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The auditor gives an audit opinion:

A. To ensure that the financial statements (FS) are true and fair.
B. Auditor may get legal liability for giving false opinions.
C. Auditor has no responbility due to potentially limited inherent audit.
D. All of the above are correct.
2. What is the primary purpose of the auditor when they need to appear
A. To create the trust for the audit firm
B. To be compliance with laws
C. To be compliance with auditing standards
D. To maintain the trust of public/communit
3. "Integrity" in the professional ethics of auditors is:
A. Auditors must be honest and have a clear opinion
B. Auditors must be independent in thinking (mind) and appearance
C. Auditors must be decisive, fair and impartial
D. Auditors must show leader skills.
4. Which statement is TRUE about Materiality?
A. Materiality is determined by referring to the guidelines of the VSA-ISA.
B. Materiality depends only on the amount of the matter under consideration, in
relation to other items on the FS
C. Materiality depends on the nature of the item rather than the amount of the
D. Materiality is a matter of professional judgment of auditor.
5. The relationship between audit evidence and materiality is:
A. Additional
B. Parallel
C. Inverse
D. No relationship
6. An audit firm MUST NOT be established in any of the following forms:
A. Partnership company
B. Joint stock company
D. Proprietorship
C. Limited liability company
7. The least convincing type of audit evidence regarding payment for supplier:
A. Sales invoice of supplier.
B. Bank statement provided by client.
C. Recalculations made by auditors.
D. Oral evidence. ( or prenumbered sale invoice)
8. Audit evidence is:
A. All financial information of the business
B. Documents supporting the opinion of the auditor about the financial
C. Proof of any fraud in business
D. All of the above are wrong
9. Which of the following are not the task of internal audit:
B. Operational audit.
A. Audit of accounting statements.
D. Audit of budget in a province.
C. Compliance audit.
10. Passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act led to the establishment of the:
A. Auditing Standards Board.
B. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
C. Public Accountancy Review Board.
D. Securities and Exchange Commission.
11. Which one is NOT the risk of auditor:
B. Detection risk
A. Inherent risk
D. A&C
C. Control risk
12. A limited liability partnership form of organization:
A. Decreases liability of all partners of a CPA firm.
B Has similar liability requirements to that of a professional corporation.
C. Eliminates personal liability for some, but not all, partners.
D. Eliminates personal liability for all partners.
13. Comparing the current-year gross margin with the prior-year gross margin to
determine if cost of sales is reasonable during an audit would be a type of:
A. Analytical procedure.
B. Test of transactions.
C. Test of details
D. Test of controls.
14. During financial statement audits, auditors seek to restrict which type of risk?
A. Detection risk.
B. Control risk.
C. Account risk.
D. Inherent risk.
15. Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding audit
A. Audit evidence gathered by an auditor from outside an enterprise is reliable
B. The auditor must obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
C. Oral representations made by management are not valid evidence.
D. Accounting data developed under satisfactory conditions of internal control are
more relevant than data developed ander unsatisfactory internal control conditions
6. A decrease in the tolerable misstatement has what effect on the required sample
A. Increases.
B. Decreases.
C. No effect.
D. Indeterminate.
17. When financial statements are affected by a material departure from generally
accepted accounting principles, the auditors should:
A. Issue an unmodified opinion with a basis for modification paragraph.
B. Withdraw from the engagement.
C. Issue an " except for" qualification or an adverse opinion.
D. Issue an "except for" qualification or a disclaimer of opinion.
18. Which of the following procedures most likely would assist an auditor in
identifying conditions and events that may indicate substantial doubt about an
entity's ability to continue as a going concern?
A. Performing cutoff tests of sales transactions with customers with long-standing
receivable balances.
B. Evaluating the entity's procedures for identifying and recording related party
C. Inspecting title documents to verify whether any real property is pledged as
D. Inquiring of the entity's legal counsel about litigation, legal invoices, and
assessments. ( Việc hỏi ý kiến cố vấn pháp lý của đơn vị có thể cung cấp thông tin có giá trị về
các vụ kiện tụng đang diễn ra hoặc tiềm ẩn, các hóa đơn pháp lý và đánh giá có thể có tác động
đáng kể đến tình hình tài chính và khả năng hoạt động liên tục của đơn vị.)
19. When the auditor is unable to determine the amounts associated with
noncompliance with a law by client personnel due to a scope limitation, the auditor
should issue a(an):
A. Standard unmodified opinion.
B. Disclaimer of opinion. ( từ chối đưa ra ý kiến)
C. Adverse opinion
D. Unmodified opinion with a separate emphasis-of-matter paragraph.
20. An auditor is performing an analytical procedure that involves comparing a
client's account balances over time. This technique is referred to as:
A. Vertical analysis.
B. Horizontal analysis.
D. Comparison analysis.
C. Cross-sectional analysis.
21. To measure how effectively a client employs its assets, an auditor calculates
inventory turnover by dividing the average inventory into:
B. Cost of goods sold. ( Giá vốn hàng bán - GVHB liên quan trực tiếp đến việc sản xuất và
bán hàng hóa, bao gồm chi phí nguyên vật liệu thô và nhân công. Chia hàng tồn kho trung bình
cho giá vốn hàng bán là cách chính xác để tính vòng quay hàng tồn kho vì nó đo lường hiệu quả
quản lý hàng tồn kho liên quan đến chi phí sản xuất và bán hàng.)
D. Gross sales.
A. Net sales.
C. Operating income.
22. Which of the following is not correct relating to representation letters?
A. They are ordinarily dated as of the date of the audit report.
B. They are signed by members of top management.
C. They must be obtained for audits.
D. They often serve as a substitute for the application of other procedures
23. The auditors of Smith Electronics wish to limit the audit risk of material
misstatement in the test of account receivable to 10 percent. They believe that
inherent risk is 100%, and there is a 50% risk that material misstaten could have
bypassed the client's system of internal control. What is the maximum detection
risk the auditors sh specify in their substantive procedures of details of accounts
A. 5%.
B. 20%. ( A= C*I *D => 10% = 50%*100%*D => D = 20%)
C. 42.7%.
D. 60%.
24. Which of the following is correct?
A. Management letter is the letter sent by BOD
B. Management letter is sent to list down the fraud or weaknesses in the audited
company. ( Thư Xác Nhận Của Nhà Qly – được gửi bởi kiểm toán viên để chỉ ra những sai sót,
từ đó giúp khách hàng đưa ra những quyết định quản trị)
C. Management letter is sent to attorney of the company
D. Auditor reads information on the management letter for more evidence.
25. The audit report has a paragraph: "An audit involves performing procedures to
obtain audit evidence about amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgme including the assessment
of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to
fraud error... We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for o audit opinion." Where is this paragraph
presented in the audit report?
B. Introductory Paragraph
A. Auditor's Responsibility
D. Auditor's Opinion
C. Scope paragraph ( phạm vi của BC kiểm toán)
26. Provide the following evidence:
(1) The vendor's debt confirmation; (2) Supplier's invoice; (3) Cheque (company
authorization of payment); (4) Goods Delivery Note
Arrange these evidences in decending order of reliability?
B. 2-1-4-3
A. 1-2-3-4
D. 3-4-1-2
C. 4-3-2-1
27. An auditor may compensate for a weakness in internal control by increasing
the extent of:
B.TOD ( test of details – thực nghiệm chi tiết)
D. Recaculation further
C. Interview further
31. An attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions that may
indicate possible misstatements, is referred to as: and a critical assessment of audit
A. Reasonable assurance.
B. Professional skepticism.
D. Auditing mindset.
C. Audit neutralism.
32. The review of a company's financial statements by a CPA firm:
A. Is substantially less in scope of procedures than an audit. ( về cơ bản, phạm vi thủ
tục ít hơn so với 1 cuộc kiểm toán. Việc soát xét báo cáo tài chính do công ty CPA thực hiện là
một hợp đồng đảm bảo có giới hạn bao gồm việc thực hiện các thủ tục phân tích, đưa ra các câu
hỏi và thu thập bằng chứng chứng thực ở mức độ hạn chế. So với kiểm toán, đánh giá có phạm vi
và độ sâu ít hơn.)
B. Requires detailed analysis of the major accounts.
C. Is of similar scope as an audit and adds similar credibility to the statements.
D. Culminates in issuance of a report expressing the CPA's opinion as to the
fairness of the statements
33. An integrated audit performed under the Sarbanes- Oxley Act requires that
auditors report on:
Finacial Internal Control
A Yes Yes
B Yes No
C No Yes
D No No

A. Option A
B. Option B
C.Option C
D. Option D
34. Which procedure is NOT a typical analytical procedure?
A. Study of relationships of the financial information with relevant nonfinancial
B. Comparison of the financial information with similar information regarding the
industry in which the entity operates
C. Comparison of recorded amounts of major disbursements with appropriate
D. Comparison of the financial information with budgeted amounts.
35. An unexpected economic downturn is likely to have which effect on inventory
turnover. (suy thoái kinh tế làm cho vòng quay HTK giảm)
A. Increase.
B. Decrease. ( if upturn => increase)
C. No effect.
D. Each of these replies is equally likely.
36. Which of the following is most likely to be considered an analytical procedure?
A. Testing purchases at year-end to determine they were recorded in the proper
B. Comparing inventory balances to recent sales activities. ( So sánh số dư hàng tồn
kho với hoạt động bán hàng gần đây. Quy trình này giúp đánh giá mối quan hệ giữa mức tồn kho
và doanh số bán hàng, từ đó có thể cung cấp thông tin chuyên sâu về vòng quay hàng tồn kho và
các vấn đề tiềm ẩn khi tồn kho quá nhiều hoặc thiếu hàng) 3 cái còn lại là substantive test

C. Seeking a sample of year-end receivables for confirmation,

D. Reconciling physical counts of inventory to perpetual records.
37. Which of the following is least to be considered a risk assessment procedure?
A. Analytical procedures.
B. Inspection of documents.
C. Observation of the counting of inventory. ( Quan sát kiểm kê HTK – thường
được coi là substantive test thử nghiệm cơ bản)
D. Observation of the performance of certain accounting procedures
38. Given inherent risk is 50%, control risk is 25%. Because the economic crisis,
the inherent risk would be 75%. If the acceptable audit risk is kept unchanged at
5%, how much detection risk would be changed?
A. 26.67%
C. 13.33% ( trước khi change : A=C*I*D  5% = 25%*50%*D => D= 26.67%; sau khi
change : 5%=25%*75%*D => D=40% => D đã thay đổi 40% - 26.67% = 13.33%)

39. The following is part of ABC company’s financial statement ( unit: 1 million
Cash 8.000 Payables 33.000 Revenue 110.000
Receivable 21.000 Long-term debt 141.000 Cost of good 80.000
s sold
Inventory 86.000 Owner capital 82.000 Other expenses X
( selling,…)
Fixed asset 147.000 Retained 6.000
Total asset 262.000 Total Equity 262.000
lf X = 30.000, calculate overall materiality (materiality for FS as a whole) and
performance materiality? Knowing that auditors use when assessing overall
materiality, 75% when assessing performance mafteriality.
A. 330 and 247,5
B. 230 and 150,5
C. 786 and 196,5
D. 90 and 67,5
40. Which of the following is not an assertion that is made in the financial
statement by management concerning each major account balance?
A. Completeness
B. Rights and obligations.
C. Legality
D. Valuation
41. To minimize the risk that the audit will not detect material misstatements in the
financial statements, the auditors primarily relies on:
A. Substantive procedures.
B. Test of controls
C. Internal control
D. Statistical analysis.
42. Which of the following is not ordinarily a procedure for documenting an
auditor’s understanding of internal control for planning purposes? ( k phải thủ tục
ghi lại hiểu biết của KTV về KSNB cho mục đích planning)
A. Checklist
B. Flowchart
C. Questionnaire
D. Confirmation
43. In the consideration of internal control, the operating effectiveness of controls
is tested by:
A. Flowcharts verification.
B. Tests of controls.
C. Substantive procedures. ( đi sâu vào ptich hơn, phát hiện sai sót trọng yếu ở cấp
độ CSDL)
D. Decision tables.
44. A material weakness involves an amount that could result in a misstatement
that is:
A. Smaller than inconsequential.
B. Larger than inconsequential.
C. Tolerable
D. Material
45. Which of the following is not considered one of the five major components of
internal control?
(Five major components of IC: control environment, risk assessment, control activities,
information and communication, and monitoring.)

A. Risk assessment.
B. Physical controls.
C. Control activities.
D. Monitoring.
46. Which of the following is generally true about the sufficiency of audit
A. The amount of evidence that is sufficient varies directly with the acceptable risk
of material misstatement ( AR càng cao, evidence càng giảm)
B. The amount of evidence concerning a particular account varies inversely with
the materiality of the account.
C. The amount of evidence concerning a particular account varies inversely with
the inherent risk of the account.
D. When evidence is appropriate with respect to an account it is also sufficient.
47. Which of the following is not a component of the control environment?
A. Integrity and ethical values.
B. Risk assessment.
C. Commitment to attracting, developing, and retaining competent employees.
D. Organizational structure.
48. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires that the audit committee:
A. Annually reassess control risk using information fom the CPA firm.
B. Be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation, and oversight of the
work of the CPA firm. (Chịu trách nhiệm trực tiếp về việc bổ nhiệm, bồi thường và giám sát
công việc của công ty CPA.)

C. Require that the company's CPA firm rotate the partner in charge of the audit.
D. Review the level of management compensation.
49. Given client’s ending balance sheet date is 31/12/2020, audit report date
15/3/2021 and the date to issue audited FS is 31/3/2021. What is the date the
auditor is responsible for reviewing for subsequent events?
A. 16/3/2021
B. 20/3/2021
C. 31/3/2021 maybe
D. 10/3/2021
50. What is not the purposes of the client letter of representation? Kp mục đích của
thư đại diện
A. To impress upon management its responsibility for the assertions in the
financial statement. ( Để gây ấn tượng với ban quản lý về trách nhiệm của mình đối với các
cơ sở xác nhận trong báo cáo tài chính)

B. To remind management of potential misstatements or omissions in the financial

C. To document the responses from management to inquiries about various aspects
of the audit
D. To present the documentations which is used for audit engagement
51. When the financial statements are fairly stated but the auditor concludes there
is substantial doubt whether the client can continue in existence, the auditor should
issue a(n):
A. adverse opinion.
B. qualified opinion only.
C. unqualified opinion.
D. unqualified opinion with explanatory.
52. If auditor is nonindependent, which is the audit opinion on report
A. Adverse ý kiến bất lợi, trái ngược
B. Unqualified
C. Qualified
D. Disclaimer
53. Auditor cannot participate in the stock count at the end of the year, but auditor
assesses that this is immaterial because inventory only takes 10% of total asset, so
what is the audit opinion for FS?
A. Adverse
B. Qualified
C. Unqualified
D. Disclaimer
54. Auditor could not obtain the confirmation of some suppliers on payable
account at the end of the year, and the auditor assessed that this is material but does
not overshadow FS as a whole, so what is the auditor opinion for FS?
A. adverse
B. unqualified
C. qualified
D. Disclaimer
55. FS are not prepared in accordance with GAAP and the auditor assessed that
this is material, overshadow FS, so what is the audit opinion for FS?
A. adverse
B. unqualified
C. qualified
D. Disclaimer
56. Which of the following statements concerning audit evidence is true?
A. To be appopriate, audit evidence should be either persuasive or relevant, but
need not be reliable
B. The measure of the quantity and quality of audit evidence lies in the auditor’s
C. The difficulty and expense of obtaining audit evidence concerning an account
balance is a valid basis for omitting the test
D. A client’s accounting records can be sufficient audit evidence to support the FS
57. Classify each of three activities above according to the types of audit evidence
(in order):

1. Compare a duplicate sales invoice with the sales journal for customer name
and amount.
2. Calculate the ratio of sales commission expense to sales as a test of sales
3. Trace the total in the cash disbursements journal to the general ledger.
A. Recalculation — recalculation – reperformance
B. Analytical procedures – recalculation – reperformance
C. Inspection – analytical procedure – reperformance
D. Physical examination – analytical procedure – analytical procedure
58. Fixed assets misrecorded due to calculation, will affect to which audit
assertion of fixed assets? Ghi sai TSCĐ do tính toán sai
A. Completeness
B. Existence
C. Accuracy
D. Valuation
59. The quality of the audit does not depend on which of the following factors?
Yếu tố kh làm ảnh hưởng tới chất lượng của cuộc kiểm toán
A. Compentence and independence of the auditor.
B. The effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s internal control system.
C. The quality of the audit standards used as a basis for evaluating the audited
D. Professional ethics of auditors
60. Provide the following evidence: (1) The vendor’s debt confirmation; (2)
Suppliers invoice; (3) Cheque ( company authorization of payment); (4) Goods
Delivery Note. Arrange these evidences in an increment order of reliability?
A. 1-2-3-4
B.2-1-4-3 4
C. 4-3-2-1
61. An auditor may compensate for a weakness in internal control by increasing
the extent of:
C. Subtantive test
D. B&C
62. Choose the correct sentence:
A. There are 1 signature of auditor on the independent auditor's report
B. The scope paragraph is put at the end of the independent auditor's report
C. The definition paragraph is put before the scope paragraph
D. The opinion paragraph is put after the scope paragraph

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