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Republic of the Philippines


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Niña Marie J. Bacho April 20, 2022

BSEd-Math 2A


Effects of Gamified Learning Activities in The Experimental Research on E-Learning
Enhancing Junior High School Students’ Instructional Design Model Based on
a. English Vocabulary Retention, Mina Samortin, Cognitive Flexibility Theory, Xianzhong
Asian Journal on Perspectives in Education Cao, Feng Wang, and Zhongmei Zheng,
(AJPE), Volume 1, Issue 1, 82 Pages Published by Elsevier B.V.
The paper reports an educational experiment
on the e-Learning instructional design
The effects of gamified learning activities in model based on Cognitive Flexibility
enhancing the English vocabulary retention of
b. junior high school students
Theory, the experiment was made to explore
the feasibility and effectiveness of the model
in promoting the learning quality in ill-
structured domain
(1) to improve the vocabulary retention of the [1] aiming at exploring the feasibility and
students using GLA; effectiveness of the model in promoting
(2) to find out if there is a significant effect of higher-order learning, solving ill-structured
using GLA in enhancing students’ English
c. vocabulary retention and,
problems and improving creative thinking
(3) to determine the significant differences ability
among and between the pre-test and post-test [2] design systematic motive strategies at
scores of the students. different instructional design levels
All Junior High School students from grade 7 to Two undergraduate classes of 2008, class
d. grade 10 in a private catholic institution in 200801 and class 200802 in the School of
Northern Cagayan Educational Science and Technology
The respondents were selected heterogeneously The respondents were selected in a random
e. in a cluster random sampling technique sampling technique
The independent variable is The Gamified
Instructional Model, Observational method
f. Learning Activities, pre-test-post-test control
for small groups
method for small groups
The variables are as follows: Learning
attitude, learning motivation, the difference
of academic performance about the ability to
g. The students’ vocabulary retention
solve the ill-structured problems, and the
variation of students’ creative thinking
(1) The application of the E-learning
(1) Pre-test performances of both groups instructional design model based on CFT,
(Control and Experimental) learning software and network learning
h. (2) Post-test performances of both groups platform to teaching
(Control and Experimental) (2) The application of the traditional
teaching model
The researchers apply the E-learning
instructional design model to their teaching
Comparing the results of the vocabulary test and ask the students to conduct self-directed
i. performances of the students in the control and learning with the help of the related teaching
experimental groups software and the Net learning platform; as
for the comparative class, they taught them
the traditional instructional method.
The result that leads to accepting the null The result that leads to accepting the null
hypothesis is rejected, implying that the hypothesis is rejected, implying that s
j. experimental group has excelled in the students have made a progress in their
vocabulary test after receiving the intervention creative thinking ability during the
program. experiment.
The intrinsic motivation is the important
driving power for learner to pursue higher-
order learning successfully. Thorough a
solid and flexible command of the intricate
GLA is effective and successful, and it is
domains, their ability to solve the ill-
k. highly recommended to use because it is
structured problems will be greatly
manageable and doable.
developed. At the same time, their creative
thinking ability will be amazingly improved
when they study those difficult domains and
solve the ill-structured problems.
The research is very informative, it makes you
The study implies that the instructional
aware that using a creative yet straightforward
l. technique is effective in enhancing the
model contributes a lot to students learning
vocabulary knowledge of students.
It investigates cause–effect relationships
between two variables or among more than two The research title indicates that the study is
m. variables under certain conditions or treatment quasi-experimental research.
The Use of Two Media of Instruction in
Biology: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Jomell
A quasi-experimental study of the effect of
M. Santiago MSc, Eden S. David Ph.D,
a. International Journal of Advanced mathematics professional development on
student achievement, Zahid Kisa, PhD
Engineering, Management and Science
(IJAEMS), Volume 5, Issue 2
The importance of language as a medium of The effect of one district’s PD program on
instruction for it is one way to ensure the changes in student achievement over a year.
efficient and effective transmission of The Math-Science Partnership-PD focused
information during the learning process. It was on teachers’ actively engaging with each
observed that the preferred language use as a other and with course facilitators in doing
b. medium of instruction is a factor that affects mathematics in the topic areas algebra and
learning since students often have a difficult geometry. Teachers reflected on their own
time to understand the language used by the disciplinary experiences as learners and
teacher as well as the language used in the discussed implications of creating similar
learning material and examination. learning opportunities for their students.
(1) Was there a significant difference
between MSP-PD teachers’ mean KAT pre-
Determine the effectiveness of English and
test score and comparison group teachers’
Filipino as media of instruction in teaching
mean KAT score?
Grade 8 students of selected topics in Biology.
(2) To what extent did the MSP-PD influence
The result may serve as a benchmark for the
c. researchers to develop a plan of action that will
students’ trajectories of mathematics
achievement relative to a matched
help Grade 8 students with their existing
comparison group for each math course over
problem in Biology. It is in this regard that this
one school year?
study finds meaning and significance
(3) Did the size of the MSP-PD effect vary
for different courses in predictable ways?
The two sections of Grade 8 students of Juan R.
MSP-PD Teachers and students in an urban
Liwag Memorial High School, located at
d. Barangay Bayanihan, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija,
district located in the Northeastern United
e. Purposive sampling was used. Stratified Sampling was used.
Math-Science Partnership Professional
The media of instruction, pre-test-post-test
f. control method for small groups
Development (MSP-PD), Assessment for
large groups

g. Learnings in biology Students Achievement

(1) Pre-test results t in Biology with different
The match between classrooms within
medium of instructions (Filipino and English)
h. (2) Post-test results t in Biology with different
courses (tier1 and tier2 courses of algebra1,
algebra2, and geometry topics)
medium of instructions (Filipino and English)
Language then appeared to have an effect on The study found an effect of the MSP-PD on
i. the students' academic performance changes in students’ achievement trajectories
in algebra1 and geometry tier2 courses, but
teachers’ participation in the MSP-PD did
not influence changes in students’
achievement trajectories in algebra2.
All in all, this study was able to demonstrate
an effect for content focused, intense,
ongoing PD. The research design allowed me
to isolate the effect of the MSP-PD from
Language of instruction plays a significant role
other confounding factors such as the
in students' academic performance. The study
curriculum and students’ ability. As a result,
j. implies that the use of the English language as
the findings provide strong empirical
a medium of instruction is more effective than
evidence indicating that content focused,
the Filipino language in teaching science.
intense, ongoing mathematics PD was
effective for improving students’
achievement trajectories aligned with the
content focus of the PD.
This study has implications for educational
practitioners and policymakers in their
efforts to design and support effective PD
programs in mathematics, and these features
The research helps in identifying the factors
likely transfer to the design of PD in all
that affect the learning of the students, such as
k. how language as a medium of instruction subject areas. Moreover, for educational
researchers this study suggests potential
affects the learning of students in Biology.
strategies for demonstrating robust research-
based evidence for the effectiveness of PD on
student learning.

The research title indicates that the study is The research title indicates that the study is
l. quasi-experimental research. quasi-experimental research.
A study on the Relationship between Self- The Relationship Between Levels of
Stress and Academic Performance Among
esteem and Emotional Intelligence among
University of Nairobi Students, Josiah
a. librarians in Nigerian universities, Emmanuel W.B Oketch-Oboth, Luke Odiemo
Chidiadi Onwubiko, Library Philosophy and Okunya, International Journal of Learning
Practice (e-journal) and Development, Volume 8, Issue 4
Emotional intelligence and Self-esteem are The relationship between stress and
very useful tool for librarians during their academic performance among
government-sponsored undergraduate
interactions with clients, management and
students from the University of Nairobi in
other stake-holders. The study emphasizes if Kenya. The mediating roles of the
b. strong positive mental health behavior as students’ age, gender, locus of control,
depicted by high self-esteem and emotional level and course of study in the
intelligence are imperative for effective and relationship between stress and academic
efficient library services. performance were examined.
This study was undertaken to assess the
relationship between self-esteem and
emotional intelligence among librarians.
(1) What is the relationship between self-
The objective of the study was to
esteem and emotional intelligence among
investigate and identify the relationship
c. librarians? between the students’ stress level and
(2) Does emotional intelligence has influence
academic performance
on librarians’ self-esteem?
(3) What are the factors that influence
emotional intelligence and self-esteem?
319 male and 265 female students from all
d. 170 practicing librarians in Nigeria the six colleges of the University of
Non-probability sampling technique was Stratified Random Sampling Techniques
e. used. was used.
This study has identified several causes of
The study has shown that the librarians have stress among University of Nairobi
much to do with high levels of self-esteem and students. Most of the student’s report
emotional intelligence in the course of experiencing between moderate to high
discharging their duties and in associating stress levels. A higher proportion of male
participants than female participants
f. with all and sundry. Essentially, emotional
reported moderate to high levels of stress.
intelligence appeared to be a strong The study revealed that stress was related
determinant of self-esteem and explain away to academic performance. The
the positive effect of social competence on relationship between stress and academic
self-esteem. The results imply the value of performance was confounded by gender
and locus of control.
raising emotional intelligence in order to
consolidate the basis for self-esteem.
The research is very informative and well
presented, it determines that Self-esteem is The research can help identifying and
g. correlated positively and strongly with reducing causes and effects of stress.
emotional intelligence.
h. The title is descriptive The title is descriptive

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