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Little Ambassador

Child Development Center of Digos City

Fourth Monthly Exam

English 4

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________

Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ______________________
Score: _____________________

A. Fill in the proper order of adjectives in each item. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. It may rain! There are __________ clouds floating in the air.
a. several black big
b. several big black
c. big several black
d. black several big
2. It started to rain so I opened my __________ umbrella.
a. huge new red
b. huge red new
c. red new huge
d. red huge new
3. Last week, we visited a __________ cottage in a remote barangay.
a. little lovely old
b. little old lovely
c. lovely little old
d. lovely old little
4. Our family spends the weekends watching __________ movies.
a. popular new American
b. popular American new
c. new American popular
d. new popular American
5. But last night, we watched an __________ drama.
a. Korean old interesting
b. Korean interesting old
c. interesting Korean old
d. interesting old Korean

B. Fill in the correct present tense of the verb in each item.

1. Biodiversity (provide) __________ for many human needs.
2. Most people (depend) __________ on species of plants and animals for food,
shelter, and clothing.
3. Global warning (affect) __________ animals such as polar bears.
4. The ice in the Arctic (melt) __________ more rapidly when the temperature rises.
5. My brothers (enjoy) __________ walking in the forest.

C. Fill in the correct past tense of the verb in each item.

1. Yesterday (to be) __________ my birthday! I got so many presents.
2. Mary (take) __________ her children to school every morning last week.
3. Last week, we (go) __________ to New Zealand. It was so much fun!
4. John (do) __________ his homework last night.
5. The weather (to be) __________ going wet and cold yesterday.

D. Underline the adverb in each sentence.

1. The end of the movie was rather sad.
2. We arrived too late for the party.
3. Miss Tupaz is extraordinarily tall.
4. The kids studied very hard for the test.
5. He looked completely surprised by our gift.
6. The cake is almost done.
7. Why do you look so annoyed?
8. Dad was extremely upset by the news.
9. Susan wrote her essay very fast.
10. The sun sh

A. Read each statement. Write F if it is a fact and O if it is an opinion.
_____ 1. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
_____ 2. The Philippines is an archipelago of over 7,000 islands.
_____ 3. The Philippines is the most beautiful country in the world.
_____ 4. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.
_____ 5. Boracay is the best beach in the world.
_____ 6. Fishing is a source of livelihood for many Filipinos.
_____ 7. Fish is the tastiest food of all.
_____ 8. I think Palawan is more stunning than Siquijor.
_____ 9. Mt. Apo is the highest mountain in the country.
_____ 10. I believe Mt. Apo is the most difficult mountain to climb in the country.

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