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Detailed Lesson Plan in PE 1

I. Objectives:
The learner demonstrates understanding of
A. Content Standard relationship of movement skills in preparation for
participation in physical activities.
The learner performs movements in relation to a
B. Performance Standard
stationary or moving object/person with coordination.
C. Learning Competency/Competencies Follows simple instruction and rules
D. Learning Competency Code PE1PF-Iva-h-10

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Movement Relationship
b. References: MELC’s grade 1

c. Learning Materials: Cut-outs, boxes, power point presentation

d. Values Integration: Cooperation and participation with the group.

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer

Class before we start let us bow our heads and feel

the presence of the lord. The students will bow their heads and pray.
Our Heavenly Father
Father, please pour out your blessings
upon our whole school community,
so that everyone grows in the knowledge
of your truth, love, wisdom and peace.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning teacher!

How are you today? We are doing fine teacher.
3. Checking of Attendance

Is there anyone who is absent in our class None teacher.

for today?

B. Motivation
Class may ask everyone to stand up and let's
dance together.
The students will participate and dance actively.
C. Presentation of the Lesson

Did you enjoy our dance class?

That’s good to hear that you enjoy our dance. Yes teacher!

What are the body parts that is mention to the

What body part do we use to touch them?
Hands teacher.
Very good!
The way we touch the other parts of our body
using our hands shows relationship. Because
our topic for today has something to so with
Movement Relationship.

D. Discussion and Analysis

First, I want to know how do you show your

love to your family or friends? Student answers may vary.

The care and love you show through

movements shows relationship.

Doing what you've said earlier connects us to

other people and to our surroundings.

But how can we show connectedness in


The parts of our body can do a lot of things.

Our hands can do many things like brushing
our hair. Can you give me other things that
our hands can do? Student answers may vary.

Very good!

Our body parts can touch the things around

Now I want everybody to stand up.
Then touch the ground using our hands. The students will actively participate.
Then using your elbow to touch your knees.
Then hold the hands of your classmates.

When we use a part of our body to touch

another part of our body, other person or
touch other things is what we called
Movement Relationship.

When we say movement relationship it tells

what the body is connecting as it moves.
Which can be connected with other parts of
our body, other person or with objects.

Again, what is movement relationship? Movement relationship tells what the body is
connecting as it moves.
When we are describing movement
relationship we usually use preposition.

And here are some examples of preposition

that we use to describe movement relationship
with objects;

Everybody please read. On


May I ask one representative to please stand

on the paper.
What preposition do we use to describe
movement relationship? On, teacher.
Very good! It is on.

What is the movement or action that your

classmate is doing on the paper? Stading, teacher.

Very good! She is standing.

What is the object did we use? The paper, teacher.

Very good! It is the paper.

May I ask one representative to please hide

behind the post.
What preposition do we use to describe
movement relationship? Behind, teacher.
Very good! It is behind.

What is the movement or action that your

classmate is doing behind the post? Hiding, teacher.

Very good! She is hiding.

What is the object did we use?
The post, teacher.
Very good! It is the post.

May I ask one representative to please jump

over this rope.
What preposition do we use to describe
movement relationship? Over, teacher.
Very good! It is over.
What is the movement or action that your
classmate is doing over the rope?

Very good! She is jumping.

What is the object did we use?

Very good! It is the rope.

Now I want you to look at this picture.

What preposition can we use to describe the
movement relationship in this picture?
Jumping, teacher.
Very good! It is under.
The rope, teacher.
What is the movement or action that the girl is
doing under the table?

Very good! She is sitting.

What is the object did we use?
Under, teacher.
Very good! It is the table.

Sitting teacher.

The table, teacher.

E. Generalization

Did you understand our topic for today class? Yes teacher.

Again what is movement relationship? Movement relationship is when we use our body
parts to touch other body parts or objects.

What are the preposition that we can use to

show or describe movement relationship? In, over, on, behind, under and in front, teacher.

IV. Evaluation

To know and learn more about our topic for today. We will have group activity, our activity is entitled
But before that here is our assessment Rubrics for the game.

Instruction: Do the task given in each situation.

Station 1: Do jumping over the boxes.
Station 2: Crawl under the tunnel.
Station 3: Hop on the shape heart.
Station 4: Do jumping jacks 2x behind the chair.
Station 5: Run towards your groupmates, then give high five.
The succeeding members will repeat the steps.

The fastest group who can finish will the game.

V. Assignment
Create a 2 minutes video that shows movement relationship with other parts of our body and other


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