing the Albion Basin Road to reach their homes, regardless of any
decisions regarding public access. The residents are becoming more aware
of the growing influx of summer visitors to Albion Basin and the resulting
effects on their everyday lives and the environment.
● Wasatch Mountain Club (WMC): WMC is a community of outdoor
enthusiasts primarily located in the Salt Lake Valley. The club offers a
range of outdoor activities in the beautiful Wasatch Mountains, including
hiking, biking, walking, and photography trips. Although hiking on USFS
land in Salt Lake County is free, there is a charge for driving up the county
road to popular destinations such as Mill Creek Canyon. Albion Basin is a
popular spot for the WMC because of its convenient location and stunning
natural surroundings. WMC supports the idea of allowing unrestricted
access to all canyons, including Albion Basin, for recreational activities.
● Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLPU): The primary
concern of SLPU with regard to the Albion Basin is water conservation.
For its water supply, Salt Lake City is extremely dependent on water from
the Albion Basin. Unauthorized swimming in streams and reservoirs is an
example of a water contamination issue that may result from an influx of
visitors to the area.SLPU, which possesses nearly all of the water in the
Albion Basin, places significant emphasis on the preservation of water
quality and the safeguarding of water sources.
These organizations have important roles in managing and preserving
Albion Basin, and we are actively working with them to tackle the
challenges and opportunities related to the area.

6. How will their potential interests and positions impact our negotiation?
There are a total of 5 different parties in the negotiation alongside us that can
impact our negotiation and the following parties are as follows-
● Town of Alta (TOA)- The TOA is inclined towards conserving the pristine
aesthetics of the Albion Basin, promoting sustainable tourism, and
ensuring the town's economic sustainability.
Impact on United States Forest Service- The objectives of the TOA may
coincide with the purposes of the USFS, which include the preservation
and responsible administration of natural resources. Partnering with the
TOA may assist the USFS in implementing efficient management tactics
that provide positive outcomes for both the ecosystem and the nearby
population. But it might affect USFS negatively just in case TOA doesn’t
provide the security or maintenance assistance they usually do since they

are running short on their funding. Thus we the USFS might have to figure
out ways to provide security, maintenance, etc.
● Friends of Alta (FOA)- The primary objective of FOA is to save the
Albion Basin by means of land preservation and environmental education
and that might also include wanting to buy off the land to protect it.
Impact on USFS- The conservation efforts of FOA may enhance the
USFS's objectives of safeguarding natural resources. Partnering with FOA
may bolster conservation efforts and assist the USFS in attaining its goals
of environmental stewardship. But at the same time, we might not want to
sell the land.
● Wasatch Mountain Club (WMC)- Members of the WMC prioritize
outdoor enjoyment, the ability to explore wilderness regions, and the
responsible management of the environment.
Impact on USFS- WMC's promotion of appropriate recreational behaviors
and environmental protection may be in line with the aim of the USFS.
Partnering with WMC can facilitate the advancement of sustainable
leisure and conservation initiatives in Albion Basin. However, the fact that
WMC wants free access might not be favorable to us as we would be
suggesting a certain amount of fee from them to hike and ask them to
reserve beforehand.
● Alta Ski Lifts (ASL)- The objective of ASL is to sustain its activities,
provide leisure prospects, and bolster the local economy.
Impact on the USFS- Engaging in collaboration with ASL may assist the
United States Forest Service (USFS) in achieving a harmonious
equilibrium between recreational activities and conservation objectives.
Collaborating with ASL to include sustainable practices may have
advantageous outcomes for both the recreational sector and endeavors to
preserve the environment.
● Residents- They may place importance on aspects such as the overall
standard of living, preservation of the environment, and the welfare of the
Effect on USFS- To establish management methods that take into account
community requirements, the USFS may address residents' complaints
about traffic, noise, and environmental effects. Interacting with neighbors
helps cultivate community endorsement for conservation programs and
sustainable management methods.

7. What are the situational variables impacting our negotiation?
Answer- The United States Forest Service (USFS) negotiation regarding the
Albion Basin Summer Use is being influenced by a number of situational
elements, including the following:

● The Ranger District has been advised by the national headquarters of the
United States Forest Service (USFS) that there are no more funds that can
be granted for greater management of the Albion Basin Road. As a result,
strategic collaborations with other organizations were required in order to
implement alternate transportation options.

● Involvement of Stakeholders: The negotiation involves a number of

different stakeholders, such as the inhabitants of the Albion Basin, the
Wasatch Mountain Club, the Town of Alta, and the Friends of Alta. Each
of these stakeholders has a unique set of interests and concerns with regard
to the management, preservation, and access to the area. For instance,
however, the other stakeholder groups might have other different motives
and might be against the idea of keeping the Albion Basin road open.

● Environmental Concerns: Protecting the environment and keeping the

Albion Basin healthy, such as keeping the water clean, keeping the land
safe, and limiting the damage that visitors can do, are very important
factors that affect how and what is agreed upon during negotiations. So
keeping that in mind, we might have reached the agenda successfully.
However, if the negotiation does not go our way, we might have to think
about other ways to reach the ultimate decision by collaborating with other
parties peacefully.

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