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Science Course Outline

for Spring 2021 Competition

No. Themes Objectives
1 Observe day and night Understanding that a day can be divided into 2 periods of time: day and night
2 Weather Knowing that we have some kinds of weathers: sunny day, rainy day and cloudy day
3 Light Understanding that everything puts under the light can make a shadow
4 Human Senses To be able to differentiate our 5 senses and their functions
5 Heat Understanding the function of heat in our daily life and knowing the sources of heat
6 Sound To understand that sound comes from vibration and needs to vibrate in our eardrum to hear the sound
7 Push and pull force To know that push and pull force will make things move


No. Themes Objectives
1 Simple electricity To understand that electircity is the source of power
2 Observing nature To realize what nature has for human life
3 Growth of seeds To understand how to grow plants from seeds
4 Observing a butterfly To understand the life cycle of butterfly and the characteristic of each stage
5 Air To predict what will happen when we use properties of air
6 How shadow and sunlight work To understand how and where shadows will be formed under the sunlight and to know the use of sunlight
7 Properties of light To learn how to get heat from sunlight by using tools
8 Electricity and small light bulb To understand about conductor and insulator and how they work in the circuit
9 Magnet To understand that what sticks to magnet is made of iron


No. Themes Objectives
1 Electricity and small light bulb To understand about conductor and insulator and how they work in the circuit (2)
2 Magnet To understand use of magnet
3 Object and weight To learn how to weigh objects with a simple balance scale
4 How electricity works To understand what battery can be made of
5 Changes of temperature in a day To understand how temperature change in a day and night
6 The moon and stars To learn the phases of the moon and the position of stars in the satellite
7 Compressibility of air and water To understand that air and water have pressure that is strong enough to push things
8 Human body To understand that our body is built by bone system and the body movement is caused by muscle system (1)


No. Themes Objectives
1 Human body To understand that our body is built by bone system and the body movement is caused by muscle system (2)
2 Propagation of heat through matter To understand that heat can be transferred through solid, liquid, and gas
3 Warming of objects To understand that when things gets warmer or cooler, the volume will change
4 Shape of water To know how that water can be solid or liquid and the properties of water in each stage
5 Water cycle To know how water goes from ocean and comes back to ocean again
6 Germination and growth of plants To understand that plants grow from seeds and how the plants make their own food through photosynthesis
7 Birth of tadpoles To understand the life cycle of frog and to know the environment where they live
8 Forming of fruits from flowers To understand the process of forming fruits, starring from pollination
9 Changes in temperature and shapes of clouds To know several kinds of clouds during rainy days and fine days
10 Flow of water To understand the charactereistic of water in upstream and downstream and how it flows
11 Solubility of objects To learn how things dissolve in water and the temperature of the solution


No. Themes Objectives
1 Electromagnets To understand how to form the electromagnet with electric current
2 Working with pendulums To understand how it works with pendulum and balance them
3 Birth of humans To learn about human reproduction and conception
4 Combustion To know what kind of things that are combustible and the needs for combustion
5 Formation and systems of plants To understand the plant parts in detail and their functions in the system
6 Systems of humans and animals To learn about organs in human and animals and their function in their body systems
7 Relationship betwwen living things To learn that in life, the living things need another living things to survive
8 Properties of solutions To understand how we separate things from water through filtration and crystallization
9 The moon and the sun To learn about moon in more detail terminology and to learn about eclipse
JISMO S-3 (Science Primary 3) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

Fill the circle on the answer sheet with the right answer.

1. The illustration above shows a circuit with three main components: battery, wire, and bulb.
Which one of the following options correctly shows the functions of the three components?

Battery Wire Bulb

A. Creating the current in Connecting other Producing light
the circuit components to the circuit
B. Converting chemical Producing light Receiving heat
energy into electrical

C. Storing electricity Transferring heat Producing the current

D. Alternative current Receiving heat Receiving light


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2. Elsa observed a germination of mung bean. She pre-soaked mung beans in a container of
water for 24 hours. Then, she put the mung beans on damp cotton pads under two different
conditions: (A) light and (B) dark. To achieve dark condition, glass B was covered with a box
as illustrated below. She gave the same amount of water and kept both glasses at the same
temperature. Interestingly, both mung beans in the light and dark conditions started to
sprout at the same time. What is the purpose of this observation?

A. To know that light stimulates the mung beans to sprout.

B. To know that water stimulates the mung beans to sprout.
C. To know that temperature stimulates the mung beans to sprout.
D. To know that humidity stimulates the mung beans to sprout.

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3. The following diagram shows a food chain in ocean. Based on the diagram, which ones are
the primary and secondary consumers?

Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer

A. Seaweed Leopard Seal
B. Crab Killer Whale
C. Shrimp Cod Fish
D. Dolphin Penguin

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4. All organisms need light to survive on the Earth. The source of light produces
electromagnetic radiation which is categorized into natural and artificial light sources. From
the following options, which one is not an example of natural source that emits light?

A. C.

( (

B. D.

( (

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5. One sunny day in winter, Naomi visited a greenhouse. It was warm inside, and she saw the
plants growing well. Why was the temperature warmer inside than the outside? Which one
of the following statements is most appropriate?

A. Sunlight enters the greenhouse and absorbed by plants and soil. The heat from
inside the greenhouse does not go through the glass.
B. Sunlight hits the greenhouse, then the glass absorbs heat and stores it inside the
C. Sunlight enters the greenhouse and absorbed by plants. The plants keep the heat
all day and warm the temperature inside the greenhouse.
D. The glass of the greenhouse is like lens and collects sunlight during daytime and
keeps the heat inside the greenhouse during nighttime.

6. Air has some properties that we can learn from daily activity. When a car tire is inflated,
what property of air is applied?

A. Air has weight

B. Air expands when heated
C. Air is made up of gas
D. Air occupies space

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7. Pesticide is used by farmers to protect their plants from pests such as insects. Chemical
compounds in the pesticide could kill the insects. Unfortunately, using too much pesticide
affects the food chain. Based on the following diagram, how is the food chain affected by
the pesticide?

A. The number of insects decreases so bird will eat plant.

B. The number of plants increases so insect will have a lot of food.
C. The number of insects decreases so bird will lose its natural food.
D. The number of plants decreases so bird will not have enough food.

8. Every day we do many activities to survive. We study, cook, eat, etc. In cooking, some
processes are not reversible whereas others are reversible. For example, the process of
making bread starts from mixing flour and water and bake the mixture. This process is not
reversible once it is done. Which of the following options is a reversible process?

A. Whisking an egg
B. Toasting a bread
C. Making flour from rice
D. Melting a chocolate bar

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9. Lodestone is a natural magnet that has magnetic force formed by a natural phenomenon.
From the following options, what is the natural phenomenon producing magnetic force in

A. Aurora
B. Acid rain
C. Lightning
D. Rainbow

10. Jiwon did an experiment using two balloons of the same size. He inflated the balloons with
the same amount of air and tied them with a string to a wooden stick as illustrated below.
He balanced the wooden stick by tying a string in the middle. Then, Jiwon popped one of
the balloons. What was the result of this experiment?

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11. A circuit needs a conductor that allows electricity current to flow through. In the following
diagram, the coin which is made of copper lets the circuit work and turns the light bulb on.
There are other things that will work as the conductors. Which option has all the correct

1. Aluminium 2. Plastic spoon

3. Ceramic mug 4. Wooden chopsticks

5. Gold bracelet 6. Rusty iron nail

A. 1 and 5
B. 1, 5, and 6
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 2, 3, 4, and 6

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12. The following illustrations show simple electric circuits using a light bulb. Each circuit uses
the same battery, copper wire, and light bulb. The example shows one of the circuits that
turns the light bulb on. Find all the electric circuits among (1) to (6) which can turn the light
bulb on.

A. (1), (2), and (3)

B. (1), (4), and (6)
C. (2), (5), and (6)
D. (3), (4), and (5)

13. Jane wants to make a tree using 3 magnets and steel paper clips. The magnets are arranged
to float as shown on the picture below. Every magnet has two poles: North and South. To
make the magnets float, which option has all the correct positions of the poles?

A. (i) North – (ii) South – (iii) North –

(iv) South – (v) North

B. (i) South – (ii) North – (iii) South –

(iv) South – (v) North

C. (i) North – (ii) South – (iii) South –

(iv) South – (v) North

D. (i) South – (ii) North – (iii) South –

(iv) North – (v) South

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14. On a sunny day, Peter wanted to know what animals live in his backyard. He explored and
found some spiders in a cobweb. He also found mosquitoes flying around the tall grass.
Which of the following descriptions is incorrect about these two animals?

A. Spider is not an insect.

B. Only mosquito can fly.
C. Both spider and mosquito have an abdomen.
D. Both spider and mosquito have antennae.

15. Conductors allow heat to flow easily through media whereas insulator has the opposite
characteristic. We can find conductors and insulators in our daily life and one of the
examples is a kettle. For safety reason, a kettle is required to use a proper material for the
handle. Based on the illustration below, what material is best for the handle indicated by the
arrow and why?

A. Wood. The wood will store the heat for long time from boiling water, so its outer part
does not feel hot.
B. The aluminum. The aluminum will retain the heat from boiling water, so the
temperature of the handle remains stable.
C. Rubber. The rubber will transfer the heat from the handle to the boiling water.
D. Plastic. The plastic will prevent the heat from moving freely and spread it over the

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16. The Earth completes a rotation every 24 hours which is known as a whole day. Below is an
illustration of the Earth rotating on its axis. Which of the following options shows (1) the
period of time on area X and (2) the relevant activity during that time?

(1) Time (2) Activity

A. Daytime Playing fireworks

B. Daytime Hiking

C. Nighttime Observing fireflies

D. Nighttime Gardening

17. Sound is a vibration that travels through a medium as a wave. Freddy did an experiment to
prove this theory as illustrated below. He spread 1 tablespoon of salt on top of the bowl
which is covered with plastic wrap. He held the metal tray in the air but next to the bowl.
Then, by using a metal spoon, he hit the metal tray like a drum while observing the salt.
What is the result of this experiment?

A. The salt is not moving because sound vibration cannot be transferred through
different media.
B. The salt is moving because sound vibration is transferred through air and reach the
plastic wrap.
C. The salt is not moving because sound vibration has not enough power to move thing.
D. The salt is moving because sound vibration is transferred to the bowl first and then
reach the plastic wrap.

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18. Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the Earth. When objects are dropped, they will
fall to the ground. However, the air has a resistance that defies gravity and creates an
upward force. This resistance causes objects to fall at different speeds. Five children did an
experiment by dropping 5 cups of the same size from the second floor onto the ground.

1. Aluminum foil cup

2. Glass cup
3. Plastic cup
4. Styrofoam cup
5. Metal cup

Each of them turned the cup upside down and dropped it at the same time. Which of the
following options shows all the cups falling more slowly?

A. 1-3-5
B. 2-3-4
C. 3-4-5
D. 1-3-4

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19. There are several characteristics that categorize plants as living things. One of the examples
is the behavior of Mimosa pudica. It is well known as ‘sensitive plant’ because its leaves will
curl when we touch them. What is the characteristic of living thing that explains the
behavior of this plant?

A. Living things can move on their own

B. Living things will die without oxygen
C. Living things adapt to their environment
D. Living things respond to stimuli

20. One late afternoon, Kaito did an experiment by sticking a bar magnet with a tape to a
styrofoam plate to observe whether magnet can be used as a compass. When he put the
styrofoam plate on the water and turned it a few times, it finally stopped. In which direction
would the South pole of the magnet be pointing?



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Subject Code: S-3
Participants must fill in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
the followings for re-registration. FOR ONLINE COMPETITION
1. Participants should use only pencils and
eraser. It is recommended that they
use at least 2 pencils. The rest of the
Full name: ______________________ things such as calculator, handphone,
dictionary, protractor, ruler, pen, etc.
are not allowed to use during the exam.
Only participants for maths competition
are allowed to use 1 sheet of A4 blank
Registration: ______________________ paper for calculation.

2. The duration of the competition is 60

minutes per subject. Participants are
allowed to leave the competition at
any time after submitting the complete
Grade: ______________________
answers and switching off Zoom.
Make sure to click “Submit” button and
see closing page appears.
Once participants left the competition,
they are not allowed to re-access the
School Name: ______________________ Google Form link or re-join the
Zoom meeting.

3. In case of lost WIFI connection, if the

cause is from JISMO side, JISMO shall
secure 60 minutes for participants.
If the cause is from participants side,
participants shall be back to
the competition within 5 minutes.
While losing WIFI connection, participants
shall be back to the competition
within 5 minutes.


 JISMO 2015
JISMO S-3 (Science Primary 3) | March 2020

Subject Code: S-3



1. Duration of the test is 60 minutes. There are 20

multiple choices and 3 short answers on the
question paper.

2. Use only pencils and erasers during the test. Calculators,

rulers, and pens are not allowed.

3. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom until

the test ends.

4. Shade your full name as shown by the example below.



5. Shade your choice as shown by the

example below.


Honour Code:
I pledge that I will not copy or Signature
take help from other students
or instructors while answering


 JISMO 2015
JISMO S-3 (Science Primary 3) | March 2020

Short Answer (S-3)

Please use the following spaces for short answer question 1 to 3.

Question 1.

Examples of answers:
- Reduce energy consumption (save energy)
- Reduce amount of waste sent to landfills
- Save natural resources
- Protecting ecosystems and wildlife
- Cuts climate-changing carbon emissions
(students need to mention two benefits)

Question 2.

Because the earth itself is a giant magnet. South magnetic pole of earth
lies close to North geographic pole, it will always attract North end of
magnet. On the other hand, North magnetic pole of earth which lies close
to South geographic pole will attract South end of magnet. In conclusion,
our magnet always pointing North and South.

Question 3.

 JISMO 2015
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Fill the circle on the answer sheet with the right answer.

1. Jack did an experiment about magnet. He wanted to turn a nail into a magnet. In experiment
(I), he rubbed a bar magnet against the nail in the same direction. Then in experiment (II), he
put the magnetized nail in a container and placed it near a compass. The nail always leads to
the same direction as illustrated below. Which of the following options shows the correct
directions of A and B ?

(I) (II)

A. A = North B = South
B. A = South B = North
C. A = East B = West
D. A = West B = East

2. Keito used 6 ring magnets which have a strong magnetic force. The following illustration
shows how he put the magnets through a plastic rod to make them float or stuck to
another magnet. Which of the following options correctly identifies pole A, B, C, and D?

A. A: North B: North C: South D: North

B. A: North B: South C: South D: North
C. A: South B: South C: South D: South
D. A: South B: South C: North D: South

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3. Fertilization is a process that goes after a successful pollination, which combine male and
female gametes to produce a zygote. Which parts of the following flower show stamens,
stigma, and ovule?

Stamens Stigma Ovule

A. A B C

B. A C B

C. B A C

D. C A B

Refer to the following story and answer question 4 and 5.

Seed is very important for a plant. The seed is formed as a result of reproduction. It produces
a young embryo which will develop into a new plant through a germination process.

4. What are the three main parts of a seed?

A. Seed coat, water, young plant

B. Young plant, nutrients, seed root
C. Seed coat, young plant, nutrients
D. Young plant, seed root, water

5. Which of the following statements is not true about seeds?

A. Only plants that have flower produce seed.

B. Every plant produces seed.
C. The seed is produced by a combination of the female and male parts of the plants.
D. Germination of the seed starts when the seed absorbs water from the ground.

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6. Jillian and Debora were swimming in a swimming pool. They played and piggybacked each
other inside the water. Jillian was very surprised as she could lift up Debora who was
heavier than her easily which she would not be able to do outside the swimming pool.
What was the correct reason behind this phenomenon?

A. Debora’s weight changed when she was inside the swimming pool.
B. Jillian gained more strength when she was inside the swimming pool.
C. The water inside the swimming pool helped push Debora up.
D. The gravity was smaller when they were inside the swimming pool.

7. Jib and Sua did an experiment by blowing out a candle as illustrated below. Each of them
blew a candle which was placed behind an object. Jib used a round-shaped object while
Sua used a square-shaped one. The shape of objects will give a different impact to the air
movement. When they blew out the candles at the same time, whose candle would put
out easier and why?

A. Jib’s candle; it is because the air spreads in all direction.

B. Sua’s candle; it is because the air goes around the object.
C. Jib’s candle: it is because the air movement follows the shape of the object.
D. Sua’s candle; it is because the shape of the object makes the air move easier.

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8. Ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms live together
with abiotic components and interact with each other. There are many kinds of ecosystem
exist on the Earth. Ocean, rain forest, and desert are the examples of ecosystem where
they have different kinds of population and community. Which one of the following options
correctly shows the examples of populations which live in a pond ecosystem?

A. Snail, duck, cod fish, water lily

B. Duck, tadpoles, frog, lotus
C. Snail, frog, clownfish, water lily
D. Swan, tadpoles, coral, lotus

9. The following illustration shows a human fetus. The umbilical cord connects a fetus in the
womb to his mother. The fetus gets oxygen and nutrients supplies from the placenta.

Which ones of the following baby animals are born the same way as human?

1 2 3 4 5 6

A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 1, 3, and 5
C. 2, 4, and 6
D. 4, 5, and 6

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10. Puffer fish is mostly found in tropical and subtropical ocean. This fish has elastic stomach
that allows it to quickly take large amount of water to transform into a bigger size. What is
the purpose of that behavior?

A. To draw attention of their preys.

B. To get more oxygen when they are breathing.
C. To communicate with other puffer fish.
D. To protect themselves and scare their predators away.

Refer to the following story to answer question 11 and 12.

The illustration below shows the life cycle of butterflies. They undergo metamorphosis that makes
a significant change in their body from young to adult stage.

11. Which of the following options correctly describes a metamorphosis process of

a butterfly?

A. 1-2-3-4-5
B. 1-2-5-3-4
C. 4-1-2-5-3
D. 4-5-1-2-3

12. The pupa is a protective shell that keeps the caterpillar safe. During the pupa stage, the
caterpillar will stop eating and look motionless, but it is actually undergoing a process of
changing into a butterfly. This stage lasts for 7-20 days, a month or even longer depending on
the species. How does a butterfly come out of a pupa?

A. The butterfly eats the pupa to come out of it.

B. The wind helps the pupa to break the shell.
C. The pupa falls off to break the shell.
D. The wings and legs of the butterfly break the shell.

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13. Clinton had 4 containers filled with an equal amount of water as shown in the illustrations
below. On a sunny day, he put all the containers outside his house since morning to
evening and then measured the remaining water in each container. What is the objective of
Clinton’s experiment?

A. To check that evaporation depends on how long they were put in the Sun.
B. To check that evaporation depends on how much water he poured.
C. To check that evaporation depends on the weather of the day.
D. To check that evaporation depends on the area of water surface.

14. We can make an ice cream without a freezer. We create an environment like a freezer by
mixing water, ice cubes, and salt together to make cold temperature. This composition will
help the ice cream mixture to freeze faster. How does the salt work in this process?

A. It decreases the freezing point

B. It decreases the melting point
C. It increases the freezing point
D. It increases the melting point

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Refer to the following story to answer question 15 and 16.

There are 3 children standing in the yard. Each of them is holding a paper windmill and facing
different directions. Arrow a, b, c, and d show the directions of wind.

grams grams

15. Which direction is the wind blowing to?

A. a B. b C. c D. d

16. When the wind is blowing to the direction you chose for question 15, where is the best
spot to place the paper-cup car to move forward?

A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④

17. River is a place where we can naturally find flowing water which will end up in sea, lake, or
another river. River consists of fresh water with many natural resources. What kind of
things we cannot utilize from the river?

A. The soil as natural fertilizer for plant

B. The small stones as construction material
C. The fish and shrimp as the sources of protein
D. The water as the source to water rice field

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18. Zoe made a simple balance scale using a wooden stick and string to measure the weight of 4
objects as illustrated below. Study the following illustration carefully. Which object is the

A. a B. b C. c D. d

Refer to the following story and answer question 19 and 20.

Wind and heat from the Sun are important natural power sources which help human for various
activities such as for the boat to sail in the ocean, to dry clothes, and to do food processing.
The Sun also provides the energy for solar panels to produce electricity for household, while the
wind power can be a source for power plants to generate electricity in industrial scale.

19. Which of the following options describes how wind happens?

A. Wind happens because of the movement of hot and cold air

B. Wind happens because of the same speed of hot and cold air
C. Wind happens because of the difference in volume of hot and cold air
D. Wind happens because of the pressure of hot and cold air

20. Which of the following human activities does not need the heat from the Sun?

A. Cultivating the land

B. Evaporating water in salt-making process
C. Producing vitamin D
D. Helping the formation of fossil fuels (OR Forming fossil fuels.)

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Question 1

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into reusable objects. It also allows
materials to be used more than once. The recycling process is one of the ways to reduce
pollutions in our environment. Recyclable materials include glass, paper, metal, plastic, and
so on. Mention 2 benefits of recycling.

Question 2

James did an experiment by tying a magnet with a string and hanging it as shown in the
picture below. After spinning the magnet for a while, it had always pointed to the North
and South. He repeated the experiment many times and the result was always the same.
Why did it happen?

Question 3

Axel did an experiment about electricity in science class. He arranged a simple circuit to
turn the light bulb on. The picture below shows the materials to make the circuit. Draw
lines to connect the battery, the switch, and the light bulb together that will turn the bulb
on when pressing the switch.

10 JISMO 2020
Invitation Letter for Simulation of The Competition

Dear paticipants,

Thank you for joining JISMO Spring 2021 online competition.

The Spring 2021 Olympiads will be held via online.

If you want to understand how the competition will be conducted or how to
use Zoom and Google Form simultaneously, you can join the simulation of JISMO
Spring 2021. It will only take 20 - 30 minutes. You can even join it several times to
gain more confidence and experience.

* Note: During the simulation, there will only be a fun mock test provided. It is not
related to maths/science questions for the Olympiads. We starts admitting
participants at 15:30 and hold the simulation from 15:40. Be punctual with the
scheduled time. We will start the simulation timely and will not admit anyone who
joins late.

We close the registration at 18:00 1 day prior to the simulation date. (e.x., if you
choose 2 March '21, the registration due is at 18:00 on 1 March '21). We will
email you the Zoom link and Password in the morning on the simulation day you

Please see the schedule of the simulation through the following link and register

If you need any further assistance for the above-mentioned issue, please contact us
at [email protected]

We wish all of you the best luck on the competition day.

Very best regards,

JISMO Committee

JISMO Comittee
As of 7 Dec 2020

Online Competition Guidance and Rules

for JISMO Spring 2021

Dear Teachers and Parents,

Thank you for joining JISMO Online Spring 2020.

In order for participants to join the competition without anxiety, please read the following
competition guidance and rules carefully and explain to them prior to the competition. We
also need your support to provide a quiet and comfortable environment for participants to
concentrate on the exam during the competition.
We wish your children the best on the competition day.
Best regards,

JISMO Committee

Competition Dates

6, 13, 20, and 27 March 2021

3 and 10 April 2021
(Choose the most convenient Saturday for your children.)

Requirements to Join JISMO Spring 2021

* Own a PC or laptop at home

* Create a Zoom account with your full name
* Have a stabilized and strong internet connection
* Able to operate Zoom and Google Form independently

JISMO Comittee
Competition Time Schedule


9:00 | 8:00 : JISMO resends Zoom meeting link, ID, and password to participants
9:20 | 8:20 : All participants access JISMO Zoom meeting
9:30 | 8:30 : Re-registration by participants
10:00 | 09:00 : Competition starts
11:00 | 10:00 : Competition ends


9:00 | 8:00 : JISMO resends Zoom meeting link, ID, and password to participants
11:20 | 10:20 : All participants access JISMO Zoom meeting
11:30 | 10:30 : Re-registration by participants
12:00 | 11:00 : Competition starts
13:00 | 12:00 : Competition ends

Before the Competition Day

1. JISMO Committee will send Zoom link, ID, and password to participants’ registered
email addresses 1 day prior to the competition date.
2. Join simulation of JISMO Spring 2020 if you want to understand how the competition
will be conducted or how to use Zoom and Google Form simultaneously, For
registering, visit our Google link, to get
time schedule.
3. Participants must ensure the camera setting to show their upper body via Zoom on
the competition day.

JISMO Comittee
On the Competition Day

1. JISMO Committee will invite participants by resending Zoom meeting link, ID and
password to participants’ registered email addresses at 9:00 (Singapore and
Philippines time) and 8:00 (Thailand and Indonesia time) on the competition day.

2. Participants must access Zoom at least 40 minutes before exam.

3. JISMO invigilators will explain about competition rules to participants.

4. Participants use Google Form for the exam questions. JISMO invigilators will inform
them the link through Zoom Chat 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam.

5. Participants will do re-registration by filling up their names, registration number, etc.

in Google Form. Participants shall open Zoom and Google Form simultaneously
during the competition. Participants can minimize Zoom screen and maximize Google
Form screen by following the instruction below. Go to JISMO invigilator’s screen and
click “Pin Video” then click “Minimize”.

JISMO Comittee

6. Participants must share screen in Zoom after opening Google Form. In case of not
sharing the screen during the competition, participants will be disqualified without
warning. -->


7. Participants must go to the toilet before the exam.

8. Participants shall not switch off video during the competition. This will result in
9. Participants must be punctual with the exam time schedule. JISMO will start the exam
timely and will not admit anyone who joins late.

During The Competition

1. Participants should use only pencils and eraser. It is recommended that they use at
least 2 pencils. The rest of the things such as calculator, handphone, dictionary,
protractor, ruler, pen, etc. are not allowed to use during the exam. Only participants
for maths competition are allowed to use 1 sheet of A4 blank paper for calculation.
2. The duration of the competition is 60 minutes per subject. Participants are allowed to
leave the competition at any time after submitting the complete answers and switching
off Zoom. Make sure to click “Submit” button and see closing page appears. Once
participants left the competition, they are not allowed to re-access the Google Form
link or re-join the Zoom meeting.

JISMO Comittee
3. In case of lost WIFI connection, if the cause is from JISMO side, JISMO shall secure
60 minutes for participants. If the cause is from participants side, participants shall be
back to the competition within 5 minutes. While losing WIFI connection, participants
participants shall be back to the competition within 5 minutes.
4. Participants are allowed to drink water during the exam. However, foods are not


Participants may be disqualified in case of the following acts:

1. Not sharing screen, not turning mute on, using Zoom background feature, turning off
video, or switching off Zoom during the exam.

2. Using calculator, handphone, dictionary, protractor, or ruler during the exam.

3. Leaving participants’ computers for more than 5 minutes during the exam. In case of
leaving the computer, Participants shall finish the competition by submitting the
answers and switching off Zoom. This rule is applied for toilet break and WIFI
connection trouble in participants’ place.
4. Making strange movements such as hiding from the screen, making eye contact to
somebody in their places, making noise, etc.
5. Getting help from participants’ family members or friends to answer the questions
during the exam.
6. Closing Google Form both subconsciously and intentionally and loosing WIFI
connection for more than 5 minutes.

Questions and Scores

In both Maths and Science paper, there will be 22 multiple choice questions which carry a
total of 100 marks. No mark will be given or no deduction for wrong answers and/or
unanswered questions.

Announcement forfor
. Announcement Test

School, Individual, and Legend awards winners will be announced on Tuesday, 27 April 2021

JISMO Comittee
• Certificates and medals delivery schedule: 20 May ’21 – 5 Jun ‘21

We wish your children the best on the competition day.

Sincerely yours,

JISMO Committee

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JISMO Comittee

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